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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 42
    CHAPTER 11

    WED., JANUARY 8, 1992 9:48 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 145


    As we sit to pen today, I am flooded with so many subjects of pressing importance that I am stymied by the mass of subjects, each seemingly as important as any other. Let us ask God's presence within us as we read and each will be guided to that which impacts himself most--then, by sharing, perhaps we can find Truth and Light.

    I have been reminded that the next issue of the LIBERATOR will be sent to thousands of alternative medicine persons and physicians. They already know the problems in their own limitation of life prac­tice so it would seem superfluous to recreate "the wheel" with them.

    Suffice it to say that it is by much higher forms of killing by murder within the projection of the so-called medical sciences and govern­ment sciences and military sciences that ones are and shall become sickened unto death. Therefore it always returns to the political in­sanity which must be recognized, revealed and then dismantled, if there is ever to be good health upon your orb.

    There are writers who have had insight into these matters and I can only ask that you seek into these sources of information for we need not repeat and repeat that which is already documented, confirmed and literally present in your ability to garner the information. The problem is that most of you are barely blinking of your blinded eyes and are at great disadvantage. I do not wish you to consider "Hatonn" in any manner at this point other than you would any writer of "truth" in any aspect of your physical plane. I have cre­dentials which give me "expert status" from far higher universities than a Yale or Harvard in any comparison--however, my task is to give you what you MUST have and then ask that you confirm and act. I have written on Biological and Chemical warfare and the sub­stances utilized. Please go back and read those JOURNALS, as well as the revealing of the source, invention and cause, as well as why the need, for AIDS. I cannot take time to cover it again when it is so readily available and already confirmed in almost all details.

    I wish for you, before we go further, to understand--again--your plight of the day. Lies, misinformation, disinformation and a totally controlled media which presents all of these things unto you, delib­erately and with full knowledge, for it is a part of the Plan.


    It has come full cycle since the days of the Congressional Human Rights hearings in Washington, with fixed Zionist panelists and a Public Relations Corporation in charge of the "show" regarding Iraqi atrocities in Kuwait. Now, what do you have breaking in the news yesterday and today? THE ANNOUNCEMENT THAT IT ALL WAS A HOAX TO EMOTIONALLY SET YOU INTO A HEINOUS WAR! Great speakers announced that babies had been ripped from their incubators in great numbers and the incubators taken while the babies were tossed to the floor and perished. The patients on dialysis were stripped of their tubes and the equipment taken--chelas, I told you then and I repeat, watch how and what is said and by whom. Why would the people testifying be comfortably in America? Why would they have to read from written script? Anything so heinous is designed to stay vividly in the mind in every detail and requires no pre-written scripting. So, now you find that the little lady who did the best job of acting was not only lying, the things DID NOT HAPPEN and she is in fact of the Royal Sabah family in ruling Kuwait--whose father is Ambassador to the U.S. from Kuwait--he, by the way, sat two chairs from her during the testimony. I shouted "lies, lies, lies" at the time--but you wanted to believe that you were sending your sons and husbands, mothers and sisters off to a valid cause. Worse, you sent them off so that they could be trained as murderers without hesitation. Your world is sick unto dying and it is YOUR death which is planned.


    Look at your very political campaigns. It matters not WHO might be a candidate for office--your Constitution says all who wish to run for office may do so--under circumstances of citizenship and age as laid forth. Do you not witness the major efforts to now keep the parties, not only limited to the two FIXED parties--but now keep certain candidates who rebel against the Establishment Government corruption and atrocities OFF THE BALLOTS.

    Do you not also see that the incredible and deadly possibilities of nu­clear war are now unleashed by the ending of your so-called "Cold War"? I have just finished telling you the truth of the coalition and activities of your enemy in your own nation. As for medical input--I have had to tell you that disease, health and total annihilation now lie in the hands of button-pushers through beam systems beyond your ability to calculate in power and devastation. It is almost blasphe­mous to even speak of anything further back than New Year's Day, 1992. The gods of Evil can now control all forms of killing by se­lected "dialing".

    I am constantly asked and prodded: "Give us a cancer cure and a cure for AIDS--and THEN we will believe you." and "How can God allow people, especially little children, to die and suffer with awful diseases, starvation and cancer if He is truly God?" BECAUSE YOU AS A PEOPLE HAVE DELETED GOD OF TRUTH FROM YOUR PROGRAM--REMEMBER, EVEN AMERICA IS NOW IN HER POST-CHRISTIANITY ERA. But moreover, the American Medical Association is only an arm of the Club of Rome (Committee of 300) and a Zionist Elite organization to insure that things such as Cancer--not only occur but continue to kill in ever increasing num­bers. After all, chelas, THE SAME ONES WHO OWN THE DRUG HOUSES TOUTING CURE, AND KEEP THE NATURAL HEALING METHODS AWAY FROM YOU, ARE THE SAME ONES WHO RUN "MEDICINE"--THEY SEE TO IT THAT YOU HAVE CANCER AND YOU ARE RUN BY AND CLAMOR AFTER THE EVIL BARONS--GOD HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH YOUR "CANCERS". "My" curing them wouldn't do a thing for you except make you even more doubtful about GOD! If I overrode all heinous methods of infection and put a blanket of healing upon your world, the cure would be claimed by the drug houses and a new disease would be upon you before sunset. You must cure the prob­lem or you will never cure any of the disease. Can you even imag­ine the size of the profits from Cancer? AIDS is only a form of ra­diation cancer. The diseases are created on Earth, controlled on Earth and the cure is prevented on Earth.


    I, again, to save time and give authority unto a writer of decades of truth bringing--will copy from a book called MURDER BY INJEC­TION, by one Eustace Mullins. I also would like to, if time and space permit, refer to Robert S. Mendelsohn's CONFESSIONS OF A MEDICAL HERETIC. There are others but these were the most daring and Dr. Mendelsohn, as well as ones such as Linus Pauling, are to be honored into infinity for that which they have EFFORTED to tell you and so few listen--for their works are widespread and in every bookstore. It is harder to find Mullins' work for he is like myself--banned!

    I shall again speak of Dr. John Coleman's work, briefly, and more later. I have asked that you even pre-order his "in progress" work. The first volume of some 300 pages is in brief editing and will im­mediately go to press--directly and unpolished. Even to you who read and are shocked at that which I bring to your attention and by other writers, such as Mullins--you are in for toe-curling, hair-rais­ing shock. I honor this brother but I also am commissioned to take care of him and keep him physically alive--that is no easy task and it will be obvious "why". He has been around the block several thou­sand times and has been writing on these subjects for decades--ONLY TO HAVE OTHERS TAKE UP THE INFORMATION AND SPURT IT OUT AS IF THEY HAD GOD'S KNOWLEDGE AND INPUT--(BY THE WAY--WHILE DISCOUNTING OUR PRESENCE AND THAT OF GOD).

    John was the first to write of the Club of Rome from experience and research which literally cost him his life. It was not intended that his work be lost to mankind and I shall cover that aspect at another time, also.

    He is the only one who writes of the Committee of 300, though it is the same as the Club of Rome and ofttimes referred to also as the Olympian Club, etc. He will trace the steps from the very top and through the ranks. If he doesn't cover the whole of the CIA connec­tion, then I shall immediately do so to accompany these volumes of his presentation. It is very hard to get this material into print and life becomes hard to maintain as the very bastard satans such as Henry Kissinger have contracts on your head. Well, the lives of my people, and ones like Coleman, are hardly dull and boring. The very fact that these books with this information make it to print and into your hands--IS THE PROMISE AND CONFIRMA­TION OF GOD'S PRESENCE--THAT YOU MAY HAVE OPPORTUNITY TO FIND TRUTH BURIED BENEATH THE LIES OF "THE PLAN".

    George Green got a threatening letter just yesterday from one who says "...this is your LAST chance, George--to back LaRouche for President or you are lost forever and I shall tell your secret!" The secret? Somehow the man has conjured that the "Phoenix" repre­sents the coming up out of the ashes of the destruction of darkness (true) and that Hatonn and brood must be the returned Satan of those destroyed dark places. The reasoning eludes me but each to his own. He seems to have much fact but "reasoning" is totally absent. He even defines the one God of Light--Aton, correctly--in Egypt--and then blows it by forgetting that the Phoenix is a universal symbol of a rebirthing God of Creation from the rubble of Evil destruction through the hands of his tools--MAN.

    People such as this must, however, wait in line, for my people are constantly threatened and promised demise by far more sophisticated operatives in the CIA, Mossad, KGB, ADL and World Zionists. In other words--knock it off, your totally heinous disservice to LaRouche should be enough to shut your mouth. If you wish to press a man for President--you don't threaten his could-be support­ers.

    What do ' I' think of LaRouche? It is not my business to think any­thing of L. LaRouche. He tried to open your eyes at great cost to himself. What I DO THINK is that his case is certainly one for the Constitutional Law Center for it is openly stated in publications and by the dirty deed doers themselves that he was "framed" and "railroaded" on false charges via a "fixed" judge. If Constitutional Law is violated it makes no matter whether the victim be saint or total sinner. If you ones cannot see as much--you are on a hopeless track to downfall.

    Back to the PROFITS OF CANCER

    Thank you, Eustace, and I can only support this work and hope that ones will avail themselves of your outlay of truth. I also wish to ac­knowledge information on one Dan Roman from a friend in France. You ones have insightful and sharing people--please avail yourselves of the input. Let me just speak of Dan Roman a moment. He is from Romania and tells of the struggle of the Romanians against Bolshevik occupation at the expense of years of horrendous incarceration, etc. Let me just recite a brief partial paragraph or two from the volume of work:

    "....For example the Minister for Internal Affairs was a for­mer printer and one of 400 members of the communist party named Burach Tescovich. After he became Minister, he changed his name to Georgescu [you better pay attention be­cause that is simply spelled and pronounced differently in En­glish], a truly Romanian name. He was the number two man in the "Romanian" government after Ana Pauker........
    "....Because he couldn't find trusted Romanian people to cover the leadership and the management of all his de­partments, he brought from the USSR, Poland and the two former Romanian provinces, 200 THOUSAND extra Zionists, changing their names to Romanian ones. Some of them couldn't speak a word of Romanian, others spoke with strange accents. Nevertheless, they were given ranks of gen­erals, colonels and other superior officer ranks, and named leaders of Secretariat, Militia, prisons and forced labor camps. Interestingly enough, Burach Tescovich 'Georgescu' brought these anti-Christians to Romania with a decree signed only by himself in spite of the fact that Romania had a Parliament and a King! His powerful au­thority was unlimited."

    Ah yes, there are daring fighters in all parts of your world--South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, China, Palestine and yes, there is even the element of God's people who struggle hardest of all--in Is­rael against the corruptors and violators of humanity.

    So what does this have to do with Cancer? If you can't see from whence springs the physical blight of the planet--how can you under­stand the physical blight of the individual?

    Now to quote Eustace Mullins:

    In 400 B.C., Hippocrates assigned the name of Cancer or "crab" to a disease encountered during his time, because of its crab-like spread through the body. Its Greek name was "karkinos". In 164 A.D., the physician Galen in Rome used the name of "tumour" to describe this disease, from the Greek "tymbos" meaning a sepulchral mound, and the Latin tumore, "to swell". The disease could not have been very prevalent; it is not mentioned in the Bible, nor is it included in the ancient medical book of China, The Yellow Em­peror's Classic of Internal Medicine. Unknown in most traditional societies, it spread with the rise of the Industrial Revolution. In the 1830's, cancer was responsible for two per cent of deaths around Paris; cancer caused four per cent of deaths in the United States in 1900.

    With the rise of cancer came "modern" methods of coping with it. A leading critic of the medical establishment, Dr. Robert S. Mendelsohn, comments that "Modern cancer surgery someday will be regarded with the same kind of horror that we now regard the use of leeches in George Washington's time." The surgery of which he spoke is the widely accepted and imposed method of cancer treat­ment now in vogue throughout the United States. It is called the "cut, slash and burn" technique. This method of cancer treatment actually represents the highwater mark of the German allopathic school of medicine in the United States. It relies almost exclusively on surgery, bleeding and heavy use of drugs, with the exotic addition of radium treatment. The Temple of the modern method of cancer treatment in the United States is the Memorial Sloan Kettering Can­cer Institute in New York. Its high priests are the surgeons and re­searchers at this center.

    Originally known as Memorial Hospital, this cancer estab­lishment was presided over during its early years by two physicians who were stereotypes of the Hollywood caricatures of "the mad doctor". If Hollywood planned to make a movie about this hospital, they would be stymied by the fact that only the late Bela Lugosi would be appropriate to play not one, but each of these two doctors. The first of these "mad" doctors was Dr. J. Marion Sims. Son of a South Carolina sheriff and tavern owner, Sims (1813-1883) was a nineteenth century "women's doctor". For years he dabbled in "experimental surgery" by performing experiments on slave women in the South. According to his biographer, these operations were "little short of murderous". When plantation owners refused to al­low him to conduct further experiments on their slaves, he was forced to purchase a seventeen year old slave girl for $500. Within a few months he had performed some thirty operations on this unfor­tunate, a girl named Anarcha. Because there was no anesthesia at the time, he had to ask friends to hold Anarcha down while he per­formed his surgery. After one or two such experiences, they usually refused to have anything further to do with him. He continued to experiment on Anarcha for four years and, in 1853, he decided to move to New York. Whether his little negro hospital in South Car­olina was surrounded by screaming villagers one night as they bran­dished torches, as in an old Frankenstein movie, is not known. However, his decision to move seems to have come rather suddenly. Dr. Sims bought a house on Madison Avenue, where he found a supporter in the heiress of the Phelps empire, Mrs. Melissa Phelps Dodge. This family has continued to be prominent supporters of the present cancer center. With her financial assistance, Sims founded Women's Hospital, a 30 bed, all charity hospital which opened on May 1, 1855.

    Like a later quack, "Doc" Simmons, Sims advertised himself as a women's specialist, particularly in "vesico-vaginal fistula", an ab­normal passage between the bladder and the vagina. It is now known that this condition has always been "iatrogenic", that is, caused by the ministrations of doctors. In the 1870's, Sims began to specialize in the treatment of cancer. Rumors began to circulate in New York of barbarous operations being performed at Women's Hospital. The "mad doctor" was at it again. The trustees of the in­stitution reported that "the lives of all the patients were being threat­ened by mysterious experiments." Dr. Sims was fired from Women's Hospital. However, because of his powerful financial supporters, he was soon reinstated. [H: re-read the Protocols--the man was DOING HIS JOB!] He was then contacted by members of the Astor family, whose fortune was founded on old John Jacob Astor's ties with the East India Company, the British Secret Intelli­gence Service, and the international opium trade. [H: Chelas, is any of this beginning to sound familiar in other aspects of inter­esting operations?] One of the Astors had recently died of cancer, and the family wished to establish a cancer hospital in New York. They first approached the trustees of Women's Hospital with an of­fer of a donation of $150,000 (a very large amount at that time) if they would turn it into a cancer hospital. Smarting from his recent firing, Sims double-crossed the trustees by private negotiations with the Astors. He persuaded them to back him in a new hospital, which he called the New York Cancer Hospital. It opened in 1884. Dr. Sims later went to Paris, where he attended the Empress Eugenie. He was later awarded the Order of Leopold from the King of the Belgians. Apparently he had lost none of his chutzpah. He returned to New York, where he died shortly before the opening of his new hospital.

    In the 1890's, after receiving gifts from other benefactors, the hospital was renamed Memorial Hospital. In the mid-twentieth century, the names of Sloan and Kettering were added. Despite these names, this cancer center has for many years been a major ap­pendage of the Rockefeller Medical Monopoly. During the 1930's, a block of land on the fashionable Upper East Side was donated by the Rockefellers to build its new building. Rockefeller henchmen have dominated the board ever since the building was opened. In 1913, a group of doctors and laymen met in May at the Harvard Club in New York City to establish a national cancer organization. Not unnaturally, it was named the American Society for the Control of Cancer. Note that it was not called a society for the "cure" of cancer, or the "prevention" of cancer, nor have these ever been pri­mary goals of this organization. 1913, of course, was a very signifi­cant year in American history. During that fateful year President Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act, which was set up to provide funding for the forthcoming World War; a national progressive income tax, taken directly from Marx's Communist mani­festo of 1848, [H: And fully in line with the Zionist Protocols which states: "Gold always has been and always will be the irre­sistible power. handled by expert hands it will always be the most useful lever for those who possess it, and the object of envy for those who do not. With gold we can buy the most rebellious consciences, can fix the rate of all values, the current price of all products, can subsidize all State loans and thereafter hold the states at our mercy. Already the principal banks, the exchanges of the entire world, the credits of all the governments are in our hands".] was imposed upon the American people; and legislatures had their Constitutional duty of appointing Senators removed, they being henceforth elected by popular demand; they all now had to compete for the popular vote. It was in this heady era of socialist planning that the cancer society originated. Naturally enough, it was funded by John D. Rockefeller, Jr. His attorneys, Debevoise and Plimpton, remained dominant in the administration of the new soci­ety throughout the 1920's. Its funding came from the Laura Spel­man Rockefeller Foundation, and from J.P. Morgan.

    From its inception, the American Cancer Society has followed the pattern set up by the American Society for the Control of Cancer . ACS also had a board of trustees, a House of Delegates, and in the 1950's, it also established a Committee on Quackery. This Com­mittee later changed its name to the Committee on Unproven Meth­ods of Cancer Management (note that it was called "management", not "cure"), but the society still used the term "quackery" freely in referring to any methods not sanctioned by its trustees, or deviating from the "cut, slash and burn" method of cancer treatment.

    In 1909, the railroad magnate, E. H. Harriman (whose fortune, like that of the Rockefellers, had been funded entirely with Roth­schild money funnelled to him by Jacob Schiff of Kuhn, Loeb Co.) died of cancer. His family then formed the Harriman Research In­stitute. In 1917, the scion of the family, W. Averell Harriman, abruptly decided to go into politics, or rather, to manage our politi­cal parties from behind the scenes. The Institute was suddenly shut down. Its financial backing was then transferred to Memorial Hos­pital. The principal backer of the hospital at that time was James Douglas, (1837-1918). He was chairman of the Phelps Dodge Corporation, whose heiress in 1853, Melissa Phelps Dodge, had been the initial backer of what eventually became Memorial Hospi­tal. She had married a dry goods merchant named William Dodge, who used the Phelps fortune to become a giant in copper production.

    The Dictionary of National Biography describes James Douglas as "the dean of mining and metallurgical properties". He owned the richest copper mine in the world, the Copper Queen Lode. Born in Canada, he was the son of Dr. James Douglas, a surgeon who be­came head of the Quebec Lunatic Asylum. His son joined the Phelps-Dodge Company in 1910, later becoming its chairman. Be­cause he had discovered extensive pitchblende deposits on his West­ern mining properties, he became fascinated with radium. In collab­oration with the Bureau of Mines, a government agency which he, for all practical purposes, controlled, he founded the National Ra­dium Institute. His personal physician was a Dr. James Ewing (1866-1943). Douglas offered to give Memorial Hospital $100,000, but there were several conditions. One was that the hospital must hire Dr. Ewing as its chief pathologist; the second was that the hos­pital must commit itself to treating nothing but cancer, and that it would routinely use radium in its cancer treatments. The hospital accepted these conditions.

    With Douglas' money behind him, Ewing soon became head of the entire hospital. Douglas was so convinced of the benefits of ra­dium therapy that he used it frequently on his daughter, who was then dying of cancer; on his wife; and on himself, exposing his fam­ily to radium therapy for the most trivial ailments. Because of Dou­glas' prominence, the New York limes gave a great deal of publicity to the new radium treatment for cancer. The journalist headlined his story with a page one headline, "Radium Cure Free for All". The claim was made that "not one cent's worth of radium will be for sale". Douglas was greatly annoyed by this statement, and on Octo­ber 24, 1913, he had the Times run a correction. He was quoted as follows: "All this story about humanity and philanthropy is foolish. I want it understood that I shall do what I like with the radium that belongs to me." This was a rare glimpse of the true nature of the "philanthropist". His rivals in this field, Rockefeller and Carnegie, always gave away their money with no string attached. With this as­surance, they were able to stealthily establish their secret power over the nation. Douglas had revealed the true nature of our "philanthropists".

    The original press releases from Memorial Hospital had in fact intimated that the radium treatments would be free. They apparently believed that the great philanthropist James Douglas would donate his supply. The Memorial Hospital Rules and Regulations were immediately changed to stipulate that "an extra charge would be made for Radium Emanations used in the treatment of patients." In 1924, the Radium Department at Memorial Hospital gave $18,000 radium treatments to patients, for which it charged $70,000, its largest single source of income for that year.

    Meanwhile, James Douglas, who had boasted that he would do what he liked with his radium, continued to give himself frequent treatments. A few weeks after the New York Times story in 1913, he died of aplastic anemia. Medical authorities now believe that he was but one of a number of personalities associated with the early devel­opment of radium who died from its effects, the most famous being Marie Curie, wife of its discoverer, and her daughter, Irene Joliot­ Curie. By 1922, more than one hundred radiologists had died from X-ray induced cancer.

    Douglas' protege, Dr. Ewing, remained at Memorial Hospital several more years. He developed a number of ailments, the most annoying being tic doloreau, which made it embarrassing for him to meet or talk with anyone. He withdrew from the hospital, becoming a recluse on Long Island, where he finally died of cancer of the bladder in 1943.

    Douglas' son and heir, Lewis Douglas, inherited one of the largest American fortunes of that time. He married Peggy Zinsser, daughter of a partner of J.P. Morgan Co. Peggy's two sisters also married well; one married John J. McCloy, who became the chief lawyer for the Rockefeller interests; the other married Konrad Ade­nauer, who became Chancellor of postwar Germany. Lewis Dou­glas became chairman of Mutual Life of New York, a Morgan con­trolled company. Early in World War II, he became a protege of W. Averell Harriman in the Lend Lease Administration. Douglas was then named chairman of the War Shipping Board, one of the famous "dollar a year" men of the Roosevelt administration. Later in the war, he succeeded Harriman as U.S. Ambassador to England. After Hitler's fall, Douglas was slated to become High Commis­sioner of Germany, but he stepped aside to allow his brother-in-law, John J. McCloy, to take this post. The two Americans were pleas­antly surprised when their brother-in-law, Konrad Adenauer, was named Chancellor. The family interests of the J.P. Morgan firm were firmly in control. In fact, Adenauer's earlier political activities in wartime Germany had centered around a small group of J. P. Morgan cohorts in Germany. They were ready to take over when Hitler died.

    In the 1930's, two giants of the automotive industry were per­suaded to become contributors to Memorial Hospital. Alfred P. Sloan had been president of General Motors. He owned a 235 foot yacht which was valued at one and a quarter million dollars in 1940. Charles Kettering was an authentic inventive genius, responsible for much to today's auto ignition, lights, starters and other electrical systems. FORTUNE estimated in 1960 that Sloan was worth 200-­400 million dollars, while Kettering was worth some 100 to 200 million.

    Alfred Sloan's credentials as a philanthropist were somewhat marred by his record at General Motors. He had steadfastly op­posed the installation of safety glass in Chevrolet cars. During the 1920's, the lack of safety glass meant that a relatively minor auto ac­cident, if it caused the breaking of the windshield or the windows of a car, could result in hideous disfigurement or death of the occu­pants. Shards of flying glass would rip through the interior, slicing the passengers as it tore by. [H: Anyone care to take a guess as to what shards of glass will do to occupants of the "Crystal Cathedral" of Dr. Schuller's when the "Big One" on the San Andreas fault comes? How about a massive bombing raid? The picture is quite mind-boggling, is it not?] For a relatively minor amount, the ordinary glass used in automobiles during that period could be re­placed with safety glass. Today, safety glass is required on all cars. Sloan made a public statement on this issue on August 13, 1929. "The advent of safety glass will result in both ourselves and our company absorbing a very considerable portion of the extra cost out of our profits. I feel that General Motors should not ADOPT SAFETY GLASS FOR ITS CARS AND RAISE ITS PRICES EVEN A PART OF WHAT THAT EXTRA COST SHOULD BE." On August 15, 1932, Sloan again reiterated his opposition to the in­stallation of safety glass in General Motors' automobiles. "It is not my responsibility to sell safety glass," he complained. "I would very much rather spend the same amount of money on improving our car in other ways because I think, from the standpoint of selfish busi­ness, it would be a very much better investment."

    The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation is doing well; in 1975 it had $252 million, which grew to $370 million by 1985. It and the Charles F. Kettering Foundation ($75 million) continue to be the chief benefactors of the Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. A liberal editor, Norman Cousins, heads the Kettering Foundation. The Al­fred P. Sloan Foundation is headed by R. Manning Brown, Jr. Di­rectors include Henry H. Jowler, former Secretary of the Treasury, now a partner of Goldman Sachs Co., New York investment bankers--also director is Lloyd C. Elam, president of the nation's only black medical school, Meharry College in Nashville, Ten­nessee; Elam is also a director of the giant Merck medical firm; Kraft, South Central Bell Telephone, and the Nashville Bank; Franklin A. Long represents the necessary Rockefeller connection as a director of Exxon; he is also a director of United Technologies, Presidential Science Advisory Commission, professor of chemistry at Cornell since 1936, a Guggenheim fellow, he has received the Al­bert Einstein Peace Prize--he is a member of the American Pugwash Steering Committee, set up by the notoriously pro-communist fi­nancier Cyrus Eaton who was a Rockefeller protege--Pugwash is said to be directed by the KGB; Herbert E. Longenecker, president of Tulane University; he serves on the selection committee for Ful-bright students, a very powerful position--his list of awards and hon­ors in Who's Who goes on for several paragraphs; Cathleen Morawetz, who is a director of National Cash Register, also a Guggenheim fellow; she is married to Herbert Morawetz, a chemist from Prague; Thomas Aquinas Murphy, president of General Mo­tors for many years, also director of Pepsico, and the National De­troit Corporation; Ellmore E. Patterson, who had been with J. P. Morgan Company since 1935, he also serves as treasurer of Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, and is director of Bethlehem Steel, Engel­hard Hanovia, and Morgan Stanley; Laurance S. Rockefeller, who is director of Reader's Digest, National Geographic Society, and the Caneel Bay Plantation; Charles J. Scanlon, director of the GM Acceptance Corporation, Arab-American Bank of New York, and trustee of Roosevelt Hospital, New York; and Harold T. Shapiro, president of the University of Michigan, director of Dow Chemical Corporation, and Ford Motor Co., Burroughs, Kellogg, and the Bank of Canada--Shapiro has been on the advisory panel of the Cen­tral Intelligence Agency since 1984; he also is an advisor to the U.S. Treasury Department.

    The governing board of Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer In­stitute, called the Board of Managers, reads like a financial statement of the various Rockefeller holdings. Its principal director for many years was the late Lewis Lichtenstein Strauss, partner of Kuhn, Loeb Co., the Rothschild bankers in the United States. Strauss listed him­self in Who's Who as "financial advisor to the Messrs. Rockefeller". He was also a director of Studebaker, Polaroid, NBC, RCA, and held government posts as Secretary of Commerce and as head of the Atomic Energy Commission. For many years he funnelled Rocke­feller funds into the notorious Communist front, the Institute of Pa­cific Relations. Strauss was also president of the Institute for Ad­vanced Study, a Rockefeller think tank at Princeton, and financial di­rector of the American Jewish Committee, for which he raised the funds to publish the propaganda organ, Commentary magazine.

    Another prominent director of Sloan Kettering was Dorothy Peabody Davison, a leading New York socialite for some fifty years. She had married F. Trubee Davison, son of Henry Pomeroy Davi­son, a Rockefeller relative who had been the right-hand man for J. P. Morgan. Davison was one of the group of five leading bankers who met with Senator Nelson Aldrich (his daughter married John D. Rockefeller, Jr.) at Jekyll Island in a secret conference to draft the Federal Reserve Act in November of 1910. The Dictionary of Na­tional Biography notes that Davison "soon won recognition from J. P. Morgan, frequently consulting with him, particularly during the monetary crisis of 1907 . . . In association with Senator Aldrich, Paul M. Warburg, Frank A. Vanderlip and A. Piatt Andrew, he took part in drawing up the Jekyll Island report that led to the crys­tallization of sentiment resulting in the creation of the Federal Reserve System." As head of the Red Cross War Council during the First World War, Davison raised $370,000,000, of which a con­siderable number of millions were diverted to Russia to salvage the floundering Bolshevik government. His son and namesake, Henry P. Davison, married Anne Stillman, daughter of James Stillman, head of the National City Bank which handled the enormous cash flow accruing to the Standard Oil Company. H.P. also became a partner of J.P. Morgan Co.; his brother, F. Trubee Davison, mar­ried Dorothy Peabody, the nation's leading philanthropic family. The Peabodies may be said to have invented the concept of founda­tion philanthropy, the first major foundation being the Peabody Edu­cation Fund, set up in 1865 by George Peabody, founder of the J. P. Morgan banking firm; it later became the Rockefeller Foundation. Dorothy Peabody's father was the renowned Endicott Peabody, founder of the Establishment training school, Groton, where Franklin D. Roosevelt and many other front men were educated. Dorothy Peabody was on the national board of the American Cancer Society for many years, as well as director of Sloan Kettering. She was also a noted big game hunter, making many forays to India and Africa, and winning many trophies for her prize animals. Her hus­band was Secretary of War for air from 1926-1932, and was presi­dent of the American Museum of Natural History for many years; this was Theodore Roosevelt's favorite charity. Her son, Endicott Peabody Davison, became secretary to the J. P. Morgan Co., and then general manager of the London branch of the firm; he has been president of U.S. Trust since 1979, director of the defense firms, Scovill Corporation and Todd Shipyards, also the Discount Corpo­ration. He is a trustee of the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Markle Foundation, which makes key grants in the communications media. Eisenhower's Secretary of State, John Foster Dulles, was also related to the Rockefellers through the Pomeroy family.

    [H: Now isn't this a lot more informative and honest than all the begatting and more begatting in that book which fills many pages of nonsense? I guarantee that if you "stay tuned" we will discover that these same people I name in the above material will find their names on the "translations of the Bible" foundation for Biblical authenticity AND on the lists of participants in the founding of the Protocols and all socialist/fascist manifestos. In almost all instances in the "begatting order of Biblical transcrip­tions", the names represent absolutely NO-ONE! Can you actu­ally believe you will get any translated proof of contents of the Dead Sea Scrolls? These very people who control your world control the Scrolls in point. You are going to come into "reason", dear ones, or you aren't going to make it.]
    Dharma, this is getting too unwieldy in length. Allow us to break this chapter at this point and we will simply pick up at this place when we sit again. I would like to move right on, please. Thank you.

    Hatonn to stand-by.

    A. N. OTHER 12/31/91
    All Rights Reserved

    The United States Government and the tobacco industry are playing a dangerous game with your health when it comes to warnings about cigarette smoking. If you are a smoker, you have quite literally been deceived into believing that the tar in nicotine is the main ingredient that makes smoking a habit-forming health hazard: "The Surgeon General Has Determined That Smoking Is Hazardous To Your Health." That warning label is deemed sufficient to protect you from the dangers of smoking.

    As a smoker you have been led to believe that addiction to nicotine and danger from the tar it produces is your only problem. If this is what you believe then read on. Your life may depend on it. Cigarettes are not just tobacco rolled up in fancy thin papers with brand names stenciled on them. Indeed the secret of addiction to to­bacco-smoking may lie in the paper itself. A doctor friend of mine who has done a lot of research on smoking told me, when I began this investigation, that he was once invited to visit a cigarette paper‑making factory in the course of his research work. Before being shown around the plant, he had to don a coverall made of a paper-like substance, which covered him from head to foot.
    He was shown various stages of manufacture including a sealed room which his guide said was a paper impregnation plant. My doctor friend was informed that in this building the paper was impregnated with a substance to ensure even, slow-burning without the taste of burning paper. Later, when he got home (he kept the coverall as a souvenir), he had the fine dust on it analyzed and when the lab results came back, lo and behold the dust contained traces of opium.

    The doctor is thus under the firm impression that paper used for cigarette manufacture is first impregnated with OPIUM. It is the opium that causes addiction to smoking. Even in small quantities, opium is extremely addictive. In his opinion, based upon research on nicotine, he found that it is not nicotine alone that makes a to­bacco addict, but rather, it is the opium used to impregnate the paper plus the nicotine that is the root cause of addiction to smoking.

    My doctor friend is a smoker himself, and in order to prove his point, he changed to rolling his own cigarettes. Kits to roll cigarettes can be bought in smokers' speciality shops, and consist of a supply of thin paper apparently no different from the usual cigarette paper, tobacco, plus a device that rolls the paper around the tobacco.

    After trying several brands of loose tobacco and rolling his own cigarettes for three weeks, his craving was not relieved. Rather, it became worse. Finally, after three weeks of home-rolled cigarettes, he went back to his favorite brand of manufactured cigarette. "The relief was instant, the satisfaction gratifying," he told me. As a result of his experiment, the doctor is more than ever convinced that addiction to smoking does not come from tobacco alone, but from the PAPER used by cigarette companies, no matter what brand of tobacco is used.

    Do you believe this is far-fetched? Well, if you do, that is exactly what the government and the tobacco industry want you to believe. You might wish to reconsider the matter after you take into account the following information. If you have any lingering doubts there­after, then I urge you to write to the Department of Health and Hu­man Services and ask them about it.

    You might not get a response from the government, but you will be certain to attract the attention of Stanley Temko, a lawyer at Cov­ington and Burling, legal guardians of the tobacco industry. If that causes concern, then you might try Senator Jesse Helms, so filled with rectitude when it comes to Manuel Noriega (accused, but far from proven guilty, of being a cocaine smuggler). Helms represents North Carolina, the premier tobacco-growing state in the nation.

    On second thought, Senator Helms might not be inclined to enlighten you, so you might then try the Office on Smoking and Health, a government watchdog agency which is supposed to have our health and welfare at heart. Dr. Ronald Davis, who resigned from the agency earlier this year, is on record as stating: "I think the con­sumers have a right to know what is in tobacco products, but I'm not allowed under law to release this information to the public."

    The Office on Smoking and Health and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) are the keepers of the keys to the top-se­cret lists of what ingredients go into making your favorite brand of cigarette, the additives that give tobacco its "flavor", keep it soft, and give it that special aroma. If you thought "taste" was just an ad­vertising gimmick, you would be wrong. "Taste" is very important to tobacco addicts, which is why cigarette manufacturers go to such lengths to create it.

    Before doing any writing or phoning your Senator, the tobacco com­panies or HHS, you might want to reflect upon the wisdom of arousing the watchdog. "Let sleeping dogs lie" may be preferred to "kicking a sleeping dog". You see, the list of ingredients that go into cigarettes is TOP SECRET. Yes, that is right, TOP SECRET. Government doesn't like people nosing around top secret documents, and the tobacco industry is paranoid about secrecy. They might de­cide to take a note of your name for future reference.

    The tobacco industry does not want smokers to know that, apart from tobacco, he or she is inhaling acetone, methyl salicylate, turpentine, glycyrrhizic acid, caramel, shellac, catechol, ace­tyldehyde, amino acids. What are the effects of these substances on the body when heated, i.e., at that magic moment when you first light up and deeply inhale?

    Take caramel, added to give flavor--which smokers believe comes from their favorite tobacco mix. When the burning end of a cigarette heats the caramel--or any other of the many types of sugar used in the manufacture of cigarettes--it produces catechol which, when combined with some of the other additives, strengthen their carcinogenic properties.

    This is called synergistic reaction. In tests on laboratory rats using a number of vitamins, scientists Ken Anderson, R. T. Bartus, C. E. Girgea, Kaufman and several others found that by combining vita­mins with other substances, a synergistic reaction was observed. What this means, for instance, is that rats on choline didn't show that much improvement, but when combined with piracetum, the re­sulting improvement was dramatic. Reverse synergistic effects hap­pen when caramel is burned with other additives in cigarettes, thus strengthening their carcinogenic properties.

    Do you like licorice? Most kids do, but smokers would not be amused if you told them they were smoking it in the additive licorice root--glycyrrhizic acid--used to flavor and keep tobacco moist, which the American Health Foundation says gives off polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons when burned, and that means smokers are inhaling a known cancer-causing substance along with their aroma-filled to­bacco smoke.

    How about amino acids? Now, most everybody knows that amino acids are what DNA is all about, and don't health food stores sell amino acids, so what is so bad about it? The trick is not to heat amino acids, nor combine them with other substances that might give a synergistic effect. Once heated, amino acids give off suspected carcinogens, says the American Health Institute.

    You can't smoke without applying heat, I mean, where there is to­bacco there has got to be heat, and where there is heat there has to be smoke, and where there is tobacco-smoke there are carcinogens. So now you know, cigarettes consist of a good deal more than just blended tobacco rolled in paper, even though the outside package of your favorite brand doesn't list any additives.

    Your Virginia Slims, Marlboros, Winstons, Camels, Kools or any other brand you favor contain, in varying degrees, a number of chemicals, plant extracts and other substances which tests in France proved can amount to as much as 8 percent of the content of what you enjoy so much when you inhale that smoke. Do not be deceived by the printed information on that attractive packaging, "Ingredients: Selected Fine Tobaccos".

    Like Mrs. Nancy Reagan's non-solution to the drug addiction problem washing like a tidal wave over this nation, "just say no," or applying a PARTIAL warning label to a package of cigarettes, isn't going to solve the problem. In any case every smoker thinks smok­ing-induced cancer is strictly for the other fellow.

    The warning label cigarette packages carry is meaningless and will remain so until the SECRET ADDITIVES in the tobacco are printed on the label alongside what they are capable of doing to your health. It is time that the FDA enforced its own rules but, given the huge amounts of money spread around Washington by powerful tobacco industry lobbyists, this is still a long way off.

    Since the FDA requires strict labeling of ingredients used in ALL foodstuffs, why then is the tobacco industry exempted from these re­quirements? Not that tobacco is a foodstuff. But if it is compulsory to properly label household detergents and to tell the public what is inside a bottle of apple jelly jam, or peanut butter or ketchup, why conceal the deadly poison that is added to an already dangerous sub­stance called nicotine? How about cigarette paper? Is it im­pregnated with opium or not? Why aren't consumers told what, if anything, goes into the making of the paper?

    Here is something you ought to know about nicotine. It causes flushing, a sense of warmth, heart palpitations, nausea (especially in first-time smokers), dyspepsia, muscle cramps, blurred vision, a lowered blood pressure when rising from a sitting position and is suspected of causing deformities in unborn babies if the mothers smoke during pregnancy.

    In the 1960's, when the truth about tar in nicotine was brought out and stories about lung cancer caused by tobacco swept the land, the tobacco industry went into a state of panic which resulted in the pro­duction of "low in tar" brands to offset dramatic losses in sales. These so-called "light" brands were to help assuage the guilty feeling among those who could not bring themselves to kick the smoking habit, even knowing what they were doing to their bodies.

    "Light" cigarettes consisted of lighter blends of tobacco, plus filters which were so dense that smokers could no longer get the all-im­portant "taste" of their cigarettes. "Safe" cigarettes became "tasteless" cigarettes. The tobacco industry's solution to tasteless cigarettes was to use more and more additives of the kinds already enumerated so that "taste" and "flavor" were restored.

    But unbeknown to the fans of "light" cigarettes, the cigarette they believed was lighter and safer was now more deadly than the regular type, because of the heavy dosage of secret ingredients it took to re­store what smokers wanted most, taste and flavor.

    Do our government agencies know about this? Yes, they do. So why don't those agencies responsible for protecting our national health do something about the menace? They did, or thought they had done something with passage of a 1984 law which called upon manufacturers of cigarettes to list "health risks associated with smoking cigarettes containing any substances commonly added to commercially manufactured cigarettes".

    That was in 1984; yet in spite of urgent appeals to the cigarette in­dustry to come clean, by 1991 they have still not done so. In 1984 a Surgeon-General's report said that data about additives was impossi­ble to obtain, "because cigarette companies are not required by law to reveal what additives they use in each and every brand of cigarettes they manufacture." What the Surgeon-General wanted was a meaningful list of additives that could be related to amounts contained in each cigarette.

    Succumbing somewhat to public pressure arising from these disclo­sures, Congress reluctantly passed a law later that year (1984) which mandated that cigarette manufacturers provide HHS each year with a list of additives used in cigarette manufacturing. However, the to­bacco industry was successful in subverting that law. Congress sold out to the tobacco industry--it is called "reaching a compromise".

    Instead of each and every cigarette manufacturer being compelled to give a complete listing of specific additives and amounts going into each and every brand of cigarette produced, the industry--not each manufacturer--was allowed to get away with a general listing of ad­ditives which was and still is totally lacking in detail. These annual lists have been described by anti-smoking groups as "page after page of meaningless, useless names". But according to Covington and Burling, the tobacco industry is "complying with the law".

    Then the tobacco industry scored an even greater triumph over we, the people. It got a provision entered into law which said that the lists of additives were not to be published or made available to the public or research scientists. To this day it is a crime to provide in­formation contained in the TOP SECRET lists. The "state secrets" of the tobacco industry remain sacrosanct. Dutifully each year the tobacco industry gives HHS its secret list and, each year, H.H.S. du­tifully locks the list in its safe, away from prying eyes.

    If you believe the cigarette industry lists of deadly additives are pub­lic property, in short a government document, try getting it under the Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA). You will come up blank no matter how hard you try. The FDA insists on Twinkies being prop­erly labeled, but has nothing to say when it comes to cancer-causing agents in cigarettes and why they should be excluded from cigarette packaging warning labeling.

    But even if you achieved the seemingly impossible and obtained a copy of the lists, it wouldn't mean very much in its unrelated state. All you would see would be a long list of chemicals with difficult to pronounce names, not grouped or related to any brand of cigarette. If you are dogged enough to stick with it, you would be able to un­ravel the jumble of chemical names, but how would you relate that information to INDIVIDUAL brand names of cigarettes? Only the cigarette manufacturers could do it, but they are not about to oblige us in any way shape or form. Cigarette manufacturers say it is their right to protect their "recipes"--they call them trade secrets--over the rights of consumers to know what goes into their favorite cigarettes. This rule does not apply to cereals, canned foods, etc. Apparently the FDA agrees with the tobacco industry for, thus far, the FDA continues to look the other way. Is it a case of special privileges? I think so, otherwise what else should we call it?

    Remember this the next time you pass one of those billboards along the highway where some tough-looking rancher sits on his horse smoking a Marlboro as his fiercely keen eyes scan the wide blue skies above him. It would be better for him, and for us, if he were to drop his gaze for a moment and take in the cancer wards filled with pain-wracked or so-doped-out-by-morphine patients, to whom life has become meaningless as it nears its end. Cigarettes are in­deed the most dangerous product sold in America.

    Better yet, why don't anti-smoking groups go out and erect such "cancer ward" billboards--preferably as close as possible to the blue-sky blue-smoke Marlboro billboards? Come to think of it, a lot of people would find it a sobering experience the next time they pass that hitherto attractive outdoor scene.

    PJ 42
    CHAPTER 12


    WED., JANUARY 8, 1992 1:21 P.M. YEAR 5, DAY 145


    We will continue in the discussion of the Board of Managers of Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.

    The present board of Managers of Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center include Edward J. Beattie, a Markle scholar at George Washington University, and staff member of Rockefeller Hospital since 1978, fellow of the American Cancer Society, and chief medical officer of Memorial since 1965; Peter 0. Crisp, who is manager of investments for the Rockefeller Family Associates; Harold Fisher, chairman of Exxon Corp., the flag-bearer of the Rockefeller fortune; Clifton C. Garvin, Jr., president of Exxon Cor­poration, director of Citicorp, Citibank (the former National City Bank), Pepsico, J.C. Penney, TRW, Equitable Life, Corning Glass, and the drug firm Johnson and Johnson; Louis V. Gerstner, Jr., president of the giant Squibb drug firm, director of American Ex­press, Caterpillar and Melville Corp.; he is a member of the visiting committee at Harvard University; Ellmore C. Patterson, with J.P. Morgan since 1935, married Anne Hyde Choate, of New York's leading legal family; Patterson is treasurer of Memorial Sloan Ket­tering; he is also a trustee of Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, which was formerly headed by Alger Hiss; Patterson's brother-in-law, Arthur H. Choate, Jr. was a partner of J.P. Morgan Co. for some years; he then joined Clark Dodge and Co.; Robert V. Roosa, partner of the investment bankers Brown Brothers Harriman, a Rhodes Scholar who was the mastermind of the Federal Reserve System for many years, training Paul Volcker and then nominating him to be chairman of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors in Washington; Roosa also helped David Rockefeller set up the Trilat­eral Commission, of which he remains a director; Benno C. Schmidt, managing partner of the investment bankers J. H. Whitney Co. for many years, which has large holdings in Schlumberger, Freeport Minerals, and CBS; Schmidt was general counsel of the War Production Board during World War II, and managed the Of­fice of Foreign Liquidation in 1945 and 1946, which disposed of billions of dollars worth of material at giveaway prices; Schmidt was on the President's Cancer Panel from 1971-80; he is a director of General Motors Cancer Research Foundation, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, and the Whitney Museum; he received the Cleveland Award for distinguished service in the crusade for cancer control from the American Cancer Society in 1972 (these groups are always awarding each other honors and prizes, no one else need ap­ply); Schmidt also received the Bristol Myers award for distin­guished service in cancer research in 1979; his son, Benno Schmidt, Jr., married the boss' daughter, Helen Cushing Whitney, and is now president of Yale University; he had served as law clerk to Chief Justice Warren at the Supreme Court and later held the office of le­gal counsel to the Department of Justice.

    Other members of the Board of Managers are H. Virgil Sherrill, president of the investment firm Bache Halsey Stuart Shields, which is now Prudential Bache; Frank Seitz, director of Organon and the Ogden Corp., both of which are chemical firms; he has been chair­man of the key political group, the Institute for Strategic Studies since 1975; Seitz is on the board of the National Cancer Advisory Board and the Rockefeller Foundation; he also serves on the Belgian American Educational Foundation which was set up by Herbert Hoover after World War I to conceal his profits from his Belgian charitable work; Seitz also serves on the board of the John Simon Guggenheim Foundation which had assets of $105 million in 1985, and from which it spent only $7.5 million in its charitable work; William S. Sneath, president of the giant chemical firm Union Car­bide Corp., which has had several accidents in its chemical factories in recent years; he is also a director of Metropolitan Life, controlled by the Morgan interests, Rockwell International, and the giant ad­vertising firm, JWT Group; Lewis Thomas, whose exploits take up a full column in Who's Who; he is investment counselor for the Rocke­feller Institute, dean of the medical school at Yale, professor of medicine at Cornell since 1973; Thomas is a director of the drug firm Squibb, president emeritus of Memorial Sloan Kettering, di­rector of the Rand Institute, Rockefeller University, John Simon Guggenheim Foundation, Menninger Foundation, Lounsbery Foun­dation, the Sidney Farber Cancer Institute, and the Aaron Diamond Foundation; J.S. Wickerham who is vice president of the Morgan bank, Morgan Guaranty Trust; Harper Woodward, who is with the Rockefeller Family Associates, longtime associate of Laurance Rockefeller.

    This is only the Board of Managers of Memorial Sloan Kettering, the nation's preeminent cancer center. Each person on the Board of Managers shows many direct or indirect links with the Rockefeller interests. The Center's Board of Overseers includes Mrs. Elmer Bobst, widow of the prominent drug manufacturer and reorganizer of the American Cancer Society; Dr. James B. Fisk, chairman of Bell Telephone Laboratories, director of American Cynanamid, Corning, Equitable Life, John Simon Guggenheim Foundation, Chase Manhattan Bank (the Rockefeller Bank), board of overseers at Harvard, and director of the Cabot corporation; Richard M. Furlaud, chairman of the giant drug firm, Squibb, director and gen­eral counsel of Olin Corporation, the huge munitions manufacturer, and director of American Express; Dr. Emanuel Rubin Piore, born in Wilno, Russia, headed the Special Weapons Group at the U.S. Navy 1942-46, head of the Navy Electronics Bureau 1948, director of research at IBM since 1956, professor at Rockefeller University, consultant to MIT and Harvard, director of Paul Revere Investors, director of Sloan Kettering since 1976; he received the Kaplan Award from Hebrew University; his wife Nora Kahn is a long­standing health analyst with the New York City Health Department since 1957, director of the Commonwealth Fund, Blue Cross Senior Fellow, United Hospital Fund, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (for the drug firm Johnson and Johnson), Pew Memorial Trust, Vera Foundation, Urban League, grantee from U.S. Public Health Ser­vice; James D. Robinson III, chairman of American Express, which has now incorporated both Kuhn, Loeb Co. and Lehman Brothers investment banking houses into Shearson Lehman Hutton; he was formerly with Morgan Guaranty Trust and is now director of Bristol Myers, the drug firm, Coca Cola, Firemans Fund Insurance, chair­man of Memorial Sloan Kettering, and Rockefeller University; James S. Rockefeller, director of Cranston Print Works; Laurance Rockefeller, who is director of Reader's Digest with 18 million cir­culation and National Geographic with 10 million circulation--meaning that he influences 28 million middle class American homes each month--Dr. Ralph Moss, former public relations director of Memorial Sloan Kettering, noted that Reader's Digest is often a barometer of orthodox thinking on the cancer problem. The Rocke­fellers remain the most prominent contributors to Memorial Sloan Kettering; William Rockefeller is also an overseer--he is a partner of Shearson Sterling, lawyers for the Rockefeller interests; he is also a director of Cranston Print Works and Oneida Ltd.; T.F. Walkowicz, who serves with the Rockefeller Family Associates is chairman of National Aviation and Technology Corporation, and a director of CCI, Itek and Mitre Corporation, Safetrans Systems and Quotron Systems; Arthur B. Treman, Jr., managing director of Dillon Read investment bankers for many years.

    Not only do the boards of Memorial Sloan Kettering have direct ties to the Rockefellers; they are also closely linked with defense in­dustries, the CIA, and chemical and drug firms. It is no accident that they serve on the board of an institution whose recommendations on cancer treatment mean literally billions in profits to those who are in the right position to take advantage of them. And you thought this was a charitable organization! The fact is the Memorial Sloan Ket­tering and the American Cancer Society are the principal organiza­tional functionaries, with the American Medical Association, of the Rockefeller Medical Monopoly. In 1944, the American Society for the Control of Cancer changed its name to American Cancer Soci­ety; it was then placed in the hands of two of the most notorious patent medicine hucksters in the United States, Albert Lasker and Elmer Bobst.

    Albert Lasker, born in Freiburg, Germany (1880-1952) has been called "the father of modern advertising". He focused on easily re­membered slogans and constant repetition to drill his messages into the heads of the American people. Like other successful hucksters memorialized in these pages, he began his career as a journalist. He was brought to this country by his parents, who settled in Galveston, Texas. His father, Morris Lasker, became a representative for Rothschild banking interests, and soon became the president of five banks in Texas. He lived in a luxurious mansion in Galveston, was a prominent grain and cotton dealer and, because of extensive inter­ests in West Texas, he became known as "the godfather of the Panhandle". He died in 1916, leaving his son Albert as his execu­tor. Needing cash to expand his advertising business, Albert Lasker hurriedly sold the lands at a bargain price which, in 1916, was not very much. His business acumen failed him here, because more than one billion dollars of oil was later discovered on those lands.

    At the age of sixteen, Albert Lasker became a reporter on the Galveston News; he soon moved on to a better paying position in Dallas, on the Dallas Morning News, the largest newspaper in Texas. He soon found that the real money in the newspaper business was not in journalism, but in advertising, which brought in most of the revenue. Lasker went to Chicago, where he talked his way into a position with Lord and Thomas, the city's largest agency. He was only nineteen years old. Because he had agreed that his salary de­pended on how much business he could bring into the firm, he be­came a fanatical hustler. At the age of twenty-five, he had saved enough money, together with his family's money, to buy twenty-five per cent of the agency. He went on to participate in some. of the most memorable advertising campaigns in the history of the business. He built a three and a half million dollar estate in the exclu­sive suburb of Lake Forest, Mill Road Farm, a 480 acre spread with twenty-seven buildings, and a million dollar golf course which Bob Jones described as one of the three best golf courses in the United States. At the age of 42, he had arrived. The estate employed fifty workers, who kept six miles of hedges clipped each week. The French chateau in the center of all this luxury was more magnificent than anything built by his crusty neighbors, who viewed him with ill-disguised dislike. For years, he was the only Jewish resident, and he delighted in bruiting it about that he intended to leave the estate in his will as a Jewish Community Center.

    Lasker was always very active in major Jewish organizations, serving on the American Jewish Committee and the powerful Anti-Defamation League. His sister Florine founded the National Council of Jewish Women and the Civil Liberties Committee in New York; another sister, Etta Rosensohn, was a passionate Zionist who headed the Hadassah Organization.

    During the First World War, Lasker had been persuaded by his friend Bernard Baruch to join Woodrow Wilson's cabinet as an as­sistant secretary; this was to be his only government post. Despite the fact that he had built Lord and Thomas into a giant advertising agency, he felt that Chicago was too small for him; he soon moved his headquarters to New York. When he joined the agency, it had only $900,000 a year income, of which a third came from one prod­uct, Cascarets, a laxative. After he moved to New York, he realized that he was in a position to launch national campaigns to sell prod­ucts whose stocks would then greatly increase in value. He cannily invested large sums in products which had not yet gained wide pub­lic acceptance, his most notable triumph being his promotion of Ko­tex, and it was seldom advertised. Lasker bought a million dollars worth of International Cellulose, its manufacturer, and then launched a tremendous campaign in newspapers and magazines. He made many millions in profits on this one operation. Not only did he charge the firm for his advertising campaign, but he also reaped millions from the stock operation. He repeated this formula with other products, amassing a fortune of fifty million dollars. He later boasted that "No one has taken as much money out of advertising as I have."

    Lasker was behind many of the nation's most successful radio shows. He auditioned Bob Hope, and launched him on a sixty year career. It was Lasker who made Amos and Andy the most popular radio show in the United States. He hired them for Pepsodent because he said that the half of the American population who listened to the show each evening would be envisioning the white teeth flashing "in those dusky countenances". The sponsor of the show was Pepsodent tooth-paste. Although the program is not denigrated as offensive to American blacks, if Lasker were still alive, he would push it as the nation's most successful television show.

    Lasker owned the Chicago Cubs, and was a heavy gambler. He was known to bet as much as $40,000 on a single golf match. [H: But let poor old Pete Rose, an outstanding ball player, bet even a little bit and he is barred from the Hall of Fame forever--after actually performing beyond expectations which place ones in that Hall of Fame. (sic, sic)] He also was a hard driving taskmaster. In the depression year of 1931, he had a personal profit of one million dollars. This did not dissuade him from cutting back the expenses of his business. He took advantage of the widespread unemployment and the depression to fire fifty people from the staff of Lord and Thomas; those who remained had their salaries cut by fifty per cent.

    One of Lasker's most successful promotions was his campaign to popularize drinking orange juice for Sunkist company. He is best remembered, however, for his association with American Tobacco's George Washington Hill. When Lasker came onto the scene, Perci­val Hill was still the firm's president. The son of a prominent Philadelphia banker, he had built up a successful carpet business, which he sold, investing the proceeds in a tobacco company, Black­well Tobacco; he then sold this firm to the tobacco king, James Duke. Duke reorganized the firm in 1911 and asked Hill to become president, his son, George Washington Hill, became vice president. Lasker got the account after World War I, when tobacco manufac­turers were very conservative in their advertising expenditures. They rarely spent large sums promoting a single brand, preferring to advertise their entire line. Lasker persuaded the Hills to concentrate their advertising, and to increase their budget. They did so and sales skyrocketed. In a single year, Lasker increased their advertising budget from one million to twenty-five million dollars. He managed to maintain good relations with the arrogant and domineering George Washington Hill, whose crudeness was memorialized by Sidney Greenstreet in the film "The Hucksters". Greenstreet portrayed Hill as a loathsome slob who made his point by spitting a great gob on the table in front of his directors.

    Lasker created the catchy slogan for Lucky Strikes, "It's Toasted". When World War II began, he tried to foist a supposedly patriotic slogan on the American public, "Lucky Strike Green Has Gone to War". The campaign was a flop. It was a flimsy pretext that the green color used in the package had been requisitioned for the war effort.

    Lasker's greatest achievement was his national campaign to per­suade women to smoke in public. He could be said to be the father of women's lung cancer. At that time, few women were bold enough to be seen smoking in public. Ably assisted by his minions in Hollywood, Lasker saw to it that in many scenes of movies, leading women would be seen smoking cigarettes in public. His greatest success was through Bette Davis, who delivered her lines in almost every scene through a thick cloud of smoke. Smoking in public now became common, creating a vast new market for cigarettes, which, of course, was Lasker's only goal. Some twenty years later, many of these women were dying from emphysema or lung cancer.

    Lasker's furious pace took its toll. He had three nervous break­downs, but his greatest shock came when his wife died in 1936. He met an actress the following year, Doris Kenyon, and impulsively married her. The marriage lasted only a few months. She went back to Hollywood, divorced him, and married the brother-in-law of pianist Arthur Rubinstein, which proved to be a successful marriage. In 1939, while lunching with Wild Bill Donovan at the "21 Club" who was soon to become head of the wartime OSS, later the CIA, he was introduced to an attractive divorcee, an art dealer named Mary Woodard. The daughter of a Wisconsin banker, she had started a dress company, Hollywood Patterns, designing inexpensive dresses for working girls, and then had gone into the art business. A few days later, while he was lunching with publisher Richard Simon, he met her a second time, and decided to marry her. He was just starting to build an art collection and knew very little about painting. He later claimed he had married her to save a million dollars in sales commissions, which he probably did. She tried to get him to relax, and soon had him going to a psychoanalyst. He was lunching with Richard Simon again when he jumped up and said, "I'm late for my psychoanalyst." Simon seemed puzzled, and Lasker explained, "I'm doing it to get rid of all the hate the advertising business has put into me." It is likely that he had put more hate in the advertising busi­ness than it had put into him. Despite the fact that practically all of his close friends were prominent Jews, such as Bernard Baruch, [H: Please remember that it was Bernard Baruch who showed up with Eisenhower at a pre-scheduled meeting with my Space Command and we had to change locations, etc. Do you still wonder why we have a difficult time in interaction with you lovely people of Earth? It was Baruch and the Catholic Priest, also present--who prevented Eisenhower from mentioning the meeting to the public--they didn't "want to panic the Christian community".] Anna Rosenberg, David Sarnoff, the New York pub­licist Ben Sonnenberg, and Lewis Strauss of Kuhn, Loeb Company, he rarely hired Jews in his advertising firm. When he was re­proached for this, he merely smiled, and said, "Look, I went into this firm and took it over. Do you think I want somebody to do that to me?"

    Among his proteges were very successful advertising men such as Emerson Foote, William Benton and Fairfax Cone, all of whom were gentiles. Lasker liked to call them his little "goyim". He joked about how he could make them jump when he barked.

    In 1942, Lasker, having made a large fortune, decided to close down Lord and Thomas. His proteges went on to found the firm of Foote, Cone and Belding; William Edward, a lawyer, had married Carla, the daughter of Bernard Gimbel of the department store for­tune. At the wedding, Lasker dourly cited an old Jewish proverb, "You can't make an omelet from two spoiled eggs." He was proven right; they got a divorce. His daughter, Mary, married the Chicago steel tycoon, Leigh Block, of Inland Steel. They amassed a multi­million dollar art collection. She also became a vice president of Foote, Cone and Belding. Block's brother, Joseph, became presi­dent of the Jewish Federation.

    Lasker had grown bored with wearing white shirts; he started the vogue of wearing blue shirts in New York, which became the hall­mark of the advertising profession. He never learned to drive a car and had no mechanical skills. After moving to New York, he be­grudged the enormous upkeep of his Lake Forest estate; in 1939 he donated it to the University of Chicago. The trustees promptly sold it off for building lots; the million dollar mansion went for $110,000.

    Lasker's importance to this narrative is the fact that he and his cohort, a patent medicine huckster named Elmer Bobst, took the American Cancer Society, a moribund group in the early 1940's, and within months built it into a powerful national force. They used all their techniques for promotion, fund-raising and business organi­zation to make this group the most powerful force in the new billion dollar world of cancer treatment, an achievement for which the Rockefeller Medical Monopoly was extremely grateful. They sum­marily dumped a cumbersome organization known as the Women's Army, which was very decentralized, and placed all the power of the American Cancer Society in New York. All of its meetings are held there. They also used their business connections to bring in a new board of trustees from the biggest names in banking and industry, charging $100,000 each for the privilege of serving on the board.

    After launching the American Cancer Society as a viable or­ganization, Lasker himself became ill with cancer. He was operated on for intestinal cancer in 1950, not knowing that cutting into a can­cer immediately spreads it throughout the body. He died in 1952 at the Harkness Rockefeller pavilion. Before his death, he had set up the Albert and Mary Lasker Foundation, which was to make Mary Lasker the most powerful woman in American medicine. [H: It is also because of this desire that the cancer was deliberately intro­duced to other varying parts of Lasker's anatomy while under the "slash, cut, burn and mutilate" knife of the surgeons. Who, by the way, also did very well later for their sincere and success­ful efforts. It is almost a reminder of how well the government can get rid of problems as with Casey and his "sudden and abrupt" brain tumor which killed him almost instantly. How could anyone fake cancer of the brain? That story in itself is al­most worthy of telling right here but I have much to cover and that can come along with the CIA.]

    Mary Lasker soon controlled a vast empire of grants, foun­dations, Washington lobbyists and other organizations. Her most able lieutenant in achieving this power was the Rockefeller em­ployee, Anna Rosenberg, who has worked closely with her for years.

    Elmer Bobst, who was Lasker's partner in putting the American Cancer Society over the top, was also a tycoon. Unlike Lasker, Bobst had come from a poor family, but he also had the born huck­ster's mentality, taken from that native American entrepreneur, P.T. Barnum, who said, "There's a sucker born every minute." Bobst joined the drug firm of Hoffman LaRoche in 1911, where his talents as a salesman got him the presidency of the firm. He was also a shrewd businessman; just after World War I, knowing that com­modity prices were bound to fall, he was shocked to find that the firm had accumulated huge inventories in the New Jersey ware­house. He quickly closed a deal with Eastman Kodak to buy five tons of bromides, a key ingredient not only of analgesics but also of photographic supplies. He offered the bromides at sixty cents a pound, ten cents below the market price. Within a few weeks, the market price had fallen to sixteen cents a pound.

    Bobst's great achievement at Hoffman LaRoche was his ad­vertising campaign for vitamins. It was so successful that he won the nickname of "The Vitamin King". He made millions of dollars in the stock market, and he decided to leave lloffman LaRoche for greener pastures. In 1944, he called in Cravath, Swaine and Moore, the lawyers for Kuhn, Loeb Company, to negotiate his terms; they got him a very favorable settlement of $150,000 the first year and $60,000 a year until his seventy-fifth birthday. Having made his fortune in peddling vitamins, he now moved on to the higher-priced pills, becoming head of Warner-Lambert. This firm's biggest prod­uct was Listerine. Gerald Lambert, no mean huckster himself, had built Lambert Pharmacal into a giant empire, principally through his relentless warnings about the perils of "bad breath". His father had invented a mouthwash, for which he appropriated the most famous name in medicine, Baron Joseph Lister, the inventor of antiseptics and asepsis in hospitals. A prominent surgeon, Baron Lister had op­erated on Queen Victoria herself, the only time she submitted to the knife. Gerald Lambert made his name a household word with full-page advertisements for Listerine. Banner headlines warned that "Even your best friend won't tell you." Lambert coined a new word for this plague, halitosis, from the Latin for bad breath. At the height of the 1920's stock market boom, Gerald Lambert sold his firm to the Warner Corporation for $25 million, the equivalent of $500 million in 1980 dollars. The deal was closed in 1928; within a year, the value of the firm had dropped to $5 million.

    The resulting Warner-Lambert Corporation had showed little growth during the 1930's. Bobst was hired primarily for his mar­keting skills, but he soon proved that he was an empire builder, buying more than fifty additional companies. In an astute move, he named Albert Driscoll president of the firm. Driscoll had just served seven years as Governor of New Jersey. As directors, Bobst brought in the shrewdest brains on Wall Street, Sidney Weinberg of Goldman Sachs, and Frederick Eberstadt, of Eberstadt and Com­pany. As director of public relations, he brought in Anna Rosen­berg, who had long been director of labor relations for the Rocke­fellers at their primary holding Rockefeller Center. This meant that Bobst had now established a key Rockefeller connection, as Anna Rosenberg continued to have a close association with her former employers.

    Because he was the only one who was aware of his ambitious plans, Bobst had bought heavily into Warner-Lambert stock before he began his great expansion. As a result, the stock increased- many times in value. He was now the largest stock holder, worth many times millions. FORTUNE described his "seigniorial life style, his vast estates in New Jersey, his 87 foot yacht at Spring Lake, and his suite at the Waldorf". In fact, Bobst owned five yachts in succes­sion, each one larger than the last, and all named Alisa, the last be­ing called Alisa V. He also married a second time, marrying the Lebanese delegate to the United Nations. He was chairman of the War Bond drive in New Jersey during World War II, and became a large contributor to political campaigns. He thus became a very in­fluential behind the scenes figure in the Republican Party, so much so that he chose his own man for the presidency.

    Eisenhower's Secretary of the Treasury, George Humphrey, of the Rothschild bank, National City Bank of Cleveland, had been slated to speak at a fund-raising rally in New Jersey of which Bobst was chairman. He became ill, and Vice President Richard Nixon was sent in his place. This began a close relationship between Bobst and Nixon, which was almost a father-son relationship. Nixon was dazzled by Bobst's millionaire life style, and he saw to it that the Bobsts were frequently invited to the White House dinners. In 1957, Nixon was able to introduce Bobst to the Queen of England at a White House gathering.

    After Nixon's ill-advised, if justified, attack on the press after his campaign in California, it seemed that his political career was over. However, Bobst was not about to give up on such a potential ally. Nixon later fondly recalled the best advice Bobst ever gave him. Bobst had drawn him aside, during what was a period of great de­pression for Nixon, and earnestly told him, "Dick, it's time you learned the facts of life. You see, there are really only two kinds of people in the world, the eaters and the eaten. You just have to make up your mind which group you're going to be in."

    At a time when Nixon had little or no prospects, Bobst went to his attorney, Matt Herold, the senior partner of the Wall Street firm of Mudge, Rose and Stern. Warner Lambert was their biggest client and when Bobst "suggested" to Herold that he bring in Nixon from California as a partner of the firm, Herold was only too happy to oblige. With this springboard, Nixon was able to launch his success­ful campaign for the Presidency.

    The move turned out to be a wise investment all around. After Nixon won the election, the Republican Governors of the states of New Jersey, Nebraska, Kentucky, and West Virginia turned over all of their tax-free bond business to Mudge Rose, giving the firm an additional million dollars a year of income. In January of 1971, Mudge Rose appeared before the Justice Department on the matter of the merger of Warner-Lambert and Parke-Davis, a decision which meant millions of dollars to Bobst. Attorney General John Mitchell, also a protege of Bobst, disqualified himself; his deputy Attorney General, Richard Kleindienst, then let the merger go through. These were the only deals which became a matter of public knowledge; no doubt there were many more. In a brilliant tax move, Mitchell ad­vised Bobst to donate $11,000,000 to New York University for the Bobst Library.

    In 1973, Bobst had his autobiography published by David McKay Company in New York. An obvious "puff" job, it was a glowing account of Bobst's accomplishments, unmarred by any unfavorable comments. When Bobst died in 1978, no obituary appeared in the New York Times. This was an amazing circumstance concerning one of New York's most prominent tycoons. The Times routinely memorialized even the minor executives of New York firms. Strangely enough, a public statement about Bobst did appear in the Times, a memorial eulogy by his longtime friend, Laurance Rocke­feller, the chairman of Sloan Kettering. Rockefeller said, "His ef­forts in the fight against cancer earned the sincere gratitude of cancer patients and researchers as well as the general public." Perhaps Bobst's real memorial is the label of Listerine, which still carries the message, "For Bad Breath, insect bites, infectious dandruff; 26.9% alcohol."


    Dharma, this seems a good place for another chapter break. I also wish to ask that you of the public watch something which is occur­ring right under your noses. Watch the manner in which Oliver North is being set up and getting his big pay-off for taking the fall in the Iran-Contra affair. He is being groomed for President of the U.S., or other major office, by his little conspiracy-mates. He is on (the same program reruns) Larry King Live frequently and referred to more frequently as a wondrously fine and beyond reproach up­standing citizen and officer. He was without a doubt the most sniveling treasonist of your day and age. He represents the common criminal drug pusher and cover-up artist. He will now be placed as a "regular" on the "Capital Gang" and other regular deceiver pro­grams. If you pay attention, America, you can see it happen and ex­actly HOW it happens.

    Let us have respite, please. Thank you. By the way, most of these wondrous liquid medications and miracle drugs are at least 26.9% alcohol! Beats beer and wine and is ever so much more socially acceptable!

  2. #8
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 42
    CHAPTER 13

    THU., JANUARY 9, 1992 7:58 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 146


    Hatonn present, ready for service. I don't, however, like what my own students are asking me. Come now, precious readers, I told you there would be an effort to take-out Bush on this Orient trip. Remember, shooting is too crude as is poison, so how do we make a big assassination show without telling? Right--beams and pulses. Mr. Bush does not and "cannot" have flu. He was targeted with ex­tra low frequency pulses with intent of causing cardiac arrest but replicas are not set up with the same frequency system of you poor folks who "get the flu". I can promise you, however, that the point was not missed. There were two persons sent into that room with apparatus in brief cases--to do the job. The devices are totally sim­ple and require no more than a calculator casing. The most impor­tant man to watch in reaction is Iacocca--he is totally bewildered and scared spitless. By the way, how better to make a big attention-get­ting splash? You are being controlled by very shrewd manipulators--very clever and shrewd indeed! Will this help or hurt the "Bush movement"? Just watch and it will be very, very clear most quickly now. Also note--the overstressing of Bush's "human-ness", i.e. "...after all, everyone in America has had the flu--can't I have 24 hours?" Sounds good? How many of you had the flu? Did you just vomit once and immediately go down with no signs of weakness prior? Played tennis? Did you not end up with some headache? How about coughing and painful throats because of the coughing? How about nasal-sounding speech following the onset of the "cold" portion? "ELF" pulses do EXACTLY what you saw and ones who have knowingly been targets of same can verify my statement.

    I will say that Bush immediately looked like "death" in gray-green confused disorientation (which immediately cleared)--did Barbara look like a wife of a President who might well have been dead? ALL I ASK IS THAT YOU LOOK AT THESE THINGS MOST CAREFULLY AND STOP EATING THE PARTY-LINE, DISIN­FORMATION GARBAGE.


    George just received a request for renewal of the LIBERATOR with this message--"I'm not sure why I am renewing since you were wrong in everything you said about the Gulf War."

    I would hope that you ones would give a bit more time--I believe you will find that EVERYTHING I said about the Gulf War either was, or came to be. If plans change I can only speak of those "plans" which were and, for other reasons, were not utilized. I believe, however, that if you simply watch your news daily, you will see that I told you EXACTLY what was happening. Moreover, you were, in addition, told by several more daring writers who outlaid in­formation of what would be prior to the beginning of the encounter. If you don't have perception or understanding of the information given--please do not immediately perceive you have been given in­correct information. LOOK at the OPEC meetings this day and see what will transpire in March in Geneva. I can only tell you--I can­not digest it FOR you.


    What is all this "peace" talk anyway? Do you realize that you have 40 (forty) wars under way RIGHT NOW? I can only warn you again--IT IS THE MAJOR MOVE FOR ONE WORLD ORDER (GLOBAL GOVERNMENT) BY THE ELITE ANTI-GOD. YOU CAN PERCEIVE THAT WHICH YOU WILL--BUT THE NEXT MONTHS WILL CAUSE YOU TO SINK OR LEARN SWIM­MING RIGHT QUICK.


    What of the markets and lines in the Soviet Union new Com­monwealth? Ah, I thought you might notice--NO SHORTAGES, JUST HIGH PRICES. The complaint is that there is now "plenty" but, but, and but.

    How about this article as a for instance: Moscow inspectors reject British beef: London--There may be no meat in most Russian food stores, and prices for what little there is may be shooting skyward, but agricultural inspectors in Moscow turned up their noses at a shipment of 120 TONS of British beef of Sunday, fearing that it was infected by "mad cow disease".

    Instead, after hours of wrangling telephone calls, the Russians sent the Russian cargo plane carrying the shipment off to the Arctic Cir­cle. [H: That in itself should scare the living daylights out of you--why would beef in that quantity be sent to the Arctic Circle? You have to watch EVERYTIIING!]

    "Where's the beef?" a spokesman for the British Overseas De­velopment Administration was asked Monday. "In Murmansk," he answered, "apparently the Russians thought it was safe to send it there, since there are no cattle anywhere nearby to get infected." (The New York Times)

    Anyone still wish to argue the point?

    I am also asked why I don't get back to update commentary? Be­cause I must also give you background information and I am not the "daily news service". I can teach you to "see" beyond the facade but we have a much broader mission and daily current events are not the major part of it. HOW you got to this type of daily news is a major part of it. Keep with the LIBERATOR and as soon as George can af­ford same, it will increase in publication days--at this point expenses are prohibitive.

    Also, it is absolutely mandatory that you be exposed and have avail­able that which is given by others as now entered into the paper and allow for additions as well--you MUST have the spiritual input of the Master Teacher whom you await, as well as our input on "how you got to 'here". How much we can give you is only limited by that which you support and accept--we are working at the bringing to you, information, twenty-four hours of our every day. It is most difficult to change a world and overnight, in the human environment of ceaseless lies from onset of experience, is almost considered "impossible". With God, however, nothing is impossible and only presents us with a nice challenge. What do you have to lose? EVERYTHING! But, you sure have a lot to gain by waking-up!



    I would like to remind you that you can get a very, very good and balanced input of this information from MURDER BY INJECTION by Eustace Mullins. I need not give you "revelation" when such an outstanding job of truthbringing is already present. I believe Amer­ica West distributes the volumes (or can tell you where to obtain them). I believe the cost is quite high relative to the JOURNALS but they were published "hard-back", etc., by the (of all things) Na­tional Council for Medical Research. Note what a clever way to utilize the "system". Thank you for paying attention.

    Let us continue with "Bobst":

    Rockefeller was referring to Bobst's revitalization of the Ameri­can Cancer Society. Under his leadership, it had obtained a new charter on June 23, 1944, and underwent a complete reorganization. The staff was expanded to 300, and the two hucksters launched a national campaign to enlist two and a half million "volunteers" to patrol every foot of the nation in gathering funds to "fight cancer". [H: How many of you have gone door to door soliciting in "areas" for funding for cancer, heart-lung societies, etc?] Because the or­ders to engage in this campaign always came from business tycoons, social leaders and politicians, the masses had no alternative; they had to obey. The huckster talents of Bobst and Lasker resulted in the often ludicrous spectacle of millions of peasants being herded out into the streets in an annual march to rattle tin cans and beg dona­tions for the Super Rich. The only campaign to equal it probably was the annual drive by the Nazi Party in Germany for contributions for the Winterhilfe campaign. The ACS campaign operated on the same lines [taking its blueprint from the Nazi organization]. The millions of "volunteers" threw themselves into this annual task be­cause their jobs, their social position, and their families depended on their willingness to make the sacrifice to the God of Mammon, which was presently masquerading as "the Ghost of Cancers Past, and To Come".

    The chairman of the American Cancer Society, Clarence D. Lit­tle, had been named to that post in 1929 by the Rockefellers, long­time associates who had established a laboratory for him at their summer home on Mt. Desert Island. He seemed to have no interest in cancer, spending most of his time as president of the American Birth Control League, the Euthanasia Society, and the Eugenics So­ciety, the latter being a pet project of the Harriman family. He ad­mitted that in 1943, the American Cancer Society spent nothing on research. Little had been president of the University of Michigan, and now served as Overseer of Harvard University. Under his lead­ership, the cancer group had been nothing more than a small group of elitists who met occasionally in New York.

    Despite its reorganization on a more business like basis, the American Cancer Society, long after Little's departure, continued to pile up a stunning record of nonaccomplishment. One critic, a long­time federal official, publicly stated that it should be called "the in­fantile society for national paralysis". However, the society's in­ability to find a cure for cancer was hardly accidental. The Bobst­-Lasker influence brought it firmly into the orbit of the Sloan Ketter­ing Institute, whose motto had long been "Millions for research, but not one cent for a cure". Charles McCabe, the irreverent columnist for the San Francisco Chronicle, wrote on September 27, 1971, "You might be wondering if the personnel of the American Cancer Society, or cancer research foundations, and other sainted organiza­tions, are truly interested in a cure for cancer. Or whether they would like a problem which supports them to continue to exist."

    The new Bobst-Lasker board of the American Cancer Society featured the usual array of Rockefeller cohorts, Anna Rosenberg, Eric Johnston, longtime head of the Chamber of Commerce and now head of the Motion Picture Association, a public relations spokesman for the Hollywood moguls, John Adams, a partner of Lazard Freres and head of Standard Brands; General William Donovan, the Wall Street lawyer who was selected by the British Intelligence Service to head the new Office of Strategic Services, the nation's spy network; he was later sent to Thailand as U.S. Ambassador to oversee the op­erations of the world dope ring [H: Please, please, do not let these connections escape you--remember, "change the name and fool all the people for a while". Also note that these "sir-names" such as Adams, etc., are also "changed to protect the guilty". If you continue to miss the clues, we cannot hope to unravel the plot of this mystery production.]; Emerson Foote, Lasker's advertising protege; Ralph Reed, the president of American Express Company; Harry von Elm, the super banker who was president of Manu­facturers Trust; and Florence Mahoney, the multi-million dollar heiress of the Cox newspaper fortune, and a longtime crony of Mary Lasker.

    [H: I am continually asked about Bob Woodward of the Wash­ington Post and his book regarding an interview with Casey (CIA) just before his death in the hospital, etc. Does it matter? The entire plot of Watergate was to bring the President down (Nixon) and they simply overdid the "play" when they tried the same scenario again in the Iran/Contra-gate. Well, actually, the adversary doesn't have to change his story or his works--because you fall for the line, hook, line and sinker--over and over and over again. The book was not written by Woodward but, like Oliver North's UNDER FIRE was nothing more than set-up in­formation by several 'ghost' writers who project the information desired unto you the people. They are the same writers who write the President's, Vice-President's, etc., speeches. By the way, a nice name like "Irish" 'Donovan' are the most typical name-changes utilized to fool the people. This type of sir-name would appear to be about as non-Jewish as you can get! Forget it--many, many, many people of so-called Jewish descent took those names to survive in your "new world" without being perse­cuted--AND, TO DO THEIR PLOTTING AND DIRTY WORK OF DECEPTION TO SET THE STAGE FOR TODAY'S ACTIONS.

    [Since it has been a long time past that ones sent our information to Bob Woodward to "look into", I can tell you now that immedi­ately the CIA was notified and you have not been without "tail" since! You nice readers in Tehachapi, California might also re­alize that immediate contact was made with your local papers in the entire area and you were immediately blacklisted and all community "boards" given directions to "give trouble" enough to cause you to shut-down and leave the area. The "leaders" such as Ben Austin, etc., are in the system (servants of) and the Edi­tor/Owner of the papers are involved in the cover-up and shrouding of the activities, both civilian and military, as is also, the so-called "Christian alliance" of the community though only a couple are directly involved in disinformation. Hence the threat to "blow up your cars through the ignition system"--by the "Christian community" as stated in the threat letters and phone calls. I believe you can now see, through the Truth we have dis­closed and now confirmed--the need to shut you up! Since it didn't work, they are in the process now of trying to figure out how to totally discredit you and therefore, you must never let down your guard for you have enemies among you! You have actual "agents" among you and they appear "unlikely" indeed.

    You come under our protection and it is recognized as much--I simply suggest you keep your intent in the proper perspective and your enemy can't touch you. Moreover, it is very helpful and indeed nice--WHEN YOUR ENEMY BECOMES YOUR FRIEND--THOSE AGENTS DIE THE SAME AS DO THE NON-AGENTS, EXCEPT MORE HEINOUSLY AT THE HANDS OF THEIR MASTERS.]

    In 1958, the officers of the American Cancer Society were Alfred P. Sloan, president; Monroe J. Rathbone, president of Standard Oil; Mrs. Anna Rosenberg Hoffman of the Rockefeller Foundation; Gen­eral Donovan and Eric Johnston. Senator Ralph Yarborough of Texas, a perennial champion of socialized medicine, established a 26-member National Panel of Consultants on the Conquest of Can­cer, chaired by Benno Schmidt, head of the J. H. Whitney in­vestment banking firm. Other members were Laurance Rockefeller, Dr. Sidney Farber, former president of the American Cancer Soci­ety, G. Keith Funston, chairman of the Olin munitions firm, and Mathilde J. Krim, a former Zionist terrorist (Mossad).

    An interesting footnote to history is the revelation of the cozy re­lationships which developed between top Nazi officials and the founders of the Zionist terrorist network, Haganah and the Irgun Zvai Leumi, in the closing days of the Second World War. The Zionists were working to drive the British out of Palestine; the Nazis were also at war with England, which gave birth to the most curious political alliance of the twentieth century. One of the leading advo­cates of working with the Abwehr, German Intelligence, was one YITZHAK SHAMIR, now Premier of Israel. After the war, the Zionists employed many former Nazis to help set up their military opposition to the British. The leader in this alliance was the veteran of the old Stern Gang of terrorists, which was now the Irgun Zvai Leumi, none other than MENACHEM BEGIN. One of Begin's proteges was a young woman named Mathilde J., as she was known in terrorist circles. She was born in Switzerland after her father left Italy because of "poor economic conditions"--no political ideology there. The present Mrs. Krim is described by Current Biography as a "geneticist" and a "philanthropist". She has been the resident biol­ogist at the American Cancer Society for many years. In her younger days, she joined the Irgun Zvai Leumi, marrying a fellow terrorist in a show of solidarity. She soon became a favorite of Be­gin, and divorced her husband. It was Begin who was asked by a grinning Mike Wallace on the program "Sixty Minutes": "Did you really introduce terrorism into the politics of the Middle East?" Be­gin answered emphatically, "NOT JUST THE MIDDLE EAST--THE WHOLE WORLD!" He was referring to the world-wide ter­rorist operations of Mossad, the Israeli Intelligence group which is entirely financed by the CIA with American taxpayers' funds. [H: Everyone still with me or are some of you coming down with ELF "flu"? The sickness in the pit of the stomach is your first clue!.]

    Mathilde J. then went to work at the Weizmann Institute in Israel. One day, she was introduced to one of its wealthiest American di­rectors, the movie mogul Arthur Krim. They were married, making her an American citizen. Krim has been the chief lobbyist in Washington for the major film companies for many years; he is also a principal fund raiser for the Zionist agitprop network. As a fund raiser, he was also a close friend of President Lyndon B. Johnson [H: Remember THAT L.B.J.--who was a major part of John Kennedy's assassination? Go see the movie, at least. Note that Nixon, on Larry King, did not deny knowledge of the assassina­tion as is coming forth as not being factual--only that he felt nothing would be gained by revelations of the truth at this time.] Krim and his wife were house guests of Johnson's at the White House when the Israelis attacked the U.S. ship of the line, U.S.S. Liberty, killing many of her crew. [H: Please, please, please--note how the fragments are coming together. Those things you felt could not be true as we outlaid them--ARE TRUE AND PROVEN. Please take note for this is the way--the only way--to bring this picture into focus and the players within the picture. I have written many times about the "Liberty" and it is up to you to fit these puzzle pieces into the finished tapestry.] When other American ships sent planes to aid the Liberty, immediate orders were sent from the WHITE HOUSE for the planes to turn back. The Israelis were free to continue their attack for several more hours in a desperate attempt to sink the Liberty, to destroy the radio evi­dence it had gathered that the Israelis had started the Six-Day War. Although it is generally believed that Krim issued the orders for the U.S. planes to turn back, no investigation was ever made. Johnson is now dead, and they are the only living witnesses in this horren­dous example of high treason from the White House. The CIA had known for twenty-four hours that an attack was planned against the Liberty, in the hopes of bringing the U.S. into the war on the side of Israel; faked evidence had already been planted that the attack would come from the "Egyptians".

    Mathilde Krim is now a director of the Rockefeller Foundation; she and her husband are directors of the Afro-American Institute. Arthur Krim has a long record of supporting leftwing causes in New York, the New York School of Social Research, the Henry Street Settlement, and the Field Foundation. Krim is chairman of United Artists (now Orion Films) [now called something else due to new and greater manipulations of the industry]. As personal attorney for Armand Hammer, whose claim to fame is that he was a friend of the blood-soaked terrorist, Lenin, Krim is also a director of Hammer's two principal firms, Iowa Beef and Occidental Petroleum. [H: Also please note that Armand Hammer (in his capacity as Soviet confi­dant and friend) was frequently featured on Dr, Robert Schuller's HOUR OF POWER! Is it any wonderment that Schuller was taken-out in the Netherlands this past year? What you have now is a full-fledged aider and abettor of Global Godless takeover. Is this fair to a man who gave his life to the bet­terment through positive thinking of his fellow-man?] Krim also served as chairman of the board of trustees of Columbia University, and director of the Lyndon B. Johnson Foundation.

    Critics noted in 1976 that at least eighteen members of the American Cancer Society's Board of Directors were executive offi­cers of banks. ACS spent $114 million that year, but had assets of $181 million. As of August 31, 1976, 42% of ACS cash and in­vestments, some $75 million, was being held in banks with which these officers were affiliated. The 1975 budget of ACS reported that 57 cents went for administration; the amount allocated for research was less than the salaries of its 2,900 employees. The American So­ciety for all practical purposes controlled the National Cancer Insti­tute, a government agency. Former NCI director Frank J. Rauscher became the senior vice president of ACS, with his salary doubled to $75,000 a year. An ACS spokesman admitted that 70% of its 1976 research budget went to "individuals or institutions" with which its board members were affiliated. Pat McGrady, who served for twenty-five years as science editor of ACS, told writer Peter Chowka, "Medicine has become venal, second only to the law. The ACS slogan, control cancer with a checkup and a check...it's phony, because we are not controlling cancer. That slogan is the extent of the ACS scientific, medical and clinical savvy. Nobody in the sci­ence and medical departments there is capable of doing real science. They are wonderful professionals who know how to raise money. They don't know how to prevent cancer or cure patients; instead, they close the door to innovative ideas. ACS money goes to scien­tists who put on the best show to get grants or who have friends on the grant-giving panels."

    This is probably the most reliable summation of what is done with your contributions to the American Cancer Society. As we pointed out earlier, it is the masses giving alms to the Big Rich, who know how to distribute these funds among themselves, their friends, and their favorite tax-exempt organizations, which in many cases are refuges for the more incompetent members of their families. The ACS directors are drawn from the "best people" in New York, the jet set, the trendy Park Avenue crowd who were caricatured by nov­elist Tom Wolfe as "radical chic". At one time, Black Power was in; now it is homosexuality and cancer. This group constantly ad­vertises itself as being obsessed with "compassion and caring", which is always done with other people's money. Their own wallets remain glued to their backsides. This is exemplified by the bleeding hearts on the national news shows, who nightly regale us with their version of the homeless, the starving in Africa, or wherever they can find a photogenic victim with flies crawling on him. These "journalists", who are paid millions of dollars a year, have never been known to toss their coins to these victims. In politics, its morals are exemplified by the fat, aging playboy, Senator Teddy Kennedy; in Hollywood, by the equally pudgy Elizabeth Taylor. Mathilde Krim is now the guiding genius behind the newly created American Foundation for AIDS Research; because of her powerful Hollywood connections, she was easily able to persuade Elizabeth Taylor and other stars to raise millions for her pet project. She also recruited her old friend Mary Lasker as the first board member of AIDS. Mary Lasker paid the current "advertising genius", Jerry della Femina, to create a tasteful national ad campaign for the dis­tribution and use of condoms.

    The Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center continues to be the most "fashionable" charity among the New York socialites; certainly it is the most influential. It is listed on the tony Upper East Side as the "The Society of Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center". It has operated a popular thrift shop on Third Avenue for many years, which is filled with donations from wealthy families. Like many other young writers and artists, the present writer (Mullins) pur­chased his clothes there for years, all of it labelled from the most expensive shops in New York.

    Because "the fight against cancer" is totally controlled by the Rockefeller Medical Monopoly, grants are routinely awarded which are nothing more than ripoffs. One wag claims the ACS will award a research grant only if the recipient signs a paper swearing he will not find a cure for cancer. Although only the tip of the iceberg has been revealed, there have been numerous exposés attesting that most of the "cancer research" is bogus, replete with faked results. In one of the more publicized incidents, the National Cancer Institute gave $980,000 to a researcher at Boston University, who was forced to resign after charges that he had falsified his research data; another well known incident at the august Memorial Center itself found that mice were painted different colors in order to "verify" certain cancer tests. Dr. William Summerlin of Sloan Kettering admitted painting the mice to make them look as though successful skin grafts had been done.

    The National Bureau of Standards reports that half or more of the numerical data published by scientists in articles in the Journal is un­usable because there is no evidence that the researchers accurately measured what they thought they were measuring. Alarmed by these statistics, officials instituted a survey; 31 authors of scientific reports were sent questionnaires asking for their raw data. The 21 who replied said that their data had been "lost" or "accidentally de­stroyed". What a loss to the research profession! [H: Dharma is a bit sick at this point for she worked in Childrens Hospital of Los Angeles in the prestigious Nephrology/ Dialysis and Transplant Division for some decade in a high ranking position--wherein she would actually type "papers" and "abstracts" for presentations world-wide. You must also know as a public uninformed, that in any hospital associated with a teaching institution, such as Uni­versity of Southern California or U.C.L.A., etc., a hospital staff physician is also on the scholastic staff of the University. His progress through the ranks is dependent upon the number of pa­pers (and where) printed in the medical literature. It has very, very little to do with merit--it has everything to do with public relations and good business. Dharma, for instance, even remem­bers writing documents for stipend for her physician wherein she did the work and submitted the text "chapters". I'm sorry, chela, but you, too, must realize the extent of the practices. That, however, is not in point herein but this is the only "payment" this scribe receives. I fear she did better as an ad­ministrator and writer for a false medical front.]

    The reliability of the nation's researchers wilted under a blister­ing exposé on "Sixty Minutes" on January 17, 1988, under the title, "The Facts Were Fiction". The subject of the expose was "one of the leading scientific scholars" in the nation. He had claimed to have done extensive research on the mentally retarded at a state in­stitution, where the records clearly showed that he had only worked on goldfish. The "Sixty Minutes" report estimated that from ten to thirty per cent of all research projects carried out in the United States are totally faked, because of the requirements to win the "grantsmanship" race. "Startling" results must be claimed before serious consideration is given to requests for funding, which them­selves are hardly niggardly amounts; they often amount to grants of millions of dollars. One scientific scholar who was interviewed on "Sixty Minutes" declared that "I would think twice before I believe what I read in the medical Journals...it is dishonest, fraudulent in­formation." The moving spirit behind all this fakery is the unwill­ingness of the Big Rich to see their profits imperilled by any genuine advances in medicine. Therefore, the more fake research that is done, the less chance that a drug now on the market which is bring­ing in $100,000,000 a year or more will be knocked off the market. The wholesale fakery in American research is almost entirely due to the pressures of the Rockefeller Medical Monopoly and the drug firms under their control who routinely present elaborately faked "tests" to the Food and Drug Administration to obtain approval for new products, concealing harmful side effects, which often include liver and kidney damage, or death. The control of the universities by the Medical Monopoly creates a breeding ground for more robotic minions, willing to abase themselves in any manner for a grant or a job which requires little or no performance. A lengthy history of faked research is an ideal "Panama" or control to keep these minions in line.

    It is frightening to contemplate that such faked research is usually the basis for the acceptance or denial of new drugs, while protecting the Establishment as it continues to reap more profits from long outmoded and discredited panaceas and procedures. Yet this is the background as well as the raison d'etre, for President Reagan's Brave New budget for 1989, which sets aside $64.6 billion for "research and development". Although this is only a 4% increase over 1988 (the year of this writing), it represents a 52% increase since Reagan took office. The National Institute of Health budget has doubled to $6.2 billion; cancer research will receive over $1.5 billion, while AIDS is earmarked for an expenditure of over $2 bil­lion. Mathilde Krim must be very happy.


    Dharma, allow us a rest break, please. Thank you for your at­tention. We shall continue right where we are when you are avail­able again for writing. Hatonn to stand-by, salu.

    PJ 42
    CHAPTER 14


    THU., JANUARY 9, 1992 2:12 P.M. YEAR 5, DAY 146


    Hope is the only good thing that disillusion respects. Know that as one walks through the disappointment of disillusionment--as all of you readers are now doing. Remember that through the TRUTH comes the foundation of "HOPE" and therefrom will come the re­spect--for self and all other things great and small--and so shall ye create the wondrous illusion into manifestation from that disillu­sioned state of sleep.

    It is most important to hold uppermost in your hearts: One deceit needs many others, and so the whole house is built in the air with no foundation and must soon come to the ground. The deceit laid forth was accepted in willingness of the deceived for most will accept the touting of the simultaneous blowing and swallowing of the braggarts--but blowing and swallowing at the same time is indeed a difficult feat and I find it hard and in vain to find fault with those arts of de­ceiving wherein men find pleasure to be deceived! What will happen herein is the pleasure is now going to fall to the side as the pain and recognition of the "piper's payment" due. The deceivers always end up deceiving selves for people always overdo the matter when they attempt deception.

    We shall hold these truths in mind and our prevailing in Truth is as­sured.

    Let us continue with the subject at hand.


    Critics have pointed out that Memorial Sloan Kettering had done practically no research on the prevention of cancer, only on its fa­vored modes of "treatment". The basic premise of its researchers, that the cell is solely responsible for the multiplication of cancer cells, is erroneous; however, it is the basis for all of their work, in­cluding their promotion of chemotherapy. In fact, the cell is proba­bly reacting to outside infection or pressures, and the fault is not in the cell. The Sloan Kettering approach dangles the promise of a "Magic Bullet", which will bring the cell back to a healthy regimen through medication, or chemotherapy. The chemotherapy drugs in­clude alkylating agents which actually inhibit cell growth. They are alkaloids, which hinder cell mitosis or cell division. Sloan Kettering also bypasses the possibility of stimulating the immune system to re­spond to cancer growth, which is the normal method which the body uses to fight disease. This institution receives $70 million a year from various tax exempt foundations, including the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, which means that the American taxpayer is subsidizing all of this research. One hundred and thirty fulltime scientists are doing research at the Center; all 345 physicians at the Center are also heavily involved in research. And what are the results of all this activity? A continued reliance on the now antiquated "cut, slash and burn" techniques still redolent of the "mad doctor" practices of the late Doctors J. Marvin Sims and James Ewing, dead these many years. While wedded to the ritual observance of these expensive, painful and futile procedures, the "Scientists" at Sloan Kettering maintain a resolute phalanx of opinion denouncing various holistic procedures which rely on diet, nutrition and vitamins.

    Dr. Muriel Shimkin of the National Institute of Health wrote in the Institute's official primer on cancer in 1973 that "Treatment of cancer by diet alone is in the realm of quackery." Yet the American Cancer Society, faced with a growing amount of evidence to the contrary, issued a Special Report in 1984 advising the following program: "1. Avoid obesity. 2. Cut down total fat intake to 30% of total calories. 3. Eat more high fiber foods. 4. Eat foods rich in vi­tamins A and C. 5. Include cruciferous vegetables in the diet, greens, etc. 6. Be moderate in the consumption of alcohol. 7. Mod­erate consumption of salt-cured, smoked and nitrite cured foods." This is a very sensible regimen; however, it has not been empha­sized by the ACS or the NIH, nor do many doctors include this ad­vice in their recommendations to their patients.

    The American Cancer Society has always had one bugaboo, laetrile. Dr. Lewis Thomas, longtime head of Sloan Kettering, told the American Cancer Society Science Writers Seminar on April 2, 1975, "Laetrile has absolutely no value in combating cancer." This contradicted the work done by the Center's own scientists, whose real results had been suppressed. Dr. Thomas stated again in 1975, "Laetrile has been shown, after two years of tests, to be worthless in fighting cancer." Dr. Robert Good, president of Sloan Kettering had also stated in January 1974, "At this moment there is no evidence that laetrile has an effect on cancer." His own scientists had com­pleted studies which showed the opposite; two researchers, Dr. Lloyd Schoen and Dr. Elizabeth Srockett, both working indepen­dently at the Center, had found that pineapple enzymes combined with Laetrile resulted in total tumor regression in 50% of their ex­periments on 34 experimental animals there.

    One of the most famous beneficiaries of the laetrile treatment was the actor, Steve McQueen. He had been given up by his physicians as a terminal case when he tried laetrile. He was responding well until a physician persuaded him to undergo surgery on a tumor; he then died on the operating table of an embolism. The Establish­ment proclaimed that this proved the laetrile treatment was worthless. [H: It seems quite obvious why one such as McQueen would be killed to keep the silence! So I am asked what I would do with so and so who has been diagnosed with cancer? Let us take Jay as an example--you ones knew him quite well and he was undergoing chemotherapy which surely shortened his exis­tence. He was pronounced terminal--what a sentence to place on one who desired to live. Well, I am not in the medicine business so I can't say much about treatment as such. I would say that probably Jay would have FELT BETTER with a full course of Blue-Green Algae and vitamin supplements with emphasis on "C". I suggest Essiac with the addition of Valerian Root and Goldenseal to the pot--along with perhaps 8 ground apricot pits a day would have helped also. These things would have rebuilt his strength and at the least countered some of the awful damage of the therapy. (Jay made his transition this week.) The other things that I personally would have utilized are illegal now so that you people CAN'T HAVE THEM. The point of medical treatment is to finally deplete the body with vomiting, misery and diarrhea to the point of death. Of course I also would demand almost around the clock daily sessions with a visual healing tape. You know it works for it is BANNED!]

    Harold Manner, at the Cancer Center, also found a combination of laetrile, enzymes and vitamin A had a similar positive effect on mice with cancer. Dr. Kinematsu Suiguira, who had been at Memo­rial since 1917, after earlier working on cancer at the Harriman In­stitute, had also produced striking results proving that laetrile was effective on cancer in experimental animals. On June 13, 1973, the results of cancer tests using laetrile by Dr. Kinematsu Suiguira over a period of nine months stated, "The results clearly show that Amygdalin significantly inhibits the appearance of lung metastasis in mice." Although this had been announced by the Sloan Kettering In­stitute, on January 10, 1974, Dr. Robert Good, president of .Sloan Kettering, denounced the news of the findings as "a premature leak".

    Dr. Ralph Moss, who was then public relations director at the Can­cer Center, considered Suiguira's work a genuine breakthrough and a welcome departure from Sloan Kettering's singular lack of success in its cancer work.

    On November 17, 1977, he held a press conference at the Hilton Hotel in New York. Instead of receiving praise for publicizing the success at the Center, he was fired the next day. He later wrote an excellent book, THE CANCER SYNDROME which exposes many of the strange events at Sloan Kettering. His book is very factual, and is written without rancor against those who had thrown him out.

    Because Elmer Bobst had played the crucial role in making it possible for Nixon to become President, he had little trouble in per­suading Nixon to authorize a new and expensive "war on cancer". At Bobst's instigation, Nixon signed the National Cancer Act in 1971, which transformed the National Cancer Institute at Bethesda into a new monolithic government bureaucracy. During the next fifteen years, NCI was to spend more than ten billion dollars funding various cancer programs, none of which had any effect in curing or preventing cancer. In 1955, NCI had established a Chemotherapy National Service Center with a $25 million grant to promote the use of chemotherapy. A fullpage advertisement in the New York Times, December 9, 1969, proclaimed that "Cancer Cure is Near at Hand". The story promised that a cancer cure by 1976 was a "distinct possi­bility". The chairman of the President's National Cancer panel submitted a report admitting that the first five years of the National Cancer Program was a failure; the cancer toll had risen during each year of its operation. By 1985, the annual toll was 485,000 victims.

    More than 43,000 people deluged Nixon with demands that the NCI test laetrile. Benno Schmidt then chose a panel of scientists to make the tests; all of them were known to be fanatically opposed to laetrile. When asked for the scientific results, he said, "I couldn't get anybody to show me his work." Had their test shown laetrile to be worthless, they would have been only too happy to publish their findings. The battle against laetrile continued on a na­tionwide campaign. One lobbyist, Charles Ofso, had a fulltime job in Sacramento, California, lobbying against laetrile; he was paid $25,000 a year. Drugstore proprietors who displayed books favor­able to laetrile were informed that no member of the AMA would henceforth send them prescriptions until these books were removed. Since 1963, the Federal Trade Commission has brought pressure against publishers of pro-laetrile books. Government statutes not only prohibit the interstate shipment of laetrile, but even of books which recommend it! [H: On an interesting note you will find that the really helpful natural supplements which are wondrous are also banned or banned in amounts which are of medicinal value. The plan is to get all vitamins restricted to "prescription only" status. The same thing happened with a substance called "starch blocker" which, by the way, worked very well and only caused the starches to be sluffed off via the intestinal tract instead of converting to fat on the body--oops, too easy and too cheap and BANNED! It causes one to ponder the recent banning of a re­laxing/sleeping element which has been removed from the shelves. The substance is prevalent in milk but, because a manu­facturer either accidentally or through sabotage had his binding agent tampered with, causing problems, thus the ban. By the way, for sleep, as with your President--on Ilalcion--which I per­sonally believe is the worst and most mind-controlling of the drugs around your place. Under the influence of Halcion people are known to murder and never even remember it--does that not scare the daylights out of you?]

    After chiropractic, laetrile was the most important target of the criminal syndicalist operation of the Coordinating Conference of Health Information, the conspiracy launched by the American Cancer Society, the American Medical Association, and the Food and Drug Administration. It continued to be mostly a war of cen­sorship and intimidation, whose goal was to prevent any public dis­cussion of laetrile. TV shows which scheduled forums on laetrile, to discuss both sides of the controversy, were suddenly cancelled. Tests showing the effectiveness of laetrile were suppressed; they never reached the public. The desperation of the campaign against laetrile was solely financial; it represented the greatest threat to the profits of the Rockefeller Medical Monopoly. Hospital treatment for cancer cost many thousands of dollars. Despite the Cancer Center's $70 million a year for "research", its Memorial Hospital charged $470 a day for a bed; a ten day stay would be nearly $5,000, with another $4,000 charged for treatment and physician care.

    The record of the "cut, slash and burn" treatments were routinely distorted and falsified. Dr. Hardin James, professor of medical physics at the University of California at Berkeley, addressed the ACS Science Writers Conference in 1969; he revealed that the worst cancer cases were usually termed "inoperable" and deliberately left untreated. The published cancer studies of cures or remissions were the "sweetheart" cases, which had a high rate of recovery. Never­theless, Dr. James reported, "the life expectancy of these untreated cases was actually greater than the life expectancy of those who were treated." [oops!]

    Despite Dr. James' revelations, the hospitals continued to pick and choose which cases of cancer they would treat; even the es­teemed Cancer Center noted that its policy is not to accept some terminal cases; the patients are politely referred to a death hospice where they can die. In fact, such turnaways may have been a boon to the dying, as the treatment they would have undergone at Memo­rial Hospital would have made Count Dracula drool with envy. Dr. Ralph Moss revealed some of the prevalent surgical techniques there. He reported that cancer of the head and neck was treated by an operation called the "commando" after a combat technique used by commandoes in the Second World War; it called for the entire removal of the jaw. Pancreatic cancer was treated by removal of most of the area organs near the infected gland; the survival rate, despite this drastic treatment, remained the same, a mere three per cent. In 1948, Dr. Alex Brunschweig invented an operation called "total exenteration", which called for the removal of the rectum, stomach, bladder, liver, ureter, all internal reproductive organs, the pelvic floor and wall, pancreas, spleen, colon and many blood ves­sels. Dr. Brunschweig himself called this hollowing out technique "a brutal and cruel procedure", (New York Times, August 8, 1969).

    [I, Dhanna, cannot let this pass for as I read these things I am overwhelmed with sadness at my own past experiences. As a student nurse and supposedly being of some sort of "outstanding" talents I was "allowed" to scrub with a most brilliant surgeon who never al­lowed students in the room with him. He wouldn't have that day ex­cept the "Brunschweig Procedure" was finished and the patient (a Scandinavian wife and mother--beautiful as only a wondrous Scandi­navian beauty can be--about 30 years-of age with a terred and worried husband outside the Operating Room door), was taken to the Recovery Room. Hours had been spent in surgery and we were to­tally fatigued and totally wiped out by the magnitude of such massive surgery. She began to hemorrhage and in the recovery room it was pure hell and panic as we did everything to stop the bleeding for it was as if every portal had opened and her life was simply pouring onto the floor--which is exactly what happened. I was all of 18 years of age and it was the first death I experienced and to witness the family when the news was given was more than I could stand and I had to leave the room. Readers, I look back now and realize that she had a pre-cancerous nodule on the cervix which was "thought" to possibly have metastasized. Can you now believe? The surgeon's name was one very, very similar to "Minnenger"! I keep trying to stuff it down and away from me and hopefully, I come up with "Mingert". Funny thing as the mind moves back into an experience how very real it can seem and then it moves on to other things--such as the memory that within that same hospital in Dallas I worked with a surgical resident who bribed me to draw his bloods each morning for he had trouble locating veins for the routine testing procedures. Later, after a new hospital was built and memories were well faded--this surgeon was the one who worked over John F. Kennedy. Don't you wonder how and WHY we get on this endless merry-go-around? I can hardly sit to this keyboard longer and yet, I feel the hand of God on my hands and a calm and loving voice saying "type". If we do nothing--who shall? I think I shall find no sleep tonight for I re­alize that I, too, shared in the lie and for so much of my journey the "victims" were babes and children. Yes, I think that I shall not sleep well this night. Perhaps you are like me and must realize that we have spent our lives actually efforting to forget for consciousness cannot bear the guilt of responsibility. I could not even go see "Hospital" at the movies, it was too real. I remember a young intern giving an insulin shock patient orange juice intravenously and then there was the story of another intern who gave formaldehyde instead of paraldehyde (and now, I can't even remember how to spell either so the accident is not so removed from possibility as it was five min­utes ago). We have all stood by and watched a wrong being com­mitted and silently 'forgot". I wonder if God will ever again allow me to FORGET? My God, friends, sometimes I want to "just forget" because I don't think I like this job I've chosen very much any more.]

    The epitome of the "mad doctor" operations was known as a hemeocorporectomy. Originated by Dr. Theodore Miller at the Cancer Center, it involved cutting off everything below the pelvis. These techniques are more than reminiscent of certain procedures used by Communist revolutionaries in Latin America; the Sandinista revolutionaries were inspired by their leaders poetic dictum that "liberty is not conquered with flowers, but with bullets, and that is why we use the VEST CUT, THE GOURD CUT, and the BLOOMERS CUT". In the vest cut, the victim's head was lopped off with a machete and his arms were severed at the shoulders; in the gourd cut, the victim had the top of this head lopped off; the bloomers cut called for hacking both legs off at the knees, leaving the victim to bleed to death. [H: Now aren't you proud of your Sandinista/Contra involvement?]

    The records of the "mad doctor" syndrome would fill several books. One special Congressional report followed some 31 "human guinea pig" experiments over a thirty year period. The Committee, chaired by Woodward D. Markey (D. Ma.), gave his comment that his findings "shock the conscience and represent a black mark on the history of medical research." The report showed that from 1945 to 1947, in the Manhattan Project, scientists routinely injected eighteen patients with plutonium; from 1961 to 1965 at MIT, twenty elderly patients were injected with or fed radium or thorium. From 1946 to 1947 at the University of Rochester, six patients who had good kid­neys were injected with uranium salts "to determine the concentra­tion that might produce kidney injury"; from 1953 to 1957 at Mas­sachusetts General Hospital in Boston, twelve patients were injected with uranium to determine the dosage that would cause kidney in­jury. From 1963 to 1971, 67 inmates of Oregon State Prison and 64 inmates of Washington State Prison had X rays on their testes to de­termine the effect of radiation on human fertility. From 1963 to 1965 at the National Reactor Test Station of the Atomic Energy Commission in Idaho, radioactive iodine was purposely released on seven separate occasions, and seven human subjects purposely drank milk from cows grazed on iodine contaminated land. From 1961 to 1963 at the University of Chicago and Argonne National Laboratory in Illinois, 102 human subjects were fed fallout particles, and solu­tions of radioactive cesium and strontium. During the late 1950's, twelve patients at Presbyterian and Montefiore Hospitals in New York were injected with radioactive calcium and strontium cancer particles. Oregon State Prison gave radium doses of 600 roentgens in single exposures on the reproductive organs, when the safe dose was 5 roentgens per year. For a decade, scientists were fed ra­dioactive materials so that other scientists could calibrate their in­struments for measuring these doses.

    Whatever kicks the mad doctors may have gotten from these ex­periments, the cancer rate remained the same, or increased. Con­gressman Wydner pointed out that "Information has been brought to my attention showing that twenty years ago, in 1957, the same pro­portion of cancer cases, one in three, was being cured. This raises the question why, despite all the money and effort devoted to cancer research . . . the cure rate has remained the same." Despite such criticism, the NCI continued to waste billions of dollars on worthless programs. It was reported that George R. Pettit of the University of Arizona at Tempe had spent six years and $100,000 extracting chemicals from a quarter of a million butterflies as part of an NCI program; there were no identifiable results. Other researchers con­tinued to find the war on cancer a profitable war. The Saturday Re­view reported in its issue of December 2, 1961, that a prominent financial supporter of the American Cancer Society in Massachusetts was upset when he could never find the state director in his office.

    He was finally told that the director, James V. Lavin, was probably in his other office across the street, where he ran a private fund­raising company, the James C. Lavin Company; he represented a select group of clients. Stung by this revelation, the executive vice president of the American Cancer Society, Lan W. Adams, wrote a letter to Saturday Review, June 6, 1962 as follows: "The arrange­ment by which James C. Lavin operated private fund raising while serving as executive director of the Massachusetts American Cancer Society was known by the National Society." Adams said that Lavin's salary was $17,000, plus another ten thousand a year paid to his company. Saul Naglin of the Lavin Company was the controller of the Massachusetts branch of ACS for a number of years. The yearly overhead of the Massachusetts branch was $548,000 in 1960, with total income of $1.1 million.

    Adam's letter also boasted that "We helped support the research of Dr. Sterling Schwartz injecting human leukemia brain extract in human subjects, Dr. Chester Southam injecting live cancer cells be­neath the skin of human beings." Adams, who had been with the American Cancer Society since 1948, now heads the national offices at 90 Park Avenue, in New York. He received the Albert Lasker Public Service Award from ACS; he is also vice president of Zion First National Bank in Salt Lake City, director of Paul Revere In­vestors, and the Energy Fund. Lavin's attorney, James Mountzos, was secretary of the Massachusetts ACS and also served on the na­tional board.


    Dharma, let us have another break and then we shall finish this little cancer study. I realize that you ones are indeed feeling quite nau­seous--I hope it lasts long enough for you to DO SOMETHING ABOUT THE UNDERLYING CAUSE OF SUCH NAUSEA. IS ANYBODY OUT THERE, AMERICA? WE CAN CHANGE IT BUT YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE TO "GET MAD AS HELL AND REFUSE TO TAKE IT ANY LONGER!" SO BE IT, I'LL BE AROUND WHEN YOU DECIDE. IN LOVE AND WAITING, I STAND ASIDE. HATONN

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