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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 42

    THU., JANUARY 2, 1992 8:57 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 139


    If I bring you Truth does that make me your enemy? Could it not perhaps indicate that I am your friend and brother and that I wish to help you? "Man" has painted your "visions" for you and you have learned to follow like sheep in the pastures, even to the same conclu­sion. If the lead sheep moves to a tuft of grass and eats it, is there that tuft of grass for those who follow next and next and next? Nay, and the land is stripped as each oncoming sheep tries to eat the same tuft of grass--into its very roots.

    The adversary has eaten the good grass and now leaves you to the barren ground. He has, in addition, poisoned the bits of roots re­maining and given you just enough to train you to not search for selves. Ah, you are out of work? You go for unemployment and when that is gone you go for welfare! But who pays the sums to foot the bill for the services? You are helpless and because you can no longer be tended--you will not survive in most instances past the first throes of the disaster. You will still be trying to figure out what to do while protesting to the government to "fix it" for you have learned no better. The sun (if it shines) will shine upon the just and the unjust, the rains will fall likewise--and what will YOU do? Where will YOU go? Please do not come unto my people who have listened and prepared for theirs is a mission already laid forth and it is NOT to give unto YOU so that you have nought to do or act to prepare for self. There are no tufts of grass left to them, either. They are fulfilling their task of telling you of the Truth of that which IS and in the ending they will be hidden and protected from you who would not hear.

    The plan is to continue to "fool" you to the very midst of the disaster so that you are rendered helpless and then the depopulation of the planet will occur. You will blame God when it is only from God that you are receiving warnings that you are on the final stint of your journey if the adversary has his way.

    Why will God not "fix" everything? Because you as a mass of His creations have earned no reward--you have only denied His Truth, His Laws and His Hosts come to help you. You have simply buried in more deeply into the "things" of physical matter and clung des­perately unto those things of luxury unto the flesh. Most of you will throw out a carton of milk simply because the contents have passed the date on the carton--when the milk is yet sweet and wholesome. If this be your mental set then why would God only prolong your misery by allowing you more and more disillusionment? Nay, the warnings have poured forth and you had best listen to the words in the books you call "Holy" because the adversary has laid forth his plans for you quite succinctly. If you insist on following that which is in those books as if there could not even he error--then pity is yours--not salvation.

    You who pick at your truth-bringers and set up meetings with so-called learned persons to "convince the truth-bringer" that he is ig­norant while you chant that which is laid before you as gospel--you err greatly for the child is smarter than the adult in point and it will be the adult who has earned his journey into that which will befall him. THE BOOKS HAVE BEEN WRITTEN INTENTIONALLY TO PULL YOU INTO THE TRAP AND HEAP APOCALYPSE UPON YOU IN YOUR REFUSAL TO SEE AND HEAR. YOU HEAP EVEN MORE "SIN" UPON SELF BY EFFORTING TO DISSUADE ONES FROM THEIR PATH WHO HAVE LISTENED AND FOUND TRUTH AND INSTRUCTIONS.

    By your own revelations and projections you say that God will send His messengers in preparation for the return of His Light. But you recognize them not, no more than you are allowed to recognize the Truth of the returning Master. You have lived by the lie and unless ye turn again into the Truth of God all will be in perishment who are left to their journey upon the place for the adversary intends physical death to you of the masses--over six billion of you. At the point of the final curtain, We of the Hosts WITH GOD will have removed our people and, precious ones, there will be no "rapture" just to get you off a dying planet wherein your very souls will have fallen to the foe. Therefore, as you check out my "facts as given" I suggest you consider that my "reasoning" may be as accurate and valid. You will never find death through turning into the goodness and safety of God so I ponder as to why you would fight Truth so hard and in­sistently. We only bring a refresher in the LAWS of God and Creation. The very fact that you struggle and argue in terms of physical material matter says that you do not have Truth in you!

    "Oh," you tell me, "...but it is the blood of Jesus who will save us even unto the last breath." No, it is NOT so. The blood of a man, Jesus, at best, is nothing but a physical presentation of corpuscles, white cells, etc., now dried and withered in physical passage of your perceived time. There is no time and no space and no blood--"CHRIST" IS AN EMOTIONAL "STATE OF BEING" IN GOODNESS WITHIN THE LAWS AND INFINITY OF GOD THE CREATOR--THE BLOOD OF A MAN IS NOT EVER THE SAME AS THE STATE OF CHRISTNESS. CHRIST IS IM­MORTAL UNTO GOD OF LIGHT. THE PHYSICAL PERISHES AT BEST, AND THAT PERISHMENT IS USUALLY WITHIN THE GRIPS OF THE PHYSICAL SEARCH WHICH IS NEVER FOUND IN THAT DIMENSION OF EXPRESSION.

    So be it, for mine is not to nag and tag at you. To ones still search­ing instructions and who come to finally "find" and listen, I shall relay (repeat) a few possible actions for preparation and allow you to see at what point you have arrived. Do you have to do anything? No--but this is for the "physical position" and if you heed not, you will find yourselves mired in the destruction as planned--against your physical survival. There will be no longer any physical perfection in the years ahead of you for the "planners" have planned well so that few can survive in the physical form past a few brief years of expe­rience. The earth will heave and shake and kill, the economy will collapse and kill, the political will become anarchy and kill--the very breath of life will kill.

    Can you change it? Indeed--but will you? At best, the changes which must be made cannot, in your time perspective, be made without total chaos and slow regrowth. There will be no instant anything any more--save death of the physical beings and removal of your physical property. You have bought the lie to the extent that you hear not the prophecies in proper perspective. For as God has created YOU, so too is evil presented--by and from the physical al­lowed freedom of choices and given into reason. Therefore as long as there is "physical" manifestation--will be found evil presence. However, as with planets who come into their own radiance--the old is left while the radiance of beauty and Light replaces the sick and dying. On those places left to their plight (in the pits wherein evil (Satan) is binded) that evil shall also eventually perish and thusly at some new time in evolving creation the old shall be renewed--but you will not physically be aboard, in all likelihood--for you will have, at this passage of expression, made your choice to dwell with­out your Creator God. In the ending you who have denied God of Creation will be denied by that God for He will no longer know thee. Force is not of God and he will leave thee to your own choices--ALWAYS!


    Always God offers insight unto the very last moment and for that reason I will again speak of things within this mortal transition into control by the adversary. We must offer God's servants the knowl­edge of survival for the transition and for the physical passage to al­low our mission fulfillment. God will leave NONE of HIS people--­but you must be very sure you believe on the correct premise--for God WILL LEAVE all who deny the TRUTH OF HIS PRESENCE­--AND IN THIS ERROR MOST SO-CALLED AND SELF­STYLED CHILDREN OF GOD WILL BE IN THE LEAVING TO THE PHYSICAL DEMISE WITHOUT THE PRESENCE OF GOD WHILE THE ADVERSARY LAUGHS AT YOU AND SAYS "AH HA!--GOTCHA!"


    Precious Jen and Cort, I ask that you send this message unto your beloved parents for they have erred greatly and, in their blindness, they have refused to see and hear. You must allow them their jour­ney, children, for if a Man cannot see that physical expression and soul journey are not the same, then he is blinded beyond recovery if he will not have his eyes checked for error. You are living in the time of the ending cycles of the sorting of wheat from chaff--ye are wheat and the chaff must be released unto the winds to search fur­ther for fertile soil and God direction. I care not whether or not ones deny God and the presence of the returning Master for that is their privilege of passage. I must, however, ask you to remain strong in your Truth for the commitment of service is unto God in that very journey into His places which is at hand herein. "Religion" is NOT "Godness nor Christness"--Religion is a blinding, binding shackle unto a DOCTRINE--and doctrines are set forth by MAN--NOT GOD. At best it is always the INTERPRETATION OF GOD BY MAN UNTO ANOTHER MAN WHO IS NOT WILLING TO SEARCH TRUTH FOR SELF BUT RATHER FOLLOW UNTO ANY WHO WILL TELL HIM THAT WHICH HE CHOOSES TO HEAR. YOU WALK WITH GOD, CHILDREN, AND YOU HAVE COME INTO THIS TRUTH THROUGH SEEKING AND TOTAL REASON--BE KIND AND FORGIVING UNTO THOSE WHO EFFORT TO PULL YOU DOWN INTO THE PITS WITH THEM--BUT RELEASE THEM IN LOVE AND PRAYER THAT THEY MIGHT FIND TRUTH FROM THE PILES OF LIES. SO BE IT.


    In response to the old and timeless Chinese proverb which says, "May you live in interesting times": You are certainly living in In­teresting times.

    You have lost your vision of Truth and "reality" and "Where there is no vision, the people perish." (Proverbs 29:18)

    Shall we begin this journey through tedium with reminders and sta­tus reports? Perhaps you will hear and see through purely physical expression for God serves those who ask in intent of Godness. The "call" compels HIS response--He will be where ye art--always. Let us speak of the general scenario of present circumstances according to past relationships, etc. We do not need to pronounce doom nor gloom--just historical passage.

    Let us keep it more simple for you in the American nation of the U.S. so that the story can be relatively narrow for purpose of in­sight--all can be connected to any and all locations and people but you need to focus on facts.

    THE 1990'S

    This last decade of the '90's has every promise of being the most challenging, interesting and hair-raising, goose-pimply and devas­tating of any time past or present of the world. The era of post-war prosperity you have known since the late 1940's is going to be re­placed by an era of some half decade or longer, of total contraction, financial convulsion, debt liquidation, and DEPRESSION. This decade will see tremendous rearrangement of wealth, millions of people will go to the bankruptcy wall and millions more will not even find relief in bankruptcy as assets are simply nil and voided. Some, however, as with all passages through the planner's scenario (if attended closely as to what "they" do) will make it through and some will even prosper greatly. These who listen and work within the laws of the land and utilize that which is presented for your use will likely do very well indeed because they are prepared and under­stand that more money can be made by a few in bad times than in "good" times. The Elite plan it that way.

    Over 10,000 people became millionaires during the Great De­pression because they watched the instructions and saw the hand­writing on the wall--those economic signs of the times presented. They moved to liquidity, they got out of debt, out of the stock market which was and is even more so this day, manipulated and purely a tool of the Elite to fool the populace into stupid actions and beliefs; later these ones had assets with which to purchase at most remarkably depressed prices of 10 to 40 cents on the "dollar". Hundreds of thousands of people got out of harm's way by being mavericks, contrarians or independent thinkers--and by being prepared!

    The vast majority followed the political/financial establishment line and went broke. The 90's will also have its financial winners, and many more financial losers. Wouldn't it be better if you were among the winners? If you are among the winners, you will have more chance of changing that which is coming down on the globe--losers are locked into the same prison with the other losers.

    Let us not speak herein greatly of the International Beast--which controls you. We can make our point by considering only the U.S. and the scenario becomes more defined. We will pretend the con­trolling Elite are in your sector. THEY ARE NOT so do not "skim" this material and tell another that I have said otherwise--THIS IS FOR EXAMPLE ONLY--THE CONTROLLERS ARE FROM THE COMMITTEE OF 300 AND THE OPERATORS IN YOUR GOVERNMENT AND POLITICAL/ECONOMIC CIRCLES ARE BUT PUPPETS AND PAWNS.

    The 1990's will witness political crises and convulsions unlike any you have seen or experienced since the founding of the "Republic", as George Bush and the Liberal Eastern Establishment effort to push you into the New World Order. Actually, they have already signed, by treaty, your demise as a sovereign nation set up to now be gov­erned by and enforced by the United Nations--under what was the old Soviet Communist Zionists. By the way, the old Communists do not like the Zionists even a tittle--and it is planned to bury the Zion­ists--(those are the Jews, friends), right along with the New Yeltsin Commonwealth. The military has taken control of those nations and do not fool yourselves one moment longer. You WILL have wars of untold horror--for it is planned as a part of depopulation.

    The plan is to totally negate the U.S. Constitution (which has already been done IF no-one stops the silent ratification) and replace it with the new international authority under that UN and some "three" re­gional governments in Europe, North America and the Pacific Rim.


    This decade you will witness tremendous loss of freedom as the lib­eral Congress you elected, bureaucracy and executive branch pass a myriad of socialistic, people-controlling laws and regulations to control your people and turn them into slaves. Elections are con­trolled and if you do not see it then you are hopelessly blind. The absolute disregard of the "system" to honor Constitutional law by the political parties is incredible in its public display. You have candi­dates of high standing absolutely being DENIED any method of even coming onto public ballots for you the people to choose or deny. It is depended that you-the-people will applaud the selections and do nothing. Why do you suppose there is such a push to keep Buchanan, Duke and others OFF the ballots--could it be these men have done something RIGHT?

    The West and America (YOU) are going to witness threats, con­straints and coalitions with a totally armed Soviet Union, still totally directed by Marxist-Leninists dedicated to nothing short of world domination. Please note the writings of the past few days--IT IS DONE! THE SOVIET UNION IN CONJUNCTION WITH YOUR OWN GOVERNMENT NOW HAS TOTAL HOOKUP OF PULSE SYSTEMS OF GLOBAL NATURE AND TOTAL SPACE CONTROL--TOTAL. Your country has been totally infil­trated by military and intelligence personnel. I remind you that there are more KGB/Mossad personnel in the CIA than all other put to­gether! The CIA is simply a Soviet/Zionist branch of the So­viet/Israeli brotherhood. This has almost nothing to do with Rus­sians or Hebrew "Jews". Most Zionists are not in any way con­nected to "Jews" in any manner whatsoever!

    This decade will witness the greatest attack on the "family", the greatest wave of crime, social upheaval, and threats to your very ba­sic American way of life--in all of history. The great majority of Americans are likely to sleep complacently through these times of economic and political upheaval until they are broke, until they are serfs under the New World Order and/or BOTH.



    However, there are so very, very (incredibly) few people who are even IN the battle for financial, political and spiritual survival or even know that such a battle is raging all around them, that it is stunning to the realization senses. Do you not see that a person who is properly prepared, properly motivated, and properly dedicated can make a magnificent difference for the competition is virtually non­existent. Out of such circumstances comes the accepted "heroes" and leaders.

    Victory in trying circumstances is a function of proper mental atti­tude, understanding the problems and having a "vision" of victory in spite of any of those seeming problems and being, as the Boy Scouts pronounce--properly prepared.

    I can again lay forth some possibilities for the human economic and physical period which lies ahead--but I cannot insist nor impose upon you that you use any of them. I shall, however, continue to present them until there is no longer ability to do so. Efforts are constant and terrifying to prevent our presenting alternatives unto you. The 1990's is a decade of destiny for you, your families, and your na­tion(s). What YOU do will determine the fate of the entire species of Man.


    You have been in this "depression" for a couple of years now. Now, you have the typical acknowledgment of the lies from and by the Establishment Controlled Media who now says there is NO RE­COVERY. They pronounce that this "recession" is worse than ever.

    Hold your breath, America--the Federal Reserve has just, within days, pumped over 50 BILLION dollars in cash into the Market to I give you the illusion of growth and stability. Note that the very stocks which "gained" are the very companies who have gone de­funct within the past three weeks or so. Nobody noticed during the holidays and hype on spending and "consumer confidence".

    Unemployment, personal and corporate bankruptcies continue to abound in unheard of numbers and this, even as bank, S&L, and insurance company failures continue to spread. The US economy continues to contract even as Bush and associates keep "talking" about economic recovery and the great resiliency in the economy. What magic can there be in Bush's great revelations regarding ev­erything "toward the end of January"? Well, the announcement may well be worse than you can imagine with a show of force and total rescission of your government and Constitution. You will probably move into TOTAL Emergency Regulations through Executive Or­der. All he has to do is announce same for he has already the legal mechanism in place.

    This is not a recession of "just" workers in factories, etc. This is across the board from highest executives to janitors. The system of benefits (unemployment insurance pools, union funds, etc.) are zilch and there is no money to fund the welfare system. In fact, I suggest that all who hold any welfare chits consider using them before they are unaccepted collateral at the markets. The government is noted for issuing worthless coupons even to and including Federal Reserve Notes (money-currency). There will be a type of "transition period" but it will probably be brief because when no debt can be serviced and no interest repaid to places like Japan (who refuse to continue to purchase your debt) the house of cards will fall and all in it.

    You who think Bush is in Australia and Japan, etc., to spread growth and financial prosperity and work out trade agreements, forget such nonsense. The Japanese have refused to buy any more of your worthless bonds and debts, etc. The only good business around is that which is allowing the wealthy to trade their money around for more security and last minute security placement and profit place­ment. Too bad you ones are not on top of it--for that money must be placed into something--now, or lost forever. Preferably, ones SHOULD invest into some of our projects for they are set to with­stand depression and create market through need of service and product--such as food, energy and so forth.

    It is sad that you who hold money continue to misunderstand the sit­uation and in your efforts to "hold" from use in projects, will lose all that you have. I can only offer, I cannot do more.

    Do you not see that your Government has to continue to offer some things--even in Emergency Regulations--unto you-the-people? They must keep up the charade for as long as possible and at least until all weapons can be confiscated. That, by the way, will be right up front on the list of confiscations.

    Currency may well become worthless, but if you can get project funding in any amounts you can get people to work (jobs) and build foundations in small industry which, even if confiscated (nationalized), will serve needs. If you cannot see this approach clearly enough to act immediately, then I can help you no further. We need proposal writers and we need them at the least expense possible--you need survival goods and industry and you need them NOW--not after our little group has established them for that will be for selves and not for YOU.

    How long can the "building" of these industries last? Probably not very long but there will be stable checks to the actual builders and that can be converted into some measure of preparations if you set forth to do that instead of living in your luxury longer. GOD IS NOT GOING TO DO THIS FOR YOU, CHELAS. THIS is what God does. He shows you the way and urges you to act--He will do no more if ye care not enough to do for self. YOU HAVE LESS THAN A YEAR, AT BEST, TO GET YOUR FINANCIAL HOUSE IN ORDER!!!


    America's banking system is on the brink of the greatest and most total crisis since history began banking. The intent is to pull all banks into ONE--the Bank of International Settlement in Basel, Switzerland under the total control of the Committee of 300.

    I am accused of continued speaking of these "300" while only one or two writers ever have even mentioned them. You tell me that the of­fenders are the Bilderbergs and Trilats and, and, and. No, those are minor branches of the "300" world controllers of which all others are but tools. I suggest that today my Publisher set a price on the first volume by Dr. Coleman and even if editorially lacking--get it to the public--NOW! ($16.95 plus Calif. tax, shipping and handling) It will explain the players and how it always comes back to the Satanic Zionist British Crown. If you know not the players who are your dedicated enemy--then you will flounder forever until your total demise. I ask that in this paper be given a price for that book and an approximate date of release--good grammar or not. Good spelling will not save one person! Knowledge will! If it is easier to release the volumes as they come as JOURNALS, then you have permission to do so. I want the most expeditious method of public release possible. If you won't listen to God you had better start listening to the informed MEN!

    The FDIC is insolvent--purely and simply--insolvent. You were told (in my own writings) that it would be absolutely insolvent by the end of year 1991 and it is! Pouring more billions into the system only keeps the lawyers and illegal judicial system in money--you will not get refunds on your deposits.

    The FDIC itself, has projected that a minimum of 239 banks with $86-$116 billion in assets will fail in year 1992, not only wiping out all present insurance funds, but also the $30 billion taxpayer loan proposed by George Bush. Bush has actually asked for (demanded) some $80 billion taxpayer-funded bailout but election-prone Democrats will likely not vote the full amount but will have to vote in some amount, say $30 billion, to keep you-the-people longer hopeful and sleeping.

    Let us use reason and arithmetic: With a billion at year-end in FDIC insurance funds to cover $4 TRILLION in bank/S&L deposits, the coverage will be just 2-1/2 cents per hundred dollars in deposits. However, you are now into "next year" and deposit insurance cover­age IS COMPLETELY GONE! AS THE PUBLIC COMES TO UNDERSTAND THIS AND THE MAINLINE MEDIA IS NOW HAVING TO SPEAK OPENLY ABOUT IT, THERE WILL BE A MASSIVE EXODUS OUT OF THE BANKING SYSTEM IN THE MONTHS PRESENT. It most certainly seems prudent, on a purely physical level, to dramatically reduce one's exposure to the banking system and to do so as soon as possible--probably before the date of Mr. Bush's big economic solutions speech.

    At this moment you still may have some coverage in Treasury Bill money market funds or government or foreign government bond funds--but they can be frozen and immediately become worthless, also, if the President, by happenstance, announces default on all U.S. debt. It has always been a part of the plan to repudiate the debt and bankrupt the nation at which time all will be gone.

    Well, what of that gold for collateral? What about it? It will be safe longer than anything else and if its value climbs it is safe and secure and will grow in value. If the Governments choose to confiscate that also, then you have only contributed to projects which may later at least give you return of food and/or shelter.

    You must realize that all other investments are at defunct status al­ready. The illusion is being maintained to some extent and, while this continues, so will the pay-checks from things such as pensions, etc. However, when the pension bearer is defunct there will be no pension checks to claimants. If the industry in which you built your pension resources is defunct--the plan is defunct. The same with an­nuities through insurance companies--if the company folds so goes the annuity.

    What I am trying to tell you, beloved ones, is that THERE IS NO PERFECTION OR SECURITY LEFT! You can take measures which will, if anything will, endure, but there is no sure thing on your globe any more, except physical death and distress. There may be perturbations upward but it will be years before the system, at best, could be reversed--so THERE WILL BE SOME HARD TIMES--NOW!


    America's more than $22-$25 TRILLION debt pyramid is coming unraveled, and your financial system is moving headlong into the depression that will dwarf that of the so-called Great Depression for there will be nothing upon which to recover. The U.S. budget is out of control with an over $423 million fiscal year '92 deficit already in place. This is if nothing changes from present activities. The U.S. real estate market is in its first nation-wide decline since the Great Depression and is pulling down hundreds of banks in the free-fall, S&Ls, and insurance companies, with large pension funds and credit unions also in the spiraling loop. Record per­sonal and corporate bankruptcies (over a million major bankruptcies in 1991) are also going to take their toll on the financial system re­maining.

    The U.S. stock market is being levitated beyond reason by a handful of large U.S. financial institutions, but cratering corporate earnings, liquidity, and employment, and skyrocketing, record post-Depres­sion debt loads are likely to precipitate a crash in mere months. Bush, Greenspan, and associates will do anything to keep the sys­tem together, even to lying about the economic conditions (or launch a new Desert Storm) to get Bush established in place. Bush intends to be the U.S. helmsman in the New World Order and it will be as the power in the U.S. as well as within the working U.N. Whether they can avoid a total financial panic and collapse for another 11 months is problematic and depends totally on whether or not the Elite Controllers want any U.S. representation or not. Bush has no power within the ranks of the Elite Global Circle. He has never had any real power but rather has been a President of capitulation through criminal blackmail and treason. This will be established by the 1992 elections, as I see the predictions.

    Hence, prudent, conservative maverick investors/savers, who can see the economic and political signs of the times, the handwriting on the wall, should be immediately implementing strategy of getting out of harm's way, for financial survival for the rest of the decade is at stake.

    Dharma, since we have an early afternoon meeting I ask that we break the writing at this point. I will continue the subject at point when we again sit to pen. I can only repeat again unto you readers: "The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and suffer for it." Proverbs 27:12.

    PJ 42

    FRI., JANUARY 3, 1992 9:36 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 140

    FRIDAY, JANUARY 3, 1992

    As we sit to continue the discussion of "possibilities" to make easier journey through this time of political, economic and spiritual transi­tion, we find our audience somewhat more receptive. It is sad that Man waits until the storm has struck to see that it is actually coming. No matter, for you will work with that which you have for that is all there is which you can control in any measure at this time.

    Since I seem to still represent some hazard to your being and since so much garbage is flung at you through channels and disembodied foolishness, I shall always attempt to give you information which can be confirmed. My job is to select that which has Truth and merit from the piles of trash and greed-mongers. Bits and pieces of Truth lie in many hands who pen and serve, but they too, are looking for survival and often it is through returns on newsletters, investment suggestions (through them) and thus and so. This does not make the Truth lesser, it only causes errors in good judgment. When I find writers who have seen the picture accurately then I shall simply give you information for obtaining their material as well as giving them credit for the outstanding perception and I will utilize it--hoping that you will support their work.

    I give such gratitude to Donald McAlvany for analyzing the position of your nation quite well indeed. However, I do not agree with all of his investment and economic output and neither do I agree with his conclusions in a great many instances and these are not always "negligible". For instance, he honors one, Churchill, along with other Biblical characters, etc. I won't even comment on the Biblical characters in point but Churchill was not a worthy humanitarian or patriot of his nation. He was the most incredible war criminal of the era. Oh, he may have done some rather brilliant strategy--such as bombing innocent women and children, i.e., Dresden, and bringing Germany to her knees but he also participated fully in the causing and bringing of the war AND genocide in conjunction with Eisen­hower and F.D.R. Sorry about that, chelas. You can pretty much KNOW that if a Man holds great status in POWER--he is of evil in­tent and serves the Elite One World Globalists--not God nor Country. These ones use the young and prime of your nations for gun fodder so that they are never brought down--well, some of the re­turning "soldiers" are beginning to see Truth as they "experience" that Truth.

    Examples of the powerful stature of these people are quite evident, however, throughout history. Churchill is an excellent example of what I mean. He was faced with a narrow margin between victory and defeat, between honor or dishonor, as he analyzed it, between survival or death or slavery by mental mindset. He rallied the peo­ple of England against a superior Nazi war machine in the Battle of Britain in one of the wildest "stands" a people has ever made. Win­ston Churchill encouraged the British people, "Never, never, never, never, never give up!" The very difference between survival and death for many terminally diagnosed people is that tenacious instinct for survival. You see, the premise works for evil as well as for goodness.


    But, in addition to the instinct for survival and a vision of over­coming difficult, seemingly insurmountable circumstances, proper preparation for difficult times is an important ingredient to sur­vival. Most people will not prepare in advance for difficult eco­nomic or political times.

    McAlvany lays out some dozen items which must be considered and acted upon as elements of survival preparation for the coming crunch and I will list them for you herein. The first thing, however, is that you had better look around and find your GOD and then locate your ENEMY. You will find it rapidly for they will be the speakers shouting and encouraging you by telling you that "You must sacri­fice and they will lead." Well, the first and most important thing is to somehow begin to "sacrifice their leadership" because they have caused the trouble in the first place. However, they now have by far the larger guns so that is not as easy as it might appear so let us move on to things you CAN DO.


    1. Change your mindset. Begin to look at Everything dif­ferently.
    2. Begin to Develop Discernment About People. Train your­self to watch what people do, not what they say. You live in a day of great deception and you need to become sensitive about what is true or false in people.

    3. When you Invest. Invest First in the Right People. An in­vestment can be great, and the people untrustworthy, or in­competent, and it will fail. Find like-minded, trustworthy people to invest in, or with. Invest with or in people who share your view so that your goals are the same. It is important to realize that to get through this period of time in any kind of wholeness, you are going to have to move back into trust of brother and you can't trust most of your brothers. To simply play the game necessary to remain intact, you will have to again trust a handshake and a "word". If you, how­ever, take advantage of that circumstance you are as wrong as the one who advertises, arranges self-greed contracts and thus and so. Further, if you come within the shield of God's Hosts, the first thing that will go from any relationship--is the intent of "making wealth at our expense". KNOW it right up front for our people have no need to serve you in any manner. Our task is to bring Truth, get God's people off the planet when it is appropriate to secure a working rem­nant and finally--close the planet if necessary.

    When the Elite bring forth the bantering about hostile "aliens" coming, believe me, they speak for selves for there are no dangerous "aliens" coming anywhere. We are God's Hosts come in prepara­tion. Those who are controlled or practice evil are already on your place. WE ARE, HOWEVER, EXTREMELY HOSTILE TO EVIL-DOERS AND YOU SHOULD ONLY LOOK AT WHO TOUTS THIS INVASION!

    4. Honestly look at yourself, your strengths and weaknesses. Even the Bible says to know yourself and I surely can't argue with that advice. Discover what in your life is not working. Work on, or moderate the weaknesses. The guide by which to measure your status is by that same book and it is called the Ten Commandments.

    5. Seek the counsel of others you trust. Seek wise and Godly counsel of persons whose life is working well.

    6. Find like-minded people who understand where this country is going, who have the instincts for survival, and who are taking steps to get prepared for the difficult times which lie ahead.

    7. Find alternate methods of doing everything. Develop other methods outside the system (i.e., bartering, growing your own food, swapping a product or service you have with a farmer for food he grows, etc.).

    8. Develop an instinct for what doesn't FEEL RIGHT. Be­come sensitive to what you have a hesitation to doing.

    9. Begin to eliminate non-essentials from your life. Eliminate time or money-wasters. Buy only what you really need, not what you want. Live below your means. Develop habits of life to elimi­nate waste. If you are in a situation wherein you can work as a group in survival situations, allow the purchasing and saving of sup­plies for cooking, etc., for large numbers to a central place of one who has room for storage of same against the day of need. Do not get rid of things just to be frugal--you will need those large party type utensils and quantity supplies to make the hard times quite bear­able--then share. You all don't have to have a 20-gallon punch bowl, for instance. But if caught short of facilities you might well need all those extra bed sheets--but not in your immediate closet if you have a small apartment. This is the kind of cooperation you need--NOT the ALL living as communal under and within each other's nerve endings. It is, however, mandatory that each provide that which he can with the full understanding that just because one works and earns his measure--that all are included when the point of their own experience is to let another serve their needs. I speak of COMMUNITY and NOT of COMMUNAL. Ones who have no in­tent other than to parasite off the "group" or working circle, will be the first EXCLUDED. It has become a time for no excess baggage in things or persons who are set to serve this Command. How you plan in other locations, and outside my immediate Command is yours to choose. This is a group of non-religious persons who do their job 24 hours every day--FOR GOD'S SERVICE ACCORDING TO OUR MISSION. We will, however, share all information given and will assist wherever we might--but all ones must know the "rules" before "assuming" anything. Some in this gathered circle still have time to tend of others who might arrive; most have not even the time to tend of physical or human needs at all. Keep this in mind when you feel a location change might be an answer.

    10. Develop physical, mental, and Spiritual disciplines be­fore a crisis arrives--so they can be used naturally and without effort during the crisis. For instance, if you wait to use that "shield" of protection of which I constantly speak, until you really need it--in your panic you will forget to ask.

    11. Learn to treat everything as if it were irreplaceable. Treat everything as if it is the last one you can ever get (i.e., your car, tools, boots, guns, furniture, carpets, etc.)

    12. Buy things that will last., even if they cost more. Some­thing mechanical that does not need power is better than something that needs electric power unless you have prepared with generators, etc. Look around and see what happens if your electricity is OFF for a while. Most will find they cannot even cook or warm their homes. Even gas furnaces which do not "fail" require electric mo­tors to force the heated air.

    Let us consider


    Reducing one's debt to as close to zero as possible is essential in the coming financial crunch. That may involve selling off some property to reduce your debt, moving to a smaller home, accelerat­ing your mortgage payments with two half payments every 14 days, refinancing your home at the present lower interest rates and perhaps shifting to a 15-year mortgage from a 25 to 30-year mortgage. Most people should get rid of their credit cards. Use plastic only to the extent that it can be easily paid off each month.

    Now the shocker, for most of you have waited too long and may as well consider bankruptcy to clear your debt load. If you are out of work already, these things will happen regardless of what you do. If this is the choice route to take, and it will be for thousands, get a corporation going in Nevada and remain out of the system as much as possible. If you are self-employed--get that work portion of your­self incorporated in Nevada to keep everything from showing in your name.

    If you are awash in debt, consider debt consolidation where you reduce your overall interest rate and consolidate all of your debt into one payment, perhaps stretching out the repayment term. In any case, take on no new debt from this time forward. If you can't buy it for cash, don't buy it! Your sense of financial freedom will go up in direct proportion to how little debt you have.

    Yes, I realize I speak as if there were just transient problems afoot and not a massive depression. For some of you who have lis­tened and acted--you will have managed well and will be prepared by having done these things already. There will be no MAGIC for those who disregard all warnings. You had better just pray a loving relative has taken your indiscretions into consideration and prepared for you as a part of the family. THE WELFARE SYSTEM WILL COLLAPSE! Jobs ending now in major industries will NEVER RETURN--the industries are being deliberately moved so there will not be work opportunities as you ever knew them before.


    Most Americans live above their means. Learn to live below your means. Apply principle #9 above. Make yourself save at least 10% per month. (Some of you people with jobs can save 20-25%.

    The more the better.) It has simply come to the time when you are going to have to be frugal if you wish to survive. The unemploy­ment in every nation is so great, however, that standard procedures for little recessions simply won't cut it in this time. For most situa­tions there simply are no suggestions I can offer for I offered them in time, but most denied my presence, much less my suggestions. I can only offer you ones Godspeed and may you be in finding the Light.


    (Which is basically all there are.) Thousands more banks, S&L's, and insurance companies will collapse in the coming financial col­lapse and depression. There is no substantive insurance safety net under these institutions as of NOW.

    Over two million people have their assets frozen at present in fi­nancial institutions which have failed already. Millions more are going to suffer their fate and have tens of billions in assets either lost or frozen.


    Many of the largest insurance companies in the world have sub­stantial high risk exposure to faltering real estate and junk bonds and are destined to totally fail. You must quickly evaluate your own sit­uation. Millions of Americans have their life savings, their pension funds or their life insurance death benefits tied up in life companies that can and will go down in the coming months. There is actually not one company which will endure when the closures come for the major operations, such as Chase, etc., set up holding companies for the sole purpose of bankrupting them and not paying debts back to you nice people. I remind you--this is THE play for the total control of all institutions by the International Bank of Settlements under the one world Global Control Center. It is not intended that you have any remaining assets or property of any kind. Worse, it is NOT as simple as telling you what is safe--NOTHING IS SAFE, NOT EVEN UNDER YOUR MATTRESS. WHEN THEY CHANGE THE CURRENCY, YOU WILL FORFEIT WHAT IS STASHED UNDER YOUR MATTRESS IF IT IS NOT IN COIN OR MINI­MAL AMOUNTS FOR EXCHANGE.

    When the banks are closed it will not matter about insurance or anything else--you will most probably lose the money, whatever the size of the deposits. At the least, assets will be frozen wherein you cannot get at them. It is already quite prevalent about your nation.


    The entire US banking system, not just the poorly rated banks and S&L's, are in harm's path if the US financial system hits the wall over the next months. A bank "holiday", financial panic or bank run would hit ALL banks--even those seemingly healthy ones. Many risk-averse, conservative savers have moved the lion's share of their assets out of the banks and S&Ls, and into U.S. Treasury Bill money market funds or U.S. or foreign government bond funds. In spite of a flaky, undisciplined U.S. government, neither it nor large foreign governments are likely to default as quickly as the private in­stitutions in order to save face. However, this is going to be short-lived because the governments can bear no more debt and the gov­ernments themselves will fall. With the folding of the Soviet Union, for instance, what do you think happened to the debt, say, to the U.S.? If you no longer have a "country" you have just dumped the debts--no?

    This is a major trick of the trade. Simply default, dissolve the nation and government, rename it as a "new corporation" and go on with­out any of the restrictions of prior Constitutions or encumbrances. Watch out for that is exactly what is planned for America and the U.S. of A. right soon. At this point everything is worthless and you may as well "whistle Dixie".


    There simply are no perfect investments and none that can be bought and held forever in this environment. The three most conservative places to park funds over the next while are in gold, silver and U.S. coins. Temporarily, maybe a few carefully chosen US Treasury Bills (short term).


    Precious metals should be bought and held in some form which will not be readily confiscated. Realize, however, that in the past gold was confiscated even from safe-deposit boxes. But even as a nation collapses there will be a time of honoring government minted money. Coins will be honored, for instance, far longer than will be paper Federal Reserve notes.

    Precious ones, there simply are no lasting sure investments of any kind nor are there perfect ways to store or stash your funds.

    I have already given you, over and over, my thoughts and sug­gestions for utilizing some of your funds while there is yet time and resource. I simply can do no better than that. When the Big Gun plans are to get everything one way or another--it is exactly as they say--everything. You will have to arrange to tuck some precious metals and barterable materials away somewhere private. I suggest that you invest in a security shelter but you must realize that that shelter will be the first place searched for confiscation purposes. It will, however, save your life.


    Americans are totally dependent on the system for their food, water, electricity, etc. What happens when a major disaster happens? The system and its infrastructure comes to a screeching halt--at least in the areas so affected. Major earthquakes as expected in some mas­sively populated areas will be worse than the worst nightmare in re­gaining any services to the people.

    You should have stored carefully for every family, at least one year's supply of food reserves (dehydrated or freeze-dried).

    Know that your government has emptied your reserve grain silos and has gotten rid of surplus milk, butter, cheese and eggs, etc. They have also sold off the futures in grain production. You have only enough national food supplies to run some one week.

    America West offers some help in planning and resources for the above but need is at hand.


    I am not going to speak on this subject for every word is monitored herein and I will not risk my people. What you do about firearms in your possession is your business. There are some excellent journals written with excellent suggestions. You need some protection and if you are in the wilderness areas you may need some type of firearm for food gathering.

    To you "good" "Christians" who feel "God will provide", I suggest that you pay attention to other recommendations in the Bible. God helps those who attend selves. God judges by the works of a Man. God provides the way--YOU attend the needs. I Tim. 5:8, says it very, very well for you selective readers: "But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith and is worse than an infidel." So be it and wishing it to be oth­erwise will change not one iota of the Truth of it.


    America's major cities are cesspools of crime, drugs, and social up­heaval--and the major economic crisis has not yet arrived. Urban lifestyles are definitely in a major decline. If a family can live in a more rural or country setting, not only can they lower the risk from crime, but they can live a far more basic, self-sufficient lifestyle. Many people must work in a major city for employment, but they can live 25-50-75 miles out in the country and commute to work if they choose to do so.

    Not only is it a more basic, self-sufficient lifestyle, it will prove to be far safer in the coming period of political and economic upheaval. The concept of a survival retreat is foreign to most Americans today, but if one should feel so inclined, there are a number of excellent books on the subject.

    I suggest that if you must live in the city and have relatives located in rural areas--work out a coalition plan wherein you can contribute to the size of the dwelling and storage facilities and supplies against the day of emergency. In other words--arrange now for a place of retreat so that plans and supplies are suitable to include YOU.


    Sorry--but you are already on the eve of nuclear war, so don't tell me you don't need such a thing because of all this "world peace". You have NEVER needed a shelter system worse than at this mo­ment. Moreover, in the future, even without major war you will have radioactive fallout which will only be countered by living par­tially or wholly under ground for most of your daily hours.

    Not one in a million Americans thinks of protection from nuclear war today--especially with this death of Communism. What about all those nuclear weapons now running around in the hands of total situ­ations of anarchy? Funny thing--the Soviets have shelters and every Swiss person is required by law to have nuclear bomb shelter in their homes, and many nations have massive shelter systems--even in your supported Israel--every place has a bomb shelter. Note that even these "break-away" nations in current war--HAVE SHELTERS! AMERICA HAS NO SHELTERS AND THOSE FACILITIES UNDERGROUND ARE NOT TO SAVE YOUR ASSETS--PEOPLE!

    Dharma, we are out of time for this segment. I must ask to finish this subject, however. We still must speak of self-sufficiency skills, home schooling of your children, health measures and understanding nutrition and alternate medicine methods. I cannot tell you that this is just "stuff"--"in case". The times are now upon you and it is al­ready too late for much of which we suggest. But you will have a big void of medical care, medications and schools will simply close. I did not make this mess, and I can only give you that which might get you through the time of turmoil and depression. If you choose to not hear nor act--so be it.

    My expertise and joy is in that which comes next for you of God's people. Mine is to allow you to see within the glory of those places prepared for the ones of God in Light. Your world is quickly be­coming the place of adversarial greed and destruction. God's places are more radiant and beauteous than ever and He awaits. I remind you most emphatically, however, NO EVIL SHALL BE BROUGHT INTO THE PLACES OF GOD OF CREATION! NONE! YOU WHO WILL COME HOME WILL COME WITH GOD INTENT WITHIN. YOU WITHOUT THAT LEVEL OF GOD INTENT WILL BE LEFT IN CIRCUMSTANCES SUITABLE TO YOUR LEVEL OF GROWTH TOWARD GOD'S LAWS OR YOU SHALL BE LEFT TO EXPERIENCE THAT WHICH YOU HAVE BUILT IN THE NAME OF SATAN. MINE IS TO GIVE YOU THE FACTS OF THAT WHICH FACES YOU. YOU WHO CHOOSE TO CLING TO AND SERVE THE LIE SHALL BE LEFT TO THAT CHOICE. SO BE IT.

    Salu, Hatonn to stand-by. Thank you for your attention. We shall continue at our next sitting. Dharma needs to attend other prepara­tions for there are none who can serve all her human needs and re­sponsibilities any more than for any other of you. It is not an easy time, beloved ones, for you have been trained to exist and not attend self to any great extent other than as to that which they have given you to search and hold. It will serve you badly now as you must at­tend of selves and families or they will simply perish as the months and years pass. May you be given into understanding for hiding will no longer serve you.

    I ask that whatever available back-up helpful information regarding this subject be listed as to availability at America West or available listings elsewhere if available. I cannot take time to make those in­dividual suggestions. I do know that we have written in detail on all of these various matters if you but obtain the JOURNALS. I can offer no more.

  2. #2
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 42
    HAPTER 9

    SAT., JANUARY 4, 1992 3:57 P.M. YEAR 5, DAY 141
    As we write on these subjects, especially regarding pulsing wireless forms of energy--ever comes the inquiry: "Why can't we seem to wireless transmit energy, etc., like Nikola Tesla projected?" You can--you are just not allowed to do so. Energy and transmission of electricity is the energy bondage method of a planet. Do you actu­ally think the Elite money-mongers would allow such a thing as free energy and/or allow healing methods utilizing free energy and mag­netic frequency? Grow up, chelas, the world is big and mean and most nasty indeed. A bit later after this writing I will see if there is time and energy left to simply ask Nikola to expound on the subject of wireless transmission and his own experience. I believe you who doubt our presence and resources might be interested if not totally captivated by the access to these higher beings awaiting their ability to work with you when the time becomes feasible.

    Let us continue now, however, with the subject at hand and speak of the new killing fields:


    While the military was vigorously denying the very existence of bio­effects from electromagnetic-field exposure, such bioeffects were actually being explored as potential weapons--weapons with the enormous advantage of being totally silent and imperceptible. If you are a bit terrified at this point I suggest you are normal and quite rightful in your responses. This is a most deadly game and you are the sitting targets this very day as you are being worn away and de­bilitated, totally controlled and manipulated almost beyond the point of recovery.

    The EMP concept has been extended through the development of de­vices that generate EMP pulses without the need for nuclear explo­sions. Such devices can be deployed for use against enemy com­mand and control centers or against aircraft in order to produce failure of electronic equipment. This can also be directed against any civilian location and or group. A derivative of this program is HPM (high-power pulsed microwave), a system producing in­tense, extremely short pulses of microwave. Several types, ranging in frequency from 1200 MHz to 35 GHz with powers up to 1000 megawatts, are tested and ready for use. These are also ready for use as weapons against humans and, against these weapons, no gun can even be relatively compared.

    There is a report which can (or maybe can't be) acquired which deals with the testing program of the Microwave Research De­partment at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research. It states, "Microwave energy in the range of 1 to 5 GHz, a militarily impor­tant range, penetrates all organ systems of the body and thus puts all organ systems at risk." Effects on the central nervous system are considered very important. The testing program, begun in 1986, is divided into four parts: 1) prompt debilitation effects; 2) prompt stimulation through auditory effects; 3) work interference/stoppage effects; and 4) effects on stimulus-controlled behavior. The report goes on to state, "Microwave pulses appear to couple to the central nervous system and produce stimulation similar to electrical stimula­tion unrelated to heat." It appears that HPM is capable of altering behavior in the same fashion as Delgado's electrical stimulation (which we will not go into herein).

    The production of cognitive and behavioral alterations by HPM is a sledgehammer effect in comparison to the subtle alterations produced by ELF fields. According to a 1982 Air Force review of biotech­nology, ELF has a number of potential military uses, including "dealing with terrorist groups, crowd control, controlling breaches in security at military installations, and antipersonnel techniques in tactical warfare." The same report states, "Electromagnetic systems would be used to produce mild to severe physiological disruption or perceptual distortion or disorientation. They are silent, and coun­termeasures to them may be difficult to develop."

    Just know, readers, that a whole group and class of weapons, based on electromagnetic fields, has been pretty well perfected and added to the muscles of the military organism. The 3CI doctrine is still growing and expanding. The military can and is able to completely control the minds of the civilian population.

    I make no attempt here to review in any detail the relationship be­tween military considerations and the hazards of man-made electro­magnetic fields. This complex and dangerous situation lies outside the •scope of this small writing and few would have any understand­ing regarding the details, except for an indication of how the political policies derived from it have effectively removed the public recogni­tion of the hazards. The military establishment and government fully realize that the survival of the military organism is well worth the sacrifice of the lives, health and life function of large segments of the American population--the goal of conquest has been accom­plished.

    You-the-people have only ONE countering measure and THAT LIES WITH GOD AND WE THE HOSTS. WHICH WILL IT BE, AMERICA?

    Dharma, appended are some maps of the area in the "Tehachapi's" of the Northrop installation (See end of chapter) wherein the massive underground terminal from Edwards is located. You will note that there are numerous silos for egress and ingress of air-ships with markings of some of the saucer exit/entrance portals with all sorts of landing pods. I suggest you take this very seriously for the struc­tures at Edwards are even more sophisticated, while covered by the rocket launch test area. By the way, these installations are directly tied underground to the JPL labs in Pasadena, California with facil­ities for immediate evacuation when the earthquake comes or the nu­clear war. Only a few are, however, on the list for evacuation. It is totally amazing that so many of you have worked for years on por­tions of this killer machine and never realized you were involved. Yes, it would boggle the mind. The tunnel itself is made totally flexible at the fault zone with inconceivable strengthening to prevent rupture. In that particular evacuation tunnel connected to a massive underground installation which has radiating "arms" right to the ocean and underground sub bases, craft can travel at several times the speed of sound. Remarkable? No, someone just worked dili­gently toward their goal while you slept and forgot yours.

    Overlook the poor quality of the pictures (maps) as you are most certainly NOT SUPPOSED TO HAVE THEM. I will not show you pictures of Edwards or other installations for it is far too risky at this time. Northrup is out in the fringes of desert and isolation and al­most "unknown"--I will not endanger any by showing more recog­nized facilities.

    There are many of these so-isolated facilities of unknown locations scattered about your landscape--this is only one and is not even par­ticularly large, relatively. It serves a unique purpose or I would not speak of it. I just don't want any readers being shocked when the government and military start producing "little gray aliens", etc. Your very lives and freedom depend on your KNOWING THE TRUTH. I can only remind my own crew that these nerds have to get through ME to get to you--so be it, try it and make my day!

    Perhaps it is time for me to brush up on my target practice. Hit my people and it is classified by all Universal law as "aggression", and I have right of defense and protection. It could get pretty hot for my beam system is pretty good while leaving no evidence to tell the tale--just pure and simple evaporation! I do not mean "rendering invisi­ble" I mean "rendering evaporated"!

    I am here to inform my people and instruct them so we can bring them home--we have no intention of interference on your place and we will tolerate no interference in our mission. Mankind as a whole has pretty much decided to go with the evil influences and it is each one's right to do that, but the planet will be cleansed by her own doing and our people will not be left to the terrific holocaust. We will summon ours from the corners of your planet. If the world de­cides as a whole to change its path--wondrous goodness shall take place. If not, we will gather our own and leave you to your re­sources.

    I will step aside and welcome our old friend and comrade, Nikola. Many hours have been spent with this scribe and this rather eccentric brother and I am honored to sit quietly while there is a bit of sharing of memories--not often given since presentation in March of 1904. He is given to honoring the request to share and I bow to this bril­liant personage. I salute you and you will make your own connec­tion for I no longer leave my circuit--thank you. I shall, however, bid you good-day.


    It is lonely I am for a good snow-covered day for communion as we have had in the past with sharing and visitation. It is indeed sad that ones deny the contact and choose their own mystical journeys instead of honoring their contract for service--choosing to "run away" be­fore the cake is finished to the serving. Impatience and greed are the curse of man.

    It is impossible to resist your courteous request extended on an occa­sion of such moment in the life of your JOURNAL. Your request has vivified the memory of our beginning friendship, of the first im­perfect attempts and underserved successes, of kindnesses and mis­understandings. Always it brings painfully to mind the greatness of early expectations, the quick flight of time, and alas! the smallness of realizations. The following was given to the world but so few paid heed and then, as is the case in the human experiment--the mystery found its way into the hands of evil doers.

    Let me look back toward the close of your year 1898 in which a systematic research, carried on for a number of years with the object of perfecting a method of transmission of electrical energy through the natural medium, led me to recognize three important necessities: first, to develop a transmitter of great power; second, to perfect means for individualizing and isolating the energy transmitted; and, third, to ascertain the laws of propagation of currents through the earth and the atmosphere. Various reasons, not the least of which was the help proffered by my friend Leonard E. Curtis and the Col­orado Springs Electric Company, determined me to select for my experimental investigations the large plateau, two thousand meters above sea-level, in the vicinity of that delightful resort, which I reached late in May, 1899.

    I take note that the general area is still a bustling center of activity, mostly underground now, for completion of that which I was not destined to finish in my sojourn--now turned to the most heinous of uses in destruction and control of the masses of civilians into impris­onment of a world.

    I had not been there but a few days when I congratulated myself on the happy choice and I began the task, for which I had long trained myself, with a grateful sense and full of inspired hope. The perfect purity of the air, the unequaled beauty of the sky, the imposing sight of a high mountain range, the quiet and restfulness of the place--all around contributed to make the conditions for scientific observation ideal. To this was added the exhilarating influence of a glorious climate and a singular sharpening of the senses. In those regions the organs undergo perceptible physical changes. The eyes assume an extraordinary limpidity, improving vision; the ears dry out and be­come more susceptible to sound. Objects can be clearly distin­guished there at distances such that I prefer to have them told by someone else, and I have heard--this I can venture to vouch for--the claps of thunder seven and eight hundred kilometers away. I might have done better still had it not been tedious to wait for the sounds to arrive, in definite intervals, as heralded precisely by an electrical in­dicating apparatus--nearly an hour before.

    In the middle of June, while preparations for other work were going on, I arranged one of my receiving transformers with the view of determining, in a novel manner, experimentally, the electric poten­tial of the globe and studying its periodic and casual fluctuations. This formed part of a plan carefully mapped out in advance. A highly sensitive, self-restorative device, controlling a recording in­strument, was included in the secondary circuit, while the primary was connected to the ground and an elevated terminal of adjustable capacity. The variations of potential gave rise to electric surgings in the primary; these generated secondary currents, which in turn af­fected the sensitive device and recorder in proportion to their inten­sity. The earth was found to be, literally, alive with electrical vi­brations, and soon I was deeply absorbed in this interesting investi­gation. No better opportunities for such observations as I intended to make could be found anywhere. Colorado is a country famous for the natural displays of electric force. In that dry and rarefied atmo­sphere the sun's rays beat the objects with fierce intensity. I raised steam, to a dangerous pressure, in barrels filled with concentrated salt solution, and the tin-foil coatings of some of my elevated termi­nals shriveled up in the fiery blaze. An experimental high-tension transformer, carelessly exposed to the rays of the setting sun, had most of its insulating compound melted out and was rendered use­less.

    Aided by the dryness and rarefaction of the air, the water evaporates as in a boiler, and static electricity is developed in abundance. Lightning discharges are, accordingly, very frequent and sometimes of inconceivable violence. On one occasion approximately twelve thousand discharges occurred in two hours, and all in a radius of certainly less than fifty kilometers from the laboratory. Many of them resembled gigantic trees of fire with the trunks up or down. I never saw fire balls, but as a compensation for my disappointment I succeeded later in determining the mode of their formation and pro­ducing them artificially. Never be dismayed or disappointed at that which is given and which at the moment seems without merit--for it can only open the way into deeper and more profound information as you allow your mind to consider the circumstance.

    In the latter part of the same month I noticed several times that my instruments were affected stronger by discharges taking place at great distances than by those near by. This puzzled me very much. What was the cause? A number of observations proved that it could not be due to the differences in the intensity of the individual dis­charges, and I readily ascertained that the phenomenon was not the result of a varying relation between the periods of my receiving cir­cuits and those of the terrestrial disturbances. One night, as I was walking home with an assistant, meditating over these experiences, I was suddenly staggered by a thought. Years ago, when I wrote a chapter of my lecture before the Franklin Institute and the National Electric Light Association, it had presented itself to me, but I had dismissed it as absurd and impossible. I banished it again. Nevertheless, my instinct was aroused and somehow I felt that I was near­ing a great revelation.

    It was on the third day of July--the date I shall never forget--when I obtained the first decisive experimental evidence of a truth of over­whelming importance for the advancement of humanity. A dense mass of strongly charged clouds gathered in the west and towards the evening a violent storm broke loose which, after spending much of its fury in the mountains, was driven away with great velocity over the plains. Heavy and long persisting arcs formed almost in regular time intervals. My observations were now greatly facilitated and rendered more accurate by the experiences already gained. I was able to handle my instruments quickly and I was prepared. You see, it is always good to be prepared and therefore be able to move on without interrupting distractions. If you are, for instance, trying to survive you certainly have no time for invention other than to the problem immediately at hand. I suggest you pay close attention to your friend, Gyeorgos, come forth to give you a hand in your te­dious journey. We are not yet of that higher level of total un­derstanding and cannot serve in the same guidance capacity. I, my­self, am most limited to my realm of expertise and as of yet have no need of more general "life" knowledge in the "knowingness". I am most happy to be of assistance to you but I feel no obligation nor pressure to serve in that capacity longer. I found my journey on your place to be most disagreeable for the most part--an evil civi­lization filled with vile vipers.

    At any rate, back to my story--the recording apparatus being prop­erly adjusted, its indications became fainter and fainter with the in­creasing distance of the storm, until they ceased altogether. I was watching in eager expectation. Surely enough, in a little while the indications again began, grew stronger and stronger and, after pass­ing through a maximum, gradually decreased and ceased once more. Many times, in regularly recurring intervals, the same actions were repeated until the storm which, as evident from simple computations, was moving with nearly constant speed, had retreated to a distance of about three hundred kilometers. Nor did these strange actions stop then, but continued to manifest themselves with undiminished force. Subsequently, similar observations were also made by my as­sistant, Mr. Fritz Lowenstein, and shortly afterward several ad­mirable opportunities presented themselves which brought out, still more forcibly, and unmistakably, the true nature of the wonderful phenomenon. No doubt whatever remained: I was observing sta­tionary waves.

    As the source of disturbances moved away the receiving circuit came successively upon their nodes and loops. Impossible as it seemed, your planet, despite its vast extent, behaved like a conductor of lim­ited dimensions. The tremendous significance of this fact in the transmission of energy by my system had already become quite clear to me. Not only was it practicable to send telegraphic messages to any distance without wires, as I recognized long before, but also to impress upon the entire globe the faint modulations of the human voice, far more still, to transmit power, in unlimited amounts, to any terrestrial distance and almost without any loss whatsoever.

    With these stupendous possibilities in sight, with the experimental evidence before me that their realization was henceforth merely a question of expert knowledge, patience and skill, I attacked vigor­ously the development of my magnifying transmitter, now, however, not so much with the original intention of producing one of great power, as with the object of learning how to construct the best one. This is, essentially, a circuit of very high self-induction and small resistance which, in its arrangement, mode of excitation and action, may be said to be the diametrical opposite of a transmitting circuit typical of telegraphy by Hertzian or electromagnetic radiations. It is difficult to form an adequate idea of the marvelous power of this unique appliance, by the aid of which the globe will be transformed. The electromagnetic radiations being reduced to an insignificant quantity, and proper conditions of resonance maintained, the circuit acts like an immense pendulum, storing indefinitely the energy of the primary exciting impulses and impressions upon the earth and its conducting atmosphere uniform harmonic oscillations of intensities which, as actual tests have shown, may be pushed so far as to sur­pass those attained in the natural displays of static electricity.

    Simultaneously with these endeavors, the means of individualization and isolation were gradually improved. Great importance was at­tached to this, for it was found that simple tuning was not sufficient to meet the vigorous practical requirements. The fundamental idea of employing a number of distinctive elements, co-operatively asso­ciated, for the purpose of isolating energy transmitted, I trace di­rectly to my perusal of Spencer's clear and suggestive exposition of the human nerve mechanism. The influence of this principle on the transmission of intelligence, and electrical energy in general, cannot as yet be estimated, for the art is still in the embryonic stage; but many thousands of simultaneous telegraphic and telephonic mes­sages, through one single conducting channel, natural or artificial, and without serious mutual interference, are certainly practicable, while millions are possible. On the other hand, any desired degree of individualization may be secured by the use of a great number of co-operative elements and arbitrary variation of their distinctive features and order of succession. For obvious reasons, the principle will also be valuable in the extension of the distance of transmission.

    Progress, though of necessity slow, was steady and sure, for the ob­jects aimed at were in a direction of my constant study and exercise. It is, therefore, not astonishing that before the end of 1899 I com­pleted the task undertaken and reached the results which I announced in June, 1900, every word of which was most carefully weighed.

    Much was already accomplished towards making my system com­mercially available, in the transmission of energy in small amounts for specific purposes, as well as on an industrial scale. You will note that even that far back in counting--facts were held from you for remember that I speak of 1900 at the turn of the century. With that thought in mind can you really be confounded and surprised to find these heinous systems for destruction so sophisticated and perfected? The results attained by me had made my scheme of intelligence transmission, for which the name of "World Telegraphy", easily re­alizable. It constituted, in its principle of operation, means em­ployed and capacities of application, a radical and fruitful departure from what had been theretofore done. I had no doubt that it would prove very efficient in enlightening the masses, particularly in still uncivilized countries and less accessible regions, and that it would add materially to general safety, comfort and convenience, and maintenance of peaceful relations. You see, in all generations there are we dreamers who believe that man is generally "good" and "sharing" as of God projection--not so--for too late we learn that the adversary called evil and Satanic is always at work in the vineyards ready to steal the tanks of good wine and poison the masses with the sour brew.

    My outlay involved the employment of a number of plants, all of which are capable of transmitting individualized signals to the utter­most confines of the earth. Each of them would be preferably lo­cated near some important center of civilization and the news it re­ceived through any channel would be flashed to all points of the globe. A very cheap and simple device, which could be carried in one's pocket, would then be set up somewhere on sea or land, and would record the world's news or such special messages as might be intended for it. Thus the entire earth would be converted into a huge brain, as it were, capable of response in every one of its parts. Lit­tle could I then realize that the adversary would utilize such wonders for the deceiving of an entire civilization. Since a single plant of but one hundred horse-power could operate hundreds of millions of in­struments, the system would have a virtually infinite working capac­ity, and it could immensely facilitate and cheapen the transmission of intelligence. Man is so ungracious and cruel to his fellowman as to astound the senses.

    The first of these central plants would have been completed at that time had it not been for unforeseen delays which, fortunately, had nothing to do with its purely technical features. But this loss of time, while vexatious, was, after all, proven to be a blessing in dis­guise. The best design of which I knew at the time had been adopted, and the transmitter would emit a wave complex of a total maximum activity of ten million horse-power, one percent of which is amply sufficient to "girdle the globe". This enormous rate of en­ergy delivery, approximately twice that of the combined falls of Nia­gara, is obtainable only by the use of certain artifices, which I was to make known in due course.

    For a large part of the work which I did I was indebted to the noble generosity of Mr. J. Pierpont Morgan and the world owes to this one man much of the despoiling and imprisonment of a planet. I was as deceived as any of you present personages by that contractioning viper. I found him most welcome and stimulating, as it was ex­tended at a time when those, who had since promised most, were the greatest of doubters. Little do we see the deceit in the hand which offers assistance and means destruction and theft. I honored my friend, Stanford White, for much unselfish and valuable assistance. The work advanced, and though the results seemed to me to be tardy, they were sure to come.

    Meanwhile, the transmission of energy on an industrial scale was not neglected. The Canadian Niagara Power Company offered me a splendid inducement, and I felt that, next to achieving success for the sake of the art and gift unto my fellowman, it would give me the greatest satisfaction to make their concession financially profitable to them. In this first power plant, which I worked long at the design­ing, I proposed to distribute ten thousand horse-power under a ten­sion of one hundred million volts, which I was now able to produce and handle with extreme safety.

    This energy would be collected all over the globe, preferably in small amounts, ranging from a fraction of one to a few horse-power. One of its chief uses would be the illumination of isolated homes. It would take very little power to light a dwelling with vacuum tubes operated by high-frequency currents and in each instance a terminal a little above the roof would be more than sufficient. Another valu­able application would be the driving of clocks and other such apparatus. These clocks would be exceedingly simple, would re­quire absolutely no attention and would indicate rigorously correct time. The idea of impressing upon the earth American time is fasci­nating and very likely to become popular was my thought on the matter. I was going to be able to offer a great convenience to the whole world with a plant of no more than ten thousand horse-power. How could I know that the carbon fuels would hold the entire world hostage to the thieves of the environment and the civilization? The introduction of that system would give opportunities for invention and manufacture such as have never presented themselves before and were never again presented to the people.

    Knowing the far-reaching importance of this first attempt and its ef­fect upon what would be future development, I proceeded slowly and most carefully. Experience taught me not to assign a term to enter­prises the consummation of which is not wholly dependent on my own abilities and exertions. I was hopeful that these great realiza­tions would not be far off, and I knew that when this first work would be completed they would follow with mathematical certitude.

    When the great truth seemingly accidentally revealed and ex­perimentally confirmed would be fully recognized, the planet, with all its appalling immensity, was to electric currents virtually no more than a small metal ball and that by this fact many possibilities, each baffling imagination and of incalculable consequence, were rendered absolutely sure of accomplishment; when that first plant would be inaugurated and it would be shown that a telegraphic message, al­most as secret and non-interferable as a thought, could be transmit­ted to any terrestrial distance, the sound of the human voice, with all its intonations and inflections, faithfully and virtually instantly re­produced at any other point of the globe--and that to be followed by instant reproductions and reflections of images and so forth, the en­ergy of a waterfall made available for supplying light, heat or motive power, anywhere--on sea, or land, or high in the air--humanity could and would be stirred up like an active ant-hill. Oh, the excitement coming was too incredible for me to contain. Ah alas, could it really have been meant that this wondrous gift of gifts would fall into the hands of the Elite evil manipulators and withholders of goodness.

    My dear old friend, I have rambled on in my memory trek and I see that you must now finger each symbol on a board when there is fa­cility in your time for picking up the thought patterns. I wonder if your people of your time will awaken to their heritage in time to utilize any of these wondrous gifts kept to the Elite deceivers? Ah, it has ever been thus on the planets of dense immorality of experience. The lessons are great but the surge of evil is always so great and the stand with and for God so shallow. I can only wish you well and share that which I have to gift. I look forward to again welcoming you home and I shall keep the teapot at boil so that we can sip and share. How wondrous it would be to succeed in this present mission that man might experience true greatness in his own time of mani­festation instead of always succumbing to the demonic thieves of expression.

    I bid you peace and appreciation for allowing my sharing as our paths are destined to intertwine and for that gift I am most pleased. I bid you good-day and may insight shine upon you as you walk the path.

    This is Nikola to close with my best blessings upon you who effort to change the journey into a lighted blessing for all--may it come to pass!

    PJ 42
    CHAPTER 10

    MON., JANUARY 6, 1992 3:15 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 143

    MONDAY, JANUARY 6, 1992
    Hatonn present in the Light of God, in service unto the transition of Man. May the hearts be given into receiving.


    I am going to handle today's writing a bit differently than usual for without reason that which seems negative lingers on the physical senses as distress, guilt, fear and depression. There is only "perception" of any circumstance and you ones must learn to place, all things in proper perspective.

    First, I will note only a couple of things or so in the "news", for you must be aware of that which is going on but do not attend those current things to the extent of overlooking the great positive aspects o each thing.

    Bush left Korea and moved on to Japan. Note that he has bargainer here and there to allow closures of bases and opening of others for military purposes. Japan seems to be capitulating to the coming bar gaining but it is not as it seems--once again the entire "negotiation is through tit for tat blackmail threats.

    Japan has refused to purchase your debt, bonds, etc. But Bush only has to threaten "foreclosure" (nationalization) and freezing o Japanese property and funds which are in America. Note that the banks owned by Japan are actually already only Japanese by name and investment but are British by fact. When Bush says he is into the game of "hard ball", he means it in spite of all those gracious Oriental smiles. Remember, the Elite have control in the Orient also--i.e., Japan is a major member of the Trilateralists which i nothing more or less than a finger in action of the Committee of 301 and the Bank of International Settlements.


    I want you of the crew to realize that you have three assets to be considered when G.G. goes to the Orient. Chlorella and Ginseng are prime products of Korea, Thailand, China and Japan. This can be a great resource for joint venture with them in the underground efficient method of agriculture--producing items which represent "total food" for lean times as well as excellent industry in the open markets as you have food shortages. I ask that this be attended as such and utilize all possibilities as well as your own government re­sources for you will need jobs for the citizens and the food re­sources--both of which will be most well received and recognized as useful industry.

    Contacts can be set up and meetings arranged in advance of the journey. It likely will not even require the trip in point. Just keep at it and the way will be shown.


    The farce of the "peace" meetings simply get more and more ridiculous in the facade. There is no intent to find peace. I would also ask you ones to note Mr. Shamir's new mustache. You will notice, please, that it is worn identical to one, Adolf Hitler (Nazi, i.e., AshkeNAZI). You will note the press will attempt to show only "old" pictures for yesterday morning it was so obvious on the news that thousands of calls were made--by evening there were only old film strips shown or Shamir only appeared in quick passage so that you could not see the new arrangement. If you watch closely and wait--the clues become blatant.


    Every letter we receive is a cry for help as to "how" you can reach through to ones to "make" them understand the plight of the nation, etc. I am going to go through a boring exercise but you will please take very careful note--even God and/or the Host brothers cannot be heard in your media transmissions.

    I will, right up front, acknowledge the effort of George and Desiree' in their attempts to make projection of the "word" being brought forth--they are insulted, abused, denounced and totally bashed by characters thinking themselves profound, amusing and brilliant in their stupidity and insultingly rude behavior.

    I have had a few radio interviews and I honor one in Vermont who was gracious in spite of the physical interruptions and trials of get­ting on the air and actually into transmission. He has not been al­lowed to ask me for a return interview. The studio was swamped with very interested people asking input and graciously seeking in­formation. This was the only one and I shall protect him herein for he has very nearly lost his job.

    In Phoenix, you will remember, one host was fired because he had George Green on his program. The station was immediately set upon by the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith (Israeli Zion­ists) who threatened to close the station. The announcer was fired almost immediately.

    So a segment of follow-up on that little escapade. During this past week the replacement J. Lawrence, for the fired announcer, asked that George AND Commander Hatonn please be guests of his show which would air last evening (Sunday, 8:00 p.m.) I find that my presence is so distracting that it far from "helps" George--it actually hurts us because of the insulting and belligerent behavior from both host and callers. I needed, however, to allow you ones to find bal­ance in your searching for ways and means to be heard and received in intelligent grace as unto any guest or friend. You cannot reach those who will not hear and the return of abuse becomes a pitiful display of stupidity without reason, intelligent logic or even simple "good manners".

    Now keep in mind--we did not ask to be on this program--WE WERE INVITED AS SPECIAL GUESTS which would seem to in­dicate some measure of graciousness from the host in point. I will say in his behalf, that one caller, a "Joseph", was so insulting and preposterous that he was cut short. I was cut off at every attempt at reasonable response to anyone. I do acknowledge the callers who supported and offered thanks for our efforts--I recognized you and certainly we appreciate your efforts and respect to the purpose of our (your) mission here.

    What I am going to do is simply take the interview as taped and reprint herein so that you can see what happens. The point of this action is several-fold. I want Dharma to understand that the insults against her are but bilious and thoughtless foolishness. You ones must understand, as I asked on several occasions (which I am quite sure were NOT aired) that you can't tell for sure WHO is on the end of any radio or telephone transmission, whether it be alien, brother, sister or Mr. Lawrence. Do you attack Mr. Bush's interpreter as interpretation of Russian into English is presented?

    Before we move forward I want to do an exercise with you. Right now, plug your ears and then close your eyes, following these in­structions: be silent and listen! You don't hear anything? Listen again! You certainly do! Oh, a ringing in the ears? In the head? Tones? Squeals? Low pitched resonance? Listen closely. Now un­plug your ears and listen. Hear that the tones are still present with a few more besides. Now speak or turn on the radio and move through the stations attending the squeals as well as the audio-clear stations after tuning properly--noting also the static and voice-overs. Now think about this a minute. Realize also that many frequency waves are striking your being which register only as vibrations with­out audible tone. Does that mean the vibrations do not have "sound"? No, it means that they flow in waves and frequencies be­yond your physical capability of audible translation and understand­ing. Can you not purchase a whistle which is heard by your pet dog and yet IS inaudible to your senses? Well, actually, if you attend the whistle and hold your hand on the instrument--you can "feel" the vi­brations. Is this mystical? Of course not! Further, if an interpreter for Gorbachev is a female does that change the sex of Mr. Gor­bachev? How about Mr. Bush--if Tutwieller speaks for Bush does her feminine voice in speech make Bush a woman? At one point this most ungracious "J" (Jay) (I believe you might be able to discern possible "label" in view of the attackers calling "anti-Semite") urged ones to be brief and give as many as possible their ONLY opportu­nity to speak to someone who "claims" to be extra-terrestrial. I of­fered that if Mr. Lawrence would be gracious enough to ask me back EVERYONE could have that opportunity--but my invitation was removed from the air. Besides, chelas and precious friends, I would not damage our work by these displays nor make George's work more impossible than it already is. He is doing the impossible already and I refuse to allow further insult to him because of my "attempted" presence.

    I did, however, need this opportunity to display to you who effort and are abashed and abused for your attempt at sharing, the fact that pearls before swine and water at the nose of a horse is neither appre­ciated nor accepted even if the horse be starving and refuses the drink.

    These are the times when Dharma, however, must go to her collection of precious sharings you have afforded her--the heart pendant and golden chain, the beaded Indian work, the turquois bracelet watch, the contributions for Col. Gritz, the cards, the pictures, both handpainted and photographed, the piles of loving letters and heaps of confirmations, and the numerous pins and poems. We behold the Eagle which is a symbol from all of you to all of these brethren here and the heart is reminded of Truth and that that which is the facade is not that which is the foundation. Chelas, no-one said it would be an easy journey and yet, always I remind you--force and coercion is not of God. The sorting and separation is according to God in re­sponse to individual soul intent of each. You can offer--you cannot "sell" or force the acceptance and the adversary has you completely outnumbered in the avenues of presentation capability. But YOU OUTNUMBER HIM in all other avenues and yet they are not given into your vision. Remember that the ones who called in are regular listeners to these stations and are already either programmed by the adversary and/or set up for the "call-in". Some hear and call in be­cause of interest and support and oh, chelas, these are precious and their voices are accepted into the heart place of those who could not get through the censors. Know that you ARE HEARD and that, after all, is your only task--you cannot "receive" for another. You must always release and not allow the hurting of your "feelings" for you must release each to "his own". Moreover, you must become aware and understand--multitudes will NEVER hear and deny unto the ending awaiting that which is NOT. These are the instances which caused the Master to tell you to "turn the other cheek" for hate and/or revenge is only destructive.

    For the questioners with honorable intent in the questioning--they now know where to attain answers for they can follow-up if curiosity is truly the intent and find the queries in print awaiting their investi­gation. It is ALL YOU CAN DO!

    "But," you might ask, "...couldn't you have just shut their mouths and insisted on being heard?" Yes! Would I do so? No, for the ears of the deaf and mentally blinded would only recognize the "magic" and not the point. There is no "magic", as such, with God. His presence only appears to be "magic" because of His mighty presence. I suggest you remember--only that very, very few would recognize the Christed Master or God if He presented self--and al­most NONE if on TV. God is a part of your emotional self which requires NO PICTURES from a "magically manipulated" picture projector. All you can do is offer--you cannot accept for another. Moreover, if you nag and insist beyond enthusiasm and confirmation when applicable--you will only cement the argument into permanent inability of the refuser to ever allow hearing. YOU must be prepared to "release" which DOES NOT MEAN--FORFEITURE OF YOUR OWN KNOWING.

    You are IN a time of mixed messages and flagrant abuse of your own senses. A "Jordache" ad can be allowed wherein there is lewd dancing and squirming and the actual act of sex (but in partially clad Jordache jeans) but if a "boss" makes a statement regarding those "desirable" jeans--he can be sent to prison for "sexual harassment". Andy Rooney almost got removed from the air for simply mention­ing "sexual harassment and male aggressiveness" while thumbing through the NEW YORK TIMES fashion section whereon EVERY page were provocative underwear and pointedly suggestive and bla­tant "come on" pictures. Incident in point--last evening on the radio, I can tell you surely that while they were making a big thing of my voice certainly sounding like a woman--I can promise you that, had I called "J", "Precious friend", as I am very apt to do--I would have been removed from the airwaves for making sexual advances toward him.

    You simply have to understand that it is "part of the blueprint of the operational PLAN" and you are caught in the trap because your en­emy, at this time, controls all of the media and press and therefore can distort anything and everything.

    Let me just make a point herein about "sexual harassment" in its most ridiculous form as reprinted from a front page newspaper: "Sexual harassment (as the US Senate recently reminded you) is like a 'hate crime' or 'money laundering'--a federal crime to be dealt with severely. Some examples of this heinous new crime are: unso­licited and unwelcome flirtations, advances, or propositions; graphic or degrading comments about an employee's appearance, dress, or anatomy; verbal abuse with sexual connotations; display of sexually suggestive objects or pictures; ill received dirty jokes or offensive gestures; prurient or intrusive questions about an employee's per­sonal life; the abuse of familiarities, such as 'Honey', 'sweetheart', 'darling', 'dear', or 'baby'--this can include referring to adult women as 'girls'."

    Now I have to point out that in your advertising you show incredibly poor taste in things such as a secretary wearing stretch (and trans­parent when stretched) skin tight tights with the instructions not to wear panties because you won't "want panty lines". Also, the thing advertised is to wear the wide belt skirts (the whole skirt is but a wide belt) with panty-hose, sans panties or panty-topped hosiery. Now I ask you, ladies and gentlemen, what happens from the rear view as the "secretary" or "clerk" stOOps over to get a file out of the bottom drawer of the cabinet? However, IF THE BOSS suggests that this is not suitable for office dress--he is liable for "sexual ha­rassment" felony, Federal-crime commitment and possible imprison­ment, not to even mention the personal liability and "damage" claims in dollars and cents which will be served against him in the form of a lawsuit for mental and emotional trauma by his harassment. Indeed, dear ones, as some learned scholars have pointed out: "You do in­deed, live in the post-Christian era in America!"


    I ask that as you intake the following copy of the interview of last evening that you note that before, during and after the first invita­tion--it was made clear, succinct and definite--Hatonn is not on, in, at or immediately from, a place called Pleiades. I also desire that you realize that within the first inquiry there was the sexual question regarding procreation of extra-terrestrials on Pleiades. I ask that all of you take note--as reminder. Look at your own small solar system and several planets. Would you expect a Martian to look and act ex­actly like you who cannot so much as interchange physically by ship? How about Pluto--or the moon? Look at Pleiades wherein you can easily see seven major planets in the Constellation which is 500 light years away from you and contains far more orbs in the system than are in Earth solar system--do you actually think that all beings on one of those seven planets would be identical in appearance and/or actions as those of another of the planets? Are Earthian's sexual procreation habits and methods the same as the humanoids from Saturn? How do you know? Is it really any of your business? Why is such a thing of first importance? Why is THIS always the FIRST inquiry of a visitor? Do you ask your new neighbor who is invited for a visit to get acquainted, what are his/her/their sexual ac­tivities, how often, what kind of condoms, methods of procreation, sexual preference and age when you started these practices and HOW OLD ARE YOU NOW? If you asked a potential employee any of those questions you would be violating the law--how can you be so discourteous to your invited guests as to treat them in such manner of rude behavior? Do you actually think that with this as a massive majority of your civilization's behavior and interest, that we could possibly not want any part of you on our balanced, intelligent, cosmically harmonious homelands? Is the only interest on your planet focused from the head in the seat of the pants? It is time you ones ponder these things most carefully for it is purely and simply that your primitive and gross civilizations are not wanted "out there". We do not desire that our children be given free-love condoms in grade-school. We honor our children and take each gift of their presence with utmost respect and responsibility. We neither practice activities against those of the laws of God nor out of balance of the Natural Laws of Creation. Again--purely, bluntly and simply--your civilization is not wanted in the cosmic realms.

    If you think YOU have trouble reaching through to ones about you--would you care to ask how I fare in efforting to get some of the balanced, harmonious places to even so much as ACCEPT SOME OF YOU IN SAFE HARBOR? It is worthy of your thinking upon the matter for you actually have so few places that will accept you, you might as well be the leper in the midst of the Elite Royal Court. We are literally going to have to keep you safely aboard craft until a sorting for placement and actual placement can be made. In other words, you will have to be taught and "cleansed" prior to "adoption" desirability. All the while remembering that you and "they of your hosts" have free-will choices of acceptance and/or denial of your presence. You are NOT anywhere even near "top banana" out "there" anywhere!


    The Jay Lawrence "talk" show, 8:00 p.m., Sunday, Jan. 5, 1992. Phoenix, Ariz. KTAR:

    First there was approximately 15 minutes of "news" and weather (which in itself would probably be worthy of bringing to your atten­tion as it dealt with destruction, damages and homicides almost ex­clusively).

    Announcer: From KTAR's news talk-radio this is the Jay Lawrence Show. To get in touch with Jay call 277-5827, that is 277-KTAR. And if you are listening to KTAR outside the Phoenix metropolitan call free at 1-800-544-KTAR. Now here is your host, Jay Lawrence.

    J: Good evening and once again welcome. Thank you letting KTAR 620-AM be a part of your evening. I think we have an interesting show for you tonight. I am quite certain that my voice will hold out but, as you hear, I have a cold and when you have a five-year-old you can count on catching everything that every kid in the valley brings home with them. (I'm sorry but the next was too soft spoken to record as Mr. Lawrence had laryngitis along with his "cold".)

    You will be having a chance to be speaking with Commander Ha­tonn who claims to be the leader of a Pleiadian group, I think of an­cient time and other places, maybe another galaxy. He communi­cates with George Green who has been communicating with extrater­restrials for a number of years. In the next hour we will be joined by (inaudible but I believe someone with or from the Chicago Cubs which I assume is a ball team) who has written a terrific book called TEACHING YOURSELF TO WIN. It is a positive thinking book, baseball book, all at the same time. It brings a lot of positive think­ing as well as a lot of information. He will be on in the next hour so stay tuned and then until 11:00 we will be talking about anything you would like to talk about. (Note that George Green has 48 books by Hatonn and countless others by other authors--BUT NOT EVEN THE SLIGHTEST MENTION OF SAME.)

    First of all, George Green. George, welcome to our show and thanks for joining us tonight. Before we meet Commander Hatonn, tell our KTAR listeners about yourself and being in the Air Force and also, when did you run into problems with the Air Force?

    GG: (I apologize but the audio was turned so low at the station as to only be able to barely hear George and we cannot reproduce the di­alogue. This portion dealt with George's experiences at Edwards Air Force Base and actually seeing alien craft under-cover, etc. When George questioned higher command, he was immediately sent to a non-existent base in Japan and told to "shut-up" regarding the encounter. Then he spoke, I believe, of his experiences in Switzer­land with Pleiadians and Billy Meier. He was allowed to speak for about 3 to 5 minutes.)

    I want you readers to know what was going on on our end of the line at Dharma's point location. These ones have an aviary with many, many birds of which 2 to 4 are in the house as pets at any given time. The small, and most special parakeet talks fluently and was perched on E.J.'s shoulder when the phone rang with Mr. Lawrence on the other end. When the energy of the voice came through the line, the bird went berserk, flew into a wall-clock which then fell and the bird was in frenzied flight, bashing into walls and windows for some 3 minutes. Dharma, consequently, was almost panic-struck for it sounded as if the wall had fallen as the clock shattered apart. You cannot fool children or animals and it is useless to even effort at it! Frequencies of voice reflect intent and cannot be masked, even with laryngitis.

    J: Now, Hatonn, you are an extraterrestrial, is that correct?

    H: Yes sir.

    J: Hatonn, first of all, this is for me; I have never spoken with an extraterrestrial before so I sometimes feels as though my communi­cation with my wife is one of speaking with an extraterrestrial from time to time. Are you a man or a woman?

    H: I am a male, by all of your calculations. My speaker--my trans­lator, is female.

    J: Now, I am talking to you but you are talking through a female.

    H: Let us put it this way: if you did not speak Russian and I do, you need a translator.

    J: That's correct.

    H: I use a "universal" form of speech which is projected in "pulses" and she is simply a translator.

    J: Well, OK. Is she in some kind of trance or something while you speak through her?

    H: I don't know if that is factual; I assume that you might refer to it as such. I utilize her "system", her vocal cords--she simply trans­lates language. It is exactly as I would speak to you on a telephone. She does not "interfere" with what I do or say. When we write she obviously writes with her hands.

    J: What is your full name?

    H: My name is Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn (spelled out by alphabet). I'm also recognized about the Galaxy, if you will, as Aton.

    J: Then you are a Commander.

    H: I am a Commander. I am FROM Pleiades as I travel to your sector in this mission.

    J: Where is Pleiades--in our galaxy?

    H: Well, (pause)--galaxy? Not exactly, no.

    J: Give me a relative feel about where you are from. Give us feeling about where you come from.

    H: I come via Pleiades, but I am NOT at Pleiades now. I have a craft (overvoice by Jay)--and it is called the Phoenix.

    J: Alright, when did you arrive on Earth?

    H: I am not on Earth.

    J: You are not?

    H: No.

    J: You are not--then you are in your craft.

    H: Yes, I am on my craft.

    J: OK, I see. You are somewhere "drifting" out in space right now and speaking through this woman that George Green has put us in contact with.

    H: Well, you make it sound a little bit fishy because there is so much nonsense that goes on in the circles of the UFO touters and authori­ties as well as with all of the "channels" that you have going on from extraterrestrials of 64,000 years ago, etc. And, as I listen to you speak just this little bit, it sounds both hoaxy and ridiculous and it is none of those things. There is nothing mystical about it--it may be a bit mysterious to you simply because you don't actually understand it. But, I can promise you that after listening through your little run­down of "news" prior to my introduction--you have a lot more problems than do we.

    J: OK, tell us about your planet. Is Pleiades the name of your planet?

    H: I can speak of Pleiades if that is what you really wish to speak about.

    J: Yes, that is why you are here.

    H: It is what you would recognize as the constellation of the Seven Sisters or, the Wee Dip­per. There are seven visible stars in the constellation from your viewpoint and from you it is approximately some 500 light years away.

    J: Alright, tell us about---er; How many people are there on your space ship? Or, well, not people--er, places, things--uh, what are you called? Pleiadians? Hows that?

    H: Yes sir, that's very good as a name.

    J: How many are there of you just drifting about out there right now?

    H: Do you mean on my ship, or drifting around in other ships--or what?

    J: Well, uh-er - - -?

    H: There are well over a million ships (craft) in my Command, sir.

    J: A million ships in your command?

    H: Yes.

    J: ?? Are all of them drifting about the Earth?

    H: They are stationed in various and sundry locations and places--some traveling (moving) and some stationed. All are mostly outside your atmosphere, at this time, because you have so much phenomena going on in your own atmo­sphere.

    J: Well, what is - - - ?

    H: It does seem almost trite to speak of these particular things. I'm sorry, I don't mean to be insensitive.

    J: And I don't mean to be discourteous but, and or, let me invite our KTAR listeners who might have never conversed with an extrater­restrial--and this may be one of the very few opportunities they will ever have to speak to one. (Gave phone number). I shouldn't have ALL the pleasure of questioning an extraterrestrial. (Instructions to listeners: Since we have an extraterrestrial in phone range perhaps you will want to call in.)

    J: How many - - - how long have you been in contact with people on Earth?

    H: I personally have been contacting and working with ones from your early 1950's, toward this particular project which is under way at this particular time on your planet.

    J: Are there both males and females among the Pleiadians?

    H: Oh, most surely--yes. And you see, you are dealing with something now that needs a bit of extra explanation.

    J: OK--but - - H: And, there is something that you should know, and should always demand, any time that any extraterrestrial comes "hopping" through your door­way--REQUIRE THAT THEY ABSOLUTELY IDENTIFY THEMSELVES AND STATE PURPOSE AND ORIGIN--THEN YOU MUST COME TO SOME COMFORT WITH THE IDENTI­FICATION. You did not do that and I have not been given opportu­nity other than to introduce myself. J: I assure you that - - -

    H: It is most important that you know and understand that I come only in the service of the Lighted God. Now, all of you ones on your planet have already made up your minds how you feel about that and you plan Raptures and plan all sorts of ways of getting together with God--I come - - (great interruption)

    J: Commander, I have to take a break now. I don't know if you have been on the air before but if you have not--we do commercials here on Earth. In case you might have a little radio on the space ship and have been listening in to talk-shows you might realize we have to have commercials. We have a number of things that we do and we also receive calls from other people--George, has Hatonn been on the air anywhere before?

    G: Yes.

    J: So then, Hatonn is aware of procedures and the things we are going to do? OK-Good! Well then, we are going to have commercials and then we have phone calls for we have a lot of people waiting.

    Before we take a break, do you in your "body", look like, say, us--Earth people or do you look like something else?

    H: The Pleiadian races are actually most of your own ancestors. There are many who are already among you; there are ones on vari­ous planets within the constellations that arc very much like you but others are quite a bit different. Let us assume that if you have life-forms, say on Jupiter or Mars, you might well expect them to differ from you on Earth. You are going to have a wide variety range in physical appearance, but very definitely humanoid. I personally come from a very tall species.

    J: Do you'll procreate the same as we do?

    H: (pause) - - hmm, with a lot more careful thought and re­sponsibility---yes, we have family units.

    J: Well OK, we have to take a quick break but we'll get back to Commander Hatonn when we return, as well as with George Green.


    J: Jay Lawrence here with someone who claims to be an ex­traterrestrial--stay tuned.


    J: Here I am, Jay Lawrence on KTAR radio. It is 9:26 and we are going to go to the phone lines and give you a chance to ask questions of this individual who claims to be Commander Hatonn of Pleiades--an extraterrestrial. Art, in Phoenix, you are on KTAR 620.

    A: Commander, how are you?

    H: Good evening.

    A: My question to the Commander is a two part question, actually. Has he ever visited Earth himself?

    H: Yes.

    A: And did you ever help with or plan, picture, the colonization of the planet?

    H: No sir. That is not my mission. My mission is to remove God's people from the planet when that becomes necessary--if that becomes neces­sary.

    A: OK, what is the Government and Education like on your planet?

    H: We have a very simplified method of government. Was your second question on "education"?

    A: Yes it was.

    H: It is hard to even speak in terms relative to what you have on Earth for you have such a controlled--Elite controlled--environment. Education is handled in our places according to the skills exhibited by the child. We do not have a society such as yours where we carelessly have children, for instance. To bring a child into being­ness, into human consciousness, if we might simplify it, we very, very carefully measure the desire for having that child and assume total responsibility. Most of the Pleiadian families you will find limited to approximately four people. A lot of care and thought is given to bringing those children, which will come into the running of the system, if you will--in the later days as we become old and re­tire.

    J: Commander, let me interrupt for we have people waiting on the lines--let me just cover it all as quickly as we can.

    Gentleman unidentified: Good evening and greetings, Hatonn. H: Good evening. GU: Thank you for what you are doing for your brothers here on Terra. H: Thank you for being respectful. GU: Bless George Green and all his crew. Hatonn, we--my wife and I--are students of Ramtha and there seems to be some sort of a bridge between what you and J.Z Knight and crew do, although you both speak the truth--what is the division here so that we might better un­derstand it?

    J: Can we hold this to about 45 seconds?

    H: It's difficult to answer such a large question in only 45 seconds. The great difference is that you will not hear Ramtha saying, "I come in service only to God of Light." He has a particular mission and he has particular followers and he will do whatever it is that which Ramtha needs to do. You have a great entertainment program going with the J.Z. Knight organization--I would simply caution of you to be most careful. This does not mean that the "truth" brought forth is less truth--it is just that you must be cautious that you are not taken advantage of - - - (interruption and shut off).

    Interestingly enough--the news dealt with Israel and "controlled me­dia", and how the peace talks will probably not take place because of failure of the Arabs to overlook the expulsion of Palestinians who had acted out against settlements in the West Bank. Then some five homicide reports of local nature.

    J: We are talking to Commander Hatonn through the good auspices of George Green who you have heard here on KTAR before. Com­ing up next hour a visit with Steve Stone, etc.

    Right now, Joseph in Scottsdale--you are on KTAR 620.

    Jo: Good evening - - - (great fuss and discounting which totally in­terrupted the taping for the first portion of the statement).

    H: Well, I see that we have a very friendly creature calling, who has no interest, whatsoever, in the fact of what is taking place either in your place or mine.

    Jo: Oh well, excuse me, but I live in the world of fact and what you are is (another shut-down).

    H: That's very fine.

    Jo: What we are dealing with here is something that stinks - ‑

    H: Sir, if you wish to accuse me of something, sir--I am a guest asked to this program.

    Jo: Yeah, and I think this is a great disservice to the public commu­nity that a radio station that serves the public interests would have on a couple of charlatans--aren't you George Green's WIFE?

    H: No, I am certainly not George Green's wife. Neither is my speaker.

    Jo: Then what area code are you calling from?

    H: What difference does it make to you, sir?

    Jay: Joseph, I'll tell you what--I understand what you are saying and we appreciate your call. It is up to our listeners, we have a full board of people who wish to talk to someone who "claims" to be an extraterrestrial. Whether you and I believe that, I don't know that we can address that question. If someone claims a thing, we have to address them as "that" and I have to let others through so that they can express themselves. (Instructions to callers.)

    G: Thank you. (Joseph was disconnected.) If you wish to know more about this then call our 800 number tomorrow and we will be most happy to send you information and other materials. We can speak more on frequencies and things of that technical nature if you are interested in finding out more.

    J: What was that number again, George? G: 1-800-729-4131. I will be glad to forward information so that they will know how to reach us to receive information regarding physical transmission of fre­quency--radio transmission from the craft.

    J: And, I believe you have spoken about this on a couple of different shows here on KTAR, as well.

    G: Yes.

    J: Marilyn--you are on KTAR.

    M: Jay, you sound awful tonight.

    J: I know. M: Commander Ha­tonn, nice to speak with you.

    H: Thank you.

    M: As you observe, whatever you observe, do you zero in on people or places--like our Sedona, which is a very "hot" place in our state?

    H: Yes, I do both depending on circumstances and need.

    M: Oh, individuals?

    H: Yes, I can--I usually don't.

    M: What do you zero-in on?

    H: Only on energy forms (patterns). We have a specific mission to your planet. We come in total friendship. Part of our mission is to discount the ridiculous nonsense given to all of you re­garding UFO's and aliens.

    M: Oh, I believe (interruption by Jay) -
    J: Hatonn, have you ever been in contact with any members of our government--with some or any of your information?

    H: Absolutely--I very frequently contact many members of your government.

    M: Hatonn, have your heard of the Ethereal Society?

    H: (pause)

    M: Its about a 40-year-old organization.

    H: I can't say, specifically, that I have.

    M: OK, this is supposed to be the first UFO organization in the U.S. believing in UFO's. Based in Los Angeles.

    H: Surprisingly enough, not to be unkind, but you have a lot of very, very genuinely interested people. It is such a disservice and ungra­cious to you ones, who already believe and are expecting actually, the other half of your own mission. That is who we represent--that other half of your brotherhood.

    J: Then why don't we see pictures of you in the newspapers and so on? Why don't we see magazine stories? Why aren't you inter­viewed more?

    H: Because of ones like the gentleman who just called-in.

    J: Why aren't you on major media?

    H: Sir, you have a totally, completely (100%) controlled media, and you of all people should know that. Right there at your radio station there have been great problems--great problems. The first thing "they" do is call in and pronounce George Green, who is simply a publisher, and ones such as Joseph call in saying, "We know who you are--you are Mr. Green's wife, and worse--with accusations against him for fraud, anti-Semitism and total denouncement and in­sulting accusations. I am Commander Hatonn. Ones such as that are welcome to their opinions but it is difficult at best.

    J: Well, it is so rare that we get to communicate with extrater­restrials--that people aren't really accustomed to it.

    H: Perhaps--(cut off) J: Now to you other listeners, we will be back and here's the phone number - -


    J: Jay Lawrence show--and our guest is George Green, publisher, and George has published a number of books supposedly and al­legedly coming from the Pleiadians--is that correct George? From Hatonn?

    G: Yes, and from others of his group. (inaudible)

    J: ----so what we have right now is a woman that Hatonn com­municates through? The woman is somewhere at a phone with Ha­tonn and Hatonn is in his space-ship somewhere--somewhere above Earth--is that correct?

    G: No, she is one of the "translators"--only ONE of them. Remember that the transmissions are not - - - -(inaudible).

    J: OK, let's go to Gerald in Phoenix. You're on KTAR 620.

    GL: OK, I've listened to your program before this man in Scotts­dale--and I had a question that still lingers in my mind. Instead of having to lift all these people off Earth if it is destroyed and there are only a few people who will destroy it--why wouldn't it be more sim­ple to just lift off the people who are gonna destroy it and put them on an asteroid some place else? Does that make sense?

    H: Yes, it would seem to make sense but the facts are that that is what has already happened. That is why your planet is in such trou­ble. You don't understand the workings of the Universe or even the orderliness of how the Universe functions. You have been given such ridiculous stories that it is hard for you to understand, either, 1. Why we are not there with you now and yet, if you think about it for a while, I might ask you why would it be that we are doing it this way? I believe after you think about it for a moment you will understand. This is YOUR planet. We have a mission here and we will not interfere, or intervene, in any way with your functioning. Do you understand? It is the law--the cosmic law by which we - - -(interruption)

    J: Gerald, thank you for calling. Now, Hatonn, are you--could you--well, are you so powerful that you could intervene? We who have seen Star Trek know pretty much the tremendous power of extrater­restrials in films, shows, movies and such--do you have all of those powers within your capabilities?

    H: Yes sir.

    J: But you won't use them?

    H: Absolutely not.

    J: You mean that you could stop wars and you won't?

    H: Sir, we don't start your wars. You are a free-will planet. You have been gifted with freedom of life and freedom of choices and what you do with those choices, you see, is up to you. You are given guidelines ac­cording to the Universal Law and the Laws of God and Nature. If you choose to break those laws, I must stand back and allow you to do that. I am sent on a mission but not to interfere or cause even one more grain of trouble on your planet. My mission, commission, my order--if you will, is to bring Truth and set the lies to straight so that Man can have that Truth if he chooses. You can deny it, can deny my presence, you can continue in your dreamland that every­thing is OK--but, I must tell you, that you have things such as a twelve-level underground facility right under Edwards Air Force Base and there are ones scattered all over your world, likewise. You have incredible technology on your planet--you see--when you start looking for your adversary, the anti-Christ, for instance: these are not little gray aliens. These are bounded to your planet and it is not my business to get anything done with them.

    J: Let me interrupt because we have a full board waiting and they may want to tell their children that they got to speak to an extrater­restrial.

    H: Well, I'll tell you Mr. Lawrence, if you would be gracious enough to ask me more often, I would be happy to be on and more people could talk to an extraterrestrial.

    J: Frank in Phoenix, you are on KTAR.

    F: Yes, I have a question. You mention that when the time comes and you take people into evacuation, where would you take them?

    H: I would take them immediately to my ship.

    F: But to where? Would they just be permanently aboard your ship?

    H: Thank you for asking that question. Absolutely not. The first stop of most of you would be to Pleiades. You would be moved into the security of a safe and balanced place. Ones have some ridicu­lous idea of a "Rapture" to some clouds, for instance, with no thought of that which would go on beyond or what you would do af­ter you get "there". This is what you ones must begin to think about--your goal, like where will you go from there? Your Master Teacher of some 2000 years ago, whatever you wish to call this be­ing--this messenger that came, tells you a place has been prepared for you. That is exactly what has happened. You are physical be­ings so a physical place is prepared. It is not some dreamland, mys­tical fantasy where you are floated on some cloud somewhere

    J: OK Frank, thank you for your call. Let's go now to Charles of Scottsdale.

    C: Yeah, I'm calling to find out, you know--you got people like this calling in all the time. She says she's from outer space.

    H: No, no, no--this lady is not from outer space.

    C: Oh, so you're not from outer space?

    H: This lady is not from outer space.

    C: Then where is this lady from?

    H: This lady is from Tehachapi, California.

    C: Oh my God, you are in trouble--I don't know--is that close to Ana­heim?

    J: Ok, I get your point--thank you for your call.

    J: Alright, Curtis in Phoenix, you are on KTAR.

    C: Hello, Anaheim must be somewhere very close to Disneyland.

    J: Well, that might well have been the input. Go ahead, Curtis.

    C: I was calling in regard to the government that is on your planet. Since you have come down to rescue all of us people to somewhere when the Earth is brought to ruin--has your government thought this up--is your government ruled by God or what?

    H: I am in the service of God and those are the people that we will pick up.

    C: Well, you are - - -

    H: You sound as if you think I am going to somehow destroy you someway.

    C: Then are you an angel of God?

    H: I'm a - I guess you might call me that, I am a (interruption)

    J: OK Curtis, thank you and now we have Jan in Apache Junction--you are on KTAR 620. Tell you what, Jan, could you hold on--we have to have a quick break and then we will get back, Ok?


    J: Thanks, now let's go to Jan who has a question for Commander Hatonn.

    Jan: First of all, Jay, I am sorry about all the problems of your health and wish the medicines had served you well.

    J: This is the best I've been--this is wonderful as compared to how I was. Jan: Glad to hear that.

    Jan: I have, really, kind of two question for your guest. My under­standing is that you have been around for some 64,000 years, is that correct?

    H: I believe you must be speaking of Ramtha.

    Jan: Then how long have you been a part of our Universe?

    H: (pause) In one form or another, it has been "forever".

    Jan: Well, then you have been around to watch our planet evolve and civilizations disappear. In other words, the Anasazi, the Mayans, the Atlanteans, the Phoenicians and a great many other cultures. These disappeared and we don't know how they were removed or what happened to them. Can you expound on that a little bit?

    H: Yes I can and I have given, and Mr. Green has over 11,000 pages that we have written in the last 30 months. There are 48 JOURNALS. I cannot give you the life, death and cycles of all your civilizations in 45 seconds. I find it impossible. I appreciate your question because it is an intelligent and relevant question. Usually I have been bombarded with statements such as, "You are false," "You are Satanic," "What are you doing here?" and "Why don't you just cure cancer and then I'll believe you." I am not here to make anyone believe me.

    Jan: No, I am not looking to you as a "fix-all" or anything. H: No, and I understand you and honor you--please do not misunderstand me.

    My other question, which is really immaterial--no, it's not immaterial: In--on this planet we have a number of areas where there are various disappearances such as, I'm thinking of the Bermuda Triangle, The Great Lakes Triangle and then again, off the Sea of Japan; I've forgotten the name of that vortex. You say you key into energy fields--are these energy fields, in fact, creating these hap­penings?

    H: Absolutely, yes. Yes, you have now a lot of inner Earth activity going on, not the least of which, however, is by your own national Government(s). I use plural. You have a major thrust, now, for a takeover to move to One Global Government and that is what is bringing your problems. A problem in the U.S. at this particular time is that you have negated your own Constitution. The only way that you can get control of your government is to get, again, control of your Constitution.

    J: OK, Jan, thanks for your call--now, let us go to James in Phoenix. This is probably the last call we'll have time for.

    James: Hatonn, you say you are here as a representative of the Holy Light of God. May I ask what is the name of your God?

    H: The name of my God is according to whatever you happen to be--"God" is certainly sufficient if you speak English. If you speak Native American you will find - - - (interruption)

    James: Hatonn, I can't ac­cept that because God is a personality and, as a personality, God has a name. But, that's OK--but who is Jesus of Nazareth?

    H: Jesus of Nazareth is one who experienced as a Christ energy. He was given the name "Jesus" by Paul who was traveling in Greece after what, literally, you call the crucifixion.

    James: One other quick question, Hatonn. You seem to take offense when people are disrespectful or unkind in their questions but yet, through the time that I have listened to you on this program (the fol­lowing in a nasty, sarcastic and rude tone)--you have been very disrespectful and unkind to those who believe in Jesus and in the Rapture.

    H: Oh please--I travel with the one Jesus....

    James: I do believe that you are of Satan - ‑

    H: Sir, thank you--you have just made my point. I travel with the one you call Jesus. If ones will allow me to speak--I come as a Host, as a pre-runner for, in preparation

    J: We are out of time

    H. Yes sir, that is always the way it is-‑out of time when we come to God.

    J: George Green--George, please - -

    G: If you listeners want more information please call our 800 num­ber which is 1-800-729-4131 and we can certainly go into that sub­ject--may God bless and be with all you listeners.

    J: It has been a very interesting experience and I'm sure I will hear more about it. Thank you for your time and, Commander Hatonn, thank you. Close out.


    As we close this writing I ask that you always understand that YOU do not know the contract of another and judging is not of God nor to be of another Man. Always judge action and never the person lest ye be wrong. You can never see what wondrous things might flow from that which may appear negative. Most people only wish to learn and share--let us be ever gentle but ever with integrity beyond question. Thank you for your attention, love and sharing.

    Good day and God walks with you--ever constant unto your call.

    Salu, Hatonn to clear, please.

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