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  1. #1
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    By "Dharma"

    "In the fall of 1989, a series of 10 manuscripts referred to as the Phoenix Journals (referring to the symbol of the phoenix on the covers of each) were released to the public. Within the pages of this material many references were made regarding A.S.S.K. and also Sister Thedra. Since then we at A.S.S.K. have received numerous calls and letters asking us for additional in formation in regards to these journals, and since much false information and false rumors have arisen in regards to this ma terial we would like you to know the following:"

    From the first sentence the information is projected in incorrectness. The symbol of the phoenix on the covers is secondary to the PHOENIX JOUR NALS. The phoenix, quetzal, thunderbird, etc, is THE symbol of your cycle of evolution. You are truly coming into death in the fire and will arise again from the ashes thereof. THAT is the meaning of the symbol of the phoenix on the cover.

    I, further, most appreciate that it is noted that 10 (ten) full documents were produced in the fall of '89 with practically no research material available (our intent) to distract our scribe from her appointed work. There is now, how ever, abundance of backup material available for her confirmation. I ask each of you who have studied the material in the Journals--COULD YOU HAVE WRITIEN TEN BOOKS IN TOTAL ACCURACY, CHOOSING OF THE RIGHT SEQUENCE OF PRESENTATION AND CONTENT, CHOOS ING OF THE CORRECT AUTHORS (HAVE YOU WALKED INTO A LIBRARY AND WITNESSED THE QUANTITY OF PUBLICATIONS?), AND COULD YOU HAVE EVEN WRITTEN SO MUCH MATERIAL IN MERE WEEKS THROUGH A MAJOR HOLIDAY SEASON---MUCH LESS WHILE UNDERCOVER ACTIONS WERE AFOOT TO EVICT YOU FROM YOUR HOME? PONDER IT.

    "1. This material did not originate from AS.S.K., nor do we at A.S.S.K. have any connection in the publishing or distribution of this material. We at A.S.S.K. do not endorse this material in any manner."

    It seems strange indeed to note that almost every taped meeting and writing since this scribe began to come into awakening was forwarded to the very ones (including Sister) since September of 1987 through mid-October of 1989. It is further most strange indeed that not only did A.S.S.K. endorse the mate rial but Sister, did in fact, fully intend to write a second portion to AND THEY CALLED HIS NAME IMMANUEL There was further agreement for publication wherein AS.S.K. would receive 55% of all proceeds, should there be any. Dharma simply "gave" the information to Sister and at my insis tence, I required an agreement--which, although verbal, was nonetheless un derstood by ALL involved.

    It is further strange that Oberli sent $4,000 in the company of the material for publication of SPIRAL TO ECONOMIC DISASTER, for the express pur pose of moving that book along also. This was because SPACE-GATE was not getting out in the agreed time (for it got bogged down and was not in proper printing for some four months). (It was to have been out and public by the last week in September.) Then, when other arrangements were made, these ones were still required to accept the books in non-useable format for this publisher, America West. Additional expense was accrued to remove all reference to AS.S.K. from the document after shooting. THOSE WHO "PLAGUE" A.S.S.K. FOR INFORMATION ARE OBVIOUSLY THE ONES WHO WERE AVAILED OF THE ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT DOCUMENTS.

    The $4,000 was sent for a specific purpose and a specific book---it was also the money set aside for the birth of Dalene's very special baby---(these ones have NO resources!).

    When asked for a return of the papers, computer discs and money (at Sananda's request) these ones were told the money had been spent on SPACE-GATE. As a "publisher" that seems highly irregular indeed. When a phone discussion was originated regarding the matter--for Dalene was less than two weeks from a very hazardous delivery--the only response was, "Do you have that in writing?" Oberli didn't know what to do and Sananda re quested most firmly indeed (for this child is most special indeed unto Sananda) to get the materials and the money. At this point time had elapsed and America West was in acceptance of our request for publication of the JOURNALS.

    In response America West did, in fact, agree to take the most burdensome, ill-matching original books and a FORMAL AGREEMENT for pay-back terms for the amount of $2,000 (which was sent to Oberli to use for Dalene's hospital care and only approximately half of that which was needed), in addition to all publishing costs above the amount of the $4,000. The books require special attention for there is no reference within to even "where" to get copies. Does this really appear that these false speakers" intended any harm to or theft from A.S.S.K?

    When the publisher met at A.S.S.K. he was told that only about 80% of the Journal material was true and about 20% was not-----CLUE NUMBER ONE: TRUTH IS 100% IN CONCEPT; 80% IS NOT TOLERABLE AND THAT WAS DHARMA'S FIRST REALLY HEAVY TESTING FOR SHE WILL ACCEPT NOTHING LESS FROM US.

    Would it not possibly appear that "someone" has been efforting at stopping this material from reaching you the people?

    "2. It has come to our attention that large portions of this material was not received from higher sources as claimed, but was pilfered and copied from work previously released by other persons or sources. Examples you may check, are:

    •a. From the journal entitled Space Gate = The great majority of the first 5 chapters of this journal is taken almost word for word from a manuscript previously released by M. W. Cooper, entitled Operation Majority - MJ 12.

    •b. Also from the journal entitled Space Gate = Chapter 6 is taken almost word for word from a transcript of a video tape on International Banking, by Jonathan May.

    •c. From the journal entitled The Rainbow Masters = This journal, for the most part, is copied word for word from a booklet released by Sister Thedra over twenty five years ago en titled The transcripts of the Masters. These transcripts were later released in a book entitled Secret of the Andes. In either case, this material was not channeled in Sept. of 1989, as the journal would have you believe, but has been in print for over twenty years.

    •d. From the journal entitled Cry of the phoenix = Chap ter 6 of this journal was not received on Dec. 17 1989 as the au thor would have you believe, but rather most of this material was copied word from word from a book which was recorded by Sister Thedra over 30 years ago, entitled Prophecies for Tiahu naco."

    Dharma, chela, you MUST look at this--do not turn away from me; you must see it for exactly that which it is. The evil brotherhood will destroy everything in its path to stop this work or discredit it even if it rolls over and destroys a lit tle beloved 90 year old scribe. YOU ONES MUST KNOW HOW IT IS LEST YOU BE EATEN ALIVE.

    Let us delay response to "a" for the document has much further reference to Mr. Cooper.

    As for (b): This scribe, nor Oberli, have ever heard the name Jonathan May. A.S.S.K. must surely have not paid much close attention because Hatonn au dio taped information over a year and a half ago from which the entry into the Journal was ver-batim as nearly as the recorders could transcribe it. It was made on the same weekend, at that time, that Bruce Schiltz and Gabriel Green delivered a tape on the subject (almost ver-batim) from Lindsey Williams AND a set of Ramtha material from J.Z. Knight (the first time Dharma had so much as "heard" the voice of J.Z. Knight)--the first two tapes were almost identical "grey-men" material.

    Instead of "pilfering" might it rather be that the guides and speakers from up here know of that which they speak? Certainly we do not object when ones utilize OUR material as truth. If it is "truth" how can it be pilfered? Or, do these ones claim that that which they put forth is indeed, lies? Further, how can you single out a Jonathan May when his material was taken from dozens and dozens of others from far, far back in time. What about the Skull and Bones series from Dr. Sutton? What about the NONE DARE CALL IT CONSPIRACY from Gary Allen in 1971? What about the great, great con tributions by Gary North, Arthur Robinson, Ron Paul, John King, Walter Russell, Hal Lindsey, Lyndon LaRouche, and hundreds of others? What about Wendelle Stevens from whom, indirectly, the MJ-12 material first came into the attention of these ones? What about Gabriel Green, Crash at Aztec, Above Top Secret, and the MJ-12 documents hand delivered to these ones by Virginia Essene? You want to quarrel over information property, A.S.S.K.? I suggest you reconsider the structure of your lawsuit and I further suggest that Sister listen carefully to this document and confront her group about her as to exactly WHAT THEY ARE DOING!!!!

  2. #2
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar



    I am Gyeorgos (Yeorgos, George) Ceres Hatonn. Commander, United Federation Fleet, Inter-Galactic Federation Command, Status: Admiral of the ship, PHOENIX--in the higher command and within the service of that which can be recognized on Earth (Shan) place as the "Hosts", now present in your Earth sector to set records to straight and correct in preparation for that which you call a "Second Coming" of "God". To recognize the God/Christ being you must first recognize the Earth-bound enemy called the Anti-Christ and that particular tribe which is in attempt to gain total control of all nations of the Shan globe.

    I come in dimensional form easily recognized and understood by you of third dimensional compression and form--I serve as a Commander from Constellation Pleiades having taken more compressed stature than that of ATON of my higher recognition. I care not that which OTHERS have told you, nor NEW AGE BLATHERINGS, I am exactly who I say that I AM!


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유사한 글

  1. Hatonn: aka George the Dragon Slayer
    By wave in forum Journal Extract
    관련글: 0
    최신 글: 2009-04-29, 18:36
  2. Introduction to The Phoenix Journals, by Candace
    By wave in forum Journal Extract
    관련글: 1
    최신 글: 2009-04-09, 01:27
  3. Meditations from PJ#50 by Hatonn
    By wave in forum Journal Extract
    관련글: 0
    최신 글: 2009-03-19, 10:37
  4. 관련글: 0
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  5. 관련글: 0
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