PJ 29
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 1991 10:25 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 251

Hatonn present and I would like to touch each of you--beyond that which is the unseen. We are humbly touched by your letters and confirmations--it would be so wondrous if we could simply print them all- both the positive and negative-for the negative indicates more of the positive than you might guess. Anyone given to write and even denounce the material is beginning to "think" and in putting words to paper makes half our work already done. That one who bothers to read, then denounce, WILL read the response if nothing more. We only speak within REASON and REASON IN THE PRESENCE OF LIGHTED GOD is most hard to discard.

But it is the really insightful inquiries which fill our hearts for the challenge of response in manners which allow understanding is joy. And of course, the ones which are in full agreement, stroke our weary feathers and are the ones who allow us fuel with which to continue with our work.

I don't want to seem trite in what I am going to say here for I say it with such love and humor, but I know that you are finding that simply by sitting with pen in hand in recognition. of your desire for purpose and full understanding--that it comes by putting it to print for self. I long for the day when we have written all the "nasties" of confrontation and can take each letter and respond fully with cross discussion for those are the inquiries which are nagging at mankind.

At this point, however, we are of necessity having to tell you how it is, what are the laws and speeding through in order to possibly retain enough freedom in which to continue to function. KNOW chelas, that the first things to go will be freedom of these such writings. All efforts are made to stop them even while you have the LAW OF THE CONSTITUTION ON OUR SIDE--there will be no freedom of writing, press or speech if we do not turn this thing about.

I have one of the most well thought-out pieces of correspondence in my possession which demands answer in so many facets of action but at this writing I cannot do it justice in response because of other pressing duties. I could turn it over to my brother, Esu, but I rather desire to respond myself for every paragraph is worthy of an Express. We are so limited by several things which are simply a part of human experience. I am told this morning that there are ten "Expresses" piled up and waiting--we could fill three per day and yet we are limited by funds, time and mailing capability, not to mention the fact that receiving readers most often do not find time to partake of too much at any sitting. Life's acceleration and needs smother abilities--ah, but ‘tis such a wondrous time of experience and challenge of total gift.

Please, "Rob", of North Carolina--that you will get your answer as soon as we possibly can. But herein, right now I shall respond to a couple of things. I believe the first quotation is applicable to "Jesus" Sananda and it regards the URANTIA BOOK. I respond in a manner which may be a bit confusing and I certainly do not desire that you take it as a negative input. There is so much truth and perception in the URANTIA BOOK that I fear you will misinterpret that which I shall say--please do not. You will find that MICHAEL and GERMAIN are now writing in conjunction with Sananda (Esu) through Druthea. If you can bear with us a bit longer the seemingly discrepant matters will clear with receiving of more information. Let us print that paragraph, Dharma:

"I BELIEVE You are who You say You are. I don't understand why You are not using the name You are specified by the URANTIA BOOK, publ. 1955. Since 1973 I have thought that You are Michael of our local universe named Nebadon. As for belief, sometime during the late seventies, I determined that my belief had ascended to a higher plane. From that time, I looked upon my relationship with God and His Son as one of actuality, not as a concept that I simply believed in."

"It is with that fascination and wonder that I find myself writing to you, and considering how children write to Santa Clause. Is this real? I think it is. But it is so strange to put pen to paper and realize that while I do that, You are right here with me, all the while. I can handle that. We really do need more direct communication, if it is at all possible."

Do you see that this could take pages and pages to cover response to just these two thought patterns? Please KNOW that God most certainly DOES have a plan and it is our task to lay it forth in segments which allow man to relate in Truth. As to the Urantia material, I do not even wish to place upon it my opinion for that is for another time of in-depth "discovery". OUR intent is to allow ones to come into total comfort with our presence--utilizing terms which can be confirmed and labels which are not "different". Moreover, as we move along you will find that there are many servants working in conjunction with the higher Command bringing forth information for various segments of groups in understanding and some of these come from different places within the Cosmos where terminology even in Universal language will be harder to translate.

As you become more sure of yourself and your own "receiving mechanism" the need for what you call "direct" communication will lessen for that which you already have is actually more "direct" than is going through my translator--but then, you would not be sharing with your brother, would you? As some of you who are more into understanding ask questions through our earthly presentation--the more who do not even yet know the questions to ask--have benefit of the answer. This is WHY the Truths must be put to print so that there can be EXPLICIT knowledge gained and then the wondrous sorting of the spiritual experience can be attained. It is not in the proper order of importance--just necessity in the physical plane for if you don't save your freedom in the human physical experience--we will not be allowed to share of the spiritual, short of transition; therefore, many would never come into Truth. If you fail to look upon your relationship with "God and His Son as one of actuality" then we have failed for you MUST not only look at that coalition as one of actuality but also within self in reality of a oneness with that coalition. Further, as you become a "living" experience of that Truth--insight flows like the living-spring from source and ALL falls into proper placement. Be patient and wait upon the Lord--for He has waited long for your blossoming and allow us ability to rejoice in the glory of the experience.

I shall make every effort to have response for your group over your end of May gathering. I thank you for your invitation.

Now the second item, which I would share in THIS note, is one which is billowing up like the fires and smoke over Kuwait. God's own pronouncements of the "Commandments" and especially that prickly one regarding "Thou shalt not commit adultery...etc." Let us just reprint a couple or three paragraphs:

"Back to helping them work together! If I make You the moral foundation upon which to build our collective future, I must be sure that You are behind me. I am presently completely sure that You are, but anything that You say is necessarily for their attention. Problem: the Commandment of ‘Thou shalt not commit adultery' as expressed in SATAN'S DRUMMERS, [And get prepared, for you obviously have not gotten the information straight from God regarding Commandments, etc.] is going to be a real tough one. You say we are not supposed to engage in sexual intercourse unless we are procreating. [I guess it comes to that--although it is up to each to decide and choose that which he/she will actually do. It may not be as restricting as you might at first think because of the pressures of "performance" placed upon male/female by the false teachers.]

"I beg Your forgiveness, for I am a sinner [I certainly do hope so, son, for if you did not err (sin) ye would not be on this place to even begin to make a difference, for perfection is within and with God and all short of that perfection simply will "sin".], however [And now, we get to it for a "but" or "however" actually negates the prior statement; ponder it.], is it not a wondrous experience to express true love in a heterosexual way? The matter of love has always been the foremost concern. Yes, I had to grow up to feel this way because it can not exist lustfully. The innocence of love and the sincere, respectful expression of such cannot be a bad thing! [How often is such a relationship in your "modern" world of "everything/anything goes" truly absent of lust, greed, power, prostitution and pay-off/buy-off? or, simply, somebody SAID it is supposed to be this or that?]

"You could not express these views to the people because they would not understand, everyone would be screwing everyone they could and they would claim true love! Nevertheless, if I am to try to get children saved, and if I must tell them to quit drinking, smoking, and screwing, then I might as well give up. I am human, and I am doing all I can to bring as many home as I can, but I can't ask people to do what I cannot do."

There is more on this subject, readers, but I only want to express a couple of ideas. YOU CANNOT SAVE ANYONE. YOU CANNOT BRING ANYONE HOME! You do not HAVE TO TELL ONES ANYTHING--FOR YOU DID NOT GIVE FORTH THE RULES. Release this burden upon self, Rob, for ye will only bury your light which is brilliant and all without "cause". Our JOB is to bring Truth and each will make choices--but neither DO YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO INTERPRET THAT WHICH GOD HAS LAID FORTH AS PERFECTION OF ACTIONS UNTO HIS CREATIONS.

YOU perceive man is not ready to follow the "letter of the Law"--you are incorrect, son! Oh, not all at once, perhaps, but given Truth as the guidelines and as ones GET OFF THEIR DUFFS AND GET BUSY--THEY WILL FIND THE CIRCUMSTANCES AND DESIRES CHANGE AND THE PROBLEM CEASES TO BE A PROBLEM. You cannot expect to simply sit holding hands and wallowing in a little reunion of spiritual nothingness and change a thing--it is the coming together and sharing with intent to serve; as the service absorbs the beingness--the perceived restrictions simply remove themselves and as the void within is filled in the TRUTH, the peace fills the void for which the body physical is searching in all the wrong places and with any and all faces. Man will find that his fulfillment will come through LOVE and that which was given unto you as being the ultimate method of physical peace (piece) takes its proper place in discernment. You ones have simply been lied to and the fulfillment of emotional needs is simply not permanently completed by ANY type of purely physical behavior. Further, it isn't your place to tell anyone to give up anything--from drugs to drink. Each has to find reason within self to do it for SELF--you don't need to give restrictions--simply offer the hand and give support and ask for that same mutual support from that one--always with forgiveness for errors--MOST ESPECIALLY OF SELF FOR SELF WILL BE THE CRITIC OF CHOICE OR DAMAGE. DELIBERATE AND INTENTIONAL DISOBEDIENCE UNTO THE LAWS IS ONE THING BUT COMING INTO UNDERSTANDING TO THE POINT OF ABILITY TO FUNCTION WITHIN THE LAWS IS QUITE ANOTHER AND AS LONG AS THE INTENT IS ALWAYS TOWARD GODNESS--HE SHALL DO THE MEASURING.

I can promise you something beyond all doubts--you find someone and join in friendship and love through understanding and genuine sharing and caring--and you will need no physical expression of that relationship as you have been taught to express it. If that type of relationship of commitment one to another were instilled FIRST--there would be no overpopulation of the planet, no murdered babies, etc. LOVE does not destroy--love fills the whole and it is purely emotional/spiritual--ALL PHYSICAL EXPRESSION IS PHYSICAL AND AS LONG AS YOU CONTINUE IN THE TOTALLY PHYSICAL EXPRESSION YOU CAN NEVER ATTAIN HIGHER FOR YOU ARE LOCKED INTO THE LOWER EXPERIENCE--BAD? OF COURSE NOT, JUST LIMITING BEYOND YOUR IMAGININGS. So be it--I would like to cover this much more fully but I wanted you to have this, Rob, for these are topics greatly troubling you.


NOW FOR ALL THE INQUIRIES--BE THEY ABOUT GROUPS OR, OR, OR--LOOK AT THE PRESENT CIRCUMSTANCE AND JUDGE THE ACTIONS. FORGET THE "NAME" OF THE GROUP--DOES IT FILL GOD'S INTENT? YOU ARE THE DECEIVED THROUGH DELIBERATE INTENT--FOR INSTANCE, DO NOT EXPECT THE LOCAL MASONIC LODGE TO HAVE EVIL AND MURDEROUS THRUST--FOR THE LOCAL LODGE MEMBERS WILL SIMPLY BE PLAYING A GAME THINKING THEMSELVES TO BE SERVING GOODNESS--AND AS LONG AS YOU ARE DOING SO--WHY CHANGE? BUT DO BEGIN TO LOOK CLOSELY AT ALL VOWS AND RITUALS FOR THAT WHICH THEY ACTUALLY PROJECT. You will find, for instance, that in the rituals and chantings of the Masonic brothers, the rituals do actually deal with "death" and are most certainly "secret"--I don't tell you that which to do about your membership--you must decide that matter and weigh the good and companionship. Know that man does not wish to give up his attachments to the deceivers nor does he wish to declare himself deceived--so be it--for almost 100% of you ones have been deceived; so what, do you continue to take the "medicine" which can either be a killer or a cure? You must look within and at the circumstance for I cannot do that for you.

Further, if you discern that a thing is truly not really that which you thought, can you not simply extract yourself far enough to LOOK? But I CAN promise you this much--IF YOU ARE TRULY SEARCHING--THERE IS NEED AND REASON FOR YOUR DISCOMFORT--SIMPLY LOOK AT IT AND EVENTUALLY, WITH REASON, YOU WILL UNDERSTAND ACTIONS.

Evil depends upon you to fight for that which you PERCEIVE to be fulfilling as a human--even though there is no pure happiness in the human for without peace and happiness in the soul there is no replacement--for as with pure love--these things are of the spirit. Mine is to allow you to know there is a difference and the choice is yours for you do not stay bounded unto a physical world in any one experience for more than some century on the outside--and you are bounded to spiritual experience within the other realms for infinity and THAT is a very long time! Ponder it.

Dharma, we have taken longer than I had wanted on this subject but perhaps it is more worthy than "Wherefrom came and went the Khazars" in the path of spiritual direction. Unfortunately, being manifest into humanness--we cannot put the human aside as if it exists not. Man must also deal with that which is physical and therefore, you must know that with which you exist so that you can funnel actions into the path of Truth instead of unto evil limitations of the physical experience. You must recognize the binding material lest you stay helpless in the perceived unbreakable bindings. KNOW YOUR ENEMY AND SOON YOU HAVE NO ENEMY! SO:


Two basic facts emerge from this survey: the disappearance of the Khazar nation from its historic habitat, and the simultaneous appearance in adjacent regions to the northwest of the greatest concentration of Judaists since the beginnings of the Diaspora. Since the two are obviously connected, the immigration from Khazaria contributed greatly to the growth of Polish Judaism (later to be called Jewry)--this is totally supported and proven by the evidence we have given you and by that which still will unfold. Let us, however, look at the extent of this contribution--the size of the Khazar immigration compared with the influx of Western Judaists, and their respective share in the genetic make-up of the modern Judaist (Jewish) community.

In other words, the fact that Khazars emigrated in substantial numbers into Poland is established beyond dispute; the question is whether they provided the bulk of the new settlement, or only its hard core, as it were. To find an answer to that question, we must get the idea of the size of the immigration of "real JUDAISTS" from the West.

Towards the end of the first millennium, the most important settlements of Western European Judaists were in France and the Rhineland and this is not counting the Judaists of Spain, who formed a category apart and did not participate in the migratory movements with which we are at the moment concerned. Some of these communities had probably been founded in Roman days, for, between the destruction of Jerusalem and the decline of the Roman Empire, "Jews" had settled in many of the greater cities under its rule, and were later on reinforced by immigrants from Italy and North Africa. Thus you have records from the ninth century onwards of Judaist communities in places all over France, from Normandy down to Provence and the Mediterranean.

One group even crossed the Channel to England in the wake of the Norman invasion, invited by William the Conqueror, because he needed their capital and enterprise. Their history has been nicely summed up by one of the historians:

They were subsequently converted into a class of "royal usurers" whose main function was to provide credits for both political and economic ventures. After accumulating great wealth through the high rate of interest, these moneylenders were forced to disgorge it in one form or another for the benefit of the royal treasury. The prolonged well-being of many Judaist families, the splendour of their residence and attire, and their influence on public affairs blinded even experienced observers to the deep dangers lurking from the growing resentment of debtors of all classes, and the exclusive dependence of Judaists on the protection of their royal masters...Rumblings of discontent, culminating in violent outbreaks in 1189-90, presaged the final tragedy: the "expulsion" of 1290. The meteoric rise, and even more rapid decline of English Judaism in the brief span of two and a quarter centuries (1066-1290) brought Into sharp relief the fundamental factors shaping the destinies of all western Judaism in the crucial first half of the second millennium."

If you didn't get that paragraph--go back and reread it until you do! The English example is instructive, because it is exceptionally well-documented compared to the early history of the Judaist communities on the Continent. The main lesson you must derive from it is that the social-economic influence of the Judaists was quite out of proportion with their very small numbers. There were no more than 2,500 Judaists in England at any time before their expulsion in 1290. This tiny Judaist community in medieval England played a leading part in the country's economic Establishment--much more so than its opposite number in Poland; yet in contrast to Poland it could not rely on a network of Judaist small towns to provide it with a mass-basis of humble craftsmen, of lower-middle-class artisans and workmen, carters and inn-keepers; it had no roots in the people. On this vital issue England epitomized developments on the Western Continent. The Judaists of France and Germany faced the same predicament: their occupational stratification was lopsided and top-heavy. This led everywhere to the same, tragic sequence of events. The dreary tale always starts with a honeymoon, and ends in divorce and bloodshed. In the beginning the Judaists are pampered with special charters, privileges, and favours. They are personae gratae, like the court alchemists, because they alone have the secret of how to keep the wheels of the economy turning. In the "Dark Ages" the commerce of Western Europe was largely in Judaist hands, not excluding the slave trade, and in the Carolingian cartularies Judaist and Merchant are used as almost interchangeable terms. Now as an aside, even if I utilized the label "Jew" would I be anti-anything? Suppose I said that the Moslems, Muslims, or Christians could be interchangeable with "merchant"? Do you see how foolishly you have been deceived? But, now look again at your own thought processes as I say "the homosexuals were interchangeable with "merchants"--or, "the blacks - - -". EVERY WORD IN LANGUAGE CREATES AN EMOTIONAL RESPONSE--A RESPONSE GEARED SOLELY ON WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN "TOLD" TO FEEL, SEE AND HEAR. Even if I use the term "Jew" which is currently prevalent--does that mean "ALL JEWS"? Of course not--for there are hardly any Judean (race) "Jews" left in the world--having been snuffed out and oppressed by the non-Judean Khazarian imposters. However, back to the subject: with the growth of a native mercantile class, they became gradually excluded, not only from most productive occupations, but also from the traditional forms of commerce, and virtually the only field left open to them was lending capital on interest. The feeling is often expressed as "...The floating wealth of the country was soaked up by the Judaists, who were periodically made to disgorge into the exchequer...." The archetype of "Shylock" was established long before Shakespeare's time.

In the honeymoon days, Charlemagne had sent an historic embassy in 797 to Harun al-Rashid in Baghdad to negotiate a treaty of friendship; the embassy was composed of the Judaist Isaac and two Christian nobles. The bitter end came when, in 1306, Philip le Bel expelled the Judaists from the kingdom of France. Though later some were allowed to return, they suffered further persecution, and by the end of the century the French community of Judaists was virtually extinct. The modern community of "Jews" in France and England was founded by refugees from the Spanish Inquisition in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.

Do you now begin to see clearly how having information in Truth gives you better insight and understanding upon which to handle "reason"? Ninety-nine and 44/100ths percent of all "Jews" do not know this information--how could they? They are far more deceived than are the masses of "other" groups. Further, when the ones who WORK FOR the Elite as their errand boys and enforcers of the lies awake--they can stop this idiocy in one day.

You are making inroads, chelas--there is coming (even to CNN) voices objecting to the "Israeli Lobby" and objections to the outpouring of wealth in return for naught but oppression and poverty to your own nation. This only on the yester-evening news portion--I honor the daring reporters for they probably will be excised from the payroll.

Also, for your confirmation and truth input--last evening on public broadcasting station came an hour on "Earthquakes" and that was followed by Bill Moyers "Frontline" on HIGH CRIMES AND MISDEMEANORS, the Iran/Contra "scandal". If you can watch the truth pour forth in document and pictures and not get pretty nervous then YOU ARE THE ROBOTOID IN POINT! It is an excellent, excellent documentary with every President lying to you time after time after time, including your President Bush--after he became President--over and over again. America, wake up! This same program will air on this coming week-end and it first aired toward the end of 1990 so you all have a chance at it. If you don't get to see it, find someone who has a copy and/or get a transcript. YOU NEED THE CONFIRMATION THAT WE ARE NOT SIMPLY TROUBLE-MAKERS IN FAVOR OF DOOM AND GLOOM--YOU ARE IN SERIOUSLY GRAVE CIRCUMSTANCES.

Dharma, allow us a break, please. I do ask that we write again this day. Thank you--ALL of you, for my gratitude and appreciation for all of you are beyond your language to give expression. I stand aside to clear, please.

PJ 29
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 1991 3:27 P.M. YEAR 4, DAY 251

There is a book called the Germanica Judaica but it is only a reference work to historic sources which sheds light on individual communities up to around 1238. Strangely, all scholarly history of German Judaism has been erased or very well hidden. However, even through the dim light you can find the illumination of the territorial distribution of the Western-Judaist communities in Germany during the critical period when Khazar-Judaic immigration into Poland was approaching its peak. This is important for it was to come in your own century that tragic disinformation and heinous activities would revolve around this Judaic population in those regions of Europe.

One of your earliest records of such a community in Germany recalls a certain Kalonymous, who, in 906, emigrated with his kinsfolk from Lucca in Italy to Mayence. About the same time you hear of Judaists in Spires and Worms, and somewhat later in other places--Treves, Metz, Strasbourg, Cologne--all of them situated in a narrow strip in Alsace and along the Rhine valley. The Judaist traveller Benjamin of Tudela, for instance, visited the region in the middle of the twelfth century and wrote: "In these cities there are many Judaists, wise men and rich." But how many are "many"? In fact, very few!

Earlier on, there lived in Mayence a certain Rabbi Gershom be Yehuda (circa 960-1030) whose great learning earned him the title "Light of the Diaspora" and the position of spiritual head of the French and Rhenish-German community. At some date around 1020 Gershom convened a Rabbinical Council in Worms, which issued various edicts, including one that put a legal stop to polygamy (which had anyway been in abeyance for a long time). To these edicts a codicil was added, which provided that in case of urgency any regulation could be revoked "by an assembly of a hundred delegates from the countries of Burgundy, Normandy, France, and the towns of Mayence, Spires and Worms". In other rabbinical documents, too, dating from the same period, only these three towns are named, and you can only conclude that the other Judaist communities in the Rhineland were, at the beginning of the eleventh century, still too insignificant to be mentioned.

By the end of the same century, the Judaic communities of Germany narrowly escaped complete extermination in the outbursts of mob-hysteria accompanying the First Crusade, AD 1096. Now I want to tell you something--you haven't seen anything as heinous as the Christians going about their Crusades of "convert or else"--there was a LOT of "OR ELSE". A historian, F. Barker, conveyed the crusader's mentality very well with a dramatic force rarely encountered in the columns of the sedate Encyclopaedia Britannica:

"He might butcher all, till he waded ankle-deep in blood, and then at nightfall kneel, sobbing for very joy, at the altar of the Sepulchre--for was he not red from the winepress of the Lord?"

Surely, and may God have mercy on Man for he is in great need thereof! Looking at that which just happened in Iraqi towns and Kurdish villages--how far have you moved into civilization, brethren?

The Judaists of the Rhineland were caught in that winepress, which nearly squeezed them to death. Moreover, they themselves became affected by a different type of mass hysteria and revenge mind-set: a morbid yearning for martyrdom. According to the Hebrew chronicler Solomon bar Simon, considered as generally reliable, the Judaists of Mayence, faced with the alternative between baptism or death at the hands of the mob, gave the example to other communities by deciding on collective suicide--as if a bit of water on the forehead would dissolve the being.

"Imitating on a grand scale Abraham's readiness to sacrifice Isaac [AND IF YOU THINK GOD WAS BEHIND SUCH AN ACT OF VIOLENCE AGAINST A CHILD AS PRESENTED IN YOUR BOOK OF HORRORS, THEN YOU NEED YOUR WONDROUS LITTLE HEAD EXAMINED], fathers slaughtered their children and husbands their wives. These acts of unspeakable horror and heroism were performed in the ritualistic form of slaughter with sacrificial knives sharpened in accordance with Judaic law [???]. At times the leading sages of the community, supervising the mass immolation, were the last to part with life at their own hands...In the mass hysteria, sanctified by the glow of religious martyrdom and compensated by the confident expectation of heavenly rewards, nothing seemed to matter but to end life before one fell into the hands of the implacable foes and had to face the inescapable alternative of death at the enemy's hand or conversion to Christianity."

Now for you readers who have read the Journal containing the truth about Guyana and Jim Jones--please go back and read the above paragraph. Now, sit a minute and then tell me from whence you think the idea of cover-up by such mass murder was instigated and WHO of the Mossad would expect the world to believe the lies about suicide? Brothers, that was supposedly an evangelical Christian village in Jonestown. The fact that Jim Jones became a part of the cover-up and followed DIRECTLY THE TALMUDIC PROTOCOLS should tell you all the necessary information--however, meld that with cover-up of a Soviet missile base less than 30 miles from Jonestown which was destined for destruction and you have the picture. There was absolute necessity to have some event which would cover the corpses of the involved military personnel who would be killed, flowing back into the U.S. because Guyana refused to handle the bodies. If you haven't read the correct story about the incident then I suggest you obtain the Journal giving the documentation of the event.

Well, let us go ahead and turn from the gore to sober statistics and you will get a rough idea of the size of the Judaist communities in Germany. The Hebrew sources agree on 800 victims (by slaughter or suicide) in Worms alone, and vary between 900 and 1300 for Mayence. Of course there must have been many who preferred baptism to death, and the sources do not indicate the number of survivors; nor can you be sure that they do not exaggerate the number of martyrs as is often present in recordings. At any rate the calculations show that the total Judaist population of either community had hardly exceeded the figures here given for the dead alone. So the survivors in Worms or in Mayence could only have numbered a few hundred in each case. Yet these two towns (with Spires as a third) were the only ones important enough to be included in Rabbi Gershom's edit earlier on.

Thus you come to realize that the Judaic community in the German Rhineland was numerically small, even before the First Crusade, and had shrunk to even smaller proportions after having gone through the winepress of the Lord. Yet, east of the Rhine in central and northern Germany, there were as yet no Judaist communities at all, and none for a long, long time to come. The traditional conception of Judaic historians that the Crusade of 1096 swept like a broom a mass-migration of German "Jews" into Poland is simply not true and at best can only be a false legend--or rather an ad hoc hypothesis invented because, as they knew little of Khazar history, they could see no other way to account for the emergence, out of nowhere, of this unprecedented concentration of Judaists in Eastern Europe. Yet there is not a single mention in the contemporary sources of any migration, large or small, from the Rhineland further east into Germany, not to mention distant Poland. Could it be that the censors were already at their clever maneuvers?

You do have information of what the battered Judaic communities did during the first and subsequent crusades. Some died by their own hands; others tried to offer resistance and were lynched, while those who survived owed their good fortune to the fact that they were given shelter for the duration of the emergency in the fortified castle of the Bishop of Burgrave who was responsible for their legal protection. Is any of this beginning to add up as a rerun, little chelas? Frequently this measure was not enough to prevent a massacre; but the survivors, once the crusading hordes had passed, invariably returned to their ransacked homes and synagogues to make a fresh start. Now, you rebuild their homes and reinstate them with total protection even if it requires killing the very ones from whom they stole the entire package. They have gotten far more clever and you far more soundly asleep from their tranquilizers and brainwashing.

You will find their pattern, as above, repeatedly in chronicles: in Treves, in Metz, and many, many other places. By the time of the second and later crusades, it had become almost a routine. I would remind you of another point which you must look at very closely--Mr. Shamir said it to perfection: "We will retaliate--no matter how long it takes and in our own time and way!" You think the "Jews" feel the Christians still blame them for Jesus' death--pooh! The so-called Christians never cared enough to blame them--THEY STILL BLAME THE CHRISTIANS AND ALL ASSOCIATED WITH PRO-CHRISTIAN ACTS AND GOD-NESS AND WILL GAIN REVENGE IF IT TAKES UNTIL THE VERY DESTRUCTION OF YOUR PLANET WITH THEM ON IT!

At the beginning of the agitation for a new crusade many Judaists of Mayence, Worms, Spires, Strasbourg, Wurzburg and other cities, escaped to neighboring castles, leaving their books and precious possessions in the custody of friendly burghers. One of the main sources is through the Book of Remembrance by Ephraim bar Jacob, who himself, at the age of thirteen, had been among the refugees from Cologne in the Castle of Wolkenburg. Solomon bar Simon reports that during the second crusade the survivors of the Mayence Judaists found protection in Spires, then returned to their native city and built a new synagogue. This is the leitmotif of the Chronicles; to repeat it once more, there is not a word about Judaic communities emigrating toward eastern Germany, which, in the words of Mieses, was still Judenrein--clean of Judaists--and was to remain so for several centuries.


The thirteenth century was a period of partial recovery. You hear for the first time of Judaists in regions adjacent to the Rhineland: the Palatinate (AD 1225); Freiburg (1230), Ulm (1243), Heidelberg (1255), etc., but it was to be only a short respite, for the fourteenth century brought new disasters to Franco-German Judaism.

The first catastrophe was the expulsion of all Judaists from the royal domains of Philip le Bel. France had been suffering from an economic crisis, to the usual accompaniments of debased currency and social unrest. Philip tried to remedy it by the habitual method of soaking the Judaists. He exacted from them payments of 100,000 livres in 1292, 215,000 livres in 1295, 1299, 1302 and 1305, then decided on a radical remedy for his ailing finances. On June 21, 1306, he signed a secret order to arrest all Judaists in his kingdom on a given day, confiscate their property and expel them from the country (sounds like the IRS?) The arrests were carried out on July 22, and the expulsion a few weeks later. The refugees emigrated into regions of France outside the King's "domain", Provence, Burgundy, Aquitaine, and a few other feudal fiefs. But there are no historical records whatsoever to indicate that German Judaists increased its numbers through the sufferings of the Judaic community in France in the decisive period of its destruction. None of your historians have ever suggested that French Judaists trekked across Germany into Poland, either on that particular occasion or at any other time.

Under Philip's successors there were some partial recalls of Judaists around 1315 and in 1350, but they could not undo the damage, nor prevent renewed outbursts of mob persecution. By the end of the fourteenth century, France, like England, was virtually without Judaists of any race, color or creed--real or imitation.


The second catastrophe of that disastrous century was the Black Death, which, between 1348 and 1350, killed off a third of Europe's population, and in some regions even two-thirds. It came from east Asia via Turkestan, and the way it was let loose on Europe, and what it did there, is symbolic of the lunacy of Man. A Tartar leader named Janibeg in 1347 was besieging the town of Kaffa (now Feodosia) in the Crimea, then a Genoese trading port. The plague was rampant in Janibeg's army, so he catapulted the corpses of infected victims into the town, whose population became infected in its turn, and this may have well been the first bacteriological/missile warfare. Genoese ships carried the rats and their deadly fleas westward into the Mediterranean ports, from where they spread inland. And, sic-sic, you thought AIDS was some type of ball-game?

The bacilli of Pasteurella pestis were not supposed to make a distinction between the various denominations, yet Judaists were nevertheless singled out for special treatment. After being accused earlier of the ritual slaughter of Christian children, they were now accused of poisoning the wells to spread the Black Death. The legend traveled faster even than the rats, and the consequence was the burning of Judaists en masse all over Europe. Once more suicide by mutual self-immolation became a common expedient, to avoid being burned alive. Does one differ greatly from another? Is it not unlike the AIDS and homosexuals, etc. Ah but you say, "...but we are ‘Christians' and we believe on and pray to Jesus and, and, and--". No, you who do all the praying and proclaiming do not believe in "Christness" and break the most important laws of God. If you were "Christian" in Truth--you would turn unto the Laws of God and the Christ and cease the very activities and behaviors which brought you down in the first place. The enemy only has to know where you are vulnerable and there he puts his weapons of destruction and you do the rest unto selves.

The decimated population of Western Europe did not reach again its pre-plague level until the sixteenth century. As for its Judaists, who had been exposed to the twofold attack of rats and men only a fraction survived. As Kutschera wrote:

"The populace avenged on them the cruel blows of destiny and set upon those whom the plague had spared with fire and sword. When the epidemics receded, Germany, according to contemporary historians, was left virtually without Jews. We are led to conclude that in Germany itself the Jews could not prosper, and were never able to establish large and populous communities. How, then, in these circumstances, should they have been able to lay the foundations in Poland of a mass population so dense that at present (AD 1909) it outnumbers the Jews of Germany at the rate of ten to one? It is indeed difficult to understand how the idea ever gained ground that the eastern Jews represent immigrants from the West, and especially from Germany."

How indeed, chelas? Where did they come from? Surely you do not think they "fell from the skies"? Surely the anti-Christ forces would not come from somewhere out there having been sent from their own environments by their unGodly behaviors! I herein ask whoever did the clever posting of the Khazarian (called Viking) we spoke of yesterday, along side the picture of Shamir--take bows and receive accolades--and even as poor as is the copy (which is better for this purpose at any rate), reproduce it as presented to me here, side by side. THESE BEINGS CAN NOW REPLICATE THEMSELVES INTO ANY SIZE, SHAPE AND LANGUAGE PREFERRED--I HOPE THIS DOESN'T SPOIL YOUR SLEEP!

Next to the first crusade, the "Black Death" is most frequently invoked by historians as the deus ex machina which created Eastern Jewry. And, just as in the case of the crusades, there is not a shred of evidence for this imaginary exodus. On the contrary, the indications are that the Jews' only hope of survival on this, as on that earlier occasion, was to stick together and seek shelter in some fortified place or less hostile surroundings in the vicinity. There is only one case of an emigration in the "Black Death" period mentioned by Mieses: Jews from Spires took refuge from persecution in Heidelberg--about ten miles away.

After the virtual extermination of the old Jewish communities in France and Germany in the wake of the "Black Death", Western Europe remained without Judaists for a couple of centuries, with only a few enclaves vegetating on--except in Spain. It was an entirely different stock of Judaists who founded the modern communities of England, France and Holland in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries--the Sephardim (Sephardic of today, then called Spanish Judaist ‘Judeans') forced to flee from Spain where they had been resident for more than a millennium. Their history--and the history of modern European "Jewry"--lies outside the scope of this particular Journal. However, especially if you have read the portions of the Journals regarding Jack Bernstein and Len Martin called THE LIFE OF AN AMERICAN JEW IN RACIST MARXIST ISRAEL, you will recall that Jack's wife was a Sephardic "Jewess" and he from the line of the Zionist Elite "Askenazi". They were considered outcasts in stolen Israel just because of the intermarriage. I suggest you read the material for it is truly worthy of attention. There are other stories I intend to likewise "lay on you" later.

At any rate, readers, you may safely conclude that the traditional idea of a mass-exodus of Western "Jewry" from the Rhineland to Poland all across Germany--a hostile, "Jewless" glacis--is historically untenable. It is incompatible with the small size of the Rhenish communities, their reluctance to branch out from the Rhine valley towards the east, their stereotyped behavior in adversity, and the absence of references to migratory movements in contemporary chronicles. Further evidence for this view is provided by linguistics which subject we will take up at another sitting.


I do not want to take up that subject in any depth at this particular point but let us look at it for just a moment. The facts are that in today's world and more specifically--because of intense focus--the so-called, self-styled Jews (Khazar Elite) are enforcing two kinds of censorship on the American public--open and surreptitious. The open censorship sabotages the ideal of free speech and free press as set forth in the U.S. Constitution. The selective aspect of the surreptitious censorship is actively destroying the basic ideal of individual sovereignty on which the U.S. Government was founded.

Khazar censorship extends to the very definition of the word, self-given--to selves, by the so-called and self-styled "Jews". What does the word "Jew" really designate? Who is a Jew?

Your own "Dear Abby" probably added it up best, "...a Jew is someone who says he is a Jew." However, a Khazarian "leader" in stolen Palestine (Israel) called her to task and quoted the orthodox definition which was later printed. One condition of being a Jew, according to him, was being born of a Jewish mother. It is obvious the "authority" in Palestine is NOT--or perhaps by the very structure of the response--IS TRUTH. It has nothing to do with Judean parentage and therefore it must be anyone constructed and choosing to be called a Jew after the seventeenth century fits the classification--"Judean" certainly DOES NOT!

The "Jews" discuss the question "What is a Jew?" among themselves at great length and divisions arise among them over what definition they should present to non-Jews. They know, from a study of their history, that their joint effort can enforce any definition of their choosing on others. Remember that the very "All Vows-Vow" (Kol Nidre) the ones practicing Atonement vow to lie all year--it is a part of the requirement by the Talmud. Do all of them realize the truth of this? I certainly do hope not. I suspect that most self-styled, so-called Jews don't pay the slightest attention to that which they pledge any more than do the Christians, Masons, Eastern Star, Elks and what have you. THESE KHAZAR ZIONISTS HAVE CHOSEN TO ENFORCE CONFUSION ON THE WESTERN WORLD--CONFUSION BEING THE FIRST TOOL OF CHOICE OF THE ANTI-GOD! GO READ IT FOR YOURSELVES; THEN READ AGAIN THROUGH THE PROTOCOLS, THE "COMMUNIST MANIFESTO" AND "THE SATANIC COMMANDMENTS".

This very question must be opened up and decided, not on the basis of what facade the "Jews" WANT TO PRESENT, BUT ON THE BASIS OF FACTS.

Any discussion as to whether or not the Jews are a race or religion is totally and absolutely ridiculous. THEY ARE NEITHER.

"Jew" is simply not a valid religious identification. There are many opposing divisions within the traditional religion of the "Jews" and there are a great many "Jews" who openly announce themselves to be agnostics and atheists.

"Jew" is certainly not a valid racial identification for the ones labeling themselves "Jew" are not even from the part of the world of Judea as we have described and proven. If it could be assumed that the Judeans, when led out of Egypt by Moses were a homogeneous race--which it cannot--there has been enough intermarriage in historical times so that Jews could not accurately be distinguished from the non-Jew in the United States by any biological criteria whatsoever.

Any way you cut it, brothers, for the obvious reasons of designation we must consider that they are, stolen or not, a "nation". In the language and thought patterns of all the peoples of the world and all the history of the world, the facts clearly point to one thing: The Jews are a nation of self-proclaimed imposters who have formed a nation.

"Nation" is a word that designates a fictitious entity, which is called "body politic" in legal terms to distinguish it from other fictitious entities called "corporations". Corporations "exist" by authority given them by a "body politic". Since "nation" is a fictitious entity by definition, it could be argued that a fictitious entity does not exist in the world of reality; therefore, REAL Jews cannot be a nation. That logic is invincible. But if the word "nation" can be used to designate anything that exists in the world of reality, the Jews are a nation. Considered as individuals formally bonded and acting together as an entity, with an unchanging political objective, the Jews are unquestionably a "nation". The Jews are a nation--a body politic--composed of individuals having heterogeneous religious beliefs and heterogeneous racial heritage. But worse for America--the Jews act as a race and, much worse, go through tax-free on the basis of "religion". Isn't there something tacky in all this? Do you-the-people get by with this type of behavior?

Don't even present the argument to me that, "The Jews have made the desire for a land of their own a battle cry for three thousand years. They have Israel now. The U.S. should require that they all go there." Firstly, the ones in so-called Israel are not only NOT THE CHOSEN (israel) OF GOD but they are not even of the bloodline which lost their "nation" in the first place--these self-styled Jews were not even called Jews until the 18th century.

So, I would like to comment briefly about that "ISRAEL". The relationship of the U.S. with Israel is something that is totally shameful in every respect. "Israel" launched a flagrant war of aggression with arms furnished by the United States and then, obviously only because of U.S. backing, was able to hold on to the territory taken in said war. This fact is a blot upon your nation's history that can never be erased. It dropped you from the high respect that you once held among the nations of the earth. The Arabs protested your "big brother" relationship to Israel by a dramatic raise of oil prices. This triggered a new wave of inflation in the U.S. and most other countries of the world that will be a continual and painful reminder for a long time to come of the shameful act performed by the U.S. in backing Israel's aggression. Now you have quadrupled your heinous aggression by this latest lie and cover-up in Iraq. You have no Arab coalition--you have a few Elite Royal richmen partially on your side--EXCEPT AS REGARDS ISRAEL--in other words, ONLY where wealth is concerned--a fragile straw indeed for the "masses" are indeed poor and deprived.

These disgraceful acts of the most powerful nation (was--no more, by a long, long shot; you are now simply called fools) in the world overshadows the rapacious character which the Jews displayed in less than thirty years after establishing their first colony with a geographical fix in almost two thousand years. Ah, you thought it to be in Palestine? No, the first establishment was in the United States, which made the other, possible.

"Israel" is such a new and uncharacteristic colony that, for simplicity, I shall refer to all "Jews" as citizens of the Nomadic Jewish Nation although it would be more accurate to refer to them properly as the Wandering Khazarian Elitists. Nonetheless, we shall play the game they present, as if, and try it on for size and you will see the "misfit".

The Jewish Nation has four distinguishing characteristics: 1) It is the oldest nation in the world. 2) It is the only nomadic nation in the world. 3) It has demonstrated its ability to remain a cohesive functioning entity--a body politic--without setting forth its corporate structure and governing laws in conventional form (Israel still has no governing Constitution and has rewritten yours, America). 4) It has shown its ability to exist without drawing its nourishment directly from the earth. Most especially in the recent conventional colony of Israel, as it exists now, and has existed for almost two thousand years, solely as a multi-colonied parasite attached to other nations. The present circumstance could be considered an exception simply because it has stolen land and pretends to be a sovereign nation. It is NOT. It exists solely as a parasite drawing its basic sustenance from its, often unwilling, hosts. You, America, are the first WILLING HOSTS, READY TO KILL YOUR OWN LIFE SYSTEM TO SUSTAIN THE BEAST.

It is exactly like the cuckoo bird which is a large, grayish-brown European bird that is a parasite given to laying its eggs in the nests of other birds which hatch them and rear the offspring. As the bird grows it pushes the parents' eggs and offspring from the nest and destroys them. You are very close to like destruction, little warbler birds, for the cuckoo has "had you".

In the "Western" world, the Jews have generally been successful in keeping the concept that Jews are citizens of the Nomadic Jewish Nation from popular books which are widely read by the general public deliberately to insure you be blinded from the hogwash. Many nations have denied citizenship to the Khazarian "Jews" because the host nation recognized that their political allegiance would be nothing but a facade or false identity of the sort chosen by spies or fifth-column invaders whose real allegiance is elsewhere. In popular articles that get into your print in the U.S. these historical facts are cited as "persecution of the Jews because of their religion or race". The either/or choice between religion or race, which the Jews have chosen to uphold in the Western world, instead of frankly acknowledging that they were citizens of a Nomadic nation, has not saved them from being treated as infiltrating enemy aliens. The false facade does not seem to have helped them with the persecution problems which they were trying to avoid.

We shall get into these items a bit later as we move along. So, please stay tuned to this frequency and we shall continue sending bulletins. Thank you for your attention; I am going to give my scribe a rest. Good evening and may your dreams be of "change through Knowledge, Truth and Love". God wraps you in His golden wings--may you come into understanding of the wondrous beauty and peace within THOSE feathers. Salu.