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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 29
    MONDAY, APRIL 22, 1991 9:04 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 249
    MONDAY, APRIL 22, 1991

    In the glory of HIS service, Creator/Creation, Mother/Father, I am Hatonn. As we come closer and closer to realization of Truth on a much broader scale, I wish to say that I am honored to serve with you. I salute you who take up the banner and the WORD and go forth.


    I think I shall only speak briefly about what is happening in the Middle East, for you see, all news cannot be blocked from your vision for bits of truth slip back within your borders from overseas where the underground is also at work.

    Note the trouble within the government in Kuwait. The Emir has taken up ways worse than prior to the war and will not allow the masses of poor back into Kuwait and the iron rule of monarchy has come down on the puppet parliament. The ones who expected change are near riot stage and demand Baker pay attention and what does Baker say? "Kuwait should have a better form of government and we hope that the rules will be slackened for a gradual move into some participation by the citizens." So be it.

    Ah, but another point which I suggest you not miss. Prince Charles and Diana are going to Brazil--why? Oh, I see, to go to a hospital where children have AIDS and she intends to hug them. What are they doing in Brazil? I re-warn you people of America--you are about to lose the entire Western hemisphere to the Elite. It is time to reread the Journals lest you overlook the line of power and the fountain from which it springs.


    I have a letter and article from one in Canada, Ottawa, who inquires as to what might be done to stem the tide sweeping Canada in this madness of "New World Order". The focus must be to shut down the flow from the United States, for Canada, Australia, New Zealand and other places are already under the Crown of England from whence was birthed the New World Order. I suggest you all practice that which is within your laws, since your constitution will not bear up as will the United States'--if you work rapidly. The "big boys" are working like hands in gloves and so, too, must you citizens--REVEAL TRUTH AT EVERY TURN AND GIVE US SOME PUBLICITY AS WE MOVE ALONG HERE.

    I do wish to share with your southern brothers the seriousness of this, however, and ask that Dharma reprint the article.

    The Globe and Mail, Thursday, April 11, 1991:

    DEMOCRACY? The government is proposing changes that would minimize the role of the House of Commons and distort the way it operates. And to make sure they get their way, the PCs are even suggesting a rule that lets the government invent new rules.

    TURNING PARLIAMENT INTO A SAUSAGE FACTORY--OR WORSE: If you like laws and sausages, you should never watch either one being made--Otto von Bismarck. Ottawa:

    Most Canadians want a Parliament that is more than a sausage factory. They are fed up with legislatures that seem at best ineffectual and at worst childish. They are angered that our democratic institutions so blatantly ignore their wishes.

    They want a legislature that stands up to government and bureaucratic arrogance. If, in fact, they want a Senate at all, they want one that provides a check and balance to the abuse of power by a central Canadian government.

    In short, they want change. They want parliamentary reform.

    Conservative House Leader Harvie Andre has proposed a series of changes to the way the House of Commons operates. But his proposals seek to deform, not reform, Parliament.

    In fact, if the Conservative government has its way, the House of Commons will be worse than a sausage factory. It will become a legislative abattoir.

    Mr. Andre proposes to make the House of Commons more "efficient"--a machine that will produce legislative sausages like an assembly line. There will be no inspection, taste tests or other stops in the process [H: exactly like the one in the United States!]

    He will achieve this by:

    * increasing by 25 percent the time spent each day passing government motions and bills,
    * reducing by almost a third the number of days spent debating the budget, the Throne Speech and opposition motions,
    * reducing the number of committee meetings by requiring six or more committees to share two rooms,
    * restricting witnesses appearing before legislative committees to purely "technical matters",
    * facilitating the use of closure and "time allocation", the methods by which debate can be halted,
    * reducing the length of speeches, and
    * removing right to vote on certain stages of bills.

    These changes have one goal: to minimize the role of Parliament and keep it closed when possible. If they are adopted, the government will escape the scrutiny of the House for almost half the year.

    By reducing the number of sitting days to 135 (from 175), Mr. Andre will have sliced a further two months from the parliamentary calendar. Thus for 24 weeks out of the year there will be no Question Period, no regular press scrums, no committee hearings and no ability to debate or question the government's policies.

    In fact, if it wants, the government will be able to avoid sitting for all but a few days. Under the current rules, the House must sit for 25 days a year before the government can get its money, or "supply". The new rules would allow the government to get its supply bill with only a few days' debate.

    And if, despite all this, the government still can't get what it wants, the Conservatives have invented the ultimate escape clause: a rule that lets the government invent new rules.

    Almost daily, the House of Commons agrees to set aside regular procedures by unanimous consent (democratic vote) to speed things up a little. However, any one member present can prevent the rules from being bent or set aside in its way. No individual can stop the will of the majority, but any MP can ensure that the rules agreed by the majority are followed.

    Last year, Elijah Harper stood up for his community by insisting on proper procedures. He couldn't block or defeat the Meech Lake accord, but he could refuse to let the Manitoba Legislature relinquish the rules agreed upon by all during previous constitutional debates. He denied unanimous consent to waive the required notice period.

    The Conservatives propose to redefine "unanimous consent". By their count, unanimous means "all but 25".

    The government proposal would require 25 MPs to be present to block changes to the rules. If fewer than 25 scramble to their feet, the motions will be adopted without debate. No MP could utter a word.

    This unprecedented rule will erode the rights of all members, but is specifically targeted at new minority parties, such as the Bloc Quebecois and the Reform Party. More than half the New Democrats and almost one-third of Liberals will be tied up in the House ensuring that "unanimous consent" is not inadvertently given.

    There is a certain irony in the sweeping changes Mr. Andre proposes. The man who wants to close the House for two more months each year is, after all, the same man who stopped the House from sitting by setting the bells ringing for more than two weeks in the early eighties.

    Ironic, but not surprising. This is also a government that has shown a consistent contempt for Parliament. The Conservatives have brought in closure on more debates, and permitted less public input than any government in Canadian History.

    From the illegal use of closure in committees to stacking the Senate, this government has shown no hesitation to use, abuse, break or change any rules to achieve its ends.

    [This article is by Nelson Riis--a member of Parliament for Kamloops and House Leader of the New Democratic Party. (Not to be confused with any "democracy" party.)]

    Thank you--I believe the document speaks for itself. I would also tell you that the Parliament in London is even more controlled and is truly still a puppet of Thatcher and the Elite through Majors. You seem to need confirmation on such matters and "inside" information from clandestine resources--why don't you ask MacLain to go "out on a limb" and describe what she knows about the British parliament!?


    This has poured back at me since I took up the subject on the yesterday. You ones seem to think I have singled out a pathetic being named Brodersen. No, I use that information simply because there has been an influx into my precious people to badger them. The final straw on the subject is when Karen's brother sent her the booklet after others had already arrived to this place. Karen gives full time to the bookstore and because she works there and also reads the documents we publish and believes them to be truth, her father and brother are in continual hounding of her and the attack is most confusing and painful. The ones in point refuse to look at the Phoenix documents--much less read them. Further, the father refuses to even speak on the matter. This is a fragile and beautiful young lady who gives that which she can unto God and I shall not longer sit aside and allow the non-support to continue. It is not probable that the ones who need the information will come from their judgmental benches to read the information--BUT KAREN WILL! I CARE NOT ABOUT THEM--I CARE INFINITELY ABOUT KAREN! SO BE IT. For you readers, Karen is the one who does beautiful calligraphy and produced the "logo" in its final presentation at my request. The triangle representing the triune of all Godness in connection with the inner circle of infinity from which comes the "Phoenix" of rebirthing from out of the rubble and ashes of the destroyed. I honor her and I shall give her reason to not longer ponder her choices unto service. Thank you.


    See the picture below of a "Viking" with explanation. I wish to herein comment. No, it is not a Viking--it is a replica of a holographic picture of a Khazarian straight from his original base within the constellation of Orion. The image represents the small, pale, almost vacant-eyed aliens in excellent reproduction. The size is incorrect in the projections for the replica projection is a bit too tall in stature and the lower face a bit too broad--neither would you find quite as many wrinkles about the eye sockets for the eyes were larger with fewer "folds". It should be noted, however, that as interbreeding and evolvement happened the results are evident in myriads of sizes and shapes--Yitsak Shamir being the most typical "remaining" race specimen and he has far more recently come to your place to serve at this time of efforted "take-over". Note that the specimen remains were discovered in York, England--would you not find that strange in placement? I certainly do hope so, readers! Therefore, you can be almost certain of misinformation. Thank you JH of Illinois--I am indebted to you for you sharing and also give appreciation for your own artwork shared with us for it touches the hearts of our weary crew. Your work will be rewarded, beloved brothers--indeed it shall!


    Among the cults, the Son of God is always denied as revealed in the scriptures. Every cult denies the deity of Jesus Christ. To some, Jesus was a good man, upon whom the Christ spirit came. To others, He was an angel who became a man at a certain point. To others, He is the spirit brother of Satan. In every one of the cults He is less than who the Bible says He is. The Bible says that Jesus Christ is God. (See John 1:1; Hebrews 1:8).

    Oh dear, there is that term again, "EVERY ONE". Further, at the time of Emmanuel Esu in the Holy Lands--his name was not Jesus (that label came via Paul after traveling in Greece several years after the entity in point was no longer present). Secondly, he represented the Christ Path of Truth and Godness--he NEVER CLAIMED TO BE GOD. IN FACT AT HIS TRIAL WHEN ASKED IF HE WAS GOD HE SAID, "THEY say as much." You say in the book that, "To others, He is the spirit brother of Satan." I ask you ones to define for me who is Satan? The term Satan only denotes "adversary" and even according to your tampered "Bibles" it says that Lucifer was a perfection and creation (son) of God who was cast out of Heaven. If you also say that Jesus was the son of God--how do you explain the absence of some type of brotherhood if both spring from the same source? If your Bible says that Jesus Christ is God--it errs. It should say that the one returning will wear a new name and the name will be the Word which is God--would this not indicate that possibly the Christed energy will have had to grow in His own right to achieve the bearing of the new name? That is, is it not just possible that the name might be Sananda--the WORD WHICH IS GOD!?


    The cults also downplay the problem of sin. Sin isn't that big of a problem to the cults. And of course Hell does not exist. They deny the depravity of man, and teach that man is essentially good. The Bible says that man is irrevocably lost without the intervention of God. (See Romans 5:6; Ephesians 2:11,12)

    What means the term sin? Sin means a failure to reach perfection (an error)--nothing more and nothing less. Learning comes most effectively through experience of errors. Hell does not exist as presented by the evangelists as a place of burning fire--Hell is created by the energy who requires self-punishment for that which is perceived as sin. This is that which occurs as one confronts God at the time of "judgment" of the journey and decision of the soul as to level of growth. It also is a designated state of existence when evil has prevailed and the entity has removed himself from the presence of God. Hell is the word defining the void or absence of the presence of God. Since man is the fragment of God experience and even your Bible says that God dwells within HIS temple which is within each--it only stands to pure reason that man of God creation is innately GODLY (good) and has somehow strayed and lost his direction and moved in an effort to remove himself from God of Light to experience in the physical density of manifested flesh body. Man, if he has become without goodness--it is because the leaders and teachers, pastors and preachers--have taught him falsely. By your own teaching, all this "lost" man needs to do is again turn his heart unto God and wham-bam there again is God--rebirthed! That sir, is indeed true. At that moment it has nothing to do with Christness. Christness comes as the soul of that man who reclaims God seeks to set his path to straight in the Christ teachings within the LAWS OF GOD AND THE CREATION. The name of the MAN who brought the CHRIST TEACHINGS--IS OF NO IMPORTANCE! THE TRUTH OF THE WORD IS THAT WHICH IS IMPORTANT AND UNTO THE MAN SEEKING CHANGE; IT IS THE WORD AND ACTION OF CHANGE WHICH IS IMPORTANT.


    They also have a salvation that is based upon works. The cults know nothing of grace. They talk about grace and being saved by grace but it is not grace in the biblical sense, because salvation to them is always based upon works (i.e. joining their organization, and living according to their precepts and statutes).

    Sir, you do not say what is the "Biblical sense" of GRACE. The "Christed teacher" said that only through Grace would you be "saved"--the Grace of God. He told you he was only an intercessor in your behalf for you were ignorant and knew not that which you did. He also said that only through the Christed path could you find your way back to Godness. He could not have said "except through me, Jesus" for his name was Emmanuel of the house of Joseph. Further, since "Christ" is a "state of being" and not a "NAME" it becomes more obvious that the Man speaking the instructions actually said that only through the Christed path will you be granted GRACE!

    Moreover, YOUR BIBLE says in addition, that only through "...works can a man be known" and "faith without works is without meaning."

    Further, you suggest that "...salvation to them is always based upon works (i.e. joining their organization, and living according to their precepts and statutes)." Do you not, sir, ask ones to send tithes and contributions unto you, and ask them to come forth and proclaim their belief in your doctrine according to the precepts and statutes as presented by your cult (GROUP, CHURCH, BODY OF--)????

    So these are some of the differences between the cults and genuine Christianity. There are several groups that would fit the description of Pseudo Christian Cults. They are Jehovah's Witnesses, Latter Day Saints, The Unification Church, the World Wide Church of God, Christian Science, The Way International, Unity School of Christianity, and others. Cults are one of the manifestations of the wiles of the devil, to deceive people concerning the things of God.

    I can only deduce through this tirade of judgment from this speaker/author that he understands not that he speaks primarily and first of his own "cult". The Christ for which, obviously, Christianity was not named--said judge not lest we be judged. Further, I suggest that the speaker/author knows very, very little of the doctrines in full, of any of the proclaimed "cults" named herein. He could not know of the Mormons, for instance, for their total doctrines are "TOP SECRET". Does Hatonn sanction all those "cults"? No, but I stand with the wondrous projectors who proclaim their right to practice religion as deemed personally appropriate, for it is not my business. If I see that what they teach differs from mine--it is my responsibility to see how and where it differs--FIRST, and then suggest they consider other perspectives perchance they, or me, are misguided as to the Truth of God and the Creation. God's laws and regulations will go on a page, dear friends and that which deviates in any manner what-so-ever from the Laws of God and Creation is not of God. If the shoes of sanctity fit--I suggest you take them out of your mouth and place them on your feet. I have no responsibility, however, to allow the overflow of groups who proclaim Satan as God, as Satan is now defined as a label of the Prince of Darkness, within the lighted halls of God unless they turn into the light and away from the evil teachings. I force not any man--for force is not of God--however, I have laws which demand that I stand in defence of Truth and the first commandment of "Thou shall not have other gods before ME"! Even there, if man wishes to form churches in service unto the evil leader, they shall be left to devour and destroy selves--in absence of God of Light. Evil has no honor and the first to be destroyed are the ones of the "clan" of evil for in the denouncing of the laws of God, they also pledge no brotherhood unto one another. I suggest you all go back and read SATAN'S DRUMMERS.


    Let us take a break, please, and then we will cover "COUNTERFEITS". Thank you. Hatonn to clear, Please.

    PJ 29
    MONDAY, APRIL 22, 1991 11:20 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 249

    The devil is in the business of counterfeiting; he deals in deception and has a seemingly endless line of counterfeits to offer today. Things like Dianetics, Positive Thinking, EST, Transcendental Meditation, and Alcoholics Anonymous would fall under the category of counterfeits.

    Most people seem to think that as long as something is beneficial to a person it must be right; it must be good; it must be from God. They look at anything that profits a man, or helps him out in his personality, or delivers him from certain vices as being given by the leading and the inspiration of God. People will argue, "But look at the good it is doing." The argument is basically, anything that does a person good must be from God, and the Christian should welcome it. So if a person gets their life straightened out through Transcendental Meditation, I should rejoice because all that really matters is that their life has been straightened out. It doesn't matter how it happened. Yet as a Christian, I can't say that! The Bible says, "There is a way that seems right to a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death."

    What it really comes down to is, any system, religion, doctrine, or idea that makes you feel satisfied when your relationship to God is not right is of the devil. Anything that would make you feel comfortable when you are dead in trespasses and sin is of the devil. The devil would like to give you a false sense of security; he would like to give you a false assurance. And through these counterfeits, he is deceiving millions; don't be taken in by a counterfeit.




    We come now to the third form of false teaching, Heresy. Heresy is a denial of or a distortion of any established Christian doctrine. To be guilty of heresy or to be a heretic means that by and large, you hold to the doctrines of the Christian faith, but you tend to go wrong on some particular doctrine or aspect of the faith. I would like to give you three examples of heresy that are prominent in many church circles today. They are the prosperity doctrine, the deliverance doctrine, and the shepherding doctrine.

    WRONG!! The entire definition given above is in total error according to the definition of heresy and heretic, i.e. HERESY: A belief or opinion contrary to the established doctrines of A church or religious system. HERETIC: One who holds beliefs or opinions contrary to the established doctrines of his religion. This indicates that 1) a "heretic" does NOT "by and large...hold to the doctrines of the Christian faith" (if indeed, we are referring to the Christian faith as described by this author). Further, HERESY is NOT defined as "...denial of or a distortion of ANY ESTABLISHED CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE. The true explicit definition of the term does not even mention "Christian". But, let us read on:


    There is a teaching in the church today that is known as the "health and wealth" or "prosperity doctrine". This teaching states that no child of God should ever be sick or in financial difficulty. If you are, it's either because you have sin in your life, or a lack of faith.

    Yet the Bible does not teach that as a Christian you will always be healthy or wealthy. The Bible teaches that while we are in this world, we are going to have tribulation. Jesus Himself said, "In the world you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world."

    Throughout the scriptures we find many references to godly men and women who suffered physically and financially. Throughout much of the New Testament we find that believers had lost many of their belongings and they were very poor. The church in Jerusalem was so poor that the Gentile churches had to take up offerings to send to them to help them out. This idea of always being healthy and wealthy as a Christian is not sound biblical doctrine, it is heresy.

    What these teachers say is that all of this sickness and poverty is related to the curse, and we have been delivered from the curse; therefore we should not experience any sickness or poverty.

    What they apparently fail to see is that the Bible talks about two curses. The Bible talks about the curse of sin and about the curse of the law. The curse of sin is physical and spiritual death. The effects are seen in sickness and other things. The curse of the law is eternal death. When Paul said in Galatians 3:13, "Christ has redeemed us from the curse," he made it clear what curse he was talking about. It was the curse of the law, not the curse that came through Adam's sin. We have been delivered from the curse of the law which is eternal death. We, by faith in Jesus Christ, have received eternal life. But we have not yet been delivered from the curse of the sin of Adam. This is manifested in the fact that people still die. Since death still exists, we know that the curse of sin is still intact.

    Any teaching today that says "as a Christian you should never be sick or have any problems", is what you would call heresy, it is not sound Biblical doctrine. This teaching in the long run is very damaging because sooner or later you are going to discover that it just doesn't work that way. We do get sick and we do have financial problems. If you're living by this kind of teaching, the minute you get sick or have financial problems you are going to think that it is a result of sin in your life or a lack of faith. That kind of thinking in turn can only lead to a miserable Christian experience.

    This teaching can also lead to covetousness and the love of money. Don't be led astray by this kind of teaching; remember: "We brought nothing into this world and it is certain, we take nothing out. Therefore with food and clothes let us be content." (1 Timothy 6:7,8).


    Next, this author, as does many speakers and self-styled students of the Bible--quotes Paul (Saul of Tarsus). This one man, of all men, was the greatest and most evil persecutor of that one you NOW call Jesus. His teachings following his so-called conversion are by and large the largest sections of teachings AGAINST THE LAWS OF GOD AND TRUTH AS HAVE EVER BEEN ASSEMBLED! Paul was a persecutor of the Christed teacher all the while the Christed master was in the Holy Lands. Paul proclaimed himself an "apostle"--HE WAS NOT A DISCIPLE! And, what sir, is the "sin of Adam"? Eating apples or what? Where did Adam come from? Mud? I doubt that! GOD CREATES FROM MATTER ATOMS AND MOLECULES--HE DOES NOT NEED CLAY OR MUD--FOR GOD IS AND GOD IS INFINITE AND HE CERTAINLY NEEDS NO WAD OF DIRT FROM WHICH TO CREATE HIS MOST WONDROUS CREATIONS. HE CREATED MAN FROM THE ESSENCE OF LIGHT AND GAVE UNTO MAN SPIRIT WHICH IS A PURE REFLECTION OF HIMSELF--THE BODY OF MAN IS ONLY A HANDY PIECE OF MACHINERY TO ENABLE HIM TO BETTER EXPERIENCE THROUGH THE DIMENSION OF PHYSICAL PLANE.

    The speaker refers to eternal life and then pronounces that Man still experiences death so somehow he is still cursed. Man does not experience "death"--a physical housing experiences changes which you call death in your lack of knowledge--for it, too, is only changed into energy form of one sort or another--back into its original forming elements of matter and energy. The MAN WITHIN WHICH IS THE REFLECTION OF GOD IS THAT WHICH IS IMMORTAL--IN EITHER EVENT THERE IS ONLY CHANGE--NOT DEATH! PONDER IT!

    WRONG AGAIN! Along with the physical dimension experience comes the physical body accompanied by that which is called "consciousness" (of the immediate). The MAN being is still the essence within the higher consciousness--rot the reflection of the consciousness. Therefore, the only illness which can apply to the true reflection of God is sickness of the soul--which if it is in attunement with God and the Christed path--will have no illness. Therefore, illness is only a reflection of the physical plane of experience. Likewise, the only deficit of wealth can be also in the physical experience which is also incorrectly utilized as explanation in the document--for this man's own Bible states that God is Abundance! IT IS ONLY THROUGH THE PERCEPTION OF THAT WHICH YOU THINK YOU HAVE OR HAVE NOT WHICH IS THE POINT. Money is only a barter type of exchange which is somehow required to function in your society--are you now saying that a man must not, somehow, use this commodity but rather be content to be sick and poverty-stricken lest he "love" money and become covetous? Would it not be better to accept the wondrous abilities God gives unto you through which to grow and function and utilize the tools to grow within the Truth of Godness?

    WRONG NO. 3: YOU BROUGHT THE VERY ESSENCE OF GOD INTO THIS WORLD WITH YOU AND YOU SHALL TAKE IT WITH YOU--THEREFORE, LET IT BE SET TO STRAIGHT FOR THAT WHICH YOU BRING AND THAT WHICH YOU TAKE IS THE ONLY THING OF VALUE IN YOUR BEINGNESS. Physical material things are of no value in the realms wherein you will function when you come into truth of manifestation of physical plane. Further, you are allowed to experience upon the physical planes to be stewards of the things physical that you might grow and learn. Boy, you ones have really blown that job, haven't you? You were sent as caretakers for the wondrous creations of matter and look where you have come to be.

    Now again, as to the original sin of Adam--whatever in the world that might mean. Even your own Bible tells you that the serpent (evil) was in that garden with those two ignorant beings (if they indeed were in the garden). Now, just who do you think told MAN to not eat of the tree of knowledge that would allow him to know Truth? God does NOT limit thine knowledge nor give thine power into the hands of deceivers and others who set rules for your behavior. He gave you a set of laws, birthed within thine soul essence so that you would always know Truth--and the evil taught you to turn away from the laws and follow that which he would give unto you to pull you away from the Laws of God and it has worked, has it not? What makes you think you came into creation either according to the MAN PROJECTED method of EVOLUTION OR THROUGH THE METHOD NOW RECOGNIZED AS "CREATION"? NEITHER ONE ARE CORRECT, FRIENDS, AND ARE SIMPLY MORE LIES TO DECEIVE YOU AND KEEP YOU FROM GOD'S PATH HOME TO SOURCE.

    That which you refer to as the Bible of God is not and cannot be--for it is filled to overflow with tales and instructions which ARE SIMPLY NOT OF GOD AND ARE, IN FACT, TALES UPON TALES OF BREAKING OF THE LAWS OF GOD AND THOSE OF THE CREATION. I, SIR, AM NOT THE HERETIC AS REGARDS GOD'S DOCTRINES FOR THE ONLY "DOCTRINE OF GOD" MUST BE GOD'S LAWS AND NONE OTHER--and Man breaks all laws of God through his church opinionated interpretations and "voting-in" of that which he chooses that usually are totally AGAINST THE LAWS AS PROJECTED UNTO YOU BY GOD. GOD MAY WELL HAVE "WRITTEN UPON THE WALL" BUT EVERYTHING PUT TO PAPER IS OF MAN'S PHYSICAL PRINTING AND WHERE MAN GOES, SO GOES THE PROBABILITY OF ERROR.



    Another example of heresy in the church today is found in the so-called deliverance ministries. The deliverance ministries center on delivering Christians from demon possession or oppression. They teach that the Christian is constantly in danger of being possessed or oppressed by demons. You find in these circles that the people who are influenced by this doctrine are very superstitious and are worried about everything they touch, eat, or look at. There is a preoccupation with demons, and more time is dedicated to demons and other related subjects than to the Lord Jesus Christ. They warn about such things as the demon of alcohol, the demon of tobacco, the demon of lust, and the demon of anger. In any type of problem one might have, they see some sort of demonic source behind it. That is not sound Biblical teaching, and God does not want us to be running around paranoid that we are going to become demon possessed through some accidental circumstance of life.

    As a matter of fact, the Bible teaches that as a believer, I belong to God and the evil one cannot touch me! In 1 John 5:18 the word "touch" in the Greek is the word Haptomi which literally means "to attach oneself to". So the teaching of the deliverance ministries is "to watch out or a demon will attach himself to you."

    That is a contradiction of what the Bible says. You cannot be demon possessed and born again, it is impossible. You can't have the Holy Spirit and the devil living in you at the same time. You can experience oppression and different types of Satanic attack, but you cannot become possessed by the devil as a Christian.

    I have met many people who have suffered greatly from this type of teaching. I knew a woman who went through a period of hormonal imbalance. She had to have a hysterectomy and other serious operations at a very young age, and as her body was going through this, her emotions were constantly wavering. She went to counsel with a pastor to get some comfort and direction, and he concluded that she had a demon of schizophrenia. Needless to say, this had a very devastating affect on her; this teaching is inconsistent with the scripture.

    The Bible says I have already been delivered from the devil; he used to own me, but I have been bought by the blood of Christ. I am not my own; I belong to God, not to the devil.

    As Christians, our problems may be related to the devil, but they can also be related to our flesh, and our own desires within us. If I am trying to cast out a demon when it is only my own lust, then I will just go around in a circle and never get anything accomplished. This is heresy, and I think this is a classic example of "doctrines of demons". Demons inspired it, and they enjoy it because they are the ones getting the attention through it.

    Oops, sounds to me as if the "demons" are having a bit of contradictive demon-inspired enjoyment from the teaching and opinions of this particular author and speaker.

    You cannot have it BOTH WAYS--if the Bible says one thing which is interpreted as you have interpreted it, how do you account for the same Bible pronouncing that "Jesus went about healing and casting out demons"? When this author says "...you cannot be demon possessed and born again, it is impossible," you had best look again. "Born again" doesn't have any meaning at all--born again into what? Perhaps the person with the demons was "born again" into more and bigger deceit and evil! And no, I do not accept the repeated, "...well, you know what I mean!" I, sir, obviously do not know that which you mean--OR, MORE LIKELY, YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN, MUCH LESS THAT WHICH YOU SAY.


    This reminds me of the ones who shout "pro-choice" in matters such as abortion. I, too, believe in pro-choice--before the act of intercourse which can produce the infant which will later be murdered! As a matter of fact, the choice was made at the time of the union, was it not? Do not give back unto God your stupid stories of well, I have a birthright to have equality and pleasure in sexual activity. BS--you were given the rules of RESPONSIBILITY IN ALL ACTIONS AND IF YOU CHOOSE OTHERWISE, YOU BREAK THE LAWS OF GOD--NO MORE AND NO LESS! MURDER OF AN INFANT IS NO LESS MURDER BECAUSE OF YOUR LACK OF RESPONSIBILITY IN YOUR GAMES AND EQUAL ACTS WITHIN THE DARK PLACES OF EVIL LUST OR PROSTITUTION IN THE NAME OF WHATEVER YOU WISH TO CALL IT.

    Let me assure you ones that whatever you think the laws of your land might be--or, ever how many of God's laws you "vote-out", it matters not! What you do in the physical is that which decides wherein you move into and within the realms of God--AND YOUR PHYSICAL EARTH LAWS DON'T MATTER A WHIT OF AN IOTA IN THE REALMS OF GOD. HOWEVER, HOW YOU HANDLE THE LAWS OF GOD WILL MOST CERTAINLY DETERMINE WHETHER OR NOT YOU MOVE INTO THE REALMS OF GOD FOR ALL OF EARTH SHALL BE PUT ASIDE, AND UPON YOUR ACTIONS REGARDING THE LAWS OF GOD AND CREATION SHALL YOUR PASSAGE BE DETERMINED.

    Man has only two choices at any instant--to act within the Laws of God or without. I further assure every ONE of you that Mr. Brodersen, St. Jude, Charles Manson, Jerry Falwell, James Bakker, George Bush and the Pope may have their opinion which will affect their own passage into whatever--but YOU WILL ANSWER FOR YOUR OWN OPINION AND IF YOU PLACE YOUR POWER INTO THE HANDS OF ANOTHER--YOU MIGHT WELL ERR GREATLY. YOU CAN LIE TO EVEN YOURSELF BUT ALL THOSE LIES ARE LAID BARE AT THE FEET OF TRUTH AT THE PASSAGE POINT. IF YOU HAVE BOUGHT ANOTHER'S OPINION--YOU SHALL ALSO BE RESPONSIBLE IF IT WAS A POOR CHOICE.


    Another heresy that has spread through the church in recent years is the teaching of, "your need for a personal overseer". This is called shepherding, which teaches that as a believer, you need to have a covering, you need to have someone go to God for you; you need to have a mediator to be your spiritual big brother. What you end up with is kind of a priest type figure. No longer do you go directly to God and seek His guidance and wisdom on issues, you go to your shepherd and then he goes to God for you. That is very dangerous! Not only is it dangerous, it is totally contrary to the teaching of the New Testament.

    One of the glorious things about the new covenant is that every man would have a personal relationship with God from the least to the greatest. God wants to talk to you personally, He wants you to come to Him. He will give you the answer, you don't need to come to a pastor or anybody else as a mediator. You might go to your pastor at times for some advice, because the Bible tells us that there is wisdom in a multitude of counselors, but as far as having to go to a pastor for permission, that's wrong.

    In the shepherding movement, people have come to the point where they couldn't buy a car unless they had the approval of their shepherd, or they couldn't move to another location, or invest their money without the consent of their shepherd. These are ministries that end up dominating the individual.

    Don't let anyone tell you that they will go to God for you. You go to God on your own, God will speak to you personally, He will instruct you. There is only one shepherd and that is Jesus.

    These three doctrines: the prosperity doctrine, the deliverance doctrine, and the shepherding doctrine, are what we would refer to as heresies.

    For a minute, I was able to be in agreement with this person. Then he blew it. After telling you truthfully that you should go straight to God--he blows it by telling you to believe that which he is telling you and that all others teach heresy. He tells you in one breath to go to God only and directly and then tells you to go for a bit of counseling for somehow the "pastor" automatically is gifted with divine ability to advise you in special actions. I most certainly wish these "divine advisors" stuck to matters of car-buying and relocation for they certainly seem to fall short on the knowledge regarding divine spirit and TRUTH OF GODNESS.


    Fanaticism manifests itself in what I call a hyper-spiritual attitude. A person who is caught up in fanaticism is a person who hasn't really had a good day unless he has had a visit from three or four angels, had a couple of direct revelations from God, seen a few miracles, and witnessed several healings throughout the day.

    One of the ringleaders of this kind of teaching describes his experiences. The description he gives is a good definition of fanaticism. He says, "When the Holy Spirit comes upon a person, there is emotional and physical phenomena in the person that indicates to us that the spirit is present. Some of these phenomena are obvious; weeping, crying, prolonged and exuberant expressions of praise, shaking, trembling, calmness, bodily writhings and distortions, falling over, laughing or jumping up and down. There are more subtle manifestations; slight trembling, fluttering of the eyelids, faint perspiring, a sheen on the face, rippling of the skin, or deep breathing. The most dramatic are some who appear to be thrown by the Spirit on their faces, left prone and sometimes seen to bang their heads rhythmically on the ground for an hour or so. Curiously, no physical damage or headaches seem to follow the head banging. The changes following this experience may also be profound. Bodily writhings and distortions, come in many forms including jumping up and down (I call this pogo-sticking). Often times there is laughing and sobbing and some people erupt into giggling and laughter. Sometimes they feel a weight on their chest or a heaviness in the air, usually this indicates the presence of the Holy Spirit, and the first signs of His coming to minister. I've learned to recognize these traits and ask people if they are feeling them. If they are feeling these things, I encourage them to open their hearts more full to God, and I ask the Holy Spirit to continue to pour His life out on the person."

    My question is this: Where in the Bible do we have any description of the Holy Spirit coming upon a person and anything like this happening? I don't remember the Apostles on the day of Pentecost banging their heads on the floor in that room as the Spirit of God came down upon them.

    [Sir, were you in that room at Pentecost????? How dare you judge that which is expressed in a person as they confront the Spirit of God! Furthermore, most of the ones in the room at what you have labeled Pentecost were faint in disbelief, denial and scared stupid. I go on record as simply stating that I do not believe you are qualified to say that which would go on in ANY OTHER'S EMOTIONAL OR PHYSICAL REACTIVE STATE AT SUCH A TIME]

    What this person seems to be describing is a nervous system disorder. This is fanaticism.


    Another form of fanaticism centers around a person depending on an inner voice for direction from God. I read of a man who began to listen to the inner "impulse", whom he presumed to be the Holy Spirit, and the voice told him to leave his wife, children, and his occupation. He was also told to go interrupt public meetings, and do many obnoxious and belligerent things. In a process of time he came to realize that this couldn't have been God who was telling him these things, but for a great period of time he felt that he was being led by the Lord. He actually planned on leaving his family because God supposedly was telling him to.

    When you leave the Bible as your foundation which guides and directs your life, you open yourself up to all kinds of chaos. Don't misunderstand me, I'm not saying that the Holy Spirit won't speak to your heart, because He will, but He is never going to tell you anything that contradicts the written Word of God. [No, but HE sure might tell you things that contradict that which you have ignorantly called the WORD OF GOD in some book scribed and translated and retranslated to suit the OPINIONS OF MAN AS INTERPRETED BY ONES EXACTLY SUCH AS THE AUTHOR HEREIN UNDER POINT. WHEREIN DOES THIS MAN CLAIM TO GET AUTHORITY FOR THE CLARITY AND INTERPRETATION OF THE VERY BOOK HE ESPOUSES?] We Christians are to get our direction first and foremost from the Word of God. Becoming too dependent on an inner voice can lead to serious spiritual trouble, and can only go from bad to worse. Let the Word be your monitor.

    One final thing: [oh, don't we just wish] fanaticism only gets worse. Let me give you another quote from the man I quoted previously. He has gone around the world spreading his doctrine and after visiting a certain country he received a letter from a couple of people there who described their experience after applying his principles to their ministries. "We have experienced visions functioning in divine healing. We sometimes see in a person's body where their sickness is located, and at other times we only see a dark shadow outside the body in the location of the sickness. Sometimes we are seeing insects or larger animals like birds of prey, crocodiles and snakes, etc., being located either inside or outside the body. After having prayed a word of command, we sometimes see a kind of light over the person, just as the evil animal has disappeared. Several times we have seen something like a bright hand touching the sick spot."

    That is fanaticism. That kind of thing is inspired by the devil and gets people distracted from the real work of the kingdom of God. Jesus said to the Apostles, "Go into the world and preach the gospel to every creature."

    This is what we are called to do as believers. If God wants to heal people along the way, I am more than happy to have Him do it. I am not going to say He has to; who am I to tell God what He has to do? If I sit down and say, "God I'm not preaching unless you heal people", then I am falling into a snare of the devil and am heading toward fanaticism.

    So beware of fanaticism. What the world needs is balanced Christians who love God, and will take a stand for Him, and live for Him as well as speak His word.

    Funny thing happened while the Christed teacher went about healing, etc. It was often stated (IN THAT BIBLE THIS AUTHOR TOUTS SO MUCH) that the evil was seen departing the body of the one being healed! Was this speaker who denounces other's beliefs, there? Is his presumption of interpretation better, somehow, than that of another? It would appear to me that this man is uninformed at the very least for let us see how he sums up his book:

    All these cults, counterfeits, heresies, and fanaticisms, are tactics aimed at us by the devil, but thanks be to God, we have the victory. The Bible tells us to take the sword of the spirit, which is the Word of God, and to test all things and hold fast to that which is good. God has given us His Word, the Bible, which is our guideline. If you worship and serve God according to the Bible, then you will never get side-tracked by one of these doctrines of demons.

    I suggest that the probable aim of this particular writer is to keep you totally uninformed as to Truth. The point is to come into Godness, not read a bunch of opinions and interpretations as projected by some self-styled interpreter.

    Is it just possible, friends, that deliberate false instructions have been interjected into those books where the adversary of God KNEW YOU WOULD GO FOR YOUR INSTRUCTIONS? Let me point out something which abounds right now beneath your noses and you don't seem to see it, either. YOU HAVE A "NEW CONSTITUTION" and "A NEW WORLD ORDER" which discards all Constitutional Rights as given unto you as a NATION UNDER GOD, INDIVISIBLE WITH FREEDOM FOR ALL. If the adversary would deprive you of your Constitutional rights, would he not be ever so much happier to deprive you of your truthful relationship with God? I suggest you ponder it most carefully!

    Beloved Karen, please send these writings to your brother and to your father. Thank them graciously, especially your brother--and simply ask him "WHO MIGHT BE LOST?", then release of it, precious child, for ones such as your loved ones are simply not ready nor mature enough to bear responsibility for their own journey and wish to foist off their misperception upon another to alleviate their own guilt at lack of discernment and acceptance of responsibility. God further suggests that you read everything shared, such as this document, in the same way in which I have briefly run through it--in the light of the two FACTS INVOLVING EVERYTHING--IS IT OF THE LAWS OF GOD WITHIN THE BALANCE OF CREATION OR IS IT IN SOME MANNER OF DEVIATION FROM THOSE LAWS. ALL CAN BE DISCERNED WITHIN THOSE GUIDELINES AND OPINIONS OF ANY MAN OF THE PHYSICAL EXPERIENCE CHANGES NOT ONE IOTA OF THE TRUTH OF IT.

    And now, precious chelas (students of Life Truth), may the wondrous peace in understanding abounding from the God/Mother/Father/Creator/Creation wrap you like a cloak of feather down around about your beings so that you have security in Truth and are not bent by the assaults and degrading insults against you. God is not complicated nor secret and He reveals His greatest of mysteries as you are able to accept them. The Laws are explicit and ye are born with the knowledge within thine own beings as His wondrous reflection of Himself--MAN is that which pulls the perfection into imperfection. May God have mercy upon those ones and through His total and wondrous GRACE give them into "seeing".

    May insight within Truth be our mantle and may our light ever reflect the Truth and radiance of God by whatever name a being calls upon His Creator, for there is but one authority and nothing upon the physical is left untampered by the physical species of MAN in his experience with ego desire for authority and control. It is a gift, therefore, and a measure against which each can measure development within the journey of Truth--by that which YOU are and not against the OPINIONS of another as to that which HE THINKS ye should be.

    Let us have rest, Dharma, for the hours have been indeed long but if we touch even ONE, our journey is worthy. Salu.

    Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn

  2. #6
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 29
    MONDAY, APRIL 22, 1991 4:33 P.M. YEAR 4, DAY 249

    Dear ones, we must look into that which is history to understand that which you have come to be in the present time--not to dwell in the past but to learn from it.

    The history of mankind is the history of ideas. For it is ideas, theories, and doctrines that guide human action, determine the ultimate ends men aim at and the choice of the means employed for the attainment of these ends. The sensational events which stir the emotions and catch the interest of superficial observers are merely the consummation of ideological changes. There are no such things as abrupt sweeping transformations of human affairs. What is called, in very misleading terms, a "turning point in history" is the coming on the scene of forces which were already for a long time at work behind the scene. New ideologies, which had already long since superseded the old ones, throw off their last veil, and even the dullest people become aware of the changes which they did not notice before.

    State and government are nothing else than the social apparatus of violent coercion and repression. Such an apparatus, the police power, is indispensable in order to prevent anti-social individuals and bands from destroying social cooperation. Violent prevention and suppression of anti-social activities benefit the whole of society and each of its members--but violence and oppression are nonetheless evils and corrupt those in charge of their application. It is necessary to restrict the power of those in office lest they become absolute despots. Society cannot exist without an apparatus of violent coercion, it seems, or history has so long instilled within them the evil traits of power, lust, greed and force that they can no longer even recognize the symptoms of the disease. Society cannot either exist if the officeholders are irresponsible tyrants free to inflict harm upon those they dislike or wish to rule.

    You must come into understanding of the "Anti-God/Christ" and the intent of the Zionist Elite who would destroy the whole of the world which moves in the direction of God/Christ goodness. Therefore we are going to continue the journey through history alongside these Khazars so you can see the chameleon change its colors, doctrines and language to acquire its goals of total rule of your planet.

    As we have spoken of these Khazars it is evident that, after their defeat by the Russians in 965, they lost their empire but did, in fact, retain their independence within somewhat narrower frontiers, and likewise retained that which they claimed was their "Judaic" faith--well into the thirteenth century. They promptly reverted to some extent to their predatory habits and historians commented on the matter:

    In general, the reduced Khazar kingdom persevered. It waged a more or less effective defense against all foes until the middle of the thirteenth century, when it fell victim to the great Mongol invasion set in motion by Jenghiz Khan. Even then it resisted stubbornly until the surrender of all its neighbours. Its population was largely absorbed by the Golden Horde which had established the centre of its empire in Khazar territory. But before and after the Mongol upheaval the Khazars sent many offshoots into the unsubdued Slavonic lands, helping ultimately to build up the great Jewish centres of eastern Europe.

    Here then, we have the cradle of the numerically strongest and culturally dominant part of "modern Jewry" for I must continually remind you that there was no such terminology any place on your planet prior to the 18th century.

    The "offshoots" refer to the branching out long before the destruction of the Khazar state by the Mongols. I herein tell you that it shall again be at the hands of the Mongols that the greatest price called Armageddon shall be remembered. The ancient Hebrew nation (Khazar) had started branching into the Diaspora (the scattered colonies of "Jews" outside Palestine after the Babylonian exile; the area outside Palestine settled by "Jews"; the "Jews" living outside Palestine or "modern Israel") long before the destruction of Jerusalem. Ethnically, the Semitic tribes on the waters of the Jordan and the Turko-Khazar tribes on the Volga were, of course, "miles apart" but they had at least two important formative factors in common. Each lived at a focal junction where the great trade routes connecting east and west, north and south intersect; a circumstance which predisposed them to become nations of traders, of enterprising travelers, or "rootless cosmopolitans"--as hostile propaganda has unaffectionately labeled them. But, at the same time, their exclusive religion fostered a tendency to keep to themselves and stick together, to establish their own communities with their own places of worship, schools, residential quarters and ghettoes (originally totally self-imposed) in whatever town or country they settled. This rare combination of wanderlust and ghetto-mentality, reinforced by Messianic hopes and "chosen-race" pride, both ancient Judaists and mediaeval Khazars shared--even though the latter traced their descent not to Shem but to Japheth and Cain.


    This development is well-illustrated by what one might call the Khazar Diaspora in Hungary.

    Remember that long before the destruction of their state, several Khazar tribes known as the Kabars, joined the Magyars and migrated to Hungary. Moreover, in the tenth century, the Hungarian Duke Taksony invited a second wave of Khazar emigrants to settle in his domains. Two centuries later John Cinnamus, the Byzantine chronicler, refers to troops observing the Judean law, fighting with the Hungarian army in Dalmatia, AD 1145. There may have been a few real Judeans living in Hungary from Roman days, but there is factual evidence that by far and beyond the majority of this important portion of "modern Jewry" originated in the migratory waves of Kabar-Khazars who played such a dominant part in early Hungarian history. Not only was the country, as Constantine told you, bilingual at its beginning, but it also had a form of double kingship, a variation of the Khazar system: the king sharing power with his general in command, who bore the title of "Jula" or "Gyula" which is still a popular Hungarian first name. The system lasted until the end of the tenth century, when St. Stephen embraced the Roman Catholic faith and defeated a rebellious Gyula--who, as one would expect, was a Khazar--"vain in the faith and refusing to become a Christian".

    This episode put an end to the double kingship, but not to the influence of the Khazar-Jewdaist community in Hungary. A reflection of that influence is found in the "Golden Bull"--the Hungarian equivalent of Magna Carta--issued AD 1222 by King Endre (Andres) II, in which Judaists were forbidden to act as mintmasters, tax-collectors, and controllers of the royal salt monopoly--indicating that before the edict numerous Judaists held those important posts. They did, however, come to occupy even more exalted positions. King Endre's custodian of the Revenues of the Royal Chamber was the Chamberlain Count Teka, a Judaist of Khazar origin, a rich landowner, and a financial and diplomatic "genius". His signature appears on various peace treaties and financial agreements, among them one guaranteeing the payment of 2,000 marks by the Austrian ruler Leopold II to the King of Hungary. One should now be reminded of a previously told incident played by the Spanish Judaist Hasdai ibn Shaprut at the court of the Caliph of Cordoba. If you compare similar episodes from the Palestinian Diaspora in the west and the Khazar Diaspora in the east of Europe, it makes the analogy between them appear less tenuous.

    I also point out that when King Endre was compelled by his rebellious nobles to issue, reluctantly, the Golden Bull, he kept Teka in office against the Bull's express provisions. The Royal Chamberlain held his post happily for another eleven years, until papal pressure on the King made it advisable for Teka to resign and betake himself to Austria, where he was received with open arms. But fickle fate struck again and King Endre's son Bela IV, obtained "papal" permission to call him back. Teka duly returned and perished during the Mongol invasion. Ah, but does it not indicate collusion between the Khazar Judaists and the Catholic Holy Church of Rome? Pay attention, chelas, for there are always stranger bedfellows and what is more evident is that it has never been any different, only repeated and repeated in differing settings.


    You have documentation of the Khazar origin of the numerically and socially dominant element in the Judaist population of Hungary during the Middle Ages. It seems that Hungary constitutes a special case, in view of the early Magyar-Khazar connection; but, in fact, the Khazar influx into Hungary was only a part of the general mass-migration from the Eurasian steppes toward the West, i.e., towards Central and Eastern Europe. The Khazars were not the only nation which sent off-shoots into Hungary, however. Thus large numbers of the selfsame Pechenegs who had chased the Magyars from the Don across the Carpathians, were forced to ask for permission to settle in Hungarian territory when they in turn were chased by the Kumans; and the Kumans shared the same fate when, a century later, they fled from the Mongols, and some 40,000 of them "with their slaves" were granted asylum by the Hungarian King Bela.

    At relatively quiescent times this general westward movement of the Eurasian populations was no more than a "drift", at other times it became a stampede; but the consequence of the Mongol invasion must rank on this metaphoric scale as an earthquake followed by a major landslide. The warriors of Chief Tejumin, called "Jinghiz Khan", Lord of the Earth, massacred the population of whole cities as a warning to others not to resist, used prisoners as living screens in front of their advancing lines, destroyed the irrigation network of the Volga Delta which had provided the Khazar lands with rice and other staple food and transformed the fertile steppes into the "wild fields"--dikoyeh pole--as the Russians were later to call them: "an unlimited space without farmers or shepherds, through which only mercenary horsemen pass in the service of this or that rival ruler--or people escaping from such rule." Ah yes, identical to that which the United States just perpetrated on a place called Iraq!

    The Black Death of 1347-8 accelerated the progressive depopulation of the former Khazar heartland between the Caucasus, Don and Volga, where the steppe-culture had reached its highest level--and the relapse into barbarism was, by contrast, more drastic than in adjoining regions. It was written that "The destruction or departure of industrious Jewdaist farmers, artisans and merchants left behind a void which in those regions has only recently begun to be filled."

    Not only Khazaria was destroyed, but also the Volga-Bulgar country, together with the last Caucasian strongholds of the Alans and Kumans, and the southern Russian principalities, including Kiev. During the period of disintegration of the Golden Horde, from the fourteenth century onward, the anarchy became, if possible, even worse. In most of the European steppes emigration was the only way left open for populations who wanted to secure their lives and livelihood. The migration toward safer pastures was a protracted, intermittent process which went on for several centuries. The Khazar exodus was part of the general picture.

    It had been preceded, as already mentioned, by the founding of Khazar colonies and settlements in various places in the Ukraine and southern Russia. There was a flourishing Judaist community in Kiev long before and after the Rus took the town from the Khazars. Similar colonies existed in Perislavel and Chernigov. A Rabbi Mosheh of Kiev studied in France around 1160, and a Rabbi Abraham of Cherigove studied in 1181 in the Talmud School of London. The "Lay of Igor's Host" mentions a famous contemporary Russian poet called Kogan--a combination of Cohen (priest) and Kagan--you might find the historical documents worthy of investigation. Sometime after Sarkel, which the Russians called Biegla Veza, was destroyed the Khazars built a town of the same name near Chernigov.

    There is an abundance of ancient place names in the Ukraine and Poland, which derive from "Khazar" or "Zhid" (later translated as Jew): Zydowo, Kozarzewek, Kozara, Kozarzow, Zhydowska Vola, Zydaticze, and so on. They may have once been villages, or just temporary encampments of Khazar-Judaist communities on their long trek to the west. Similar place names can be found in the Carpathian and Tatra Mountains, and in the eastern provinces of Austria. Even the ancient Judaist cemeteries of Cracow and Sandomierz, both called "kaviory", are of Khazar-Kabar origin.

    While the main route of the Khazar exodus led to the west, some groups of people were left behind, mainly in the Crimea and the Caucasus, where they formed Judaist enclaves surviving into modern times. In the ancient Khazar stronghold of Tamatarkha (Taman), facing the Crimea across the straits of Kerch, you hear of a dynasty of Judaist princes who ruled in the fifteenth century under the tutelage of the Genovese Republic, and later of the Crimean Tartars. The last of them, Prince Zakharia, conducted negotiations with the Prince of Muscovi, who invited Zakharia to come to Russia and let himself be baptized in exchange for receiving the privileges of a Russian nobleman. Zakharia refused, but in other cases the introduction of Khazar-Judaist elements into exalted positions in the Muscovite state was one of the factors which led to the appearance of the "Jewish heresy" (Zhidovst-buyushtchik) among Russian priests and noblemen in the sixteenth century, and of the sect of Sabbath-observers (Subbotniki) which is still widespread among Cossacks and peasants.

    Another vestige of the Khazar nation are the "Mountain Jews" in the north-eastern Caucasus, who stayed behind in their original habitat when the others left. They number around eight or so thousand persons and live in the vicinity of other tribal remnants of the olden days: Kipchaks and Oghuz. They call themselves Dagh Chufuty (Highland "Jews") in the Tat language which they adopted from another Caucasian tribe.

    Other Khazar enclaves survived in the Crimea and elsewhere in localities which once belonged to their empire. There are only historic curios of those compared to the mainstream of the Khazar migration into the Polish-Lithuanian regions.


    The regions in Eastern Central Europe, in which the Khazarian emigrants from Khazaria found a new home and some amount of safety, had only begun to assume political importance toward the end of the first millennium. But the plans were already underway for the Plan 2000, my friends, and the Protocols already put to order.

    In about 962, several Slavonic tribes formed an alliance under the leadership of the strongest among them, the Polans, which became the nucleus of the Polish state. Thus the Polish rise to eminence started about the same time as the Khazar decline (Sarkel was destroyed in 965). It is significant that Khazars play an important role in one of the earliest Polish legends relating to the foundation of the Polish kingdom. When the allied tribes decided to elect a king to rule them all, they chose a Khazarian named Abraham Prokownik. He was a rich and educated Khazar merchant, from whose experience the Slav backwoodsmen hoped to benefit. The legend indicates that Khazar Judaists were held in rather high esteem for their business prowess. After Abraham resigned the crown it went to a person named Piast, who thus became the founder of the historic Piast dynasty which ruled Poland from about 962 to 1370.

    The Poles, under the Piast dynasty, and their Baltic neighbours, the Lithuanians, rapidly expanded their frontiers, and were in dire need of immigrants to colonize their territories, and to create an urban civilization. They encouraged, first, the immigration of German peasants, burghers and craftsmen, and later of migrants from the territories occupied by the Golden Horde, including Armenians, southern Slavs and Khazars. Poland and Hungary were also briefly invaded by the Mongols in 1241-42, but they were not occupied--which made a tremendous difference in what was to be their future history.

    Not all these migrations were voluntary. They included large numbers of prisoners of war, such as Crimean Tartars, who were put to cultivate the estates of Lithuanian and Polish landlords in the conquered southern provinces (at the close of the fourteenth century the Lithuanian principality stretched from the Baltic to the Black Sea). But in the fifteenth century the Ottoman Turks, conquerors of Byzantium, advanced northward, and the landlords transferred the people from their estates in the border areas further inland.

    Among the populations thus forcibly transferred was a strong contingent of Karaites--the fundamentalish Khazarian sect which rejected rabbinical learning (Ah ha!). According to a tradition which survived among Karaites into modern times, their ancestors were brought to Poland by the great Lithuanian warrior-prince Vytautas (Vito1d) at the end of the fourteenth century as prisoners of war from Sulkhat in the Crimea. In favor of this tradition speaks the fact that Vitold in 1388 granted a charter of rights to the Khazars of Troki, and a great number of Judaists speaking a different language from the Germans and natives were found there. That language was and still is, a Turkish dialect, in fact the nearest among living languages to the lingua cumanica, which was spoken in the former Khazar territories at the time of the Golden Horde. This language is still used in speech and prayer in the surviving Karaite communities in Troki, Vilna, Ponyeviez, Lutzk and Halitch. The Karaites also claim that before the Great Plague of 1710 they had some thirty-two or thirty-seven communities in Poland and Lithuania.

    They call their ancient dialect "the language of Kedar"--just as Rabbi Petachia in the twelfth century called their habitat north of the Black Sea "the land of Kedar"; and what he has to say about them--sitting in the dark through the Sabbath, ignorance of rabbinical learning--certainly fits their sectarian attitude. Accordingly, the Karaites from the linguistic point of view are the purest present-day representatives of the ancient Khazars. We will later speak of why this sect preserved its language for about half a millennium, while the main body of Khazar Judaists shed it in favour of the Yiddish lingua franca.


    The Polish kingdom adopted from its very beginnings under the Piast dynasty a resolutely Western orientation, together with Roman Catholicism. But compared with its western neighbours it was culturally and economically an undeveloped country. Hence the policy of attracting immigrants--Germans from the west, Armenians and Khazars from the east--and giving them every possible encouragement for their enterprise, including Royal Charters detailing their duties and special privileges.

    In the Charter issued by Boleslave the Pious in 1264, and confirmed by Casimir the Great in 1334, Khazarian Judaists were granted the right to maintain their own synagogues, schools and courts; to hold landed property, and engage in any trade or occupation they chose. Under the rule of King Stephen Bathory (1575-86) Khazarian Judaists were granted a parliament of their own which met twice a year and had the power to levy taxes on their co-religionists. After the destruction of their country, Khazar Judaism had entered on a new chapter in its history.

    A striking illustration for their privileged condition is given in a papal breve, issued in the second half of the thirteenth century, by Pope Clement IV, and addressed to a Polish prince. In the document the Pope lets it be known that the Roman authorities are well aware of the existence of a considerable number of synagogues in several Polish cities--indeed, no less than five synagogues in one city alone. He deplores the fact that these synagogues are reported to be taller than the churches, more stately and ornamental, and roofed with colorfully painted leaden plates, making the adjacent Catholic churches look poor in comparison. Again--not one mention of God nor of Christ-ness, simply whose building is the more magnificent as tribute to the human element. Funny thing, immediately came a decision of the Papal legate, Cardinal Guido, dated 1267, stipulating that Judaists should not be allowed more than one synagogue to a town.

    It is obvious through documentation for your confirmation, that there were considerable numbers of Khazars present in Poland and that they had in several towns more than one synagogue--which means they were prosperous in order to build them so "stately and ornamental". So what of the size and composition of the Khazar immigration into Poland?

    The Arab sources spoke of Khazar armies numbering three-hundred-thousand men involved in the Muslim-Khazar Wars; and even if allowance is made for quite wild exaggerations, this would indicate a total Khazar population of at least half a million people. Ibn Fadlan gave the number of tents of the Volga Bulgars as 50,000, which would mean a population of 300,000-400,000, i.e., roughly the same order of magnitude as the Khazars'. On the other hand, the number of Judaists in the Polish-Lithuanian kingdom in the seventeenth century is also estimated by your modern historians at 500,000 (five percent of the total population). These figures do not fit in too badly with the known facts about a protracted Khazar migration via the Ukraine to Poland-Lithuania, starting with the destruction of Sarkel and the rise of the Piast Dynasty toward the end of the first millennium, accelerating during the Mongol conquest, and being more or less completed in the fifteenth-sixteenth centuries--by which time the steppe had been emptied and the Khazars had, it was thought, been wiped off the surface of the earth.


    Altogether this population transfer was spread out over five or six centuries of trickle and flow. If you take into account the considerable influx of refugees from Byzantium and the Muslim world into Khazaria, and a small population increase among the Khazars themselves, it appears somewhat plausible that the tentative figures for the Khazar population at its peak in the eighth century should be comparable to that of the Khazarian Judaists in Poland in the seventeenth century, at least by order of magnitude--give or take a few hundred thousand as a token of ignorance.

    Dear ones, there is terrible irony hidden in these numbers. According to the article "Statistics" in the Jewish Encyclopaedia, in the sixteenth century the total "Jewish" population of the world amounted to about ONE million. This seems to indicate that during the Middle Ages the majority of those who professed the Judaic faith were actually Khazars with no way around the facts of it. A substantial part of this majority went to Poland, Lithuania, Hungary and the Balkans, where they founded that Eastern "Jewish" community which, in its turn, became the dominant majority of world Jewry. Even if the original core of that community was diluted and augmented by immigrants from other regions, its predominantly Khazar-Turkish derivation appears to be supported by strong evidence, and should at least be regarded as a theory worth serious discussion.

    Additional reasons for attributing the leading role in the growth and development of the Jewish community in Poland and the rest of Eastern Europe mainly to the Khazar element, and not to immigrants from the West, will be discussed in the following writings, but it might be appropriate at this point to quote the Polish historian (so you can look it up), Adam Vetulani:

    Polish scholars agree that these oldest settlements were founded by Judaist emigres from the Khazar state and Russia, while the Judaists from Southern and Western Europe began to arrive and settle only later...and that a certain proportion at least of the Judaists population in earlier times, the main bulk originated from the east, from the Khazar country, and later from Kievian Russia.

    I am going to pull this segment to a close and allow Dharma some rest but you must be questioning why the "Jews" would claim so many deaths if there were not in fact, even that many "Jews" as numbered in the so-called death camps? Because it would later appear impossible that there could be enough left to take over any portion of your world, much less the whole of it. In your country of America, for instance, less than 3% are Judaists and the Khazar Elite do not even longer practice any type of orthodox Judaism but rather the Talmudic Protocols of the Elite Men of Wisdom.

    The facts are that they have managed to gain control of every media outlet in your nation and in most of the world, the Banking industry, the Government (all of Congress), the Churches (especially the "Christian" sects), and the Police Forces as are now structured by the United Nations New World Order. You had best take a look around, beloved friends, for the time of "looking" is all but over.

    I am giving you facts which can be confirmed and documented on your own placement--not some mystical hoopla about big explosions and raptures. Irresponsible behavior against the laws of GOD have brought you to this point for it was intended that you would be brainwashed by the lustful things of evil physical greed--it most certainly worked, did it not?? You are now handcuffed and gagged--WHAT WILL YOU DO NOW, AMERICA? WHAT WILL YOU DO, WORLD? IT RESTS SOLELY IN YOUR HANDS, MY FRIENDS. YOU WILL TAKE A STAND AGAINST THIS THING--OR YOU WILL SURELY FALL!

    May the light of insight shine around about you that you may see, hear and take action in clear guidance of that ONE come forth again unto your place to show you the way. Salu.

    Hatonn to clear, please. I ask that you carefully consider these things being offered unto your attention. Good-day.

    PJ 29
    CHAPTER 10
    TUESDAY, APRIL 23, 1991 7:35 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 250
    TUESDAY, APRIL 23, 1991

    May the light of God shine around about us that we may have insight and direction for action in clarity and Truth. I am Hatonn--to serve.

    As you move into a debilitating time let it be known that things are beginning to happen which can give you a bit of time for action for just as chaos slows your path back to freedom--so does it slow the deceivers.

    I am going to be most brief on the "news" of this day for I have great volumes of work to cover so I ask that you follow up on details.

    T.D. asks about Tower's crash death of a week or so past and inquires as to intent behind the scenes. At the point of taking-out Tower it was more important to shut up the astronaut traveling with him. Tower's book is a rather mild expose' of "stuff" which would be more annoying than anything else but nonetheless could be damaging while the administration is in the take-over phase. The astronaut, however, was an entirely different matter--he was going to begin to "spill the beans" about the shuttle flights. You see, chelas, everyone can't be replaced nor silenced. The point, of course, is blackmail and it never works if the one you are blackmailing is the stronger and cares not about revelations. So be it.

    Now as to Earthquakes in Costa Rica and Panama. I told Dharma to immediately watch the shuttle launch and she would know about the earthquake--and vice-versa. Several days ago I told the ones at this location that there would be an incident if the launch of that shuttle continued in the countdown. Major quakes and disasters are being saved to give you certain examples when the going really gets tedious.

    By NASA's own admission now, there is "Star Wars" gear aboard that shuttle. There is much other behind-the-scenes deceiving and attempts at "shuffling" pay-loads to everywhere on your globe--even unto another Arian launch from the area of the Panama/Costa Rica border. Usually the Arian rockets are launched from French Guiana, but not this time, for it was to go simultaneously with the shuttle--following on to the Japanese rocket which was lost within the past few days. You are desperately efforting to get sensors in orbit and are thus-far unsuccessful at every turn.

    Now as to the Kurds. Do not be foolish and think this is all some nightmare accident. The Kurds were deliberately stirred into total frenzy to accomplish exactly that which happened. Now you have unlimited excuse to keep your military in the area--for humanitarian reasons. Note that which they tell you and you will have confirmation. Firstly, Saddam Hussein's administration has done nothing to the Kurds and there is no reason not to bring them home to Iraq. He, further, has offered lands in security for them to have an autonomous state in northern Iraq. The Iraqi army is helping in the care and relief of the lost ones and yet your news harps and harps on U.S. military missions to insure safety but "...so far have encountered no resistance...blather--blather". The Iraqis couldn't care less and you are footing the bill to repair the disaster you created by bombing the poor people into oblivion.

    Note what they say this day about timing--"We must get them settled with a good shelter and food supply--BEFORE THE WINTER FREEZES THEM," that, by the way--is NEXT WINTER! Dirty games? Indeed, so what else has changed? The big heart-wrencher is that there is "no baby milk or formula"--well if you hadn't destroyed the milk factories I would guess that you would have plenty for all the babies. Do not be sucked in by the humanitarian SHOW, my friends.

    Humanitarian? Look at that which is happening in your administration--again to get the drift of the truth. You can't even get rid of Sununu running about on ski trips aboard special military jets at your full expense--and President Bush simply laughs and says it is "fine, and nothing will be changed". The same holds true for ALL OF HIS ADVISORS! He has made it abundantly clear that you-the-people will stay out of HIS business. By the way--nobody in the world has paid any of those pledges made to foot the bill for that Iraqi/Kuwaiti War and the big defense bust. You are still paying it all--NOW, you are paying all of the cost of the refugees--food, medicine, military materiel, etc. Already you have used over $123 MILLION in military reserve food supplies and are shipping it all right out of your reserves in Germany. The cost of this little operation--(I call it "snow-job") is running millions of dollars a day and you warm, loving Americans are again footing the entire cost. This, while you have over three million homeless in America with massive layoffs every day and your own children going to bed hungry and sick every day! So be it.

    I am going to repeat a rundown of power and who is running this show and then we will turn back to the history of the Khazars for I think you are beginning to get the picture of their current activities.

    Henry Kissinger may be out of government, so to speak, but he is still running the show through his assistants and acolytes in the Washington national bureaucracy. Brent Scowcroft, the White House national security adviser, Lawrence Eagleburger, the second-ranking man in the State Department, and Gen. Colin Powell, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff--they all owe their jobs to Kissinger. Kissinger, of course, owes his unique power to the Rockefeller Dynasty.

    These crisis managers crave the new-found power they now enjoy in the Gulf and American "civil affairs" troops now run Kuwait. The deputy commander of American Forces in Saudi Arabia, Lt. Gen. Calvin Waller, has now publicly said: "U.S. troops are in the gulf to stay." Schwarzkopf may be "home" but a permanent headquarters is now set up in the region. Your military personnel are and have been putting Kuwait "back on line". Fooled again, America!


    We have discussed numbers, now let us look at the social structure and composition of the Khazar immigrant community.

    The first impression one gains is a striking similarity between certain privileged positions held by Khazar Judaists in Hungary and in Poland in those early days. Both the Hungarians and Polish sources have referred to the Judaists employed as mintmasters, administrators of the royal revenue, controllers of the salt monopoly, tax-collectors and "money-lenders"--i.e. BANKERS. This parallel suggests a common origin of those two immigrant communities; as you can trace the origins of the bulk of Hungarian Judaists to the Magyar-Khazar nexus, the conclusion seems self-evident.

    The early part played by immigrant Judaists in the two countries was reflected in the budding economic life. It is not surprising, since foreign trade and the levying of customs duties had been the Khazars' principal source of income in the past. They had the experience which their new hosts were lacking and the blood-thirsty callousness to perform. It was only logical that they were called in to advise and participate in the management of the finances of court and nobility. It is also reasonable that the same type of compassionless beings be called in to run America and the other world governments. The coins minted in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries with Polish inscriptions in Hebrew lettering are seemingly bizarre relics of those activities. Some of the coins bear the name of a king but others are inscribed "From the House of Abraham ben Joseph the Prince" or simply show a word of benediction such as "Luck" or "Blessing". Hungarian sources also speak of the practice of minting coins from silver provided by Judaist owners.

    However--in contrast to Western Europe--finance and commerce were far from being the only fields of Jewish activity. Some rich emigrants became landowners in Poland as Count Teka was in Hungary. This is exactly that which happened in Germany where the "Jews" ended up owning a major portion of Germany. This, in fact, is the major cause of the Second World War--a law was passed saying that one must be a native German to purchase property--but that is yet another story. In Poland, Judaist land-holdings comprised whole villages of "Judaist" farmers in the vicinity of Breslau before 1203, and in the early days there were Khazar peasants in considerable numbers, as the ancient Khazar "place-names" show.

    The Karaite records mentioned before, show how some of the villages came into being. They relate how Prince Vitold settled a group of Karaite prisoners-of-war in "Krasna", providing them with houses, orchards and land to a distance of one and a half miles (Krasna is identified with the Judaist small town Krasnola in Podolia).

    Farming, however, held no future for this Judaist community. There were several reasons for this. The rise of feudalism in the fourteenth century gradually transformed the peasants of Poland into serfs, forbidden to leave their villages, deprived of freedom of movement. At the same time, under the joint pressure of the ecclesiastic hierarchy and the feudal landlords, the Polish Parliament in 1496 forbade the acquisition of agricultural land by Judaists. But the process of alienation from the soil started long before that. Apart from the specific causes mentioned, religious discrimination, combined with the degradation of the free peasants into serfs--the transformation of the predominantly agricultural nation of Khazars into a predominantly urban community reflected a common phenomenon in the history of migrations. Faced with different climatic conditions and farming methods on the one hand, and on the other with unexpected opportunities for an easier living offered by urban civilization, immigrant populations change their occupational structure within a few generations. The offspring of Abruzzi peasants in the New World became waiters and restauranteurs, the grandsons of Polish farmers might become engineers or psychoanalysts--the opposite process of colonists settling on virgin soil applies to migrants from more highly developed to under-developed regions.

    However, the transformation of Khazar Judaism into Polish Judaism did not entail any brutal break with the past, or loss of identity. It was a gradual, organic process of change, which preserved some vital traditions of Khazar communal life (kibbutz?) in their new country. This was mainly achieved through the emergence of a social structure, or way of life, found nowhere else in the world Diaspora: the Judaist small town, in Hebrew ayarah, in Yiddish shtetl, in Polish miastecko. All three designations are diminutives, which, however, do not necessarily refer to smallness in size for some of the towns were quite big, but rather does refer to the limited rights of municipal self-government they enjoyed.

    The shtetl should not be confused with the ghetto. The latter consisted of a street or quarter in which Judaists were compelled to live within the confines of a Gentile town. It was, from the second half of the sixteenth century onward, the universal habitat of Judaists everywhere in Christian, and most of the Muslim, world. Most of these limitations, however, were rigidly self-imposed! The ghetto was surrounded by walls, with gates that were locked at night. It gave rise to claustrophobia and mental inbreeding, and also to a sense of relative security in time of trouble as the groups were likely to have for they were warring people--eye for eye, etc. Since it could not expand in size, the houses were tall and narrow, and permanent overcrowding created deplorable sanitary conditions. It took great spiritual strength for people living in such circumstances to keep any measure of self-respect and not many of them did.

    The shtetl, on the other hand, was an entirely different proposition--a type of settlement which, as already said, existed only in Poland-Lithuania and nowhere else in the world. It was a self-contained country town with an exclusively or predominantly Judaist population. The shtetl's origins date back to the thirteenth century, and represent the missing link between the market towns of Khazaria and the Judaist settlements in Poland.

    The economic and social function of the semi-rural, semi-urban agglomerations were similar in both countries. In Khazaria, and later in Poland, provided a network of trading posts or market towns which mediated between the needs of the big towns and the countryside. They had regular fairs at which sheep and cattle, alongside the goods manufactured in the towns and the products of the rural cottage industries were sold or bartered; at the same time they were the centers where artisans plied their crafts, from wheelwrights to blacksmiths, silversmiths, tailors, Kosher butchers, millers, bakers and candlestick-makers (literally).

    There were also letter-writers for the illiterate, synagogues for the faithful, inns for travelers, and a heder--Hebrew for "room", which served as a school. There were itinerant story-tellers and folk bards and many of their names have been preserved, traveling from shtetl to shtetl in Poland and earlier, in Khazaria. It is a good time to look closely at the story-tellers among Oriental people in your own current time.

    Some particular trades became virtually a Judaist monopoly in Poland. One was dealing in timber--which must tell you that timber was the chief building material and an important export in Khazaria; another was "transport". The dense net of shtetls made it possible to distribute manufactured goods over the entire country by means of the superbly built Judaist type of horsecart. The preponderance of this kind of transport, especially in the east of the country, was so marked--amounting to a virtual monopoly--that the Hebrew word for carter, ba'al agalah (literally: "master of the cart") was incorporated into the Russian language as balagula. Only the development of the railway in the second half of the nineteenth century led to a decline in this trade.

    This specialization in "coach"-building and cartering could certainly not have developed in the closed ghettoes of Western Judaists; it unmistakably points to a Khazar origin. The people of the ghettoes were sedentary, while the Khazars, like other semi-nomadic people, used horse or ox-drawn carts to transport their tents, goods and chattel--including royal tents the size of a circus, fit to accommodate several hundred people. They certainly had the ability to negotiate the roughest tracks in their new country.

    Other specifically Judaist occupations were inn-keeping, the running of flour mills and trading in furs--none of them found in the ghettoes of Western Europe.

    Such, in broad outlines, was the structure of the Judaist shtetl in Poland. Some of its features could be found in old market towns in any country; others show a more specific affinity with what you already know--little though it might have seemed--about the townships of Khazaria, which were the prototypes of the Polish shtetl.

    To these specific features must be added the "pagoda-style" of the oldest surviving wooden shtetl synagogues dating from the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, which is totally different from both the native style of architecture and from the building style adopted by Western Jews and replicated later on in the ghettoes of Poland. The interior decoration of the oldest shtetl synagogues is also quite different from the style of the Western ghetto; the walls of the shtetl synagogue were covered with Moorish arabesques, and with animal figures characteristic of the Persian influence found in Magyar-Khazar artifacts and in the decorative style brought to Poland by Armenian immigrants.

    Why am I taking so much time on what appears to be information of no value? Because you ones continually denounce the Truth and want "proof". You really do not for you want another to do your work for you, but you are going to get it anyway so that when we come to current times--you will STOP YOUR CONFOUNDED DENIALS!

    The traditional garb of Polish Judaists is also of unmistakably Eastern origin. The typical long silk kaftan was an imitation of the coat worn by the Polish nobility, which itself was copied from the outfit of the Mongols in the Golden Horde--fashions travel across political division; but you know that kaftans were worn long before that by nomads of the steppes for we have also described it.

    The skull-cap (yarmolka) is worn to this very day by orthodox Judaists--and by the Uzbeks and other Turkish people in the Soviet Union. On top of the skull-cap men wore the streimel, an elaborate round hat rimmed with fox-fur, which the Khazars copied from the Khasaks--or vice versa. As already mentioned, the trade in fox and sable furs, which had been flourishing in Khazaria, became another virtual Judaist monopoly in Poland. As for the women, they wore, until the middle of the nineteenth century, a tall white turban, which was an exact copy of the Jauluk worn by Khasak and Turkish women. Nowadays orthodox Judaist women (Jewesses) have to wear, instead of a turban, a wig made of their own hair, which is shaved off when they get married.

    One might also mention in this context--though somewhat dubiously--the Polish Judaists' odd passion for gelfilte (stuffed) fisch, a national dish which the Polish Gentiles adopted. "Without fish," the saying went, "there is no Sabbath." I believe that all of you nice people can find this dish in the markets marked as Kosher. It was derived from life on the Caspian, where fish was the staple diet.

    Life in the shtetl is celebrated with much romantic nostalgia in "Jewish" literature and folklore and thus you can find pretty accurate confirmation as to detail. The Sabbath was joyously celebrated and is interesting to note:

    Wherever one is, he will try to reach home in time to greet the Sabbath with his own family. The peddler traveling from village to village, the itinerant tailor, shoemaker, cobbler, the merchant off on a trip, all will plan, push, hurry, trying to reach home before sunset on Friday evening.

    As they press homeward, the shammes calls through the streets of the shtetl, "Judaists to the bathhouse!" A functionary of the synagogue, the shammes is a combination of sexton and beadle. He speaks with an authority more than his own, for when he calls "Judaists to the bathhouse", he is summoning them to a commandment.

    The most vivid evocation of life in the shtetl is the surrealistic amalgam of fact and fantasy in paintings and lithographs where biblical symbols appear side by side with the bearded carter wielding his whip and wistful rabbis in kaftan and yarmolka.

    I suppose you would look upon this as a weird community as you look back in retrospect--but, dear ones, it is typical of a living still in existence--did you take a good look at the Kurds as they are now portrayed in the news? These ones can hardly even imagine what your lives are like--it can be no different than might be your dreams and imaginings of spacecraft and mother ships. The communities reflected their weird origins. Some of the earliest small-towns were founded by prisoners-of-war--such as the Karaites of Troki--whom Polish and Lithuanian nobles were anxious to settle on their empty lands. But the majority of these settlements were products of the general migration away from the "wild fields" which were turning into deserts. After the Mongol conquest when the Slav villages wandered westward, the Khazar shtetls went with them. The pioneers of the new settlements were rich Khazar traders who constantly travelled across Poland on the much frequented trade routes into Hungary. The Magyar and Kabar migration in Hungary blazed the trail for the growing Khazar settlements in Poland: it turned Poland into a transit area between the two countries with Judaist communities. Thus the traveling merchants were familiar with conditions in the prospective areas of resettlement, and had occasion to make contact with the landowners in search of tenants. The landlord would enter into an agreement with such rich and respected Judaists as would settle on his estate and bring in other settlers. They would, as a rule, choose people from the place where they had lived. These colonists would be an assorted lot of farmers, artisans and craftsmen, forming a more or less self-supporting community. Thus the Khazar shtetl would be transplanted and become a Polish shtetl. Farming would gradually drop out, but by that time the adaptation to changed conditions would have been completed--exactly as in "Israel" (Palestine) this very day!

    The nucleus of modern Jewry thus has followed exactly the old recipe: strike out for new horizons, take them over--and stick together while pushing others out and including only those who will "vote" for you. History never changes, my friends--and mostly neither do the players.

    Let us take this off the machine lest it get too long for the chapter. Thank you.

    Hatonn to stand-by.

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