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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 50
    CHAPTER 13
    SAT., JUNE 13, 1992 7:01 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 302
    SAT., JUNE 13, 1992
    I wonder how many of you realize that the "cup" and not the "cross" was the greatest symbol of Christendom?
    Do you realize it was Peter and not Paul who kept the "Master's" work and word going? The Golden Sun Disc (Aton) was the symbol of eternal God.
    The CUP was the beloved symbol let by the "Teacher" as reminders to His people. The cup in point is of "clay", Mark was asked, and did so, to bring to the Teacher a cup of simple clay for his last sup with His people--to remind them of humility and that it is the "fruit" and not the things of physical (silver cups) which is in point. The clay cup discovered within the Chalice of Antioch found later was not the original used by Esu.
    Mark took the cup from where it rested and returned it to his mother, to whom it belonged--as second-best table equipment, Silver was the best and Mark's mother was a wealthy widow so the act was one of intent, not accident. The intent was to use that which was of "earth" substance of which all things are created. The Cup, itself, repre­sents spiritual truth or truth of faith.
    Something strange happened to that cup, however. Mark noted that in the dimly lit room where the cups were placed--this one glowed. Therefore he took it to his room and put it away for safe keeping. He kept it for some fourteen years--showing it periodically as ones would gather.
    The Cup became recognized as the Chalice of Antioch but this was not so. The cup was taken to Antioch by Barn­abas and Paul (who had by now worked his way within the group of friends). The Chalice was mode of silver and "contained" a cup of clay of the same size.
    Peter carried with him the cup he had used himself at the Last Gathering. This he gave to Linus, the Greek artist who fashioned the magnificent chalice that held the humble clay cup. The clay cup was replaced by the silver cup of Peter.
    The point is not very big but the concept is most important for I am asked about the "Places of the Lion" and you ones seem to know very little about that which I speak. The stories are all entangled with Linus, Solomon, Rahotep, , Akhnaton and Peter--who were all considered and identified in the underground circles as "Lions" and the "Lion-throne".
    The point is that in the worship of "things" you are going to be most often misled. The Chalice of Antioch, for in­stance, is authentic in that it ONCE HELD the cup in point, but it no longer holds that Cup any more than the Glastonbury Chalice holds it! Therefore, ye who would worship and do reverence at the altars of decoration and ritual are very likely worshiping a replica--an idol of some sort, if you will.
    THE THINGS OF GOD ARE WITHIN THE HEART AND THE SOUL IS THE "CUP" OF GOD OF ETER­NAL LIFE TO BE REFILLED UPON PETITION. AH, INDEED, ‘TIS THE CUP AND NOT THE CROSS UNTO WHICH YOU MUST TURN THAT YOUR CUP MIGHT BE FILLED TO OVERFLOW. One day perhaps we shall find the time to write of these wondrous traditions. This day, however, we shall move on with our story already underway.
    Today we shall speak of Shan/Gaia--The Cleaved Planet--Earth.
    Why do you suppose you call your planet "Earth"? Ah so-I thought not.
    In German, for instance, it is called Erde, from Erda in Old High German; Jordh in Icelandic, Jorde in Danish. Erthe in Middle English, Airtha in Gothic; and going eastward geographically and backward in time, Ereds or Aratha in Ara­maic, Erd or Ertz in Kurdish, Eretz in Hebrew and so on. The sea you now call the Arabian Sea, the body of water that leads to the Persian Gulf, was called in antiquity the Sea of Erythrea; and to this day, ordu means an encampment or settlement in Persian. Why?
    Well, a lot happened in that part of the world and the answer lies in the Sumerian texts that relate the arrival of the first group of Anunnaki/Nefilim on Earth. There were fifty of them, under the leadership of E.A ("Whose Home is Water"), a great scien­tist and the Firstborn son of the ruler of Nibiru, ANU. They splashed down in the Arabian Sea and waded ashore to the edge of the marshlands that, after the climate warmed up a bit, be­came the Persian Gulf. Persia was that which is now recognized as "Iran". At the head of the marshlands they established their first settlement on a new planet; it was called by them E.RI.DU­--"Home in the faraway". Don't you think that is a nice appro­priate name?
    And so it was that in time the whole settled planet came to be called after that first settlement--Erde, Erthe, Earth, etc. To this day, when you call your planet by its name, you invoke the memory of the first settlement on Earth; unknowingly, you re­member Eridu and honor the first group of Anunnaki who es­tablished it. Is history not getting to be fun?
    The Sumerian scientific or technical term for Earth's globe and its firm surface was KI. It was depicted as a somewhat flattened orb crossed by vertical lines somewhat like modern depictions of meridians. Earth does indeed bulge somewhat at its equator and therefore the Sumerian representation is more correct scientifi­cally than the usual modem way of depicting Earth as a perfect globe....
    After Ea had completed the establishment of the first five of the seven original settlements of the Anunnaki, he was given the ti­tle EN.KI, "Lord of Earth". But the term KI, as a root or verb, was applied to the planet called "Earth" for a reason. It conveyed the meaning "to cut off, to sever, to hollow out". Its derivatives illustrate the concept: KI.LA meant "excavation", KI.MAH "tomb", KI.IN.DAR "crevice, fissure". In Sumerian astronomical texts the term KI was prefixed with the determinative MUL ("celestial body"). And thus when they spoke of mul.KI, they conveyed the meaning, "the celestial body that had been cleaved apart". By calling Earth KI, the Sumerians thus invoked their cosmogony--the tale of the Celestial Battle and the cleaving of Tiamat.
    Unaware of its origin you continue to apply this descriptive epi­thet to your planet to this very time in place. The intriguing fact is that over time the Sumeariana civilization was two thousand years old by the time Babylon arose and the pronunciation of the term KI (ki) changed to gi, or sometimes ge. It was so carried into the Akkadian and its linguistic branches (Babylonian, As­syrian, Hebrew), at all times retaining its geographic or topo­graphic connotation as a "cleavage", a ravine, a deep valley. Thus the biblical term that through Greek translations of the Bible is read Gehenna stems from the Hebrew Gai-Hinnom, the crevice-like narrow ravine outside Jerusalem named after Hinnom, where divine retribution shall befall the sinners via an erupting subterranean fire on Judgment Day.
    If you were taught at all in school, you were taught that the component geo in all the scientific terms applied to Earth sci­ences--geo-graphy, geo-metry, geo-ology and so on-comes from the Greek word Gaia (or Gaea), their name for the god­dess of Earth. You were not taught, however, where the Greeks picked up this term or what its real meaning might have been. The answer is, guess what--surely enough--from the SUME­RIANS--KI or GI.
    Scholars all agree that the Greek notions of primordial events and the gods were directly borrowed from the Near East, I through Asia Minor at whose western edge early Greek set­tlements like Troy were located, and via the island of Crete in the Eastern Mediterranean (nearby to Atlantis). According to Greek tradition, Zeus, who was the chief honcho god of the twelve Olympians, arrived on the Greek mainland via Crete, whence he had fled after abducting the beautiful Europa, daughter of the Phoenician king of Tyre. Aphrodite arrived from the Near East via the island of Cyprus. Poseidon, whom the Romans called Neptune, came on horseback via Asia Minor, and Athena brought the olive to Greece from the lands of the Bible. There can simply be no doubt that the Greek alphabet developed from a Near Eastern one. (Dharma, please see that the illustration I shall find for you is placed herein for it will give much confidence in this story.) [See next page]
    There are many books which speak of these ancient times, not the least of which was the Iliad by one called Homer. This line of historical mythology or "tradition" was handed down as re­garded the creation of celestial gods--or visitors who came to stay, etc., of Heaven and Earth--out of Chaos. These tales, dear ones, are not greatly unlike your own biblical tales of the Beginning:
    Verily, at the first Chaos came to be,
    and the next the wide-bosomed Gaia--
    she who created all the immortal ones
    who hold the peaks of snowy Olympus:
    Dim Tartarus, wide-pathed in the depths,
    and Eros, fairest among the divine immortals ...
    From Chaos came forth Erebus and black Nyx;
    And of Nyx were born Aether and Hemera.

    So what do we have here?
    At this point in the process of the formation of the "divine im­mortals"--the celestial gods--"Heaven" does not yet exist, just as the Mesopotamian sources recounted. Accordingly, the "Gaia" of these verses is the equivalent of Tiamat, "she who bore them all" according the Enuma elish. Hesiod lists the celestial gods who followed "Chaos" and "Gaia" in three pairs, Tartarus and Eros, Erebus and Nyx, Aether and Hemera. The parallel with the creation of the three pairs in Sumerian cosmogony, nowa­days named Venus and Mars, Saturn and Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune, should be obvious though this comparability has gone quite unnoted.
    Only after the creation of the principal planets that made up the Solar System when Nibiru appeared to invade it does the tale by Hesiod (DIVINE GENEALOGY)--exactly as in Mesopotamian and Biblical texts--speak of the creation of Ouranos, "Heaven". As explained in the Book of Genesis, this Shama'im was the Hammered-Out-Bracelet--the asteroid belt. As related in the Enuma elish, this was the half of Tiamat that was smashed to pieces, while the other, intact half became Earth. All this is echoed in the ensuing verses of Hesiod's Theogony:
    And Gaia then bore starry Ouranos
    --equal to herself--
    to envelop her on every side,
    to be an everlasting abode place/or the gods.
    Is it beginning to seep through why the ONE WORLD ELITE would call themselves OLYMPIANS? (Committee of 300)
    Now split up equally, Gaia ceased to be Tiamat. Severed from the smashed-up half that became the Firmament, everlasting abode to the asteroids and comets, the intact half which was thrust into another orbit became Gaia, the Earth. And so did this planet, first as Tiamat and then as Earth, live up to its epi­thets: Gaia, at, Ki--the Cleaved One.
    How did this Cleaved Planet look now, in the aftermath of the Celestial Battle? It was now orbiting as Gaia/Earth. On one side there were the firm lands that had formed the crust of Tia­mat; on the other side there was a hollow, an immense cleft into which the waters of the erstwhile Tiamat poured. And again Hesiod put it nicely, Gaia (now the half equivalent to Heaven) on one side "brought forth long hills, graceful haunts of the goddess-Nymphs"; and on the other side "she bare Pontus, the fruitless deep with its raging swell".
    This is the same picture painted by the Book: of Genesis:
    And Elohim said,
    "Let the waters under the heaven
    be gathered together into one place,
    and let the dry land appear. "
    And it was so.
    And Elohim called the dry land "Earth",
    and the gathered-together water He called "Seas".
    By this time the nice new Gaia was beginning to take shape.
    Some three thousand years separated Hesiod from the time when the Sumerian civilization had blossomed out; and it is clear his­torically that throughout those millennia ancient peoples, in­cluding the authors or compilers of the Book: of Genesis, ac­cepted the Sumerian cosmogony. Today you call it "myth", "legend" or "religious beliefs"; in those previous millennia it was "science"--"knowledge", the Sumerians asserted, bestowed by the Anunnaki. No, I did not say Pleiadians--so don't get ahead of your own story.
    According to ancient knowledge, Earth was NOT an original member of your Solar System. It was a cut-off "cleaved-off" half of a planet then called Tiamat, "she who bore them all". The Celestial Battle that led to the creation of Earth occurred several hundred million years after the Solar System with its planets had been created. Earth, as a part of Tiamat, retained much of the water that Tiamat, "the water monster", was recog­nized for. As Earth evolved into an independent planet and at­tained the shape of a globe dictated by the forces of gravity, the waters were gathered into the immense cavity on the torn-off side, and dry land appeared on the other side of the planet. Please go back and refer to ancient maps depicting changes in the planet's continental arrangements. This, therefore in sum­mary, is what the ancient peoples knew. What do your modern scientists say about this?
    The theories concerning planetary formation hold that they started as balls congealing from the gaseous disk extending from the Sun. As they cooled, heavier matter--iron, in Earth's case--­sank into their centers, forming a solid inner core. A less solid, plastic, or even fluid outer core surrounded the inner one; in Earth's case, it is believed to consist of molten iron. The two cores and their motions act as a dynamo, producing the planet's magnetic field. Surrounding the solid and fluid cores is a mantle made of rocks and minerals; on Earth it is estimated to be some 1,800 miles thick. While the fluidity and heat generated at the planet's core (some 12,000 degrees Fahrenheit in the Earth's center) affect the mantle and what is on top of it, it is the up­permost 400 miles or so of the mantle (on Earth) that mostly ac­count for what you see on the surface of the planet--its cooled crust. Of course the way it was actually formed--gave no hot crust to cool.
    The processes that produce, over billions of years, a spherical orb--the uniform force of gravity and the planet's rotation around its axis--should also result in an orderly layering. The solid inner core, the flexible or fluid outer core, the thick lower mantle of silicates, the upper mantle of rocks, and the upper­most crust should encompass one another in ordered layers, like the skin of an onion. This holds true for the orb called Earth--­but only up to a point; the main abnormalities concern Earth's uppermost layer, the crust.
    Since the extensive "probes' of the Moon and Mars in the 1960's and 70's, geophysicists have been greatly puzzled by the paucity of the Earth's crust. The crusts of the Moon and of Mars comprise 10 percent of their masses, but the Earth's crust comprises less than one half of one percent of the Earth's landmass. In 1988 geophysicists from Caltech and the University of Illinois at Urbana, led by Don Anderson, reported to the Ameri­can Geological Society meeting in Denver, Colorado, that they had found the "missing crust". By analyzing shock waves from earthquakes, they concluded that material that belongs in the crust has sunk down and lies some 250 miles below the Earth's surface. There is enough crustal material there, these scientists estimated, to increase the thickness of the Earth's crust tenfold. Even if such nonsense were a possibility it would have given Earth a crust comprising no more than about 4 percent of its land-mass--still only about half of what seems to be the norm if you are going to consider the Moon and Mars as the "norm". Half of the Earth's crust will still be missing even if the findings of this group could prove to be correct.
    This theory also leaves unanswered the question of what force caused the crustal material, which is lighter than the mantle's material, to "dive"--in the words of the report in point--hundreds of miles into the Earth's interior. The team's suggestion was that the crustal material down there consists of "huge slabs of crust" that "dived into the Earth's interior" where fissures exist in the crust. But what force had broken up the crust into such "huge slabs"?
    Another abnormality of the Earth's crust is that it is not uni­form. In the parts you call "continents", its thickness varies from about 12 miles to almost 45 miles; but in the parts taken up by the oceans the crust is only 3.5 to five miles thick. While the average elevation of the continents is about 2,300 feet, the aver­age depth of the oceans is more than 12,500 feet. The com­bined result of these factors is that the much thicker continental crust reaches much farther down into the mantle, whereas the oceanic crust is just a thin layer of solidified material and sedi­ments.
    There are other differences between the Earth's crust where the continents are and where the oceans are. The composition of the continental crust, consisting in large part of rocks resembling granite, is relatively light in comparison with the composition of the mantle: the average continental density is 2.7-2.8 grams per cubic centimeter, while that of the mantle is 3.3 grams per cubic centimeter. The oceanic crust is heavier and denser than the continental crust, averaging a density of 3.0 to 3.1 grams per cubic centimeter; it is thus more akin to the mantle, with its composition of basaltic and other dense rocks, than to the conti­nental crust. It is noteworthy that the "missing crust" the scien­tific team mentioned above suggested had dived into the mantle is similar in composition to the oceanic crust, not to the conti­nental crust.
    This leads to one more important difference between the Earth's continental and oceanic crusts. The continental part of the crust is not only lighter and thicker, it is also much older than the oceanic part of the crust. By the end of the 1970's the consen­sus among scientists was that the greater part of today's conti­nental surface was formed some 2.8 billion years ago. Evidence of a continental crust from that time that was about as thick as today's is found in all the continents in what geologists term Archean Shield areas; but within those areas, crustal rocks were discovered that turned out to be 3.8 billion years old. In 1983, however, geologists of the Australian National University found, in western Australia, rock remains of a continental crust whose age was established to be 4.1 to 4.2 billion years old. In 1989, tests with new, sophisticated methods on rock samples collected a few years earlier in northern Canada (by researchers from Washington University in St. Louis and from the Geological Survey of Canada) determined the rocks age to be 3.96 billion years; Samuel Bowering of Washington University reported evi­dence that nearby rocks in the area were as much as 4.1 billion years old.
    Scientists are still hard put to explain the gap of about 500 mil­lion years between the age of the Earth (which meteor frag­ments, such as those found at Meteor Crater in Arizona, show to be 4.6 billion years and counting) and the age of the oldest rocks thus far found; but no matter what the explanation, the fact that Earth had its continental crust at least 4 billion years ago is by now undisputed. On the other hand, no part of the oceanic crust has been found to be more than 200 million years old.
    Chelas, this is a tremendous difference! No amount of foolish speculation about rising and sinking continents, forming and vanishing seas can explain these things. Someone has compared the Earth's crust to the skin of an apple (you people really like apples), where the oceans are, the "skin" is fresh--relatively speaking, born yesterday--but, where the oceans began in pri­mordial times, the "skin , and a good part of the "apple" itself, has been shorn off.
    The differences between the continental and oceanic crusts must have been even greater in earlier times, because the continental crust is constantly eroded by the forces of nature, and a good deal of the eroded solids are carried into the oceanic basins, in­creasing the thickness of the oceanic crust. Furthermore, the oceanic crust is constantly enhanced by the upwelling of molten basaltic rocks and silicates that flow up from the mantle through faults in the sea floor. This process, which puts down ever-new layers of oceanic crust, has been going on for 200 million years, giving the oceanic crust its present form. What was there at the bottom of the seas before then? Was there no crust at all, just a gaping "wound" in the Earth's surface? And is the ongoing oceanic crust formation akin to the process of blood clotting, where the skin is pierced and wounded?
    Is Gaia--a living planet--trying to heal her wounds?
    The most obvious place on the surface of the Earth where it was so "wounded" is the Pacific Ocean. Oh my goodness, could it be?
    While the average plunge in the crust's surface in its oceanic parts is about 2.5 miles, in the Pacific the crust has been gouged out to a present depth reaching at some points 7 miles. If you could remove from the Pacific's floor the crust built up there over the last 200 million years, you would arrive at depths reaching 12 miles below the water's surface and between some 20 to nearly 60 miles below the continental surface. This is quite a large cavity, chelas!! How deep was it before the crustal buildup over the past 200 million years--how large was that "wound" 500 million years ago, a billion years ago, 4 billion years ago? Suffice it to say it was considerably deeper.
    What can your scientists say with some certainty? That the ex­tent of the gouging was more extensive, affecting a vastly greater part of the planet's surface. The Pacific Ocean at pre­sent occupies about a third of Earth's surface; but as far as your people can ascertain regarding the past 200 million or so years, it has been shrinking. The reason for shrinkage is that the continents flanking it--the Americas on the east, Asia and Aus­tralia on the west--are moving closer to each other, squeezing out the Pacific slowly but relentlessly, reducing its size inch by inch yearly.

    These are the same "plates" which I continually tell you about in regards to the changes--specifically I refer mostly to the U.S. Pacific coastal area and "Ring of Fire"--i.e., the Pacific plate will smash under the western U.S. coast and raise the land of the Mojave Desert in the northern portions along with a BIG rise in the area of this location, Tehachapi--(Tejas Shape', Tehachati).
    This science and explanations dealing with this process in point have come to be known as the Theory of Plate Tectonics. Its origin lies, as in the study of the Solar System, in the discarding of notions of a uniform, stable, permanent condition of the plan­ets in favor of the recognition of catastrophism, change, and even evolution--concerning not only flora and fauna but the globes on which they evolved as "living" entities that can grow and shrink, prosper and suffer, even be born and die.
    To Alfred Wegener do you owe appreciation for this "new" sci­ence of plate tectonics. Wegener, a German meteorologist, wrote all about this theory and published it a long time ago--in 1915, DIE ENTSTEHUNG DER KONTINENTE UND OZEANE. His starting point (not a new concept) was the obvi­ous "fit" between the contours of the continents on both sides of the southern Atlantic. But before Wegener's ideas, the solution had been to postulate the disappearance, by sinking, of conti­nents or land bridges: the belief that the continents have been where they are from time immemorial, but that a midsection sank below sea level, giving the appearance of continental sepa­ration. Augmenting available data on flora and fauna with con­siderable geological "matches" between the two sides of the At­lantic, Wegener came up with the notion of Pangaea, a super­-continent, a single huge landmass into Oceans took shape. But all these bodies of water were "pieces" of the original which he would fit all the present continental masses like pieces in a jigsaw puzzle. Pan­gaea (Living Pan), which covered about one half of the globe, suggested Wegener, was surrounded by the primeval Pacific Ocean. Floating in the midst of the waters like an ice floe, the single landmass underwent a series of riftings and healings until a definite and final breakup in the Mesozoic Era, the geological period that lasted from 225 to 65 million years ago. Gradually the pieces began to drift apart. Antarctica, Australia, India, and Africa began to break away and separate. Subsequently, Africa and South America split apart as North America began to move away from Europe and India was thrust toward Asia; and so the continents continued to drift until they rearranged themselves in the pattern recognized today.
    The split-up of Pangaea into several separate continents was ac­companied by the opening up and closing down of bodies of water between the separating pieces of the landmass. In time the single Panoramic ocean separated into a series of connecting oceans or enclosed seas, such as the Black, Caspian and Mediterranean, and such major bodies of water as the Atlantic and the Indian of which the Pacific Ocean still remains.
    Simple surmising will indicate that of the "original" placements of "MAN" and the "lost" continents all indicate some important locations. Further, it must be evident that, geologically and historically, the upcoming catastrophic impact and "Armageddon" are suggested to be destined for the areas of the Holy Lands. What might this mean? It might very well mean that the expected impact of returning Tiamat might very well do the most impressive work on that particular "side" of your globe. It will mess up a lot of stuff everywhere but you can ex­pect a massive removal of real estate if that returning object is allowed to connect with your planet. From the direction of travel, already plotted by your scientists--it will pass on the op­posite side of the globe on this go-about.
    If your planet is "sucked out" again you will have a real jumble of confusion.
    Wegener's view of the continents as "pieces of a cracked ice floe" shifting atop an impermanent surface of the Earth was mostly received with disdain, even ridicule, by the geologists and paleontologists of the time--sound familiar? It took half a century for the idea of Continental Drift to be accepted into the halls of science. Is it possible that what we are assembling herein for you--MIGHT BE THE WAY IT IS? What helped bring about the changed attitude were surveys of the ocean floors begun in the 1960's that revealed such features as the Mid-Atlantic Ridge that, it was surmised, was formed by the rise of molten rock, called "magma", from the Earth's interior. Welling up, in the case of the Atlantic through a fissure in the ocean floor that runs almost the whole ocean's length, the magma cooled and formed a ridge of basaltic rock. Herein is Soltec's (Pleiadian: Commander Soltec: Geophysics) major subject of expertise which he has previously shared with you re­garding volcanos--I honor him but feel it necessary to press on with my own outlay of information. My subject is not basically geology or geography but the Creation and Spiritual connec­tions.
    As one welling up followed another, the old sides of the ridge were pushed to either side to make way for the new magma flow. A major advance in these studies of the ocean floors took place with the aid of Seasat, an oceanographic satellite launched in June of 1978 that orbited the Earth for some three months or so; its data were used to map the sea floors, giving you an en­tirely new understanding of your oceans and globe as a whole, with their ridges, rifts, seamounts, underwater volcanos, and fracture zones. The discovery that, as each upwelling of magma cooled and solidified, it retained the magnetic direction of its position at that time was followed by the determination that a se­ries of such magnetic lines, almost parallel to one another, pro­vided a time scale as well as a directional map for the ongoing expansion of the ocean's floor. This expansion of the sea floor in the Atlantic was a major factor in pushing apart Africa and South America and in the creation of the Atlantic Ocean and it continuing widening.
    Other forces, such as the pull of the Moon, the Earth's rotation, and even movements of the underlying mantle, also are believed to act to split up the continental crust and shift the continents about. These forces also exert their influence, naturally, in the Pacific region. The Pacific Ocean revealed even more mid-o­cean ridges, fissures, underwater volcanos, and other features like those that have worked to expand the Atlantic Ocean. Why, then, as all the evidence shows, have the landmasses flanking the Pacific not moved apart, as the continents flanking the At­lantic have done, but rather keep moving closer, slowly but surely, constantly reducing the size of the Pacific Ocean?
    The explanation is found in a companion theory of continental drift, the Theory of Plate Tectonics. The continents, it has been postulated, rest upon giant movable "plates" of the Earth's crust, and so do the oceans. When the continents drift, when oceans expand, as the Atlantic or contract as the Pacific, the underlying cause is the movement of the plates on which they ride. At present scientists recognize six major plates, some of which are further subdivided: the Pacific, American, Eurasian, African, Indo-Australian, and Antarctic.
    The spreading seafloor of the Atlantic Ocean is still distancing the Americas from Europe and Africa, inch by inch. The con­comitant shrinking of the Pacific Ocean is now recognized to be accommodated by the dipping, or "subduction", of the Pacific plate under the American plate. This is the primary cause of the crustal shifts and earthquakes all along the Pacific rim, as well as the rise of the major mountain chains along that rim. The collision of the Indian plate with the Eurasian one created the Himalayas and fused the Indian subcontinent to Asia. In 1985, Cornell University scientists even discovered the "geological suture" where a portion of the western African plate remained attached to the American plate when the two broke apart some fifty million years ago, "donating" Florida and southern Georgia to North America.
    Almost all scientists today accept Wegener's hypothesis of an Earth initially consisting of a single landmass surrounded by an all-embracing ocean. Could this be why the wondrous green­stone granite used in the Georgia Guidestone monument might have matched the green granite of the African planet in por­tions? Further, it becomes obvious that the granite-gneiss ter­rains are remnants of ancient oceans. Well, chelas, TODAY will BE "ancient" in 3.5 billion years! Extensive rock records in virtually all the continents indicate that they were contiguous to oceans of water for more than three billion years; in some places, such as Zimbabwe in southern Africa, sedimentary rocks show that they accreted within large bodies of water some 3.5 billion years ago. Recent advances in scientific dating have ex-tended the age of the Archean belts--those that include rocks that had been deposited in primeval oceans--back to 3.8 billion years. Well, give or take a billion or so years doesn't seem too important--but it is a LONG time. .
    Forever! But what about this continental drift? Was there a Pangaea or Pan? Yes. The breakup seemed to have begun about 600 million years ago. Actually there were two "super" continents: Laurasia to the north and Gondwanaland to the south. But your scientists simply "don't know for sure" what happened or exactly "when". So be it.
    The important thing to note herein is that your modern science confirms the scientific notions that were expressed in the an­cient Sumerian texts. Is it so difficult to also accept the ancient answer in this instance: that the waters covered the face of the Earth and--on the third "day", (phase)--were "gathered into" one side of the Earth to reveal the dry land. Was the uncovered dry land made up of isolated continents or one super-continent, a Pangaea? Although it matters not as far as the corroboration of ancient knowledge is concerned, it is interesting to note that Greek notions of Earth, although they led to a belief that Earth was disklike rather than a globe, envisioned it as a landmass with a solid foundation surrounded by waters. This notion must have been drawn on earlier and more accurate knowledge, as most of Greek science did. You will find that the Old Testa­ment repeatedly referred to the "foundations" of the Earth and expressed knowledge of the earlier times regarding the shape of Earth in the following verses praising the Creator:
    The Lord's in the Earth and its entirety,
    the world and all that dwells therein.
    For He hath founded it upon the seas
    and established it upon the waters.
    (Psalms 24: 1-2)
    In addition to the term Eretz which means both planet "Earth" and "earth, ground", the narrative in Genesis employs the term Yabashah--literally: "the dried-out land-mass"--·when it states that the waters "were gathered together into one place" to let the Yabashah appear. But throughout the Old Testament another term, Tebel, is frequently used to denote that part of Earth that is habitable, arable, and useful to Mankind, including being a source of various ores. The term Tebel--usually translated as either "the earth" or "the world"--is mostly employed to indicate the part of Earth distinct from its watery portions; the "foundations" of this Tebel were in juxtaposition to the sea basins. This was best expressed in the Song of David (2 Samuel 22: 16 and Psalms 18: 16:
    The Lord thundered from the heavens.
    the Most High his sounds uttered.
    He loosed his arrows, sped them far and wide;
    a shaft of lightning, and disconcerted them.
    The channels of the seabed were revealed,
    The foundation of Tebel were laid bare.
    With what is known today about the "foundations of the Earth", the word Tebel clearly conveys the concept of continents whose foundations--tectonic plates--are laid in the midst of the waters. Is it not a thrill to discover the latest geophysical theories echoed in a 3,000-year-old-psalm?
    'The Genesis narrative states clearly that the waters were "gathered together" to one side of the Earth so that the dry land could emerge; this implies the existence of a cavity into which the waters could be gathered. Such a cavity (cup), somewhat over half the Earth's surface, is still there, shrunken and re­duced, in the shape of the Pacific Ocean.
    Why is the crustal evidence that can be found not older than about 4 billion years, rather than the 4.6 billion years that is the presumed age of the Earth and the Solar System? The first Con­ference on the Origins of Life, held in Princeton, New Jersey, in 1967, under the sponsorship of NASA and the Smithsonian Institution, dwelt at length on that problem. The only hypothesis the learned participants could come up with was that, at the time the oldest rock specimens that have been found were formed, Earth was subjected to a "cataclysm". In the discussion of the origins of Earth's atmosphere, the consensus was that it did not result from a "continuous outgassing" through volcanic activity but was, in the words of Raymond Siever of Harvard University, the result of "a rather early and rather large out­gassing episode ... a great big belch of the gases that are now characteristic of the Earth's atmosphere and sediments." This "big belch" was also dated to the same time as the assumed catastrophe recorded by the rocks. With this kind of "knowledge" it is no wonder you are in total political and edu­cational decay.
    It becomes evident that--in its specifics--the breakup of the Earth's crust, the process of plate tectonics, the differences be­tween the continental and the oceanic crusts, the emergence of a pangaea from under the waters, the primordial encircling ocean­--the findings of modem science have simply corroborated the ancient knowledge. They have also led your own scientists from all disciplines to conclude that the only explanation of the way in which Earth's landmasses, oceans, and atmosphere have evolved is to assume a cataclysm occurring about four billion years ago--about half a billion years after the initial recognized formation of Earth as part of the Solar System.
    Mankind has possessed the Sumerian answer for some six thou­sand or more years: the Celestial Battle between Nibiru/Marduk: and Tiamat.
    In that Sumerian cosmogony, the members of the Solar System were depicted as celestial gods, male and female, whose cre­ation was compared to birth, whose existence was that of living creatures. In the Enuma elish text, Tiamat in particular was de­scribed as a female, a mother who gave birth to a host of eleven satellites, her "horde", led by Kingu "whom she elevated". As Nibiru/Marduk: and his horde neared her, "in fury Tiamat cried out aloud, her legs shook to their roots ... against her attacker she repeatedly cast a spell." When the "Lord spread his net to en­mesh her" and "the Evil Wind, which followed behind, he let loose in her face, Tiamat opened her mouth to consume it;" but then other "winds" of Nibiru/Marduk: "charged her belly" and "distended her body", Indeed, "go and cut off the life of Tia­mat" was the order given by the outer planets to the invader; be accomplished that by "cutting through her insides, splitting her heart .... Having thus subdued her, he extinguished her life."
    For a very long time this view of the planets, and especially of Tiamat, as living entities that could be born and could die has been dismissed as primitive paganism--but the exploration of the planetary system in recent decades has surely, in fact, revealed worlds of which the word "alive" has been repeatedly used. That Earth itself is a living planet has been forcefully put forth as the Gaia Hypothesis by James E. Lovelock in the 1970's and great honor is due this man. It has again been reinforced by him in a new work called THE AGES OF GAIA: A BIOGRAPHY OF OUR LIVING EARTH. It is a hypothesis that views the Earth and the life that has evolved upon it as a single organism; Earth is not just an inanimate globe upon which there is life; it is a coherent if complex body that is itself alive through its mass and land surface, its oceans and atmosphere, and through the flora and fauna which its sustains and which in turn sustain Earth. "The largest living creature on Earth," Lovelock wrote, "is the Earth itself." And in that, he admitted, he was revisiting the ancient "concept of Mother Earth, or as the Greeks called her long ago, Gaia."
    But, in fact, he had gone back to Sumerian times and to their ancient knowledge of the planet that was cleaved apart!
    We shall next consider Witness to Genesis.
    Thank you.
    Hatonn to clear, please.

    PJ 50
    CHAPTER 14
    MON., JUNE 15, 1992 7:55 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 304
    MONDAY, JUNE 15, 1992
    If you were to sell your character today, would you get full retail price, or would it go for a bargain ­basement price? How about wholesale?
    It would seem most wise in view of your response to hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anyone else expects of you and therefore there need never be excuses.
    And--always remember the great man shows his greatness by the way he treats the little man. How do you treat your brother? Your enemy? Your neighbor? Your spouse? Your child? How GREAT are you?
    I must again take time to remind all readers and "spies" who would tear us down--EXACTLY WHAT WE ARE AND WHAT WE ARE ABOUT.
    We had a "spy" sent to our meeting on Saturday. Mind you, our "meetings are simply because ones at work here and others who are visitors, come to share information, facts, express care and obviously--hate.
    Yes, George, one did come into the meeting on Saturday--but there are always some, either already among you or sent in to disrupt and destroy you. Fear not, for I attend them with a great deal of indigestion.
    There are several things which need reminding to the public. (1) We share because you ask. Our "work" is a mission in which we are sent to fulfill the promise of higher source--to give you Truth so that you can KNOW enough, in Truth, to take proper actions and not constructed doctrines of groupies, to make wise choices relative to your spiritual divinity, origin and destination. That was the final promise of the Master Teacher when he departed your place and the promise made by your Creator for soul journey is the ONLY important one item in your existence.
    (2) Our physical "work" is to gather information so that you can have confirmation of facts--given in such a way that if a writer is inconclusive or draws incorrect conclusions from other­wise quite accurate presentations--you can know and go forth and get the volumes for further research. I do not simply give information at the onset for ALMOST ALL will NOT go and get the writings in point. We are efforting to grow into such a stable size as to allow support for the publisher so that works unpublishable elsewhere CAN be printed and made available AND allow distribution of all such documents which are taken off the shelves elsewhere. If your books, authors, are NOT re­moved from shelves--get serious--you are not on the Truth, in whole, path. To actually "push" your books indicates that you are really a help to the deceivers in furthering deceit.
    (3) Dharma has so many other things "to do" that she would petition to stop writing this moment and never speak FOR me again. We have our relationship stable and eternal. She cer­tainly doesn't need jibes and pokes, slings and rocks--SHE GETS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING SAVE HEADACHES AND TIRED BONES FROM HER LABOR--THAT, AND THE LOVING CARE OF THE HUNDREDS AND THOUSANDS WHO DO APPRECIATE OUR WORK.
    Now, George, you must face the truth, son: You have enemies about you--ones who alert the insiders and troublemakers the instant the rough drafts are shown. It is now having to await publishing in some instances--but the word goes forth on the computer network, the communications network and all the intelligence branches. YOU CAN HIDE YOUR HEAD IN THE SAND AS LONG AS YOU WISH--BUT YOU WILL ALSO CONTINUE TO HAVE PROBLEMS AS ON SATUR­DAY. THE PERSON IN POINT HAD TO HAVE BEEN ALERTED IN ADVANCE AND THE SUBJECT MATTER IS THAT WHICH IS IN POINT--SO THAT I COULD PROVE THE POINT HEREIN. YOU ARE ALSO FED ERRONEOUS INFORMATION IN ORDER TO "CATCH HATONN" AND DISCREDIT THE WORK.
    It will be easier to keep separation after the final full shift of the Publishing Company to Nevada along with the Distribution Company. It has never been OTHER than separated but ones who read seem to connect the two because in the beginning there was no other way to contact me than through America West. There are many books in George's library of offerings with which he is more familiar than he is with mine. Desiree' has even insisted on publishing and distributing books on "meditation and ascension" with which I take full exception. This is their company and they may do exactly that which they wish with it.
    George will continue to send us mail received by them and in­tended for the paper or information of confirmation by for­warding it. However, we welcome the opportunity to cut down on their massive load by asking you to write or send directly to my attention: Commander Hatonn, Box 6194, Tehachapi, CA 93582, Fax: 805 822-0972 Tel: 805 822-0601. We will be in daily contact, if not hourly.
    The work which must be done in industry and business can be begun immediately in Nevada whereas, in this small corrupt lit­tle village, we must get through incredibly difficult planning committees and town councils which are completely bought and serve their monied masters. We (you) cannot wait.
    As to writings, we welcome any and all lawsuits. We very carefully chose to call our writings JOURNALS, instead of books, for the sharing of information as with magazines and news publications. In addition, the paper is a compilation of in­formation of correct input to the limits of human input to select through guidance. Yes indeed, I do write most all of the paper at this time but, as we expand, we fully intend to handle it much like the "Lyke Report" in that we will offer you all manners of information from various writers and publications. We have al­ready begun by giving you bits of Dr. Coleman's work, Eustace Mullins' work and I believe that George will be handling all of Mullins' work in the near future. We are publishing a series of the "Inslaw" material from the Napa Sentinel and have much in­formation from one R.R. who writes all about the San Luis Obispo connections and other "inside" truthful versions of things such as the Kennedy assassination, etc. This work is fully as correct and dangerous as any Committee of 300 divulgence for it deals with ones in your own government and specifically the most vile group of all, coming out of San Luis Obispo area. The author sent the work unsolicited with permission to use any and/or ALL for use in informing the public.
    Dealing with the "Divine Plan" causes us to need begin at the beginning. I choose to begin with those writings of the Sumeri­ans of Mesopotamia--WHO WERE CORRECT. Some have erred in the translations but I find one particular book which presents the perceptions better than others, even scholars with no other interest than in translations. This person in point, re­garding "Genesis" is outstanding and his work is available. His name Zecharia Sitchin. I do not, however, agree with con­clusions in his first writings to the extent I honor his book, GENESIS REVISITED.
    I specifically asked that no information regarding this material be sent to Dharma for these perturbations of rock throwing for copying are too hard to attend. But, as with all good Samaritans--the work arrives from every direction. We most certainly appreciate it and, in retrospect, I am now quite glad. A volume of this very work in point showed up from a precious friend having found it at a UFO Exposition. I discount almost ALL material found at UFO Expos. I further discount almost ALL material found at "New Age" Expos. I find very, very little Truth on your bookshelves, as a matter of fact. Does this make me a snob? Does it make me more intelligent? Does it make me greater? NO--IT MEANS I HAVE MORE TECHNOLOGY AVAILABLE AND KNOW THE STORY AND WHAT IS GO­ING ON AND YOU CAN'T. THAT MEANS, FURTHER, THAT I CAN EVALUATE MATERIAL WRITTEN FOR YOUR CONSUMPTION AND YOU HAVE TO WORRY OVER IT UNTIL YOU GARNER TRUTH. Sitchin has written other books but I shan't even name them herein for I have no interest in them. George will make them available to all readers in time, if you want them or if I choose to utilize them. I shall not be blackmailed by ones attending our "private" meetings as guests who then insist on "royalties" and/or "favors" from us under threat of lawsuit.
    You had better learn your laws for--even as bad as they are--you misunderstand copyrights.
    YOU CANNOT COPYRIGHT TRUTH. I, further, have no interest in your "opinions" except as they are correct and I can comment (preferably favorably). If your work is good, I shall push and shove your material until our readers weary of the as­sault for I have no intent of total coverage of material--our thrust is insight and awakening and causing ones to research and glean knowledge from correct resources.
    Now as to Mr. Sitchin's work. I am going to herein tell you that there is a petition for publication of a manuscript (which was not included with the request--only the Index) but it is so like Sitchin' s work as to be quite relevant at this writing. The author comes from Crowley, Texas and states that this is new and undiscovered work and is being presented for this "new age". It is stated that "It will blow your mind." It names the same names, places and Sumerian texts. Is this one infringing on Sitchin's work?? Truth is Truth and good research will re­veal THIS Truth. This does point out that Mr. Sitchin is NOT THE ONLY ONE WRITING ABOUT SUMERIANS AND DID TEXTS OF TRUTH. IT IS EXACTLY AS WITH THE COMMITTEE OF 300--NO ONE WAS MORE SHOCKED THAN WAS COLEMAN TO FIND I HAD TWO OTHER FULL DOCUMENTS BEARING THE SAME INFORMA­TION AND WE HAD NOT MISSED A POINT IN OUR OWN EARLIER WRITINGS. I suggest at you authors take a bit more attention to others as YOU perceive your writings to be "the only ones". Once Truth is "in the ethers", it is going to be scattered.
    I find it amusing to note that Bill Cooper was going to sue me and denounced my people because I somehow supposedly "stole his material". I suggest his face may be a bit red to find that I continually hear from readers who insist that Cooper has sim­ply plagiarized all the JOURNALS since. I am grateful if it be so--but the facts are that Mr. Cooper wishes it would be oth­erwise--however, Truth is Truth is Truth and if Truth be told--it will match other Truth.
    Mine is to GIVE a writer honor--not take from him in any man­ner. Always! And to Zecharia Sitchin I give great honor. I do not agree with conclusions which are presented but that has not been under discussion at this point and I won't take up the mat­ter at this juncture because my scribe is overburdened quite enough by the added load of other duties these days and doesn't know who in the world is one Zecharia Sitchin--or Bill Cooper for that matter. Bill is simply one, to her, who called she and E.I. "little pukes".
    The LIBERATOR will remain exactly as is in this very location so you must watch for changes in INSTRUCTIONS regarding same. The separation will give George far more freedom in his own work by allowing separation. However, as we move along, for we are growing rapidly, our thrust will be to have far less emphasis on "space cadets" and more expression of assistance and confirmation from other writers such as Mullins, Coleman, McAlvany, Gritz, etc. They, however, are honored and re­spected men and they, too, must come into recognition of the quality of our presentation and that we are NOT kooks, bull­-shippers and/or wart hogs.
    Greens must be allowed to sustain selves, investments and busi­ness interests. They have given years to his work and now must attend financial security for it was never intended that our work would be a "money-making" enterprise. Our task is to get the Word OUT there. The book business can make profits and gar­ner income from other publications as does any pub­lisher/distributor. To do this, however, I must separate the work so that ALL can continue to afford it as a bit easier than hard-back publications and keep the LIBERATOR in a price range possible for you of the masses and effort to not place my own troops into bankruptcy. We remind you--we ask that you copy, mutilate, spindle and handle in any manner appropriate for your needs--along with sharing as many papers, books and tapes as you can--even sharing costs--for ours is simply to in­form. Other work will eventually serve to tend my crew but it has been a long and barren three years. But, we have gotten out 58 JOURNALS and a daily writing (at least) and a full paper once weekly. Again I say to you. however. as you grumble about the overload of information: Dharma does 99% of all the writing, all the speaking and all the meetings as well as special tapes, meets with all my business visitors, and speaks for me at all sessions of any size--IF SHE CAN DO IT--YOU CAN FIND TIME TO RECEIVE IT. It is kept this way for this very rea­son--if one person can present it--you can receive it--if you want to badly enough!
    By necessity the writings will taper off as to slower production of JOURNALS. Etc., for she will be required at all sessions of planning for the industrial complexes. Chelas, we are not doing this for the fun and games of it--you are in serious troubles and must have information and resources if you are to make it through. The masses ARE awakening and you can see it in the political arena. Unfortunately, the options are showing them­selves to be zilch. Even Perot is going to let you down terribly if you are hoping upon him for foundation. Already he wants a "draft" and to put people to work "to get more taxes". Where are you going to put them to work and for what do you desire a "draft"?
    We must speak of the Photon Belt. It is real, alright, and the antics going on and the conspiracy of compromise, threats, at­tending wars and such, are under full ploy.
    There is expected a major effort at a U.S. first strike against the Communists in early July--this comes up regularly. At the same time, equipment and men are being massed all over your nation. Saturday came a Fax from Illinois wherein some 40 rail-cars of tanks and military vehicles along with "obvious" covered ar­tillery. This was only one train of several and all headed from N.E. to S.W.--WITH NO MARKINGS ON ANY EQUIPMENT.
    Here in California, "they" are already putting forth the word to "not concern"--just some major "war games" which will include many countries, including a major portion from Japan. Japan??? They have no military according to Constitutional law set forth after W.W.II.
    We have another presentation from a group of scientists back East (I guess you could call them "insiders") from a major uni­versity, who says the government and military are working around the clock on a photon storage system in hopes of making it through the null time without undue chaos. Oh yes, they ex­pect MAJOR CHAOS and RIOTS and that is why all the ar­tillery, chelas.
    I personally petition for more "time" so that we can get more of our work done for we aren't playing in the political arena--that is your bag, not ours. We simply need to be present to get our people and finish our mission. You have several years of confu­sion and turmoil ahead of you in any manner in which you can cut the pie.
    All of you who call yourselves "religious" in any manner what­soever, should be in knowing of the expected three days of darkness--or, is it possible your "preachers" happened to miss a thing or two?
    Let us look at some of the written words of prophecy. For this little summary I thank one, Albert J. Hebert, S.M.:
    "If I say, 'surely the darkness shall hide me, and night shall be my light'--For You darkness itself is not dark, and night shines as the day." (Ps. 139: 11-12.)
    "He who survives those three days of darkness and horror will see himself as if alone, because the earth will be covered with cadavers." (St. Gaspar del Bufalo, founder of the Fathers of the Precious Blood, - d. 1837).
    Father Nectou, a Jesuit provincial who was considered a saint and a prophet (d. 1777), spoke of the height of a terrible crisis, "like a little General Judgment":
    "When the moment of the last crisis has come, there will be nothing to do but to stay where God has placed us, lock ourselves indoors and pray until the wrath of Divine Jus­tice has passed."
    From a woman saint, friend of prelates and of some persons who are now canonized saints, hear this:
    "God will send two punishments: one will be in the form of wars, revolutions and other evils,' it shall originate on earth. The others will be sent from Heaven. There shall come over the whole earth an intense darkness lasting three days and three nights. Nothing will be visible, and the air will be laden with pestilence which will claim mainly, but not only, the enemies of religion." (Blessed Anna Maria Taigi - d. 1837).
    Madaleine: "Lord, I was afraid because I thought I was going blind ... " CHRIST: "Tell them that everyone on earth is like that--in darkness." (Revelations of the "Glorious Cross", Dozule', France, Jan. 4, 1974)
    "We began hearing people say, 'Why is it getting dark at this hour? What's going on?' And so, therefore, I know that this darkness that's coming is going to be happening during the daytime when people are going to be confused at the hour in which it takes place."
    A refugee from Communism in Europe, an American scientist and seer, tells you:
    "As I was prostrating myself in prayer a vista opened up in front of me. It looked like a colossal inferno. It was night (at least pitch dark), the ground was black, and what must have been the sky was a murkish reddish orange glow, like afire, although I did not see any tongues of flames. As I was looking, I saw the silhouette of two or three groups of angels hoisting upwards a few, three or four, dead bodies. Directly behind the angels the color of the red-orange was very intense. ONLY A FEW! Then the vision ceases. " (Jan. 20, 1986)
    "The judgment will come suddenly and be of short dura­tion. Then comes the triumph of the Church and the reign of brotherly love. Happy indeed they who live to see those blessed days." (Father Bernard Maria Clausi, O.F.M. - d. 1849)
    "In the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph. Russia will be convened, and there will be an era of peace." (Mary at Fatima, 1917)
    The above private revelations, prophecies and visions serve as an introduction to the subject within the framework of what is called the Great Chastisement or Great Cleansing (Purification) or "Minor Judgment" at its peak; and with the promise of an era of peace beyond it.
    "We possess the prophetic message as something alto­gether reliable. Keep your attention closely fixed on it, as you would on a lamp shining in a dark place until the first streaks of dawn appear and the morning star rises in your hearts." (2 Pet. 1:19)
    God, who is Light and who dwells in unapproachable light, said on the first day of creation, "Let there be light." And on the last days His Son Jesus will say, "I am the Morning Star, shining bright." It is then that we, together with the Holy Spirit, will cry out, "Come, Lord Jesus!" And with that Jesus will lead us into the Splendor where dwells His Father and ours to reign with Him forever (1 John 1:5. 1 Tim. 6:16. Gen. 1:3. Rev. 22:16).
    All this if we but say, "Yes". For we can say "No", though with what unspeakably terrible consequences! To warn us against this most dreadful alternative, God has from time to time allowed humankind to experience what it is to be in darkness. He did this when He turned three days and nights into one long total night in the land of Egypt (Ex. 10). He did this when, for a similar length of time, He allowed Jonah to be buried in the black depths of the sea in the belly of the great fish (John 2). Above all, He did this when He caused the face of the Earth to be blanketed in utter darkness during the three dread hours when His Son hung dying on the Cross (Mat. 27:45).
    In these last days, God, whose love for us is unchanging and who ever wills that we be nothing but Children of Light, appears to be warning us yet once again of the dread consequences of turning away from Him to the night of sin.
    No one who reads this with an open mind and heart could doubt that this is so. Take, then, and read! Archbishop George Pearce, S.M.
    Let him who has eyes to see--see and him who has ears to hear--­hear! Is this upcoming null-time in the Photon Belt these days of purification? Well, it certainly will seem like it to you in the experience. Chelas, it matters not if you are prepared--all will make this passage at any rate, be it sooner or later--ALL! I suggest you all stop throwing stones at bringers of Truth and get with the program! If you read something "twice" as you must to have personal knowledge of any duplication--then you must surely understand the value of the information--or do you? Why do you study such works and words? Be it for Truth or the game of "catcha" and "discountcha"? What are YOU trying to prove? Why? "You are either for Me or against Me, sayeth the Lord"!!! Amen. Seems to me that you have blundered around in total darkness for some generations now--is it not about time to walk again within the LIGHT? Ponder it.
    Hatonn to clear, please.

  2. #2
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 50
    CHAPTER 15
    THU., JUNE 18, 1992 7:44 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 307
    THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 1992
    The following series of informative reprints are from a well known personage among groups who have investigated and researched for truth and who has published much in­formation. He has published Information which has jeopar­dized his life on many occasions which indicates that ALL OF YOU NEED THE INFORMATION. He has sent a packet of information which needs to be brought to your at­tention--AGAIN. His outlay is a bit different in both presen­tation and in some details. I honor this person and respect his research.
    He has given permission that we may utilize any and all of the documents in any way we find fit and suitable. I thank him for his gracious willingness to share. I do not yet, how­ever, have permission to call attention to this person by name so will only refer to him at this time as R.R. I, fur­ther, use the term "him" as generic reference.
    I offer the reprinted information as given--without more than cursory input. I have no wish nor intent to slash and cut another's work so--as is our practice--information is given as nearly in full as possible and with NO CHANGES IN CONTENT. IF I COMMENT AS WE MOVE ALONG THEN I INDICATE AS MUCH. Therefore, I require that YOU be in the balancing of the information with that which you already have and then I suggest you get your hands on "back" JOURNALS such as SPACEGATE, SKELETONS IN THE CLOSET, BLOOD AND ASHES, END OF THE MASQUERADE, THE DARK CHARADE and in addition, all of the TANGLED WEB SERIES. If you don't have the information, backup and confirmation--you aren't going to know what hit you, beloved friends.
    You must understand, further that there is massive con­frontation among and between factions of this "New Global Conspiracy" which only vies for top position--the GOALS are the same.
    (Number One in Series)
    Don't believe one word of this. Look it up yourself! If you have a brain, you can figure it out!
    Permission granted to copy any part of this book. R.R.
    During the 1950's, while the United States was fighting a war in Korea, the French were fighting a war in French Indochina (Vietnam). Although the reason for the U.S. involvement in Korea was somewhat obscure, the French were very sure of their reason for being in Indochina. It was the same reason the British had spent the previous 100 years there, to control the opium production. The United States financed the French war. Why? For a piece of the action--HEROIN! In 1954, with the help of the CIA, the Vietnamese defeated the French and the Americans took over. In the 15 years following, 58,000 Ameri­cans died there. Hundreds are still imprisoned there to hide the U.S. heroin business. (A NATION BETRAYED by Col. Bo Gritz) [H: Please, readers, take note that even the Soviets now ADMIT they still have POWs from W.W.II right in Russian territory--what think ye about Korea and Vietnam as I have told you over and over again?]
    The "French Connection" of heroin into the United States was as follows: From Indochina, the opium went to Marseille, France, where it was processed into heroin. From Marseille it came to America through several channels: The U.S. military; Cuba under control of Batista; the Mafia and "Resorts Interna­tional"; the Bahamas (see the U.S. Senate report on Terrorism and Narcotics which tells how U.S. Ambassadors. one from San Luis Obispo, shut down an investigation of corrupt Bahamanian officials involved in drug trafficking and involved with promi­nent Americans in Florida).
    Another channel was through the offshore oil drilling plat­forms in the Gulf of Mexico. The drugs were offloaded from fishing boats far out at sea. From these platforms the drugs came ashore via the normal crew and equipment boats thereby avoiding detection. This first came to light during the Kennedy assassination investigation of Louisiana District Attorney Jim Garrison. Other investigators and writers on the Kennedy assas­sination confirmed that the platforms were being used to smug­gle drugs. These oil drilling platforms were pioneered and owned by a Houston. Texas based oil company known as Zapata Offshore Oil. The president and chief executive officer of Zap­ata Oil was George Herbert Walker Bush! In 1976, as Director of Central Intelligence. George Bush was head of the world's largest drug trafficking organization. (See the Christic Institute lawsuit. the Col. Bo Gritz tapes. the Mae Brussel Research Center. "THE POLITICS OF HEROIN" by Professor Alfred McCoy. "The Crimes of Patriots" by Jonathan Kwitny. H. Ross Perot. Barbara Honegger "October Surprise", Richard Bren­neke, Dave Emory of "Radio Free America". Abbie Hoffman. John Judge. William Cooper and many others including Senator Kerry's U.S. Senate Subcommittee Report on Terrorism and Narcotics.)
    North San Luis Obispo politicians have traditionally been elected on tickets promoting unlimited growth and unlimited real estate development. [H: San Luis Obispo is in the geographic location of Santa Barbara. One outstanding reason for of­fering you readers this information is that the SAME GROUP is integrally involved in the very property in con­fiscation by the RTC and priorly by Santa Barbara Savings, etc., of this scribe. The dirty polities has seeped into every judicial bench and legal "group" in the State but most cor­rupt are the counties in which these individuals set up criminal operations. This is why I have told you that you will find this particular piece of property has ones all the way to the Presidency involved in the criminal actions-­-BUT, this holds true for every State and County in the Union. Don't be fooled because you live in the boonies somewhere and think yourself safe and secure--Tehachapi IS the "boonies" and yet has as corrupt politics and power bro­kers as any place in California. This is why much of our building and projects will need also be begun in Nevada and then in this place. We have months upon months to allow for the power line to give approval to even the least of these projects. In some instances, however, the project is similar to that which is already present on property so we hope to cut some of the "ribbons" in advance.] In San Luis Obispo, Jerry Diefenderfer and Bill Coy received large contributions from Los Angeles Realty Political Action Committees (PAC). Cattle business political action committees donated more to Coy's campaign than to any other candidate in California, in­cluding ***Deukmejian (Governor). Other north county politi­cians such as Carol Hallette (we shall present further in­formation regarding her) and WILLIAM P. CLARK (very im­portant character), who was Ronald Reagan's National Security Advisor and his Secretary of the Interior, have close ties to the cattle business and the cattle political action committees.
    Where do these Cattle PAC's get their enormous amounts of cash to buy politicians? Take the Zapata Cattle Company for example. Yes, that's right! Zapata! The same name and the same affiliations to the previously mentioned Zapata Offshore Oil of Houston, Texas, previously (???) owned by our favorite drug "czar" and President of the United States of America, George Herbert Walker Bush!
    The Zapata Cattle Company has, for many years, imported large amounts of cattle from Mexico. If you remember your high school biology, you will recall that cows have four stomachs. Hey, why not? If humans can smuggle drugs inside their bodies, why not cows? A cow must have 20 times the capacity of a human! Not only that but the tractor-trailer rigs used to transport them had secret built-in compartments. In his book, THE UNDERGROUND EMPIRE, author James Mills stated that the border customs agents received $10,000 every time they flagged through a drug truck without stopping it for inspections. [H: Besides, the trucks themselves and the shipping compa­nies belonged directly to these same individuals--utilizing well-orchestrated corporations (in Nevada).]
    Real estate development and construction is the classic way of laundering drug money.
    One of the silent partners in the San Luis Obispo cattle busi­ness is RONALD REAGAN. [H: It is, further, the same group of "cattle-boys" and real-estate developers, S&L criminals, etc., which provided Reagan with "cover" for his Bel Aire estate and thus and so--(through Nevada Corpora­tions) as a "thank you, old buddy".]
    Note: Zapata" is a name for locations off Texas and Florida which fit well with the oil company but the name Zapata was chosen by the Bush cartel because it came from George Bush's old club (cult) at Yale--the "Skull and Bones" The "skull" in point is reported to be the skull of the Mexican Revolutionary, Emiliano Zapata. [H: This may well be correct--for one thing that has the native Americans totally beside themselves in anger is that the same Skull and Bones club has Chief Geronimo's skull, having been stolen by a group of club members headed by Prescott (Dad) Bush.]
    Further: Three ships belonging to Zapata Oil which were used to run guns to Fidel Castro (and drugs into the U.S.) were named the "Houston", the "Zapata" and the "Barbara J". [H: Readers, we covered all this IN DETAIL in a JOURNAL. I CAN ONLY ASK THAT YOU CATCH UP YOUR LESSONS AND THAT SIMPLY REQUIRES READING AND STUDYING THE BACK JOURNALS FOR I KNOW NO OTHER RESOURCE WHEREIN YOU CAN GET IT ALL!]
    William Clark's liaison officer, Carol Hallett, was appointed as Ambassador to the Bahamas. The purpose of this was to shut down a drug investigation of corrupt Bahamian officials and to protect their American partners in Florida. One of these Ameri­cans was the President's son, Jeb Bush. (Senate Subcommittee Report-Kerry, Christie Inst., etc.....)
    Jeb Bush was also the North American connection to Manuel Noriega. (THE CUTOLO AFFIDAVIT by Paul Neri, A NA­TION BETRAYED by Col. Bo Gritz, etc. and Steven Carr-de­ceased by way of murder.) The route went from Bogota and Medellin, Colombia to Allbrook Air Force Base in Panama, where the drug aircraft were met by Noriega. Another tran-­shipment point was John Hull's ranch in Costa Rica. ("Frontline"--PBS, "West 57th Street"--CBS, Judy Woodruff, Jane Wallace, Leslie Cockburn, Mike Tolliver, Gary Betzner, George Morales, plus most of the references listed on page one. Richard Brenneke stated on "Larry King-Live"-CNN that he also flew these drug planes, but his connection was Donald Gregg, Bush's National Security Advisor.) The destination of some of these drug shipments was Homestead Air Force Base in Florida. [H: This is completely covered in a JOURNAL also.] (See reference list at end of chapter.)
    STEVEN CARR WAS MURDERED IN LOS ANGELES, ALLEGEDLY BY ONE MIKE DECKER, who worked for SI­CILIA-FALCONE, THE TIJUANA DRUG BOSS. Sicilia-Fal­cone was the largest supplier of drugs for Southern California. (Except for maybe Air America and the U.S. Air Force.) [JOURNALS--TANGLED WEB series.] Sicilia-Falcone used the motor-cycle gangs and Roger Frye as a distributing network.
    Mike Decker was their chief "mechanic". [H: Do you think it simply coincidental that "Malcolm Forbes" played around with Liz and the Motorcycle gangs for the total "fun" of it?] (THE UNDERGROUND EMPIRE by James Mills) The An­zalone brothers and Jerry Schlesinger of Long Beach and Los Osos were the San Luis Obispo affiliates. The Sweet Springs bar in Los Osos was a distributing station and the Anzalone ranch in Santa Margarita was a cocaine processing factory. Several local people connected with this operation died from "accidents" or "suicides". When the Sweet Springs Tavern got "busted" for drug trafficking, the AnzaIones went to "Club Fed" at Lompoc for a short vacation. Jerry Anzalone got out the hard way--on a gurney, covered with a sheet. "Diarrhea of the mouth" can often be fatal. Ronnie built a house on 3rd street in Baywood, complete with an iron spike fence, closed circuit surveillance television, and a gun in every room. Several months ago the house was destroyed by fire. (??)
    Jerry Schlesinger came out of all this smelling like a rose. It pays to have friends in high places. Ask ex-supervisor Bill Coy. He always seemed to have a good relationship with the "Mayor" of Los Osos (California).
    Scott Alexander was not so fortunate. Scott, who claimed to have had law enforcement experience, (Military Police, Arizona State Police) was helping a Federal Agent (DBA?) Michael Francis Aivaz gather information for the above mentioned "drug bust". Evidently Scott did his job too well and found out too much. His body was found by the creek on the M. V. Ro­driguez ranch on Hwy. 41 just outside of Morro Bay (California). He was "suicided" with a very short 12 gauge shotgun (one barrel or both?).
    Mike Aivaz disappeared shortly after the big "drug bust" and Scott's death. He was in Florida, (Florida? coincidence?) New Jersey, and Fresno, California. He was allegedly "drying out" in a sanitarium. He made several quiet trips back to Los Osos where he visited Anzalone's Sweet Springs. Mike took the ultra short 12 gauge away from Scott because it was "illegal" but gave it back: to him the day before Scott died. Where is Mike now???
    Neal McCrea and "The Last Voyage of the ‘Janet Lee'" is another interesting part of this snake pit without a bottom. The boat "Janet Lee" and its cargo of cocaine was returning from a business trip to Central America (see above paragraph 2). The boat went into Vandenberg Air Force Base and Neal left Van­denberg in a body bag. No one seems to know what happened to the cocaine. Neal's widow, Janet, became very wealthy and became Janet Schlesinger (INTERESTING!). Maybe one could ask a couple of persons named Carnahan and Brandenberg who could explain it all quite appropriately if you could FIND them.
    This last paragraph is not the end of this report. This report is just the "Tip of the Iceberg". Interested parties should start their own investigation and interrogate the following local citi­zens. Start with bartenders, building contractors, dopers, sher­iffs deputies, county officials (especially Building and Plan­ning), country supervisors (especially ex-supervisors), judges (including ex-judges). Check and see how many local citizens went to Washington with Ronald Reagan and left Washington embarrassed, disgraced, or with "dirty hands". The following list of persons could supply plenty of information if they were so inclined: Ronnie Anzalone, Jerry Schlesinger and Janet, Ed­die Haworth, Deputy Mike Sheridan, Deputy Chuck Graves, George Jacobsen, Carnahan and Brandenberg, Mike Radon, Kathy Hodges, Al Switzer, County employees Gibson and Milne, County supervisors including past supervisors Coy and Diefenderfer, judges including ex-Judge WILLIAM CLARK. Clark, as Reagan's National Security Advisor, rapidly left Washington and disappeared in obscurity in Ireland just after the Korean Air Lines 007 fiasco. There are others but this will give investigators a GOOD START. [H: You will also find that Deukmejian, Jason Brent of the Mojave Court (ex) and other Kern County "locals" also know all about these little involvements and insure that the line could not be run back up to catch the fisher. You will note that when E.J. went to Santa Barbara to check with the wondrous RTC about his property--the RTC was housed with Santa Barbara Savings (the "taken-over" mortgage company), was involved with Soloman Brothers and the "local" lawyers--contacted for information--said "you DO NOT REALLY WANT TO KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THIS!", Americans--WAKE UP! Also, send this material to the Constitutional Law Center--it might give them impetus to get on with those fillings to the court--if nothing else, at some point "THEY" will want to shut down this "discovery". No, it will not stop the discovery but it will get attention. Yes, it IS dangerous but nothing else we have done is "safe". And if "dangerous" is that which is required--so let it be. If ones cannot walk through shadows then the sorting must be done. I am a "very big boy" and I also have "pretty good contacts" and a "lot of pull" and I CAN TAKE CARE OF YOU, CHELAS. Have I not already done so??]
    [H: Another major law firm (about the second largest in the world) which is totally involved is Shea and Gould etc., etc., from which flowed Jason Brent at the appointment of the Governor, Deukemajian. Is it any wonder that when Brent ran for Superior Court Judge last month, he advertised that he "had all the major Republicans on his side"? Wake up little s1eepyheads--the toast is burning!]
    [H: I expect this document to be sent to Hornback. I want him to KNOW that his prior firm was involved, also, and that the fiasco with the reconstruction" hearing in Mojave was leaving him wide open for a libel and malpractice suit ­except that it would have gotten "him" and ours is not to "get HIM"--he has one of our" children! Perhaps one of these days he can see the merit as well as the nice abundance of income gleaned from working with the CLC and on some of the cases worthy of his talents. Yes indeedy, there will be abundance--why do you think I have brought you "resources" for gold storage and other benefit plans? No, the funding coming in is NOT drug related in any manner and besides, you will receive from distant sources which have no connection to the funds at all at any rate. What we will get for industry and projects is only a tiny tid-bit of the wealth involved. You will be most cautious and careful, however, and do business as we have taught you carefully to do for it is GOOD BUSINESS, honest and worthy. If ones in "our" group get greedy and unworthy of service--then they shall be "out" in the blink of an eye for we are in God's service ONLY and not out to do anyone IN. IF you ones of the nation wish to clean up the mess--ours is to outlay it for you--NOT FIX IT FOR YOU FOR OURS IS A DIFFERENT MISSION AND NOT TO INVOLVE OURSELVES INTO YOUR POLITICS.]

    Dharma, let us close this portion. We are going to confuse you greatly, Editors, but we are going to be writing on THREE subjects (but all inter-connected) simultaneously. I must ask you to label the references accordingly. It is time I stop threatening and get on with Bush in the CIA and that will take many writ­ings. Further, I ask that George Green contact the authors of a book being called GEORGE BUSH: THE UNAUTHORIZED BIOGRAPHY (or something similar) by Webster Griffin Tarp­ley and Anton Chaitkin. The information can be tracked down through The New Federalist who is running a series at this time. The authors will find it all but impossible to find a publisher, if I don't miss my guess, and this work needs to be published and distributed. The information is very accurate and I would ap­preciate the assistance to them by at least recognition and distri­bution--if in fact, publishing is already arranged. We will be ef­forting to soon begin to give you monetary assistance, George, for these projects. Thank you.
    I also wish to next write on the Divine Plan for I believe we are to the end (in number of pages) for the current volume under as­sembly. We will refer to this volume in point as Vol. I in refer­ence to THE DIVINE PLAN. I plan to branch off into a path which shall surprise you--for I must tell you how it IS and how it will be--even if you don't like it. It is important that you ones NOT confuse the "three days of darkness" with simply a photon entry period which may or may not even take place. YOUR OWN "RULERS" AND "THUGS" COULD STOP THAT NULL-TIME IF THEY BUT WOULD DO SO. WE CAN STOP IT IN A SPLIT SECOND IF THEY WOULD BUT AL­LOW US TO DO SO--SO YOU SEE, YOU-THE-PEOPLE REMAIN THE PAWNS! I CANNOT HELP IT FOR IT IS NOT MINE TO DO. I CAN ONLY GET YOU INTO KNOW­ING SO THAT YOU WILL BE PREPARED IN THAT WE CAN CONTINUE RIGHT ON WITH THAT WHICH IS OUR MISSION.
    Please take a short break and let us continue as the days become so overfilled now that I must ask for more writing in the days available. I shall give unto you, chela, that which you need to press on. Salu.

    (See page 211)
    This index was requested by Commander Hatonn in the 6/18/92 #1 writing called "San Luis Obispo Connection" starting on p.7 of this LIBERATOR.. Indexed by subject from Journals November 91 through March 92. The JOURNAL number is bold and in parentheses, followed by the relevant page numbers therein.
    William Casey: (39) 22, 24, 28; (42) 34, 184, 193; (44) 70
    Zapata Corporations (Bush Family enterprise): (45) 58, 60-63, 83, 90; (47) 221
    Blackbird (Super Secret Project): (39) 37; (40) 31; (41) 195
    October Surprise (1980 Hostage Holdover for Reagan's Inauguration): (39) 37; (40) 31, 69, 107; (41) 103; (44) 25, 70; (45) 59
    Jed Bush: (46) 109
    Manuel Noriega: (31) 47, 53; (42) 25, 32-48; (43) 15, 97; (44) 48-49; (46) 122

    PJ 50
    CHAPTER 16
    THU., JUNE 18, 1992 11:36 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 307
    THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 1992
    I ask that, as we continue in discussions regarding days of dark­ness and days of "Light", and then thousands of years of Light--­that you refrain from predisposition to "outguess" me or to "outrun" me and jump into conclusions that have been erroneous from onset. What we are speaking about is the evolvement of a planet and those which inhabit same. Stop your wigging and wagging and let us look at what lies ahead.
    Many writers, always of "religious" origins, tell you horrid tales and. "Well, after all--it is good for us." But the terminology and prospects speak for themselves as does "It's for your own good!" It smacks of the old lie which says, "...it hurts me more than you," then whack, whack, whack.
    If your trust and actions are Godly then your assurance is that HE will send ones (US) to make sure HIS people are safe. That portion is UP TO YOU IF YOU ARE TO BE INCLUDED IN SUCH "LIFT OFF". So in that context, then we must look unto those changes which come simply from the changes necessary as Earth orbits through its great cycles and encounters those regu­larly occurring impacts of a cosmic cycling. Then the third sce­nario to consider is that which will come but can be impacted either by Creator or Earth beings through actions--or inactions.
    Certainly, in presenting this information, our intent is not to scare the living daylights out of anyone so that you can't come out of terror long enough to LEARN but, rather, remain in your ignorance from sheer panic and fear. Knowing gives ability to respond and not simply react. If you get into total respect and reverence for God (fear the Lord--respect God), the attention turns unto that which, when accepted, brings a right will, a good life, and total confidence in God and true peace of mind and heart--regardless of circumstances. We must balance the prospect of coming fearsome, even apocalyptic-like events, with the reassurances from God Himself, from your own traditional scriptures and otherwise prophetical projections, of His care and protection for those of his children who remain faithful to Him. Under the shadow of His wings you can rejoice and not only feel but be absolutely secure. In this security we can proceed about our own missions without total distraction.
    Worry or anxiety and restless striving to figure out or anticipate future events, especially their exact "timing" must be outgrown. As you have been told and the "Lord" said to Julka: "None of My creatures will fathom My thoughts and plans!... None of the people on Earth will know the day and the hour of the punish­ment or the cleansing. It will come suddenly!" What is spoken of herein? He is speaking of the final great circumstance cycle which is recognized as the "Chastisement". I personally deplore the word for it assumes meaning which is not exactly "on-tar­get". It simply means that the evil of the world shall be cleansed and the creations will be sorted and shifted. It cer­tainly is, however, THE time to get with the program and get that pathway straightened out and get on the journey up the right roadway for it is in this presentation of final knowledge have we been sent. We are come to collect Creator's beings--to bring in the flock, if you will, which belongs to the Lighted Source. Those of Earthians who choose other direction are absolutely welcome to do so and will have no coercion from our Hosts. It seems a very good time indeed to renew or reinforce that "friendship" bond with Creator. Does worry and turmoil help? Not that I note--as you will note this has been "imminent" to the point that many of the worst "worriers" are already departed from your place so their fears and worries were needless and changed nothing. There is a writing, "Sufficient for the day is the evil thereof!" When tomorrow comes God will give His graces then, but not for tomorrow--today. If you are awake and KNOWING of the sequence of journey--then there is nothing to concern about--the journey continues and much for the better if you are in KNOWING of progression and have functioned in the physical plane as if--in goodness instead of evil practice.
    "A day will come when the enemies of Christ will boast of having conquered the whole world."
    "The human race will have to go through a great storm that will sharpen divisions among men and reduce their plans to ashes."
    "There will be a great prodigy which will fill the world with awe."
    "I saw one of my successors taking a flight over the bodies of his brethren. He will take refuge in disguise some­where; and after a short retirement he will die a cruel death. The present wickedness of the world is only the beginning of the sorrows which must take place before the end of the world." (St. Pius X)
    "God will send two punishments; one will be in the form of wars, revolutions and other evils; it shall originate on earth. The other will be sent from Heaven. There will come over the whole earth an intense darkness lasting three days and three nights." (Blessed Anna Maria Taigi, 19th cent.)

    Why do I utilize "religious" terms and speakers? Because each began in purity and prophecies are valid if valid--regardless of who speaks them. The "religions" of CHRIST and GOD began in purity and represented the opposite of EVIL. It is MAN who has aligned himself with the corrupted concepts and allowed that which is Evil to take the very language of God and cause its de­struction in worthiness of definition.
    I wish to pass on by the obvious signs of spiritual "religious" signs such as bleeding and weeping statuary or the recognition of Wars as being valid confirmation. Let us look at that which is happening that can be related to Revelation and other seers in connection with projections of changing cycles and eras.
    There are signs predominating which show a leading up, through even a climactic period of increasing trials and tribula­tions and disasters of all types, to the peak finale of the Three Days' Darkness. These signs are both natural and human--if you choose to put it that way--but also are spiritual and super­natural in observation according to your level of knowledge.
    Among such "human" signs are the expanding categories of evil rampant in your world: great apostasies from Faith in God and billions of people propagandized against God under the control of governments infected with atheistic Communism as a gross example--even nations calling themselves "Godly" are actually submerged in what is "called" Communism (but is not). Gross "sins" of all kinds, especially those grouped against the sixth and ninth commandments, from lust connected with contracep­tion, through fornication, adultery, sexual abuse of all cate­gories, including the enslavement of women and children, active homosexuality and lesbianism, pornography, etc., to abortion, the murder of millions and millions of infants cut to pieces in the womb, sucked apart by vacuum instruments or scalded to death by salt injections. Do I not believe in humans' right of "choice"? Do I not have belief in "woman's rights to choose"? Indeed--BEFORE THE ACT WHICH PRODUCES THE PREGNANCY--I DO NOT SANCTION MURDER OF THE INNOCENT FOR THE SINS OF THE ACTORS.
    Therefore, do I say I do not condone abortion? Absolutely! I do not condone abortion in any way, shape or form. If irre­sponsibility precipitated the error then more irresponsibility will not cure it. By the way--I care not what you think of my opinion about it--arguments will only reassure me that you are more ignorant than I could have even imagined! I am here to tell you the facts of how it IS--not argue over opin­ions of how you think it ought to be! I can only observe that your thinking has gotten you into the total downfall and overpopulation and pure miserable existence of a planet full of humans and hapless creatures paying the price for your total lack of responsibility as a species and civilization. When this happens--cleansing is always ahead for you!! EVERY TIME!!
    The pyramiding millions of abortions in the world today, in­cluding the annual million and a half plus slain in the United States alone cry out for the arm of God's justice to fall if noth­ing else were amiss.
    Besides all the hatred, revolutions, wars, religious divisions among mankind, violence, terrorism, we could list countless acts of rebellion against authority from those against paternal au­thority in the home, rebellion against civil governments and in the schools, to those directed against the head of the Churches, the Magisterium and against God Himself. Many of these evils represent a towering Babel of pride and they simply echo Lu­cifer's (Satan) shout: "Non serviam!"--"I will not serve!" The result is a literal hell on earth for both sinners and for the good they influence in the negative passage away from Godliness in behavior. This is the total falling into the trap of the senses of the physical plane while defying and breaking all of the rules of God as to produce harmony and balance.
    The "Churches" as you recognize the clubs cry out in righteous­ness that it is a day of cleansing as with Noah and in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah. Can you not see that at this "crossing" you have populated and inhabited the entire planet and not just an area around the Holy Lands? That was the only known place at the time of cleansing but was indeed a perfect advance warn­ing of what would come--TODAY.
    You must remember all of the story, though, as you consider what happened. The angels went to SAVE Lot, his wife and daughters and anyone else who would LISTEN--for the sake of Abraham, who claimed God as friend. So, too, shall it be for the goodly people in your days. At least your eternal salvation and continued experience is guaranteed. The spiritual-minded will note these signs and developments and will prepare for the more trying times to come, which times many of them believe are very close, dear ones. They prepare for what has been forecast as a "minor judgment", a great "Day of the Lord" and a magnificent warning sign, if you will. It is said that the Lord spoke to ones in Heede, Germany and called the days of coming cycle by that label. Then at about the same time from Madrid, in 1955, another message was given: "This generation deserves to be annihilated, but I desire to show Myself as merciful. Great and terrible things are being prepared. That which is about to happen will be terrible, like nothing ever seen since the beginning of the world." What makes you think that the "preparations" are of God? Natural cycles are of Nature and God--intent to annihilate and blow up a world are destructive things and are of full EVIL intent--not GODLY creation.
    What do the people who will pass through this tribulation do? Well, first of all they listen and become prepared for whatever will come. They, many of them, will simply turn into that which they consider the "truth" of the doctrines of Churches. This will suffice if the doctrines are truly in projections of God' s Laws. But it requires more than that--it requires physical re­sponse and action in protection and readiness.
    I find it difficult to consider the various possibilities herein and project the probabilities in differing scenarios to those "possibilities".
    The warnings are so prevalent and current--even to such things as a statue of Mary shedding blood near Baguio City Airport in the Philippines. Warnings will always be presented from higher truth unto you in those manners which you can be capable of seeing and hearing. The point is to return to God so that you will be ready at the passage and/or "pick-up"--I care not what you call it.
    What happens is that evil simply becomes more evil and, in so­-doing, the very perpetrators of horror deceive you and keep the security devices from you which would save the myriads of lives in the physical--through their own greedy control of circum­stances. They will then call it an act of God and the remaining few will believe it. Why can you not see in advance and turn this from you?
    No, it becomes more and more certain, despite the efforts of the goodly and the repentance of the many, that, because of the im­penitence of the greater number, there will be increasing tribu­lations which will first culminate in what is prophesied as the Three Days of Darkness. This will be more a thing of "coincidence" than a precipitated event whenever it happens.
    The "divine" interventions in the form of "signs" such as ap­paritions, prophecies, wonders and prodigies, etc., are simply dramatic indications of the great danger of the present times for souls and "souls" is what it's all about! These are intended to get your attention and to help guide you, and to urge you to turn to higher possibilities and communicate with us who are sent to assist. But this also requires a turning from evil into lighted passage. There will actually be a time of great increase of healings and cures, of miracles of various kinds--by God and not just the insipid spurious deceit of the few self-proclaimed priests of some denomination of club or another. There will be new rising of true "religious movements" or a reaffirmation of the truth of the (c)atholic body--which means universal body, by the truly Holy "Spirit" or Great Spirit, and whether or not you like it--by unusual prodigies from the outer reaches.
    You assume it means that of going through a great chastisement after return to Israel (Palestine) and return into the temple, etc., etc., etc. No, it means that the ones who have been betrayed by the adversary will come into recognition of that which has hap­pened and those who simply call themselves "Jews"--because " they know no better--will see and know what has happened and will return unto God in Truth instead of the lie which has be­come the only tradition they have been allowed to have through these last generations. Let me assure you that, as we move through the happenings on the planet, a whole big bunch of so-­called "Jews" who have denied these very JOURNALS will be calling George the minute the phones work again--asking· .... so what can I do? I've certainly changed my mind!"
    Still another sign is the great increase of Satanic activity: de­monic cults which actually practice sacrifice (blood) and this considers the "Jewish temples" also, black masses and other demonic rites, devil worship, cases of possession and obsession (Satanism is even taught, literally and also subtle in form, in schools), that even Church ministers and priests are being asked for exorcisms. This "recognition" of demonic possibilities is one of the major signs of the "times". Why would this be a sign? Because it simply is that "devils" know their time is short, hence their intensive activity before being crushed and returned to "hell". Evil knows the hand of God is descending upon them and yet with the goodness also comes the recognition of great loss of physical beings which means great torment and suffering as the lost souls cry out in their misadventures and, shall we say, regrets.
    Perhaps it would help herein to look more closely now at the matter of Darkness, especially as related to your "Old Testa­ment" prophecies because those are the ones most familiar in all forms--to the largest numbers of people since all "religions" sprang from them. I do not herein include the Aboriginal beings because they have no "religion"; they have only spiritual tradi­tions already based on One God "Creator" and "Creation".
    "I can give you only one piece of advice for today: PRAY and get others to pray, for the world is at the threshold of its perdition." (Padre Pio, quoted by Francis Johnston in Fatima the Great Sign.)
    Herein I think it appropriate to simply present some relative an­cient prophecies to modem ones as already published and leave them for your consideration. I have no intent of learning "for you" for it is your own lessons which are in point and you must consider what it is YOU feel about each item offered.
    "In Your light we see the light!" (Ps. 36)
    Lots of people think they can hide in the darkness--even as sin­ful Adam and Eve in the shadow of the trees as the myth is pre­sented--and not to be found out. But the inspired know:
    "If I say: 'Let the darkness hide me and the light around me be night', even darkness is not dark for You and the night is as clear as the day." (Ps. 138: 11-12).
    So now let us apply the above Scripture quotations to the basic attitudes and actions of different people in today's world: the approach of the sincere and good people who seek to walk in God's light, and that of the evil and insincere people who hide in the darkness and seek to escape God's wrath which threatens them because the cup of their iniquity overflows before Him. The hope of the good, as the darkness of the Chastisement in­creases about them (figuratively as well as literally), is biblically expressed by the words: "0 my God, You brighten the darkness about me." (2 Sam. 22:29)
    As for the evil, however, there is the Scriptural certainty: "His lamp will go out at the coming of the darkness." (Ps. 20:20) Inthe same way, we hear from modern prophecies that, in the continuous darkness of the Three Days, a blessed candle will suffice for illumination in the homes of the good, but any blessed candle that the sinful in their presumption might attempt to light will sputter out.
    Events, which to some people, will appear as being totally evil, will be recognized by discerning good people as being used by God for their ultimate good. "In the shadow of Your wings I rejoice." (Ps. 63:9)As all should know by now, the Lord draws good out of evil. For repentant evil-doers the doors of Mercy will always remain open. "Whoever has left the darkness of sin, yearns for God."For both the good people and the repen­tant sinners we hear: "I will turn darkness into light before them." (Is. 42: 16)
    Scriptural Truths concerning the good and the bad, announced in one generation, apply to all generations. However, in certain periods of history there occurs a titanic intensity in the struggle between the forces of good and evil, and in particular between Christ's teachings and His demonic-grouped enemies.
    Evil insinuates itself so cleverly and also rages so rampantly, as it did in the times of Noah, and of Sodom and Gomorrah, that a special judgment or so-called "Day of the Lord" will be neces­sary to wipe out the evil and offer the Earth a new start. While at all times there are certain appeals that emanate from God's patient Mercy and certain chosen souls who will cry out for His Mercy and offer atonement, nevertheless God's Justice will fi­nally demand the execution of a Day of Judgment for the unre­pentant people and nations.
    The majority of thinkers, writers and preachers on your modern scene believe that you are in such a crisis today and that the peak period of a so-called chastisement is due, indeed is at hand, for the world. The aboriginal people know you are in the time of purification. This conviction is borne out by longtime Bible prophecies and reinforced by modem and very recent ones. A popular phrase today is: "Get it together!" From old and new prophecies, God has put it all together, one can be sure! How­ever, you had best look carefully at the various options given to you and most specifically at the ONE called "lay it on Jesus' blood". Simply "believing" that there was a Jesus and who might have died (or even "did die") FOR your sins (instead of you paying your own price for ill-behavior) is incorrect assump­tion. If you assume Jesus and Christ to be the same and you at­tune to the "Christ" and not the "man", then in either event your life will turn about and you will turn into the pathway toward God--ACCORDING TO HIS LAWS. JUST SAYING YOU BELIEVE ON JESUS AND HE WILL TAKE YOUR BUR­DENS AND BEAR YOUR PUNISHMENT, ETC., WILL NOT CUT IT!
    "We possess the prophetic message as something alto­gether reliable. Keep your attention closely fixed on it, as you would on a lamp shining in a dark place until the first streaks of dawn appear and the morning star rises in your hearts." (2 Pt. 1:19)
    Various authors and scholars concerned with prophecy believe that the following Old Testament prophecies apply, at least on a broad scale, to the outcome of certain developments in your times.
    "For behold, the Lord will come in fire, and His chariots are like a whirlwind, to render his wrath in indignation, and His rebuke with flames of fire, and His sword unto all flesh, and the slain of the Lord shall be many." (Is. 66:15-16)
    Some prophecies, old and new, indicate that two-thirds or three fourths of mankind will be destroyed. Here you have to allow for interpretations regarding geography of the world and world populations as also for the moral conditions of various nations. But, I remind you that the Elite One World Government--IN­TENDS TO DEPOPULATE TO NO MORE THAN 550 MIL­LION PEOPLE--WORLDWIDE. I SUGGEST YOU STOP BLAMING GOD!
    I care not to become entangled in a web of argument regarding whether or not there was "actually" a Noah, ark or real circum­stance. The story serves well enough. Noah's world was judged by the waters of a flood. The next great judgment will be by fire according to prophecy. That does not exclude many other contributing disastrous forces, as of some tidal wave or torrential rain. Nor does it mean the actual end of the world and the last or General Judgment. Many other Old Testament prophecies, especially when illuminated by coordination with modern ones, indicate that the End of the Ends is not yet.
    "That day is a day of wrath, a day of tribulation and dis­tress, a day of calamity and misery, a day of darkness and obscurity ... And I shall distress men, and they shall walk like blind men, because they have sinned against the Lord: and their blood shall be poured out as earth, and their bodies as dung." (Zephaniah 1:15, 17)
    "In all the land, says the Lord, two-thirds of them will be cut off and perish, and one-third shall be left. I will bring the one third through fire, and I will refine them as silver is refined, and I will test them as gold is tested. They shall call upon My Name and I will hear them. I will say, 'They are My people,' and they shall say, 'The Lord is my God!'" (Zechariah 13: 8-9)
    In the above prophecies it seems you can note a day or so of wrath, darkness and confusion, a time of great destruction and purification by what you might well assume to be fire (a fire perhaps somewhat symbolic in part but very real also). You also might note that the forecast is that a remnant of the people will be brought safely through all trials by God Himself. Do you not think you ones are being sorely tried? Tested? There is an overall tragic division of the good and the evil, to the latter's eternal destruction. As in the old, so often in later prophetic revelations, you hear of the "remnant" who will survive the Chastisement and the Three Days' Darkness. Hm-m-m-n,
    You also learn of the triumphant aftermath for the people of God and the Word to spread.
    "I will send of them that shall be saved, to the Gentiles to the islands afar off, to them that have not heard Me and all flesh shall come to adore before My Face, saith the Lord. (Is. 66: 19, 23)
    Let us, therefore, look at some connections between a few very recent prophecies and some older ones, for an example, from the American layman who is a scientist and exile from Commu­nist Europe, and whom we shall refer to in subsequent passages as "L.G.A." for his protection.
    "Tell your brothers and sisters, thus says the Lord: I am speaking to you now for the third time in a row. These words of Mine contain My plans which I announced a long time ago through My prophets. My words stand as I pro­nounced them and they will come true exactly as I uttered them ... " (Feb. 6, 1984)
    And now in referring to the prophet Joel, 2:28-32, from which I quote verses 30, 31:
    "And I will show wonders in heaven: and in earth, blood and fire and vapour of smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood; before the great and dreadful day of the Lord doth come."
    You hear the following prophetic words given by L.G.A. as re­cently as Feb. 22, 1986:
    "Tell to your brothers and sisters, thus says the Lord: The time is at hand for the words I AM WHO AM have spo­ken through My prophets to come to fulfillment. Yes, I have had enough of the offenses of mankind, by men and women, yes, even by children, which are hurled endlessly against Our Divinity. I AM WHO AM, your Triune God; I DO SPEAK AND ANNOUNCE MOST SOLEMNLY: These words of Mine spoken by My prophet JOEL are to be fulfilled NOW!
    "To My children of love I offer the consolation of Our Holy Spirit, GOD THE HOLY GHOST.
    "To My erring children I am sending you the days of chastisememt, the days of My just anger. Know that these terrible days are filled with My love and compassion, be­cause I will receive everyone who has the presence of mind to call on ME, WHO AM, with a truly repentant heart."
    One day later, Feb. 23, 1986, referring to the same passage of Joel, part of a message given then follows:
    "I will plunge the earth into darkness for three days and nights, and deliver it up to its crucifixion, just as I was in the bowels of the earth for three days and nights after My crucifixion. When the sun rises after those days and nights, the purified earth shall shine just as My resurrec­tion did. My remnant, you will experience it, for you will experience the protective arms of your God.
    "As the darkened clouds congeal to shut out and extin­guish all lights, turn inwards to your souls with the knowl­edge that My Peace is yours, and then you will hear My voice calling you in your inner silence.--KNOW THAT I AM WHO AM SPEAKING TO YOU!
    Of further interest, this author is aware of a reliable seeress in Midwestern U.S.A. who recently had a vision of an amassing of dark clouds. She is not alone; there have been many other such prophetic visions seen by people in various places around the U.S. and from all portions of the globe. Certainly this is not the only place wherein comes Truth and projections. This is the place of THIS mission. Further, much truth comes from all "prophecy" even though much may be false projection--YOU must discern from that which is given.
    The above prophecies are very clear, it would seem. There are similar messages given recently which would also appear to be related to the ancient prophecies of Micah, Joel, Ezekiel and second Peter. For instance, consider this prophecy from Ezekiel 30: 2-3. Remember he is the one with the "wheels" and "wheels of fire".
    "Son of man, speak this prophecy: Thus says the Lord God: Cry, Oh the day! for near is the day, near is the day of the Lord; a day of clouds, doomsday for the nations shall it be."
    Now let's compare that with a prophecy received by L.G.A. on March 17, 1986:
    "'A doomsday for the nations is a mild expression of My divine wrath which is about to be poured out upon the earth for its purification."
    "Now, hear My final warning, oh world, oh Earth and your inhabitants. As in the days of old, so shall now all life be brought to an account to ME, WHO AM! I will destroy the land and its people, but shall save the REMNANT on whose behalf I AM WHO AM acting. From this day on, calamities upon calamities will you have ..."
    There is no point in giving other references from other sources which originate in the Sacred Scriptures. That the Chastisement and Darkness are part of the fulfillment of ancient Scriptural prophecies there is no doubt in the minds of many interpreters of Biblical passages. Also, there is no doubt that these ancient pas­sages are well buttressed--and continue to be--almost daily at the present time, by modern private revelations, prophecies and signs.
    You must remember that, while certain revelations and prophe­cies are labeled "private" to distinguish them from Scriptural ones, many such private revelations are intended for full public and universal consumption. As common sense dictates, they are intended for the whole of the world, but especially so for the members of God's body.
    I shall leave this text with the following "prophecy" which comes from a Catholic nun in France dated about 1872-3:
    "Before the war breaks out again, food will be scarce and expensive. There will be little work for the workers, and fa­thers will hear their children crying for food. There will be earthquakes and signs in the sun. Towards the end, dark­ness will cover the earth. "
    It can be noted, as we continue to speak of these prophecies in the next volume of the "Divine Plan", that they all speak of the multitudes of the wicked who will perish at the time of the Darkness. Does that mean as you pass into a Photon Belt and through a "null time"? I would guess that all de­pends on YOU!
    May the words of God rest easily on your heart for this is a time of service unto that God who will take of your burden If it seems too heavy in your efforts in fullness. I suggest you think most carefully, however, about simply asking another to take your own load--for it shall not happen!

    "‘In the beginning' is only an actual Once Upon a Time' .... ! But you MUST come to realize, and very quickly now, that you didn't just go big bang' and neither did you "swim ashore". You were created as Man and brought unto this placement by your elder species. Also and "further more" you did not assem­ble from the asteroid belt of the big bang'. But you did have a very large happening occur and now you are making it back around to the place in the cycles wherein you can expect an­other and even more powerful ‘Bang-Bang', time warp, time shift and energy shift--into a time of experience of LIGHT.
    "We have efforted to bring comfort to you with our presence and purpose but you as a species and civilization are right up against it'. This is going to get more and more tumultuous as time' passes and events unfold. May you be given to under­stand and recognize that which IS TRUTH from the LIES of the adversary for therein lies your direction and passage."
    Hatonn writes about various subjects such as: The importance of Atlantis and Lemuria in our history - The Philippine Islands and their key part in ancient history and the immediate future - The Truth about the birthing of Planet Earth and our moon and history of the outer planets is in the Sumerian texts. - History of the Photon Belt, its cycle and significance this very moment - Wallace Stickney, United States dictator-in-waiting - Masonic symbols in Wash. D.C. street layout - Foreign tanks and blue helmeted foreign troops being dispersed throughout OUR country - Also, Hatonn keeps abreast on everyday world happenings.

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    최신 글: 2009-08-30, 18:05

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