PJ 130

FRI., DEC. 3, 1993 12:14 P.M. YEAR 7, DAY 109



The following is an explanation regarding the new products which will now be introduced for your use--especially for you who are taking Gaiandriana products.

The physical actions of the products are all the same so I will explain the mechanism of the various items for your understanding in terms which I believe will be most effective in simple explanation.

There are toxins which are particularly detrimental to your body and yet are used by so many of you who would be on a health program. They are especially noxious in the face of what is efforting to be ac­complished with intake of the Drianas, i.e., Gaiandriana, AquaGaia, GaiaLyte. (Know please, that GaiaLyte as it comes from this source is already neutralized for all ingredients).

Toxins such as caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, sucrose (refined sugars) are especially dastardly in the "confusion" brought within the cellu­lar structure of your body. In EVERY instance they will lower the cellular frequency and introduce that which I like to refer to as free radicals simply because they enter cells and act as "foreign" sub­stance in the same category as a virus or bacteria. In many instances they are WORSE. The reason is that they interfere with the fre­quency and they circulate through excretory cleansing systems (liver, kidneys) and must be detoxified. This is especially hard on a body and causes a focus on the foreign particulate.

Those of you taking the Gaia products are not getting full use of the product. Why? Because when the Gaiandriana, for instance, enters the body it has certain duties in the reclamation of cells. If you introduce these toxins into the system the Gaiandriana (Drias and Dri­anas) move FIRST to cleanse the TOXINS which have now passed into the cells of almost all of the system.


The solutions in all instances are grown in the presence of an over­riding light frequency of the toxin in target. (Example: caffeine.) When equal numbers of cells are added to anything now containing caffeine (example) there is IMMEDIATELY INSTANT bonding of all caffeine particulate to the programmed cells of the GaiaSorb. The particulate of the toxin is bound and rendered, for all practical purposes, neutralized. Its frequency is interrupted and bound within the frequency of the GaiaSorb cells. In turn, as injested into the body, it is rendered into the same frequency of Gaiandriana cells. In other words, the toxins are no longer primary targets for Gaiandri­ana because it does not recognize the (now neutralized) toxin partic­ulate as a 'foreign' invader.

Does this mean that all these toxins are good for you? No indeed. It does mean that, with the use of these new substances, the toxins will not be allowed to neutralize the ability of the Gaiandriana to go about its wondrous work. Of course, in the neutralizing and fre­quency changing of the toxic particulate--there is incredible advan­tage to ANYONE using the substance. We simply have not tested the extent to which it works otherwise.

We do note that if you need a relative comparison for your further understanding, consider "Beano" or "Lactaid" or those genetically prepared digestive aids which specifically aid in prevention of gas buildup or failure of digestive processes to easily handle targeted by­products of foods intaken.

Yes, we can specifically target anything but remember something, readers, we are BUSY and these things take time for I am working with one who is NOT a scientist and we have to nurture these babies like any creative processing. We will not offer anything to you which is not tested and proven effective. Therefore, in our attempt to get these new products into your hands and use--we ONLY at­tended the target of compatibility and effectiveness WITH Gaiandriana, AquaGaia, GaiaLyte, etc. We do KNOW that used ALONE the drops are greatly effective but we have not done anything to re­search those other avenues of use. We have, however, had many testing the caffeine neutra-bond and all find it delightful in that it seems to take the sharpness (bitterness) from the beverage and ren­ders caffeinated coffee more digestible and palatable than de-caf­feinated brands.

The "direct" taste will simply be one of "a bit like electrolyte" base. That is because EVERYTHING which is compatible with cell inte­gration--MUST be in electrolytic balance. It will not be as notice­able as with something like "Beano" because the purpose is not the same as with a gas prevention substance in which you are efforting to change the conversion process of carbohydrates and sugars.

We will, by the time you have this information, have enough to fill most immediate orders. It is not a part of the original "package pro­grams" at this time because we did not wish to hold up availability. Further, there is no need to invest in solutions for items which are of no value to some individuals. I trust our crew to make the pricing reasonable and get the bottling approved and done in time for use by those of you who want the product, immediately. The product will, I believe, arrive in 2 ounce dropper bottles for your convenience. We will attempt to get full labeling done prior to shipping the first batches--depending on the availability of printing.

We will turn to other selected items in this category of toxins and target some foods that the body has trouble handling easily or which produce negatively perceived by-products of digestion. We will also try to make available some targeted aids such as estrogen, thyroid and some of the other glandular substances which become very un­balanced through aging and modern surgery and drug interventions in disease, etc. There is nothing chemical or "medicine" in any of these products. We have no wish to interfere, intervene or in any way practice medicine. Everything which shall be offered, ever, through here is totally natural in EVERY way.

I would, however, call your attention to the myriads of presented-as‑new treatment programs being offered through the medical profession in the line of genetics, DNA, RNA processing. THIS IS NOT AN ACCIDENT--THEY ARE HAVING TO MOVE INTO "DAMAGE CONTROL" AS SUCH AS GAIANDRIANA GETS TO CIRCULATING THROUGH THE COMMUNITY OF MAN. It, if nothing else, PROVES the basis upon which the Drianas and Drias perform their balancing act. We note recently that actual pan­creatic tissue is being "transplanted" into diabetics. Wouldn't it be easier to simply reprogram and reclaim ill-functioning tissue by sim­ple oral intake of that which will ultimately balance the function? It would seem so to me, but then, again--I make no claims to medicine, surgery (psychic or otherwise) or chemical compounds.

By the way, however number two, because these items we offer are "grown" in the full presence of all solar rays (directly) and undergo increased amounts of direct ultra-violet spectrum and beyond ultra­violet spectrum LIGHT frequencies--you will find a build-up of tol­erance for radiation rays and/or radiation treatments for various tu­morous diseases. In other words, we are getting feed-back that with the intake of Gaiandriana there seems to be a remarkable lessening of the sickness produced by these medications and therapies. I make no comment for that is the respected method of treatment on your place and I am not allowed to speak against it. However, use logic and reason in your treatment programs and note that even chicken soup can have very, very beneficial qualities. Remember, the medi­cal physicians thought it wise to drain blood from patients at one time--now they give you dead blood from someone else. It is all be­yond my understanding but we are legally not allowed to comment and therefore consider each thing with wisdom and, please--leave us out of it.

As you are now into the holidays recognized around your world as the "Holy Days" be ever mindful of TRUTH. You most certainly should partake of that which brings joy and remindings unto the heart for man needs wise and good traditions and joyous times of sharing and giving. This is true of all "religions", all beings. Do not think that a Christmas tree is evil--it is whatever focus YOU PLACE UPON IT. I prefer artificial trees for the whole of the ritual is usually artificial and why would you destroy a tree to please your nose--get some evergreen spray and leave the tree in its garden. That, however is up to you. But, if man is to survive--it will be because he begins to CHOOSE to leave those living oxygen machines firmly planted and nurtured into the soil of Mother Earth!


PJ 130
by Sandra Tulanian, D.C. 3/3/95

The times we live in do not afford us the opportunity to keep life simple enough that health can be taken for granted by just ingesting food and water. The game rules have been changed by bureaucrats (directed by crooks higher up the ladder) who dictate questionable farming practices which, when added to the already choking pollu­tions of our atmosphere and water, ends up depleting the soil, the food supply, plus the air & water we breath of many of the essential nutrients that would otherwise allow our bodies to function opti­mally.

Without these "food"-based essential nutrients our immune systems and body physiologies are sitting ducks for any attack from the usual chemical and biological "warfare" practices of those wishing to make us sick, to increased high-energy photon bombardment from nuclear radiation pollution as well as from cosmic sources as this planet prepares itself for the upcoming changes.

It is up to every individual to take personal responsibility for their health and prioritize the needs their bodies may have at this time as well as pay special attention to the needs of their children. I hope to describe here some good products available to you so that your search for a basic, complete arsenal against disease can come to an end.

New Gaia has presented many products to the public that you can pick or choose for individual needs. But there is a core of products, which should be taken regularly, that is felt to be essential to health and well being. These products are: Gaiandriana, AquaGaia, Gai­alyte, Kombucha Tea, Kombucha Vinegar, CarbraGaia, Gaia­Cleanse Program, Chlorella, Spelt, and 3-In-1. Each of these provides a service to the body that is a necessary assistant to the other. We will discuss each one individually to provide you with the information you need to understand why these items are necessary.

The physiology of the body is basically governed by the actions and programming found within the cell. The cells make up the tissues of the body, the tissues make up the organs such as the heart or liver which, in turn, make up the organ systems that work in harmony with each other to keep the entire body functioning. If the cell structure has been altered or is malfunctioning (for whatever rea­son), every organ system is affected. To what degree they are affected depends on the offending substance that has caused the cell's breakdown or the length of time that cell has been subjected to abuse.

Gaiandriana is a product that is said to help correct the faulty pro­gramming that has occurred at the cell level by correcting into per­fection the cell's DNA/RNA blueprint. Viruses, unlike bacteria, have the ability to fuse with the DNA strand within the cell, creating a mutation to that cell. By perfecting the DNA/RNA blueprint, the cell may be returned to a level of vitality which allows it to fight off an incoming virus and maintain the homeostasis within the cell and, in turn, within the organ systems.

This is essential for the immune organ system, because without healthy cells that can fight off offenders like free radicals, viruses, and cumulative levels of radiation, the immune system is overtaxed to the point of exhaustion eventually leading to dis-ease. Another benefit from consuming Gaiandriana is its ability and nature to thrive on the invisible, higher photon frequencies which are bombarding us daily. Gaiandriana is able to speed up the frequency levels of the cells to more nearly match the energies pouring in and assaulting the body. This, in turn, can offer a two-fold benefit: One benefit is the ability of the cell to withstand and actually adapt to these otherwise damaging energies; the other benefit is to help pro­tect ourselves from mind manipulation through pulse beams that are irradiating mankind relentlessly. Originally the dose was 10 drops, 3 times per day, under the tongue. However, with the growing number of "manufactured" epidemics and other stepped-up plans for our demise by the Elite, perhaps more is better. One ounce or more per day may produce faster and more effective results.

Aquagaia was introduced to benefit the mitochondria system that lies within the cell. The mitochondria is the energy producer of the cell and is essential to convert the food we eat into usable cell fuel and to produce enzymes that are absolutely necessary for survival of the body system.

Aquagaia is also said to feed on vessel plaques adhering to blood vessel linings. Most all of us, by the age of twenty, have plaques developing on the arterial walls due to the American diet that is filled with saturated fats, high protein, white flour products, and limited consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables. This product provides added fuel to any compromised system to assist in strength­ening the immune system, as well as cleaning out blood vessels and enhancing the pliability of the vessel walls throughout the body. Both Gaiandriana and AquaGaia work in harmony to strengthen and eliminate mutations of all cells by working together within the cell structure itself.

Another product that you will find essential in your daily regime is Gaialyte. This is a fully integrated electrolyte liquid that is brought forth from the Kombucha Tea. The combination of tea and juice, vitamins, minerals, Gingko Biloba, Echinacea, Chlorella, oxygena­tors, Aloe Vera and Gaiandriana are a powerful combination that helps boost energy levels as well as provides electrolyte balance within the body to help enhance the performance of the Gaiandriana within the cells. Electrolytes are substances which dissociate into ions in solution and thus become capable of conducting electricity. The balance of these electrolytes in the body will aid in the protec­tion from the various high-frequency energies that we are now sub­jected to as well as enhance the effectiveness of all the other prod­ucts you are consuming for your health.

Another beverage that should be taken in a dose of approximately 8 ounces per day is the "Tea Breeze" Kombucha Tea. Enough can not be said about this fermented drink from the mushroom fungus found long ago by a prominent Japanese woman in a town called Kargasok, Russia. What she found amongst these villagers astounded her. The women were virtually without wrinkles or other signs of aging and the overall population was comprised of unusually healthy people. She was told that these people drank 8 ounces of Kombucha Tea daily. She brought the mushroom fungus back to Japan and, today, over a million Japanese people drink the fermented tea daily. With the high content of special proteins and enzymes, this tea is said to reduce cholesterol, restore hair growth, strengthen eye­sight, help insomnia, aid in weight reduction, help with allergies, bronchitis, asthma and a myriad of other debilitating conditions including the prevention of certain cancers.

While these are claims from people who have used or researched the product, it would simply be prudent to regard Kombucha Tea as a must to add to your daily health regime. Many people make their own tea with the mushroom that is available through New Gaia Products, but for those of us with limited time, the ready-made tea in the 1-liter and 2-liter bottles is both delicious and convenient. Try mixing the tea with the Gaialyte and your favorite juice, or just drink it straight.

There is a Kombucha Vinegar that has been developed which offers similar properties to unpasteurized apple cider vinegar, which has been used for centuries to care for all types of ailments. This prod­uct packs a punch when fighting off the common cold and is great as a digestive aid. Many are using this product in their salad dressings or other recipes to enhance the nutrition that their families receive. While Kombucha Vinegar is not recommended for canning or pre­serving, it certainly is recommended for general consumption.

CarbraGaia is the membrane that is found in the mushroom fungus of the Kombucha Tea bathed in a nurturing amniotic-like fluid of Gaiandriana to aid the body in repair of connective tissue. This product was designed to replace the need for Shark Cartilage sup­plement, which has been well researched and documented in recent years and which is said to program the body to never develop cancer tumors. By mixing one teaspoon into any of the above mentioned drinks, you add one more weapon to your arsenal in the quest to build the immune system to its optimum healthy state.

Next you have to focus on the nasty "bugs" living within your body.

A 14-day program has been developed that assists in the elimination of the nasty parasites found within the body. Very few people realize the kinds and types of diseases that these parasites can contribute to, such as Cancer, AIDS, Hepatitis, Hodgkin's Disease, Diabetes, just to name a few. There have been reports that people have been able to turn their conditions around by utilizing a program such as the GaiaCleanse Program to eliminate the myriads of parasites, such as flukes, keeping house in their internal organs.

The beauty of this program is that 14 days every 3 months is all that is required to insure a body that is free of most parasites. The GaiaCleanse line includes tinctures that can be mixed in any one of the above beverages or in juice. There is also an intestinal cleanse that comes in the kit to ensure proper elimination and cleansing during the two weeks. Since parasites have been "engineered" to be the carriers for nasty viral attack agents, these steps to health are im­portant if one is to realize optimum health within the cellular struc­ture and organ tissues of the body.

Chlorella is a single-celled, fresh-water algae which is a nu­tritionally balanced whole food that is extremely high in protein (60%) and contains more than 20 essential vitamins and minerals, 19 of the 22 essential and non-essential amino acids, enzymes, plus Chlorella growth factor. The combination of these factors results in a product that has been found to be excellent in the healing of wounds, injuries and ulcers, immune strengthening, age retardation, protection against radiation, normalizing digestion and bowel func­tion, and protection against toxic pollutants, to name but a few of the benefits.

Chlorella is a rich source of chlorophyll, which is extremely effec­tive in controlling body odor both internally and externally. The suggested daily consumption is 3 grams per day, but dosages should be adjusted to your individual needs. Many times the alkaline re­serves in the body are so depleted that Chlorella, in larger doses, is warranted.

Moreover, because of its superb food value, Chlorella is an im­portant addition to anyone's emergency food storage stash.

As part of an ongoing nutritious diet, the grain of Spelt (Triticum Spelta) should be added to every diet in replacement of the standard wheat grain. Spelt is superior to wheat in that it contains more pro­tein, crude fiber, and fats than wheat. It also contains special carbo­hydrates (Mucopolysaccharides) which help stimulate the all-impor­tant immune system.

Many people who are allergic to wheat find Spelt to be easily di­gestible. What is most exciting is the delicious nutty flavor that Spelt offers to any baking needs. Another advantage of Spelt is the large amount of vitamin B-17 found in the grain (also known as Laetrile) which has a reputation for retarding cancerous cell growth and aiding in the healing of other serious illnesses. Spelt also has an exceptionally thick husk around the center grain, which protects it from all kinds of pollutants and insects far better than happens with other grains The Spelt grain can be ground up into flour and used in any recipe where flour is required. New Gaia offers the whole Spelt grain bread mixes, or the grain itself to be ground into flour, or the flour already milled for your convenience. This simple addi­tion to your family's diet can provide a wealth of extra nutrition for your loved ones as well as a great taste experience.

The last product I wish to discuss is a newer product of which you may not be fully aware. Many of you have heard of the latest craze using a product called "Pycnogenols". Pycnogenol comes from the bark of the pine tree and is said to have remarkable anti-oxidant properties that are aiding in the relief of a number of chronic condi­tions. The 3-In-1 product offered by New Gaia has been found to be superior to Pycnogenol. The research that has been conducted on the elements found in Pine Bark were primarily conducted on Grape Seed Extract because this, too, had the components that offered the superior anti-oxidant protection.

What was discovered is that the Grape Seed Extract was even supe­rior to the Pine Bark in that it contains a higher level and higher po­tency of OPCs (Oligomeric proanthocyanidins) which are the active ingredient for free-radical scavenging. These OPCs found in the Grape Seed Extract are known for their instant bioavailability to seek out nasty free radicals and produce rapid counter-effect results. While no claims are here being made for the healing qualities of any product, the OPCs found in Grape Seed Extract have been identified with: Anti-aging protection, improved vision, decrease in wrinkles, resistance to mental deterioration, reduced risk of heart disease, reduced risk of stroke, enhanced immune system, faster healing, sub­dued PMS, and reduced inflammation of arthritis.

The other substances found in 3-In-1 are Ester-C and Aloe Vera. Ester-C is found to get into the blood stream faster and in larger amounts than other forms of vitamin C and wastes only a fraction of what other vitamin C products lose through elimination. It is also found to penetrate white blood cells more efficiently, which is neces­sary for their metabolism. There is also a reduction, if not an elimi­nation, of the side effects from the acidity of regular Vitamin C be­cause Ester C has a neutral pH. Each capsule also contains 150 mgs. of Aloe Vera which is the equivalent of one-and-one-half ounces of natural Aloe Vera juice. Excerpted from an article by John C. Pittman, M.D., we read: "Acemannan, a mucopolysaccha­ride, is a long-chain sugar which is found as an active ingredient in Cold Processed Whole Leaf Aloe. It interjects itself into all cell membranes. This causes an increase in the fluidity and permeability of the membrane, allowing toxins to flow out of the cell more easily and nutrients to enter the cell. The net result may improve cellular metabolism throughout the body, resulting in a boost of energy pro­duction".

These three powerful ingredients are found in one product called 3­In-1. It is a potent product that should be utilized by anyone suffer­ing from a chronic condition or for those wishing to maximize the functioning of their immune system on a day-to-day basis.

All the above products discussed: Gaiandriana, AquaGaia, Gaia­lyte, Kombucha Tea, Kombucha Vinegar, CarbraGaia, Gaia­Cleanse, Chlorella, Spelt and 3-In-1 can be the keys to a healthier and more vibrant life by reinvigorating the immune system, increas­ing the metabolic activity of the cells, providing more complete nourishment to allow the organ systems to function in harmony with one another, and to increase our bodies' overall frequency levels to withstand the onslaught of various high-frequency energies that are thrown our way. These products work synergistically together to maximize the effects of each product.

Of course, right thinking, right exercise, and right eating are abso­lutely necessary to add to any health regime, but the benefits and gifts found within these various products are priceless to our well being in this high-stress world.
