PJ 130

WED., MAR. 8, 1995 7:26 A.M. YEAR 8, DAY 204

WED., MAR. 8, 1995
APPENDIX II (continued)


Page 28 of Leese's book, supra: "Sir Richard Burton, the great explorer and orientalist, who was English Consul at Damascus 30 years after the Ritual Murder (of Padre Tomasi,--E.N.S.) studied the whole question of the Blood Accusation, and eventually wrote The Jew, the Gipsy and El Islam, of which this author has the edition edited by W.H. Wilkins and published by Hutchinson in 1898. (I have a copy of this book which was bought in London in 1937.-- E.N.S.) This work contains a damning indictment of the Talmud, and a list of Jewish Ritual Murders, but Wilkins, in his preface (p.X) says: ‘In the exercise of the discretion given to me, I have thought it better to hold over for the present the Appendix on the alleged rite of Human Sacrifice among the Sephardim and the murder of Father Thomas; the only alternative was to publish it in mutilated form' ".

Continuing, Leese writes: "Let us therefore follow (1) the Book, (2) the appendix on Ritual Murder.

  • (1) The Book. This is easy; it is well nigh impossible to obtain.

  • (2) The Appendix on Ritual Murder. What happened to it? This is what happened to it:

" ‘See D.L. Alexander versus Manners Sutton, King's Bench Di*vision, 27th March, 1911, reported in the TIMES the following day. Herein, D.L. Alexander, a Jew and President of the Jewish Board of Deputies, was able to show that they had obtained an assignment of the manuscript from the surviving executors of Sir Richard Burton. The executors had sold them to a bookseller, who, in turn, sold them to Mammers Sutton; and he (Sutton), not knowing of any assign*ment, made arrangements for the publication of the Appendix. D.L. Alexander brought the action to stop this publication from taking place, claiming copyright and delivery to him of the manuscript. The Jew won his case.' " [H: I repeat for all you who think you can simply copyright TRUTH and have it buried. If the informa*tion be truth in the beginning--there ACTUALLY can be NO VALID COPYRIGHTS. However, the point I wish to make is that unauthorized parties will get information and then copyright it and it then becomes the most effective way to CENSOR infor*mation. This is the main reason a book needs an ISBN number for registration purposes, but journals and papers should never be copyrighted if you EVER want real truth TO BE KNOWN. If the "original" work be truth, in science most especially, or a new religious or historical work, it is only fair to have the information made public and someone, hopefully, will come along at some point in future days, to take the works and make them available somehow-somewhere. I take this opportunity to readdress this very topic as concerns the Phoenix journals. The first of the journals, prior to severing relationships with George Green of America West Publishers-Distributors, bear his America West copyright. These journals were not and are not his. Never were they his and they were to NEVER BEAR COPYRIGHTS for we have no need of same since these are simply journals for the gathering of information. The facts are that the imprint is equally as phoney as is Mr. Green. The journals are not copy*righted and are free for any and all to use in any way they might find worthy.

In the instance of this book called THE TALMUD UN*MASKED, the copy before me is simply a reproduction of the Appendix. The entire volume is around somewhere, I under*stand, but we at this desk have no copy. Do I fail to offer this work because it may have copyright? I don't know; it is a book written and produced in April, 1892 (over a century ago), from St. Petersburg (Russia??). Further, it is written in by a Master of Theology and Professor of the Hebrew Language in old St. Pe*tersburg. Who, if not God, has rights? It simply is a point to ponder as we effort to bring understanding and historical review to the attention of mankind. Therefore, just let us move on.]

"From the Preface which is before us, we copy the following: ‘The Jew, Burton, collected most of the materials for writing it from 1869 to 1871, when he was Consul at Damascus. * * * Disguised as a native, and unknown to any living soul but his wife, the British Counsul mingled freely with the motley populations of Damascus, and inspected every quarter of the city--Moslem, Christian and Jew*ish. His inquiries bore fruit in material, not only for this general es*say on the Jew, but for an Appendix dealing with the alleged rite of Human Sacrifice among the Sephardim or Eastern Jews, and more especially the mysterious murder of Padre Tomasi at Damascus in 1840. There is little doubt that his inquiry into these subjects was one of the reasons which aroused the hostility of the Damascus Jews against him; and that hostility was a powerful factor, though by no means the only one, in his recall by Lord Granville in 1871' ".

(On page 5 of the New York Times Book Review, April 11, 1937, there was a cut of Sir Richard Burton, and an article titled: "That Homeric Character, Burton of Arabia". That review stated, in part: "Burton was very much a man of earth, reveling in subjects not dis*cussed in Victorian drawing-rooms. * * * He was broken on the wheel of official intrigue in India at the beginning of his career, lost the consulate of Damascus almost at the end for somewhat the same reasons. * * * He was both impetuous and honest, the two blackest vices in the consular service". The following week, April 18, 1937, in the Herald Tribune, reviewing the same book, Clare G. Stillman wrote: "Burton was a man of invincible moral courage and integrity, of wide enlightenment, the outspoken enemy of stupidity and hypocrisy, too outspoken for his own good. * * * His encyclopedic Oriental erudition included an unsurpassed knowledge of erotic philosophies and practices which he loved to discuss in detail.")

[H: I am considered to be comparable to such men who are too outspoken for their own good (or that of their press). I wonder,however, who might it really, then, be good for? If I be too out*spoken for my (our) "own good", is it not for the very reason of "good from mankind"? As you read about ritual murders and life instances from the pain and total agony of a Cathy O'Brien, do you find it erotic or painful in its truth? Ah, "both", you will respond. What is that feeling within that pronounces itself valid but you think it perhaps to be "erotic"? IT IS FEAR! "There but for the Grace of God, GO I".]

"With this introduction, we now cite some parts of Burton's chapter dealing with The Jew and the Talmud" (p.77). According to the Talmud (Chap. IV., SANHEDRIN, of the fourth Mischnis sec*tion, or order Seder Nezikin), the Gentile sanctifying the Sabbath must be put to death without asking questions, [H: Golly-gee, it sounds like truthbringers and patriots of your year 1995, and on....] even as the Lord said to him, "Thou shalt not rest day or night. The Oral Law is superior to all others".

P.81. In the books of Moses [H: HISTORICALLY, you will find NOT ONE SHRED OF EVIDENCE OR TRUTH IN THAT THERE EVER EVEN WAS A "MOSES".] we find that blood is used as a purifier. * * * Human blood is not used by us in its pure state: nor can we (Sic Burton. The Hebrew scribe is supposed to be speaking) call it human for the Gentiles are mere vermin, and of their daughters it is said, "Cursed be he that lieth with any beast". [H: Would this not give you full input and knowledge about just WHO THE BASTARDS WERE WHO PRO*NOUNCED THE NATIVE AMERICANS TO BE NON-HU*MAN? WHITES, AS SUCH, WERE NOT THE ENEMY OF ANY PEOPLE--FOR ALL PEOPLE NOT BEING "JEWS" ARE GOYIM (not human). This is NOT "revisionism", readers, this is original historic FACT--by the very words and pronouncements of generations of the NOW SO-CALLED "JEWS". "Jew" is ac*tually defined as Khazarian Serpent People falsely calling themselves everything from Christians to (J)ews. Those wishing rights to "everything" refer to "Jew" as a religion when convenient, a "race" when convenient and on and on. They take from ALL to utilize for selves.] It [blood of the Goyim] must also mostly undergo through manipulation a change in essence. Nor is it administered indiscriminately, but only to the most zealous. On the eve of thePassover the chief Scribe attends the oven, and mixes what he pleases with the cakes, which are then sent around to the congrega*tion.

P.98 of Burton's Jew, See the MISCHNAH [H: Mishpucka??], fifth part, tract Edonyoth, i. art. 5 et seq. This is a fair answer to the host of contradictions and the general charge of inconsistency leveled by anti-Talmud writers against the Oral Law, and it enables the modern rabbi to make almost any assertion that he pleases con*cerning disputed points. Thus, one will find in the Talmud that Christians should be put to death, the other that they should be treated like brothers. This is certainly very convenient.

P. 104. The large space given * * * to the unhallowed practices of magic and necromancy, the summoning and conversion with dev*ils and spirits, the advocacy of astrology, charms, and philters served as a pretext for Pope and Inquisition to attack it. In A.D. 553, Justinian proscribed it (Talmud) by Novella 146 as a "tissue of puerilities, of fables, of iniquities, of insults, of imprecations, or heresies, and of blasphemies". It was destroyed by Gregory IX, in A.D. 1230; it was burnt in Paris by Innocent IV, 1244; and it was proscribed by Clement N, by Honorius IV, and by John XXII.

(This Pope [Honorius IV] in 1286 wrote to the Archbishop of Can*terbury, directing him to have a care lest any one read a book from which all evils flow. Pope Pius IV, when authorizing a new edition, expressly stipulated that it should not be published without the title of Talmud, which appears to have been a kind of Shibboleth, Si tamen prodierit sine nomine Talmud, talerari deberet. Such was the terror which it inspired in the ecclesiastical mind.

A. is the father of B. B. told this author that A. started his edu*cation in Europe with the idea of becoming a rabbi but that when he had started his studies of the unexpurgated edition of the Tal*mud and found what it taught concerning Christ and Christians, he not only discontinued his studies but later was a convert to Christianity and out of this experience told B. never to read an unexpurgated copy of the Talmud).

P.115. Obviously such cruel and vindictive teaching as that re*counted in the previous chapter must bear fruit in crime and atroci*ties. * * * From earliest ages to these modern days, and not in one place, but all the world over, the hatred of the Jew against the non-Jew has been the fiercest. Those who are so ready to admit and de*plore the mighty provocations which aroused a spirit of retaliation in the Rabbinical mind should equally make allowance for the natural feelings of the unfortunate Gentiles and heathens when the "People of the Synagogue" had their wicked will. * * * In A.D. 614, the He*brews of Galilee, according to Eutychius, joining the Persian army under Chosroes II, caused a great slaughter of the Nazarenes. When the Holy City was captured, they bought at a cheap rate those taken by the Persians, especially from the Monastery of Mar Saba, for the sole purpose of butchering them. Burton then continues, giving thirty-eight other cases of ritual murder, ending with page 127. On page 122, he says: "According to the Cronica Serafica (della vita di S. Francesco d'Assisi, Opera del Padre Damiano Cornejo, 1721, lib. i., chap. 1) the Jews superstitiously used the blood of Christians in childbirth, and sent it in a dried state to China and other places, where they had synagogues, but where worshippers of Christ are not to be found. Hence the Jews were eventually expelled from Spain and Portugal".


In closing our reply to the accusations of Ben Zion Bokser, the reader is directed to that Christian classic: The History of the Chris*tian Church, by Dr. Philip Schaff. In Vol. I, p. 59, he writes: "The Talmud (i.e., Doctrine) [H: There, again, readers you have your clue as to WHO are these people you can't call Jews or a "race" or a "religion"--they are a "doctrined people" following basic Sa*tanism--"TALMUDISTS". That is the truth of it and that is the definition of the people participating.] represents the traditional, post exilian, and anti-Christian Judaism", and then says on page 156 of the same book: "Such was the Jewish religion at the time of Christ. He was the only teacher in Israel who saw through the hyp*ocritical mask to the rotten heart. [H: Why don't YOU just try to get a full UNEDITED copy of the TALMUD! Also, while in the searching try to get copies of the rituals of the temples of the MORMON church. (In Asia the very word "mormon" MEANS: SATAN!, then by all means go find the doctrine instructions for the church of satan.] None of the great Rabbis, no Hillel, no Shammai, no Gamaliel, attempted or even conceived of a reforma*tion; on the contrary, they heaped tradition upon tradition and accu*mulated the Talmud rubbish of twelve large folios and 2947 leaves, which represents the anti-Christian petrification of Judaism; while the four Gospels have regenerated humanity and are the life and light of the civilized world to this day". [H: Well, forget the latter in its exuberant overstatement.]

In Vol. I, p. 110, of George Foote Moore's Judaism, Harvard University Press, 1932 he says: "Down to the rise of Karaites in the eighth century and their revolt against the Talmud, there was nothing that deserved the name of schism". Again on p. 91 of the same vol*ume, quoting Justin Martyr, who was a native of Palestine (Schechem) and a contemporary, he says: "Bar Cocheba took dire vengeance upon them (Nazarenes, or followers of Jesus Christ) if they refused to deny Jesus their Messiah".

About a thousand years later, 1759, Leese tells us, p. 40 of the book we have cited: "A converted Jew, J. J. Frank, formed a sect called the Frankists, at Lemberg. These people were all Jews who had become Christians in revolt against the evils taught in the Tal*mud. They said it was the Talmud which was the root of all troubles between the Jews and Gentiles. Prince Etienne de Mikoulissky, ad*ministrator of the archdiocese of Lemberg, instituted public debates between the Frankists and the Talmudic Jews. A debate held in July took place in which various matters were dealt with point by point until six points had been settled: the seventh one was the Frankists' declaration that 'the Talmud teaches the employment of Christian blood and he who believes in the Talmud ought to make use of this blood'. The Frankists said they had learned this in their youth as Jews. Under the heading Baruch Yavan, the Jewish Encyclopedia , 1903, Vol. II, p.563, admits that the Frankists brought the blood accusation against the Talmudists; also in Vol. VII p. 579, under Ju*dah Lob ben Nathan Krysa. There is a large bibliography with ref*erence to the Frankist community, of which the following two works may receive mention here: La Malfaisance juive, by Pikulski, Lvov, 1760; and Materiaux sur la question relative aux accusations portées contre les Juifs a propos des crimes rituels , by J. 0. Kouzmine, St. Petersburg, 1914".

Psalms 106, 36-38: "And they served their idols: which were a snare unto them. Yea, they sacrificed their sons and their daughters unto devils, and shed innocent blood, even the blood of their sons and of their daughters, whom they sacrificed unto the idols of Canaan: and the land was polluted with blood".

With reference to the death of Father Pranaitis, Mr. Leese, re*plying to this author's question on this, wrote me as follows: "The statement that Pranaitis was shot by the Cheka comes from the same eye-witness (who was a witness in the Beilis case). Eye-witness seen by me (Leese) personally; cannot give his name".

* * *

With the concerted persecution of this editor, especially by those whom he expected would be his friends on the record of his life and service, we now dare affirm in our effort to present the truth that we are not apprehensive of the final result and base our statement on Romans 8, 36-37: "For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter. Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us".

E.N.S., Nov. 20, 1939


The next is from the same documents and is worthy of special atten*tion please:



(Henry Field, writer of the article below, is curator of physical anthropology at Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago. He was recently awarded the degree of Doctor of Science by Oxford Univer*sity. He has been with the museum since 1926).


"* * * members of the Field Museum anthropological expedition to the Near East in 1934 * * * According to their tradition the Jews of Iraq have lived in Mesopotamia since Sargon of Assyria brought their ancestors from Samaria in the eighth century B.C. * * * They mixed with other racial groups, absorbing their physical characters. What is popularly termed the 'Jewish' nose was thus acquired from the Hittites * * * To the protected southern slopes of the mountains of Kurdistan cling many villages where the struggle for existence combined with a constant dread of attack has ingrained in the inhab*itants a tenacity of purpose and religious zeal which has few modern parallels. Jew, Kurd, Armenian and Nestorian remain bitterly aloof, the Jews suffering much at the hands of the Kurds from a constant intertribal warfare. Moreover, belief that the Jews use a Christian blood at the Passover sustained between Jew and Sephardim Jews who observe the Mosaic law * * * Seventy-two items of ritual are observed."-- Asia Magazine.


May you walk in LIGHT that you KNOW wherein you are walking at all--TRUTH IS!

PJ 130

SUN., MAR. 12, 1995 7:09 A.M. YEAR 8, DAY 208

SUN.. MAR. 12. 1995

Doris has a letter--indeed, she also gets letters. This one brings too many questions for adequate response. This one is from a person who is showing some "failure" symptoms, is diabetic and has a kid*ney (we assume) transplant. She petitions as to what may be done for her? She comes via a friend. First of all, readers, we cannot give much advice but right off the proverbial "bat" we will say to not do ANYTHING to jeopardize the immune system to endanger the transplanted organ.

Doris spent over ten years in the Dialysis and Transplant Division with the top Pediatric Nephrologist at Children's Hospital of Los Angeles. Please do not rock A STABLE BOAT.


We are already under scrutiny to find whether or not we can classify as practitioners of some sort. NO, WE ARE NOT. WE CURE NOTHING, WE DO OFFER A FEW LIFE PRODUCTS AS TOOLS FOR YOUR USE--NOTHING MORE. I ask that that in*formation be sent along to our friend.

This does, however, cause me to finally take things into my own hands as to "information" regarding deficient intake of proper nourishment. I have asked Dharma to find me something on beriberi and a few other "outdated" dis-eases and, lo and behold--not very much in your literature. Then, comes a little manuscript by one Bonne L. Fisher which was reprinted in late summer of 1959 and the sender calculates that the original was written in 1929. The subject is basically the New World Order--but ah-ha--check closely and the writer tells you how the subject was approached for the unfolding--through a research of beriberi.

You see, we CAN offer that which is already written on a subject; we cannot tell you what you should do.

My feelings about the Gaia products are, of course, that they supply what you need in a most remarkably USEABLE form which allows instant merging into (within) compromised cells. That, however, is not my subject for this morning.

Before we go off into the subject of Beriberi, I can also tell you that, unless necessary, I am not advocating being a total vegetarian. Why? Because with today's circumstances you will become de*ficient in so many nutrients as you go through routinely practicing such dietary restrictions as to bring more damage than help. You have BECOME a meat-eating species. If you choose carefully your products for intake you DO NOT NEED MEAT OR LIV*ING/DEAD "FLESH". In fact, it is in living/dead flesh that para*sites thrive--and within the blood supply of those muscled species.

Never mind that for the moment, however. That is not your most critical problem as you move through routine life-style. You are in a pandemic plague of beriberi which can be treated in less than a week.


Get rid of the parasites, intake high-level whole grains (rec: Spelt, Spelt bran and hulls) and extra B-vitamins, then keep your systems whole with Gaiandriana cell reproduction products and you will have a clean, disease-free body--without any drugs, artificial chemicals or whatever. If damage is already present, or as with the actual re*moval of organs as with kidneys, those things will not "regrow" be*cause the original organ has been removed. However, in the case of transplants, there is no reason if there is not rejection that that organ does not become a living part of the host blueprinted system. There aren't any "miracles" but you may well think you have experienced some if you will take the time and discipline to utilize what is avail*able in the most basic food-source additions.

The reason I take exception to most planned programs is that you end up treating yourselves as if you are on some kind of a "diet", medical routine, or other ridiculous programming process. No, it is the way you were intended to function and thrive and it is nothing related to medicine, chemistry or unusual biological regime. When you become overly preoccupied with ANYTHING it becomes worse than the cause of the discomfort in the first place. This is true of ex*ercise as well. You can exercise your way into total imbalance and it becomes an addiction worse than the sedentary status if you allow fanaticism to program your mindset. If it helps you, fine, use it--but do not claim that it is the only way to good health because it isn't. Just about the time now that most of you are hooked on outrageous and programmed exercise programs, what do "they" tell you? That it is not healthy to overexercise. Everything in moderation is what you seek--IT IS CALLED BALANCE.

This aside, I think I can get information to you who seek and ask by offering that which is available and then YOU will have to take it and do that which you will. I repeat that WE OFFER NO CURES FOR ANYTHING, NO MIRACLES. IF YOU WISH, WE DO HAVE THAT WHICH CAN ASSIST YOU IN ATTENDING SELF. Just as a Chiropractor can replace/reposition a vertebra which is misaligned and give relief, so too are there ways to give re*lief and balance to a body existing in a deprived state.

With this in mind we will simply offer what we have here right from the author's gracious sharing.


by Bonne L. Fisher

Circa 1929. [H: This becomes more interesting as you get into the realization of world problems as related in this old writing.]

Eighteen operations. Each time the knife had given relief and re*newed strength for a time, and determination to persevere until a complete cure should be achieved, each time daunted by the develop*ment of infection in other areas.

With my life's savings exhausted [H: Isn't it always the way with doctors and lawyers?] and the reserves of energy almost spent, the desire had grown keener because of a growing desire to solve the mystery of the rapid increase of this deadly sinus disease. Once I had seemed to be one of the few affected. Now the crowded waiting rooms of the nose and throat specialists evidenced a very plague of the disease.

I had lost all interest in reading except that which pertained to health and an equable distribution of the means of life and health. Going to the library for books on health I had found Dr. Lorand's book, OLD AGE DEFERRED advising both the eating of meat and the abstinence from the same, ending with the advice to consult the appetite about eating. In a book on "rickets" I had seen a mention of a disease called beriberi, but all was vague.

Once I had presented a paper on Sinus Affection, in which I used the word beriberi, to a printer who had been in the plague-ridden re*gions of India. This printer had become much interested. "Beriberi," I heard him say, as if to himself. "Here I can trace it," and he turned to Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, but I was then too much interested in trying to get my paper printed to catch the significance of the remark.

[H: Dharma was amused this very morning. When she wasn't
sure of the spelling of hari-kari, she turned to the trusty six-inch thick Webster's Encyclopedic Dictionary for information. The term was there--without any definition whatsoever! Beriberi had a bit longer definition which we will share:

Beriberi: A disease of the peripheral nerves caused by a de*ficiency of vitamin B1, characterized by pain in and paralysis of the extremities. and severe emaciation or swelling of the body. It is common in China, Japan and in the Philippines.

Well, without diagnosis, it is the most prevalent in the United States of America and expresses itself in chronic fatigue, organ failures and mental confusion. It is ACTUALLY the primary cause of senile dementia and almost all "patients" in an elderly care facility are affected! Most elderly mental confusion will be immediately cleared by supplementation by vitamins, minerals and whole grains.]

Sitting in bed in Stanford Hospital, stunned by the sentence, "Incurable", the thought came to me to find out something definite about beriberi. Maybe something lay hidden in that quarter that might reveal a new line of attack. I asked a doctor, superior in my department, said to be an "Italian", "Doctor, what is beriberi"?

A sudden start on his part registered itself in my mind. He hur*ried away leaving me uninformed.

Again I said to another "Italian" doctor, "Is there something wrong with our food supplies that so many are coming to the hospi*tal and so many are sick that cannot come". He argued, "It is not the food," and made the remark, "We find plenty of mineral salts in the food. We find deposits of it when we operate". (The first I had heard about mineral salts in relation to disease).

At another time in the presence of a dozen doctors, heads of de*partments, I asked my "Italian" doctor first mentioned above if I could get a book on beriberi there at the medical school. He di*rected me to the city library and quickly changed the subject. I protested that I had tried public libraries, and had no strength for an extra journey, but no one offered help or suggestions. After many weeks I was able to go to the great city library in San Francisco where I again found only a mere mention of beriberi.

"Go to Stanford Medical School for information about disease", said a librarian, assuring me that it was open to the public. I found it not one hundred feet from where I had three times asked for infor*mation. Two librarians served me with paragraphs marked. I read day by day the little that my strength would endure.

I grew furious. I had been misdirected and hindered in the effort to save my life.

"Beriberi, Asiatic PLAGUE, abroad in our land. Symptoms identical with "colds, constipation, indigestion, rheumatism, neuritis, influenza, scurvy, pellagra and insanity, with tendency to SUICIDE OR MURDER. AND PROVEN TO BE THE RESULT IN DEFI*CIENCY IN THE FOOD OF CERTAIN MINERAL SALTS WHICH DEFICIENCY IS CAUSED BY OUR CUSTOM OF SIFT*ING, PEELING, AND PARBOILING AND DRAINING AWAY THE LIQUIDS FROM OUR FOOD".

Notes taken in the library. First from an old work.


Acute form, Symptoms: Stages in order: Indigestion; constipation; Nasal affection like a "cold";
Lassitude; heart palpitation; hard breathing; Usually ends with death from heart failure.
Chronic Form; Early stages as above. Later stages: Weak eyes, falling hair, skin sores
Stomach ulcers, kidney affection, chronic catarrh, asthma, cough, heart enlargement, numbness,
paralyzed parts, dropsy.

Results of examination: "Microscopic examination of tissue re*veals a corroding agent. The sheath of the nerve is invariably at*tacked in this disease and even cells of the brain have been found to have been destroyed. The bones and teeth lose lime".

Notes taken from Later works: Discovered by Voit in 1882 that pigeons fed white bread, or polished rice, lose lime from their bones even to the extent of perforation of the skull. Their wings and legs become paralyzed. They recover if fed whole grain meal or bran.

In 1859, Dr. Tikaki, Surgeon General in the Japanese Navy was made a baron in honor of his discovery that soldiers fed whole, unpolished rice do not contract beriberi.

A group of native Philippine Soldiers suffering from heart palpitation, hard breathing, pains in the nerves and coming down in num*bers each day with paralysis, were quickly cured with bran from rice.

Discovered by the U.S. Health Service to the Philippines in 1905 that ANY grain robbed of pericarp and germ will produce beriberi, and that fresh bran will cure the disease in the earlier stages.

A plague of beriberi on Culion Island of the Philippines was quickly checked, cures achieved in ninety days and the disease wiped out in nine months by the use of bran from rice administered' as medicine.

Two of the doctors who effected the above cure then went to Siam where a railroad was being built and secretly experimented upon laborers--artificially producing beriberi within sixty days by feeding part of the camp upon polished rice, the rest having natural rice.

Those eating natural rice could not be made to catch the disease by any means of contact, even to the swabbing of their throats with phlegm from the throats of the sick. The diet was then interchanged. The well men now had polished rice and the sick group had natural rice. The sick immediately began to improve in health. The second group became sick within sixty days The tabulated results of the above incidents and experiments were sent to the United States Government, to the American Medical Association, and to Harvard and Columbia Universities. THE REPORT WAS PRINTED IN A U.S. GOVERNMENT BULLETIN BUT WAS GIVEN NO FURTHER PUBLICITY. (See Science of Keeping Young and Science of Eating by Alfred W. McCam for above statements and the number of U..S.Bulletins).

It was not until 1910 that Alfred W. McCann, a food chemist in the employ of the United States Government heard of this report of the U.S. Health Service to the Philippines while en route to China. When he returned to America he searched out the report from among records at Washington. Then he began feeding tests to prove the truth of the report, and chemical experiments to find scientific reasons.

In his feeding tests he found that bolted corn meal, white flour, polished rice, and pearled barley will produce in animals symptoms similar to those of beriberi.

In his chemical tests he found that the inside portion of grain pro*duces acid in the process of digestion, and that sugar, oils and albumen also produce acid, and that the use of these acid-producing substances without the materials found in the bran, peelings, germ, bones, glands or supplied in large quantities from fresh fruit and vegetables to neutralize this acid, overcharges the body with acid which, having an affinity for lime, phosphorus and other alkaline substances of the body, attack the body tissues and cause the symptoms known as RHEUMATISM, "COLDS", NEURITIS, AND PRODUCE SWELLING, PARALYSIS AND OTHER AFFLICTIONS KNOWN IN THE ORIENT AS BERIBERI.

McCann tried to get permission to tell doctors' conventions about his experiments, but was refused. After a long and expensive strug*gle he and a small group of doctors were able to secure legislation in New York on the subject of food demineralization. This fight on food demineralization was reported in the newspapers as a fight on FOOD ADULTERATION and secured non-effective "pure food" laws.

In spite of these efforts which should have advertised the cause of human disease to all the Earth, demineralized food was continued in the hospitals.

At the entry of America into the World War, McCann laid before the U.S. food comptroller the above facts, even to the Government bulletin, mentioned above, which stated that the removal of only 4.4% of the grain in bran would produce disease; and asked that as an educative measure, as well as to save grain, whole grain flour be adopted as a war ration. He received the answer, "It isn't the busi*ness of the war department to educate the public". 76% of the grain was adopted as a war ration. (See Journal of the American Medical Association of 1917).

McCann gives it as his opinion that consumption, diabetes, can*cer, and other more deadly diseases, as well as all our most common ailments, are but stages in the development of beriberi, or Asiatic Plague, acknowledged by the medical profession and by Webster's dictionary to be food deficiency diseases.

He recites the following dramatic incidents:


In April, 1945 during the World War, the Kronprintz, a German raiding vessel, landed in American waters with 110 paralyzed men on board. This vessel had plied between America and France capturing vessels carrying food to the Allies. The crew had kept for their use prepared foods--white flour, lard, bacon, syrup, rice, oatmeal, cornflakes, etc., and sank the rest.

In 225 days, 110 of the crew of five hundred men had be*come paralyzed. The ship sailed into Newport News Harbor and called for help. Many doctors came to the call. By order from Van Bernstorf, head of the German armies, newspaper men were not admitted to the ship. Alfred W. McCann, though a newspaper man, got on board by strategy and was invited by the ship's physician, Dr. Perennon, to prescribe for the stricken men. Through his prescription, which consisted of preparation from potato peelings and wheat bran and the use of apples, oranges, egg yolks, cabbage, turnips, mild and fresh whole wheat bread. 47 of the 110 paralyzed men were on their feet in ten days. and not a man was lost after the beginning of the treatment.



Twelve life-term prisoners in the Mississippi Penitentiary were offered their freedom if they would submit for sixty days to a feed*ing test. To their surprise they were given the best quality of white bread, macaroni, mashed and fried potatoes, white rice, rolled oats, sugar, coffee, syrup, meat and butter substitutes, canned milk, crackers, cake, cookies and, once a week they were given green col*lards or kale.

In a short time one of the men tried to commit suicide. Soon an*other man tried the same. When asked why, the first said he didn't know. The second said he felt so bad that guards had to be stationed to prevent still others of these men from destroying themselves. In forty-two days several of the men had well defined pellagra. Their hearts palpitated, they breathed hard, they had pains in their nerves, and some of them had swelled ankles. The governor of Mississippi pardoned the men without awaiting the limit of sixty days.

Simultaneously with the above experiment twelve factory women were undergoing a feeding test. They had nothing but whole wheat bread and water for sixty days, and experienced no symptom of dis*ease or any discomfort.

I was now sure I had found the cause of the continued sickness of myself and family. We eliminated from our diet the four classes of food that McCann had reported to be acid-producing.

1. Meat and fish.
2. White flour and all old cereals, macaroni, polished rice, tapioca, peeled potatoes, etc.
3. Extracted sugars.
4. Extracted oils and fats.
Also every form of manufactured or canned food.

Reading in a government report that the germ of grain spoils in about a week after the grain is ground, we began grinding our flour for bread and cereals fresh each day on a hand mill. We found, even as McCann had reported, that fresh ground whole wheat is an almost perfect human ration.

[H: Whole grain SPELTA IS a whole product food. If, by the way, you get your Spelt bread mix from Gaia (us), you are get*ting freshly ground grain right off our mill. If your whole grain mix or flour fails to raise properly to your desires, add a tea*spoon or so of water, substitute in a tablespoon of vinegar (preferably Kargosic/Kambucha vinegar) for a tablespoon of wa*ter and add at least 1 rounded tablespoon of WHEAT GLUTEN. It is the absence of gluten in common spelta that causes lack of rising. If you have allergies (which you won't if you try this bread) then just don't have such fluffy bread and add no gluten. Dharma ALWAYS also keeps sprouting spelt of the common va*riety and, just as it pops the seed, uses at least half a cup of the burst grain in each loaf of bread. If you are using a bread ma*chine, add it right at the beginning of the cycle. This one addi*tion almost DOUBLES the value of the bread.

Then in every soup or stew or wherever it is desired she adds wheat bran, oat bran or spelt hull. The addition is totally unno*ticed if added to cooked refined cereal--except in almost immedi*ate improvement in health. You would prefer the "bran" of spelta but we don't have any "bran" as such to any great extent because I have asked that the spelta NOT EVER BE REFINED. The hull is great but it is quite fibrous and sometimes objected to in other foods. Bran is totally absorbed. The people around here have made pasta, cookies, even cakes from the spelta flour and although the product is "heavier" than refined, especially cake grind, flours--it is especially tasty when fresh. The lovely thing, however, is that if you make sure you get an abundance of bran and whole grain products-you can have those treats of re*fined variety as you wish. The problem here, of course, is that the overindulging in refined foods will pile up the unwanted pounds.

When we speak of balancing a diet, however, you are going to have to cleanse out those parasites because the parasites are feeding on all the nutritious foods you are intaking. They enjoy the refined foods but only as discard. 100% of the American people carry parasites (intentionally) and because of the focus on junk food, there are not enough nutrients reaching your systems to sustain a healthy body. Get rid of the parasites, stay rid of the parasites and eat plenty of whole grains, preferably spelta, and you will be amazed at your well-being, memory pick-up and thus and so. It will help to get yourselves some of the other products offered here because I have balanced them to your needs and supplementation. You could survive FOREVER on a couple of pieces of buttered spelt bread, a few lentils and Kar*gosic/Kambucha tea and remain in EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD HEALTH.]

For a long time we preferred it (whole grain product) in bread and mush to any other food. We even liked it first (the whole grain berry) raw and would sometimes make a meal on raw wheat meal with a little milk. We quartered our potatoes and cast away the "hearts", the starchy part, to compensate for the excess of starch which we had been consuming. Sometimes we would put the flour into a sugar or salt sack and shake out the starch to give a stronger percentage of the alkaline compounds of the grain. We ate our fruits and vegetables raw and unpeeled, in moderation at first.

We were astonished at the results. In two weeks it was plainly discernible that the whole family were improved in health, and the improvement has continued for the three years since. I, who had been practically an invalid for ten years. prematurely old, losing my memory, and with a chronic cough, have so far recovered as to be stronger than in the "prime" of my life.

I had been saved from the fatalism that had hung over my life, but my youth was passed, my mission in the world thwarted. There was left to me now but one purpose--to save others from a like fatal*ism.