PJ 130

MON., MAR. 6, 1995 12:17 P.M. YEAR 8, DAY 202

MON., MAR,6, 1995

In Part 1 of Appendix II of THE TALMUD UNMASKED; The Secret Rabbinical Teachings Concerning Christians, by Rev. I.B. Pranaitis, St. Petersburg, April 13, 1892, we had last copied the ref*erence to a three-year-old boy "killed by the Jews in Trent in the year 1475 in hatred of the faith of Jesus Christ..." and, "Andreas, a boy barbariously murdered by the Jews in hatred..."

The above is only for the purpose of reference to move into Part 2 for the interruption in typing came in the middle of a subject causing possible difficulty in continuity. Since this is an "Addendum" to a text it does not contain headings as such or Chapter designations. In the interest of time and space we will simply take up directly where we left off, please.



Subject: RITUAL MURDERS (Sacrifices)

Says Leese, page 46: "And what of the Popes who have sup*ported the Ritual Murder accusation by their acts? There are many. Sixtus IX approved in his Bull XII, Kal., July, 1478, of the conduct of the Bishop who dealt with the Jews in the St. Simon case at Trent. The Jews endeavored to enlist Sixtus IV on their side by pointing out that he had suspended the cult of St. Simon of Trent; this was done by Sixtus IV solely as a disciplinary measure, for Simon had not yet been beatified by papal authority, but was being made the center of a local cult.

(In the Book Review of the New York Times--Rare Books--Dec. 19, 1937: "There is an amazing collection of works on the inquisi*tion beginning with a long manuscript of 614 pages written about 1478,. 'Prozess gegen die Juden von Trent, 1476-1478.' This ac*count of the 'Ritual Murder' of Simon of Trent in 1475 is one of three contemporary records of which the other two, in Latin, are in the Vatican and the National Library of Vienna. This is the only ex*ample known in German and it was made for Eberhardt I, the Bearded, first Duke of Wuerttemberg. The codex is a record of one of the cruelest examples of the persecution of the Jews in the Middle Ages, and it is almost the only detailed authority of a great medieval criminal case. * * * The notorious case had its origin when a 2 1/2- year-old child, Simon, the son of a cobbler, was found dead in the river near the house of Samuel, a Jew of Trent. Immediately all the members of the Jewish community, including women and children, were arrested and accused of having murdered the child in order to use his blood for the Passover ritual. Persuaded via the torture chamber into a 'confession', the Jews were executed and all the women and children were forcibly baptized or otherwise punished. Various people interceded for the accused, but after hearings before a Papal court of juriconsults the case was finally declared, in a Bull of Sixtus IV of June 20, 1478, to be 'rite et recte factum' ".)

"Gregory XIII recognized Simon as a martyr and himself visited the shrine. Sixtus V ratified the cult of St. Simon in 1588, allowing the celebration of mass in his name. This is confirmed as a fact by Benedict XIV, who in a Bull Beatus Andreas (1788, Venice, IV, p. 101 seq.) beatified both Simon and Andreas, two boys murdered by the Jews 'in hatred of the faith of Jesus Christ'; 'the Jews', he said, 'used every means to escape the just punishment that they had mer*ited and to escape the just anger of the Christians'. How significant of the methods of the advocate for the Jew, to note that in Strack's book, no mention whatever is made of Benedict XIV's Bull, although the actions of Sixtus IV are willfully misinterpreted. [H: Surely doesn't sound to me as if one is one whit or iota better than the other and this, readers, IS NOT OF GOD IN EITHER INSTANCE.]

"Pius VII, 24th November, 1805, confirmed a decree of the Con*gregation of Rites of 31st of August according to the Church at Saragossa the right to honor Dominiculus, killed by the Jews in ha*tred of the faith of Jesus Christ. He also authorized for the Church at Toledo the same privileges in respect to St. Christopher, the boy crucified by the Jews near that place in 1490. [H: Nice picture don't you think?]

"In 1867, the Congregation of Rites authorized the cult of Loren*zino, at Vicenza, Padua, ritually murdered by the Jews.

"Gregory XVI, also, gave his support to the anti-Jewish accusers when he honored Gougenot des Mousseaux by making him a Cheva*lier of the Order of St. Gregory the Great in reward for writing his book, Le Juif, le Judaisme et la Judaisation des Peuples Chretiens, in which Gougenot des Mousseaux devoted a chapter charging the Jews with Ritual Murder of Christians for the sake of their blood.

"Pius IX refused to see the Jew Montefiore when the latter was returning from his visits to Egypt and Constantinople, where he had bribed the Khedive and the Sultan so that the Jews at Damascus could escape the consequences of their guilt of the Ritual Murder of Father Tomasi and his servant; this in spite of the shameless Jewish persistence which has been fully described in Sir Moses Monte*fiore's biography. That showed what Pius IX thought about it, and he himself was of Jewish blood.


"To sum up: The Popes who have appeared to disbelieve the ex*istence of the Ritual Murder crime have, with the exception of Clement XIII, been those who lived in the least enlightened times; many later Popes have given very clear evidence that they hold the opposite opinion. * * * Remember that although other murdered boys, victims of Jewish Ritual Murder, have been regarded in many places as saints without papal authority, there is no record of papal disapproval of these cults except in the case of Sixtus IV, already mentioned, whose action was purely disciplinary, and who himself specifically approved of the conduct of the Ritual Murder Case to which the matter referred. Such locally beatified 'saints' or martyrs were St. William of Norwich (1144), St. Werner of Oberwessel (1286), St. Rudolph of Berne (1287), St. Richard of Pontoise (1179) and St. Hugh of Lincoln. In every such case it is quite obvious that the cult had the full approval at least of the episcopal authorities over the places mentioned".

(With reference to these ritual murders at Norwich and Lincoln, we have corroborative evidence from John Foxe in his Acts and Monuments of the Church (1563), quoting from Mr. Leese, page 49, where Foxe says: "For every year commonly their (the Jews') cus*tom was to set some Christian man's child from his parents and on Good Friday to crucify him indespite of our religion". He described the ritual crucifixion of British children by Jews at Norwich and Lincoln, before the expulsion).

"Those who condemn the Blood Accusation as a wicked invention for the purpose of persecuting Jews and robbing them, must at the same time condemn wholesale some of the highest dignitaries of the Catholic Church, men against whom nothing is known beyond that they had excellent characters, like William Turbe, Bishop of Nor*wich, to give an English example. [H: Let us not get "carried away" with the excellence of these "characters". I am NOT HERE TO BASH JEWS ANY MORE THAN ANY OTHER SECT OR CULT, READERS. KHAZARIAN ZIONISM ANTI*CHRIST COMES IN ALL DENOMINATIONS, ALL COLORS, ALL RACES, OR ANY OF SAME. THE "JEWISH" persons simply got caught up in the entrapment because it was JUDAISM THAT WAS CHOSEN BY THE SERPENT PEOPLE FROM THE KHAZARIAN TRIBES. THIS IS ALL PART OF THE ONGOING (FROM THE BEGINNING) PLAN TO TAKE THE WORLD INTO FULL CONTROL OF LUCIFERIAN SATAN*ISTS.]

"Many of the earliest records we have of these Ritual Murders come from the pens of Catholic historians, such as the Bollandists, a body of Belgian Jesuits; a list of the principal works, Acte Sanctorum ... historical record between 1643 and 1883. The volumes in which they recorded various ritual murders by Jews are mainly those writ*ten in the seventeenth century.

"Father Creagh, Redemptorist, publicly accused Jews of the practice of Ritual Murder, on 11th January, 1904, in a speech at Limerick. Authority: Jewish Encyclopedia (1904), Vol. VIII, p. 89".

Perhaps I may best wind up this chapter by giving the names of the twelve members of juries who investigated, considered and con*demned the Jews in the Ritual Murder case of la Guardia in Toledo, together with their qualifications; (1) Maestre Fray Juan de Santaspi*ratus, Professor of Hebrew, Salamanca University; (2) Maestre Fray Diego de Bretonia, Professor of Scripture; (3) Fray Antonio de la Pena, Prior; (4) Dr. Anton Rodriguez Carnejo, Professor of Canon Law; (5) Dr. Diego de Burgos, Professor of Civil Law; (6) Dr. Juan de Covillas, Professor of Canon Law; (7) Fray Sebastian de Huerta; (8) Licentiate Alvaro de Sant Estevan, Queen Isabel's corregidor for Avila; (9) Ruy Garcia Mansio, Bishop Talevera's provisor; (10) Fray Rodrigo Vela, head of the Franciscan Monastery, Avila; (11) Dr. Tristan, Cabnon of Avila; (12) Juna de Saint Estevan. On the findings of such men of standing we surely have every right to reply.

IT WAS NOTED THAT POPE LEO XIII BESTOWED DISTINCTIONS ON EDOUARD DRUMONT, AUTHOR OF LA FRANCE JUIVE, WHO ACCUSED THE JEWS OF RITUAL MURDER THEREIN. DRUMONT WROTE THE PREFACE TO A MINNIOT'S LE CRIME RITUAL CHEZ LES JUIFS, 1914. Min*niot reproduces long extracts written from a book written in the Moldaian language by a converted ex-Rabbi in 1803 which was pub*lished in the Greek in 1834 by Giovanni de Georgio under the title Ruin of the Hebraic Religion. This converted Rabbi called himself by the name of Neophyte. Extracts from his book were quoted in Achille Laurent's Relation Historique des Affairs de Syric Depuis 1840-1842. "This extract gives very full information, confirms the murder, crucifixion and bleeding of Christians by Jews for Ritual purposes, and the use of the blood for mixing with Passover bread; and says that the practice is handed down by oral tradition and that nothing appears about it in writing in the Jewish religious books".

Returning now to Minniot's book, especially to the Beilis trial: "Professor Troitzky, the expert for the defence, was asked how then are to be understood the two following texts: 'Every Goim (anyone who is not a Jew) studying the law must die' and 'even though he be the best of Goim". Mr. Troitzky declared that he admitted uncondi*tionally the existence of these two texts in the writings of the Jews, but was at a loss to determine their influence in the life of the Jews or on their relations with Gentiles. Although always denying the use of the blood of Christians by the Jews for ritualistic purposes, Pro*fessor Troitzky declared that he never considered this question other than a point of view held by Jews-Talmudists. When it came to ex*pressing himself unequivocally on this question, as envisaged by the Jewish mystics, the professor declared himself to be incapable to do so, having but a very vague idea of the subject. (Cf, 191, 231, Vol. VI).

"IV. The expert Pranaitis differed emphatically with Professors Glagoleff and Troitzky. Having studied the religion of the Jews in every form, he discovered the existence of the so-called 'blood tenet' among the Jews. The Catholic priest Pranaitis based this conclusion on the following facts: All the rabbinical schools, in spite of their di*vergence in many questions, meet on common ground in their hatred of non-Jews, who, according to the Talmud, are to be regarded as 'beasts in human form'. This feeling of hatred and malice which the Jews harbor towards all men belonging to other nationalities and re*ligions reaches its apex where Christians are concerned. This feel*ing prompts the command to kill the non-Jews given in Talmud. The celebrated rule 'thou shalt not kill' pertains to Jews ALONE.

[H: As you read the following keep O.J. Simpson, et al., in mind, please.]

"However the feeling of hatred is not the sole motive that condi*tions the relations of the Jews with the Gentiles in the indicated sense. The extermination of non-Jews is identified with religious heroism, prescribed by the law. According to the mystic law espe*cially, every death of a non-Jew hastens the advent of Messiah, to which every Jew should aspire. The death of a non-Jew also has the value of a sacrificial rite, a rite which was the most important one in the cult of the Jew. The blood sacrifices could not be performed af*ter the destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem and the altar. To re*place these sacrifices the extermination of the non-Jews and Chris*tians, these latter in particular, was inaugurated. In killing all non‑Jews a certain method indicated in the KABALAH was recom*mended. THEY WERE TO BE KILLED 'WITH THEIR LIPS COMPRESSED, AS BEASTS THAT DIE VOICELESS AND WITHOUT A CRY', AND 'TWELVE KNIFE WOUNDS AND A FINAL BLOW WHICH MAKES THIRTEEN, ARE TO BE IN*FLICTED'. Now in citing this text from the "ZOHAR" [H: Listen to the similarities, Ranos.], the mystic book in which this method of death is given, expert Pranaitis repeatedly brought the attention of the presiding judge to the fact that the mouth of Youtchinsky was compressed and that there were thirteen wounds on his right temple. [H: Care to check the number of cuts on Mr. Goldman? You only THINK Mr. Goldman was a "Jew". I remind you that be*ing a "Jew" has NOTHING TO DO WITH BEING JEWISH OR HEBREW JUDAIST. There are so many clues as to the ritual murder of Nicole and Ron Goldman as to boggle the mind. She was, in fact, sacrificed as would be a Kosherized animal by the severing of her throat through all vessels to the spinal cord--WHILE ALIVE. Sorry that this is "grossly gory"--TRUTH AND FACT ARE OFTEN QUITE DISTASTEFUL. Do not expect to find the same in every "crime" for there were other things in*volved here in the "Simpson" case that give loud messages to dif*ferent receivers. If you haven't yet read Gary Wean's writings on THESE MURDERS, I suggest you get them--NOW. You are being set up for massive riots in the aftermath, if it waits that long, of this trial in slow progress. Mr. Simpson COULD NOT HAVE KILLED THESE TWO PEOPLE.] * * * Pranaitis, after considering the ritual murders known throughout the history of mankind, arrived at the following conclusion: Murders of Christians by Jews for religious purposes do take place as a perverted cumula*tive effect of the entire Jewish religion. As for the murder of Youtchinsky, the circumstances under which it took place, the method by which the wounds were inflicted, their disposition, the draining of the blood from the body, the time of committing the crime, all these give to it the characteristic traits of a typical ritualis*tic murder (Cf. 243, Vol. VI.).


I need to leave this now so we will pick up Part 3 right here when
we return. Thank you for your attention, truth is not easy to witness
from the "dark side" but KNOW IT you must. You cannot "change"
that which you do not KNOW exists.

PJ 130

TUE., MAR. 7, 1995 6:49 A.M. YEAR 8, DAY 203

TUE.. MAR. 7, 1995

Of you who are keeping up with the O.J. Simpson circus of the stars, how many are also keeping tabs on the Larry King Live EX*PERTS? One of the permanent panelists, as you note, is Dick Thornburgh. This is the same Dick Thornburgh of MONARCH fame. This is the same Thornburgh that is apparently a child mo*lester and pedophile.

Ah, but on the subject of ABUSED SPOUSES he has tears in his eyes and "can't abide domestic violence". This is the same man who was in charge of EDUCATION. THIS is the "AUTHORITY" on the "LAW" that Larry King sets forth as expert professor of law. Does he beat his wife? Who cares? Is not "being a pedophile" worse than beating your immediately available spouse? The point is who these are STILL the SAME ONES WHO RUN YOUR NA*TION.

I can respect and, yes, even honor anyone who truly believes within his being that he is doing the right thing in the hopes of homeland and peaceful unification of nations and people. Perhaps, even, Dershowitz fits in that category--somewhere right under the category of "money". The DELIBERATE ABUSE of the "INNOCENTS" of your world has no redemptive qualities--that is evil in its raw and purest form.


You who receive the direct orders of Mr. Jackson to go sign up with an "unorganized militia": WHY ARE YOU ASKING ME ABOUT IT?

All I see of this "unorganized militia(s)" is total flaunting of the laws and threats--and DISorganization. I hope that CONTACT is not placing such on its telephone call-line. We try to get INFOR*MATION spread quickly as is possible. We have just again been blasted by Grandma who blames CONTACT and Dr. Young for no information from her. She claims she got many hundreds of calls about her money and how many MORE she would have gotten if we were still spreading truth and didn't work for the CIA. I believe she doesn't have the foggiest idea of what is going on--it is one of those "things"; she doesn't subscribe to CONTACT, has insulted and or*dered around our staff until they do not wish to hear her name and STILL WE RAN A COUPLE OF THINGS SHE FELT WERE IM*PORTANT--AND THAT IS THE ONLY REASON SHE GOT ANY CALLS AT ALL!

Now, in response to the pile of recent letters regarding Ronn Jack*son and his CLAIMS: Readers, I cannot help WHAT Ronn Jackson claims.

"Are there (does he have) 31,000,000 people on his mailing list"? NO. "Is he the reincarnation of Judge Roy Bean"? If so, he should NOT be proud of it. "Can he lead our nation into freedom and new government"? Not if he so thoughtlessly urges you to hook up with "unorganized militias" wherein you get on the arrest list. "Why does he have a newspaper that only projects his 'Rush Limbaugh' egotistical opinions about everything"? Because it is the only way he can get his "Rush Limbaugh" opinions out to you-the-people, I sup*pose. Also, he had to have funds to cover phone bills and secretarial services. "The signature on his edicts and speakings don't really have his signature so who is the ghost writer"? I don't know but I believe it to be the signature of Betty, his secretary. "Why does she sign"? I don't know, I guess those are his orders. "We are losing respect for you, too, Commander, as we watch the never-ending lies of Ronn Jackson"! Wow, then you haven't REALLY HEARD a word I've said. Ronn Jackson is a prisoner in a prison in the State of Nevada. He has been railroaded Constitutionally by the authori*ties. He is paying for crimes HE COMMITTED--fraud and con-games. The points of LAW are not on the crimes but his lack of representation, the total irresponsibility of his files and case atten*tion. He was promised concurrent terms and is receiving consecutive lockup. "Is he a bull in a china shop"? YES. And perhaps even dancer in a buffalo herd. What has that to do with anything?

Why do I honor him and offer to "serve" his Constitutional cause? Because he has the strength to get things done and the willingness to work night and day to accomplish a task. Do I agree with every*thing he does or says? NO! Hardly anything EXCEPT the procla*mation of regaining Constitutional LAW! Do I actually "think he can produce funding and help"? Yes, he already has proven that he can do a far better job than I of getting you-the-people to pay him for far less than you would receive elsewhere. Beyond that I suppose we all wait and see if he is or has ANYTHING My duty is to NOT JUDGE THE MAN!

While you are distracting yourselves with wondering about Ronn Jackson--why don't you shift your mailings to Ron Carlson, head of Phoenix Project Committee of 50 States? My understanding is that Dr. Carlson has a group who could help him open and sort mail--so you could get your voice HEARD there and he is free and able to get something done. So too can America East and Dr. Clautier. When the push for Ronn Jackson's organized efforts were underway--he THOUGHT he would be free momentarily. He still believes he will gain freedom--however, seeing how the courts work--it is not likely. From our first contact he was going to be out "tomorrow". Life is what happens while we make other plans. You have been sending your ballots of support to somewhere, TO the name of "CONTACT" BUT CONTACT IS NOT RECEIVING THEM! I am told that they are being diverted to "save us the bother"! I don't have other comment--they are not flowing as addressed, apparently. Ronn claims over 31 million pieces of mail which were mostly addressed through CONTACT but I understand there haven't been more than a couple of hundred passing through--I have no further infor*mation on the mail-route. You will have to ask Mr. Jackson about Mr. Jackson. Our paper staff is getting so many complaints, how*ever, about the continuation of the notice in the paper that perhaps the flow of petitions should be directed elsewhere. "What about the money sent for the project"? I have no idea--we watch more support moving in that direction and nothing returning and have to assume that you are either supporting Ronn's project or he has funds some*where. I am not in charge of Ronn's financial adventures. He has offered and promised to deliver some funds to help us with our pro*jects when he attains freedom. For that I greatly appreciate the offer and am confident that if he can ever do anything--HE WILL. I have NO CONTROL NOR VERY MUCH INPUT INTO WHAT RONN JACKSON AND/OR HIS SECRETARIAL POOL AND STAFF PRESENT OR DO. You, however, do continue to ask ME what you should and could DO? In all fairness and realization of that which we can't "seem to do", I can only suggest other avenues of BEING HEARD--so, REDIRECT YOUR MAIL. Ronn believes that all 31 million of you are HIS FOLLOWERS. I can't believe that to be so--since you responded at our request. I would hope that YOU ARE GOD'S FOLLOWERS AND DESIRE FREEDOM WITHIN YOUR WONDROUS NATION. I CANNOT BELIEVE THAT YOU WOULD FOLLOW A JUDGE ROY BEAN WHO WAS "THE LAW (ACCORDING TO HIMSELF) WEST OF THE PECOS"! BEAN WAS JUDGE, JURY AND HANGMAN!


Bo Gritz said to me once, a few years ago: "What kind of a warrior are you"? when I didn't proclaim arms and violence and marching into war. I AM THE KIND OF WARRIOR WHO WINS WARS!! I DO NOT GET GOD'S PEOPLE KILLED THROUGH FOOLISHNESS! We do not censor the news--we offer the news-- both sides, so that YOU can choose your direction among the vari*ous avenues of actions and passage. IF YOU WANT TO JOIN A MILITIA, ORGANIZED OR DISORGANIZED, DO SO--BUT DON'T SAY, EVER, THAT WE SO MUCH AS SUGGESTED THAT YOU DO SO. I SUGGEST THAT YOU DO NOT DO SO!!


What you are REALLY asking me is, "When are you SENDING the money for your projects"?--so you can make movies, do gardening, build bungalows and thus and so. I could ask you: "When are you going to fund these projects we need"? I didn't say, "I have it!" Gunther Russbacher said he could fund everything! Ronn Jackson says he can get everything funded! Many have said they could do these tasks but they have not. That is all there is to it, readers. They said they could--they haven't. Does this make them good or bad? Neither. They either can't do what they say--or they will do what they can when they can--no more and no less.


Stop picking and look at some things which are happening as we speak. THE OLDEST BANKING INSTITUTION IN ENGLAND, SOLD THIS DAY FOR ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS!!! TO A DUTCH BANK NO LESS. Does this seem a bit odd to ANY OF YOU? My, my, if we had realized there was a possibility of purchasing that institution--WE WOULD HAVE BID AT LEAST FIVE DOLLARS! While you quibble over Jackson and go to the O.J. Simpson circus attraction in L.A., U.S.A., things are happen*ing! Moreover they ARE NOT GOOD! THIS is what should be on hot-lines and FAXED far and wide--NOT INCIDENTAL URGINGS TO JOIN UNORGANIZED MILITIAS. REMEMBER: there is a GLOBAL ECONOMIC PLAN 2000 and a GLOBAL IDENTIFI*CATION PLAN 2000, A ONE WORLD RELIGION PLAN 2000 AND ON AND ON AND ON--AND THAT IS HAPPENING. I DON'T EVEN LIKE RONN JACKSON'S PLAN 2000 BECAUSE FROM SOMEWHERE ALONG THE WAY IT CEASES TO BE SIMPLY CONSTITUTIONAL LAW--IT BECOMES JACKSON'S PLAN 2000, OBVIOUSLY BACKED BY ARMIES AND POWER PUPPETS. You must discern and judge--I SHALL NOT DO IT FOR YOU. WE DO NOT LOLLYGAG AT RONN JACK*SON'S FEET--WHY DO YOU? IF YOU DON'T LIKE WHAT HE OFFERS--QUIT SUPPORTING IT. "Does he work for God"? THAT IS BETWEEN HIM AND GOD!! More importantly, how*ever, is WHY DO YOU ASK ME? When you do something I request--YOU MUST DISCERN THAT IT BE "RIGHT" AND "CORRECT" AS RELATIVE TO GOD'S AND CREATION'S LAWS. I WELL NEVER ASK YOU TO BLINDLY DO ANY*THING. I am not judge and jury of what God may well have in mind for ANYONE--EXCEPT MYSELF.Ah, but you say, "...yeah, but God won't let YOU fall or get caught..." Won't HE? I AM RESPONSIBLE FOR ME TO HIM. I will not let me fall!

Never mind getting letters and newsletters to and from Ronn Jack*son--take a couple of $20 bills and get Millennium 2000 about PLAN 2000 from Jordan Maxwell or keep CONTACT IN PRESS.


Knowledge will bring your freedom--not listening to an incarcerated man's urgings to run off and join the army of disorganization. THE GOVERNMENT UNDER JANET RENO PLANS TO ARREST ALL PERSONS ATTENDING AND ASSIGNED TO ANY PA*TRIOT GROUP OR ACTIVE MILITANT ORGANIZATION--AND MILITIAS ARE AT THE VERY TOP OF THE LIST OF GET-THEMS!!

We only have time left here, Dharma, to do a couple of pages on the copy of Ritual Murder so could we do that, please?


Picking up directly where we left Part 2:


Referring to the converted Rabbi who called himself by the name of Neophyte: A copy of his book was found in the Library of the Theological Academy of St. Petersburg. Leese then tells us: "This work was translated from the Greek at a Court Session by one of the experts, Professor Troitzky, who held a professorship in the same Academy. The Neophyte affirms in his work that Judaism holds an awesome mystery which is not revealed in its books and which consists in the fact that Jews murder Christians to obtain their blood for
different purposes. If a Jew is in need of blood, he must not cut, but 'prick and pinch'. The opinion that the use of blood as food is forbidden to the Jews is quite erroneous, since there are in the Talmut indications to the contrary. * * * Excessive hatred which they feel toward Christians and which makes them believe that in committing such crimes they offer a sacrifice to God; the second reason is the superstition which they harbor about the blood, attributing to it magic potentialities; finally, the rabbis who hesitate to affirm that Je*sus Christ was not the real Messiah think that they will be saved if they spill the blood of christians. Having obtained the blood of Christians, they use it for different purposes. The rabbis consider it to be an excellent medication for eye and skin diseases which afflict the Jews so often. Blood is also used in the ceremonies of marriage, circumcision, and burial, but first of all in making of unleavened bread. For this last purpose they kidnap children before the Passover, lock them up and then kill them to obtain their blood. The murder is always preceded by tortures. The Jews prick the children, believing that they are torturing Jesus Christ.

(Leese tells the readers, p. 53 of his book: "Colonel Lindbergh's son was missed on 1st March, 1932. The Jewish feast of PURIM was on 22nd March. A child's body was found on 12th May, dead at least two months, according to the experts, with the skull fractured in two places. I cannot see that it has ever been proved that the body found was that of Colonel Lindbergh's son". We divert here to mention that in Emile Gauvreau's book, What So Proudly We Hailed, the last picture in the book is supposed to be that of the Lindbergh's boy lying on a slab. Any observer will note that the body is very badly decomposed, that one leg is missing from the knee and that the height of the body, we are told, was four inches longer than that of the missing boy.- E.N.S.)

Resuming the translation of Minnoit's book: "The supreme mys*tery known only to rabbis, savants and Pharisees, and carefully con*cealed from the people, is this use of the blood of Christians. A father on his death-bed transmits this mystery under an extreme oath of secrecy to one of his sons. Neophyte says that this mystery was transmitted to him by his father, who exacted from him an oath never to reveal it, not even to his brothers. But having been baptized, Neophyte held it impossible to remain silent on this point".

Quoting from p. 48 of Leese's book: "Martin Luther seems to have had an inkling of the true nature of the Jew when he said: 'How the Jews love the Book of Esther, which is so suitable to their bloodthirsty, revengeful, murderous appetite and hopes. The Sun has never shown on such a bloodthirsty and revengeful people, who fancy themselves to be the chosen people so that they can murder and strangle the heathen'. (From the Erlangen edition of Luther's Table Talks, Vol. XXXII, p. 120.). This seems plain speaking enough; but we find the Jew, C. Roth (Ritual Murder Libe1 and the Jew) citing Martin Luther as having condemned the 'libel' of Ritual Murder 'in unqualified terms'. However, the Jewish Encyclopedia, (1904), Vol. VIII, p. 213, definitely states that Luther charged the Jews with Ritual Murders".

"At Madgeburg, in 1562, a Protestant history of the Christian Church was compiled, called the Madgeburg Centuries; it was com*piled by a number of Lutheran theologians headed by M. Flacius, and was first published as the Historia Ecclesiae Christi. This book records the ritual murders of Blois, Pontoise (Paris), Braisne, Fulda, Berne and Oberwesel".

(The McMillan Company, New York, 1906, published in four volumes, A History of the Inquisition of Spain, by Henry Charles Lea. In Vol. II, p. 42, we read: "In 1490, Davilla went to Rome in his eightieth year. Since 1461 he had been Bishop of Segovia and, in spite of Jewish descent, his family was one of the most influential in Castile, intermarried with its noblest blood. He had given ample proof of pitiless orthodoxy, in 1468, when, at Sepulveda, the rabbi, Solomon Picco, and the leader of the synagogue were accused of crucifying a Christian boy during Holy Week. Bishop Davilla promptly arrested sixteen of those most deeply implicated, of whom seven were burnt and the rest hanged, except a boy who begged to be baptized--although this did not satisfy the pious Sepulvedans, who slew some of the remaining Jews and drove the rest away).


Let us just take up here next time.