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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    By GYEORGOS CERES HATONN, transcribed by Andre & Christ.

    PJ 130

    You laugh when one says of being deprived of daily bread, "Let them eat cake" in memory of Marie the French-Great. I would say that it is a tossup. Either or both is equal in killing fields ability. The Conspirator's' plan goes far more fundamentally to the heart of your existence than you could ever have thought. You are "HAD" in every known manner of deprivation and demineralization, from mind to body TO SOUL--and it has been going on for a zillion years and lately, you just don't know it--while you reach for the brass ring of "lift-style" and junk-food. 0h, I didn't mean at the fast food place--I mean in EVERYTHING YOU EAT! This volume honors the ones who came before AND TRIED TO GET YOUR ATTENTION. IT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT ONE DOCUMENT YOU SHALL EVER READ.






    ISBN 1-56935-083-3

    First Edition Printed by


    P.O. Box 27353
    Las Vegas, Nevada 89126

    May 1995

    Printed in the United States of America


    The Phoenix Journals are intended as a "real time" commentary on current events, how current events relate to past events and the relationships of both to the physical and spiritual destinies of mankind.

    All of history, as we now know it, has been revised, rewritten, twisted and tweaked by selfishly motivated men to achieve and maintain control over other men. When one can understand that everything is comprised of "energy" and that even physical matter is "coalesced" energy, and that all energy emanates from God's thought, one can accept the idea that the successful focusing of millions of minds on one expected happening will cause it to happen.

    If the many prophecies made over thousands of years are accepted, these are the "end times" (specifically the year 2000, the second millennium, etc.). That would put us in the "sorting" period and only a few short years from the finish line. God has said that in the end-times would come the WORD--to the four comers of the world--so that each could decide his/her own course toward, or away from, divinity-based upon TRUTH.

    So, God sends His Hosts--Messengers--to present that TRUTH. This is the way in which He chooses to present it, through the Phoenix Journals. Thus, these journals are Truth, which cannot be copyrighted; they are compilations of information already available on Earth, researched and compiled by others (some, no doubt, for this purpose) which should not be copyrighted. Therefore, these journals are not copyrighted (except SIPAPU ODYSSEY which is "fiction").

    The first sixty or so journals were published by America West Publishing which elected to indicate that a copyright had been applied for on the theory that the ISBN number (so necessary for booksellers) was dependent upon the copyright. Commander Hatonn, the primary author and compiler, insisted that no copyrights be applied for and, to our knowledge, none were.

    If the Truth is to reach the four corners of the world, it must be freely passed on. It is hoped that each reader will feel free to do that, keeping it in context, of course.



    DEDICATION.......................................................................................... ...................
    INTRODUCTION........................................................................................ ...............
    SUN., MAR, 19, 1995........................................................................................
    GIFTS............................................................................................... ....................
    WE DEAL IN MEMORY RECOVERY SYSTEMS........................................
    UN-HEALTH STATUS......................................................................................
    BERIBERI............................................................................................ ................
    LIFE-STYLE TRAP............................................................................................
    HAZARDS OF TV..............................................................................................
    CHAPTER 1................................................................................................... .............
    FRI., MAR. 3, 1995............................................................................................
    PROTECTION.......................................................................................... ...........
    KEN VARDON.............................................................................................. .....
    THE TALMUD UNMASKED, Part 1 by Rev. I.B. Pranaitis
    APPENDIX II.................................................................................................. ....
    CHAPTER 2................................................................................................... .............
    MON., MAR. 6, 1995.........................................................................................
    FIRST SUBJECT: CRYPTOSPORIDIUM.......................................................
    PAY ATTENTION........................................................................................... ...
    WHAT YOU CAN DO.......................................................................................
    NOW THE SAD STORY....................................................................................
    BANNED THINGS USUALLY WORK...........................................................
    GAIASCEND (Trade Name) A NEW WELLNESS PRODUCT....................
    TOOL................................................................................................ ....................
    SPACE SHUTTLE'S ROLE................................................................................
    CHAPTER 3................................................................................................... .............
    MON., MAR. 6, 1995.........................................................................................
    THE TALMUD UNMASKED, PART 2 APPENDIX II.....................................
    Subject: RITUAL MURDERS (Sacrifices)...................................................
    CHAPTER 4................................................................................................... .............
    TUE., MAR. 7, 1995...........................................................................................
    DICK THORNBURGH.......................................................................................
    MILITIAS/RONN JACKSON...........................................................................
    BUT HOW CAN WE...??...................................................................................
    WITH NO MONEY???......................................................................................
    ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE.........................................................................
    APPENDIX II.................................................................................................. ....
    CHAPTER 5................................................................................................... ..............
    WED., MAR. 8, 1995...........................................................................................
    APPENDIX II (continued)...................................................................................
    RITUAL MURDER.............................................................................................
    SIR RICHARD BURTON...................................................................................
    "TALMUDIC FORGERIES"...............................................................................
    ISSUE OF OCTOBER, 1937...............................................................................
    JEWS OF SANUR, IRAQ...................................................................................
    CHAPTER 6................................................................................................... ..............
    SUN., MAR. 12, 1995..........................................................................................
    COMMITTING HARI-KARI WITH BERIBERI..............................................
    IN ANY FORM!............................................................................................... ...
    WHAT TO DO.................................................................................................. ...
    TRACKING DOWN THE KILLER, PART 1:...................................................
    WAR FRONTS, by Bonne L. Fisher......................................................................
    BERIBERI............................................................................................ ................
    THE BLOCK SYSTEM.......................................................................................
    A WAR STORY............................................................................................... ....
    A FEEDING TEST IN PRISON.........................................................................
    CHANGE OF DIET LEADS TO HEALTH.......................................................
    CHAPTER 7................................................................................................... ..............
    TUE., MAR. 14, 1995...........................................................................................
    INTERESTING THINGS HAPPENING............................................................
    NO BLUE BEAM?..............................................................................................
    TRACKING DOWN THE KILLER, PART 2:...................................................
    By Bonne L. Fisher, Circa 1929............................................................................
    LET US SPREAD THE NEWS...........................................................................
    AGAIN THE BLOCK SYSTEM.........................................................................
    A MAN CAME TO WORK FOR US.................................................................
    "HE WILL RULE WITH A ROD OF IRON"....................................................
    CHAPTER 8................................................................................................... ..............
    WED., MAR. 15, 1995.........................................................................................
    URGENT.............................................................................................. ................
    GUY TUCKER/BILLY CLINTON....................................................................
    BLUE BEAM POSTPONED...............................................................................
    WRITE, WRITE, WRITE!...................................................................................
    JANET RENO................................................................................................ ......
    THE MILITIA TRAP...........................................................................................
    TERMINOLOGY OF PATRIOT AND REPUBLIC.........................................
    OF 50 STATES.............................................................................................. .......
    PATRIOT............................................................................................. .................
    YEAR OF THE PATRIOT..................................................................................
    By Bonne L. Fisher (Circa 1929)..........................................................................
    A REVIEW OF EXPERIENCES--WAR FRONTS...........................................
    ITS OWN FULFILLMENT"--Zangwill...............................................................
    CHAPTER 9................................................................................................... ..............
    THU., MAR. 16, 1995..........................................................................................
    FEW THINGS ARE MORE IMPORTANT........................................................
    SIGNS IN THE SKIES........................................................................................
    By Bonne L. Fisher (Circa 1929)..........................................................................
    THE BIBLE WAR PROGRAM..........................................................................
    THEY FEEL CALLED UPON TO EXPLAIN...................................................
    THE CHOSEN PEOPLE.....................................................................................
    CORROBORATION....................................................................................... ....
    A SEARCH AND A FIND..................................................................................
    CHAPTER 10.................................................................................................. .............
    FRI., MAR. 17, 1995............................................................................................
    By Bonne L. Fisher (Circa 1929)..........................................................................
    THE EXPLANATION.........................................................................................
    READ AND WEEP.............................................................................................
    ROME WAS DESTROYED BY THE JEWS BY..............................................
    OF SECRET WARFARE....................................................................................
    DESTRUCTION OF ROME...............................................................................
    CONTROL OF THE FOOD SUPPLIES.............................................................
    WRITTEN ON THE WALLS..............................................................................
    INVASION............................................................................................ ..............
    CHAPTER 11.................................................................................................. .............
    FRI., MAR. 17, 1995............................................................................................
    BANKS IN TROUBLE.......................................................................................
    GOLD................................................................................................ ...................
    GRANDMA? AGAIN?.......................................................................................
    By Bonne L. Fisher (Circa 1929)..........................................................................
    THE MESSIAH OF 1665.....................................................................................
    CONFEDERACY......................................................................................... .......
    THE EUGENIC PROGRAM..............................................................................
    GRAIN WITHHELD...........................................................................................
    THE THEORY OF MALTHUS!.........................................................................
    DARWINISM........................................................................................... ...........
    JEWISH PERSECUTION...................................................................................
    NEWS RESTRICTED..........................................................................................
    YHWH................................................................................................ ..................
    CHAPTER 12.................................................................................................. .............
    SAT., MAR. 18, 1995...........................................................................................
    By Bonne L. Fisher (Circa 1929)..........................................................................
    A PICTURE............................................................................................. .............
    WHAT CAN A NATION DO?...........................................................................
    A FIFTEENTH CENTURY "PROTOCOL".......................................................
    CHAPTER 13.................................................................................................. .............
    FRI., DEC. 25, 1992.............................................................................................
    ALL BELOW (TO END OF BOOK) ARE EXCERPTS...............................
    GOD'S TANGIBLE GIFT TO YOU...................................................................
    MONDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1992.....................................................................
    GAIANDRIANA......................................................................................... ........
    CHAPTER 14.................................................................................................. .............
    THU., JAN. 14, 1993............................................................................................
    GAIANDRIANA AND MITACHONDRIA......................................................
    CHAPTER 15.................................................................................................. .............
    MON., JAN. 25, 1993...........................................................................................
    GAIANDRIANA......................................................................................... ........
    GAIANDRIANA......................................................................................... ........
    SATURDAY, JANUARY 30, 1993....................................................................
    PRIORITIES.......................................................................................... ..............
    GAIANDRIANA......................................................................................... ........
    WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1993................................................................
    RESPONSE TO INQUIRIES ON T-CELLS......................................................
    GINGKO.............................................................................................. ................
    THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1993...................................................................
    VALLEY FEVER............................................................................................... .
    CHAPARRAL & AQUAGIA.............................................................................
    FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 1993..................................................................................
    GAIANDRIANA......................................................................................... ........
    WED, SEPTEMBER 1, 1993...............................................................................
    GAIANDRIANA AND SPELT-BREAD...........................................................
    SAT., SEPTEMBER 4, 1993................................................................................
    SPELT............................................................................................... ....................
    CHAPTER 16.................................................................................................. .............
    APRIL 27, 1993................................................................................................ ....
    PURIFICATION OF "STUFF"............................................................................
    AND OTHER "PRODUCTS"..............................................................................
    GETTING "SLIMED"..........................................................................................
    INSERT: HYDROGEN PEROXIDE usage chart....................................................
    HYDROGEN PEROXIDE--H202 (35% Food Grade).......................................
    FOR NEW STRENGTH OF PRODUCT............................................................
    OTHER PRODUCTS...........................................................................................
    CHLORELLA........................................................................................... ...........
    CRYSTAL LIFE................................................................................................ ..
    WATER............................................................................................... .................
    SPILLING............................................................................................ ................
    CHAPTER17........................................................................................... .....................
    THU., SEPTEMBER 23, 1993.............................................................................
    GAIALYTE CONTENTS AND USE.................................................................
    COST:............................................................................................... ....................
    EXERCISE:........................................................................................... ...............
    FOOD POSSIBILITIES......................................................................................
    PROTEIN NEEDS...............................................................................................
    TUE., OCTOBER 26, 1993..................................................................................
    POINTS TO PONDER: GAIANDRIANA.........................................................
    CLONES.............................................................................................. .................
    FRI., OCTOBER 30, 1993...................................................................................
    AIDS CAUSES.............................................................................................. ......
    MON., NOVEMBER 8, 1993..............................................................................
    WILL WANT TO TRY GAIA-SOURCE)..........................................................
    GOD CREATING............................................................................................ ....
    SAT., NOVEMBER 20, 1993..............................................................................
    GOOD HEALTH.............................................................................................. ...
    CHAPTER 18.................................................................................................. .............
    SAT., OCTOBER 2, 1993....................................................................................
    AUDIO TAPES............................................................................................... ....
    GAIANDRIANA & AGUAGAIA.....................................................................
    GAIALYTE............................................................................................ .............
    SPELT BREAD............................................................................................... ...
    INSTRUCTIONS........................................................................................ ........
    FOR INFANTS AND TODDLERS...................................................................
    CHAPTER 19.................................................................................................. .............
    FRI., DECEMBER 3, 1993..................................................................................
    WHAT HAPPENS WITH THE "GaiaSorb"?......................................................
    CHAPTER 20.................................................................................................. .............
    NEW GAIA OFFERS JOURNEY TO HEALTH...............................................
    by Sandra Tulanian, D.C. 3/3/95...........................................................................
    CHAPTER 21.................................................................................................. .............
    MON., APR. 17, 1995..........................................................................................
    CLOCK AND CALENDAR...............................................................................
    ONE OF MY AGENDAS OXYSOL..................................................................
    FRI., APR. 21, 1995.............................................................................................
    BALANCE IS EVERYTHING...........................................................................
    BUT-- .................................................................................................... ...............
    ANTIBIOTICS WON'T WORK..........................................................................
    SADISTIC AGENDA..........................................................................................
    NUTRITION INFORMATION...........................................................................
    INDEX............................................................................................... ............................


    To Bonne L. Fisher who "tried", some 65 years ago--to bring you truth and FACTS. You don't have to "know" this party in point--but this author will be remembered in the annals of LIFE as having made the effort, in valid truth, to share same with humanity.

    Can a salamander be made to "see"? Of course, just as soon as you bring him out of the dark caves and holes in which he lives his entire life. When the need to see arises, it will take on "visual" ability--AND SO WILL HUMANITY!

    * * * * * * * * *

    The sponsors of this Journal chose this means of expressing their thanks to all those involved with producing CONTACT and the Jour*nals. We appreciate being awakened to make wiser decisions and to act in a way to save our Constitution as well as return the USA to the God path our forefathers designed for us.



    SUN., MAR. 19, 1995 7:47 A.M. YEAR 8, DAY 215

    SUN., MAR. 19, 1995


    A gift is something "given" but to be valid must also be "accepted" and the giving-accepting circle completed. A gift is anything from a thought to "whatever physical" you can conjure. Some gifts come from higher consciousness in order to defend or protect or are sim*ply to allow you to experience and appreciate--or teach, or learn--whatever you "accept". Often you do not know and cannot see the gift buried amongst the debris of that which is painful and among the faded memories as the enemy would have you TOTALLY FOR*GET.



    We are making every effort to bring to your attention those things which are "past" and integrate them within that which IS so that you may move onward in your quest for higher truth, experience and knowledge. I could lecture all day on the total perfection of a pin*head size flower but I doubt it would do much for Mr. Snell who awaits execution in only a few short days. So TODAY we must leave the flower to God and the Horticulturists.

    In our quest for assistance for Mr. Snell and his death row "awaiters" of execution--four for the month of April--in Mr. Tucker's Arkansas silencer system, we have to face that which is beyond the obvious and supply you with answers as to WHY! We will do that today as we can but first I have need of finishing this re*cent series of information writings so that ALL OF YOU who would live in sanity might have options IN KNOWLEDGE of circum*stances, intent of your enemy (which is your own government and Elite controllers), and what steps you can take to rectify damages thrust off upon you. Research for all I offer is available--I can only touch the high points, give you resource and subject and offer solu*tions to problems. People come forth and make a whole life's work of studying and researching a single facet of experience or item. I cannot do that--we have not the luxury. Dharma, for instance, now knows a little bit about so many subjects that her mind wishes to park in neutral with the emergency brakes tightly locked.

    With all things comes humor, however, as you witness and ex*perience--ENJOY IT FOR ITS WONDERMENT. Let me example. I have been writing and pounding on her, and you, for the past many days about such as beriberi and food intake and the established PLAN which SUCCEEDED, by your enemies--the Would-Be-Kings of a One World Order. Well, there are two or more elements JUST TO THE ELITE PLANS--AND THOSE FACTIONS ARE NOW "AT EACH OTHER".

    For you, however, you have to consider selves and how, under mas*sive pressures, you can help self and loved ones. So day before yesterday Dharma announced she was starting a NEW PLAN of health recovery. She "marketed" and came home with a fortune in fresh vegetables, chicken, beans, etc. Now, we are going to make a little soup. Therefore, in the evening into the slow cooker(s) went beans and chicken for the slow and savory ingredients for this non*existent recipe. Then morning came and we wrote, then back into the kitchen mid-morning to make BREAD with the whole grains of spelt along with sprouted spelt. Then back to the soup pot--inter*rupted only by the very necessities of a squirrel nesting under the wood box, which she assumed stuck because of the insistent chirp*ing. Now the day is passing and even with modern miracle equip*ment, in only three hours she had everything into an 18-quart roaster-oven. Only it was "running over", the bread was pushing open the bakers and there was nothing in the kitchen that was not now dirty and piled all over. By now she was not caring much about "health" except that between her ears.

    She was trying to get all this done because our precious Sandy and Jack T. are due to have a babe (on the 15th) and Grannie is a hyp*notherapist and this is our delivery focus.

    Just as we are about to finish up the things for John's apartment (This is for you who follow John Schroepfer.)--he is now in a small apartment where Patricia lives beyond the common wall, with all the things you need for STARTING WITH NOTHING, ZIP, ZERO AND LESS. Well, he is beautifully outfitted right to the Lazy-boy chair he always wanted and Patricia zipped him off to where she works and he could putter for a few hours around the "lamp" assem*bly area--A NEW MAN! Lots of love, GOOD FOOD, Gaiandriana and love, caring friends and love--and I don't think his ex-family is going to like it much from here on in to their entrapment for the heinous things done unto John.

    At any rate, back to a "healthy" day. In the midst of almost making it through and looking forward to a cup of soup, AFTER the cleanup, and an evening (yes indeed, you ladies know how it goes as the hours pass) of catching up on tapes and videos of which some thirty are piled up waiting--OOPS!--E.J. goes forth to check the birds and carry some grain, slips and sits atop his buckled foot and broke his leg and will be "laid-up" for weeks for all practical pur*poses.

    DO YOU SEE? LIFE IS WHAT HAPPENS WHILE YOU ARE MAKING THOSE OTHER PLANS. The story is not important and the humor is obvious [not to E.J., I must interject!]. I just use this as example so that you can see there are indeed "lessons" but they are not great or monumental. At each step through the day--there were choices to make and made. There is now enough soup for sur*vival of the weakest, all of them, for a month, and Doris has the wondrous expectation of getting exercise for two running up and down the stairs between offices and "home".

    Now, did the incapacitation to E.J. bear a lesson? Did it happen to prevent his doing other things he has in mind? Again, only "example", for probably it meant--he slipped and broke his leg, nothing more and nothing less. However, when you do begin to think of possibilities you will find yourselves healing more quickly, doing away with self-pity and creating better ways of doing things under handicap, sharing that which you forget to share because in "wholeness" ones tend to absorb into their own directions and choices. Often you just need to STOP and take stock of where you are and WHAT YOU ARE! You are HUMAN and you "break". You are HUMAN and the mind wearies from the load as you see that which is overwhelming, surging at you in overwhelming wonder.

    However, precious ones, in the first and the last--if you put your hand in the hand of the MAN from God, within God and within TRUTH, no matter what the bombardment of any day (for that too shall pass), there is peace within which allows the journey to move on and the heart to rejoice in the accomplishment of experience.


    This message journal is going to be printed in its most reasonable format for it must reach as many as will hear and see. You think that your diet-mongers, your "shape-you" directors and your "food expert" teachers are showing you the way. NO, they are NOT. You are becoming a planet of insane and deficient humanity. You have even crippled the very animal and plant life upon your place. IT IS ALL A PART OF THE NOW FULFILLMENT OF THE "PLAN". YOU ARE DYING AND BECOMING TOTALLY IN*FIRM BY MALNUTRITION. IN THE "REAL WORLD" YOU CAN'T EVEN OBTAIN THAT WHICH YOU NEED AS THE PLAN HAS WORKED ITS MISERY SO WELL.


    Since the most of this journal will be about beriberi and the various deficiencies of food as tampered with, we will give you a definition as presented to us--actually before we put to press the subject. That makes it all the more valuable and interesting for "great minds" are getting on the same tracks. Rick brought it to us and I can't be sure who sent it originally.
    The more interesting thing is that this little short write-up about beriberi comes from, of all things LAST thought of: United States Army Institute for Military Assistance, ST 31-9113, US ARMY SPE*CIAL FORCES MEDICAL HANDBOOK. p. 238:


    BERIBERI: Caused by a deficiency in vitamin B1 (thiamine hy*drochloride) and other vitamins, and is found in areas where the diet consists primarily of polished rice, white flour, and other nonvita*min-bearing foods. Increased need for vitamin B1; fever, high car*bohydrate intake, or alcoholism may lead to deficiency.

    S. Onset is usually gradual with progressive weakness of the most used muscle groups (most commonly in extensor muscles of the thigh). In many instances, patient is unable to rise from the squat*ting position. [H: Now own up, readers, HOW MANY OF YOU ARE IN THIS KIND OF DISTRESS AND JUST CALL IT OUT*OF-SHAPE?]

    0. Atrophy of the muscles most used. Sensory disturbances (hyperesthesia or hypoesthesia) usually appear at the same time but are usually less prominent. In severe cases, many muscle groups may be affected and you see flaccid paralysis, muscular atrophy, with or without evidence of cardiac enlargement, and tachycardia. [H: Muscular dystrophy? Multiple Sclerosis? Think about it! Alzheimer's and other "confusion" and memory loss dis-eases? Elderly senile dementia because the elderly usually don't eat and if they do it is the WRONG food? I leave it to your assumptions and possibilities.]

    With a more serious form (wet beriberi), the clinical picture is predominantly that of acute congestive heart failure with relatively little evidence of nervous-system involvement. The onset is fre*quently rapid and acute, and the marked edema may mask the pres*ence of muscle atrophy.

    [H: Whole ARMIES have been totally wiped out and continue to be, by compromising circumstances in the battle areas, i.e., the "Middle East Gulf" where there was heat, a LOT of sweating without PROPER replacement, and "rations" and junk food. Add a little tormenting chemical sprays and mists and a few new strains of parasites and bacteria--and you have a slow and certain death with miserable loss of body functions of all kinds. Then, soldiers return and what they are fed in hospitals or in the gen*eral diets only enhances the factors attacking their bodies. Mys*tery diseases are no longer "mysterious" when you have a good eye and knowledge. Of course YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO KNOW and, worse, WE are not supposed to tell you.

    These are not just diseases, however, of you-the-to-be-slaves, the Elite are also now at stake and due to the Elite desire for the soft life and luxury--continue their own demise. However, they don't have to do much and the more insane and mentally twisted they are the more danger to humanity. You can know, however, that every time you see Clinton or any of these politicians shuffling along on their jogging runs that there is lots more than meets the eye. Often Clinton is "coming home" from a jaunt in the proverbial Hay somewhere and doesn't want Billiousary to know. In addition, for every hamburger you see him eat, he is fed supple*ments. It isn't enough, however, and the minds are quite feeble.

    Another use for the "drugs" such as cocaine is to enhance the de*sire for sex for with a bad and deficient diet the last thing the body wants is the "joy of sex". So, there are artificially enhanced "mental" traps involved. Well, this could be a whole lecture so let us move on.]

    A. Vitamin B1 (thiamine) deficiency (beriberi). Differential di*agnosis: Tabes dorsalis, post diphtheritic paralysis, and acute heart failure resulting from other causes.

    P. Thiamine hydrochloride, 20-50 mg orally, IV(enus), or IM(uscle) in divided doses daily x 2 weeks, then 10 mg t.i.d. Well-balanced diet of 2,500-4,500 calories a day when tolerated.

    Prognosis: "Recovery is rapid and complete in infants and small children. Recovery is slow in adults, and there may be permanent disability, such as muscle weakness or flaccid paralysis, due to nerve cell degeneration. In the acute form of wet beriberi, deaths are fre*quent".


    Please keep in mind that the above is from a basic "field"-type manual--but it does RECOGNIZE THE ACUTE NATURE OF THIS BEAST. The "cure" or ongoing "treatment" is totally ignored for obvious reasons. Number one, in the Army you can't choose nice whole-grain bread and there are no such health rations around. Note further that the treatment demands IV and IM INJECTIONS. You the people don't have that until you are hospitalized and you WON'T be getting vitamins--you will be further deprived of nutritional treatment as a matter of FACT. Then the worse the patient gets the worse becomes the food allowed while the doctors treat EVERY*THING except the actual problem. Is it their fault (the doctors)? Yes, but not directly--they only do what their professors tell them and get almost NO NUTRITIONAL-CENTERED CLASSES. Di*etitians may well get more information in training--but the hospitals budget for given foodstuffs and that ends that.


    The next point in civilian society is to keep you pushed for a higher and better "Life-Style" to the point that there is no way to make ends meet without everybody working. When that happens, just to sur*vive, you give up something--it is food preparation and balanced meals you forfeit for quick foods and no-work foods. Working par*ents simply do not have four hours or four days to make soup. You may well have ability now to put a bread mix into a bread-maker but you are only baking the same ingredients which have no nutritional values. Yes, I do know; you are caught between that proverbial rock and hard place. Actually you are caught between the Devil and Satan. God of Light has long ago been weeded out of your garden of nutrition.


    In fact, I marvel at the haphazard way you accept this treatment while begging for more. You watch O.J. Simpson trials and watch them lie, cheat and find 37 different non-evident possibilities of anything, much less the murder of two people. Most people are so bored they simply complain about missing the soaps. And what about those soaps? There you learn 37 different ways to cheat on your spouse with every loose and brainless "other" of any or all sexes--in the middle of the afternoon--when you COULD be baking whole grain bread. Then there is the other choice for an afternoon TV break--THE TALK SHOWS. If there is ANY intelligence around it is not shown often, even by the hosts. When Phil Donahue made it to hosting Larry King Live last week you should have noted the "circle" closing for total disinformation. And when you can watch three lawyers arguing, on Larry King Live, over who lies the most and who is responsible for the most lies and thus and so, you can be sure the closed circle encloses BRAINS.

    Are we getting results from our writings? Yes, in fact one dear and faithful (and very close) reader called in to CANCEL CONTACT. I believe this was due to some input from Grandma or about Jackson or something or other in THIS soap opera. GOOD LUCK HU*MANITY--YOU SURE DO NEED A LOT OF IT.

    When are you going to realize that you have reached Arthur Clarke's Childhood's End and the overlords of BOTH teams are around? One is pushing you into the mental maze of existence and we are trying to get you to awaken from that hazy confusion to see what lurks around you. If, in fact, you read Clarke's Childhood's End you will have to conclude that the "Overlords" HAVE OVER*LORDS!

    Another observation I receive is that, well, that bunch around you have all the advantages!?!? What advantages would that be? All the ones I see, including Dharma's "folk", even if they don't think her NUTS, find what is offered to be far too much of a bother, if noth*ing else. One in-law is a just-born-again Mormon Temple attendee and the family is falling apart. The spouse of that one is far more interested in jet skis than whole wheat berries. Then there are the others who just TRY to make it--not the least of which is WITH par*ents who cause the cops and everyone to WATCH every move they make. Then there is the alcoholic or four and all of them with to*tally twisted views of sex, priorities and what have you. Sound typi*cal? Yes indeed. "Be damned if you do and be damned if you don't".

    Then there are the friends and relatives who have served in high places, military security and thus and so. These ones don't DARE even make contact and some have actually been replaced in this in*stance. WHAT DO YOU REALLY KNOW about your own rela*tives?? WHAT, IN FACT, DO YOU REALLY KNOW about what YOU have done all those years before?? When did you start to REALLY LEARN what is actually going on and HOW? A LOT OF THE ONES SERVING HERE DIDN'T BLINK AN EYE IN SERIOUS EFFORT UNTIL SEVEN YEARS AGO AND ARE STILL SHOCKED WITH EACH PASSING DAY. Who in their "right" mind would ever guess a world could be conquered simply by removing the bran from grain? Who could guess that a world would fall to evil by the placement of a few tamperings in the "instruction book of rules"?

    All in all, I can only pray that you will find this journal worthy of notice and possibly worthy of giving some of the ideas a "try". If not, I apologize for diverting attention from the James Bond intrigue around you. I can hear it now--"Well, white bread is better than no bread and all bread is really alike and besides I can't afford all that special stuff." You can have several loaves of FOOD for the price of a garbage motion picture these days. It is all in responsibility and priorities. You have my blessings either way but one day--your children will rise up to smite you for your neglect in the name of "love". Is "white" bread better than no bread? NO, NO AND NO! To fill the stomach with garbage is in the long run no more worthy than feeding pure garbage and violence to the mind. The body will act out the sick mentality of that deprived mind and ones will wring their hands and say, "Oh, he/she was such a 'nice' person." Ah, in*deed.

    Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn
    첨부된 파일 첨부된 파일
    Last edited by web master; 2013-01-15 at 19:48.

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