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  1. #5
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 130

    TUE., MAR. 14, 1995 6:50 A.M. YEAR 8, DAY 210

    TUE., MAR. 14, 1995


    We are to the middle of March, 1995, and some people find the edi*tion of CONTACT today--to be "interesting". That is not "exactly" the words but I prefer to repeat some of the phrases actually encountered. One resembles most closely: the "confetti" hitting the fan in a 100 mph wind!



    I am told from several sources that Operation Blue Beam has been called off for your Southern Hemisphere. Well, OPERATION WORLD CRUSADE has not been called off--at least not YET. It is due day after the morrow and I DO find it interesting what is taking place "around" the staging centers. It is difficult to have a world*wide cosmic event with half of your satellites inoperative. So, in re*turn, the California food supply has been wiped out. NO, it is not Cosmic aliens--OR GOD. In addition to wiping out your garden food supply--whole orchards of surface-feeding nut trees have BLOWN down in the high and devastating winds. A lot of "trailer houses" can be purchased really CHEAP in California and, for that matter, all across the U.S. today. However, they are either upside down or have trees fallen across them or things blown into them. You are witnessing a master's touch at work but it isn't God of Light. Storms (weather) are the easiest of all "natural phenomena" to control and manipulate through technology. "Natural disaster" is now easier to accomplish with far less effort than bombing and no*body notices.

    Ah, but you might say that relative to war, few lives are lost if that is the desired accomplishment. No, it is not desired in the initial hit--that comes with the cover for excused plagues and famine to follow.

    How can you tell that it isn't GOD doing all this terrible damage? Because when our "God" decides to take action it won't be in these fits and curses against all of mankind--it will be a mere turning off of your capability to produce POWER. When that happens, good friends, ALL ELECTRONIC AND ELECTRIC SUPPLY WILL GO "OFF-LINE"--ALL power. Not even your automobile motors will run. WILL YOU BE WARNED?? YES, YOU WERE!

    The subject of beriberi was so well-received that I have been asked to share the remainder of the information in the journal. Since it was written in the 1920s, the subject matter is incredibly more appropriate TODAY than ever. The Evil Plan 2000 has been under way for a very long time and is reaching culmination.

    By Bonne L. Fisher, Circa 1929



    As soon as I was sure I was improving, I began to consider how I could most quickly get the news to other sufferers. I was still re*porting occasionally at the Stanford Medical School, and thought to give the hundreds who were coming there daily the benefit of our experience by telling doctors, nurses and students. I found their minds prepared to combat the idea. I made engagements only to be dismissed at the first hint of my business.

    I dragged myself to the Labor College in San Francisco to tell the Socialists. A short dark woman interrupted me and ranted that I wanted to reduce the workers to a diet of bran, but that they preferred beef steak. When I tried to explain, a motion was made and carried to adjourn, and the meeting broke up in astonishing confu*sion.

    As soon as I was strong enough I wrote a paper on food demineralization--The Broken Staff--and tried to get doctors to read it. At first I was told at Stanford Medical College that the school would publish the paper. It was held there four months, and was handed back without comment. Meanwhile I had rewritten it and changed the name to Correct Eating.


    As soon as this paper was printed and sent to the Copyright Of*fice there was begun in the newspapers and magazines, by lectures and over the radio a very deluge of MISinformation concerning food and health. [H: Does it perhaps become more fully realized WHY I ADVOCATE NO COPYRIGHTS AND/OR PATENTS? When you send your work or invention to these Federal Agen*cies--you walk right into your enemies who will use all of your work and all of your ideas and products--FIRST! They can sim*ply take them and you have no REAL defense. You might have some small advantage over another hapless writer or inventor--but THE BIG BOYS WILL ALREADY HAVE IT, USE IT AND DESTROY YOU IN THE PROCESS IF NECESSARY.]

    Ignoring the facts of the robbery of vitamins and minerals from the food, there were discussed "Food Combinations", "correct Menus", recipes, exercises, "Health Thoughts", breathing, baths--and warnings against dieting except under the direction of a licensed physician. Lectures in the name of Dr. Fishbeien sarcastically dis*missed the idea of "new fads" in eating. McCann complained of similar tactics used to block his efforts.

    He suggested that it seemed an enemy to the government was hin*dering the spread of information concerning the food discoveries. He begged us to read Isaiah and other portions of the Bible which he indicated, but since I needed no religious incentive to cause Me to use the correct food, I did not look up the references. Now, I too began to be suspicious of an enemy.

    But the mind works feebly in a body poisoned with acidosis. I was still too much absorbed in the scientific principles of food chemistry to give much thought to a possible enemy when....


    ....whom we had known for twenty years. He was shunned by many people as a religious fanatic, but I found him interesting.

    He was a peculiar person, kind, gentle, just. Still it seemed his trade to honor Jesse James and to condemn the working man. "Satan has a right to his change", he would say when he spoke of injustice to labor. He would accept nothing as a gift. He said, "There is a curse on it". He refused most of our food preparations, saying, "It is what people eat that makes them sick". When we asked for explanation, he quoted scripture. He had had for twenty years an explanation for all our ills and perplexities, "You are in the war". "You are in the hands of your enemies". "It is the end of the world". "We have to go to another planet to live". He told of a place in Seattle where men learn how to separate the spirit from the body, temporarily. (Effect of drugs?)

    I explained to our friend our new dietary and the chemical reac*tions of the alkalies and acids of food.

    After a peculiar silence he said, "Yes, you have found out a part of the truth, but a part of the truth won't save you. Go ahead and perfect yourself".

    Another time he told a story of a tribe of people who were made slaves because of trespass, and were set to work in the fields and kitchens of their captors. Punished when they did not grind the grain fine enough to suit their "proud" master, they invented the sieve and sifted out the fine white part of the flour for their master's tables, while they themselves, ate the coarse brown part to save the labor of more grinding.

    The master class became "foolish" and quarrelsome, and later when the slaves finally realized the cause of this condition, they fur*ther demineralized the food by soaking, parboiling, and draining away the liquids from meats and vegetables.

    The master class became more and more "foolish" and helpless in the hands of the slaves until, entirely unable to manage their country, some killed their own children. Procreation gradually ceased, and the race died off in seventy years.

    I said, "Why, that sounds as if it might be the story of the fall of Babylon".

    He said, "It was Babylon".

    "Did you make up the story?" I asked. He answered, "No, it is in the Bible". "I never read any such story in the Bible. Where do you find it?" He answered, "In Isaiah and in other books, but you couldn't read it". "How do you get it then"? He answered, "I'm a Sheeney".

    "But what is a Sheeney"? I asked. He turned and looked at me for a moment in surprise. "Don't you know what a Sheeney is"?

    I protested that I had never heard the word.

    "A Sheeney is a Jew".

    Another silence, then he answered, "Yes, I am--a half Jew". And he told the story of his childhood home; then continued: "You can't read the Bible. The books of the Bible are CLOSED BOOKS, all but the book of JOHN. John isn't trying to cover up anything".

    "The book of Isaiah is seven fold. It contains seven separate stories. You have to be instructed to read the Bible. You have to be perfected to read it all". Here he took a hearty laugh at the idea of preachers explaining the Bible. "Nobody ever read the Bible unless a JEW TAUGHT HIM, OR GOD ALMIGHTY, HIMSELF", he added.

    I told this man how the doctors at the medical school had acted about my paper.

    He exclaimed, "That wasn't fair. It is promised that if they can find out the truth, they shall be saved, and you had a right to tell your people", and he recited a torrent of scripture.

    I asked him if they--the Jews--did not organize the many religious sects. He answered, "The Jews have organized ALL the churches, each for its particular place in God's plan".

    "THE MASON LODGE, too"? I asked. "Yes", he said, "and all the other lodges that ever amounted to anything". A Mason in high standing had told me this twenty years before, and that there are degrees in the Mason Lodge to which only Jews may belong.

    I asked my friend if the Italians who run nearly all the business in California are not just Jews?


    He answered, "Most of the people around here are Turks. And when the Turks get you you will know you are in the hands of your enemies. They will rule with a rod of iron and don't you forget it".

    Once at a gas station this man remarked as he stepped into his car, "They are working here, there is their sign". I asked who were working and what sign, but he did not answer.

    This story of our friend, his many years of warning, "You are in war"; his statement concerning the Jews as organizers of religion, lodges, etc.; his suggestion concerning the Turk in America; the "Italian" doctor's nervous reaction at the mention of beriberi, and certain strange maneuvers of the great World War and the plague of influenza that followed; now associated themselves in my subcon*sciousness, and I saw a war on my race that included the fallen civi*lizations, superstition, witch-craft, fortune-telling, race suicide, un*natural marriage laws, asceticism, and the fooleries of our educa*tional system.

    For years a Socialist, I now sensed the source of our many be*trayals. But I must find evidence.

    To be continued.

    PJ 130

    WED., MAR. 15, 1995 6:50 A.M. YEAR 8, DAY 211

    WED, MAR. 15, 1995

    I am not going to give our quibblers any more attention, readers. We did our note of focus on the Russbacher encounters, Grandma's irritation with us and, yes indeed, I certainly DO back Jackson and as he realizes more and more what has and is going on in actuality, I serve him more and more readily.

    Can Jackson disappoint us? Of course--I or anyone, including God, can disappoint you. You are an individual and unique. You will form opinions which clash with that of another's. That is "life". Disagreement does not mean a put-down is necessary for any party--it does mean that more information has to flow to both parties in*volved with EACH (all parties) forming agreements in order to fully function toward a single "goal". Each has to be open to input, flexi*ble and cooperative. Robots on autopilot are not one of the good alternatives to FREEDOM for there are always those who would de*prive you of yours--either intentionally or unwittingly.


    As is always the way with the Controllers, they go ape when the curtain falls and they didn't get the academy award for "good guys". But, have you noticed in the past few years how many "bad guy" roles win the award? There is a big purpose in that exercise so please don't miss it.

    The facts now are that April is to be a very big death month in Arkansas as if killing and burying the evidence is the answer to the facts and truth--just get rid of the guys framed into crimes and all will be hidden forever more. No, we have stacks and stacks of paper all about Governor Guy Tucker and his association and illegal dealings with Clinton.


    YOU apparently got the Blue Beam project pretty much postponed as Graham has "come down" with some mysterious illness reported by "close" parties to the minister. Mr. Jackson tells us it is Gra*ham's "mistress" of many years and is cancer of the prostate. I don't care to comment. He is the only one around, however, who could focus the people to a single event of religious nature. The Pope used to be able to get that kind of attention, but no longer. Be*sides, there are a lot of satellite units now in a dysfunctional debris path.


    Snell has been given an April EXECUTION date. This was his last stay and no other delays are expected. Mr. Tucker wants to go out in a blaze of God-playing and he has been ordered to get rid of evi*dence--which means, have a "hanging party" and, therefore, there are four Arkansas "Death Row" inmates scheduled for the "block". [Address to write to: Richard Snell SK897, 2501 State Farm Rd., Tucker, AR 72168-6708--Mrs. Mary Snell, Box 6708, Texarkana, 7X 75505-6708--Governor Jim Guy Tucker, State Capitol, Little Rock, AR 72201.]

    I object to any murder, be it a criminal or otherwise-but in these cases it is the Governor and President who need the hanging for crimes of highest TREASON, FELONY DRUG DEALING, ROB*BERY, PERJURY, CONSPIRACY AND MASS MURDER.


    GUY TUCKER IS REPORTED TO BE A SHOOTING BUDDY, SNORTING BUDDY, BUSINESS PARTNER AND FELLOW SCALLYWAG WITH CLINTON AND HIS BROOD OF BUMP*KINS. Prostate cancer is quite suitable for the consequences of his misuse and abuse through his little plaything(s). It would be quite nice if all their "toys" fell or were separated from them.

    My intent has never been to turn loose criminals, duly tried and con*victed for intentional acts of lawlessness. However, when men are set up to die for the heinous acts of another, and those others are guilty of all manners of deceit, crime and morality abasement I see that the doing nothing is a reflection on the very thing that MAKES FREEDOM.

    One of the men on death row at this time and who expects to be exe*cuted is Gene Perry. Gene is an artist of great talent and will be leaving a legacy of truth which I hesitate to even share at this time. I realize that the reaction would be mostly negative as the "big boys" try to get the circulating information hushed. But hanging in the prison chapel (all prison chapels) is predominantly one painting of Jesus (or, the Christ intent), the Satan. The original painting of the man depicted is unmistakable in its presentation of likeness as THOUGHT the Christ to have appeared. IT IS NOT! The picture is by Warner Sallman and is widely displayed. There are some 120 hidden images painted WITHIN the strokes of the painter's brush. ALL ARE REPRESENTATIVE OF SATAN AND HIDDEN SYMBOLS OF THE "DARK SIDE".

    Prisoners go to chapel to gain peace and desire to live cleanly and under the law--only to have confusion and distraction follow them to and from chapel visits. This is NOT an accidental perception, friends, this is the kind of rehabilitation built into the system.


    I don't want you to MISunderstand what I am going to say here. Just because I am going to suggest that Janet Reno might well take a look at some of the things coming out of Arkansas and connections through Florida, etc., does not mean that I suddenly am cuddly with her/him/them. It means that as Clinton FALLS he is going to bring a lot of people WITH HIM to the garbage bin and Janet Reno is right up top to fall with the Billiaries. The President and her hus*band, Bill, are very, very deeply mired in the misadventures, as we write. Therefore I suggest that every letters to Guy Tucker be copied to Snell's attorney AND JANET RENO--WITH DEMAND FOR CLEMENCY AND STAY OF ALL EXECUTIONS UNTIL BILL CLINTON AND GUY TUCKER ARE INVESTIGATED. Only YOU can make a difference here by focusing hundreds of thousands of letter of demand from far and wide upon this terrible miscarriage of justice and common decency. Thank you.

    Back, now, to our topic already underway. We will try to present it as quickly as possible in order to move forward. I note that we con*tinue to hear daily from Jackson and I ask that the page for his mes*sages be left open.

    I note, further, that he plans to do a side by side comparison of sev*eral "constitutions" alongside the New States constitution and in*cluding the United Nations papers. We have done all that several times so perhaps you will want to assist him and his secretary by providing all the documentation we have gathered on the subject. Indeed we will be pleased to run his observations again in CON*TACT. Readers can't possibly get too many lessons on what has happened here and what can be expected in your perceived future.

    I am continuing to be asked if there is some big rift between Jackson and myself. I cannot speak for anyone other than self and I perceive no problems or even disputes more than possible disagreements in some areas of experience and/or terminology.


    I am told that Ronn didn't mean to actually go and join a militia to shoot someone when he suggested you patriots get hooked up with a militia. Well, that is what Militias are set forth to do--defend some*thing or go to battle--so even if erroneous in acceptance of same in perception I find that this is the first idea received by the "enemy" of freedom and government. That would be that you plan in a militia to bear arms against intruders or offenders--in the form of government or United Nations forces of some kind. Government will certainly, right or wrong, ASSUME SUBVERSION. I have no control or pressure on anyone, probably the least over Ronn Jackson. Jack*son's actual frustration and thrust is to somehow get you-the-people to TAKE A STAND. MILITIAS ARE CONSTITUTIONAL AND YOU MUST STAND FOR LAW AND ORDER AND A STAND*ING MILITIA OF YOU-THE-PEOPLE IS PART OF THAT CON*STITUTION OF LAW FOR ORDER.

    I ask that you be VERY CAREFUL for the Militias are being shut*down as we write and patriots are ending up, at the least, in jail fac*ing prison or long and miserable (and expensive) defense in the IN-justice steamrooms. REMEMBER, READERS, THE LAW AS HANDED DOWN UPON YOU BY THE NEW WORLD ORDER IS MADE POSSIBLE BY EXECUTIVE ORDERS WHICH ARE MADE CONSTITUTIONALLY LEGAL BY YOUR "STATE OF EMERGENCY". You have to remove the State of Emergency and the War Powers Act which means the repeal of the Federal Reserve Act--for as the economy slips you create a new State of Emergency. Even the natural disasters CONSTITUTE A STATE OF EMER*GENCY WHICH LAWFULLY SETS ASIDE, DURING THE COURSE OF THE EMERGENCY, YOUR CONSTITUTION.


    Just as "Jew", "Christian" and other confusing terms such as "democratic" vs. "democracy", you have two very differing mean*ings in perception of the term "patriot" just as of the term "Republic". What are you as citizens to then call selves if you are a patriotic citizen? Are you Patrician? How about a Patriotian, a Pa*triotor, a Patriotee? Now turn to the believer and citizen of a Re*public. Does that make you a Republican? Oops--there we go with the implicit assumption that you belong somehow to the Republican PARTY! So, are you a Republitor? How about a Republicanee? Do you follow my thought? You have ambiguous pronouncements and meanings--one offers you freedom to continue your work the other pronounces you to be of a mob advocating disruption and gov*ernment OVERTHROW. Truth does not enter the cause of Satan, Elitist or governments under Emergency management orders. The same takes place where "militia" is concerned. Would you be a de*fendor of Constitutional Law or a member of an organized, or disor*ganized or unorganized assemblage of citizens intent on violence? You say peaceful group of citizens for Constitutional Freedom. The Big Boys will call you unauthorized and unlawful illegal treasonists advocating overthrow of a government through armed violence. They have the bigger guns and all the media under their control--so, you have a problem that is not as simple as arguing the point of truth vs. "what I meant..."

    Many feel that counter-force and weapons are the only defense while hoping changes can be accomplished without open armed battle. The Big Boys, however, are not going to let you get that far without arresting and making examples of many, many fine and honorable men and women. Right or wrong has NOTHING to do with this confrontation, readers--NOTHING at all!

    Since we end up with a copy of a letter from Ron to Ronn regarding the issue at hand I would please like you to share the thoughts in*volved. When mature and thoughtfully INFORMED men take lead*ership--you have POWER.


    OF 50 STATES

    March 8, 1995

    Dear Ronn,

    This is a personal note for you and me. I really respect who you are and what you have done in life, and the connections you have. Please know, that one soul to another, we work for perfection in the return to a "righteous civilization", and by "Righteous" I do not mean that B.S. Religious Righteousness!

    The Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill of Rights
    represent for me the highest attainment in the secular domain of the
    protection of higher universal man, that is human beings, from the dark, unenlightened, might makes right attitude. The spirit knows what is right and wrong. We have been clouded, programmed, conned, hoodwinked into believing that we do not!

    TO TAKE UP ARMS AT THIS TIME IS TO DESTROY THE WORK WE HAVE ACCOMPLISHED TO DATE. They will do what they will to "PATRIOTS" when and however they wish! They are allowed by Creator-God to have this at this time. It is part of God's Plan 2000, for all work for Creator-God whether they like it or not. Our thoughts, breath, movement, being is a gift from Righ*teous God or Origin, and we must recognize and affirm this. No other conversations can take place until we acknowledge this truth, and if they do, they place emphasis upon the inappropriate actions.

    I am aligned with you and the mission of truth WITHOUT FORCE OF ARMS. The "militias" be the wrong tunnel, for I believe that the Demons of Doom are encouraging this avenue!!! As they will co-opt the "Sovereignty Movement", and I sense they have by their parroting in Washington, they do use the militias as a means of en*trapment. Therefore, I neither belong to nor advocate militias. I shall, however, protect myself with the Light of One God, the God of Origin.

    We must keep the integrity of the Mission true to the Light!!!

    This is your mission and mine and that of the true Patriot, for, I believe, there are many false, who wish to use force and the re*sources of others; these be the false patriots!

    I think that the Founders worked hard for themselves and their fam*ilies, asking not for others to financially support them, and that, even though they were forced to, did not advocate arms. They knew the importance of self-defense, yet advocated not killing without needful defense. They knew truth, justice, and liberty would prevail, with the Grace of Almighty God, and they were willing to work for it, even if it meant that they had to bear arms.

    We are in a new age and time, for our connection with God is now demanded individually; and from this point we may connect collectively. Truth and Power come from that connection, not force nor threat of force. All we must do is expose this mis-action and mis*deed on the part of government, which you are so gifted at accom*plishing.

    Please, keep close to the CONTACT and the Commander, for the Commander represents that "Creator-God connection" that is so vi*tally important.

    As with any mission of Truth and Light of God, be they diverse yet in unity of ONENESS, we can be misled. This is where the rub is, and we must adopt an attitude of collaborative cooperation rather than "I am right and you are wrong". I trust you know where I am coming from, for so do you.

    May the Creator God, The God of Light and Truth, allow you abun*dance, guidance, protection, and Divine Light always.

    We love you Ronn Jackson!

    Ron Carlson, for the Committee.

    Suite 108, 4400-4 Kalanianaole Hwy., Honolulu, HI, 96821. Fax/& Tel: (808) 732-4081.



    The definition of "patriot" is perfectly easy to understand and is usu*ally succinctly presented. The facts are, however, that as the Con*trollers change to suit their own meanings of terms, they destroy the "righteous" meanings and use the labels to recognize dissenters. You are and should be proud to be Patriots of and to Homeland and God as respected as Higher Resource. I do not pick at the terminol*ogy of "I am a Patriot". HOWEVER, your worst nightmares have come true--such "terms" are used by the enemy of freedom to corner you into a category which eases their task of sorting you. As I said above, if you use the terms running around you are stuck with the definitions the more powerful entities place upon those terms. There are now "patriots" who advocate military groupings and "patriots" who stand for change through Truth and return to Constitution. THEY have caused ONE to be ILLEGAL AND UNLAWFUL and they still fear to deliberately damage the OTHER. The "other" is left to the wiles of attacks and, pretty much, verbal assaults. How*ever, as long as the persons involved are acting WITHIN THE LAWS OF THE LAND--it is very difficult to attack forcefully with*out calling undue attention to the hideousness of their deliberate criminal actions.

    I don't advocate FIGHTING anything or anyone. I believe in giving information, countering lies, suggesting truth where I KNOW IT TO BE and using the CREATIVE POWER of Creator, Constitution, and the Bill of Rights--ALL WITHIN THE LAWS OF THE LAND, AS UNPLEASANT AND SEEMINGLY UNCONSTITUTIONAL AS THEY MIGHT BE. REMEMBER THAT UNLAWFUL UNDER THE CONSTITUTION DOES NOT MAKE ALL THEY DO AGAINST YOU OR THE LAWS OF THE LAND "ILLEGAL". They have the votes and the guns--so what they do is made legal by the force, not lawful. YOU are not given such privilege and they lay in wait for you to flub and stub your toedies.

    Can you regain freedom and Constitutional Law without WAR WITH WEAPONS OF DESTRUCTION? YES! Will you? I doubt it for the mindset cannot seem to give up defense through other than force. What really happens, however, in this world of opposites and misdirection is that, by forming militias wherein "they" have made laws of their own against them, you give opportunity to by-pass the Constitution AGAIN by inflicting more martial law and National Emergency--Constitutionally extending legal control by Government. I KNOW the only way to gain the goal of freedom and Constitutional law is through giving them NO RECOURSE INTO THE POSSIBIL*ITY OF USING THEIR STOLEN POWERS.


    When I stated that I would prefer the terminology, "Year of the Re*public", that does not mean that I complain loudly about Jackson's using "Year of the Patriot". It is simply sad that hang-ups happen over such trivia. I gave you my "reasons", nothing more. How about we take up REAL meaning and make it "1995" is the year of the Patriot for Constitutional Republic.

    Truth in information DOES MAKE A DIFFERENCE as, for in*stance, we are told that Operation Blue Beam (and this is only an ex*ample) has had to be negated. The excuse is Billy Graham's health preventing the massive global Crusade as originally PLANNED. Is it off? No, but I doubt anything will be greatly noticed as well over half the necessary satellites are inoperable as of Monday last. No, we did not do it! The "enemy of your enemy is NOT YOUR FRIEND" but he often serves same. Choosing the lesser of two evils--DOES NOT A "RIGHT" MAKE! It may well save you to serve "another day", however. This is called, in selective measures, using WISDOM.

    Let us return for half an hour or so to the subject of:

    By Bonne L. Fisher (Circa 1929)


    In the Socialist Party meetings we had discussed the possibility of an enemy getting possession of the country by buying up the re*sources. Could it be possible that Jews or Turks already control the corporations? [H: Again, you have a lot of non-specifics regard*ing classifications and no one seems to be able to delineate prop*erly. That is always intentional on the part of the would-be-kings so that you don't end up with any idea at all as to what you are doing versus what the newly accepted definition might be of some term affixed. I cannot see one whit of betterment of a "Socialist" over a "Jewish Party", a Marxist Party, a Democratic Party and thus and so on and on into infinity. The difference is solely mea*sured by the definitions of the ONES IN POWER!] Or that Jews controlled by Turks are putting over a program of extermination of other races? Could this birth-control propaganda and Eugenics be of their planning?

    I had read a book by Goldberg, entitled, HAVELOCK ELLIS re*vealing that Ellis was paid a salary for his writings, the chief princi*ples of which--"Free Love", "Easy Divorce", "Companionate Mar*riage", "Elimination of the Unfit", "Birth Control", etc., have been ascribed to the Socialists, and have been the chief cause of the perse*cution of this order.

    Goldberg says that Ellis, his wife, and certain others mentioned below formed a "Bohemian" social clique, and interested themselves in methods of suppressing procreation among the lower classes in America and France.

    That there was plenty of money for this cause is shown by the many journeys back and forth between France and America, and by an expression of Mrs. Ellis that "We could use thousands of dollars right now to employ women to interest other women in decoration, the earnings of money, etc., to divert the maternal instinct. She insisted that it is all right to divert the maternal instinct, but that she didn't believe in vivisection for the control of birth, which shows that this subject was at that early date being discussed in the "upper circles".

    Goldberg states that the "feminist movement" (women in busi*ness, politics, and labor) had its beginning in the efforts of this clique. He also reveals that the members of this clique joined certain Socialistic cooperatives and then became "disillusioned", which co*operatives soon after failed. (Socialists are acquainted with this form of Betrayal).

    Goldberg says, "It was not an accident that the Ellises met the Sangers, Keys, and Schreiners. And he drops the information that Eleanor Marx, daughter of Karl Marx, was also one of this clique.

    Page 358, vol. 8, Jewish Encyclopedia, reveals a gross betrayal of the working people by Karl Marx, father of Socialism, a Jew. Except for this and similar betrayals the Socialists might have adapted the government to the Machine Age and have inaugurated a system of justice for all.

    "100 YEARS OF BIRTH CONTROL" in Current History for June, 1929, reveals that the women mentioned above were "Pioneer birth control advocates". The record shows them Jews. The above-mentioned article states that when one of these brave pioneers was arrested she was quickly bailed out, and that even the fear of torture did not daunt them.

    Every white community in America has been affected by this birth-control propaganda to the reduction of the White Race. That it is not intended primarily for inferiors is shown by the fact that college women were first to receive instruction.

    (In Without Prejudice Zangwill shows that this interference with women's instincts is a form of war. He says, "Humanity will then come gently to an end". He also suggests methods of breaking down character as a means of warfare. We may see that the "Crime Wave" is the result of certain of his suggestions).

    The Jewish Encyclopedia under the heading, "Jewish Peddlers" shows that this "peddling" was to be of propaganda in favor of the "Elixir of Life" and of cosmetics. He throws out hints that show the extreme feminine styles and habits since the war (and therefore) are a part of a program of war against the White Race.

    I had been worried over the tone of birth-control propaganda and I determined to know whether my religious friend knew anything about birth control warfare. With but a hint, he replied:

    "Then you think my little sister (a woman preacher) is doing harm instead of good"?

    "Does she preach birth control"? I asked.

    "Sure she does. It is the end of the world. Time to close up the books. God has promised this world to other people".

    I then told him how they were taking the world. I showed him records of secret asexualizations with the pretense of "rejuvenation" and cases done entirely without the knowledge of the victim that an operation of any kind had been performed, under the pretense of a physical examination--a plumber, an electrician, a dentist, an im*porter, and a long list of other middle-class American men. And I showed him the book Sterilization for Human Betterment where it states that these operations are of doubtful benefit to the health, but which also shows that normal men and women are being secretly sterilized for financial and other reasons, and shows that the opera*tion is often done secretly.

    He was disturbed and excited. Next day he began preparations for going away. First, he painted out the strange figure that deco*rated his car--an inverted shield or helmet--the same seen on fronts of banks, post offices, on post office money orders, on the high*way, on trains, and on the fly leaf of the Apocrypha (books of the Bible withheld from Gentiles).


    Before our friend had gone, a woman came selling books.

    "What kind of books"? I asked.

    "About the kingdom that is being set up".


    "Right here".

    When"? was my next question.

    "Just exactly when it was prophesied that it would happen".

    I bought Comfort to the Jews, War, Crime and The Kingdom, and read--"The ‘millenium' means the time of setting up a world kingdom of the ‘Jews' " "The period of Gentile rule on Earth ended exactly August 1, 1914"

    "The World War was a fulfillment of prophesy". "It is time for God's people to take an active part in bringing about a fulfillment of his plans".

    "The wartime influenza was a great benefit to the Jews. Six times as many died with the Flu in six months as were killed in the World War in four years".

    And it was stated that a war more terrible than the last is to break upon the world in the immediate future, and that nothing can now avert that war, by which was probably meant the present war of un*employment and starvation. [H: But that was NOT what happened after all, was it? Hind-sight is always an excellent measure of prophesy.]


    We need to interrupt this writing and this seems a good place for a break. I want to avoid separation of the content of the next writing because it is going to show you how the "Bible" is but a WAR PLAN and means of instruction for the Taking Control of the planet, a PLAN OF WAR AGAINST MANKIND BUT SPECIFICALLY THE SO-CALLED "CHRISTIAN GOYIM".

  2. #6
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 130

    THU., MAR. 16, 1995 7:30 A.M. YEAR 8, DAY 212

    THU.. MAR. 16. 1995


    As I feel your own intuitive nudge to get back to "today's" material and share about militias and pomp and circumstance, Dharma, I would remind you that there is NOTHING NEW TODAY EXCEPT THAT HALF YOUR DWELLING IS WITHOUT POWER.


    I have been sent some pictures from tabloids and actual newspapers with great signs in the sky of crosses and figures made up of space*craft, etc. No, none of the visions are OURS. These have been simply to test holographic imaging getting you ready for this "Operation Blue Beam". The giant "craft" CROSS over Jerusalem can be checked out easily. Did everyone see it? Was there any sound? Did lights change colors or "shoot" beams? Visions are silent and can APPEAR to change lights and colors but cannot CREATE the source without all remote control "bouncers" operable. I can also promise you that we will NOT turn up in the typical sym*bols of the secret societies. So, whatever they are "showing" you is in preparation for the so-called alien invasion or rapture readiness. The logical place to present mass interpretation is over the "HOLY" places where the people are already steeped in religious mind*lessness. Jerusalem is, remember, "Jeru-Salem". The very source of the word "Jew" as in "Jewru" and "Salem"--the place of Satan (witchcraft). The "cross" IS NOT a "Christian" symbol and never was--it was simply appointed (appropriated) to fit the need of the Christian isolation or separation. Things of God, if you will, in up*start symbology was, of course, the rising sun (son) which has also been usurped. YOU WILL KNOW WHEN WE SHOW UP AND THE MEANING WILL BE QUITE CLEAR INDEED.

    At this time we are positioned in a state of "station" and that way confusion will not be part of the show-and-tell as to God's Hosts and visitors vs. the illusioned magic shows. The bad children are having a whole lot of PROBLEMS getting their magic show off the ground and a simultaneous show is now totally out of the question. We note there are some satellites remaining which could bounce off a primi*tive partial image but I think the images that will be presented are going to be quite shocking to the senses of the perpetrators. What you aren't being shown around the SKIES is more interesting TO US than our O.J. trial is to you. You should see the mess over Australia and New Zealand.

    Let us just go on about our work today while the electric power problems are being repaired. Thank you.

    By Bonne L. Fisher (Circa 1929)


    I turned to Isaiah to see if I could find any indication of a pro*gram of war. There it was, plainer than I had expected. Strange anyone ever thought ISAIAH ANYTHING ELSE BUT A WAR PROGRAM. There was reference to "That seventy years" (that it took to destroy Babylon) and to the use of poison and the destroying of 125,000 persons in a single night. "I will feed thine enemies their own flesh" (Zangwill shows in very covered-up style how water may be poisoned by putrid flesh. He says, "Shall we make peace? Sev*enty years are long to wait".) Esdras of the Apocrypha--part of the Book of Isaiah--says, "As for the sacrifices, they sod them in brass vessels and set them before all the people and afterward they pre*pared for themselves and their brethren". Brass is poison. A Mil*lennial feast!

    ;Isaiah 3, v. 1: Behold the Lord taketh away the stay and the staff, the whole stay of bread and the whole stay of water" 9-20. "They shall snatch on the right and still be hungry. They shall snatch on the left and not be satisfied". 37-3: "The children have come to birth and there is not strength to bring forth". (Isaiah) "Their bones rot".

    "I will give babes to rule over them", that is, the children fail to attain maturity of mind on demineralized food, which is a fact.

    There are promises of reward for faithfulness in this war "houses and land and the glory of the Gentiles", and the refrain, "MY hand hath found as a nest, the riches of the people and one gathereth eggs that are left have I gathered all the Earth; and there was none that moved a wing, or opened the mouth or peeped". [H: IN 1929 THERE WAS NO NOTION ABOUT RADIATION FROM A-BOMBS AND ACCIDENTS!]


    Picking up the current number of the Sunday School paper while the teacher finished her rhapsodies relating to Semitic sanitation, I read:

    "Proud Race, I count ye as naught, though ye live. For what is there of man but for a time to seem to prosper well,

    And having seemed--to Fall"?

    The subject at this same church that evening was "Prejudice", and we Gentiles were taught our duty to our "adopted races".

    When a relative came home from school in San Francisco that week she said, "What do you suppose I heard in school today"? A white teacher had made the remark, "Well, it's time for the White Race to go out". Another had said, "I'm afraid it's a lost race". Still another had said, "It's just like the fall of Rome". (Repeating the propaganda of the Sunday School lesson, I, myself, heard the words in a beauty parlor, "You know a white face isn't considered particularly beautiful any more").


    To test whether or not the Jewish masses are conscious of a con*certed program against other races, I said to an intelligent Jewess: "The Jews may have been persecuted in other countries but in America they have been treated as well as anybody. Now, why should they try to displace us"?

    Instantly she answered without embarrassment, "We are the chosen peoples of God".

    When I drew attention to the egotism of the idea, and the proba*bility that the deterioration of the White Race is in some way the re*sult of treachery, she said thoughtfully, "Then you don't believe it is capitalism or God, you think it is just the scientists".

    Astonished at her voicing my suspicions that a definite body of people are conniving against the peace of the world, and that the theory of diminishing returns had received its strong support as a scheme to delay action against an unjust social order until too late, I answered with sudden inspiration: "Yes, I think scientists are help*ing. They are misleading our doctors. They got up the idea of blood-letting for the cure of disease that murdered our people for a hundred years. They have caused us to use wrong food. They had prescribed wrong medicines.

    "I think these same scientists are stirring up turmoil in the world, misleading and confusing the people; dividing their ranks; setting man against man, women against men, children against their parents, the people against their rulers, the rulers against the people. I have seen the force at work in the schools, teachers' institutes, farmers' meetings, women's clubs, and in the churches. I think these same people have been responsible for the saloons, the tobacco and dope evils and for the making of poisons, explosives, poison gas, and all the wars".

    "But it is in the Bible", said the woman.

    "Yes," I said, "I have been reading Isaiah lately. I wonder we have not read it before".

    I had been greatly interested in psychology before I lost my health and I now tried to explain to this woman how simple is the science of mental control and how even babies learn to control their parents, and how those who live from the work of others come in*stinctively to exert themselves to control the minds of others. How secret war might be made through misleading, confusion and through suggestions of crime, disloyalty and selfishness. I showed how religion, hypnotism, spiritualism, are merely artificial con*trol of mind and sex, and when understood are as simple as arith*metic. I explained that it is easier to control people when their glands are depleted through starvation, and how iniquitous is the demineralized banquet as it is today as a preface to the making of most important decisions. I told her I believed our law makers were under-the-mental-control of an active enemy, and that the same enemy was directing the masses of the people through the church and newspapers. I showed how it might be possible that her people, as well as mine, were being misled by a secret enemy, and that no matter what race should possess the world, peace would be impossible so long as the present idea of the scientists of "survival of the fittest", and the right of the fit to decide who shall survive, shall be the guiding principle.

    "Yes," I said, "The enemy are scientists: They understand psy*chology. They suggest crime through the newspapers. It has been just war. The World War and the other wars have been part of it. The closing of the banks and turning the men out of work are also part of it. They could never have put it over had,our people not first become feeble-minded through devitalized food. That, too, is in the Bible. They carry out the plan of confusion mentioned by Isaiah by changing street numbers, telephone numbers, forms of receipts and legal documents, by 'daylight savings plans', etc. No, I do not believe that God is doing it".

    I was merely thinking aloud. The woman was thinking too. She surprised me again by saying, "I would help in just one movement. That would be in the destruction of all religion". She saw the rela*tion.


    Stupefied by what I had heard and read, I went to Dr. Blank of the University of California and asked:

    "Dr. Blank, are about half the doctors of the world Jews"?

    "Well, now, I wouldn't be surprised if a larger proportion than that are Jews", he said.

    "Are they at the head of the profession and in authority"?

    "Oh, yes," said Dr. Blank, "The Jews have developed medicine. They are at the head of all science".

    "Is Margaret Sanger a Jew"?

    "Yes, Margaret Sanger is a Jewess".

    "Is Paul Popenoe a Jew"?

    "Yes," he was acquainted with Dr. Popenoe, and thought him a Jew.

    I asked questions concerning E.S. Gosney and the bank in Los Angeles in which are deposited gifts for the "sterilization" of the "unfit" and the law supposed to govern asexualization in California! It is admitted that these are not regular laws, but are "POLICE ACTS". [H: PLEASE REMEMBER: THIS WAS OVER 60 YEARS AGO WHICH MEANS THAT THINGS WERE AL*READY TO THE POINT IN THIS WRITING TO BE FULLY OPERATIONAL!--BY 1929.] Asexualization has no legal status. California voted against the Anti-Vivisection bill, being told that this meant merely the giving of the medical profession the right to ex*periment upon animals. Popenoe states that the people by this act sanctioned the principle of sterilization by the state. But Dr. Blank like many other Eugenists had not had time to read these laws. (See Act 1648, Calif. Civil Code of 1917, and Calif. Penal Code of 1917). Only an enemy, or men under the effect of drugs,
    could have been induced to make such laws at any time, much less in the face of war.

    In our investigation, we found that Dr. Fishbein, Czar of the American Medical Association, is a Jew. That the head of the Maternal Service in San Francisco is a Jew. That the Social Service is chiefly in the hands of Jews, and that the Board of Health in San Francisco are nearly ALL JEWS.

    Dr. Betts of 320 Superior St., Toledo, Ohio, charges that Dr. Fishbein, mentioned before, refused to allow important health news printed in the literature of the Medical Profession. He claims that after 152 scientists had testified in the Government Aluminum investigation that aluminum vessels, spoons, etc., give off into the food the compounds, aluminum sulphate and aluminum hydrox*ide--which are POISONOUS-Dr. Fishbein refused publication to this news. Both of the above mentioned chemicals are being exten*sively used as water "purifiers".


    I went to the library to find who, or what influence, has been re*sponsible for the demineralization of the flour and rice supplies of the world, since I now saw that this was not the result of mere igno*rance. The encyclopedias in general use are almost blank on this subject. I found that experiments were made in Paris as early as 1811 for "purifying" the flour (names withheld). A "philanthropist", Ignace Paur, an "Austrian", had invented a machine for separating the parts of the grain.

    I asked for books by Jewish authors and received Dreamers of the Ghetto, Voice of Jerusalem, and Without Prejudice, by Zangwill.

    References from these books led me to THE JEWISH EN*CYCLOPEDIA, a massive work of twelve large volumes, to AU PIED DU SINAI, by Clemenceau, leader of the French armies during the World War, and to the Bible Dictionary.

    As soon as I began reading these books I gathered a group of loyal friends, and together we began an investigation of food dem*ineralization and other secret war fronts. Valuable time has been lost trying to get help for a more extended investigation; trying to save the sick; trying to make teachers, preachers and statesmen un*derstand; and rushing through pamphlets not complete enough to be fully understood.

    The studies that have contributed to the preparation of this paper are as follows:

    1. Miscellaneous works on beriberi studied in Stanford Medical School.
    2. A paper contributed by a rice milling company in India on the subject of how much of the pericarp can be removed from rice with*out producing beriberi.
    3. The Science of Keeping Young, by Alfred W. McCann.
    4. The Science of Eating, by Alfred W. McCann.
    5. Article on the decay of teeth, Current History, 1929.
    6. The Development of The Child, by Oppenheim.
    7. Glands Regulating Personality, by Berman.
    8. Books on Behaviorism.
    9. Rejuvenation, by Norman Haire.
    10. Life Shortening Habits and Rejuvenation by Lorand.
    11. Old Age Deferred, by Lorand.
    12. Problems in Eugenics being reports of The First International Congress of Eugenics (See Jewish Encyclopedia for derivation of the word. "As", "is", "ieu", "eu", and "ew" equal "JEW",
    13. Eugenic Reform, by Leonard Darwin.
    14. Sterilization for Human Betterment, by Popenoe.
    15. Reports on Eugenic Sterilization in Social Hygiene, 1927.
    16. The Voice of Jerusalem by Zangwill.
    17. Dreamers of the Ghetto, by Zangwill.
    18. Without Prejudice, by Zangwill.
    19. Ghetto Comedies, by Zangwill.
    20. The Grey Wig, by Zangwill.
    21. The Melting Pot, by Zangwill.
    22. Comfort to the Jews, by Rutherford.
    23. Prophecy, by Rutherford.
    24. Crime, by Rutherford.
    25. War, by Rutherford.
    26. The Kingdom, by Rutherford; "Israelites of the House of David" literature.
    27. "100 Years of Birth Control" in CURRENT HISTORY, 1929.
    28. The Malthusian Essay written to order by Malthus.
    29. Race Improvement, written to order by Havelock Ellis.
    Concordance to the un-authorized version of the Bible.
    Bible Dictionary.
    30. Havelock Ellis, by Goldberg.
    31. Isis Unveiled, by Blavatsky.
    32. Evolution, by La Marque.
    33. California Laws for Asexualation.
    34. Back to Methuselah, by Bernard Shaw.
    35. Wars of the Crusades in Myers Medieval History.
    36. History of Rome, period of Hadrian, Nero, Constantine.
    37. Commune of 1871, by Eleanor Marx.
    38. Innocents Abroad, by Mark Twain.
    39. The Next Age of Man, by Edward Wiggam.

    I have also attended Eugenic lectures in San Francisco, and have visited the homes of crippled children in San Francisco and vicinity, where thousands that should be the stay of the present generation and the parents of the next, lie helpless invalids--victims of the X-ray, radium, and demineralized food. I have interviewed thousands of unemployed men and talked to returned soldiers. I have talked to, but not with, Eugenists. (They have no word to say.) All of which experience has contributed to my preparation of this paper.


    I want to insert something here because I am being a bit nagged by readers as to why I haven't shared this with you prior to now. Be*cause we have enough TROUBLE JUST STAYING IN PRINT AND PRESS WITHOUT THIS "HEALING" INPUT. We are get*ting to topics as quickly as Dharma can type and do all the myriad other things which everyone seems to think to be her tasks since she works for me most directly. I can't help that to any great extent and when she "gets enough" I suppose she will stop the overload. I am not going to ask her to do all the planning, baking and perfecting this time, however. Why do all of you think I request you to change to whole grain spelt and bothered to introduce ability to get bread ma*chines at discount, flour and MIXES? We have to do these things properly, under regulations which are set to STOP us, not help us. We do the best we can and you are going to have to do your part. The very disease "Polio" was predominantly a "deficiency" disease wherein there was also introduced a viral microbe and bodies were left with no ability to recover without permanent damage.

    You will note that the nice white-bread producers HAVE TO FOR*TIFY (ADD) VITAMINS AND ESPECIALLY "THIAMINE" to product. That is no accident as the facts WERE SO OBVIOUSLY INTENTIONAL that the deceivers couldn't get away longer with avoiding notice. There were laws passed requiring fortification of bread and, as people stopped making bread at home, the noticeability of "dis"ease was more and more obvious as to cause. As ones go back now to bread machines for the "impression" of baking from scratch--the disease will heat up again--from overmilled flour in the prepared mixes and flours. REMEMBER--I CAN ONLY "SUGGEST" AND GIVE YOU "REASONS". YOU MUST DO WHAT YOU WILL DO! The people HERE have made available at minimum expense the things as we present them. If you choose to not use them we cannot help it--for choice is yours.

    As with aluminum cooking pots, we can, I suppose, carry glassware pots or stainless steel cookware but it is readily available in all mar*kets. If aluminum is covered with non-stick or anodized, you can use it--especially for non-acid foods.

    Now, for other toxic minerals which you have already used pre*dominantly and now reap rewards, i.e., aluminum, etc., I suggest you use "fluoridated" tooth paste. This gives just enough to counter the toxic minerals of minute parts of aluminum and lead and, if kid*neys and liver are not already too damaged, will produce "salts" which can be excreted by a normal body system.

    You ones have lived like this all your lives and now you want to BLAME US for not telling you? Good grief, people, THIS VERY INFORMATION HAS BEEN AVAILABLE TO YOU SINCE 1929. Further, nobody comes along and relieves us of having to go to weekly court sessions, work with NO INCOME, keep us from LOSING everything to people like George Green(berg) and Rayelan Russbacher. Perhaps we can get more quickly to these things if somebody helps us struggle through these problems and helps pay the lawyers' fees. So far a tiny handful have had to do the strug*gling, do the offering, do the giving and do the paying. The com*plaints of our shortcomings are getting a bit wearing on the receivers of same.


    I'm sorry, readers, but your children are being immunized right into seizures and hyperactivity and total incontrolability. This is EN*HANCED by poor food quality intake--in favor of the things "they like" and the junk they have to eat because there is nothing else of*fered. I can promise that such as "Josh" will be a CHANGED CHILD after only 10 days of intake of high whole grains and either remove milk as you get it in the stores or make sure it has added acidophilus. Put butter on his WHOLE grain (not the colored stuff you get called whole wheat) or pure spelt bread mix or whole ground spelt flour pasta (get a machine if you don't know how to make pasta) and mothers and fathers are going to have to start sharing re*sponsibilities of homemaking, cooking and/or allow the mother to stay home and attend the home and children. One or the other seems to be the HARD choices but you have lost your desire for nurturing in exchange for having things and making a standard of living up to your own wishes at the expense of the children's welfare. It may well be "necessary" but it is not paying off in quality of living.

    Success does not come with being "just" able to stay home, for look at the total disaster of welfare homes--do you think food stamps go for buying the whole grains and vegetables for health? No--the whole point is to allow the welfare recipients the same INCREDI*BLY BAD LIFE-STYLE AND FOOD STYLES OF THE RICH--to dumb-down and stupefy and sicken them.

    The last thing you need to do, however, is go through the total silli*ness of dressing in long dresses and aprons and move to the primi*tive wilderness. You need to do what you do in the environment where you live. You don't have to move to the country and knead bread from a wooden bowl. However, it doesn't really work to have a bread machine in the wilderness where there is no electricity. Can't you figure out the wisest way to utilize the GOOD THINGS of your generations without dropping out of the universe? One thing you can do is stop wasting money on exercise machines and go hoe and till and plant a garden, paint your house, clean your floors and do some WORK instead of spending your money for which "YOU HAVE TO" WORK TWO JOBS TO spend on foolish machinery and memberships which only add weight and lining to the pockets of what turns out to be your enemies.

    If your bag is mountain climbing for sport, cycling for sport, surfing for sport--try balancing on a "charging machine" for energizing bat*teries or climbing up and down a ladder with a paint can and win*dow-washing mop. I HAVE NO PATIENCE WITH ANYONE WHO SAYS, "I CAN'T"!



    PJ 130
    CHAPTER 10

    FRI., MAR. 17, 1995 7:08 A.M. YEAR 8, DAY 213

    FRI. MAR. 17, 1995

    Please let us move directly into Tracking Down the Killer. I want to run a series of articles from last year's offering in the Arkansas Gazette by some superb writers regarding their esteemed Criminal Governor Guy Tucker. The documents were pulled off the Internet and sent on March 13, 1995 to my attention.

    I had hoped that Mr. Tucker would do something reasonable and ra*tional about Richard Snell and others, possibly, who have been both falsely accused of crimes and now reside on DEATH ROW awaiting SILENCING. I would have thought that Janet Reno, if no one else in high places, would see the merit of our NOT running this infor*mation. However, it appears otherwise.

    Therefore we will leave other topics to other people and move through this Killer material and right onto serializing the Tucker/Clinton material.


    By Bonne L. Fisher (Circa 1929)


    Before going further let me here insert the explanation which drives to the heart of this most monstrous of all conspiracies against the health and peace of the world.

    A close study of certain statements of the Jewish Encyclopedia corroborated by the concordance to the unauthorized version of the Bible, the Bible Dictionary, the Webster's Unabridged, reveal that the term "Jew" is used in two ways.

    One to denote a branch (or a whole) of the Semitic race, ac*knowledged in Zangwill's books and other Jewish literature to be synonymous with "Moor", "Saracen", "Ottoman", and to include the Gypsies and which is revealed through a study of certain of their outlaw bands, of which the Order of the Assassins has been one of the most noted to be a cross between the Mongolian and Ethiopian races.

    [H: Here again I must interrupt to remind you that the LIE is carried through here as MISrepresented. These "Jews" as stated in the prior paragraph ARE NOT SEMITIC. In "taking" the term "Jew" they also chose to present another "opposite" for the confusion of you-the-people by also calling themselves Semites (the very opposite of that which they are). This is the mode of operation, readers, take the opposite of each definition. For ex*ample, while swearing to speak truth the ACTUAL OATH (Kol Nidre) states a SWEARING TO LIE AND NEGATION OF ALL OATHS IN THE COMING YEAR (this is the FIRST oath of the Holy Days). The term "Jew" was INVENTED, ESTABLISHED, MADE-UP, CONJURED--IN THE LATE 1700s TO SUIT A MOST TIMELY NEED FOR HIDDEN RECOGNITION.]

    The other use of the term "Jew" is to denote a people of adoption produced by the Semites through securing, in various ways, chil*dren of other races--notably the White Race--and raising up white and half breeds to a fictional history, tradition of oppres*sion by the Gentiles, and a fictional religion, the chief tenet of which is a divine promise that they shall one day possess the Earth--the purpose being to carry out a program of secret inva*sions and a secret exterminating war against the peoples of the world for the benefit of the Semites or real Jews.

    [H: You have to understand that, once established as they pro*claimed themselves to be, they functioned under the TALMUD and presented as Semites or "real" Jews. You will recall a few years back that the Israelites were making raiding RAIDS and kidnapping Ethiopians the raiders claimed to be "Jews" and bringing them out of the "bush", or anywhere, loading them aboard planes and hauling them off to Israel--most to become bond-slaves. When I say a "few" years ago--I mean like two or three.]

    "Utocthenes" is a word in Jewish literature and by our half-Jew friend mentioned heretofore, to indicate the "remnant" left after each "dispensation" or period of world destruction (by the god, or gov*ernment) of the real Jews, as their literature reveals. Some of the adopted Jews of white and mixed blood are no doubt descendants of the Greeks and Romans, white people, as is shown by the ancient play Encymion and certain of Shakespeare's plays. Both Greece and Rome were destroyed by the Jews, as is shown by Jewish Encyclo*pedia and by "Voice of Jerusalem", the "Islam" Dictionary states that Greece was destroyed by the Tartars, and elsewhere states that the Tartars were Turks.

    The Turks obtained many white children through the CHILDREN'S CRUSADE and through the secret treaty which ended the wars of the Crusades, by the terms of which Europe (in reality the Church) delivered to the Turks one thousand European children per year, and which agreement was actually complied with for ten years (Myer's Medieval History). [H: So the now-called "Jews" revised history for centuries upon centuries to suit their wishes and needs. One day they would take Italians, the next Greeks, the next Palestinians and this year, the Americans (all). They were well established in England--and the ROYAL CROWN IS ALL INTERTWINED WITH THEM.]

    The veiling of the women of Turkey and the mysteries of the harem have their explanation in this movement to produce a people, who under the domination of the Turks should be able to penetrate the nations and act as pioneers in campaigns of invasion and as buffers between the real Jews and the people being invaded and dis*placed. These adopted ones are, of course, taught that obedience is the chief virtue.

    The early success of the scheme led to the proselyting of the banished and persecuted of other races--criminals, political of*fenders, etc., and using them also as agents.

    The rite of circumcision and other secret methods of asexualalization regulated procreation among this class, for as Jewish Encyclopedia states, "This rite can be performed so as to be on a level with human sacrifice--eunuchism". [H: How many of you male readers were circumcised and had your boys circumcised because a doctor (usually Jewish) told you it was medically the thing to do and then gave you a bunch of garbage reasons? That one act of ritual has caused more sexual disease and sexually-oriented mis*behavior than all the other erotic trash around.]

    Catholic walls were instituted to contribute to this program. The more beneficent some of these institutions, the more crime to be covered up in others. Zangwill says "Catholic Jewry was the solu*tion".

    The fundamental secret by which the real Jew saw the oppor*tunity to one day possess the Earth was that of food demineral*ization, the effect of which, as a slowly dementalizing, demoraliz*ing devitalizing agent they had seen so dramatically illustrated in the destruction of Babylon. The accidental discovery of this principle was the key to the science of chemistry which became the gateway to the knowledge of other sciences--mathematics, physics, astronomy, medicine and the arts of brewing, extracting, making of explosives, etc.

    Control of their debilitated masters during the destruction of Babylon, Greece, Rome and other civilizations, has led to a per*fecting of the science of psychology, or mental control, to an ex*treme degree: Note the ease with which Gypsy fortune tellers have been able to rob their victims. (Merely by concentrating the atten*tion of the victim elsewhere.) Egyptians gave the Jews clues to sciences and arts that perhaps account for some of the "inventions" of the last hundred years. Stories in Ezekiel reveal the synagogue as a place of chemical experiment. Greek books against the Gentiles make up the Bible. Part of the teachings of Jesus, (whoever he was) were taken from the Bible during comparatively recent times and put into the Koran (Turkish Bible). [H: Sorry about that!]

    The books, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Zacariah, and some other books of the Bible are merely war communications written in code. One of the keys comes through the knowledge of food devitalization, one through Eugenics, and one through the statement made directly and by various undercover suggestions that "black is white", meaning "Read by opposites". Past tense is used for future, Jew for Gentile, etc. For example: Isaiah, "I will loose the loins (penetrate the ab*domen) of kings, to open (close) before him (in front of the male) the two-leaved gates (the bi-lateral vases), and the gates shall not be shut (will not open again)"--the vasoligature, sterilizing operation. This operation can be done while the victim is fully conscious without his knowledge, under the pretense of nerve testing, or other body ma*nipulation, and except in rare cases without arousing suspicion.

    The term, BLACK OXEN (name of a book on sterilization), is an example of this method of the use of words of opposite meaning. Seven different subjects (as our friend stated) are treated in the same text. it cannot be read consecutively, but must be studied by subjects.


    The Bible war program was re-adopted in convention assembled-- The Basel Congress in 1897.

    Isaiah provides for the exchange of children placing Jewish chil*dren in homes of power with a mark for identification. The story of Moses taken into the royal house of Egypt is a SYMBOL of the method to be used for this purpose. Zangwill leads us to believe that Jews have been so placed into the royal families of Europe.

    The seduction of kings by beautiful Jewish women, as per Esther, and Judith (of the Apocrypha) is a symbol of methods of closing the mouths of the ruling classes. Make them guilty. To the largest ex*tent possible the "upper classes" in America have been drawn into the Eugenic Program and into graft for this purpose. The most illogical reasoning has been used. Cripples-victims of the X-ray, have been exhibited as results of inheritance from the moron (persons classed as a grade of intelligence above the feeble-minded), to secure sanction for asexualization.

    We have been taught that the Jews are descendants of Abraham and his aged wife, Sarah. Jewish Encyclopedia shows this to be fiction. It states that Sarah's children were adopted, that she filled her house with adopted children. It next gives a disserta*tion on illicit relations and illicit children of Sarah--merely a hint that illicit children may be used. The idea that Sarah was "very fair" in*dicates white children.

    There is a statement that "Jews do not like to be called Hebrews". I look up the meaning of the word and find, "Descendants of the Ass". Here is given a list of stem syllables that mean Jew--"As", "Is", "Ieu", "eu", and "ew". (The milk of the ass and of the cow, or issi, being used to feed the adopted waifs, they were called the chil*dren of As and Is). There is also the statement that "Jew is a war term", and we see that this term is to apply to those, and those ONLY, at war with the Gentiles.

    Under the heading of "Islam" is the following: "The state law of Islam has accordingly divided the world into two categories--the ter*ritory of Islam and the territory of war, i.e., the territory against which it is the duty of the faithful to lead the community in the "Jihad"--religious war. (Perhaps religious controversy to divide the ranks of the people).

    From a statement that there is a BIBLE that is all capital letters, I take the hint to look up capitalized words, from which I traced a number of noted Jews to Gentile Ancestry, others to Jael, which might be spelled Jail, seen to be a hint to use prisoners. A reference from here leads to a description of a vast cave where a large number of persons were stated to have been hidden. From here a reference led me to the LAW, and other gateways to a monstrous underworld of crime that should be investigated by a stronger force than our little band could muster.

    It seems that Jews, (real or adopted), or criminals in their power, are, in some degree at least, in control of the prisons, reform schools, homes for the insane and feeble-minded, etc., and that they use these in various ways in their war. Criminals are saved from punishment to serve their rescuers. Even executed men are sometimes resuscitated to become the loyal slaves of their bene*factors and deadly enemies to their own governments.

    A case that seems to come under the above category is that of a Jewish woman in San Francisco, who has charge of the delinquent boys of that city. A large part of her work is the finding of jobs for the boys finishing her school. Her influence in finding jobs is known to be far-reaching.

    FEAR is instilled into the minds of these young boys, and their resistance by the feeding of the white bread, macaroni, rice and demineralized stew. If a boy refuses to eat his plateful he is given a double portion and is forced to eat the whole. One boy was whipped mercilessly in the presence of teachers and pupils assembled at the lunch table for buying ten cents worth of peanuts with the excuse that he owed ten cents at school for lunches. (The boy was uncon*sciously trying to save his life against the acid-producing food.)

    This woman has it in her power to place the boys in positions of trust on parole and while still legally under her supervision. Raised as they are in deadly fear, they have no way of knowing when or whether her supervision ends.

    The City Manager Plan of Government of the cities, obtained through much newspaper propaganda, and the scheme of bring*ing in persons unknown to the communities to act as chiefs of po*lice, school superintendents [H: JUDGES!], etc., are adapted to the needs of this criminal underworld government. It would seem that our experience with saloon-managed politics would have warned us against such schemes. Only national loss of memory can explain such lack of foresight. A boy from reform school, an outcast woman, or a doctor who had made a serious mistake in practice, placed in a responsible and lucrative position would be compelled to obey the mandates of his benefactors or have his past exposed.

    Our systems of incarcerating large numbers of persons for any reason will be seen to be too dangerous to be continued. The crimi*nal, delinquent, deaf, blind, insane, and all other public wards should be cared for in their own communities, where in most cases they can earn their keep instead of being an expense, and where so*ciety can protect itself from having these persons used by an enemy.

    The Bible provides for the training of prisoners to fight their own people (See Isaiah). There is evidence that this part of the war program is also being reenacted. The release of the prisoners contributed to the terrors of the French Revolution and the "Commune of 1871". The severity with which we have been led to treat Mooney, Sacco, Vanzetti and others, has been to harden prisoners and their friends against the ruling classes.

    With this explanation and deviation, I shall continue using the word "jew" as it is used in Jewish Literature, except where it is nec*essary for clearness or justice to use the terms "real Jew" and "adopted Jew".


    In Jewish Encyclopaedia under the heading "Bread", I found the statement, "White bread reduces the feces, (causes constipation) and feeds the brain". We find that this means "starves the brain" for it is stated both directly and indirectly that "black is white" (read by op*posites). Twelve elements proved to be necessary to health and thought are removed from the grain with bran.

    A reference given leads to the statement, "The tree of knowledge Adam ate from, was wheat". Being referred again, we find, "The flour in ancient times was fine or coarse as it fell from the mill, from which a finer flour was separated by a hair sieve. The idea that the flour used for the sacrifice was different from that in general use is not warranted". But another reference leads to a statement that shows that the flour used for the sacrifice was different from that in general use, for fine flour is designated, and it is shown distinctly that "sacrifice" means that which is given for charity. There is the command: "If thine enemy hunger give him bread, i.e., the bread of the law". A reference from here leads to "Cookery" and a line of recipes which any food scientist would know were not intended to promote health. From which we find that "bread of the law" is not health bread. "Scraps" is mentioned.

    Tracing references through "Hadrian", "Rome", "Nero", "bath" and "charity" we become certain that Rome was led to her fall by a secret enemy and that demineralized food, poisons, and the hot bath were instruments in her fall. The dole given at the break*down of Roman finance was not a free distribution of grain as we had been taught, but was demineralized bread and other devital*ized food similar to that which is being given today in bread lines and soup kitchens in America.

    Through the manipulation of finance, and beginning as in Amer*ica with the lowest stratum of society, the people are brought, stra*tum by stratum, to the acceptance of charity. The needy were forced to eat devitalized food. Bread, their staff of life through the ages, was the chief article consumed. Plague, diabetes, influenza, cancer, rheumatism, sinusitis, dropsy, abnormalities, feeble-minded*ness, and selfishness have followed in the wake of "improved flour mills and the rice polishing machinery in Asia, Europe and America. The people become feeble minded, which accounts for the terrible cruelties of the latter Roman period.

    Passages from the Bible and hints from the Jewish Encyclopedia indicate that Jesus of Nazareth was trying to stop the plague that fi*nally destroyed Rome, and that this was the reason for his execution. Zangwill says: "He was hindering the success of our war." [H: You will also, however, note that his name was not Jesus but Esu Emmanuel regardless of what he was doing at the time. Saul of Tarsus staged the name-switch after Esu was GONE from the area. I don't even want to get into the run-around over his per*ceived "death" or exile in this writing.] Theosophist literature says that Jesus was a physician who had obtained knowledge from in*scriptions in Egypt which caused him to teach the Jewish secrets of healing to all.

    Zangwill shows that the Jews were in power in Rome to a greater extent than the Romans realized, in Dreamers of the Ghetto, he says of the CATACOMBS that "They were at first hiding places for the Jews by day", but that after a time "The Jews came out, and the others went in". In this connection he refers to lime as an agent for bringing the "millennium" (explained as the time when the Jews shall set up a world Kingdom). We find an explanation of this use of "lime" in a book, Innocents Abroad by Mark Twain. This tells of a trip by the author through the Catacombs of Rome, and refers to the strange custom of the Romans of burying their dead under the city and stacking the bones--leg bones in one pile, skulls in another, feet in another, etc., and pictures the scramble that must ensue when the last trumpet shall sound and murdered Romans, or of Victims of the plague, the bodies begin to assemble themselves. These bones carried there to conceal how many were dying of the plague. Quicklime is used to decompose the dead bodies. Hadrian, Ruler of Rome, issued a decree against Jews burying Gentiles. There may have been methods of murdering wholesale and hiding the bodies under the city. There is evidence of underground work in some of our cities today. In her Commune of 1871, Eleanor Marx speaks of the feeble-mindedness of the people never to have inquired from whence came these skeletons.

    The California laws for the government of State homes for the feeble-minded give room for wholesale murder or asexualization of normal citizens. "Other persons" (than the ones rightfully belong*ing) "may be admitted when there is accommodation". Inmates may be transferred, or dismissed and recommited without authority out*side the institution. There is no authority that has the legal right to even inquire the names of the inmates. Special laws exempt these institutions from inspection, investigation or interference, ei*ther with the inmates, employees, officers or property of the institu*tion, by the State Board of Lunacy, the only agency provided for the supervision of these institutions. Therefore, while supported by the state at great expense, they are in reality private institutions that may, and do, asexualize the inmates without the necessary authority from outside the institution. Popenoe, head of asexualization in California, states in the official report of 1927 (printed in SO*CIAL HYGIENE) that there are a large number in the homes for feeble-minded who are of average intellect, but he says, "None leave without sterilization", for he says, "Feeble-mindedness is not a bi*ological concept. It is a social concept". He represents that for pur*poses of the state those who cannot make a living are feeble*minded. Under present management, as was the case in Rome, most of the citizens are of this class. (Eleanor Marx in THE HIS*TORY OF THE COMMUNE OF 1871 refers to institutions for the in*sane as being hot-beds of crime).

    [H: Let us take John Schroepfer as a good example, from here. His wife and her son wanted to GET RID OF HIM. He had tended her hand and false-invalid foot for so long that he was failing mentally--FROM BAD DIET, NO MORE AND NO LESS, A PRIME EXAMPLE. The point is that they were able to cause him to be bonked on the head, rendering him, not to their wishes, dead--but unconscious. Then he ended up in hospi*tal and then they gained CONSERVATORSHIP over him and with cooperation of a DOCTOR put him in an ALZHEIMER'S center. The diagnosis WAS NOT EVEN ALZHEIMER'S. There he was kept prisoner. He, in the beginning, pleaded with his friends for vitamins and when these were supplied HE IM*MEDIATELY BECAME BETTER AND VISITORS WERE EXCLUDED 100 PERCENT. JOHN WAS PLACED IN ISO*LATION AND THEN SECRETLY MOVED HALF A STATE DISTANT. HE FINALLY HAD TO LITERALLY "BREAK*OUT" IN ONE OF HIS MORE LUCID MOMENTS AND "RUN AWAY" JUST AS PLANS WERE APPARENTLY MADE BY THE "MANAGERS" TO TAKE HIM AWAY PERMANENTLY. John literally got out on the same day as an elaborate plan was put into action which would have cost him freedom FOREVER, less than half an hour later. At the "home" involved, the "visitor" coming for John was identified as his "younger brother" but appears to have been possibly his "son". John said he got out and then got away and hitch-hiked his way to what he thought would be home. He tried to reach his nephew using a gifted coin. He was found with nothing except the very clothes on his back, no identification, no nothing. Total strangers had picked him up, fed him and gave him phone money. IS THIS EVIL? YOU BE THE JUDGE! WHO WAS BEHIND THE PLAN? ELEANOR (THE WIFE) SAID "GEORGE GREEN" (???). It is too long a story for this minute--however--with supplements and GOOD DIET WITH LOTS OF WHOLE GRAIN SPELT-JOHN IS RECOVERED TO SUFFICIENTLY REMEMBER ALL THE DIRTY-DEEDS AND THE PLAYERS!!]

    The White Race, mentally debilitated (because living off on food robbed of materials necessary to thought), are keeping no account of individuals. They do not know what may be happening to the thou*sands who are being enticed from their homes by too interesting ge*ography teaching, by real estate campaigns, and by information of free foods in missions and free rides on the railroads.


    Through the money system, which the Jews invented and have always controlled, they are able to dominate American food mar*kets, milling industries, and even the restaurants. One Gentile manager" of five hundred California restaurants admits that he has not the right to change a single menu. Acid-producing food forms the larger part of these menus. Oils, starches and sugar are served in every possible way. Even when whole rice, or whole grain or bran bread advertised they can rarely be obtained. They are "out". Vegetables and fruits are priced unnecessarily high. The foods are overcooked. That the stubborn resistance of restaurants, hospitals, and newspapers to facts discovered concerning food is not for profit but is the work of an enemy is shown by the many, and evidently expensive, articles in newspapers and magazines to mis*lead the people and turn their attention from food devitalization.

    Charity headquarters in California are in nearly every in*stance in the hands of Jews. The funds of mentally starved millionaires given for asexualization of the "unfit" is in the same hands and known as "charity". Money given to the Community Chest for the relief of unemployed men has been, in some cases at least, used to found birth-control clinics, for the purchase of Christmas dolls, for street decoration, Christmas trees, and for the hiring of foreigners to cook for the few men fed upon old refuse of the bakeries and grocers. Every effort to give fresh whole natural food as charity has been obstructed.

    The people were told not to feed the needy at their doors but to send the cases to the Community chest. Single men applying were told, "We help only men with families". Married men applying were told, "We care for families on condition that the man gets out and hunts a job". Women with families were told, "We help a woman provided she works and helps to earn the living, (thus dis*placing the men)". Charities in the small towns have said, "We only care for our own". Farming communities have been urged through the newspapers to "keep the work for home labor". The State-sup*ported employment agency in San Jose, Calif., telephoned for local men to take jobs while hundreds of "drifters" waited expectantly for work. Women have been hired to pass out the propaganda that any man can get a job who wants it. Soldiers' wives in Berkeley, Calif., were told that unless they, the wives, held jobs, their husbands would not receive their Soldiers' compensation. These and many other acts prove that present unemployment is war. The fact that white men are the ones chiefly affected shows that it is war on the whites. That some of the dark people among the unemployed are paid spies can he easily ascertained.

    [H: Now, look at how things have changed between the late 1920s and 1930s and NOW. You can't get help UNLESS you stay unemployed and the majority are dark-skinned receivers. How*ever, as you read this material NOTE THAT ITS TIMING IS AT THE ONSET OF THE "CRASH" IN THE MARKET AND THE "GREAT DEPRESSION". DO YOU SEE HOW EASY IT IS TO ACTUALLY ORGANIZE THESE SCOURGES?]

    The frightful increase in the number and size of hospitals, infirmaries, homes for cripples, tubercular homes, homes for the blind, for the feeble-minded, for the insane, of graveyards, crematories, and the increased demand for flowers for funerals, speak of the stage to which the plague has already developed.

    The information that has been given us during the last twenty-five years, that the span of life is increasing and that new discoveries of science are improving health, are the misleadings of the enemy and are by no means true. In his book, SCIENCE OF EATING, Alfred McCann, ex-U.S. food expert, shows that as early as 1912 large numbers of persons supposed to be in perfect health--nurses, doctors and laborers, tested perilously near the limit of acid toleration.

    That this mis-information concerning health is being actively dis*tributed is proved by the vehemence with which inexperienced nurses and young boys working in the clinics protest that the health of the country was never before so excellent.


    In Dreamers of the Ghetto, I read:

    "It works, Huldah, the idea works. I shall live to see it".

    Answer: "But won't the heathen find out the program, if you translate the book to English"?

    "If they were shut within an enclosure, and it were written on the walls, the fools wouldn't read it". [H: Ah-hummnn???]

    The "IDEA" being discussed was "RACE IMPROVEMENT", as a means of bringing the "millennium". Such expressions as "Controlled evolution will give the world to the Jews", and "The human race will be improved when it is all Jew", make sure the meaning. Reading further, I come upon an account of a convention of "delegates from the twelve allied tribes--and two other tribes, and from every important country of the world--doctors, scientists, bankers, railroad magnates, and many other millionaires". "Each had thrown off his chameleon characteristics, and become, for the time, all Jew"--who swore with solemn oath that Judah shall rule and occupy the Earth... and formed a government, adopted a flag (the lion rampant on a shield, with twelve stars for the twelve tribes) and a war program--the general order was to proceed along the lines of prophecy, and to repeat history. Many expressions of this congress were highly treasonous to the countries from which these delegates had come.

    The outstanding purpose of the convention was to form a gov*ernment for the Jews returning to Palestine, but the President acknowledged that Palestine was but an afterthought, AND THAT AMERICA WAS NEARER CORRECT AS A NA*TIONAL HOME FOR THE JEWS.

    Some of the other expressions of the president were:

    "Let them stay in their cozy nests. Palestine is all the land on both sides of the River Jordan, so far as Jews inhabit." [H: The current Israeli flag indicates that entire land mass-and we do mean "mass", not just little designated "Israel". Remember, it would be over a quarter of a century and a world war later be*fore the United Nations pronounced Israel a nation out of Pales*tine.]

    "We have to proceed along the lines of prophecy in order to keep the help of the Saturdayites" (Gentiles who are unwittingly helping to bring the Jews into power).

    "It were well to appoint a forty years wandering in the wilderness to organize or kill off the rabble". (This "wandering in the wilder*ness" is explained in the Jewish Encyclopedia as CODE for mental darkness-the natural result of demineralized food).

    "Judah has nothing to say to the mob, either Jew or Gentile, but will speak to kings in their palaces and prime ministers in their cabi*nets".

    Zangwill says:

    "The Shofar was sounded connecting this convention with that one far-off divine event, toward which the whole of creation moves". and the Jews formally announced themselves the rulers of the world and the Jewish government the supreme being. Said the president: It has been prophesied that the Messiah will be born on the 29th of August. Today is the Messiah born--THE CONGRESS". [H: HOW DO LIKE "THEM APPLES"?]


    THAT AMERICA IS A CHIEF OBJECTIVE AND IS BEING INVADED IS SHOWN BY THE FOLLOWING: (See, Voice of Jerusalem, page 276) "The Ito has even tested the point by opening out of a new immigration area via Galveston. Within a few years ten thousand souls were settled in a territory they had never heard of".

    And page 305: "The latest statistics show 37,000 Jews arriving in New York... departing to join their relatives in the West. It would thus seem that the Galveston work was more successful than one would have imagined, and that exactly as designed, the 10,000 souls planted in the West are now operating to attract immigration".

    Zangwill several times refers to "World Fairs", such as the Chicago, San Francisco, St. Louis Exhibitions, as "Millennial Exhi*bitions". (They open the gate for foreigners). The Marathon races to be held in California in 1932 are to be "Millennial" in character. "Messengers" have been prophesying that in 1932 God would hand over the U.S. government TO THE JEWS, and have been urging the "faithful" to cooperate to bring about a fulfillment of his plans. (Zangwill gives the date as 1934). [H: Well, it goes right along with the Federal Reserve Act, the State of Emergency and mar*tial law which has existed in the U.S. since 1932-33 and all of the other movements away from the CONSTITUTION. YOU just didn't seem to take notice.]

    The Newspapers have been reminding us that the present period is strangely like the Fall of Rome. [H: Well, you've passed "that one" and now have achieved the strange appearance of Sodom and Gomorrah!]

    Of the destruction of Rome, Zangwill says: (Voice of Jerusalem, p. 230) "The fight with Rome was for the hemogeny (control) of the world. A fight inspired by two centuries of Apocalyptic teaching... The Jews presumed to put it to the test of the sword. They sought to force the coming of the Kingdom of God on Earth.

    "Judas Macebeaus had beaten back the gods of Greece... why should the gods of Rome be more powerful?

    "Already the 'chosen' people had seen the passing of the empires of Egypt, Babylonia, Chaldea, Persia and Greece... the legend was of the conquering Jehovah--not the conquering Jew. His devotees were to be found increasing among the heathen. Why should he not be given the occasion for again manifesting his material might? Why should not Rome fade and pass like others"?

    Also, "The Jew is not satisfied to record the crimes of Christen*dom. He is out for victory. He will overrun the Earth. The face of Israel will shine with power when the name of Europe will be diffi*cult to remember". He quotes Exodus 23, 29-30: I will not drive them out before thee in one Year, lest the beasts of the field multiply against thee. By little and little will I drive them out before thee till thou be increased and inherit the land", and exclaims, "What an ad*mission that the possession of Canaan came about by natural means".

    It is evident that "Canaan" is used as a symbol for America, for it had just been stated that America was the suitable place for founding a Jewish national home. Zangwill also refers to Judges in the Bible where it is found that the Canaanites were put to tribute and to the Bible concordance which states that the Canaanites were given tasks, that is, were enslaved. So this is what is planned for Americans.

    Tracing the term "Armageddon" (often used by Zangwill) we ar*rive at the above passage in Judges which says that we are to be slaves. Various statements show that "Armageddon" is the present war of unemployment and starvation.

    In America, as in Falling Rome, unemployment has been brought about by "natural means".

    Throughout manipulation of finance the Roman farmer has been prevented from cultivating the land. When the enemy could not entirely destroy the farmer otherwise, they began to give food away in the cities. The farmer could no longer sell, and was obliged to abandon the land, join the ranks of the unemployed, and accept the "dole". This is shown by Jewish Encyclopedia to have been demineralized bread, and not a free distribution of grain as we have been taught in our histories. With the farmers undone, the whole population was soon at the mercy of the enemy. Those accepting the dole were openly given inferior food, as in the case in America today. The result was plague.


    History is being repeated in regard to the American farmer through competition with products of "state" institutions run at pub*lic expense but permitted to sell in the open market [H: Gosh, TO*DAY makes 1929 look like paradise for farmers and consumers doesn't it?]; through products of Southern Pacific and other "company"-owned land and through imports from islands where it is warm and foods can be produced more cheaply than in America. Bananas are being permitted to displace American-raised apples. Sugar and candy displaces fruit to a very large extent. The markets are being manipulated for the express PURPOSE of making war on the American Farmer. Fruits are held in the market at unneces*sarily high prices and are destroyed rather than reduce the price, while candy is made so cheap that it is hard to see where there can be any profit in it. At some of the factories, candy is given away by the box to all who ask for it. [H: Not today, however, for all they had to do was wait for the addictions to take over.] (More for its direct effect upon the consumer than as an instrument of war against the farmer.)

    The people have become so mentally helpless through food rob*bery that they allow the penitentiaries to displace free labor. How should we hope to escape slavery?

    We have also permitted foreign-controlled corporations to dis*place American business men. When a few of our people (led however by the enemy) have tried to check this movement and cor*rect the deficiencies of government, the enemy have reported them as "Reds". When we shall at last see our mistake, we are expected to all join the "Reds", and bring the enemy into power by popular vote.

    Zangwill refers to "The vast new Arabic kingdom which is being set up simultaneously", which shows that the "End of the World" movement is not confined to America. Europe, China, Japan and India are also victims.

    How this vast movement can be managed from one head is shown by the bit of history related in Jewish Encyclopedia, and by Zangwill.


    This seems a good place to end this writing as it becomes too lengthy to finish the document in this sitting. We will take up and hopefully complete the material next session and begin with THE MESSIAH OF 1665.

    Thank you for your patience and endurance.

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