PJ 28

FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 1991 8:41 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 239

FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 1991

Hatonn present to prop up the backbone a bit. Dharma, it is when the path gets hard that the "hard" get moving. Remember the old saying on your place, "Tough times don't last; tough people do"! In God's Truth the impossible al­ways becomes possible--so rise above the impact of that which appears insur­mountable and allow us to see that which is transpiring.


The United Nations has declared an end to the Iraqi War and so all that killing which continues must be an illusion. Dear ones, there are many ways to bring men into submission and the Mossad knows them all. Saddam Hussein had no idea of what evil people he was truly up against. The two-sided beast of the north was killing the Kurds on one side and saving them on the other. I promised you that worse devastation would continue until capitulation would be reached and the blame would continue to focus on Iraq and Saddam. BUT, while you were watching the show, Mr. Baker was making his Middle Eastern rounds of YOUR ALLIES!

Your nation has cut what amounts to all aid to Jordan because they disagreed with your invasion of the Middle East. Now the Palestinians are going to be punished even more severely as even the Arab brothers join the punishment crew. Baker extracted an agreement from Saudi Arabia's foreign minister that his government was cutting off financial support to the Palestine Liberation Or­ganization. Oh, you say, well Hatonn--"That is not Palestine!" Yes it is; it is all that is left of Palestine. Then Mr. Baker met for over five hours (reported) to congeal agreements for suppression of dissenters with Hafez Assad--the most inhumane man in the Middle East. Out of all the blathering of nonsense I did not hear a single word about reduction of your own Presidential Emergency Regulations which allow him to be dictator.

By the way, just a bit of an aside about the Western Hostages in Lebanon to bolster your confirmation just a bit, I hope. Associated Press, April 12, 1991: SHIITE LEADER ACCUSES U.S. OF SLOWING HOSTAGE RELEASE; America "arrogant, uncompromising": Masghara, Lebanon: The leader of the radical Shiite Muslim faction accused the United States of slowing the re­lease of Western hostages, but said they could be freed if Israel turns over Arabs captured in southern Lebanon..... "America knows the way to the hostages' release, but after its victory in the Gulf War, America became even more arrogant and uncompromising," said Musawi, whose group is believed to have links to hostage-holders.... The Americans are complicating the hostage is­sue. "They demand the release of their hostages while the patriots remain in Is­raeli jails"..... "Why is it the Americans' right to demand the release of their hostages and it is not our right to demand freedom of our patriots"? Musawi asked. "IT IS KNOWN THAT AMERICA AND ISRAEL ARE ONE"!

By the way, just a couple more notes of interest:

Funny thing happened on the way to "cold fusion", the valuable, clean and nearly infinite source of energy. The scientists at the University of Utah, who just got canned for not being "team players" according to the president of the U. of U., and their work got knocked as a hoax--well guess what: researchers at China Lake Naval Weapons Center have reported matching the production of nuclear products with excess heat in "cold fusion"..... A "team" under the di­rection of one Melvin Miles, a chemist at the Navy research facility has matched experiments and HIS PAPER IS ALREADY BEING WIDELY CIR­CULATED. BUSH SAYS, "THE NAVY'S INTEREST IN COLD FUSION, LIKE THE REST OF THE WORLD'S, IS IN THE PRODUCTION OF SUCH CLEAN ENERGY".


Surely enough, in the gas produced in the experiments (now under complete control of the Elite Government of the U.S./Global Government) had approxi­mately 100 trillion atoms of helium 4, an amount roughly comparable to the amount of heat generated if both the helium and heat were produced in the same nuclear fusion reaction. The heat had to be produced in the cells, and only a nuclear fusion reaction could produce it."The finding of helium 4, and in ad­dition the finding of helium 4 in the correct proportion is an absolutely stunning finding", said researchers.

Oh by the way--it is also tied up with gamma ray production which is present in all nuclear fusion, etc., etc., etc. Remember that sensor you want in space? Ah yes, the only reason to really want that out there in the space around earth is to measure nuclear first-blast which will release gamma rays immediately.

What more can I say? I can only lay it before you.

The next I will just ask that it be printed, you form your own opinion but I ask that you balance your discernment within the KNOWN LAWS OF GOD AND THE CREATION OF CONTINUATION OF THE SPECIES, ETC.:

END BAN ON HOMOSEXUAL SOLDIERS: More than 40 members of Congress are DEMANDING ABOLITION OF THE PROHIBITION AGAINST MALE AND FEMALE HOMOSEXUALS IN THE U. S. MILITARY. The lawmakers claimed in a letter to President Bush that 50,000 male homosexuals and lesbians could have served in Operation Desert Storm, and would now be receiving praise from grateful Americans, if it were not for the Pentagon's policy. The letter was drafted by Rep. Gerry Studds (D. Mass.), an avowed homosexual. So be it. Seems like an exceptional way in which to spread AIDS and get the illness cov­ered under military hospitalization at taxpayer expense.


I have to give you that information which seems trite, for if you do not have those "trite" details you won't have the confirmation needed to adequately judge historical events and evolvement. As is the intent this day, to hide truth-so was truth hidden and destroyed all along the way--against this day of total deception. Whether or not the ending is as the written words and projections--matters not, you are headed toward an ending of an era at any angle of focus and you MUST KNOW HOW IT ALL REACHED THIS VORTEX OF EXPERIENCE.

And so, we shall speak of things such as art and trade, etc. Khazar art, like that of the Bulgars and Magyars, was mainly imitative, modeled on Persian-Sas­sanide patterns. The Soviet archaeologist Bader emphasized the role of the Khazars in the spreading of Persian-style silverware towards the north. Some of these finds may have been re-exported by the Khazars, true to their role as mid­dlemen (merchants); others were imitations made in Khazar workshops--the ru­ins of which have been traced near the ancient Khazar fortress of Sarkel. Unfortunately "progress" got in the way and Sarkel, the most important Khazar ar­chaeological site has been flooded by the reservoir of a hydro-electric station. The jewelry unearthed within the confines of the fortress was of local manufac­ture. The Swedish archaeologist T.J. Arne mentions ornamental plates, clasps and buckles found as far away as Sweden, of Sassanide and Byzantine inspiration, manufactured in Khazaria or territories under their influence. I give you these references so that you can research and come to your own conclusions.

Thus the Khazars were the principal intermediaries in the spreading of Persian and Byzantine art among the semi-barbaric tribes of Eastern Europe. After his exhaustive survey of the archaeological and documentary evidence (mostly from Soviet sources), Bartha concludes:

The sack of Tiflis by the Khazars, presumably in the spring of AD 629, is relevant to our subject....[During the period of occupation.' the Kagan sent out inspectors to supervise the manufacture of gold, silver, iron and copper products. Similarly the bazaars, trade in general, even the fisheries, were under their control.... [Thus] in the course of their in­cessant Caucasian campaigns during the seventh century, the Khazars made contact with a culture which had grown out of the Persian Sas­sanide tradition. Accordingly, the products of this culture spread to the people of the steppes not only by trade, but by means of plunder and even by taxation....All the tracks that we have assiduously followed in the hope of discovering the origins of Magyar art in the tenth century have led us back to Khazar territory.

The last remark of the Hungarian scholar refers to the spectacular archaeological finds known as the "Treasure of Nagyszentmiklos". The treasure, consisting of twenty-three gold vessels, dating from the tenth century, was found in 1791 in the vicinity of the village of that name which now belongs to Rumania and is called Sinnicolaul Mare. Bartha points out that the figure of the "victorious Prince" dragging a prisoner along by his hair, and the mythological scene at the back of the golden jar, as well as the design of other ornamental objects, show close affinities with the finds in Novi Pazar in Bulgaria--and in the Khazar Sarkel. As both Magyars and Bulgars were under Khazar suzerainty for pro­tracted periods, this is not very surprising, and the warrior, together with the rest of the treasure, gives us at least some idea of the arts practiced within the Khazar Empire (the Persian and Byzantine influence is predominant, as one would expect).

Some Hungarian archaeologists maintain that the tenth century gold and silver­smiths working in Hungary were actually Khazars and indeed they were. As you shall see later, when the Magyars migrated to Hungary in 896 they were led by a dissident Khazar tribe, known as the Kabars, who settled with them in their new home. The Kabar-Khazars were known as very skilled gold and silver­smiths; the originally more primitive Magyars only acquired those skills in their new country. Thus the Khazar origin of at least some of the archaeological finds in Hungary are verified and will become more clearly outlined in the light of the Magyar-Khazar nexus which we will discuss a bit later on.

Whether the warrior on the golden jar is of Magyar or Khazar origin, he helps you to visualize the appearance of a cavalryman of that period giving foundation to truth, perhaps belonging to an elite regiment. Masudi says that in the Khazar army "seven thousand of them (Istakhri has 12,000), ride with the King, archers with breast plates, helmets and coats of mail. Some are lancers, equipped and armed like the Muslims.... None of the kings in this part of the world has a reg­ular standing army except the King of the Khazars". And Ibn Hawkal: "This king has twelve thousand soldiers in his service, of whom when one dies, an­other person is immediately chosen in his place".

Here you have another important clue to the Khazar dominance: a permanent professional army, with a Praetorian Guard which, in peacetime, effectively controlled the ethnic patchwork, and in times of war served as a hard core for the armed horde, which, as you have now seen, may have swollen at times to a hundred thousand or more.

According to the Masudi, the "Royal Army" consisted of Muslims who "immigrated from the neighbourhood of Kwarizm. Long ago, after the appear­ance of Islam, there was war and pestilence in their territory, and they repaired to the Khazar King...When the King of the Khazars is at war with the Muslims, they have a separate place in his army and do not fight the people of their own faith". That the army "consisted" of Muslims is of course an exaggeration, contradicted by Masudi himself a few lines later, where he speaks of the Mus­lim contingent having a "separate place" in the Khazar army. Also, Ibn Hawkal says that "the king has in his train 4,000 Muslims and this king has 12,000 sol­diers in his service". The Kwarizmians probably formed a kind of Swiss Guard within the army. Vice versa, the Byzantine Emperor Constantine Porphyrogenitus had a corps d'elite of Khazar guardsmen stationed at the gates of his palace. This was a privilege dearly bought: "These guards were so well remu­nerated that they had to purchase their posts for considerable sums, on which their salaries represented an annuity varying from about 2.25 to 4 per cent".


The capital of this motley empire was at first the fortress of Balanjar in the northern foothills of the Caucasus; after the Arab raids in the eighth century it was transferred to Samandar, on the western shore of the Caspian; and lastly to Itil in the estuary of the Volga.

There are several descriptions of Itil, which are consistent with each other. It was a twin city, built on both sides of the river. The eastern half was called Khazaran, the western half Itil. The city was called by different labels in dif­ferent periods of history, e.g., al-Bayada, "The White City". The two were connected by a pontoon bridge. The western half was surrounded by a fortified wall, built of brick; it contained the palaces and courts of the Kagan and the Bek, the inhabitations of their attendants and of the "pure-bred Khazars" The wall had four gates, one of them facing the river. Across the river, on the east bank, lived "the muslims and idol worshippers"; this part also housed the mosques, markets, baths and other public amenities. Several Arab writers were impressed by the number of mosques in the Muslim quarter and the height of the principal minaret. They also kept stressing the autonomy enjoyed by the Muslim courts and clergy. Here is what al-Masudi, known as "the Herodotus among the Arabs", has to say on the subject in his oft-quoted work Meadows of Gold Mines and Precious Stones:

The custom in the Khazar capital is to have seven judges. Of these two are for the Muslims, two are for the Khazars, judging according to the Torah (Mosaic law), two for the Christians, judging according to the Gospel, and one for the Saqualibah, Rus and other pagans, judging ac­cording to pagan law...In his [the Khazar King's] city are many Mus­lims, merchants and craftsmen, who have come to his country because of his justice and the security which he offers. They have a principal mosque and a minaret which rises above the royal castle, and other mosques there besides, with schools where the children learn the Koran.

In reading these lines by the foremost Arab historian, written in the first half of the tenth century, between AD 943 and 947„ you might be tempted to take a too idyllic view of life in the Khazar Kingdom. Thus you find in the article KHAZARS in the Jewish Encyclopaedia: "In a time when fanaticism, igno­rance and anarchy reigned in Western Europe, the Kingdom of the Khazars could boast of its just and broad-minded administration". Yes, I said "found in the Jewish Encyclopaedia, published in 1971-6. In the Encyclopaedia Judaica, 1971, the article on the Khazars by Dunlop is of exemplary objectivity. It may, however, be quite difficult to get your hands on the document and much less your eyes.

There is no evidence of the Khazars engaging in religious persecution, either be­fore or after the conversion to Judaism--that, dear ones, can only mean that there probably was persecution for evil always efforts to hide its actions. But on the other hand, the Roman Empire, or Islam in its early stages, was incredi­bly brutal and anything lesser looked pretty good. It is known that they pre­served some barbaric rituals from the tribal past. You have now heard Ibn Fadlan on the killings of the royal grave-diggers. He also had something to say about another archaic custom--regicide: "The period of the king's rule is forty years. If he exceeds this time by a single day, his subjects and attendants kill him, saying 'His reasoning is already dimmed, and his insight confused'".

But, Istakhri has a bit of a differing version of it: "When they wish to enthrone this Kagan, they put a silken cord round his neck and tighten it until he begins to choke. Then they ask him: 'How long dost thou intend to rule'? If he does not die before that year, he is killed when he reaches it".

This is the sort of lore you would tend to discard, I would suspect. Don't. Rit­ual regicide was a widespread phenomenon among primitive and not-so-primi­tive people. There was great connection between the concept of the King's di­vinity, and the sacred obligation to kill him after a fixed period, or when his vitality would be on the wane, so the powers could find a more youthful and vigorous incarnation. It isn't such a bad idea, perhaps, for if you still practiced that ritual with politicians, perhaps you wouldn't have so many applying for the job.

It speaks in Istakhri's favour that the bizarre ceremony of "choking" the future King has been reported in existence apparently not so long ago among other people, the Kok-Turks. Zeki Validi quotes a French anthropologist, St. Julien, writing in 1864:

When the new Chief has been elected, his officers and atten­dants...make him mount his horse. They tighten a ribbon of silk around his neck, without quite strangling him; then they loosen the ribbon and ask him with great insistence: "For how many years canst thou be our Khan"? The king, in his troubled mind, being unable to name a figure, his subjects decide, on the strength of the words that have escaped him, whether his rule will be long or brief. There is a whole book written on THE KILLING OF THE KHAZAR KING, BY FRAZER (Folklore, XXVIII, 1917).

The point at issue herein is that the divine power was attributed to the Kagan, regardless whether or not it implied his ultimate sacrifice. It was more realistic that the King was, rather, kept in seclusion until his death and cut off from the people, until he was buried with enormous ceremony. The affairs of state, in­cluding leadership of the army, were managed by the Bek (Kagan Bek) who wielded all effective power. This actually denoted "double kingship" with the Kagan representing something divine, the Bek secular.

This is taken here as important only in what came later. The acceptance of Judaism as the state religion was the result of a coup d'etat, which at the same time reduced the Kagan, descendant of a pagan dynasty whose allegiance to Mosaic law could not really be trusted, to a figurehead.


The religion of the Hebrews had exercised a profound influence on the creed of Islam, and it had been a basis for Christianity; it had won scattered proselytes, but the conversion of the Khazars to the undiluted religion of Jehovah is unique in history.

What was the motivation of this unique event? It is not easy to get under the skin of a Khazar prince--covered, as it was, by a coat of mail. But if you rea­son in terms of power-politics, which obeys essentially the same rules through­out the ages, a fairly plausible analogy offers itself without me appearing too mystical and mysterious in the offering.

At the beginning of the eighth century the world was polarized between the two super-powers representing Christianity and Islam. Their ideological doctrines were welded to power-politics pursued by the classical methods of propaganda, subversion and military conquest. The Khazar Empire represented a Third Force, which had proved equal to either of them, both as an adversary ((s)atan) and an ally. But it could only maintain its independence by accepting neither Christianity nor Islam--for either choice would have automatically subordinated it to the authority of the Roman Emperor or the Caliph of Baghdad.

There was no lacking in efforts by either court to convert the Khazars to Chris­tianity or Islam, but all they resulted in was the exchange of diplomatic courte­sies, dynastic inter-marriages and shifting military alliances based on mutual self-interest. Relying on its military strength, the Khazar Kingdom, with its hinterland of vassal tribes, was determined to preserve its position as the Third Force, leader of the uncommitted nations of the steppes.

At the same time, their intimate contacts with Byzantium and the Caliphate had taught the Khazars that their primitive shamanism was not only barbaric and outdated compared to the great monotheistic creeds, but also unable to confer on the leaders the spiritual and legal authority which the rulers of the two theocratic world powers, the Caliph and the Emperor, enjoyed. Yet the conversion to ei­ther creed would have meant submission, the end of independence, and thus would have defeated its purpose. What could have been more logical than to embrace a third creed, which was uncommitted towards either of the two, yet represented the venerable foundation of both?

In reality, the conversion to Judaism required an act of GENIUS. Yet both Arab and Hebrew sources on the history of the conversion varied in detail but let us just quote Bury once again for your insight:

There can be no question that the ruler was actuated by political mo­tives in adopting Judaism. To embrace Mohammedanism would have made him the spiritual dependent of the Caliphs, who attempted to press their faith on the Khazars, and in Christianity lay the danger of his becoming an ecclesiastical vassal of the Roman Empire. Judaism was a reputable religion with sacred books which both Christian and Mo­hammedan respected; it elevated him above the heathen barbarians, and secured him against the interference of Caliph or Emperor. But he did not adopt, along with circumcision, the intolerance of the Jewish cult. He allowed the mass of his people to abide in their heathendom and wor­ship their idols.

Though the Khazar court's conversion was no doubt politically motivated, it would still be absurd to imagine that they embraced overnight, blindly, a reli­gion whose tenets were unknown to them. In fact, however, they had been well-acquainted with Judaists and their religious observances for at least a cen­tury before the conversion, through the continued influx of refugees from reli­gious persecution in Byzantium, and to a lesser extent from countries in Asia Minor conquered by the Arabs. Khazaria was a relatively civilized country among the Barbarians of the North, yet not committed to either of the militant creeds, and so it became a natural haven for the periodic exodus of Judaists un­der Byzantine rule, threatened by forced conversion and by other pressures.

I want to leave this writing at this point for I have other duties to attend. I be­lieve that it must be becoming obvious that none of this "religious" hocus-pocus has anything to do with God's laws nor those of The Creation and thus has it ever been. These were the types of entities which were setting the rules and writing the books of rules--how can you "modern" "civilized" people continue to believe that God gave forth rules and they remained untampered with when men writing the laws still tied a man to two trees and then split him in half!?!

Please, brothers, you must know that ignorance of truth is one thing and stupid­ity in passage quite another. Please choose wisdom and reason so that Divine God in justice and Truth can show you the out of this morass.

I am intrigued by one after another of your "experts" on various issues at hand and in crisis; when asked their solutions, they invariably end up by saying there aren't any except maybe "prayers". To whom? For what? It is time you de­cide on both points for I promise you that there will NOT be a knight God on a gleaming white horse to ride you off into the clouds. There won't even be a silver craft to lift you off if you don't get with changing your direction. Why would a God of perfection desire satanic imperfection in his house? You ones of Earth have not become more "civilized and Godly", you have become more barbaric with more heinous ways to kill and mutilate than ever before in your history--and you march dead-ahead in your plans to use them all. So be it. I and my Command await your decisions for your time grows short. Salu.

Hatonn to clear.

PJ 28

SATURDAY, APRIL 13, 1991 8:57 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 240

In the wondrous beauty of the physical plane, I come that the soul might be at peace to receive of God. How can ye hear if thine whole beings are spinning like the carousel?

We are blessed indeed that Druthea takes a portion of our burden for it is trou­blesome to move from the barbaric customs of the Khazars into the teachings and "knowings" of THE CREATION. Dru is serving in grand removal of "self" from the writings and we are indeed well-pleased. As we deal with these current needs, in sequence, we shall then follow-on with the putting to paper the last journey of the Christos upon your place. You shall not like of it for your perceptions are so misguided but by that time ones who have studied, in reason and open perception, Truth, shall understand. For the rest, Dharma, we shall simply stand responsible for as long as we can continue.

In what you call your "current" times, say since the founding of the United States, it was known that the "Bible" had been greatly altered. There were ones sent forth from the Brotherhood of Light who worked with the group of the founders of the basic principles of your nation.

It was well recognized that the Truth was altered in the Bible which you fol­lowed so narrowly--i.e., your own Thomas Jefferson who was a blessed one sent forth for penning of your Declaration of Independence to move you ones into freedom, also penned a "version" of the New Testament which excludes the work of Paul (Saul of Tarsus). If ever there was a barbarian, it was Saul. Even after that which he called his conversion, he went about the country setting up churches according to "Paul" and more damage was done unto the Christ teachings than was ever done by any one person. Therefore, these teachings were seized upon and integrated for very special purposes of the evil Elite--to control you and draw you away from Truth of Godliness and the Laws.

Most ones on your place who are so-called Christians and church-goers believe Paul was a disciple. No, he was Christ Emmanuel's (Jesus) most intolerable and bloody enemy. He did not start his preaching or anything else "in behalf of Jesus until AFTER Jesus was gone. He called himself an apostle and he lived out his life in total confusion and set himself up as the word of law within the "Christian Churches". Is there nothing of truth in Paul's work? Oh indeed, yes--remember, the many portions of that which is given in evil presentations are correct so that you will be lulled into the lie without question. With the founding of the "Unholy Church of Rome" the lies were set into the foundation of deceit which would ultimately bring you to this day wherein evil prevails like a shroud across your planet.

This is why we must go through the tedium of giving you historical data (out of sequence, actually) so that you can have some idea of that which has happened and how you were deliberately manipulated and pulled away from God of Light and all balance within The Creation's working order within the Universe. If you cannot come into seeing the error of your historical journey--you shall never put to right the present experience and your perceived "future" is bleak indeed.

There is no argument against following the laws of God and The Creation and, further, you may do with them that which you will--our task at hand is to set Truth from the lies, remind you of your commandments of balance and Godness and you will do that which you will--there is no need for debate nor argument. I can tell you exactly how it IS, no more and no less--and YOU will choose of your actions. I do not come to debate nor quarrel. It is as with the situation of those ones you call homosexual--I care not of emotional "preference"--it is the ACTIONS and responsible or irresponsible consequences of your "voted-in" be­havior which is in point--and if you cannot see the evil beast pulling you down into the depths of what could be the hell of disease and emotional horror--then so be it and the consequences shall be upon your own being.

If you are standing in the highway and a truck is bearing down upon you and you do not see or hear it approaching--but I do, and I tell you not--who is the more "guilty"? But if I tell you and point out the consequences of being smashed into bits and you denounce me and stand in the path to spite me (and the truck)--ye shall be squashed by your own choice of actions (or inactions); it is not of ignorance.

Mankind knows inately that which is right and that which is wrong behavior-- each is born with this information within the soul essence. This is why so much activity takes place in the dark places of hidden alleyways and lightless rooms and secret rituals. If you care not for another Man to see--then you function in the lighted rooms and if the matter be private, ye keep of it private for its no other's business. If you act in the dark places and then demand that ones who act in the lighted places participate in or have to witness your dark behavior (so you can dump your load of responsibility on them) then you darken the entire community like a blight upon a wondrous forest.

In your beings you know that which is wrong and against God: Worship of evil, physical things and/or idols--and/or placing the beings of evil before God of Light; murder, abortion, killing, allowing death by deprivation, deliberately giving unto another disease, etc.; adultery, homosexuality ACTIVITIES (actions do not denote love for love is an emotional feeling and can be ex­pressed without need to even touch another), etc. You also know it is against God and the nations steal from another--and yet your own government steals all it can take from you-the-people, so you KNOW the facts--you simply pre­tend to not know them so as to justify behavior. It may work in the circles of Man (although it doesn't) and you deceive no-one in actuality--you just effort to pull all down into the pit so you have company in your illicit actions.

Ones create evil and then demand that honorable ones accept it without defense or recourse--THAT, dear ones, in the accepting of behaviors which are against God and Man and the Creation makes you as guilty of the offense as if actually committing of the act-itself. The advertisement upon your place which says, "You've come a long way, baby"! is quite true--almost all the way--to being in complete separation from God of Truth and Light. Is your population at peace and happy? Does the sight of an art gallery of homosexual men in sodomy give you peace and beauty within thine souls? Do the parts of a baby's tiny body being pulled forth from the womb give you peace and glory? You, through practice of these things, and the standing by and allowing of these things-have pulled yourselves into the pit of hell and the evil teachers laugh at you for your stupidity! Well, be it any comfort--God weeps and the Creation dies at the hands of the immoral injustice. No, there shall be no rapture unto the heavenly places of you who think you have a free ticket to paradise--for if you allow these things upon your place of experience-ye would allow of them in the places of perfection and therefore, ye who practice such deceit and unGodly behaviors against the very foundation of Christ Truth--shall remain within the darkness--and that, dear ones, can be for infinity! YE SHALL NOT BRING THE EVIL INTO THE PLACES OF GOD. NOR, SHALL YE LONG RE­MAIN IN THIS PLACEMENT UPON THIS PLANET CALLED EARTH FOR SHE IS BIRTHED ANEW AND THAT WHICH HAS DEFILED HER SHALL BE REMOVED THAT SHE MAY HEAL. THOSE WHO ARE NOT REMOVED AND/OR KEPT IN SAFETY FOR FURTHER JOURNEY UPON HER, SHALL BE ROLLED BENEATH THE WATERS OF THE SEAS SO THAT HER OWN BEING CAN BE RENEWED.

One of the reasons that we are sent forth is to tell you these things, bring into safety those who are of God and effort to disallow the destruction of the physi­cal orb itself at your hands and insane minds. That which you do with your in­dividual entities of "self" is immaterial to us for ours is to neither coerce nor judge any entity's choices--only ACTIONS THEREOF. If your actions deviate from the Laws of God and The Creation as given to all beings--then the measure of the deviation is between you and God and has naught to do with ME. BUT, I CAN TELL YOU THIS: IF YOU DELIBERATELY BREAK THOSE LAWS--YOU SHALL NOT MOVE DIRECTLY INTO THE SPACES OF HOLY GOD! YOU HAD BEST BE COMING INTO THE REALITY OF THE PROGRESSION OF SOUL WITHIN THE DIMENSIONS OF INFINITY. CHANTING VERSES AND AFFIRMATIONS WITH THE LIPS WILL DO NAUGHT UNLESS THE EMOTIONAL WHOLENESS IS RE­FLECTED IN THE MIRROR OF THE SOUL. AND GOD KNOWS THE DIFFERENCE! SO BE IT.


It is historically noted that the Khazars were a relatively "civilized" country among the Barbarians of the North, yet not committed to either of the con­comitant creeds, and so it became a natural haven for the periodic exodus of Ju­doists under Byzantine rule, threatened by forced conversion and other pres­sures. Persecution in varied forms had started with Justinian I (527-65), and assumed particularly vicious forms under Heraclius in the seventh century, Leo III in the eighth, Basil and Leo IV in the ninth, Romanus in the tenth. Thus Leo III, who ruled during the two decades immediately preceding the Khazar con­version to Judaism, "attempted to end the anomaly [of the tolerated status of Ju­daists] at one blow by ordering all his Judaist subjects to be baptized". Al­though the implementation of the order seemed to have been rather ineffective, it led to the flight of a considerable number of Judaists from Byzantium.

You DO have something with which to relate--The New World Order. What if, tonight, it is announced that the New World Order is in full operation and there will henceforth be no discussions of Constitutional rights, etc. The churches will teach that which the government of evil gives unto them to teach, etc. What would you do? What WILL you do--for it is coming rapidly now. I can promise you that when this happens YOU WILL ALL CONVERT--IN AC­TIONS, EVEN IF NOT WITHIN BELIEF!

Masudi relates:

In this city [Khazaran-Itil] are Muslims, Christians, Jews and pa­gans. The Jews are the king, his attendants and the Khazars of his kind (the "White Khazars"). The King of the Khazars had already become a Jew in the Caliphate of Harun al-Rashid and he was joined by Jews from all lands of Islam and from the country of the Greeks [Byzantium]. In­deed the King of the Greeks at the present time, the Year of the Hegira 332 [AD 943-4] has converted the Jews in his kingdom to Christianity by coercion.... Thus many Jews took flight from the country of the Greeks to Khazaria....

I can't understand why you ones continue to ask me why we continue to use the term Jew if it was not a part of any language at the time, and we are quoting from ones "of the time". BECAUSE IT IS ALL IN TRANSLATION AND BY THE TIME IT WAS TRANSLATED, THE TERM JEW WAS REQUIRED AS TRANSLATION OF THE TERM JUDEAN, JUDAIST. IT IS A MAJOR PART OF THE WHOLE MANDATORY EFFORT AT DECEPTION SO THAT BY THIS CURRENT TIME OF CYCLES AND EVOLVEMENT YOU WOULD NOT KNOW DIFFERENCE--AND IT WORKED! Therefore, to be accurate in my own translation I am forced to utilize the translated version or you know not that of which I speak. THE VERY WORD JEW HAS BECOME THE BIGGEST LIE OF ALL! THE VERY LABEL WAS CONCEIVED TO DECEIVE MANKIND AND IT HAS WORKED!

The last two sentences of the quote above refer to events two hundred years af­ter the Khazar conversion and show how persistently the waves of persecution followed each other over the centuries. But the Jews were equally persistent. Many endured torture, and those who did not have the strength to resist returned later on to their faith--"like dogs to their vomit", as one Christian chronicler gracefully put it. Equally picturesque is the description of a Hebrew writer of one method of forced conversion used under the Emperor Basil against the Ju­daist community of Oria in southern Italy:

How did they force them? Anyone refusing to accept their erroneous belief was placed in an olive mill under a wooden press, and squeezed in the way olives are squeezed in the mill.

Another Hebrew source remarks on the persecution under the Emperor Ro­manus (the Greek King to whom Masudi refers): "And afterwards there will arise a King who will persecute them not by destruction, but mercifully by driving them out of the country".

The only mercy shown by history to those who took to flight, or were driven to it, was the existence of Khazaria, both before and after the conversion. Before, it was a refugee haven; after, it became a kind of National Home. The refugees were products of a superior culture, and were no doubt an important factor in creating that cosmopolitan, tolerant outlook which so impressed the Arab chroniclers quoted before. Their influence--and no doubt their proselytizing zeal--would have made itself felt first and foremost at the court and among leading notables for this was an age when converting unbelievers by force or persuasion was a foremost concern. That the Jews, too, indulged in it is shown by the fact that, since the rule of Justinian, Byzantine law threatened severe punishments for the attempt to convert Christians to Judaism, while for Jews "molesting" converts to Christianity the penalty was death by fire. So, they may have combined in their missionary efforts theological arguments and mes­sianic prophecies with a shrewd assessment of the political advantages the Khaz­ars would derive from adopting a "neutral" religion.

The exiles also brought with them Byzantine arts and crafts, superior methods in agriculture and trade, and the square Hebrew alphabet. Before that the Khazars used a form of Hebrew alphabet. It served the dual purpose of scholarly dis­course in Hebrew which is analogous to the use of medieval Latin in the West and as a written alphabet for the various languages spoken in Khazaria, which is analogous to the use of the Latin alphabet for the various vernaculars in Western Europe. I am often asked why, through Dharma, I do not speak Latin or some other language? Why would I? You would not know if I speak Truth or do not--you can only discern from that which I speak in your language. The rest is individual "testing" which is discourteous to the whole group present and I play not such games. Although I am well known for making response in a Universal language, which is unmistaken as to meaning, I enjoy a good debate and if time is permitting, I enjoy "taking ones on" who come forth to quibble, out-smart and prove ME false and/or duped. Unless the show-off is totally belligerent I effort to do it gently for often the intentions are not as vile as they are simply misguided.

Dharma is always in witness of such behaviors and often comments that in those circumstances it appears much like the gnat annoying the elephant. I would have no need to squash the gnat--but I might well thoroughly "baptize" it by immersion and clip its flight feathers. It depends upon circumstances and what the meeting might be concerning.

I appreciate and honor ones who "question" and ones who are truly efforting to find Truth that they might find comfort with the arrangement and my being--but, I do not play games for your very lives are at stake. My point in coming forth is not to embarrass nor prove my greater ability than yours for I come from a higher dimension and if I had no greater wisdom than earthbound Man then I certainly would have naught of which to boast. My purpose is to guide you into wisdom and discernment--not injure your precious egos for you must learn to manage the "ego"--not have me manage it for you.


From Khazaria the Hebrew "script" then spread into neighboring countries. Thus is reported that inscriptions in a non-Semitic language, or possibly in two different non-Semitic languages, using Hebrew characters were found on two gravestones from Phanagoria and Parthenit in the Crimea--by the way, those have yet to be deciphered! But herein is some confirmation regarding the fact that the "Jews" were NOT SEMITIC PEOPLE. Right here, by historians, they referred to the NON "JEWS" AS THE SEMITES! WATCH YOUR CLUES!

The "Crimea" was intermittently under Khazar rule; but it also had an old-es­tablished Judean community, and the inscriptions pre-dated the conversion. Some Hebrew letters (shin and tsadei) also found their way into the Cyrillic al­phabet, and furthermore, many Polish silver coins have been found, dating from the twelfth or thirteenth century, which bear Polish inscriptions in Hebrew let­tering (e.g., Leszek krol Polski--Leszek King of Poland), side by side with coins inscribed in the Latin alphabet. Poliak comments: "These coins are the final evidence of the spreading of the Hebrew script from Kharzaria to the neighbor­ing Slavonic countries. The use of these coins was not related to any question of religion. They were minted because many of the Polish people were more used to this type of script than to the Roman script, not considering it as specifi­cally Judean".

You will note, please, as we move along with this history that it becomes obvi­ous that there were Judeans dispersed throughout these nations of Europe and would later become the targets for the ones who would split away into what is now commanding recognition as the Khazar Elite--who worked hand in hand with the heinous ones, such as Nazi Hitler, to destroy the fundamental brother­hood of the Judeans.

You ones remind me that I said the Holocaust of Germany was not as it is pre­sented; thereby assuming I say it did not take place. I said it was not as pre­sented--there is great difference herein and all the stories and movies such as Never Forget, etc., make not one iota of difference--except, in the mere re­minding and continuing the stories ever more heinous in presentation pro­nounces the lies therein. There is simply no basis for fact in the stories and they are continued in order to continue the deceit, gain sympathy and control over the minds of the populace.

So much for that subject at the moment but before we finish our work, we will tell you of the so-called Holocaust and that which a group do unto their own in the name of power and control. Satanic evil is not noted for its kind behavior except to lull you to sleep.

Thus while the conversion of Khazar was no doubt inspired by opportunistic motives--conceived as a cunning political maneuver--it brought in its wake cul­tural developments which could hardly have been foreseen by those who began it. The Hebrew alphabet was the beginning; three centuries later the decline of the Khazar state is marked by repeated outbreaks of a messianic "Zionism", with pseudo-Messiahs like David El-Roi (hero of a novel by Disraeli) leading quixotic crusades for the re-conquest of Jerusalem. You see, words such as "conquest" are not terms of God in definition.

After the defeat by the Arabs in 737, the Kagan's forced adoption of Islam had been a formality almost instantly revoked, which apparently left no impression on his people. In contrast to this, the voluntary conversion to Judaism was to produce deep and lasting effects.

Dharma, allow us a rest, please, as I must attend other duties presently and it would give opportunity for you to attend some of yours away from this key­board. If it is suitable, we shall write another chapter today--let us see how it unfolds. You ones of the planet Earth are in another stand-off with destruction in the balance and I need presence without fragmentation if I might be so in­dulged. Thank you.

Hatonn to stand-by.