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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 28
    CHAPTER 17

    MONDAY, APRIL 8, 1991 1:55 P.M. YEAR 4, DAY 235

    My heart is filled as I move through your inquiries and support letters. We do have a long way to journey, friends (and please know that among our brother­hood there is not greater emotion or attachment than that of "friend"), but as ones awaken one after another and begin to swing the ship around--it will pick up steam. Then as brother works with brother in Truth instead of blindness, the speed of change can increase and then nation can join with nation and then you can achieve that which is the opposite type of "one world unity" than that which the conspirators plan for you. I wish I could cause you to remember how won­drous it is to live in a world of true freedom within God's just laws--in absence of evil. You who have taken up the "cross" in this journey do remember in the recesses of your mind-banks or you would not be serving at this time of evolu­tion.

    I have a particularly heartfelt letter from my beloved friend in New Zealand--and oh, if you all could but see it unfolding. EVERYTHING is being sold off by the government in New Zealand and there seems no way to get the full impact of such a statement across to the readers in general. Thank you who write, for it gives us knowledge that ones are hearing and understanding--for the ques­tions are so much more advanced in wisdom as we all grow one with another. I am hard-pressed not to use every letter as an entire Express for the questions are of great thought and sincerity. Also, ones are sending so many points of con­firmation but it would take a daily press to share them all--oh would it not be wondrous to have a daily press? Dharma says emphatically--NO! It would not be such a change, chela, for it is as with lifting the small calf each day--you grow with the Joad and soon you can lift the cow. At any rate, I have many letters to answer so please bear with us and we shall get to response. Perhaps tomorrow we shall take up a few of them but this afternoon I wish to finish what is already begun. Dharma claims I skip about too much and she can't keep up for she forgets that I just ask her to write--not try to keep up with the subject material.


    Why would I choose Africa? Because nowere is America's plunge toward the political "left" and socialism more evident than in its efforts to overthrow the pro-Western government of South Africa and establish in its place a communist government under the ANC and its Marxist/Leninist revolutionary leader, Nel­son Mandela. I'm sorry, friends, I mean exactly that which I say. Mandela is not who you have been led to believe he is and what he represents. Perhaps this is only important in its own category of discussion for I am hard-put not to talk first about Brazil for Brazil is next on the "New World Order" hit list, and yet that requires an entire three days of writing. The plans of the conspirators are to make an example, just like Iraq, of Brazil's Amazon. And worse programs are being forced upon the citizens of Brazil as vicious as those of the Chinese Communists--perhaps even more so. There is a deliberate depopulation policy taking place in that besieged country which rends the heart.

    Meanwhile, however, back in Africa, where the "other" war is going on via holocaust. This war zone is even bigger in terms of the number of hapless vic­tims.

    First come the epidemics. AIDS spreads unchecked throughout Africa, and now you have the reappearance of diseases like cholera in many countries; Zambia and Uganda are very hard hit. A U.S. statistical study gives minimal estimates projecting some 70 million people in Africa will be infected and ac­tively experiencing AIDS by the end of another decade. Already in Tanzania, 40% of the adults are infected with HIV; in Kigali, the capital of Rwanda, 30% are infected. In the hospitals of Zambia, almost 80% of all patients are in­fected. Remember that this disease compounds itself continually.

    In parts of the Ivory Coast whose total populaton is around 12 million, over 700,000 KNOWN persons are infected with active AIDS; in the capital, Abid­jan, it's every 10th person. AIDS is already the number-one cause of death overall, and number two for women in the capital. Twelve percent of pregnant women are infected with AIDS. In other Ivory Coast cities the infected percent is around 7.5%; in the villages, almost 5%. Hospitals are filled to overflowing and do not have the equipment to help people. If there is medicine, it is only to help against pain, diarrhea, and itching. In the Rakai district of Uganda, a rural area with about 330,000 people, some 40,000 children have lost their parents to AIDS; 250,000 African children are orphans for this reason. By the year 2015 even your own projectors predict over 16 million AIDS orphans.


    Twenty to 30 million Africans will face famine this year--are already into famine circumstances with no relief in sight in the growing areas. Ethiopia, Sudan, Mozambique, Angola, and Liberia are especially threatened. The Ger­man aid organization Caritas has warned that this will be the year of famine in the Sahel. Especially in the West African nations, a decline in rainfall in 1990 has led to 20-80% crop deficits. In Burkina Faso alone, the drought affects nearly 2.5 million people--and the World Bank is pulling power blackmail on these people for supplies and loans. Can you comprehend that 2.5 million peo­ple is half of the whole population?

    All aid relief from the U.S. to Sudan was cut because of its pro-Iraqi position. Yemen is in the same position for the same fate as the U.S. goes forward to break the backs of these nations who opposed the Iraqi war. I tell you this is selective genocide and can be called nothing short of that.

    Let me share with you a circumstance shared by America and you-the-people don't even know it.


    Under the headline "Nothing Is Unthinkable", the Lancet, Britain's leading medical publication (and very prestigious in the U.S.) recently supported a physician's suggestion that sick Third World babies should not be treated, but be allowed to die. The article, by one Dr. Maurice King of Leeds University School of Public Health, says,"This statement should jolt many people into thinking very carefully about the explosion in human numbers".

    Robert S. McNamara (yes, your old McNamara), the former president of the World Bank, had outlined a Blueprint for Africa, published in January in the of­ficial magazine of the International Planned Parenthood Federation, People. IPPF and McNamara propose nearly a 50% reduction in the total fertility rate of Africans by 2025. People reads: "Populations in sub-Saharan Africa are the fastest growing in the world, fueled by declining death rates and weakening traditional patterns of child spacing. Doubling times of 22 years are not likely to be radically changed by the AIDS epidemic".

    McNamara and IPPF regret that the AIDS epidemic is not going to decimate the African population as fast as they thought when the disease was introduced. They discuss the costs to provide African couples with contraceptives, calling for $650 million a year by the end of the century and for a doubling of funding for environmental action plans.

    The following comment from the Hindustan Times reflects growing resistance to this genocidal policy: "Dr. King's and Lancet's proposal is barbaric. When Hitler called for the killing of the disabled and mentally sick, people every­where were outraged. What should one now think of civilized Englishmen, calling for the killing of infants? Is it not possible that there has always been a rat or two in the rafters and you-the-people of the world were sorely lied to? Does this not give rise to thoughts of racism, Third World babies being mostly brown or black? Dear ones, it is only a tiny piece of the picture of global ar­rangements, depopulation and control.

    For well over a decade the U.S. has held a gun to the head of the South African government, blackmailing and intimidating the South Africans to surrender their government to the communist ANC (African National Congress).

    That the African National Congress (ANC) is a Soviet-backed terrorist organi­zation, armed, trained, and financed by the KGB since the 1950's, is well known to your George Bush (former head of the CIA), your State Department, your intelligence services, and your Congress. That the South African Commu­nist Party (a surrogate of the Soviet Union headed by a white Lithuanian com­munist and colonel in the KGB, Joe Slovo), totally dominates the ANC is well‑known to your American leaders!

    That the ANC has brutally butchered thousands of moderate, non-communist, Christian South African blacks via the "necklace" treatment and other horrific methods of slaughter, is also known to American leaders. That Nelson Mandela and his murderous wife, Winnie, are hardcore communist revolutionaries who have paid one hundred percent allegiance to the Soviet Union, and to commu­nist revolution in South Africa for the past forty years is well-known to Bush, your congressional leaders, and your intelligence services.

    That Mandela has promised a communist-style confiscation of virtually all pri­vate property when he comes to power, that he consistently gives the communist clenched-fist salute in public, that he constantly marches and speaks before the Soviet flag, all in plain sight before the television and newspaper reporters of America and the West, is also well-known to your leaders.

    That U.S. economic sanctions against South Africa, far more draconian than any ever directed at any communist dictatorship in the world, have pushed mil­lions of moderate South African blacks out of work, impoverishing them and preparing them for conquest by the "necklace"/AK-47 wielding ANC comrades, is well-known to the Administration, the State Department, congressional leaders, and your intelligence services. That Mandela pledged his comradeship, loyalty, and allegiance to his allies. Fidel Castro. Colonel Kadafi and Arafat and Communism--on television before millions of American viewers during his American tour in June 1990 is well-known to the American people and the liberal leadership of America. And all you did was "hail Mandela".

    Mandela, dear ones, and his murderous ANC terrorists have been in bed with, armed by, and allied to the Cubans, Libyans, and PLO (America's sworn ene­mies)--BUT, funny thing is that the terrorists are trained primarily by the KGB/Khazarian Mossad. Now, isn't that interesting? These ones have been sworn enemies for decades and this is all well-known by your socialist lead­ership in America, as is Mandela's televised statement that the enemies of Cas­tro, Kadafi, and Arafat are Mandela's enemies as well. Mandela publicly of­fered to return to America after his visit in the summer of 1990 and help stir up a revolution among American Indians on behalf of the far-left American In­dian Movement (AIM)--as if they weren't already in plenty of misery. This is well-known to the Administration, the congressional leaders and your liberal media--and BEWARE: IT EVEN MADE IT TO THE PUBLIC TELEVISION PICTURE TUBES. THAT MEANS SOMETHING REALLY NASTY IS IN THE WORKS.

    The facade begins to slip however, for the American leadership wants you to believe that you are totally dependent on the vast treasure chest of strategic min­erals found in South Africa that are absolutely essential to the running of your defense, auto, space, and heavy manufacturing industries; and that if these min­erals were to fall into the hands of a hostile, pro-Soviet, Marxist/Leninist gov­ernment, America would be brought to its economic knees almost overnight. We have been over this before so I won't bore you a second time--you DO NOT need the minerals of South Africa!

    So, you must wonder why Mandela received a ticker tape parade in New York, which cost millions of dollars, normally reserved for great American heroes? Why was Mandela wined and dined in your White House by your President and his State Department? Why was he allowed to speak before a joint session of the U.S. Congress, an honor only accorded to three civilians in U.S. history? Why was he given the greatest television and newspaper coverage of any foreign leadership, including Churchill, deGaulle, and Gorbachev, in U.S. history?

    The answer becomes obvious--America's political leaders have plunged totally into becoming a socialist and "one-world oriented body" which accepts exil as good. You can accept your enemies as friends if they be politically useful, and you can accept the false as truth. Lenin once said, and it bears repeating:

    "We will spit in their face (i.e., the faces of the Western capitalist leaders) and they will call it dew".

    Surely Mandela was spitting in the faces of your congressional leaders and more surely in the faces of the American people as he publicly pledged his allegiance and friendship to your deadliest enemies and the communist revolution. Your leaders smiled in joy and said, literally: "It doesn't get any better than this", right on the floor of Congress.

    Can't you see the seriousness of your plight? If the liberal political and media leadership of America can sell Mikhail Gorbachev and Nelson Mandela (two of history's bloodiest Marxist/Leninist revolutionaries, avowed atheists, and evil men) to the American people as great leaders and men of peace, then selling so­cialism, the environmental crisis, gun-control, world government, or even the Anti-Christ to the American people should be an easy task indeed--and the Anti-Christ is already sold to you hook, line and Khazarian Elite New World Order.

    The American people have been gradually poisoned and prepared for socialism and world government by your leaders, your educational system, and the media for decade following decade. The 1990's is the decade of destiny--the decade in which the forces of evil plan to converge and establish their global government. Whether it be the New World Order, the New Age Movement, the massive So­viet military juggernaut, or a combination of all three, a socialist dictatorship is to be imposed on the people of America and the West before year 2000.

    But first, America, the last great bastion of freedom and capitalism must be so­cialized, and made into a second-class power, and its people turned into passive, non-aggressive, intimidated, obedient serfs and docile "me" oriented "wimps", as you define weak-do-nothings. How can such a transformation of a formerly great, great nation and people take place? Socialize, centralize, and mediocra­tize the country, its people and its institutions. Right along the rules of the Communist Manifesto and the Protocols of the Zionist Men of Wisdom--go back and check them out closely.

    With all the uprising and confusion in South Africa--read the death note on the wall. This is exactly that which happened in South Africa, as well as many other places--but more recently for your reflection, and the majority of their people are now passively awaiting their government's handover of power to the communist/socialist one world rulers.

    The process of socializing America has been lost to most Americans. You haven't even noticed the transition. A few new freedoms removed every few weeks or months, a few new controls or restrictions added "for your own good", and over a period of a few hard-rock noise-filled decades, the freedom is gone---GONE--GONE! Now that the globalists have their target in sight, how­ever, they are beginning to accelerate the process on every front, every law and in every segment of your lives.

    Environmentalism will be one of the primary vehicles for accelerating the so­cialization of America and Europe, hence the Clean Air Act and a host of other environmentalist absurdities which will cause the industries "to have to move" to other nations in order to meet legal "pollution levels"--so "for your own good" your industrial capacity will drop to zilch. People control, espe­cially of dissidents or reactionaries who will not accept the new system, is essential and detention facilities are already set in place and ready to receive oc­cupants. Hence, the Hate Crimes bill, gun-control and confiscation, new search-and-seizure powers, elimination of financial privacy and computerization of people's lives and financial affairs, arrest and imprisonment of tax protestors, conservatives, anti-abortion protestors, and other maverick patriots who will not adapt to, or who may potentially lead opposition to the new system.


    Weakening America is essential to merging America into a one-world socialist system where a dominant superpower would just not fit. That weakening has come and is coming via massive disarmament; undermining America's financial strength via massive debt financing; diluting American business with massive imports produced with cheap Third World, or communist bloc slave, labor; selling off your national assets to foreigners made possible by a weak and de­clining dollar; transferring your high technology, your food surpluses, and your industrial strength to communist bloc countries; squeezing the American free enterprise system to death with an avalanche of socialistic regulations, red tape, taxes, and bureaucratic controls, and opening the flood gates of pornography, abortion, and pro-homosexual initiatives.

    The three watershed events that will signal that the end of a free America is near and that a socialist America has arrived have been projected by some and are worthy of listing:

    • 1. The collapse of South Africa into a communist revolution--prosperous indus­trial America DOES NOT WISH TO LOSE THOSE STRATEGIC MIN­ERALS.

    • 2. Gun control and confiscation in America--a socialist dictatorship will be im­posed immediately after the American people are disarmed and the New Constitution will take the place of the old without even a Convention.

    • 3. The merger of America with a united Europe--it will be called the Atlantic Community or something equally as cute.

    Further, to really understand all of this, you must know more about the histori­cal evolution of the Khazars and thus we will close this portion and get some needed rest prior to starting again on such a massive subject. I am sorry, chelas, there is no longer way to separate these subjects--they are so interrelated that we will just move along in bits and pieces until we fit in some of the more urgent information. Thank you for your attention. Thank you for your love and caring which is flowing back to us each and every day--THAT, dear ones, is the fuel for the engines that keep us running. As we come into brotherhood in unity of cause of God-ness, our strength builds and each step of the hard journey becomes worthy of the taking. One reason for the urgent need to dis­perse this information so rapidly is to offer protection and bring back into protection those daring ones who walked ahead and now MUST HAVE BACKUP BY THE "FREE" BRETHREN FOR SOME ARE ALREADY INCARCER­ATED AND CANNOT HELP THEMSELVES. WE MUST ATTEND OUR BROTHERS WITHIN THE HELL OF PRISONS AT THE HANDS OF THE EVIL CONSPIRATORS. WE CANNOT ALLOW THEM TO PAY THE FULL PRICE WHILE WE RIDE UPON THEIR SHIRT-TAILS OR SIMPLY ALLOW FAILURE. TIME IS SO SHORT, BELOVED ONES, BUT WE CAN DO IT IF WE WANT TO BADLY ENOUGH.

    You do not walk alone! You have called upon the Lord and He has sent his Hosts. So be it, and salu.

    Hatonn to clear.

    PJ 28
    CHAPTER 18

    TUESDAY, APRIL 9, 1991 8:44 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 236

    TUESDAY, APRIL 9, 1991

    As we move back into the subject of Khazars, I must offer my appreciation to the many who have poured love and information upon us. You must under­stand, dear ones, that as we ask participation and confirmation from Earth-side, we shall gather more and more unto the flocks of God. We of the Command and we of the higher frequencies have no wish to be considered as anything other than wayshowers. Do not bow unto us as something mystical nor "above" you. We bow equally unto you who risk in that physical dimension, the pain and traumas of changing the mind-set of a brain-washed planet.

    I should probably tell you what Dharma says about status and the "Bird Tribes"­- she says, "Yes, you tell us we are eagles and sparrows, doves and turkeys--but I know that I am just a parrot and the rest are pigeons--what you don't seem to understand, Hatonn, is that we are all just 'chickens' and the sky is falling, the sky is falling, the sky is falling"! Beloved one--just get the World moving properly and I shall tend the sky!

    Before going further regarding historical foundations stemming from the Khaz­ars, I must honor one who has shared Truth through the very words of a Judean regarding these self-appointed, self-styled, "Zionist Jews" (Khazar Elite). I honor Len Martin who puts to paper the stories of various ones fighting against the very group they once thought were their own. This particular quotation is from the Epilogue of a booklet written by Len Martin as told to him by HAVIV SCHIEBER, HOLY LAND BETRAYED. These men now give their lives to the undoing of this insanity and curse which has come upon the World.



    ISRAEL CANNOT CONTINUE TO EXIST nor SHOULD IT EXIST-for the sake of all Jews (Judean). [Hatonn: we are quoting and we use the term Jew because it is used in the work--however, we shall enter the word Khazar at every appropriate entry. I also ask that the "Terminology" list be affixed in the forefront of Chapter One of this book. You must be explicit about that which is projected and received.]

    The above statement may seem strange to those Americans (Gentile and Jew [Judean]) who have been brain-washed by the Zionist controlled news-media about the status of Israel.

    The reality that Americans, especially the Jews (Judeans), MUST realize is this:

    After almost 40 years of existence of the State of Israel (Khazar), it should be abundantly clear to all open-minded people that the Marxist/Zionist (Elite) experiment has failed. The result has been terror, murder, bankruptcy, rampant inflation--and wars with no real peace in sight (nor intended).

    Israel (Khazar) is an armed camp whose policies are blatantly racist, and rightly condemned by the United Nations. Israel's (Khazar's) armies of occu­pation brutally oppress the people of the Arab lands, and because of United States blind support of Israel (Khazar), the U.S. has lost credibility and friends in the Middle East. It has also lost billions of dollars of business contracts. Add to this loss, the billions of U.S. taxpayers' dollars that have been poured into Israel (Khazar).

    There are ten questions that need serious consideration if there is to be any hope of peace in the Middle East, and if America is to once again be recognized as a champion of human rights.

    •1. How long can we demand that Palestine be a Jewish (Khazarian) state when most Jews (Judeans) do not want to go there and thousands who emigrated there have already left or wish to leave?

    •2. How long can we refer to Israel (Khazar) as a democracy when for 38 years it has remained a police state without a written constitution?

    •3. How long can we attack Communism (Socialism Police State) and Soviet Russia and at the same time support an orthodox Marxist state of communes (kibbutzim) and Histadrut (labor organizations and Socialist enterprises)?

    • 4. How long can we cry out and condemn German and other Gentile atrocities while closing our eyes and even applauding atrocities by Israel (Khazar) against Semite Arabs? [Ah ha--finally got it!]

    •5. How long can we dream of a permanent existence for a state called Israel when Israel (Khazar) cannot survive a single lost battle and the Arabs can sur­vive thousands?

    •6. How long can we demand from humanity sympathy and support for a "homeland" we Jews (Judeans) abandoned 2,000 years ago and in the same breath ask civilized men to reject the pleas of recently routed Palestinians?

    •7. How long can we continue to deceive the Western World that Israel (Khazar) is the only bastion of anti-Communism in the Middle East when in reality: (a) Communist Czechoslovakian arms helped establish Israel (Khazar), (b) Soviet Russia voted for partition of Palestine and was one of the first nations to recog­nize the State, (c) Soviet Russia opened her gates and the gates of her Commu­nist satellites for emigration of Jews (Khazars) to Israel (Palestine) and thus provide much needed military manpower?

    •8. How long can we lure innocent and sentimental Jews (Judeans) with slogans of security and a full Jewish (Judean) life into the great atheistic unsecured ghetto called Israel, where in truth, every principle of Judaism is violated?

    •9. How can we claim Zionism (Elitism)" solved" the Jewish (Judean) refugee problem by relocation in Israel (Palestine) when, in fact, it is the refugees who rejected Zionist (Khazarian Elite) temptations and who now live in security and prosperity in other lands and who support their impoverished relatives still trapped in Israel (Palestine)?

    •10. How can we delude ourselves that Israel (Khazar) can continue to exist without permanent peace and accommodation with the subjugated Palestinians?

    Only by sacrificing exclusive labels like "Israel" and "Palestine" and draw­ing together in a free, non-sectarian "Holy Land State" can both these peoples find life, liberty and happiness.

    It should be obvious to any unbiased person (Gentile or Jew [Judean]) that Israel (Khazar) cannot continue to exist nor should it exist. I say this not only for the sake of the oppressed Arab people and for the sake of American Gen­tiles, but more importantly for the sake of us Jews (Judeans), for when enough Gentile Americans finally awaken to the truth about Marxist Israel (Khazar), all Jews (Judeans) will suffer.

    Continued occupation of the Holy Land by Marxist/Zionist Israel (Elite Khazars) will, with certainty, be the germ of wars in the Middle East and con­tinued political, financial and moral degradation. Further, the danger of Israel (Khazar) provoking a global war is too great to be ignored.

    Only in the spirit of God and the founding fathers of this civilization--Moses, Jesus, and Mohammed, can peace and happiness in the Holy Land be achieved.

    --Haviv Schieber-


    [Yes, readers, this is the second time you have seen this. The message is im­portant enough to bear repeating].

    You can obtain this booklet in point for $5.00 each from: Pro-American Press, P.O. Box 41, Gering, NE 69341.

    You next inquire, "Why do 'they' continue to use the incorrect identification if 'they' are actually speaking of "Elite", "Khazars", etc.". BECAUSE THEY DON'T KNOW THE HISTORY, EITHER! How many of you who have not read the Journals, know that the Jonestown massacre was a military mass mur­der operation involving these very people and that Jim Jones was actually taken to Israel (Khazar)? By the way, he has since been murdered, also--EV­ERYONE is expendable to this dragon. I gave you a blow by blow scenario of exactly what happened at Jonestown, Guyana and yet, it has been published elsewhere as well and all the surveillance Elite know it, in fact, planned and or­chestrated the whole maneuver.

    How many good Americans know that Pearl Harbor was an intentional massacre of your own people?

    Ah so--then do not expect the very ones who thought they were finding the glory land to think otherwise for they know no difference--their media is even more controlled than is yours! The grandest thing you can do for your Judean brother is giye him Truth for he can see it is NOT that which has been PROMISED--but he neither knows WHY!


    A ninth-century Arab historian, Yakubi, traces the origin of the Khazars back to Japheth (and thus back to Cain), third son of Noah. The Japheth motive recurs frequently in the literature, while other legends connect them with Abraham or Alexander the Great.

    One of the earliest factual references to the Khazars which you will find, occurs in a Syriac chronicle by "Zacharia Rhetor" (It was actually penned by an anonymous compiler and named after an earlier Greek historian), dating from the middle of the sixth century. When the student is ready the truth and the teacher appear--remember? It mentions the Khazars in a list of people who inhabit the region of the Caucasus. Other sources indicate that they were already much in evidence a century earlier, and intimately connected with the Huns. In AD 448, the Byzantine Emperor Theodosius II sent an embassy to Attila which included a famed rhetorician by the name of Priscus. He kept a minute account not only of the diplomatic negotiations, but also of the court intrigues and go­ings-on in Attila's sumptuous banqueting hall--he was, in fact, the perfect gos­sip columnist, and is still one of the main sources of information about Hun customs and habits. But Priscus also has anecdotes to tell about the people subject to the Huns whom he calls "Akatzirs"--that is, "Khazars--Ak-Khazars", or "White" Khazars (and please remember what I said about historical verbiage of "White" and "Black" for it has nothing to do with "color" (as distinct from the "Black" Kara-Khazars). The "Akatzirs" were also known as a nation of warriors. This is accepted by modern authorities--and it is further recognized that the pronunciation and spelling actually follows the Armenian and Georgian: Khazir. The Byzantine Emperor tried to win this warrior race over to his side, but the greedy Khazar chieftain, named Karidach, considered the bribe offered to him inadequate (sound familiar?), and sided with the Huns. Attila defeated Karidach's rival chieftains, installed him as the sole ruler of the Akatzirs, and invited him to visit his court. Karidach thanked him profusely for the invita­tion, and went on to say that "it would be too hard on a mortal man to look into the face of a god. For, as one cannot stare into the sun's disc, even less could one look into the face of the greatest god without suffering injury". (Also sound familiar?) Attila was pleased, at least, for he confirmed Karidach in his rule.

    Khazars appeared on the European scene about the middle of the fifth century as a people under Hunnish sovereignty, and are basically regarded, together with the Magyars and other tribes, as a later offspring of Attila's horde.


    The collapse of the Hun Empire after Attila's death left a power-vacuum in Eastern Europe, through which once more, wave after wave of nomadic hordes swept from east to west, prominent among them the Uigurs and Avars. The Khazars during most of this period seemed to be pretty happily occupied with raiding the rich trans-Caucasian regions of Georgia and Armenia, and collecting precious plunder. During the second half of the sixth century they became the dominant force among the tribes north of the Caucasus. A number of these tribes--the Sabirs, Saragurs, Samandars, Balanjars, etc.--are from this date on­ward no longer mentioned by name: they had been subjugated or absorbed by the Khazars. The toughest resistance, apparently, was offered by the powerful Bulgars. But they, too, were crushingly defeated (circa 641), and as a result the nation split into two: some of them migrated westward to the Danube, into the region of modern Bulgaria, others north-eastward to the middle Volga, the latter remaining under Khazar suzerainty (sic, sic, Dharma) Suzerainty: the dominion of a suzerain: OVERLORDSHIP. It is alright, I have to give her a bit of "proof" from time to time so that she can understand that I am writing and it is quite fine if she is not familiar with words. As we go along we shall frequently encounter both Danube Bulgars and Volga Bulgars.

    But before becoming a sovereign state, the Khazars still had to serve their ap­prenticeship under another short-lived power, the so-called West Turkish Em­pire, or Turkut kingdom. It was a confederation of tribes, held together by a ruler: the Kagan or Khagan (or Chagan)--a title which the Khazar rulers too were subsequently to adopt. Know that the orientals have strong idiosyncrasies about spelling but Kagan is the least offensive to "Western" eyes. I suggest you ones of the so-called Mormon "faith" take note that the term Mormon is not even allowed usage in the oriental countries such as Japan, etc. Mormon in their language--MEANS EVIL SATAN--DEVIL. Catches in your throat doesn't it? How many discoveries have you to make? Zillions! Truth becomes almost too painful at times, to endure--and that is exactly that upon which the evil brotherhood depend. They have taken everything sacred and caused it to be defiled.

    The first Turkish State--if one might call it that--lasted for a century (circa 550-­650) and then fell apart, leaving hardly any trace (as is always the methods of the Khazars). However, it was only after the establishment of this kingdom that the name "Turk" was used to apply to a specific nation, as distinct from other Turkic-speaking peoples like the Khazars and Bulgars. This did not prevent the name "Turk" from being applied indiscriminately to any nomadic tribe of the steppes as a euphemism of Barbarian, or a synonym for "Hun". It led to much confusion in the interpretation of ancient sources but again, it is typical of the workings of your adversary to God.

    The Khazars had been under Hun tutelage, then under Turkish tutelage. After the eclipse of the Turks in the middle of the seventh century it was their turn to rule the "Kingdom of the North", as the Persians and Byzantines came to call it. According to one tradition, the great Persian King Khursraw (Chosroes) Anushirwan (the Blessed) had three golden guest-thrones in his palace, reserved for the Emperors of Byzantium, China and of the Khazars. No state visits from these potentates materialized, and the golden thrones served a purely symbolic purpose.


    During the first few decades of the seventh century, just before the Muslim hur­ricane was unleashed from Arabia, the Middle East was dominated by a triangle of powers: Byzantium, Persia, and the West Turkish Empire. The first two of these had been waging intermittent war against each other for a century and both seemed on the verge of collapse; in the sequel, Byzantium recovered, but the Persian kingdom was soon to meet its doom, and the Khazars were actually in on the kill.

    They were still nominally under the suzerainty of the West Turkish kingdom, within which they represented the strongest effective force, and to which they were soon to succeed; accordingly, in 627, the Roman Emperor Heraclius con­cluded a military alliance with the Khazars--the first of several to follow--in preparing his decisive campaign against Persia. There are several versions of the role played by the Khazars in the campaign--which seems to have been somewhat inglorious--but the principal facts are well established. The Khazars provided Heraclius with 40,000 horsemen under a chieftain named Ziebel, who participated in the advance into Persia, but then--presumably fed up with the cautious strategy of the Greeks--turned back to lay siege on Tiflis; this was unsuccessful, but the next year they again joined forces with Heraclius, took the Georgian capital, and returned with rich plunder. Gibbon has given a colourful description (based on Thophanes) of the first meeting between the Roman Em­peror and the Khazar chieftain and I think you will find it interesting.

    "...To the hostile league of Chosroes with the Avars, the Roman emperor opposed the useful and honourable alliance of the Turks (Khazars). At his lib­eral invitation, the horde of Chozars transported their tent from the plains of the Volga to the mountains of Georgia; Heraclius received them in the neighbour­hood of Tiflis, and the khan with his nobles dismounted from their horses, if we may credit the Greeks, and fell prostrate on the ground, to adore the purple of the Caesar. Such voluntary homage and important aid were entitled to the warmest acknowledgements; and the emperor, taking off his own diadem, placed it on the head of the Turkish prince, whom he saluted with a tender embrace and the appellation of son. After a sumptuous banquet, he presented Ziebel with the plate and ornaments, the gold, the gems, and the silk, which had been used at the imperial table, and, with his own hand, distributed rich jewels and ear­rings to his new allies. In a secret interview, he produced the portrait of his daughter Eudocia, condescended to flatter the barbarian with a promise of a fair and august bride, and obtained an immediate succor of forty thousand horse..."

    Eudocia (Epiphania) was the only daughter of Heraclius by his first wife. The promise to give her in marriage to the "Turk" indicates once more the high value set by the Byzantine Court on the Khazar alliance. However, the mar­riage came to naught because Ziebel died while Eudocia and her suite were on their way to him. There is also another twist which you might find interesting: Ziebel "presented his son, a beardless boy" to the Emperor--as quid pro quo.



    The Persian state never recovered from the crushing defeat inflicted on it by Emperor Heraclius in 627. There was a revolution; the King was slain by his own son who, in his turn, died a few months later; a child was elevated to the throne, and after a decade of anarchy and chaos the first Arab armies to erupt on the scene delivered the coup de grace to the Sasanide Empire. At about the same time, the West Turkish confederation dissolved into its tribal components. A new triangle of powers replaced the previous one: the Islamic Caliphate--Christian Byzantium--and the newly emerged Khazar Kingdom of the North. It fell to the latter to bear the brunt of the Arab attack in its initial stages, and to protect the plains of Eastern Europe from the invaders.

    In the first twenty years of the Hegira--Mohammed's flight to Medina in 622, with which the Arab calendar starts--the Muslims had conquered Persia, Syria, Mesopotamia, Egypt, and surrounded the Byzantine heartland (present-day Turkey) in a deadly semi-circle, which extended from the Mediterranean to the Caucasus and the southern shores of the Caspian. The Caucasus was a formidable natural obstacle, but no more forbidding than the Pyrenees; and it could be negotiated by the pass of Dariel (now called the Kasbek pass) [go look up these things, chelas, and get your proof of this truth] or bypassed through the defile of Darband, along the Caspian shore.

    This fortified defile, called by the Arabs Bab al Abwab, the Gate of Gates, was a kind of historic turnstile through which the Khazars and other marauding tribes had from time immemorial attacked the countries of the south and re­treated again. Now it was the turn of the Arabs. Between 642 and 652 they re­peatedly broke through the Darband Gate and advanced deep into Khazaria, at­tempting to capture Balanjar, the nearest town, and thus secure a foothold on the European side of the Caucasus. They were beaten back on every occasion in this first phase of the Arab-Khazar war; the last time in 652, in a great battle in which both sides used artillery (catapults and ballistae). Four thousand Arabs were killed, including their commander, Abdal-Rahman ibn-Rabiah; the rest fled in disorder across the mountains.

    For the next thirty or forty years the Arabs did not attempt any further incursions into the Khazar stronghold. Their main attacks were now aimed at Byzantium. On several occasions they laid siege to Constantinople (Istanbul) by land and by sea; had they been able to outflank the capital across the Caucasus and round the Black Sea, the fate of the Roman Empire would probably have been sealed. The Khazars, in the meantime, having subjugated the Bulgars and Magyars, completed their western expansion into the Ukraine and the Crimea. But these were no longer haphazard raids to amass booty and prisoners; they were wars of conquest, incorporating the conquered people into an empire with a stable administration, ruled by the mighty Kagan (and guess who the Kagan is in America?), who appointed his provincial governors to administer and levy taxes in the conquered territories. At the beginning of the eighth century their state was sufficiently consolidated for the Khazars to take the offensive against the Arabs. (Anybody getting a bad case of "hives" yet? How about bird mites)?

    From the distance of more than a thousand years (they don't care about "time" or how long a thing takes if they go after it), the period of intermittent warfare that followed (the so-called "Second Arab war", 722-37) looks like a series of tedious episodes on a local scale, following the same, repetitive pattern: the Khazar cavalry in their heavy armour of stolen weaponry breaking through the pass of Dariel or the Gate of Darband into the Caliph's domains to the south; followed by Arab counter-thrusts through the same pass or the defile, towards the Volga and back again. Looking thus through the wrong end of the tele­scope, one would be reminded of the old jingle about the noble Duke of York who had ten thousand men; "He marched them up to the top of the hill. And he marched them down again". In fact, the Arab sources (though they often exag­gerate) speak still, of armies of 100,000, even of 300,000 men engaged on ei­ther side--probably outnumbering the armies which decided the fate of the Western world at the battle of Tours about the same time.

    The death-defying fanaticism which characterized these wars is illustrated by episodes such as the suicide by fire of a whole Khazar town as an alternative to surrender; the poisoning of the water supply of Bab al Abwab by an Arab gen­eral; or by the traditional exhortation which would halt the rout of a defeated Arab army and make it fight to the last man: "To the Garden, Muslims, not the Fire"--the joys of Paradise being assured to every Muslim soldier killed in the Holy War. (Do you still wonder WHO planned the Iraqi War? Do you still quander as to WHO continues to run it)?

    At one stage during these fifteen years of fighting the Khazars overran Georgia and Armenia, inflicted a total defeat on the Arab army in the battle of Ardabil (AD 730) and advanced as far as Mosul (ouch, that name again just as TODAY) and Dyarbakir, more than half-way to Damascus, capital of the Caliphate. But a freshly raised Muslim army stemmed the tide, and the Khazars retreated homewards across the mountains. The next year Maslamah ibn-Abd-al-Malik, most famed Arab general of his time, who had formerly commanded the siege of Constantinople, took Balanjar and even got as far as Samandar, another large Khazar town further north. But once more the invaders were unable to establish a permanent garrison, and once more they were forced to retreat across the Caucasus. The sigh of relief experienced in the Roman Empire assumed a tan­gible form through another dynastic alliance, when the heir to the throne was married to a Khazar princess, whose son was to rule Byzantium as Leo the Khazar.

    If you are not beginning to get the picture, I sincerely pity that which will come upon you for you are repeating and repeating and repeating. The beast dragon has you in his clutches and you are supplying all the weapons, resources and fi­nancing to assure that this dragon devours the world--BUT--the dragon still has enemies, dear ones--and he who is in the cage with the dragon shall also be slain--must I remind you? So be it and may the grace of understanding rest upon you.

    Hatonn to clear.

  2. #12
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 28
    CHAPTER 19

    WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10, 1991 8:59 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 237

    WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10, 1991


    Dharma has asked to start and end today's watch with a little item from the As­sociated Press and since it says so much more than I can, we shall reprint it and move on back into history.

    The point that makes it even more interesting is that Dharma and Oberli have an aviary of some 50-75 birds, some of which if you fail to have "permit" papers, are apt to be confiscated and/or charges brought. One WAS a pair of California quail (with papers)--although they feed a covey of some 200 wild California Quail on the edge (outside) of the aviary. At any rate they are again safe be­cause Daddy quail died this winter and another male came courting this week. Being that proper legal mourning time was over, Dharma turned little Ms. Quail out to elope with her new beau--however, without blood testing for AIDS. Now a problem arises as to whether or not we need file a death certificate for the male quail and/or "escape" and "unlawful disincarceration" permits for Ms. The worst is yet to come because in the flock, Ms. just looks exactly like all the rest and will not come forward with her identification--so perhaps we shall sim­ply list her as missing.

    Now, there are also well over 250 rare band-tailed "pigeons" who eat my peo­ple out of some 6-8 feed sacks (50#) a week. The early non-environmentalists shot so many of these beautiful birds that they became all but extinct and so, if anyone is caught catching or harming one of the these babies it is a "life" sen­tence in the federal pen. The "fine" for being caught "alive" with a "dead" one is minimum $125. But what about the hawk that eats a minimum of one-two a day, along with a dozen little finches and waxwings? It is a worse fine to get rid of the predator! It reminds me of the reasonable approach you have to the eagle--let it kill and eat a whole flock of lambs but death to anyone who gets rid of the eagle. Where is your sanity, people?

    Well, Dharma's and Oberli's problem gets worse--they actually had a parakeet who dared to have six little chicks and they had no (never heard of them, in fact) bands with federal numbers affixed for the chick's legs. Now these are wondrous little thoroughlybreds (every color of the rainbow--one every chick [mongrels of the bird shows]) and when Dharma let Ms. Quail out, two UN-BANDED and one Cockatiel escaped the prison. We are confident the "feds" will show up momentarily and, in view of the fact Oberli put an empty fuel tank on their back lot (at which point a loving neighbor called seven "agencies"), they are really undone about the vicious birds running around and we can only hope they fly the neighborhood without great attention. I am informed that the two parakeets are, this morning--back in incarceration herein and "whew", safe except for the Cockatiel which will now have to be accounted for as a non-naturalized species

    The "feds" haven't sent them banding numbers for the next bunch whose feet have already grown too large to go through the loop so, brothers, pray the neighbors don't turn in these birds for if confiscated, the beauteous little feathered friends of purple, blue, green, pastel everything, yellow, etc., are executed by lethal gasses.


    And now the Associated Press notice:

    "...If you still don't realize we have a fascist dictatorship now in U.S.A. , 7-year old B.J. Sniff has felt its iron boot, even if he doesn't understand its philosophy. Associated Press has reported that little B.J. of rural Verona, Wisconsin, gathered feathers dropped in flight over his back­yard. Over time he had amassed a proud collection of 14, including such rarities as crow, cardinal, blue jay, goldfinch (maybe), and mourn­ing dove. Then the feds moved in, claiming B.J. was in violation of migratory bird protection laws. A U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service agent ordered the "criminal" child to surrender his collection to the Univer­sity of Wisconsin zoological museum. Tearful, B.J. complied. Let bird fanciers note that some of those listed are NOT migratory fowl". Should B.J. challenge the bureaucratic violation of their own regula­tions? Not unless he has somewhere between $100,000 to $200,000 dollars with wing-markings of scavengers--attorneys perhaps?


    A term already used and which will be utilized more as we move along, is "Hegelian" and I get inquiries for definition--so please, add this to the "Terminology" list.

    THE HEGELIAN PRINCIPLE: Revolutionaries in government have created economic chaos, shortages in food and fuel, confiscatory taxation, a crisis in education, the threat of war, and other diversions to condition Americans for "The New World Order".

    The technique is as old as politics itself. It is the Hegelian principle of bringing about change in a three-step process: Thesis, Antithesis and Synthesis (yes, I just recently gave you long writings about these these things).

    Here again:
    1. Thesis is to create a problem. The second step, 2. antithesis is to generate opposition to the problem (fear, panic, hysteria), and, 3. syntesis is to offer the predetermined solution to the problem created in step one--change which would have been impossible to impose on the people without the proper psychological conditioning achieved in stages one and two [This might well be a number two definition of the circle of infinity].

    Applying the Hegelian principle, and irresistible financial influence, concealed mattoids seek to dismantle social and political structures by which free men govern themselves--ancient landmarks erected at great cost in blood and treasure.

    Their objectives is to emasculate sovereign states, merge nations under universal government, centralize economic powers, and control the world's people and resources.


    I am going to repeat a summary of great importance herein to allow you to suc­cinctly see what has happened to you. I thank The Upright Ostrich, April, 1991.

    At the turn of the century an ambitious and morally degenerate group of fi­nanciers and industrialists in America fixed upon a long-range plan which would ultimately deliver control of the world's people and resources into their hands.

    The basic objective was to dismantle the Constitution of the United States and erect in its place a world government covenant which the Financial-Indus­trial (F/I) cartel would command.

    The F/I cabala, to achieve this objective, adopted an operational procedure of Infiltration, Subversion, and Rebellion aimed at the religious, economic, and social disciplines of the existing order. By massing their wealth and influence secretly to sponsor nihilistic doctrine, it was thought that they might capture the intellectual leadership of church and college. Domination of pulpit and profes­sional chair, they reasoned, would lead to mastery of the entire spiritual-ed­ucational process, the corruption of mass-communication media, and the cre­ation of a fractured, rudderless society which would serve their purposes.

    Achieving political authority was an obvious prerequisite to success. The cartel therefore, in 1912, forced a major penetration of the United States politi­cal structure by elevating Woodrow Wilson to the Presidency. Quick to capi­talize on this advantage, the cabala, in the closing days of the 1913 Congress ef­fected passage of three legislative acts which emasculated the Constitution and established a political power base for their operations. These acts were:
    a. The Sixteenth Amendment to the Constitution.
    b. The Seventeenth Amendment to the Constitution.
    c. The Federal Reserve Act

    At one blow the cabala thus attained:
    a. Unlimited financing via unlimited taxation,
    b. Control of the Congress by eliminating State supervision of legisla­tion, and
    c. Transfer of coinage from the Congress to their private bank, The Federal Reserve System.

    Upon this irresistible and unchallengeable base of power the cartel, in 1914, established a "brain trust" which was to be shaped into an instrumentality for global conquest. The organization was named The Inquiry and was formed around a nucleus of members drawn from The Intercollegiate Society, a so­cialist-oriented group of American intellectuals.

    The Inquiry, visible structure of a covert operation, immediately began re­cruiting and training an "intellectual elite" who, under the guidance of their hidden sponsors, prepared the Covenant of the League of Nations. The League of Nations was, of course, the long-sought world government covenant.

    When the United States Senate refused to ratify the League of Nations plan for a world government The Inquiry was, in 1919, renamed THE COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS (CF). CF headquarters remained in New York City, financial center of the world. Twenty-six years were to elapse before the F/I cabal, through its instrument, The Council on Foreign Relations, would reach its long-range goal of world government.

    The propaganda climate generated during World War II provided the op­portunity and, on July 28, 1945, a refurbished League of Nations Covenant with new title--THE UNITED NATIONS CHARTER--was ratified by a sub­verted U.S. Senate (subverted by Khazar Elite Socialists calling themselves Lib­erals and/or "Zionists"), and the Constitution of the United States passed in­stantly into HISTORY.

    In time, an interlocking, international apparatus--an invisible government of the world--was devised. Today these affiliated bodies include the Royal Insti­tute of International Affairs in England (which was founded concurrently with the Council on Foreign Relations during a dinner meeting in Paris in 1919), The Institute des Relations Internationales in Belgium, The Danish Foreign Policy Society, The Indian Council of World Affairs, and similar organiza­tions in France, Italy, Yugoslavia, Greece, and Turkey.

    Though the world government apparatus comprises holding company after holding company and proliferating agencies throughout the world, the prime corporate structure in America, and the seat of power both public and private, is The Council on Foreign Relations bolstered by vast funds in tax-exempt foun­dations. Within this membership are found the directors and principal agents of the financial/industrial cartel who now exercise control over the executive, leg­islative, and judicial agencies of the U.S. government, and who manipulate the United Nations world government covenant to enforce their command over the world's people and resources.

    Having dissolved the United States of America as a sovereign nation, the principals and heirs of the original cabala have embarked on a campaign to coerce her citizens into a Soviet animal farm. Unless the cabala is challenged residents of the North American continent will soon be subjected to the dictates of alien courts (and that is NOT little gray aliens from out there somewhere), will be recruited to serve in a United Nations Army, will be directly taxed by the United Nations to support one world government, will become pawns in a serf-society which shall be paid for its labors at rates determined by a self-elected "Elite" of the world, will be emigrated anywhere in the world on de­mand of this "Elite", and will surrender all property rights to the new aristoc­racy of finance and industry. **Bulletin of The Committee to Restore the Constitution, Box 986, Ft. Collins, CO 80522. (Good time to start, if you aren't already, getting your confirmation running on "old" Hatonn!)


    Forget "spacemen" with scanners and digestive upsetting information. You don't need "spacemen" to give you information--but you do need to pull the in­formation into focus and GET IT. I have told you of intended detention (concentration camps) all lined up for you who don't like the new game--let us share information now coming through in confirmable documentation--for you see, some of the people who thought themselves "Elite" now find they are not, and are a bit more interested in anonymous "telling". Anonymous, for they are forced into compliance of secrecy by the gun!

    There are now first-hand accounts of the doings in very isolated parts of na­tional forest land in Oregon and Idaho and the same type of destruction is taking place elsewhere. Destruction is the proper term as 50-acre plus areas of forest are being totally denuded by the forest service, some of it by private CON­TRACT. This land is being screened of all twigs, rocks and any stones more than one inch in diameter over the whole surface and two-feet deep under it. Then eight-foot cyclone fences, which also extend about four feet under­ground, are being erected around the perimeters. So what do you now have inside that fence? According to the forest service, it is an area for "possibly" seedling plantings!?!? (They aren't informed, in other words.)

    There might be rationale to this "study" in preservation but burying of a fence under the ground should be disturbing even unto the gullible environmentalists. In light of the KNOWN plan of the Bush administration to incarcerate those too much opposed to his banker's war....another use for the compounds be­comes far more realistic!Now here is where this "space cadet's" scanners come in very handy for you ones--INCARCERATION CAMPS ARE EX­ACTLY THAT WHICH ARE BEING SET UP--RIGHT NOW AND IN MAS­SIVE NUMBERS ALL OVER YOUR NATION, AND OFF-SHORE FOR THE REAL TROUBLE-MAKERS.

    No longer do various federal agents conceal their in-place plans to suspend your Constitution on the pretext of some emergency, such as the war, etc. Your FEMA has been fleshed out and made ready to enforce the coming military type dictatorship which will supersede your representative government.

    There will be a percentage of Americans who will not cower to the governmen­tal terrorism designed to instill total submission of the people. If simply mur­dering these people at point of contact is deemed counter-productive the proven tactic of rounding them up into concentration camps for whatever means of dis­posal will be used. Barbaric treatment drifting back to the general populace from such places usually keeps it more docile than blood in the streets.

    The inaccessibility of these new compounds plus the forest service's obvious need for the public not to be aware of them tends to weigh heavily toward the proof of concentration camps in your public lands--and remember, the old pris­oner-of-war camps and the camps for, say, "the Japanese/Americans"--are ALL in final stages of RECLAMATION!



    We left off yesterday with Leo the Khazar and there is where we shall pick up the narrative.

    The last Arab campaign was led by the future Caliph Marwan II, and ended in a Pyrrhic victory. Marwan made an offer of alliance to the Khazar Kagan, then attacked by surprise through both passes (pass of Draiel [Kasbek pass] and de­file of Darband along the Caspian shore [Bab al Abway, Gate of Gates]). The Khazar army, unable to recover from the initial shock, retreated as far as the Volga. The Kagan was forced to ask for terms; Marwan, in accordance with the routine followed in other conquered countries, requested the Kagan's con­version to the True Faith. The Kagan complied, but his conversion to Islam must have been an act of lip-service for no more is heard of the episode in the Arab or Byzantine sources--in contrast to the lasting effects of the establishment of Judaism as the state religion which took place a few years later (around AD 740). Content with the results achieved, Marwan bid farewell to Khazaria and marched his army back to Transcaucasia--without leaving any garrison, gover­nor or administrative apparatus behind. On the contrary, a short time later he requested terms for another alliance with the Khazars against the rebellious tribes of the south.

    It had been a narrow escape. The reasons which prompted Marwan's apparent magnanimity are a matter of conjecture--as is so much else in this bizarre chap­ter of history. Perhaps the Arabs realized that, unlike the relatively civilized Persians, Armenians or Georgians, these ferocious Barbarians of the North could not be ruled by a Muslim puppet prince and small garrison. Yet Marwan needed every man of his army to quell major rebellions in Syria and other parts of the Omayad Caliphate, which was in the process of breaking up. Marwan himself was the chief commander in the civil wars that followed, and became in 744 the last of the Omayad Caliphs (only to be assassinated six years later when the Caliphate passed to the Abbasid dynasty). Given this background, Marwan was simply not in a position to exhaust his resources by further wars with the Khazars. He had to content himself with teaching them a lesson which would deter them from further incursions across the Caucasus.

    Thus the gigantic Muslim pincer movement across the Pyrenees in the west and across the Caucasus into Eastern Europe was halted at both ends about the same time. As Charles Martel's Franks saved Gaul and Western Europe, so the Khazars saved the eastern approaches to the Volga, the Danube, and the East Roman Empire itself. (If, of course, you can call hopping from the pan in which you are frying into the fire all covered with grease--so be it).

    "Well, Hatonn," you now say to me, "the Muslims and Islams of TODAY just don't pose that kind of threat, and it is not nice to blame those nice "Jews" who just want a homeland, peace and love ever-after." Oh?? Let us share a bit of blood-curdling insight--right from the past few YEARS of announcing right up through NOW!

    The Ayatollah Khomeni: "The governments of the world should know that Islam will be victorious in all the countries of the world, and Islam and the teachings of the Koran will prevail all over the world. We have in reality, then, no choice but to destroy those systems of government that are corrupt in themselves and also entail the corruption of others, and to overthrow all treacherous, corrupt, oppressive and criminal regimes. This is the duty that all Muslims must ful­fill, in every one of the Muslim countries, in order to achieve the triumphant political revolution of Islam"
    YOU--AMERICA AND WESTERN WORLD, ARE INCLUDED, FIRST, IN THOSE "SYSTEMS OF GOVERNMENT" TO WHICH HE JUST ALLUDED? It might also bring a bit more balance into your understanding to remember that right up until recent historical times, IRAN WAS PERSIA.

    The Islamic crusade is a REVOLUTION and the greatest single threat to the status quo in the regions that the Western powers rely on as strategic positions with mineral resources. Keep in mind that in various forms, this revolution is widespread, stretching from Saudi Arabia on the Persian Gulf into Lebanon and Tunisia on the Mediterranean, and on through North Afnca to Morocco on The Atlantic; it is wider still, as indicated by more recent meetings of Muslim lead­ers in Pakistan, which is east of the Gulf. Muezzins cry the call to prayer from minarets throughout the world these days. Oh, by the way--these nice Revolu­tionaries despise, abhor, hate and loathe those nice self-styled Khazars!! who took Palestine!

    The Islamic Republic of Iran has played a major role and inspired those who have seen themselves as underdogs and victims at the hands of other Muslims as well as foreign ideologies. The faith of most Shia and many Sunni has been strengthened. The Soviet Union, which has the world's fifth largest Muslim population, and China (ouch), where there are three times as many Muslims as in Saudi Arabia, have felt spillover from the Iranian revolutionary experience.

    Iran has played on the anger and frustration of one small group of Shiites who have launched a very vicious protest against their regional rivals and the Western countries. They are few. About 20% of the world's population is Muslim. Roughly 10% of these are Shia, and only a tiny percentage of those are now vi­olent extremists. These last, who call themselves "soldiers of God", while only part of a multi-faceted movement, are symbolic of the Islamic crusade not only because they have succeeded in extreme forms of violence, but also because they are the most visible and vivid.

    Their actions are a protest against what they feel are injustices; first from other Muslims, beginning shortly after the faith was founded in the seventh century. That bitterness has built up for more than a millennium, accented during con­frontations with the West over the past two centuries since Napoleon conquered Egypt, making France the first Western power to control a Muslim country. Western dealings with and attitude toward the Islamic bloc since World War II have been the final straw.

    But Shia extremists are by no means alone. Sunni fundamentalists, although most of them do not have the same motives as the downtrodden Shia minority, have also responded to Islamic re-awakening symbolized by Iran. The explo­sion of Muslim fervor could herald Armageddon and Apocalypse, dear friends.

    The Koran says: "War comes to provide martyrs that God may prove those who believe. Paradise can only be attained when God knows who will really strive and endure". Martyrdom is a ticket to heaven. What the West calls terrorism is honorable in war against "Satan".

    If this doesn't chill your heart, America--nothing can!

    Back to Khazaria and another opinion, that of "Artamonov".

    "Khazaria was the first feudal state in Eastern Europe, which ranked with the Byzantine Empire and the Arab Caliphate...It was only due to the powerful Khazar attacks, diverting the tide of the Arab armies to the Caucasus, that Byzantium withstood them..."

    Lastly for this writing, the Professor of Russian History in the University of Oxford, Dimitry Oblensky (this is given for you researchers): "The main con­tribution of the Khazars to world history was their success in holding the line of the Caucasus against the northward onslaught of the Arabs".

    Marwan was not only the last Arab general to attack the Khazars, he was also the last Caliph to pursue an expansionist policy devoted, at least in theory, to the ideal of making Islam triumph all over the world. With the Abbasid caliphs the wars of conquest ceased, the revived influence of the old Persian culture created a mellower climate, and eventually gave rise to the splendors of Bagh­dad under Harun al Rashid.

    How about a break, Dharma. If we rest more frequently, we can write an addi­tional chapter today. If man doesn't wise up quickly, chela, just that which is transpiring THIS DAY can finish your day in the sun of freedom. Baker, rep­resenting the Elite, is giving away the rest of your nation to your Khazarian Khazar "allies"--may God have mercy for you precious children need it. Salu, I shall just step aside until we can sit again. Thank you.

    Hatonn to clear.

    PJ 28
    CHAPTER 20

    WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10, 1991 3:28 P.M. YEAR 4, DAY 237

    WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10, 1991

    A national TV rating company has announced that it expects to have a system operational and in place by no later than mid-1994 which will allow, watching of TV watchers watching TV in their homes--negating the need for phone polls. You are behind, dear ones, the system is already in service and the cable system in this very small town has been out for a full day while electronic devices are being installed for they just changed the channeling system--and Dharma just got another TV set. There is no way in which I can repeat enough--YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IS HAPPENING RIGHT HERE IN AMERICA!

    Next item: April Glaspie's testimony has been ruled as too embarrassing to publish by the Congressional subcommittee hearing her testimony. The New York Times (so it must have been REALLY bad) described the hearing as "the most embarrassing session that body has held in years". The statements were discounted as totally embarrassing but the "cover" was "essential to national se­curity" and all recognized her "position" and applauded her "loyalty to her em­ployer" (Bush).

    After all, her meeting with Mr. Hussein only started World War III, the Nu­clear War I and a few millions lives.

    Remember how you ones snickered and said, "it couldn't be" when I suggested that news was intercepted from your families to servicemen in Saudi Arabia? Hear ye, hear ye: The FBI is investigating "those who oppose Bush's war ef­fort in the Mideast". The investigation followed a complaint by Abraham Foxman, national director of the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith. Foxman further demanded that Defense Secretary Richard Cheney "IDENTIFY AND INTERCEPT" LETTERS OPPOSING THE WAR SENT TO U.S. MILITARY SERVICE PERSONNEL. As to the investigations, the FBI says it is "..just following orders"! So be it.

    * * * * * * * *

    You will bear with me, readers, for if ever a God could be angry--He is right now! We just had a blatant attack on Dharma through this computer electronics system and I want to use this shortcut to notify the game players that I, for one, shall no longer tolerate this behavior. This endangers everyone in the dwelling as all electronic devices went amok, also. The surveillance teams had best lis­ten up for you have been warned prior to this. If the lethal surges continue I can promise you that we will disable your electronics system which will cause the Livermore Lab incident to look like a game of bingo. I further ask you readers to bear with us if the writing is a bit unfocused for we just sustained a tremendous pulse burst to the system but I ask Dharma to continue writing for the tendency is to say "to hell with them" and stop--furthermore, I shall honor the cry for it gets to be too much and takes days to recover and regain regular functions.

    How close are you to disaster? Well, here is another published, documented statement which we shall repeat for you: "WHAT SOVIET REFUGEES? A State Department report indicates Israel (Khazar) is moving more Soviet Jew­ish (Judean and Khazarian) emigres into the occupied territories than was previously thought. Israel (Khazar) had promised to resettle no Soviet immi­grants in these Arab lands, in order to obtain $400 MILLION in U.S. loan guarantees to house the settlers, PLUS UP TO ANOTHER $10 BILLION THAT IS PENDING BEFORE THE U.S. CONGRESS. BUT IT NOW AP­PEARS THAT 4 PERCENT OF THE SOVIET JEWS (KHAZARIANS) EMI­GRATING TO ISRAEL (KHAZAR, PALESTINE) IN 1990 MOVED INTO THE OCCUPIED TERRITORIES; ISRAEL (KHAZAR) INSISTED ONLY ONE PERCENT (1%) HAD DONE SO".

    Let's have a little perspective put into proper order here--remember the little feather picker that got plucked? Fourteen feathers from the 7-year old? Well, justice proves itself again: BACK IN BUSINESS: Bordello Kingpin Joe Conforte, much more favored by the bureaucrats than the little feather-plucker. WAS RIGHT BACK IN HIS MULTI-MILLION DOLLAR BUSINESS JUST WEEKS AFTER IRS PADLOCKED THE PLEASURE PALACES OF HIS 440 ACRE SPREAD 10 MILES FROM RENO [undoubtedly proving that the feathers in a stripper's fan are not from migrating birds]. He warned Storey County com­missioners, who had refused to license the MUSTANG RANCH (reflections of the Texas Chicken Ranch), that they could not revoke his permit without a hearing. The annual fee is $60,000 which Conforte offered to raise to $105,000, sizeable revenue for the tiny county, mostly desert mountain except for the summer-tourist mecca of Virginia City. Besides that, the county gets 2% on each room. Conforte, who started the profitable venture some 40 years ago, fled to South America in the early 1980's to escape a TAX RAP. With a fabulous debt forgiveness deal, the bureaucrats persuaded the fugitive back to testify (falsely) in the railroading of Federal Judge Harry Claiborne who had provoked IRS ire by ruling against them. Faced with another tax rap, the 104-room bordello went into bankruptcy in September and was seized and padlocked by IRS, who auctioned off property and contents in mid-November. Successful bidder at $1.49 Million was Victor Perry, whose brother, Peter, is Conforte's lawyer and is listed with the Nevada Secretary of State as sole officer of Mus­tang Properties, Inc. [Don't you EVER OVERLOOK the value of a Nevada Corporation--because you "ain't never gonna know" who REALLY OWNS THAT PROPERTY--AGAIN!] According to Associated Press, Perry has re­fused to answer questions regarding investors in the operation and by law the state is not allowed to reveal the information".

    Readers, I actually don't know what to say--other than "your place is for the birds"--except that it so unjustly insults birds!


    Think it over and then write "Upright" Roger Rush of 1494 Forest Ave., Port­land, Maine--like right now! He suggests alleged1y "illegal" tax protestors, acting within the Constitution, legalize an organization forming and formally recording a union. "If our public servants can form and join unions then why not the tax payers"? he asks. One of the rights, he urges, would be to STRIKE (NOT PAY TAXES). Votes, letters to congressmen, etc., etc., have proved futile. So unionize, he urges, and STRIKE. Remember, America, you are paying for the Mustang Ranch and feather stealing from children. You are also paying for the detention camps in your forests, National Parks, etc. You are also paying for the illegal occupation and immigration housing in Palestine and a New World Order to enslave you. YOU JUST PAID FOR THE ELF FREQUENCY PULSE BLAST AGAINST DHARMA! NOW TELL ME AGAIN, THAT WE DO NOT BRING TRUTH--FOR I WANT TO TELL YOU--NO ONE TRIES TO SILENCE AN ALREADY DEAD DOG.

    Oh yes, I almost forgot to tell you about the important thing you are doing as taxpayers for your Congressmen who just received a whopping big pay-raise.

    YOUR MONEY: a $360.000 item in the new spending bill will pay 12 employes for three "Congressmembers-only" private health spas. It is reported in the Independent Free Press, Florida. Pampered patrons, who supposedly ‘represent' us, also get free towels, soap, shampoo, showers, whirlpools, massages, and snacks--ALL TAXPAID!

    But not to discourage-the Congress has a solution to the federal dept--"They are speaking now of SELLING-OFF real estate they have no right to own in the first place. The federal government (owns) an average of 30 percent of all the land in the United States, a whopping 81 percent of Alaska, 79 percent of Nevada, 60 percent of Utah, 52 percent of Oregon, and even 44 percent of California". I have a lot more to say on this subject but you must have your afternoon soap-opera history lesson first.


    During the long lull between the first and second Arab wars, the Khazars be­came involved in one of the more lurid episodes of Byzantine history, charac­teristic of the times, and of the role the Khazars played in it.

    In AD 685 Justinian II, Rhinotmetus, became East Roman Emperor at the age of sixteen. Gibbon, in his inimitable way, has drawn the youth's portrait:

    His passions were strong; his understanding was feeble and he was intoxicated with a foolish pride...His favourite ministers were two beings the least susceptible of human sympathy, a eunuch and a monk; the for­mer corrected the emperor's mother with a scourge, the latter suspended the insolvent tributaries, with their heads downwards, over a slow and smoky fire".

    After ten years of intolerable misrule there was a revolution, and the new Em­peror, Leontius, ordered Justinian's mutilation and banishment:

    "The amputation of his nose, perhaps of his tongue, was imperfectly performed; the happy flexibility of the Greek language could impose the name of Rhinotmetus ("Cut-off Nose"); and the mutilated tyrant was banished to Chersonae in Crim-Tartary, a lonely settlement where corn, wine and oil were imported as foreign luxuries".

    It must be noted herein that the treatment meted out to Justinian was actually re­garded as an act of leniency: the general tendency of the period was to human­ize the criminal law by substituting mutilation for capital punishment-amputa­tion of the hand (for thefts) or nose (fornication, etc.) being the most frequent form. Byzantine rulers were also given to the practice of blinding dangerous ri­vals, while magnanimously sparing their lives.

    During his exile in Cherson, Justinian kept plotting to regain his throne. After three years he saw his chances improving when, back in Byzantium, Leontius was de-throned and also had his nose cut off. Justinian escaped from Cherson into the Khazar-ruled town of Doros in the Crimea and had a meeting with the Kagan of the Khazars, King Busir (or Bazir). The Kagan must have welcomed the opportunity of putting his fingers into the rich pie of Byzantine dynastic policies, for he formed an alliance with Justinian and gave him his sister in mar­riage. This sister, who was baptized by the name of Theodora, and later duly crowned, seemed to have been the only decent person in this whole series of sordid intrigues, and to bear genuine love for her noseless husband (who was still only in his early thirties). The couple and their band of followers were now moved to the town of Phanagoria, the present Taman, on the eastern shore of the strait of Kerch, which had a Khazar governor.

    There they made preparations for the invasion of Byzantium with the aid of the Khazar armies which King Busir had apparently promised. But the envoys of the new Emperor, Tiberias III, persuaded Busir to change his mind, by offering him a rich reward in gold if he delivered Justinian, dead or alive, to the Byzan­tines. King Busir accordingly gave orders to two of his henchmen, named Pap­atzes and Balgitres, to assassinate his brother-in-law. But faithful Theodora got wind of the plot and warned her husband. Justinian invited Papatzes and Bal­gitres separately to his quarters, and strangled each in turn with a cord. Then he took ship, sailed across the Black Sea into the Danube estuary, and made a new alliance with a powerful Bulgar tribe. Their king, Terbolis, proved for the time being more reliable than the Khazar Kagan, for in 704 he provided Jus­tinian with 15,000 horsemen to attack Constantinople. The Byzantines had, af­ter ten years, either forgotten the darker sides of Justinian's former rule, or else found their present ruler even more intolerable, for they promptly rose against Tiberias and reinstated Justinian on the throne. The Bulgar King was rewarded with a whole bunch (pile) of gold coins which he measured with his "Scythian whip" and went home only to get involved in the new war against Byzantium a few years later. Now isn't history fun after all?

    Justinian's second reign (704-711) proved even worse than the first: (but we know he didn't have his nose out of joint); "he considered the axe, the cord and the rack as the only instruments of royalty". He became mentally unbalanced, obsessed with hatred against the inhabitants of Cherson, where he had spent most of the bitter years of his exile, and sent an expedition against the town. Some of Cherson's leading citizens were burnt alive, others drowned, and many prisoners taken, but this was not enough to assuage Justinian's lust for revenge, for he sent a second expedition with orders to raze the city to the ground. However, this time his troops were halted by a mighty Khazar army; whereupon Justinian's representative in the Crimea, a certain Bardanes, changed sides and joined the Khazars. The demoralized Byzantine expeditionary force abjured its allegiance to Justinian and elected Bardanes as Emperor, under the name of Philippicus. But since Philippicus was in Khazar hands, the insurgents had to pay a heavy ransom to the Kagan to get their new Emperor back. When the ex­peditionary force returned to Constantinople, Justinian and his son were assassi­nated and Philippicus, greeted as a liberator, was installed on the throne--only to be deposed and blinded a couple of years later.

    There is a very sad and miserable point of this gory tale, dear ones. How much ransom shall ye pay the Khazars afore ‘tis over'? This little tale which seems so tedious unto ye all is to show the influence which the Khazars exercised over the destinies of the East Roman Empire--in addition to their role as defenders of the Caucasian bulwark against the Muslims. Bardanes-Philippicus was an emperor of the Khazars' just as is Henry Kissinger in this New World Order of death of planet. I can assure that at that time, and again today, the Khaquan (Khazars) were and are practically in overall control of Planet Earth!


    For now, I must release my scribe for we have a meeting tonight on the subject of UFO's and Hatonn intends to attend that meeting--I am weary of that which is going on in this community as regards my co-workers. I believe any who have experienced my "visits" do not question the difference in Hatonn's pres­ence and Dharma's. It is time you children of Earth Shan grow up for you are just about to spring the trap which will end all growing at all.

    I move to stand-by and I urgently ask that you pay attention for you are in seri­ous trouble. Salu.

    Hatonn out, please.

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