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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 28

    WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3, 1991 8:04 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 230

    TODAY, APRIL 3, 1991

    Dharma: As I sit to write and prepare the computer with the necessary data, I have a most important thing happening which probably would be interesting, if nothing more, to bring to your attention as readers. I realize that I am most privileged to be allowed this portion of service for 1 can somehow exist in both worlds and touch that which reaches out through this communication. But I of­ten wonder if you would also feel more closely in touch if I shared some of the things which are "proof' and "confirmation" for these "hands"?

    You see, I need no higher "code" or "words" to tell me that which to attend closely these hours and days. Each day it may be quite different in approach but messages come in most remarkable manners and I would like to share the one from this very sitting.

    Day before yesterday evening, I wrote quite late and had no opportunity to check out any of the comments given regarding the news. After writing the first thing I was sent to do was monitor the "news" regarding the explosion of the rocket at Edwards. Oberli and I watched through CNN Headline News two or three times and found nothing (the explosion apparently had just happened, quite late in the day--or at least release of the event came quite late). We were a bit distressed to find nothing for I have yet to have Hatonn NOT be correct and, typical human--I WAIT for the discrediting the same as all others do. Fi­nally on the LATE local news there it was in all its fireworks glory--a mammoth explosion which actually we could well have seen the smoke plume from our own location.

    Now--since--he said to watch the shuttle situation; that that which would happen with the shuttle launches is of great importance, etc. I promptly, like everyone else, put it aside to monitor. I have no more insight into the writings, for the most part, than does anyone else. BUT, this morning as I sat to prepare the computer, I had a bit of difficulty finding the preceding writing for updating of the heading--suddenly the paragraph regarding the shuttle, etc., came up on the screen--highlighted within the document. I was annoyed for I can hardly oper­ate the machinery at best and didn't know what to do about it. Then, I removed the whole file from the screen and determined that for ME, and my lack of knowledge, I had best start over. Three times that highlighted paragraph came to the screen and three times it came in "highlights". I have not seen nor heard any type of newscast since yesterday morning but I can assure you--THERE IS SOMETHING INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT REGARDING THESE NEXT SHUT­TLE LAUNCHES WHETHER OR NOT WE EVER FIND OUT WHAT IT IS. THERE WILL, HOWEVER, BE CLUES IF WE ALL PAY ATTENTION.

    Sometimes I find strange writings on the screen which are messages--I might add, Hatonn is a much better typist than am I but it comes rarely and usually when I am distracted and not paying attention to something important. I don't understand the connection any better than anyone else; I have simply learned by the two-by-four across the head, to pay attention. For instance, a redtail hawk (Little Crow's) "traveling" symbol comes to our patio and calls as he crosses the door and we know it is time to speak or visit Little Crow--right NOW! A few days ago we were out in the car only to be urged to drive up one of the local canyon roads where we found a Golden Eagle hovering above. We followed it hither and yon as he went to a location and circled back again--over and over so we just went where he went. Finally, below where he set up his circling was a young man and woman stuck at the bottom of a hill with a roadway too slip­pery with snow to get out. Getting them out was not the problem for we had a four-wheel drive vehicle and after finding a rope the task of driving out was nothing. BUT, we had to go search for a rope giving us time to become ac­quainted--this is one of the most important contacts we have made to date for participation of ones related to them, their mode of business, etc. It became very clear EXACTLY what we were to do--we find that there aren't even "tiny" coincidences or accidents any more, in our lives, and we are learning to watch for the clues without the two-by-four. The Eagle stayed right around us until we finished what we were to share, dipped his wings and vanished. Signs? Clues? It comes to the point we have to assume so for there are no other explanations.

    For instance, some of the most insightful inquiries come from ones of you who are simply "urged to write" and very often the words in the letter are: "I really don't know why I am writing--but I feel I must --" Perhaps this is what "awakening" means as much as paying attention to politics--or moreso. I do know that it is the insight in relationship to God which is of the importance; the other information is only to get us into action so that we ALSO have a stage upon which to produce our "play". We must somehow first "see" and compre­hend that which is our experience in order to realize the relationship with God. I know that we who are gifted with this communion (I, no more than any who reads it) are blessed beyond all expectation in this journey. It brings no "entertainment" to the stage, nor anything but sleepless nights and long hours of "work" (if you could remotely speak of association with the brotherhood of ad­vanced intelligence and wisdom within the circle of God Himself, as work).

    I cannot wipe away the knowledge coming forth from my fingers as any sort of "reality" for I cannot comprehend the allowance of ME to get to participate. The information is shocking and sometimes totally debilitating to me for as it is read to me in the editing process, it is as if I have no attachment to the docu­ments at all. I know that in my consciousness I DO NOT KNOW THESE THINGS WHICH I AM GIVEN TO WRITE. FURTHER, I HAVE NOT, SINCE SIPAPU ODYSSEY, BEEN GIVEN ALLOWANCE TO WRITE ANYTHING EVEN CONNECTED WITH "FANTASY" OR "NOVEL FICTION"--ONLY TO FIND THAT SIPAPU WAS NOT, EITHER.

    For you who do not know me, I only began to serve about three years ago and to that point had been most unkind about the concept of "higher beings", etc. I believed in God and very little else touted as "religion", including New Age and "Channels "--and let me be the one to stress again, THIS IS NOT CHANNELING AS THE PROCLAIMERS OF 'RECEIVING" DESCRIBE IT OR DANCE ABOUT THE STAGES IN ENTERTAINMENT AND SELF-STYLED GLORY. This re­ceiving is as a boss to a secretary although I am not sure HOW I know to translate the signals coming in--but they ARE signals, purely and simply, and the one on the "line" identifies and we go to work. When they wish to speak, it is a little different as I still "translate" but somehow they are able to utilize ME. I don't understand that mechanism either but I am given into instant understanding that I am a "student" at the sessions just as anyone else in the room. I further know that this is only a PORTION of mj intended purpose and work and I, too, have to wait for unfolding--in impatience. I, too, am waiting to know that which IS my purpose-for I feel this secretarial job is probably not iny ulti­mate "job" but I know that I shall be informed in proper time.

    A lot of people ask me if I am not afraid? I don't know, for when the house is attempted at bombing with laser pulses, shattering my windows, and when I am actually HIT and awakening from unconsciousness--I am terrified--but both the terror and fear are then instantly removed, somehow, and I am given to be to­tally CONSCIOUSLY AWARE OF THE PRESENCE AND PROTECTION OF HATONN (IN PERSON), SANANDA ESU (IN PERSON) ATON (IN PERSON)--BEING RIGHT THERE SETTING EVERYTHING TO FUNCTION AGAIN AND I HAVE BEEN GIVEN TO EXPERIENCE A JOURNEY HOME. I am always asked if I am ready to return to my physical mission and I know beyond all doubt that it would be fine if I declined to continue with this work. I suppose at the time I am given to know why I choose to try it again under those circumstances but after I "wake up" I think I'm a total idiot.

    I can only share with you that which I DO KNOW--God has returned and He is right here--with the Christed, by whatever you want to call him, an entire fleet of craft from the Cosmos in total glory to behold with beings in every level of projection from human physical to etheric light--and further--they are more REAL than anything on the ground and it is the return to the physical dimension which becomes the illusion. I don't claim to understand the mechanism from the side of the experience of consciousness but the "reality" is not on this dimen­sional level of experience. I also know, however, that the physical dimension must be set to straight in the physical sense before we are given to pass higher and, therefore, it surely becomes wort while to acquire the "academy award" for acting--in this place--even if you don't like the play, and even if it is your own play. I suppose this will sound confusing to you, but I even get to the point where I envy the group who gets to experience the Commander's personal ses­sions for that which I experience is quite obviously different from what the "audience" experiences. I am given, on the other hand, to experience the en­ergy intent and the sheer joy of the "presence". So, I suppose we are given re­wards for service in many differing ways. My greatest gift of all is when ones refer to HIM and read the Journals by HIM as if I, Dharma, have no existence whatsoever--for that is the truth of my service--that there be no part of myself within the writings except as at this time of expression of self.

    Please, may you all know--the "writing" is a portion of my day and a very "different" portion of my every day. The "writings" are my life and yet the fo­cus of living is as everyone else--"how do we get our job done, the word out, fix dinner, wash the clothes, etc., etc., etc. I can't even relate to dodging bullets which I certainly have valid reason to know are aimed at me. I find it incredi­ble that anyone would target ME, for I don't feel I do anything. It IS re­markably "interesting". I find it "interesting" right now that Hatonn is nudging me and telling me that I have taken long enough; it is time to go to work. The discipline comes with such love that you are not offended--but you know you are in discipline and therefore, thank you for allowing me hearing--I must go to work.
    * * * * * *
    Hatonn present, and yes, I gave her an inch and she took pages. We do allow her to play at being human also for she, too, has the learning to be accom­plished. Each of you will truly find that no job in service unto Creator/Creation is greater in totality than another--only different and only in importance of "sequence". As knowledge is gained in various facets of experience-you may "prevail" in given circumstances because of knowledge--it is not appointed hi­erarchy "greater position". In the higher experiences the physical ego is not present to demand stroking and, therefore, as you progress, the "pecking order" ceases to present itself. It is simply hard to understand for the MISunderstand­ing is that you move from the third dimensional physical into one with knowl­edge and Godness. No, you progress and grow into that wondrous position of ONENESS.

    There are, however, wondrous insights as you move along the journey into Truth and Oneness. At the "termination" of one experience--say death of a "body", there is always the wondrous moment of understanding, total knowl­edge and "judgment" of the journey "so-far". Ones who experience the "death process" and return to tell you of their experience will all tell the same basic tale--of a moment of total "knowingness". This is most important for in that moment of Truth you KNOW what the lessons are which are learned and which remain unlearned--what missions were accomplished and which remain to be finished. Each interim transition allows knowledge of status and growth level and an opportunity to get off the binding wheel or a need to remain longer at that particular level of experience--having not learned that which moves you ever higher toward the ONENESS and TOTAL ALLNESS.

    As you grow higher in understanding and experience the transitions become experiences of great anticipation for as the entity grows in Truth so are the ex­periences more profound and glorious. As the entity of individual substance, let us call it personality for lack of better definition, becomes of higher dimension and knowledge it then becomes the teachers and guides who are the "guardians" of the less-knowing beings so the responsibilities become that of guiding another aspect into the higher path.

    Then in the overall experience of cycles, there are given the opportunities of experiencing in such manifested circumstances as planets and civilizations find themselves bogged in dense perception of forgetfulness. Then, as now, some have the privilege to participate in the "remembering" or "awakening" as we refer to it here. Each with a different function--all with the same "goal" or the "opposite goal". Existence of an immortal energy is in the experiencing--not in the existing. It is the "experience" which is the God-given free choice of life itself. Whatever you think your "choices to be" the one you are experiencing at the moment is the ONE you chose! Ponder it. At this instance in Dharma's experience, she has CHOSEN to scribe for Hatonn--no matter how she com­plains or rejoices--it is solely her choice. It becomes my privilege to have a scribe upon whom I can always depend for service--but it is totally, 100% her choice to write or not write.

    This very point is where man bogs down--he wants no human responsibility for his own choices. For instance, if you wish to change of the direction of your travels--or return your nation to greatness--YOU must take responsibility as if you were the only one and as you take your place and stand in total responsibility--others shall do likewise. How quickly we make the change or the differ­ence is determined by how strongly we respond to our responsible place of leadership and direction--teaching or writing, or, or, or. Our responsibility in this place, for instance, is to lay out circumstances as they are. We are not the first to do so nor shall we be the last--however, it matters who and how the banner is taken up by the receivers as to whether or not the score shall be made by a touchdown in the ball-game. Dharma can do her job to perfection but if the printer puts it not to print and the distributor distributes it not and you receive of it not--nothing but exercise is gained. And even that, in itself, is experience in learned information. Let not any single moment escape the noting of the lesson involved and the gift offered if you will but accept it. A gift unto another does not change possession of ownership until the receiver accepts and takes possession of the gift. WITHOUT THE READERS OF THIS INFORMATION, THE INFORMATION IS VALUELESS AND THEREFORE, THE READER BECOMES THE PIVOTAL POINT OF IMPORTANCE--NOT THE WRITER.

    Do not think this point is lost on the Would-Be Elite Controllers--for they first try to stop the scribe, then the distilbution of the Truth by any means possible--then they will slap rules upon you the readers and stop you from receiving the information and/or discounting it--FOR IT IS YOU OF WE-THE-PEOPLE WHO ARE IMPORTANT--NOT HATONN, NOT DHARMA, NOT AMERICA WEST---YOU! You however, can judge the value of the writing by how hard they effort to stop it from reaching YOU and it has been an incredible effort exerted to stop our contact and information flow from mental barrage to physical violence. Funny thing about attacks, however, you will find the at­tacked simply grow stronger and the attackers become confused and irrational and make more blunders. That is why it is never wise to react in fear and panic--respond in calm wisdom and you will always win the round.

    Something to ponder: You believe you have not experienced any miracles? You were birthed, were you not? Now, think about this--have you ever experienced death of the body? No? How about every time the heart finishes a beat? If you have not the next beat you just died! You experience at least 40 to 200 miracles a minute of existence--and you still ask for "proof". How often do you thank God for those 60 some-odd miracles--or do you simply complain about your lack of "comfort" and that which you perceive you have not? Think carefully about those things for it will be that for which you are grateful which shall ulti­mately enter as "circumstantial evidence" at your judgment hearing.


    I shall respond to a question from a reader and then we will leave this document and move on to the Journal in progress. We have been asked about the seeming contradiction of usage of the term Israel and "Jew" in the book AND THEY CALLED HIS NAME IMMANUEL and the recent information regarding those terms not being valid in the time of the Judeans. We have also told you that if the terms are used directly in a circumstance of original writing--such as a "Bible", "Talmud" etc., say the Book of Mormon, Oahspe, etc. which "claim" DIRECT writing of original material--the terms would not be used which do not relate to the given time in history.

    We claim no "original" new information. Dharma, for instance, in the penning of the above named Journal claimed no direct instructional input--nor did the speakers. The information was a directly TRANSLATED WRITING.The writing was written in Arabic and was not a "first" writing as was claimed, say, by Joseph Smith in receiving the book of Mormon. I comment not upon that work except to say that the terms show up frequently without explanation of "clarity" in writing. Dharma was only given a translation from that Ara­bic/German into English as to current translation of language as acceptable for understanding.

    The fact that the terms did not exist at the time of the original writing is not as important in current translation as to when and how the meanings of same were CHANGED OR BECAME VALIDLY ACCEPTED AND WHY. If the term JEW, for instance, remained a shortened version of Judean and had the original meaning as Judean--fine; it is the taking or creation of the work with deceitful definition which is the work of intent herein.

    Another reason we would allow the words to be used is to allow understanding to come in proper sequence. Had we given you all the information in the last Journal, without the information from the prior writings--you would throw the work away and denounce it, just as have many. You have to be allowed to ab­sorb that which is given according to growth with ability to go and find confir­mation as it is outlaid unto you. You do not feed an infant a slab of beef and expect him to cut it and eat it for he will choke to death. You give him milk until his teeth come and then you still must cut his meat with a knife and fork until he can use the tools for self. He doesn't even have to know the name of nor the function of the knife and fork--he only has to come into the trust that you will properly cut his meat for him. We must first build trust of our pres­ence in bits which can be confirmed and chewed and as you grow and our Truth remains intact--you can trust more and then you can cut and chew and select your food and recognize that which is good from that which is poison--God would never treat you lesser than you would treat your most precious child. He will like you to your child, give us that which we are capable of handling and then hold us while we learn to walk--always giving us the knowledge through teachings and lessons--the correct path to follow to come home again.

    It is not so much the terms which are of import--it is the intent of the usage which you must remain ever alert and when you see a word misused--be careful as to interpretation. Know who and what lurks behind the term and that IS JUDGED BY ACTIONS AND NOT BY WORDS.

    Thank you for being alert enough to inquire. As you read more and more of the documents, you will find the answers given but some things are so bothersome to the searching mind that they need attention before all the information can be accumulated, digested and sorted. If, however, we tend all the inquiries of ones who have not apprised themselves of that which is already given, we shall never get enough of our mission accomplished to make any difference--we shall sim­ply be stagnant in the pool of repetition. This is what we refer to as "homework" and research. Further, if you have read and have not found an­swers, then by all means ask and if it is not forthcoming on its own, ask again. We must work with those things most urgent to your welfare and frankly, right now, your very freedom and human ability to function is in jeopardy of severe crisis so we must pour on the "physically human" enemies so we can get on to the place where we can give the IMPORTANT soul growth input. Again, we are limited by the physical and that which is perceived at the moment--and we are sitting where we can see around the bend in the road and it is serious cir­cumstance indeed!

    It is very much like the child behind the three foot wall--he cannot see the bomb ready to explode immediately upon crossing the wall--but the six-foot tall father can see it hidden there awaiting the blowing up of the child. Would the father be right to deny the child the guidance and information? Well, we cannot force you to avoid crossing the wall which hides the pitfalls as you can literally force your child to stay in security--but we can certainly tell you where the bomb is located and who put it there so that you can recognize your enemy. What is more, we intend to continue to give you more and more and more information as long as Dharma's fingers can type and others are willing to risk and serve and act.

    And I will repeat what was said to ones in this group by a man thinking himself funny--but there was great "meaning" in his statement which he realized not--as he moved away from service unto God. He said, "Well, I intend to do God's work but, by God, I intend to do it my way"! No, my friends--THAT is NOT doing GOD'S WORK--guess whose work you are REALLY doing? WE WILL DO GOD'S WORK AND, BY GOD, WE SHALL HUMBLY DO IT GOD'S WAY! SO BE IT AND MAY THE LIGHT SHINE ALWAYS ABOUT YOU THAT YOU MIGHT SEE AND KNOW THE WONDROUSNESS OF THINE JOURNEY.

    I am but your brother and I am humble in appreciation for being allowed service in your company. We each do not have to walk alone--for in brotherhood and understanding there can never be "alone"--only "oneness with ALL". Salu.

    PJ 28

    THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1991 8:04 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 231

    TODAY, APRIL 4, 1991

    Good morning, Hatonn present to further confuse your day, Dharma. How­ever, we gave her, yesterday, her annual opportunity to complain and if she used it not for that purpose, we have 12 months to get away with overload. Bless you who have written to her for it makes MY job far easier as she then understands that the box she is in has windows. As to "Suzy Q", the suit you sent is beautifully done and fits perfectly--she will not, however, wear it as she is trying to extricate the applique "picture" from the shirt. She claims it is too beautiful for anyone "just to wear" and will figure some way in which to hang it on the wall for all to share. The hours that go into such loving work are pre­cious indeed--just as are the pictures from the young "space cadets" who send me their perceptions in the form of drawings. I treasure them as I treasure my children fortunate to find placement in a home with parents who will allow them growth into their appointed (and accepted) missions. The children coming forth into enlightened families are blessed indeed and there is no greater service an adult can give unto God than to allow those special children freedom of truth and growth.

    Do not expect perfection as YOU believe they should be, for they are restless and bound into tiny bodies which are restricting and just the "waiting for growth" is about all they can put up with. Effort at patience, allow them "contact" and we will help you in keeping their path a bit cleared and give unto them the support to be patient in their growth and into their tasks. Please do not underestimate our capabilities if asked and/or "allowed" participation and we never like to override a parent's input--but are allowed to do so if the parent teaches things against the Truth and Laws of God and Creation. Often the lessons are so much more difficult in that sense as they must then be experi­enced and that often brings great problems. Blessed indeed is the parent who respects and honors the child for, in turn, the child can openly respect and re­vere the parent. Ah, but I am off on a side trip wherein my own heart dwells and I must be given into the things of other focus.

    Please know that we are most grateful for your communications no matter how large or small for there is not time too great to be taken in the reading of loving communion, or even that which criticizes for it gives opportunity to confront all possibilities and correct that which may need attention--ours is only intent to serve without tainting of any "opinion" by human "druthers". Short of God, nothing is of total perfection--only the striving thereto.

    Ah, you ask for more on income tax while postponing gun-control for another writing since you come upon deadlines. What do I immediately suggest? Well, I cannot put it in exactly that format--we are not attorneys or accountants and do not practice as such; however, it would certainly seem that to simply not send in the form with your signature affixed might be a good idea on short notice--or, simply get an extension for filing until you can become better informed and make decisions as to action. If you have already filed your paperwork accord­ing to the illegal requirements pushed upon you--find out what can be done to recover and act properly and with wisdom or get prepared to act in the future--with even more wisdom. If you manage to allow your Constitution to fall (as is very, very possible at present) it is all a moot issue for the man with the gun gets the gold one way or another and "lawful" means nothing--they can make every action by the police and government "legal" by rule of the gun.


    America didn't realize several things about the IRS--that they are a private cor­poration simply funded by the government by contract TO ENFORCE TAX COLLECTIONS and they are allowed to let into legal operations actions which are Constitutionally unlawful. I have written at great length on this subject in the Journal YOU CAN SLAY THE DRAGON, I believe--I must ask someone to please check this for it gets hard to keep track now that our output is so great. (He is correct.) It is important enough to repeat for you ones who are truly in­terested in cutting off some of the "blood" "food" to the unlawful thieves in this game. The only way to change the "beast" is to stop feeding him that which he must have to survive--your support through mindless actions. If you cut off the endless flow of Money to the Congress--I promise you that you will clean out Washington, D.C. in no more than three pay-periods. If the tree stops feeding the parasitic leech vines then the leeches die. If the flow of "sap" is not stopped then the parasitic growths multiply and multiply and kill the tree. In this case, the parasites are killing the entire nation and populace. It appears that wel­fare SAVES--no, it destroys both the recipient and certainly the one from which the funding is seized by the gun. "Charity" is an altogether different subject so we will not go into it herein.

    Americans have been far, far too, gentle with the INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, whose autority/JURISDICTION by Law is restricted to tiny federal areas and those people who have volunteered, most often by trickery. I wrote pages and pages on the subject of volunteering to file and pay funds to the fed­eral government of, not the Republic, but the legislative dupers. Chances are indeed overwhelmingly large that you are such a volunteer, and your STATUS is that of a secondary legislative "statutory" or "U.S. citizen" under the fraudu­lently-ratified 14th ‘Amendment'. With easy, but powerful, American Law in an honest court (and there are few left ) you can do something about the situa­tion. You see, you ARE as FREE as when you were born in one of your fifty States--you have simply not continued to realize it through the morass of propaganda and disinformation causing you to function "as if" it were Constitutional that you do certain things--no, once you develop the proper background for ac­tion and get knowledgeable--you can throw off the parasites.

    You-the-people shout to the world that you will. Not dea1 with criminals and yet you do--over and over every day. A nation cannot survive with such parasites feasting upon your life blood. You must learn how to counter the attacks and stop the asinine blood sucking. It is absolutely necessary for the very survival of your Nation and your posterity. You will learn to call the criminals crimi­nals without softening the wording. In this case with income taxes you can make the mis-taught "IRS" bullies back off or themselves end up in deep yo­gurt. Those predators will remain totally "out of control", as the Congress says, until they are squarely challenged with Amencan Law under the Constitu­tion, and this is amazingly easy to do. But will it be successful? It depends on whether or not YOU do it properly.

    Can it work? Of course, every time when it's done correctly, even in cases where Citizens have been conned into the criminals' so-called "U.S. Tax Court", which by Law is not America's and it is not a Court. Modern law schools teach little if any of the true laws, or of great American Law, as lawyers will readily admit. So this is a DO IT YOURSELF project, without the attorney fees (which also makes it frowned upon by the attorney clubs). Remember, too, that the American Bar Association is now an active, working member of the Khazar Elite New World Order.


    The Constitution FOR AMERICA requires a very restricted National Govern­ment, but another portion allows "exclusive Legislation" powers without limit FOR THE FEDERAL AREAS. So citizens must learn to see the reigning "WASHINGTON DC-CLUB" and its IRS-CEG (Criminal Element in Government) shrivel back to their LAWFUL SIZE. How do you require that something shrink? You cut off its water and fuel. You-the-people can severely mummify the bloated federal government's over-funding, using and never abusing your American Law. Then and only then dear ones, will it learn to live within ITS OWN LIMITS.


    The first thing you have to do is recognize and regain your Born-Free citizenship status, and then RETAIN it for the Common Good. As a side benefit you can then ELIMINATE Federal Income Tax and Withholdings. Washington has more than adequate means to LAWFULLY fund the tasks assigned to it by You-the-people, but not the incentive to simply do it through obeying Ameri­can Law. Why should it? It can easily steal from you by fraud and trickery and force which you allow in ever-increasing severity.

    You, as a "good" citizen and always ready to honor "authority", probably volunteered for a Social Security number when asked, and filed your IRS forms regularly. But there was a hidden reason why no one said that these moves automatically switched your "natural born-free Citizen" status down­ward to "statutory".To fool you into thinking you were getting "breaks" instead of mesmerization, the federal and State agents, for instance, in 1967 brought double-audits by federal and State agents--who authorized double-re­funds. 1979's Congress promoted its "Invest in America" TAX SHELTERS, so you pooled savings and put a whopping number of federal reserve notes into al­ternative energy, adding more quite modestly in mining and oil by 1982 and, with long-term ideas of financial independence, you bit on the bait as if it were mandatory that you pay the income tax in the first place.


    The Constitution provides methods of balancing budgets (which rules are TO­TALLY IGNORED BY CONGRESS), giving back State sovereignty. This is why everything is hidden from you--so that you blindly follow the bureaucratic rules enforced by a mafia-type hit squad which you also pay for. This is why there is a push for a Constitutional Convention--in order to COMPLETELY REWRITE YOUR CONSTITUTION TO COVER ALL THE LAWS THEY HAVE SECRETLY WRITTEN INTO EXISTENCE--AGAINST YOU-THE­ PEOPLE! They even lie to you about what your income taxes go for--THEY GO ONLY TO PAY "CREDIT" AGAINST THE DEBT. YOU HAVE NO -SYSTEM OF CURRENCY--YOU HAVE A FEDERAL RESERVE NOTE SYSTEM OF "CREDIT"--ALSO A "PRIVATE" ENTERPRISE WHICH YOU-THE-PEOPLE FUND WHILE THEY STEAL FROM YOU, THEREBY "GETTING-YOU" FROM EVERY DIRECTION AND MANNER KNOWN TO MAN.

    I must give warning that time to set this to right is upon you. If things continue as they are--you are doomed. Even the war must be continued ad nauseam with heinous actions by your nation and administration--to INSURE ABILITY TO CONTINUE "EMERGENCY" REGULATIONS AND FORCE UPON YOU.

    Dear ones, it is NOW time for all you LOYAL CITIZENS to move into UNITY--on the offensive, with magnificent American Law for Freedom and truth. When accomplished, no more will criminals imprison your People who stand firmly with God-given "UNALIENABLE RIGHTS" previously "SWITCHED FRAUDULENTLY" for "civil" nonsense. If you take action and refuse to longer allow this fraud, then You-the-people may well have another chance to live with LAWFUL GOVERNMENT IN A FREE AMERICA. If not--you are headed directly into the prison of slavery which is already your mode of operation.

    What should you do? Get informed. I cannot urge you strongly enough to get protection--get the Journals, PRIVACY IN THE FISHBOWL and YOU CAN SLAY THE DRAGON. I also urge you to get material which can be copied word-for-word as we showed you in the recent Express--but you need more--please get and, if necessary, share--N.A. Scott's ,book, FREE AT LAST-FROM THE IRS,. (Ordering info. already made available.) We can only give you information--we CANNOT force you to utilize any of it. I would note, however, that if you do not take a stand soon--kiss your freedom and your "One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for ALL"--Goodbye forever. The noose is securely tied about your necks and the lever to the trap door under your feet is in movement--brothers, you are right at the "end of your rope"! (Pun with serious intent fully intended).


    Benjamin Franklin said to You-the-people, "You have a REPUBLIC, If you can keep it". You did not keep it so, today, through fraud and theft, today's lawyers say that you are "A DEMOCRACY", meaning none other than mob-rule, INCLUDING THE PRESIDENT AND VICE PRESIDENT AND THEIR ADVISERS.

    Just yesterday I received a letter from a precious friend who stated that "...they would like to do more for your project but we are even having to borrow money to pay our taxes"! STOP IT AND STOP IT--NOW! It has nothing to do with helping or not helping our projects--but promise you better and more reward from serving God than serving George Bush and Henry Kissinger and con­tributing to the enslavement of the nations of your world. If you must borrow money for something--borrow it to get the information outlaid for you here, keep the funds you would use for taxes and demand that you move back into freedom. Get the manual and DIGEST it. Follow the step by step "how-to" and DO IT. Then, if terror grips too hard--get a loan of less than a thousand dollars and get a Nevada Corporation and get everything except social security payments, etc., OUT OF YOUR NAME AND INTO YOUR CORPORATION--WHO IS A SEPARATE INDIVIDUAL ONLY "CONTROLLED" BY YOU--AND MOREOVER--THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT DOESN'T KNOW YOU OWN IT. STOP BEING INTIMIDATED BY THE THUGS WHO GIVE YOU FALSE INFORMATION AND START USING THE GUIDES SET UP TO SAVE YOUR ASSETS. UNLESS YOU GO OFF-SHORE, WHICH IS FOR BIGGER "HIGH-ROLLERS" FOR THE MOST PART, NEVADA IS THE ONLY REMAINING STATE IN THE NATION WHICH ALLOWS PRIVACY AND ONE-OPERATOR CORPORATIONS. WE CAN EVEN HELP YOU SET YOURS UP WITHOUT HAVING TO SHOW ON THE RECORDS AS OFFICER-DIRECTORS AND STILL MANAGE THE ENTIRE OPERA­TION AS ONE PERSON TOTAL CONTROL. DON'T BE FOOLISH--UTI­LIZE THE LAWS AND BREAKS THE HOODLUMS MAKE LEGAL FOR THEMSELVES. USE INTEGRITY AND INTELLIGENCE AND YOU TOO, CAN WIN-WIN. The important issue, however, is to regain control of your Government--thus, your nation and your freedom.

    Just as following the Laws of God and The Creation is the uppermost issue with spiritual aspect of self --so is gaining and holding your freedom and "Republic" laws your physical priority. YOU CANNOT COME INTO HARMONY AND BALANCE WITHIN THE PHYSICAL DIMENSION WITHOUT FREEDOM AND YOUR FREEDOM AS A WORLD IS ALL BUT GONE!


    I, further, see no reason to incorporate a church at all--unless, of course, you want to do so as a Nevada Corporation for privacy purposes. But I want to pre­sent something to you. Natural Born FREE Citizens' Churches do not NEED incorporation if you adhere to the Constitutional laws of the Republic. This, despite what mistaught lawyers have counseled--after all, they want to make MONEY! They will also poo-poo Hatonn's information and scare you all to in­action if possible--as will the accountants. Will some good and daring lawyers and accountants please step forward and identify yourselves and we will give you more business than you ever dreamed of earning--and save your taxes in addition. Very, very gradually (so you wouldn't notice) the Washington D.C.-­Club has given disinformation and propagandized the phony grandeur of this entrapment, when a simple inexpensive AMERICAN COMMON LAW TRUST, among other avenues of action, could have kept both the members and their respective churches "Free", without government dictates and there are cited cases to prove the point. Or you can establish the "church" as a corporation in Nevada with little "visiting" groups in other places (states). In fact, if you are State Incorporated anywhere other than Nevada and or the Panamanian outer-limits, you might well want to consider dis-incorporation. You will find all this information of how-to in Dr. Scott's material.

    Please take note--the total price for the book is some $43.00 to Dr. N.A. (Doc) Scott, Economist and Theologian, 2649 Vista Way #8-137, Oceanside, Calif. 92054. HOWEVER; TAKE CAREFUL NOTE THAT HE WILL ONLY AC­CEPT FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES OR POSTAL MONEY ORDERS. NO PRIVATE CHECKS AND NO CREDIT CARDS. For information you might just TRY area code 619:555-1212 and tell him Hatonn of the Phoenix Jour­nals/Express sent you. I hesitate to give out that number for it is usually kept secure, but YOU are out of time for this annual "robbery day". To get the other Journal information and place orders, the phone number is on the doc­ument--America West does take checks and credit cards for you who do not sufficiently value your privacy to still have either or both.


    Allow us a rest please, Dharma.

  2. #2
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 28


    THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1991 5:06 P.M. YEAR 4, DAY 231



    Pg. 192 Robotoids:

    When I get opportunity to remind you about Russian Robotoids, you will perhaps stop calling us kooks and "your enemies"--we outlined, in the 1970's, the entire picture and availability of Russian Robotoids and duplicates. [Ah ha, you caught me! Yes, we had some receivers as far back as that and one of the best, which I shall still leave unnamed a bit longer--was killed for his ef­forts.] If your leaders are of Russian control, dear hearts--you will come under the control of Russia, no more and no less--and, you already have placed in your councils--controlled substitutes. These ones are further programmed by pulsed beams and will function according to the overall Global Plan 2000. [I ask that someone in the group send R.S. copies of the tapes of our meeting when W.H. was with us for I believe it was at that session I discussed Yelt­sin/Gorbachev. One reason that there is so much confusion in the Soviet Union this day is because Gorbachev is a many times replaced robotoid and Yeltsin is NOT. This infuriates the Khazar Elite and they will destroy the world along with Russia if that is what is required to gain control. I shall not go into this further for it is like a death contract on my people. I would hope that you ones can figure some manner in which we can make available some of our sessions such as the ones when "visitors" are in our midst. The load is simply too great for me to insist so please bear with us for our staff is at the breaking point and I am vastly increasing output, as you can see. I must leave it to the publisher to decide what to do about the problem of such quantities of material. Dharma and I plan to continue as fast as we can pour it out upon you.]


    Pg. 83 Genetic Replicas of Humans:

    In the late part of the 1970's the existence of man-made genetic replicas of human beings was made public. The revealers were locked away instantly and the key tossed. It was disbelieved although motion pictures were made as sci-fi and the subject buried under threat of penalty of death to disclosers. They, however, did (and do) exist and were pressed into service right before your eyes. You didn't even blink at them--no sir, you just gobbled up the lie, chewed it and swallowed it in total.

    When first revealed to you they were referred to as "Synthetics" and in honor of the daring Truth-Bringers we shall continue to label them as such. I request that herein you not ask me for details of the replicas for they are not the point of my story and they will be covered at a more appropriate writing--just know that they DO exist and currently they are used continually to cover the shadow/parallel governments of your nations. Suffice it here to simply state that they do exist and were utilized in the April launch. One reason the prepa­ration time of early astronauts was so lengthy for public consumption was to fa­cilitate perfecting duplication of all segments, including the astronauts. Ac­tually, the duplicates need not be perfect for plans are well laid in case of dis­covery an alteration can be instantly orchestrated if necessary. People cannot describe a suspect if at the scene of a murder, on oath--you certainly are not paying attention to anything that would cause you to suspect illusion if it re­motely resembles the real thing.

    "Little Gray Aliens" in underground secret bases? Oh, my friends, you have no conceivable idea what wondrous secrets are in your underground secret bases. Tuesday morning, April 14, genetic replicas called "Synthetics" of the then late astronauts, Young and Crippen, were readied at White Sands. They were programmed to take a computerized ride on the training shuttle "Enterprise". The Young and Crippen entities boarded the Enterprise which was mounted on top of the launched 747. After rocket fuel was loaded for the shuttle, the 747 took off and headed west, avoiding commercial air traffic. The launched 747 headed out over the Pacific until it was several hundred miles west of Los Angeles. Then it turned back east toward the California coast. On tele­vision you were told that the non-existent Columbia was re-entering from orbit.


    Pg. 212 Humanoid Robotoids/RNA, DNA Doubles (Genetic)

    George asks me to comment a bit more on this subject for his group meeting in Florida. I have already written sufficiently--most recently, regarding how the doubles are created from holographic projection and DNA cellular reproduction. Please do not ask Dharma to spend time in repetition. With some 14 of you reading this material daily, surely at least one of you can locate the writing bearing this information--if not, sic sic!

    I will, however, tell you when the Bolshevik use of these "doubles" became mandatory and proliferation blossomed. Now, in addition, you always desire speaking of the "little gray aliens"--OK, get ready, for this is wherefrom came the technology for reproduction of the robotoids. It is NOT like the projections the UFO "crowd" pronounce nor are the secret Majestic 12 uncoverings truthful (the documents are total fabrication).

    When I tell you that the problem of "little gray aliens" on your place is not coming this day from the cosmos--believe it. It is the evil on your own place­ment--now locked into your Earth density, which is your problem. Your im­mediate perpetrators and expressionists are the Zionists in dispersement throughout the governments and financial communities, along with, of course, the scientific.

    Any more recently "transported" "little gray aliens" which are seen regularly and reported by ones who see them and cannot be denied, are mostly reproduc­tions. You are watching the very duplicates made functional by Satan himself come to, what appears, life. It is not the same kind of "life" given through Creator in soul manifested, physical matter. Therefore, KNOW that he can re­produce replicas ad nauseum from genetic blueprints and programming but he still only has robotoids and robotoids continually give him a great deal of trouble for they are easily identified once people realize there is such a thing. It is the ignorance of the fact of it that keeps the secret secure. You witness, say, Mr. Bush acting in a such and such manner and looking particularly young--then over the weekend he is changed and appears either more youthful or older--but definitely "different". You simply mark it up to "a bad night's sleep or too much to think about or responsibility" or any number of excuses for the change. Even your magazines and newspapers note the changes and simply comment on the incredible duplicity of the man. No, you are now encountering your 29th replica of George Bush. And with him must come a new Barbara Bush lest the show be spoiled. These duplicates become weak in strain and, under stress, are incapacitated quite rapidly as would be a "growing organism" placed in a stressed environment.

    Henry Kissinger is another one to watch closely--he is changed-out freq­uently, also, for he bears the responsibility of orchestrating the Plan or New World Order. So, if Kissinger is a biggie and is also robotoid, WHO is the PUPPET-MASTER? You guessed it! The prince of deceivers, himself. You were told that--in the ending--Satan would be given total rule over the planet and you now have a very real entity deceiving you as a mass populace of the planet.

    "Well, why don't you do something about it--you who claim to be of the Light". We are--we are bringing you Truth just as fast as you will accept it--for when you know and accept Truth--you will also be given to know how to counter that which is imitation of life. You who are creations of God Source are not "imitations of life" but experiencing fragments of the Creator's -Self. Satan's army is now land-locked; unfortunately, it is on the same land upon which God's Creations are also experiencing. So be it for it is the schoolroom of soul progression. You are simply living out the prophecies as you perceive them to be.

    You see, even the prophecies of one Nostradamus are coming into focus--the Mongol in the blue turban, let us say--this represents the Khazar element of the anti-Christ with the flag colors of blue represented by the "turban" (which was the color, or flag, of identification in the ages past). The Soviet Union ap­peared to have been killed and is now to rise again more deadly than ever. Even the Pope of Rome is a duplicate playing the role of deceiver.

    Ah, but WHEN did it become necessary to begin to bring doubles into pub­lic perfection? With the death of David Rockefeller.

    SHROUDS OF THE SEVENTH SEAL, JOURNAL: (The Anti-Christ Whore of Babylon)

    Pg. 93 Doubles, Robotoids and Replicas:


    How is it that you find this difficult to accept? These "genetic/holographic" DNA/RNA replicas have been in the perfecting for well over four decades. All that is required is a holographic fragment (literally, one cell) and a replica can be reproduced. Then all that is required is down-loading of the memory data and programming of the manufactured entity. I have spoken of this procedure prior to this and will not take precious time to repeat and repeat for those who simply do not wish to go back and effort at gaining the information. You see, I, Hatonn, care not in the least whether or not you believe me nor if you understand the mechanism by which it works. You are "willing victims" of the lie and YOU will awaken or sleep on--it is up to you. Our commission is to outlay the Truth unto you--YOURS IS TO CONFIRM AND ACKNOWLEDGE--OR NOT, AS YOU WISH. There are technical advances upon your planet, already in use by the Elite, which would boggle your senses--
    robotoids are simplistic in relative comparison - - - [and the rest of the docu­ment is repetition.]


    Thank you, friend, you have done a lot of work and, also, have saved me work in reconstruction. One problem is that, somehow, some of my prior information IS still missing and therefore, I can only assume it to be in one or two of your missing Journals. It is not sufficient to stop me from responding for I have not yet told you HOW you grow so fast, at any rate.

    Know that you will read my discussion (or it got omitted which I think not probable) that there are already working duplicates of, for instance, cattle. There are also the projects in research to clone "body parts" for identical trans­plantation of heart, limbs, etc., without rejection of the attachment for it will bear identical genetic structure and the body will not recognize the difference. Now to a bit of specific technology to consider.

    There are two kinds of cells in the body--the germ (the sperm cells and the egg cells, which produce the next generation) and the soma (the cells of the blood, brain, muscles, and everything else).

    Each somatic cell has two sets of chromosomes in its nucleus. When it divides into two cells, all the chromosomes double, and each daughter cell receives a complete double set. But when the eggs and sperm are formed, by a process called meiosis, the two sets of chromosomes are broken up, and only one set goes to each of the daughter cells. Each egg cell and each sperm cell carry a random mix of half an individual's traits; the only time they have a complete set of chromosomes is when their nuclei come together during fertilization. At the moment of fertilization, life begins anew with an individual that is identical to neither its mother nor its father but rather is a 50-50 combination of both.

    Starting out as a single cell, the embryo grows rapidly, not in size but in num­ber of cells--first two cells then. . . .The growth begins when the nuclei come together during fertilization. The point then, of replication is to introduce two identical nuclei from the same entity. Upon integration they will multiply identically as above stated for it represents fertilization--the cell recognizes no difference. And thus begins replication of an identical clone.

    As the cells multiply the embryo is a mulberrylike cluster of cells called a morula, scarcely bigger than the fertilized egg. As division continues, the morula turns into a hollow mass called a blastula (blastocyst in mammals), which is first hundreds, then thousands of cells strong.

    In the event of "artificial cloning" it is much like a test-tube embryo except that it is completed in a medium which allows the nutrients of life to be utilized. While this is happening--there is a holographic image available for alteration as necessary for duplication of the finished entity.

    In the early division, all the cells of the embryo are indistinguishable from one another. But later some of the cells begin to specialize, and the process of dif­ferentiation begins. As development proceeds and the embryo takes on shape and form, more and more cells become committed to a particular pathway, changing in form and function. The blood cells make hemoglobin, the muscle cells make a muscle protein, and so on. The facts are, and research now shows--every single cell in a body contains all the necessary things to reproduce a replica.

    It must be noted that adult differentiated cells and egg cells, are on two very dif­ferent time tables for division. The egg is on the fast track, ready to spring into action about an hour after fertilization if left absolutely alone, while the far slower differentiated cell is programmed to divide every two days or longer. So when the nucleus of an adult cell is placed in a recipient egg, it is forced to divide before it is ready. Chromosomes get left behind or are torn apart. The re­sult is that some of the clones have chromosomal abnormalities and may be ge­netic "monsters".

    Now it gets more technical and tedious. Several things must take place to re­produce a "well-rounded" duplicate. As the cells are growing there must be in­troduced something which will acceleate growth and reproduction. You have in each body a functioning gland called the pituitary (I think is your label) which regulates growth. If something happens, say a tumor, in an adult wherein the pituitary gland becomes hyperfunctional, a disease, which I believe you call something like "acromegaly" which is chronic hyperpituitarism marked by progressive enlargement of hands, feet, and face --, occurs and within very short periods of time the body will simply outgrow itself--become huge and be­cause the bone structure cannot house it the monstrously rapid growth can sim­ply kill itself from overgrowth. So if the pituitren from the gland is introduced in increased amounts during the early formation and duplication of cells--the growth rate is incredibly rapid. As the body reaches proper proportion and the cells mature into proper function in the proper placement--the hormone is de­creased and additional amounts stopped completely. Understand that this is oversimplification of a rather complex mechanism--however, once the duplica­tion process has been accomplished once or twice, the amount of additives is pretty well decided and the duplication becomes indeed rote.

    I believe you can understand that as these reproductions are created they become less stable and much less sturdy although they will replicate even to the age category depending on giving additional hormones or witholding same. Then what is not perfected by "natural" growth and aging can be surgically altered.

    So, what have you? You have a body functioning as a machine and a pretty empty mind of a womb-infant. It becomes very easy to down-load information from one brain to another--especially if there is no preconceived ideas or thoughts in the recipient brain. It becomes simple to place the outgoing replica or "person" into a state of imaging and the images in response to questions and input guidelines are extremely rapidly "read off" just like a rapid-fire computer system. Don't be fooled by that which you are not told much about--but there are cameras which can now photograph thoughts--downloading a mind is nothing and can be completed in only a few brief hours. During this same pe­riod of time programming for current and future functioning is integrated. "Flaws" in personality will most often be continually exaggerated and this is that which becomes the problem--that of keeping the entity under control.

    What happens to the original? It goes where all first creations go-the soul de­parts and goes to its proper placement for progressive experience. The clones, when no longer useful, are simply "dumped". If the expression within the essence is recovered and given again the gift of soul entrance through Grace (and there is no other way, beloved ones) then the "clone" becomes a function­ing "whole" and separate entity but will bear the mental rememberings of the original and will pretty much continue the original's experiences. Hence comes the term of terms--"walk-in". Now I remind you ones who like to consider yourselves "walk-ins" for God--forget the concept. Clones are of evil begin­nings by any measure of the term. Replacement of energy from into an existing body is indeed of evil. God needs no such fabrications. If God needs a body, He creates one--remember, "Satan" as you call him, cannot create--he must uti­lize that which is already created--havoc is all that evil one can create.

    So you see, it is not even longer speculative among the scientific community. By combining the techniques of nuclear transfer with those of in-vitro fertiliza­tion, the technology for cloning human embryos is now on-line. Using the same basic technique of serial transfer, scientists can duplicate the same embryo over and over again thereby cloning not just embryos but human adults.

    Scientists have long been able to trick adult body cells, normally differentiated to perform specific tasks, into going backward in time to an early embryonic stage when all the genes were fully turned on and all things were possible. The researchers reached the power to turn back the clock, so to speak, making an adult cell young or duplicating a being at any age level through manipulation.

    You must understand that in the beginning of this idea it was set forth as won­drous to be able to have a second set of organ's, etc., if ever needed for individ­uals. Well, of course one secret thing led to another until they were taking a cell from an individual, transferring it into an enucleated egg, growing the em­bryo in culture for a few days, and then putting it into a surrogate uterus. After about six weeks into the embryonic development, the collection of primitive cells called the telencephalon, the forerunner to the higher brain, would be re­moved and frozen. In this way the body clone "would never develop a brain capable of anything more than secreting hormones and commanding the most basic vegetal bodily functions. It would never perceive pain or love. Without any portion of the higher brain, the body clone would be less human than the fish that graces your dinner table.

    Once the body clone would be grown to the appropriate size by intravenous feeding and hormone injections, it could serve as the equivalent of a brain-dead organ donor, only in this case there would be no rejection of a transplant. Since the clone would have exactly the same genetic makeup as the person from whom it was derived, all its parts--from the facial features to vital organs--could be replaced as though they were the person 's own--which they would be. If now, the desirability is of having a functioning higher brain, then the additional steps would need to be taken to reestablish the telencephalon.

    The problem that many scientists face in cloning is that in the reproducing much of the "personality" which makes a human sexual is lost and also it gets rid of all the very characteristics that are enjoyed about a human. As a matter of fact, as dangerous as the actual cloning of beings is what is happening already on a massive scale--the brain control which causes everyone to act in various con­trolled manners. How is it that a hundred million Americans watch the Super Bowl, or millions of people buy little plastic disks with scratches on them? Basically this is worse for the perfectly good and functional gifted mind is wasted. The potential for abuse is incredible and so it has become a fact.

    The fact that contents of a brain can be transferred only requires knowledge of the psychochemical way in which memory is stored--and you have known how memory is stored in a computer. With the proper psychochemical balance it is merely a matter of transfer as from one computer disc onto another. With cloned brains and memory transfer, the individual is raised to the nth power--but without the capacity of moral conscience as given unto man in the form of soul. You see, the purpose is not to just serially immortalize but to produce parallel infinity.

    Please allow this to be sufficient for this sitting as I have a very weary scribe who is wishing I would just clone her a little bit more time and a few more fin­gers.

    I thank you for your inquiry and I hope I have been complete enough to satisfy without overburden. I am sorry to leave out any of your questions but I simply may not jeopardize my beloved counterparts by speaking of the other advanced technical achievements at this time. Too much information makes you targets and I refuse to allow that as my scribe, for instance, is marked like a neon sign already and therefore I give her nothing more than any of you have in access for if there is nothing to gain from her, she is left alone and our adversaries know that she is given nothing for they glean exactly that which I give her--right as she writes it on this apparatus.

    Our sole mission is to "awaken" mankind--not invent new or re-invent old technologies and man's problem already, is that his technology is far advanced of his ability to socially survive. Know that as things are acceptable, proper ones will be given into knowing the information in proper sequence. God does pretty well at planning--and remember--HE WINS! THAT, BROTHERS, MEANS WE WIN!

    Close this out, Dharma. I want to share the other information and confirmation received from A.B. regarding Egypt, etc., but we are too fatigued for this day. Thank you, chela, for relentless service and know dear one, that when we pull this off--then you can go clean your cupboards. In great love beyond your knowing, I humbly bend in appreciation to you precious ones who struggle along with us in this journey acting as alarm clocks--the rewards shall be grand indeed for the promises of God are always met although you rarely have perceived them properly. Even so--they are always more wondrous than you can imagine.

    In brotherhood and friendship I take leave this evening.

    Hatonn to clear, please.

    PJ 28
    CHAPTER 10


    FRIDAY, APRIL 5, 1991 7:23 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 232

    TODAY APRIL 5. 1991
    Good morning and may. this be a wondrous day of awakening. Thank you for honoring me with your presence.

    The world is in an uproar with bombings and hostages, Gates on leave in L.A. and a "perfect" shuttle launch. Which do you watch? Doesn't matter! All of it is to keep the cauldrons boiling and churning. The point is to keep the shell game moving so you don't know where the pea is.

    What do they tell you was aboard the shuttle? Who is aboard as crew? Ah ha, caught most of you off-guard? Well, that doesn't matter much either for the shroud of charade matters very little. THEY tell you that this shuttle will launch a gamma-sensor satellite for "defense/military" purposes. Funny thing about that--that is what they told you they launched last time--only it was some other "blank--ray" sensor. These are supposedly billion dollar instruments for measuring "heat"--now, it gets more interesting, does it not? Further, they tell you that it is for measuring particles in space--no, when and if they ever get such a thing into space it is to measure instant registering of atomic explosion. Moreover, if they launched it last time; how is it they are launching it AGAIN? What was blown up at Edwards Air Force Base? What do they tell you will be on the next shuttle toward the ending of this month? IS THERE ANY WAY YOU CAN REALLY GET ANY INFORMATION AT ALL? WELL, YOU CAN ALWAYS KNOW BEYOND A SHADOW OF A DOUBT THAT YOU ARE NOT TOLD THE TRUTH ABOUT IT! SO BE IT AND STAY ALERT!


    I ask that Dharma reprint herein a letter from a most important self-appointed "expert and authority" on, of all things, UFO's. Most of you will recognize the name and since that is his whole intent I shall honor him with further sharing. The man is Frank A. Wiener II, Researcher/Analyst of WIENER INDUS­TRIES, Research Institute & Think Tank, Suite 615 Investment Bldg., Pittsburgh, PA 15222. The letterhead on which the letter is written reads: PENN­SYLVANIA CENTER FOR UFO RESEARCH, Dr. Paul Johnson, Director, 721 Old Greensburg Pike, Pittsburgh, PA 15137.


    Rick Martin (This is basically, however, to George Green)

    American West Distributors
    P.O. Box 986
    (Tehachoi), CA 93581

    RE: True nature of UFO's

    Dear Mr. Martin:

    Below is researched information concerning the true nature of UFO's and related deceptions. It is my hope that you will stop publishing DRIVEL lead­ing the way to the 'truth' of the matter instead of being part of the deception-manipulation.

    Current research indicates that our government is engaged in mind control and mutilations where abduction scenarios are implanted memories (UFO's appear to be a separate unrelated phenomena) and/or there are good and evil entities in the universe acting at all levels; for what ultimate purpose or end only GOD really knows.

    I believe that publication priority should be given to Billy Meier-Pleiadian English translation by WENDELL STEVENS, the sixty page transliteral En­glish with all the information, or a complete new translation from the original German with all information which are being suppressed and therefore, must be the truth.

    Sincerely, Frank A. Wiener II


    Firstly, we are here to tell you, Mr. Wiener II, that we will not stop publishing this "drivel" of which you know absolutely nothing at all and intend to know nothing at all. If you are into the group you claim herein--YOU are the one in the deception/ manipulation game over your head and KNOW IT!

    Yes, your government is engaged in mind-control and has done a very good job of accomplishing that which they set out to do and have all but enslaved the en­tire populace--except, of course--possibly--you learned, self-appointed profes­sors of expert research stature. Why don't you find out and release a bit more information about abductions and implants if you contain so much valid infor­mation regarding same--I, Cmdr. Hatonn of Pleiades, find nothing thus far to be of any truth whatsoever. If brotherhood of cosmic status have made it to your planet--I can assure you there is not such need for such stupid, lower than Earth research and technology, methods of contact. We most certainly would not be breeding "down" under any circumstances into lower intelligence and technol­ogy--I believe that would simply come under "intelligence" and "reason". There ARE good and there ARE evil entities in the universe acting at all levels--as you state--BUT, EVERYONE EXCEPT YOU (NOT JUST GOD) KNOWS THE PURPOSE. You might also learn the purpose if you simply come from out your ivory tower of super-authority.

    You speak publicly of your own level of research and intelligence gathering if you give priority to material translated by Wendell Stevens. Even Billy Meier asked that the material not be released. The document contains such idiotic disinformation as to be embarrassing to the original contact to the extent that current contacts are either hidden or stopped altogether. The contacts of origi­nal nature as well as currently--are from my command and I object to the heinous misuse of truth for your games of "expert assessment" while your na­tions and planet are falling into total destruction--FROM ONES ON YOUR PLACEMENT--NOT FROM COSMIC BROTHERHOOD. SOME OF THE CRAFT, FOR INSTANCE, AS SHOWN IN THE SO-CALLED "CONTACT WITH PLEIADES" BOOKS ARE AN EMBARRASSMENT TO THE ENTIRE BROTHERHOOD. YOU DO NOT HAVE INTERSTELLAR CRAFT WHICH LOOK LIKE WEDDING CAKES AND THAT IS OF TOTAL FABRICATION AND EARTH MANUFACTURE--BY ONES OF YOUR OWN CIRCLE OF MISINFORMATION PROJECTIONS.

    Since you are all part and parcel of the plot against the people and sent forth to give misinformation and disinformation and then prevent people from having Truth--I suggest you have now come to the wrong resource for your pro­nouncement of "drivel". At best (or worst) no self-respecting "cosmic re­searcher" would need to mutilate cattle and sheep--that too, is Earthbound sa­tanic lie! I do not speak behind your back nor do I ask readers to deny the reading of your literature--because the literature you produce is so blatantly foolish as to discount itself. I might also suggest that you study carefully ALL of ours!




    I find it difficult to even consider bending my knee unto such "expert authority" but do so, for you have continued to give "proof" unto the citizens who see through the massive disinformation ploy to terrorize the population of the planet regarding the brotherhood of the cosmos. You do so through such foolish pro­jections as to give credence to discounting--not Truth.

    I also bow to your wisdom of the great value to mankind of utilizing the Stevens "translation" (he really had NOTHING to do with the "translation" except for the personal additions to personalize the material for self-suiting purposes) for it would give "truth" almost instantly to the "thinking" populace if the government has left any of the "populace" with the ability to "think". It requires "intelligent" beings of higher form and technology to traverse the uni­verse/cosmos--sir, I find no such intelligent life-forms on your planet at this time. If you consider sucking blood from abducted humans and mutilation of God's creatures to be "intelligent life-forms" then I suggest they certainly do not come from any place which I recognize capable of traversing intergalacticly, or intragalacticly--for that matter.

    Why do you ones continue to avoid confrontation with Hatonn? What is it you fear? Truth? Rock-throwing and name-calling is not even gracious, sir. George Green is a publisher--why would you suggest he stop publishing mate­rial? He publishes many things--and distributes Col. Steven's books along with many other titles. Why would you wish him to give up his business? I suggest that before you ones go forth on more seek-and-demolish programs against Ha­tonn and the Pleiades Command that you become better informed, for you are all sitting with caked egg on the face at the least. Why do you believe the gov­ernment Elite are working so hard to discredit our presence? I thought you might begin to understand! WE ARE NOT GOING TO JUST GO AWAY, MR. WIENER--AND I FURTHER SUGGEST YOU CHECK OUT YOUR OWN ROOTS! SO BE IT!

    "Proof" of our presentation is all about you ones--where is yours? WHERE IS YOUR PROOF? I have nothing to "prove" for you ones of Earth place splatter truth around like a shroud of shrink-wrap. I find no evidence of that which you ones project in the least iota (minus--zilch).

    God granted Man freedom to choose through reason. This sets Man apart from his relations--no more and no less. As Man again begins to use thinking reason--knowledge of Truth will "kick in" and a lot of heyokas (sacred clowns [fools]) will be "kicked out". I suggest several of you ones in the "UFO Circles" begin to carefully check out your "kicking sites" for Man is growing a bit irritated with the clowns running his very existence through idiocy, disinformation, no information and illogical genocide.

    Am I insulting? I would guess you might accept my statements as such--IF THE SHOE OF TRUTH FITS THINE FEET WHICH I FIND LOCATED SQUARELY IN THINE SPEAKING ORIFICE. I often find that it is far the greater part of WISDOM TO OPEN THE EYES AND EARS AND SHUT OF THE MOUTH. BUT THEN, I AM ONLY A HOST OF GOD FROM THE COSMOS ATENDING THE CHANGING CYCLES OF A PLANET IN GREAT TROUBLE AND A PEOPLE READY TO ANNIHILATE THE GOODLY COMPANY AS WELL AS ALL LIFE-FORMS ON THE ORB. Undoubtedly it is more profitable to you ones to play games and dangle human­ity over the abyss of destruction and deceit. I find it both appalling and incredi­ble.

    I most sincerely hope that all your seminars go well for in your disinformation you do more to prove our truth than anyone on your planet. And for that, sir, I am totally indebted and bow in honor of your service unto Truth. I hope, for your sake, God is as gracious. Salu.

    Relax, Dharma, these are but gnats upon thine eyes--feasting on the unfortunate ignorance of their fellow-men. The intent is not even worthy of the distraction from our work. Chela, I cannot even adequately express my appreciation for these foolish ones and I do not jest for I have great compassion for those who are simply misled and indebted to those who plan disinformation for they show Truth in an ever more brilliant light of intelligence as it is unfolded. Lies and liars always bear the "sign" and the signs are written in bold italics in everything they project. It is not for me to judge nor either condemn or condone--what a man does is between himself and God and none of Hatonn's business ex­cept as it falls upon my brethren--their foolish "expert" opinions can only HELP MY MISSION AND CAUSE, and thus--yours.


    Last evening I promised to reprint a letter of confirmation received yesterday. It is often better to hear these things from Earth experiences in first person so I ask that you simply copy the letter and I give humble appreciation to our friend who took the precious time to write. I give only initials for expression of pri­vacy. But for recognition of those who know--A.B. of T., AZ. Please print the message from inside the card first, from THE PROPHET (Kabul Gibran):


    * * *
    You give but little when you give of your possessions.

    It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.

    There are those who give little of the much which they have-and they give it for recognition and their hidden desire makes their gifts unwholesome.

    And there are those who have little and give it all.

    These are the believers in life and the bounty of life, and their coffer is never empty.

    There are those who give with joy, and that joy is their reward.

    And there are those who give with pain, and that pain is their baptism.

    And there are those who give and know not pain in giving, nor do they seek joy, nor give with mindfulness of virtue;

    They give as in yonder valley the myrtle breathes its fragrance into space.

    Through the hands of such as these God speaks, and from behind their eyes He smiles upon the earth.

    * * *
    Dearest Dharma and Hatonn, (March 28, 1991)

    My beloved sister and brother! There are no words, in this commerce based language of ours, to adequately express my eternal thanks for all you have done and all you are doing! Even though our three dimensional life appears to place more and more boxes around us and our lives, I am the freest I have ever been. TRUTH DOES SET YOU FREE!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you for con­tributing to my freedom!!!! [Hatonn: Do you who share this reading, think not this is as great a gift as we can possibly receive? Does it not make every step worth the effort? This IS that for which we serve and to touch but ONE is all that is required and needed! Ponder it, for in the ONENESS, which seems eventually out there somewhere--ye find it already present if ye but look within and take thine brother's hand.]

    Pardon me, the phone is ringing. I'm back. Well, I was just told that within two days we are going to be invaded--by "guys from the skys" (not you). This information came via Sedona to Tucson. How hysterical and how insidious!!! My friend G. and I placed liquid white light on Sedona.

    Confirmation, for me, is not a necessity; however, what a joyful blessing when you are in receipt of some. Therefore, I wish to share a "tid bit" of confirma­tion of something, if I remember correctly, Hatonn has said or has asked us to watch.

    From September 26, 1990 to January 28, 1991 (with 3 weeks home due to the passing of my mother), I lived in Luxor, Egypt. What a generous, loving, warm, friendly group the Egyptian people are! Even when they have no in­come, they share the bounty of their hearts and their tables.

    When the U.S. forgave Egypt its $7 billion debt, the man-in-the-street of Luxor--when he found out you were American and even if they couldn't speak English--put a "thumb up" and said Bush, a "thumb up" for America. Then as "war loomed closer, the man-in-the-street thought it wonderful that Bush/America was going to go in and kick Saddam Hussein's derriere. (When people could speak English, they asked what I thought about the above refer­enced issues. They had difficulty understanding that I did not like Bush and that I didn't want to own Egypt).

    Week before last, I spoke to a dear friend in Luxor and he told me that already, the Egyptian man-in-the-street hated Americans. I was not surprised; however, I was surprised at how quickly this had happened. I was, personally, briefly saddened. The Egyptian people, in my limited experience, are the most mod­ern/liberal (if those are the correct terms) of all Arabs.

    In one of the Expresses, Hatonn made a comment about would we be welcome (as Americans) in the homes of those of other countries. For today (it may change on the morrow), I, personally, would be welcome in TWO homes in Luxor (one Coptic Christian, one moslem). I don't really know for sure, but it may be in part due to the fact that I spoke my mind and let it be known that "my" government didn't represent ME. There, also, would be several homes in a small town in Austria where I would be welcome.

    A curiosity point I wish to share regarding weather. While in Luxor, in November, 1990, it rained. That may sound strange, but I had been told that it never, ever rains in Luxor. It may sprinkle very briefly; but it does not rain like in the states. This particular morning (3:00 am) it sprinkled, stopped and then rained for approximately 3 hours--not a heavy rain but enough to make ev­erything, including the streets, wet.

    This small amount can be very serious because many, many people in Egypt do not have roofs on their houses and their floors are dirt--the homes very often are not even covered with straw. Also, a lot of the streets are dirt.

    Again, on December 31, 1990, starting around 11:00 pm (while I was flying over the Atlantic), I was told it poured for hours. This was heavy rain. When arrived back in Luxor (via Austria which had no snow) a week later, the dirt streets were still wet and muddy. Now, I am told by my friend in Luxor on March 22, 1991 it poured for 10 HOURS. Then the last 3 days have been very hot. (Not "normal" for this time of year).

    Manipulation and/or changes of the weather??? everywhere?

    Yesterday, while watching the "boob tube", I picked up some comments of in­terest that I would like to share with you. I watched the interview with David Frost and "Stormin' Norman" Schwarzkopf on PBS. The following are items, stated by Schwarzkopf, that I thought you might find interesting. This inter­view confirmed, also, how the controlled media takes things out of context.

    1.Schwarzkopf stated that they had been working on the plan (military strategy in the gulf) FOR ONE AND A HALF YEARS.

    2. The "rough" plan for this campaign was called "Hail Mary"--how abhorrent!

    3. David Frost called Schwarzkopf a military man with a conscience. Frost brought up how religious a man he was and how he didn't want any of his troops to die. Schwarzkopf concurred and stated how important his men's lives were to him--can we swallow this one???

    4. Frost brought up one particular situation (because I was writing, I didn't catch it all) and asked if we had dressed as Bedouins. Schwarzkopf said "NOT IN THIS PARTICULAR SITUATION"--implying that we did in others?

    5. On this show, Schwarzkopf said that we only lost 150 people. However, earlier that same day on his program, Geraldo Rivera stated that we had lost 350. I'd like Schwarzkopf to tell me where the other 200 are.

    This next one caused me a great deal of mirth:

    6. David Frost asked Schwarzkopf if God was on this side and Schwarzkopf replied, "He had to be"!

    7. Schwarzkopf was asked to quote his favorite Bible passage. He said that it wasn't from the Bible, but possibly from St. Francis--"Dear Lord make me an instrument of thy peace".

    The next one is regarding the "broo ha ha" that seemed to run rampant in the media, about Schwarzkopf saying that he had recommended that the war NOT STOP. This was taken from this PBS interview and it was taken out of context. Regardless of what we know about Bush or anybody else efforting to run the world show, this was so blatant an attempt to pit Schwarzkopf against Bush and all you had to do was watch the PBS program to get the straight "poop." This is what happens to one and all. I find it hysterical that the controlled media is doing it to those efforting control. Just now on "Prime Time Live", Sam Don­aldson, speaking about this incident, while laughing, says there are 2 things you never do--you never disgrace the President and you NEVER share the lime­light. So, according to Sam, Schwarzkopf is still in "trouble."

    The last one I am going to mention in connection with this PBS program is the ages of those killed. At the end of the show, they ran a list of the names and ages of all killed in the gulf. It was interesting to see that all but very few were in the age range of 20 to 29. There were, I believe, 3 that were 19, 2 that were 44 and several in the mid 30's.

    A special thank you, Dharma and Hatonn, for the effort at publishing these let­ters. My friend and I had been sharing them prior to my sojourn to Egypt. Due to these letters (that's what G. and I call them), I was able to view Egyp­tian English language news and truly know what was happening. (Also, the Egyptians are not as sophisticated as we are at editing. They televised the entire Bush/Mubaric press conference). I even watched the Egyptian news in Arabic and could tell, basically, what was going on. COULDN'T HAVE DONE IT WITHOUT YOU GUYS!!!!!

    An interesting item. March 17th was the first time in a long time that a tour guide friend of mine in Luxor had worked and his group was soldiers returning from the gulf--they were from North Carolina.

    REJOICE! Here ends my "tid bits".

    Hatonn and shipmates and all, please know you are loved and very much appre­ciated. There are ones here who know your frustration from personal experi­ence. Sometimes, I don't know how "y'all" have been able to hang in there with us all these "years, centuries".

    To all of my brothers and sisters from all over this universe and others, I love you all. I appreciate more than words can ever say your undying efforts to as­sist us and "lift us up to where we belong." (God talks to me through I liners from songs. What can I say.) Your unconditional love is a treasure beyond measure!!!!

    There are no words, Dharma, for your unstinting devotion. Please know that there are ones out here who love you and thank you. We send you love and light. If it were possible I would share your load, clean your house, place flowers in your windows and hug you lots!!! Hang in there! It is worth it!!!!

    God Bless You All ten million times over!!! If you ever need me, I am here.

    Love, AB

    You ones are our reward! We need no other and NEVER would ye be left in time of need and neither shall any be given that which is not within capability of bearing. It is the sharing of thoughts and dreams--and confirmations--which shall make this journey glorious. This is that which makes "life", and "living" IS the experience--death is but "existence". Man will come into recognition for he is the very breath of God and therefore it can come to no other end, can it?

    Please KNOW that you can give me no greater honor and blessing than to call me "brother" and "friend" and, when ye have sent love and caring unto my scribe, so have ye sent it unto God for each is measured and in the accounting as no lesser and no greater but as ONE. So be it and the blessings of His per­fection rests upon His children and I am honored to serve in your company.

    I have one last thing in this portion, please. I have been given presentation of another document which sums most accurately and succinctly--WHAT DOES THE NEW WORLD ORDER REALLY MEAN? I think it worthy of simply reproducing, Dharma, for it gives food for the thinking people.

    QUOTE (from NEW WORLD ORDER Means Death and Destruction, by Phoebe Courtney published by The Independent American, P.O. Box 636, Lit­tleton, Colorado 80160):

    The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) has taken over the policy-making positions of our government, and in the Bush Administration, the Presidency it­self.

    Now they are trying to take over the people of this country via the New World Order.

    On January 29, 1991, in his State of the Union address, President Bush stood before Congress and spoke of the New World Order which could bring, as he put it, "peace and security".

    Yet on February 5--only a week later--the President on national TV reported that "one plane every minute, 24 hours a day" was taking off to bomb Iraq. "Military targets," he claimed.

    However, photographs shown on CNN, graphically depicting the results of such saturation bombing by U.S. planes, prove otherwise. By February 7, mas­sive damage in Baghdad and other cities had been caused to the property of civilians, as well as loss of lives.

    Thus the use of devastating military force is an integral part of the New World Order.


    Students of contemporary history know that the phrase "a new world order" has long been used by idealists and conspirators to describe a world government able to enforce peace, but also able to enforce tyranny.

    World government cannot fail to lead to tyranny. The principles which made America great--a constitutional republic that limits government power combined with a belief in God and the dignity of the individual could not coex­ist with any socialistic world government.

    Should America become a part of the New World Order, urged by President Bush in every address to the nation he makes, the United States as we know it would cease to exist. We would have to scrap our Constitution and Declaration of Independence, and merge our system of government with dictatorships worldwide. The end result would he the complete destruction of freedoms that we now enjoy as Americans.

    What is the motive behind the New World Order? Why have the world's richest and most powerful men spent millions of dollars and decades of time to promote such an alien concept?

    What is at stake is control of the world's manufacturing, trade, transportation, money system, and natural resources such as oil.

    There are two certain consequences of a New World Order.

    1) Rather than improving the standard of living for other nations, the New World Order would mean a forced redistribution of all wealth and a sharp reduction in the standard of living for Americans.

    2) The New World Order would include: a world tax system (with Americans bearing the biggest burden), a world court, a world central bank, control of education, abolition of private firearms, and a world military force.

    The New World Order pushed by President Bush would also mean the even­tual abolition of the United States as a sovereign nation. There is no way to have both.

    In his syndicated column Charley Reese declared:

    "I don't know about you, but I am an American. My al­legiance is to the Constitution and to the United States of Amer­ica, not to any international organization, and I will not shift that allegiance".

    "I have to say plainly that if someone attempts, as many would like to do, to sacrifice the independence of the United States for the sake of a New World Order, then I will rebel".

    "I will not consent to the loss of American independence for which over one million of my countrymen have given their lives".

    Syndicated columnist Patrick Buchanan put it this way:

    "The Trilateralist-CFR, Wall Street-Big Business elite, the neo­Conservative intellectuals who dominate the think tanks and op-ed pages; the Old Left, with its one-world, collective-security. UN uber alles dream: All have come together behind the New World Order".

    "Everyone is on board, or so it seems. But out there, trying to break through, is the old, authentic voice of American patrio­tism, of nationalism, of America FIRST"!


    One service of the book is a listing of members of the Council on Foreign Rela­tions. Funny thing, you will recognize so many names, such as Jesse Jackson, Stephen Solarz and Richard Helms (not Jesse--isn't that interesting?) To whom have you entrusted your very existence as a populace and a nation? Further, do NOT BE SURPRISED at who is NOT LISTED. For many of the top criminals are in higher controlling organizations such as the Trilateral Commission which is exclusive indeed, and Bilderbergers, Skull and Bones and such.


    Thank you for your attention and you, Dharma, for your service. Hatonn to stand-by.

    Good day.

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