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  1. #1
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 28
    CHAPTER 25

    SUNDAY, APRIL 14, 1991 12:15 P.M. YEAR 4, DAY 241

    SUNDAY, APRIL 14, 1991

    When the students are ready, the teacher will come. Blessing be unto our friends and unto our enemies that we be able to discern which are which. Think upon these things for courage is only intent and belief placed into action. Who will come and walk with me, asked the Lord in wisdom and thus did he walk alone to the hill bearing His cross. Was the time of courage 2000 years ago? Is it now?

    Precious chelas, man has overflowed the cup with his evil doctrines; he has taken the places of beauty and warped them into his own image that even the services thought given unto God are left void. Man searches to find fulfillment within the soul and only finds that Man has tampered even within the halls of that which is touted to be of God. Do not become faint of heart when the roadway seems impassable for only then do you know that you are on the right path. There is hardly a "Christian Church" on the planet who would recognize of the Christed energy if He stood before them and that is precisely why He will not stand in your midst in human format for it is God ye must find-not just an­other physical Man with a story to tell.

    I thank ye ones most humbly that you have continued to protect my scribe and speaker for the way has been hard enough; but we are now ready to confront those which denounce us and it is frightening for the human to stand at the foot of the cross, step forward and place your hand in the hand of the man from Galilee. Thine enemies always work from dark places and note they do not even sign their names to the poison letters they send.

    You ones who read this must know that Dharma sat in the pits of hell this morning instead of the sanctuary of security as a young man put his very life on the line for Truth. She says to me, but I only write and speak to my brothers--I do not have to speak to the world. Ah, but she knows it is not so and it is time we begin again to meet with brothers and that means she must be ready to re­ceive, not just from Hatonn--but from Aton and Esu as well; Germain and Michael, too. It is soon time to go forth unto the village and stand in Truth for we cannot finish our mission until we have prepared a place for our gathering. The vessel is strong--only the potter is concerned for the contents of the vessel must have no weakness. But what ye who serve, forget--is that the contents heals all flaws within the vessel. When Rick is ready and strong enough--Hatonn is ready to present a lesson or two. I would not even be so hard as to alienate the Masonic brothers. God looks not at the group in which you serve-HE LOOKS UPON HOW YOU SERVE WITHIN THE GROUP. If you know no better how can ye serve better? And if we tell not the errors within the bindings of the books of false doctrines how can the brothers know? Dharma, ye need not know all and it is not of your load to know all that is MY load to bear and in my presence neither shall ye be intimidated. So be it.

    Back to Khazars, for more important than knowing who they are is that all must know that this is the manner in which you become totally manipulated at the whims of elite would-be rulers.


    The circumstances of the conversion are obscured by legend as are any circum­stances as the centuries pass and each individual casts his "opinion" upon the facts. However, there are enough legends which come forth after a long period that Truth emerges for Truth will always "out" in its proper time.

    In every instance you must look at the features which are basically the same. Remember that Truth is not the words but rather the concept.

    Al-Masudi's account of the "Jewish" rule in Khazaria, quoted earlier on, ends with a reference to a previous work of his in which he gave a description of those circumstances. That previous work of Masudi's is lost; but there exists two accounts which are based on the lost book. This is another way to measure "probable" Truth when and how (and WHY) the books become "LOST". The first, by Dimaski (written in 1327), reiterates that at the time of Harun al Rashid, the Byzantine Emperor forced the Jews to emigrate; the emigrants came to the Khazar country where they found "an intelligent but uneducated race to whom they offered their religion". The natives found it better than their own and accepted it.

    The second, much more detailed account is in al Bakri's Book of Kingdoms and Roads (from the eleventh century).

    The reason for the conversion to Judaism of the King of the Khazars, who had previously been a pagan, is as follows. He had adopted Chris­tianity (now this is a new twist isn't it? But the facts are that the Kagan turned to Christianity and then to Islam as many do today and find the vessel empty of whole Truth.) Then he recognized its falsehood and dis­cussed this matter, which greatly worried him, with one of his high offi­cials. The latter said to him: 0 king, those in possession of sacred scriptures fall into three groups. Summon them and ask them to state their case, then follow the one who is in possession of the truth.

    So he sent to the Christians for a Bishop. Now there was with the King a Jew, skilled in argument, who engaged him in disputation. He asked the Bishop: "What do you say of Moses, the son of Amran, and the Torah which was revealed to him"? The Bishop replied: "Moses is a prophet and the Torah speaks the truth". Then the Jew said to the King: "He has already admitted the truth of my creed. Ask him now what he believes in. So the King asked him and he replied: "I say that Jesus the Messiah is the son of Mary, he is the Word, and he has revealed the mysteries in the name of God". Then said the Jew to the King of the Khazars: "He preaches a doctrine which I know not, while he accepts my propositions". But the Bishop was not strong in producing evidence. Then the King asked for a Muslim, and they sent him a scholarly, clever man who was good at arguments. But the Jew hired someone who poi­soned him on the journey, and he died (early Mossad?). And the Jew succeeded in winning the King for his faith, so that he embraced Ju­daism.

    The Arab historians certainly had a gift for sugaring the pill. Had the Muslim scholar been able to participate in the debate he would have fallen into the same trap as the Bishop, for both accepted the truth of the Old Testament, whereas the upholders of the New Testament and the Koran were each outvoted two to one. The King's approval of this reasoning is symbolic; he is only willing to accept doctrines which are shared by all three--their common denominator--and refuses to commit himself to any of the rival claims which go beyond that. It is once more the principle of the uncommitted world, applied to theology.

    The facts are, brothers, that the influence of the Elite manipulators had already had a strong "Jewish" influence at the Khazar Court. The movement was al­ready under way to form a strong movement and group which could sweep across the lands under the disguise of truth. By this time many of the nomads who practiced Judaism WERE NOT JUDEANS. They simply knew of the truth of the teachings and the thrust was more nearly relatively to that which had been assumed given of God. You are also going to have to read between the lines to find confirmation--the Christian Bishop and the Muslim scholar HAD TO BE "SENT FOR"--whereas it is obvious that the "Jew" was already "WITH HIM" (the King). Ah ha! But The story gets better.


    Let us now turn from the principal Arab source on the conversion--Masudi and his compilers--to the principal Jewish source. This is the so-called "Khazar Correspondence": an exchange of letters, in Hebrew, between Hasdai Ibn Shaprut, the Jewish chief minister of the Caliph of Cordoba, and Joseph, King of the Khazars-or, rather, between their respective scribes. The authenticity of the correspondence has been the subject of controversy but is now generally ac­cepted with due allowance made for the vagaries of later copyists. The entire controversy could be reprinted herein but I choose to not do so for my purpose is not in "proving" scribes but rather in bringing Truth of who are your enemies this day, 1991. I know that they are written by Arthur Koestler in THE THIR­TEENTH TRIBE and if you wish to study them, please obtain the book if you can find it. I might say that the book was a Book of the Month Club Alternate Selection and may still be found if you look diligently enough.


    The exchange of letters took place between 954 and 961, that is roughly at the time when Masudi wrote. To appreciate its significance a word must be said about the personality of Hasdai Ibn Shaprut perhaps the most brilliant figure in the "Golden Age" (900-1,200) of the Jews in Spain.

    In 929, Abd-al-Rahman III, a member of the Omayad dynasty, succeeded in unifying the Moorish possessions in the southern and central parts of the Iberian peninsula under his rule, and founded the Western Caliphate. His capital, Cor­doba, became the glory of Arab Spain, and a focal center of European culture with a library of 400,000 catalogued volumes. Hasdai, born in 910 in Cordoba into a distinguished Jewish family, first attracted the Caliph 's attention as a medical practitioner with some remarkable cures to his credit. Abd-al-Rahman appointed him his court physician and trusted his judgment so completely that Hasdai was called upon, first, to put the state finances in order, then to act as Foreign Minister and diplomatic trouble-shooter in the new Caliphate's complex dealings with Byzantium, the German Emperor Otto, with Castile, Navarra, Ar­ragon and other Christian kingdoms in the north of Spain. Hasdai was a true uomo universale centuries before the Renaissance who, in between affairs of state, still found the time to translate medical books into Arabic, to correspond with the learned rabbis of Baghdad and to act as a Maecenas for Hebrew gram­marians and poets.

    He obviously was an enlightened, yet a devoted Jew, who used his diplomatic contacts to gather information about the Jewish communities dispersed in vari­ous parts of the world, and to intervene on their behalf whenever possible. He was particularly concerned about the persecution of Jews in the Byzantine Em­pire under Romanus. Fortunately, he wielded considerable influence at the Byzantine Court, which was vitally interested in procuring the benevolent neu­trality of Cordoba during the Byzantine campaign against the Muslims of the East. Hasdai, who was conducting the negotiations, used this opportunity to intercede on behalf of Byzantine Jewry, apparently with success.

    I think it appropriate to interrupt this narrative to talk facts. Do not think that suddenly God-revering Judaists stumbled upon the Khazars and formed a broth­erhood and all was evil ever after. Don't be foolish. There had been evil groups totally integrated within the Judaists since long prior too our writing of history in these Journals. We are not even speaking herein about the Judeans as such. From the onset of "time" there were the adversaries of God present all over the place efforting at every opportunity to denounce and destroy the Truth of God. If you ones continue to take these scenarios as just another gambit on some Christian story--you are doomed.

    There are more evil adversaries of Christ and God in the so-called Christian churches than you will find anywhere in any group, dead or alive; and I think "dead" might fit the Christian Churches as a whole.

    Dear ones, it is not a matter of accepting or denying the Man Emmanuel "Jesus"--it is a refusal to recognize the "Christed path" not the Man. You MUST understand that evil was birthed on your place in far greater numbers than are God-following children of light.

    Earth is an adversarial dwelling place. We refer to it as a prison colony where those who would not come into balance and within the Creation's laws and cosmic rules were placed-sent, if you will, for reclamation and rehabilitation. Onginal sin? Well, I don't know what you mean by that phrase exactly, but the original sin was not that which is touted unto you--it is that your ancestors were simply a Godless bunch of hoodlums. There is no NICE way toput it. God told you then, He has told you now; He sent Christ teachers then and He sends them now--to show you the way back within the fold of Truth and Godness. If you as a planet full of people refuse to turn away from the evil things of the physical you are doomed to reexperience until you recognize your plight and set your path to right. Does this mean that ALL have to change? No, we can take as few or as many home when we return home as are suitable to go. At any rate one way or the other--planet Earth is going to be emptied of all evil that she might begin to be reclaimed and she is coming from metamorphosis into her new dimensional frequency and that which is left shall be healed, nurtured and recreated by God. Whether you move with her into her glory or transport to another experience is unto each of you. Our job as the Hosts come before God unto you is to bring you the Truth of it and He is coming to take those sorted ones who claim Him into His places of security. As a species you have moved into the places with evil and follow the adversary (anti-Christ). Does this mean that all Christians are anti-Christians? Most are. What about these "Jews and/or Khazars"? Most are--and most non-Christians are anti-Christ but those who follow that Christ path are not, they are of Christ and God. Christ is a state of being not a label of a given Man. If you are against the laws of God and The Creation--YOU ARE AN ANTI-CHRIST, no more and no less, and going to church every Sunday does not make you otherwise.

    It is simply that the Anti-Christ beings have chosen this route and "RELIGION" to hopefully prevail and bring the world into total evil. In the long-run it mat­ters not for it is an experience as a school-room and after a given number of years the physical is put aside as being experienced, changed and rechanged. This is why Truth is being brought forth in this final cycle for you ones are ready to blow away the planet and it is not suitable that you do so. All ones will be given opportunity to accept Truth and change intent--if you choose "not" then so be it for you shall simply be left to experience in the absence of God. I promise you, threaten you--whatever you wish to call it--you will not be forced by any of God's Hosts to do either one--ours is to remind you of the Laws of Truth and God is the Word and so shall it come unto you and then YOU shall have responsibility for self! He certainly will not whisk you to the clouds in ex­change for your false knowledge and the false teachings of those who deceive you. YOU will answer for your own intent, there will be no absolution because another MAN shed his blood 2000 years ago. It is the lighted path of Truth given for you to follow--not the bloody evil of killing at the hands of an evil mob which is intended for your learning.

    When the Christed Teacher told you that "I am the way, the Truth and the life and except through me shall no man come into the Kingdom of God", that is exactly that which he meant. He did not mean by "me, the Man, by some label or other"--BUT THROUGH THE ROUTE OF THE CHRISTED TRUTH. And so it shall be--absolutely, no if's, and's or "but I thought's"! Men shall be in the fields at a certain time and one shall be chosen and one shall be left--where will YOU be? I care not that which you CALL selves, i.e. Christians, Jews, Judeans, Khazars, Islamics and thus and so. God sees not your labels--He sees only Truth for GOD IS TRUTH and ONLY TRUTH SHALL COME WITHIN THE HOLY PLACES. "But I thought---", simply will not cut the cloth, my friends.

    I tell you now that you may not go forth and denounce the Khazars and/or the Jews and find you have whipped the anti-Christ. I am only writing these por­tions of this Journal to allow you to see that you have been WRONG in your perceptions. Anti-Christ comes from all walks, all creeds, all colors and all human species, just as does Christ-ness.

    What I am telling you is that you blame and expect the wrong parties to show up at Armageddon. You look for your enemy closely, my friends, and find that you are they! You, along with the majority of the world, have fallen into the trap. What you should concern self about is how do you extricate yourself from the trap already sprung upon you. Then you watch the clues of the world events to see WHERE and from which direction thine enemy will strike--for that you can accept the prophecies for the enemy has already told you what to expect. If you are of God and/or God's Hosts in service--you shall be removed into secu­rity, at any rate. If you still serve the adversary in attention only to physical Earthly matters, ye shall undoubtedly forfeit that physical manifestation for you will have failed the lessons.

    I promise you that if you come into oneness with God--you will care not at the moment of earthquakes, etc., other than as a curiosity for ye will have prepared self against that day. I do not mean in a worldly manner--however, if ye have come into attunement with God and are receiving Truth in the WORD then you shall be otherwise prepared also.

    How many will make the journey home? You look around and tell me how many you discern living totally within the laws of God and The Creation? On a day like today, I would say we won't be too crowded aboard ship. How many will SEE GOD? ALL! Ah, but most simply turn away! Well, chelas, it is not a matter of letting someone else do it, of letting someone else walk the path. You ones had best begin to realize that you will each do for self in regards to God and no one on a bloody cross will do it for you-it's JUST YOU AND GOD, FRIENDS, JUST YOU AND GOD. THE REST OF THE HOSTS STAND ASIDE TO FLY THE SHIP HOME AND SERVE AS WORD BRINGERS AND WAYSHOWERS. I SHALL FEEL BADLY ABOUT ONES WHO MAKE POOR CHOICES BUT THEIR CHOICES ARE NONE OF MY BUSINESS AND GOD SHALL ALLOW THEM TO WALLOW IN THEIR EVIL UNTIL THEY TURN AWAY FROM IT OR ARE TOTALLY CON­SUMED BY IT. BUT IF YOU THINK SOMEHOW THAT THE JOURNEY STOPS WITH DEATH OF THAT HOUSE YOU CALL "BODY", YE ARE GOING TO BE AWFULLY SURPRISED! NEITHER DO YOU TURN OVER AND ONE MORNING WAKE UP IN THE ARMS OF GOD AND ANGELS WITHIN THE HOLY CITIES. WITH GOD, YES, IN PERFECTION--NO! PERFECTION IS WITHIN AS IS GOD AT EVERY STEP OF ALL JOURNEYS. TO COME INTO THE HOLY OF HOLIES INTO AND WITHIN


    According to his own account, Hasdai first heard of the existence of an inde­pendent "Jewish" kingdom from some merchant traders from Khurasan in Per­sia, but he doubted the truth of their story. Later, he questioned the members of a Byzantine diplomatic mission to Cordoba and they confirmed the mer­chants' account, contributing a considerable amount of factual detail about the Khazar Kingdom, including the name--Joseph--of its present King. Thereupon Hasdai decided to send couriers with a letter to King Joseph.

    The letter contains a list of questions about the Khazar state, its people, method of government, armed forces, and so on, including an inquiry to which of the twelve tribes Joseph belonged. This indicates that Hasdai thought the Jewish Khazars to hail from Palestine--as the Spanish Jews did--and perhaps to repre­sent one of the Lost Tribes. Joseph, not being of Jewish descent, belonged, of course, to none of the tribes; in his reply to Hasdai he provides, as you shall see, a genealogy of a different kind, but his main concern is to give Hasdai a detailed--if legendary--account of the conversion-which took place two centuries earlier-and the circumstances that led to it.

    Joseph's narrative starts with a eulogy of his ancestor, King Bulan, a great con­queror and a wise man who "drove out the sorcerers and idolators from his land". Subsequently an angel appeared to King Bulan in his dreams, exhorting him to worship the only true God, and promising that in exchange He would "bless and multiply Bulan's offspring, and deliver his enemies into his hands, and make his kingdom last to the end of the world". This, of course, is inspired by the story of the Covenant in Genesis, and it implies that the Khazars, too, claimed that status of a Chosen Race who made their own Covenant with the Lord, even though they were not descended from Abraham's seed. It also, if nothing else, tells you it is a lie--FOR GOD DEMANDS YOU KEEP HIS LAWS AND ENEMIES AND WARS ARE NOT AMONG HIS LAWS EX­CEPT THAT YE SHALL HAVE NEITHER! This should also begin to cement the clues that tell you MAN tampered with the Truth of God from onset and worsened with the WRITTEN word. The instructions and rules somehow got twisted to make sure whoever was uppermost in power got the special covenants as pronounced to be of God but pronounced of Man. But at this point Joseph's story takes an unexpected turn. King Bulan is quite willing to serve the Almighty, but he raises a difficulty:

    Thou knowest, my Lord, the secret thoughts of my heart and thou has searched my kidneys to confirm that my thrust is in thee; but the people over which I rule have a pagan mind and I do not know whether they will believe me. If I have found favour and mercy in thine eyes, then I beseech thee to appear also to their Great Prince, to make him support me.

    The Eternal One granted Bulan's request, he appeared to this Prince in a dream, and when he arose in the morning he came to the King and made it known to him...

    There is nothing in Genesis, nor in the Arab accounts of the conversion, about a great prince whose consent has to be obtained. It is an unmistakable reference to the Khazar double kingship. The "Great Prince' is the Bek; but it is not im­possible that the "King" was the Bek, and the "Prince" the Kagan. Moreover, according to Arab and Armenian sources, the leader of the Khazar army which invaded Transcaucasia in 731 was called "Bulkhan".

    This is becoming boring even unto me and therefore I am going to simply say that by playing the Christians and Muslims against one another and by asking each as to which was more like their own religion--they replied Judaism and there you have it--by simple deduction and not wishing to fall into the traps of either the Christians (who weren't) and/or the Muslims, there was chosen a third route which would allow the rewriting of the rules to suit the needs and become, hopefully, the most powerful people on the earth.


    Let us shorten this a bit, also. Lots happened in the interim and the Khazars had a large empire. An important point, however, is that although they spread out and occupied, they always had their eyes on Palestine. In the twelfth cen­tury there was a Jewish Messianic movement and an attempt at conquest of Palestine by force. The initiator of the movement was a Khazar Jew, one Solomon ben Duje, aided by his son Menahem and a Palestinian scribe. And you better start to shudder right now for they wrote letters to all Jews, near and far, in all the lands around them and said that the time--had come in which God would gather Israel, His people from all the lands to Jerusalem, the holy city, and that Solomon Ben Duji was Elijah, and his son the Messiah".

    These appeals were addressed to the Jewish communities in the Middle East, and seemed to have had little effect for the next episode takes place only about twenty years later when it was started all over again. This time the movement originated in Khazaria but soon shifted to Kurdistan (yes, where those nice Kurds are tromping across the mountains today). Here David al-Roy assembled a substantial armed force--of local Jews, reinforced by Khazars--and succeeded in taking possession of the strategic fortress of Amadie, north-east of Mosul (yes, same one). From here he hoped to lead his army to Edessa, and fight his way through Syria into the Holy Land.

    The important thing about all this is the actual awaiting of the Messiah. I tell you again that if a man tells you he is the Messiah or the Christ returned and he walks in flesh and blood upon your places as physical man, he is false. It is not yet time of the embodiment and even in the tampered Bible it tells you, "Turn away from those claiming to be God". What is different herein? We come as the Hosts of God and we are not claiming to be God manifest. Dharma claims, for instance, only to be a secretary, certainly she does not claim to be God. Those who claim to be "the returned ‘Martyr'" simply are not. God does not come in secret, hide, have special elite groups of favored kin, nor does he cavort with those who do not keep His laws nor those of the Creation to the most tiny detail. There are great teachers on your place but if they claim the Christness or Godness as THE ONE then they are false, no more and no less. Neither God nor the Christ will come in any of the forms speculated to by MAN!

    Now, I am going to shatter some real "biggie" stories. How many of you think the "Star of David" belongs as symbol unto David who slew Goliath, or King David of the Old Testament? Ah ha! Sorry about that.

    We speak of David al-Roy, an assumed label, and of young Menahem who also claimed the title of Messiah as I just said earlier. Could it not now mean that if one comes from the line of David that it might well be David al-Roy the false Messiah?.

    Out of the movement among the Jews of the Middle East, David certainly aroused fervent Messianic hopes. One of his messengers came to Baghdad and instructed its Jewish citizens to assemble on the rooftops whence they would be flown on the clouds to the Messiah's camp. A goodly number of Jews spent that night on their roofs awaiting the miraculous flight--does this sound embar­rassingly familiar to some of you followers of other touters of Truth who turned out to be indeed false?

    The rabbinical hierarchy in Baghdad, fearing reprisals by the authorities, took a hostile attitude to the pseudo-Messiah and threatened him with a ban. Not sur­prisingly, David al-Roy was assassinated--apparently in his sleep, allegedly by his own father-in-law, whom some interested party had bribed to do the deed.

    His memory was venerated, and when Benjamin of Tudela traveled through Persia twenty years after the event, "They still spoke lovingly of their leader". But the cult did not stop there. The six-pointed "shield of David" which adorns the modern Israeli flag, started to become a national symbol with David al-Roy's crusade. Ends up being a national-religious symbol as false as the Khaz­ars who call themselves "Jews". This national-religious symbol of Judaism was long used interchangeably with the pentagram or the "Seal of Solomon"; it was attributed to David in mystic and ethical German writings from the thirteenth century on, and appeared on the "Jewish" flag in Prague in 1527.

    I realize it is shocking to find that your ANCIENT history only begins with re­cent rewritings and tamperings with those things you are led to believe are of Truth from the beginning of all time but it is simply not so. My hope is that, as you are able to digest a bit of Truth instead of lies, bit by bit you will finally get the picture that you have been sold the lie. It is time to put the mystical tales aside and come into the excitement and wondrous experience of the new, in Truth. You need no mystic gods or idols, no rituals or great volumes, you need only understanding within God.

    When we continue we will take up with the thirteenth century heritage of these Khazars who have efforted to hide their history in order to prevail this day upon your planet.

    I request a break please.

    Hatonn to clear.

  2. #2
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 28

    THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1991 10:52 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 231


    I, Hatonn, do not bring other than information as to obtaining help in handling this matter in point. We can go on and on about the subject but I can only urge you with all possible intent to hasten and get backup information so that you do everything in properness. I can assure you that the worst that will happen if you hold up sending in your form is a possible "penalty". The "best" is that you will learn your rights and proper actions and keep your funds for your own deciding as to how and who will receive benefit of them.

    I have a second book to suggest you obtain if you find not enough support emo­tionally from that which I have already shared with you in prior writings and herein. It is called IRS HUMBU , IRS WEAPONS OF ENSLAVEMENT, by Frank Kowalik. This is published by Universalistic Publishers, PD. Box 70486, Oakland Park, Florida 33307-0486 and is listed as : ISBN 0-9626552-0­1 at $29.95 (on book cover).


    Oberli, I ask that you obtain these two books in point for my reference for John needs his own copies which he has generously shared for our ordering use.

    There are two terms which need to be identified herein before we discuss this book in point:

    Humbug (as in bah-humbug) n.: 1. something designed to deceive and mislead 2. an attitude or spirit of pretense and deception.

    Humbug v: DECEIVE, HOAX vi: to engage in a hoax or deception

    Kickback n: (as used herein); a return of a part of a sum received often because of confidential agreement OR COERCION.


    I honor this author and ask that we reprint the preface of the book for it is very well done.


    The liberty of a circus elephant is restrained to a confined area by a chain that binds him. Though this chain is but a thread compared to his massive bulk it provides control because the elephant falsely believes the chain cannot be broken. This false belief is ingrained into the elephant's mind by the trainers at in­fancy by chaining the elephant to a stake when the chain was strong enough to bind him. Once this hoax is established it is all that is needed to control the adult elephant to act the way the trainer wants it to act. The elephant is con­trolled by the trainer's humbug.

    Likewise, WE THE PEOPLE of the United States of America, are controlled by the taxing authorities humbug, particularly the Internal Revenue Ser­vice employees have acted as trainers. We have been trained to falsely believe that we are subject to their humbug by their established false belief. That false belief is that you are required to pay federal income taxes. This is a false belief since when you file a "U.S. Individual Income Tax Return" you are not paying federal income taxes, you are participating in a kickback scheme that is either legal or illegal depending upon whose property is involved.

    The requirement to make a "return of income" does not exist when the scheme is an illegal kickback. The false belief is based upon the misunder­standing that a "U.S. Individual Income Tax Return" is to be delivered to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) by April 15th of each year. This misunder­standing was and continues to be enforced by stories in the newspapers, maga­zines, in the radio and television media, and the movie industry. By their mis­led cooperation in establishing the false belief they have become trainers for employees of the IRS. They aided in bringing us to the Federal Government employees control over our life, liberty, and property (which includes labor). In doing so they unwittingly created control over themselves and their family as well.

    The initial link in the chain is the phrase return of income is required by law. If the enforcement of this requirement is limited to the return of U.S. Government income in the possession of specific persons then the IRS is performing a lawful function. But, by opinions of U.S judges in the cases before them, this vague phrase was extended to mean that a "U.S. Individual Income Tax Return" is required to be delivered to the IRS. The purpose was to impose a hoax upon us. These opinions have become another link in the chain that binds us to the IRS.

    Requiring the making and delivery of a "U.S. Individual Income Tax Return" is a legal impossibility since it becomes a debt instrument upon which collection is enforced. This goes to controlling your labor against your will, which is violative of the Thirteenth Amendment and specific laws of our coun­try. IRS employees justify their false belief control program by the label vol­untary compliance--self assessment. But, the lawful fact is that there is no such condition as a voluntary slave.

    This book is intending to provide the knowledge upon which you can break the Federal Government employee's chains that bind you to their control. You are controlled by false belief when you believe you are a "taxpayer" under the Internal Revenue Code. You are also controlled by false belief when you be­lieve that the IRS employees have authority to control you and your income. Their authority extends only to the return of the U.S. Government income in the possession of persons who are effectively connected with it. Only a "transferee" under the Internal Revenue Code can have U.S. Government in­come in his possession that is subject to being returned or kicked back.

    To maintain personal control over your affairs you need to know your legal status. Reading this book will provide you with information needed to deter­mine whether you are a "transferee" under the Internal Revenue Code or not. With knowledge you can have control over your personal income.



    Continuation of Quotation:

    The title of the book says it all. The Federal Government agency called the Internal Revenue Service (hereafter IRS) has used humbug in implementing what is called "income tax" for generations.

    Humbug is one of the very few English words that has a singular meaning, (as we have already given you).

    For decades many generations have been deceived and misled about what is commonly known as "individual income taxation." Such deception is possible because of vagueness of the laws in the Internal Revenue Code (hereafter I.R.Code). As an example, did you know that in all of the I.R.Code there is no definition of the term "income tax"? This makes possible the false belief that it means a tax on all income a person receives when it is not a tax at all, but a kickback arrangement that was first implemented in the year 1862 between the United States Government (hereafter U.S.Government) and the people it employ. So the need to define income tax is not required, but it takes more than 1,000 pages to conceal the fact that it is a kickback arrangement.

    Humbug was used to create the false belief, and humbug is used to perpetu­ate it. This book reveals how and why both a legal kickback and an illegal kickback exist today, and how U.S. judges aid Federal Government employees of other branches of government in fulfillment of illegal conduct that result in a form of involuntary servitude called peonage. Also explained is why tax eva­sion is not possible when the program is a kickback.

    Once the limitation of power placed umn our public servants is understood by a suffficient number of people then WE, THE PEOPLE can keep them within those limits. Until then each person MUST EXERT THEIR OWN PERSONAL SOVEREIGNTY to protect their life, liberty and property from abuses.

    Though some suggestions of what is needed in order to establish sovereignty over our personal property and exercise control over our own destiny are pro­vided, it can only be accomplished by understanding what is humbug and what is legal admmistration of the law with regard to U.S. Government income (the only subject and matter concerning the IRS). This book provides information that surrendering control over one's personal wealth is being done because of false belief, the basis for IRS humbug.

    The foundation for the information in this book is extensive personal study, but the experience of being harassed and maliciously prosecuted and imprisoned is what really enables me (Frank Kowalik) to see how deception (humbug), not law, controls the lives and property of people. Though I am sure it was unin­tentional, Federal Government employees taught me a great deal.

    The truth between these covers (of the book) can be the ammunition you need to defend your life, liberty and property against enforcement of a false belief: Though I cannot promise you a utopia I can share what I have learned and my experience with you. Only with truth and understanding can the fear and frustration everyone seems to have with regard to the IRS and "individual income taxation" be overcome, and personal outrage eliminated. For peace to be ever present in the world, we must experience peace on a personal basis. May it be initiated with the study of IRS HUMBUG.


    I can only ask that you support these brothers who have dared to speak out and have undergone harassment, imprisonment and all manner of efforting to stop the information prior to reaching You-the-people. When enough of you stand on the laws of your nation, then, and only then, will you move back into freedom under your Constitution as a Republic. I repeat--under the Constitution--through sovereignty of the States of which YOU are a citizen (not the legislative Washington D.C.-Club) there is built in complete authority for funding of all governmental "services" under direct governing of you-the-people in a Repub­lic--not a mob-rule by majority voting "rulers"--Democracy. That is one set of definitions you had better never forget for one gives freedom and the other slavery.

    Allow us a break for lunch and then, before moving back to the subject of na­tional disarming and weapons control, I will respond as briefly as possible to inquiries stacking up regarding robotoids. Please understand that I will not jeopardize the safety of ones in service by giving other than general terminology or concept. You, the readers, must become comfortable, however, with the knowledge that this is a pretty well-perfected technology. I am not deliberately evasive about the subject; it is that we take things out of sequence and context and then we have myriads of scattered fragments which often cause more con­cern than giving solutions to acute problems and malfunctions. For instance, it is better to act and start shutting off the fuel supply to whichever is in POWER OVER YOU AND YOUR NATION than to fully understand the details of the beings themselves. These beings in charge, these days, feed on power, control and the fuel for their actions is supplied at YOUR permission and contribution.

    I particularly wish to share with you a letter which came this hour to my atten­tion. This person has gone far beyond that which we could hope and I want to respond to him. This man has taken all save two of the Journals and all of the Expresses and has computerized subject matter for reference purposes. We will reprint his letter and then I will effort to give a little more intelligent response. Thank you all for your patience.

    PJ 28

    THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1991 2:56 P.M. YEAR 4, DAY 231


    Dharma, it is well worth the time to duplicate that which was sent to us by R.S. of S. CA. (for his own identification). I shall always protect our contacts for we will all need to be yea much "alive" if we are to reverse the tide sweeping you away. We also need to be united in understanding and goal intent; there­fore, we will simply have to share and re-share information until we all come into comfort and it will be through the sharing of "proof" confirmation as it flows unto individuals which shall unify the nucleus sent forth for specific pur­pose and allow the unseeing to gain insight. Do not spend time in great concern for the blindness of children, friends, etc. As Cod makes his Truth the unvarying foundation of our work--so shall ones simply come to see.

    I am in receipt of a letter this very day, from one who not only withdrew from me but called me many, many quite unsavory names and pulled several away, temporarily, fortunately, as he went in anger and confusion. Today he comes to say, again in brotherhood, "thank" you that although learning "silence" is hard, he is so doing and is working diligently to be worthy of coming again within the fold as student rather than as "know-it-all"-better than God. We rejoice as the lambs come home. It is GREATNESS in the human who finds errors, recog­nizes errors and rectifies same--for I care not for name-calling (I have at least five feet of very resilient shoulders--with great bounce-back capability). Dharma is a bit more fragile and often thinks she must protect ME--she is quickly learning that I have plenty of room for her beneath my wings for the whole of us, and she often trusts me enough these days to come on in out of the storm. I have plenty of room aboard for all of you and us too.

    Now for R.S.'s correspondence:


    Dear Commander Hatonn: (March 20, 1991)

    First of all let me say that I welcome and accept everything you have writ­ten. I have received and read all of the Phoenix Expresses, but am 2 books be­hind on your Phoenix Journals--but trying to catch up. I find the material alter­nates between intriguing, engrossing, absorbing, shocking, and discouraging as I read with squeamish fascination. I make extensive notes on each page of both Expresses and Journals and put my notes on my computer so I can search and seek out information on any particular subject. [Hatonn: Thank you, that IS what we mean by "proving" truth and testing us. The more you "test" in this manner the better for us for in the sharing comes the confirmation to your brothers as well.]

    Of all the subjects you have covered I believe I can say the most astonishing is in regards to robotoids. I note that when a question comes to you on this subject you indicate that the answer can be found by reviewing the existing Ex­presses and Journals which have covered this subject. With that in mind I have gathered all the material I could find and placed it on the enclosed 9 pages which I am sending along containing verbatim all the references and expla­nations. [This is such a mind-boggling subject and the hardest for ALL of you to receive and accept that I have almost dreaded the day we would sit to write a dissertation on the subject in full. I believe you can all understand the very grave jeopardy in which this one subject, carelessly handled, can place, even destroy, our entire mission; so, please, I ask indulgence when I say that I sim­ply may not give you step-by-step methods to create a "duplicate". I will, how­ever, effort to give you a bit more fundamental "HOW" it is done, how you can rapidly create an "adult" or "any stage of growth" body development, etc.]

    No where in these 9 pages can I find a precise statement of how the robotoids are created. However, I have noted your explanation below which appeared on page 93 of "Shrouds Of The Seventh Seal" which seems to be as close as I could come:

    "These 'genetic/holographic' DNA/RNA replicas have been in the perfecting for well over four decades. All that is required is a holo­graphic fragment (literally, one cell) and a replica can be reproduced. Then all that is required is down-loading of the memory data and pro­gramming of the manufactured entity".

    "There are technical advances upon your planet, already in use by the Elite, which would boggle your senses--robotoids are simplistic in relative comparison. They are comprised totally of physical "matter" manifested into what you perceive as physical coalition of these physical matter particles coalesced according to the DNA/RNA holographic blueprint whereby the re-creation will be a projection of that which is being copied at the time of replication".

    I believe I can speak for the common man of the street, since I am a com­mon man of the street, when I say that the underlined and bold-faced sentences in the above two paragraphs leave us with a very blank stare. This may be why you are getting so many questions on this subject as you have indicated. It might have some meaning to the laboratory scientist but to us men in the street it is just gobboldy-gook.

    Please don't mis-understand, we are not looking for a step by step how-to-do-it-yourself kind of description; we would merely like a couple of sentences explaining how a full sized replica can be produced from one cell or fragment, and where does the matter come from which is multiplied to produce a full-sized man or woman? Also what is done with the bodies of robotoids which are being replaced? How are they able to get this holographic image of those who may have been destroyed before the holographic fragment or cell was ob­tained?

    "There are technical advances upon your planet, already in use by the Elite, which would boggle your senses".

    Are you at liberty to reveal what some of these advances are which you indicated by the statement above? If I had to guess I would suspect some might be midgets, dwarfs and/or giants with grotesque features which would be pawned off as space aliens by the Elite when they try to pull off the mock attack by space aliens which you have mentioned from time to time.

    It goes without saying that your expresses and journals are my primary reading. I only wish my 40 year old son was not such a skeptic and would take an interest. Thanks for being our window on the world and giving us this mar­velously comprehensive and fascinating (and sometimes disheartening) view of our life here on earth. Respectfully, R.S.


    My observation is that there will be many readers who still have no idea what we are talking about and will object if I do not give fill-in and therefore, though it be tedious--R.S. has done our real work for us, and that is in pulling out that which we have already covered. Then it becomes easy to fill in some blanks for you. If this is repetition for most of you, I still ask that you study it carefully for it is, as I have said--the very hardest concept to accept and yet, you shall see that it is one of the easiest, if understood, to accomplish.




    As Referenced In The Phoenix Expresses and Journals

    Phoenix Express Vol. V, No. 11 & 12 Pg. 7 (The Robotoid Mind)

    I would like to say, prior to the reader's intake that we shall be writing in depth regarding what are known as genetic doubles and robotoids as referred to lately. These are new entities and we shall be speaking of such in this upcom­ing writing but I would prefer to delay further description until later for we are so stacked up with urgent material.

    The robotoid mind has no ability to comprehend danger from the larger per­spective. It can comprehend its own possible demise, but there is no "Soul" connection to God. Survival is a most elementary emotional connection to God and in times of great stress (i.e. "all men in a foxhole wholly believe in God") this is through the Soul. Since the robotoids do not have this connection, they simply intensify what ever activity they are focused upon, unless concerned fort heir own bodily survival.

    Thus we have men in high places who are "soulless" and beyond the reach of normal reasoning process. We speak Truth unto them as to what the conse­quences are of continuing this insane push and it does not penetrate, for the fo­cus is only intensified. So, the maneuvering goes on in attempts to strike what they believe to be our vulnerable point, the crystal and our ground crews. It behooves all ones of this group to stay close within the area and to stay in con­stant focus of maintenance of your shields. 'Tis not the time to question the va­lidity of what is going on about you as to reality, but to come into understand­ing that it is real and that you do play a most, crucial and critical role in the sequential playing of God's hand in the game being played out.

    Though we have all manner of scanners and do track and monitor key play­ers, even then we are also somewhat surprised at the audacity of Satan's chal­lenging us directly at this stage, but we must all remember that man's plunge into evil has carried him far beyond even that which Satan sanctions. However, neither is he going to put a stop to one of his humans that would carry his plan forward with the creativity that he, Satan, lacks. Neither will he make any ef­fort to protect or salvage these ones. They are way out there on a limb of their own projection; if robotoid, it is a distortion within the original human being that is being followed into manifestation.

    The discussion is so that you ones may perhaps grasp the degree of danger that not only you as focused group for God face, but humanity as a whole, for few grasp, accept or even have an inkling of what they are facing when it comes to the layers of evil planning as well as the presence of those Soulless ones that cannot be reached by God for there is no connection. God does not sanction war or death for it is destructive to the Soul to participate in such, however for those that are soulless there is the dilemma of man as to what to do when one such as this becomes focused upon the destruction of God's real children. How indeed do men of God handle such a situation? How does man know when in­deed one such "being" is confronting him face-to-face? One such test is the challenge, "If you are not of Holy God, I command that you stop this instant". A Soul-connected being will hesitate, even if only for a split second. If you identify yourself with Holy God, then you had better be prepared to defend self, for a robotoid is programmed to destroy that which is of God. It is part of the process. They have not the connection with God that human has with which to identify each other, so they cannot be sure until you declare yourself, unless you are already known to them. That does not mean that you, if you are walking within the shield of God, are left defenseless in a moment such as this. The Presence shall be right at your shoulder and you will be given to know that which you are to do--if you are not in such fear and panic that you cannot in­stinctively know. Here you could hear words, but the reaction time would not serve you, instead there is a survival instinctual connection that allows for in­stant perfect action. Thus we encourage you to constantly acknowledge and recognize the Presence within you and without you. It is within this Presence of Spirit that you live, move and have your entire experience. I can assure you if, in a moment of confrontation, your mind takes you back to a Rocky or a Clint Eastwood scenario, instead of connection to your own instinctive God connec­tion that you have cultivated and prepared by holding self in the present mo­ment, your body is either a write-off or you will have lots of incarceration time to ponder your error in not being prepared as you are being given direction to do.
    Phoenix Express Vol. VI, No. 4, Pg. 4 (We Are Ruled By A Robotoid Army)


    I am not, herein, going to outlay who is who and what is what--watch, and you will be able to discern. Is Bill Cooper with his 9 foot alien picture real or false? Would he know if he were not? Likely not!

    The "Big Boys" are getting ready to SHOW YOU a whole bunch of very "Earthly" spaceships and little and tall aliens. They are going to even bomb some of your cities to bring you into terror of our presence--for they know that with our presence--GOES THEIR DOMINANCE! Through causing the mass of mankind to fear God's hosts, you bring further confusion and destruction upon selves.


    Phoenix Express Vol. VII. No. 6 & 7. Pg. 1 (Bush Is In His 28th Cycle of Robotoid)

    Herein you will simply have to believe me when I tell you that there are replacement ones for your top leaders--and hundreds of "not so top" personages. The 28th George Bush was put into the picture on the 12th of January at Camp David. He was tested and "smoothed" on the 13th and presented again to you on the 14th. He did NOT go walk alone this morning (15th) to reflect and commune with God--he went to be alone so the messages from his puppet-mas­ters--right out of Moscow--would not be monitored. I ask that, for the moment, you accept this which I tell you and then we can discuss how this can be true for, of course, many men have died because they brought this information. But information, none-the-less, has been given to you-the-public as far back as 20 years past--regarding genetic/holographic robotoids which bear identical mem­ory patterns but are subsequently "programmed". I have written of it in one of the more recent Journals but will repeat the information as I have time. Suffice it for now, please accept that which I tell you is not only possible but is, in fact, utilized in myriads of instances--right now!

    There are several places of top security where these transferences are made and replica holographic information is garnered for necessary multiples. Camp David has been the prime location for it is used as the Presidential Retreat and often social gatherings, such a birthday celebrations, top-level meetings with diplomats, etc., are carried out. This technology has been perfected in the Soviet Union and thus you have the reason that your government seems so in­disposed to do anything other than cozy up to Russia.

    Phoenix Express vol. VII, 8 & 9, Pg. 15 (Genetic Duplicates, holo­graphic/cellular duplication, the programming mechanism.)

    Perhaps later today (1-21-91) we shall have time to discuss a bit of informa­tion regarding genetic duplicates and holographic/cellular manifestation of new bodies and the mechanism of programming. The concept is so simple that I am almost embarrassed to discuss it for, as with all things scientific in "nature", you will find total simplicity. [Sorry about that--we obviously did not find extra time that day.]

    Phoenix Express Vol. VII, No. 11, Pg. 3 (Programmed robotoid hu­manoids)

    You cannot, as Americans, understand that which is happening and you stand strong for that which you have been "told", afraid to speak out and appear bigoted or "against" anything regardless of how heinous the actions. Why? Be­cause you are at the point of open warfare in the form of Psychopolitical actions called "brainwashing" and the citizens of a government run by robotoid hu­manoids programmed to do exactly that which they are doing.

    Phoenix Express Vol. VIII, No. 4 & 5, Pg. 9 (The world's leaders are Replicas, Ronald Reagan was slain.)

    You say, "...but there was to be one 'slain' only to rise again and call him­self God and THEN we would know by the sign". There is no way to slay the leaders, dear ones, they are replicas of the originals and there are dozens to take their places and you will never know. You killed Ronald Reagan and yet, you know not that he was dead! All the signs were there, including the running of your important and critical government by astrologers and still, you missed of it.

    Phoenix Express Vol. VIII, No. 6 & 7, Pg 12 Robotoids: The world is in­habited with reproductions of programmed evil.

    The world is inhabited by reproductions of programmed evil with density of darkness and no lighted souls to traverse the heavens for they are birthed of the whore of Babylon who rests her feet upon the heads of God's precious cre­ation/creations and laughs at the blindness of the lambs. Man realizes not that he walks and serves that which bears no soul essence within the breasts--he follows reproductions of genetic fabrications in blindness. He realizes not that simply through Truth and confrontation with that Truth shall the evil repli­cas fall to the wayside.

    Phoenix Express Vol. VIII, NO. 6 & 7, Pg. 13 (Robotoids)

    The lies become so blatant that it astounds that even the dense of dense can­not see--but in many ways the entire masses have been mesmerized by the hyp­notic repetition of the robotoids who have been placed in your command to control you.

    Phoenix Express Vol. VIII, No. 6 & 7, Pg. 14 Robotoids:

    Your top military leaders go forth to the "front"? They basically go no­where. How is it that your military hierarchy are still in Washington in the war room? They cannot get very far from Camp David is "WHY". Look at the evil cover-up--even calling the Camp of Evil replication, "DAVID".

    Phoenix Express Vol. VIII, No. 6 & 7, Pg. 14 (Bush is now in his 30th replica)
    (Note: Also appears on Pg. 92-93 of "Shrouds Of The Seventh Seal") [Thank goodness the items "match"--I probably owe a portion of this to Oberli who keeps me on my tippy-toes.]

    Even a robotoid who comes within the lighted places of God Truth, shall be given soul by that Grace abounding. An awakened humanity can SEE the robotic replicas as produced by Satanic instruction. For instance--compare the one Cheney and that one, Powell--as they meet with their brother, the 30th replica of Bush on the morrow. All have been wined, dined and exchanged at-Camp David whilst you believe them to be "studying the military situation" in Saudi Arabia. The flaws in the replicas are so obvious that you do not even have to look carefully. These ones are programmed to tell you exactly that which will pull you into the beast's claws as dead-ahead as a machine can move.

    Phoenix Express Vol. VIII, No. 8 & 9, Pg. 2, (Robotoids - Puppet Mas­ters)

    Robotoids and genetic doubles, I REPEAT, have been around and steadily being perfected for four decades of public use right before your eyes. They are a product of the Soviet Zionists and have been your puppet masters for a long, long time--a new twist of sick humor perhaps--"the puppet pulling the human's strings"!

    Let us take a short break.

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