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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar

    Default 응답: THE DARK CHARADE

    PJ 38
    FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1991 10:47 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 056
    FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1991

    Gorbachev: 밯e are not going to change Soviet power, of course, or abandon its fundamental principles, but we acknowledge the need for changes that will strengthen socialism.�

    For the past months the headlines and then the follow-up pages of the paper and the media have been filled with drivel about the disintegrating of the Soviet Union. That is, of course, when there is room for such comment aside from Thomas� misadventures and cavorting escapades with his staff. These kinds of distractors are the worst kind for it keeps all other news from your attention.

    Watch out, California, for regardless of what you are 뱖atching� you ARE enduring 밇arthquake� weather--presented for the timing clues from the heatwave in Southern California to the clouds moving in today--right on schedule! Take note and stay alert! Perhaps Mr. Christo뭩 art-form umbrellas will become MOVING ART-FORM. Let us just proceed with our work, please.

    You are being fed the lie that communism and socialism are abandoned and dead at last, that the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the KGB are being dismantled, disbanded and relegated to the waste dump of history. Certainly the demise of the 밽ang of eight�, the rise of Yeltsin to power, the official condemnation of the CPSU and KGB, and the independence of many of the Soviet republics would all seem to signal the end of the 밻vil empire�. But looks can be most deceptive when hidden behind false news releases, and so can the Marxist-Leninist dialectic.

    The Soviet Empire is NOT disintegrating as the Western press and leaders keep telling you. It is restructuring, rearranging, reorganizing, streamlining, purging the deadwood, and rearming preparatory to its final thrust for world domination over the next few years. Gorbachev said in 1989: 밫hrough restructuring (perestroika) we want to give Socialism a second wind. To achieve this, the Communist Party of the Soviet Union returns to the origins and principles of the Bolshevik Revolution, to the Leninist ideas about the construction of a new society.� And further back, in 1987 he said: 밒n October 1917, we parted with the old world, rejecting it once and for all. We are moving toward a new world, the world of communism. We shall never turn off that road.�


    Does this all sound like a man who is presiding over the death of communism? The Lenin whom Gorbachev worships, quoting Sun Tsu, said: �We advance through retreat...when we are weak, we boast of strength, and when we are strong, we feign weakness.� The old dialectic Leninist doctrine of taking two steps forward and then one back to confuse your enemies is certainly being applied by his disciple, Gorbachev, this day. It is called 뱒cientific socialism� and 뱎sychopolitics� by the faithful, and of course Gorbachev has said that he does not want to discard socialism but renew, restructure and strengthen it. It should be remembered that all present changes in the Soviet Union are within the framework of socialism.


    The Soviets are NOT abolishing the CPSU or the KGB, they are renaming them, reorganizing them, purging them of inefficient deadwood, and EXPANDING their mission:

    The KGB has had six name changes since 1917: 1. CHEKA; 2. OGPU; 3. GPU; 4. NKVD; 5. MVD; and 6. KGB. All of these name changes were accompanied by purges whereby thousands of heads at the top rolled from the mountain, by restructuring or reorganization, by an expansion of the role of the secret police, and by public pronouncements that the secret police had been abolished. The leaders remain on and retain and acquire even more power. In the 1950뭩 Beria, the brutal and infamous head of the NKVD, was purged and executed. Vladimir Kryuchkov, head of the KGB until the recent phoney coup and counter-coup, has similarly been removed and it remains to be seen what will be done with him. You see, it is not even as simple as 뱓aking out� these people for many have been replaced by replicas, just to take them out for the watching world when the time is appropriate.

    The KGB has over 1.5 million members worldwide, with about 50,000 sequestered in the U.S. KGB military units will now be moved under the Soviet army command and the new KGB will fall under the Soviet military command and ultimately lead the U.N. military force. This is not all being done to destroy the KGB but to make it stronger, more efficient, leaner and meaner. It is percieved to have become fat, dumb and lazy. As in the Romanian secret police, the Securitate, which was 50,000 strong under Ceausescu, the force continues to operate in a Romania which is allegedly noncommunist--but still is totally dominated by the communists--so the KGB will continue to function in the USSR, which will be allegedly noncommunist--but still totally dominated by the communists.


    The CPSU (Communist Party of the Soviet Union) has 20 million members and another 45 million members in its Lenin youth organization, komsomol. Komsomol is a young adult organization with members from the Red Army, the KGB, the Red Navy, the Air Force, and a majority of the young factory workers. The CPSU has grown top heavy and inefficient with bureaucratic deadweight. It is about to be reorganized, restructured, trimmed in size, or purged, to increase its efficiency, and then renamed. It is not going to be abolished as Gorbachev, Bush, and the Soviet and Western press keep telling you.

    It must be remembered that the Communist Party of the Soviet Union has undergone a number of metamorphoses in name: At its inception, it was called the Russian Social Democratic Worker뭩 Party. In 1912, following an internal feud, it split into the Bolsheviks and Mensheviks, the 밷ig ones� and the 뱇ittle ones�. The big ones ate the little ones. The name then became the Russian Social Democratic Workers Party of Bolsheviks. In 1918, it became the Russian Communist Party (Bolshevik). In 1925, the name was changed to the All-Soviet Communist Party (Bolshevik). Then in 1952, it became the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, which it has remained until the present. It is now about to be renamed again and it will probably be to the 밪ocial Democratic Party�.

    Each of these name changes was accompanied by major fanfare and whoopla and offered as absolute proof that the communists had completely changed, and the declaration that all the political, economic, and repressive evils had been perpetrated by the previous party--but that the new party would be benign, democratic, freedom-loving and thus and so, repeat after repeat. In reality, all of the old evils continued under the new, revamped party with only more heinous power and control--nothing changed. The present change will not alter any of the principles or goals of the CPSU.

    Each of the major communist party name changes under Lenin and Stalin were accompanied by massive purges, called 뱎arty rejuvenation�, to streamline the organization and bring it under formidable discipline. Millions of Russian communists went to the wall or the gulag in those purges. Today뭩 CPSU has become fat, dumb, lazy, careless, apathetic and passive, and is ten times larger than during World War II. It has lost sight of its goal, it has become diluted, and will probably be trimmed by several million members. This is not abolition of the Party--it is reorganization, restructuring, and strengthening of the Party.

    The communists believe that Americans and most Westerners are shallow, superficial, gullible, and easily seduced by media-generated illusions. Hence, if they change the name of one of their fronts or parties and declare the old organization to be dead, most Westerners will believe it. For decades they have routinely changed the names of their communist front organizations in this manner. They just renamed the Communist Party in Italy, now calling it the Democratic Party. In Poland, they renamed the Communist Party, which was called the Polish United Workers Party to the Social Democratic Party. In Romania, they renamed the old Romanian Communist Party, calling the new party the New Salvation Front. In none of those cases, or many others, did they really abolish those communist parties. They simply renamed, reorganized and restructured the parties, while gullible, naive Westerners believed the charade. It has been said and I use it often, �a rose, by any other name, is still a rose.Calling the CPSU the Social Democratic Party, or some such similar name, will NOT alter the fact that it is the same old CPSU with a new label and some new faces, or old ones scrambled around a bit for confusion.

    Today, the Communist Party of the Soviet Union operates through elected representatives, the Politburo, and the Central Committee. The Central Committee of the CPSU, made up of 300-450 members, wields the real power in the USSR, and an inner circle of about 100 members really calls the shots. These Central Committee members dominate the military and the KGB, as well as the 뱕isible� politicians such as Gorbachev, Yeltsin, Shevardnadze and the various cabinet ministers. Gorbachev is simply an actor, an employee who is implementing the policy laid down by the Central Committee since the early �80뭩 when they, and the KGB, drafted the script for glasnost/perestroika number six.

    The new, refurbished, renamed Communist Party was discussed at length at the CPSU뭩 Congresses in 1986 and 1990. Gorbachev described the 뱊ew party� as: 밃 Party of socialist choice and communist perspective...A Party adhering to humanistic (not humanitarian) ideals common to all mankind...intolerant of chauvinism, nationalism, racism, and any manifestation or reactionary ideology and obscurantism...A Party confirming the independence of communist parties of the Union republics...A Party open for contacts, co-actions with the communists, social democrats, and socialists of various countries.�

    Reading the 뱊ew party� profile as conceived by the CPSU leadership, it is clear that the only difference between the 뱋ld party� and the 뱊ew Party� is in the new one뭩 wide acceptance of all revolutionary movements THROUGHOUT THE WORLD.


    Gorbachev, October 1989: 밫he concept, the main idea, lies in the fact that we want to give a new lease on life to SOCIALISM through perestroika and to reveal the potential of the socialist system.�

    Then in Dec., 1989: 밫oday we have perestroika, the salvation of socialism, giving it a second breath, revealing everything good which is in the system.�


    The word 뱒ocialism� will be substituted for 밹ommunism� and the latter will be almost completely stricken from the communist뭩 vocabulary. From Lenin to Gorbachev, the communists have used the two words interchangeably. Socialism, as defined by Karl Marx in the Communist Manifesto, is what has been imposed on the peoples of the USSR, China, Cuba and so on. Socialism, as the stepping stone to the final utopian goal of communism, involves abolition of private property, draconian political and financial regulations and control on the people, huge bureaucracy, a progressive income tax, an end to inheritance, a monopolistic central bank, central control of education, and state control of the family, children, religion, etc. DOES IT SOUND PRETTY MUCH LIKE AMERICA IN 1991???

    What do George Bush, Helmut Kohl, John Major, Mikhail Gorbachev, Shevardnadze, Yeltsin and most Western leaders all have in common? They are ALL socialists, secular humanists and globalists--working for a common socialist global government--called by Bush and Gorbachev 뱓he New World Order�.

    A few years ago the 밹onvergence theory� of history emerged. It held that America and the West would move to the political 뱇eft�, the Soviets would move to the political 뱑ight�, and you would all meet and merge in the middle as socialists or Social Democrats. The 밹onvergence theory� of history seems to be right on track. Socialist Russia, socialist Eastern Europe and socialist Western Europe are all moving toward merging into one giant unitary state or federation over the next few years. A massive Soviet subversion and absorption of Western Europe will immediately follow.


    Soviet leaders in the Central Committee, the Politburo, the KGB and the Soviet Academy of Sciences began to conclude over a decade ago that, in spite of the USSR뭩 vast natural and human resources, the country was utilizing those resources in a most 밷arbaric manner�. They have concluded over the past decade that Soviet industry is lagging badly behind the West, especially in controlling wastefulness of materials and energy, as well as human resources. Soviet industry uses two to two-and-a-half times more material resources and one to one-and-a-half times more energy per unit of production than Western countries do.

    Gorbachev and the Soviet leaders have therefore called for the reorganization of Soviet society from top to bottom--but within the framework of socialism. The 뱊ew economic policy� is called 밼ree market� and borrows much terminology from the West, but to Gorbachev and the Soviet leadership 밼ree market� means state and collectively owned property, businesses still state-run and state-controlled, business or investment profits are still illegal. To the Soviets, 밼ree market� means only that they will trade with you, while to Westerners, when the Soviets use the term, you think the USSR is in a transition to capitalism--no way!

    Another example of word/concept manipulation is 뱇iberation theology�. The Soviets hatched 뱇iberation theology� about a decade and a half ago, which is a diabolical and seductive use of Marxist-Leninist doctrine wrapped up in Christian/Biblical terminology, doctrines, etc. Liberation theology has been a smashing success for the communists in Central and Latin America, South Africa, and the Philippines. Now they are taking Marxist and socialist concepts and wrapping them up in free market terminology, concepts, etc.,--to seduce gullible western political and business leaders.

    When Gorbachev talks about stagnation, electronization of industry, opening the country to market economy, democratization of society, etc., he is really talking about getting rid of the corrupt, overpaid, inefficient bureaucrats who are now running the Soviet Union instead of the workers. The bloated bureaucracy is about to be cut away, because it has lost its revolutionary fervor.

    Gorbachev said it very well at the CPSU Congress: 밯hat we see today is not the working class running the Soviet Union, but the bureaucracy--which is satisfied to occupy soft and lucrative positions, but is hardly interested in revolutionary movements, political underminings of the rest of the world, or military expansion of communism. This is clearly stagnation.�

    Again, 밶 rose by any name is still a rose.� Note that this is what has happened with the Khazarian shift into the integrated system of world domination by use of stealing land, calling themselves 밓ews�, accusing others who object of being 밶nti-Semitic� (when none of the ones in point are Semites) and thus on down the line of lies. You are trained to accept a term and definition and then a new idea is thrust upon you and you bite the bait like hungry fish.

    Dharma, I would like to close this now for I need you to take a bit of rest prior to the meeting and you only have an hour. Walk gently, beloved ones, for the road is long and the rocks jagged--but it is clearing a bit and you must keep within the balance for the thrust is tedious indeed.

    Hatonn to stand-by. Salu.

    PJ 38
    MONDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1991 7:31 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 059
    MONDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1991

    Peace in the Light of Radiance, Hatonn present.

    For the movement afoot in the 밡EW AGE MOVEMENT� that Hatonn has had to leave 밆harma�, whatever that means, I respectfully submit to you that I am most surely right on duty. I find it extremely amusing, if not factual, to watch and listen. Number one, God nor Hosts LEAVE anyone, anytime, anywhere--human moves from God and not the alternative. Where is it that you would place me now? In the NEW AGE MOVEMENT where you can represent that I sanction your physical behaviors and allow MAN to grant you absolution for your misbehaviors? Not likely, beloved chelas, for it is your business that which you do and our work is far too critical and the mission too great to dwell on your individual opinions of 뱑ightness� of actions. All is right with your actions as you proclaim or disclaim them. The truth is in the actions and intent and you can remain separate from God as long as ye wish. Do not, however, expect sanctions upon your lawbreaking from the Lighted Source who gave unto you the Laws in the first place. Physical intent will not be brought into the Kingdom of God--so be it. You do that which you choose and preach that which you will--I believe if you look about you, however, you have not done such a wondrous job with balance thus far.


    How many of you have watched all of the hearings for Judge Thomas? Why not? Other things too pressing? Did you need relaxation, spiritual baths, conference with the trees, a walk through the marigolds? This was the MOST IMPORTANT thing taking place in your nation and you thought it was over Sexual Harassment or something as foolish. That is a daily part of your world which YOU have built and insured functions well to divide you people into separation and ability to 밹onquer�. This display of total evil was orchestrated against one of the highest offices of your nation. YOU WATCHED, AND/OR COULD SEE, THE FRAUD, DECEIT AND PLANNING IN ACTION. This display was the planned destruction of a good man at the hands of the Elite--A SYSTEM SO CORRUPT AS TO BRING WITHIN AND SANCTION EVIL LIES AND ATTACKS WITH NO RECOURSE. You had better be praying hard that a fine man such as Thomas, even with his blind perceptions, be given a seat on the bench for hearings.

    He is a dangerous man now, to the Elite Khazarian would-be rulers and next, they will try every method left, including murder, to keep him out.

    This whole thing was set up to 뱒how Bush� and allow you to all see the 밹ontrol�--You just saw evil set out to 뱂udge� Goodness and you had better pay attention to the 뱓ool� used to destroy--for you had best discern the tool of choice for your destruction.

    Now what? Well, for my own proclaimed 뱖orkers� I would guess that most of you would now allow Dharma and/or John to write about it and tend it for you rather than having taken the 뱓ime� to view the proceedings. Then what do I get? Pressure on my scribe to write quickly so as not to inconvenience formatters of the paper. What in the world do you want of one another? Dharma is totally exhausted and yet she is the one given to attend it all--at my command!


    All are welcomed into my presence and within hearing of my speakings--beware those who come and make mighty projections and judgements, claiming the speakings not to be judging, and keep you from your responsibility. Oh, you don뭪 like that which another says to you? What has that to do with Hatonn? When God sends speakers--where are you who claim to be present in this locale to serve God? It is not for me that I speak thusly--it is that you ones must ALL and EACH look within at intent whether you be in New York or Goatneck, Texas. There is no difference in the sight of God.

    Further, why, if you claim to honor my visitation, do you put God aside and await the wondrous gift of keys to 밊ree energy�, 밼requency machines� and thus and so? My message is of God and not to fulfill your earthly physical desires to further separate God from Man. WHAT IS YOUR INTENT? Why do you expect me to give you that which you DESIRE for self without even giving respect to God who has allowed you life?

    One has come among you in good example--and further, has given the community some nice juicy tid-bits to prattle about and use against you. Why do ones come and why do you who claim to be Godly fall into the trap? There is always the need of a Godly person to reflect that which is Godly and worthy of notice--you serve in the 뱊ight� with and call it 밾elping� another to find balance and direction--pooh, you serve self in a most direct affront to Truth. What you do is your business but what you do while CLAIMING to be a member of my 뱓eam� is quite another. If ones wish to find direction, then one comes where the directions are given and the instruction written. You ones are just like Judge Thomas in that you proclaim to be of ME and yet you bring the magnifying glass upon your brethren so that a community can giggle and laugh at your duality of intent. This goes on in every nook and cranny of your planet, so this is very much a universal message. It is not enough to sit with pious countenance while the heart is intent on physical self-centered lust for 뱖hatever�. Spare me the pain of speaking of it for you do these things one to another and it is not of God.

    If one comes unto this 뱎lace� to see if they fit and/or can participate and then pull away along with 뱎ulling another, or more�, other ones, then there is little strength within, is there? You have freedom on your placement and within each to do that which you will--but DO NOT SAY IT IS OF GOD--FOR IT IS OF MAN PHYSICAL. Would it not be more reasonable for ones coming to 밻xperience� and 뱒ee if they fit� to attend the resources to find out? How can you find out that which might serve you if you refuse to participate and then spout your views of dissent. No indeed, old friends, Hatonn has withdrawn from no one but constantly ones, who claim to be his friends, distract from him and thusly denounce him and his mission.

    Oh I hear it constantly--밯ell, I can뭪 work with thus and so�--so, who did you come to assist? Then who do you hurt if you pull away? Surely it is NOT the one who wanted you to depart anyway! We come to bring the WORD and not to hold your individual hands for my interest is in holding your soul in comfort and directed journey--not your hands or ego gatherings of the physical.

    Ones still come unto this place and ask for the keys to the 뱒ecrets� and yet take not even the time to read of the passages wherein the key is given! What expect ye? When ye forsake God and/or me--so be it for ye shall be allowed the privilege but what input do ye think ye have when ye return? If ye have forsaken God in the hour or moment of His need, even if it be for only a tiny portion, why expect Him to serve you in your ponderings when you have just proven your rejection of Him?

    If you prefer the NEW AGE MOVEMENT or Jimmy Swaggart뭩 tutoring then go that path but I suggest you beware the pitfall for I think you will note that as of this very week-end Mr. Swaggart proved his intent with prostitute and facade of expensive automobile, not even registered yet. You ask for mercy and insight? Then I suggest you go forth into communion with God and at least stop misleading your brother. When will you tend of your job equally as you tend of Dharma뭩? Thus far we have projected the 밿mpossible� and yet you demand more and more and more--even a robot would blow its circuits. Nay, nay--Hatonn has not 뱇eft Dharma� as is going about the New Age Community and who is projecting my next stop-over? Who do I serve now? Am I supposed to be serving the New Age groupies as the little bunch from Pleiades? How about one of the channels for the little elementals? Perchance Hatonn is now supposed to be speaking at your civic center? I suggest that ones who project this nonsense had best take notice and, preferably, from whence they came from in the first place for the intent is certainly not in the intent of God. Man may serve self until his very death of body but he will not find peace nor balance--he will forever continue to search and sorrow on the physical plane for it is an illusion with no possibility of finding the elusive golden ring, for the golden ring is attached to a higher dimension and the passage into same is through intent--no more and no less--and the journey is yours to travel.

    You ones desire me to capitulate and compromise and sanction your actions and thoughts--no, I will do nothing of the sort. You have the rules and you will do that which you will. I DO NOT, HOWEVER, JUDGE YOU. YOU WILL JUDGE SELF AND THAT WILL NOT BE LIFTED FROM YOUR LOAD OF BURDEN BY ME OR ANY OTHER HIGHER RESOURCE AND IF IT IS OFFERED BY HIGHER RESOURCE YOU WILL FIND THE DARK INTENT WRAPPED QUITE FIRMLY AROUND THE SO-GIFTER. Ah, the adversary packages his plagues in wondrously desirable packages--even AIDS. Then, when it is too late, you call on God and then pronounce God to be at fault. It is your journey, friends, and you are destined to walk it and whether or not you like Hatonn is no business of mine. I would suggest that if the bombardment is so intense as to pronounce that Hatonn has withdrawn from his commitment, then it is that we are making inroads into the evil one뭩 kingdom. Oh, yes indeed--to say Hatonn has 뱇eft Dharma� says exactly that message for my service is through her hands and we are nearly finished with the bringing of the word in this manner. It matters not to me that which you take up and believe for if you believe that which drifts through your conscious space and is totally uninformed and refuses to become informed--so be it--who is using WISDOM? You or the manipulator/seeker? He who claims to seek and REFUSES TO SEE OR HEAR would hardly appear the best of guides for thine soul. You see, I HAVE FOUND AND THEREFORE I KNOW! WHO IS YOUR GUIDE? TO WHOM DO YOU ATTEND? PONDER IT MOST CAREFULLY--ESPECIALLY YOU WHO CLAIM TO SERVE THINE BROTHER, NATION, PLANET AND GOD FOR THE FACT THAT YOU SERVE ONLY SELF BECOMES MOST EVIDENT TO ALL WHO WITNESS.


    I am quite wondrously infatuated at you who are near enough the 밅hristo� project to take an hour and go see and do not. How do you know but what it is the very work of God? Will you recognize God when He comes? What sign did He say He would send? Are you sure? There are great lessons to be had from that demonstration from the massive size of the dream danced awake to the ability to gain enough brothers to fulfill the project--but most of you make your judgment in ignorance and without bothering to go forth and see. Can you not enjoy the beauty or success of another? It is only a point to ponder while you are 밶ccepting God뭩 lessons�. How many of the lessons do you miss while awaiting the ones YOU EXPECT?? Nope, Hatonn has not gone anywhere and I apologize to you who would wish that I would do so. I also ask you to ponder what will happen herein if I STOP the writing? Will it solve your problems? What will you do? Will it give you more or less to quibble and bite about? What if Dharma refuses to write? Has she not done enough? It will solve all the editor뭩 problems for they will have nothing to do--nor will the publisher or distributor for when I go, I take God뭩 work to a worthy placement for the tending.

    Yes, you must live, work and participate in the physical world just as it is presented unto you--will it be better for having had you pass the way? These are points which must be confronted by all and each across the planet and I believe you know that there are many other placements wherein God and Hosts are now welcomed with open, desiring arms and hearts. It is sad when ones are gifted and the gift destroyed, battered and found unacceptable.

    Dharma, allow us to go on with the outlay of the information regarding the Soviet Union so that your brothers can glean truth in presentation. At this time the facts are hidden behind the distractors of the Elite while your nation is betrayed on other fronts in full intent.


    A point you ones are missing, and one which I made months ago is that which is continuing to go on in Panama with massive narcotic traffic. You don뭪 have to listen to me to hear it--listen to what they are telling you at the Noriega trial while a deliberately programmed woman defiles truth regarding Thomas. This is a simple little projection of very simple brain programming which is done every day of your lives from UFO sightings and abductions to what you just witnessed. Anything can be placed into an open data system and it is nothing to pass a lie detector test even by the most adept performer of the testing equipment. If the mind is given to BELIEVE that which is projected--it is factual to the individual involved. The enemy (adversary) simply knows how to use the tool for instant purpose and look at the rest of you--miss the point of the entire scenario while you effort to see WHO is lying when neither is lying--only falsely programmed to fit a need of the manipulators and you all fall into the trap-pit. Are ye not overwhelmed with pride and joy as you witness one Ted Kennedy sitting in judgment of a fine black man who reflects the finest of his race? Is not that image presented on your screens disgusting to your very senses? Or, did you watch the ballgame? Where is your interest in your own survival?

    Back to the cover-up called 밯atch Tower�. This was outlined in the late 1970뭩. Well, right now, this is about to blast off the lid in the Noriega trial. For months a massive effort has been thrust forth to hide facts of this operation by buyoffs of informers, etc. But you see, the Elite want to now pull down Bush and it will get ugly beyond your comprehension for Bush CAN뭈 PLAY BALL AS HIS HANDS ARE PRETTY WELL TIED BY THE OPPOSITION--A VERY BAD SITUATION FOR ANYONE, DEAD OR ALIVE.

    In February of 1976 there was an operation (mission) 밯atch Tower�. Thirty high-performance aircraft landed safely at Albrook Air Station. The cargo flown from Columbia into Panama was cocaine! The cover-up has been massive in effort to cover-up the U.S. and ISRAELI MOSSAD involvement in drug trafficking through Panama--and it continues to take place right now and right under the noses of the Establishment news media at the trial of former Panamanian strong-man Manuel Antonio Noriega in your Federal court in Miami, Florida, USA.

    밯atch Tower� is an operation directed by the CIA using Army Special Forces operations that established three electronic radio beacon towers extending from Bogota, Colombia, (yes, for you readers who have inquiring minds--I wrote about this in detail some months past but I must repeat some things for new readers, so please be kind), northeastward to the border of Panama. Once the 밯atch Tower� special action teams (SAT뭩) were in place, the beacons were activated to emit radio signals that aircraft, carrying drugs, fixed on in order to fly undetected from Bogota to Albrook Air Station in Panama.

    Oops! On September 24 (1991), Noriega뭩 attorney attempted to introduce as evidence in the case a photograph taken in December, 1983 at a meeting in Panama between Noriega and then Vice President George Bush. HOWEVER, THE PHOTOGRAPH WAS REJECTED AS EVIDENCE BY JUDGE WILLIAM M. HOEVELER.

    As questioning was underway regarding the pictures, etc., Judge Hoeveler refused to allow the attorney, Rubino, to continue questioning.


    Col. Edward Cutolo, who was within the mission, wrote an affidavit and it was made public in March, 1980 because he expected to be killed. Surely enough, Col. Cutolo was killed in an 밶ccident� during NATO maneuvers.

    In his affidavit, Cutolo stated: 밆uring the February, 1976, 밯atch Tower� mission, 30 high-performance aircraft landed safely at Albrook Air Station where the planes were met by Col. Tony Noriega, who is a Panama Defense Force officer currently assigned to the Customs and Intelligence Section. Noriega normally was in the company of other PDF officers known to me as Major Diaz, MAJOR LUIS DEL SID (who is testifying AGAINST Noriega after payoff by CIA) and Maj. Ramirez. Also present at most of the arrivals was a CIA agent (name deleted for protection) and an unidentified male Israeli national.

    밫he male Israeli national was identified and known to members of the 570th Military Intelligence Group in Panama who only specified that this individual had the authority from the U.S. Army Southern Command in Panama to be in the area of operations.�

    This Israeli national was Michael HARARI, whom I just recently told you had informed Bush about the death contract put out on him (Bush) by the Israeli Cabinet (Government).

    Harari has been very carefully shielded and yet he had revealed that CIA director Stansfield Turner and former CIA Director George Bush are among the VIP뭩 that shield Harari from public view. Boy oh boy, can you not see why your President must have Gates in that slot of head of CIA to keep this thing from blowing you off the map?

    Bush personally saw to it that Harari was removed from Panama at the time of the wondrous 밿nvasion� during your Holiday Season (Operation Just Cause), 1989. This was another Bush maneuver to which you all bowed and scraped and hung yellow ribbons about the trees.

    Harari was caught in Panama when U.S. forces invaded Panama and immediately the Mossad chieftain was brought into security and flown secretly from the Tocuman Air Terminal in an Israeli-marked C-130 (U.S.) AFTER the U.S. military had taken over the airport.

    Harari went directly to Israel.


    Right on Soviet 밹ue� the bunch of traitors has left America totally naked to attack. With one surprise stroke Dictator/King George dismantled much of the formidable defense establishment it took the U.S. half a century to build. He did this without consulting the Congress, let alone the wishes of the American public. No one seemed to notice nor give a damn. Only that tiny handful of traitors who are his advisors were in on the secret up until Bush unveiled his unilateral disarmament scheme on national television September 27 (1991).

    Shortly before his Friday night coup the President telephoned several European heads of state and, of course, Mikhail Gorbachev, his Soviet counterpart, and Boris Yeltsin, (which should tell you directly from whom came the orders for such a thing).

    Bush made it clear he was acting once again in quest of the 밡ew World Order� and so stated same. He was careful not to use the same 뱎hrase� for the actual phrase was first invented by President Wilson and his Marxist advisor, Edward Mandell House, as they took the United States into World War I.

    This fits right in with the series of writings on the Soviet Union now under way in this paper.


    1. Destruction of the entire U.S. arsenal of short-range tactical nuclear weapons deployed primarily in Europe.

    2. Elimination from U.S. Navy attack submarines and surface ships of all nuclear weapons, including nuclear cruise missiles.

    3. Removal of all U.S. strategic bombers from alert status and stripping them of their nuclear weapons which are being placed in storage.

    4. Terminate plan to deploy MXICBM missiles on railroad mobile launchers (where they already are).

    5. Stand down from alert all ICBMs scheduled for deactivation under the START treaty signed by Bush and Gorbachev at the Moscow summit in July.

    6. End the mobile Minuteman missile program.

    The worst part of this is that you have no way of actually knowing how long these plans have been unfolding for the false coup in the Soviet Union was only another step in the plan.

    Note that these cuts have come on the heels of other sweeping cuts in the U.S. Armed Forces, which includes scores of base closings and renovation for (holding/incarceration facilities for 뱓roublemakers�--to 뱑elieve the prison/correctional congestion�). This also includes moth-balling of some 100 Navy ships and shutdowns of major Navy yards plus sharp reduction of American military personnel. Moreover, Cheney has revealed that well over 70,000 civilian jobs are being eliminated by the Department of Defense in an already over devastated employment scourge.

    Beyond these devastating cuts and Bush뭩 destructive new slashes in the U.S. strategic forces, the President pledged a dangerous acceleration of the START provisions.

    Rather than waiting for the treaty뭩 reduction plan to run its full seven-year course, 밯e will accelerate elimination of these (ICBM) systems once START is ratified,� he promised in his TV speech.

    Meanwhile, the Soviets continue monumental building up and shifting of massive numbers of military equipment into shelter behind the Ural mountains.

    While the Soviets continue to increase the massive magnitude of their Space weaponry you have just admitted that you have NONE. Your own Defense Intelligence Agency person, Thomas Krebs, stated over a year past: 밫he Soviets have deployed 50 killer satellites capable of sweeping every U.S. and NATO military satellite from the sky in a single week.� And that doesn뭪 even take into account the thousands upon thousands of Cosmosphere platforms already out there.

    You are in such massively unprotected state, dear ones, that it has no matter whatsoever to you as to what actually has happened again at Chernobyl. You are wide open and overdue direct and immediate attack and you still believe the good old 밽overnment� is going to raise the bugle and ride to your rescue--THEY ARE THE ONES WHO ARE YOUR ENEMIES. Every nation involved in this massive buildup of destruction, including Israel, has massive and individual underground security bunkers for the population--YOU HAVE NOTHING! AND MOREOVER YOU SEE THE DIRECT ATTACK BY THE KHAZARIAN ISRAELI FACTION IN OPEN FORUM IN YOUR OWN GOVERNMENT. Dear ones, Sen. Biden who chairs the committee hearing for confirmation of Thomas is ONE OF THE LEADING PRO-ISRAEL FIRST LEADERS. You are watching the direct attack through and by the Israeli special interest groups and massive input by the Israeli Lobby into the direct act of destroying your Constitutional form of government and everything else that is 밼reedom� in your nation and you twitter over the 뱊aughty� words utilized. Oh, brothers, your nation is sick unto death and you cannot seem to see.

    Let us continue with the Soviet outlay.


    Since 1917 the communists have hated nationalism and nationalists who stand for strong national entities as opposed to the international order sought by the communists. According to the socialist-communist ideology, nationalism hinders the development of socialism and eventually communism, and is counter-internationalist. From the �60뭩 to the �80뭩, nationalists in the Baltic States, Byelorussia and Ukraine have been under incessant attack by the communists.

    However, with glasnost/perestroika, the situation seemingly changed. National symbols such as flags and other objects were suddenly allowed. Literally overnight, people turned to the old national emblems, parading them in front of the communists as if they had won the battle for national survival. The nationalists in the Baltics and other republics exposed themselves and left no doubt as to who they were. This bringing potential enemies to the surface was the main goal of the CPSU. Over the past few years, the Soviets have allowed nationalist opposition to emerge, and have then turned around and infiltrated it, financed it, and taken it over. The Soviets are masters at creating or taking over their own opposition and it works in the 밼ooling fields� every time. They did this very same thing with Solidarity in Poland, the New Salvation Front in Romania, and with Shevardnadze and Yeltsin in the USSR. Much more advantageous than destroying their opposition is to create or co-opt it so they can use it for their own purposes--just the same as what is happening to you in massive sweeps daily in your own countries of the so-called 밼ree-world�.

    You hear a great deal about the 밾ardliners� versus the 뱑eformers�, or the 밹onservatives� versus the 뱇iberals�. Western leaders, like Bush, and the Western media describe the 밾ardliners� (conservatives) as unrepentant communist hawks, (such as the 밽ang of eight of the coup�); and the 뱑eformers (liberals) as lovers of freedom, democracy and free markets. That includes Gorbachev, Shevardnadze and Yeltsin as the 뱓hree musketeers�.

    In reality, both groups are hardcore Marxist-Leninist communists/socialists. They are hellset on Soviet world domination or conquest. They simply disagree on the most advantageous method for your destruction. The 밾ardliners� would bludgeon you to death with an ironclad fist; the 뱑eformers� would strangle you with a velvet glove--the result is the same--YOUR DESTRUCTION. The quarrel between the so-called conservatives and liberals is over methodology--not results or the final outcome. The reformers believe you can catch more flies with honey than vinegar and certainly you find all of you eating of the honey--while expecting to be whisked to higher streets of honey and milk right after a wild ride aboard a fluffy cloud.

    Gorbachev is widely described as a reformer, a liberal, and a lover of democracy. And yet, in Dec. �89, he said: 밒 am a communist, a convinced communist. For some that may be a fantasy. But for me, it is my main goal.� He even repeated this following the 밹oup�, on television for all the world to see and hear!!! He had already said, in 1987: 밒n our work and worries, we are motivated by those Leninist ideals and noble endeavors and goals which mobilized the workers of Russia seven decades ago to fight for the new and happy world of socialism. Perestroika is a continuation of the October Revolution.�

    That same nice Mr. Gorbachev, described to the West as a lover of democracy and freedom, said in November of 1987: 밯e are moving toward a new world, the world of communism. We shall NEVER TURN OFF THAT ROAD.�

    Then in June, 1990, this wonderful 뱑eformer� said: 밒 am now, just as I뭭e always been, a convinced communist. It뭩 useless to deny the enormous and unique contribution of Marx, Engles and Lenin to the history of social thought and to modern civilization as a whole.�

    Gorbachev, Shevardnadze, Yeltsin, and the reform wing of the CPSU are dedicated communists; they hate the American and other Western 밿mperialists�, and they still believe in the inevitability of the communist conquest of the world, but they believe a different strategy is presently needed for success. They desire to discard the old strategy of 밾ardline� as a method of confrontation, divide and conquer, making enemies and instead, adopt a strategy of cooperation, of embracing the West, making the West friendly to the socialist world, and eventually they intend, through subtlety, deception, infiltration, subversion and manipulation, to 밶bsorb� the West. Western Europe will be the first to be so totally absorbed while you in America are still being massaged, wined and dined into alignment.

    The reformers want to incorporate their new thinking into the world thinking process in order to ultimately control world politics. They want the economy of the world to be integrated with the economy of the Soviet Union. They fully plan to take over the world the way the AIDS virus takes over the body--slowly, subtly, surreptitiously and irreversibly.

    It is important for the West to understand that Gorbachev, Shevardnadze and Yeltsin (the reformers) are just as dangerous enemies to your survival as that 밽ang of eight� (the hardliners). In fact, these 뱑eformers� are far more dangerous because they have caused you of the West to take down the barriers through lowering its threat perception.

    Dear old Brutus did the same to Julius just before he stabbed him, i.e., Better the enemy you can see and defend against than the enemy who comes to you as a friend. How many come unto even mine own placement and project thineselves as 밼riends� and then stab me in the backsides as well as the back of my servants!?!

    These 뱑eformers� will tell you what you want to hear--they will talk about democracy, free elections, free markets, multiparty systems, freedom, independence, religious piety, humanitarian intent and thus and so--while giving these very words their own Marxist-Leninist evil twist or meaning. If you are strangled by the hand in the velvet glove and the golden cord instead of being bludgeoned by the iron fist--YOU ARE JUST AS DEAD!

    Let us have a rest break please. Thank you, Hatonn to stand-by.

  2. #4
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar

    Default 응답: THE DARK CHARADE

    PJ 38
    TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1991 9:22 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 060
    TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1991

    In the wondrous beauty of this gifted day, I am Gyeorgos. Does this make me different from Hatonn? I thought you might get my point. A rose by any name is a rose. But if it makes you feel better for identification, so be it. I am just your old friend, or enemy, George! Ones doubt my validity as through this scribe any longer? Come now--does TRUTH hurt your feelings so very much? You have denied God since your creation--it matters not what your conscious opinion might be.

    You are not sure of what you think of 밐atonn�? Who cares? Does Hatonn bring TRUTH or lies??? Better check on this one most carefully! I further suggest that no one make a statement until you have studied ALL of the material given unto you through this route of friends. Your problem is not whether or not we are somehow REAL or ILLUSION--IS THE WORD NOT CORRECT? Squirm all you like for I believe you will find that the false teachers are falling one following another (of erroneous religions) and this WORD stands strong andvalid. It is the WORD to consider and not that which brings the WORD. If evil Chief Adversary brings the word and it be truth then take that truth and use it wisely for Truth will stand on its own merit into infinity--that of the physical projection passes very, very quickly away.

    Because my scribe has two major 밹ourt� sessions regarding the property tomorrow and Thursday, I must move on quickly so that the paper will not be delayed. Since all things going on at present in your public domain are relevant then I shall effort to get as much to you as quickly as possible. I appreciate my brothers who are also sharing in the incidental truth of cover-ups for it is through those routes that you have confirmation. Blessed are ones who risk it ALL in these days in order to reclaim that which is your heritage. Blessings, indeed, are given unto them. And to those who work endless hours to see to it that the word goes forth--there are no words worthy of our appreciation.

    The 밹ourt� situation will merit much writing with which you will need to become totally familiar for we are now going to start blocking the 밃dmiral� on the bench and the adversary from the pit. Will we win? How can we further lose? It is most difficult to change a pattern so set and tried. What we do is move jurisdiction before we capitulate--it is still a Constitutional right because a 밊ederal� representative is among the fray. That is how Mr. Horn got jurisdiction moved to Federal Court in Washington D.C. in the first place--so I believe this is a game for the 밄ig Boys�! What have you to lose? A house? Come now--no house is worth a tinker뭩 damn when you align it alongside your 밼reedom� under the Constitution--NONE.

    The point will be to effort to simply kill the Ekkers--Oberli, it is already attempted for the problems with the axles and wheels of the coach are not accidental. I allowed you to find this out on your own for I knew I could move with you and protect through warning via the gas line. I뭢 sorry, brothers, but the game gets more and more rough and deadly so please do not take reckless activities. God travels with you but YOU MUST HEAR HIS CALL. So be it. I sincerely hope that all interested parties simply go with you to the 8:30 A.M. hearing on the morrow, most especially the paralegals--it is worth the cost of overnight facilities for a day or so, please. See if Mitch and Dave can join you, I also ask that Ed (Father) attend in uniform but I ask that you and Dharma travel alone for I wish no one else in jeopardy, please. As many as wish to attend court may feel free to go--it is a time of standing forth with your hand and foot to the 뱒quare� even if it annoys the judge in point. He should not have trouble with such an arrangement if he is honest and judicially 뱂ust�. If he is not--then it matters not.

    If ones cannot come, then it is fine for there will be greater opportunities to serve later--BUT, you are going to need tohave all these paralegals having observations and training if you intend to ever get your system turned about. So be it, I leave it in your hands. Work it out however you see fit as the scenario unfolds, for in this case to 뱇ose� and have that inspection is the most beneficial course at any rate. As they push harder and harder against your rights, the deeper the mire which is noted publicly. However, Horn can plant anything he can carry on his outside person and that includes the worst of all, drugs and/or micro-chips and/or dots. Peace in the Light of Radiance, Hatonn present.


    You are being told that the USSR is collapsing. That is NOT true. It is being disbanded by the Soviet leadership in favor of a new, updated, cleaned-out federation (union) to be called the UNION of Soviet SOVEREIGN Republics. This restructuring (not disintegration) of the USSR, unlike the Western controlled media and the Soviet disinformation sources tell you, has been on the drawing boards since long, long before Gorbachev came to power. The USSR has been referred to by those ones as 뱓he Empire� and the immediate change and purge has been in active, up-front readying since the 1970뭩.

    The leaders of the Soviet Union at that time began to realize that the present form of the Soviet Empire was archaic, inefficient, and counter-productive to further global expansion, except in remote areas of the world not contiguous to the USSR. In one sense, the Western policy of 밹ontainment� and the advent of NATO in the 1950뭩 had been reasonably successful in restricting the USSR뭩 European growth beyond Eastern Europe and the Soviet Republics. Just as slavery in the old American South had become unprofitable, not productive and uneconomical before the U.S. Civil War, so the Soviet Empire was seen over a decade ago to need deep reform in its imperial structure.

    Keep in mind Lenin뭩 admonition: 밯e advance through retreat.� The apparent demise of the Soviet Empire will speed the dismantling of NATO (you see it daily in operation); Western Europe뭩 and America뭩 military structures will be dismembered in the new 밻ra of peace, death of communism, end of the Cold War and collapse of the evil empire;� and the USSR뭩 long-term goal of the neutralization of their western flank--preparatory to the absorption of Western Europe, politically, economically and militarily, will have been accomplished.

    For you ones who inquire about the rockets just blasted off within the past few days from the U.S.: It is one more futile attempt to make inroads into space but you are not allowed a foot in the door even with satellites (unless the Soviets also desire to utilize them), for the point will be to cause you to have to use theirs. You are very definitely witnessing the tearing down of your technology front and the closing down of those industries which could cause affront to the USSR. Your industries are moving out and away from the U.S. and into placement to be taken over entirely and merged with the Soviets under the guise of the Global Government through the U.N. The only point left then will be breaking the backs of the American citizenry and you are already all but helpless. When they confiscate your guns you will know it is over. It will never be allowed to be shown to you exactly what happened because they do not want rebellion--only submission. They have WON the PHYSICAL WAR, brothers--WILL THEY WIN THE SPIRITUAL WAR ALSO? WILL THE LAMP OF FREEDOM BE TOTALLY EXTINGUISHED FROM THE FACE OF THE EARTH? SO BE IT.

    It is essential that, as the New Federation replaces the old union, the new be seen to be made up of sovereign, independent states, democratically oriented, with multi-party political systems and free market economies. That will be the perception, as it is today in Poland, Romania, Nicaragua, etc., but it will NOT be the REALITY. The rhetoric will be 밼ree-market� and 밺emocratic�, as it is in the Soviet Union this day. But the REALITY is that the Soviet military and the KGB, by whatever new names they choose, through a series of treaties with, infiltration and subversion OF, and economic pressure ON the so-called 뱒overeign independent republics� will continue to maintain control of those republics absolutely.

    You continually fail to witness the great design underlying the Soviets� (Moscow뭩) new imperial policy. This refusal to see leads to the misunderstanding of the Soviet European policy, because, since the launching of this so-called perestroika, Moscow뭩 European policy has become a continuation of Moscow뭩 great imperial design.

    It is most essential for you to realize this type of strategy. For Moscow, the saving of the empire rests more and more on the domination of the international community. When Moscow뭩 influence (the Kremlin), or even the domination of leadership on Europe is fully established, the Baltic뭩 quest for independence will be irrelevant, or at least seem so.

    The political Elite saw the need for restructuring and reorganizing the imperial empire well over a decade ago but the process was delayed for various reasons, until now. The real conflict between the reformers and the hardliners is explained through this knowledge. You must understand that they are not only efforting to purge, reorganize and restructure the Communist Party and Soviet system in order to save and strengthen it, but the entire empire as well. This is also essential to bring, through seduction, Western Europe into integration and merger with the new 밺emocratic� Soviet Federation. This is simply a 밹on game� with sophistication and complication which simulates a Robert Redford/Paul Newman plot. The Soviets are the games champions (mental--i.e., chess) of the world and are well indoctrinated in the intent of world domination.

    The upheaval in the Soviet Empire is simply the next step to arranging an all-European integration. This was outlined and pointed out in CPSU Congresses by Gorbachev since coming to power in 1985: 밫his is possible only with a radical change of both West-European and East-European political systems. All-European integration is conceivable only if an homogenization of the political structures of East and West takes place.�

    You are now seeing the merger theory in a European context FIRST, then globally--including the U.S. You will witness the European integration and yielding of individual sovereignty to the European superstate within 1992 under Euro-socialists in Brussels whereby the European countries will merge.

    In order to achieve this hegemony over the political processes in Europe, there had to be a legitimation (democratic in nature) of the Soviet Empire with the ratification of a new Union treaty by so-called 밻lected� parliaments. This had to be accomplished, for without this 밺emocratic legitimation� of the Soviet Empire, the building of a 밇uropean home� would be unthinkable and could not be accomplished.


    It is good to study the proceedings and speeches of Gorbachev, Yeltsin and others of the leaders in the Congresses of the CP of the Soviet Union in 1981, �86, and �90. One can then see that they have been talking about and planning for the New Federation since at least 1981.

    I am given information that the Eurasia Research Group, 2460 South University Blvd., Denver, CO 80210, has translated, analyzed and published these speeches and proceedings of these Congresses as well as books, publications and other materials over the past several years in a series of Pantalogues which are made available to research groups throughout the free world who wish to do further study on current developments in the USSR. Subscription rate is about $100/year for monthly issues. This is excellent information and comes directly from Soviet publications, etc. I will not ask my scribe to bother with the information for I only wish to hit these topics and you are the ones to glean the meat from the material. Mine is to call attention, give information and you will find your own confirmation, for my scribe is not here to spoon-feed a population of sleepy dreamers. I greatly honor those who bring Truth to you through their newsletters and other resources; I do not need to duplicate such. I find that the prime information and confirmations of what is actually 뱖hat� comes from the works of McAlvany and Coleman. These ones consistently print TRUTH and are given into great INSIGHT! I do not totally agree with the perceptions of investments or just where the economy is moving. That has nothing to do with TRUTH OF THE WORLD CIRCUMSTANCE, WHY AND HOW IT HAS COME TO DEVELOP AS IT HAS.


    The New Federation or union will include some elements in regards to the current 15 Soviet republics which are as follows:

    * Under the new union, each republic will seem to have more independence at the cultural and economic level, and will 밶ppear� to be an independent multi-party democracy at the political level, and will still be under the military influence or domination of the Soviet Union at the military level. The so-called 뱒overeign� republics will 뱒eem� to be more free and more independent than they are.

    * Each of the 15 Republics will have a vote in the UN whereas only the USSR, the Ukraine, and Byelorussia have had votes since its inception. So you will have potentially 12 additional votes AGAINST America in the United Nations.

    * The huge Russian Republic, now under Yeltsin, will have more power in the new arrangement and will appear more like Germany during your World War II. It will dominate the New Soviet Federation. In the early stages of the New Soviet Federation the Russian Republic will actually be portrayed as equal to the other republics. This is a very large charade to fool all of you people all of the time.

    * This New Federation will be established as it appears that the present Soviet Union is dissolved. This New Union will be called the Union of Soviet Sovereign Republics.

    * The republics will be made to look independent and sovereign, will talk about and actually move to a more free-market economy and appear to have much more freedom. They will be totally contained and controlled by the same military and security service of the KGB by whatever name.

    Treaties between the USSR and many of the republics, tying them right back to the Soviets, are being signed as we write or are already consummated. As per Lenin: �A treaty is a means for gaining strength.� For instance, the Ukrainian leadership declared independence and immediately turned around and signed a TREATY OF MILITARY AND ECONOMIC COOPERATION WITH RUSSIA. In other words--they seemingly withdrew only to come immediately back under the New Federation. This is 밼ake� 뱒overeignty�. In fact, recently the Ukrainian parliament 뱑eformers� were recognized as a group of phonies who actually support the Communists. This will be the pattern for all republics.

    * The 뱒overeign, independent� republics will be allowed to have so-called armies. What a laugh for these will be tiny little insignificant forces under total domination by the massive Russian military. These will function like little militias on the local scale to enforce the orders of the bigger war-lords.

    There will be much chattering about multi-party democracy but most of these parties will be simply Marxist-Leninist with new labels, controlled and manipulated by the KGB.

    * The sovereign republics will have more freedom on the surface, but will still be imprisoned within the Soviet walls. 밪overeignty� is only semantics and at any point it has no meaning relative to that which it means to you. To them, at its best, it only means PARTIAL independence and always has meant this. There will be total infiltration and subversion within the Republics and this will insure rejoining, for the economic pressures will also continue to be great.


    The plans are for great expansion of the New Federation beyond the existing borders of the USSR.

    The New Soviet Federation is designed to pull Eastern Europe into the Union. This will be accomplished by a series of economic and military treaties already under way. Note that Israel is ready to 뱒ign a treaty� with the USSR right now, as are other nations such as Germany, etc. Soviet influence in the former East European satellite countries is still very strong. Consider, for instance, Romania which is a country of some 24 million people, all save 4 million adults are communist by label. The ruling party, the New Salvation Front, is communist and the secret police of some 49,000 members, is communist--therefore, is it not reasonable to say that the Communist Party controls Romania?

    The New Soviet Federation is designed to eventually encompass Eastern Europe and 밻ventually� means within the next couple of years. ALL by no later than being operational by year 2000. This will encompass, in addition to the USSR and Eastern Europe, Cambodia (Kampuchea), Vietnam, Laos, Mongolia, a United Korea, and the Peoples Republic of China along with Afghanistan, etc., So note that the grand design of the Soviet strategists is in giving up the present antiquated, stagnant empire, and the outdated ineffective Warsaw Pact, to pull together a far greater voluntary Marxist-Leninist dominated federation encompassing over a billion and a half people. This shows 밶dvancement through seeming retreat�.

    Another group of countries in the region of the Indian Ocean Rim will be brought into the New Soviet Federation a bit later. Those will include Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, India, Sri Lanka, the Philippines, and Indonesia.

    The most important part of the New Federation is to get the other socialist countries to join. The goal is like your IRS system, voluntary--voluntary membership under communism or Marxism-Leninism (밪ocial Democracy�, if the word 밹ommunism� is abolished, which is planned). The cement which will ultimately bind together the pieces of the New Federation is ECONOMICS and SOCIALIST IDEOLOGY. SOVIET MILITARY POWER WILL ALSO INSURE THAT THE UNITY IS ESTABLISHED AND MAINTAINED.

    The adversary never sets timetables into concrete for that would place them at disadvantage by giving warning through activities expected. You can, however, tell by that which is currently transpiring that much of the New Federation뭩 internal restructuring will be accomplished and workable within the next couple of years on the 뱋utside�. The external expansion of the New Federation will be far advanced within this dwindling decade and the fait accompli within a mere three to four years. Your government is in full integration and working stride with them. Now, tell me who is the traitor and treasonist in the equation of your beloved nation--we who effort to awaken you or those who have betrayed your wondrous nation and you-the-people?

    In the Soviet Union, dear ones, 밹apitalism� is NOT defined as peace, democracy and social progress. These definitions are sort of stuck out there for your disinformation to mislead you into misperception--deliberately. Soviet developments are currently precisely in line with the reorganization of the country in order for it to achieve a better opportunity for expansion, without the world taking note of the evil outcome.

    It was stated at the 1990 twenty-fifth Congress: �...the USSR is in a transition from a unitary state to a friendship of nations.� This friendship of nations will comprise hundreds of millions of people not now in the Soviet Union and a greater number of nations also not now in the USSR. You are witnesses today of the birth of a new socialist-communist conglomerate which will be far more potent economically, politically, and militarily than the Soviet Union of today. In countries ruled by monarchies, when the King dies, the cry goes up: �The King is dead--long live the king� (this means the new king). So, in the present case it is relevant to say: �The empire is dead--so, long live the empire. This, of course, means the new expanded empire.�

    The continuing contest between the East and West is simply a giant game to these manipulators. The ultimate goal of this 뱈atch� is to checkmate the king--which is America. But the intermediate goal is to take the queen--which is Western Europe. Once the queen, and perhaps some of her bishops, rooks, or knights have fallen, the king (America) becomes vulnerable. It is only a matter of a little time until you fall. In the meantime, if the Soviet chessmasters have to sacrifice some of their own pawns, rooks, or knights, such as the Baltics and some of the Soviet Republics and a few Eastern European countries, so be it. The present sacrifice is worth the ultimate prize. In this match however, the Soviet chess masters plan to get all, including their own pawns, rooks, bishops and knights, right back.


    You can뭪 seem to understand the situation. Let me quote your own General Colin Powell whom you seem to adore: 밇ven with the START Treaty, you (the Soviets) will have the ability to destroy the U.S. in thirty minutes.� -----!

    Gorbachev: The effectiveness of our foreign policy is secured by the might of our country, the component part of which is our armed forces.

    Even with the political shakeup which is taking place in the Soviet Union, the mammoth Soviet military machine remains intact and virtually unchanged except for its increasing size and strength. The KGB will be moved under the Soviet military command, or so it will appear, which hardly means a diminishing of the role of either organization. The Soviet army continues to have over 5 million men, 250,000 or more Spetznaz commandoes and over 1.5 million KGB soldiers and/or operatives. They still have a five to one conventional military lead over America and a five or six to one strategic nuclear lead over America. They continue to have over 20,000 nuclear warheads targeted on America. If the 밾ardline� coup had been for real, the Soviet military could have launched those nuclear missiles against America, and you have zero defense against them. You cannot stop even ONE of them regardless of who is in charge--hardliners or reformers!

    Let us have a break. I believe if we do another writing this day then the paper will be set and we can turn our attention to other urgent matters. Thank you. Hatonn to clear.

    PJ 38
    TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1991 2:45 P.M. YEAR 5, DAY 060

    Since the Russian Revolution, the Soviet Union has considered military power as the most important force to protect the gains of socialism. Soviet military forces are educated to conform with the most recent theories of 뱒cientific communism� and their armaments are updated according to the most recent developments of the sciences. Unlike the soldier in Western countries, the Soviet soldier does not serve his country first, but swears and owes his first allegiance to the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. It may be quite shattering for you Americans to realize that you do not serve your nation either--but rather you honor whatever and whenever the unilateral decision of the President of the U.S. decrees. It has nothing to do with honor, integrity, freedom or nation. You cause your soldiers to commit heinous acts of terror and bloodshed of innocents and call it by false names and missions. I think perhaps the allegiance to the actual truthful evil is more honorable, for to serve evil and proclaim it serving God is unthinkable to higher energy forms. In this latter instance the soldier has no notion of that which he serves. By the way, this same Soviet concept carries right through to the Communist Sandinistas in Nicaragua or anywhere else on your globe. It has become the 밼reedom fighter� who no longer fights in the name of God and country but rather serves an Elite hierarchy of politicians, drug dealers and global assassins.

    To control and teach the ideology of communism, commissars and political leaders are attached to each military unit. All Soviet men undergo training and serve in the army. The training, aside from martial arts, strategy, and operation of the different types of armaments, involves a heavy dose of political and patriotic education. During World War II (the great patriotic war) all education and propaganda was directed against the Nazis. This was done with full knowledge of the Khazarians who aided and abetted the cause of Hitler in the oppression of the 밓udaists� by means of the conduit of the AshkeNAZI so-called 밓ews�. Deceit has no bounds my dear ones, when the goal is the 뱖orld�. With the 밺eath� of Nazism, the Soviets retrained their sights from German Nazism and Japanese militarism to American imperialism--yes, I said 밿mperialism�. Unfortunately, in spite of the current flagrant disinformation, you Americans remain enemy number one and the basic education of the Soviet soldier is directed at proving his superiority over the American soldier. This is because in every respect YOU still represent the 밅hristian� masses and they proclaim themselves 밶theists� which by any definition means anti-God/Christ.

    Since World War II, the Soviets have had 46 years to develop an incredibly sophisticated, comprehensive, and exhaustive system of political indoctrination. It begins with children at 5 years old and up through young adults both inside and outside of the schools. The two primary organizations for this indoctrination are Komsomol (the Young Communist League) and DOSAAF (Voluntary Society for cooperation with the Army, Air Force and Navy).

    While Komsomol is instrumental in political indoctrination, DOSAAF is the most important organization in preparing the Soviet youth for war. Note that you are at further disadvantage for you have no way to know that which is said to or of you in Russian. The Russian student on the other hand is commanded to learn English or he is sorely disciplined--it is a basic part of his training. You, on the other hand, cannot carry on even the briefest informational foreign language. This indicates that the plans can be unfolded in the very front of you in full hearing and you haven뭪 the vaguest idea of what is being transmitted any more than you understand the pulses I send to Dharma뭩 receivers. I have literally had complaints that I am a liar because I don뭪 even get my initials straight in dubbing the organizations. Please, there is nothing wrong with my translation but you had best consider yours.

    DOSAAF operates under the Military Division of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Ministry of Defense of the USSR, and does the compulsory premilitary training of all young men and women between the ages of 16 and 18. Most of the young population of the Soviet Union retain their membership in DOSAAF. In 1988, DOSAAF뭩 membership exceeded 107 million people and there are no current numbers but you can be sure it grows by leaps and bounds.

    In the Soviet Union, the political education of the entire population, but especially of the army and draft or pre-draft age youth is of paramount importance. It is strongly believed that only a soldier who has been politically indoctrinated is ready to fight and perform heroically in the defense of the Socialist State. Typical of the kind of anti-American political indoctrination, the entire youth of the USSR receive from age 5 to 20 is the following quote from General M.I. Druzhinin, a leader in DOSAAF education: 밬.S. imperialism has unleashed a previously unheard of arms race. It insolently rattles with the most barbaric arms of mass destruction. It aspires to squash, with its power, liberation movements and peoples fighting for peace. It threatens to drag humanity into a destructive conflagration of nuclear war. It is capable of burning to ashes the entire civilization on our planet�..

    밒t is not in vain that the Soviet Armed Forces are not only the proven sentinel of our Motherland, they are also the guarantors of peace on earth. Were our army and navy not as mighty as they are, were they not in possession of such a fighting potential representing in themselves a perfect mixture of high technology, military mastership and invincible moral spirit, the reactionary imperialist circles, especially the United States of America, would have long ago attempted to perform aggression against the Soviet Union and other socialist countries in order to realize their black reverie--the destruction of socialism as a political system.

    밡ow it is common knowledge that in the immediate past American presidents have approved plans of nuclear attacks on our Motherland, and not just once or twice. These plans have had code names, 밫rojan�, 밆ropshot�, etc. Only the Soviet soldiers� mighty power of retaliation and the readiness to answer the aggressor뭩 blow with a destructive blow, have torn apart their fanatic plans.�

    I really wish I could say that the latter paragraph is untrue--it is not only true, it has been attempted right through this very month in this, your year 1991. Can you not just picture that which would happen in the U.S. if this should ever get off the ground through your insane leaders? Well, they tried again to launch sensor satellites this very week--ask NASA! See what they say in Houston, Texas!!!

    Recently, the trend to inject more political ideology into the armed forces has become even stronger. The reason given is the crystallization of 밻xtremely complicated conditions of acute antagonism between the two social systems--imperialism and socialism.� This preceding quote is from Oleg A. Bel뭟ov in his book: READY TO DEFEND THE MOTHERLAND. And so too, the following: 밊uture historians will be amazed to find that, to guarantee the chance of victory, the responsible individuals were counting the number of present communists in the army with more diligence than the number of machine guns and pieces of artillery.� In other words, political indoctrination is more important than are weapons and, dear ones, this is fact. Through the use of 뱎sychopolitics� the deceivers will win.

    You have just seen 뱎sychopolitics� at work in its fine fettle. You witnessed an accuser testify before a Congressional hearing and through the programming by the system described in our projections regarding 밣SYCHOPOLITICS� (Soviet Brainwashing but not restricted to the Soviets for there is also much now written about the same use in the United States). Reprogramming in, especially, a warm and receptive party is simple to disgustingly simple. A good hypnotherapist could get the same results, for a 뱏ualified and well-taught hypnotherapist� knows how to do it, where to go in the memory files of the 밹lient� and what to program within it which is relative to the 밼antasy� tendencies of the individual. The portions presented on live cameras were excerpts taken from several revelation books such as THE EXORCIST and other bits and pieces from testimony and accusations of others who had studied typical descriptions of stereotypical claims against black men. The scene was pitifully and poorly done and still, no one seemed to take note of the dirty politics and legal (lawyer) insipid indoctrination. In this, of course, I speak of the pitiful accusations of Anita Hill against Judge Thomas. It was not even a well-done projection. She was programmed and did a fairly good job had they not utilized material from popular books and studies. But you see, Satanic evil does not need to be very good--he is playing to a wide-open field.

    The Soviet military leadership believes war with the American imperialists is inevitable. In their writings they constantly refer to the 밿nevitable upcoming war�. They believe that only the Soviet Union, with its armed forces, can save the world.

    Again, let us look at Druzhinin뭩 Soviet view: 밃s long as imperialism exists with its anti-humane, reactionary, and militarist essence, the danger of military attack on our Motherland remains a fact. In recent years the danger of such aggression has especially grown. (You see, no accepting of a warming 밹old war� or ending of the danger.) 밯e must be fully armed to be able to ward off probable aggression and trustfully guarantee the security of the State. Experience shows that preparation must be started beforehand to solve this problem. We cannot wait for thunder to strike. WE MUST INITIATE, leaning on youth of all ages. We cannot waste time. Such loss is irreplaceable and during war costs a great amount of blood. Take heed, my friends, and make your own conclusions.�

    It seems appropriate that you in the West must make your own conclusions also!


    A black point, indeed, is another ominous development in Soviet military education and indoctrination. It is the resurrection of the writings, strategies and tactics of Field Marshall Alexander Suvorov, a prominent 18th Century Russian general, military genius and strategist. He was instrumental in the originating of the term 밓ew� and set up the deception with the Khazars as lead point. This man wrote a dissertation called something similar to TO CONQUER SCIENCE or SCIENCE TO CONQUER (I believe 몋is the latter). This has been recently republished, rewritten and is a required text. This is required for the military and hundreds of thousands of copies are widely distributed throughout the Soviet military and political hierarchy. Suvorov뭩 successful tactics of speed, maneuverability, audacious attack, deceit, ambush and false information propaganda are enforced study throughout the USSR. This is comparable to the work of Sun Tsu whose ART OF WAR has been a 밷ible� for the Soviet military and KGB for many decades. The resurrection of Suvorov in the USSR signals a new and far more aggressive Soviet military strategy than has been seen or known for centuries. This does NOT bode well for a world overseen by nuclear weapons and pulse beams.


    Regardless of what you 뱓hink� about the Russian/Soviet circumstances, let me share some facts:

    In the last three years the Soviets outproduced you in eight major weapons categories and over the six years of Gorbachev, the Soviets outproduced America in nine separate weapons categories.

    Gorbachev has just recently, like immediately recently, increased the budgets of the KGB and the Soviet military over 20% increasing to 37% over the next 12 months. The USSR spends over 50% of its GNP on its military/industrial complex. America spends 6% and is dropping now to 4 1/2% and then on down to 3 1/2%. Perhaps Americans love a challenge?

    Gorbachev has promised a mass conversion of the USSR뭩 600 military weapons factories over to consumer goods factories--BUT--only six have even begun the facade of conversion.

    The Soviets have placed and still maintain tactical nuclear and chemical weapons in Eastern Germany, where they also still have over 380,000 Soviet troops stationed. They still have a half million troops in Eastern Europe in spite of the supposed independence of that region.

    The Soviets at present maintain some 60-70 active divisions and 30 mobilization divisions in the Atlantic-to-the-Urals zone.

    The Soviets have now completed 75 deep underground civil defense structures around Moscow--each the size of the Pentagon. These are only recent additions to the massive system of defense and security shelters already in place which could house the population as a whole. YOU HAVE NONE AND NO ONE IN GOVERNMENT WILL EVEN TALK OF IT TO YOU EXCEPT TO SAY THE DANGER IS OVER AND THE COLD WAR IS GONE! Why these new shelters? They KNOW there will be a war and they know you are trying to launch a surprise first strike. Even if you don뭪 pull off a first strike it is KNOWN that you WILL have a nuclear war and it will be probably within the next short future time sequence.

    The Kremlin has just deployed 18 new rail-mobile first strike SS-24 (Iraq has some of these also) missiles and housed them in 1100 yard-long sheds mounted on trains. They are presently moving SS-20 missiles with a 3,000 mile range into your neighboring territory of friendly CUBA!

    The Soviets have a whole list of a myriad of new conventional and strategic nuclear developments and deployments which the Soviets are now implementing including a large number of road and rail-mobile, submarine, land and air launched nuclear missiles. These do NOT INCLUDE ANY COSMOSPHERE WEAPONS OR SPACE-STATION WEAPONS.

    The Soviet government recently repealed the military draft exemption for over 5,000,000 military age students. These can now be inducted into the Soviet military which would double it from the present 5+ million.

    While the Soviet 뱑eformers� are talking peace, cooperation and partnership, their military is continuing a crash expansion and modernization program and is preparing for war in the very near future. They may be talking peace and you may be eating it up but they are moving rapidly and dead-ahead onto an active war footing.


    Indeed there is such a plan and your government knows it. In fact, your own 밣entagon� calls the plan RISOP, for Red Integrated Strategic Operations Plan. It covers over 2,500 TARGETS. Chief among the targets (with some measure of priority but not necessarily to be adhered to):

    1. One thousand (1,000) Minuteman and MX ICBM silos (they also already have tractor beams on the moving MX뭩 and Minutemen). The train or mobile mounted missiles will be detonated at the onset. One hundred ICBM launch control centers for those silos and another 50 command and control facilities and nuclear weapons storage depots. That makes a total of at least 1,150 밾ardened�--that is fortified--weapons facilities targets. These would be hit by at least two and probably three Soviet warheads each. [THIS is why you disarmed your strategic Aircraft--because you overstepped your boundaries in the last first-strike attempt and the Soviets demanded you disarm the strategic flight commands or you were to your ears in deep yogurt. Let me give you further idea about these Soviet strike weapons--remember, they fire and then subsequently are fired MANY scatter nuclear warheads which blanket an area.]

    2. About 475 other naval bases, airfields, ports, terminals, military camps, depots, and other military installations associated with nuclear as well as conventional forces are in direct firing line for immediate strike.

    3. About 150 industrial facilities that have Defense Department contracts for $1 million a year or more in military hardware. Do you still wonder that the industry is in the midst of massive layoffs?

    4. There are about 325 major electric power plants that generate 70% of the nation뭩 electricity. All major dams will be targeted for early-on destruction.

    5. There are over 150 major oil refineries that turn out over 70% of your nation뭩 petroleum products which will immediately GO. Along with that there are over 200 뱒oft� economic communications, transport, chemical and civilian leadership targets.

    In the last four categories, many targets are located sufficiently close together so that only one nuclear weapon would be needed to destroy them--that means a VERY BIG PAYLOAD AND A LOT OF SIDE-EFFECTS.

    Does your President and his advisors know? Of course, and thusly Mr. Bush is caught in the middle of the biggest pants presser on earth. He is ordered by, and keeps on serving, the King of Evil because he doesn뭪 have any choice, in reality--at least in HIS reality. He cannot allow you-the-people to know these facts lest you come unglued and blow away the planet through your reaction. The attempt is to bring the nations down in an orderly fashion while simply disarming you to prevent retaliation. You are bested, America, and the game is all but finished.

    So why am I here? To bring God뭩 people into safety and see a remnant through and for that you need minimal, at least, living capability. Does it look bleak? Indeed, indeed!


    The next portion I shall take directly from another뭩 print but it is worthy of commendation and I can only pray that you will allow the information to soak within your minds.

    This is from a warning to the people of the free world from a man who is a close friend of one, McAlvany and he has shared this with his Intelligence Advisor readers. We honor him and give credit to this brilliant mind who has seen the inevitable and what it means. This refers to one, Walter Walker, former NATO Commander-in-Chief. He is considered one of the world뭩 greatest geo-strategic experts, who has written several excellent books on Soviet strategy and tactics (most accurately) and accurately warned in advance about the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, for example. The Soviets are preparing for war!!!

    Let me quote please:

    I consider it my duty, as a former NATO Commander-in-Chief, to tell you of the extremely dangerous threats that lie ahead. It is because I know for certain that we are now in a period of the greatest strategic deception, perhaps in all history, that I feel I should not allow this occasion to pass without warning you of the future that lies ahead in the next decade.

    밒 say most emphatically that the Cold War is NOT yet over, but only in a state of remission. To give you examples: in spite of the number of Soviet citizens still queuing for food, the Soviet Union is continuing to provide arms not only to Iraq, but to the communist regime in Afghanistan and to its satellites, such as Cuba and Libya. Meanwhile more and more money is being poured into the size of the cake they have cut for their own armed forces.

    밒n dealing with Moscow the risks will be more disturbing and much greater. The man in the street has not been told that the Soviet Union is still devoting a vast proportion of its resources to sustain a military machine capable of threatening the West.

    밃s an example, their Navy is engaged at present in a major rebuilding program. It has launched the 65,000 ton Tiblisi--its first major carrier. The Western public is unaware that Gorbachev is launching one new nuclear submarine every six weeks. The aim of this naval build up is to sever the strategic link between America and Europe and to control the waters of the Persian Gulf and the sea lanes around the Horn of Africa. NATO without control of the seas is a nonsense.

    Amid all his difficulties, Gorbachev has now increased the Soviet military budget by 37% at the insistence of the Generals and KGB masters. This represents 40% of the country뭩 GNP. On the same day that he made this increase, our defense Secretary announced that 40,000 British troops, a quarter of the entire British Army, would be axed. A suicidal decision. Furthermore, Western disarmament and technology transfer is what Gorbachev and his hard line military leaders have in their sights. It is this that would make any Grand Bargain with him not mere folly but a Grand Swindle. [Please note that this man is also a British 밾ero�.]

    밫he Soviet military threat has NOT evaporated. The neutralization of NATO has long been one of the Soviet뭩 prime glasnost deception goals. Production of tanks continues unabated, replacing old tanks, and they have also introduced several new helicopters, a huge transporter, a fighter designed to kill other helicopters, and a sophisticated anti-tank helicopter.

    밆espite the collapse of the Soviet economy--the Kremlin--under pressure from the military--is actually increasing the military budget by $42 billion to more than $160 billion. In contrast, only $7.5 billion is being earmarked for education, and a mere $4.5 billion for health. But even consuming over 40% of their GNP, this amount may not be enough to satisfy the military elite. If there is the risk of economic catastrophe in the Soviet Union, then surely the West should insist that butter must come before guns. Any help from the West must lay down strict conditions, the foremost being true freedom and independence within the Soviet Union and the Balkans.

    밒n spite of the signing of the Conventional Forces in Europe (CFE) Treaty on the 19th of November 1990, the Soviets have already moved about 17,000 tanks plus much more equipment (i.e., 70,000 units in toto) to the other side of the Ural mountains--beyond the geographical area of the Treaty. And some Soviet aircraft from Hungary were repainted in Soviet naval colors, also outside the Treaty.

    밫here has been a lot of talk recently about NATO뭩 new look. One keeps on reading the words--I quote: 멞OW THAT THE COLD WAR IS OVER�. In light of what I am telling you I say most emphatically that the COLD WAR IS NOT YET OVER, but only in a state of some type of remission. The hard truth is that the dreaded KGB is being strengthened and expanded. Last year the American FBI apprehended over 30 foreign spies, 28 of whom were KGB, a new record. Today the KGB employs one and a half million people and six million informers. And despite the Soviet economic crisis, the KGB has received a 20% increase in its latest budget.

    밒 leave you with the stark fact that unless we stand fast and stop the rot, the demonstrable truth is that contrary to the Kremlin뭩 self-serving pose of humility, the Soviet Union is not 몂n the verge of collapse�. WESTERN DEFENSE, ON THE OTHER HAND, IS.

    I give grateful thanks for this message just shared, to Donald S. McAlvany. I so honor ones such as this man and Dr. John Coleman who place their necks on the block for you ones, for they are continually under direct attack in any manner you can conceive. I hope that you ones support these men in their own news format. McAlvany can be reached via P.O. Box 84904, Phoenix, AZ 85071. I ask that we not print John Coleman뭩 information herein for he can be forwarded information via America West whom he frequently contacts. You precious citizens of the world must realize that you have ones on your place who are informed about this incredible deception whereby you don뭪 have to simply listen to a 뱒pace cadet� project uncomfortable facts to you. Your world is teetering on TOTAL DESTRUCTION.


    Vladimir Lenin said it ALL: 밫hey disarm, we build!�

    Krushchev, Jan. 14, 1960: 밫he Soviets intend to conceal vast 몉eserves� of missiles and warheads, hiding them in places throughout the expansive Soviet Union where the 멼mperialists� could not spot them. Later, they could be launched in a nuclear war.�

    Soviet Council of Ministers official, 1987: 밣erestroika is expressly designed to enhance Soviet military capability and combat readiness.�

    The 밶pparent� disintegration of the Soviet empire is the greatest clue to the level of your trouble which you have had thus far for it is a prime event in 뱓iming�. This is the force which is used by the USSR in causing the U.S. and the European political and military leaders to have to accelerate their own disarmament plans. It is the false face to unilateral disarming or 밹rying Uncle�. Bush has pulled the U.S. nuclear missiles out of Europe; is withdrawing U.S. tanks, planes, and troops from Europe; is virtually shutting down your tank, submarine and F-16 production lines; is closing 43 U.S. domestic military bases, 79 of America뭩 European bases, and 535 of the U.S.뭩 non-European military facilities; has closed your huge air base in the Philippines; is planning to withdraw U.S. troops from South Korea and the Philippines; is cutting U.S. Army troop strength by 350,000 men and the U.S. Marines by 50%, is cutting the overall size of the U.S. military by 25%, over the next few years; and is planning to cut America뭩 strategic stockpiles of 91 critical war materials by about half.

    What does this sound like to you? Who is going to go in there and protect Kuwait now? Who is going to wipe Saddam뭩 nose in it as Bush projects? You are dead, America, and don뭪 seem to know it--Israel and the Russian Khazars have taken your nation while you thought it was God뭩 little old tribal remnants at work in your government. Woe be unto you, world, for the serpent has struck and you are filled with the venom of death--it just happens to also bear viruses and radioactivity. Blame anyone you wish, it will mean nothing for it is you who will reap the bitter harvest and blame will mean naught.

    The U.S. military spending trend is such that the U.S. will be spending only 3.6% of GNP on defense by 1996, the lowest since you were attacked at Pearl Harbor (this is another story I hope all of you will obtain from Dr. Coleman--THE TRUTH OF PEARL HARBOR.) Perhaps he will share it in our own publication for he shares other portions and subjects with us most graciously. I too, have more to write on Jim Jones and 밓onestown� at which time I hope all of you have acquired SKELETONS IN THE CLOSET and are ready for the next portion and how Jim Jones was trained for his role.

    The Soviets are, meanwhile, spending 40-50% of their GNP on their military.

    Bush and Gorbachev recently signed the START Treaty which is supposed to cut the U.S. and Soviet nuclear arsenals by 30%. But the Soviets massively cheated on the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty of 1962--AND SO HAVE YOU; on the ABM Treaty of 1972--AND SO HAVE YOU; on SALT I--AND SO HAVE YOU; on the INF Treaty of 1989--AND SO HAVE YOU; on the conventional Forces in Europe Treaty of 1991 of which they don뭪 allow YOU to cheat. They will cheat on the new START Treaty as well--BUT YOU WON뭈 BE ABLE TO DO SO. It is called 밬nilateral� disarmament, dear ones.

    PJ 38
    TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1991 5:38 P.M. YEAR 5, DAY 060

    For you readers, I must tell you right here, that pages of work have just been destroyed on the computer. I cannot ask that Dharma allow me to recreate entire writing for she has been at this work since early morning and now the day is over. We will not repeat the details of the arms buildup as I had just outlaid for I have done the 뱊umbers� in the writing prior to this. I was into a summary listing of stats and you can please look back into the writing if you wish confirmation or to refresh your memory.


    Suffice it to KNOW that America is in grave, grave danger! Bush is under direct blackmail for he is so involved in criminal activities as to preclude him bringing this into the open for if he would do so you would not believe him. Communism is NOT dead, the Cold War is NOT over, peace has NOT arrived and throughout the recent political upheaval in the USSR, the gargantuan Soviet military has not been touched or diminished in any way whatsoever. It still numbers over six and three/quarters million men and growing, including the Army, Air Force, Navy, Internal Police, KGB and Spetznaz. They work hand-in-glove with the Israeli Mossad and are in total communion with the little State to which you have become slave. Ninety percent of the officers of the Red Army and Navy are active, loyal members of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union by whatever name they decide to call it, or the Komsomol Communist Youth League; over 80% of all pilots in the Air Force, over 90% of all officers of rocket submarines, 95% of all officers in anti-aircraft and ABM defense, and 100% of the rocket and nuclear forces are Communist Party of the Soviet Union members.

    These have all had an incredibly comprehensive and exhaustive system of indoctrination from age 5 into adulthood. Contrary to belief in the West, The Soviet military is highly disciplined, extremely well-trained, very patriotic, heavily indoctrinated with Marxist-Leninist revolutionary doctrine, and is not staffed by the stereotype dumb, cumbersome dunderheads, dullards or puffed up buffoons which most Westerners have been led to believe. They are the most critically trained and terrifying force on your globe--they are trained by the Mossad in conjunction with already superbly trained KGB agents.

    The Soviet military spent a full decade training its people and testing weapons, battlefield techniques in Afghanistan--wherein you gave assistance even to building a super highway from the Soviet Union into Afghanistan upon which the military could travel more easily. You also supplied equipment, trucks, etc. It is by far the best armed military in the world and the best trained in history. Its weapons are superb, sophisticated, battlefield functional, and often based on your own U.S. technology--which was GIVEN to them and not stolen or sold. They didn뭪 need any of your military 뱒tuff�, however, except to keep up with your most updated equipment so they could always stay a long way out front of your capabilities.

    You in America are today at a tremendous psychological disadvantage. Do not ever underestimate your enemies. Yet what do we witness? WE witness most Americans believing what is told to you in the most ridiculous 뱒how and tell� of the generations. You actually believe that the Soviets, their leaders, their KGB and their military are incompetent, bumbling buffoons. This stereotype has been exacerbated by Soviet disinformation and a fully controlled world media--especially yours in America.

    Conversely, Americans believe in the wake of Operation Desert Storm--set up for this very purpose--that you are invincible, in spite of the fact that you faced third or fourth rate Soviet weapons, a country the size of the state of Kentucky, and except for Soviet air defenses and a few scattered Scuds, Saddam뭩 forces NEVER engaged your troops. Is the picture beginning to clear a bit for you now? Why do you think the Soviets were so willing to bow out and not participate? You simply blunder-busted your way into oblivion just as they planned it to be--what a crock!

    A very proud, overconfident America now believes that nothing can touch you--certainly not poor bankrupt Soviet Union dunderheads. Well, I have terrible news for you ones--in conjunction with the Israeli Khazarians you are HAD! 밣ride goeth before the fall� should be most carefully studied as presented for behavior probabilities. You march onward while laying your arms aside, opening your coffers and doors and now they have all the grain and you are going to even give up your little hand-guns very soon now.

    If the Central Committee of the Communist Party or the Soviet military high command should decide that the time to take out the U.S. was appropriate, they could do so immediately and totally--and with very little pain in return from the U.S. either as a second strike or retaliation--THEY CAN TAKE OUT EVERYTHING YOU HAVE BEFORE IT LEAVES ITS SILOS.


    The Soviets are simply purging their deadheads from their system and expanding their power base. I remind you of your own Bible where it warns: �...peace, peace, and there is no peace.� and 밊or when they say peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child, and they shall not escape.�

    Dharma, it has been such a long day, please allow us to close this. I shall discuss some possibilities at a later sitting. Do not expect ones who share this writing to agree with you for all are still entangled in yellow ribbons. I can only offer you God and remind you that we are sent forth as His Hosts in this time of travail. I would pray that you hear in time lest you fall. We can only offer our hand and our wisdom--YOU MUST DO THE REST OR IT SHALL NOT BE DONE! SO BE IT AND SELAH.

    Thank you for your attention and may the word give opportunity to awaken and take action with which you can turn your plight about. Good day and God embraces His own.

    Hatonn to clear.

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