PJ 38
MONDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1991 10:46 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 052

This is a continuation of last week뭩 discussion regarding the Soviet Union. It is the most important subject which must be understood if you are to change anything for the intent is world domination--surprisingly enough--along with Israeli involvement.

The Russians are absolute masters at creating, controlling and marketing to the West their own opposition. Opposition to most human endeavors will arise in time, but if you own it, it will never be a real threat to your enterprise--and it may be able to choke out legitimate opposition. Nothing in the Soviet Empire happens by chance, by accident or by turn of fate. There is a well-defined plan and purpose behind all significant events in e USSR (just as there now are the same intent behind everything your government in the U.S. does). Current Soviet developments are far more easily understood if the Soviet Union is seen as the giant theater which it represents, and the present upheaval as scenes or acts in the drama. This holds true for all locations, factions and nations within the nations of the globe but at this point we are directing attention to the USSR so allow us to go forward without distraction. Let us look at a few of these 뱒cenes�:


밎orby� did not just happen to emerge on the scene in 1985. He was groomed for his position from the 1970뭩 by his mentor, Yuri Andropov--hardline chief of the KGB. As a KGB operative and protege of Andropov, this hardcore Marxist-Leninist was sprung by the Kremlin leadership from relative obscurity in 1983 and 1984 onto the world stage, and portrayed as a great democrat, lover of freedom, reformer, and friend of the little man by Soviet propaganda/disinformation specialists. (Andropov was similarly portrayed as a 뱖estern style closet liberal� by Soviet propagandists just a few years earlier if you look back.)

This is the same Mikhail Gorbachev who said in Pravda on December 11, 1984: 밒n the struggle for peace and social progress the Communist Party of the Soviet Union pursues a consistent policy of rallying the forces of the international Communist and working-class movement in every possible way. We uphold the historical justness of the great ideas of Marxism-Leninism, and along with all the revolutionary and peace loving forces of mankind, stand for social progress, and peace and security for all nations. This is what should determine the resolute nature of our propaganda.�


In the mid-�80뭩 the Kremlin began to elevate another actor to center stage--Eduard Shevardnadze. This life-long hardcore Marxist-Leninist was Minister of the Interior for the Republic of Georgia from 1968 to 1972--over the secret police, border guards and all internal security forces (i.e., in charge of Georgia) and remained in that position until 1985 when he was elevated to Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Union--replacing Andre Gromyko.

Shevardnadze, who has become a close friend of George Bush and especially with Secretary of State, James Baker, resigned from his position as Foreign Minister in December 1990, protesting the USSR뭩 move toward 밶 dictatorship by the 멻ardliners뮅. He is portrayed by the Soviet and US media as a reformer, a liberal, a staunch democrat and lover of freedom--but still a close friend of Gorbachev뭩. He was sent to America on a Soviet fund raising drive in the first half of 1991 and was shuttled around the US by America뭩 liberal eastern establishment--requesting $90 billion, for beginners, in Western financial aid for the USSR.

Suave, sophisticated and handsome in appearance, Shevardnadze has been suggested by such establishment publications as the New York Times and London Economist as the next head of the United Nations--to replace Javier Perez de Cuellar. Since the recent coup/countercoup lie drama, Kremlin leaders have begun to move Shevardnadze back onto center stage according to original plans already underway in the scenario. Here, if they decide to write Gorbachev out of the script, which is exactly that which is planned as soon as the U.S. is more fully disarmed, they can move Shevardnadze into the top position.

Shevardnadze has been well packaged for Western leaders and the public as a democrat and lover of freedom by his Kremlin disinformation handlers. You are told his favorite book is THE FEDERALIST PAPERS, and he quotes from it frequently. He would bring great credibility to the 뱑eform/democracy/end of communism� coup if the Communist leadership should decide to place him at the top. What a bunch of you-know-what! How many of you readers even KNOW WHAT THE FEDERALIST PAPERS ARE? YOU HAD BETTER BE FINDING OUT BECAUSE WHAT HAPPENED TO THEM IS WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO YOUR CONSTITUTION. THROUGH A CONVENTION YOUR ENTIRE CONSTITUTIONAL SYSTEM WAS REWRITTEN AND NOW YOU ARE AGAIN 밣RACTICING� AND 밇XERCISING� A SYSTEM WHICH IS DIRECTLY OPPOSITE FROM THAT WHICH IS YOUR CONSTITUTION AND THE MOMENT IS ONLY PENDING TO MAKE IT LAW.



This is the Kremlin뭩 latest major entry onto the world stage presentation of the Soviet theater. Also a lifelong hardcore Marxist-Leninist (just like Gorbachev and Shevardnadze), Yeltsin has been portrayed as a staunch anti-communist, democrat, lover of freedom--the Russian 밆avid� willing to risk his life and career by 뱒tanding up to the hideous hardline communist monster--Goliath�. Americans love a courageous underdog, and Yeltsin뭩 character has been tailored by the Kremlin scriptwriters to elicit great admiration and respect from middle America, Europe, etc. The 뱈an on the street� in the West can identify with this two-fisted, hard charging, hard drinking, outspoken 밹hampion of democracy�--a real Russian 밓ohn Wayne� character.

The REALITY of Boris Yeltsin is greatly different. In 1961, at the age of 30, Yeltsin joined the Communist Party. In 1968, he became a full-time Party worker in the Sverdlovsk Communist Party in Siberia. He went on to become Party Secretary, and in 1976 became First Secretary of the Regional Committee. At that post, the hard-driving Yeltsin was noticed by the communist leaders in Moscow. In April 1985 he was elevated to head of the Communist Central Committee Construction Department, and in December,1985, was appointed head of the 1.2 million member Moscow Politburo, though he was removed in 1987 in a fabricated 뱏uarrel� with Gorbachev in order to delude the public a bit more directly.

Just as with Gorbachev and Shevardnadze, powerful figures in the CPSU Central Committee and KGB put Yeltsin on the fast track to the top--something which does NOT happen in the Soviet Union UNLESS one뭩 Marxist-Leninist credentials are impeccable. Yeltsin뭩 position as the powerful head of the Moscow Communist Party opened the door for him to be placed on the Politburo, as stated above.

Moving on now to June 1991, Yeltsin, promising 뱒wift moves to establish greater democracy and market economics� was elected (in the first-ever such election which was simply 뱋penly� controlled) President of the Russian Republic--which has 150 million of the Soviet Union뭩 285 million people. He has since assumed near dictatorial powers in case no one has noticed. Following that election the Western press enthusiastically described Yeltsin as 밄igger Than Life--The Russian People Love Him�.

His image, credibility, and standing in the West went into orbit as he appeared to 뱒tand in the gap� against the hardline 밽ang of eight� coup perpetrators during the recent August coup/countercoup pseudo (lie) drama.

As he 밶ppeared� to stand off the entire Soviet Army and KGB almost singlehandedly, the Western media and public opinion went totally nuts and into orbit with the prearranged sham. It was totally incredible and shameful as they unfolded the stupid nonsense and worse, you ones ate it up like a child in a candy store. Americans and the world, most of whom (the world) saw through the foolish lies, were barraged with articles with typical headlines such as: 밫he Right Stuff: Yeltsin Joins the Ranks of Robin Hood, Moses, and Churchill�. Now, chelas, this is 밷arf� material! Had the position already been in place, Yeltsin would have been instantly promoted to dictator of the entire world and accepted immediately by you-the-planetary citizenry.

Yeltsin뭩 뱓hinking� is reflected in speeches he made at the 15th and 16th Party Congresses of the CPSU where he highly praised the tremendous strivings of the CPSU as well as the monumental advancements and great successes of the Soviet Union. As he said at the first of those Party Congresses: �Today we find the mighty productive forces which posses our society, the wealth supplied to the Soviet people by unfettered socialism. And all of this is the result of a wise collective brain, titanic work, unbreakable will, and the unsurpassable organizational talent of the Communist Party and its Central Committee and Politburo....

Under the leadership of the Central Committee, our Party and the state have actually continued to lead in the hard rebuttal of the aggressive machinations of imperialism (i.e.: America). The communists and all the workers of the Soviet Sverdlovsk Central Committee (headed by Yeltsin until 4/85) assure Congress delegates and Lenin뭩 Central Committee that they will fight with their entire revolutionary fervor and give unswerving dedication to the cause of the Communist Party.�

Yeltsin, like Gorbachev, Shevardnadze, and the reform wing (liberal) of the Communist Party, is totally dedicated to perestroika, a restructuring and reorganization of the Communist Party and the Soviet Union from top to bottom and we will cover this a bit later as we move on with this subject. Yeltsin is right now purging hundreds of thousands and will purge millions, of bureaucrats, aparatchiks, and the Nomenclatura (the privileged ones)--not to terminate communism, but to accelerate its thrust toward world domination. He would go even further and faster than Gorbachev--hence the 밶lleged� rivalry between the two.

Yeltsin is NOT against Gorbachev, nor against communism. He is against the entrenched bureaucracy, and the stagnation it has begotten, which he and Gorbachev believe is self-serving, bloated, and slowing down the communist뭩 timetable for world revolution and perfection of Global Plan 2000.

When Yeltsin and Gorbachev talk about a multiparty system in the Soviet Union, they are speaking about multiple communist parties all functioning within the communist system but given different names to fool the innocent and feeble-minded world players--in conjunction with input from all the nation뭩 governments and bankers who work toward the same end.

I promise you that these new parties will actually end up being totally anti-free enterprise, anti-capitalist, and hardcore Marxist-Leninist (which is solid socialism in its worst form) but will use all the terminology of the free markets, democracy, etc., to hide the fact until you are destroyed.


The Soviets organize their politics according to a well-developed scenario which often includes the death or permanent exit of the main hero(es). It helps to understand the plot, to understand the position and relationship among the actors, as well as the intended influence or impact upon the audience--the world. Nothing in the Soviet Union is accidental: the words, the stage, the violins, or the plot. The obvious players are replicas of the 뱑eal stuff� and their being taken out means nothing as the 밨EAL� players pull the strings of the puppet world.

The three actors just described are all reform minded, liberal Marxist-Leninists and are all on the same side to accomplish the ONE goal. Their directors in the Central Committee of the CPSU, and the KGB (by whatever label they choose to use) and the Soviet military orchestrating the plot, its pace, and each new twist and turn in the plot, such as the recent 밹oup� demonstration for advertising purposes, is a lot of non-sense just as is the renaming of the Communist Party, the Soviet Union, and the KGB as well as the USSR itself. 밃 rose by any other name is - -.�

It differs not one iota from Western audiences being fascinated by the next episode of TV뭩 Dallas or Dynasty on regular weekly TV programming. The Kremlin leaders, through the world 밹ontrolled� media and with the help of those who wield that control, plan to mesmerize and manipulate the West with the next act of Soviet political theater. It is unfolding right in front of you and most do not even question the matter. Many distorters are lined up on the home fronts to occupy the news slots and cause you to forget all about such a thing as a Russian coup. You simply readily pour more wheat into their silos and leave yours empty.

What is the ultimate goal? To convince the West that communism has collapsed--in two years yet! It is to cause you to actually believe that democracy has arrived in the USSR and that all of the Russias are brotherly, honorable and eligible to get on the World Bank IMF dole awards list at all cost to you who aid and abet their cause--i.e., the world bankers and Elite who totally run the U.S.A. and parts West.


Vladimir Lenin was a master teacher and observer and in 1912 stated: 밫elling the truth is a bourgeois prejudice. Deception, on the other hand, is often justified by the goal.�

Do you not find it interesting that even in your tampered Bible it is stated that the anti-Christ/God is the prince of lies and deceit? He is, as a matter of fact, also referred to as the 밙ing� of liars and deceivers!

Vladimir Lenin said something else which you all had better begin to focus on most closely:

밯hen we are weak, boast of strength...when we are strong, FEIGN WEAKNESS.�


I shall not take time to select information which might aid you and give insight into these areas which actually distress ME. I will however, enter herein a copy of a letter which has been sent to a dear friend who has great abundance of funds and efforts to handle them properly but is fearful of ALL methods of possibilities, especially is she in fear of credibility of the FDIC and ability to cover bank deposits. She is absolutely right--your head of the FDIC says that the fund will be totally without funds by year뭩 end. Soooo....

Then comes the inquiries as to what to do--while most of you ask and then go ask a 밷roker� and do that which I have just advised against your doing. Do NOT ask me and waste of our precious time if you have no real interest in the input. Start with the liars and then you save your time also--even if you do lose your shirt. That way, you will have less to regret in the long haul.

Dharma, please just copy the letter (omitting pertinent identifying information) just written by Oberli to my beloved one in Florida.

밢ctober 6, 1991

Dear SY,

Although your message on our answering machine was cut off, I have an idea of your questions and it would seem worthwhile to write the answers rather than wait for discussion.

The advantage of a corporation bank account over an individual bank account is that it is assumed that corporations are doing business and either paying interest or taxes (either of which benefits the govt/banks). Thus it is expected that corporate accounts, especially where the bank is acquainted with and knows that the corporation does business and moves significant amounts of money around, will be less likely to be 밼rozen� as long or to the extent of individual accounts. 밲X� is associated, in the minds of the FIB-Carson City people, with the Phoenix Institute, Capital Corporation and several others where there is quite a bit of money in motion. For bankers this tends to create a favorable image and maintain a good relationship with those people who serve us most efficiently.

We do not, however, allow any money to come to rest in any bank account until it has been first invested in gold and the gold used as collateral to borrow the money which is then put in the bank temporarily until we can get it invested in a project, hopefully a project that will not only survive in hard economic times but will either provide profit or a barterable commodity. The benefit of this is that the economic collapse or emergency conditions that create havoc with banking should result in much higher prices for the gold which can be either sold or, depending upon advice, further leveraged to obtain more money to use in the projects (including printing and audio taping and translating).

If the gold is to be sold it can be done through the banks that hold it as collateral and the money brought back into the corporation bank account with greater assurance than is likely for an individual, or even a corporation operating alone, i.e., not as a part of a group of corporations such as we have here.

You are quite right about the FDIC, especially in an economic collapse or emergency game. But that might not come right away. (H: DO NOT COUNT ON THIS--YOU ARE IN GREAT AND URGENT STATE OF FLUX.)

In the meantime it doesn뭪 뱇ook� smart to leave more than $100,000 in ANY bank account. (H: NO INDEED--YOU WILL GET, IF ANYTHING, ONLY MERE CENTS ON THE DOLLAR WHEN THE RUG IS PULLED OUT.) We have to be reminded that the Fed game in the past few years has been to grab all the taxes collected (as interest on the 뱊ational debt�) while running the debt as high as possible with deliberate deficit spending to create more debt upon which to collect interest. There is no known limit to the amount that can be 밷orrowed from the Fed� (read 밠I� or 뱈oney growth� or 밹redit issued� or 밹urrency issued�).

The point is: the Fed, with the cooperation of other cartel banks, can sustain the bubble for a lot longer than we might think if it is in their best interest. Right now it appears there is pressure from both Russia and Israel to keep it going a bit longer, albeit ever teetering on the edge of disaster every day. Also, it seems likely that the various factions are not really paying much attention to 뱓he goyim� (all others) since there appear to be so few even rubbing their (our) eyes; it seems more likely that they regard us as easily taken care of whenever they need to once they have solved their internal problem as to who really gets to be King.

The solution to your situation would seem easy enough. If your funds come into the Institute they can be invested in gold while the Notes can be given to 밲X� This is already the case with Notes XXXXX. Ordinarily, at this point the Institute is responsible for the funds (pursuant to the Notes) and uses its own discretion as to the best use of the funds and which project accounts in which to disperse them. It appears that you prefer to retain greater control of the use of the funds borrowed against the gold purchased with your funds or that you prefer to select projects for direct investment without using the gold 밿nsurance� technique. If you can tell us which you prefer then we can try to work out a different arrangement in variation from the 뱒tandard�.

Perhaps you can give me a call after you뭭e had a chance to read . . . . . etc.�

I think readers will find this helpful even without details of the original conversation. As things tighten down we must get information to you as rapidly as possible and you can formulate your own further questions. Thank you.

I need to know as quickly as possible about space available in the paper for further outlaying of the Soviet situation. I have approximately six to seven additional pages (in calculation) necessary to finish this portion of the matter in clarity. This information is simply too important to hold for book (JOURNAL) publication and yet, the paper is also overfilled. We will do the best we can and I will work any way possible to fit either or both to your needs.

Hatonn to clear the circuit. Thank you for your attention and I give great appreciation for the back-up I am receiving as confirmation is absolutely pouring in--I wish there were facilities to share every portion for it is the very 뱎roof� you have been awaiting. So be it--God shall determine far better than can we who have limitations upon our service.

PJ 38
THURS., OCTOBER 10, 1991 8:53 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 055

We will finish the writing, hopefully, regarding the Soviet 뱒tatus� this day. First, I am requesting that the name of the paper be changed to reflect more pointed direction. Please allow us to call the paper THE PHOENIX LIBERATOR. It may seem illogical at present but will be recognized for its purpose as we move along through the ensuing months. Oberli, please incorporate the label.

My first gratitude this day is to John Coleman who is hearing me loud and clear and responding in kind. Thank you for the backup on the 밄ible� interpretations for I have not time to cause Dharma to do such research. You are children of the lie for long generations and you must see beyond the prattlings laid forth by your would-be Kings or you shall never find freedom upon the planet. The Christ is of the realms of God and CANNOT have been perpetrator of such hogwash--he who follows blindly such erroneous and impossibly unreasonable projections of MAN will indeed be lost. I do not choose it to be this way--YOU CONTINUE TO CHOOSE TO LIVE WITHIN THE LIES OF PHYSICAL RESTRICTION, WARS AND BLOODSHED. IF YOU RECOGNIZE GOD YOU CANNOT PERCEIVE THAT GOD WOULD DO OR BE ANY OF THE THINGS LAID FORTH FOR YOU IN THE BOOKS OF MEN.

The Constitutional Law Center is now operational and on the yesterday we had council and as quickly as the ones who will direct get back to us with information, we will present it gladly on the front page of this publication. These ones will come with an additional 25,000 names for receiving information. I believe, dear ones, that we will need to move to two presentations, at least, per week in the near future for we still do not have space for all the information flow. At some point we need to combine resources with other publications for so much valid information is reaching such a restricted audience.

I am asked if we would join with SPOTLIGHT. No, it is a Khazarian publication and you will find that Khazarian leaders are inputting more and more manipulated information. The author in point with John is a matter in point. That person뭩 material is being run now, on a regular basis. This is a feminist activist and although much of her work is good, it is NOT what we are about. We have no platform save the CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA--ONE NATION UNDER GOD. You need no other for all the protections as included through your Bill of Rights are sufficient cover for all. When ones start building platforms based on any other input or personal desires for self or groups--RUN--in the other direction. I urge Bo Gritz to consider this most carefully for he is set up as a tool.

When highly touted ones, such as Tom Valentine of the radio are enticed to run with the Colonel for 뱕ice president�, you are in serious trouble. These ones throughout that entire organization are totally controlled. Ones who bring truth in open manifestation are never allowed on the program no matter that which APPEARS to be. The Editor is Khazarian and the entire publication moves to unbalance in projection. The Liberty Lobby actually does almost nothing to 뱖orse�; and the Populist Party has such holes in the planks that the stage is falling through. Any and all may support anything that they wish or choose--I will not support it however. Your Constitution, based upon Godly behavior and the Laws of God as laid forth, even though crudely, is sufficient. If you tend to only bring forth another 뱎ower� broker I ask that you leave God뭩 Hosts out of the correlation. It is far too easy for a patriot to become a chauvinist, which means a patriot to the point of total fanaticism (right or wrong). God is sufficient to your needs if you turn to where and who God IS and stop your seeking and believing AMONG MEN. God is WITHIN, not running around in a political or Biblical free-for-all. So be it.


Let us not move on without a bit of humor. When you watch news programs what do you think? On CNN yesterday evening the subject and pictures centered on more 밪tealth� bombers. The pictures were grand (and reruns of long past) and then the coup de grs: 밫he stealth bomber can be seen on radar, etc., but it can뭪 be seen well enough to shoot it down!� Is that something like being �...just a little bit pregnant�? By today they had 밹aught� the obvious idiotture and polished the presentation to look a bit better--although you cannot totally obscure such a big and expensive worthless piece of junk.

Next, comes announcement of moving the first shipments of toxic nuclear waste into the receiving center in New Mexico only to have a statement 15 minutes later that the project has been stopped for further investigation. It has only been in investigation for a decade so what else is new except robbery of your bank accounts?


Please, I do not speak of ALL lawyers but I shall tell you of that which the adversary뭩 lawyer (Horn through the RTC) is doing in the case of my scribe. He is deliberately writing interpretations of 뱋rders� and acting irrationally in order that response becomes a demand--which in each instance gleans a minimum of $3,000--paid by the RTC within 10 days to the lawyer. I believe you are now requested to add some $70 billion to the RTC fund and THIS IS WHY. The orchestration is to end up with total control of all property but, moreover, it is to add billions of dollars to the court system and the larders of the attorneys in the fray. There are millions of similar (to this case) in litigation being handled in the same manner with postponements and continuations into infinity to allow for milking the agency and you, totally dry. It is up to you that which you will do about it but I suggest all attorneys who are appalled at this legal behavior speak up and maybe consider going back to Constitutional law. If you are in the legal system and wish to participate in the 뱊etwork� of trained Constitutional lawyers, please contact the Center. You have become the laughing stock of the planet. Your nation has lost all integrity and respect and is recognized as 밚ittle Israel� throughout the world. So be it and good luck, and I suggest you stop asking God to give you 뱖hat you deserve as a humanitarian nation� or you MIGHT JUST GET WHAT YOU DESERVE AS THAT IS THE WAY THE DIRECTION SEEMS TO FLOW AND I BELIEVE YOU WILL BE MOST SURPRISED AT THAT WHICH IS RECEIVED.

Watch closely WHO crosses Bush and involves themselves with the hearings, etc. You will note a full-fledged onslaught of Khazarian power brokers.

By the way, citizens, being a Christian has nothing to do with any MAN, not even Immanuel (Jesus, as you call him). Christianity is a 뱒tate of being� and you had best look at who, how, why, what, when and where you are no longer even allowed to bear your 밹hristian� symbols--not even on your Holy Christmas. Separation of church and state? No, separation of you from God and even the memory, in time, shall be passed away as to what such a holiday was. Note that alongside the flag of the U.S. and U.N. flag on CNN when speaking of the Middle East conflict there is projected the Israeli (blue turban) flag--even when the subject does not so much as mention the label, Israel. All this while the Bear to the North waits. Ponder it most carefully.

Let us move now to the subject of Soviets as being brought forth in this series of presentations.


The Soviets have tens of thousands of KGB agents world-wide devoted specifically to disinformation and propaganda in the world media. Of tens of thousands of KGB agents in America, James Tyson in TARGET AMERICA estimates that about 2,000 function within the US media. I support that number but only as to 뱈inimum�--there are more. TASS, the Soviet official news disinformation agency, has bureaus in at least 126 countries--staffed almost exclusively by the KGB. And remember what I told you--you have more KGB members in your CIA than you have Americans.

The Novosti Press Agency has some 3,000 employees around the world (mostly KGB) who feed information and reports into over 4,000 information services worldwide. Novosti publishes thousands of books, two dozen illustrated magazines, in some 45 languages, in foreign countries around the world, 12 in India. Novosti publishes magazines and newspapers which are even printed in Libya, in 32 different African countries and distributes millions of copies of books, newspapers and magazines in Europe and North America.

The Soviets know that the best dissemination of propaganda lies in supplying properly edited TV news reels and newspaper galley proofs to Western media outlets. Westerners, in turn, are impressed that glasnost 밶llows� this and eagerly transmit or publish everything with no thought or questions as to the validity of the material--almost all of which is carefully prepared by the KGB and/or fronts thereof.

The TASS News Agency is the outlet on which all the world relies for its information about the Soviet Union. TASS produces tens of thousands of communiques, magazine and news articles, programs and commentaries each year, which appear to be unbiased and objective, but which are in fact clever, sophisticated disinformation or propaganda pushing the present Soviet thinking, strategy, or manipulations. These are in turn fed into tens of thousands of Western and Third World media outlets and reach an audience of billions of unsuspecting people worldwide.

This disinformation is virtually always what the Western, especially American, audience wants to hear. Presently it is dwelling on the collapse of the Soviet economy, the dissolution of communist parties, chaos in Eastern Europe, the end of communist regimes, the dissolution of the Soviet empire, etc. All of these things are blatant lies as can be seen from the destruction in the Soviet 밷loc�. It is noteworthy that there is almost a total ABSENCE of any information on the Soviet military. You have some blatherings about slashing nuclear 뱒tuff� which is just a foolish facade to distract you. THIS IS NOT BY ACCIDENT!


As late as 1988 there are published data showing amazing Soviet economic strength in many areas--strength that runs completely counter to all appearances that the USSR is a total economic basket‑case. Come on, Americans, look at their own pictures. The touting is that everyone is destitute and starving--but look at the pictures of robust, well-groomed and carefully clothed ladies and men. Good jackets against the cold, even lovely stylish furs, etc. Then you will see a bunch of worn and shabby persons--usually those pictures are reused and reused for illustration. Forget it--don뭪 you believe that they are also showing pictures of Americans in just the right manner to get what they want from you? They show affluence to show you have funds to give them and yet they show your corruption and homeless to impact when they point up the better system 뱓hey� have. YOU lead the pack with homelessness, for other nations provide housing and the numbers will increase to incredible numbers. The intent is to render the citizens helpless and dependent totally upon government for your very survival.

A few examples of Soviet versus American production numbers are noteworthy: Overall production is 80% of America뭩; natural gas production--139% of America뭩; iron (cast)--286% of America뭩; steel--214% of America뭩; iron ore--504% of America뭩; mineral fertilizers--162% of America뭩; tractor units--463% of America뭩; cement--168% more; cotton fabrics--293% more; woolen fabrics--515% more; sugar--149%; railway freight--273%; students in universities and colleges--83%; number of physicians--218%; beds in hospitals--369%--and the people can get medical care for free! YOU HAVE BEEN HOODWINKED, AMERICA!

Soviet grain production statistics for last year and this, have been vastly understated--they had crops which were plowed under because of lack of harvest interest. You have been led to believe that the Soviets are technical/industrial/financial buffoons. Phoo! They have Cosmospheres which are comparable to some alien cosmic craft. Over half of the engineers in the world are in the Soviet Union and apply themselves to their work and not to getting on the dole of pecking order and/or criminal deceiving. The average Soviet university graduate is so above and beyond in education than the average U.S. university graduate today that there is no longer any basis for comparison. Your students are being trained to know nothing, much less engineering mathematics. The Soviets produce 2-1/2 to 3 times more world patents per year than do Americans. They already have a powerhouse based on 뱎lasma� (not blood)--a self-generating powerhouse like the sun. But you fall hook, line and sinker for the lies and your own government publishes the lies for your consumption for they serve in conjunction with the aliens of the Soviet and Zionists.

If you 밽ood� Mormons dislike my use of the word, I suggest you take note that your 밹hurch� is in total integration with the Zionists of Israel and are represented at the White House Level in the form of Brent Scowcroft and your Congressmen--your heritage from God has also been stolen and you awaken too late to help yourselves for your 뱑eligion� locks you into the 뱒ecret� society which destroys you. GOD IS OPEN AS THE LIGHT OF DAY!

The Soviets built the first nuclear power plant--you were much later. Chernobyl was a much older installation and you are headed for the same 뱓ime� related problems in your systems because you, too, utilize those plants for beam research and projections. In the 1950뭩, to look at other technology, the Soviets built a very capable nuclear powered 밿cebreaker�. They are presently deploying a 밪tar Wars� type of space-based defense system that America has chosen to ignore and the reason becomes most obvious, does it not? They have operational space stations in outer space, on the moon, Mars and many other interesting placements--for military purposes (oh groan--). America cannot 밶fford� to put up one and if you do, the 밷ig bear brother� takes it out. They have Cosmospheres which can annihilate anything you have in the air or on the surface or under the earth.

But for more 밺own-to-earth� examples, they have an operational rocket that lifts a 100-ton payload into outer space versus a 32-ton maximum rocket payload America can lift, a 3-to-1 edge in lifting capacity. They have built the largest military air transport in the world, far larger than America뭩 C5A Galaxy. They even developed the game America calls favorite--NINTENDO! Surprised?? They build a nuclear submarine worth over $3 BILLION every SIX WEEKS that surpasses anything the American뭩 produce. Their weapons industry is 5-10 times the size of your own, turns out weapons that in many instances are as sophisticated or moreso, than are yours and in 5 to 6 times the quantity of your own. And note, you are shutting down your industrial production plants and/or moving them abroad which is increasing unemployment to monstrous and incalculable levels.

Financially they may not be the incompetents you perceive them to be either, in that they always best you pricewise on large commodities deals--they are actually very sophisticated market operators, or manipulators. When they sell gold, as the world뭩 third largest producer, at least, they sell into strength to maximize their profits. All attempts to lower prices sufficiently to block sales become worthless measures. The Soviet economy is actually less vulnerable to the coming depression in the West than your own because they do not have a huge internal debt pyramid to collapse as you do--and they even got you to print and distribute the new 뱖orld currency� trial balloon! America뭩 debt is 15 trillion and rising. Most Soviet debt is international--owed to the West and guess what--who gets stuck if they don뭪 pay--which they won뭪, and you can뭪 do a thing about it.

Furthermore, a major deflationary economic (price) collapse in the Soviet Union is unlikely because the government owns everything and controls all prices. People cannot dump assets or investments to get liquid--they don뭪 own any! You on the other hand, precipitate a mandatory deflationary depression because of just the opposite. I don뭪 care what your economists tell you--they also lie deliberately to save their own incomes and delude you into false security in a market that teeters on manipulated collapse. You always are asking me, 밐ow much time do we have?� and 밯hat shall I do for protection?� I tell you what you might do to help and you go straight to that 밷roker� and he tells you otherwise and most of you turn from God to the broker, so don뭪 bother me with the question. WHAT DO YOU THINK? HOW LONG DO YOU THINK THE SYSTEM CAN SUSTAIN ITSELF? WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU ARE IN THIS OBVIOUS WORLD GRAB? NEVER MIND WHAT I THINK--WHAT IN HEAVEN뭆 NAME DO YOU THINK?

The Soviets are not major exporters--they consume most of their production. But they ARE major importers, and import prices will drop sharply in a depression. The Soviet economy will be relatively insulated from a Western global depression.

Remember the point? I remind you: Sun Tsu, the Chinese military strategist whom the Soviet leaders idolize, said: 밯hen at your pinnacle of strength, feign weakness.�

The Soviets may not be at their pinnacle of economic strength for they never yet have been, but neither are they the economic shambles you believe them to be. Technically/industrially and financially incompetents which is portrayed is totally Soviet disinformation. They are very near the pinnacle in all facets and are so far head and shoulders beyond any other nation on the globe as to be considered such.

The reason the Soviets are seeking massive Western financial aid is not need, as much as the desire to destroy the fragile U.S. and Western economies by overstretching your resources. A hundred billion or more in international loans to the USSR suddenly defaulted (which is exactly the way it will be) would precipitate a total financial collapse in the West--only the bankers would win, especially those bankers working totally and wholly with the Soviets/Zionists/Khazarians--REMEMBER THE BANK OF INTERNATIONAL SETTLEMENTS IN SWITZERLAND??

I would say that from my observations, the Soviets are at the pinnacle of military strength and that strength is growing daily against the West. You had best go back and remember what one, General MacArthur once said: 밒t is most dangerous to underestimate your enemy�. Well, you have--as a people. Your government knows exactly what are the facts and continues to trade your nation and your lives for their own lofty evil position. Frankly told--as a working PART OF THE PLAN.

Remember what I told you: Assume that everything is the opposite of what it appears to be. Also, keep in mind, that only if you still OWN THE GUNS, can you still own the country! BEWARE!


As a refresher, I will speak to this issue again so that your perspective is not lost. On that beauteous Monday, August 19, Mikhail Gorbachev was ostensibly overthrown in a coup by military, KGB and Communist Party 밾ardliners� not satisfied with the results as things were going. Within three days, the coup fell apart, the eight coup leaders were arrested, or so it was stated, and Gorby was restored to power. While the Communist and world press as well as Bush and other Western leaders trumpeted the genuineness of the coup (which any fool [excepting politicians and liars] could see was a clumsy and stupid set-up) and counter-coup, let us note some very strange aspects to the entire affair that forces the conclusion that the coup was staged.

1. The U.S. and world press warned about the coming coup (and the next one) for several days leading up to August 19 and Bush even expressed 뱊o concern or surprise�. How often do real coup leaders give the international press advance plans and dates along with the blueprints? Western intelligence (who can뭪 pinpoint nuclear weapons installations) knew of the coup several MONTHS in advance and love telling the story. In spite of the advance publicity of the coup, Gorbachev made no moves to head it off or avert it but rather, like Bush, went on to vacationland.

2. All of the eight coup leaders were Gorbachev appointees and confidants.

3. Coup leader Gennady Yanayev referred to himself only as 밶cting president� and spoke of Gorbachev returning to power after recovering from 밾is illness�. By the way, none of the so-called 뱒uicides� ever were presented in body-form. You will see some miraculous resurrections coming along any day now.

4. The coup leaders did not cut the internal or international communication lines--something which is ALWAYS DONE in a coup or revolutionary upheaval. In fact, Gorbachev even had his son take vacation pictures during the coup incarceration and continued with his speechmaking uninterrupted. Even the actor chosen to play his role was a poor imitation arriving at an airport--I am embarrassed for it would be hoped you were getting more sophisticated than accepting such blatant misinformation.

5. The coup leaders made no attempt to control the press--neither the Soviet nor the foreign press stationed in Russia--which had 밹omplete access� to international phone lines throughout the coup and were encouraged to utilize same. The press expected to have no facilities so the Soviets told them the lines were open and would be made totally available without delays.

6. Anti-coup leaders such as Yeltsin had access to international phone lines and operations throughout the coup.

7. Only an embarrassingly minimal number of troops were utilized throughout the 뱇argest and most important coup in history�, and troops loyal to Yeltsin were sent to surround Yeltsin in the Parliament building.

8. The airports were ALL LEFT OPEN.

9. Water, electricity and phone lines in the Parliament building were never so much as interrupted.

10. In a legitimate coup, the KGB would have killed Yeltsin, Gorbachev and other reform leaders. The KGB is made up of not very nice people noted for their terror tactics. Do you believe that suddenly they all found God? No attempt was ever even made to arrest Yeltsin, but the coup plotters did arrest Godiyan, a well-known ENEMY OF GORBACHEV.

11. The only casualties were accidents! This was followed by hugging and kissing and celebration where some 밺isappear� for a while and the others are glorified totally out of all proportion. Coups are dirty business, friends, and with the KGB involved it would be total disaster and a bloodletting like the world has never yet seen.

The president of Soviet Georgia came forth after the coup and accused Gorbachev, openly, of having masterminded the whole thing, and over 65% of the Soviet people believe the coup was a fake. Even Eduard Shevardnadze said that Gorby 뱈ay have been behind the coup�. Certainly the ones gaining--gained! You see, there is always the ego-trip that interferes with full non-disclosure for the perpetrators of such a massive production always tell on themselves for they want recognition of their cleverness--it is a sign of the adversary.

If Gorbachev could be seen as wresting control of the nation from reactionaries and restoring constitutional authority, his popularity and legitimacy among the people would rise. It was hoped that the coup and counter coup would quiet the restive Soviet people--holding out hope for improvement of their living conditions.

The coup and counter coup would raise the credibility of the Soviet reform/democracy/glasnost/perestroika movement in Western eyes, opening up the floodgates for even more financial and high tech aid. The 밄ush뭩� of the world could say: 밪ee, our good friend, Gorby, and the Soviet forces of democracy just 몀issed the hardliner뭩 bullet�--now we REALLY have to help them if we want to see democracy and reform succeed and survive--Communism is dead�.

The coup was to remind the West how wonderful Gorby really is. He was losing credibility due to his huge military buildup, his killing of people in the Baltics and thus and so. After the coup, he could blame all these indiscretions on the 밾ardliners� and go right on with the uninterrupted murders.

The 뱑estoration of democracy� to the Soviet Union and the 밺emise of the hardliners� is now an excuse for the West to accelerate its disarmament and for the globalists in America, Europe, and the Soviet Union to accelerate the merger into the New World Order. This is all underway as we write. The coup and counter-coup are an excuse to launch a long overdue PURGE of hundreds of thousands of inefficient Communist Party, KGB or government bureaucrats--tens of thousands of whom will be shot or imprisoned. This purging of the Party has been done periodically since you financed the revolution in 1917. It is like pruning a tree or vine or flower to make it stronger by getting dead-wood out. That Communist Party purge is now underway in the Soviet Union and the bloodshed is massive--hidden behind the lies.

The coup and counter-coup would be the excuse for reorganizing and renaming the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, the KGB, and the USSR itself. This strategy of reorganizing, restructuring, and streamlining the Soviet Union from top to bottom has been on the drawing boards for years. Under the impetus of the coup and counter-coup this restructuring will now be done in one huge quantum leap.

Another goal was to raise Boris Yeltsin to 뱒uperstar� so that he could be thrust into leadership if the people did not rally around Gorby. Soviet theater always has an understudy for the star ready to be brought on stage at a moment뭩 notice--and so does the U.S. of A. in the event of Bush뭩 demise--and it won뭪 be little bird, Quayle.

The ones coerced into actually participating honestly in the coup were murdered, the others hidden away for the present time. Watch for the following: Kryuchkov, Yazov, Pavlov, Pugo, Yanayev, Baklanov, Starodubstev and Tizyakov. It will be far too much like a 밆allas� rerun of Bobby뭩 shower scene. And do you still believe that errors of identification could not be made in your Holy Bible? Dear ones, get with the show!

It doesn뭪 matter which as far as the Soviets are concerned--this is the Communist way of life--to double-cross and liquidate their own top leadership when appropriate to further their cause. They overthrew and killed Trotsky (in Mexico, yet); they purged and executed Bukharin (Lenin뭩 closet associate and a 밾ero of the Revolution) in 1936 because he would not support Stalin뭩 perestroika in 1936 and 1937; and they executed Beria, head of the NKVD, in 1956. Kryuchkov and friends may well suffer a similar fate--sacrificed for the long-term good of the Party--it simply remains to be seen.


Indeed, numerous precedents for this type of activity. There are numerous precedents for purges, duplicity, double-crosses, and brutal executions in Soviet history since 1917. You also witnessed your own nation in play in the blatant setting up of Saddam Hussein and the Iraqis. This is going on constantly right in front of your noses and you help and wave flags and send money. There is also a precedent for a false coup as well, in Russian history. It was in 1554 when Ivan the Terrible was Czar. Ivan became distraught over his inability to remake Russia in his image. The ruling class, the 뱋ld guard�, tried to thwart him at every turn. Ivan also believed that the ruling class had murdered his wife, Anastasia. So, he packed up as if to go on vacation (see, the play changes not), and once he reached his destination, he sent word to the ruling class elite that he was abdicating the throne.

This sent a shockwave of fear through the ruling class. The peasants would revolt and they would not get any help from Ivan뭩 merchant class followers (these were Khazars by any name, as were the advisers to Ivan). So they sent word to Ivan--밅ome on back, please--please!�. He replied, 밒 will, but only on MY CONDITIONS.� They thought about it and then decided it was the lesser of evils. Ivan returned to the throne and he renewed his reform efforts with much less resistance from the ruling class as he purged the troublemakers.


You perceive that nothing went wrong? Oh dear me, yes, things went wrong to great extent. The people were supposed to rally a bit around Yeltsin but they were REALLY supposed to rally around Gorbachev. They did not! Many saw through the charade, and most would simply not forgive his six years of despotism. So, it could become advantageous to move Yeltsin and/or Shevardnaze to center stage. But remember our writings--both are hardcore, hidden Marxist-Leninists cut out of the same cloth as Gorbachev. Check out the proverb: 밫he more it changes, the more it remains the same.�

May we please take rest and then we will finish this writing even if it needs partial holding over until the next paper edition. Thank you. Dharma, I tell you so infrequently how much I cherish and appreciate your service for I, like human busy people, overlook that which allows us to prevail. You ones who work with me are so precious and you are the actual 뱋ther half� of our mission for WE ARE NOT TO ACCOMPLISH THIS TASK WITHOUT YOU. Man must come into KNOWING and so shall it be. Salu.

Hatonn to stand aside until you have a break.