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    Default PJ#038, THE DARK CHARADE

    TO COME...�



    ISBN 0-922356-53-X

    First Edition Printed by America West Publishers, 1991
    Published by
    P.O. BOX 27353
    LAS VEGAS, NV 89126
    Printed in the United States of America
    10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


    The Phoenix Journals are intended as a 뱑eal time� commentary on current events, how current events relate to past events and the relationships of both to the physical and spiritual destinies of mankind.

    All of history, as we now know it, has been revised, rewritten, twisted and tweaked by selfishly motivated men to achieve and maintain control over other men. When one can understand that everything is comprised of 밻nergy� and that even physical matter is 밹oalesced� energy, and that all energy emanates from God뭩 thought, one can accept the idea that the successful focusing of millions of minds on one expected happening will cause it to happen.

    If the many prophecies made over thousands of years are accepted, these are the 밻nd times� (specifically the year 2000, the second millennium, etc.). That would put us in the 뱒orting� period and only a few short years from the finish line. God has said that in the end-times would come the WORD--to the four corners of the world--so that each could decide his/her own course toward, or away from, divinity--based upon TRUTH.

    So, God sends His Hosts--Messengers--to present that TRUTH. This is the way in which He chooses to present it, through the Phoenix Journals. Thus, these journals are Truth, which cannot be copyrighted; they are compilations of information already available on Earth, researched and compiled by others (some, no doubt, for this purpose) which should not be copyrighted. Therefore, these journals are not copyrighted (except SIPAPU ODYSSEY which is 밼iction�).

    The first sixty or so journals were published by America West Publishing which elected to indicate that a copyright had been applied for on the theory that the ISBN number (so necessary for booksellers) was dependent upon the copyright. Commander Hatonn, the primary author and compiler, insisted that no copyrights be applied for and, to our knowledge, none were.

    If the Truth is to reach the four corners of the world, it must be freely passed on. It is hoped that each reader will feel free to do that, keeping it in context, of course.



    DEDICATION.................................................................................................... .............. 1
    INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................... ....... 2
    SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1991........................................................................... 2
    WHILE PEOPLE SLEEP BY M.J. 밨ED� BECKMAN.......................................... 4
    LIBERATION OF DEMONS................................................................................... 10
    CHAPTER 1.................................................................................................... ............... 11
    MONDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1991.............................................................................. 11
    SOVIET PERSPECTIVE......................................................................................... . 11
    MIKHAIL GORBACHEV........................................................................................ 11
    EDUARD SHEVARDNADZE................................................................................. 12
    BORIS YELTSIN............................................................................................. ......... 13
    DEVELOPMENT OF THE SCENARIO NOW 밣LAYING�............................... 16
    CORPORATION AND INVESTMENT NOTATION........................................... 18
    CHAPTER 2.................................................................................................... ............... 22
    THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1991........................................................................ 22
    STEALTH CRAFT............................................................................................... ..... 23
    LAWYERS............................................................................................. .................... 24
    THE DISINFORMATION NETWORK.................................................................. 25
    DISINFORMATION CAMPAIGN......................................................................... 26
    SOVIET FALSE COUP............................................................................................ 30
    ARE THERE PRECEDENTS?................................................................................. 34
    WHAT WENT WRONG?........................................................................................ 35
    CHAPTER 3.................................................................................................... ............... 36
    FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1991............................................................................... 36
    AND THE KGB................................................................................................. ........ 37
    RESTRUCTURING AND RENAMING................................................................. 38
    밪OCIALISM� NOW SUBSTITUTED FOR 밅OMMUNISM�.......................... 41
    REORGANIZING THE USSR................................................................................. 42
    CHAPTER 4.................................................................................................... ............... 44
    MONDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1991............................................................................ 44
    HATONN STILL ON DUTY................................................................................... 44
    WITNESS YOUR FINE SENATORS AT WORK................................................. 44
    ALL ARE WELCOME............................................................................................. 45
    UMBRELLAS IN TEJON PASS.............................................................................. 48
    OPERATION 밯ATCH TOWER�......................................................................... 49
    CUTOLO AFFIDAVIT........................................................................................... .. 51
    AMERICA IS NAKED............................................................................................. 52
    WHAT WERE THE ACTUAL ORDERS?............................................................. 53
    NEW SOVIET APPROACH.................................................................................... 55
    CHAPTER 5.................................................................................................... ............... 59
    TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1991............................................................................ 59
    NEW SOVIET FEDERATION................................................................................ 61
    FORM AND SUBSTANCE OF THIS NEW EMPIRE........................................... 64
    EXPANDED SOVIET FEDERATION.................................................................... 66
    SOVIET MILITARY BUILDUP............................................................................. 68
    CHAPTER 6.................................................................................................... ............... 70
    REVIVAL OF SUVOROV TEACHINGS............................................................... 74
    ARMS ACQUISITIONS........................................................................................ ... 75
    SOVIET WAR PLAN AGAINST AMERICA........................................................ 76
    STRONG SURVIVE............................................................................................. .... 78
    AMERICAN RUSH TO DISARM........................................................................... 81
    CHAPTER 7.................................................................................................... ............... 83
    CONCLUSIONS......................................................................................... ............... 83
    AMERICA IS IN GRAVE DANGER!!!................................................................. 83
    CHAPTER 8.................................................................................................... ............... 87
    WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1991..................................................................... 87
    ISRAEL AND THE DIASPORA............................................................................. 88
    THE BLACK HOLE OF GUYANA........................................................................ 89
    YOU KNOW THE OFFICIAL VERSION.............................................................. 89
    BUT JUST SUPPOSE IT DIDN뭈 HAPPEN THAT WAY................................... 91
    CHAPTER 9.................................................................................................... ............... 98
    THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1991........................................................................ 98
    IT HAS NOW HAPPENED...................................................................................... 98
    ISRAEL AND THE DIASPORA........................................................................... 100
    HOOK THE FACTS ON YOUR OWN STAR..................................................... 102
    HOW GEORGE SHOULD RESPOND................................................................. 107
    SO WHAT OF THE U.S. CONSTITUTION?....................................................... 108
    BILL OF RIGHTS.............................................................................................. ..... 109
    ALREADY DIVIDED INTO DISTRICTS........................................................... 111
    PAUL (SAUL OF TARSUS).................................................................................. 112
    PULL TOGETHER! ............................................................................................... 113
    CHAPTER 10.................................................................................................... .......... 115
    FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1991............................................................................. 115
    TODAY뭆 WATCH............................................................................................... . 115
    MIDEAST............................................................................................. ................... 115
    ECONOMY............................................................................................. ................ 116
    BACK TO GUYANA............................................................................................. 117
    WHO WAS JIM JONES?....................................................................................... 117
    WHAT WAS JONESTOWN?................................................................................ 123
    CHAPTER 11.................................................................................................... .......... 128
    SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1991...................................................................... 128
    TODAY뭆 WATCH............................................................................................... . 128
    ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE (ADL)............................................................. 129
    CONSTITUTION VALUE..................................................................................... 130
    ONE TOO MANY JONESTOWNS...................................................................... 130
    (AMONG OTHERS)............................................................................................. .. 132
    LUTHER KING................................................................................................ ....... 135
    AFTERMATH........................................................................................... .............. 139
    CHAPTER 12.................................................................................................... .......... 145
    THE BAPTISTS............................................................................................ .......... 146
    ECOLOGIST SNAGS RELIGION AWARD--NOBEL PRIZE!......................... 147
    WILL THE 멢EAL� GUYANA STORY PLEASE STAND UP?........................ 149
    MILITARY PURPOSE OF JONESTOWN........................................................... 151
    MUST GO BACK TO 1965 TO LAY THE PLOT............................................... 152
    ORIGINS OF THE PEOPLE뭆 TEMPLE............................................................. 154
    CHANGES IN BEHAVIOR................................................................................... 155
    CHAPTER 13.................................................................................................... .......... 157
    MAJOR TARGET.............................................................................................. ..... 157
    IN THE BEGINNING OF THE SCHEME............................................................ 159
    POOR LEO RYAN................................................................................................ .. 159
    THE BATTLE: THANKSGIVING DAY 1978.................................................... 160
    DETAILS OF THAT MASSACRE........................................................................ 163
    COUNTERS AFRAID OF DISEASE.................................................................... 164
    THE NIGHTMARE CONTINUED....................................................................... 164
    WHERE COULD THEY TAKE ALL THOSE BODIES?................................... 166
    AND HOW DID JONES MANAGE TO GET OUT?.......................................... 168
    HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN TO AN EVANGELIST?.................................... 169


    All of our writings are dedicated to all who read, hear and seek. You are encouraged to spindle, mutilate, share, copy and utilize the books and papers as you see fit. I might remind you, however, that they are coming forth from the Hosts sent to fulfill the promise of THE WORD.

    The messages are hard--difficult to comprehend in their massive outlay of uncovering of the lies. But we are come to 뱒how the way�; not to judge or be judged.

    Upon your place you have despair and evil control--but you have no enemy remaining in the outer spaces called 밅osmos�. Your enemy is confined to the places of the physical--bound unto your density.

    We are asked why we utilize copyrights if we also invite you to copy the work. Because the publisher has to have identification with registration with your Library of Congress--as a publisher. WE DO NOT COPYRIGHT IN THE MANNER YOU SEEM TO INTERPRET. TRUTH CANNOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO BE HIDDEN NOR GARNERED TO BE HANDED OUT FOR GAIN OF SELF-WEALTH FOR THAT IS NOT OF GOD. BLESSINGS ARE UPON ALL WHO WILL TAKE AND USE THIS INFORMATION AS GOD DIRECTS YOUR ACTIONS.

    We shall be outlaying the true development of alien presence among your own beings as we move along--but first you must know that which is 뱖rong� with the workings of the governments so that you can live in freedom to come into understanding of that which awaits revealing. Thank you.

    PJ 38

    SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1991 9:39 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 072
    SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1991

    As we sit to pen an 밒ntroduction� to this JOURNAL, the myriads of subjects swim through the ethers. All are charades played upon the sleeping masses by those who NEVER sleep. There are endless stories, each as cruel in its intent of deceit--but time limits our ability to cover ALL. We are destined by your limitations to focus on that which allows you to reason carefully and find the truth from the lies. Herein lies the 밪ins of the father being visited upon the sons.� As 뱓he fathers� built the lie, acted the lie and lived the lie--so, too, are the sons trapped within the LIE. We can unveil that which is and has occurred, but you will have to 밼ix� it if it be fixed. Ours is but to show the way--not force upon you, the journey.

    A person has written a letter to the ones who bring forth the 밣hoenix� writings and dares me to print the letter in the paper. As always with those who bash at truth-bringers, he speaks loudly of the farce of the information, then gives away his own orientation and then in the cowardly fashion as is always present in the group of rock-throwers--gives no name, no address. These ones open no debate or offer to reason together--they simply dip their pens in the poison and scatter them at random to hit whomever they might. Well, the seriousness of your 뱓imes� upon the globe are so serious in perception and anticipation of that which is unfolding that the letters of this type bring only compassion for the blinded who REFUSE to see--to so much as 밹onsider� possibilities. These are the ones who lose ALL for you will note the very heritage of this being is already stolen from him and too late will he see the truth of it. The son will simply perish for the 뱒ins of the father� who taught so carelessly that which he, himself, received from the deceitful mouths of deceivers.

    I just tried to read your semi-incoherrent (incoherent, Ed.) newspaper--seems to me it was written by someone bordering on illiteracy.
    Whoever wrote that rag is not even good at telling lies. The babbling falsehoods venemously (venomously, Ed.) spewed forth by an obviously deranged individual is very poorly written and almost impossible to follow.
    Keep up the good work. As long as these poisonous fabrications appear to be written by a lunatic, sensible people will continue to laugh it off as several levels below ridiculous.
    By the way, one quote in your paper is correct, (probably only one sentence--see page 10, 4th line. [H: The writer did not bother to quote the sentence so I am a bit at a disadvantage--but he continues to sum up our level of intelligence in his perception.] If you people are typical of 밎oyim� (and, bless the lord, you are not) then 밫he Goyim have lost the habit of thinking�. You are proof.
    Lyndon LaRouche and his closest followers should rue the day of their eventual deaths (we all die, even old Lyndon, one day) because the lord will be seeking powerful vengence (vengeance, Ed.) on these twisted minds.

    SIGNED--Someone who is laughing at you.

    Publish this letter to the editor in your next edition if you have the guts.

    I have the guts, sir; I hope you are as well prepared for that which the 뱋nes who claim to be your brother� have in store for you. I am not in understanding of that which the PHOENIX JOURNALS have to do with Lyndon LaRouche--EXCEPT, THAT A MAN IS INCARCERATED AFTER HAVING BEEN DELIBERATELY, AND ADMITTEDLY, SET UP BY THE JEWISH ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE--FOR UTILIZING HIS OWN TIME, MONEY AND RIGHT TO FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION, PRESS AND SPEECH!

    You, dear corespondent--are very fortunate indeed that there is no one to cause you to so much as look at the PHOENIX LIBERATOR or any of the JOURNALS which so distress you. It most certainly is NOT YOUR BRETHREN WHO INSURES YOU THAT RIGHT FOR THOSE ONES HAVE DEPRIVED YOU OF ANY FREEDOM WHATSOEVER, OF SPEECH, PRESS AND/OR MEDIA. AND YOU FURTHER THE BONDAGE.

    Yes, indeed, ALL do die--I know wherein I shall dwell upon that journey--where might YOU be? I will, further, bring all brothers who will come with me into safety--into that security--it is obvious that you will take no one who disagrees with your intent. You might find your journey unpleasant and indeed lonely. I do not 밷last� you, sir, I have infinite compassion for I know the road and you do not. I can only assume you will be reading another issue of the paper since you dared us to print your message. Blessings in the Light of God, friend--I am happy to share your message.


    This is another brave patriot whom I greatly honor. I am going to reprint a message presented by Mr. Beckman, who is an author and whose books can be obtained through COMMON SENSE PRESS, P.O. Box 1544, Billings, Montana 59013. Mr. Beckman is a frequent lecturer and I can only ask that if you have opportunity to hear him, that you do so. You are not alone in your awakening, dear ones, as there are brave men and women who have awakened and are ringing your alarm clocks as loudly as they can--they are blessed indeed.

    I look forward to one day soon, serving with this, another of my comrades who is given into his mission and is willing to take the consequences of his stand for freedom and truth. I dedicate this JOURNAL unto him. I reprint his message for you often hear more clearly from one of your own which you can feel and rest your eyes upon. I do suggest you grow beyond that limitation for without the limiting, lies the answer!

    Quote: (Thank you, 밨ed� Beckman)

    From the courtrooms of America we hear a chant, �It뭩 the Law�, it뭩 the Law�, �it뭩 the Law�!! The sheriff and his deputies tell us, �It뭩 the Law�, �it뭩 the Law�, �it뭩 the Law�!! The F.B.I. and Highway Patrol and all of government seems to have taken up the cry: �It뭩 the Law�, �It뭩 the Law�, �It뭩 the Law�!! But the people sleep on.

    When, oh! when will we learn a very important lesson from history? Governments NEVER sleep. The people sleep and while they sleep the government becomes a thief. Governments become monsters while people sleep. The people of Hitler뭩 Germany went through a hell on earth and bled and died because their government became a thief while the people slept.

    Will the people of America sleep on while our government continues to fatten itself with stolen power? Will America wake up TOO LATE? Is it too late already? It is too late if you read this and then go back to sleep. It is too late if you as an American do not immediately begin to enforce the law. Yes YOU, the individual citizen, must right now begin to enforce the law.

    Now you뭨e just beginning to get the sleep out of your eyes and because you have been sleeping for a long time, I had better explain a thing or two.

    First of all, you were a student in the public, oops, I mean, government school. The government likes to run the schools because they want you to sleep very soundly. They want you to believe that while you sleep the government will be taking care of all your needs and you don뭪 ever need to wake up.

    The government school did not teach you that man뭩 worst enemy has always been his own government. Think about it. Who was the enemy of the people in Hitler뭩 Germany? the people of World War II, Japan or the people in Russia and China of our day? Man뭩 worst enemy has not been famine, disease or weather! People are destroyed by their own governments over and over again as history repeats itself again and again.

    Now your mind is starting to function as you sit up on the edge of the bed. Yes, I뭢 talking to you! You have been sleeping for so long and now I must brief you rather quickly.

    While you slept the government has been writing and passing a lot of laws which have been stealing your most precious possession. Your FREEDOM has been taken from you while you slept. You will go to work today and work until noon for government. In 1979 while you were sleeping the government confiscated their half of the wealth created by the people. You will work for your government the first four hours of the day and when you get home you will accuse your second employer of the day of not paying enough to live on. We think we are wide awake as we go through the motions of being an American but the truth is we have been sleeping and the thief has been working. You have had half of your paycheck stolen and you didn뭪 even know it.

    If a person becomes a thief that person is a criminal. If a government becomes a thief, do you not have a criminal government? But the Government says, 밯e wrote the law which gives us the legal right to force the citizen to work half of every day for the government.�

    Are you awake enough now to ask the big question? What kind of laws have been passed while I뭭e been sleeping? Oh! Oh! what a shock. The people were free and the government was the servant when you went to sleep but while you slept the government took your freedom and you are now the servant.

    You뭨e saying this can뭪 happen in America, the home of the brave and free. You are saying the Congress will solve the problem. The president can turn it around and we can always depend on the courts to protect us.

    Now I뭠l have to pour this bucket of ice water over your head because it뭩 quite easy to see that it will take some shock to really get you alert and alive.

    While you slept you were a sleep walker and you made your way to the voting booth and voted for your Congressman and Senator and even a President. You always voted for the candidates who promised you the most from the public treasury. The pleasant dream of something for nothing makes us wish we could sleep and sleep and sleep.

    The pleasant dreams, the dream world of a free lunch always becomes a nightmare in the real world. We thought if the Congress and the President don뭪 do their job then the courts will be the check that will bring the system back to balance. Good old Alma Mater, they taught me about checks and balances. We don뭪 have thing to worry about. We have a legislative branch, executive branch and a judicial branch of government. Each is a check against the other and everything will balance beautifully and the government-run Alma Mater sings rock-a-bye baby in the tree tops.

    We뭭e still got the courts, you say, and they will protect me while I sleep. The problem with the court, my sleepy friend, is that while you were sleep walking, you served on a jury at the Federal Courthouse. You see, the judges and U.S. attorneys like to have you sleepwalkers on the jury because they work for the government and they take twelve sleepwalkers and PRESTO! they have a rubber stamp that serves government very well.

    While you were on the jury you said 멺uilty� when a wide awake neighbor of yours was on trial as a tax protestor. You complain and grumble because you have to work half of every day for the government. Your pleasant dream has become a nightmare뭩 kick as government rules and regulations seem to break your back and your will. Yes, you were a sleepwalker on the jury and you gave a lot of power to the I.R.S. when you said 멺uilty�. You gave the I.R.S. the power to take your own money. You are now scared to death of the I.R.S. and you did it to yourself, you dreamer.

    If you are now awake enough to think, let me tell you how we must act and act quickly. We must take a crash (5 minute) course in Civics.

    First of all, we must remember that our government was to be governed by Law. The government school did not stress that point. The Law which the people wrote to govern the government is the Constitution of the United States. The Constitution was a law designed and written to protect the people from their own government.

    The Constitution gives the government the right to make laws to govern the people, but we are to have a government of, by, and for the people so the Constitution gives the government no power to enforce the law which government writes. Any citizen who violates a government criminal statute can not be tried by the government because the law (Constitution) says that the government must go to a Grand Jury (the people) for an indictment (permission to prosecute--5th amendment). If the Grand Jury gives the indictment, the Law says that the citizen has the right to a jury trial (6th Amendment).

    The Law!! The Law!! We, the people, must make the government obey the law (the Constitution). You cannot enforce the law, which governs the government, unless you know what the law says and means. The Constitution of the United States is law which the President, the Congress and the courts must obey or they become a criminal government. How do the people keep our government legal? Very simple, if you are wide awake. You will judge the law which government puts on the back of the people. The Law (Constitution) has put the Grand Jury and Jury into our system to give the people checks that are the greatest checks of all in our system of checks and balances. If you are on the Grand Jury or the Jury and your fellow citizen is being charged with a violation of a government-made law, are you going to be a rubber stamp? Or will you be a check? Is the government-made law a just law, a good law and is it a Constitutional law?

    I can just hear the government judge, lawyers and politicians screaming. They will say the citizen doesn뭪 have the right to judge the law. Let me ask you some simple questions. How many honest lawyers do you know? How many dishonest lawyers do you know? Can we trust the legal profession to be the guardians of our law? Do we have a government of, by , and for lawyers?

    The Supreme Court of the United States is made up of nine lawyers. Everyone of the nine were political appointees of the President of the United States. These nine lawyers 뱒ay� they have the final say on the law. These men are tax-consuming government employees who are claiming the powers of a sovereign (YOU).

    These men do not have the final say on the law. They are NOT SOVEREIGN. They are your and my SERVANTS. They are to be governed by the Constitution of the United States and while you an I were in our dream world these men have made an illegal grab for power and our dream world has become a nightmare. I hope that nightmare has jolted you wide awake.

    I hope you are now wide awake. Get registered to vote if you aren뭪 registered. We need angry Americans on the Grand Juries and Juries and you must be registered to vote to be called for Jury duty. Are you going to be a rubber stamp for the government? Are we going to let government write the law, administer the law, judge the law? Are you now awake enough to realize that that has now happened and we now have government of, by and for Government? The Constitution is hanging by a thread and that thread is in the hands of sleep walkers on Grand Jury and Jury duty. Will you help wake up these fellow Americans?

    Let뭩 get ourselves informed. When you become informed you can then remind the government and those tax-consuming public servants that 뱓he Constitution is the law!�, and we, the people, have the power to enforce that law. We, the people, have not enforced the law which governs government and we now have too much government, we have bad government.

    If you get called for Grand Jury or regular Jury duty you must remember a simple fact. The law in America explicitly prohibits the President, the Congress or the Judges to ever be anything but a public servant. One person on the Jury has more power than the President, all of Congress and all of the Judges including the nine Justices of the Supreme Court. It뭩 the law!---It뭩 the law!

    We need millions of Americans who will take up this chant--�It뭩 the Law,� and government must obey the law. For too long no one has enforced the law which the people wrote to control and govern our government.

    In the American Revolution there was a humorous little saying that is as good for today as then. 밇ither we hang together or we all hang separately.� We have been allowing the government to hang us individually but now our backs are to the wall, and we are going to hang together. The Grand Jury and the Jury will now protect their fellow American and we will hang together.

    It뭩 the Law�, �It뭩 the Law�, we must let the government and our servants know that they must obey the Law.

    (Permission to reprint granted and encouraged)

    Why don뭪 you get a bit more insight by obtaining 밨ed뭩� books, BORN AGAIN REPUBLIC, DO UNTO THE I.R.S. AS THEY WOULD DO UNTO YOU, and THE CHURCH DECEIVED.


    The history of mankind is the history of ideas. For it is ideas, theories, and doctrines that guide human action, determine the ultimate ends men aim at and the choice of the means employed for the attainment of these ends. The sensational events which stir the emotions and catch the interest of superficial observers are merely the consummation of ideological changes. There are no such things as abrupt sweeping transformation of human affairs. You had best be aware and alert when at this very time in his writing, for instance, Gorbachev says he does not abandon Socialism--know that he means what he says and plans to have a socialistic world under total force and control.

    What is called, in misleading terms, a 뱓urning point in history� is the coming on the scene of forces which were already for a long time at work behind the scene. New ideologies, which had already long since superseded the old ones, throw off their last veil, and even the dullest people become aware of the changes which they did not notice before.

    It has been a long time in coming--while you slept. I can only urge you to now take up your staff and begin to set things to right, for the dawn has come and day is at hand.

    Your brother, Gyeorgos
    첨부된 파일 첨부된 파일
    Last edited by web master; 2013-01-15 at 19:03.

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