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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar

    Default 응답: THE DARK CHARADE

    PJ 38
    WED., OCTOBER 16, 1991 2:56 P.M. YEAR 5, DAY 061

    Hatonn present to serve. May the Light be given unto the WORD.

    As we sit to pen it is with a bit of consternation at not being able to cover everything--at once. I have become much as the 밿nterview show� host who promises to get back to a question or response and can뭪 seem to keep within the time and space limitations.

    We are flooded with inquiries and requests to deal with certain subjects of immediate happening and yes, it would be nice to be able to take each day뭩 news and tell you the TRUTH behind the statements. Today, for instance, pay attention to Russia and Yeltsin as he talks of currency redistribution, bank closures, etc. Just be aware that whatever they are telling you these days is NOT the way it IS.

    In order to allow you to see that cover-ups can be massively stupefying to the senses, I actually need to continue with some of the old cover-ups which have brought you to today. You want to believe that I am incorrect and that the Israeli and Soviet Khazar Ashkenazi so-called 밓ews� are not behind the world destruction. They are the 뱒ame�, just located conveniently in different geographic locations but you will now see them begin their merging. It is, however, the Sephardi, or 뱓rue� Judaists who pay the most dreadful penalties for they know not that they have been so terribly deceived. To realize that your own 뱒o-called� brothers were actually in total working integration with the Nazis, for instance, is almost too much to bear.

    In order to move on with seemingly unrelated information in proper sequence for connecting the material I wish to again give you reference to consider. First, the so-called, self-styled 밓ews� are not Semitic. THEY DO NOT COME FROM THE TRIBE OF SHEM FROM WHENCE COME THE SEMITES. In order to better clarify and give some implications, let us look at Israel and the Diaspora.


    Please do not look at this information as bigoted for I do expect the same respect due any historian. I believe that you can see that facts speak for themselves and you can determine the truth by doing a bit of research through the historical archives.

    The facts are that there has been a movement for centuries to gain control of the world. This is apparent in the Protocols, the Talmud and any other Zionists� document which has been unchanged to hide the truth. These ones are openly against Christianity which includes any religion which recognizes God goodness and Christ qualifications for goodness. Those Judaists who follow the commandments of God are actually acting in Christness. We are not herein speaking of a 뱈an� with a human label.

    In conjunction with the communist/socialist spread and interaction, the people of the Khazarian lineage became that group who now call themselves 밓ews� and most Jews who think themselves to be Jews ARE NOT. This would have no notable relationship to the following story about Jonestown and Jim Jones except that the CIA, Mossad, and KGB are all entangled. Remember back to SKELETONS IN THE CLOSET and the story of Jonestown which we gave in that JOURNAL. We will leave that where it began but you should know more about what led up to that incident and why Jones was involved in the first place. We will even leave the nearby Russian missile base out of the scenario for the present for what I wish to show you is HOW a deceit is born, nurtured and comes to pass and how completely can the cover-up become.

    To reveal this I need to use an article written by one John Judge called The Black Hole Of Guyana: The Untold Story Of The Jonestown Massacre. I have no reference as to where or when it was first published so I cannot give proper credit for there is no information even as regards to the author. His is a descriptive conclusion correctly drawn in most instances and much work and research went into the document. The references are many but not supplied with the document so I am going to have to simply give credit to Mr. Judge and allow you to research him. The most honorable way to handle this is to ask Dharma to type it as I dictate it from the document for I desire her to experience the information also. She had a great problem dealing with the first revelations given regarding this subject and I wish her to have this information and typing it is the best input available. Any comments I add will be in brackets ([]).



    Somewhere in the concrete canyons of New York City a recently formed rock group is using the name Jim Jones and the Suicides. Irreverent and disarming, the name reflects the new trend in punk rock, to take social issues head on. Cynicism about the Jonestown deaths, the social parallels abound in the lyrics of today뭩 music. The messages are clear because we all know the story.

    In fact, people today recognize the name 밓onestown� more than any other event, a full 98% of the population. The television and printed media were filled with the news for more than a year, even though the tale read like something from the National Enquirer tabloid. But despite all the coverage, the reality of Jonestown and the reasons behind the bizarre events remain a mystery. The details have faded from memory for most of us since November 18, 1978, but not the outlines. Think back a moment and you뭠l remember.


    A fanatic religious leader in California led a multi-racial community into the jungles of remote Guyana to establish a socialist utopia. The People뭩 Temple, his church, was in the heart of San Francisco and drew poor people, social activists, Blacks and Hispanics, young and old. The message was racial harmony and justice, and criticism of the hypocrisy of the world around his followers.

    The Temple rose in a vacuum of leadership at the end of an era. The political confrontations of the 60뭩 were almost over, and religious cults and 뱎ersonal transformation� were on the rise. Those who had preached a similar message on the political soap box were gone, burnt out, discredited, or dead. The counter-culture had apparently degenerated into drugs and violence. Charlie Manson was the only visible image of the period. Suddenly, religion seemed to offer a last hope.

    Even before they left for the Jonestown site, the People뭩 Temple members were subjects of local scandal in the news. Jim Jones claimed these expos�s were attacks on their newly-found religion, and used them as an excuse to move most of the members to Guyana. But disturbing reports continued to surround Jones, and soon came to the attention of congressional members like Leo Ryan. Stories of beatings, kidnapping, sexual abuse and mysterious deaths leaked out in the press. Ryan decided to go to Guyana and investigate the situation for himself. The nightmare began.

    Isolated on the tiny airstrip at Port Kaituma, Ryan and several reporters in his group were murdered. Then came the almost unbelievable 밯hite Night�, a mass suicide pact of the Jonestown camp. A community made up mostly of Blacks and women drank cyanide from paper cups of Kool-Aid, adults and children alike died and fell around the main pavilion, Jones himself was shot in the head, an apparent suicide. For days, the body count mounted, from 400 to nearly 1,000. The bodies were flown to the United States and later cremated or buried in mass graves.

    Temple member Larry Layton is still facing charges of conspiracy in Ryan뭩 murder. Ryan was recently awarded a posthumous Medal of Honor, and was the first Congress member to die in the line of duty.

    Pete Hammill called the corpses 밶ll the loose change of the sixties�. The effect was electric. Any alternative to the current system was seen as futile, if not deadly. Protest only led to police riots and political assassination. Alternative life styles and drugs led to 밹reepy-crawly� communes and violent murders. And religious experiments led to cults and suicide. Social utopias were dreams that turned into nightmares. The television urged us to go back to 밫he Happy Days� of the apolitical 50뭩. The message was, get a job and go back to church. The unyielding nuclear threat generated only nihilism and hopelessness. There was no answer but death, no exit from the grisly future. The new ethic was personal success, aerobics, material consumption, a return to 밃merican values,� and the 뱈oral majority� white Christian world. The official message was clear.


    The headlines the day of the massacre read: 밅ult Dies in South American Jungle: 400 Die in Mass Suicide, 700 Flee into Jungle.� By all accounts in the press, as well as People뭩 Temple statements, there were at least 1,100 people at Jonestown. There were 800 adult passports found there, and reports of 300 children (276 found among the dead, and 210 never identified). The headline figures from the first day add to the same number: 1,100. The original body count done by the Guyanese, which was the final count, was given almost a week later by American military authorities as 913. A total of 16 survivors were reported to have returned to the U.S. Where were the others?

    At their first press conference, the Americans claimed that the Guyanese 밹ould not count.� These local people had carried out the gruesome job of counting the bodies, and later assisted American troops in the process of poking holes in the flesh lest they explode from the gasses of decay. Then the Americans proposed another theory--they had missed seeing a pile of bodies at the back of the pavilion. The structure was the size of a small house, and they had been at the scene for days. Finally, we were given the official reason for the discrepancy--bodies had fallen on top of other bodies, adults covering children.

    It was a simple, if morbid, arithmetic that led to the first suspicions. The 408 bodies discovered at first count would have to be able to cover 505 bodies for a total of 913. In addition, those who first worked on the bodies would have been unlikely to miss bodies lying beneath each other since each body had to be punctured. Eighty-two of the bodies first found were those of children, reducing the number that could have been hidden below others. A search of nearly 150 photographs, aerial and close-up, fails to show even one body lying under another, much less 500.

    It seemed the first reports were true, 400 had died, and 700 had fled to the jungle. The American authorities claimed to have searched for people who had escaped but found no evidence of any in the surrounding area. At least a hundred Guyanese troops were among the first to arrive, and they were ordered to search the jungle for survivors. In the area, at the same time, British Black Watch troops were on 뱓raining exercises,� with nearly 600 of their best-trained commandos. Soon, American Green Berets were on the site as well. The presence of these soldiers, specially trained in covert killing operations, may explain the increasing numbers of bodies that appeared.

    Most of the photographs show the bodies in neat rows, face down. There are few exceptions. Close shots indicate drag marks, as though the bodies were positioned by someone after death. Is it possible that the 700 who fled were rounded up by these troops and brought back to Jonestown and added to the body count?

    If so, the bodies would indicate the cause of death. A new word was coined by the media, 뱒uicide-murder.� But which was it? Autopsies and forensic science are a developing art. The detectives of death use a variety of scientific methods and clues to determine how people die, when they expire, and the specific cause of death. Dr. Mootoo, the top Guyanese pathologist, was at Jonestown within hours after the massacre. Refusing the assistance of U.S. pathologists, he accompanied the teams that counted the dead, examined the bodies, and worked to identify the deceased. While the American press screamed about the 밙ool-Aid Suicides,� Dr. Mootoo was reaching a much different opinion.

    There are certain signs that show the types of poisons that lead to the end of life. Cyanide blocks the messages from the brain to the muscles by changing body chemistry in the central nervous system. Even the 밿nvoluntary� functions like breathing and heartbeat get mixed neural signals. It is a painful death, breath coming in spurts. The other muscles spasm, limbs twist and contort. The facial muscles draw back into a deadly grin, called 밹yanide rictus.� All these telling signs were absent in the Jonestown dead. Limbs were limp and relaxed, and the few visible faces showed no sign of distortion.

    Instead, Dr. Mootoo found fresh needle marks at the back of the left shoulder blades of 80-90% of the victims. Others had been shot or strangled. One survivor reported that those who resisted were forced by armed guards. The gun that reportedly shot Jim Jones was lying nearly 200 feet from his body, not a likely suicide weapon. As Chief Medical Examiner, Mootoo뭩 testimony to the Guyanese grand jury investigating Jonestown led to their conclusion that all but three of the people were murdered by 뱎ersons unknown.� Only two had committed suicide, they said. Several pictures show the gunshot wounds on the bodies as well. The U.S. Army spokesman, Lt. Col. Schuler, said, 밡o autopsies are needed. The cause of death is not an issue here.� The forensic doctors who later did autopsies at Dover, Delaware, were never made aware of Dr. Mootoo뭩 findings.

    There are other indications that the Guyanese government participated with American authorities in a cover-up of the real story, despite their own findings. One good example was Guyanese Police Chief Lloyd Barker, who interfered with investigations, helped 뱑ecover� 2.5 million for the Guyanese government, and was often the first to officially announce the cover stories relating to suicide, body counts and survivors. Among the first to the scene were the wife of Guyanese Prime Minister Forbes Bumham and his Deputy Prime Minister, Ptolemy Reid. They returned from the massacre site with nearly $1 million in cash, gold and jewelry taken from the buildings and from the dead. Inexplicably, one of Bumham뭩 political party secretaries had visited the site of the massacre only hours before it occurred. When Shirley Field Ridley, Guyanese Minister of Information, announced the change in the body count to the shocked Guyanese parliament, she refused to answer further questions. Other representatives began to point a finger of shame at Ridley and the Bumham government, and the local press dubbed the scandal 밫emplegate�; all accused them of taking a ghoulish payoff. [H: I hope you understand that I shall also have to give you more information on Watergate to flesh out the entire scenario and connections.]

    Perhaps more significantly, the Americans brought in 16 huge C-131 cargo planes, but claimed they could only carry 36 caskets in each one. These aircraft can carry tanks, trucks, troops and ammunition all in one load. At the scene, bodies were stripped of identification, including the medical wrist tags visible in many early photos. Dust-off operations during Vietnam clearly demonstrated that the military is capable of moving hundreds of bodies in a short period. Instead, they took nearly a week to bring back the Jonestown dead, bringing in the majority at the end of the period. The corpses, rotting in the heat, made autopsy impossible. At one point, the remains of 183 people arrived in 82 caskets. Although the Guyanese had identified 174 bodies at the site, only 17 (later 46) were tentatively identified at the massive military mortuary in Dover Delaware. [H: If you knew what REALLY goes on at Dover, Delaware you would be so shocked as to be unable to read further. It is absolutely incredible what the government has done and hidden from you-the-people.]

    Isolated there, hundreds of miles from their families who might have visited the bodies at a similar mortuary in Oakland that was used during Vietnam, many of the dead were eventually cremated. Press was excluded, and even family members had difficulty getting access to the remains. Officials in New Jersey began to complain that state coroners were excluded, and that the military coroners appointed were illegally performing cremations. One of the top forensic body identification experts, who later was brought in to work on the Iranian raid casualties, was denied repeated requests to assist. In December, the President of the National Association of Medical Examiners complained in an open letter to the U.S. military that they 밷adly botched� procedures, and that a simple fluid autopsy was never performed at the point of discovery. Decomposition, embalming and cremation made further forensic work impossible. The unorthodox method of identification attempted, to remove the skin from the fingertip and slip it over a gloved finger, would not have stood up in court. The long delay made it impossible to reconstruct the event. As noted, these military doctors were unaware of Dr. Mootoo뭩 conclusions. Several civilian pathology experts said they 뱒huddered at the ineptness� of the military, and that their autopsy method was 밺oing it backwards.� But in official statements, the U.S. attempted to discredit the Guyanese grand jury findings, saying they had uncovered 밼ew facts�.

    Guyanese troops, and police who had arrived with American Embassy official Richard Dwyer, also failed to defend Congressman Leo Ryan and others who came to Guyana with him when they were shot down in cold blood at the Port Kaituma airstrip, even though the troops were nearby with machine guns at the ready. Although Temple member Larry Layton has been charged with the murders of Congressman Ryan, Temple defector Patricia Parks, and press reporters Greg Robinson, Don Harris and Bob Brown, he was not in a position to shoot them. Blocked from boarding Ryan뭩 twin engine Otter, he had entered another plane nearby. Once inside, he pulled out a gun and wounded two Temple followers before being disarmed. The others were clearly killed by armed men who descended from a tractor trailer at the scene, after opening fire. Witnesses described them as 뱙ombies,� walking mechanically, without emotion, and 뱇ooking through you, not at you� as they murdered. Only certain people were killed, and the selection was clearly planned. Certain wounded people, like Ryan뭩 aide Jacke Speiers, were not harmed further, but the killers made sure that Ryan and the newsmen were dead. In some cases they shot people, already wounded, directly in the head. These gunmen were never finally identified, and may have been under Layton뭩 command. They may not have been among the Jonestown dead.

    At the Jonestown site, survivors described a special group of Jones� followers who were allowed to carry weapons and money, and to come and go from the camp. These people were all white, mostly males. They ate better and worked less than the others, and they served as an armed guard to enforce discipline, control labor and restrict movement. Among them were Jones� top lieutenants, including George Phillip Blakey. Blakey and others regularly visited Georgetown, Guyana and made trips in their sea-going boat, the Cudjoe. He was privileged to be aboard the boat when the murders occurred. This special armed guard survived the massacre. Many were trained and programmed killers, like the 뱙ombies� who attacked Ryan. Some were used as mercenaries in Africa, and elsewhere. The dead were 90% women, and 80% Blacks. It is unlikely that men armed with guns and modern crossbows would give up control and willingly be injected with poisons. It is much more likely that they forced nearly 400 people to die by injection, and then assisted in the murder of 500 more who attempted to escape. One survivor clearly heard people cheering 45 minutes after the massacre. Despite government claims, they are not accounted for, nor is their location known.

    Back in California, People뭩 Temple members openly admitted that they feared they were targeted by a 밾it squad,� and the Temple was surrounded for some time by local police forces. During that period, two members of the elite guard from Jonestown returned and were allowed into the Temple by police. The survivors who rode to Port Kaituma with Leo Ryan complained when Larry Layton boarded the truck, 밐e뭩 not one of us.� Rumors also persisted that a 밺eath list� of U.S. officials existed, and some survivors verified this in testimony to the San Francisco Grand Jury. A congressional aide was quoted in the AP wires on May 19, 1979, 밫here are 120 white, brainwashed assassins out from Jonestown awaiting the trigger word to pick up their hit.�

    Other survivors included Mark Lane and Charles Garry, lawyers for People뭩 Temple who managed to escape the massacre somehow. In addition to the 16 who officially returned with the Ryan party, others managed to reach Georgetown and come back home. However, there have been continuing suspicious murders of those people here. Jeannie and Al Mills, who intended to write a book about Jones, were murdered at home, bound and shot. Some evidence indicates a connection between the Jonestown operation and the murders of Mayor Moscone and Harvey Milk by police agent Dan White. Another Jonestown survivor was shot near his home in Detroit by unidentified killers. Yet another was involved in a mass murder of school children in Los Angeles. Anyone who survived such massive slaughter must be somewhat suspect. The fact that the press never even spoke about nearly 200 survivors raises serious doubts.


    Dharma, allow us to leave this subject for a bit as it is time to take a respite. We will handle this in segments as we can as there are other matters which must be covered also. For instance, I don뭪 want you ones to think I don뭪 keep up with old Mr. Kissinger any more--he is alive, well and as criminal as ever. I have lots of surveillance information--even more than he has on Dharma so we will share it at the next sitting. Then we shall take up with WHO WAS JIM JONES? Thank you for your service after a day in court--again. For you readers: the court session went even worse than anticipated with the Judge reinforcing the breaking of all rights of the Ekkers and more fines--$500 this time. He refused to clarify the order and demanded access to the dwelling. I cannot give you details of what will be done for this is the documentation they read to find out our next moves--so be it. The rats got to the cat on the bench and the plague has spread from the corrupt upper-level hierarchy in political places. My, my--you ones DO need a Constitutional Law Center for you have no justice remaining! So be it.

    Hatonn to clear, please. Salu.

    PJ 38
    THURS., OCTOBER 17, 1991 10:22 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 062
    THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1991

    The ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE (ADL), the Israeli primary Lobby group has struck--this time our own beloved brother and the radio station on which his messages were aired. Representatives of the ADL called in to the radio station in point (I will give you details AFTER the smoke settles for I must command silence of information which can further damage). It is unthinkable that America has come to this insanity. Know, however, that the adversary always stumbles if you allow him to so-do. He devours himself for he is not prepared to respond to 뱑eason�, 밫RUTH� and always avoids 밚ight� like poison. Bring into focus, God of Light and he will run as quickly as his slimy legs will speed him in the other direction. Open discussion is not a part of his activities--lies, deceit and hidden actions behind vile and viperous nature are his inner workings--the face presented is only a mask to deceive the ignorant.

    Pay attention, America, for these representatives of the ADL have now made charges against George and announce they will 밹lose down� the radio station which dared air his interview. The speaker for the station said that he not only would air the information in the face of such blatant attack but would have George back this evening to respond. He stated that 밒 might not longer have a job or a station from which to speak but I WILL SPEAK!� These threats are constant all across the world and all interviewers and stations are warned to stop allowing any presentation of anything of the nature of the JOURNALS or patriots who project the Constitution, to be aired. Even the subject was presented by President Bush regarding the massive Israeli Lobby present in Washington, at your expense, during the postponement of the $10 billion payoff to Israel. You don뭪 have to believe Hatonn or any other speaker in your nation--your own President said there were more than a thousand Israeli lobbyists in Washington trying to 뱒hoot him down�. Who do you think they are? Where do they come from and what are they about? Since they demand aid to a foreign nation they cannot be in service to you-the-people. Or do you even take note, America? Will you allow the enemy within and too late realize that the enemy was thought to be your best friend? So be it for it appears that this is what has come to be in your blessed nation.

    The 밹harges� are everything given forth as instructions found in the Protocols of Zion and the attack is as given in the Communist Manifesto--right down the numbered lines, headed of course, by the labeling of 밶nti-Semitism�, cast forth as though it had meaning. It has no meaning for that would mean one is 밶gainst himself� and NOT the 밓ews�. Impossible, if nothing more, since they (Jews) have nothing whatsoever to do with Semites. These so-called, self-styled 밓ews� are not Semites, never were and never shall be. They are Khazarians right out of the lineage of the Rus, Mongol and Nordic mixtures. They have no lineage in fact from any portion of the so-called Holy Lands and in particular, Palestine.

    Israel is not a place--밿srael� simply means chosen of God. Israel the 뱒tate� is NOT chosen of God for the people of any part of this group which moved into Palestine.

    In the first place, I am aware of the danger that it may be maliciously misinterpreted as a denial of the State of Israel뭩 right to exist, this which I project. I care not whether any nation exists but let us clear up a point or two regarding this particular circumstance. The right of 밒srael� is NOT based on the hypothetical covenant of Abraham with God; it is based on international law--i.e., on the United Nations� decision in 1947 set forth by the United States, Great Britain and the Soviet Union. This mandated the partitioning of Palestine, once a Turkish province, then a British Mandated Territory, into an Arab and a Jewish State. Whatever the Israeli citizens� racial origins, and whatever illusions they entertain about them, their State exists de jure and de facto, and cannot be undone, except by genocide. Without entering into controversial issues, one may add, as a matter of historical fact, that the partition of Palestine was the result of a century of peaceful Jewish immigration and pioneering effort, which provide the ethical justification for the State뭩 legal existence. Whether the chromosomes of this people contain genes of Khazar (which they most certainly do in great measure) or Semitic (which they do not in any measure), Roman or Spanish origin, is irrelevant, and cannot affect Israel뭩 right to exist--nor the moral obligation of any civilized person, Goyim (Gentile) or Judaist (falsely labeled 밓ew� for political reasons in the 18th century). Even the geographical origin of the native Israeli뭩 parents or grandparents tends to be forgotten in the bubbling racial melting pot. The problem of the Khazarian usurpation of the peoples of the given location in point goes back to long past centuries as they began to spread out from the Russias (Soviet Bloc locations).

    Many will state that this is totally irrelevant to modern Israel--no, it is most relevant. Especially is it relevant as it is transposed onto other nations--not to even consider the plight of the Palestinians who have been robbed, persecuted and driven from their homeland--but to countries all over the world and especially to a Constitutional nation for freedom of religion such as America.

    Where else in the world do you have a religion representing the same as a 뱊ation�? How is it that all loans, gifts and monies given to Israel by you-the-taxpayers are tax-free to them (even these organizations within your country) because it is stated that these groups are 뱑eligious� but--THEY ACT AS A NATION?


    Let us look further at this circumstance as regards the area of Palestine. The 밓ews� who inhabit it, regardless of their checkered origins, possess the essential requirements of a nation: a country of their own, a common language, government and army. The Jews of the Diaspora (dispersion of the Judaists and Christian Judeans among the Gentiles after the exile), have none of these requirements of nationhood. What sets them apart as a special category from the Gentiles amidst whom they live is their declared religion, whether they practise it or not. Here lies the basic difference between Israelis and Jews of the Diaspora. The former have acquired a national identity; the latter are labelled as 밓ews� only by their religion--not by their nationality, not by their race.

    This, however, creates a tragic paradox, because the Jewish religion--unlike Christianity as a for instance, Buddhism or Islam--implies membership of a historical nation, a chosen race. All Jewish festivals commemorate events in national history: the exodus from Egypt, the Maccabean revolt, the death of the oppressor Haman, the destruction of the Temple. The Old Testament is first and foremost the narrative of a nation뭩 history; it gave monotheism to the world, yet its credo is tribal rather than universal. Every prayer and ritual observance proclaims membership of an ancient race, which automatically separates the Jew from the racial and historic past of the people in whose midst he lives. The Jewish faith, as shown by 2000 years of tragic history, is nationally and socially self-segregating. It sets the Jew apart and invites his being set apart. It automatically creates physical and cultural ghettoes. It transformed the Jews of the Diaspora into a pseudo-nation without any of the attributes and privileges of nationhood, held together loosely by a system of traditional beliefs based on racial and historical premises which turn out to be illusory.

    Orthodox Jewry is a vanishing minority. Not only is this orthodoxy dying out, most of the Judaists have been set-up and suffered genocide at the hands of the 뱒o-called� and 뱒elf-styled� 밓ews� integrated into the nations who worked to annihilate them, and claiming (stealing) for themselves the heritage which is NOT theirs nor any portion of theirs to claim.

    The main, specifically Jewish literary activity of the Diaspora was theological. Yet Talmud, Cabbala, and the bulky tomes of biblical exegesis are practically unknown to the contemporary Jewish public, although they are, to repeat it once more, the only relics of a specifically Jewish (Judaist) tradition--if that term is to have meaning--during the last two millennia. In other words, whatever came out of the Diaspora is either not specifically Jewish, or not part of a living tradition. The philosophical, scientific and artistic achievements of individual Jews consist in contributions to the culture of their host nations; they do not represent a common cultural inheritance or autonomous body of traditions.

    To sum up this subject, the Jews of your day have no cultural tradition in common, merely certain habits and behavior-patterns, derived by social inheritance from the traumatic experience of the ghetto, and from a religion which the majority does not practice or believe in, but which nevertheless confers on them a pseudo-national status.


    I have no intention of reprinting, herein, information which took 40 volumes to write. It is up to the public as to how much they wish to save their own nation and society, as to whether or not they will seek information and KNOWLEDGE. I can only give you that which is requested--some information for George to counter the lies and charges against him. The ones who shout the 뱓rash� often do not know any better than the mass of people anywhere that which is decreed to and will cause their own demise.

    You who quarrel with the truth of what we might present--look where the resources come from: as in this instance a Rothschild publication. See if, as I list these things, you find the scenario already all but played out.

    What I am going to write at this point is from a publication of October 21, 1920 and it was in a publication called La Vieille France--HOWEVER, IT IS A RUSSIAN DOCUMENT IN WHICH THE FOLLOWING PASSAGES OCCUR:

    There is a striking analogy between THE PROTOCOLS OF THE ELDERS OF ZION and the discourse of the Rabbi Reichhorn, pronounced in Prague in 1869 over the tomb of the Grand Rabbi Simeon-ben Ihuda, and published by Readcliffe, who paid with his life for the divulgation; Sonol, who had taken Readcliffe to hear Reichhorn was killed in a duel some time afterwards. The general ideas formulated by the Rabbi are found fully developed in the PROTOCOLS.

    In its issue of 10 March, 1921 (No. 214) La Vieille France gives the version of this funeral oration which was published in La Russie Juive. It is perfectly clear that the funeral oration and the protocols of the Elders of Zion come from one and the same mint. Both are prophetic and the power which made the prophecies has been able to bring about their fulfillment. This oration is so important that you must relate what has happened in sequence in your world to fully appreciate the fulfillment to the extent which has occurred. There can no longer be any doubt as to whose is the power which is disturbing the world, creating World Unrest, and at the same time reaping all the profits. Jewry is enslaving all Christian peoples and Diasporic Sephardic Judaists of the world. There IS a world plot which is integrated with Soviet desire for domination of the world and also integrated into the very fiber of the New World Order of the Elite Banksters already into the final phases of world domination. The plot stands finally and completely unmasked but still there are the ravings of followers and projectors of the LIES against you-the-people and your Constitutional Rights given to you as a nation, under God. I am going to give you a listing of items and you may see the total integration of the Communist Manifesto, the Cremeiux Manifesto, the Protocols and the epistle emanating from the 밣rince of the Jews� in 1489 A.D. I did not write these things, chelas, so it behooves you to take attention and stop your rock slamming--YOUR OWN SURVIVAL IS AT STAKE RIGHT HERE AND RIGHT NOW.

    The following is quoted:

    1. Every hundred years, We, the Sages of Israel, have been accustomed to meet in Sanhedrin in order to examine our progress towards the domination of the world which Jehovah has promised us, and our conquests over the enemy--Christianity. [H: Does this sound like good, sound 밓udeo-Christian� heritage and integration to you? It certainly does NOT to me!]

    2. This year, united over the tomb of our reverend Simeon-ben-Ihuda, we can state with pride that the past century has brought us very near to our goal, and that this goal will be very soon attained.

    3. GOLD always has been and always will be the irresistible power. Handled by expert hands it will always be the most useful lever for those who possess it, and the object of envy for those who do not. With gold we can buy the most rebellious conscience, can fix the rate of all values, the current price of all products, can subsidize all State loans, and thereafter hold the states at our mercy.

    4. Already the principal banks, the exchanges of the entire world, the credits of all the governments are in our hands.

    5. The other great power is THE PRESS. By repeating without cessation certain ideas, the Press succeeds in the end in having them accepted as actualities. The Theatre renders us analogous services. Everywhere the Press and the Theatre obey our order. [H: Do you not see that you have now lost total control over your press and media? This blatant attack against George and the radio station is in point. Where is your own freedom of expression? Where is your freedom, America, of speech, press and media expression?]

    6. By the ceaseless praise of DEMOCRATIC RULE we shall divide the Christians into political parties, we shall destroy the unity of their nations; we shall sow discord everywhere. Reduced to impotence, they will bow before the LAW OF OUR BANK, always united, and always devoted to OUR CAUSE.

    7. We shall force the Christians into wars by exploiting their pride and their stupidity. They will massacre each other, and clear the ground for us to put our own people onto.

    8. The possession of the land has always brought influence and power. In the name of social Justice and Equality we shall parcel out the great estates; we shall give the fragments to the peasants who covet them with all their powers, and who will soon be in debt to us by the expense of cultivating them. Our capital will make us their masters. We in our turn shall become the great proprietors, and the possession of the land will assure the power to us.

    9. Let us try to replace the circulation of gold with paper money; our chest will absorb the gold, and we shall regulate the value of the paper which will make us masters of all the positions.

    10. We count among us plenty of orators capable of feigning enthusiasm and of persuading mobs. We shall spread them among the people to announce changes which should secure the happiness of the human race. By gold and by flattery we shall gain the proletariat which will charge itself with annihilating Christian capitalism. We shall promise workmen salaries of which they have never dared to dream, but we shall also raise the price of necessities so that our profits will be greater still.

    11. In this manner we shall prepare Revolutions which the Christians will make themselves and of which we shall reap the fruit.

    12. By our mockeries and our attacks upon them we shall make their priests ridiculous then odious, and their religion as ridiculous and as odious as their clergy. Then we shall be masters of their SOULS. For our pious attachment to our own religion, to our own worship, will prove the superiority of our religion and the superiority of our souls.

    13. We have already established our own men in all important positions. We must endeavor to provide the Goyim with lawyers and doctors; the lawyers are au courant with all interests; doctors, once in the house, become confessors and directors of consciences.

    14. But above all let us monopolize EDUCATION. By this means we spread ideas that are useful to us, and shape the children뭩 brains as suits us.

    15. If one of our people should unhappily fall into the hands of justice amongst the Christians, we must rush to help HIM; find as many witnesses as he needs to save him from his judges, until we become judges ourselves.

    16. The monarchs of the Christian world, swollen with ambition and vanity, surround themselves with luxury and with numerous armies. We shall furnish them with all the money their folly demands, and so shall keep them in leash.

    17. Let us take care not to hinder the marriage of our men with Christian girls, for through them we shall get our foot into the most closely locked circles. If our daughters marry Goyim they will be no less useful, for the children of a Jewish mother are ours. Let us foster the idea of FREE LOVE, that we may destroy among Christian women attachment to the principles and practices of their religion.

    18. For ages past the sons of Israel, despised and persecuted, have been working to open up a path to power. They are hitting the mark. THEY CONTROL THE ECONOMIC LIFE OF THE ACCURSED CHRISTIANS; their influence preponderates over politics and over manners.


    End Of Quote

    I repeat that 밅hristian� is ALL who are God-following peoples in the sense and characterization of believing in a 밾igher being�. These so-called, self-styled groups will proclaim loudly that they 밷elieve in god� (that is God with a little 밽�). They do not believe in the Holy God of Light/Creator, one with and within Creation. They are humanists, atheists, anti-Christ/God. Always they proclaim to be that which they can use to deceive you and thus, it always does deceive you for you are so busy trying to be non-bigoted that you become fools.

    I can only tell you ones that you had best heed these words for the camel is in your tent at this very hour. The time is at hand for the loosing of the Revolution and the enslavement of the world.

    Note carefully all the things listed above--do they actually appear to be 밓ewish� as you recognize 밓ew�, and/or your good neighbor and friend? Of course not! You are dealing with the adversary of God Himself, not the beautiful Sephardic Judaists of your world--the ones whose heritage has been stolen by the adversary.

    Proof? My word, children, your world is all but fallen, your nations are in decay and corruption, and you want proof? Where are your eyes and ears? That Soviet/Khazarian/Israeli dragon has all but devoured you. But, I will go a bit of the way with you by quoting from an article which was published in many widespread news-papers about your nation on Oct. 12, 1991: �Sephardic Jews plan 2-day fair. Cultural minority celebrates diversity. Stephanie Brommer, Daily News Staff Writer:

    Viewed as a minority within a minority, Sephardic Jews will come together today to celebrate and show off their culture, a blend of Middle Eastern, Turkish, Greek and other communities.

    A two-day cultural fair called 밫he many Faces of Sephardic Jews� will feature concerts and displays from 30 countries and begin a three-day convention at the Sheraton Universal Hotel in Universal City.

    밯e have a different culture but the same religion.� Mallel said. 밯ithin our culture, we have other cultures.�

    This continues for some lengthy discourse and history but I think you get the point for this brief reference.

    Dear ones of the Judean faith, can you not reclaim your heritage and stand forth lest this enemy slay you?


    By COUNTER-ATTACK AND CHARGES! You do not dignify the attacker by playing into their hands--any of you caught in this kind of dialogue. You are up against trained assassins of both physical bodies and character. They always attack with accusations when they have no foundation in fact with which to respond, when the shoe is on their own slimy feet. So, counter with the Constitution of the United States of America.

    The Anti-Defamation League, World Zionist Organization, American Jewish Federation/League, etc., etc., are ILLEGAL foreign organizations, unregistered legally as such, and are 뱓ax-free� organizations working within your country. Cause any attacker to identify differently. If he claims 뱑eligion�, he has just proven your point. A good rule of thumb is to ALWAYS REQUIRE THE ADVERSARY PROVE THE POINT FOR YOU AND TO YOU!

    As a nation, the U.S. GIVES $3 BILLION DOLLARS, IN CASH, ANNUALLY--WITHOUT LIMITS OR GUIDELINES--TO ISRAEL. HALF OF THAT AMOUNT IS GIVEN BEFORE FUNDING (on the first day of the U.S. fiscal year) AND THEREFORE THE U.S. BORROWS THE AMOUNT, PAYS ISRAEL WHO IMMEDIATELY INVESTS THE SUM IN YOUR NATION뭆 밫REASURIES�, ETC., THEREBY COLLECTING GREAT ABUNDANCE IN INTEREST ON THE INVESTMENT ON TOP OF THE AMOUNT FUNDED. INVESTMENT RETURNS ON A FULL BILLION AND A HALF DOLLARS IS A BIG WHACK, GOOD PEOPLE! YOU ARE STUCK WITH THE INTEREST ON THE BORROWED FUNDS TO WHICH YOUR TAXES GO, THEN, TO THE LENDING BANK, FOR THE PRIVILEGE OF THE LOAN IN THE FIRST PLACE. THIS HAPPENS AGAIN WITH THE NEXT ISSUANCE OF CASH. The additional funding in other instances and commodities is so outrageous as to cause heart palpitations. You give upwards of $20 billion to Israel annually, when the facts are laid forth, and actually far more if you could count all the funds funnelled to and through them. Then, YOU furnish the money to give operation capital to these groups who Lobby your government, bribe your Congressmen and literally now CONTROL OVER 65% OF YOUR VOTING CONGRESSMEN WITH GOVERNMENT THROUGH BLACKMAIL, AS A RESULT. ISRAEL DETERMINES YOUR GOVERNMENT PROCEDURES. With the bribes, etc., there are few Congressmen who can stand the light of public disclosure of their 밽ifting� habits and pay-offs for selling your country.


    What about it? You haven뭪 used it for many decades, old friends, and right now your President controls your nation through Executive Order--set up and made operative by your Israeli-controlled Congress. I suggest you ask the 밹allers� who thrust charges at you Americans to explain just how this dandy game works and require the caller explain it fully and to the last detail and dollar!

    PREAMBLE: We the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquillity, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

    Then, I believe there was something you had which was called the DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. What happened to that nice old document? What happened to that pledge of allegiance to your wondrous nation? I pledge allegiance to the flag (nation) of the united states of America and to the REPUBLIC for which it stands--one nation UNDER GOD, INDIVISIBLE, WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL.


    Does anyone remember the united states of America Bill of Rights?

    They go something like this in case the 밹aller-in� might need a bit of refreshing as to your right to speak, etc.

    No. 1: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

    No. 2: A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

    No. 3: No soldier shall, in time of peace, be quartered in any house without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.

    No. 4: The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. [My scribe has to undergo this very violation this very afternoon as ones through the court shelter and order, will come forth without warrant and search the home, etc., of these ones. Where are you, America?]

    No. 5: No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law [and this means Constitutional Law]; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

    No. 6: In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which districts shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense.

    No. 7: In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined in any court of the United States than according to the rules of common law.

    [H: Does anyone recognize any of this? It has been so many years since there was a hint of your civil rights and Constitutional Laws utilized in your Admiralty courts of injustice that I doubt any of you realize you have any rights!]

    No. 8: Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel AND unusual punishments inflicted.

    No. 9: The enumeration of the Constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

    No. 10: The powers not delegated to the United States by the constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

    Because of the length of this document I shall only list these Amendments for they constitute your Bill of Rights. The rest are worthy of note in that the 13th Amendment as written is NOT THE ORIGINAL RATIFIED 13TH AMENDMENT. This Amendment was deliberately removed from your Constitution because it limited service in government to ones outside nobility and/or bearing titles, etc. That would preclude ALL LICENSED ATTORNEYS (ESQUIRES) FROM BEING ABLE TO PARTICIPATE IN THE GOVERNMENT OF YOUR uNITED sTATES OF AMERICA OR ON THE BENCHES, ETC., OF THE FEDERAL COURTS OF YOUR LAND.

    FURTHER, there is no law in the Constitution which says you must have a lawyer--there is specific law regarding your right to represent self and have a jury of your PEERS. Further, you do not have to have a legal license in a Constitutional Law-respecting court to act as a representative (lawyer) in personal behalf.

    The 16th Amendment is null and void--unlawful and never properly ratified. This is the 밿ncome tax� law and is totally invalid. Further, the IRS is also invalid and illegal, being a collection enforcement agency (PRIVATE BUSINESS) for the Federal Reserve System Banks which is also a PRIVATE INSTITUTION serving the Bank of International Settlements in Basel Switzerland--not your Government.


    Through the workings of leagues such as the ADL, etc. the united states of America has been carefully divided into operational New States which are divided into DISTRICTS. There is a parallel Constitution, already drawn and being practiced, in place for this New Nation. The whole of the United States will fall into a Nation under rule of the One World Order with a figurehead ruler set forth by the United Nations--under Soviet domination. There will be a one world military force which by UN Charter requires Soviet leadership.

    I suggest that you always counter-attack the attackers by causing them to show their TOTAL IGNORANCE AND PUBLICLY IS THE BEST WAY POSSIBLE. GO FOR IT, GEORGE, AND GOD BLESSES THE WILLING WHO RISK, FOR YOUR FREEDOM IS ALL BUT DEAD, DEAD, DEAD!


    Always comes the question, when speaking on these matters, of 밣aul wrote thus and so and so on and on and on.� I say so what? Paul was not a Christ follower--EVER. YOU MAY HAVE BEEN LED TO BELIEVE THAT HE WAS 밅ONVERTED� OR 밄ORN AGAIN�--NAY, NAY, NAY! NEVER!

    Paul was a Pharisee and one in authority in that anti-Christ legal jurisdiction. He stated that he was an 밒sraelite� of the Tribe of Benjamin (Phillipians 3-5). This has to be false since the term of a nation of 밒srael� is a most recent term, indeed. There WAS no 밒srael� and I defy anyone to show me otherwise for there simply WAS NO SUCH PLACE OR NATION. But, even taking the false term under 밶ssumption�, he was not, therefore a 밓ew�, for he was a Galilean, not a Judean. If you keep attending those churches which teach you that all the 밽ood guys� in the Bible are 밓ews� (whether they actually be good or bad) you will be even more and forever confused.

    Want to know what else is TAUGHT? That 밻xcept for Judas� (which is error compounded at any speaking), not one of Jesus� disciples were 밓ews� even in the loose term applied by late creators of the term. They all were Galileans and mostly Benjamites, hence not Judeans. Judah Iharioth (not 밒scariot�) who betrayed Emmanuel (Jesus) was the son of a 밓ew� publican who was trained in the ways of money acquisition, etc. He betrayed the young Teacher and in the same instance took the shelter behind the blaming of another who was the only REAL FRIEND OF THE JUDEAN, EMMANUEL.



    Can you ones not set aside such quarrels over interpretations? You have a very real, very current problem in your world--it is going to destruct. It matters not at this moment what Paul said nor how he said it--if you are Godly as in 밎od believing�, you are destined for deliberate destruction. It is time to unify, take the words of that which IS before you in very easy to understand English--your CONSTITUTION--and get back the control of your nation, see what you can do to get yourselves cleaned up and ask God to give you a hand. He has sent us of the Hosts, but you better stop high-centering on that point, also. Truth is Truth and you had best stop the concern over where it comes from lest there be nothing left to experience within good or bad.

    Your own government is now carrying out scare tactics getting you ready for the next phase--police force takeover. Already unmarked helicopters are flying less than a 100 feet off the ground--in many cities as they 뱎ractice�. Practice what? You had best find out! Oh, you don뭪 believe me? Try San Francisco on September 9th. It was something right out of night-mare alley. What kind of a 뱓urkey shoot� do you think they can have in downtown San Francisco or New York? It will surpass anything on the road back to Iraq. If you don뭪 stay 밿n line� they will do worse--simply nuke you. You think I jest? You had better start reading something besides the National Inquirer in case there are 밒nquiring minds� out there somewhere.

    Is there intelligent life in the cosmos? Indeed! but very, very little sign of it on board earth Shan. So be it.

    Please see to it that George has this writing by evening today. Thank you. Dharma, stay and write with me, chela, while Horn is in your house for I do not want you even near him. Salu.

    Hatonn to clear, please.

  2. #2
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar

    Default 응답: THE DARK CHARADE

    PJ 38
    CHAPTER 10
    FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1991 8:34 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 063
    FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1991

    Hatonn present to share in whatever way possible according to your asking. Since it is a most busy day for other activities, we shall touch only on one or two happenings needing great attention.


    The so-called 밣eace Talks� is, of course, the most ridiculous show to watch. I ask that you put-up with me hopping and skipping a lot for I truly do not wish to linger on one point for very long herein.

    Please recall some two days ago that the Emir of Bahrain (a small gray alien) was prancing around with the honor guard making great promises of everything from military backup and NATO bases to massive undercover things you are not supposed to know about. Bahrain is one of the most important points in the Middle East. It is but a tiny, tiny place but it is a hub of activity. This is the focus of the Bush family operations wherein all the assets in Saudi Arabia from oil, gas and other petroleum finds to the 밽old mountain of Arabia� can be monitored and the actual businesses run. This is where one of the little Twiglets has set up a mighty operation for taking billions upon billions in assets. The little four-foot Emir is but a showpiece.

    Next, do not turn your eyes from the negotiations and antics of Baker who is trading away the rest of your assets to bribe the Arabs into a show of submission. Delicately he balances his 밶bsence� from Shamir by shaking two sets of hands at the same time of your most formidable former terrorist enemies and marks for death the ones who have been your friends. Politics has reach an all-time new LOW. 밄ut they all smile so broadly and warmly,� you say. Yes indeed, and so does the jackal--even as he eats the flesh from the bones of his prey. It is all part and parcel of the New World Order under way while the Bear to the North waits and blackmails.


    You must also be aware that much is going on in the financial kingdoms of the Elite and dictator뭩 house. You are hearing very little about taxation and other important governmental matters for a massive 밇mergency� is being laid down wherein all the Executive Orders already signed and operational will simply be placed into action and you will operate under Bush and his advisors. He told you as much as you pranced off to war in Iraq. He tested his power and showed you that he has them ALL. He tested hard and you swallowed the bait like starving puppets.

    Dear ones, it doesn뭪 matter what your Constitution says after a coup of this magnitude--you are going to have to do a lot of 뱔ncovering� and revealing right fast or you won뭪 pull the 뱒aving� off in time. As the head-on collision approaches your enemies are moving faster and faster.

    One of the biggest scandals of the age is the property acquisition scam set up deliberately by the government Elite to rob you people of all the property in the nation. The Resolution Trust Corporation is but a corporation set up to steal and liquidate back to the insiders the properties in your nation, from large business complexes to homes. I promise you the facts will come forth and I shelter the ones in the immediate act of compiling the data. I can뭪 even begin to tell you how much money the attorneys and the RTC are stealing from you-the-people JUST in litigation such as Ekker뭩--hundreds of thousands of dollars to the 뱑etirement� plan of one Steven Horn and he gets a couple of law firms, in addition, to back him up. And, although the system is bankrupt, these ones are paid in full within a week. I shall leave the unveiling of all this to another for you need to see and hear, with your PHYSICAL EYES AND EARS, THE TRUTH OF IT.

    GET BEHIND THE CONSTITUTIONAL LAW CENTER, FRIENDS, AND IF YOU HAVE PROBLEMS IN ANY OF YOUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS, THERE WILL BE ONES WHO CAN HELP YOU WITH INFORMATION--YOU MUST NETWORK SO THAT THERE IS A CENTRAL FOCUS AND CENTER. THE NETWORK ITSELF MUST FINALLY BE IN ALL STATES AND IN MANY PLACES WITHIN EACH STATE TO BE FULLY EFFECTIVE. There are many groups already doing portions of this or that, but you need unity in ALL of the Constitutional issues. The thrust is to cause you to allow the calling of a Convention wherein the full Constitution will be replaced by socialistic order. The practices are already in place--they just need to remind you properly that you are 밺ead�. Well, I suggest you never look in the mouth of a 밺ead� cobra or rattlesnake, friends--for a 밺ead� snake does the most frequent killing.

    I wish to leave a thought with you for it will be through the rising up through the quagmire that you can succeed--not 밊IGHTING� it with swords of metal, for your enemy has the larger sword. 밃 wise man, to accomplish his end, may even carry his foe on his shoulder. Wisdom is always an overmatch for strength--and remember: Nine-tenths of wisdom is being wise in time.�


    This will be a continuation of the writing on Jonestown, Guyana. Thank you for continuing to attend me for only through Truth and Knowledge can flow WISDOM.



    In order to understand the strange events surrounding Jonestown, we must begin with a history of the people involved. The official story of a religious fanatic and his idealist followers doesn뭪 make sense in light of the evidence of murders, armed killers and autopsy coverups. If it happened the way we were told, there should be no reason to try to hide the facts from the public. A full investigation into the deaths at Jonestown and the murder of Leo Ryan would have been welcomed. What did happen is something else again.

    Jim Jones grew up in Lynn, in southern Indiana. His father was an active member of the local Ku Klux Klan that infests that area. His friends found him a little strange, and he was interested in preaching the Bible and religious rituals. Perhaps more important was his boyhood friendship with Dan Mitrione, confirmed by local residents. In the early 50뭩, Jones set out to be a religious minister, and was ordained at one point by a Christian denomination in Indianapolis. It was during this period that he met and married his lifelong mate, Marceline. He also had a small business selling monkeys, purchased from the research department at Indiana State University in Bloomington.

    A Bible-thumper and faith healer, Jones put on revivalist tent shows in the area, and worked close to Richmond, Indiana. Mitrione, his friend, worked as chief of police there, and kept him from being arrested or run out of town. According to those close to him, he used wet chicken livers as evidence of 밹ancers� he was removing by 밺ivine powers�. His landlady called him 밶 gangster who used a Bible instead of a gun�. His church followers included Charles Beikman, a Green Beret who was to stay with him to the end. Beikman was later charged with the murders of several Temple members in Georgetown, following the massacre.

    Dan Mitrione, Jones� friend, moved on to the CIA-financed International Police Academy, where police were trained in counter-insurgency and torture techniques from around the world. Jones, a poor, itinerant preacher, suddenly had money in 1961 for a trip to 뱈inister� in Brazil, and he took his family with him. By this time, he had 밶dopted� Beikman, and eight children, both black and white. His neighbors in Brazil distrusted him. He told them he worked with U.S. Navy Intelligence. His transportation and groceries were being provided by the U.S. Embassy as was the large house he lived in. His son, Stephan, commented that he made regular trips to Belo Horizonte, site of the CIA headquarters in Brazil. An American police advisor, working closely with the CIA at that point, Dan Mitrione was there as well. Mitrione had risen in the ranks quickly, and was busy training foreign police in torture and assassination methods [Mossad Connection]. He was later kidnapped by Tupermaro guerillas in Uruguay, interrogated and murdered. Costa Gavras made a film about his death titled State of Siege. Jones returned to the United States in 1963, with $10,000 in his pocket. Recent articles indicate that Catholic clergy are complaining about CIA funding of other denominations for 뱈inistry� in Brazil; perhaps Jones was an early example.

    With his new wealth, Jones was able to travel to California and establish the first People뭩 Temple in Ukiah, California, in 1965. Guarded by dogs, electric fences and guard towers, he set up Happy Havens Rest Home. Despite a lack of trained personnel, or proper licensing, Jones drew in many people at the camp. He had elderly, prisoners, people from psychiatric institutions, and 150 foster children, often transferred to care at Happy Havens by court orders. He was contacted there by Christian missionaries from World Vision, an international evangelical order that had done espionage work for the CIA in Southeast Asia. He met 밿nfluential� members of the community and was befriended by Walter Heady, the head of the local chapter of the John Birch Society. He used the members of his 밹hurch� to organize local voting drives for Richard Nixon뭩 election, and worked closely with the Republican Party. He was even appointed chairman of the county grand jury.

    밫he Messiah from Ukiah�, as he was known then, met and recruited Timothy Stoen, a Stanford graduate and member of the city DA뭩 office, and his wife Grace. During this time, the Layton family, Terri Buford and George Phillip Blakey, and other important members joined the Temple. The camp 밺octor�, Larry Schacht, claims Jones got him off drugs and into medical school during this period. These were not just street urchins, Buford뭩 father was a Commander for the fleet at the Philadelphia Navy Base for years. The Laytons were a well-heeled, aristocratic family. Dr. Layton donated at least a quarter-million dollars to Jones. His wife, son and daughter were all members of the Temple. George Blakey, who married Debbie Layton, was from a wealthy British family. He donated $60,000 to pay the lease on the 27,000-acre Guyana site in 1974. Lisa Philips Layton had come to the U.S. from a rich Hamburg banking family in Germany. Most of the top lieutenants around Jones were from wealthy, educated backgrounds, many with connections to the military or intelligence agencies. These were the people who would set up the bank accounts, complex legal actions, and financial records that put people under the Temple뭩 control.

    Stoen was able to set up important contacts for Jones as Assistant DA in San Francisco. Jones changed his image to that of a liberal. He had spent time studying the preaching methods of Fr. Divine in Philadelphia, and attempted to use them in a manipulative way on the streets of San Francisco. Fr. Divine ran a religious and charitable operation among Philadelphia뭩 poor Black community. Jones was able to use his followers in an election once again, this time for Mayor Moscone. Moscone responded in 1976, putting Jones in charge of the city Housing Commission. In addition, many of his key followers got jobs with the city Welfare Department and much of the recruitment to the Temple in San Francisco came from the ranks of the unemployed and dispossessed people. Jones was introduced to many influential liberal and radical people there, and entertained or greeted people ranging from Roslyn Carter to Angela Davis.

    The period when Jones began the Temple marked the end of an important political decade. Nixon뭩 election had ushered in a domestic intelligence dead set against the movements for peace, civil rights and social justice. Names like COINTELPRO, CHAOS, and OPERATION GARDEN PLOT, or the HOUSTON PLAN made the news following in the wake of Watergate revelations. Senator Ervin called the White House plans against dissent 밼ascistic�. These operations involved the highest levels of military and civilian intelligence and all levels of police agencies in a full-scale attempt to discredit, disrupt and destroy the movements that sprang up in the 1960뭩. There are indications that these plans, or the mood they created, led to the assassinations of Martin Luther King and Malcolm X, as unacceptable 밄lack Messiahs�.

    One of the architects under then Governor Reagan in California was not-Attorney General Edwin Meese. He coordinated 밢peration Garden Plot� for military intelligence and all police operations and intelligence in a period that was plagued with violations of civil and constitutional rights. Perhaps you recall the police attacks on People뭩 Park, the murder of many Black Panthers and activists, the infiltration of the Free Speech Movement and anti-war activity, and the experimentation on prisoners at Vacaville, or the shooting of George Jackson. Meese later bragged that this activity had damaged or destroyed the people he called 뱑evolutionaries�. It was into this situation Jones came to usurp leadership.

    After his arrival in Ukiah, his methods were visible to those who took the time to investigate. His armed guards wore black uniforms and leather jackboots. His approach was one of deception, and if that wore off, then manipulation and threats. Loyalty to his church included signing blank sheets of paper, later filled in with 밹onfessions� and used for blackmail purposes, or to extort funds. Yet the vast membership he was extorting often owned little, and he tried to milk them for everything, from personal funds to land deeds. Illegal activities were regularly reported during this period, but were either not investigated or unresolved. He clearly had the cooperation of local police. Years later, evidence would come out of charges of sexual solicitation, mysteriously dropped.

    Those who sought to leave were prevented and rebuked. Local journalist Kathy Hunter wrote in the Ukiah press about 밪even Mysterious Deaths� of the Temple members who had argued with Jones and attempted to leave. One of these was Maxine Swaney. Jones openly hinted to other members that he had arranged for them to die, threatening a similar fate to others who would be disloyal. Kathy Hunter later tried to visit Jonestown, only to be forcibly drugged by Temple guards, and deported to Georgetown. She later charged that Mark Lane approached her, falsely identifying himself as a reporter for Esquire, rather than as an attorney for Jim Jones. He led her to believe he was seeking information on Jones for an expos� in the magazine, and asked to see her evidence.

    The pattern was to continue in San Francisco. In addition, Jones required that members practice for the mysterious 밯hite Night�, a mass suicide ritual that would protect them from murder at the hands of their enemies. Although the new Temple had no guards or fences to restrict members, few had other places to live, and many had given over all they owned to Jones. They felt trapped inside this community that preached love, but practiced hatred.

    Following press exposure, and a critical article in New West magazine, Jones became very agitated, and the number of suicide drills increased. Complaints about mistreatment by current and ex-members began to appear in the media and reach the ears of congressional representatives. Sam Houston, an old friend of Leo Ryan, came to him with questions about the untimely death of his son following his departure from the Temple. Later, Timothy and Grace Stoen would complain to Ryan about custody of their young son, who was living with Jones, and urge him to visit the commune. Against advice of friends and staff members, Ryan decided to take a team of journalists to Guyana and seek the truth of the situation. Some feel that Ryan뭩 journey there was planned and expected, and used as a convenient excuse to set up his murder. Others feel that this unexpected violation of secrecy around Jonestown set off the spark that led to the mass murder. In either case, it marked the beginning of the end for Ryan and Jones.

    At one point, to show his powers, Jones arranged to be shot in the heart in front of the congregation. Dragged to a back room, apparently wounded and bleeding, he returned a moment later alive and well. While this may have been more of his stage antics to prompt believers� faith, it may also have marked the end of Jim Jones. For undisclosed reasons, Jones had and used 밺oubles�. This is very unusual for a religious leader, but quite common in intelligence operations.

    [H: If you just 뱒kimmed� over that last paragraph--GO BACK AND READ IT AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN!]

    Even the death and identification of Jim Jones were peculiar. He was apparently shot by another person at the camp. Photos of his body do not show identifying tattoos on his chest. The body and face are not clearly recognizable due to bloating and discoloration. The FBI reportedly checked his fingerprints twice, a seemingly futile gesture since it is a precise operation. A more logical route would have been to check dental records. Several researchers familiar with the case feel that the body may not have been Jones. Even if the person at the site was one of the 밺oubles�, it does not mean Jones is still alive. He may have been killed at an earlier point.

    [H: All of this is covered in the story as we presented it to you in a much earlier JOURNAL, it is that now you are getting some 밻arthly input� and I do not wish to spoil the story but I do need to tell you that Jim Jones was picked up earlier, according to the plans, and taken by Israeli agents via a U.S. plane TO ISRAEL. He was quite happily living in luxury in Israel for a while but the 밺evil� always breaks his promises--he was then taken aboard a flight as a member of a 뱓eam� involved in other matters, and was simply pushed (thrown) out of the plane over a jungle area. These tools of the adversary are cold, hard, emotionless/soulless entities and among them there is NO HONOR!]


    According to one story, Jones was seeking a place on earth that would survive the effects of nuclear war, relying only on an article in Esquire magazine for his list. The real reason for his locations in Brazil, California, Guyana and elsewhere deserve more scrutiny. At one point Jones wanted to set up in Grenada, and he invited then Prime Minister Sir Eric Gairy to visit the Temple in San Francisco. He invested $200,000 in the Grenada National Bank in 1977 to pave the way, and some $76,000 was still there after the massacre.

    His final choice, the Matthew뭩 Bridge section in Guyana, is an interesting one. It was originally the site of a Union Carbide bauxite and manganese mine, and Jones used the dock they left behind. At an earlier point, it had been one of seven possible sites chosen for the relocation of the Jews after World War II. Plans to inhabit the jungles of Guyana뭩 interior with cheap labor date back to 1919. Resources buried there are among the richest in the world, and include manganese, diamonds, gold, bauxite and uranium. Forbes Burnham, the Prime Minister, had participated in a scheme to repatriate Blacks from the UK to work in the area. Like all earlier attempts, it failed.

    Once chosen, the site was leased and worked on by a select crew of Temple members in preparation for the arrival of the body of the church. The work was done in cooperation with Burnham and the U.S. Embassy there. But if these were idealists seeking a better life, their arrival in 밬topia� was a strange welcome. Piled into busses in San Francisco, they had driven to Florida. From there, Pan American charter planes delivered them to Guyana. When they arrived at the airport, the Blacks were taken off the plane, bound and gagged. The deception had finally been stripped bare of all pretense. The Blacks were so isolated and controlled that neighbors as close as five miles from the site did not know that Blacks lived at Jonestown. The only public representatives seen in Guyana were white.

    According to survivors� reports, they entered a virtual slave labor camp. Worked for 16 to 18 hours daily, they were forced to live in cramped quarters on minimum rations, usually rice, bread and sometimes rancid meat. Kept on a schedule of physical and mental exhaustion, they were also forced to stay awake at night and listen to lectures by Jones. Threats and abuse became more common. The camp medical staff under Dr. Lawrence Schacht was known to perform painful suturing without anaesthetic. They administered drugs, and kept daily medical records. Infractions of the rules or disloyalty led to increasingly harsh punishments, including forced drugging, sensory isolation in an underground box, physical torture and public sexual rape and humiliation. Beatings and verbal abuse were commonplace. Only the special guards were treated humanely and fed decently. People with serious injuries were flown out, but few ever returned. Perhaps the motto at Jonestown should have been the same as the one at Auschwitz, developed by Larry Schacht뭩 namesake, Dr. Hjalmar Schacht, the Nazi minister of economics, 밃rheit Macht Frei�, or 밯ork Will Make You Free�. Guyana even considered setting up an 밃uschwitz-like museum� at the site, but abandoned the idea.

    By this point, Jones had amassed incredible wealth. Press estimates ranged from $26 million to $2 billion, including bank accounts, foreign investments and real estate. Accounts were set up worldwide by key members, often in the personal name of certain people in the Temple. Much of this money, listed publicly after the massacre, disappeared mysteriously. It was a fortune far too large to have come from membership alone. The receivership set up by the government settled on a total of $10 million. Of special interest were the Swiss bank accounts opened in Panama, the money taken from the camp, and the extensive investments in Barclay뭩 Bank. Other sources of income included the German banking family of Lisa Philips Layton, Larry뭩 mother. Also, close to $65,000 a month income was claimed to come from welfare and social security checks for 199 members, sent to the Temple followers and signed over to Jones. In addition, there are indications that Blakey and other members were supplementing the Temple funds with international smuggling of guns and drugs. At one point, Charles Garry noted that Jones and his community were 뱇iterally sitting on a gold mine�. Mineral distribution maps of Guyana suggest he was right. [H: The product, of course, was illegal drug dealing.]

    To comprehend this well-financed, sinister operation, we must abandon the myth that this was a religious commune and study instead the history that led to its formation. Jonestown was an experiment, part of a 30-year program called MK-ULTRA, the CIA and military intelligence code name for mind-control. A close study of Senator Ervin뭩 1974 report, Individual Rights and the Government뭩 Role in Behavior Modification shows that these agencies had certain 뱓arget populations� in mind, for both individual and mass control. Blacks, women, prisoners, the elderly, the young, and inmates of psychiatric wards were selected as 뱎otentially violent�. There were plans in California at the time for a Center for the Study and Reduction of Violence, expanding on the horrific work of Dr. Jose Delgado, Drs. Mark and Ervin, and Dr. Jolly West, experts in implantation, psychosurgery, and tranquilizers. The guinea pigs were to be drawn from the ranks of the 뱓arget populations�, and taken to an isolated military missile base in California. In that same period, Jones began to move his Temple members to Jonestown. They were the exact population selected for such tests.

    The meticulous daily notes and drug records kept by Larry Schacht disappeared, but evidence did not. The history of MK-ULTRA and its sister programs (MK-DELTA, ARTICHOKE, BLUEBIRD, etc.) records combinations of drugs, drug mixtures, electroshock and torture as methods for control. The desired results ranged from temporary and permanent amnesia, uninhibited confessions, and creation of second personalities, to programmed assassins and preconditioned suicidal urges. One goal was the ability to control mass populations, especially for cheap labor. Dr. Delgado told Congress that he hoped for a future where a technology would control workers in the field and troops at war with electronic remote signals. He found it hard to understand why people would complain about electrodes implanted in their brains to make them 밷oth happy and productive�.

    On the scene at Jonestown, Guyanese troops discovered a large cache of drugs, enough to drug the entire population of Georgetown, Guyana (well over 200,000) for more than a year. According to survivors, these were being used regularly 뱓o control� a population of only 1,100 people. One footlocker contained 11,000 doses of thorazine, a dangerous tranquilizer. Drugs used in the testing for MK-ULTRA were found in abundance, including sodium pentathol (a truth serum), chloral hydrate (a hypnotic), demerol, thallium (confuses thinking), and many others. Schacht had supplies of haliopareael and largatil, two other major tranquilizers, as well. The actual description of life at Jonestown is that of a tightly run concentration camp, complete with medical and psychiatric experimentation. The stresses and isolation of the victims is typical of sophisticated brainwashing techniques. The drugs and special tortures add an additional experimental aspect to the horror. This more clearly explains the medical tags on the bodies, and why they had to be removed. It also suggests an additional motive for frustrating any chemical autopsies, since these drugs would have been found in the systems of the dead.

    The story of Jonestown is that of a gruesome experiment, not a religious utopian society. On the eve of the massacre, Forbes Burnham was reportedly converted to 밷orn again� Christianity by members of the Full Gospel Christian Businessman뭩 Association, including Lionel Luckhoo, a Temple lawyer in Guyana. [H: Perhaps this is WHY we aren뭪 very accepting of ones on face value who come to us stating they are 밷orn again� because the term is so elusive and intentionally a deceitful 뱇ie� in most instances. It simply has no meaning at all in spirituality for how can ye be 밷orn again�? Either you are 밷orn� or you are not--밶gain� hasn뭪 anything to do with it unless you compare it to 밶 little bit pregnant�.]

    This same group, based in California, also reportedly converted Guatemalan dictator Rios Montt prior to his massacres there, and they were in touch with Jim Jones in Ukiah. They currently conduct the White House prayer breakfasts for Mr. Reagan. [H: This Journal was written during the time of President Reagan, in case you forget that we are quoting.]

    With Ryan on his way to Jonestown, the seal of secrecy was broken. In a desperate attempt to test their conditioning methods, the Jonestown elite apparently tried to implement a real suicide drill. Clearly, it led to a revolt and the majority of people fled, unaware that there were people waiting to catch them.


    We will interrupt this narrative at this point lest the writing get too long and unwieldy. We shall consider placing this in book (JOURNAL) format so that we can move on and integrate the outlay given prior to this in sequence format for your better understanding. This is for the purpose of opening your eyes--WIDE--to the cover-up which can go on in massive numbers and places. Funny thing about people--the bigger the lie, the easier it is to feed unto you. In the same JOURNAL we will have to go back and include Psychopolitics as presented in the Soviet Union AND 밄RAINWASHING IN AMERICA�. I warn you that this will be a powerful and painful document but it needs to be compiled into a single volume so that the relationships can be visualized. No, Dharma, I did not say we were through writing JOURNALS, I said that Germain would take a respite after Vol. 8 of �PLEIADES CONNECTIONS�. I realize you are tired and sick to your heart of these outlays, but it must be done and thusly, we shall do it. So be it.

    I wrap you in my cloak of safety and you will be given that which is needed to see you through--all of you who serve so long and endlessly. You ask for nothing, really, other than that your work be sanctioned and bear fruit. You are all blessed unto God for through your hands shall His Kingdom be again established. In brotherhood, we serve. Blessing be unto you of the 밼lock� who would bring your nation again into 뱑ight-ness�.

    Salu, Hatonn to clear.

    PJ 38
    CHAPTER 11
    SAT., OCTOBER 19, 1991 8:26 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 064
    SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1991

    Two things to note on this day, before we begin writing on Guyana. Hatonn present to share and point out that which is most important for your attention.

    Another nuclear test at maximum level has been detonated in Nevada with tremendous shock effects. Why would you continue to be testing if there is no cause to expect war? Secondly, I wrote in days past of the plans of the communizing of your world by the Soviets/Khazars. You will note that yesterday your President has said that all nuclear weapons will be pulled out of South Korea. Dear ones, the handwriting is on the wall, can you not read it?

    The testing in Nevada is daily but only has to be reported when the magnitude is great enough to cause the equivalent of 5 point tremors. With each large detonation you are getting the equivalent of more than 6. This continual barrage is devastating to the Hoover Dam--you toy with total disaster!

    And what of the news? What news? I believe what you will find is a thrust to get your guns after the Hennard killings in Kileen, Texas as is planned and right on cue. There is something I ask that you note about these mass killers in general and especially the last two--Dhamer and Hennard; they are unusually handsome and physically well-structured--this is also true of the one, Ramerez. What then, is the matter with them? They are singled out for attack and input, and when they blow, they are devastating.

    However, why do you blame a gun for that which is done by human? Do the guns line up and say, 밚et뭩 go, brother gun, and wipe out a bunch of humans?� Or, since the gunman used a pickup truck, do you not think all pickup trucks should be banned? How about blue pickup trucks? YOU, AMERICANS, ARE VERY NEAR TO BEING LEGALLY DISARMED! OH YES, YOU WILL TURN IN YOUR GUNS IF THEY COME FOR THEM WITH TANKS AND MISSILES! THEY ARE NOW PREPARED TO BE ABLE TO DO THAT IF YOU DON뭈 BRING THEM IN OF YOUR OWN FREE WILL. 밫HEY� DO NOT INTEND THAT YOU HAVE MAJOR WEAPONS WITH WHICH TO FIGHT BACK. SO BE IT.

    Well, I must have misspoken about 뱊o news� for I believe it is a BIG thing that the Bush and Quayle are going on a sweeping campaign push. Funny thing is that they are doing so to deplete the campaign funding resources so others can뭪 have as much money to make their own thrust against them. Ah yes, good, clean politics at it뭩 best.


    I ask that immediately following this portion, the letters written by the ADL, etc., and the radio station who gave in to the ADL demands, be printed.

    I ask you to ponder a point: if three 밹omplaints� can bring a radio station or TV station to its knees in capitulation, where is your Constitutional protection? This is exactly like having a Black man spoken of, say Thomas, and the Zulus be able to shut down the press and media because of three complaints from Zulus. If these letters do not make my point better than anything I can say, then we are in far more serious trouble than even I thought.

    I do not know how we will do it for we must have funding for countering these points for our people are exhausted in carrying the load alone--but, if you don뭪 get the Constitutional Law Center on to this one instantly with at least a paper trail, then you overlook the most valuable asset you have--a CASE!

    I do ask that every one who will, who receives this paper, write one or more letters to that radio station and file complaints with the ADL corespondent listed. This is as stupid as claiming that anyone with Irish blood in his history, real or imagined (such as on St. Patrick뭩 Day) is guilty of being in the Irish Republican Army and shooting British soldiers and citizens.

    I do not care what is told you by the ADL as a 밼or instance�--they are a Khazarian Israel-FIRST faction, tax-free organization who is instrumental in bringing down your nation under the rule of Israel. I don뭪 have ANYTHING to say about so-called, self-styled Jews, real or otherwise. In the books, we have PROVEN to you that they are NOT 밓udean� lineage 밓ews� and they ARE out to annihilate those 밓ews� who have heritage in that area of heritage.

    We have also PROVEN to you that the PROTOCOLS OF ZION are factual. If you want to change your citizens again into Constitutional rights, your nation and the world--then you must take some kind of action against these liars and cheats. THEY TOTALLY CONTROL EVERY PORTION OF YOUR MEDIA FROM THE PRESS TO THE TELEVISION/RADIO WAVES. You who ask what you can do--THIS IS WHAT YOU CAN BEGIN TO DO!


    The Constitution, let us well understand, does NOT 밎IVE YOU RIGHTS�. It is a document of laws to make sure you have PROTECTION of your rights. YOU are an indigenous being (Originating or occurring NATURALLY in the place or country specified; native; Innate; inherent.) with UNalienable RIGHTS within those NATURAL LAWS OF CREATOR. YOU ARE SUBJECT TO NOTHING AND NO THING, SAVE GOD CREATOR!!! WHEN YOU GET THIS STRAIGHT, THEN AND ONLY THEN, CAN WE MOVE FORWARD RAPIDLY--AS LONG AS YOU 밫AKE� WHAT THEY OOZE OUT TO YOU--YOU WILL HAVE NO MORE AND DESERVE NO MORE. MAY YOU COME INTO THE KNOWING SOON FOR YOU ARE OUT OF 밫IME�.



    Author Don Freed, an associate of Mark Lane, said that Martin Luther King, 밒f he could see 멙onestown�, he would recognize it as the next step in his agenda, and he would say, one, two, three, many more Jonestowns.� Strangely enough, almost every map of Guyana in the major press located Jonestown at a different place following the killings. One map even shows a second site in the area called 밓ohnstown�. Perhaps there were multiple camps and Leo Ryan was only shown the one they hoped he would see. In any case, the Jonestown model survives, and similar camps, and their sinister designs, show up in many places.

    Inside Guyana itself, approximately 25 miles to the south of Matthews Bridge, is a community called Hilltown, named after religious leader Rabbi Hill. Hill has used the names Abraham Israel and Rabbi Emmanual Washington. Hilltown, set up about the same time as Jonestown, followed the departure of David Hill, who was known in Cleveland, a fugitive of the U.S. courts. Hill rules with an 밿ron fist� over some 8,000 Black people from Guyana and America who believe they are the Lost Tribe of Israel and the real Hebrews of Biblical prophecy. Used as strong-arm troops, and 밿nternal mercenaries� to insure Burnham뭩 election, as were Jonestown members, the Hilltown people were allowed to clear the Jonestown site of shoes and unused weapons, both in short supply in Guyana. Hill says his followers would gladly kill themselves at his command, but he would survive since, unlike Jones, his is 밿n control�.

    Similar camps were reported at the time in the Philippines. Perhaps the best known example is the fascist torture camp in Chile known as Colonial Dignidad. Also a religious cult built around a single individual, this one came from Germany to Chile in 1961. In both cases, the camp was their 밃gricultural Experiment�. Sealed and protected by the dreaded Chilean DINA police, Colonial Dignidad serves as a torture camp for political dissidents. To the Jonestown monstrosities, they have added dogs specially trained to attack human genitals. The operations there have included the heavy hand of decapitation specialist Michael Townley Welch, an American CIA trained by the Mossad, as well as reported visits by Nazi war criminals Dr. Josef Mengele and Martin Bormann. Currently, another such campsite exists aT Pisagua, Chile. Temple member Jeannie Mills, now dead, reported having seen actual films of a Chilean torture camp while at Jonestown. The only source possible at the time was the Chilean fascists themselves.

    In the current period, Jonestown is being 뱑epopulated� with 100,000 Laotian Hmong people. Many of them grew opium for CIA money in Southeast Asia. Over 1,000 reside there already under a scheme designed by Billy Graham뭩 nephew Ernest, and members of the Federation of Evangelical Ministries Association in Wheaton, Illinois (World Vision, World Medical Relief, Samaritan뭩 Purse, and Carl McIntyre뭩 International Council of Christian Churches). Similar plans devised by the Peace Corps included moving inner-city Blacks from America to Jamaica, and other Third World countries. And World Relief attempted to move the population of the Island of Dominica to Jonestown. It is only a matter of time before another Jonestown will be exposed, perhaps leading again to massive slaughter.


    Our story so far has hinted at connections to U.S. intelligence, such as the long-term friendship of Jones and CIA associate Dan Mitrione, but the ties are much more direct when a full picture of the operation is revealed. To start with, the history of Forbes Burnham뭩 rise to power in Guyana is fraught with the clear implication of a CIA coup d� 뭙tat to oust troublesome independent leader Cheddi Jagan. In addition, the press and other evidence indicated the presence of a CIA agent on the scene at the time of the massacre. This man, Richard Dwyer, was working as Deputy Chief of Mission for the U.S. Embassy in Guyana. Identified in Who뭩 Who in the CIA, he has been involved since 1959., and was last stationed in Martinique. Present at the camp site and the airport strip, his accounts were used by the State Department to confirm the death of Leo Ryan. At the massacre, Jones said, 밎et Dwyer out of here,� just before the killings began.

    Other Embassy personnel, who knew the situation at Jonestown well, were also connected to intelligence work. U.S. Ambassador John Burke, who served in the CIA with Dwyer in Thailand, was an Embassy official described by Philip Agee as working for the CIA since 1963. A Reagan appointee to the CIA, he is still employed by the Agency, usually on State Department assignments. Burke tried to stop Ryan뭩 investigation. Also at the Embassy was Chief Consular officer Richard McCoy, described as 밹lose to Jones�, who worked for military intelligence and was 뱋n loan� from the Defense Department at the time of the massacre. According to a standard source, 밫he U.S. embassy in Georgetown housed the Georgetown CIA station. It now appears that the majority and perhaps all of the embassy officials were CIA officers operating under State Department covers...� Dan Webber, who was sent to the site of the massacre the day after, was also named as CIA. Not only did the State Department conceal all reports of violations at Jonestown from Congressman Leo Ryan, but the Embassy regularly provided Jones with copies of all congressional inquiries under the Freedom of Information Act.

    Ryan had challenged the Agency뭩 overseas operations before, as a member of the House Committee responsible for oversight or intelligence. He was an author of the controversial Hughes-Ryan Amendment that would have required CIA disclosure in advance to the congressional committees of all planned covert operations. The Amendment was defeated shortly after his death.

    American intelligence agencies have a sordid history of cooperative relations with Nazi war criminals and international fascism. In light of this, consider the curious ties of the family members of the top lieutenants to Jim Jones. The Layton family is one example. Dr. Laurence Layton was Chief of Chemical and Biological Warfare Research at Dugway Proving Grounds in Utah, for many years, and later worked as Director of Missile and Satellite Development at the Navy Propellant Division, Indian Head, Maryland. His wife, Lisa, had come from a rich German-Jewish family. Her father, Hugo, had represented I.G. Farben as a stockbroker. Her stories about hiding her Jewish past from her children for most of her life, and her parents� escape from a train heading for a Nazi concentration camp are shallow and untrue, as are Dr. Layton뭩 밦uaker� religious beliefs. The same family sent money to Jonestown regularly. Their daughter, Debbie, met and married George Philip Blakey in an exclusive private school in England. Blakey뭩 parents have extensive stock holding in Solvay drugs, a division of the Nazi cartel I.G. Farben. He also contributed financially. [H: You will find the name I.G. Farben in all the books on 밫he Conspiracy�.]

    Terri Buford뭩 father, Admiral Charles T. Buford, worked with Navy Intelligence. In addition, Blakey was reportedly running mercenaries from Jonestown to CIA-backed UNITA forces in Angola. Maria Katsaris� father was a minister with the Greek Orthodox Church, a common conduit of CIA fundings, and Maria claimed she had proof he was CIA. She was shot in the head, and her death was ruled a suicide, but at one point Charles Beikman was charged with killing her. On their return to the United States, the 뱋fficial� survivors were represented by attorney Joseph Baltchford who had been named prior to that time in a scandal involving CIA infiltration of the Peace Corps. Almost everywhere you look at Jonestown, U.S. intelligence and fascism rear their ugly heads.

    The connection of intelligence agencies to cults is nothing new. A simple but revealing example is the Unification Church, tied to both the Korean CIA (i.e. American CIA in Korea), and the international fascist network known as the World Anti-Communist League. The Moonies hosted WACL뭩 first international conference. What distinguished Jonestown was both the level of control and the openly sinister involvement. It was imperative that they cover their tracks.

    Maria Katsaris sent Michael Prokes, Tim Carter, and another guard out at the last minute with $500,000 cash in a suitcase, and instructions for a drop point. Her note inside suggests the funds were destined for the Soviet Union. Prokes later shot himself at a San Francisco press conference, where he claimed to be an FBI informant. Others reported meetings with KGB agents and plans to move to Russia. This disinformation was part of a 뱑ed smear� to be used if they had to abandon the operation. The Soviet Union had no interest in the money and even less in Jonestown. The cash was recovered by the Guyanese government. [H: The money was headed for Tel Aviv. The Russians had a missile base within 30 miles of Jonestown which the U.S. military was sent in to take-out 뱖ith none left alive�. That is covered in a segment from the JOURNAL, SKELETONS IN THE CLOSET.]

    Their hidden funding may include more intelligence links. A mysterious account in Panama, totaling nearly $5 million in the name of an 밃ssociation Pro Religiosa do San Pedro, S.A.� was located. This unknown Religious Association of St. Peter was probably one of the twelve phony companies set up by Archbishop Paul Marcinkus to hide the illegal investments of Vatican funds through the scandal-ridden Banco Ambrosiano. A few days after the story broke about the accounts, the President of Panama, and most of the government resigned, Roberto Calvi of Banco Ambrosiano was murdered, and the Jonestown account disappeared from public scrutiny and court record.

    The direct orders to cover up the cause of death came from the top levels of the American government. Zbigniew Brezezinsky delegated to Robert Pastor, and he in turn ordered Lt. Col. Gordon Sumner to strip the bodies of identity. Pastor is now Deputy Director of the CIA. One can only wonder how many others tied to the Jonestown operation were similarly promoted.


    One of the persistent problems in researching Jonestown is that it seems to lead to so many other criminal activities, each with its own complex history and cast of characters. Perhaps the most disturbing of these is the connection that appears repeatedly between the characters in the Jonestown story and the key people involved in the murder and investigation of Martin Luther King.

    The first clue to this link appeared in the personal histories of the members of the Ryan investigation team who were so selectively and deliberately killed at Port Kaituma. Don Harris, a veteran NBC reporter, had been the only network newsman on the scene to cover Martin Luther King뭩 activity in Memphis at the time of King뭩 assassination. He had interviewed key witnesses at the site. His coverage of the urban riots that followed won him an Emmy award. Gregory Robinson, a 밼earless� journalist from the San Francisco Examiner, had photographed the same riots in Washington, D.C. When he was approached for copies of the films by Justice Department officials, he threw the negatives into the Potomac river.

    The role of Mark Lane, who served as attorney for Jim Jones, is even more clearly intertwined. Lane had co-authored a book with Dick Gregory, claiming FBI complicity in the King murder. He was hired as the attorney for James Earl Ray, accused assassin, when Ray testified before the House Select Committee on Assassinations about King. Prior to this testimony, Ray was involved in an unusual escape plot at Brushy Mountain State Prison. The prisoner who had helped engineer the escape plot was later inexplicably offered an early parole by members of the Tennessee Governor뭩 office. These officials, and Governor Blanton himself, were to come under close public scrutiny and face legal charges in regard to bribes taken to arrange illegal early pardons for prisoners.

    One of the people living at Jonestown was ex-FBI agent Wesley Swearingen, who at least publicly condemned the COINTELPRO operations and other abuses, based on stolen classified documents, at the Jonestown site. Lane had reportedly met with him there at least a year before the massacre. Terri Buford said the documents were passed on to Charles Garry. Lane used information from Swearingen in his thesis on the FBI and King뭩 murder. Swearingen later served as a key witness in suits against the Justice Department brought by the Socialist Workers Party. When Larry Flynt, the flamboyant publisher of Hustler magazine, offered a $1 million reward leading to the capture and conviction of the John F. Kennedy killers, the long distance number listed to collect information and leads was being answered by Mark Lane and Wesley Swearingen.

    With help from officials in Tennessee, Governor Blanton뭩 office, Lane managed to get legal custody of a woman who had been incarcerated in the Tennessee state psychiatric system for nearly eight years. This woman, Grace Walden Stephens, had been a witness in the King murder. She was living at the time in Memphis in a rooming house across from the hotel when Martin Luther King was shot. The official version of events had Ray located in the common bathroom of the rooming house, and claimed he used a rifle to murder King from that window. Grace Stephens did, indeed, see a man run from the bathroom, past her door and down to the street below. A rifle, later linked circumstantially to James Earl Ray, was found inside a bundle at the base of the rooming house stairs, and identified as the murder weapon. But Grace, who saw the man clearly, refused to identify him as Ray when shown photographs by the FBI. Her testimony was never introduced at the trial. The FBI relied, instead, on the word of her common law husband, Charles Stephens, who was drunk and unconscious at the time of the incident. Her persistence in saying that it was not James Earl Ray was used at her mental competency hearings as evidence against her, and she disappeared into the psychiatric system.

    Grace Walden Stephens took up residence in Memphis with Lane, her custodian, and Terri Buford, a key Temple member who had returned to the U.S. before the killings to live with Lane. While arranging for her to testify before the Select Committee on Ray뭩 behalf, Lane and Buford were plotting another fate for Grace Stephens. Notes from Buford to Jones, found in the aftermath of the killings, discussed arrangements with Lane to move Grace Stephens to Jonestown. The problem that remained was lack of a passport, but Buford suggested either getting a passport on the black market, or using the passport of former Temple member Maxine Swaney. Swaney, dead for nearly 2-1/2 years since her departure from the Ukiah camp, was in no position to argue, and Jones apparently kept her passport with him. Whether Grace ever arrived at Jonestown is unclear.

    Lane was also forced to leave Ray in the midst of testimony to the Select Committee when he got word that Ryan was planning to visit. Lane had attempted to discourage the trip earlier in a vaguely threatening letter. Now he rushed to be sure he arrived with the group. At the scene, he failed to warn Ryan and others, knowing that the sandwiches and other food might be drugged, but refrained from eating it himself. Later, claiming that he and Charles Garry would write the official history of the 뱑evolutionary suicide�, Lane was allowed to leave the pieces of underwear to mark their way back to Georgetown. If true, it seems an unlikely method if they were in any fear of pursuit. They had heard gunfire and screams back at the camp. Lane was reportedly well aware of the forced drugging and suicide drills at Jonestown before Ryan arrived.

    Another important figure in the murder of Martin Luther King was his mother, Alberta. A few weeks after the first public announcement by Coretta Scott King that she believed her husband뭩 murder was part of a conspiracy, Mrs. Alberta King was brutally shot to death in Atlanta, while attending church services. Anyone who had seen the physical wounds suffered by King might have been an adverse witness to the official version, since the wound angles did NOT match the ballistic direction of a shot from the rooming house. Her death also closely coincided with the reopening of the Tennessee state court review of Ray뭩 conviction based on a guilty plea, required by a 6th Circuit decision. The judge in that case reportedly refused to allow witnesses from beyond a 100 mile radius of the courtroom.

    The man convicted of shooting King뭩 mother was Marcus Wayne Chenault. His emotional affect following the murder was unusual. Grinning, he asked if he had hit anyone. He had reportedly been dropped off at the church by people he knew in Ohio. While at Ohio State University, he was part of a group known as 뱓he Troop�, run by a Black minister and gun collector who used the name Rabbi Emmanuel Israel. This man, described in the press as a 뱈entor� for Chenault, left the area immediately after the shooting. In the same period, Rabbi Hill traveled from Ohio to Guyana and set up Hilltown, using similar aliases, and preaching the same message of a 밷lack Hebrew elite�. Chenault confided to SCLC leaders that he was one of many killers who were working to assassinate a long list of Black leadership. The names he said were on this list coincided with similar 밺eath lists� distributed by the KKK, and linked to the COINTELPRO operations in the 60뭩.

    The real backgrounds and identities of Marcus Wayne Chenault and Rabbi Hill may never be discovered, but one thing is certain, Martin Luther King would never had countenanced the preachings of Jim Jones, had he lived to hear them.

    [H: Many of you ask how it is that Tom Bradley, Jesse Jackson, etc., of the Black community who could do such 밽ood� are spared the assassinations. Because they have joined the Elite--they are all members in good standing on the Council of Foreign Relations and some are on other of the more Elite councils.]


    In the face of such horror, it may seem little compensation to know that part of the truth has been unearthed. But for the families and some of the survivors, the truth, however painful, is the only path to being relieved of the burden of their doubts. It뭩 hard to believe that President Carter was calling on us at the time not to 뱋verreact�. The idea that a large community of Black people would not only stand by and be poisoned at the suggestion of Jim Jones, but would allow their children to be murdered first, is a monstrous lie, and a racist insult. We now know that the most direct description of Jonestown is that it was a Black genocide plan. One Temple director, Joyce Shaw, described the Jonestown massacre as, 뱒ome kind of horrible government experiment, or some sort of sick racial thing, a plan like that of the Germans to exterminate Blacks.� If we refuse to look further into this nightmarish event, there will be more Jonestowns to come. They will move from Guyana to our own back yard.

    The cast of characters is neither dead nor inactive. Key members of the armed guard were ordered to be on board the Temple Ship, Cudjoe--at the hour of the massacre they were on a supply run to Trinidad. George Phillip Blakey phoned his father-in-law, Dr. Lawrence Layton, from Panama after the event. At least ten members of the Temple remained on the boat, and set up a new community in Trinidad while Nigel Slinger, a Grenada businessman and insurance broker for Jonestown, repaired the 400-ton shipping vessel. Then Charles Blakey set up an 뱋pen house� in Grenada with the others. McCann spoke about starting a shipping company to 밼inance the continued work of the original Temple�.

    That 뱖ork� may have included the mysterious operations of the mental hospital in Grenada that eluded government security by promising free medical care. The hospital was operated by Sir Geoffrey Bourne, Chancellor of the St. George뭩 University Medical School, also staffed by his son Dr. Peter Bourne. His son뭩 history includes work with psychological experiments and USAID in Vietnam, the methadone clinics in the U.S., and a drug scandal in the Carter White House. The mental hospital was the only structure bombed during the U.S. invasion of Grenada in 1983. This was part of a plan to put Sir Eric Gairy back in power. Were additional experiments going on at the site?

    In addition, the killers of Leo Ryan and others at Port Kaituma were never accounted for fully. The trial of Larry Layton was mishandled by the Guyanese courts, and the U.S. system as well. No adequate evidentiary hearings have occurred either at the trial or in state and congressional reviews. The Jonestown killers, trained assassins and mercenaries, are not on trial. They might be working in Africa or Central America. Their participation in Jonestown can be used as an 밻xplanation� for their involvement in later murders here, such as the case of the attack on school children in Los Angeles. They should be named and located.

    The money behind Jonestown was never fully examined or recovered. The court receivership only collected a fraction, the bulk went to pay back military operations and burial costs. Families of the dead were awarded only minimal amounts. Some filed suit, unsuccessfully, to learn more about the circumstances of the deaths, and who was responsible. Joe Holsinger, Leo Ryan뭩 close friend and assistant, studied the case for two years and reached the same unnerving conclusions--these people were murdered, there was evidence of a mass mind-control experiment, and the top levels of civilian and military intelligence were involved. He worked with Ryan뭩 family members to prove the corruption and injustice, but they could barely afford the immense court costs and case preparations. Their suit, as well as a similar one brought by ex-members and families of the victims, had to be dropped for lack of funds.

    The international operations of World Vision and the related evangelical groups continue unabashed. World Vision official John W. Hinckley, Sr. was on his way to a Guatemalan water project run by the organization on the day his son shot at President Reagan. [Isn뭪 it strange that one of the Bush twigs had a dinner appointment with Hinckley, Jr. on the day after? How handily the Elite set up their covers! Ah but the plot thickens as you read on---!] A MYSTERIOUS 밆OUBLE� OF HINCKLEY, JR., a man named Richardson, followed Hinckley뭩 path from Colorado to Connecticut, and even wrote love letters to Jody Foster. Richardson was a follower of Carl McIntyre뭩 International Council of Christian Churches, and attended their Bible School in Florida. He was arrested shortly after the assassination attempt in New York뭩 Port Authority with a weapon, and claimed he intended to kill Reagan. [H: Still don뭪 believe in robotoids and duplicates????]

    Another World Vision employee, Mark David Chapman, worked at their Haitian refugee camp in Ft. Chaffee, Arkansas. He was later to gain infamy as the assassin of John Lennon in New York City. World Vision works with refugees worldwide. At the Honduran border, they are present in camps used by American CIA to recruit mercenaries against Nicaragua. They were at Sabra and Shatilla, Camps in Lebanon where fascist Phalange massacred the Palestinians. Their representatives in the Cuban refugee camps on the east coast included members of the Bay of Pigs operation, CIA-financed mercenaries from Omega 7 and Alpha 66. Are they being used as a worldwide cover for the recruitment and training of these killers? They are, as mentioned earlier, working to repopulate Jonestown with Laotians who served as mercenaries for our CIA.

    Silence in the face of these murders is the worst possible response. The telling sign above the Jonestown dead read, 밫hose who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.� The genocide will come home to America. How many spent time studying the rehash of child murders in Atlanta뭩 Black community or asked the necessary questions about the discrepancies in the conviction of Wayne Williams? Would we recognize a planned genocide if it occurred under similar subterfuge?

    Leo Ryan뭩 daughter, Shannon, lives among the disciples of another cult today, at the new city of Rajneeshpuram in Arizona. She was quoted in the press, during the recent controversy over a nationwide recruiting drive to bring urban homeless people to the commune, saying she did not believe it could end like Jonestown, since the leader would not ask them to commit suicide. 밒f he did ask me, I would do it,� she said.


    Homeless recruits who had left since then are suing in court because of suspicious and unnecessary injections given them by the commune뭩 doctor, and a liquid they were served daily in unmarked jars that many believe was not simply 밷eer�. One man in the suit claims he was drugged and disoriented for days after his first injection.

    The ultimate victims of mind control at Jonestown are the American people. If we fail to look beyond the constructed images given us by the television and the press, then our consciousness is manipulated, just as well as the Jonestown victims� was. Facing nuclear annihilation, many see the current militarism of the Reagan policies, and military training itself, as the real 뱈ass suicide cult�. If the discrepancy between the truth of Jonestown and the official version can be so great what other lies have we been told about major events?

    History is precious. In a democracy, knowledge must be accessible for informed consent to function. Hiding or distorting history behind 뱊ational security� leaves the public as the final enemy of the government. Democratic process cannot operate on 뱊eed to know�. Otherwise, we live in the 1984 envisioned by Orwell뭩 projections, and we must heed his warning that those who control the past control the future.

    The real tragedy of Jonestown is not only that it occurred, but that so few chose to ask themselves why or how, so few sought to find out the facts behind the bizarre tale used to explain away the death of more than 900 people, and that so many will continue to be blind to the grim reality of our intelligence agencies. In the long run, the truth will come out. Only our complicity in the deception continues to dishonor the dead.


    I will protect this author until he wishes to make himself known. He has utilized some 291 references so that you can see he is informed as well as could be from documentation available. But yes, he did miss the 뱖hole� of the story, but now you have it also so there is little excuse to continue in the lie.

    The most effective way to conquer a man is to capture his mind. Control a man뭩 mind and you control his body. Most people don뭪 pay conscious attention to the things that affect them subconsciously. They don뭪 usually know what to look for. However, when pointed to, these things can be recognized and understood. We intend to point these things out to you. Just as with 밣sychopolitics� (Soviet brain-washing) so, too, are all other nations, especially the U.S. guilty of massive abuse and brain control. It is part and parcel of the plan to take over the world and YOU ARE REPEATING THE PAST, MY FRIENDS.

    Let us break this document at this point for it becomes too lengthy. I will change subjects when we convene again for I want to tell you the lie of Watergate while we are on 뱑evelations�. The whole of Watergate was a massive move to gain control, by the Israelis, of the United States. It has worked very well, indeed. I cannot repeat often enough--YOU ARE PEOPLE OF THE LIE! THE ISRAELI ENEMY IS NOT 밐EBREW JUDAISM� NOR SEMITES--THEY ARE A MASSIVE INTEGRATED PORTION OF THE PLAN TO TAKE OVER TOTAL CONTROL OF THE WORLD AND YOU ARE DEEP INTO IT--NOW.

    Thank you, Dharma. I realize we have a meeting at 1:30 today so I will be taking temporary leave that you might attend that which needs attention prior to that time. Chela, you are under constant attack and we cannot buffer it all, your heart begins to fail and we must attend it. It is in congestive failure which causes the pressure on your chest and neck as it misses strokes and backwashes--DO NOT TAKE EXERCISE AND DO NOT BE ALONE FOR LONG PERIODS FOR THE PROBLEM IS SERIOUS. I WILL BE EVER CONSTANT.

    I am pained that you precious children have to endure these attacks but so it has always been. I stand between thee and thine enemies and THEY KNOW IT. Whatever you might realize--THEY KNOW OF OUR PRESENCE AND MOST CAREFULLY WEIGH THE CONSEQUENCES OF THEIR BOMBARDMENT. We must, however, allow you ones your own choices, so please attend our petition to take caution and care--daring the enemy is not wisdom. It might make my day to do so--it can cost you your day forever. Let us walk gently for the WORD is the sword and Truth gives freedom and so it shall come to pass as we do our work.


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