PJ 37


WED., SEPTEMBER 4, 199110:24 A.M.YEAR 5, DAY 019


First, briefly, I, Hatonn, need to speak with you. So much happened on the yesterday which needs expression and instructions but we will not take Germain's precious time in the discussion herein. I ask for a meeting early enough this evening that we can have immediate discussion about the upcoming group session in which I ask participation. They are in no way in conjunction with the publications but are a most personal series of ongoing support opportunities wherein we can utilize group "numbers" in an attempt to structure HOW to come into personal capability to get through these tough times which blast you with everything from addictions to simple distress. All may not wish to spend the time--certainly all participation, as always, is totally optional and we can discuss it before the meeting with the Pilot Group speakers this evening. I will have to warn you now, some are literally controlled by very real dark energies--with the thrust to destroy the entity housing such energy and to attack "leaders" through these avenues. In some instances it is now reached critical proportion and must the stopped.

No one will, please, error by any supposition that what we do is in any way a ��쐒eligious��� ��쐔hing���. It will be equated more appropriately to Alcoholic, Overeaters, drug, etc., Anonymous "addiction"-handling with the twelve steps expanded and with the assistance of more in-depth TOOLS. The full intent is to set up a working guideline, with the tools, and then they can be available to all--anywhere. If mankind cannot find his balance in this evil infested world, what we do otherwise is quite hopeless for the individual is binded by the shackles of daily bombardment and depressed hopelessness.


I thank "Orion" for sending a couple of articles in support of what I have been telling you: One--(AP) "Federal agents arrested hundreds of people on firearms charges Thursday in a nationwide roundup of what one official called "the cream of the crud" behind violent crime. Many could face prison terms of at least 15 years for violating federal gun laws [this is JUST for failure to have proper registration], said Stephen E. Higgins, director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. The bureau said 425 people had been arrested by 4 p.m. and the total was expected to exceed 600".

This is the real beginning of the END, dear ones--it is now, in many states (and this is where the show begins), illegal to have any unregistered handguns and many classifications of rifles. Moreover, the forces will begin with known criminals so they can show you-the-people that they are of "good intent"--NO, IT IS TO SUCKER YOU IN AND YOU WILL HAND OVER ALL METHODS OF SELF-DEFENSE--VERY, VERY SOON!

Now try this one and see how many of you become ill: POLICE SEIZE FIRM, 'SELL' IT BACK. Rocky Mountain News, Sun., Aug. 25, 1991: Edgewater (Colorado): Edgewater pawnshop owner accused of not filling out paperwork, ordered to pay $50,000.

Edgewater police closed the business of a man accused of violating a law by not filling out paperwork properly, then demanded he pay them $50,000 to get his business back.

The seizure of Sheridan Trading Post and Pawn Shop, 2495 Sheridan Blvd., has raised questions about Colorado's "asset forfeiture" laws and has sparked accusations that police harassed a business that didn't fit the plans of Edgewater's city government.

On May 17, a team of armed "examiners" led by Edgewater Detective Mike Marchese entered the business, which police suspected of being a fencing operation.

Police were armed with an "asset forfeiture order" signed by Jefferson County District Judge Tom Woodford. It declared the shop an "ongoing criminal activity" and a "class-one public nuisance".

The officers boarded up windows, seized cash, checkbooks and merchandise, padlocked the doors and kicked out owner Dean R. Porter, 59.

But when police examined the business, they found no evidence of fencing. In fact, Marchese said his squad wasn't even looking for stolen property because Porter wasn't accused of dealing in stolen goods.

Instead, he was accused of improperly filing the reports pawn-brokers must make to police on loans and purchases.

"It was for criminal violations of the reporting procedure", said officer Marchese.

But Tom Leadabran, the deputy district attorney in Jefferson County who handled the asset forfeiture case, insisted that the case against Porter was a serious one.

"It wasn't a single isolated incident", he said, "He had committed a string of felonies. Failure to report, theft by receiving....I don't know how many".[Look carefully--this is for this NEW gun confiscation, friends--no matter what they do or how they do it--further, the D.A. said: "I don't know how many..." So, what happened to citizen's rights? What happened to "innocent until proven ----"? YOU are likely NEXT!]

Those laws, said Leadabrand, are to prevent thieves from using pawnshops to unload stolen goods.

No criminal charges have been filed, however. Jefferson County deputy district attorney Joseph Gilmore said he was "still reviewing files".

But Porter said the incident "has already cost me what I spent most of my life working for".

The confiscated goods--both from his pawnshop business and his separate gun business under the same roof called Dean's Firearms--were worth almost $500,000, the largest seizure in Edgewater history.

Under Colorado's "asset forfeiture laws", authorities may seize the assets of suspected criminal enterprises without proving crimes or even making formal charges. Suspects must go to court to win back their possessions by proving they were not ill-gotten gains. Law enforcement agencies get to keep what they seize.

After the raid, Edgewater and Jefferson County authorities offered to settle the case by giving Porter back his business in exchange for $50,000.

Originally, police didn't want cash. Instead, they presented Porter with a lengthy list of items they wanted from his pawnshop, including guns, ammunition, tools and photo and office equipment.

He refused and considered fighting the seizure in court. But on June 7, with his bills mounting and on the advice of attorneys, Porter compromised.

"I agreed to pay them $50,000 for the keys, promised not to sue them, agreed to move out of Edgewater and not open another pawn-shop in Jefferson County for five years", he said.

In court documents, the authorities describe the agreement as 'judicial economy".

"It was extortion", Porter said.

The seizure is the first police confiscation of a pawnshop under the asset forfeiture provisions of Colorado's "public nuisance" law, said Howard Mendelssohn, executive director of the Colorado Pawn Brokers Association.

That law is normally used to close drug houses, prostitution houses or similar nuisances and confiscate them as the fruits of illegal activities.

The seizure also may be the first time Colorado police have confiscated a building and property because employees failed to fill out paperwork correctly.

"I have never heard of such a thing as this", said Mendelssohn, who helped write state reporting statutes for pawnbrokers.
"It sounds like a fairy tale. How do they justify, taking a man's business over something like this"?

This story goes on for another couple of columns but I think you get the picture. Accidental that it came on the very day that Bush had this "gun sweep by breaking and entering without warrant"? You see, a state doesn't even need restrictive gun registration laws to invade and seize. Remember that, in the case above, the $50,000 was IN ADDITION TO THE OVER $500,000 IN CONFISCATED GOODS.

Well, where are all those attorneys and judges who stand up for the law? This man could not find an attorney who would take his case and he had funds left to fight the case. If you, America, don't need a Constitutional Law Center then I cannot imagine who does!


Update on the Dharma/Oberli property case, after already into the case by hundreds of thousands of dollars--a lot of it your own taxpayer (RTC) money to the little slime sucker who represents the opposition. Yesterday morning was "another" hearing to "insist that he (S.H.) accompany a photographer" through D&O's dwelling--"to make sure they haven't "trashed it". He already did the photo bit on the outside. Now, thousands of dollars later--he pushes for "inside visitation" and the session went as follows. D&O's attorneys came specifically for this nuisance hearing--from San Francisco and Sacramento--Horn from Beverly Hills/Santa Monica (at RTC (your) expense, of course). "Our" attorneys met D&O adequately ahead of court time (8:30 a.m.) and walked to the court house. They then went to the appointed courtroom but went upstairs to find it was in error. So, some less than five minutes "late" they were rushing down the corridor just outside the court room--only to find Mr. Horn RUSHING MADLY down the hall in opposite direction. The assumption was he had forgotten something and was hurrying to retrieve it prior to the case being called. Dharma said to "Claude"-- nope, the slime pushed the case and it's over. "No, he couldn't do that," was the reply. Scott halted Horn long enough to actually serve papers in a packet to Mr. Horn--who accepted it without comment and rushed on. Once in the courtroom all took their seat prepared to await Mr. Horn's return. Dharma said, "He won't be back, he is half way to L.A. by now!"--so more waiting. Then Scott inquired of the Bailiff if the case had perchance been called and he indicated yes.

Nothing was happening in the courtroom--nothing being heard, etc. Scott asked permission of the judge to inquire regarding the case. The Judge said Horn was rushed and since no one was here for O&D that he had had to rule by default in favor of Mr. Horn--with sanctions. He said, "If you can return Horn to this courtroom--I will hear the case." Of course no HORN. Back to the courtroom where the encounter in the hall was relayed to the Judge who said that that was improper--that Mr. Horn, as an "officer of the court", was obligated to acknowledge presence and return to the courtroom. So another search was made for Horn--missing of course, like the 13th amendment while, I'm sure, Mr. Horn recited his Kol Nidre vows to lie, cheat and steal.

Back to the courtroom and this time to ask the Bailiff if he had been asked to step outside to check on lawyers or clients. Bailiff said "no" because "the Judge asked Horn if he had seen you outside! Mr. Horn said no".

Now, I am going to tell you the punch-line that these ones don't yet know--Steven Horn saw the group enter the building and go up the escalator toward the wrong courtroom and rushed like mad to the proper place where he could be "first" heard!

I repeat, America, you are in desperate circumstances--there is nothing--NOTHING--the adversary will not do to stop you-the-people. God help you all to see and hear. Well, what do you do? You keep on keeping on for just as long as you can breathe. We can get the Law Center going and get some lawyers of honor working for you--but they cannot do it without living also even though they are willing to do it at rock-bottom costs. You will have to help, dear ones--and appreciation is great unto you who have done so.

The remainder of yesterday was spent with ones on the subject of the Constitution and to make the next move in the legal aspects; this time on taxation unConstitutionality--but it is a mammoth chore at best. All groups MUST harness power of unity for as you can see herein--it has begun. The "disarm Americans" is under way--it has nothing to do with "crime"--it is an all out attempt to disarm America and abolish your Constitution!

Now, precious ones, you are going to face facts and TRUTHS or you are not going to salvage freedom. I know not how to cause you to see and hear that it is YOU who is at stake. The Anti-Christ/God of the aeons of prophecy is upon you and enslavement and terror are at your very door--your own door. This is a play for Total Control of Your World!


I am going to quote you something from the Book of Revelation and in reading it keep in mind all of our lessons, including the term "Jew" as being only a reference since the late 1700's. You ones had best begin to face facts that the evil adversary has stolen the Judean heritage and taken the birthright of the very Hebrew people. Today you are faced with total evil of ungodly beings.

Revelation 2:9. I know how much you suffer for the Lord, and I
know all about your poverty (but you have heavenly riches!). I know the slander of those opposing you, who say that they are Jews--the children of God--but they are not, for they support the cause of Satan.

Rev. 3:9. Note this: I will force those supporting the causes of Satan while claiming to be mine (but they aren't--they are lying) to fall at your feet and acknowledge that YOU ARE THE ONES I LOVE.

There is no way that I can stress the urgings to read and re-read that which is called "REVELATION" for each time you do with petition for my clarification--shall you see the truth.

Most was not tampered with in the book of Revelation for none of the scholars who changed the books of what you call "the Bible" knew and understood John's prophecies well enough to change it. What they understood, they did change--but you will not find these passages spouted from the local pulpit in truth.

By the way, you beloved ones who are deeply concerned about Rev. Robert Schuller's recently being stricken--YOU SHOULD BE for the man is no longer the one you believe him to be. He is now a "tool" of the adversary and the blessed one realizes it not. He will become even more "patriotic" and urge capitulation on all demands by the government--he has long been taken as a tool of the dark government New World Order and it will become very transparent here on in.

I am going to take leave now, so that Germain can have opportunity to work for if we can finish his JOURNAL this week, we can move back into more current adventures. However, this series of PLEIADES CONNECTIONS, with the OPERATORS/OWNER MANUAL ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT BOOKS TO BE PLACED ON YOUR PLANET--EVER! WE HAVE NOT NEARLY BROUGHT ALL, BUT IF YOU DIGEST THESE YOU WILL COME INTO KNOWING! Blessings be upon you as you walk this critical journey for we can light the path and show the way, we can even carry you part-way if you ask--but we cannot do it FOR you. Salu.

I have but one more painful statement to make for you close ones. Allow the situation with ASSK to go its way. From the letter received, you can see that the once warm and loving House of God has fallen to the adversary.

Another point which also pains you as to one who once spoke for me and for the Brotherhood of Light, now speaks only for the elementals (which is rediculous for "guides" are not of "lesser" stature and ones of the "fringe commands". If my name appears as speaker among the writings of these various ones--IT IS NOT ME-- ATON/HATONN. They have been placed in your pathway to stop your journey into the Truth and Light with God. All have opportunity to come into truth but they choose to drift farther and farther from the fold--so be it for each has free-will choice of pathways.

I have even worse news for you who have come to listen to "channels" who tell you of wondrous "landings" and "evacuations" by space brothers. The projections are so tainted now as to be as foolish as the "rapture" to fluffy radioactive "clouds". I plead with you to study and read ALL with reason and WITH GOD, for the time of LIES is upon you--you are in chaos and control of evil and it will consume you if you cast it not off.

Dharma, you will, child, continue to be painfully tested and pushed, threatened and pulled. You will stay within my hand and heed my voice for some of the most disappointing assaults are yet to come. Bless those ones who give unto you the testing for it is their job to do so and it is not yours to know why. So be it.

Hatonn to clear, please.

PJ 37


WED., SEPTEMBER 4, 19912:12 P.M.YEAR 5, DAY 019


In the wisdom of our elders do I come; I am Germain. Cohan of the Seventh Ray, Master teacher of alchemy and transmutation--in your service that together we might find the higher purpose of man and your own journey that we might be again whole.

To begin, I shall comment on the biggest bunch of incredible lies I have witnessed in blatant stupidity. The children on the ballfield in Winnetka (I believe this is in Illinois, U.S.A.) were struck by "lightning", one being killed and another injured. It was told by witnesses that the sky above the field was totally clear and there was "the loudest explosion I have ever heard and then a red ball hit the 'dead' boy in the chest". The casual explanation was that there can be electricity discharges from a dry sky, etc. Yes there can be--but NOT like that! What is described here is a deliberately aimed and discharged particle beam from a shielded platform some distance into your atmosphere. There will be more and more of these similar incidents reported all around the globe but especially in the U.S. as you are being set up to fear and unify against the "Little Gray Aliens". An almost identical happening occurred on or about the same day in Minnesota at a golf tournament. Dear ones, be attentive for you are under attack. You are being set-up for a very "big" one.

I wish we had time to simply plot activities and connect them for you--those from what appear natural activities to manipulations. For instance, How many of you heard of major UFO sightings in Bucharest, Romania in June? These were major, proven sightings and yet it doesn't even make your media. The big worry should be around earthquakes, however. There are lots of earthquakes, for instance, in Japan--there are several a week of what you would call major. There were major shakers every week in that location of the past three months. You might say, "Well, they are used to it and they are still there!" So be it, but listen to this little addition of information which might startle a few die-hard non-startlers.

"A two mile active geological fault is located directly beneath THREE NUCLEAR REACTORS IN NORTHERN JAPAN. Documents show three nuclear generators, including the new Fugen converter-reactor, are situated directly on the fault line in Fukui Prefecture, while Japan's first fast-breeder reactor, Monju, is located just two miles away".

So, next you might say, "..but it doesn't matter for any radioactivity will dissipate before it reaches me in Australia, the United States, Canada, etc.". Really? Why do you think Mt. Unzen continues to erupt? To put plenty of particulate matter into the air to fall down when it becomes radioactive--and that ash has already encircled the globe!

Back to our subject, Dharma--TRANSMUTATION OF MAN.


The destiny of the world today is in the hands of the women of the world. At no time in human history has the healing balm of mother love been so urgently needed nor so saddeningly missing.

Woman is created to hold in the deepest depths of her soul the urge to give and to protect. Her role on Earth is to nourish and give of herself as Mother Earth so bounteously gives from her body to your bodies.

Man's way of life all down through the ages has submerged woman's rightful place beside her mate and made her role that of an "appendage" rather than that of an equal half of a perfect whole.

Corruptness has become the way of life of mankind. Your world today is indeed "sick"--there is trouble in every land--in every home. All men--everywhere--need the healing power of mother love. Greed, doubt and fear fill men's hearts. WHY? The cause of all these negative traits springs from a deep-rooted sense of insecurity. Only LOVE can cure the world's ills--and Mother love can and will bring BALANCE to your world if women would express their innate desires of love and protections and cease the facade of masculine demands.

There is a beautiful writing in a book called THE BROKEN WINGS, By Kahlil Gibran who wrote in his native Arabic. He has written so beautifully of "mother" in so many places but I wish to share a most beauteous passage.

"...The most beautiful word on the lips of mankind is the word 'Mother' and the most beautiful call is the call of'my Mother'. It is a word full of hope and love, a sweet and kind word coming from the depths of the heart. The mother is everything--she is our consolation in sorrow, our hope in misery, and our strength in weakness. She is the source of love, mercy, sympathy, and forgiveness. He who loses his mother loses a pure soul who blesses and guards him constantly.

"Everything in nature bespeaks the mother. The sun is mother of Earth and gives it its nourishment of heat; it never leaves the universe at night until it has put the Earth to sleep to the song of the sea and the hymn of trees and flowers. It produces them, nurses them, and weans them. The trees and flowers become kind of mothers of their great fruits and seeds. And the mother, the prototype of all existence, is the eternal spirit, full of beauty and love.... The word 'mother' is hidden in our hearts and it comes upon our lips in hours of sorrow and happiness as the perfume comes from the heart of the rose and mingles with clear and cloudy air".


Yes, I am about to finish this book because I have given you the material you need with which to KNOW ALL. YOU must now do your portion. However, we will take a few inquiries and see if we can bring some kind of peace into the equation.

The big question is always: "If I have lived before, why do I not remember who I am or who I was in another lifetime"?

I MUST always start by reminding you that your body is NOT you. You are a Mind-Idea--a Cosmic Identity. You have always lived. Your body is but the motion of actions expressed by either your senses or your Mind, or both. Your brain records memories upon your senses in order that the motion you need to express in the building of your body can be controlled. When your body wears out, your brain-memories wear out with it but they record those memories in the inert gases which constitute the seed. The seed repeats the essentials but does not repeat the non-essentials sufficiently well for you to remember if you ate chicken on a certain day thirty years ago unless it was connected to an event of sufficient importance to stamp it as such--for instance, almost dying by a chicken bone in the throat.

Things of importance are NEVER forgotten, however, When you see a baby trying to hold onto its father's hands as the father lifts it, that is an atavistic memory of the period when humans had to live more or less in the open. Memories and instincts are indelibly carved upon the memory in the seed and are reproduced in reincarnation after reincarnation for millions of years. It is important that one remembers things upon which his life and growth depend, but it is of no importance whatsoever that he remember that he was once John Jones of Boston or that the wind blew from the northwest on his wedding day of three thousand years ago. Nature has her way of recording these memories in the seed for future experiences. One of them is to record it in the body cells themselves as though each one had a little brain of its very own. This is what is known as cell-memory. It means that each little particle of a body knows its purpose in a body. Your body could not live and grow without that provision of Nature. This you should understand. If, for example, you want to walk, you have to order your body to act for you. Every little part of your body is continually acting and doing its work. You do not tell it to do it. If you cut your finger, you do not order the cells of your body to heal it. They do it themselves. They are Mind-centered as you are. Cell-memory of their purpose is recorded in them and they obey orders just as your whole body obeys you.

There are a hundred functions of your body that you do not know about. There are mechanical functions that you give no thought to. They work automatically without receiving orders from you. They receive orders from themselves, however, and those orders from cell-control are memories of thousands of reincarnations which have passed one generation of memories to another, so that the insignificant gland of millions of years ago, which began to form for the purpose of creating adrenalin in your body, is now a complex chemical plant which operates without any direct orders from you. In fact, you never gave it orders since its beginning. You DESIRED it as a body-need and your desire created it. Then your body remembered it and has repeated it millions of times. Those essentials of life are what you remember from incarnation to incarnation, not that YOU lived in Ohio under some name or another at some other time. These memories can be brought back into consciousness but WHY? You are to learn from the experience of THIS encounter with physical experience itself.

Now, consider the cell-memory of a spider who gradually learned how to build a web in order to catch food. Each new generation of spiders is not taught how to make a web. It is a necessity of their existence so it is interwoven into the cell-memories of millions of incarnations. Each new reincarnation adds to its proficiency and that new efficiency is added to the seed and imparted into the next body as cell-memory. Each time an adjustment comes to the environment the needs of the being are implanted into the seed and this is often the end result called "natural selection".

This, actually, should prove reincarnation, for it is inconceivable that a full-grown SPECIES of any form of life could be spontaneously created in one short generation. The evidence of millions upon millions of repetitions is very plainly present in every living thing which grows.

But, of course, the next point is that a person lives some 70 to 80 years and is put into the ground after what is called death and that is confusing.

The only hurdle which you must surmount is the "time" element. You have not yet learned that cycles are alike, but of differing durations. By that I mean that a life cycle of seventy years for a man to express physical life and death is no different from a sound cycle of four-thousandths of a second. Each sound cycle, which lives only four-thousandths of a second, lives and dies just as you do in your own cycle. You hear the "reincarnations" of sound bodies come and go so swiftly that millions of those reincarnations seem like one continuous sound. There are rest periods between realizations which balance the action periods. The interval is always in balance with the action.

All "thinking" energies birthed into the physical form are shrouded by the "forgetting". What then comes to happen is that after many generations the very source is forgotten. It is not just a time of "remembering" who YOU are--but that WHICH YOU ARE and that which is your civilization and relationship with God.

I wish to remind you that you will find as you restudy the material that it is utterly SIMPLE and can be fully comprehensible to you.

Do not say, not even for a moment, that it is "over your head" or that you cannot understand it. You must think it over and over again, then meditate upon it until what you now read with your senses, you will gradually KNOW. IT WILL BECOME A PART OF YOU.

The more you turn into thinking cosmically instead of sense physically, the more you find yourself using God's Mind AS your own Mind--and God's hands as YOUR hands. That is exactly the way that it MUST be.

I must go over a few points to emphasize a second time the important points to hold in Mind.

If you can add up to nine, or realize that you breathe inwardly and outwardly from a balanced center within you, you can understand the workings of the most complex phenomena in all Nature. We must accentuate the fact that God never allows more than half of nine for any action of man or Nature. That one half of nine belongs to Creation. That one half is the limit of man's or Nature's "free will" or for man's and Nature's bodies to mature to their maximums.


God creates all elements of matter in His own image--PERFECT--out of which all Nature and man create their bodies and their lives and desires IN THEIR OWN IMAGE. At maturity, which is four-and-a-half of the NINE of Creation, Nature and man must begin to regive their bodies, their desires and their lives back to God for another lesson in life. This process continues with all Nature and man as long as his planet will sustain life or until man has fully become ONE with God. We call that process "evolution" but God intends it as his school of many classes from which all will graduate when they have learned how to manifest the IDEA of themselves AS THAT IDEA EXISTS IN GOD'S MIND.

There is a basic thing which all those who desire to attain supremacy must place first in their behavior to themselves and to their fellow men. That is that every action and reaction are inexorably followed by their effect, or product, and this third attribute to motion is what continues Creation into infinity.

Your civilization has not yet advanced to the stage where it gives equal import to the spiritual QUALITIES, which cannot be counted or measured, and the physical QUANTITIES, which can be counted and measured. Both come from God's body, the universe. The materialist overbalances his taking of QUANTITIES and the masters among men give full attention to the necessity of the QUALITIES as a part of their nature and identity.

Man creates his own personality and identity by the measure in which he balances the QUANTITIES of God's body and the rhythms of it which are its QUALITIES in the making of his own body, his own personality, and his own identity.

The action and reaction of the pendulum create the product called TIME. They balance and thus extend Creation into infinity. Man bargains. One takes more and gives less; thus man's world is threatened with extinction by man. The basic THREE which cannot be added to or subtracted from is referred to as THE DIVINE TRINITY.

The Divine Trinity consists of God, the undivided Father-Mother of Creation, and the two divided father-and-mother pairs which constitute Creation.

There is nothing else in the universe for this is the principle of the light-wave which man calls ELECTRIC CURRENT. Creation consists only of light-waves. God creates only sex-divided father and mother bodies by dividing His thinking. Father and mother bodies unite their sex conditions to create other father and mother bodies. There is naught else in all the universe.

I would like to leave this message off at this point for I ask that you ponder upon this information. Thank you, Dharma, for your service and blessings flow upon you all who seek--for you shall be given to "find".