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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar




    THUR., AUGUST 29, 1991 11:03 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 013

    THURSDAY, AUGUST 291 1991
    Germain present and I know you don't want to do this tedious work, so, we shall whip right on through it so you can get back to playing in the James Bond game. The facts are, however, that if you don't get these lessons learned--there isn't going to be a very successful "lift-off" of anyone in a nice "live" format. As the "Earth" games get more and more focused on the adversary's part--the more im­portant it becomes for you ones to learn how the system REALLY works if you are to have any "chance" against the incredible wave of evil oversweeping your planet. That means we have to move smartly along with our work. I think the following example of atti­tudes is sufficient to allow you to have relative discernment--ours is to bring full TRUTH--the attitude of your adversary is deceit and lies, even if truth would serve his need better. A statement greatly publicized a while back and presented as standard operating proce­dure and introduced into Congress, is as follows: Former Asst. Sec­retary of Defense, Arthur Sylvester: "IT IS INHERENT IN GOV­ERNMENT'S RIGHT, IF NECESSARY, TO LIE.... THAT SEEMS TO ME BASIC--BASIC". So be it!

    What you are being shown and told about what is happening in the Soviet Union this day--is almost all lies. You are getting a total presentation of LIES so that you WILL NOT KNOW THE FACTS--IT IS MORE HEINOUSLY COVERED THAN WAS THE IRAQ INFORMATION BLITZ--THAT, IN FACT, WAS A RUN-THROUGH TO SEE HOW MUCH THE CITIZENS OF THE WORLD AND THE MEDIA/PRESS WOULD TOLERATE IN LIES--AND YOU SWALLOWED IT ALL! GOOK LUCK-- WORLD!

    Let us move on, Dharma.


    We now desire to bring into the scope of man's thinking a new idea which has not yet entered human consciousness. Science has not been ready for this new knowledge because the old thermodynamic laws gave it no ground to stand upon. This idea of sound and silence is appropriate at this point in our narration because it parallels the new dynamic laws.

    It will strike one as strange to think of sound and silence in terms of compression and expansion, heat and cold, and other such cy­cles of opposites and interchanges of pulsations, but they are just that.

    Sound is not a thing which just happens; it is made to happen. Just as cold is the fulcrum upon which its heat extends so, also, is si­lence the fulcrum upon which sound extends. Likewise, just as heat appears from cold and disappears into it, sound appears from silence and is "swallowed up" by it.

    This fact would not be of great import to science were it not for the greater fact that the speed pulsations repeat themselves while the spreading of their waves is conspicuously slower than the speed of incandescent light. This is of special significance to research work­ers in radar and electronics, for radar is possible only when the speed of sound in such a moving body as a bomber plane can be am­plified sufficiently to detect it electronically. The very manner in which electrons do this is another principle of great importance for research workers to know. This we will explain later while de­scribing the nine octave chart of Nature's step-up and step-down process of creating this universe. (See Page 43, Fig.68.)

    A man can see a flash of light from a pistol shot long seconds before he can hear the sound of it. The same is true of a flash of lightning. In the meantime, the speeds of light and sound have girdled the world many times. The reason for this is of great importance for science to comprehend, for up to this date no textbook on physics has given it. We will now give it.

    The reason begins with the question which asks what light and sound are.

    Both light and sound are the repercussions resulting from the collision of any two or more objects or forces. Wave pulsations constitute a force of compression in fulfilling their process of cre­ating matter. Every collision of a wave gives forth a sound when it reaches its amplitude anode. It also gives forth light and heat. This may come as a surprise to science but it is true. It is also true at the ninth, or plutonium octave, where it explodes and ceases to traverse the universe by spreading out and returning to its zero of silence and the cold of space.

    In other words, light and sound live and die as all effects of wave motions live and die. Even the sounds of the most violent explo­sions spread out and gradually die, just as man and all transient life likewise do. We say that sound travels at a fixed speed which we call the sonic level. It does, but how far does it spread? The man who hears a pistol shot at close range hears it louder than the man who is half a mile away. The ear-shaking sound of thunder heard in one county cannot be heard in the next county unless the re­ceiver is near the adjoining border in separation distance.

    The heat and light emitted from a rod of iron on your electric stove will likewise die, whereas incandescent light from a very thin tung­sten filament will spread throughout the universe at the speed of light--which is 186,400 miles per second--and return to the very spot from which it began as its reaction. At that very point of its final explosion, it has fulfilled its purpose of telling the world of its uni­versal Oneness.

    Thus ends the expression of God's omnipotence as evidenced by photosynthetic waves of light, controlled by GRAVITY, God's sole workers in the creation of the curved universe of our Creator's imagining.


    It is commonplace knowledge that everything which comes out of the earth, both vegetable and animal, issues from seed. You know that the fathers of man place their seed in the mothers to produce both fathers and mothers of the human race. So it is, also, with animal life. In vegetable life, the seed is inserted in other ways such as pollen being carried by bees from one flower to another, but you do not refer to that process as being the work of fathers and mothers due to the failure of science to give recognition to the fact that the DIVIDED universe of pairs of opposites, which issues from the zero UNDIVIDED stillness of space, is the sex principle of all Creation.

    The sex principle is the most basic fact of Creation.

    It may be that the inability to recognize the sex principle in the mineral world was the stumbling block which caused that to happen. We say to you, however, that the mineral kingdom also comes into existence through the seed of fathers and mothers interchanging.

    The underlying secret of all seeds is that their basis is the inert gases which are in the zero column of the periodic table of the elements of matter.

    It will be noted that the vegetable kingdom varies in its densities. The tubular variety of soft vegetables is of low potential, and the harder ones like the oak are higher in potential. Even these vary. The poplar is softer and will grow more quickly than the mahogany and ebony.

    Invisible gases also have fathers and mothers. These are of still lower potential, for they issue from the unknown and uncharted inert gases below helium. The Russell charts show these gases. They have been given prior to this but should be entered into these last books also for quick reference.

    It is commonplace knowledge that all vegetable and animal life un­fold from their seed and return into it. Everyone is familiar with the many acorns of the oak, the many seeds of the maple, the flower and of man himself, but he is not familiar with the fact that every gas and mineral, likewise, refolds into its inert gas-based seed. They all do, however. To prove it, pass a high voltage current through a tungsten filament enclosed in an electric bulb or, better still, through an evacuated tube. The residue will be helium.


    There are nine of these inert gases. They step up their potentials in mathematical ratios from the first to the ninth. The tubular varieties issue from the first of these. In them, densities increase in the out­ward direction by pressures exerted within. They correspond to the rings of light heretofore described as cyclonic centripetal vortices. The solids issue from the inert gases of higher potential in which the holes are closed. In these, densities increase inwardly, like the oak or ebony, by pressures exerted inwardly from the outside, corre­sponding with the solid metals and minerals like carbon, iron or quartz, or even such liquids as water.

    All of this goes to show the simplicity of this new science, for all effects of motion follow the same pattern and principle. All ef­fects parallel each other in their construction. They all multiply cold and divide heat. (This principle is demonstrated in the New Laws of Thermodynamics.)

    This process of Nature constitutes the principle of photosynthesis, the process of growth and decay of all matter and all life on Earth and in the whole universe. It is God's bookkeeping sys­tem. It faithfully records every thought and every action of ev­ery growing thing on Earth and photographs them in the seed of those unfolding-refolding things by that process which is called life and death.

    The familiar phrase which reads, "As you think, so you become", IS NOT QUITE TRUE. A man may think great thoughts and not be­come what he thinks. Neither will his children. The phrase should read, "As you do, so you become". YOU are the result of your de­cisions. If you do what you think, you will also build a better body to do those things. And the better you build your body, the better it will be enabled to fulfill your desires, for desire is the basis of all motion by you or the universe.

    "Desire ye what ye will and, behold, it standeth before thee". BUT, it further demands that you use your strong right arm to fulfill your desire, as exemplified in the message of "God will work WITH you but not FOR you". It is in this manner that you fulfill your own destiny, your own identity.

    It is desire which gives you the kind of body you NEED to fulfill your destiny. A musician would not desire to build the body of a pugilist; neither would a runner or skater. Desire is the basis of the healing principle, for desire for normalcy will give you a normal body if you do the things which fulfill your desire.

    At this point I must go over a personal note with Dharma and the ones who serve in proximity. All witnessed Dharma undergo 32 days of full fasting and 52 days with nothing added but 8 ounces of protein--she lost only about 30 pounds and never lost the "thickness" around the solar plexus. We have explained this at length with her--but it is difficult for a lovely lady to "get out of shape" according to her wardrobe and personal expectations of self. BUT, this lady made that choice when she sat to work at this electronic device--to allow what she refers to as fat to accumulate. With her we have to keep it around the mid-section because that is where the attacks come from the electronic pulses--in the upper torso. Those beams do not travel well through, (ooh, I have to use the word, chela--fat!) So, no matter what this one does to "lose weight and bulges"--she will not. We will not allow it even if she gets really intent about it. When we finish the heavy load of scribing and relieve her of these multitudes of hours under bombardment--we will give her instant change. Until then she has offered to make that "sacrifice" in behalf of service. I think it is no more difficult to perceive than an actor "fitting" a role need.

    Let us, however, look at the extreme of that projection--obesity is very, very hard on the physical operation of a body. And unless you have good excuse of working in the firing line of the CIA--don't use the same excuse we allow Dharma. Know, though, that any devia­tion from "normal" presentation of a body--is not due to physical malfunction, but rather, to mental malfunction in almost every case. Moderate overweight is perfectly healthy--more than depletion by ef­forts to retain skeletal presentation--for the body, especially of the female, is directed to be soft and round and feminine. The image of skin and bones as on the models is a thrust to destroy you by emo­tional hate of self and sell products. It is not "normal" to be ex­ceptionally thin--but rather, "balanced". It is another way for the adversary to cause unrest, unbalance and character assassination of self.

    On the above, "to sell products", it moves the whole gambit from that which you wear to that which is required to keep you in a state of physical unbalance, and you all fall for all of it--from the exercise wardens to the potato chip manufacturers. If you did away with the government and physical "change" industry the world would totally collapse, I suspect--without doing anything additional.

    A healthy body does one thing--serves only one purpose in intent--IT ALLOWS THE MIND TO FUNCTION WITHOUT FOCUS ON THE MECHANICAL MACHINE. For example--it is hard to type with a broken finger! I don't have much patience with Dharma's impatience, however, for a 60 year-old grandma can stand to have a thick waist for a couple of years without complaint!

    Please, all of you, as you come into understanding--please try to use balance and REASON in your understanding for you have been peo­ple of the lie for such a very long time.

    Allow nature to help fit your NEEDS and that which you do for ser­vice and purpose. Even in the vegetable kingdom, which presum­ably does not "think", desire is the basis of its own growth--accord­ing to purpose. A "skin and bones" pumpkin is hardly desirable, neither is a fat, pithy radish--USE REASON AND BALANCE!

    It is more complicated than the above, of course, but not very much. We again repeat that desire is in the seed. An oak or pine tree on the coast at Bar Harbor may not "think" but it becomes more sturdy than one a mile away from it in the flatlands or in mid-California. Desire to resist the winds awakens that desire to resist them, for gravity gives to all things the will to survive. Mind centers all things; therefore, mentality affects all things. Dharma has to decide whether she will serve "alive" and wear a size 16 or withdraw ser­vice as our scribe and wear her size 10's. Now I think we might have better perspective?? No, you cannot have BOTH, chela. YOU cannot--we need the security and safety of your being and if it re­quires additional wardrobe to suit the change--get it and stop the grumbling, the clothes can always be taken-in when we finish the heavy load of writing. Do I make myself sufficiently clear?

    In thus defining the optical process of photosynthesis as the gravity-controlled universe, we trust you can now see that the term "electromagnetic universe" is not in accord with Natural Law.

    Take a break please and we will pick up with the geometry of space, when you return--there are other things that need your attention right now. Thank you.



    Every orderly system must have an orderly basis for its construction, whether it be a little house or a skyscraper, one planet of a solar system or the whole universe of countless solar systems. As LIGHT is the ONE THING of this universe, and the science of light is optics, the construction of the universe is not based on what the textbooks on optics tell you nor upon what the textbooks on electricity and magnetism tell you.

    The Creator makes use of but two opposite curvatures of light waves as tools for creating this entire universe of visible light. With these two curved tools only, the centripetal spirals which compress light into heat and the centrifugal spirals which expand it into cold are created. (See Fig. 37)

    Figure 37 demonstrates the love principle of rhythmic balanced in­terchange which the curved universe eternally repeats. To progress the idea still further in our step-by-step descriptive process, we print another diagram which shows how Nature arranges its lenses. Fig.38 is a diagram of the sun or planet or any truly spherical body. There are nine lenses, each one performing its own separate pur­pose.

    Study Figure 38 as we describe it. The two polar lenses are located at the blue ends of the spectrum where heat is minimum. These are known in textbooks on optics as biconvex lenses. These lenses pro­ject light toward a mutual focal center and perform the work of compressing cold invisible light into hot visible light of varying intensities from the outside inward. The central lens is biconcave. It is located in the yellow and white ends of the spectrum where incandescence is maximum. The other six lenses are known in op­tics as double meniscus lenses. All of these seven centering lenses project light outward from within, and inward from without, to create the rings and spirals which you see upon the line of the equator.

    Now take special note of the two lower lens diagrams and you will better visualize how the centering seven lenses in the two drawings marked A and B gradually become thinner as the suns lose their true spherical shapes and begin to oblate. This can be plainly identified in our planets. Our sun itself will begin its death process in the same way and develop increasingly great holes in it which will grow bigger and bigger until it reaches the stage you see in the drawing marked C at the bottom of Figure 38. This is known as the Dumb­bell Nebula.

    Take careful note that the center of gravity which is in the drawing marked F is but a point, but where the centers are extended, as shown by the "x" in drawings A and B, the hole areas become big­ger and bigger which makes the Dumbbell Nebula possible and con­tributes to the final great ring like the one marked D which is known as the Lyra Nebula.

    The heavens are full of such dying suns. It is hard to realize that your own sun will die in this manner but it eventually will do so. New suns are continually being born, however, for our eternal Cre­ator never stops thinking and the universe never stops recording God's thinking by its interchangings of pairs of opposites which con­stitute thought-waves.

    The more you know the wave, therefore, the better you can command it to do your bidding. If you could visualize it objec­tively, it would look like a spherical diaphragm in a cosmic camera which would turn inside-out and outside-in for each wave.

    This accounts for two things which science should know. One of them is that densities first increase from the inside toward the out­side as holes in rings of light close up to become true spheres. The moment they become true spheres, densities then increase inward toward their centers. The other fact as yet unknown to Science is that as waves turn outside-in to create spheres, the color spectrum turns with them. The blue centers the rings and the red is on the rims. When true spheres have been formed, the red is on the inside and the blue on the outside.

    Excellent color photos of the Lyra ring have proven this fact. The great hole is sky blue while the outside rim pictures the red end.

    This basic principle is true in all Nature, for the one thing that gives continuity is GROWTH. Nature GROWS, and there are no excep­tions in her processes. Every tree in the forest and every flower in the garden is tubular until it fills its holes. The oak, mahogany and ebony are a few examples. This even applies to growing animal bodies. Every bone is tubular until it needs strength at the joints. Its marrow extends strength outward from its center to give that strength. The arteries also are tubular until they reach a state of so­lidity in the heart as bones do in the joints. The blood within them extends its strength outward to them in its endeavor to escape. Likewise, the air tubes, lungs, food-intake tubes and bowels press outward from within to give back to the earth for repetition of that which has been given to them for the same purpose.

    Here, also, is irrefutable evidence to prove that atoms have no such nuclei as nuclear physicists believe. The textbooks and science arti­cles picture all atoms as true spheres even to their electrons. Na­ture's processes do not work that way. When they do become true spheres, their centers do not act like the "glue" which holds them to­gether; they thrust outward with increased resistance to their com­pressed condition.

    In closing this discussion of the place which lenses fulfill in the cre­ative process, we print two more diagrams. Figure 39 forcefully demonstrates the tremendous fires of the sun as they shoot out at ninety degrees from the sphere's axis of rotation on line with its equator, while Figure 40 shows the gravity field which is created by that thrust and the direction of both thrusts of compression and ex­pansion.

    Let us begin a new chapter, please.

    I AM --- GERMAIN

    PJ 37


    THURSDAY, AUGUST 29, 1991 2:43 P.M. YEAR 5, DAY 013

    It is the nature of light to perpetually give of itself to every other light in all the universe, visible or invisible. This is why you "of the Light" are described in that manner--for you are as God--GIVING. The darkness (or "evil") "ONLY TAKES". That which is forever "taking" cannot merge with the universe which is made up of only Light. Therefore, you find that evil is, by necessity, a "thing" of only the physical expression for it is derived from the physical con­sciousness (ego) of the physical human species. That is why, fur­ther, evil is only present IN THE HUMAN SPECIES.

    It is also the nature of all light, visible or invisible, to REGIVE that light to every other light in all this universe. Light does not TAKE other light; nor does anything in NATURE TAKE. TAKING IS NOT KNOWN IN NATURE'S PROCESSES.

    All bodies in Nature are composed of light, whether they are incan­descent like suns or cool like planets and all growing things upon them. Light given to these bodies continues their visibility by di­vided light-waves pulsing within them. While they are able to sus­tain their pulsing motion, it is said that they LIVE. When they are no longer able to continue their pulsing, it is said that they DIE .

    Living is expressing that light which has been given. Dying is but regiving back to the ONE SOURCE that which has been given. All light comes from that one Source and is regiven to that one Source. That one Source is the CREATOR, the THINKER and KNOWER of the universe, the Father-Mother of the universe--omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient. That is clearly descriptive of our Creator, for omnipresent means everywhere, omnipotent means the Father-Mother who has all-power, and omniscient means all-knowledge. We can no longer bring ourselves to use the word "HE" for our Creator, for nothing has been created other than by fathers and mothers, mineral, vegetable and animal. They, in turn, are creators of fathers and mothers. We use the term "He" simply because in your language expression it refers to a "being"--not sex, in sexual context.

    God, therefore, extends power to all things to create all things by that process which we call growth.

    The totality of the meaning of knowledge is IDEA. God has but ONE IDEA and that Idea IS CREATION. God divides His Idea into many ideas and gives them form by the thinking process. Man is but one idea and man also divides his idea into many ideas and gives them form by man's thinking process. The Knower thinks LOVE and gives only love to all creatures of God's creations. Man's supreme desire is to love and to be loved, but in this present state of his knowledge he often creates fear and evil, and this fear and evil will destroy him until he realizes that love is all there is.

    All created things have sufficient knowledge or instinct for their survival as idea. Animals can reason to some extent. Instinct fulfills the balance of their necessities. Vegetable life has its own way of protecting its body from being destroyed by its ability to grow. Although it has no means of protecting itself from destruction by defending itself as animals do with their claws and teeth, and as man does with his armaments, it knows how to become strong by re­sisting winds and refolding itself in winter weather to again unfold by the warmth of God's light. Mineral life has no such protection but to freeze itself in the light which created it and again melt through the heat of that very same light.

    It will surprise the deepest thinker and knower among men to be told that God creates only two things, WATER AND FIRE. Just as two curvatures have been created as the only tools for creating the universe so, also, have only these two substances been cre­ated. Cold wetness and hot dryness constitute the bodies of all cre­ated substances we call "matter". Cold wetness surrounds our suns and prevents them from disappearing by the heat of their own fires even though millions of miles of cold space are needed to stop them from self-destruction. "Magnetic" storms sometimes cause the great fires which leap a hundred thousand miles or more into the cold wet­ness. In addition, the tremendous outward thrust of the solar corona itself increases the intensity of the sun's rays for millions of miles out into space, thereby affecting your earth's temperature and weather even though you are ninety million miles away from the sun.

    Many times, huge suns conquer that cold wetness for a period and break away from their spherical forms by shooting great fires far out into space in almost successful attempts to escape. These near-to-­exploding suns are known as novas, of which we see many in the heavens. The Crab nova is a conspicuous one. We herewith print a familiar picture of it. See Fig. 41. Also see Figs. 42 and 43.

    The astronauts, John Glenn and Scott Carpenter, made an important notation while far out into cold space (at least this is the way the story goes). Glenn said he saw specks of light in front of his win­dow. This proved that there was sufficient atmosphere way out in space for the compression of his fast moving capsule to heat to incandescence even though its temperature for such low potential need not be high. This portion of the story is absolutely true.

    Carpenter also saw these particles even at a lower potential, but enough to give them body form. He reported that those he saw were SNOW. That report substantiates pretty well, our state­ment that one of the two things which God created is WATER. We need not prove that the other is FIRE, for FIRE is the CON­SUMER of ALL THINGS.

    We will return, now, to our discussion on the nature of light. Sci­ence makes one grave error in its conception as to what light DOES. Its textbooks on optics refer constantly to PARALLEL RAYS and picture them in their diagrams. The fact is that there are NO par­allel rays of light.

    This should be beginning to ring a lot of bells within the heads of photographers and motion picture "inventors and innovators" as to photographic projection, photographic equipment and right through to the technology of actually photographing THOUGHT PATTERNS in holographic form as readily as any other object. GOD WILL WORK WITH YOU, HE WILL NOT DO IT FOR YOU!

    Even you, who are totally layman students, can prove it while sitting in your room at night with many lights turned on. You can readily see that every light spreads out its rays in conical forms which bend toward a plane of zero curvature. It then bends in converging coni­cal rays toward its neighbor. Imagine the complexity of curvature as each light gives to the other. Imagine, also, what would happen to you who are sitting within the area of those many lights. If the rays were parallel, not one of those rays would lose its strength and their combined heat would burn you to a crisp. The heat from the sun would likewise burn the planets to a crisp, but you know that is impossible for its light MUST spread out through concavity from its center and grow weaker in intensity from that very center. If that is true of just one sun, imagine what the effect would be if all the stars of the heavens acted upon each other as the lights in your room would act upon you?


    We will now fully explain the reasons why every focal point sends its rays outward from its center radially, from its focus, as shown on the concave lens in upper drawing (see Fig. 44) and in both convex and concave lenses in the lower drawings which have eliminated the parallel rays to create "magnetic" fields.

    As every physicist knows, a wave is a hollow sphere of light sur­rounding a zero cold emptiness. In other words, it is all hole. The supreme effort of nature is to fill that hole and produce solid spheres of intense heat . The reverse process then takes place by oblating the spheres and allowing holes to again grow until they have dissipated all of the heat to become as fully empty as they were in the beginning.

    That is what waves are for. They divide the undivided, static cold into a hot dynamic universe of motion, a three-dimensional universe from a non-dimensional one. This they do by devel­oping a compression force which shortens long, cold invisible rays into short visible rays. Waves also create an expansion force which unwinds the hot solid spheres into cold empty ones. Nature winds them centripetally and conically, and unwinds them centrifugally in one equatorial plane which is at an angle of ninety degrees from their conical axes.

    Know that within these sentences is the answer as to WHY things show up on film (pictures) which were not "seen" with the eye. The "thing" or substance was there and in the reflection or response of the "light" made it visible to the substance on the film through the lenses. Ponder this a while--you don't need to ask me--or Hatonn-- about it, you will be given the answer as to HOW as you work through it. I ask this latter point because it is for you to know--not Dharma--and we cannot ask more of her in long explanations be­tween us unless absolutely necessary for we have dozens of equally important messages which MUST be gotten through just as this one. Be confident in your mission--you ones would not be chosen if you had not the ability to conclude your purpose. So be it.

    We print three diagrams to make the spiral principle more comprehensible. Figure 45 represents the vibrations of a harp string which multiply stillness into fast motion and produce audible tones corresponding to the octave principle of light waves. This drawing shows the spiral as though you were looking into the winding and unwind­ing of it, whereas that winding process takes place sideways from your point of view. You see it edgewise as we have indicated in the little drawing at the top. To make it even clearer to you, take a watchspring in your hand and look at it edgewise, then turn it face to you and you will see it as an architect does in making his plan and elevation on the same paper.

    You ones here who mail packets to Wally may please "fax" this por­tion of the writing (along with the pertinent diagrams). I want all information removed from the pages with the diagrams made avail­able for your use--I DO NOT WANT CONFUSION OF ANY AP­PENDED VERBIAGE--IT WOULD ONLY CAUSE GREAT CONFUSION. Dharma, you understand what I am asking so please just trim the paper suitably. He needs the information as quickly as possible. Thank you.

    In the lower left-hand corner, you will note the comparison between the SOUND of the harp string and the LIGHT of the spiral wind­ings and unwindings of compressing and expanding light. The windings cause that phenomenon which we call fusion. The un­windings cause the effect of fission.

    Figures 46 and 47 show the same principle as the harp string's winding and unwinding processes. Also the same spiral principle applies to its arrows. One points inward from without to compress or charge it centripetally with more power and the other points out­ward from within to dissipate that power by radiation.

    As a layman student, it would be helpful to you if we give you a homely and familiar example of Nature's spiral winding and un­winding, conically and centripetally in many extending planes, and centrifugally in one equatorial plane which spins at an angle of ninety degrees from the axes of centripetal windings. The scientist will understand this without additional explanation.

    You are all familiar with the cotton fibre which looms spin into yarns and cloth, string, ropes and other necessities for human exis­tence. Why do men need to do this? Why does Nature want to spin weak, invisible light rays into strong substances just as man spins weak and almost invisible cotton and linen fibres into strong, visible fibres like thin and thick ropes or strong cloths?

    Nature does it to manifest her many ideas which have been divided from her one Idea of Creation. Man does it in order to manifest one of his many ideas by being able to survive the changing weather and to perform work which, also, characterizes the idea he manifests.

    If you watch the workings of a loom which spins cotton into its vari­ous forms, you will notice that there are many threads which spin conically and centripetally into one thread or one piece of cloth. The more colors that are needed for the design of the cloth, the more complex the threads become. The same thing applies to the mother at home who knits yarns into thicker cords and cloths. She gathers them conically and in centripetal spirals and spins them into one stronger cord or cloth.

    The more the physicist can command this principle of the wind­ings and unwindings of Nature to produce visible light rays from invisible light rays, the more he can command and control grav­ity to perform his needed miracles. He has already learned to control it to a surprising extent as we have already outlined--in spite of having almost all WRONG information.

    There are three great "miracles" possible for man's usage in the world today:

    1. Power projection from anywhere to wherever one wishes to pro­ject it without the need of wires or cables. Tesla already had that scientifically perfected.

    2. The power of converting solar rays to light and power. Tesla also had that well under development. J.P. Morgan, himself, buried these things from your use--good old Bankster that he was!

    3. The power of transmuting one element of matter to another. Now, you KNOW that you CAN do this for all you have to do is look at plain old table salt. It is just a matter of understanding physics as properly given.

    These three miracles of man's Mind-knowing will be discussed and their principles made crystal clear in another lesson (actually, we have already presented it to you prior to this but we shall repeat portions as a reminder).

    We will sort of end our brief textbook for the new science built upon a new conception of the workings of Nature and will give clear directions for technically empowered men to make them possible--again.

    The end result we desire to obtain is to make man see that the road map we are giving him leads to the very door of the creative Source. He will then thoroughly know that the power of the eternal God is the only possible answer not only to the Source of himself but to the Source of all Creation.

    If we succeed in doing this, the atheism of part of the world will disappear, for no great nation will permit itself to fall behind the sci­ence standards of the God-believing free nations--IF YOU MAKE YOURS FREE, THAT IS. It will end the disunity of the great reli­gions which have brought fear into the world by preaching sin and evil and punishment during life and after death through their con­ception of a god of wrath and vengeance. It will also bring balance into the world home and the family home. As a final achievement of colossal importance, it will end the degradation of woman and place her as an equal by man's side--IN PROPER PERSPECTIVE. These things having been achieved, the age of slaughter of such aeons-long experiencing will end and there will be brought into being the Age of Character based on love and the Oneness of all mankind--and that would be a worthy "New World Order". YOU CAN DO IT IF YOU WANT TO!


    What you have been given in this series of lessons--and will be given in the next--could be enlarged into many volumes for more detailed clarification. However, these lessons bring to you new knowledge which, if properly utilized, will bring to mankind a surcease of his hard labors for sustenance of his body and a wealth from natural re­sources as yet unknown to man.

    We trust that the time has come in man's unfolding when he is ready to take this and use his earth's great natural supplies for the benefit and GOOD of all mankind. This can only be accomplished if man has a way of life in which he lives the inviolate law of RHYTHMIC BALANCED INTERCHANGE in all of his transactions, whether they be marital, social or business--and YES, YOU CAN EXPECT TO FIND GOD IN EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THOSE THINGS--RIGHT ALONG SIDE SELF! Wheresoever you go--I go, He has told you! We continue to remind you of that fact--are you always proud of where you take God and proud to see Him wit­ness and participate in all of your activities? When you are like the child who says, "Dad--watch ME!--look at Me--See me"!--well, I think you get my drift - - -!

    All of the glorious benefits of man's universe are of little avail if man does not live God's great Law of Balance. Until he does, he will have one tragic experience after another in his personal life which would ultimately multiply into worldwide catastrophes.

    You must know that "To know the WAVE is to know the SECRET OF CREATION". To make YOU know the wave principle is the purpose of these lessons. For centuries, man has repeated the state­ment, "GOD IS LIGHT", and many there are who have thought of this God Light as the incandescent light which they can SEE. That God has given the new knowledge of the universe to man at this cru­cial period in his unfolding must indicate to you that man is now READY for it. Thus is man given the "tools" for his use. The world needs new fuels, water and metals for sustenance of an ever-increasing population and they must be produced at nominal cost to be within the reach of all. Then, the governments must be disal­lowed to consume them and keep them from the populace. You have a mighty but wondrous task at hand.

    The key to obtaining these necessary items is being herein given within the Pleiadian documents so that you can have them in order to bring abundance and total change upon your expiring world. I ask God to help you see and hear your call to Serve! We give this knowledge now to meet the world's needs, with the deep desire and prayer that not only all man's needs will be met but that by so doing a new era may come into being wherein all mankind will become aware of its oneness with each other through a greater understanding of the principle of life itself--for to know this principle is to know HOW each man is dependent on his fellow man for happiness and survival since all living matter in this universe is a dynamic exten­sion of itself. Working in unity, man will not only survive but he will live abundantly and ecstatically for he will then have become aware of WHO HE IS and WHAT HE IS and he will know his True purpose on Earth by expressing the great Laws of the Creator from Whom he extends.

    With my warmest and most loving expression I ask that you study these writings and stay with us as we move on into the revealing of some of the secrets of the universe to you and give you a more com­plete picture of the ways and processes of God's glorious and invio­late Laws.

    It is a joy beyond expression that I share in your receiving of these words with the gladness which is reflected back unto me and my brothers of these dimensions. Blessings unto you, my brothers and beloved co-workers. The journey has been long and fraught with obstacles and challenges, but with pun intended--I do believe we are beginning "to see the light at the end of the tunnel". Blessed be ye who wait upon God for in so doing, comes the wondrous perfection of the sequences.

    I AM --- GERMAIN
    (for all my relations)

  2. #2
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 37


    FRIDAY, AUGUST 30, 1991 7:48 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 014

    FRIDAY. AUGUST 30. 1991


    Dear ones, hold up--Hatonn here to point out some most uncomfort­able truths.

    I remind you that in the Soviet Union NOTHING is as it is being given to you. Worse--Communism is NOT. Russia, nor the Soviet Union, have EVER HAD COMMUNISM. To dissolve the Com­munist Party means NOTHING except that the Soviets have moved into a totally DEMOCRATIC DICTATORSHIP! Moreover, the one who expected to be Dictator--is not. Democracy can only work when there are honorable "choices". A "vote" means less than noth­ing if there is only one thing to vote for! Further, the "show" of the Soviet nations pulling away is exactly that--a show. It is simply a phase, now, of "divide and conquer". Again, I remind you to LIST­EN. What is Cheney telling you about defense budgets? For one thing--the Russians still spend a massive amount on weapons and show no signs of lessening that amount--but rather, fully intend to up it as soon as the outside (from you) aid begins to flow. If YOU conti­nue to fool yourselves, you are in serious trouble. Why do you think the Prime Minister of Great Britain is visiting the vacation home of Bush? Worse, the Queen didn't even bother to come herself.

    A little secret--the Elite all have to stay on the better side of Great Britain for the holes for safety are in New Zealand and Australia. The full intent is that the Northern Hemisphere will be radioactive-- one way or another. Please attach the "Radiation Hazard USA" sheet and the "Fallout Patterns" to this document. (See Map 1 & 2)

    Now for truth in presentation. A U.S. Supreme Court statement was nade regarding the lying and manipulation compiled from proven findings and written up as a portion of the American Communica­ions Association v. Douds, 339 U.S. 382,442. Let me quote:

    Text: (Fig. 4.1 Simplified fallout pattern showing total radiation doom that would be received by persons on the surface and in the open for the entire 14 days following the surface burning of 5050 megatons on the targets indicated if the winds of all directions blew continuously from the west at 25 mph.)?

    In a 1986 New York Times-CBS News poll survey of 2,016 adults about incidents of the White House lying to the American public, only 1 percent of those surveyed thought that the administration told the truth all the time, 53 percent said the administration told the truth only some of the time, while 9 percent said it hardly EVER told the truth. Americans should question now whether the current ad­ministration under a former CIA Director's leadership can speak to us with more candor than the last administration under Ronald Rea­gan, a former Hollywood actor.

    We live in a highly manipulated world. Ideas are manipulated through purposeful distortions in the press and selective omissions in our all-pervasive public education (indoctrination) system. Eco­nomic and political realities are falsified by self-serving establish­ment controllers and their minions in the bureaucracy.

    Our society is controlled by an "aristocracy", a small elite group of individuals who, through control of the government, have obtained special privileges in law and are thus able to live as parasites off the labor of others (mostly the hard-working American middle class) and amass large amounts of unearned wealth.

    This current aristocracy operates covertly and by deceit. The bankers are the main (but not the only) element in this covert aristocracy. Using many of the standard principles of aristocracy (authoritarianism, statism, and the use of an intellectual priesthood to deceive the public) they have created a social system where rob­bery and exploitation are systematized and legalized and where re­sistance to the robber has been made a crime.

    "It is not the function of our Government to keep the citizen from falling into error; it is the function of the citizen to keep the government from falling into error". "U.S. Supreme Court".


    OK, it is done. Col. James Gritz is now officially announced as running for the office of President of the United States of America. He is "announced" under the shelter of the Populist Party--which, like all organized political operations, has many and varied flaws. Do not let this deter you from your duty as an American to get this man elected to office so that the flaws can be eliminated. You need votes and support, you need unification, for there is no difference whatsoever in the Democratic and Republican parties. In fact, all will now be done to pull down a dictatorship on you-the-nation prior to the '92 election so that there will not be an election. It is up to you!

    I am informed that America West will be offering backing and high visibility integration with the effort to elect Col. Gritz and I shall do everything allowed to see to it that he is elected for he is chosen of God for the task. I have quite a bit of "pull"--but if you-the-people do not support this in a massive manner--why would you expect God to DO IT FOR YOU? I guarantee that I have a very nice and totally workable relationship with this man--which is boggling the minds of the UFO conspirators. I suggest that if you have ones in the "Little Gray Alien" with Cooper conspiracy--that you alert them. There are heinous things planned by the disinformers to terrify America and parts of the world to finish pulling you into captivity--"against a common enemy". YOUR ENEMIES SIT IN THE LEADERSHIP OF YOUR NATIONS AND WITHIN THE BANKS--THERE ARE NO ENEMIES IN SPACE! WHAT YOU WILL BE GIVEN AS "PROOF" IS A WORSE LIE THAN ANY THEY HAVE CON­JURED THUS FAR AND ONLY KNOWLEDGE OF TRUTH CAN KEEP YOU FROM FALLING FOR THE TRAP!

    Let me say something to you as a people of world citizenship. You are in the sorting of God's people from the ones who wish to follow this evil empire. We are now dealing with God's adversary who is restricted to the mortal physical plane. The intent is to take the planet earth Shan and then move outward into space. IT WILL NOT BE ALLOWED AND THERE WILL BE MASSIVE EFFORT TO HOLD THE BEINGS OF EARTH HOSTAGE. WELL, SORRY ABOUT THIS--EARTH-MAN; GOD DOES NOT COMPROMISE NOR DOES HE NEGOTIATE. YOU EACH WILL BE EITHER ON ONE SIDE OR THE OTHER AND TO NOT MAKE A DECISION IS TO ALREADY HAVE MADE ONE.

    All manner of terrible things are in the planning by the deceivers to perpetrate upon you in the guise of it being Space Brothers. No, but you will buy the tale in great masses. However, if you-the-people of the United States of America fail to fall for the lie--you will prevail and the world shall be turned about for GOD WILL WORK WITH YOU IF YOUR INTENT IS TRUTH AND HONOR--HE WILL NOT DO IT FOR YOU. IF YOUR INTENT REMAINS TO CONTINUE THE BREAKING OF EVERY LAW OF GOD AND THE CREATION--YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THAT WHICH COMES UPON YOU AND IT SHALL COME UPON YOU IN A MOST DEVASTATING MANNER FOR WE WILL ONLY AIRLIFT OUT GOD'S PEOPLE. WE HAVE NO AU­THORITY TO REMOVE ANY WHO PRACTICE EVIL FOR THOSE ONES ARE NOT WELCOME IN THE BALANCED SOCIETIES OF THE COSMOS. SO BE IT.

    If you turn around the government of the U.S.--the chosen people and place of God--you can reclaim your planet. What else do you have to do with even a tenth as much wondrous challenge and ex­citement? You are a bored and sleepy civilization--stop watching the play on your pretend screens and get into the game, dear friends. God has sent Us, His Hosts, to play with you--WE HAVE NO IN­TENTION OF COMPETING WITH YOU FOR OUR ENEMY IS THE ADVERSARY OF GOD AND WE NEED NOT A "THREE" RING CIRCUS. NO ONE SHALL BE COERCED OR FORCED--YOU WILL BE IN THE CHOOSING.

    Oh my, yes you do! However, since you ones fail to know anything about your Constitution--I get to lay another heavy trip on you. How many Amendments do you have? Do you know that it is UNCONSTITUTIONAL FOR A LAWYER TO BE ELECTED TO CONGRESS? WHAT DOES YOUR THIRTEENTH AMEND­MENT SAY? Well, NOW it reads: "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction...etc".


    "If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, re­ceive, or retain any TITLE OF NOBILITY or HONOUR, or shall, without the consent of Congress, accept and retain any present, pension, office, or emolument of any kind whatever, from any emperor, king, prince, or foreign power, such per­son shall cease to be a citizen of the United States, and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them". (Emphasis added)

    Thank you, David Dodge, Researcher and Alfred Adask, Editor, AntiShyster, August, 1991:

    These ones also give you a special version of the pledge of alle­giance you might consider--for it says what the original MEANT and ceased to be accepted: I pledge allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America, and to the Republic that honors that Con­stitution, one nation, under God, with Liberty and Justice for all.



    In the winter of 1983, archival research expert David Dodge, and former Baltimore police investigator Tom Dunn, were searching for evidence of government corruption in public records stored in the Belfast Library on the coast of Maine. By chance [?--I think not!], they discovered the library's oldest authentic copy of the Constitu­tion of the United States (printed in 1825). Both men were stunned to see this document included a 13th Amendment that no longer appears on current copies of the Constitution. Moreover, after studying the Amendment's language and historical context, they re­alized the principle intent of this "missing" 13th Amendment WAS TO PROHIBIT LAWYERS FROM SERVING IN GOVERNMENT....!

    So began a seven-year, nationwide search for the truth surrounding the most bizarre Constitutional puzzle in American history--the un­lawful REMOVAL OF A RATIFIED Amendment from the Consti­tution of the United States. Since 1983, Dodge and Dunn have un­covered additional copies of the Constitution with the "missing" 13th Amendment printed in at least eighteen separate publications by ten different states and territories over four decades from 1822 to 1860.

    In June of this year (1991), Dodge uncovered the evidence that this missing 13th Amendment had indeed been LAWFULLY RATI­FIED by the state of Virginia and was therefore an authentic Amendment to the American Constitution. The evidence is cor­rect and no errors are found--a 13th Amendment restricting lawyers from serving in government was ratified in 1819 and REMOVED from your Constitution during the tumult of the Civil War--deliberately!

    Since the Amendment was never LAWFULLY REPEALED, IT IS STILL THE LAW TODAY! Wouldn't you now guess that the implications are ENORMOUS?

    The story of this "missing" Amendment is complex and at times confusing because the political issues and vocabulary of the American Revolution were different from your own. However, there are essentially two issues: What does the Amendment mean? and, Was the Amendment ratified? Lets look first at the "meaning".


    The "missing" 13th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States reads as above cited.

    At first reading, the meaning of this 13th Amendment (also called the "title of nobility" Amendment) seems a bit obscure, unimportant. The references to "nobility", "honour", "emperor", "king", and "prince" lead you to dismiss this amendment as a petty post-revolu­tion act of spite directed against the British monarchy. But in your modern world of Lady Di and Prince Charles, anti-royalist senti­ments seem so archaic and quaint that the Amendment can be ig­nored. NOT SO!

    Consider some real hard evidence of its historical significance: First, "titles of nobility" were prohibited in both Article VI of the Articles of Confederation (1777) and in Article I, Sect. 9 of the Con­stitution of the United States (1788); Second, although already pro­hibited by the Constitution, an additional "title of nobility" amend­ment was proposed in 1789, again in 1810, and was finally ratified in 1819. Clearly the founding fathers saw such a serious threat in "titles of nobility" and "honors" that anyone receiving them would FORFEIT THEIR CITIZENSHIP. (How about Sir Schwarzkopf? and Sir Dr. Kissinger?) Since the government prohibited "titles of nobility" several times over four decades, and went through the amending process (even though "titles of nobility" were already pro­hibited by the Constitution), it's obvious that the Amendment carried much more significance for your founding fathers than is readily ap­parent to you today.


    To understand the meaning of this "missing" 13th Amendment, you must understand its historical context--the era surrounding the American Revolution (which of course, you are not taught).

    You tend to regard the notion of "Democracy" as benign, harmless, and politically unremarkable. But at the time of the American Revolution, King George III and the other monarchies of Europe saw Democracy as an unnatural, ungodly ideological threat, every bit as dangerously radical as Communism. [So, the obvious solution was to turn Democracy and Communism into a method of creating what they wanted in the first place, a Monarchy-Dictatorship, while call­ing it nice labels]. Just as the 1917 Communist Revolution in Russia [financed by you nice people's bankers just as the so-called Soviet Revolution this week is sponsored and financed by the same nice people in your behalf] spawned other revolutions around the world, the American Revolution provided an example and incentive for people all over the world to overthrow their European monarchies--or so it was interpreted.

    Even though the Treaty of Paris ended the Revolutionary War in 1783, the simple fact of your existence threatened the monarchies. The United States stood as a heroic role model for other nations that inspired them to also struggle against oppressive monarchies. The French Revolution (1789-1799) and the Polish national uprising (1794) were in part encouraged by the American Revolution. Though you stood like a beacon of hope for most of the world, the monarchies regarded the United States as a political "typhoid Mary", the principle source of radical democracy that was destroying monarchies around the world.

    The monarchies must have realized that if the principle source of that infection could be destroyed, the rest of the world might avoid the contagion and the monarchies would be saved.

    Their survival at stake, the monarchies sought to destroy or subvert the American system of government. Knowing they couldn't destroy you militarily, they resorted to more covert methods of political subversion, employing spies and secret agents skilled in bribery and legal deception--it was, perhaps, the first "cold war". Since govern­ments run on money, politicians run FOR money, and money is the usual enticement to commit treason, much of the monarchy's counter-revolutionary efforts emanated from English banks.


    The essence of banking was once explained by Sir Josiah Stamp, a former president of the Bank of England. I have given this before but it is such a dandy, I shall repeat it: "The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing. The process is perhaps the most astounding piece of sleight of hand that was ever invented. Banking was conceived in inequity and born in sin... Bankers own the earth. Take it away from them but leave them the power to create money, and, with a flick of a pen, they will create enough money to buy it back again.... Take this great power away from them and all great fortunes like mine will disappear and they ought to disappear, for then this would be a better and happier world to live in.... But, if you want to continue to be the slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, then let bankers continue to create money and control credit".

    One of the past great abuses of your banking system caused the depression of the 1930's. Today's abuses are causing another and more massive depression than the world has ever known. Current S&L and bank scandals illustrate the on-going relationships between banks, LAWYERS, politicians, and government agencies (look at the current BCCI and BNL scandals running from high government officers to the Presidency itself involved in totally criminal activities) such as the Federal Reserve, the FDIC, and even the CIA. These scandals are the direct result of years of law-breaking by an alliance of bankers and lawyers using their influence and money to corrupt the political process and rob the public. (Think you're not being robbed? Guess who's going to pay the bill for the excesses of these bailouts?) As Oberli and Dharma track further and deeper into in­volved parties attached to this present property scam/scandal--they are finding other financial institutions involved and, as named in the investigation, find Salomon Brothers and other financial institutions who are kaput and haven't even been made public--no wonder the FDIC and RTC are asking additional BILLIONS.

    The systematic robbery of productive individuals by parasitic bankers and lawyers is not a recent phenomenon. This abuse is a human tradition that predates the Bible and spread from Europe to America despite early colonial prohibitions. (Remember the Proto­cols of Zion? Try the issue of Oct. 1920: No. 13: "We have already established our own men in all important positions. We must en­deavor to provide the Goyim (non-Jews and including Judeans/Hebrews) with LAWYERS and doctors; the LAWYERS are au courant with all interest....", and 14: "But above all let us monopolize Education. By this means we spread ideas that are useful to us, and shape the children's brains as suits us." And then, 15: "If one of our people should unhappily fall into the hands of justice amongst the Christians, we must rush to help him; find as many WITNESSES AS HE NEEDS TO SAVE HIM FROM HIS JUDGES--UNTIL WE BECOME JUDGES OUR­SELVES"!

    It is about time to again publish the Protocols, friends, but I have quite a bit of additional updating to do prior to that so let us hold up herein and not get sidetracked from the "missing" 13th Amendment--it is all tied in together, as you might have guessed by now. You may as well consider that there is total integration of the PROTO­COLS OF ZION, the CREMIEUX MANIFESTO, and the epistle emanating from the "PRINCE OF THE JEWS". Isn't it interesting that these were published in a Rothschild magazine? The "Prince of the Jews" was done in 1489 A.D. But then, who would ever think, most especially Gentiles, of connecting these things with other doc­uments emanating from Jewry, or with modern happenings? So be it!

    When the first United States Bank was chartered by Congress in 1790, there were only three state banks in existence. At one time, banks were prohibited by law in most states because many of the early settlers were all too familiar with the practices of the European goldsmith banks.

    Goldsmith banks were safe-houses used to store client's gold. In exchange for the deposited gold, customers were issued notes (paper money) which were redeemable in gold. The goldsmith bankers quickly succumbed to the temptation to issue "extra" notes, (unbacked by gold). Why? Because the "extra" notes enriched the bankers by allowing them to buy property with notes for gold that they did not own, gold that did not even exist.

    Colonists knew that bankers occasionally printed too much paper money, found themselves over-leveraged, and caused a "run on the bank". If the bankers lacked sufficient gold to meet the demand, the paper money became worthless and common citizens left holding the paper were ruined. Although over-leveraged bankers were some­time hung, the bankers continued printing extra money to increase their fortunes at the expense of the productive members of society. (The practice continues to this day and offers "sweetheart" loans to bank insiders, and even provides the foundation for deficit spending and your federal government's unbridled growth).


    If the colonists forgot the lessons of goldsmith bankers, the Ameri­can Revolution refreshed their memories. To finance the war, Congress authorized the printing of continental bills of credit in an amount not to exceed $200,000,000. The states issued another $200,000,000 in paper notes. Ultimately, the value of the paper money fell so low that they were soon traded on speculation from 500 to 1000 paper bills for one coin.

    It's then suggested that your Constitution's prohibition against a pa­per economy--"No State shall... make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a tender in Payment of Debts"--was a tool of the wealthy to be worked to the disadvantage of all others. But only in a "paper" economy can money reproduce itself and increase the claims of the wealthy at the expense of the productive.

    "Paper money", said Pelatiah Webster, "polluted the equity of our laws, turned them into engines of oppression, corrupted the justice of our public administration, destroyed the fortunes of thousands who had confidence in it, enervated the trade, husbandry, and manu­factures of our country, and went far to destroy the morality of our people".


    Be patient--it may "seem" that I am not on the same subject but I am.

    A few examples of the attempts by the monarchies and banks that almost succeeded in destroying the United States:

    According to the Tennessee Laws 1715-1820, vol II, p.774, in the 1794 Jay Treaty, the United States agreed to pay 600,000 pounds sterling to King George III, as reparations for the American Revolu­tion (interesting?). The Senate ratified the treaty in secret session and ordered that it not be published. When Benjamin Franklin's grandson published it anyway, the exposure and resulting public up­roar so angered the Congress that it passed the Alien and Sedition Acts (1798) SO FEDERAL JUDGES COULD PROSECUTE ED­ITORS AND PUBLISHERS FOR REPORTING THE TRUTH ABOUT THE GOVERNMENT.

    Since you had WON the Revolutionary War, why would your Sena­tors agree to pay REPARATIONS to the loser? And why would they agree to pay 600,000 pounds sterling, eleven years AFTER the war ended? It just doesn't seem to make sense does it? Especially in light of the Senate's secrecy and later fury over being exposed, UNLESS YOU ASSUME YOUR SENATORS HAD BEEN BRIBED TO SERVE THE BRITISH MONARCHY AND BETRAY THE AMERICAN PEOPLE--THAT, DEAR ONES, IS SUBVER­SION!

    The United States Bank had been opposed by the Jeffersonians from the beginning, but the Federalists (the pro-monarchy party) won-out in its establishment. The initial capitalization was $10,000,000-­80% of which would be owned by foreign bankers. Since the bank was authorized to lend up to $20,000,000 (double its paid in capital), it was a profitable deal for both the government and the bankers since they could lend, and collect interest (usury) on, $10,000,000 THAT DID NOT EXIST.

    However, the European bankers outfoxed the government and by 1796, the government owed the bank $6,200,000 and was forced to sell its shares. (By 1802, your government OWNED NO STOCK IN THE UNITED STATES BANK.)

    The sheer power of the banks and their ability to influence representative government by economic manipulation and outright bribery was exposed in 1811, when the people discovered that European banking interests OWNED 80% OF THE BANK. Congress, there­fore, refused to renew the bank's charter. This led to the with­drawal of $7,000,000 in species by European investors, which in turn, precipitated an economic recession, and the War of 1812.

    There are other examples of the monarchy's efforts to subvert or destroy the United States; some are common knowledge, others remain to be disclosed to the public. There is, for example, a book called 2 VA LAW in the Library of Congress Law Library. This is an un­catalogued book in the rare book section that reveals a plan to OVERTHROW THE CONSTITUTIONAL GOVERNMENT BY SECRET AGREEMENTS ENGINEERED BY THE LAWYERS. THAT, DEAR ONES, IS ONE REASON THAT THE 13TH AMENDMENT WAS RATIFIED BY VIRGINIA AND THE NO­TIFICATION 'LOST IN THE MAIL'. THERE IS NO PUBLIC RECORD OF THIS BOOK'S EXISTENCE!

    Does this sound surprising? Perish the thought of "surprising". The Library of Congress has over 349.402 uncatalogued rare books and 13.9 MILLION UN-CATALOGUED RARE MANUSCRIPTS, LAWS AND RATIFICATIONS! THERE ARE SECRETS BURIED IN THAT MASS OF DOCUMENTS EVEN MORE AS­TONISHING THAN A MISSING CONSTITUTIONAL AMEND­MENT, I CAN WELL ASSURE YOU.


    In seeking to rule the world and destroy the United States, bankers committed many crimes. Foremost among these crimes were fraud, conversion, and plain old theft. To escape prosecution for their crimes, the bankers did the same thing any career criminal does. They hired and formed alliances with the best LAWYERS and JUDGES money could buy. These alliances, originally forged in Europe (particularly in Great Britain), spread to the colonies, and later into the newly formed United States of America. Just as with Dharma and Oberli's legal case--the adversary lawyer, Mr. Horn, simply removes any papers from the file which can aid and assist the defendants! When discovered, he then threatens all sorts of heinous consequences if his trick is revealed. What is this man's name? I thought you would never ask: It is spelled STEVEN HORN. ONE OF HIS THREATS IS TO "GET THEM" IF THIS INCIDENT IS REVEALED IN ANY OF THIS SO-CALLED "DHARMA'S" WRITINGS. WELL, OLD BUDDY--THEY HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE BUT I DO SUGGEST THAT MR. HORN DOES!

    Remember the part of the Protocols about providing witnesses sufficient to win your case? Well, he did that too--but he outsmarted himself. The first hearing came with sufficient "provided" witnesses to swamp the court with liars. But, he had presented a backup case petition which caused the Judge to disallow further proceedings at that time. So, along with the presentation of the City Clerk and City Treasurer as defendant's witnesses, the "liars" did panic and dis­appear. How handy, though, our attorneys have turned up one or two of them and we shall see how well they like lying NOW.

    Despite their criminal foundation, these alliances forged in Europe generated wealth and, ultimately, respectability. Like any modern unit of organized crime, English bankers and lawyers wanted to be admired as "legitimate businessmen". As their criminal fortunes grew so did their usefulness, so the British monarchy legitimized these thieves by granting them "TITLES OF NOBILITY".

    Historically, the British peerage system referred to knights as "Squires" and to those who bore the knight's shields as "Esquires". (Isn't this fun?) As lances, shields, and physical violence gave way to more civilized means of theft, the pen grew mightier (and far more profitable) than the sword, and the clever wielders of those pens (bankers and lawyers) came to hold titles of nobility. The most common title was "Esquire" (used, even today, by lawyers!).


    In Colonial America, attorneys trained attorneys but most held no "title of nobility" or "honor". There was no requirement that one be a lawyer to hold the position of district attorney, attorney general, or judge; a citizen's "counsel of choice" was not restricted to a lawyer; there were no state or national bar associations. The only organiza­tion that certified lawyers was the International Bar Association (IBA), chartered by the King of England, headquartered in London, and closely associated with the international banking system. Lawyers admitted to the IBA received the rank "ESQUIRE"--A "TITLE OF NOBILITY"!

    "Esquire" was the principle title of nobility which the 13th Amend­ment sought to PROHIBIT from the United States. Why? Because the loyalty of "Esquire" lawyers was suspect. Bankers and lawyers with an "Esquire" behind their names were agents of the monarchy, members of an organization whose principle purposes were political, not economic, and regarded with the same wariness that some people today reserve for members of the KGB or the CIA.

    Article I, Sect. 9 of the Constitution sought to prohibit the Interna­tional Bar Association (or any other agency that granted titles of no­bility) from operating in America. But the Constitution neglected to specify a penalty, so the prohibition was ignored, and agents of the monarchy continued to infiltrate and influence the government (as in the Jay Treaty and the US Bank charter incidents). Therefore, a "title of nobility" amendment that specified a penalty (loss of citizen­ship) was proposed in 1789, and again in 1810. The meaning of the amendment is seen in its intent to prohibit persons having titles of nobility and loyalties to foreign governments and bankers from vot­ing, holding public office, or using their skills to subvert the gov­ernment.


    The missing Amendment is referred to as the "title of nobility" Amendment, but the second prohibition against "honour" (honor), may be more significant.

    The archaic definition of "honor" (as used when the 13th Amend­ment was ratified) meant anyone "obtaining or having an advantage or privilege over another". A contemporary example of an "honor" granted to only a few Americans is the privilege of being a judge: Lawyers can be judges and exercise the attendant privileges and powers; non-lawyers CAN NOT.

    By prohibiting "honors", the missing Amendment prohibits any advantage or privilege that would grant some citizens an unequal op­portunity to achieve or exercise political power. Therefore, the sec­ond meaning (intent) of the 13th Amendment is to ensure political equality among all American citizens, by prohibiting anyone, EVEN GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS, from claiming or exercising a spe­cial privilege or power (an "honor") over other citizens.

    This interpretation is quite true, little ones, and would be the key concept in the 13th Amendment. Why? Because, while "titles of nobility" may no longer apply in today's political system, the con­cept of "honor" remains relevant.

    For example, anyone who had a specific "immunity" from lawsuits which were not afforded to all citizens, would be enjoying a separate privilege, an "honor" and would therefore forfeit his right to vote or hold public office. Think of the "immunities" from lawsuits that your judges, lawyers, politicians, and bureaucrats currently enjoy. As another example, think of all the "special interest" legislation your government passes: "special interests" are simply euphemisms for "special privileges" (honors).

    WHAT IF?

    If the missing 13th Amendment were to be restored, "special inter­ests" and "immunities" would be rendered unconstitutional. The prohibition against "honors" (privileges) would compel the entire government to operate under the same laws as the citizens of your nation. Without their current personal immunities (honors), your judges and I.R.S. agents would be unable to abuse common citizens without fear of legal liability. If the 13th Amendment were restored, your entire government would have to conduct itself according to the same standards of decency, respect, law, and liability as the rest of the nation. If this Amendment and the term "honor" were applied today, your government's ability to systematically coerce and abuse the public would be all but eliminated. Just IMAGINE!


    It's unheard of for it got deliberately undone before it could be done--it has never been done before--and you thought a poor soul called Benedict Arnold was a traitor! You have never had a Constitutional government as intended--not ever in the entire history of the world!!!

    So here comes the argument: Senator George Mitchell of Maine and the National Archives concede this 13th Amendment was proposed by Congress in 1810. However, they explain that there were sev­enteen states when Congress proposed the "title of nobility" Amendment; that ratification required the support of thirteen states, but since only twelve states supported the Amendment, it was not ratified. The Government Printing Office hops on the band­wagon to agree; it currently prints copies of the CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES which include the "title of nobility" Amendment as proposed--but un-ratified.

    Even if this 13th Amendment was never ratified, even if research would be flawed and only twelve states voted to ratify the Amendment--wouldn't the possibility be wondrous to imagine? So what am I saying? Am I saying that it was a dream within one vote of his­torical utopia? No! I am saying that it WAS RATIFIED.

    After a break we shall continue to prove it. And, dear ones of America and ones running for office with overwhelming odds against "housecleaning"--here are your tools to do the sweeping! NOW DO YOU SEE THE VALUE OF A GOOD OLD SPACE CADET WITH X-RAY VISION? IT SURELY DOESN'T SUR­PRISE ANY OF YOU THAT THIS PARTICULAR AMEND­MENT WOULD "GET LOST"? SO BE IT.

    PJ 37


    FRIDAY, AUGUST 30, 1991 11:27 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 014


    Again, I give humble thanks and appreciation to David Dodge and Alfred Adask for jobs well done!

    In 1789, The House of Representatives compiled a list of possible Constitutional Amendments, some of which would ultimately be­come your Bill of Rights. The House proposed seventeen; the Sen­ate reduced the list to twelve. During this process Senator Tristrain Dalton (Mass.) proposed an Amendment seeking to prohibit and provide a penalty for any American accepting a "title of Nobility" (RG 46 Records of the U.S. Senate). Although it wasn't passed, this was the first time a "title of nobility" amendment was proposed.

    Twenty years later, in January, 1810, Senator Reed proposed an­other "Title of Nobility" Amendment (History of Congress, Pro­ceedings of the Senate, p. 529-530). On April 27, 1810, the Senate voted to pass this 13th Amendment by a vote of 26 to 1; the House resolved in the affirmative 87 to 3; and the following resolve was sent to the states for ratification:

    "If any citizen of the United States shall Accept, claim, receive or retain any title of nobility or honour, or shall, without the consent of Congress, accept and retain any present, pension, office or emolument of any kind whatever, from any emperor, king, prince or for­eign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States, and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them."

    The Constitution requires three-quarters of the states to ratify a pro­posed amendment before it may be added to the Constitution. When Congress proposed the "Title of Nobility" Amendment in 1810, there were seventeen states, thirteen of which would have to ratify for the Amendment to be adopted. According to the National Archives, the following is a list of the twelve states that ratified, and their dates of ratification.

    (Herein please note that the 16th (income tax) Amendment was truly never ratified! But here you have one which was truly rati­fied with proof thereof--and it was secretly heisted from your Constitution뾞re you getting a bit upset yet?)

    Maryland, Dec. 25, 1810
    Kentucky, Jan. 31, 1811
    Ohio, Jan. 31, 1811
    Delaware, Feb. 2, 1811
    Pennsylvania, Feb. 6, 1811
    New Jersey, Feb. 13, 1811
    Vermont, Oct. 24, 1811
    Tennessee, Nov. 21, 1811
    Georgia, Dec. 13, 1811
    North Carolina, Dec. 23, 1811
    Massachusetts, Feb. 27, 1812
    New Hampshire, Dec. 10, 1812

    NOW WATCH THE "NOW" USUAL SLEIGHT OF HAND AND FOOTWORK FOR IT HAS BECOME THE MODUS OPERANDI WHEN THE GOING GETS TIGHT: Before the thirteenth state could ratify, the WAR OF 1812 BROKE OUT WITH ENG­LAND. By the time the war ended in 1814, THE BRITISH HAD BURNED THE CAPITOL, THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, AND MOST OF THE RECORDS OF THE FIRST 38 YEARS OF GOVERNMENT. I'm sure the connection between the pro­posed "title of nobility" amendment which would close England out of the US government forever, and the War of 1812 BE­COMES SELF-EVIDENT! You have entered massive wars for far less--like Desert Storm in Iraq.

    Four years later, on December 31, 1817, the House of Representa­tives resolved that President Monroe inquire into the status of this Amendment because all sorts of "strange" things were beginning to happen in your government. In a letter dated Feb. 6, 1818, Presi­dent Monroe reported to the House that Secretary of State Adams had written to the governors of Virginia, South Carolina and Con­necticut to tell them that the proposed Amendment had been ratified by twelve States and rejected by two (New York and Rhode Island), and asked the governors to notify him of their legislature's position. (House Document No. 76)

    (This, and other letters written by the President and the Secretary of State during the month of February, 1818, note only that the pro­posed Amendment had not YET been ratified. However, these let­ters would later become crucial because, in the absence of additional information, they would be interpreted to mean that the amendment was never ratified.)

    On February 28, 1818, Secretary of State Adams reported the re­jection of the Amendment by South Carolina (House Doc. No. 129). There are no further entries regarding the ratification of the 13th Amendment in the Journals of Congress; whether Virginia ratified is neither confirmed nor denied. Likewise, a search through the exec­utive papers of Governor Preston of Virginia does not reveal any correspondence from Secretary of State Adams. (However, there is a journal entry in the Virginia House that the Governor presented the House with an official letter and documents from Washington within a time frame that includes receipt of Adams' letter.) Again, however, no evidence of ratification; none of denial.

    Whoopee! However, on March 10, 1819, the Virginia legislature passed Act No. 280 (Virginia Archives of Richmond, "misc." file, p. 299 for micro-film): "Be it enacted by the General Assembly, that there shall be published an edition of the Laws of this Commonwealth in which shall be contained the following matters, that is to say; the Constitution of the (u)united States and the amendments thereto...." This act was the specific legislated in­structions on what was, by law, to be included in the republication (a special edition) of the Virginia Civil Code. The Virginia Legislature had already agreed that all Acts were to go into effect on the same day--the day that the Civil Code was to be republished. Therefore, the 13th Amendment's official DATE OF RATIFICATION WOULD BE DATE OF RE-PUBLICATION OF THE VIRGINIA CIVIL CODE: MARCH 12, 1819!!!

    The Delegates knew Virginia was the last of the 13 States that were necessary for the ratification of the 13th Amendment. They also knew there were powerful forces allied against this ratification so they took extraordinary measures to make sure that it was pub­lished in sufficient quantity (4,000 copies were ordered, almost triple their usual order), and instructed the printer to send a copy to President James Monroe as well as James Madison and Thomas Jefferson. (The printer, Thomas Ritchie, was bonded. He was required to be extremely accurate in his research and his printing, or he would forfeit his bond.)


    Some argue that there is question as to whether Virginia ever for­mally notified the Secretary of State that they had ratified this 13th Amendment. Some have argued that because such notification was not received (or at least, not recorded), the Amendment was there­fore not legally ratified. However, printing by a legislature is prima facie evidence of ratification.

    Further, there is no Constitutional requirement that the Secretary of State, or anyone else, be officially notified to complete the ratification process. The Constitution only requires that three-fourths of the states ratify for an Amendment to be added to the Constitution. If three-quarters of the states ratify, the Amendment is passed. Period. The Constitution is otherwise silent on what procedure should be used to announce, confirm, or communicate the ratification of amendments.

    Knowing they were the last state necessary to ratify the Amendment, the Virginians had every right to announce their own and the na­tion's ratification of the Amendment by publishing it on a special edition of the Constitution, and so they did.

    Word of Virginia's 1819 ratification spread throughout the states and both Rhode Island and Kentucky published the new Amendment in 1822. Ohio first published in 1824. Maine ordered 10,000 copies of the Constitution with the 13th Amendment to be printed for use in the schools in 1825, and again in 1831 for the Census Edition. Indi­ana Revised Laws of 1831 published the 13th Article on p. 20. Northwestern Territories published in 1833. Ohio published in 1831 and 1833. Then came the Wisconsin Territory in 1839; Iowa Terri­tory in 1843; Ohio again in 1848; Kansas Statutes in 1855; and Ne­braska Territory six times in a row from 1855 to 1860.

    So far, Dodge has identified eleven different states or territories that printed the Amendment in twenty separate publications over forty-one years. And more editions including this 13th Amendment are sure to be discovered for they ARE THERE WAITING!

    So--you might be able to convince some of the people, or maybe even all of them, for a little while, that this 13th Amendment was never ratified. Maybe you can show them that the ten legislatures which ordered it published eighteen times (known) consisted of igno­rant politicians who don't know their amendments from their...ahh, articles. You might even be able to convince the public that your forefathers never meant to "outlaw" public servants who pushed peo­ple around and accepted bribes or special favors to "look the other way". Maybe. But before you do, there is a lot of evidence to be explained.


    In 1829, the following note appears on p. 23, Vol. 1 of the New York Revised Statutes:

    "In the edition of the Laws of the U.S. before referred to, there is an amendment printed as article 13, prohibiting citizens from accepting titles of nobility or honor, or presents, offices, etc., from foreign nations. But, by a message of the president of the United States of the 4th of February, 1818, in answer to a resolution of the House of Representatives, it appears that this amendment had been ratified only by 12 states, and therefore had not been adopted. See vol. iv of the printed papers of the 1st session of the 15th congress, No. 76". (Emphasis added.) In 1854, a similar note appeared in the Oregon Statutes. Both notes refer to the Laws of the United States. 1st vol. p.73/74.

    It's not yet clear whether the 13th Amendment was published in Laws of the United States, 1st Vol., prematurely, by accident, in an­ticipation of Virginia's ratification, or as part of a plot to discredit the Amendment by making it appear that only twelve States had rati­fied. Whether the Laws of the United States Vol. 1 (carrying the 13th Amendment) was re-called or made-up is unknown. In fact, it's not even clear that the specified volume was actually printed--the Law Library of the Library of Congress has no record of its exis­tence.

    However, because the notes' authors reported no further references to the 13th Amendment after the Presidential letter of February, 1818, they apparently assumed the ratification process had ended in failure at that time. If so, they neglected to seek information on the Amendment after 1818, or at the state level, and therefore missed the evidence of Virginia's ratification. This opinion--assuming that the Presidential letter of Feb.1818, was the last word on the Amendment--has persisted to this day.

    In 1849, Virginia decided to revise the 1819 Civil Code of Virginia (which had continued the 13th Amendment for 30 years). It was at that time that one of the code's revisers (A LAWYER NAMED PATTON) wrote to the Secretary of the Navy, William B. Preston, asking if this Amendment had been ratified or appeared by mistake. (A most interesting resource for information at any circumstance.) Preston wrote to J.M. Clayton, the Secretary of State, who replied that this Amendment was not ratified by a sufficient number of States. This conclusion was based on the information that Secretary of State J.Q. Adams had provided the House of Representatives in 1818, BEFORE Virginia's ratification in 1819. (Funny thing--and take careful note: today, the Congressional Research Service tells anyone asking about this 13th Amendment this same story: that only twelve states, not the requisite thirteen, had ratified. Skunks in the woodpile?)

    Note, however, that despite Clayton's opinion, the Amendment continued to be published in various states and territories for at least another eleven years (the last known publication was in the Nebraska Territory in 1860).

    Once again the 13th Amendment was caught in the riptides of American politics. South Carolina seceded from the Union in De­cember of 1860, signalling the onset of the Civil War. In March, 1861, President Abraham Lincoln was inaugurated.

    Later in 1861, another proposed amendment, also numbered thir­teen, was signed by President Lincoln. This was the only proposed amendment that was ever signed by a president. That resolve to amend read: "ARTICLE THIRTEEN, No amendment shall be made to the constitution which will authorize or give to Congress the power to abolish or interfere, within any State, with the do­mestic institutions thereof, including that of persons held to labor or service by the laws of said State". (In other words, President Lincoln had signed a resolve that would have permitted slavery, and upheld states' rights.) Only one State, Illinois, ratified this proposed amendment before the Civil War broke out in 1861.

    In the tumult of 1865, the original 13th Amendment was finally removed from your Constitution. On January 31, another 13th Amendment (which prohibited slavery in Sect. 1 and ended states' rights in Sect. 2) was proposed. On April 9, the Civil War ended with General Lee's surrender. On April 14, President Lincoln (who, in 1861, had signed the proposed Amendment that would have allowed slavery and states rights) was assassinated. On December 6, the "new" 13th Amendment loudly prohibiting slavery (and qui­etly surrendering states rights to the federal government) was rati­fied, replacing and effectively erasing the original 13th Amendment that had prohibited "titles of nobility" and "honors". Wasn't that about as clever as you can get?


    To create the present oligarchy (rule by LAWYERS) which you now endure, the lawyers first had to remove the 13th "titles of no­bility" Amendment that might otherwise have kept them in check. In fact, it was not until after the Civil War and after the dis­appearance of the 13th Amendment that the newly developing bar associations began working diligently to create a system wherein lawyers took on a title of privilege and nobility as "Esquires" and received the "honor" of offices and positions (like district attorney or judge) that only lawyers may now hold. By virtue of these titles, honors, and special privileges, lawyers have assumed political and economic advantages over the majority of U.S. citizens. Through these privileges, they have nearly established a two-tiered citizenship in this nation where a majority may vote, but only a minority (lawyers) may run for political office. This two-tiered citizenship is clearly contrary to Americans' political interests, the nation's eco­nomic welfare, and the Constitution's egalitarian spirit.

    The significance of the 13th Amendment and its deletion from the Constitution is this: Since the amendment was never lawfully nulli­fied, it is still in full force and effect and is the Law of the land. If public support is awakened, this missing Amendment would provide a legal basis to challenge many existing laws and court decisions previously made by lawyers who were unconstitutionally elected or appointed to their positions of power; it might even mean the re­moval of lawyers from your current government system.

    At the very least, this missing 13th Amendment demonstrates that two centuries ago, lawyers were recognized as enemies of the people and nation. Some things never change.


    In his farewell address, George Washington warned of "...change by usurpation; for though this, in one instance, may be the instrument of good, it is the customary weapon by which free governments are destroyed".

    In 1788, Thomas Jefferson proposed that you have a Declaration of Rights similar to Virginia's. Three of his suggestions were "freedom of commerce against monopolies, trial by jury in ALL cases" and "no suspensions of the habeas corpus".

    No doubt Washington's warning and Jefferson's ideas were dismissed as redundant by those who knew the law. Who would have dreamed your legal system would become a monopoly against free­dom when that was one of the primary causes for the rebellion against King George III?

    Yet, the denial of trial by jury is now commonplace in your courts, and habeas corpus, for crimes against the state, suspended. (By crimes against the state, I refer to "political crimes" where there is no injured party and the corpus delicti--evidence--is equally imagi­nary).

    I had a document handed into Dharma's hands not 15 minutes ago from the Christic Institute, entitled Avirgan v. Hull Update.

    It starts off (and I shall write just a tiny portion): Ruling disregards evidence, denies right to trial by jury. On June 18 three judges of the 11th Circuit appeals court refused to reinstate Avirgan v. Hull, a civil racketeering lawsuit charging 29 members of a criminal racketeering enterprise with murder, destruction of property, drug trafficking, gun smuggling, money laundering and other crimes. The judges upheld two decisions handed down by Judge James Lawrence King of Miami: An order granting "summary judge­ments" in favor of the defendants and a subsequent ruling ordering the Christic Institute, General Counsel Daniel Sheehand and Plaintiffs Tony Avirgan and Martha Honey to pay more than
    $1 million in punitive fines for allegedly filing the lawsuit "in bad faith". The Institute has asked all 11 judges of the appellate court to review the decision. If necessary, we plan to appeal to the Supreme Court�."

    Just a bit more from this same case: Judge King's decision to halt proceedings shortly before the trial's scheduled opening date predicated on an argument unprecedented in law: that plaintiffs are NOT ENTITLED TO THEIR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT TO A TRIAL BY JURY UNLESS THEY SUBMIT ALL OF THEIR EVIDENCE TO THE JUDGE IN ADMISSIBLE FORM BEFORE THE TRIAL BEGINS.

    It goes on and on but I haven't space here to handle that subject also. In other words, however, you have to have and prove each of the accusations to the "judge" BEFORE the lawsuit can be filed. Grounds for objection: "A judge is prohibited from this conduct when a plaintiff has formally demanded a trial by jury".

    The authority to create monopolies was judge-made law by Supreme Court Justice John Marshall, et al, during the early 1800's; Judges (and lawyers) granted to themselves the power to declare the acts of the People "un-Constitutional", waited until their decision was grandfathered, and then granted themselves a monopoly by creating the bar associations.

    Although Art.VI of the U.S. Constitution mandates that executive orders and treaties are binding upon the states ("...and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding."), the Supreme Court has held that the Bill of Rights is not binding upon the states, and thereby resurrected many of the complaints enumerated in the Declaration of Independence, exactly as Thomas Jefferson foresaw in "Notes on the State of Virginia", Query 17, p.161, 1784:

    "Our rulers will become corrupt, our people careless... the time for fixing every essential right on a legal basis is {now} while our rulers are honest, and ourselves united. From the conclusion of this war we shall be going downhill. It will not then be necessary to resort every moment to the people for support. They will be forgotten, therefore, and their rights disregarded. They will forget themselves, but in the sole faculty of making money and will never think of uniting to effect a due respect for their rights. The shackles, therefore, which shall not be knocked off at the conclusion of this war, will re­main on us long, will be made heavier and heavier, till our rights shall revive or expire in a convulsion".

    So, you await the inevitable convulsion.

    Only two questions remain: Will you fight to revive your rights? Or will you meekly submit as your last remaining rights expire, surren­dered to the courts, and perhaps to a "New World Order"?

    There was an addendum to this information which must be added: Documentation has been sent as to five more editions of statutes that include the Constitution and the missing 13th Amendment.

    These editions were printed by: Ohio, 1819; Connecticut (one of the states that voted against ratifying the Amendment), 1835; Kansas, 1861; and the Colorado Territory, 1865 and 1867.

    These finds are important because: 1) they offer independent confirmation of these claims; and 2) they extend the known dates of publi­cation from Nebraska, 1860 (Dodge's most recent find and herein mentioned as such), to Colorado in 1867.

    The most intriguing discovery was the 1867 Colorado Territory edi­tion which includes both the "missing" 13th Amendment AND the current 13th Amendment (freeing the slaves), on the same page. The current 13th Amendment is listed as the 14th Amendment in the 1867 Colorado edition.

    Now in appreciation for this material I ask reprinting of the follow­ing:

    This investigation has followed a labyrinthine path that started with the questions about how our courts evolved from a temple of the Bill of Rights to the current star chamber and whether this situation had anything to do with retiring chief Justice Burger's warning that we were "about to lose our constitution". My seven year investigation has been fruitful beyond belief; the information on the missing 13th Amendment is only a "drop in the bucket" of the information I have discovered. Still, the research continues, and by definition, is never truly complete.

    If you will, please check your state's archives and libraries to review any copies of the Constitution printed prior to the Civil War, or any books containing prints of the Constitution before 1870. If you lo­cate anything related to this project we would appreciate hearing from you so we may properly fulfill this effort of research. Please send your comments or discoveries to:

    David M. Dodge, P.O. Box 985, Taos, New Mexico 87571.

    Please, you other researchers, like Patrick B.--get on this and share up what you find. You will only turn this nation around through the LAW AND IT IS ALL THERE IF YOU BUT UNCOVER AND RECOVER IT. SALU.

    I have only one more tid-bit to dump on you in the "you are had" category for this writing: In uncovering the mess with the conspiracy regarding Santa Barbara Savings/RTC/Bank of America fraud and deceit involving Dharma and Oberli--it is uncovered that the follow­ing practice is common and takes place with the RTC in massive proportion these days: A bank, say, Bank of America, buys from the RTC, Santa Barbara Savings--BUT--THEY ONLY GET THE GOOD ASSETS AND THE RTC (YOU-THE-PEOPLE) CARRY ALL LOSSES AND CONTESTED PROPERTY. IN OTHER WORDS IT IS COMPLETELY PRE-ARRANGED THAT THE BANK(ERS) GET ALL THE ASSETS AND YOU TAKE THE DEBTS! GOOD-LUCK, WORLD! Note that this property in question is already overshadowed by expenses against its value two to one from litigation--but in the end you-the-people will hold the bag. By the way, once again, there is found to be a deadline (which is hidden from view) in which you must file an (unknown) form by a certain date or you are forever barred from any claim. Is it not about time you do something about this fraud and plague upon your lands?

    I further wish to acknowledge a publication which I admire greatly for it is DEDICATED TO RAISING HELL FOR LAWYERS! If you have a good story please send it to them--we'll get around to it, too. If you can write, if you've got a personal story about the legal system to tell, an essay to publish on injustice, or a letter to the editor, they want it. They can't pay you for it--but freedom is worthy of giving unity. The editor urges you to write and not pussyfoot around--don't let the system scare you into silence--name names, send photo copies of relevant documents, pictures of yourself or the principal parties, and say what's in your heart as well as what's in your legal dictionary. They look for documents anywhere from letter-size on up to 2,000 word essays (Well, ours is about 300,000 words, so guess it will have to be in shorthand!).


    THESE PEOPLE CALL THEIR PUBLICATION: AntiShyster, 9794 Forest Lane, Suite 159, Dallas, Texas 75243. 1-800-477-­5508. Their slogan: IT'S NATIONAL ATTORNEY WEEK--TAKE A SHYSTER TO LYNCH.

    In the meanwhile, anyone wanting to write up this particular case in point--we will be delighted! We are most happy to give a whole bunch of names and places. You are going to find the same ones that continually pop up in the news--Bush, Reagan, Shea & Gould, Salomon Bros, etc. The network is so massive that a "clean sweep" with your Constitutional broom is all that will do it. God Bless!

    Hatonn to clear.

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