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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar







    The Phoenix Journals are intended as a "real time" commentary on current events, how current events relate to past events and the relationships of both to the physical and spiritual destinies of mankind.

    All of history, as we now know it, has been revised, rewritten, twisted and tweaked by selfishly motivated men to achieve and maintain control over other men. When one can understand that everything is comprised of "energy" and that even physical matter is "coalesced" energy, and that all energy emanates from God's thought, one can accept the idea that the successful focusing of millions of minds on one expected happening will cause it to happen.

    If the many prophecies made over thousands of years are accepted, these are the "end times" (specifically the year 2000, the second millennium, etc.). That would put us in the "sorting" period and only a few short years from the finish line. God has said that in the end-times would come the WORD--to the four corners of the world--so that each could decide his/her own course toward, or away from, divinity--based upon TRUTH.

    So, God sends His Hosts--Messengers--to present that TRUTH. This is the way in which He chooses to present it, through the Phoenix Journals. Thus, these journals are Truth, which cannot be copyrighted; they are compilations of information already available on Earth, researched and compiled by others (some, no doubt, for this purpose) which should not be copyrighted. Therefore, these journals are not copyrighted (except SIPAPU ODYSSEY which is "fiction").

    The first sixty or so journals were published by America West Publishing which elected to indicate that a copyright had been applied for on the theory that the ISBN number (so necessary for booksellers) was dependent upon the copyright. Commander Hatonn, the primary author and compiler, insisted that no copyrights be applied for and, to our knowledge, none were.

    If the Truth is to reach the four corners of the world, it must be freely passed on. It is hoped that each reader will feel free to do that, keeping it in context, of course.

    ISBN 0-922356-41-6
    First Edition Printed by America West Publishers, 1991

    Published by
    P.O. Box 986
    Tehachapi, CA. 93581
    Printed in the United States of America

    10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

    INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................... ..... 1
    HURSDAY, MAY 16, 1991............................................................................ 1
    SPACEMAN CONNECTIONS........................................................................ 1
    CLUES.................................................................................................... ........... 2
    AMERICA WEST PARTICIPATION............................................................ 3
    ASTROLOGY................................................................................................... 4
    DO WE DEAL WITHOUT THE PHYSICAL?.............................................. 5
    CHAPTER 1.................................................................................................... ............ 8
    SATURDAY, APRIL 27, 1991....................................................................... 8
    SPACE PROGRAM.......................................................................................... 8
    CHAPTER 2.................................................................................................... ............ 17
    SUNDAY, APRIL 28, 1991............................................................................. 17
    THE INNER CHILD......................................................................................... 18
    TRY THE FLOWERS....................................................................................... 19
    GOD'S CLUES.................................................................................................. 20
    ST. CATHERINE'S/MT. SINAI...................................................................... 22
    BYZANTIUM/CONSTANTINOPLE/ISTANBUL........................................ 23
    WHAT DANGER')........................................................................................... 26
    CHAPTER 3.................................................................................................... ............ 28
    MONDAY, APRIL 29, 1991........................................................................... 28
    KURDS.................................................................................................... .......... 28
    ARTIFICIAL LIFE FORMS............................................................................ 29
    UFO's--TRUTH OF ACTION AND BUNK................................................... 30
    CONTACTS.................................................................................................... ... 32
    MURDER.................................................................................................... ....... 33
    AND WHAT WAS "SPACE" CONNECTION?............................................ 34
    CHAPTER 4.................................................................................................... ............ 36
    ROBOTOIDS, SYNTHETICS AND NEUTRALS......................................... 40
    CHAPTER 5.................................................................................................... ............ 45
    TUESDAY, APRIL 30, 1991........................................................................... 45
    REPORTED FINDINGS................................................................................... 45
    ATLAS MISSILES............................................................................................ 46
    LITTLE GRAY ALIENS.................................................................................. 50
    INSIDE THE CRAFT....................................................................................... 51
    OUTSIDE THE CRAFT................................................................................... 52
    ORIGIN AND PURPOSE................................................................................. 52
    SPIRITUAL EXPERIENCE............................................................................. 53
    THE AIR FORCE INVESTIGATION............................................................. 54
    CHAPTER 6.................................................................................................... ............ 55
    WEDNESDAY, MAY 1, 1991........................................................................ 55
    ALIEN AT CAMP DAVID.............................................................................. 55
    PARTY LINE.................................................................................................... 58
    CLOSING OF SKULL AND BONES SOCIETY........................................... 59
    CHAPTER 7.................................................................................................... ............ 61
    THURSDAY, MAY 2, 1991............................................................................ 61
    SPACE AND SHUTTLE TALK...................................................................... 62
    POLITICS.................................................................................................... ...... 62
    WHY HOLD THE HOSTAGES?.................................................................... 63
    AT WORK!.................................................................................................... ... 64

    MORE ON AMERICA'S SECRET ESTABLISHMENT............................... 65
    THE STATE IS ABSOLUTE........................................................................... 68
    CHAPTER 8.................................................................................................... ............ 75
    SATURDAY, MAY 4, 1991............................................................................ 75
    NEIL BUSH.................................................................................................... ... 77
    CHAPTER 9.................................................................................................... ............ 86
    SUNDAY, MAY 5, 1991................................................................................. 86
    SHUTTLE PROGRAM..................................................................................... 86
    PARLIAMENTARY SESSION IN FRANCE................................................ 87
    LIES?.................................................................................................... .............. 87
    BANGLADESH................................................................................................ 88
    SADDAM HUSSEIN........................................................................................ 88
    TRILATERAL COMMISSION....................................................................... 88
    NIPPON ISLANDS........................................................................................... 90
    Now: WHY THE KURDISH MESS?.............................................................. 90
    MORE JAPAN PARTICIPATION.................................................................. 91
    PARIS TRIP IN 1980--BUSH......................................................................... 92
    BY THE WAY: ARTIFACTS AND MONEY................................................ 92
    GUN-CONTROL AND MONEY-CHANGERS............................................ 92
    CHAPTER 10.................................................................................................... .......... 95
    WEDNESDAY, MAY 8, 1991........................................................................ 95
    YOU ARE GOD'S CHILDREN....................................................................... 96
    BABYLON.................................................................................................... .... 96
    DISTRACTIONS.............................................................................................. 97
    GRAND DELUSION........................................................................................ 98
    THE ROTHSCHILD DICTUM........................................................................ 100
    THE FIRST BANK OF THE U.S..................................................................... 101
    REPETITION.................................................................................................... 101
    WELL-KEPT SECRET..................................................................................... 103
    THEIR MONEY IS YOUR DEBT................................................................... 103
    CHAPTER 11.................................................................................................... .......... 105
    THURSDAY, MAY 9, 1991............................................................................ 105
    UFO RESEARCH COMMUNITY.................................................................. 105
    WHAT OF TRUTH?......................................................................................... 106
    BACK TO UNIVERSAL FREQUENCIES..................................................... 107
    FATIMA.................................................................................................... ........ 110
    LOURDES.................................................................................................... ..... 113
    OPORTO.................................................................................................... ........ 114
    CHAPTER 12.................................................................................................... .......... 116
    THURSDAY, MAY 9, 1991............................................................................ 116
    UFO BLATHERMOUTHS............................................................................... 118
    666 AND BAR-CODES................................................................................... 118
    THE NUMBER OF MAN................................................................................. 120
    TRANSACTION CARD/FINAL CARD......................................................... 121
    CHAPTER 13.................................................................................................... .......... 123
    FRIDAY, MAY 10, 1991................................................................................. 123
    DRUGS?.................................................................................................... ........ 124
    PANAMA.................................................................................................... ...... 124
    OUR THRUST RELENTLESS........................................................................ 125
    WAR OF KNOWLEDGE AND TRUTH........................................................ 126
    CHAPTER 14.................................................................................................... .......... 128
    SATURDAY, MAY 11, 1991.......................................................................... 128
    POWER EXPOSED.......................................................................................... 133
    REAL LIFE MONOPOLY............................................................................... 133
    THE BORROWER IS THE SERVANT.......................................................... 134
    BITS OF OMITTED HISTORY...................................................................... 134
    CREATION OF COINAGE............................................................................. 135
    BIRTH OF THE MONSTER BANKING BABY........................................... 136
    ORIGIN OF USURY (INTEREST)................................................................. 136
    FRACTIONAL RESERVE BANKING........................................................... 136
    THE BAAL PRIESTS....................................................................................... 137
    GOLD STANDARD......................................................................................... 137
    CHAPTER 15.................................................................................................... .......... 139
    SATURDAY, MAY 11, 1991.......................................................................... 139
    DANIEL'S VISION........................................................................................... 139
    FREEDOM?.................................................................................................... ... 140
    BABYLON RESURRECTED.......................................................................... 141
    AMERICAN FREEDOM................................................................................. 141
    REAL REASON FOR REVOLUTION........................................................... 142
    SURRENDER.................................................................................................... 143
    DEFINE THE DOLLAR................................................................................... 143
    KILLING OF THE BANK............................................................................... 144
    CIVIL WAR PLOT........................................................................................... 145
    SO LET'S EXPAND SLAVERY...................................................................... 146
    RIGHT-ON AND FAR-OUT........................................................................... 147
    MOVING ON UP INTO THE 1870's............................................................. 147
    AH, BUT A CROSS OF GOLD....................................................................... 148
    GOLDEN RULE................................................................................................ 148
    THE PLOT.................................................................................................... ..... 148
    GREATEST CRIME......................................................................................... 149
    CHAPTER 16.................................................................................................... .......... 151
    SUNDAY, MAY 12, 1991............................................................................... 151
    MOTHER'S DAY.............................................................................................. 151
    BACK TO McFADDEN................................................................................... 152
    THE AB's DESTROY GERMANY................................................................. 155
    ARROGANCE OF POWER............................................................................. 158
    WHO OWNS THE FED?................................................................................. 159
    THE ULTIMATE GOAL.................................................................................. 160
    CHAPTER 17.................................................................................................... .......... 162
    BANGLADESH................................................................................................ 162
    THE AB's ONE-WORLD MONEY................................................................. 162
    DEFINING MONETARY PROBLEM............................................................ 163
    TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM FOR MONEY............................................. 165
    GOLD FAILS AS STANDARD....................................................................... 166
    TIME IS MONEY............................................................................................. 167
    STANDARD OF VALUE................................................................................. 168
    FUNCTION.................................................................................................... ... 169
    ONLY FEAR OF THE AB's............................................................................. 171
    THE AB's' MASTER PLAN............................................................................. 172
    WHICH PLAN IS AMERICA FOLLOWING?.............................................. 174
    TEN COMMANDMENTS............................................................................... 174
    BILL OF RIGHTS............................................................................................. 175
    COMMUNIST MANIFESTO.......................................................................... 175
    CHAPTER 18.................................................................................................... .......... 176
    TUESDAY, MAY 14, 1991............................................................................. 176
    BETTER THAN THAT.................................................................................... 178
    WILLIAM COOPER........................................................................................ 182
    THE REAL "ENEMY"..................................................................................... 183
    SUE WHO?.................................................................................................... .... 185
    CHAPTER 19.................................................................................................... .......... 187
    CONFIRMATION............................................................................................ 187
    CHAPTER 20.................................................................................................... .......... 191
    WEDNESDAY, MAY 15, 1991...................................................................... 191
    GUN CONTROL............................................................................................... 192
    BILL OF RIGHTS............................................................................................. 193
    EPILOGUE.................................................................................................... .............. 202
    SATURDAY , MAY 18, 1991......................................................................... 202
    EPILOGUE--THE BEGINNING THAT IS!..................................................... 202
    CREATOR/CREATION................................................................................... 203
    THE ONE LIGHT............................................................................................. 203
    PERCEPTION OF DUALITY.......................................................................... 204
    COSMIC GOD LIGHT..................................................................................... 204
    POSITIVE PRINCIPLE.................................................................................... 205
    NEGATIVE PRINCIPLE................................................................................. 205
    QUALITY BEGETS QUANTITIES................................................................ 206
    APPENDIX.................................................................................................... .............. 209
    JUDEO-CHRISTIANITY................................................................................ 212
    SO WHAT CAN YOU DO ABOUT IT?......................................................... 218

    PJ 22



    THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1991 9:38 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 273

    THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1991

    I come as a brother, Dharma--but most of all, I come as a FRIEND for there can be no higher brotherhood. I shall keep your confidence; I will hold your hand whilst you "choose" and I will love you--I will NOT interfere NOR intervene without ultimate petition and then permission, and I will do nothing FOR you unless it be to carry you when you are too weary to go farther for this, in turn, is that which the Father does for ME! He has given unto us wonders beyond description and the ability to "create" from that which appears not to be--then He commands that WE act and choose accordingly. I am Hatonn sent to clear the path and bear one of the lamps for safe passage.

    I ask that this writing serve as "Introduction" to the JOURNAL in conclusion currently. There remains such misperceptions of which ones long to have clarity and, yet, without a foundation of knowledge of how it IS, there can be no understanding.

    The recent writings and the JOURNAL in conclusion deal with some pretty difficult subjects to coalesce into oneness for the fragments need further amalgamation and merging.


    As most of you read this you will ask, "Why haven't you told us THIS before?" Because we are not playing metaphysical games nor star tiddle-de-winks. There is a manifested physical dimension in which you are existing and functioning. You do not know (or remember as the case is) the universal laws for you don't even know the real laws on your place. But it is time to speak of some things which will be difficult for some of you for many take the words coming forth in Truth, from whatever source, and do very well--until you plaster YOUR name on the documents and project some steadfast names and dates. The training of a receiver is a long and tedious process and I offer no negative to you who are receiving great and wondrous things--I only ask you to remember guidelines and beware--for the one who is evil will be the first to contact and contract with you. If you present a document to all the brethren such as I have received from several and name the association to be of God--be most careful for you are often simply being used and will greatly damage ones who do not know otherwise and become the laughing point of ones who do KNOW OTHERWISE.


    I have one who has sent one of the most beauteous documents I have ever read and I feel the growth within the being and the truthful thrust of intent to serve. Most ones simply do not know HOW to disconnect from self and, yet, what is wrong with utilizing your own wondrous gift of understanding and accept responsibility for that which is your own God within? I do not know how to respond without appearing to be offending and my intent is anything but that for I have a "live" and willing participant and I frankly do not wish to lose him to the egotistical path of Earth. Neither can I allow, with my own sanctions, something to go forth which bears errors and are supposedly spoken by "God".

    There are things to watch for in writing and receiving and guidelines laid forth for any "speaker"--so beware ones who call themselves God, Aton, Maitreya, Christos, Wakan Tanka, Grandfather, etc. For these ones bear great energy and They don't really care for errors in pronouncements of Their intent. Anything that limits God or places sanctions or specifics is usually not of God source. I say "usually" for the "testing" might well be laid forth in full intent to trap the receiver and/or Hatonn for allowing passage of that which is not fully understood or laid forth. If it comes not into my attention it is not of my responsibility but this has come directly to me for comment.

    So, P.P., you have presented a choice of 1. CHANGE YOUR WAYS; 2. GET OFF THE PLANET. I need go no further--for there are a myriad of choices which include neither of these two.

    You write that God "prefers" non-intervention--nay, son, HE DOES NOT INTERVENE unless on an individual basis with petition from the individual.

    God, as such, did NOT give the documents you name (The Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights), even though they were inspired. Ask the native Indians if THEY feel the documents were from God! Ask the enslaved "blacks" who were considered a "half"-a-man unit. They were guided and corrections made but still they carried forth errors even into your Bill of Rights. They are, however, the only thing left which can guide and secure freedom while you clean up your act and get back into some Grace with Creator. God participated to the extent MAN would allow of it. Man is allowed to do that which he will--but, he is also informed that he shall most certainly reap the reward of the harvest from the crop he plants.

    Then, you have made a most simple error which would mean naught except to your enemy who redefined the term "israel". You have spelled that word with a capital "I" which in the mere grammatical sense indicates "a place" and not a description. You have gone on to clarify the term but your adversary would not overlook the error for you pronounce it of God and God has proclaimed that the israelites of his people, are not the Zionists--"Jews" (who are not Jews nor of Zion) who have stolen a land from Palestine.

    Next, you refer to the documents in point as "sacred". This is a strong term and might well be acceptable for human evaluation--God DOES NOT consider them sacred in any form. He considers the Laws of Himself (God/as Creator) and of The Creation to be sacred--those things UNTAMPERED BY MAN. You must understand--MAN NEEDED NO OTHER LAWS THAN THOSE OF GOD AND CREATION!

    I wish to pick no further except for one more detail. God does not even give the moment of decision nor appearance unto crew nor to the Son who leads the pack. When it is said that "I (God) say that if you don't cease negating life on this land or know, that as of July 4, 1991, that those who choose to continue displeasing your landlord will find them being evicted without further notice or recourse". I must speak out. Why do I know that that is not true? Because we counsel constantly and it is not given forth as to specific times for that is exactly that which pulls man away from God's speakers. This a clue above all clues--if a specific moment, day, etc., is given--for with God there is NO TIME AND NO SPACE. He only projects generalities and possibilities for at the moment He would give specifics more than "at this moment - -" the brotherhood of evil would meet and for that very day there would be NOTHING evil take place--so as to discount the word of God. Neither do you ones need a thousand speakers (FOR) a being--He only needs one, actually--and then He needs many to spread the Truth.

    Now, please understand why I cannot allow the document you have sent to send forth unto all our people--as representative of our word, to go forth. No, we are most careful, at this point, not to allow the spacecraft logo of the Phoenix to be given. It varies from the PHOENIX JOURNAL'S logo of which we claim no particular copyright for the Phoenix belongs to all. Neither can it be sent forth in AWP envelopes unless George wishes to handle it as publication along with some other books and things of which I do not approve. America West Publishers is a "publisher" of books of which a portion of printing is our material--no more and no less. Actually, this is not truthful--we get "more" by a great abundance but certainly those ones do not proclaim to speak (AS) only (in behalf of) as they "perceive and understand"--personal opinion. We always ask that any comment be thrust forth with that statement always made: "In my opinion, I think..." My receiver/scribe DOES NOT SPEAK "FOR" ME--I SPEAK FOR ME! DO I ERR? YES, FOR I TOO, AM INDEED HUMAN AND SERVE A DIRECTED PURPOSE. I DO NOT SPEAK YOUR LANGUAGE WELL AND OFTEN MISCHOOSE WORDS AND THEN, THERE ARE OFTEN NO WORDS TO SUIT MY REAL NEEDS. THAT IS WHY ONE MUST BE SO CAREFUL TO NOT MISUSE THE TERM "GOD" EXCEPT AS PERTAINING TO SELF.

    Please, P.P., accept this as intended--in love and total appreciation for you take action and, unless ones take action, we cannot change the plight facing the Earth being nor serve our mission well. I have to now hold Dharma's hand for she would like off the meat-hook and from under the spy-glass and take the load, and no, it can't be so for we each have a task and so be it. Does this mean we "hog the show"? I surely hope not for Truth is Truth is Truth--and if it varies it can be only through mechanical error to be acceptable--the CONCEPT MUST NEVER ERR! So, what makes me correct and you possibly incorrect? That is for readers to choose--but if nothing happens on July 4th, which causes great transition and "eviction"--guess who is going to be "perceived" as correct? So be it. Part of the whole thrust is to come into balance with accepted ones so that the scattering of input is narrowed into a source of accountability. At first it will be that we appear to be correct more often, and then as things unfold--always! That, friends, is the truth of the prophet--ALWAYS correct, not just half the time or a third the time.


    I have told you that the star signs have great meaning but not for "fortune-telling". How can ones, let us say, who are a particular star sign according to the charts--be so similar or have dominate traits. For many reasons, but it is not usually due to something being in "a house" or another . I did not say that it cannot somehow be a tool but I can assure you that we do not utilize the stars for that purpose of fortune-telling but even the clues of the "signs" can give you information. Let us take a "Scorpio": this is a symbol which can represent the highest or the lowest--the soaring eagle or the crawling lizard--perhaps indicating the opposites of "God/Evil", so you will have personalities who seem to serve one or the other with great passion being birthed into that cycle--but the planning goes on at a greater level than you are aware. This is simply example for I certainly do not wish to get into astrological forecasts--which by the way, are very often correct--especially if the person giving the reading is perceptive. However, the tool itself is one to conclude "control" and great leaders are said to use the methods--TO CAUSE YOU TO ALLOW YOURSELF TO BE CONTROLLED BY THE METHOD, i.e., it was alright for Ronald Reagan--so it must be OK. Then you unsuspecting little people go forth to find your seer and find that the trap has been laid and you are trapped. YOU WILL COME INTO KNOWLEDGE THAT YOU WILL FIND NOTHING YOU SEEK EXCEPT WITHIN SELF--ONLY YOU WILL DECIDE HOW A THING WILL BE AS RELATES TO YOU.


    Each of you are doing of your own sorting at this very moment. You are offered a platter of truth, lies, and half-truths. You are offered Godness, raptures, satanic experience, little gray aliens, God's hosts and on and on--which do you choose? God will not give your manifestation "PROOF" for you are already given His wondrous gift of "reason" and "choice" and therefore--YOU WILL DECIDE--IF YOU DECIDE THAT YOU AWAIT A "RAPTURE" TO THE CLOUDS--SO BE IT. I will not drag you aboard my craft and if you make it to the clouds—fine, but the Law of Creation/Nature/Physics cuts in here somewhere--and the mere act of rising to fluffy clouds defies that law--but you are free to take that route if that is what you wish to believe. You continue to deal with that which is PHYSICAL.

    No, in this transition we must also deal with the changing of the physical format into spiritual "transition", so we certainly must deal with a human physical body--but as you choose Truth of the oneness fragment within God you automatically become more spiritually oriented--for the physical desires are of the flesh environment. However, many will be in the "transition" of understanding and the physical being shall be handled accordingly so that you can continue your service. The facts are that ones working with us, for instance, cease--somewhere along the line, to be concerned with the physical. I do not mean that they cease to enjoy that of the physical plane but the intent is no longer focused on that aspect.

    Does Dharma KNOW the procedure? Yes, at some level of understanding--but no better than any one of you reading who has accepted the Truth of the presentations. She accepts that she shall be tended as promised and that becomes sufficient. She knows that at some point she will have full instructions and if she needs to bring a computer so be it--but she knows that we have larger and better so why would she?

    Those who tell you to pack an overnight bag--why? Do you think us not capable of finding you a change of clothing if you get on board without clothes for some reason? I shall be happy to loan you my toothbrush if you haven't yours--we don't use such archaic items at any rate. As long as you dwell mentally within the totally physical you are unable to grasp the wondrous magnitude of that which is offered unto you. Evil adversary will bind you to the narrow perception and things of naught but physical for he knows you will only look to the "proof" of physical perception--yet he truly offers you nothing more than empty promises.

    Oh, you like it the way it is? Fine. Will it stay the way it is that you find so great? How long? How old are you? Do you have control over every aspect of your physical life? How much freedom do you have--really? You make a bundle of money today? Can you be assured you will have the same tomorrow? How long is a physical life-span on average? How much more time do you have? How many have you witnessed "NOT GOING"? How many have you witnessed "TAKING IT ALL WITH THEM"? And you tell me that "I" havesomething to PROVE? Wow, I think that if I were you, I would think carefully about this! THE THINGS THAT ONES OF EARTH TELL YOU WILL HAPPEN, SUCH AS THE "RAPTURE", AS DESCRIBED "TO THE CLOUDS",IS AGAINST THE LAWS OF THE CREATION/ NATURE/PHYSICS! Can God override the "laws of nature"? Certainly, but I wish just one person would give me reasonable response as to WHY HE WOULD? Have you ones been so "good" that He would do that? Oh, you crucified and slew His Son and spilled His blood upon the Earth--SO THAT WOULD PLEASE HIM ENOUGH TO DEFY THE LAWS OF CREATION/NATURE/PHYSICS? Oh, now I see--it is that you bow down to ones who write Earth laws and vote them in and you bow down to those MEN and so you are now "worthy" for God to defy the Laws of Creation? Then what DO YOU MEAN? Oh, you tithed your money? TO GOD OR TO A CHURCH WITH A PREACHER MAN/WOMAN OR FOR THE BUILDING FUND? WHAT DID YOU ACTUALLY GIVE UNTO GOD? Did you give it to share thine love with God and His people, or did you do it to please MEN with great temples, etc. YOU are God's temple! God is spiritual and neither needs nor wants any of thine foolish "things"--He will only use them if they be returned in appreciation for His own gifting. Does He not want your contributions so that His Kingdom on Earth might flourish? Indeed--but a "gift" means something "given" and anything otherwise is not a gift. Likewise, God will only "give", "offer" and the "thing" or "gift" is NOT, unless accepted. Neither can He accept your gift unto Him if it bears strings which bind it to self for it is not a gift, is it?

    What of spacemen, Hosts and adversaries.? If there is one there is the other for if you were already perfection you would not need any of this experience.

    Well where are the lighted spacemen? All around! Why don't you see our ships? I don't know, not looking I suppose--or perhaps your government covers up the information.

    Are there any lighted brotherhood craft inside the "SECRET" bases? Of course. "Then why don't you stop that which goes on in evil portent"? Why would we? It is not our business--it is YOUR business. Your adversary is given nothing which will allow MAN into the outer cosmos with his evil tricks--Earth is one of the planets whereon Satan was placed and you have allowed almost 100% corruption. I don't need your place and if you are of God--neither do you. Shan has evolved and the places secured and wondrously beautiful--could it be you all expect the wrong things? Is your world of human species worthy of mass "rapture" into placement of radiance? No, I do not judge any individual--however, I do perceive dark ignorance and refusal to turn away from that which is totally physically-oriented unto flesh sensitivities. I know that God says there will be no evil allowed within the perfections of HIS places--and there you have it. That does not mean there is not placement in safety for continuing journey--but it DOES MEAN THAT EVIL SHALL BE LEFT TO THE PHYSICAL PLANE OR LOWER PLANE OF EXPERIENCE. I CARE NOT THAT WHICH YOU CHOOSE EXCEPT THAT I LOVE YOU AS A PART OF MYSELF AND I WOULD HAVE YOU IN JOY--BUT I HONOR YOUR CHOICES JUST AS DOES CREATOR FOR IT IS NOT MINE TO DO OTHERWISE.

    We are there constantly in meeting and reasoning with leaders of your place. They certainly do not tell you of those visits for they plan to terrify you with "presence" of "aliens". If you knew not about IranGate why think you that they would tell you God is calling? THE LAST THINGTHEY WANT YOU TO KNOW IS THAT GOD IS CALLING.

    Do some of the craft that come and go from, say, Nellis Field in Area 51 come from our Command? Yes, and further, your Elite bullies know they cannot do a thing about it--but you see, they also know we will not interfere for our commission is to bring Truth--THE WORD. Well, they too, are being given the word first hand with demonstrations and they still plan to fulfill PLAN 2000 according to their own structuring. Oh yes, at some point it will come to a head--and probabilities are that there will be a "very big bang". However, that must not be your prime nor urgent concern--you simply need recognize that God is waiting and the Host's are about our work and in your "space" and if YOU do YOUR work in open awareness, you shall be able to reverse this evil steamroller. If not, the children who continue to serve God--shall be brought into safety--it is that simple, for we have been sent to show you the way and bring you home. I care not to have anyone aboard my craft who would rather be elsewhere. This is simply the last segment of "time" for choosing.

    I believe that I shall close this portion at this point for I wish to discuss this latter subject in depth and I have not time segment herein.

    KNOW that God does not move away from His fragments--YOU pull away from God. If you choose to sever the cord with God, you are making gross error but that, too, is your choice. Man can perform in incredible Godness within his physical manifestations if he but will. We are here to assist but we will not do it FOR THEE! So be it. The Creation shall continue into infinity as will God--your journey is up to you. I do, however, suggest you start considering the fact that God will NOT interfere with the journey nor the Laws of Creation/Nature/ Physics. He needs not do so to accomplish that which He is about and you had best be thinking very diligently on these things for you are out of time! Salu.

    Gyeorgos C. Hatonn, Cmdr.
    United Federation Fleet
    Inter-Galactic Federation Command
    첨부된 파일 첨부된 파일
    Last edited by web master; 2013-01-15 at 19:09.

  2. #2
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 22


    SATURDAY, APRIL 27, 19919:11 A.M.YEAR 4, DAY 254

    SATURDAY APRIL 27 1991

    I am Hatonn; I come in the service of Holy God of Truth--in service also with the Hosts, unto Man who would partake of God's insight into this time of chaos and confusion.

    Always come the truthbringers just as always are the truthbringers persecuted--but so too, are the truthbringers given protection according to the highest cause. So too, are the ones of evil at work and their service is unto that which is of physical with that which is denial of higher experience. Blessed is the Man, who, in confusion can say "I don't know" and allow insight to come. Evil thrusts efforts to keep Truth from Man at all costs and God only needs few who come into total insight in order to cause massive change in world filled with chaos.

    Again, as we have stated before, you must have historical information in order to understand that which is happening around you at this time--stop of the MYSTICAL nonsense and understand the very REAL intent and subversion of species.

    For you who reside in the areof my scribe I ask that you not be frightened of that which is going on in your air spaces with the beam impacts and airquakes-- it is just little exchange of "understanding" on bit higher level.

    The thrust is changing for it gets more difficult to fool all you people all the time and therefore the actions must be changed in order to keep even partial shroud about the undercover activities. From now on there will always be efforts to launch the REAL weapons from rockets at simultaneous launch times with the shuttle for it is harder and harder to explain total failure of the missions. You are told that the missions are successful except for "flawed equipment" but the insiders within the astronomer communities know something is terribly wrong. This is "for instance" and yet, more and more the missions are totally geared to deceit and the missions are not even geared for "outer" space orbit, etc. They are never set for more than sub-orbit with full intent to bring the crew home from Australiif there is need for destruction or abortion of the mission.

    What is hoped for is launching of higher orbit mechanisms from the suborbiting craft wherein rockets arc not large enough to carry necessary payloads. The point is to continue to deceive the public so that you continue to finance the projects for the "Big Boy Cartel". Therefore, they tell the world (during your war) that you would put up satellite to monitor Saddam's weapons, etc. No, that was never the intent but neither did the public balk but rather got more money put into the program.

    Around places such as Edwards Air Force Base, Lancaster, Palmdale and Pasaden(JPL), people think absolutely nothing of strange phenomenon. If the "things" are sighted they are explained away as "aborted rockets", new type aircraft, etc. In other words, you are sensitized and no longer pay any attention to anything in the skies past momentary interest with self-explanation of, "I guess it was just another rocket test."

    But, the sonic "booms" of the past few days are not either of the above events. The smaller blasts that rattle your nerves are us shoring up the energy shielding around you and the navigation facility (crystal) and the one yesterday proved that the shielding was not only in place, but shored-up and truly effective. We did not cause the airquake--the point is to render the communications/navigation facility around the areof the center to be incapacitated in order to shut down ability to track properly. You see, what they plan to launch borders on capability of total destruction of your planet and we are allowed to neutralize it--the point, of course, is to keep us from knowing. In addition, there are some instances wherein the blast from cosmosphere can detonate the device which starts the very chain reaction which ends the game. Therefore, know that it is extremely serious when efforts are made to take out our systems because the toys are incredibly destructive in scope.

    That, however, is not our subject for the day but, like all things, you must be aware of that which IS and then come into knowledge of that which is behind all that IS. Then with Truth as your shield and buckler, you can change that which IS and move onward. You have been deceived from the beginning and the deceiving continues both through total intent and also ignorance. In any event the disinformation/misinformation "tools" and spokespeople, whether of guided intent or simply human input, will come back within the Laws of God or they will be as earthbound as the fully fledged disinformation-bringers. The only way off your declining planet is through the Truth of God for it is only going to be through the ability to function in higher dimensional physical frequencies that will allow transition. Just as human cannot breathe his oxygen from water with lungs accustomed to only air, neither can human exist in higher attuned atmosphere of frequency, atmospheric content changes, etc. It is not mystical, it is physics*****ly within total reason.

    How do you do this? YOU don't actually do it, friends. It is through the asking for change that the response and instructions are given. Frankly, the lighted brotherhood will not allow you to bring your evil outside the physical realm and therefore your "rapture" is totally without reason for the information given you is WRONG. Will there be migration or evacuation? Probably--if you don't get on with changing the cycles. That only, however, means that the ones in knowledge of the workings will be eligible for lift-off. Not necessarily because of intent but through the purely "physical" aspect involved. You must know--at that time--to come within the light and most will run from the light as fast as their paddles will pedal them. Then comes the need to raise, instantly, the being's vibration to mesh more nearly that frequency of the light-beam itself. That beam frequency will be lowered as much as possible to still facilitate lift-off but it will be too fine in frequency to allow all to survive in physical dimension if the receiving craft is too distant from the "ground". For random pickups it is easy to have ground level or near ground level facilitation--in time of clearance in time frame of "your" fifteen minutes--we will not be able to get enough craft into your immediate location to get everyone for moving into your areas to facilitate lift-off of human forms--we too, must be in manifested physical dimension. This is not mystical nor magic--it is pure PHYSICS.

    Let us use few facts to explain and then we will move on to more difficult and frightening aspects of the UFO phenomenon wherein we will explain the unexplained. Let us say that it comes to pickup time and you are going to come aboard--here is where an understanding of the secrets of "light" would be most useful but hardly anyone on your place has been able to utilize the information given. few have done so but they are mostly given to not "believing" the rest of the story in Truth. Please, friends, KNOW that the major thrust is to keep you from finding Truth and if things come forth untimely, they are taken from you so that you CANNOT come into Truth and use of the things of eternal life--i.e. "free" energy, whole life health, etc. The Cartel of evil controls the wealth gleaned from your lack of free energy, ill-health, etc. Don't be so foolish in your discernments. Man knows right from wrong--he is NOT INNATELY GOOD IN THE SENSE YOU MOST OFTEN UTILIZE FOR DEFINITION. MAN CREATED IS INNATELY GOOD--MAN READJUSTED IS INNATELY EVIL. AND BROTHERS, IN HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF BEINGS NOW ON YOUR PLACE--GOD IS NOT PART OF THEIR DEVELOPMENT--NOTE: I DID NOT SAY "CREATION".

    Back to the point of lift-off: if "visibility" of craft, or anything else, occurs at 169443 harmonic frequency, then it only stands to reason that to safely integrate within the craft you must reach somewhere near the same frequency or the body will be blown apart. So, first, let us look at the ship characteristics which must be present--for arc, temperature, atmospheric content and other things must be considered as are "doorways" created from passage between the physical and non-physical. Again, it is mathematical and physical--not mystical. Let me example. Further, it will explain why there are functional craft in your own atmosphere for the principle is not mystical. Thought projection is different and, therefore, I can reassure you that you are dealing ON YOUR PLACE with earthbound "aliens" in conjunction with the would-be Slave-masters of your planet.


    If the geometric construction of the space-craft is compared with that of the earth (The Harmonic Geometrics of the Earth which I won't go into now), then general ideof the geometric, electromagnetic field reactions can be visualized. According to theory, the numerical harmonic value of the unified field remains constant at 26974635 in free space, where the speed of light has maximum of 144,000 minutes of arc grid second (relative). During the creation of, and in order to sustain, the physical existence of planetary body, this light value diminishes as the wave-forms spiral in towards the center of the energy system. The harmonic numerical value of the unified field is therefore diminished in direct proportion, so that the surface of the spherical mass of the harmonic has constant value of 2693645 to the maximum of 26974635. It will be seen from this that any altitude above planetary surface which falls between these two mathematical boundaries will have unified field harmonic coincident with that level. Any change in altitude, to theoretical height of 882.25 nautical miles, be it fractional or otherwise, would instantly alter the harmonic of the unified field.

    It follows from this that any fractional change in the unified fields surrounding the vehicle would automatically position it, in vertical sense, at level above the earth where the equilibrium of the fields would be restored. The horizontal movement would be accomplished tangentially to the earth's surface by the manipulation of the three interlocking harmonic fields tuned to 1694443. Calculation has shown that the reciprocal of the 2693645 harmonic (371244169) has link with that of 1694443 when associated with the tangent of spherical surface.

    As shown by the calculations (and if they don't make sense to you--KNOW that this explanation is given for your confirmation of Truth and for specific receivers awaiting the information for their own confirmation--in other words--ALL is not for ALL), the reciprocal harmonic values of the unified field are built into the vehicle to create reaction with the physical environment. By manipulation of the fields surrounding the ship harmonic imbalances can be caused which will automatically shift the vehicle in space-time to position of equilibrium.

    An interesting fact shown in the analysis is the overall dimensions of the cabin ensure that the electromagnetic fields surrounding this portion of the vehicle maintain constant physical environment for the occupants. The harmonic 2693645 is positive resonant factor that would keep the central spherical field of the ship stable during transition from one space-time reference frame to another. Harken up, George, for I am going to give you response to the inquiry of the "bubble" craft. On the basis of that which I just gave you, you will have to understand WHY that craft is one of earth's manufacture. It is simply rather crude rendition of prototype (not from Pleiades, no matter what was told to Billy Meier or anyone else) which was built and needed the extrspherical surface to come up with proper frequencies to even get off the ground. All of that nonsense came at time after Meier was all but rendered useless to Pleiades command by your own compression and take-over by the "enemy". Billy was taken out by the adversary, replaced by the adversary, and other contacts conjured--for the Pleiadian Command ceased all contact in that sector. Commander Quetzal made contact later and the validity of the contact was assured lost and it was proven that confusion had been programmed within the system--intentionally. Therefore, the contacts with Pleiadians were stopped instantly and the adversary took over with mock-ups, arrangements to discredit all valid contacts, replicated models introduced and you know the rest. Each and ALL of you will have to understand that this is the method by which I can get specific information to awaiting receivers and you will simply have to bear with that which makes no sense to others except the intended receiver. We welcome you into and within the circle of information exchange but all must understand that information may only be intended for ONE FRAGMENT. I will not even jeopardize my scribe by giving, usually, the intended receiver for she is unknowing of both the information and the receiver intended.

    Each of you have purpose--and hers is to pen information--not to either decipher, understand nor interpret. This is major information of integration with the field theory itself and I give it in honor of her son, unto her--she does not need understanding. I do ask that this information be sent "blindly" to one Dr. Andrew J. Galambos. If there is follow-up on his part--fine, if not, allow it to pass. At any rate whatsoever, it would and/or will be, very painful interchange as it now stands.

    After completing the analysis of the spacecraft one must concentrate on the position of the placements wherein arc is established--as on your own placement it would be "proven" in areas where craft have been sighted. Herein I will take an example from California. An easy place in which to prove my statements could be the position at Mount Palomar and the desert arewhere sightings have occurred. Then check of the areas to whether or not there are points on the earth's surface in the vicinity which are mathematically significant and useful. In this case we will consider Desert Center along the rough track into the foothills to some 10.2 miles. You will find measurement on the survey map will verify that the end of the mountain range is opposite specific point on the road to the northwest. As large ship has appeared from behind the first outcrop in the range adjacent to the highway you can concentrate on the latitude and longitude coordinates in the small area. It won't take long for proficient mathematician and researcher to discover that directly behind the range in small cove, at the base of the outcrop, the mathematical coordinates are of startling significance. To others in the given area--Gabriel--this should have great significance to you personally, for I know who Captains that very craft and so, too, do you, brother.

    The latitude is 33 degrees 53' 19.869" north.

    Which equals: 33.88886 degrees.

    If you divide the latitude by 2, you will have: 16.94443 (1694443 harmonic).

    SO, the latitude occurs at twice the harmonic of 1694443.

    The significance of the longitude value might seem bit obscure, but you must apply the evidence that indicates that which you refer to as the Greenwich meridian for it is not an arbitrary longitudinal base-line, but positive zero marker on the earth's surface--there is major connection with the 2693645 harmonic. Therefore the calculated longitude passing through the cove is: 115 degrees 20' 56.2" or 115.348944 degrees west.

    It is necessary to calculate the displacement of the position in question, east or west, of the longitudes which are at 90 degree intervals from Greenwich. The computer will prove that in that particular case the 180 degree meridian was the prime base-line. The displacement along great circle track, at latitude 33.88886 degrees, between longitude 115.348944 degrees west and 180 degrees is: 3162.2775 minutes of arc.

    You must understand that this value has property which is quite unique in itself. It has reciprocal which is mirror image of itself. If you divide one by this number you get:
    0.0003162277 (doorway between the physical and non-physical)

    But to allow you adventurous brains to have little fun with your confirmation we will give you something to probe bit further:

    3162.277 minutes of arc is equal to: 52.7046166 degrees. The square root: 7.25979
    The square root: 2.6944
    The harmonic 26944, which would occur at altitude, and 1694443 are undoubtedly present at the position where the ship can materialize and did, in fact, materialize as one example which can be verified.

    The reason we use this as example is that it can be easily proven against that which I give you. The position of significance on the southern slopes of Mount Palomar is 33.308333 degrees north latitude/116.929444 degrees west longitude. The calculated great circle track distance from this point to the 180 degree position is: 3099.317166 minutes of arc (plus or minus 100 geo/feet). And to the contact site in the desert: 86.31453 minutes of arc (plus or minus 100 geo/feet).

    If you give careful consideration to these two coordinates as radii, then the spheres of influence encompassed by them would have certain volume, as follows: 3099.317166 minutes of arc equals: 185959.03 seconds if arc, The volume of sphere with this radius equals: 2.693645 to the 16th cubic seconds, 2693645 harmonic. The volume of sphere with radius of 86.31453 minutes of arc equals: 2693645 cubic minutes, 2693645 harmonic.

    Dear ones, we have deliberately left behind set of precise mathematical clues for you to follow. We cover the arewith clear sets of mathematical fingerprints, knowing full well that, in time, you will come to decipher them as the time sequence is appropriate.

    You ones who have figured it out have promised me lunches, drinks to wisdom and conquest and all manners of wondrous things but that which you do, instead, is simply discount the Truth as BS and deride my scribe and publisher as dupes. What wondrously strange world of people you are. In addition, you fall into "selling" and rendering worthless your own truthful investigations by your squandering of the blessed information into the hands of the deceivers and greedy money-changers. So be it, for the time is at hand to sort of the deceivers from the truthbringers.

    As we move along in proving some of the instances of what you call your Biblical references--which COULD NOT BE SIMPLY ERASED FOR THEY WERE TOO OBVIOUSLY EVIDENT--such as took place in the legendary journey of the Judaites from Egypt to Sinai vithe Red (also "Reed") Sewhere the clues were evident at all points along the way. The mathematical facts are there and they are there in such basic fact that it would appear to me to be impossible to miss. There is enough proof of God's presence, in that place alone, that it astounds our brotherhood that all "religious" groups have not bound together. It may surprise you to know that the Vatican is placed deliberately on geometric position which has direct mathematical relationships with the harmonic unified equations already presented unto you ones.

    Many "religious" manifestations have occurred in places around your world, during very recent historical times and there is also reason why--by the harmonics present in the locations. The fact, as Einstein told you, "The Creator does not play dice with the Universe...nothing would be left to chance". The things of God, dear ones, became corrupted upon your placement and throughout the journey the keys to Truth were presented--only lost--deliberately or divinely--until such time as Man would come into understanding of his Journey.

    The Bible, as it is left untampered gives you the clues you need to decipher Truth from it--for the ones tampering were not given to understand the true meaning in such instances and they knew not enough to tamper. They simply turned it into MYSTICAL NONSENSE and you did the rest of the self-deceiving.

    For instance, your Bible gives narration of story about that Pharaoh who finally let those people go--God led the people around by way of the wilderness towards the Red Sea, Exodus 13:17;18. The Lord, it was told, went before them by day in pillar of cloud to lead them along the way; and by night in pillar of fire to give them light, that they might travel by day and by night; the pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night did not depart from before the people. Exodus 13:21;22.

    These people were deliberately led to the Red Sewhich would, by all sane adventures of man, be most foolish thing to do because, with the Egyptian army coming up from behind, the Hebrews were literally caught between the Pharaoh and the deep blue sea. Your Bible tells you that Pharaoh thought the people were entangled in the land; the wilderness had shut them in. Pharaoh and his army moved in for the kill with the pillar seemingly having proved poor guide; that is, unless the future events were known to the intelligence controlling the object in the sky. Now, do you think all the people following along knew what was "up there"? Don't continue to be foolish in your demand for "proof" unless you wish to be left twiddling your thumbs while the boat leaves. The safety net will not be presented until the need arises--you will be in the decision-making before the gift of the safety-net lest you try at "fudging" your intent!

    The Bible text would suggest that some sort of celestial object totally under its own control in some manner, led those people out of Egypt to the Red Seand then, as Pharaoh's army closed in, the object moved from the front to the rear of the army of Judeans and kept the two camps separated during the night.

    Phase one of the operation involved leading the people to the sea; phase two required the object to keep the camps separated until darkness would fall. Now comes phase three; "Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the Lord drove the seback by strong east wind all night, and made the sedry land, and the waters were divided".

    Check out the route of these Judeans on one of your maps and see how totally absurd from physical standpoint. First they headed south, south east from Raamses to Succoth, then for some unaccountable reason they turned back and headed north to the crossing point at the Red, or "Reed" Sea. With Pharaoh's army in hot pursuit, doesn't it seem, at the least, that the Lord should lead the people into possible trap of such nature when free route could have been taken to the southeast over the land which would eventually have led down to the eastern side of the Gulf of Suez? This route would also have been much shorter, unless of course it was known ahead of time what would happen at the Reed Sea. DEAR ONES, GEOGRAPHIC POSITION CONFORMING WITH NATURAL LAW HAD TO BE SELECTED SO THAT ALL THE NECESSARY HARMONIC COORDINATES WERE AVAILABLE.

    Ok, let us look at the harmonic coordinates available at that specific "crossing point".

    Latitude 30 degrees 52' 46.7099" north / Longitude 32 degrees 11' 22.68" east. The Vatican focal point is: Latitude 41 degrees 54' 22.68" north / Longitude 12 degrees 27' 08" east.

    The direct great circle distance between the two points is equal to: 1156.147 minutes of arc, or nautical miles. Which is equal to: 19.26769315 degrees. The square of this number: 371.244. The reciprocal: 2693645 Harmonic. The great circle distance between the two longitudes at the latitude of the Reed Secrossing is equal to: 1015.4968 minutes of arc, or nautical miles--which is equal to: 6092.98072 seconds of arc. The square of this number: 37124415.9. The reciprocal; 2693645 Harmonic. (Getting warm?)

    The displacement in latitude between the two points: 661.599 minutes of arc, or nautical miles. The areof circle with this harmonic diameter would be 343774677 square minutes. This number is harmonically equal to the radius of the earth in nautical miles, or minutes of arc relative to the earth's surface.

    SO--The latitude of the Vatican creates the following harmonic:
    Latitude displacement from the North Pole=2885.622 minutes of arc.
    Latitude displacement from the Equator=2514.378 minutes of arc.
    Difference=371.244 minutes of arc.
    The reciprocal of this number2693645 HARMONIC.

    The latitude of the Reed Secrossing creates the following harmonic:
    Latitude displacement from the North Pole=3547.221 minutes of arc.
    Latitude displacement from the Equator=1852.778 minutes of arc.
    Difference (Ah Ha!)1694.443 HARMONIC!.

    Dharma, this is very good place to end this portion and we will talk of some of the other "miracles" along that Journey at our next session. I intend to get little more mind-blowing as we go along so I desire that you ones begin to get some self-proof. We are losing few readers for the information I have been giving regarding robotics and synthetics--"finally did it--it can't be true"! Well, go if you like, but the story gets lot more interesting and I suggest you simply stick with us bit longer for we fully intend to give you some "mind-expanding" input within total "REASON" as to that which has been brought onto your lands. We are going to talk about gene splicing, providing whole group of Elite synthetics and altered beings--how they managed it, how they pulled it off, how many generations and what kind of brain-tampering has, and must be, done to enslave whole species of Man. I am also going to tell you why they don't HAVE TO WIN and YOU WILL DO THE REST OR THEY WILL WIN! SIMPLE ENOUGH? SO BE IT.

    Dharma, I do not know at this point if there will be additional writing this day for I am extremely preoccupied with my own duties but behold the time is at hand for some pretty "wild" revelations and confirmations. This will mean you MUST stay shielded so don't play games with me--go about with that which you need to do, also, but no big surprises, please. Thank you.
    Hatonn to sign off on this segment. Blessing upon you ones who can see and receive the Truth in this time of chaos for God walks with thee. Salu.

    PJ 22


    SUNDAY, APRIL 28, 1991 8:22 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 255

    SUNDAY APRIL 28, 1991
    Hatonn present, please forgive the delay. Dharma, I am most busy this morning so perhaps we could get right into our subject for we must more rapidly bring you ones up to speed lest you get injured on this "freeway" of chaos.

    I do wish to honor Drew because she has crossed great chasm in her journey--that of sharing those things which are personal and painful within. One cannot serve without impact until one is ready to release those things binding unto the soul and the children harbored within beingness. If all would sit to pen in the silence with God, those things which pain or rejoice the within TRUE beingness--the release would be phenomenal-unexpressable unto the fragment perceiving itself alone and somehow "different".

    The term "inner child" is being tossed about lot these days and I honor the person who put that information to print. We were working with group as those publications came forth--wherein we were dealing with those little inner beings trapped in time/space agony. In fact, we made series of tapes to walk people through and I contemplate the allowance of those to go out even though they were done for our own little group wherein all could be "guided". My impression from the results is that the regression sessions are exceptionally good and if ones would experience them, follow the instructions, pen those things which become apparent and then release them--(to me if you choose), we could get on with our work with healed and balanced workers. I shall give thought unto that action--if--we can get Dharmfreed up bit.

    I know one part that I would do--and that is accept all willing writer's stories and we could do volume of "sharing" for it is easier to share with the world of so-called strangers than to bare the painful subjects with loved ones for the person within has usually been betrayed by "loved one" and the fear of another betrayal is that which is blocking the blossom as it is. Could we bring the masses into balance through this ONE route? Indeed, indeed--if we could but get audience for Mankind is starving to be heard and cast out the pain.

    At any rate, I want to pat my chelon the head and tell her "well done" for in the trusting of thine siblings, ye also allow the best to flower within them. I shall utilize your story, precious, for you are going to find that YOUR story matches MILLIONS! It is curse placed upon Mankind and constantly nurtured in the fleshly journey for ones do not know HOW TO THRUST IT FROM THEM. Abandonment, addictions, abuse (ah, sometimes actual physical abuse is the very least of it), and lack of emotional nourishment is the curse of evil. The person in point of the perpetuation of the damage is only searching for stability and seeking love and their own fulfillment and they cannot draw away from the continuing patterns. The evil brotherhood gives the mental patterns and attaches to the very souls of Mankind pulling you along as if leashed by unbreakable chains. Only through Truth, confrontation of the "demon" perception and allowing release into the hands of God Truth and wisdom can freedom be complete. I too, am pained for these are the very things that my soul longs to share with you, my brethren. But alas, there is whole world at execution and the things we confront are the things that represent the inner child of an individual, within the breast and being of planet and species within society.

    We must look within, find the cancer and draw it forth and release it and/or treat it so that the host organism can be healed. Just as with sickness--medicine sometimes helps but the entity with the disease must do the "cure" and thus is the same with society--society must heal itself from the disease upon and within itself. All is related to all and you cannot separate the one individual from the whole. As long as fragment of the whole is angry, filled with hate, confusion, desperation and illness--so is the "whole" made imperfect. Therefore we must heal the individual fragments that they may then in turn heal of the whole. But for perfect healing we must take steps to bring the disease within workable boundaries with "time" allowed--hopefully while in "remission", to let the entity come into balance. Until, for instance, the "individuals" are brought above the desire to kill--society will kill.

    I would example another situation--someone has graciously sent to me an article from Magical Blend which I believe is Journal of some type within the New Age circles. The book in discussion is one of Ken Carey's latest which I consider insightful and gifted as one man's perception while attuned outside the conscious selfness. But the illustration to accompany the writing is total blur of agonizing misery and evil input which is now the image which will be carried in the minds of all readers of the book who read that article first. Please do not write to me and tell me what you perceive that drawing to represent--I know what is said that the drawing represents and I tell you that its basic thrust is one of agony and loss of an encapsulated soul bound into darkness--which I will guarantee is the perception of the artist efforting to picture his/her own attempt at release and finding self still bounded in incredible measure.


    We speak of the "inner child" and yet, it is most often the "inner infant" and very often the "adult aged" being who falls into frustration as it leaves the cocoon of shelter of its primary care center and hits the wall of the world in malfunction.

    I promise you that the healing of the world as individuals shall come only through that which you loosely call "hypnotism" wherein the self can go within and confront that subconscious perception existing in error. It is the way you have been brainwashed and the only true cleansing will be through the same level of perceptive confrontation and recognition which always places the "beast" at disadvantage for the "confronting being" is grown higher than that "suffering being" within and can see from different perception. This is why the churches and evil brotherhood discount that which is most natural--the very part of your wondrous being which touches your soul and allows insight. This, in turn, causes MEN to lose power and control over your being and this they will fight as long as they can endure--to keep you sick and helpless. Just as cortisone may mask and clear hives--the cause of the hives is not touched, only the reaction is somewhat altered temporarily by the application of the ointment. To heal, the disease MUST BE ISOLATED, CONFRONTED AND DESIRE FOR HEALING MUST BE PRESENT. SURPRISE!!! MOST PEOPLE HAVE BECOME GREAT FRIENDS WITH THEIR DISEASE FOR ALL SORTS OF REASONS AND WILL GO TO THEIR DEATH BEFORE GIVING UP THE ILLNESS.

    Will all ones change who see the disease demon within? No, for some will place the blinders very tight, turn away and/or create another to take its place--but those do become more conscious in choices. Note one who has symptom of some kind--then note what happens as that symptom is alleviated (if the inner problem is not healed)--he/she will simply create another negative symptom--usually quite different in presentation so as to more fully fool the treating physician. What often comes in the ending, however, is crippling or development of disease to fit the symptoms--either to gain power and control of another being or to punish self for perceived "sins" or both. Tyranny takes many faces, dear ones--usually behind masquerade which hides most effectively from self. These ones will sit through "exercises" wherein everyone else in the room has incredible experiences and they doze to avoid confrontation with anything--it is an excellent sorting tool for both the God of Light and the Evil of Darkness--not to even consider the Mugwump too lazy or frightened to get off the fence. However, KNOW that by refusing to remove self from the fence--says it all--the choice is already made!

    Ones who are gaining insight always find that that which is hardest for them to reach out and act upon--is most often that which is required to bring the freedom they claim to desire. Ponder it. God is always getting story similar to this example: "I have property I am trying to sell and all I get above the price invested--I will share it 50/50 with you, God" and/or "I thought I was going to have to pay additional income taxes but I find I will get refund possibly, instead--if I do, I will share it with you, God". Now, what would you say if God responded: "Well, since I am so unimportant as to only furnish you with buyer or somehow cause you to get refund, I cannot be very important to you--for if you loved me for myself, you would give unto me and then KNOW that the reward would follow." Ah, you ones bargain constantly with God and realize not that you do so--at some point you will realize that God does not need what is left over--He needs your willingness to share back with Him that which you have received--even if it be negative--He will always help you bear the heavy burdens as well--always.


    If you believe God not to be capable--go forth as it is Spring and find the most tiny, miniscule blossom--get two of an "apparent" kind and then get magnifying glass--and look within at the perfection--the total separation from other species, the perfection of colors and the total wonder of the miracle itself and then remember--God CREATES. Often in these recent days, Man can duplicate appearance and hybrid things, from plants TO MAN HIMSELF, but he cannot create that first perfection. God has counted the number of petals due on blossom in natural state--just as the number of hairs upon thine heads are numbered--do not limit the abilities of such perfection as comes from God and from the Greater, Creation--God-Father/Mother-Creation. You might say (if flowers only give you allergies), "How can that botanist stand peering at plants all day and get excited about newly found species?" He would say to you that you "are surely blind as mole; can you not see the perfection in blossom less than an eighth of inch in diameter--one which has eight petals, perfect blending of identical colors, perfection of stamen and so tiny the eye can hardly see"? and "...can you not see that at 1/16th of an inch for each, which form cluster of some 8 to 10 to form an eighth of cluster to present the appearance of single flower and therefore billions of those tiny blossoms to fill field which appears to be blanket--can you not see"? Oh, chelas--how much of the physical beauty and wonders within nature of the physical plane you miss in your chaotic search for fleshly indulgence and efforts to remain blinded--what you actually miss--IS GOD!

    You feel you cannot change? You feel unworthy? Oh, precious beings--how can you deny God and declare Him lesser--for you are the glory of His perfection and creation and you have forgotten. May you again be given into taking His hand and walking through the garden of miracles of co-creation and ye shall never again be callous unto thine brothers and relations for you will see that to deliberately crush the life from even flower is lessening self--especially if ye can simply step over the life beneath thine feet and/or check and see if the step is necessary or another path be sufficient. Do not miss the guidelines of God who gives you signs and clues at every moment, every action of your journey--if you but pay attention.

    Ah, some of you say, "It is fine to simply go sit or lie among the flowers with my glass and nothing more". No, that is NOT what I said. What I do say is that God gave you creation and the gift of reason in infinite measure--if you are to grow in perfection--you will utilize that gift as nearly in perfection in all possible directions of Goodness to allow HIM to live and experience through your eyes and hands, taste and smell--for you are HIS nose, fingers, sight and ears--touch and taste. If you had plugged ear or nose would you not get it cleared if possible? Then why do ye plug God's?

    Through the ages enough information makes it through unto you ones of this day and age to see the clues, work out thine proof and see God. As we spoke on the yesterday about the crossing of the Judeans through the Sea--locations are marked for you--moreover, as ones pass on the journey, other coordinates are marked for you and patterns are formed which show actions of higher beings along specific grid lines and vortices. Do you think these to be accidental? God gives you what you need to decipher the codes at the proper time in your evolution so that you can master the puzzle and mystery of the experience and see that God and Creation are greater than anything upon your bounded, limited domain of physical experience. The clues are left as generations come and pass so that you can see the overall and greater plan is magnificent and never ending--infinite.

    As you stop to consider the one passage of Biblical record--the crossing of the Red Sea, you can see that the position of the crossing was very well chosen one because of the geometries involved, and that it was meant to be recorded in the history books SO THAT YOU OF THE FUTURE GENERATIONS COULD ANALYZE THE MATHEMATICAL IMPORTANCE behind the manipulation of the natural forces involved. Given time, you would be able to duplicate the miracle, if the clues left for you to decipher are followed.

    This very point is present in all things--this is WHY Man can now duplicate workable replicof man and, further, he can program human brain within that replica--but he cannot give the breath of life which only comes from Creator. Until the creature houses an immortal soul--it is but replica.

    Let us look unto that one incident however, to see some other remarkable actions. Following the crossing of the Red Sea, and the gruesome demise of the Pharaoh's army, the Judeans heaved great sigh of relief and readied themselves for their continuing trek southwards again towards what is called Sinai. During that part of the journey there were other "miracles" recorded. Remember, they were human and had to have food and they were in barren desert. In the third month after their departure from Egypt they arrived at the lower slopes of mount Sinai where the Lord purportedly commanded Moses, the leader of the Judeans, to pass on his instructions to the gathered multitudes.

    "And be ready against the third day; for the third day the Lord will come down in the sight of all the people upon Mount Sinai. And thou shalt set bounds unto the people round about, saying, take heed to yourselves, that you not go up into the Mount or touch the border of it; whatsoever toucheth the Mount shall be surely put to death. There shall not hand touch it, but he shall surely be stoned, or shot through; whether it be beast or man, it shall not live; when the trumpet soundeth long, they shall come up to the Mount. And it came to pass on the third day in the morning and there were thunders and lightnings, andd-thick cloud upon the Mount, and the voice of the trumpet was exceedingly loud, so that all the people that were in the camp trembled. And the Lord came down upon Mount Sinai, on the top of the Mount; And the Lord called Moses up to the top of the Mount, and Moses went up, and the Lord said unto Moses, go down, charge the people lest they break through unto the Lord to gaze, and many of them perish.

    This, friends, is the message as taught right in the book of Exodus.

    The Lord had descended from heaven and came amongst His people. He had come to show the people the power of the Lord, and send them warnings lest they went too close to gaze upon Him. If so, they would perish: He came so that He might leave message with the people, telling them that He was to be obeyed, and that they were to lead righteous life. Do you think it more impractical that God would be aboard craft today? Would it not be even MORE LIKELY?


    Check back some 1400 years ago and you will find that the Emperor Justinian (yes, the same one we have been writing about regarding the Khazars), in the sixth century, ordered the construction of one of the world's first monasteries. The fortress-like building, called St. Catherine's, lies at the foot of Mount Sinai on the Sinai Peninsula, and was meant to serve as an outpost of Byzantine Orthodoxy. Christians from all parts of the known world at the time could make pilgrimage to this Monastery in order to worship at the place where Moses spoke to God. The walls of the original building stand to this day. There were, at the site, some very important coordinates which indicate that there are at least two major mathematically interlocked points for consideration.

    Here is where history is extremely important and you will be glad you now have smattering. To unravel the above puzzle you must know who were the Byzantines and did they have special secret knowledge in ability to construct the monastery--you will find that they certainly did!

    During the second half of the third century the collapse of the Roman Empire was imminent, scarcely 300 years after it was founded by Augustus. This was brought about by combination of factors given in the historical writings as misuse of authority, bureaucratic bumbling, foundering economy, civil wars, barbarian raids, and private scheming of ambitious men and all tangled in with those lovely Khazars. About AD 235 the military held sway in the land and during the following fifty years long line of twenty or so legitimate Emperors and ursurpers took over sections of the Empire.

    After those years of turmoil strong willed Dalmatian soldier by the name of Diocletian appeared on the scene. He forced the concept of autocratic power and the divine right of the Emperor, and then went about restoring order to the disintegrating Empire. This indirectly set things up for the rise of Byzantium. By the act of saving the Empire Diocletian brought new life into it and bolstered up the importance of the territories in the east. The resulting Roman state eventually became the foundation for the Byzantium Empire. In the year 305 Diocletian abdicated the throne and the Empire was once more subject to inner turmoil. By 311 there was power struggle between four different heads of state, each claiming the title of Emperor. The dominating personality, Constantine, was the ruler of the western districts and was born in the Roman province of Moesia. His father, Constantius, was one of the western governors, and his mother was Helen(later St. Helena) who was said to have discovered, and unearthed, the true cross of Christ in Palestine (or so the myth is written)--this is just to set the scene for you as your own stories go.

    After Diocletian removed himself from office, Constantine, who was then general in the Roman army, became his father's successor and was pronounced Augustus by his followers after his father's death in 306. Six years later Constantine embarked on series of military battles in order to wrest power from his rival eastern and western Emperors, and by the year 323 he was left the sole Emperor of Rome. During one of his early battles he was said to have seen vision and to have declared his preference for Christianity.


    For the safety of the Empire, Constantine decided to move the Capital from Rome. He considered that the provincial Capitals to the north and west were far too remote and uncivilized to serve as places in which to centralize the power of the state, so he looked towards the eastern provinces which were more settled and civilized in their ways. He considered, amongst other places, the cities of Jerusalem, Naissus, Nicomedia, Sophiand Thessalonicfor his new Imperial City, but ultimately rejected them all.

    Eventually he chose Troy, the ancient site of the battle between the Greeks and the Trojans, as the best location but while construction work was in progress it is said that God appeared to him and commanded that he move to more suitable place to establish the new Rome. Ali ha! It pays to listen to God when he speaks to you--therefore, it is good to clean thine ears so that you can hear.

    The final choice which was acceptable to the Lord was small town named Byzantium on tract of land adjacent to the Seof Marmara. What developed from that point in history was the establishment of the first Christian nation. Thence commenced long period in history where the Byzantines remained faithful to their Christian heritage and it was good time for those people. Constantine could have been considered the "first Pope", I suppose--except that it is rather seedy term--for all Popes since have been more powerful than Godly, so let us just refer to him as the founder of the Holy Church. They established senate and based their system of law and order on the old Roman ideals and at the same time gave support to many monasteries and asked the political advice of mystics.

    From there let us move on to the sixth century when the Emperor Justinian appears on the scene. He could be called the lawmaker. It was he who appointed commission of ten men, in AD 528, to classify the constitutions handed down by the Roman Emperors into single code of 4,652 laws. Seem like lot? Check how many you have! This code was so explicit that most of the emerging nations of Europe used it as model for their own legal systems. Justinian was the last of the great Roman Emperors and it was during his reign that the Byzantine Empire became distinct entity of its own, in contrast to that of Rome. This new and dynamic empire lasted for period of some 1,123 years, from AD 330--1453, and its far boundaries were in state of constant flux. During the time of Justinian the borders extended from Spain in the west, to Mesopotamiin the east; and from the Black Sein the north, to the coastal areas of Africin the south.

    The history of the Byzantines is an exciting and intriguing period in the emergence of the modern world as we have already presented to you but it is far more important than simply as "history"--for the placement of some of the landmarks are indeed crucial if you are to truly decipher the puzzles of which we shall speak.


    Mysterious forces were always apparent whenever it is necessary to establish places connected with the religious and political affairs of the Empire. Visions are given forth which sway the decisions made by heads of state, or God was said to have made his presence known by descending from the sky and somehow forcing His will upon the people. Well, then as now--God never FORCED anything, he simply states how it IS and you are left to make your own decisions regarding response.

    It is good, then, to look first at the Red Sewhere God had given demonstration of His awe-inspiring powers, then turn to Mount Sinai where God, again, supposedly commanded His people; from there to Byzantium, the site of the new capital of Rome, founded by Constantine because of visions and commandments apparently from God. From there the Empire had expanded--it seemed with the guidance and consultation of MYSTICS and/or religious ORDERS. Always the overlords were present in the background to mold and direct the proceedings to suit themselves.

    The remarkable point, however, is that above and beyond all there was directing and guiding intelligence behind all the activity that knew far in advance of anything ever imagined to exist in those early times. The concept of the unified equation and the unity of all things was known and many places of major importance could be mathematically related to the harmonics of the light fields.

    In relation to the ancient sites of Byzantium (now Istanbul), the descent point on Mount Sinai, and St. Catherine's Monastery on the slopes of Mount Sinai you can prove the same harmonic conclusions.

    Then take good look at Bethlehem, the birth-place of Esu Emmanuel, Mecca, the birth-place of the one called Mohammed, and several positions around the world where religious manifestations have occurred; Lourdes, in France; Fatimand Oporto in Portugal; El Zietun in Egypt; Campbells Creek in Australiand the most startling of them all, San Sebastian de Garabandal, in Spain.

    If you look at all of this and then consider the placement of the new center of government at Byzantium you will find incredible geometric relationships with that new religious headquarters at Rome. Intelligence from outside was guiding the proceedings and logic and reason which could later be proven through mathematical calculations was set up to insure the information and "proof" would be forthcoming to population and species of Man in the critical time of cycle changes--set for the awakening of mankind who would have been fallen into the trap of the adversary as had been already established to be his pattern of physical actions.

    So let us look at some mathematical "results" of careful calculations. You would be able to check through computers which would indicate that the selection of the new capital had not been mere chance or mystical palm readings. So what do we have if we focus in on focal position near the center of the city?

    Latitude 41 degrees 01' 09.7309" north/longitude 28 degrees 56' 55" east. The great circle track between this point and Vatican City in Rome is found to be: 742.48833 minutes of arc, or nautical miles long. If you divide this distance by 2 you have: 371.244169 which happens to be the reciprocal of: 2693645 harmonic.

    It is obvious that the two main religious sites have geometric, harmonic relationship with each other. So, let us check out the positions of Mount Sinai, where the Lord had supposedly descended in order to pass on instructions to his people, and St. Catherine's Monastery where the angel of the Lord spoke to Moses.

    By the way, people who are descendant from the early Bedouin servants, in the time of Justinian, still help the monks in the monastery of St. Catherine. Manuscripts that were presented to the monastery centuries ago are now accessible to some modern scholars but thousands were taken and destroyed. Coded messages will surface to prove these points but at this time they are intentionally obscured and/or have been physically destroyed. But let us look at another "coincident" action--St. Catherine's is "accidentally" built on the TRADITIONAL ACCEPTED SITE OF THE BURNING BUSH AS REFERRED TO IN EXODUS 3:2-5. Let us look at that:

    Now Moses kept the flock of Jethro, his father-in-law, the priest of Midian; and he led the flock to the backside of the desert, and came to the mountain of God, even to Horeb (Mt. Sinai). And the Angel of the Lord appeared unto him in flame of fire out of the midst of bush; and he looked, and behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed. And Moses said, "1 will now turn aside, and see this great sight, why the bush is not burnt". And when the Lord saw that he turned aside, God called unto him out of the midst of the bush, and said, "Moses, Moses". And he said, "Here I am". And He said, "Draw not nigh hither; put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is Holy Ground".

    So now, let us look to the position near the summit of Mount Sinai (Gebal Musas it is now called), where the Lord supposedly descended in order to command the people. At that established position it is found to be Latitude 28 degrees 32' 55.6476" north/Longitude 33 degrees 58' 51" east. The focal point falls just east of St. Catherine's Monastery and the latitude produces most interesting harmonic. If the circumference of the parallel of latitude is calculated in minutes of arc, or nautical miles, relative to the equator you will have value of: 18973.66596 minutes of arc, or nautical miles, which is equal to: 316.227766 degrees, relative. This also happens to be the only number which has its own mirror image reciprocal and creates harmonic doorway to other dimensions.

    Now you can check the relative position of the landing point with the religious centers of the Vatican, in Rome, and the ancient city of Byzantium. The great circle distances are found to be: 1318.551 minutes of arc = distance Sinai to Vatican/ 787.8735 minutes of arc = distance Sinai to Byzantium; 748.2347 minutes of arc = latitude displacement--Sinai to Byzantium. So, if the distance to the Vatican is doubled, then squared, you have: (1318.551 x 2) = 2637.102--squared: 6954307 which is the harmonic reciprocal of the speed of light at the earth's surface. (143795.77 minutes of arc per grid second).

    If the distance to Byzantium is multiplied progressively by 60, then: 787.8735 x 60 x 60 x 60 = 17018068 = the harmonic of mass at the earth's surface. If the latitude displacement between Sinai and Byzantium is multiplied progressively by 60, you have (Garabandal/Vatican/Bethlehem) 748.2347 x 60 x 60 = 269364.5 = unified harmonic. The great circle displacement in longitude, calculated at the latitude of the Sinai landing, is found to be: 265.2582367 minutes of arc. Now, if circle is constructed through the points using this diameter, then the circumference measures: 138.888 minutes of arc, relative. The half circle would measure: 69.444 minutes of arc, relative. This being the speed of light reciprocal in free space.

    You are going to find in reconstructing the calculations that the numbers are accurate enough to allow for "areof confidence" or visualization doorways.


    Now why would it be unwise to approach any of these "landings"? Well, some craft give off light radiation which is so high in frequency as to simply burn human flesh and, at the least, damage greatly, the eyes. Radioactive radiation in those instances would not be factor for the higher dimension craft do not operate on radioactive (nuclear) material as you recognize it to be. There would be tremendous electro-magnetic effect associated with that type of descent in physical manifestation onto the mountain top which would produce radiation harmful enough to kill any living thing instantly if it were to approach the area. I can promise you, however, the people were scared out of their wits--as will you be even with this advanced time of knowledge when such thing "lands".

    The focal point upon which the descent was carried out created very strong harmonic relationship with the position of St. Catherine's Monastery. The Latitude is at about 28 degrees 33' north/33 degrees 58' east. So let us see what we have with that old calculator in hand and, doing just tad of zeroing in on focus within the Monastery walls, you will find: Latitude 28 degrees 32' 59.78" north/33 degrees 58' 00.045" east. The direct great circle distance between the two points turns out to be: 0.74910827 minutes of arc, which is equal to: 44.9464962 seconds of arc. If circle of this radius was produced with the center at the Sinai descent point, then the circumference would equal: 282.4071645 seconds of arc, relative. This is direct harmonic of gravity acceleration: 28.24071645 geodetic feet per grid second/second. And one-sixth of the mass harmonic: 1694443 ("Oh, my gossshh", I hear?). The angle of displacement of St. Catherine's from the Sinai focal point is then calculated to be: 84.72215 degrees--WHICH IS HALF HARMONIC OF GUESS WHAT?!--169.4443! COULD YOU ACTUALLY HAVE SOMEHOW ISOLATED THE MOST IMPORTANT PULSE OF THE UNIVERSE, OR AT LEAST PORTION THEREOF--?

    Well, you will have to wait for the next chapter to find out--unless of course you are the one or know and have studied the ones who have already pretty well figured out these things. In this instance, and for their security, I shall keep this confidential for their harrassment is already great enough. But, by the time we give you outlay of facts you will find that you already have all you need save the punch line to see the "joke" or solve the puzzle if that sounds better than the whole thing being big "joke". It certainly is in no way MYSTICAL, dear ones--only an unrecognized mystery coming to unfoldment. So be it.

    Dharma--go forth with thine eye-glass and peer at some flowers and perhaps even smell few for we give you little time off for such things. Ah, but chela, the rewards will be the fragrance of life at the end of job well done. As for all our crew who feels your portion is not very important--I remind you, there are NO unimportant tasks--only different. The flower is not perfection if it misses single petal--ponder it, ye who await higher purpose; make sure you are doing that which is necessary where you are and it is wondrous. If all of the flower were petals, there would be no life force to sustain the re-creation so do not quickly "judge" that which appears to be absent from your contribution--sometimes it is only the picture, or the card or the clipping which sustains the mechanism--thine contribution is never too small, dear ones. I bow in humble gratitude to be allowed service with you at this time of times upon your plane of experience and I too, long for your homecoming for you are sorely missed in our houses and we welcome you aboard. Salu.

    Hatonn to clear.

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