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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 22


    TUESDAY, APRIL 30, 1991 8:52 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 257

    TUESDAY. APRIL 30, 1991

    Hatonn present in the Light of God in service unto God and unto you, my brothers.

    Now that I have hopefully stirred your interest in replication and genetic alter­ations I would not wish to leave you with incorrect information regarding same. I am only interested in the fact that you understand that these mutilations, etc., are not of the Hosts of God. Moreover, they are NOT done by the forces from the Cosmos--anywhere. They ARE often (if not totally hoax for the fear tactic) portions of projects regarding incubation and reproduction of genetic life-forms.


    Since about your mid 70's there have been well over 10,000 reported incidents and most of them were in the Western United States. This is because in the West there are wide ranges where cattle are not so closely guarded. For in­stance, any disturbance in a dairy herd being milked and tended daily makes it not very propitious to utilize the bovine research. Most "mutilations" and blood-letting within dairy herds are related to Satanic rituals and strictly for the "fear" element. Further, in almost all cases of utilization of bovine incubators, the animals which are sacrificed are picked up and "dumped" in various loca­tions away from the site of research so that there will be no clues to track. Most evidence is never found because much terrain is inaccessible except by helicopter. Some of the cattle are taken into bases and then flown to various lo­cations where they are sure to be found! Unless you can terrify the people you cannot control them.

    There are several very large research bases but the ones doing the most research in the United States on replication and genetic mutations and bovine incubation are in New Mexico and Nevada. There is a lot of research done in some of the bases where beam studies are being performed for pulse systems and the lasers, as well as death rays, are experimented on the animal models. This is one ma­jor way to KNOW that the studies are of human origin--advanced travelers are far advanced of such primitive methods of experimentation. A lot of evidence will be found in areas within Colorado and higher ranching lands of Utah. But then, you know that one of the "Beasts" (incomprehensible computer center) is in Colorado and there is a large base within the Uinta Range of Utah. There are others but these are major research centers--totally human with, now, a few replicas of aliens. The reason for this is that you stupidly killed off or incarcerated the very hands and minds that served you.

    You were not given the research information which would allow you interstellar transference and therefore you were stuck with atomic thrust systems which can be deadly and not at all efficient. Any information host with achievement at the level of interstellar travel can also control all sensory functions and therefore torture to obtain information is a rather wasted commodity. But as the primi­tives were incapable of understanding beyond that which they practiced--so too, were the original contacts unable to do anything other than that which they were trained to do--torture and mutilate to obtain information and it simply does not work. Therefore the would-be controllers of Earth place were only allowing sufficient information unto the Earthbound practitioners to suit their needs at any given time.

    This is where I take great exception to the conclusions drawn by the so-called UFO researchers who conclude that somehow your government is helpless at the hands of these so-called alien beings--"held hostage" is Cooper's statement--in the assumption that your government and other governments are somehow the innocent dupes. No, they are the perpetrators and at their hands thousands of alien "guests" have been mutilated and destroyed.

    As time has passed in these last decades since before the midpoint of your cen­tury, many contacts were established and meetings set up at which time we of­fered assistance to counter that which was coming down on the planet. What happened was that immediately the research flew into high gear and leaders that would responsibly meet with us, were replaced, killed or silenced in some man­ner. Ones such as Byrd and Forrestal were simply exterminated. We had prearranged encounters and often the aliens were taken into custody and the ships confiscated--so, we got a little brighter, also, and began to send ones of higher etheric capability, such as myself, Korton, Soltec, etc., to make ren­dezvous. We simply dissolve when "captured"--it makes it more interesting! But many traveling with us have no capability to transport easily and once in manifested format are vulnerable just as is the human. The ships become very vulnerable and we simply learned not to land and stall out the ships so that they can be encapsulated in a plasmic energy shield that cannot be penetrated by your crude means.


    This will be of great interest to my scribe and those who were present in Octo­ber, 1987, when we told you we were neutralizing a missile at Vandenberg AFB, California. Most of you readers will recall it for it was a big splash of color and all sorts of stupid stories. We were visible for well over half an hour and the final story was that there had been a successful launch of the Atlas mis­sile, etc. The facts were that we contacted the base, told them if they attempted to launch the missile we would destroy its capability of launch for it had a beam weapon/hydrogen payload which we are allowed to stop at 150 miles from your surface or on the pad if intended for orbital range. There were a total of six missiles to be launched within days of one another. We allowed the first two to come into almost orbiting range and we neutralized the payload. The third was a tracking device which was untouched but the game got worse and the payloads more and more deadly to the point of capability of "prana" (scalar) pulses which can literally pulverize a planet if a chain reaction is created--no Earth team has capability of stopping that reaction once under way.

    So, on October 28, 1987, the launch of the next missile was planned--we were in constant contact with Vandenberg Base and warned them to not launch the missile. They finally agreed to disarm it. They idiotically played with it and when we told them we knew it was not disarmed--they agreed and said they would send up a test rocket instead. So they took the standby missile--equally armed, and substituted it on the pad. We warned them again that we knew it was armed and the young man on the communications console was beside him­self when the commanding officer said to launch, anyway, that they "...would blow your asses out of the sky". So, they attempted launch and we simply fired a pulse beam which blew out the computer guidance system and neutralized the payload weaponry. The beam was visible for any to witness--which they later claimed was the launch trajectory stream. Then we simply manifested the craft in full view of ones in several western states, finally turning on the blue dome lights for some half hour. During this time there was constant communications with the desk at the base warning them to shut down--for that we got a heat-seeking missile fired at us--this being the most amusing of all. We simply played with it for a while and then blew it away. This left a zig-zag pattern in the sky which we thought the people would surely recognize as not possibly the launch stream because of the erratic pattern. Not so--within minutes the zig-zag stream was called a perfect launch stream and we were classified publicly as "ice crystals".

    By the second showing of the "launch" on TV--within minutes--the entire pic­ture film was replaced.

    Now, the show had been so great for the watchers and photographers that within a week the next was to be launched and everybody was at ready with cameras in focus. This time we again warned them to not launch the payloaded missile--again they defied us to do anything about it and again they fired it off. This one we allowed to come off the pad at which point we neutralized the payload weaponry BUT THE GROUND GROUP AT VANDENBERG DID NOT KNOW THAT. The guidance system was fouled and the missile headed right back in direct line with the nearby nuclear power plant. Still not aware that the weaponry had been neutralized, the ground crew blew up the missile themselves in fear of it hitting the power station and releasing radiation but worse, dear ones, they knew that if that payload was intact, it would send radiation into the entire Western U.S. and wipe out a large portion of California's population. This is how much they care for you-the-people!

    On that evening and the next morning, with guests in the place for witness (as a matter of fact, it was Sister Thedra of ASSK), we gave you minute-by-minute information and this was "Dharma's first PROOF of our presence". I further told the receivers that the information would be forthcoming to back the story being received by no less than the officer at the communications desk. It took about three weeks and the young man could remain silent no longer for there was another incident in Nevada where similar circumstances took place. In re­turn for telling his story„ he was to be taken to Colorado where he would have "his thinking well adjusted". WE HAVE HIM SAFELY ABOARD!

    I have gone through this story in order to give you another incident of which my scribe or the ones in her location are not aware. You see, there was no notion of any such being as Hatonn or Sananda or, or, or--prior to the late 80's for these ones. But lots of things of similar nature happened long before then--as far back, actually, into the late 30's and early 40's. Sometimes it takes a while to unseal lips but Truth eventually "outs". I will describe an incident which oc­curred in 1964 and was later related by a former first lieutenant in the Air Force. This man did not dare reveal this information until 1982 after he be­came a Professor of Radio-Film-TV at the University of Wisconsin. His name is Robert Jacobs.

    On September 15, 1964, when he was in charge of the filming of missile tests at Vandenberg AFB, California, a UFO was responsible for the destruction of an Atlas missile.


    In order to have clear film records of all missile test-firings over the Pacific, we had installed a TV camera, affixed to a high-powered telescope up on a mountain. We kept the telescope locked onto the moving missile by radar, and it was while we were tracking one of the Atlas F missiles in this way that we registered the UFO on our film.

    We had a crew of 120 men, and I was in charge. As we watched the Atlas F in flight we were delighted with our camera, which was doing fine, in fact we were jumping around with excitement, with the result that, because we were doing this, we actually missed seeing the most important bit of all--our missile's close encounter, at an altitude of 60 miles, with a UFO!

    I only heard about it, in fact, a couple of days later, when I was ordered to go and see my superior, Major Florenz J. Mansmann, Chief Science Officer of the Unit. With him there in his office there were a couple of men, in plain clothes. He introduced them to me only by their first names and said they had come from Washington, DC.

    Then Major Mansmann had the film of the test run through. And, just at that point where my men and I had been standing congratulating ourselves and each other, Major Mansmann pointed to the screen and said: "Watch this bit closely. " Suddenly we saw a UFO swim into the picture. It was very distinct and clear, a round object. It flew right up to our missile and emitted a vivid flash of light. Then it altered course, and hovered briefly over our missile...and then there came a second vivid flash of light. Then the UFO flew around the missile twice and set off two more flashes from different angles, and then it vanished. A few seconds later, our missile was malfunctioning and tumbling out of control into the Pacific Ocean, hundreds of miles short of its scheduled tar­get.

    They switched on the office lights again, and I found myself confronted by three very intense faces. Speaking very quietly, Major Mansmann then said: "Lieutenant, just what the hell was that?" I replied that I had no idea. Then we ran the film through several more times, and I was permitted to examine it with a magnifying glass. Then Mansmann again asked me what I thought, and I answered that in my opinion it was a UFO. Major Mansmann smiled and said: 'You are to say nothing about this footage. As far as you and I are concerned, it never happened--right..."?

    Here then was the confirmation of what the UFO experts had been saying for years past--that the U.S. government was covering up what it knew about UFO's.

    The film was turned over to the two men in plain clothes from Washington, who I believe were CIA agents. The film hasn't been heard of since. Major Mansmann added: "I don't have to remind you, of course, of the seriousness of a security breach...."

    It's been 17 years since that incident, and I've told nobody about it until now. I have been afraid of what might happen to me. But the truth is too im­portant for it to be concealed any longer. The UFO's are real. I know they're real. The Air Force knows they're real. And the U.S. government knows they're real. I reckon it's high time that the American public knows it too.


    I suggest you not get overjoyed at the prospects implied by this story--for it was not a UFO! It was a Russian cosmosphere. At the time the payloads were such that any type of destruction was sufficient. As time has gone forward, some of your intended-for-orbit weapons are of such magnitude of destruction utilizing scalar technology that to simply blow up the missile can cause the destruction in itself.

    It is easy to sense the "death ray" weapons and if they are set for outer-space orbit, we are allowed to take them out. This is why the efforts at present are to send the shuttles or launch vehicles only into sub-orbit and thrust the weapons from that point. Also, anything less than 150 miles out is off limits for us if the intent is to keep it within those bounds. So what has basically happened is that your weaponry has gotten so dangerous to the life of the planet that certain payloads are not stopped by the Russian cosmospheres for fear of total destruc­tion. Were there aliens present at the incident? By all means, yes. If the cos­mosphere had not intercepted the missile, we would have neutralized the hydro­gen thrust-system.

    Brothers, it simply gets more and more difficult to keep these things within any bounds of control. I cannot tell you strongly enough that the Elite plan is to have their Plan in full operation by year 2000 at ANY COST!


    No, most of the actual reports are not about little anything weird. Most of the "aliens" who travel even aboard my own craft are not unusually tall. It depends on origin of the entity. I am very tall--over nine feet. Most, from other planets in the system, are medium to a bit short--say, under six feet tall. Most of your reports--when the witness gets brave enough to tell their story, are much like a Sid Padrick, some four months following the Atlas incident.

    His story is accurate so it bears the retelling herein--for we need to get rid of the fear right now so that you can KNOW that if there is terror and beastly mon­sters within the story--the story is incorrect. We can discuss various alien life later--but let us look at fact at this point.

    Since stories of encounters with the occupants of UFO's are invariably greeted with a barrage of ridicule, particularly if the witnesses claim to have met beings similar to yourselves in appearance. The facts are that all encounters with aliens from say, Pleiades and Dal will be like yourselves.

    It was about 2:00 a.m. on January 30, 1965, when radio/TV technician Padrick, forty-five years old at the time, encountered a landed UFO near his home at Manresa Beach, near Watsonville, seventy-five miles south of San Francisco. He saw the shadowy outline of an unlit craft some seventy feet in diameter and some thirty feet high "like two real thick saucers inverted" approach him and come to rest just above the ground. He panicked, began to run, then heard a voice coming from the craft: "Do not be frightened; we are not hostile", it said. Padrick ran further. The voice repeated the phrase, then added: "We mean you no harm," and invited him on board--you see, no snatching, no killer-beams ­just a friendly invitation. But you note that this man, too, was a radio/TV tech­nician which, in itself, should tell you a great deal about contacts.

    He accepted the invitation and went inside--where he first entered an entrance room which was very small, some 6' x 6'-7'. Once inside there is always a second entry.

    Perhaps we should just give you Mr. Padrick's description from here on:
    QUOTE (In Italics):

    The aliens were no different than me in basic appearance, had clean-cut features, and wore a type of flying suit that covered the body fully. On board there were another seven men, similar in appearance, and one woman--pretty. They were all around five feet eight inches to five feet nine inches tall.

    By our own standards I would say they all looked between 20-25 years old, very young, pert, energetic, and intelligent looking. Their features were similar to ours. There was only one feature I noticed that would differ from us greatly, and that was that their faces came to a point, much more than ours. They had rather sharp chins and noses--not pronounced, just kind of heart-shaped. Their skin was somewhat of what I would call an "Armenian" color--fair but with a bit of tan undertones, maybe--well, maybe just "fair". Their eyes all seemed dark...there just wasn't anything really unusual about them--their brightness, depth or luminescence.

    All the men appeared to have short auburn hair, but it looked as though it had never actually been cut--it appeared to be natural growth. The lady had rather long hair and it was pushed down inside her clothing... Their fingers were a bit longer than mine. The hands were very clean--the fingernails looked as if somebody had just given them a manicure.

    All of them were wearing two-piece suits--slip-on type--light bluish-white in color. They had no buttons or zippers that could be seen. The bottom section actually included the shoes--it looked like boots which continued on up to the waistline, without any break around the ankles, just like a child's snow suit... There was a large band in the middle, and large cuffs, and a large collar that came down with a "V" neck. The collar had a very pretty design on it... and the neck-piece--right around the neck--had a braid of some kind on it...They had soles and heels...I could hear them walking on the rubbery-like floor.

    The first man Padrick saw acted as spokesman, explaining that he was the only one on board who spoke English.

    He had no accent whatsoever. It was just as plain and just as perfectly spo­ken English as anyone has ever spoken on this earth. I believe they can adapt themselves to whatever condition they are working under.

    Every question I asked him, he would pause for about 25 to 30 seconds be­fore he would answer, regardless of how minor it was. Perhaps he was getting instructions mentally--in what response to give. I think if the crew communi­cated with each other, it was through mental telepathy, because I could see nothing that would indicate communication otherwise.


    Each of the rooms that was occupied had instrument panels on the walls, with the crew members concentrating on the instruments. They merely glanced around at me when I entered their room, then turned back to their work, as if they were totally unconcerned.

    Some rooms had four or five instruments, others had 15 or 20, but they were of a similar type in each room. They were nothing like ours. I didn't get close to any of the walls that had the movable instruments on them, because when I started to advance in that first room he held out his hand for me not to advance and I didn't. He didn't say why and I didn't ask. I saw markings on some of the instruments; something like a tape moving along, with little tiny dots and dashes on it--like our teletype tapes, except they were going from left to right...I wouldn't classify it as a code, like our CW (Continuous Wave). There were no screens, such as our oscilloscopes. They had meters, but I could not see dials on them. He said they lit up only when in use.

    I was shown an oblong "lens", which was something of a part of a viewing system, which had a magnified three-dimensional effect. You could see on it an object which I was told was a navigation craft--it looked something like our "blimps".

    This was 2:45 or 3:00 in the morning, and the object was in sunlight, so it had to be pretty far out--I imagine at least 1,000 miles out, or more. I didn't see any markings or portholes on it...he told me that the power source of the craft he was in was transferred to them from the other craft, basically, and that it did all the navigation and manipulation through space--sort of a "center".

    They told me that they don't measure time and distance as we do but rather use terms of light. When I asked him how fast they traveled through space, he answered that their speed was limited only by the speed at which they could transfer the energy source.


    After a while the spaceman told Padrick that they had traveled some distance and were now parked in a deserted area, which on subsequent investigation turned out to be near Leggett, California, 175 miles northwest of Watsonville.

    After we had landed on the hillside, he told me to step out so that I could come back to the place later--to know this was real and not simply a dream. I stepped out alone and walked around the outside of the ship.

    I felt the hull. It seemed very hard but not metallic: I never felt anything like it before. The closest thing to it I ever felt on this earth would be a wind­shield--plexiglass. It had a very fine finish, a highly polished finish. He didn't tell me that touching this craft would do me harm, and I had no bad effects from it--none whatever. I was outside for not more than three minutes. I got down and looked at the legs it was on and I tried to find markings on it: I didn't find a mark on it anyplace.


    Padrick asked where the craft and its people came from and received a some­what cryptic reply.

    He told me they were from a planet in back of a planet which we observe--but we do not observe them. He did not say we couldn't observe them--he merely said that we didn't observe them....I think maybe their planet might be in our own solar system but I'm not sure.

    Padrick was shown a photo of a city on the visitors' planet.

    Every building in that picture was rounded off, half-moon shaped--domed. I saw windows in the buildings. I cannot say the picture looked like anything I had ever seen before, because the buildings were spaced much differently--offset from each other. It looked like they put one about 50 feet from another and the next one maybe 150 feet. There appeared to be roads in the distance and there was foliage in the foreground--trees and brush, too.

    The spaceman described his Utopian society to Padrick: "As you know it, we have no sickness, we have no crimes, we have no police force. We have no schools such as you have--our young are taught at a very early age to do a job, which they do very well. Because of our long life expectancy we have a very strict birth control. We use no money. We live basically--one, with an exchange type of what you probably call barter".

    Padrick asked what the purpose of the visit was. The man replied:
    "Observation only." Padrick explained:

    I don't think it meant for them to observe us, I think it was for me to observe them...because he did not ask me at any time my name, my age, how many teeth I had, how many members in my family: he didn't ask me one thing about my­self, and this leads me to believe that they know about us already, and he came for us to observe them... They did say they would come for further observa­tions....I think they are observing people, mostly. There was no mention of earthquakes, fault-lines, or of anything government-wise, or political-wise, or anything that would affect our future except that they gave me the impression that they would pick up more people in the future such as they had welcomed me aboard.


    Sid Padrick was taken into what was referred to by the visitors as a "consultation room". The color effect in this room defied his description. "Would you like to pay your respects to the Supreme Deity"? he was asked.

    When he said that I almost fainted. I didn't even know how to accept it. I said to him, "We have one, but we call it God. Are we talking about the same thing?" He replied, "There is only one"....So I knelt and did my usual prayer... Until that night I had never felt the presence of the Supreme Being--but I did feel Him that night.

    It's obvious that they are on a very high scientific level, but their relation with the Supreme Being means a lot more to them than their technical and sci­entific ability and knowledge. I would say that their religion and their science are all in one.

    Padrick was taken back to where he had been picked up two hours earlier, then stepped out of the craft and walked home.


    THEN ENTER THE BIG BOYS: Sid Padrick reported his experience to the Air Force, and was grilled for three hours by a team headed by a Major D.B. Reeder of Hamilton AFB. "...they tried to frighten me. They said, 'Mr. Padrick, you are a real lucky person... these craft that come down here are real hostile, and you had no business even approaching them'. I disagreed with them, because when this craft came down, they certainly did not wish to frighten me... and they did not TELL me to go aboard their craft, they INVITED me aboard".

    The Air Force told Padrick that there had been two instances where hostility had been involved--one, the Mantell case, and the other an incident when an aircraft completely vanished from a radar screen. But the Air Force did tell Padrick that there was more than one group of UFO's visiting earth, and that there were friendly as well as hostile craft, from more than one source.

    There were certain details they (the Air Force) asked me not to talk about publicly, but I think in telling it that everything should be disclosed. I can see no reason for anything being held back. They didn't want me to say that the space people had no money. They didn't want me to disclose the type and shape of the craft because that would indicate that the Air Force is not doing its duty. I told them I could see no reason for that, either....They didn't want me to di­vulge their means of communication and where they got their power from. Also, the man's name--they told me I should never repeat that because it didn't mean anything. The spaceman had said "You may call me Xeno". He didn't say it WAS his name (Xeno means "stranger" or "foreigner").

    I think I shall just ask for a break at this point for I want you ones to begin to ponder on what you think has been going on around your gossip and disinfor­mation circles.
    I suspect that you will come into some pretty clear understand­ing about the cover-up and why. A story like this surely doesn't lead a nation into panic does it? Ah so.

    And may we close this portion with a bit more understanding of brotherhood and honor of our ONE God. Salu.

    Hatonn to clear, please. Thank you for your attention.

    PJ 22


    WEDNESDAY, MAY 1, 1991 9:16 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 258

    WEDNESDAY, MAY 1. 1991


    Dharma, Hatonn present and asking for undivided attention. That which we have been awaiting the coming into your underground news, has done so--the alien at Camp David.

    I am going to answer several questions at once herein and all of you will want more details--I will NOT jeopardize the lives of ones involved by giving you minute details.

    I continually receive a barrage of mail saying, "I just don't see how YOU ex­pect us to believe this 'stuff'". I don't know how to cause you to consider some of the things which are urgently important, but I must lay them out for your intake. I receive letters which ask for MORE on background and letters that say "enough already" about history--and yet, when new items hit you--you have no background with which to consider the new information. For instance, the beginnings of the Khazar tribes may APPEAR to have little to do with an alien being at Camp David--but unless you know that which has happened within the changing Khazars--you cannot make connection!

    First, I am going to tell you what IS and then I can give you that which you will hear, be ridiculed, denied and totally hidden by your government as long as possible.

    Months and months ago I told you that an alien (from Sector 31) made contact, set up a rendezvous with your government, etc. Your government broke all of the agreements of the meeting as prearranged, and one alien was left behind as the craft departed when the police, military and CIA arrived.

    The problem faced at present is the security of the original Bush being. Many of you inquire as to just what happens to the "original" model from which the replicas are developed. Well, if there is a possibility of reuse of the original and with Bush, his background fits within the guidelines of future government structuring--then the original is preserved. Further, there is deterioration with the reproductions and new cells are utilized whenever possible. Barbara and George are, basically, incarcerated at Camp David. Originally there was "semi" agreement to this arrangement with allowances for excursions, vaca­tions, etc., which could be handled on week-ends, vacation trips, any time there were not major decisions to consider.

    With willing participants which can be utilized later--or given retirement with memory restrictions--the originals are left to live out their lives. With ones who are on the dangerous-to-the-cause list--they are simply eliminated. I have no intention of wasting time telling you who is and who is not. But I will take time to tell you this much--if ones like LaRouche would play the adversary's game and come forward now in support of the One World Plan, they would allow him to reside at Camp David or elsewhere until his duplicate would have brought his supporters into line and then, with mental adjustment, they would release him to work among you. He is a stubborn man with a mission to stop this madness and thus they keep him locked away.

    It isn't exactly like they simply go ask him--it is handled in subconscious states under proper medication to gain intent and they have found he will not submit to the tampering. Can they pull it off without his permission? Indeed, but too many would know that the man had either been replaced or had been physically altered. This is exactly that which happened with Bill Benson and many other patriots--if they do not come into line, they are rendered useless and unable to function. BEWARE OF PATRIOTS WHO SUDDENLY COME INTO LINE WITH THE NEW WORLD ORDER.

    Section 31, Xeno (meaning stranger or foreigner), was incarcerated, put under intense interrogation, medically and scientifically abused and cells of all man­ners taken for the purpose of reproduction. It is not so easy to reproduce a Section 31 alien, however, but they kept researching it until they have viable form presence.

    You are going to be shown pictures of a Xeno with Bush--at Camp David. They were taken from a great distance but identity is clearly present. The pic­ture, however, is of the alien with the "original" George Bush--who is likewise incarcerated.

    The point of the mission and contact was to tell you ones that your behaviors would not longer be tolerated and that you would be provided help to set your planet into order--I think you can easily guess at the response. The "alien' spent the better part of a day with the original Bush at which point Bush was of­fered a removal to craft until such time as the plots would be exposed and the Elite Cartel brought into demise. I will not tell you how that turned out so please do not ask. I will say that because of hazards to the craft energy field, it remained distant and unmanifested except to "cloud (gaseous) shroud" resolu­tion. This presented a serious problem for the human Bush is totally out of fre­quency necessary to assure safety in such a distance transfer. I simply decline to further discuss that particular matter.

    It is sufficient to say, however, that the Xeno quite quickly vanished following the visit. When the time is right, however, and it is determined whether or not the creature can be utilized in duplicated form by the adversary, you will hear a lot about the being of last September, threats of destruction--wild plans of the aliens, etc. They will not be capable of reproduction of mental state and there­fore anything which comes forth will be lies. I ask that you ones do not effort to find out who produced the pictures which will be coming into your attention because an intense investigation of "leaks" is under way and the person(s) would be annihilated for the intent is to utilize this contact and duplicates to scare the living daylights out of you people.

    This is a worse shock to the beings of Sector 31 who felt that man could receive "reason". These Xenons were asked by Command to not approach ones in the manner which transpired for we have long tried this approach and it has thus far never been successful. We honor these ones for the effort and bear equally their pain at failure for it is their perception that now there are more tools to panic you people of Earth. It matters not except that the priory duplicated aliens are tiny and "different"--these Xenons are tall and will be related in use--to God's Hosts. Well, you ones of Earth are simply going to have to get discerning. Be gentle for there are many lives at stake in this scenario--like the entire Bush family! You must also know that we are in frequent visitation and therefore, I ask that you not demand endangering information.

    By the way, the being which was shown as being captured is NOT the same as the one which will be shown with Bush! The one which will be identified as the same alien and shown with Bush--is one most of you know already, and came forth to effort at "negotiations" for release of the "brother". The evil upon your place is without limits.

    John (Paul) S., I wish to acknowledge your participation and I know that it has been a most confusing time in your conscious experience during these past months and especially in recent weeks. Each of you has agreed to service in rather unusual manners and it is hard to live within two worlds--I can only acknowledge and hope it gives your conscious experience more understanding. I ask that you do not ask for conscious information for you are greatly troubled--remember always that it is through agreement that you delete the memory. I salute you. The day will come when all will be brought into understanding within both dimensions of experience.

    I would say right here, that Dharma left the keyboard and I have had a great difficulty getting her to come back and continue the writing--for it comes clear that as we bring these particular Truths forth--it writes assassination papers for several. Know, friends, that it does not come loaded with fear--only sadness for each step brings disappointments in our own interactions but proves more con­clusively that our only hope is in baring Truth and shining light into the dark re­cesses of the evil underground.

    This is why such outrageous efforts have been made to take out the entire dwelling but that will not be possible now for we have it shielded quite credibly. I think you ones cannot know the sacrifices of your brothers from out here who offer and martyr themselves at the hands of the evil Elite to bring help unto you in your separation from God. The deceit is heinous and cruel and yet, left in the hands of man, our mission is slowed and this is the only method allowed for intervention. However, as it SEEMS that all REASON is gone--know that the turn-around point is near for it must become bad to the last level of "badness" in order to swing the pendulum in the other direction. It is truly the time of the unmasking of the beast and he doesn't like it and he depends upon us pushing your awakening too quickly so that you turn from the Truth, considering it to be too outrageous. May God touch within your hearts for you have brothers at such risk! Death of physical is easy--it is the bindings and alterations which are so devastating. What is done unto the visitors is beyond your imagination in its evilness.

    Now let me give you the


    Let us just copy, chela, and I will comment within brackets ([ ]). Come, Dharma, we must do it and you must write for it is our work.


    President George Bush's dream of establishing a new world order came closer to reality when he secretly met with a space alien who promised to pro­vide the education, technology and strategic know-how to achieve lasting peace on Earth by 1997.

    That's the word coming forth and further, the extraterrestrial who met with the President at Camp David on April 14 is no stranger to the White House [I certainly guess NOT!]--because it is the same alien who was captured by and escaped from the CIA last fall. [NOT SO!]

    The pieces of the puzzle are finally beginning to fit goes the conclusion re­garding the alien captured in Virginia on September 28, 1990 and escaped from a CIA compound in Washington three weeks later, on October 22.

    The alien clearly came to Earth on a mission, it is said, and now it seems that its mission is complete. Sources confirm that the creature met with Presi­dent Bush for six hours at Camp David.

    And while the White House, Congress, CIA and every official in Washington will deny it, it is known for a fact that the focus of that meeting was the new world order that Bush has talked so much about.

    The alien apparently initiated the meeting and came prepared to offer all the technology and support needed to make the President's new world order a real­ity. [This portion is true--we regularly meet with the top leaders (in whatever form they are projected) and are usually present at all summit type meetings to outlay alternatives and consequences of actions. At present you are again plan­ning a nuclear war utilizing more heinous weapons than ever before dreamed of, and there is naught we can do to stop it except awaken you the people. Worse, if we act in foolishness--you are all dead. We, too, are between the proverbial rock and hard place for you are in a world gone mad.]

    It is not clear what the alien is receiving in return. But it seems likely that Bush agreed to trade with the creature's home planet. [Can you NOW SEE THE thrust? Indeed--trade? With America? Trade WHAT?]

    It is also told that the alien is schooled in the Soviet Union's role in the new world order and was brought up to date at the meeting.

    Neither White House nor CIA spokesmen would comment on the extraordi­nary summit and they flatly denied that an alien had visited Camp David or any other government facitlity.

    The denials were expected and the authors countered them with statements from a dozen highly-placed government sources. A photograph that shows the President talking with the alien as they strolled down a wooded path at Camp David, the presidential hideaway in Maryland, was also presented while the original negatives were in safe-keeping in a place unknown by the authors--for security.

    The authors do not get into specifics because of the danger of revealing contacts but you should know that the picture was taken a few hours after the alien materialized at Camp David on April 14, said the Washington-based speaker.

    The photo itself is secondary to the meeting, of course. What is really im­portant is the substance of the discussion the extraterrestrial and the President had before the alien stood up, shook hands and vanished some six hours after it arrived.

    If sources are correct, then the future of our planet is at stake.

    Somebody ought to be telling us something, it was concluded. If there is anything accomplished by coming forward with the photo and these statements it will be worth the risk involved.

    I give you this information but there is little to be done with it at this time ex­cept take note and hold strong--for you are in the clutches of the counterfeits and THAT is that which matters--the unbending evil deceivers.


    I am deluged with inquiries about the closing of the Skull and Bones Order of Yale--for a year. I have been sent three documents regarding the matter and I will just give you who are not knowing, the highlights. It all had to do with allowing entry of females within the Order. There are reasons why this is sim­ply not possible but none-the-less the push came to shove and now they have been forced into actions totally underground--sometimes you ones push on the wrong strings until you damage your own cause. Let us just reprint one notice from a newspaper (Associated Press) at random--the same thing appeared all across the media.

    YALE SOCIETY IS CLOSED: New Haven, Conn. (AP)--Skull and Bones, the all-male secret society at Yale whose members include President Bush, was ordered closed for a year by its alumni directors after rebellious students invited women to join.

    The alumni directors have been debating whether to end the private club's 159-year-old tradition as a bastion of male-only bonding but were having diffi­culty reaching a decision.

    The 15 seniors in the current class of Bonesmen, frustrated by the lack of action, notified the board of directors at an emergency meeting Friday night that they had invited seven women and eight men to join.

    In response, the board over the weekend replaced the locks on the "Tomb', the windowless, mausoleum-like building where the society meets.

    Sidney Lovett, the society's secretary and assistant treasurer, said Monday that the alumni directors had no choice but to suspend operations for a year.

    Skull and Bones is not an institution that will allow its traditions to be changed "arbitrarily or in an unauthorized way" , Lovett said.

    None of the juniors tapped by the class of 1991 will be recognized. Tues­day, April 16, 1991.

    I have a friend from L.A., JH, who has sent a compilation of information re­garding the Skull and Bones--much of which we have already published, but he has compiled it into a very succinct format as to operations. I want to publish it but it is too lengthy to cover at this particular sitting. I believe we can get to it this afternoon. Therefore, I ask that we have a break, Dharma. Precious, it has been a most difficult time for you this morning for you have your neck over the chop block again--I shall guard thine neck well, chela--but I understand the bur­den with all the other load to be carried. I believe we might have a personal meeting tomorrow as an old friend will be present and in addition, we need to cover some business. WE simply do not have time for the personal interchange in these writings nor are they appropriate for publication, i.e. "Solutions" in question regarding another publication, etc. but we can cover them rapidly in council and others can make response. Thank you.

    I move to stand-by. I wish to write again this day, please. In addition to the Skull and Bones, I wish to lay another nasty tid-bit before you. I think it time to understand that the Khazar element infects everything the Israelis do; the lat­est "fad for making great sums of money" is in the selling of eyes (human)--garnered mostly (at present) from the victims killed in Sri Lanka's civil war, where the troops were trained by the Mossad. There is a refrigerated warehouse on the Haifa, Israeli waterfront. The operation is through a valid company called Oculex International and there has been built a multi-million dollar export business concentrating on a single line of merchandise. It sells plucked-out eyes. So be it. Salu.

    Hatonn to stand-by, please.

  2. #2
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar




    THURSDAY, MAY 2, 1991 8:35 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 259

    THURSDAY. MAY 2. 1991

    I have been asked how to pronounce my name--Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn--Guah­or-gos (long o's) Ser-ees (H) almost silent; a--tonnnn. But you can call me Ray, or you can call me Bob or you can call me Hayou--or, George will do. It is not my label that has importance, it is the presence of response that you must watch most carefully in making contact--for there are a lot of energy forms lined up out here using my name with which to fool receivers. Clear your decks thoroughly--demand that all responses be only from the Realms of Light in service to the ONE HOLY GOD--and do not accept any who "fudge". Even I respond and test you by blurring identity--do not allow the communications to continue unless you get those circuits cleared! You MUST KEEP UPPER­MOST IN MIND--THE ADVERSARY DOES NOT BEAR THE TITLE OF PRINCE OF DECEIT FOR NO REASON--THAT IS WHY ALL THE RELI­GIONS HAVE BEEN PULLED DOWN, THE BIBLE HAS BEEN TRANS­FORMED INTO THE VOTED-IN VERSION OF TRUTH AND YOU ARE BEING LED DOWN THE PRIMROSE PATH TO RAPE, RAVAGE, PIL­LAGE AND PLUNDER! God is instant identification and speaks nothing save Truth according to the laws innately borne within each. If a being tells you that this or that is OK and it is against the laws, and he does not continue by saying it is "none of my business what you do; it is between you and God"-then he is not of God--I care not who he says he is!

    If one tells you this or that is OK because something that "feels" so perfect and wondrous "must not be bad", think carefully, for ones are taking upon them­selves to interpret YOUR guidelines according to their own actions--not God's. Those things must be absolutely discerned by self--I have only to bring forth Truth--I have no intentions of forcing you to follow it--but I think you can look around you and note that what you have done thus far is a bit incorrect for the results are so dastardly any way you cut it.

    When a child, who is birthed to receive guidelines and instructions for life from its caretakers, finds itself devoid of all discipline and guidelines--guess what--knowing it must have guidelines, it will turn unto ones who DO have instruc­tions--the evil adversary! They have lots of rules and they all please the flesh and starve the soul unto death. If you non-reared your children and they are now grown--it will behoove you as a parent to say, "I'm sorry, I was wrong and I failed--but I love you and now I see". A child wants, above all, to have the love and connection with parents and if a parent can say "I erred" then the child, at whatever age, can also then say, "I understand and love and respect you for sharing your faults". However, it helps if the parent confessing error--changes from his own errors. But even if he/she does not--at least the child can have basis for discernment for the child KNOWS the proper laws for all created of God--KNOWS THE LAWS--WITHIN!


    Do not miss the confirmations coming to you from NASA. If you miss the con­firmations of that which I bring you then how can you ever come into under­standing?
    I told you that the shuttle was not destined for deep (high) orbit but only sub-orbit to allow subsequent launching of "stuff". Note that they are now telling you that they are "launching from the shuttle"--already have launched two of which one satellite did not function properly (lie--the one aimed for gath­ering information was not even sent up but excuses must be given for no infor­mation coming back to the scientists). They further said that two "would be launched tomorrow" (today). Now, what you aren't told is that they have launched at least five other missiles on Atlas, French and Japanese rockets. So be it.


    Don't miss the haggling and pressing by the Carter bunch to have an investiga­tion about the embassy hostages in Iran and the Reagan election tactics set up by the Bush Boys. This, in itself, is enough to bring down the Bush administration except that it won't.

    I have given you a full rundown on the Iranian hostage fiasco and further told you that the Bankers had finally ordered release. If you will pay attention you will be getting lots of backup confirmation right down to the information of hostage holding for over six months before release to assure Reagan's election.

    Former President Ronald Reagan, assisted by his vice-president George Bush, entangled with the Bankers and CIA, delayed for over six months the release of the 52 American hostages held by Iran in 1980 to assure that election. Bush, you see, had no intention of being President at that time for he had to set the stage through the Vice-Presidency, around the globe in preparation for Presi­dency. You would be wise to check on Quayle every now and then--he is not even material for President but he is a "puppy" and carries out his master's or­ders utilizing the clout of the office.

    It will not be Iraq that Bush should continue to concentrate on so heavily be­cause he is in the corner facing the deadliest enemy of all: skeletons from his own closet hung with guns "still smoking". Worse, his "buddies" from the Elite will take him out if the going gets really rough--for, original or replica, Bush is not the puppet-Master by a long, long way.

    It appears everyone has a price and be it true conscience or a recognition that if the Republic falls so do YOU/THEY, or whatever the subversive reasoning might be, ones are coming forth now from the intelligence officials and arms‑dealers who are relating how they helped fix that 1980 presidential race in favor of the Reagan-Bush ticket. The flap is coming from some "former" officials but I personally know one or two military (also "X") officers who were completely in charge of the plan and the training of the rescue project. I wonder if there will ever be bravery enough to come forward for they have been thus far totally silenced with threats to the total annihilation of their family groups. One has even separated from his family close circle in divorce to distance himself from them to give better security as the truth is slipping out. Ask protection for these ones for the adversary is a heinous enemy!


    Remember the theoretical multi-party system of elections which you falsely think you have? In mid-1980 when the Iranians just wanted to get rid of the hostages and send them home, your intelligence services buried the information. With the Carter-Reagan contest nearing its climax, Republican strategists feared that the so-called October surprise, the prospect that a sudden, festive home­coming for the 52 American hostages held captive in Iran, might very well swing the vote to the Democrats.

    To make sure that did not happen the Republican campaign's chairman, William Casey (CIA), and its vice-presidential candidate, George Bush held a series of high-level secret meetings in Europe with Iranian representatives to negotiate a clandestine deal. If Iran delayed the release of the hostages until the elections were over, it would be paid off with secret arms deliveries via Israel.

    This whole scandal was shushed for a decade but suddenly leading Establish­ment publications and broadcast networks unearth the story in mid-April with a terrible vengeance--and that, dear ones, is what you must take note of----WHY? Just pay attention and watch WHO is on the bandwagon--either way it can be effective as a means to be heard but often the plot behind the scenes is more heinous than the one in the open--at any rate, it is a full-flowering play for ulti­mate POWER--but it gives you an opportunity to act and through your awak­ening masses some measure of control of the beast could be brought to bear.

    The most daring airing of the situation has been brought forth by your Public Broadcasting System which was missed by the large majority of viewers--it aired on April 16th in an hour-long expose of sorts. Your beloved countrymen spent over six additional months as terrified hostages, needlessly, just to make sure Reagan beat Carter! It is now being referred to, in inner circles, as "the election scandal of the decade". Well, that doesn't say much, does it? Decade? It does most certainly indicate that there have even been worse? Indeed! The Federal Reserve System thrust off on the world is possibly one of the top heinous scandals of the generations--and YOU STILL MISS IT! The ridiculous part, of course, is that now the outcry is that "the two men who have occupied the American presidency since January, 1981 were involved in a secret criminal conspiracy,"--where have these "mouths" been all this time?



    This ran up an incredible debt--with a covert network of CIA operatives and alien (FOREIGN OR ???) agents from the Mossad, Israel's secret service, WHO SET UP AND EXECUTED THE SECRET HOSTAGE-HOLDING DEAL WITH IRAN--SEALED BY BUSH AND CASEY! TAKE ANOTHER LOOK AT SHAMIR!

    This has all been confirmed, dear ones, with campaign personnel who "would rather not respond"--and "will I be immune from prosecution"? This cute little scheme was a Mossad tactic and the members of the committees were really nervous at the time, wondering why known Mossad agents such as David Kim­che, Yossi Meridor, Joseph Churba, Michael Ledeen and others like them were allowed to dominate the 1980 Reagan campaign.

    The reason, of course, was that Israeli agents played the crucial role in the un­derside of Republican electoral politics and this has been admitted by some se­nior Israeli intelligence officials; the whole thing is really funny. Retired Is­raeli intelligence official, Ari Ben-Menashi, in the April 16th program, made an appearance. According to him, Israeli agents offered what amounted to "election insurance" to the Republicans: a fix. The hapless hostages were re­duced to the role of pawns in what became a secret swap: ballots for the Rea­gan-Bush ticket against bullets for Iran, sold by Israel. Is anybody getting the picture of what is coming about here?

    Lets go one better because THERE IS A PUNCHLINE. According to the in­telligence analysts and policy scholars interviewed, Israel collected a colossal reward for its clandestine service to the Republican campaign. With U.S. po­litical support and billions in hidden financial aid, the Mossad became a secret agency with a world-wide reach. "By the early 1980's, the Mossad was power­ful enough to stage large covert-action programs across Africa and Latin Amer­ica, in a number of key Asian target areas such as China, and even in Europe", says Theodore Markovic, who is writing a book on Middle Eastern Politics at Princeton University (a totally Khazar-run University) which should bring a bit more confusion to the "why"?

    Protected by the "fixed" media practices of the major news organizations to soft-pedal stories affecting the ministate's interests, and by the growing clout of its lobby on Capitol Hill, the Mossad "got away with murder--and literally I mean MURDER by the thousands and thousands during the Reagan-Bush era", Dr. Markovic confirmed.

    Let us give a close Reagan campaign worker some much deserved praise and credit--one who had enough and sees the handwriting as it is now on the wall for the destruction of your nation--Barbara Honegger. She has written a book called October Surprise and it came as quite a surprise--at which time the Es­tablishment media went "all out" in tremendous opposition to the material. Fortunately, as the Establishment shut it down, it was taken up by Liberty Library and can be obtained therefrom if anyone wants the information. God has great mercy on ye who open thine eyes and speak out!

    But why would the Mossad come clean? Because dear ones, even though the things went about as far as they could go for Israel during the Iraq War--there was flack from the opposition "Would be Kings of the World" and YOU keep insisting on some kind of a peace parley-vous with Palestine, and Israel plans to bring you into line, one way or another. If Bush is ousted now through scandal--the Khazar Zionists can take over immediately! Frankly, in the long-run about the only thing that will save Bush and the dynasty set up by his "bunch" is to come clean and tell the world his story. We have urged him to do this because in his original form at Camp David, he still has the power to make the play--he will most surely SOON lose the advantage. If the man came forward and sim­ply spoke truth about just the things I have given you--America is so forgiving that you would save his neck and march to the saving of your Constitution--it appears evil shall, however, prevail.

    If he would come forward in conjunction with holding MY hand, for instance, I think the adversary would back-paddle quite quickly. Bargain with God? NO, WITH YOU-THE-PEOPLE! SO MUCH FOR DREAMS--FIRST YOUR WORLD HAS TO SEE THE PROBLEM AND STOP LAUGHING AT THE ANTICS LIKE IT IS A COMEDY SIMPLY FOR YOUR ENTERTAINMENT. SO BE IT.



    It does get hard to tell who is doing what to whom but the more information you have the more you can discern the players and who WANTS WHAT! Dear ones, the WORLD IS THE PLUM and you must know that different factions of the adversary's troops want to eat the plum, not just pick it for another to have. So, again, while the point is in the press, let us again look at a compilation of information. In order to adequately give comparison to the plight you are in to­day and that which came upon your world prior to now, you must realize the similarity of the "Order" which is set up to control you by its various facets. You will recognize most of the writings for much of the following is taken di­rectly from our work--however, a lot is not and the authors have left silent the bit of "who" we are. I further, suggest that most of you take the example. In­formation given and confirmed is far more acceptable if you don't go tell the world that a "space-cadet" gave you the secret information through earphones, or whatever--THE TRUTH WILL STAND AND THE REST WILL FOLLOW! I am requesting that the document simply be reprinted (copied) and forwarded for this was the petition--to get the information to as many people as possible--not hang onto ego trips! I shall give information as forwarded to me for ap­proval and distribution.
    Let me just first copy the cover-letter from JH, L.A., who also had attached copies of the press release regarding the Skull and Bones:

    April 24, 1991: Dear George: You would think that the enclosed article on Skull & Bones would generate a follow up story. The editor of the Blade (where this particular article was published) is not interested: "there is really no inter­est. we don't have the time". Shame, shame. 'It ain't over 'till it's over.'

    Please share with Commander Hatonn, Sananda. May the source for media news exposure be found. I pray that this be our opportunity to bring forth the truth. Amen.

    I have enclosed a copy that I am distributing. May this be of use to you......Blessings to ALL!

    [Please assume "quoting" for it is too time and space-consuming to mark every sentence and paragraph as such.]


    I shall quote a portion from a book: AMERICA'S SECRET ESTABLISH­MENT, An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones.

    The activities of the Order are directed towards changing our society, changing the world to bring about a New World Order. This will be a planned order with heavily restricted individual freedom, without Constitutional pro­tection, without national boundaries or cultural distinction.

    We deduce this objective by examining and then summing up the actions of individual members; there has been a consistent pattern of activity over one hundred years. Part of this activity has been in cooperation with the Group, with its parallel and recorded objectives.

    Now IF, for example, we found that the dominant interest of members was raising ducks, that they wrote articles about ducks, bred ducks, sold ducks, formed duck-studying councils, developed a philosophy of ducks, then it would be reasonable to conclude that they had an objective concerning ducks, that this is not mere random activity.

    Historically, operations of The Order have concentrated on society, how to change society in a specific manner towards a specific goal: a New World Or­der. If we know the elements in society that will have to be changed in order to bring about this New World Order, we can then examine the Order's actions in this context.

    More or less these elements would have to be:
    EDUCATION - how the population will behave,
    MONEY - the means of holding wealth and exchanging goods,
    LAW - the authority to enforce the will of the state, a world law and a world court is needed for a world state,
    POLITICS - the direction of the state,
    ECONOMY - the creation of wealth,
    HISTORY - what people believe happened in the past,
    PSYCHOLOGY - the means of controlling how people think,
    PHILANTHROPY - so that people think well of the controllers,
    MEDICINE - the power over health, life, and death,
    RELIGION- people's spiritual beliefs, the spur to action for many,
    MEDIA - what people know and learn about current events,
    CONTINUITY - the power to appoint who follows in your footsteps.

    - - - Daniel Coit Gilman, President of Johns Hopkins University, im­ported Wundt psychological methods from Germany, then welded education and psychology in the U.S., established laboratories, brought these educational laboratories into major Universities and generated hundreds of PhD's to teach the new educational conditioning system. One of the first of these Johns Hop­kins doctorates was John Dewey. The result we well know. The educational morass of the '80's where most kids--not all--can't spell, read or write, yet can be programmed into mass behavior channels.

    The Order's next move was to control the Foundations. They got all the big ones--Carnegie, Ford, Peabody, Slater, Russell Sage and so on. That's the topic of another volume. As in education, the modus operandi of The Or­der was to get in FIRST and set the stage for the future. The initial objective was to establish a direction in an organization. Selection of managers, intuitive or amoral enough to catch on to the direction, kept the momentum going. In the case of Foundations, The Order has usually maintained a continuing pres­ence over decades.

    When it comes to activities by individual members, at first sight the pattern is confusing and superficially inconsistent. Let's give some examples:

    *Andrew Carnegie profited from war through his vast steel
    holdings, but under the guidance of member Daniel Coit Gilman, Carnegie was also an en­thusiastic president and financial backer of the American Peace Society. This is seemingly inconsistent. Could Carnegie be for war and peace at the same time?

    *The League to Enforce the Peace, founded by members William H. Taft and Theodore Marburg, was promoting peace, yet active in urging U.S. participation in World War One. How could the League be for war and peace at the same time?

    *In the 1920's W. Averell Harriman was a prime supporter of the Soviets with finance and diplomatic assistance, at a time when such aid was against State Department regulations. Harriman participated in RUSKOMBANK, the first Soviet commercial bank. Vice-President Max May of Guaranty Trust, dominated by the Harriman-Morgan interest, became the FIRST Vice-Presi­dent of RUSKOMBANK in charge of its foreign operations. In brief, an American banker under guidance of a member of The Order had a key post in a Soviet bank! But we also find that Averell Harriman, his brother Roland Harriman, and members E.S. James and Knight Woolley, through the Union Bank (in which they held a major interest) were prime financial backers of HITLER.
    *Now our textbooks tell us the Nazis and Soviets were bitter enemies and their systems are opposites. How could a rational man support Soviets AND Nazis at the same time? Is Harriman irrational or is the inconsistency explainable?

    * The Bundy family gives us another example of seeming inconsistency. William Bundy was with the Central Intelligence Agency for a decade. Mc­George Bundy was National Security Assistant to Presidents Kennedy AND Johnson. So the Bundys presumably support U.S. European policy which is pro-NATO. Yet the Bundys have been linked to activities and organizations which are anti-NATO and, indeed, pro-MARXIST--for example, the Insti­tute for Policy Studies. Are the Bundys inconsistent?

    * Among individual members of The Order we find a wide variety of publicly proclaimed beliefs, ideologies and politics. William Buckley periodi­cally chews out the Soviets. On the other hand, member John Burtt has been a member of a dozen communist front groups. Member William S. Coffin, Jr. spent three years with the CIA and then became a leader of anti-Vietnam War activity through the National Conference for a New Politics, and Clergy and Laymen Concerned about Vietnam. In fact, Coffin was one of the Boston Five charged and indicted for conspiracy to violate Federal laws. And, of course, W. Averell Harriman is elder statesman of the Democratic Party.

    Quite a mixture of beliefs and activities. Do they reflect inconsistent philosophies? How can The Order have a consistent objective with this pot. pourri of individual actions?

    The answer is, they are not at all inconsistent: Because the objective of The Order is above and beyond these actions and in fact needs these seeming contradictions.


    How can there exist a common objective when members are apparently' acting in opposition to one another?

    Probably the most difficult task in this work will be to get across to the reader what is really an elementary observation: That the OBJECTIVE of The Order is neither "left" nor "right". "Left" and "Right" are artificial devices to bring about change, and the extremes of political left and political right are vital elements in the process of controlled change.

    The answer to this seeming political puzzle lies in Hegelianism. That brings screams of intellectual anguish from Marxists and Nazis, but is well known to any student of political systems.

    The dialectical process did NOTORIGINATE WITH MARX as Marxists claim, but with Fichte and Hegel in the late 18th and early 19th Century Ger­many. (Just after the creation of the terms "JEW", "Zionists" and Israel (not israel). In the dialectical process a clash of opposites brings about a synthesis. For example, a clash of political right and political left brings about another political system, a synthesis of the two, neither left nor right. This conflict of opposites is essential to bring about change. Today this process can be identified in the literature of the Trilateral Commission where "change" is promoted and "conflict management" is termed the means to bring about this change.

    In the Hegelian system conflict is essential. Furthermore, for Hegel and systems based on Hegel, the STATE IS ABSOLUTE. The State requires complete obedience from the individual citizen. An individual does not exist for himself in these so called organic systems but only to perform a role in the operation of the State. There was no freedom in Hitler's Germany, there was not freedom for the individual under Marxism, neither will there be in the NEW WORLD ORDER. And if it sounds like George Orwell's 1984--IT IS.

    In brief, the State is supreme and conflict is used to bring about the ideal society. Individuals find freedom in obedience to the rulers.

    So who or what is the State? OBVIOUSLY IT'S A SELF APPOINTED ELITE. It is interesting that Fichte, who developed these ideas before Hegel, was a Freemason, almost certainly Illuminati, and certainly was promoted by the Illuminati. For example, Johann Wolfgang Goethe pushed Fichte for an appointment at Jena University.

    Furthermore, the Illuminati principle that the "end justifies the means", a principle that Quigley scores as immoral and used by both The Group and The Order, is rooted in verse in Memorandum Three observed this principle at work on the YALE CAMPUS.

    This, then, is a vital part of our explanation of The Order. When its co­founder, William Russell, was in Germany in 1831-2, there was no way he could have avoided Hegelian theory and discussion. It was the talk of the campus. It swept intellectual Germany like a Pac Man craze. Most Ameri­cans haven't heard of it. And those who have don't want to hear any more about it. Why? Because its assumptions are completely at variance with our sense of individual freedom and Constitutional guarantees. Most of us believe THE STATE exists to serve the individual, not vice versa.

    The Order believes the opposite to most of us. This is crucial to under­standing what they are about. So any discussion between left and right, while essential to promote change, is never allowed to develop into a discussion along the lines of Jeffersonian "Republic" "democracy" i.e., the best gov­ernment is the least government. The discussion and the funding is always towards more STATE power, use of state power and away from individual rights. So it does not matter from the viewpoint of The Order whether it is termed left, right, Democratic, Republican, secular or religious--so long as the discussion is kept within the framework of the STATE and the POWER OF THE STATE.

    This is the common feature between the seemingly dissimilar positions taken by members-they have a higher common objective in which clash of ideas is es­sential. So long as rights of the individual are not introduced into the discus­sion the clash of ideas generates the conflict necessary for change.

    As the objective is global control, emphasis is placed on global thinking, i.e. internationalism. This is done through world organizations and world law. The great contribution of the Tafts to The Order was on the world court sys­tem and world law--to the internationalist aspect of THE NEW WORLD ORDER.


    We have previously gone into detail as to how The Order relates to the Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission and similar organizations so I will spare the repetition at this time. However--you do remember of course--GEORGE BUSH IS A MEMBER OF EVERYTHING AND SO ARE HIS CHIEF ADVISORS. SO BE IT--HOLD IT IN YOUR HEARTS.

    END (1)

    There are now clues and proof that your own President Bush is linked to ones who practice SATANIC actions and games. If you wish further refer­ence, see AMERICA'S SECRET ESTABLISHMENT (Liberty House Press). Further, there is a definite link between Skull and Bones and Naziism. We will outline some sources of more information and I urge you to get informed and bring it to the attention of your brothers. Help the ones who dare to face the scorpions for 'tis the masses of mankind which must come into knowledge.

    There is a flurry of articles on Skull and Bones in establishment media. Ones of stature and acceptance are beginning to investigate.

    Louisville Courier-Journal (Magazine section Sunday, October 8, 1989) "The Bonesmen's Bond" with subtitle "Presidents, Poets, Pundits and Pinkos have sworn allegiance to Skull and Bones, Yale's rich and pow­erful secret society, and the most exclusive college club of all. So what is all that Nazi stuff doing in the clubhouse"? Written by Steven M.S. Aronson.

    Aronson charges that a room in the Bones Temple is "a little Nazi shrine inside, one room on the second floor has a bunch of swastikas, kind of an SS macho Nazi iconography".

    Aronson does somehow forget to mention that President Bush is (and his father was ) IN SKULL AND BONES.

    How front page article in the October 19, 1989 issue is headed: "Bones of contention: skull diggery at Yale", by Howard Altman. This is an ex­traordinary story--the Skull and Bones Temple at Yale is illegally holding the SKULL OF APACHE CHIEF GERONIMO....STOLEN FROM THE GRAVE BY SENATOR PRESCOTT BUSH, THE FATTIER OF PRESIDENT BUSII, AND OTHER BONESMEN.

    THE APACHES WANT THE SKULL BACK!. . . and under Connecticut law (Section 53-334 of Offenses Against Public Policy and Title 45-253 of the State Probate Law) the holding of human remains is illegal. [I would, however, guess that if push comes to shove, that little skull will never again surface!]


    0H, I THOUGHT THIS IS YOUR UNITED STATES OF AMERICA WHERE TRUTH AND LAW ARE UPHELD AT ALL COSTS, WHERE FREEDOMS ARE RAMPANT AND JUSTICE BEYOND RE­PROACH--WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO YOUR AMERICA? The local prosecutor has a duty to prosecute if the evidence is credible. After all, you do live under the rule of law, and that INCLUDES Presidents--doesn't it? IF Mr. Bush is accessory to a criminal offense, apparently compounded by satanism, he has to be brought to the bar of justice. In this case George Herbert Walker Bush is apparently NOT implicated directly EX­CEPT THAT HE WOULD HAVE KNOWLEDGE OF ILLEGAL AC­TIONS--which is indeed an offense!.

    Why don't you look up a book on the history of Skull and Bones which was written in 1933 entitled THE CONTINUATION OF THE HISTORY OF OUR ORDER FOR THE CENTURY CELEBRATION. This was com­piled by F.O. Matthieson--and there are others, one of which is simply labeled SKULL AND BONES. (Dr. Antony Sutton). By the way, Mr. Matthieson was a prominent Marxist and a link between the old line communists of the 1930's and the new progressives of the 1960's.

    I believe you were told that Satanism is alive and thriving in your U.S. of A.--right at the top of the heap!

    Let me repeat a few of Mr. Bush's policy initiatives which would seem to speak for themselves and give some perspective on direction of your Administration (and America).

    'The Bush Administration' has: (just a few excerpts)

    • 1. Given America gun control by executive order (e.g. the banning of semi-automatic weapon imports) and helped precipitate the accelerating left­ist anti-gun onslaught. It has increased production and sales of non-im­ported weapons and other weaponry--however--he is ready now to sign into law stringent gun-control legislation (i.e., registration and eventually, confiscation).

    •2. Betrayed the anti-communist Nicaraguan Freedom Fighters by join­ing the liberal Democrats in Congress in a final ban of arms to the Contras, as well as the disbanding of that resistance. Compromise and conciliation with the Sandinista communists is the new policy.

    •3. Gutted the Star Wars program by joining the liberal Congress of funding cuts and has no plans for deployment of SDI (which for all practical purposes is dead!) Dear ones, The purpose has been served--they now have your prison surrounded by the beast and the banking world system of spying and control is in place. There was never any intention of having a defense system. Oh, why didn't someone tell you that? They did--over and over and over again and YOU slept on!

    •4. Greatly expanded U.S. aid and trade to the People's Republic of China--even in the wake of the June Tiananmen Square massacre and the ongoing bloody purge and executions. Bush and Baker have opposed con­gressional sanctions against the PRC and are pushing for GATT member­ship, expanded World Bank loans. sale of commercial and military aircraft. and other weapons systems. etc. The Bush team resumed business as usual within 60 days of the massacre--actually they never ceased business as usual.

    •5. Been negotiating a disarmament treaty with the Soviets which will ultimately reduce America's strategic forces by up to 50%--based on So­viet "promises" to do the same. Russia's strategic forces currently outnum­ber America's by 3 to 1, and the gap keeps growing, as you disarm, and they arm.

    •6. Committed America to helping the Gorbachev reforms succeed by massive economic aid, loans, and high technology. This commitment in the face of the worst debt and failure of foreign governments in the history of mankind--a perfect plan, well-orchestrated and the ultimate fulfillment of the "grey men" to control the world. See SPIRAL TO ECONOMIC DISAS­TER and PRIVACY IN THE FISHBOWL. (PHOENIX JOURNALS) You have been most carefully "set up and now comes the big knock-out".

    •7. Sold most of America's stockpiled butter surpluses (i.e., over 75,000 tons, or 110 million pounds to Russia). Well, who needs all that butter? Well, further, dear friends, what do you pay for a pound of your own butter? Ah so--Mr. Bush is giving it to the Russians at 73.3 cents a pound! The U.S. Government bought the butter at $1.32 per pound and is giving Gorbachev 59 cents per pound U.S. taxpayer funded subsidy to "help get Russian consumers off his back". It would be paid for anyway so no big deal, I suppose. What of wheat and technology? WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE--EXCEPT THAT HE IS GIVING THAT AWAY, TOO!

    •8. Moved to pump massive U.S. economic aid into Poland, IIungary and Czechoslovakia and, and, and . . . to prop up their failing economies, bail out the big U.S. Banks who are owed billions (e.g., total Polish for­eign debt is already over $39 BILLIONS), and take the Soviets off the eco­nomic hook for their support.

    •9. Greatly increased high tech sales to the Soviet Union and its al­lies--including computers (PC's and large main frames); super precise machine tools, and milling machines with aerospace applications; optical fiber cable side scan sonars used in new anti-submarine systems; anti-friction bearings used in inertial navigation systems for missiles of many kinds; and a host of other super high tech items. [CRAY COMPUTER TO IRAQ!-- AFTER THE BEGINNING OF THE WAR!]


    •11. Proposed the sharing of U.S./Soviet intelligence data--especially related to terrorism and "greater cooperation between the KGB and CIA"--who are already integrated along with the Mossad.

    •12. Openly states that "it seeks the integration of the Soviet Union into the community of nations", into the "NEW WORLD ORDER", and calls the Soviet Union "America's new PARTNER in peacekeeping". I remind you that I told you long ago, that you have been allies with Russia for a long, long, long time. Only YOU citizens did not know!

    •13. Has begun to give U.S. military assistance to at least three pro-Soviet Marxist regimes--Uganda, Tanzania, and the Seychelles. (This of course does include such terrorists as Syria, etc.)

    •14. Yielded to Congressional pressure to cut the U.S. Trident missile submarine force and Stealth Bomber strategic arms treaty. The Stealth Bomber program will have most, if not all, of its planes cancelled. Their purpose, too, is over.

    •15. A "damage control plan" to minimize the public outcry in America when the inevitable Gorbachev crackdown against dissent in the Soviet Republics commences (similar to what they did after the Red Chinese Tienanmen Square Massacre).

    •16. Proposed (secretly) a mass program of discounting and discrediting Alien visitors and mount a tremendous fear-campaign among the people re­garding alien presence. [The thrust presently is to cover that which will soon be made public, into some sort of hocus-pocus game to mislead you as to intent. This portion has now moved into full swing in all Elite locations.]

    •17. Complete a totally new monetary system on very short notice under the guise of drug-war tactics.

    •18. Well, this could go on for pages and pages so let me just summarize a few tid-bits:

    The economic, domestic, and foreign policies of the Bush Administration are accelerating; America's plunge to the left becomes more visible and obvious. Courtesy of the Bush team, gun-control is coming; a near total elimination of citizen's rights to financial privacy is in the works; foreign bank accounts will be closely scrutinized and probably outlawed for individuals (not corpora­tions); and hundreds of controls over virtually every aspect of your lives--are now being established. A truly SOCIALIST AMERICA will emerge under the Bush reign between now and the mid-90's--IF--YOU DON'T GET IT SHUT DOWN SOON!

    None of the above includes the horrendous lack of assistance to your own country in disasters of natural causes, etc.--the above refers only to policies already under way and being pushed in every way possible. The rest will come--count on it.

    END (2)

    Thank you, Dharma, and thank you, JH. I am sorry to cause you to have to retype all this information--but you, too, needed to squarely confront the beast--again. If any of you recognize any of this information--THANK YOU!

    I hope you will be stirred into at least obtaining SKELETONS IN THE CLOSET & CRY OF THE PHOENIX. Check with America West Publishers, P.O. Box 986, Tehachapi, CA 93581; 805/822-9655.

    KNOW that every passing day the noose tightens and tightens and slowly you will not be able to react. If you are still breathing--please consider some action. GET THAT CONSTITUTION INTO SECURITY FOR THAT IS THE AT­TACK IN POINT FOR WITHOUT IT, YOU HAVE NO RECOURSE!

    Let us take rest, please.

    Hatonn to clear, thank you. Good morning.



    SATURDAY, MAY 4, 1991 8:30 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 261

    SATURDAY MAY 4 1991

    The soul is willing, the physical rebels. Hatonn present in God's service and seemingly to bury you in mind-stretching information which is totally swamping you readers. My first response to complaints, since I AM the complaint de­partment (see OWNER'S MANUAL), is that it is better, for my office, if you be swamped than that we not do our work to our fullest capability--but I leave that to the publisher and frankly the publisher has not known what to do with all the information.

    Let us look at it with some humor--you claim to be a Democracy and each gets a vote. Now here is where democracy, as such, is for the pits; suppose we all vote--99 to one to break YOUR neck--how do you feel about that? I thought so. So, the voting is running at least 80 to one to keep pouring on the informa­tion--I have even been asked to up the publishing to 3 JOURNALS (in addition to the EXPRESSES) per week! I do not know how to help you readers--I do understand the load and perhaps our "editors" (of which we actually have none) could be more selective regarding that which goes within the Expresses--but of­ten there is no way to discern which comes first; it is as if the world needs it ALL at once for ALL IS RELATED TO ALL ELSE. If it gives you readers more balance, Dharma missed writing yesterday because of a meeting I required and the pile of work is bottomless without considering any news or JOURNALS in any way at all. Moreover--we are going to begin inserting all of Sananda's teachings amongst mine--for your soul needs the Truth of personal spiritualness more than you need to save your assets. We will also, as we did with MANUAL, REPRINT HIS TEACHINGS SEPARATELY INTO JOURNALS FOR THIS IS THE PATHWAY UNTO GOD.

    We are so grateful for your letters and backup information--my heart wants to share it all for the answers to so many questions come forth in correspondence and confirmations of others within the group--man is starved unto death for Truth and information and, yet, your world is swamping you in accelerated ac­tivities in order to prevent your having "time" to consume it. This is FULL INTENT--to consume you before you can consume information which pulls you away from the pit planned for you. As I read, and one letter in particular to George touches me with both humor and gratification for it is from a dear and devoted friend who can't seem to not read it ALL and yet is running so far be­hind that he needs to give "full time" and do nothing else except read. Well, now, you need the information for action and yet, if you are reading all the time it leaves little time for action--or survival needs. I understand the plight--I just don't have answers for you. Better you have the information at your elbow than for us ALL to stand before God and say we failed to do our job. Every time George and/or Desiree goes forth to speak I am filled with compassion for I know of their load of trying to sort enough to share priority information for if you begin at the punch-line, the joke has to be forfeited for you are usually given some 15 seconds to 3 minutes to perhaps a whole 20 minutes to tell the entire story of the Cosmos, Universe, God and Space Brotherhood.

    So please, as you peer at your pile of writings, not even considering the confir­mation material I dump on you--take a deep breath--hug it good and hope it seeps out and through and then say a prayer for George and the ones handling all this material for you would be astounded to find so few doing such an in­credible job, and without everyone pitching in on mailings it could not be done--I simply have no words to express my appreciation--for these ones have to sit through lengthy sessions with me in addition and then monitor audio tapes in addition. We used to have a meeting every day and now it dwindles according to need, but that leaves them with anywhere front three to six hours of addi­tional material to handle. By the way, those tapes are not "secret", it is just that there is little time to handle them--furthermore, it is when I do my best soap­box work, Ed. Just yesterday, Sandy and Rick asked if I would confront, in public, ones such as Larry King--well, Dharma gets faint of heart for she knows me well and I, indeed, would find great pleasure in such a meeting but she has been the target of the bullies. But yes, it rarely takes more than 30 seconds to come to realization that I am a masculine energy, a Commander and she, a translator into English. But you see, the insults always go to the speaker. Sometimes I am amazed that the public thinks nothing of receiving a phone call or a radio program and there is NO QUESTION WHATSOEVER AS TO WHO IS ON THE OTHER END OF THE LINE! Man's sense of "reason" eludes

    Now, to the point--we are aware there is much "REDUNDANT" (as you ones tell me) between the EXPRESSES and the JOURNALS and, for you who are reading both, it is messy, irritating and unnecessary perhaps--but brothers, ALL do not read both. Further, most miss some information and others simply do not understand nor retain that which they have just read for you have grown accustomed to fragmented serials such as "Dallas" in picture format and no need to recall. If you don't get the sequence of events from upstart of your mess through solutions--I don't know how in the world you are going to make it--for the enemy never rests and yet no one complains that his story never changes and is repeated over and over in a thousand repetitions in almost every thing you see and do. When will God get equal time for this political battle of Truth? Your enemy now spouts his incredible anti-God information and voted-in doctrine from your very pulpits which tout to be of God. Where is God's forum?

    Please know that we receive, we understand and we don't know what to do about it, EITHER! There are as many opinions regarding the JOURNALS and EXPRESSES as there are people who receive them--this is WHY, HOWEVER, I KNOW WHEN DENOUNCEMENTS COME THAT THE MATERIAL HAS NOT BEEN READ, MUCH LESS STUDIED, for ones efforting to not miss a word--do and are forced to do so by time limitations. But do you see, if we do of our job--the rest will fall into order? Frankly, there simply are not enough here at source to sort repetitions from the printing and "who" can decide that which is perfection for "another"? One Man's discards may be the very life‑saving treasure for another! It is indeed a problem which we will effort to be­come more effective at solving. Above all, we treasure input and honor the time it takes to pen letters to us in order to increase our service for if you fail to share your own perceptions--we have no basis upon which to either change or continue.


    This, for instance, would seem to be nothing of importance but in view of the fact that Lyndon LaRouche is in prison because he dared run for President, hundreds are DEAD because they have bucked the "system" and ones such as Benson are being brain-deadened for failure to file income tax forms--I feel this is important:

    Washington (AP): President Bush's son Neil drew a salary of $160,000 as a partner in his SECOND money-losing oil company, in which he invested less than $3,000, an internal report by a House Committee shows.

    The report by the staff of the House Small Business Committee examines the re­lationship between Neil Bush's SECOND oil business, Apex Energy Co. of Den­ver, and two venture capital firms that financed it.

    A copy of the report, which concluded there is no evidence of illegal or im­proper conduct in Apex Energy's financing, was obtained Thursday by the Asso­ciated Press.

    The venture capital firms invested $2.3 MILLION in Apex Energy in May 1989. At the time, they were controlled by Louis Marx, Jr., an investor who is a big Republican contributor and a longtime friend of President Bush.

    The firms, Wood River Capital Corp. and a subsidiary, Bridger Capital Corp., were able to draw on federally guaranteed money.

    Rep. Pat Schroeder, D-Colo., called the investment "a $2.3 million embarrass­ment".

    Schroeder said in a statement that the report, which she had requested in De­cember, indicates "a shameful abuse of a small business assistance program".

    Because of the two companies' serious financial difficulties, the Small Business Administration recently asked Wood River and Bridger to sell all their assets, including their stakes in Apex Energy, within 30 months. The proceeds will be used to pay back the agency for the loan guarantees.

    The report said it is unknown at this time whether Wood River and Bridger will able to sell all their holdings and repay the SBA the $24 MILLION AND $5.5 MILLION, RESPECTIVELY, THAT THEY OWE.


    Now you tell me, brothers, how this can be when a man (Bill Bensen) who has no tangible assets in the first place can end up in prison with injections oozing his very life from him, for not filing "UNLAWFUL" income tax forms; and this sort of mass deception and actual money theft from you-the-people be found "OK" by your own CONGRESSIONAL COMMITTEES--THAT, SIRS, IS YOUR GOVERNMENT AND CONGRESSMEN! Further, I can guarantee you that at least 98% of all Americans missed the above report for it was denied more than a couple of mere mentions on TV and the above copy was way back within the small articles within the paper.

    Now, I am going to do you in a bit further in reading and if you are not irate and burning with contempt for this system of enslavement--I am disappointed. This too, may be considered too lengthy but I honor the person who has con­fided in me and cried out for HELP. This person took his life and allowed it to be destroyed to speak out--all the way to the US Supreme Court--and was de­nied recourse and others who also came forward with Truth have been killed, discharged, harassed and silenced. Where else is there to go except unto God? And God turns it over to me to allow hearing for it is the time of Truth!

    I shall delete pertinent information regarding this person in point as to his cur­rent location and status when within the military services. He had a high and confidential position within the record keeping facilities. He circulated through some places of high research and I honor this person and those who served and "gave" with this man of integrity who has had to witness hundreds of thousands pay the price of Agent Orange and its deadly destruction. I AM going to name other names for if the deceivers and corrupted are not brought into public view--how else shall ye stop them?

    I think I shall just have the letter copied, then I ask that the correspondence be given into third party hands to be kept in separate placement in security--imme­diately; today!


    29 April 1991
    Dear Brother George Hatonn;

    Thank you for your kindness & thoughtfulness.

    I was employed as an xxxxxx for the United States Air Force, xxxxxxx Agency AFAA in February 1967 until August 1983 plus 2 years service connected as an inductee in the Army. Those years were Aug. 1953 to Aug. 1955.

    Sometime in the late 1970's, I became acquainted with the nation's foremost toxicologists, Albert Gwinn from the chemical laboratory at Hill AFB, Utah (Maintenance Directorate) and a friend named Robert G. Heidlebaugh, from education function of Maintenance. Robert said that he turned in to the Chem Lab a sample of what appeared to him to be contaminated solvents, used to de­grease wheels and brakes from the aircraft, F-4's, etc. Albert identified traces of DIOXANE in the solvents. Because of this determination, Robert was fired and later employed by a contractor from PMEL (Precision Maintenance Evalu­ation Lab). In the course of events, the solvents were heated to accelerate the degreasing process. This vaporization of the solvents converted the DIOXANE from a TYPE B TOXANE TO TYPE A. WHICH IS THE ULTIMATE WORST--THIS IS DEADLY TO HUMAN IN 5-10 PARTS PER BILLION. Specifi­cally, according to Robert, Ortho D chloro Benzene, when heated, gives off D Chloro D oxane and solvents were heated to speed up production. One day, 15 employees were overcome by fumes and were hauled out of there.

    I was xxxxxxx in the area of education, and precious metals/hazardous substances, such as SILVER-CYANIDE used for plating--this product was nei­ther coded hazardous or precious and yet, was both. This was when I became informed that Dioxane was becoming a problem. I also was xxxxxxx Base Civil Engineers and discovered that there was a plan to bury contaminated AGENT ORANGE (DIOXANE CONTAMINATE FROM PETROLEUM BASE PROD­UCTS) at Hill Range at Lakeside between Hill AFB and Wendover, Nevada. They drilled 3 wells 100ft deep and 1 400 ft deep and buried the defoliant about 3 ft deep and then planned to monitor this project to detennine whether dioxan would show up in the water table. Agent Orange was eventually shipped to Johnson's Island in the Pacific where it was incinerated--or so they said.

    About this time, the Veterans were showing up with Agent Orange in their system along with radiation contamination. I volunteered to have them check me because of the radiation exposure that I had sustained while at White Sands & Abnagardo, New Mexico. Because of my concerns and interest in how the Government was mishandling such matters, Roger Lowell Stapleton, Resident xxxxx, Hill AFB was sent in to do a number on me and was later assisted by Maj. James Tamekazu to get me fired.

    Albert Gwinn was killed and Robert H. had his house in West Layton burned to destroy all of his records. I was fired in xxxxx 1983 and THAT IS H0W THEY CORRECTED THE PROBLEMS, AND THEN SIMPLY DENIED IT HAD EVER EXISTED.

    James Stolerow was the Auditor General at the time, Bernard Gardetto who was second in command and Roger Lowell Stapleton was promoted to third in command for the fine way that he covered-up and handled this corruption for the Air Force.

    Dioxane appeared to be relatively easy to come by, a family of maybe 70 various types of contaminates, a by-product of petroleum refining and is re­ported to be difficult to get rid of. This is the same product that showed up in LOVE Canal in Missouri, I think.

    Since being fired in 1983, some firemen at Hill AFB were convicted for theft on Base while the Security Police covered for them; then there was a drug bust, and then theft of Air Craft Engines--3 F-16 engines. I concluded that manage­ment at Hill could cover anything and everything at the same time the AFAA, Office of Special Investigation, Inspector General all turned their heads the other way. I accused my supervisor, Glenn Howe, of fraudulently mis­representing his time cards, while he took his daughter, Sally (I think) to the dentist to have her face repaired. This was over 20 visits during working hours. The I.G., OSI and R.L. Stapleton all refused to even investigate--along with the "whistle blowing group".

    I appealed my case all the way to the so-called self-styled Supreme Court of the U.S. At each significant effort, I was attacked physically and psychically--ev­ery night. I was monitored and again attacked as I commenced this letter to you. NO doubt you know what I am talking about. Is it psionic warfare? Or, what is it? The computer room at Utah State Capitol must be into people con­trol warfare games, also. These attacks can easily trigger suicide--they are verysevere.

    Back to Dioxane, it is a perfect weapon because of the Aircraft Exhaust and Catalytic converters on automobiles. Easily hidden.

    ......I need protection and help. If you delve into this scabby effort, you will have to use extreme caution, or I could end up like...... in the CIA who was going to testify about sale of arms to the enemy for Nelson Rockefeller--BOTH had holes in their head.


    I end the quoting for the remainder of the letter is incredibly sensitive, pointed and ammunition for destruction. Needless to say the person was denied all re­tirement benefits and is under attack constantly by harassment as well as other physical manners.

    As we moved along in the letter there is evidence of bombardment to the mental processing and he finally has to close, apologizing for the spelling, etc. Oh, son, you need not apologize for ANYTHING and know, that as we move along there will be more and more daring ones to step forward and bring this heinous assault against the human species to a stop. The weapons are indeed sophisti­cated and all but impossible to track and the devastation even without additional trauma, is absolutely beyond ability to fathom unless you have been targeted. Pull in the Light Shield, brother, and keep it in place--for it is the only protec­tion against the assault of the pulse waves to the human form--for they are tuned to destruct.

    I realize that you have asked for no security, as such, but it is considered and will be attended. Having gone the route of the courts is, in itself, the most de­bilitating of all--to learn there is NO JUSTICE SYSTEM! I salute you, sir, and honor you for one more step to inform your fellow-men.

    By the way, where the Dioxane contaminate was placed now shows high levels of contamination--not just from the monitor spot but from full depth of burial and in ever-extending diameter around the burial sites (all). This will NEVER be either contained nor neutralized and is leaking into the air in constant toxic amounts. God blesses you, son, and we are grateful for the opportunity to communicate--we MUST NOT FAIL in our mission! So be it.


    I have had several requests as to where to obtain "THE AMERICAN CHRIS­TIAN BIBLE" IT IS ACTUALLY THE JEFFERSON BIBLE and many have found it in bookstores about the country. One version just brought into my at­tention is a publication of Beacon Press, 25 Beacon Street, Boston, Mas­sachusetts 02108. This particular book has been published in English, French, Greek and Latin.

    I am also absolutely deluged with tons of inquiries asking about this church or that one and "where are the lost ten tribes" etc. I have trouble with these ques­tions for I believe if you will go within and think upon the information we have "dumped" upon you in far too instant a measure, you will come into clarity without my giving specifics. However, allow me to remind you in your dis­cerning process--START WITH THE LAWS OF GOD AND THE CRE­ATION! Any doctrine that deviates in teaching from those laws is in error--ei­ther intentionally or in ignorance, but definitely in error.


    I am continually asked if there be any "church" left untouched and truly of God. Just one--within thine breast! All things brought forth in Man's rules and doc­trines and functional regulations required for "membership" including "membership itself" represents "exclusivity". God denies NO ONE! What of tithing? God only tells you within your heart to return unto him a portion of that which he has shared with you. GOD NEVER SAID TO GIVE 10% NOR ANY OTHER AMOUNT TO THE BUILDING FUND OR CHURCH COF­FERS RUN BY MEN. TITHING CAN AS EASILY, AND SHOULD MORE ABUNDANTLY BE, BY A GIVING OF A HAND TO A FRIEND WHO IS IN NEED--OR AN EAR TO A PERSON WHO LONGS TO BE HEARD--AND A PORTION OF LOVE, ESPECIALLY UNTO ONE WHO PER­CEIVES HE RECEIVES NONE--AND ALWAYS IT IS KEPT SOLELY BE­TWEEN SELF AND GOD. 'TIS MAN WHO DENIES ENTRY INTO THE SECRET TEMPLES AND SPECIAL PLACES IF YOU DO NOT PAY YOUR DUES--PONDER IT. AND, IF IT IS OF MAN-IT IS MOST SURELY NOT OF GOD! AH, AND THE WAYS OF DECEPTION ARE CLEVER IN­DEED!

    This one letter from which I chose the above topics, has over 25 very thoughtful and oft-asked questions but I cannot answer them all herein for I wish to take a couple from another intensely seeking reader:

    1)Quote: Abortion was called "murder" in the EXPRESSES, and JOURNALS. This question concerning abortion has been put to many "channels of various spirit entities", and ALL of them say it is NOT "murder', because the soul that decides on reincarnation knows ahead of time what is likely to occur to the "vehicle" (newborn). If it still goes ahead with reincarnation, then for whatever reason, it needs this experience of abortion for karmic reasons. The spirits state that if a soul does not attach itself shortly after being born, the newborn dies, or it is born stillborn.

    If there is anything in error of what these spirit channels say, then would you please mention what the error is?

    INDEED I SHALL, AND THANK YOU. AND JUST WHO DO THESE "CHANNELS" CLAIM TO BE AND CHANNEL FOR WHOM? God has told you that killing is WRONG! By that which you have just outlaid I project with­out hesitation that the "Channel" and/or "Spirit Energy" is NOT OF GOD! How can I state such an emphatic thing? Because God says that thou shall NOT murder. How does the one causing the abortion know of the soul need of the entity being aborted? Therefore, it matters not in the given instance whether there is consideration of the newly birthed or aborted fetus/soul. WHAT OF THE SOUL INTENT OF THE ONES DOING THE KILLING-WITH OR WITHOUT SOUL RESIDENCY--AND WHO BUT GOD CAN SAY WHEN THE FETUS BECOMES A VIABLE SOUL? I TELL YOU THAT LIFE BE­GINS WITH THE CONCEPTION--AND RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PAR­TIES INVOLVED COMES PRIOR TO THE SELFISH HUMAN PHYSICAL INTERACTION THROUGH CONTROL AND ACCEPTANCE OF RESPONSIBILITY--NOT THE MURDERING TO COVER IRRESPONSIBILITY!


    2) Concerning abortion, is it better to force someone against their freewill to have kids they can not afford to support decently, or just don't want? There are lots of stories going on today of child abuse and neglect, because they were un­wanted. This abuse eventually leads to severe mental, or physical problems, and perhaps criminal behavior in the child. In turn this creates a terrific bur­den to society.

    Setting aside "rape" as cause for pregnancy for that will be too lengthy herein--and right off; it is also against God's laws to physically cause abortion even in that instance for it still requires that the Mother and those advising her--to commit murder--not the child--the Mother. It all, therefore, boils down to ir­responsibility and illicit behavior which caused the pregnancy in the first place--why should an innocent fragment of God be slain (murdered) by the very people who conceived it and gave it life? Why is it less murder to murder a helpless life-form in its very purity than to murder a child of one or two or 90? YOU are not given to know the contract nor the viability of any other-NONE and most especially a "channel" from some nebulous, oft-named "Cosmic Conglomerate" has any ability to pronouncement of giving sanction and OK to murder or breakage of any other laws of God and/or Creation. This is why I tell you ones, that I have over and over again of­fered to meet with those "so-called SPOUTS" right through their inter­preter "channels" and they run like they are on fire--away from me, de­nouncing me all the way--but refusing to confront the Truth, in fact.

    Let me give you a bit of insight right here and perhaps it will clarify things for your thinking. There is child abuse, heinous abuse--and yes, just the irrespon­sible use of the sexual act for all things EXCEPT THE INTENT OF ITS USE--WHICH IS PROCREATION--WILL DESTROY YOUR WORLD. MURDER WILL NOT SAVE IT FROM THAT END. This is EXACTLY that which is being given unto you by the Evil Adversary to bring you to destruction of your very souls. He teaches that these actions are "fine" and "good" and pours on violence into your senses until EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING is accept­able.

    Just as with a child, let us relate this to the entire of society and planet structure. This abuse and misuse has led society into total abuse of selves, species and planet itself. What is the ultimate plan of solution of the Elite Satan? MUR­DER! MURDER OF YOU EXPENDABLES AND HE WILL SHOW YOU HOW TO DO IT IN GREAT AND MASSIVE NUMBERS UNTO SELVES! IT IS NOT ONLY A "BURDEN" ON SOCIETY BUT THE VERY DESTRUCTION OF SOCIETY--WHICH IS THE INTENT, DEAR ONES. "RIGHT OF CHOICE"? ON INDEED--GOD ALWAYS GIVES YOU FREE­DOM OF CHOICE, BE YE MALE OR FEMALE AND IF YE CHOOSE MURDER--TAKE IT UP WITH HIM BUT DON'T TRY TO CONVINCE HIM THAT IT IS GOOD!

    I request that Sananda's writing through Drew be placed herein for careful con­sideration for you have forgotten that which IS responsible behavior. Responsi­bility comes before the fact of the intentional error and herein is where the sins of the fathers and the mothers rest upon the backs of the generations--failure to teach Truth and encourage responsible behavior brings you to seven BILLION people on a planet created for 500 MILLION. But Man became flesh and, guided by the King of Flesh (Physical) brought you to destruction--do not turn now, and blame God--FOR YOU HAVE BROKEN THE LAWS OF GOD WHO SEES AFTER YOUR IMMORTAL BEINGS FOR YOU SHALL NOT LAST IN THE FLESH STATE SAVE A FEW BITS OF TIME. WHY WOULDST YE MURDER THE CHILD FOR THE SINS OF THE TWO IN­DULGENT AND IRRESPONSIBLE PARTICIPANTS? WOULD IT BE RIGHT TO INCARCERATE ,SAY, A SIX YEAR OLD CHILD OR EXE­CUTE HIM IF HE IS INNOCENT OF ALL KNOWLEDGE AND YET HIS MOTHER AND FATHER GO FORTH AND KILL, SAY, EVEN A DOZEN CITIZENS, WHILE PATTING THEM ON THE HEAD AND SAYING," WELL, YOU SAVE SOCIETY FROM THE BOTHER OF ANNIHILATING THEM LATER"? WAS THE CHILD NOT INNOCENT--CAN HIS DEATH ABSOLVE THE GUILTY? AH, BUT 'TIS THE SAME THAT THIS SAME SOCIETY DID UNTO CHRIST? AND NOW IT IS WORSE, FOR HE MUST BEAR THE SINS OF THE ENTIRE PLANET FOR WHICH HE DID NAUGHT BUT BRING THEE LIGHT.

    ABORTION OF LIFE--IS MURDER, ANY WAY YOU CUT IT, SPELL IT OR PRONOUNCE IT--OR, VOTE-IT-IN! THE PENALTIES FOR THAT BREAKING OF THE GOD/CREATION LAWS IS BETWEEN THE BREAKER OF THE LAW AND GOD/CREATION--BUT IT IS IN NO-WISE­-RIGHT! I go back to my example--YOU are in a room, sitting in a corner--asleep; there are 99 other people in the room and they look at you and decide that they don't want you for there is one too many in the room. So, they unani­mously VOTE to slay you, but you woke up just in time to object and even vote. Ah, but too late and they shoot you through the head--or slowly dismem­ber you--first your arms, then your legs then your head, etc. Is this not consid­ered murder? At least by YOU? So be it, pondering is a wondrous thing as re­gards the laws of God and Creation.

    Will the actions merit thee a stay in "Hell"? Well, I don't know what "Hell" is in your connotation--but I can promise you that if you come not back within the Laws of God and Creation, you shall spend time in separation from God in get­ting thine thought processes into correct attention!

    Let us close this Dharma, thank you for your service and, precious, we will continue to write as quickly and as much as we can for it is our task--how it is handled will have to reside within others--for THIS IS OUR TASK AND GOD HOLDS NOTHING FROM HIS PEOPLE--NOTHING! MY PAIN IS THAT WE CANNOT GIVE IT ALL--DIRECTLY WITHIN THINE BEINGS. THAT, TOO, CAN BE DONE BY GOD BUT WE ARE NOT GIVEN TO GIVE GOD HIS GUIDELINES BUT ONLY TO FULFILL OUR COMMIS­SION TO THE BEST OF OUR ABILITY. SALU. Yes, dear, that means you DO NOT GET A VACATION AFTER ALL! You, see, readers--Dharma likes the request for "less" and so be it.

    To you who keep asking "who is Oberli"? He is attached to Dharma, tends all the writing, notes all the messages, and generally gets no more than 5 to 6 hours a day, sleep--ever--for the pain of it. It is the same with all members of the crew herein--the work is unlimited and I cannot express my appreciation for that which is given in love and care is beyond any measure. Perfection? No, for all are trying to exist in the human state and the bodies become weary and the heart discouraged at the mammoth task at hand--but we shall do it, chelas--WE SHALL DO IT!

    Hatonn to stand-by, allow us a rest. Good morning.

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