PJ 22


TUESDAY, APRIL 30, 1991 8:52 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 257


Hatonn present in the Light of God in service unto God and unto you, my brothers.

Now that I have hopefully stirred your interest in replication and genetic alter­ations I would not wish to leave you with incorrect information regarding same. I am only interested in the fact that you understand that these mutilations, etc., are not of the Hosts of God. Moreover, they are NOT done by the forces from the Cosmos--anywhere. They ARE often (if not totally hoax for the fear tactic) portions of projects regarding incubation and reproduction of genetic life-forms.


Since about your mid 70's there have been well over 10,000 reported incidents and most of them were in the Western United States. This is because in the West there are wide ranges where cattle are not so closely guarded. For in­stance, any disturbance in a dairy herd being milked and tended daily makes it not very propitious to utilize the bovine research. Most "mutilations" and blood-letting within dairy herds are related to Satanic rituals and strictly for the "fear" element. Further, in almost all cases of utilization of bovine incubators, the animals which are sacrificed are picked up and "dumped" in various loca­tions away from the site of research so that there will be no clues to track. Most evidence is never found because much terrain is inaccessible except by helicopter. Some of the cattle are taken into bases and then flown to various lo­cations where they are sure to be found! Unless you can terrify the people you cannot control them.

There are several very large research bases but the ones doing the most research in the United States on replication and genetic mutations and bovine incubation are in New Mexico and Nevada. There is a lot of research done in some of the bases where beam studies are being performed for pulse systems and the lasers, as well as death rays, are experimented on the animal models. This is one ma­jor way to KNOW that the studies are of human origin--advanced travelers are far advanced of such primitive methods of experimentation. A lot of evidence will be found in areas within Colorado and higher ranching lands of Utah. But then, you know that one of the "Beasts" (incomprehensible computer center) is in Colorado and there is a large base within the Uinta Range of Utah. There are others but these are major research centers--totally human with, now, a few replicas of aliens. The reason for this is that you stupidly killed off or incarcerated the very hands and minds that served you.

You were not given the research information which would allow you interstellar transference and therefore you were stuck with atomic thrust systems which can be deadly and not at all efficient. Any information host with achievement at the level of interstellar travel can also control all sensory functions and therefore torture to obtain information is a rather wasted commodity. But as the primi­tives were incapable of understanding beyond that which they practiced--so too, were the original contacts unable to do anything other than that which they were trained to do--torture and mutilate to obtain information and it simply does not work. Therefore the would-be controllers of Earth place were only allowing sufficient information unto the Earthbound practitioners to suit their needs at any given time.

This is where I take great exception to the conclusions drawn by the so-called UFO researchers who conclude that somehow your government is helpless at the hands of these so-called alien beings--"held hostage" is Cooper's statement--in the assumption that your government and other governments are somehow the innocent dupes. No, they are the perpetrators and at their hands thousands of alien "guests" have been mutilated and destroyed.

As time has passed in these last decades since before the midpoint of your cen­tury, many contacts were established and meetings set up at which time we of­fered assistance to counter that which was coming down on the planet. What happened was that immediately the research flew into high gear and leaders that would responsibly meet with us, were replaced, killed or silenced in some man­ner. Ones such as Byrd and Forrestal were simply exterminated. We had prearranged encounters and often the aliens were taken into custody and the ships confiscated--so, we got a little brighter, also, and began to send ones of higher etheric capability, such as myself, Korton, Soltec, etc., to make ren­dezvous. We simply dissolve when "captured"--it makes it more interesting! But many traveling with us have no capability to transport easily and once in manifested format are vulnerable just as is the human. The ships become very vulnerable and we simply learned not to land and stall out the ships so that they can be encapsulated in a plasmic energy shield that cannot be penetrated by your crude means.


This will be of great interest to my scribe and those who were present in Octo­ber, 1987, when we told you we were neutralizing a missile at Vandenberg AFB, California. Most of you readers will recall it for it was a big splash of color and all sorts of stupid stories. We were visible for well over half an hour and the final story was that there had been a successful launch of the Atlas mis­sile, etc. The facts were that we contacted the base, told them if they attempted to launch the missile we would destroy its capability of launch for it had a beam weapon/hydrogen payload which we are allowed to stop at 150 miles from your surface or on the pad if intended for orbital range. There were a total of six missiles to be launched within days of one another. We allowed the first two to come into almost orbiting range and we neutralized the payload. The third was a tracking device which was untouched but the game got worse and the payloads more and more deadly to the point of capability of "prana" (scalar) pulses which can literally pulverize a planet if a chain reaction is created--no Earth team has capability of stopping that reaction once under way.

So, on October 28, 1987, the launch of the next missile was planned--we were in constant contact with Vandenberg Base and warned them to not launch the missile. They finally agreed to disarm it. They idiotically played with it and when we told them we knew it was not disarmed--they agreed and said they would send up a test rocket instead. So they took the standby missile--equally armed, and substituted it on the pad. We warned them again that we knew it was armed and the young man on the communications console was beside him­self when the commanding officer said to launch, anyway, that they "...would blow your asses out of the sky". So, they attempted launch and we simply fired a pulse beam which blew out the computer guidance system and neutralized the payload weaponry. The beam was visible for any to witness--which they later claimed was the launch trajectory stream. Then we simply manifested the craft in full view of ones in several western states, finally turning on the blue dome lights for some half hour. During this time there was constant communications with the desk at the base warning them to shut down--for that we got a heat-seeking missile fired at us--this being the most amusing of all. We simply played with it for a while and then blew it away. This left a zig-zag pattern in the sky which we thought the people would surely recognize as not possibly the launch stream because of the erratic pattern. Not so--within minutes the zig-zag stream was called a perfect launch stream and we were classified publicly as "ice crystals".

By the second showing of the "launch" on TV--within minutes--the entire pic­ture film was replaced.

Now, the show had been so great for the watchers and photographers that within a week the next was to be launched and everybody was at ready with cameras in focus. This time we again warned them to not launch the payloaded missile--again they defied us to do anything about it and again they fired it off. This one we allowed to come off the pad at which point we neutralized the payload weaponry BUT THE GROUND GROUP AT VANDENBERG DID NOT KNOW THAT. The guidance system was fouled and the missile headed right back in direct line with the nearby nuclear power plant. Still not aware that the weaponry had been neutralized, the ground crew blew up the missile themselves in fear of it hitting the power station and releasing radiation but worse, dear ones, they knew that if that payload was intact, it would send radiation into the entire Western U.S. and wipe out a large portion of California's population. This is how much they care for you-the-people!

On that evening and the next morning, with guests in the place for witness (as a matter of fact, it was Sister Thedra of ASSK), we gave you minute-by-minute information and this was "Dharma's first PROOF of our presence". I further told the receivers that the information would be forthcoming to back the story being received by no less than the officer at the communications desk. It took about three weeks and the young man could remain silent no longer for there was another incident in Nevada where similar circumstances took place. In re­turn for telling his story„ he was to be taken to Colorado where he would have "his thinking well adjusted". WE HAVE HIM SAFELY ABOARD!

I have gone through this story in order to give you another incident of which my scribe or the ones in her location are not aware. You see, there was no notion of any such being as Hatonn or Sananda or, or, or--prior to the late 80's for these ones. But lots of things of similar nature happened long before then--as far back, actually, into the late 30's and early 40's. Sometimes it takes a while to unseal lips but Truth eventually "outs". I will describe an incident which oc­curred in 1964 and was later related by a former first lieutenant in the Air Force. This man did not dare reveal this information until 1982 after he be­came a Professor of Radio-Film-TV at the University of Wisconsin. His name is Robert Jacobs.

On September 15, 1964, when he was in charge of the filming of missile tests at Vandenberg AFB, California, a UFO was responsible for the destruction of an Atlas missile.


In order to have clear film records of all missile test-firings over the Pacific, we had installed a TV camera, affixed to a high-powered telescope up on a mountain. We kept the telescope locked onto the moving missile by radar, and it was while we were tracking one of the Atlas F missiles in this way that we registered the UFO on our film.

We had a crew of 120 men, and I was in charge. As we watched the Atlas F in flight we were delighted with our camera, which was doing fine, in fact we were jumping around with excitement, with the result that, because we were doing this, we actually missed seeing the most important bit of all--our missile's close encounter, at an altitude of 60 miles, with a UFO!

I only heard about it, in fact, a couple of days later, when I was ordered to go and see my superior, Major Florenz J. Mansmann, Chief Science Officer of the Unit. With him there in his office there were a couple of men, in plain clothes. He introduced them to me only by their first names and said they had come from Washington, DC.

Then Major Mansmann had the film of the test run through. And, just at that point where my men and I had been standing congratulating ourselves and each other, Major Mansmann pointed to the screen and said: "Watch this bit closely. " Suddenly we saw a UFO swim into the picture. It was very distinct and clear, a round object. It flew right up to our missile and emitted a vivid flash of light. Then it altered course, and hovered briefly over our missile...and then there came a second vivid flash of light. Then the UFO flew around the missile twice and set off two more flashes from different angles, and then it vanished. A few seconds later, our missile was malfunctioning and tumbling out of control into the Pacific Ocean, hundreds of miles short of its scheduled tar­get.

They switched on the office lights again, and I found myself confronted by three very intense faces. Speaking very quietly, Major Mansmann then said: "Lieutenant, just what the hell was that?" I replied that I had no idea. Then we ran the film through several more times, and I was permitted to examine it with a magnifying glass. Then Mansmann again asked me what I thought, and I answered that in my opinion it was a UFO. Major Mansmann smiled and said: 'You are to say nothing about this footage. As far as you and I are concerned, it never happened--right..."?

Here then was the confirmation of what the UFO experts had been saying for years past--that the U.S. government was covering up what it knew about UFO's.

The film was turned over to the two men in plain clothes from Washington, who I believe were CIA agents. The film hasn't been heard of since. Major Mansmann added: "I don't have to remind you, of course, of the seriousness of a security breach...."

It's been 17 years since that incident, and I've told nobody about it until now. I have been afraid of what might happen to me. But the truth is too im­portant for it to be concealed any longer. The UFO's are real. I know they're real. The Air Force knows they're real. And the U.S. government knows they're real. I reckon it's high time that the American public knows it too.


I suggest you not get overjoyed at the prospects implied by this story--for it was not a UFO! It was a Russian cosmosphere. At the time the payloads were such that any type of destruction was sufficient. As time has gone forward, some of your intended-for-orbit weapons are of such magnitude of destruction utilizing scalar technology that to simply blow up the missile can cause the destruction in itself.

It is easy to sense the "death ray" weapons and if they are set for outer-space orbit, we are allowed to take them out. This is why the efforts at present are to send the shuttles or launch vehicles only into sub-orbit and thrust the weapons from that point. Also, anything less than 150 miles out is off limits for us if the intent is to keep it within those bounds. So what has basically happened is that your weaponry has gotten so dangerous to the life of the planet that certain payloads are not stopped by the Russian cosmospheres for fear of total destruc­tion. Were there aliens present at the incident? By all means, yes. If the cos­mosphere had not intercepted the missile, we would have neutralized the hydro­gen thrust-system.

Brothers, it simply gets more and more difficult to keep these things within any bounds of control. I cannot tell you strongly enough that the Elite plan is to have their Plan in full operation by year 2000 at ANY COST!


No, most of the actual reports are not about little anything weird. Most of the "aliens" who travel even aboard my own craft are not unusually tall. It depends on origin of the entity. I am very tall--over nine feet. Most, from other planets in the system, are medium to a bit short--say, under six feet tall. Most of your reports--when the witness gets brave enough to tell their story, are much like a Sid Padrick, some four months following the Atlas incident.

His story is accurate so it bears the retelling herein--for we need to get rid of the fear right now so that you can KNOW that if there is terror and beastly mon­sters within the story--the story is incorrect. We can discuss various alien life later--but let us look at fact at this point.

Since stories of encounters with the occupants of UFO's are invariably greeted with a barrage of ridicule, particularly if the witnesses claim to have met beings similar to yourselves in appearance. The facts are that all encounters with aliens from say, Pleiades and Dal will be like yourselves.

It was about 2:00 a.m. on January 30, 1965, when radio/TV technician Padrick, forty-five years old at the time, encountered a landed UFO near his home at Manresa Beach, near Watsonville, seventy-five miles south of San Francisco. He saw the shadowy outline of an unlit craft some seventy feet in diameter and some thirty feet high "like two real thick saucers inverted" approach him and come to rest just above the ground. He panicked, began to run, then heard a voice coming from the craft: "Do not be frightened; we are not hostile", it said. Padrick ran further. The voice repeated the phrase, then added: "We mean you no harm," and invited him on board--you see, no snatching, no killer-beams ­just a friendly invitation. But you note that this man, too, was a radio/TV tech­nician which, in itself, should tell you a great deal about contacts.

He accepted the invitation and went inside--where he first entered an entrance room which was very small, some 6' x 6'-7'. Once inside there is always a second entry.

Perhaps we should just give you Mr. Padrick's description from here on:
QUOTE (In Italics):

The aliens were no different than me in basic appearance, had clean-cut features, and wore a type of flying suit that covered the body fully. On board there were another seven men, similar in appearance, and one woman--pretty. They were all around five feet eight inches to five feet nine inches tall.

By our own standards I would say they all looked between 20-25 years old, very young, pert, energetic, and intelligent looking. Their features were similar to ours. There was only one feature I noticed that would differ from us greatly, and that was that their faces came to a point, much more than ours. They had rather sharp chins and noses--not pronounced, just kind of heart-shaped. Their skin was somewhat of what I would call an "Armenian" color--fair but with a bit of tan undertones, maybe--well, maybe just "fair". Their eyes all seemed dark...there just wasn't anything really unusual about them--their brightness, depth or luminescence.

All the men appeared to have short auburn hair, but it looked as though it had never actually been cut--it appeared to be natural growth. The lady had rather long hair and it was pushed down inside her clothing... Their fingers were a bit longer than mine. The hands were very clean--the fingernails looked as if somebody had just given them a manicure.

All of them were wearing two-piece suits--slip-on type--light bluish-white in color. They had no buttons or zippers that could be seen. The bottom section actually included the shoes--it looked like boots which continued on up to the waistline, without any break around the ankles, just like a child's snow suit... There was a large band in the middle, and large cuffs, and a large collar that came down with a "V" neck. The collar had a very pretty design on it... and the neck-piece--right around the neck--had a braid of some kind on it...They had soles and heels...I could hear them walking on the rubbery-like floor.

The first man Padrick saw acted as spokesman, explaining that he was the only one on board who spoke English.

He had no accent whatsoever. It was just as plain and just as perfectly spo­ken English as anyone has ever spoken on this earth. I believe they can adapt themselves to whatever condition they are working under.

Every question I asked him, he would pause for about 25 to 30 seconds be­fore he would answer, regardless of how minor it was. Perhaps he was getting instructions mentally--in what response to give. I think if the crew communi­cated with each other, it was through mental telepathy, because I could see nothing that would indicate communication otherwise.


Each of the rooms that was occupied had instrument panels on the walls, with the crew members concentrating on the instruments. They merely glanced around at me when I entered their room, then turned back to their work, as if they were totally unconcerned.

Some rooms had four or five instruments, others had 15 or 20, but they were of a similar type in each room. They were nothing like ours. I didn't get close to any of the walls that had the movable instruments on them, because when I started to advance in that first room he held out his hand for me not to advance and I didn't. He didn't say why and I didn't ask. I saw markings on some of the instruments; something like a tape moving along, with little tiny dots and dashes on it--like our teletype tapes, except they were going from left to right...I wouldn't classify it as a code, like our CW (Continuous Wave). There were no screens, such as our oscilloscopes. They had meters, but I could not see dials on them. He said they lit up only when in use.

I was shown an oblong "lens", which was something of a part of a viewing system, which had a magnified three-dimensional effect. You could see on it an object which I was told was a navigation craft--it looked something like our "blimps".

This was 2:45 or 3:00 in the morning, and the object was in sunlight, so it had to be pretty far out--I imagine at least 1,000 miles out, or more. I didn't see any markings or portholes on it...he told me that the power source of the craft he was in was transferred to them from the other craft, basically, and that it did all the navigation and manipulation through space--sort of a "center".

They told me that they don't measure time and distance as we do but rather use terms of light. When I asked him how fast they traveled through space, he answered that their speed was limited only by the speed at which they could transfer the energy source.


After a while the spaceman told Padrick that they had traveled some distance and were now parked in a deserted area, which on subsequent investigation turned out to be near Leggett, California, 175 miles northwest of Watsonville.

After we had landed on the hillside, he told me to step out so that I could come back to the place later--to know this was real and not simply a dream. I stepped out alone and walked around the outside of the ship.

I felt the hull. It seemed very hard but not metallic: I never felt anything like it before. The closest thing to it I ever felt on this earth would be a wind­shield--plexiglass. It had a very fine finish, a highly polished finish. He didn't tell me that touching this craft would do me harm, and I had no bad effects from it--none whatever. I was outside for not more than three minutes. I got down and looked at the legs it was on and I tried to find markings on it: I didn't find a mark on it anyplace.


Padrick asked where the craft and its people came from and received a some­what cryptic reply.

He told me they were from a planet in back of a planet which we observe--but we do not observe them. He did not say we couldn't observe them--he merely said that we didn't observe them....I think maybe their planet might be in our own solar system but I'm not sure.

Padrick was shown a photo of a city on the visitors' planet.

Every building in that picture was rounded off, half-moon shaped--domed. I saw windows in the buildings. I cannot say the picture looked like anything I had ever seen before, because the buildings were spaced much differently--offset from each other. It looked like they put one about 50 feet from another and the next one maybe 150 feet. There appeared to be roads in the distance and there was foliage in the foreground--trees and brush, too.

The spaceman described his Utopian society to Padrick: "As you know it, we have no sickness, we have no crimes, we have no police force. We have no schools such as you have--our young are taught at a very early age to do a job, which they do very well. Because of our long life expectancy we have a very strict birth control. We use no money. We live basically--one, with an exchange type of what you probably call barter".

Padrick asked what the purpose of the visit was. The man replied:
"Observation only." Padrick explained:

I don't think it meant for them to observe us, I think it was for me to observe them...because he did not ask me at any time my name, my age, how many teeth I had, how many members in my family: he didn't ask me one thing about my­self, and this leads me to believe that they know about us already, and he came for us to observe them... They did say they would come for further observa­tions....I think they are observing people, mostly. There was no mention of earthquakes, fault-lines, or of anything government-wise, or political-wise, or anything that would affect our future except that they gave me the impression that they would pick up more people in the future such as they had welcomed me aboard.


Sid Padrick was taken into what was referred to by the visitors as a "consultation room". The color effect in this room defied his description. "Would you like to pay your respects to the Supreme Deity"? he was asked.

When he said that I almost fainted. I didn't even know how to accept it. I said to him, "We have one, but we call it God. Are we talking about the same thing?" He replied, "There is only one"....So I knelt and did my usual prayer... Until that night I had never felt the presence of the Supreme Being--but I did feel Him that night.

It's obvious that they are on a very high scientific level, but their relation with the Supreme Being means a lot more to them than their technical and sci­entific ability and knowledge. I would say that their religion and their science are all in one.

Padrick was taken back to where he had been picked up two hours earlier, then stepped out of the craft and walked home.


THEN ENTER THE BIG BOYS: Sid Padrick reported his experience to the Air Force, and was grilled for three hours by a team headed by a Major D.B. Reeder of Hamilton AFB. "...they tried to frighten me. They said, 'Mr. Padrick, you are a real lucky person... these craft that come down here are real hostile, and you had no business even approaching them'. I disagreed with them, because when this craft came down, they certainly did not wish to frighten me... and they did not TELL me to go aboard their craft, they INVITED me aboard".

The Air Force told Padrick that there had been two instances where hostility had been involved--one, the Mantell case, and the other an incident when an aircraft completely vanished from a radar screen. But the Air Force did tell Padrick that there was more than one group of UFO's visiting earth, and that there were friendly as well as hostile craft, from more than one source.

There were certain details they (the Air Force) asked me not to talk about publicly, but I think in telling it that everything should be disclosed. I can see no reason for anything being held back. They didn't want me to say that the space people had no money. They didn't want me to disclose the type and shape of the craft because that would indicate that the Air Force is not doing its duty. I told them I could see no reason for that, either....They didn't want me to di­vulge their means of communication and where they got their power from. Also, the man's name--they told me I should never repeat that because it didn't mean anything. The spaceman had said "You may call me Xeno". He didn't say it WAS his name (Xeno means "stranger" or "foreigner").

I think I shall just ask for a break at this point for I want you ones to begin to ponder on what you think has been going on around your gossip and disinfor­mation circles.
I suspect that you will come into some pretty clear understand­ing about the cover-up and why. A story like this surely doesn't lead a nation into panic does it? Ah so.

And may we close this portion with a bit more understanding of brotherhood and honor of our ONE God. Salu.

Hatonn to clear, please. Thank you for your attention.

PJ 22


WEDNESDAY, MAY 1, 1991 9:16 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 258



Dharma, Hatonn present and asking for undivided attention. That which we have been awaiting the coming into your underground news, has done so--the alien at Camp David.

I am going to answer several questions at once herein and all of you will want more details--I will NOT jeopardize the lives of ones involved by giving you minute details.

I continually receive a barrage of mail saying, "I just don't see how YOU ex­pect us to believe this 'stuff'". I don't know how to cause you to consider some of the things which are urgently important, but I must lay them out for your intake. I receive letters which ask for MORE on background and letters that say "enough already" about history--and yet, when new items hit you--you have no background with which to consider the new information. For instance, the beginnings of the Khazar tribes may APPEAR to have little to do with an alien being at Camp David--but unless you know that which has happened within the changing Khazars--you cannot make connection!

First, I am going to tell you what IS and then I can give you that which you will hear, be ridiculed, denied and totally hidden by your government as long as possible.

Months and months ago I told you that an alien (from Sector 31) made contact, set up a rendezvous with your government, etc. Your government broke all of the agreements of the meeting as prearranged, and one alien was left behind as the craft departed when the police, military and CIA arrived.

The problem faced at present is the security of the original Bush being. Many of you inquire as to just what happens to the "original" model from which the replicas are developed. Well, if there is a possibility of reuse of the original and with Bush, his background fits within the guidelines of future government structuring--then the original is preserved. Further, there is deterioration with the reproductions and new cells are utilized whenever possible. Barbara and George are, basically, incarcerated at Camp David. Originally there was "semi" agreement to this arrangement with allowances for excursions, vaca­tions, etc., which could be handled on week-ends, vacation trips, any time there were not major decisions to consider.

With willing participants which can be utilized later--or given retirement with memory restrictions--the originals are left to live out their lives. With ones who are on the dangerous-to-the-cause list--they are simply eliminated. I have no intention of wasting time telling you who is and who is not. But I will take time to tell you this much--if ones like LaRouche would play the adversary's game and come forward now in support of the One World Plan, they would allow him to reside at Camp David or elsewhere until his duplicate would have brought his supporters into line and then, with mental adjustment, they would release him to work among you. He is a stubborn man with a mission to stop this madness and thus they keep him locked away.

It isn't exactly like they simply go ask him--it is handled in subconscious states under proper medication to gain intent and they have found he will not submit to the tampering. Can they pull it off without his permission? Indeed, but too many would know that the man had either been replaced or had been physically altered. This is exactly that which happened with Bill Benson and many other patriots--if they do not come into line, they are rendered useless and unable to function. BEWARE OF PATRIOTS WHO SUDDENLY COME INTO LINE WITH THE NEW WORLD ORDER.

Section 31, Xeno (meaning stranger or foreigner), was incarcerated, put under intense interrogation, medically and scientifically abused and cells of all man­ners taken for the purpose of reproduction. It is not so easy to reproduce a Section 31 alien, however, but they kept researching it until they have viable form presence.

You are going to be shown pictures of a Xeno with Bush--at Camp David. They were taken from a great distance but identity is clearly present. The pic­ture, however, is of the alien with the "original" George Bush--who is likewise incarcerated.

The point of the mission and contact was to tell you ones that your behaviors would not longer be tolerated and that you would be provided help to set your planet into order--I think you can easily guess at the response. The "alien' spent the better part of a day with the original Bush at which point Bush was of­fered a removal to craft until such time as the plots would be exposed and the Elite Cartel brought into demise. I will not tell you how that turned out so please do not ask. I will say that because of hazards to the craft energy field, it remained distant and unmanifested except to "cloud (gaseous) shroud" resolu­tion. This presented a serious problem for the human Bush is totally out of fre­quency necessary to assure safety in such a distance transfer. I simply decline to further discuss that particular matter.

It is sufficient to say, however, that the Xeno quite quickly vanished following the visit. When the time is right, however, and it is determined whether or not the creature can be utilized in duplicated form by the adversary, you will hear a lot about the being of last September, threats of destruction--wild plans of the aliens, etc. They will not be capable of reproduction of mental state and there­fore anything which comes forth will be lies. I ask that you ones do not effort to find out who produced the pictures which will be coming into your attention because an intense investigation of "leaks" is under way and the person(s) would be annihilated for the intent is to utilize this contact and duplicates to scare the living daylights out of you people.

This is a worse shock to the beings of Sector 31 who felt that man could receive "reason". These Xenons were asked by Command to not approach ones in the manner which transpired for we have long tried this approach and it has thus far never been successful. We honor these ones for the effort and bear equally their pain at failure for it is their perception that now there are more tools to panic you people of Earth. It matters not except that the priory duplicated aliens are tiny and "different"--these Xenons are tall and will be related in use--to God's Hosts. Well, you ones of Earth are simply going to have to get discerning. Be gentle for there are many lives at stake in this scenario--like the entire Bush family! You must also know that we are in frequent visitation and therefore, I ask that you not demand endangering information.

By the way, the being which was shown as being captured is NOT the same as the one which will be shown with Bush! The one which will be identified as the same alien and shown with Bush--is one most of you know already, and came forth to effort at "negotiations" for release of the "brother". The evil upon your place is without limits.

John (Paul) S., I wish to acknowledge your participation and I know that it has been a most confusing time in your conscious experience during these past months and especially in recent weeks. Each of you has agreed to service in rather unusual manners and it is hard to live within two worlds--I can only acknowledge and hope it gives your conscious experience more understanding. I ask that you do not ask for conscious information for you are greatly troubled--remember always that it is through agreement that you delete the memory. I salute you. The day will come when all will be brought into understanding within both dimensions of experience.

I would say right here, that Dharma left the keyboard and I have had a great difficulty getting her to come back and continue the writing--for it comes clear that as we bring these particular Truths forth--it writes assassination papers for several. Know, friends, that it does not come loaded with fear--only sadness for each step brings disappointments in our own interactions but proves more con­clusively that our only hope is in baring Truth and shining light into the dark re­cesses of the evil underground.

This is why such outrageous efforts have been made to take out the entire dwelling but that will not be possible now for we have it shielded quite credibly. I think you ones cannot know the sacrifices of your brothers from out here who offer and martyr themselves at the hands of the evil Elite to bring help unto you in your separation from God. The deceit is heinous and cruel and yet, left in the hands of man, our mission is slowed and this is the only method allowed for intervention. However, as it SEEMS that all REASON is gone--know that the turn-around point is near for it must become bad to the last level of "badness" in order to swing the pendulum in the other direction. It is truly the time of the unmasking of the beast and he doesn't like it and he depends upon us pushing your awakening too quickly so that you turn from the Truth, considering it to be too outrageous. May God touch within your hearts for you have brothers at such risk! Death of physical is easy--it is the bindings and alterations which are so devastating. What is done unto the visitors is beyond your imagination in its evilness.

Now let me give you the


Let us just copy, chela, and I will comment within brackets ([ ]). Come, Dharma, we must do it and you must write for it is our work.


President George Bush's dream of establishing a new world order came closer to reality when he secretly met with a space alien who promised to pro­vide the education, technology and strategic know-how to achieve lasting peace on Earth by 1997.

That's the word coming forth and further, the extraterrestrial who met with the President at Camp David on April 14 is no stranger to the White House [I certainly guess NOT!]--because it is the same alien who was captured by and escaped from the CIA last fall. [NOT SO!]

The pieces of the puzzle are finally beginning to fit goes the conclusion re­garding the alien captured in Virginia on September 28, 1990 and escaped from a CIA compound in Washington three weeks later, on October 22.

The alien clearly came to Earth on a mission, it is said, and now it seems that its mission is complete. Sources confirm that the creature met with Presi­dent Bush for six hours at Camp David.

And while the White House, Congress, CIA and every official in Washington will deny it, it is known for a fact that the focus of that meeting was the new world order that Bush has talked so much about.

The alien apparently initiated the meeting and came prepared to offer all the technology and support needed to make the President's new world order a real­ity. [This portion is true--we regularly meet with the top leaders (in whatever form they are projected) and are usually present at all summit type meetings to outlay alternatives and consequences of actions. At present you are again plan­ning a nuclear war utilizing more heinous weapons than ever before dreamed of, and there is naught we can do to stop it except awaken you the people. Worse, if we act in foolishness--you are all dead. We, too, are between the proverbial rock and hard place for you are in a world gone mad.]

It is not clear what the alien is receiving in return. But it seems likely that Bush agreed to trade with the creature's home planet. [Can you NOW SEE THE thrust? Indeed--trade? With America? Trade WHAT?]

It is also told that the alien is schooled in the Soviet Union's role in the new world order and was brought up to date at the meeting.

Neither White House nor CIA spokesmen would comment on the extraordi­nary summit and they flatly denied that an alien had visited Camp David or any other government facitlity.

The denials were expected and the authors countered them with statements from a dozen highly-placed government sources. A photograph that shows the President talking with the alien as they strolled down a wooded path at Camp David, the presidential hideaway in Maryland, was also presented while the original negatives were in safe-keeping in a place unknown by the authors--for security.

The authors do not get into specifics because of the danger of revealing contacts but you should know that the picture was taken a few hours after the alien materialized at Camp David on April 14, said the Washington-based speaker.

The photo itself is secondary to the meeting, of course. What is really im­portant is the substance of the discussion the extraterrestrial and the President had before the alien stood up, shook hands and vanished some six hours after it arrived.

If sources are correct, then the future of our planet is at stake.

Somebody ought to be telling us something, it was concluded. If there is anything accomplished by coming forward with the photo and these statements it will be worth the risk involved.

I give you this information but there is little to be done with it at this time ex­cept take note and hold strong--for you are in the clutches of the counterfeits and THAT is that which matters--the unbending evil deceivers.


I am deluged with inquiries about the closing of the Skull and Bones Order of Yale--for a year. I have been sent three documents regarding the matter and I will just give you who are not knowing, the highlights. It all had to do with allowing entry of females within the Order. There are reasons why this is sim­ply not possible but none-the-less the push came to shove and now they have been forced into actions totally underground--sometimes you ones push on the wrong strings until you damage your own cause. Let us just reprint one notice from a newspaper (Associated Press) at random--the same thing appeared all across the media.

YALE SOCIETY IS CLOSED: New Haven, Conn. (AP)--Skull and Bones, the all-male secret society at Yale whose members include President Bush, was ordered closed for a year by its alumni directors after rebellious students invited women to join.

The alumni directors have been debating whether to end the private club's 159-year-old tradition as a bastion of male-only bonding but were having diffi­culty reaching a decision.

The 15 seniors in the current class of Bonesmen, frustrated by the lack of action, notified the board of directors at an emergency meeting Friday night that they had invited seven women and eight men to join.

In response, the board over the weekend replaced the locks on the "Tomb', the windowless, mausoleum-like building where the society meets.

Sidney Lovett, the society's secretary and assistant treasurer, said Monday that the alumni directors had no choice but to suspend operations for a year.

Skull and Bones is not an institution that will allow its traditions to be changed "arbitrarily or in an unauthorized way" , Lovett said.

None of the juniors tapped by the class of 1991 will be recognized. Tues­day, April 16, 1991.

I have a friend from L.A., JH, who has sent a compilation of information re­garding the Skull and Bones--much of which we have already published, but he has compiled it into a very succinct format as to operations. I want to publish it but it is too lengthy to cover at this particular sitting. I believe we can get to it this afternoon. Therefore, I ask that we have a break, Dharma. Precious, it has been a most difficult time for you this morning for you have your neck over the chop block again--I shall guard thine neck well, chela--but I understand the bur­den with all the other load to be carried. I believe we might have a personal meeting tomorrow as an old friend will be present and in addition, we need to cover some business. WE simply do not have time for the personal interchange in these writings nor are they appropriate for publication, i.e. "Solutions" in question regarding another publication, etc. but we can cover them rapidly in council and others can make response. Thank you.

I move to stand-by. I wish to write again this day, please. In addition to the Skull and Bones, I wish to lay another nasty tid-bit before you. I think it time to understand that the Khazar element infects everything the Israelis do; the lat­est "fad for making great sums of money" is in the selling of eyes (human)--garnered mostly (at present) from the victims killed in Sri Lanka's civil war, where the troops were trained by the Mossad. There is a refrigerated warehouse on the Haifa, Israeli waterfront. The operation is through a valid company called Oculex International and there has been built a multi-million dollar export business concentrating on a single line of merchandise. It sells plucked-out eyes. So be it. Salu.

Hatonn to stand-by, please.