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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 22
    CHAPTER 19

    TUESDAY, MAY 14, 1991 3:37 P.M. YEAR 4, DAY 271


    Please see that this copy of the fax sent to George at the bookstore, this morning is included in our proceeding document. It is from the Office of Foreign Rela­tions, Washington. I purposely kept this from Dharma's attention until she had finished her morning writing, but I wish this included in the mailing to the ones named prior to this. I will keep both the time of the incident in point and give no disclosure to the party involved. If you will quietly locate the source of the original fax, George, please send a copy of this morning's writing to the sender. Thank you.

    Again, I have nothing to prove, yet you ones want proof; so be it. KNOW (and this is to anyone wishing to share confirmation with our team wherever they are), YOU SHALL BE PROTECTED AND YOUR INFORMATION KEPT IN TOTAL CONFIDENCE AS TO IDENTITY AND LOCATION. I like to share confirmations when possible but, again, I have nothing to prove. This is also true for anyone who wishes incorporation or Institute information or par­ticipation. If you KNOW SOME OF THE ONES WHO ARE INVOLVED IN VARIOUS CIRCUMSTANCES--HONOR THEM AND YOURSELVES ENOUGH TO GUARD THEM. If we are asked to identify and/or are given permission to print--fine, we are happy to share but when ones are so strategi­cally at risk and ask protection, so be it and we will not play into the vicious cu­riosity of ones who would destroy a brother.

    The following is typical; you will note it is regarding an area of which I spoke only this morning--which is WHY I spoke of the location this day. This is to ease my scribe a bit for information I bring is most often totally unknown to her. In fact, we often meet and information is sometimes found coming back from outside locations prior to her coming into conscious knowledge of the cir­cumstance in point. That angers me and jeopardizes our security. We have re­cently had to abandon projects under way because of loose tongues within the workers who simply do not realize that which they do. It does, however, prove a great deal to higher cause when this happens as it has in these past two weeks. It shows that some ones who claim otherwise, are still PLAYING IN THE METAPHYSICAL "NEW AGE" GARBAGE OF MYSTICAL FANTASIES AND HAVE NO IDEA OF THAT WHICH THEY ARE ABOUT.

    I have no input as to another's beliefs or to that at which they wish to play. I do, however, expect ones who hold positions of trust and inclusion within our workers, take note and pay attention for the time of little games is over and if the child has not graduated--so be it--for ones may not be allowed to continue disruption and destruction of another. For instance, Mr. Cooper was badly misled and actually disinformed by ones in Sedona regarding the PHOENIX JOURNALS. This was over a year past but he responded in almost irrational manner without any knowledge whatsoever. He shouted over the airwaves, lies (oh yes, Bill: i.e., "...have plagiarized 50 pages of my work". No, the document of Mr. Cooper's, at best, was some 26 pages of rough manuscript so mathematics were erroneous, if nothing else). My scribe was not privy to the circumstances or the resource. I gave him credit for some rather reasonable research and took exception to many of his inclusions including all of his conclusions. So, in response, he claimed an entire call-in program on which George was guest and was incredibly foolish--playing right into the hands of his own enemies. He had many of his most vindictive current enemies calling in to denounce George and the JOURNALS. He spread names and addresses and total denouncement. I care not about opinion but it would seem that ones of the caliber he wishes to project as himself would have researched a bit more comprehensively prior to doing something so rash.

    You see, now, ones call in to use against him that which was accusation against others by Cooper in which, in his uncontrolled behavior, he actually threatened death to his adversary. This is NEVER LOST TO THE ADVERSARY AS A TOOL TO REAP DESTRUCTION UPON THE ONE OUT OF CONTROL. Cooper also threatened my scribe through George--"....to take out these ---- re­ceivers...." I took it as an intention of probability and responded accordingly. We do not need irrational hot-heads in any operation, much less in the bringing forth of God's work--passionate participants, yes--irrational and uncontrolled behavior subject to more severe changes through any type of substances use. I can only tell you that no one can make a fool of another for the other has to agree to the being the fool. Further, ones CAN NOT DISCREDIT TRUTH --ONLY ALLOW THE PROJECTOR TO DESTROY HIS OWN CREDIBIL­ITY--AND, FURTHER, I, HATONN, HAVE NO INTENT TO DISCERN FOR ANY OF YOU WHICH IS WHICH.

    Nonetheless, for you readers, here is a bit of sharing--old enough to be secure and recent enough to be current. This has nothing to do with the persons in prior point. Is it possible someone has sent me something which is a facade, sting, etc? Who cares--for I know what is at Area 51 in Nevada and I know how special services operate and so, at worst, it is certainly valid enough. At best, it gives you information which is equally valid.

    The person in point is valid and the subject in point is a result of an effort to find out about craft coming and going from the area of "51" and other strange things occurring which were causing great concern and confusion to many, many citizens. Several people went forth to effort at finding out information--photographs were taken and followed up from several separate instances, finally approaching authorities and asking for information and explanation. I can as­sure you that the intent of the "authorities" was and is to put a stop to not only investigation, but also to any mention thereof.

    I want you to take careful note of several things in the letter to follow: one, "elite", and, "best left to professionals", "refrain from further visits to the re­gion in question", "...focus is quite unwarranted", "panel of scientists, politi­cians and educators is very much on top of this situation", etc.

    Now, why don't some of you ask again, "...why doesn't somebody bring this to the public" and "...why don't you just appear to our leaders?" and "...make your presence known and we will all know" and, and, and---YOU ARE IN THE MIDST OF THE GREATEST COVER-UP AND DECEITFUL PLAN IN ALL HISTORY--THE ULTIMATE PLAN, ACTUALLY. SO READ CARE­FULLY THE DOCUMENT IN POINT AND THEN PONDER CAREFULLY.


    Letterhead: WWT Inc.

    U.S. Government Data Correlation Office
    Office of Foreign Relations
    Frances Perkins Bldg.
    200 Constitution Ave., N.W.
    Washington, D.C. 20210

    [Hatonn: please NOTE, this is another one of those "non-Government" agen­cies--i.e. "Inc." This indicates a totally PRIVATE CORPORATION WORK­ING UNDER THE GUISE OF GOVERNMENT AND TOTALLY FUNDED AND POLICE-SECURED BY THE GOVERNMENT].

    Date. (left out with intent.)

    To: (name and address left out with intent)

    Dear Mr. ( ):

    According to our representatives, you have expressed an interest of late in a particular geographical region. We understand fully the concerns of ordinary citizens such as yourself, but rest assured, Mr. ( ), your focus is quite unwar­ranted under the circumstances. It may put your mind at ease to know that our elite panel of scientists, politicians and educators is very much on top of this situation. At the same time, however, it's the consensus of these top flight per­sonnel that your ongoing visits to the Southern Nevada region can serve no use­ful purpose, and may in fact subvert the common goal by disrupting the delicate matters at hand.
    Therefore, we must ask you kindly to please refrain from making further visits to the region in question. Most assuredly, we are doing everything possible to support the general welfare and achieve the interests of the community-at-large. Your continued presence will only complicate matters and possibly sabotage the productive inroads made so far. In any case, Mr. ( ), we feel--and we're sure this is something with which you'd agree--that this matter is something clearly best left to professionals. With the cooperation of loyal citizens, we feel confi­dent that the United States can stay the course.

    Wilson F. Hines III


    I don't believe I need add anything further to the subject. May your eyes and insight be opened. Salu.

    Hatonn to clear, please.

    PJ 22
    CHAPTER 20

    WEDNESDAY, MAY 15, 1991 8:54 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 272

    WEDNESDAY, MAY 15, 1991

    In the beauty of this gifted day for service, I, Hatonn, come in the service unto Creator who has given us opportunity to serve and grow. Dharma, God is OR­DER and The Creation is automatic ORDER. 'Tis Man that manufactures dis­order and chaos. Therefore, we work within the orderly priorities of need and it shall be fine. For you readers, we are receiving hundreds of pieces of mail with inquiries, confirmations and statements of "proof'. We feel indebted and humble to receive these warm, and sometimes negative, responses from you precious friends. We feel desire to share and respond to EVERY one and, yes, each topic is critical and urgent and merits entire JOURNALS devoted to the various subjects. Please be patient with us for we are filling every waking moment of your day "time" at this work and it is impossible to do all the work.

    Please note that I effort to respond to inquiries which are very topical within the JOURNALS or EXPRESSES for I find no other manner in which to respond to ALL. KNOW that every word, every confirmation, every clipping is precious to us, studied carefully and accepted with appreciation.

    This day I, too, am torn because I have two topics so important that I cannot choose which is more important. One being gun/search/seizure enforcement and the other the New Economics established by the Pope within the "Rerum Novarum" (translation: OF NEW THINGS) first placed into annual observance a century ago by Pope Leo XIII in 1891. This year bodes BAD NEWS for your world and shows with "proof" of the full intent toward Evil One World Govern­ment and the chosen Pope in place to pull it off--AGAINST YOU CATHOLICS!


    I must consider that which will cause you to get up and act in participation for, as truth spreads across the nations, Man WILL act for he longs agonizingly for God and brother. So I shall speak of things regarding gun control and how it has long been established to accomplish the disarming process of you-the-peo­ple.

    Why do I not simply tell you where you can get the bits and pieces of the puzzle and spare all the readers all repetition and ourselves weeks of work? Because Man will not move to the libraries or books and references--you are not even finding time to read the JOURNALS. God has promised to make available information as He deems it necessary and our job is to follow through with whatever it requires to do so. What one person needs for awakening is perhaps a turnoff to another but it ALL must be shared.

    It was interesting to note ones that came to the lecture at the "UFO" conference on this past weekend and swarmed about the place. Some wore purple hair, copper pyramids on their heads, crystals on their necks and fingers; some sat lotus position to receive and many listened in awe at the declarations of misin­formation regarding cattle mutilations and Reptilian beings--and yet got up and walked from the room when George spoke of genetic replications. Where are you, people? You even go to the motion picture houses and devour movies such as BLADE RUNNER with Harrison Ford and when truth washes all over you like second skin--you walk out and refuse to hear. So be it. God has time--you do NOT!

    When we speak of replicas it would seem to me far easier to understand their presence than to admit that you have been so completely deceived by a handful of men.

    I also find it interesting that ones refuse to listen and pronounce rejection and make astounding edicts about given works while they, in turn, KNOW NOTH­ING WHATSOEVER ABOUT THE SUBJECT IN POINT. Further, you be­lieve and act accordingly to something a man in a black robe tells you from a pulpit lit with candles and a cross hanging behind--especially if he tells you something like ones from space being evil and the JOURNALS being evil. What you will find is that great portions of the JOURNALS are written DIRECTLY BY GOD AND THE ONE YOU CALL JESUS AS WELL AS THE ONE CALLED "GRANDFATHER" OR "GREAT SPIRIT", BY THE INDIANS. HOW, PEOPLE-OF-THE-WORLD, ARE YOU GOING TO RECOGNIZE GOD WHEN HE COMES? You had better carefully ponder that point because you don't have much longer to wait for that event and at this point--in my perception--a lot of you are going to turn away and hide your face and plug your ears. IT IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN THE WAY YOU ARE TOLD BY THE ELITE DECEIVERS--EVEN IF THEY BELIEVE THEMSELVES TO BE TELLING TRUTH. WOULDN'T IT BE WISE TO CONSIDER SOME ALTERNATIVE INSTRUCTIONS AND THEN MAKE DECISIONS? SO BE IT, TO EACH HIS OWN.


    You have just witnessed the House passing of the Brady Bill. Most say, "...well, for gosh sakes, who and how could it hurt to wait a week"? It is not the waiting in point--it is the registration preceding the wait and the paper-work at time of picking up the gun--keeping in mind all the while that the criminals ALREADY HAVE GUNS AND THEY CERTAINLY ARE NOT REGIS­TERED NOR WILL THEY EVER BE. BUT YOU SIGN UP AND YOU FOR­EVER HAVE A RECORD AGAINST YOU AND THE CIA-, KGB-, MOSSAD-RUN POLICE OF THE UNITED NATIONS WILL KNOW EXACTLY WHERE TO GO AND YOU WILL PRODUCE THAT WEAPON--ON DEMAND!


    Let us interrupt herein to briefly discuss your Bill of Rights. Most of you don't realize it and couldn't care less, but it is the bicentennial year of those Bill of Rights of your Constitution. Walter E. Williams of "Human Events" 4/27/91, has summarized some things for your attention on "H0W BILL OF RIGHTS HAS GRADUALLY BEEN ERODED":

    Passed in 1791, this year we celebrate the Bill of Rights Bicenten­nial. My question is: Shouldn't it be a requiem instead? Let's see how some of the rights of the original ten amendments have been surrepti­tiously repealed.

    The 10th Amendment guarantees: "Powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people".

    That's pretty plain language. So you tell me how the federal gov­ernment can constitutionally mandate speed limits, control public schools and waste-disposal sites, and make hundreds of other edicts. Better yet, try to think of something you or your state can do free from federal man­dates.

    The 9th Amendment provides: "The enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others re­tained by the people".

    Hamilton asked, "Why declare that things shall not be done [by the federal government] which there is no power to do"? That makes sense.

    Hamilton was simply asking why should we have a measure saying that the government cannot restrict the press when it has no authoriza­tion to do so in the first place. Hamilton's concern was since it is im­possible to enumerate all liberties, such as economic liberty, politicians and judges would rule that they were not protected rights. The courts have made a mockery of the 9th Amendment.

    We retain a few protections of the 5th Amendment, but they are dis­appearing. Among its protection is: A person cannot be "compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself".

    Try this. Ask your Internal Revenue Service agent whether the infor­mation on your tax form can be used against you in criminal proceed­ings. Then ask whether you are constitutionally required to give that information.

    [Hatonn: Try defending yourself for a traffic ticket and see if they don't demand' that you state your case--oh, you think that cannot apply here? Oh yes, brother, for the fact that you have a ticket--the only juris­diction under which you can be tried--IS "CRIMINAL" AND WILL BE TRIED UNDER ADMIRALTY LAW--NOT CONSTITUTIONAL COMMON LAW].

    Fifth Amendment provisions explain why we have the charade of "voluntary tax compliance". That way, when you appear in tax court and ask that your tax form be inadmissible as evidence under the 5th Amendment, the judge will say, "Sorry, you voluntarily gave the infor­mation".

    The 5th Amendment also provides: "Nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation". Not only has the court made a mockery of that provision, it permits, as in a Hawaii case, taking of private property for private use. It denies some owners of private property the right to raze it and build another building. It denies landowners the right to chop down trees on their own land.

    The 2nd Amendment guarantees "the right of the people to keep and bear arms". The 2nd Amendment is not a deer-hunting or duck-hunting amendment. It affords us some protection against wanna-be tyrants.

    The people leading the attack on the 2nd Amendment are the very people who want to control greater portions of our lives and restrict our freedoms. Therefore, part of their agenda is to first disarm us. I don't know about you, but whenever you hear that the government has taken Williams' weapons, you'll know that Williams is dead.

    Any bicentennial celebration of our Bill of Rights is almost a hoax. Almost, because we still have freedoms envied by most of the world; but they are under siege. The only rally I'll attend is one that has a stated agenda like "Rally for Full Restoration of Our Bill of Rights".

    I suggest that if you feel this a bit snippy that you consider what Bush is saying to the Press in honor of one, Queen Elizabeth of England. Does anyone re­member that you fought a War of Independence at great, great cost to America to establish an Independent Nation? Did you hear your own elected President honor Britain as still producing your BANKING, LAW AND COMMERCE SYSTEMS? Did you not hear him drooling over the coalition for this "New World Order"? Do you not realize that Queen Elizabeth is the wealthiest woman in your WORLD? Did you not remember that Great Britain owns more property and business in America than any other nation in the world--directly? The next two owners, in order, are Canada and Australia--both British. The lady makes no bones about it--she is over in America right this minute to meet with leaders to bind this One World Government, make commitments of coali­tion and check on her property--which is indeed tremendous in quantity!

    I think the best way to proceed here is to allow some information already printed but having almost no distribution and NONE in any of the Establishment media and/or press.

    From: ON TARGET, Sept. 1, 1963:

    "The report reproduced below was sent by one of our regional coordinators to the National Headquarters. It has been verified completely as a bold new plan for the ultimate confiscation of all privately owned guns. It would seem fantas­tic except for documented detail and photographic proof which we will present in this and subsequent issues of ON TARGET.

    "This report is about the International Arms Control Symposium that was held in Ann Arbor, Michigan, from Dec. 17 through 29, 1962. One of our men attended this Symposium, and informed me that one part of it pertained to the control of private arms owned by civilians. This man states that this group has drawn up plans to confiscate all private firearms by the end of 1965. I do not know all of the details. However. I understand that this will start in the Northwest section of the United States, and five states will be blocked off by troops and no one will be permitted to travel out of these states while these private arms are being confiscated. After this area has been cleaned, another five states will be cut off from the rest of the states, and the procedure continued".

    "With utmost secrecy and nearly complete news-blackout a massive new pro­gram has been launched to disarm all American civilians, including state and local police, as a first step toward control of the general population by a Commu­nist-Socialist dictatorship.

    This new scheme includes such ambitious treachery--and the support of such in­fluential people--that it is always most incredible. For this reason we have spent over nine months in documenting every detail of this new threat before publishing the facts".

    Now try this one by John Englund:

    "Still another disarmament plan--of which many are totally unaware--involves our right to bear arms. The Institute for Arms Control and Peace held an inter­national arms control symposium in December of 1962. at the University of Michigan. One of the planned projects called for the systematic house-to-house search of the entire United States for arms of any kind. The search is to be made by the Army by blocking off five states at a time, beginning in the west­ern part of the country. All privately-owned firearms are to be seized under this plan; and the entire civilian population completely disarmed to make easier the policing of the United States by the United Nations International Police Force". Life-Line, Washington D.C., May 12, 1964, No. 33.

    Questions and Answers: "Own a Gun - Go to Prison" Bulletin, 1991.

    Q: Can authorities search my home without a warrant?

    A: Probably YES, it depends on each particular case. If the police come to
    your home based on reasonable cause /Hatonn: Which is ANYMING THEY CALL REASONABLE CAUSE]. to believe a felony is in progress, i.e illegal possession of an unregistered assault weapon, they are not required to have a warrant to stop that felony.

    Q: Can the police seize any other firearms I own?

    A: YES, generally. This Depends on the circumstances, arrest is for possible felony and police are generally within the law when making a felony arrest in­volving firearms if they also seize any other firearms of the defendant.



    "President Kennedy, in his speech to the opening session of the United Nations on September 25, 1961, proposed a plan for the general and complete disarma­ment of the United States. A few days later, State Department Document 7277 was made public, setting forth a three-stage disarmament plan by which all offensive weapons and atomic missiles would be transferred to the UNITED NA­TIONS AND ALL DEFENSIVE WEAPONS AND MISSILES WOULD BE ABANDONED. This proposal was entitled: FREEDOM FROM WAR: THE UNITED STATES PROGRAM FOR GENERAL AND COMPLETE DISARMA­MENT 1N A PEACEFUL WORLD.

    "As Senator John Tower of Texas pointed out, we are by no means living at present in ‘a peaceful world'. The proponents of the proposal, however, in­sisted that disarmament was the fixed purpose of Congress--else why had they passed Public Law 87-297 creating the Arms Control and Disarmament AGENCY only ONE DAY AFTER KENNEDY'S DISARMAMENT SPEECH BEFORE THE UNITED NATIONS?

    "According to the enabling provisions of the Act, all American weapons can be placed by the President under the complete control of the DIRECTOR OF THE DISARMAMENT AGENCY. This accounts for the abandonment of some of our most promising defense missiles, and the planned destruction of our bomber fleet.

    "WE ARE BEING DISARMED BY OUR OWN GOVERNMENT IN PROGRESSIVE STEPS: AND FEW AMERICANS REALIZE TO WHAT AN ALARMING EXTENT OUR DEFENSES HAVE BEEN REDUCED. The communications media--newspapers, magazines, radio and television--are con­trolled by the "Invisible Government", mainly by the Rockefellers and their stooges. And the military men who could and would tell us the truth have been muzzled by the Government.

    "At the same time there has been a very active upsurge of the "peace at any price" movements such as the World Federalists, and particularly the World Peace Through World Law organization, plus several new ones, all with the same purpose: namely, the abolishment of the United States as a Nation.

    "The following is a synthesis of an article in The Herald of Freedom, November 22, 1963:

    "There is no question about it--both the United States and the U.S.S.R. have agreed already, and the United Nations has made it official, that there shall be an International Disarmament Organization and that it shall have 'unrestricted access'. So advanced is the plan for our complete disarmament, which even contemplates house to house search and confiscation of private arms of citi­zens, that suggested Zonal Maps are already produced which show United Na­tions International Disarmament Force Zonal Inspection Bases. [Hatonn: still want to quarrel over why the Russians might be working within your police de­partments this very day? Remember: the United Nations police force and mili­tary WILL BE HEADED BY A SOVIET--IT IS IN THE UNITED NATIONS CHARTER!]

    "In order to have a World Government as it is planned by the United Nations, it is first absolutely necessary to have disarmament. Each country which has been taken over by the Communist Conspiracy has had some form of dis­arming, principally of the private citizens through the registration--and then seizure--of their arms. Since not many private citizens were armed in the first place, this was an easy task. But in the United States, with its frontier tra­dition, its National Rifle and Gun Clubs and Sportsman's Organizations, it is a different matter. It requires a cautious approach and a well-thought-out plan.

    "We can get a fairly clear understanding of the plan by analyzing the proposals of the International Arms Control Symposium held in Ann Arbor. Michi­gan, December 17 to 20. 1962. The University of Michigan seems to be out­standing in the number of egg-head intellectuals bent on seeing their country completely disarmed.

    "The meetings were held in SECRECY and--although members of the press were present--with no fanfare of publicity either before or after. Officials were present from the DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (an ironic term); sev­eral liberal Senators and Congressmen: Walter Reuther: a representative from the Russian Embassy; professors from many universities; members of left-wing "peace groups" and communist-front organization: and of course several REPRESENTATIVES OF THE U.S. ARMS CONTROL AND DISARMAMENT AGENCY; as well as several groups representing the Anti-Defamation League and American Jewish League.


    "This Arms Control and Disarmament Agency works in close cooperation with the Department of State and the United Nations. The Administration is now (November, 1963) moving at a rapid pace toward United Nations control of our country. Secret letters and messages are exchanged between Washington and Communist heads of state, funds and food are supplied to support communist governments and keep them from collapsing until the world merger of the United States and U.S.S.R. can take place--for this is what World Government will be.

    It is this International Arms Control Symposium which has pointed out most clearly the necessity to disarm all American civilians including state and local police as a necessary first step before imposing a communist-so­cialist dictatorship".

    Thank you, readers, for this information came to me from five different sources including the original. I would, however, like to commend and thank one Bernadine Smith for staying right on top of this. If you wish to save your na­tion, get with it, America. Bernadine Smith can be reached at P.O. Box 1776, Hanford, CA 93232 or go through the Wisconsin Report, att: Meaves, 18310 Benington Drive, Brookfield, WI 53045 for a lot of Bernadine Smith's material is published therein, also. Or, get in touch with America West for further sug­gestions and directions.

    How long is it now since 1960, 61-63? Three decades? How much time do you believe you have left? Every day is so precious that I cannot stress it enough.

    Now let me outlay a typical syndicated article from the Washington Post, George Will, 5/3/91:


    Two staggering facts about today's America are the carnage that is a consequence of virtually uncontrolled private ownership of guns, and Americans' toleration of that carnage.

    Class, not racial, bias explains toleration of scandals such as this: More teenage males die from gunfire than from all natural causes com­bined, and a black male teenager is 11 times more likely than a white counterpart to be killed by a bullet. If sons of the confident, assertive, articulate middle class, regardless of race, were dying in such epidemic numbers, gun control would be considered a national imperative.

    But another reason Americans live with a gun policy that is demon­strably disastrous is that the subject was constitutionalized 200 years ago this year in the Second Amendment: A well regulated militia being nec­essary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed".

    Many gun control advocates argue that the unique 13-word preamble stipulates the Amendment's purpose in a way that severely narrows constitutional protection of gun ownership. They say the Amendment obvi­ously provides no protection of individuals' gun ownership for private purposes. They say it only provides an anachronistic protection of states' rights to maintain militias.

    However, Sanford Levinson of the University of Texas Law Schools says that is far from obvious. In a Yale Law Journal article, "The Embarrassing Second Amendment", he makes an argument that is dismaying to those like me, who favor both strict gun control and strict construction of the Constitution. He begins with some historical philology showing that the 18th century meaning of "militia" makes even the amendment's preamble problematic. [Hatonn: Did anybody catch this? Yale Law Review? Levinson? 18th Century definition of "militia"? That is the same time that ones with sur-names such as Levinson from the Khazarian Elite also established "JEW", Israel instead of israel, Zionist and other cute ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT TERMS UNDER THE TALMU­DIC PROTOCOLS.]

    He (Levinson) notes that if the Founders wanted only to protect states' rights to maintain militias, they could have said simply, "Congress shall have no power to prohibit state militias".

    The Second Amendment is second only to the First Amendment's protections of free speech, religion and assembly because, Levinson ar­gues, the Second Amendment is integral to America's anti-statist theory of republican government. That theory says that free individuals must be independent from coercion, and such independence depends in part on freedom from the menace of standing armies and government monopoly of the means of force.

    In the most important Supreme Court case concerning Congress' right to regulate private gun ownership, the court, upholding the convic­tion of a man who failed to register his sawed-off shotgun, stressed the irrelevance of that weapon to a well-regulated militia. Gun control ad­vocates argue that this lends no support to a constitutional right to own­ership for private purposes.

    But Levinson notes that the court's ruling, far from weakening the Second Amendment as a control on Congress, can be read as supporting extreme anti-gun control arguments defending the right to own weapons, such as assault rifles, that are relevant to modern warfare and police control.

    The foremost Founder, Madison, stressed (in Federalist Paper 46) "...the advantage of being armed, which the Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation".

    The subject of gun control reveals a role reversal between liberals and conservatives that makes both sides seem tendentious. Liberals, who usually argue that constitutional rights (of criminal defendants, for example) must be respected regardless of inconvenient social consequences, say the Second Amendment right is too costly to honor. Con­servatives who frequently favor applying cost-benefit analyses to consti­tutional construction (of defendants rights, for example) advocate an ab­solutist construction of the Second Amendment.

    The Bill of Rights should be modified only with extreme reluctance but America has an extreme crisis of gut fire. And impatience to deal with it can cause less than scrupulous reading of the Constitution.

    WHATEVER RIGHT THE SECOND AMENDMENT PROTECTS IS NOT AS IMPORTANT AS IT WAS 200 YEARS AGO, when the de­fense and food-gathering made gun ownership almost universal. But whatever the right is, there it is.


    I would like to further point out that the same ones (groups) as listed above have formed Educational organizations and population control groups to help solve the problem of teenage pregnancies, etc. NOW I JEST NOT, HERE IS ONE OF THE MAJOR ONES IN POINT: NATIONAL ORGANIZATION ON ADOLESCENT PREGNANCY AND PARENTING, INC. "STERILIZE 13­YEAR-OLD BOYS AFTER DEPOSITING SPERM. Symposiums have now been held in almost all states since 1985. Perhaps you should check into this within your own state and find out what has been introduced into your own state legis­latures to implement the concepts from this symposium! Where can you get in­formation regarding this subject? Obtain the past 5 or 6 issues of the Wisconsin Report (address already given).

    I can't help you, brothers, if you continue to live in your tubes of darkness and hide from Truth. I am overwhelmed by the magnitude of our task at hand, also. But the first order of action is to prevent any further tampering with the Con­stitution, allow no Constitutional Convention to change anything for they LIE TO YOU--THEY WILL REMOVE THE TOTAL CONSTITUTION AND EN­TER YOU TOTALLY UNDER THE UNITED NATIONS CHARTER--HOOK, LINE AND SINKER--AND I MEAN "SUNK". We can do it if we work together and want to--can it be done? Yes. Will it be done???? It won't be if all we receive back is what one just wrote: "I refuse to read another word of the stuff you write for I don't believe you were one of the groups who first contacted Billy Meiers from Pleiades and they made me feel good while you make me feel filled with unrest--cancel my subscription and keep my name se­cret for my protection and security". But this beloved person put his address boldly on the envelope!

    Well, some of the ones who first contacted Billy Meier, i.e. Asket, etc., are from DAL--not Pleiades; secondly, Semjase is in my Command and I certainly had no need to contact Billy Meier--my job is to do THIS. Foolish games are going to cost you dearly, friends, dearly indeed.

    Dharma, you must have a break, please. I need you out of this location for a while this day. Thank you, chela. And for my team--THANK YOU FOR A FINE JOB ON THE WEEK-END--WE SHALL "GET THERE" YET. IN LOVE AND RESPECT,

    Hatonn to clear. Thank you.

  2. #2
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 22


    SATURDAY, MAY 18, 1991 7:20 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 275

    SATURDAY, MAY 18, 1991


    As the Creator has given us time to do yet one more task, let us give thanks. Let us give love and appreciation and ask for peace and blessings for and among all our relations (Mitakuye Oyasin). May balance come again unto the precious Mother who has nurtured you and given us all a schoolroom in which to learn of all Truth through experience. I am humble in my gift of service. I am Gye­orgos Ceres Hatonn--"Ceres" representing my nurturing/earth "growing" as in "crops", and I suppose you call it "feminine mothering" aspect, as deemed ap­propriate by my older relations who heard my petition to be allowed service that I might have opportunity to understand and balance with my own impatience.

    I watch and serve and find it difficult to see that Man has been gifted with the abundance of everything he needs and could desire to become perfection and Creator. Yet he sleeps and whines and turns away in fear and deliberate cow­ardice unto the evil of physical journey.

    I, too, must release unto the sacred way it IS in knowledge that infinity brings all to perfection and I cannot do of it for another. My expression is only that you may understand that it can be done. Mine is to show you that you can have wings instead of shackles--freedom instead of bondage--order instead of chaos. God is order; The Creation is balance, harmony and order. If we can help our brothers to see, then we will have served well and lifestreams will be the better for us having passed this way.

    It is ordained that we do this job together--I as older, having been gifted by great teachers who show me the ways of wisdom that I might guide. You who are willing hands and physical beings that you might "do" of it. It is not that I might do it for you of physical Shan plane, but that YOU do it through guidance of the way it IS that you might grow into the wisdom and then higher unto source. Proof of presence can only come from and into the "within" and then, all within must be brought without that the journey can become one of directed and wise choices--away from that which locks you to a brief span of perceived "time" upon an elusive "place".



    God, the Creator, is all there is; all that EXISTS. God's creating universe of matter in motion appears to exist. To your senses it sequentially disappears, to reappear. It has no actual reality. It but simulates reality through the illusion of two-way projected lights in motion.

    God, the Creator, is the One Being, the One Person, the One Mind, the One Thinker, the One Self, the One Life, the One Soul, the One Power, the One Reality, the Great Mystery, the One Great Spirit.

    God's Creation is the imaged patterned form of God's imagining, built in His image. It is the body of God, the record of His thinking, created by Him for expressing the One-ness of Life, Love, Mind, Soul and Power which is in Him alone.


    God is Light. God is Universal Mind. Mind is Light. Mind KNOWS.

    Mind thinks what it knows. Mind thinks in two opposed lights simultaneously projected from their centering white Light Source and sequentially repeated in cycles.

    God's thinking and imagining are qualities of God's knowing. God's knowing Mind is timeless and still. So also is God's thinking and imagining timeless and still. So, likewise, man's thinking and imagining are as timeless and still as is his knowing.

    Stillness never can be motion, or become motion, but it can appear to be. Mo­tion merely seems, but stillness always is. The universal equilibrium can never be other than its own balance but it can seem to be. The illusion which is mo­tion springs from stillness and returns to stillness. This is a universe of rest. There is naught but rest in the universe.

    Mind knows its One Idea of Creation as One Whole.

    Mind thinks its One Whole idea into seeming parts. Hence the illusion of mo­tion which we call Creation, and the illusion of substance which we call matter. Therefore, comes the next logical concept of "matter"--"anti-matter" and "no-matter"! The "what's-the-matter" is that which builds up to the understanding of the other three. The universal equilibrium can never be other than its own balance but it can seem to be. The illusion which is motion springs from still­ness and returns to stillness. This is a universe of rest. There is naught but rest in the universe. Therefore, you can gauge your journey by the amount of non-rest and chaos, lack of order and hyper-motion you perceive and reflect from the passing lights playing throughout the wondrous illusion. I like to call it the delusion of the illusion.

    Matter, motion, time, change, dimension and substance have no existence. The Light of knowing Mind alone exists..

    There is but One Mind and One Thinker.

    The One Light of knowing Mind is Self of God. It is the Universal Self which centers all omnipresent self-creating bodies of God-Selves. This self-creating universe is the Mind imagined body of God, and record of God's thinking.

    We can know God. We cannot know HIS body but we can see it. Likewise we can know man. We cannot know the body of Man but we can see it. What God is--man is. God and Man are one.


    We seemingly live in two universes: the still cosmic Mind universe of knowing and the moving thought-of-Mind rhythmic wave universe of sensing.

    We cannot sense the cosmic universe of God's knowing nor can we know the thought-wave universe of God's thinking.

    The cosmic Mind universe of the One Light of all-knowing is all that is.

    The vibrating thought-wave universe of sensing merely "seems".


    The one still Light of God is the cosmic Light which watches over all creating things at countless points locatable by man, but invisible to man.

    Man's senses have misled him into believing in a force called magnetism which attracts compass needles and lifts tons of steel. These phenomena of motion are due to electricity, and not to magnetism--frequencies and pulses, if you will, of invisible circuitry of all that IS. The cosmic Light is absolutely still. It neither attracts nor repels.

    You must comprehend the nature and purpose of the "magnetic poles" of suns, planets and all other moving extensions of the One Light. Likewise, you need to know the nature and purpose of the two electric workers which interweave this light mirage of seeming motion and dissolve it sequentially for rebuilding. This will give a foundation of knowledge to Man which will enable him to see behind the illusions which deceive your senses.

    The time has come in the history of man's journey from his material jungle to his spiritual mountain top when it is imperative that he must live more and more in the cosmic Light universe of "knowing", and less in the electric wave uni­verse of "sensing".

    Man must know that his power lies in the stillness of his centering Self and not in the motion by means of which he manifests that stillness. He must come to KNOW that his Self is God within. Also, he must know gradually the dawning awareness of the cosmic Light of God in him, for with it comes an awareness of his purposefulness in manifesting the Light and the power to manifest it.

    Man must now know the universe of God for what it is instead of what his senses have made him believe it to be.

    Also he must know that this forever creating universe which seems so real to him is but a cosmic cinema, conceived by the master Playwright. It is but an electrically projected, spectrum-colored light and sound-wave motion picture play of CAUSE AND EFFECT thrown on the black screen of imaged space and time. The CAUSE is real. The EFFECT is but a simulation of the reality.

    The Self of Man is cause. His self-creating body is effect.

    God's universe of magnetic Light is static.

    God's perpetually creating electric wave universe of two moving lights is dy­namic. It forever moves. The two moving lights are projected through each other from the static One to create the illusion of the idea they but manifest. The illusion which manifests the idea of Creation through seeming motion is not the idea which it seemingly manifests.

    Creation is the product of Mind-knowing expressed in form by Mind-Thinking.

    The product of Mind is not the idea which it simulates. No idea of Mind is ever created. It is but simulated by form and motion. Idea is eternal and belongs to God's still universe of KNOWING.

    Form of idea in matter is transient but is eternally repeated as transient form of idea.


    The foundation of the spiritual universe is stillness; the balanced stillness of the One magnetic Light of God. Balanced stillness is the POSITIVE PRIN­CIPLE of stability and unity. In it there are no negations.


    The foundation of the physical universe is motion; the ever-changing motions arising out of pairs of unbalanced conditions which must forever move to seek the balanced stillness of unity from which they sprang as multiple pairs of units.

    Unbalanced motion is the Negative Principle of instability, multiplicity and separateness which is this physical universe of electric octave waves of opposed lights.

    In the Negative Principle there is no positive. It is composed entirely of pairs of negations which are forever voiding each other, cancelling each other's ac­tion and reaction, thus negating each other by never allowing either one to ex­ceed its fixed zero of universal stillness.


    The still magnetic Light universe of God's knowing is an invisible, unchanging, unconditioned and immeasurable quality from which visible, changing, condi­tioned and measurable quantities spring to simulate those qualities through two-way wave motion.

    There is no one word in any language to express that quality so you must use many words, all having the same meaning but different connotations.

    These words are mind, consciousness, love, life, truth, desire, knowledge, power, balance, harmony and law (orderly, natural law).

    The God-quality of the One Light is seemingly transformed into quantities by being divided into pairs of oppositely conditioned light pressures of this electric universe. These divided pairs are then multiplied into countless octave wave units of light pressures and set in opposite directional motion to create the illu­sion of sequence, change, dimension, condition and time in a universe where none of these effects of motion exist.

    The calm sea, for example, is an unchanging, immeasurable quality of oneness, of sameness and stillness. Upon its calm surface there is no change, nothing to count or to measure.

    The moment that quantities of waves spring from that quality of calm, those quantities can be measured. Likewise, they are forever changing. Nor are there two points in them which are similarly conditioned.

    This creating electric universe is composed of moving light waves which spring from a calm sea of the One still Light.

    It is a universe of moving pairs of quantities which simulate the quality of still­ness from which those quantities sprang. The quantities of divided and condi­tioned pairs of opposite lights which thus simulate the One are not the One they simulate.

    The Creator is One Mind indivisible. Creation is One Whole Idea of mind, through motion. The simulation of Idea thus expressed is not the idea that it expresses.

    Parts of the One Whole Idea are only seeming. There are no two separate or separable things in the universe. There is but One Whole Simulation of the One Whole Idea.

    Everything that is is of everything else that is. All things are indissolubly united.--Mitakuye Oyasin--All that is in relationship to all that IS so that all becomes "for all my relations" which is all that is.

    Every happening anywhere happens everywhere. The milkweed fluff floating lazily in the summer sky affects the balance of the whole universe of suns and galaxies. Every part of the universe moves in interdependent unison as the wheels of a watch move in unison. The clock wheels are geared together me­chanically. The rhythmic wave universe is geared together electrically.

    The entire universe is one and must be kept in balance as one. Changes of con­dition in any one part are simultaneously reflected in every other part, and are sequentially repeated in it.

    I first gave these words unto Man and he did not understand them--I give them again and at intervals to FIND IF MAN IS LEARNING SO THAT WE CAN MAKE OUR PASSAGE.

    Say thou, Dharma--again, in words of man's knowing, for, verily I say, I am within all things, without all things, and involved in all things, for I am every­where--who am I? Am I Hatonn or some seemingly vaporized Oneness with a higher KNOWLEDGE? So be it.

    All things are omnipresent, for all things extend from Mind of "Me", and I am omnipresent.

    All omnipresent things are omniscient, for I am within them, and I am omni­scient. When Man's consciousness tells him of My presence within and without him he will then KNOW all things, for I know all things, and I am He.

    All thinking things manifesteth all power when consciousness within them recognizeth their omnipotence. Until then, things are naught but things, manifest­ing Me not, being but blank slates upon which to write My mighty thoughts for blind eyes.

    For I am omnipotent. I give all power to him who asketh but no one may ask of Me who is not aware of Me. See thou to it that many well knoweth that, and manifest thou thyself that principle of power in thine own works.

    For I say to all the imaged forms of My imagining, that power lieth in them to manifest the balanced Light which centereth them, by making the One Light ap­pear as two unbalanced lights which interchange sequentially but equally.

    And again I say that all things which man senseth are but waves of dual light which record My electric thinking in the imagined forms of My imagining.

    And also I say that the imagined forms of My imagining have no Being, for I alone have BEING.

    Walk gently, chelas, in the wonders of your awakening for the glory of the KNOWING shall be indeed wondrous. You shall be able te break the bonds which bind you to the illusion-but first, you must confront that which you have projected on the screen called "physical life" for you have forgotten that which is "LIFE". Hold my hand and I shall bring you home. Salu.


    PJ 22



    We will only handle a dozen or so falsely used terms so as not to overload and will add to the dictionary as we move along and find it necessary.

    1. CHURCH
    CM: A building or organization used by Christians (predominantly, so as not be confused with synagogue or temple) to meet together regularly to sing, pray and worship according to denominational doctrines.

    TM: The English word "Church," the Scottish work "Kirk" and the German word "Kirche" all originate from the Greek word "KURIOKOS" which means pertaining to the THE LORD.

    The "Judeo-Christian" (oh pain and agony on us all) use of this word carries with it an enigma that defies all logic and reason. The English Bible translators substituted the word "church" KURIOKOS for the Greek word "ECCLESIA".

    A Christian ECCLESIA is "A CALLED (convoked) CIVIL BODY": a local Christian assembly of elders (Christian Civil Government). The word "church" should not even appear in the English New Testament. It is a mistranslation. "KUROIOKOS" is not "ECCLESIA"! The words are totally different; the institutions are different. No where in the Bible do you find a kuriokos. There is only "the called-out (elect)" ecclesia which unfortunately was mis­translated into "church", transforming it (in English ) from Christian government to superstitious and ritualistic Baal Worship.

    Encyclopedia Britannica, Ninth Edition (1989):
    "In the New Testament, ecclesia, signifying 'convocation', is the only single word used (translated) for 'church'. It was the name given to the governmental assembly of the citizens of ATHENS (NOW GREECE), duly convoked (called out) by proper officers, and possessing all political power, including even juridical functions".

    Let us discuss each of these terms in context of examples, please. Jesus the Christ NEVER established a church on earth. Neither did he in "latter" days nor in "former" days. "Churches are man-made organizations that are, in most cases, creations of the "State" laws of incorporation or non-taxable organizations. There are no exceptions I can think of off hand. By following the State rules the President or minister or
    whoever falls under the official laws of the State and ceases to follow the total instructions of Jesus Christ or God Divine.

    During Jesus' mortal experience he directed his Apostles to establish ecclesias, not churches, among the Israelite people (israel: a people chosen by God and this does not mean even Judean nor Palestinian. It is a description, not the name of a state). He commissioned them to preach the good news of the Reign (influence) of Christ (ideal type of humanity through right actions, thoughts and deeds). That does not say Jesus or Yeahoo--it says: preach the good news of the influence of the teacher giving forth the ideal type of instructions to humanity! Neither does it say to go forth and give your opinion as to what you desire to believe but project that which was given forth by the Christed teacher (messiah) messenger. ANY TRUE PROPHET OF GOD--knows this and would not sway the meaning nor mistranslate the words chosen for the "modern" translations of truth--GOD DOES NOT MAKE ERRORS IN PROJECTIONS OF DIRECT PROPHETIC DIALOGUE. ESPECIALLY WHEN GIVING FORTH "ORIGINAL" PROJECTIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS--A GOOD CLUE AS TO WHERE "YOUR" FAVORITE PREACHER OR PROPHET MIGHT BE CATEGORIZED.

    3. SATAN
    CM: The Arch-Fallen Angel. An evil being so powerful as to rival God himself. Originally he was "perfect" in every way, but his pride led him to organize a heavenly insurrection among the angels in which one-third of "the heavenly host" revolted against God. God managed to retain his throne, and the rebels were banned from heaven and sent to earth. Earth, a lesser dominion than Heaven, became the kingdom of Satan--"the god of this world". He is the cause of all evil upon the earth, leads men astray and causes them to sin against God.

    TM: ANY adversary or opponent! God was a "satan" (adversary) to King David at
    one point (compare second Sam. 24:1 and first Chron. 21:1). If the English translators had been consistent, Bible readers would have known that an angel of the Lord was "a satan" (adversary) to Balaam (Nu. 22:22). In first Sam. 29:4, Philistines called a Hebrew a "satan" (adversary). The sons of Zeruiah were "satans" (adversaries) to David in second Sam 19:22. David wrote about other "satans" in first Kings 5:4,11:14, 23 & 25; Ps 38:20, 71:13, 109:4, 20, 29. In these scriptures, "adversary" is the same Hebrew word that is translated "Satan" in other passages.

    The super "fallen angel" (Satan) of the churches is an impossible myth. This "evil god" exists only in the minds of victims of religious brainwashing. Human "satans" and "devils" walk the earth today, just as in the time of King David. Fear and preoccupation with spooks make people unable to see their real enemies.

    This "Hebrew" word was never translated into its English equivalent as it should properly have been. The only change the rapists made was to capitalize the first letter, thus attempting to turn it into a name and not a definitive "active verb" word. Any true prophet of God would not place such a word as Satan in one of the original documents for God would not make such a direct error. Further, if the translators had been accurate the word would never appear any­where in any Bible of any denomination.

    The so-called super "fallen angel" (Satan) of the churches is an impossible myth. This evil "god" exists only in the minds of people that have fallen victim to religious ideologies. Now, I too, have utilized the term from many references for you have conjured up something which does exist in your ,"REALITY" and therefore, it DOES EXIST. It did not, however, exist and was NOT A PORTION OF ANY ORIGINAL DOCUMENTED INSTRUCTION OF GOD. If the word appears--it has been given new meaning from that originally intended and is a true "EARTH" given word.

    Had that very descriptive word "satan" been correctly translated, the English word "adversary" or "opponent" would have been used in all the places where the word "satan" appears in the Old Testament, New Testament, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, Talmud and all inclusive of all "so-called" Holy Books of instruction. I am forced to use the terms you utilize in my outlaying of the truth from the lies for you have no other background against which to find relativity and definition.

    4. DEVIL
    CM: Here is a dandy one: Synonymous with "Satan". The supernatural arch-demon who fell from heaven and now, with his legions of demons, reigns over the earth. God's arch-enemy who spoils God's plans for mankind and destroys people by his power over them.

    It is assumed that Man does not have the ability to resist "The Devil". Therefore, you are somehow helpless against his nasty old power--except when God chooses, periodically, to help you fight him. Mankind is generally under the control of this supernatural "spirit-being" who is immortal, omnipresent, and apparently a rival to God Himself.

    Let us look at the BIBLICAL MEANING:
    In the Old Testament this word is found four times--only in the plural (devils). ,Twice from the Hebrew word "shade", and twice from "saweer".

    1. SHADE: One who rises up against you (with insolence).
    2. SAWEER: A he-goat (related to mythological "satyr"--half man, half goat).

    Neither of these definitions from the Old Testament indicate anything 'supernatural or angelic. "Shade" simply means someone (anyone) who wants to hurt you. "Saweer" is a reference to a goat-type idol of the pagans.

    The New Testament Greek "devil" is "DIABOLOS": One who "thrusts through" (as with a sword)--no indication of supernatural power.

    (DIA--through, and BOLOS--to thrust.)
    A "diabolos" (a devil) is something, or someone, who intends to hurt or destroy you. A "devil" can be a person, a group, or an organization that seeks your demise. To find a supernatural "devil" in the Scriptures, he must be read in by prejudice and presupposition on the part of translators and readers.

    Therefore, the words "devil" and "Lucifer" are two words the "church" uses falsely and synonymously with "Satan". Neither of the Hebrew words translated devils indicate anything supernatural or angelic.

    In the New Testament the Greek word "diabolos" was translated "devil". Diabolos simply means one who thrusts through (as with a sword). No indication here that you have a supernatural spirit-being. Here again, beloved ones, no true prophet of God would misuse the word "devil" in the way it's used in the Holy Bibles or any "directly given Scriptures" from God on High. I care not what the "church" or "denomination" calls itself. Certainly all are incorrect but translated from the Judeo-Christian in the King James Bible was totally wrong as we shall see in a minute because Judeo-Christian has no meaning as such--these are two mutually exclusive terms and NEVER the twain can meet for they are in opposition one to the other.

    The word "Lucifer" as a proper name is simply not found in the Hebrew or Greek Bibles. That probably shocks a lot of you nice people, since everyone assumes it is, but the fact remains it's not. The Hebrew word translated "Lucifer" in the King James Bible is "heylel" which means "brightness".

    The New World translation uses "shining one", another translation uses "shining star and the Revised Version uses "day star" for the Hebrew word "heylel". I further suggest that probably in Lakota Sioux the term heyoka (a sacred clown) would also fit in there somewhere.

    Lucifer, meaning "light-bringer" is a name given to the planet Venus when it appears above the eastern horizon before sunrise. Venus being now a quite "dead" and ungracious-to-life planet is possibly quite suitably dubbed Lucifer. It is also a term stolen by the dark brotherhood of energy projections that Lucifer and Satan refer to themselves as the Prince of Light--and befitting their vow to lie, cheat, steal and corrupt--it sounds better than the Prince of Darkness which is the correct term for the energy forms inhabiting the humans bearing these energies.

    Next, let us look into:

    CM: The religion of Jesus which branched out of Judaism at the time of the early church. Both Christianity and Judaism have the same origins and the same God. (Oh, God forbid!)

    TM: A religion created for the purpose of destroying Christianity by watering down Christian ideals and neutralizing Christians. Also, designed to promote and protect Jews and Judaism in the Zionist sense of the definition of those misused and created terms.

    Note: "Judeo-Christianity" is an oxymoron: (a moron dumb as an ox)? No--a word combination of two directly opposite things or ideas which are mutually exclusive as I just stated, thus defying all reason and logic). Thus you can be sure anyone, any evangelist, any preacher, any monk, Saraswatti or other informed human being using the term as a true term--is not projecting God but rather, ignorance at best, intended deceit at worst, upon your tender ears and/or eyes.

    6. HEAVEN
    MYTHOLOGICAL DEFINITION: A literal place somewhere in outer space where good people go to live when they are dead. The location where Jesus lives until He can return to Earth and rapture a select few people to take back to heaven from somewhere on fluffy clouds. A city is there which has gates literally made of huge one-piece pearls, streets of transparent gold and walls of sapphires, emeralds, topaz, jasper and other precious stones. The devil came from there, got kicked out (which he did), but he cannot go back (which he ' can't)--nor can anyone in the service thereof.

    CORRECT DEFINITION: Usually plural ("heavens") in the Greek, meaning "high places"--in terms of: 1. Elevation, or 2. Power and authority (jurisdiction). In the Biblical sense it is usually "God's government" (the highest authority); government under Jesus whose purity and righteousness is symbolized by pure and precious stones.

    This term is so tossed around by all the denominations of self-appointed 'churches" as to nauseate quite thoroughly. It designates a physical place somewhere "out there" in the outer limits. This is such a false teaching as to even go beyond nausea and into anger. The word "heaven" actually means "high level" as in power and authority (jurisdiction). In that good old King James version of the Bible, the word "heaven" usually refers to God's position of power: His government. In other words, the highest place of rule. No place in the King James Bible does it refer to "heaven" as a physical place the good people ascend to or inhabit after they die.

    CM: A person or personage of God; either a third person in the Trinity or a third god in a council or godhead. This person is separate from the Father and the Son and has separate and different functions to perform in a believer. In ; some cases this "third person" can "possess" an individual so that he or she supposedly has no control over actions or words. Sometimes referred to as the "Holy Ghost".

    This one gets us into all sorts of trouble for now even we of Cosmic brotherhood have to explain our use of the triangle points (vortices and interconnectors) of the triangle which we refer to as the "triune" of total connection enclosing the infinite circle of sacred beingness--without beginning and without ending but inclusive of all that IS! In our Command our symbol includes the Phoenix for it is representative of the infinite beginning again (rebirthing) from that of the old ashes of that which WAS. Further it represents the connection of the "winged" or Cosmic brotherhood coming (or sent) forth at this time of renewal and transition in preparation for the coming of the "Greater".

    TM: Holy Spirit is not a separate person or separate "god". The English word 'spirit" is translated from the Hebrew Old Testament word "RUWACH" (roo'akh) and from the Greek New Scriptures, the word is "PNEUMA" (panyew'mah). In both cases the words literally mean "AIR IN MOTION" (and in this wondrous day and age--usually "hot air" in a lot of forced motions from between the lips in the lower hole in the face). Spirit is a desire; a feeling or disposition which compels us to move or act. Holy Spirit is God's wondrous and beautiful motivation in your/our lives and experiences to do "His Will" and obey "Him" according to His laws and those of The Creation. The word "ghost" (Holy Ghost as often used instead of Holy Spirit) comes from the German word "geist", and means a disembodied spirit of a dead person (another myth). It has no appropriate application or association in any manner whatso­ever to Scripture.

    This term represents a power; motivation--not some person or singular third party in a triune triangle. It is, however, common for the term to be mistranslated from the Hebrew and Greek words for "Spirit" as Ghost. But most of the time it was translated correctly as "spirit". The word "ghost" comes from "geist" as I said: an old German word- - - -etc.

    8. GENTILE
    CM: Anyone who is not a Jew, and thus a potential "anti-Semite".

    TM: From the Latin word "gentilis", meaning "of the same gens, clan or race". In the Bible, the word "gentile" is a mistranslation of the Old Testament Hebrew word "goy", and the Greek New Testament words "ethnos"--both meaning "NATION OR PEOPLE" (ANY nation or people) and should have been translated as such. It does not mean "non-Jewish!" BUT--YOU BETTER WATCH OUT BECAUSE IN THE "PROTOCOLS OF THE ZIONIST EL­DERS OF WISDOM--IT MEANS ANYONE NOT A "ZIONIST JEW". A modern version and mistranslation to be sure--but a deadly definition, at any rate.

    You can, however, always tell a FALSE prophet by his/her use of this term. This term would not have been in any of the books for it is a mistranslation of the Old Testament Hebrew word "goy". In the New Testament, it comes from the Greek word "ethnos". Both of these words as I said, mean "nation" or "people", (any nation or people) and should have been translated as such--any way you cut it, it DID NOT COME DOWN AS A WORD DIRECTLY FROM GOD ON HIGH--IN THE HEAVENS! It does NOT mean "non-Jewish" as we have to utilize the word for clarity but most churches misuse the term and never realize they have incorrectly spread false teachings. This is a new "media" word to further disinform you. It was planted in the Bible to get a very specific response in this day, my friends.

    CM: Non-essential beliefs, personal eccentricities and inflexible tenets which create differences between churches and destroy fellowship and unity.

    TM: Doctrine is a teaching; a principle; a studied conclusion or position. Sometimes called "dogma" (German for "doctrine").
    II Timothy 3:16 says that Scripture is doctrine. Isaiah 29:24 says that the people who are in error will be able to understand the truth when they learn "doctrine".

    There are NO "non-essential" truths! NONE are expendable! None can be discarded or ignored! Truth stated as a principle is doctrine.

    Without doctrine it is impossible to teach or arrive at an opinion. Discernment, judgment and correction would be impossible.

    "Judeo-Christians" sometimes display an "anti-doctrine" attitude: a symptom of ignorance and total confusion. Some claim to have a position "against" doctrine (which is doctrine in itself), or one of neutrality concerning it. This is utter nonsense! Such a position, itself, as I just stated, is a most "absolute" form of projecting "doctrine". An anti-doctrine position exposes an ulterior antipathy for learning and wisdom.

    When a person learns true doctrine and then considers it non-essential and chooses to set it aside, he contracts chronic spiritual blindness of the worst kind. (Try 2 Thess. 2:10-12).

    Unfortunately by misuse of the words, the word "soul" and "immortal soul" get lumped into the chaos of the lies. As used mostly, "immortal soul" is pure heresy. The Hebrew and Greek words translated "soul" in many places in the English Bibles, were correctly translated "life" in many other places. Not too many years ago, friends (in your counting), it was not uncommon to say or read that "so many 'souls' were lost at sea", naturally, meaning so many "lives" were lost. Therefore, you assume that the soul is always IMMORTAL AND NEVER CAN NOR WILL DIE! WRONG AGAIN! There is a portion of each manifestation which is "soul"; it is the portion of God-self within and therefore will be immortal--UNLESS--the entity remains in a state of intentional "sin" and then, dear ones, that good old Book tells you that "...the soul that sinneth, it shall die". Ez 18:4. Oops! a bit hard to swallow???

    The point of this dissertation is to allow you ones to look squarely at the truth of it--there is no magic blood-sipping in memory, of or flesh-eating in memory of--for it does not commemorate memory of anything a Christed teacher said or did--for Jesus, as you called him--BROKE BREAD AT THE TABLE AND SAID: EAT THIS IN COMMEMORATION OF ME AND POURED WINE AND SAID, DRINK THIS IN COMMEMORATION OF ME. HE NEVER SAID DRINK MY BLOOD AND EAT MY FLESH IN COMMEMORATION OF ANYTHING--THAT IS AN EVIL, "SATANIC" PRACTICE TO CAUSE YOU TO ACT IN BEHALF OF THE ADVERSARY.

    I further tell you that ANY person going through any place of teaching in preparation to minister unto "God's lambs" SHOULD KNOW THESE THINGS--THEREFORE, THE OBVIOUS FACTS ARE THAT IT IS INTENDED THAT NONE OF YOU COME INTO THE TRUTH OF THESE FACTS.

    10. JEW

    INTENT: To bribe and prejudice Bible-ignorant "JUDEO-CHRISTIANS" into passively granting the Jews a carte-blanche to do anything they please with total impunity--and to get you to hop in there and help them.

    TM: The word "Jew" did not appear in actual use until over 1000 years after the crucifixion of one called Jesus. It means someone who adheres to the religion of Judaism (modern Pharisaism according to the Talmud), or in some way considers himself (self-claimed, so-called) a part of "Jewish culture". For the modern "Jew" it has ABSOLUTELY NO RACIAL SIGNIFICANCE. "Jews" are some of the most racially mixed people on earth due to their multi­national history, their practice of interracial marriages, as well as their contemporary international bias. Down through the ages, they have moved from nation to nation as they were rejected (due to their immoral religion) by every land they have inhabited. Over 90% of "Jews" today are descended from the ancient Khazars--a racially non-Semitic bunch of anti-Semites in the true sense of definition as I have pointed out to you as regarded the passage of Canaan, etc. These non-Semitic people were from East Europe. It is estimated by your own historian's counting that, of those who claim to be "Jews", less than 5 percent have even the slightest claim to the blood line of Abraham.

    In your English translations of the Bible, the word "Jew" was incorrectly used to REPLACE:
    1. "JUDAHITE" in the Old Scriptures, which referred to someone from the tribe of Judah, or a citizen of the land of Judah, and
    2. "JUDEAN" in the New Scriptures which meant a resident of Judea, or a follower of the corrupted Babylonian religion of that area.

    Since, then, there were NO "Jews" nor "Jewish religion" at the time of the writing of the Scriptures, these names should never have appeared in the English translations, nor in the Books of any Doctrine of any "church". The word "Jew" or "Jewish" did not exist as words nor appear in actual use until over 1000 years AFTER THE RESURRECTION of JESUS. In ALL cases the word "Jew" was incorrectly used in your English translations of ALL of the Bibles to replace the true word "Judahite" in the Old Scriptures and "Judean" in the New Scriptures. No true Prophet of God would even accidently utilize these terms for any text DIRECTLY GIVEN FROM GOD. The terms are most ignorantly utilized and in ALL instances of use indicate either false writings or changes at the hands of "translators". There can be no other "divine" reason. This goes for any "church" anywhere.

    Now you might begin to see just why "YOUR PREACHER" of your typical "DOCTRINED CHURCH" who tells you what to do and what is right or wrong and decides your fate for you--JUST MIGHT NOT WISH YOU TO READ THE PHOENIX JOURNALS OR EXPRESSES WHERE YOU MIGHT FIND OUT THE TRUTH IN WHAT I HAVE JUST OUTLAID TO YOU.

    One more, Dharma, and we shall take a break, please.

    CM: A disparaging or antagonistic attitude, or hostile act toward a Jewish person, Jewish organization or the religion of Judaism.

    COVERT INTENT: Used to disarm, intimidate and confuse Christians and others into submission to Jews at the expense and eventual destruction of Christianity and all other belief systems based on anything other than the Zionist Talmud.

    ACTUAL MEANING: Opposition toward people of Semitic (Shemitic) origin-- WHICH BY FACT INDICATES ANTAGONISM AND HOSTILITY ON THE PART OF THE "JEWS" TOWARD THE GOD-REVERING PEOPLE. Note: Most people who call themselves Jews are NOT Semitic in origin (Descendents of Shem), but are in fact, come from the lineage of Cain and birthed through the Curse of Canaan moving forward as Phoenicians, Venusians, Pharisees and Khazars into imitation "Jews". Shemitism (Semitism) has nothing to do with Jews, Jewish organization or Judaism--JUST FOR YOUR INFORMATION.

    12. DIASPORA
    TM: The dispersion of the "Jews" among the Gentiles after the Babylonian captivity. (From Funk & Wagnalls Standard Desk dictionary).

    Revolutionaries in government have created economic chaos, shortages in food and fuel, confiscatory taxation, a crisis in education, the threat of war, and other diversions to condition Americans for "The New World Order".

    The technique is as old as politics itself. It is the Hegelian principle of bringing about change in a three-step process: Thesis, Antithesis and Synthesis (yes, I just recently gave you long writings about these things).

    Here again:
    1.Thesis is to create a problem. The second step, 2. antithesis is to generate opposition to the problem (fear, panic, hysteria), and, 3. synthesis is to offer the predetermined solution to the problem created in step one--change which would have been impossible to impose on the people without the proper psychological conditioning achieved in stages one and two [This might well be a number two definition of the circle of infinity].

    Applying the Hegelian principle, and irresistible financial influence, concealed mattoids seek to dismantle social and political structures by which free men govern themselves--ancient landmarks erected at great cost in blood and treasure.

    Their objective is to emasculate sovereign states, merge nations under universal government, centralize economic powers, and control the world's people and resources.

    14. Humbug (as in bah-humbug)
    1. something designed to deceive and mislead
    2. an attitude or spirit of pretense and deception.

    Humbug v: DECEIVE, HOAX vi: to engage in a hoax or deception.


    Demand that people who confront you, give you their definition of words, terms and phrases. If you carelessly acquiesce to meaning "changes" in the war of words scattered at you from the "Bible" then you will remain a totally "thought-controlled" person and people.

    People are continually controlled by introduced "thoughts". Since words are what conjure meaning and bear definitions, in physical form, they become manipulative tools for controlling thoughts in massive manner and thereby change the way people think about certain things. To accomplish this, the controller need only to change the MEANINGS of important words to fit their particular religious and/or political view, and invent NEW EMOTIONALLY-CHARGED TERMS to keep you confused and ignorant.

    Eventually, all important words said by anyone will automatically convey the controllers' biased political/religious view and he will not even know difference. At this point it will become increasingly difficult for the opposition to construct an effective opposing argument because the words being used have been so effectively changed, defused, and/or made un­popular.

    I can only urge you to bear these things in mind as we move along here for it is the foundation upon which the lie is based and there can be no truth found in the confusion of the lie--and when the confusion becomes too great for response--you are told to "accept it on faith". BS! DO NOT TAKE SUCH STUPID ADVICE--THIS IS YOUR SOUL DESTINY AT STAKE HEREIN AND IT IS TIME YOU TAKE YOUR DESTINY BACK INTO YOUR OWN HANDS FOR YOU ARE BEING SOLD A BILL OF GOODS AT THE END OF A PRIMROSE PATH.

    Salu, thank you for your service and for your attention.

    Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, Cmdr.
    United Federation Fleet
    Inter-Galactic Federation Command

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