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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 22
    CHAPTER 11

    THURSDAY, MAY 9, 1991 9:11 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 266

    THURSDAY. MAY 9. 1991

    Hatonn present in God's service. In the coming of each day, no matter what might be thine circumstance, the human is most often found to be bewildered or filled with self-related ego ponderings. If you would but pull away from that attitude and first look unto the Cosmos and unto the lands--you can ALWAYS find something of beauty or of the miracle of life to ponder upon to find that which is seemingly greater than self--THIS brings balance and possibilities unto self. If you do not do this you will become totally entrapped within the muck of the endless treadmill of sameness and at some point the chains are set and rusted into inability to open and cast off.

    I am going to interrupt my summary of the Banksters--the Anti-Christ/God who pulls the puppet strings in this massive game of deception--to return to the Cos­mic frequency grids and some higher connections with your Cosmic brethren. I do this for George is faced with presentations coming immediately and I wish him to have information with which to share.

    My intent is never to do-in any person's work if it be in Truth and not ill intent nor tools of dark deceit. I DO find, invariably, that a man/woman touched by any kind of addiction--or addictive behaviors related to egotistical self--are al­ready tools of the dark brotherhood, often without realizing same.


    Number one--it is NOT a "research" community. The groups are made up of those repeating and writing and gleaning assets and self-importance through re-haggling that which is old, filled with disinformation produced by your gov­ernment to further deceive you. Among the speakers will often be ones who are genuinely seeking truth and understanding from experiences of self and/or oth­ers--these are few indeed, except for the "sensational" hype. Some have hon­estly delved and discovered all that they can to establish reasonable conclusions--and many have reached erroneous conclusions. Now, would you not think that if you have studied and realize (and state from the rooftops for fee admission lectures) that there are space persons abounding on your place--THAT YOU JUST MIGHT MAKE EFFORT TO INVESTIGATE ONE WHO WRITES AND OFFERS CONSULTATION? IS IT GOOD RESEARCH TO SIMPLY CALL THEM SLIMY PUKES AND DENOUNCE THE "POSSIBILITY"? IT TELLS A GREAT STORY, DOES IT NOT? IF THE INTENT IS TO CLING TO OPINION RATHER THAN ISOLATE TRUTH--WHAT HOPE IS THERE IF YOUR FINDINGS ARE IN ERROR? YOU MUST ASSUME, THEN, THAT THE ACTION IS INTENTIONALLY SET TO MISINFORM THE PUBLIC OR THE SELF-EGO IS SO ENTRENCHED THAT IT IS UNWILL­ING TO EVEN CONTACT TRUTH. Serendipitous and circumstantial evi­dence shows that that which is touted in those circles are more pointedly to gov­ernment set-up and disinformation than to actual desire to find and pronounce truth. Actions speak louder than words.


    Sometimes all you have is circumstantial evidence regarding a "thing" or "happening"--but one must always look beyond and into that which may be hid­den to acquire information with which to balance opinion. For instance, some­thing that looks one way may actually be in total opposition, and herein I can give you example.
    The SPOTLIGHT has had to decline the running of any more America West advertising. The information is so filled with truth that, in the midst of the at­tack on Liberty Lobby by the Elite--they are about to shut down the publication itself--through pure power and infiltration within the management staffing. When you have ones who dare to defy the government in uncovering incidents of possible government indiscretion but do not dare to even continue advertising because of threats, etc., you can assume something is afoot behind the scenes and there must be something powerful in the information within the "refused" documents. To find your answers, then, look a bit further in your daily T.V. viewing of non-news--see who is blathering and about what--then get your list­ing of CFR and Trilateral members and check it out--you will find that most "notable" spokespersons are on that list. Watch to see WHO stands with Bush in the pictures and you will find them ALL on the membership listings, etc. You do not need to look unto another for evidence nor do you need be a sleuth--it is revealed in the very things they effort to hide--and THAT is the cleverness of the adversary!

    For instance, all duplicates and doubles aside--is it clever or stupid for Bush to deny presence in Paris in 1980--even with PROOF of his presence there? It is indeed most clever for at this moment he rides a false wave of popularity and a health problem while they set him up to be withdrawn if things cannot be brought into control over the matter. You may well see him die and come to life again as in the prophecies of one or another of your seers. Most ones will simply say that "...he wouldn't be stupid enough to deny presence in Paris if he was actually there!" No, he is simply clever enough to know that that is exactly what could be expected to be said regarding the matter. Then the CIA, etc., goes to work to take out the witnesses (who will be found dead all over the globe) to total discrediting of the author of the revelation, etc. You are not in a game of checkers or tiddledee-winks, brothers--YOU ARE IN A LIFE/DEATH/ENSLAVEMENT INTENT AND STRUGGLE FOR A PLANET! YOU ARE IN THE DAYS OF THE REVELATION AND PROPHECIES.

    Would it appear truly too much to pick up the phone and check out to see if Hatonn be real or false? Would not your UFO touters of all-knowledge have at least fulfilled their partial responsibility to you the listeners--TO CHECK? I have yet to have ones come within my energy field and not recognize "something" is valid in this being beyond the mouth I utilize. A few of the very UFO COMMUNITY have come to visit and we have had most gracious and open discourse. I have no wish to prove another wrong--I have every wish to prove another correct in the things of research which ARE correct. If a Man be fearful of meeting and sharing--WHAT HAS HE TO HIDE? IF HIS MES­SAGE BE TRUTH--IT WILL STAND ALL INTERVIEW AND ALL UNCOV­ERING PROOF AS UNFOLDED--IF A MAN BE AFRAID TO HAVE HIS WORK EXAMINED--HE IS PRESENTING FALSE INFORMATION FOR THAT IS THE DIFFERENCE IN A TRUE SCIENTIST/RESEARCHER--(TO INVESTIGATE ALL POSSIBLE FACETS OF TRUTH), AND ONE WHO PROJECTS TO GLEAN A PARTICULAR RESPONSE FROM THE AUDI­ENCE OF HAPLESS PEOPLE. IF A MAN CANNOT SAY, "I GUESS I WAS INCORRECT IN MY ASSUMPTION", HE IS NO TRUE SCIENTIST--HE IS A FALSE EGO-CONTROLLED PHONY. The prior terms may appear mutually exclusive and contradictory--they are not. Either he is false or he pre­tends falseness to further mislead you-the-people.


    We have previously discussed that grid frequencies and placements of which are considered Biblical placements and "Happenings". Why would clues be left in this manner? Because any myth/legend which endures through the centuries--even if false, will be the ones considered at some point as points and pieces of possible puzzle solution. Places of security for use at a given point of action is not allowed to blossom into the pages of myth or, if important enough, as in places some of you recognize--even the guardians of the "secret" are smart enough to pull attention AWAY from the place to assure protection.

    You have plenty of evidence from that which is before you to gain insight of possibilities and then confirm them by investigation and calculation in another setting. What do I mean herein? Well, if, as it has been pointed out--the birth­places and Biblical happenings of the one you call Jesus the Christ and early Ju­daism are found to be linked--would it not then be reasonable to check on other possibilities--say, such as Buddhism, Mohammedism, etc.? I speak now specifically of incidents which would cause ones to think in possibility of visit­ing aircraft of some sort. Would you not go to the next case-study wherein there is more evidence of visitation? But let us not even leave the area of the Middle East so we can cling to the similarities more closely and continue the line of thought patterns. Let us look at the Islamic religions. Could we look at some of the results of such investigation? Since the two so-called "religions" are based on so-called "Christianity", would it not be worthy to investigate pos­sible mutual linkage of physical points? Further, might it not show "community" which is unsuspected and give rise to better understanding of why enemies or diverse religious beliefs (Judaism/Islamic/Christianity) hold to their separation? There IS NO SUCH THING AS JUDAEO/CHRISTIAN-THE TERMS ARE TOTALLY IN OPPOSITION ONE TO THE OTHER!

    The point is that, in looking, one often finds mutually similar structuring of "religious" sharing which, in fact, can join groups which appear in separation into great community of merging. THIS IS WHAT THE ENEMY FEARS WILL HAPPEN FOR AS MAN SEES THAT HE IS IDENTICAL TO HIS BROTHER--HE AGAIN FALLS INTO LOVE WITH HIS BROTHER AND THIS GIVES STRENGTH AGAINST WHICH THE ADVERSARY CANNOT PREVAIL. The people of Islamic belief accepted Jesus as a prophet--just as they do Mahommet (Mohammed); the two faiths could actually be joined into one all-embracing religious body with almost no change in belief from either

    The Holy Well, Zamzam, at Mecca, was regarded as a most important religious center long before the birth of the Prophet. That city was a strong center of Arab worship and from the tribe of Koleish, who held the most power in the area, came the family of Mahommet. I use this spelling because it is the re­gional accepted spelling and pronunciation.

    Mahommet was born in A.D. 570 and His name in its original form means: "The Praised". Not God, not Messiah, not Christ--"The Praised". He spent some of his early life as a shepherd and at the age of 25 he took charge of a trading caravan belonging to a wealthy Koreishite widow named Khadijah. Al­though the widow was fifteen years older than Mahommet they eventually mar­ried and lived happily together. They had two sons, who died at a young age, and four daughters, the most famous of whom was Fatima.

    It is said that, "Mahommet was possessed by an ideal of truth and righteousness and a stern reprobation of evil, injustice, and lying, and their certain punish­ment; together with visions of his own people as designated by providence to overthrow evil and to preserve true worship at Mecca".

    Round about his fortieth year he frequently went into valleys near Mecca to meditate and one of his favorite places was a cave at the foot of Mount Hira, just north of Mecca. It was here, one night, when he was engaged in his pious exercises, that the Angel Gabriel came to him as he slept and held a silken scroll before him and compelled him to recite what was written on it. Another time while he was resting the Angel Gabriel again appeared to him and said: "Oh thou that art covered, arise and preach and magnify thy Lord; and purify thy garments, and depart from uncleanliness; and grant not favor to gain increase; and wait for the Lord". Sure sounds like the same old friend, Gabriel, to me. That same one who reflects the red ray of infinity and perhaps bears the banner for the red road of life recognized by the natives? Could it be that all of you have the truly same God before thee?

    Mahommet then frequently began to receive revelations. He began to be dis­turbed by the visitations and at one time was contemplating suicide, and it is said he was "suddenly arrested by a voice from Heaven, and saw the Angel on a throne between the heavens and the earth, who said, "Oh Mahommet, thou art in truth the Prophet of Allah, and I am Gabriel". My goodness--could it actu­ally be?

    Many of the revelations given to Mahommet were completely confirmed by the Jewish scriptures--eeh-gads, surely that could not be! He repeatedly referred to his own revelation as confirming and attesting the Book of Moses--oh no, surely we are not going to have to look at Truth! Thank goodness your preacher warned you about looking at anything other than his own preaching--for you might actually find TRUTH! Not only did these confirmations attest to the Book of Moses, or the Judean scriptures as originally set forth, but also claimed that "the learned men of the children of Judea recognized this". The Judeans were expecting another Prophet and it is a fact that many of them identified Mahommet as this "awaited" Man.

    Chelas, there is such similarity between the two so-called religions that you would not be able to separate them if they were not labeled for you. So, let us look at the unarguable physical facts of geometric tie-up. If we have a "theory of possibility", then it must be in ability to be repeated in summation a second and subsequent number of times--is this not how ones prove "theorems"?

    The position of Mecca is: Latitude 21 degrees 26' north/Longitude 39 degrees 49' east. The computer indicates a focal point within the city area of: Latitude 21 degrees 23' 38.32458" north/39 degrees 49' 37" east. The latitude of the focal point was therefore equal to: 1283.638743 minutes of arc north. The dis­placement from the North Pole, in minutes of arc, was therefore: 4116.361257 minutes of arc. THE SQUARE OF THIS NUMBER? YOU GUESSED IT: 1694443 HARMONIC!

    Would this not somehow indicate that Mahommadism had a sound religious base and was parallel in some way with the so-called Christian faith? Even al­lowing for all the minor errors which might be present, the overall mathematical evidence indicates that the Heavenly Hosts were and are communicating to mankind by the use of the natural laws of the Universe, and that by the study of these laws you could eventually understand the meaning behind it all. Dear ones, you are being given factual clue following clue which will guide you to­wards your final destiny. HOW DO YOU THINK I COMMUNICATE THROUGH THIS SCRIBE? AND JESUS SANANDA THROUGH HER AND DRUTHEA AND THOMAS AND---? WHY HERE? BECAUSE IT IS A VORTEX ON THE GRID WHERE COMMUNICATIONS ARE NOT ONLY POSSIBLE BUT HARD TO IGNORE!

    Are there other places? Of course--but mostly they become meccas of games, liars, misinformers, disinformers and networks of false speakers. This is ex­actly WHY we have kept our location in isolation and without recognition. We can override any frequency but why should we when we have such good contact and communications systems?

    Let us look elsewhere--keeping within recognized pro-"Christ" proclaimed, lo­cations such as Oporto, Fatima, and Lourdes since you all can recognize those places of "visions" most readily.


    The year: 1917. Most of you are familiar with the oft-told story of Fatima. There is a natural depression in the hills called Cova da Iria. Three children, ten-year-old Lucia dos Santos and her two cousins Francisco and Jacinta Marto, were making a stone playhouse while tending to the sheep.

    Suddenly from a totally cloudless sky a brilliant shaft of light lit up the area. Frightened, they decided to return home and were on the way down the hill with the sheep when another shaft of light filled the air. They were now really scared as there was no apparent reason for the phenomena. Then, to their amazement they beheld a beautiful Lady standing above a small Oak tree. Lu­cia described the Lady: "It was a lady dressed all in white, more brilliant than the sun; shedding rays of light clearer and stronger than a crystal glass filled with the most sparkling water, pierced by the burning rays of the sun".

    "Do not be afraid," the Lady said, "I will not harm you".

    "Where are you from?" asked Lucia.

    "I am from Heaven," she replied. (Heaven: the expanse of space that seems to cover the earth like a dome; firmament.)

    "What do you wish of me?" asked Lucia.

    "I come to ask you to meet me here six months in succession at this same hour, on the thirteenth of each month. In October I will tell you who I am and what I want".

    There were more questions and answers and then the Lady began to slowly as­cend in the direction of the east until she disappeared. Every month the Lady returned as she had promised and the children suffered much persecution be­cause of the visitations. Lucia's mother was sure she was simply lying and the civil administrator of the area arrested the children and kept them in jail which caused them to miss the meeting arranged for August 13. During that month the Lady appeared on the 19th--we're flexible if there is good reason!

    During the visitation of July 13 between four to five thousand people were pre­sent as word of the apparitions were beginning to circulate and they observed that the Sun became dimmer and that a small cloud hovered over the Oak tree.

    During one of the visitations Lucia asked the Lady to perform a miracle, "So that everyone will believe that you really appear to us".

    "Continue to come here every month. In October I will tell you who I am and what I desire, and I shall perform a miracle so that everyone will have to be­lieve you", was the answer. Just as I tell you ones--in proper sequence and proper time--PERHAPS YOU ONES HAVE MORE TO PROVE UNTO ME THAN I UNTO YOU?

    A great deal of information was given to the children in those following months and the promise of a miracle was repeated in August and September. News of the coming event spread rapidly throughout Portugal and many ridiculed the idea and were sure that the whole thing was some elaborate hoax. Others were extremely excited about the possible miracle and eagerly awaited the day of October 13. As the day approached thousands of people made their way to­wards Fatima causing chaos and overcrowding on the roads. The 13th turned out to be a cold, miserable and rainy day but this did not dampen the enthusiasm of the pilgrims. They spent the time saying prayers and singing hymns.

    By 11:30 over 70,000 (a miracle in itself, I'd vouch) were gathered at the Cova and at two o'clock sun time there was a flash of light, and Lucia shouted out, "Silence", silence, our Lady is coming". The vision again approached from the east and remained suspended in the sky above the oak tree.

    Lucia asked, "Who are you madam, and what do you want of me"?

    "I am the Lady of the Rosary, and I desire a Chapel built in my honour in this place".

    "People must continue to say the Rosary every day. The war will end soon and the soldiers will return to their homes".

    "I have so many things to ask you", said Lucy.

    "I will grant some of them, the others, no. Men must offend our Lord no more, and they must ask pardon for their sins, for He is already much offended".

    At the end of the visitation the Lady stretched out her hands and light projected from her palms. She pointed towards the sun, then she slowly disappeared in the brilliant radiance.

    Lucia continued to see a series of visions of the Lord and the Holy Family. These were not seen by the greater masses of the pilgrims although witnessed by great numbers--but something spectacular did occur.

    Lucia cried, "Look at the Sun".

    The clouds had suddenly parted and the Sun appeared as a phosphorescent disc. Everyone was able to look at it without harm to the eyes. The sun then ap­peared to spin, throwing off rays of light like a gigantic pinwheel. The light rays changed successively to yellow, red, green, blue and violet, then the disc suddenly left its place in the sky and plunged towards the earth.

    The masses of people were then terrified and dropped to their knees in fervent prayer. When it seemed that all would be destroyed, the sun stopped its down­ward plunge and returned to its normal position in the heavens.

    The Cova at Fatima is now a place of religious devotion and thousands of peo­ple travel there every year for healing, and to offer up a prayer to their Lady.

    Now, let us look at possibilities. The Lady was said to slowly ascend in the di­rection of the east at the end of the visitation as was the phosphorescent disc. So allow us to consider specific locations. Fatima is: Latitude 39 degrees 37' north/Longitude 8 degrees 39' west.

    Well, surprise--we now have to turn to the Moslems for confirmation. Let us consider that for centuries Portugal as well as almost all of Iberia, was occupied by the Moors and this left its mark. The southern portion of Portugal is more reminiscent of Morocco across the Strait of Cadiz. The people there are very similar to those of Morocco in their facial characteristics as well. The survival of many Moorish influences after centuries of freedom shows why the Ma­hommedan religion may be the most difficult to convert to so-called "Christianity". But, what difference could this make? Beginning on April 2, 1968, and continuing in 1969 Our Lady appeared as the Virgin of Light near one of the cornier domes of the Coptic Orthodox Church of Our Lady of Zeitoun, near Cairo. The many reported apparitions of Our Lady at that church have been officially pronounced "authentic" by the Coptic Orthodox Church and recognized as such by the Catholic community in Egypt (so it must be so). In addition, however, over seven hundred thousand people saw these apparitions, including spokesmen for all the Protestant Churches in Egypt. What might be even more important to you, however, many proven miracles occurred while the apparitions of Our Lady were reportedly in progress--possibly giving some mea­sure of proof that Our Lady was indeed appearing to Her Arab children.

    Could it be that God sent these hosts and messengers to begin the healing of the divisions that exist between the orthodox, and unite Christians, and between the Moslems and the Christians--at least in Egypt? If it can happen in Egypt--can it not happen in the United States of America? Australia? New Zealand? How about Russia? How about South Dakota? Well, surely not REALLY California or Texas!

    OK, now with this "possibility" of relationship in hand, let us do some mathe­matics: the calculated focal point near Fatima is Latitude 39 degrees 37' 54.45" north/Longitude 8 degrees 36' 40.5" west.

    This position would be a bit easterly from the center of the town where the ap­paritions were seen and where it is thought the Lady ascended.

    The direct great circle distance from Mecca is calculated to be: 2693.645 min­utes of arc (nautical miles).

    Don't you think this is interesting for the result is the unified equation immedi­ately associated here in harmonic form, 2693645. This creates a slight dilemma, however, at first for the Fatima apparitions have been recognized by the Catholic Church, but the fact that they occurred in a Moslem dominated area does suggest that the message was directed to both faiths, and thus, to the world. Let us continue: The great circle displacement in longitude, measured at the latitude of Mecca, is found to be: 2694.617 minutes of arc, or nautical miles. The displacement in latitude between the two points equaled: 65656.12668 seconds of arc. A circle of this diameter would have a circumfer­ence of: 206264.8052 seconds of arc, relative. This value doubled equals: 412529.6104. This value now squared; 17018068 = the harmonic of mass at the earth's surface. Fatima (the considered daughter of Mahommet), the ap­pearance of Our Lady at the Zeitoun Coptic Church in Egypt also indicates geometric associations with Mecca which can be measured mathematically for some dandy results:

    El Zeitun is: Latitude 30 degrees 06' north/Longitude 31 degrees 18' east. The computed focal point in the small areas equaled: Latitude 30 degrees 05' 27.52" north/Longitude 31 degrees 18' 20.3" east. The direct great circle dis­tance between the focal point and Mecca is: 695.4307 minutes of arc, or nauti­cal miles. This value is the reciprocal harmonic of the speed of light at the earth's surface. The displacement in latitude is equal to: 31309.1958 seconds of arc. This value multiplied by 60 equals: 1878551.748 harmonic. So let us study a theoretical circle with this same diameter and we find it would have a circumference of: 5901644.371 units. AH SO: WHICH IS THE RECIPRO­CAL HARMONIC OF: 1.694443. SO BE IT.


    February 11, 1858: This was a quite momentous day for a little fourteen-year ­old French girl, Bernadette Soubirous. While out gathering wood with her sis­ter and friend on the outskirts of the town of Lourdes, she had an experience that changed her life and caught the attention of the world--and not because little gray aliens abducted her and drank her blood.

    This child had suffered from continuous ill health and she found it difficult to keep up with the other two children that day so they raced on ahead of her. She was about to cross a small stream when she was startled by a loud roaring noise like a strong wind. There was a grotto on the other side of the stream and from within this she saw a golden cloud emerge, then a beautiful woman appeared.

    She looked at Bernadette and smiled, and beckoned her to move forward. The child was completely unafraid and later said, I seemed to know no longer where I was. I rubbed my eyes; I shut them; I opened them. But the Lady was still there, continuing to smile at me and making me understand that I was not mis­taken. Without thinking of what I was doing I took my Rosary in my hands and went to my knees, the Lady was so Holy in presence. The Lady made a sign of approval with her head and took into her hands what appeared to be her own Rosary, which hung on her right arm. Bernadette recited the Rosary and the lady joined her in reciting the Gloria at the end of each "mystery".

    The Lady and the golden cloud then returned to the grotto and vanished. Eighteen more appearances were to follow this initial manifestation and large crowds were attracted to the grotto as news of the occurrences spread around the district. The vision was only visible to Bernadette, but the majority of the peo­ple believed in the visitations as they watched the child talking ecstatically to her "Lady".

    On her ninth appearance the Lady revealed a spring of water which is, of course, world famous now because of the miraculous cures which take place there. Three churches and a hospital for the sick have been built on that site and millions of pilgrims travel to the shrine today.

    Bernadette's story was thoroughly investigated by a commission set up by the Bishop of Tarbes and on January 18, 1862, he gave his approval for the site to be used as a devotion center (so this must be also true). Bernadette spent most of her life in a convent where she died on April 16, 1879, and was canonized on Dec. 8, 1933--and I wish I could report that her treatment in the convent was worthy of her. It, of course, was both abusive and heinous, in fact.

    Let us just cut through the details mathematically, quickly for 'tis only the re­sults you desire, I'm sure.

    The Position of Lourdes is: Latitude 43 degrees 06' north/Longitude 00 degrees 02' west. The calculated focal point (grotto) is Latitude 43 degrees 05' 53.952" north/Longitude 00 degrees 01' 57.1" west. The direct great circle distance from the Vatican equals 556.34456 minutes of arc, or nautical miles. This value divided by 8 equals: 69.54307 which is equal to the harmonic of the speed of light reciprocal at the earth's surface. The latitude of Lourdes focal point equals: 43.09832 degrees. This value divided by 16 equals: 2.693645 unified harmonic--and you can finish out the story.

    Well, how is it that the utilized numbers are variations of "8" in some manner or another? Because 8 is the universal number representing infinity! Ponder it.

    Now let us look at Oporto and then we shall have a break, please.


    November 28, 1975: A 17-year-old girl, Maria Rosalina Vieira, in the Por­tuguese city of Oporto, had a visitation from one she thought to be the Christ whom she called Jesus. This child went into fasting and continued this for years. To the bafflement of medical experts who have given her thorough medical examinations, she has not had any food or drink since that day. If she attempts to eat any food she immediately becomes very ill. I make no further comment on the incident but it has been qualified so we can use it for thousands of pilgrims travel to see her and a Vatican spokesman said there have been other similar mysterious cases (so, it must be true). Besides, Dharma and crew can identify with this--Dharma was on a very strict fast for some 40 days and then placed on vitamins and 6-8 ozs of protein per day until some 53 days passed--and she maintained with no more than minimal weight loss and minimal side ef­fects--without hunger. We doubled the writing load and did, in fact, have daily personal sessions for groups of some 15-20 people in her home wherein she also acted as hostess during the period of time in point, as well as speaker for me. You ones simply have no idea of that which you are capable, dear ones.

    Back to this Oporto point: The position is: Latitude 41 degrees 09' north/Longitude 8 degrees 37" west. In relation to the Vatican the computed focal point is: latitude 41 degrees 09" 49.005" north/Longitude 8 degrees 36' 05.5" west. (Now, this is case number one--so let us look at Mecca):

    In relationship to Mecca the focal point is: Latitude 41 degrees 09' 49.005" north/Longitude 8 degrees 38' 45.8" west. (case number two).

    The latitude of both cases would be equal to: 41.16361257 degrees. The square of which equals: 1694.443 harmonic.

    The great circle distance from the Vatican (case one): 944.2631 minutes of arc. This value divided by 16 equals: 59.1644375. The reciprocal of which is: 0.01694443 harmonic.

    The great circle distance from Mecca (case two): 2711.1088 minutes of arc. This value divided by 16 equals: 169.4443 harmonic.

    Again giving reference to the use of 8 and multiples thereof: This not only rep­resents the sign of infinity but also the harmonic octaves in wave-form. Exam­ples are given utilizing known points of sightings, etc., so that you can relate to the incidents for it can be demonstrated that certain values can be derived when calculating between specific points on the earth's surface wherein definite visu­alizations have been validated. This, further, indicates that there is no ac­cidental placement of these places of historic value.

    Now, am I going to just give you a whole bunch of points and a calculator? Not on your life. I honor ones who have discerned this information and broken the code of the grid system and confirm evidence of visualization (materialization) and at what frequency that is accomplished wherein light forms into visible manifestation.
    I must ask for a break at this time for it has been much too long a session with­out break. Thank you.

    Hatonn to clear, please.

    PJ 22
    CHAPTER 12


    THURSDAY, MAY 9, 1991 4:22 P.M. YEAR 4, DAY 266

    THURSDAY. MAY 9. 1991

    Hatonn present to resume writing, please. Thank you.

    All "parts" make up the "whole" and even if it appears I ramble off in diverse directions, please understand that without some smattering of information in many diverse subjects you have not enough background to discern anything. If you are only exposed to the tail end of the elephant and can only touch the tail itself, and ye be blindfolded to the rest of the apparatus--what could you discern of the whole? I would suggest that in the least situation, you might well find that you have misinterpreted and underestimated the sheer size of the beast and are on the wrong end to continue in indefinite security.

    I could go on and on regarding vibrations, frequencies and harmonics and all we would do is bore you. But now, let us look at some magnificent reasoning as presented by some people. "Well I don't believe you because I have asked to be in contact and no one has spoken to me!" and, "Why don't you come to ones already in the ‘know'"? By the way, the one who asked the first question fol­lowed up by announcing himself too busy to waste time on that drivel at any rate. So, I suppose you have your answer if you questioned why, indeed. So then, why would some researchers have many sightings and others--absolutely none. Is one more valid than the other? Perhaps, but more so, it might well be purpose of mission. And most important--if you expect to sight craft of your brothers and not of earth manufacture, specifically, you need to know that for which to look and "where".

    There is something that you might as well face right now--I personally do not care whether or not you believe in UFO's or in one called Hatonn or Fiddle­dee-do. My purpose is not to convince you that there are Unidentified Flying Objects because the term means almost zilch. Anything in the air is a UFO if you can't identify it--from mosquito to the sun. More than that, you can even identify something which buzzes as an insect but as to specific origin of the in­sect, you cannot tell from distant observation. But, if it buzzes and whines, lands and dines--on your blood--you can guess it may be a mosquito of some species or other. I tell you, herein, that you are going to be at a greater loss in identifying the unidentified as pertains to craft which are recognized as discs and possible outer-space origin. This is because there are so confounded many of your own with humanoid replications to scare you into slavery that you are going to be left at a loss. Therefore, you must consider purpose and overall in­tent.

    Has your government proven to be sufficient to your nurturing needs and always held to be in truth of activities--or anything, for that matter? Well, why would you expect them to level about something which could be utilized to totally and ultimately control the power of your globe?

    Funny thing about my particular presence and that of the "Hosts"--we are here to tend our Father's flocks and bring you of God home, etc. Our specific first purpose is to outlay Truth so that the deceivers cannot longer entrap you without your willing participation. Beyond that I have no intention of any kind of inter­vention--BUT, YOU EFFORT TO BLOW AWAY NOT ONLY THE PLANET BUT CAUSE HAVOC WITHIN THE COSMIC PLACES AND ORDER AS WELL. This irritates the Brotherhood of Cosmic Life. There is a very sick joke which goes about your place in jest: "Incest is OK as long as you keep it in the family". Well, what you do may not be correct nor according to my wishes or life-style but God has given you free-will choice to do it and I shall there­fore, defend your right to do it--or at the least, not interfere. When you tread outside "the family" with your incest however, that becomes rape, ravage, pil­lage and plunder and I will not allow you to serve the beast at MY TABLE. And just what is "my table"? Anything that claims and asks of God of Light to be a part thereof. I am sent forth to locate those who seek and ask and make preparation for their security and if they are pre-transitioned at the hands of the evil brotherhood--to escort them safely to proper placement until this Earth matter is settled. I am further present with Command and "coalition" forces to insure that the evil which has infiltrated your place to the very core--is not al­lowed back into the Cosmic spaces to further disrupt Universal Order. This is why I can promise and guarantee that you have nothing to concern about from ones in space at the present time in your perception. Your enemies are bound to the orb just as surely as are you with the same length tethers. What do they "look like"? You! Or, perhaps conjured and replicated ones who have previ­ously traveled unto your place.

    Moreover--when the smart experts ask me for proof--or you for your proof or whatever--why should I prove anything--with all the mouthings--THEY HAVE PRODUCED NOTHING! NOT EVEN ONE LITTLE ALIEN OR REPTIL­IAN EXCEPT AS FABRICATED BY YOUR SECRET GOVERNMENTS. THE PROOF OF THAT WHICH I GIVE YOU IS SPREAD ALL OVER YOU LIKE A CLOAK OF SKIN. Well, brothers, I can tell you again--what the gov­ernment that has always caused you to laugh at its antics has in mind for you is not in the least bit amusing. How long will you hide from it?

    Confirmation? Where are you--and have you not read the JOURNALS? I thought not for, if you had, you would KNOW that you have a major clue in front of you this very day--as PROOF. Why do you think Webster has resigned as head of the CIA? Do you realize, in addition, that Gates was put up for the head job before now and flunked? Now he heads the list, dear ones, and I told you months and months ago--that is serious--if that man takes over the reigns of the CIA. Confirmations are not flowing one or two a year or month--you are getting whapped with anywhere from 2 to 10 per day! That gun bill passed without a whimper! Well, again I remind you when you repeat to me, "...it just can't hurt anyone to wait a week to get a gun"! Doesn't it? I care not about the gun--you will, when you sign up for the gun, have given away every last shred of security and privacy and they will place you under instant--INSTANT--surveillance. The criminals already have guns and would not be stupid enough to go sign up for them!! Just you innocent duped citizens will get on the "big brother" list--that is the "black" list, dear ones. Besides, it is funny to us that you call it the Brady Bill. Brady was murdered at the same time as Reagan's duplicate was taken-out and replaced. You have just responded to a confounded replica of an original man who has made transition long, long ago! My good­ness, sleepyheads, the man was shot through the head and the entire brain was shattered. What you are shown is a replica having undergone very specific brain alteration with, I might add, very poor cosmetic restructuring of entry wounds. And Hinckley? The assassin? Yes indeed, from a family who is ex­tremely close to the Bush family. Doesn't that strike you as a bit too coinci­dental? Just watch closely the next few weeks and how Bush is handled for you have some very large discrepancies in that entity's behaviors and speech-mak­ing. You have now witnessed such a contradiction of proven fact as to be stupid--not just foolish.

    Surely the Paris incident of presence even surpasses Carter's claim to have been attacked on a camping trip by a "killer rabbit". I jest not--you had best go check the records!!!


    If the UFO speakers such as Friedman (who claims himself to be the foremost authority) know so much--why do they continue in 1940-50 material? The Ma­jestic 12 cover-up is so blatantly filled with disinformation and lies that it speaks soundly for its own cover-up. Come on, surely SOMETHING has happened since the 1950's--even if there were little gray aliens. Surely they will have done something more reckless than abduct unsuspecting attention-getters off back-roads for some kind of race-saving, species improvement on "home planet" and/or been sighted doing some of that bashing, bloodletting and animal carving. I can promise you that if you have aliens with capability of interstellar travel and they need to IMPROVE their species and race by UTILIZING HU­MAN OF EARTH IN ORDER TO BRING ABOUT A BETTER SOCIETY--THIS OLD UNIVERSE IS IN PRETTY BAD SHAPE, FRIENDS--I DOUBT GOD WOULD SANCTION SUCH BEHAVIOR!


    I have been asked time and again about the connections and if, in fact, there are connections regarding the 666 symbol and bar-codes, etc.

    I can assure you of one thing, the number 666 does not randomly appear any more often than does 222, 444, or say, 333. Nevertheless, it is quite obvious that WHERE the numbers appear is very definitely of great importance. The numbers 666 are rapidly becoming man's favorite number and keep popping up in strange places--even though a recognized symbol of pure Satanic code--it is appearing more frequently than any other "number" in the so-called Christian and other religious placements. It is worthy of the time to speak of this matter for I think you must become aware that this code is being placed on all of you. I think it worth the time to give a listing of some instances of use of this number which none of you should miss in noting:
    • World Bank code number is "666".
    • New credit cards in U.S. are now being assigned the prefix 666.
    • Australia's NATIONAL bank cards have the code 666.
    • Central computers for Sears, Belks, Penneys and Montgomery Wards around the world have all their transactions prefixed with 666.
    • Shoes made in European Common Market Countries have stamped on inside label 666.
    • Computers made by Lear Siegler have a seal on the side on which is stamped the number 666.
    • IRS Instructions for NON-PROFIT Corporation Employee 1979, W-2 Form requires the prefix 666.
    • IRS began to require the prefix of 666 on some forms; for example, W2P, disability is 666.3; death is 666.4, etc. as early as 1977.
    • Tanks built by Chrysler Corporation...have on their sides 666.
    • South Central Bell's new Telco Credit Union Cards require the prefix 666, then the person's social security number.
    • Metric rulers distributed in 1979 throughout the U.S. have in the center, the number 666.
    • ID tags on 1979 GM cars produced in Flint, Michigan contain the number 666.
    • United States Selective Service Cards have on them 666.
    • Overseas telephone operator number from Israel is 666.
    • Arab-owned vehicles IN JERUSALEM have license plates prefixed with 666.
    • Record album released by the rock group, Black Sabbath is named 666.
    • The films, Omen I and II concern themselves with a world dictator and the number 666.
    • Some IBM Supermarket equipment is prefixed with the number 3.666.
    • JC Penney began prefixing account numbers in August, 1980, with 666.
    • Master Card began using on their August, 1980, statements--66.
    • Formula for NCR Model 304 Supermarket Computer System is 6 60 6,666
    • Ronald Reagan's "retirement" home had a street number of 666.
    • The United Nations resolution #666 came during the Iraq War.

    Precious ones, there are contests even, called "666". What is happening by to­tal intent is to condition the world to accept the coding of 666 without question or note. There is coming a day when a world governmental system will demand that everyone in the world take a mark and the number 666 in order to work, buy or sell. This fact is clearly set forth and being followed diligently. If you think you can avoid the mark of the beast--think again--YOU ALREADY BEAR THE MARK; DON'T BE STUPID AND SET YOURSELF UP TO DENY SAME. YOU ARE ALREADY MARKED AND THE INSTRUC­TIONS TO REFUSE THE MARK AT ALL COSTS IS NOT OF GOD'S GIV­ING. YOU STEP FORTH AND REFUSE WHEN YOU ARE ALREADY WITHIN THE SYSTEM AND YOU ARE DEAD OR INCARCERATED AND USELESS UNTO GOD'S WORK. IT IS A SEPARATION ENTRAPMENT SET FORTH BY THE BEAST TO CATCH THE LIGHTED PEOPLE. YOU CAN STAY OUT OF THE SYSTEM TO THE FULL LIMIT ALLOWED BY THE LAW BUT YOU DO NO ONE A FAVOR BY GETTING YOURSELF KILLED--IT MEANS ONE LESS WORKER FOR GOD.


    Let us look at that which is projected unto you and might be well worthy of note. The number with which all the world will be commanded to work, buy and sell during the Great Tribulation is the number of man--and you find it on all bar-codes and Elite products. Number 6 as has been distorted for identifica­tion and easy reference has been taken as the number of imperfection: the hu­man-given human number; the number of MAN as destitute of God--without God/Christ. At any rate, it is certain that man was created on the sixth day goes the accepted WORD, and thus he would be established under the number six--which would identify him and then, it goes on with several other non-coin­cidental accidents in numbering. For instance, six days were appointed to man for his labor so it went, while one day is associated in sovereignty with the Lord God--as His day of rest. Then the infinite symbol of 8 represents infinity or immortality which is also of God. The serpent also was created somehow on the sixth day, or so the Good Book says--obviously God was most busy and yet totally restricted on the sixth day of His masterful creation. The Sixth Com­mandment relates to the worst sin--murder. The Sixth clause of the Lord's prayer treats of sin. Six is the number stamped on all that is connected with human labor. You will see it stamped upon his measures which he uses in his labour and on the time during which he labors. And you see this from the very beginning.

    Six, the number of man, is one less than seven, the number which represents God and two less than The Creation. This indicates that man was created somehow in the likeness of God, but is not God, because God is perfect and sinless and one within and with Creation. The Sixth Commandment came as a result of Cain's sin of killing his brother, and the man who will ultimately claim the number 666 will be the greatest murderer the world has ever known. God put a mark upon Cain after the murder of Abel. Although Cain's mark was for the purpose of protecting him from those who would kill him, it also signified that before God, he was condemned. God forbade the children of Judea to mark their bodies--or did he? For the translations always read "Israel". The quoting then always continues with this looking forward to the time when the "Jews", as well as the rest of the world, would be called upon to take the mark of the Anti-christ. Well, will the "Jews" take the mark? I guess so--they cre­ated it!

    But let us look a bit further into the book of Revelation. The Apocalypse: The 'mark' itself is at once a number and a name. The Apostle tells you what it is. As he gives it, it is made up of two Greek characters which stand for the name of Christ, with a third, the figure of a crooked serpent, put between them... This horrid sign must every one receive on one of the most conspicuous parts of the body, cut, stamped or branded in, there to abide indelibly. No one may either buy or sell without this mark, and all who do receive it take upon their bodies the token and seal of their damnation!

    Do you really believe you have not already been branded? Let us consider that, for years--well over two decades--the laser beam has been branding steers and horses--and even salmon while they remain in the stream, swimming. It is instant and painless. The laser simply destroys skin pigment. In some thirty-BILLIONTHS of a second a technician can stitch a brand--or initials, or symbol. This type of branding of animals for ownership or research pur­poses has become common practice. Do you not think it probable that every­one of you have been branded while standing, say, in a line to vote or register your car or, or, or-certainly if you have any kind of medical examination, dental care or hospitalization--especially immunizations.


    This is the final laugh at the world citizenry. This is one of the world's greatest conspiracies and it is being quietly conducted in the most sacred halls of secular secrecy, brothers. While its thrust is Economic, its reach is without limit. No System will escape its mastery, be it in Politics or Religions, Social or other­wise. I told you long ago, dear ones, that the SDI program was not for defense but rather to place into space satellites which unite the entire world banking system--the beast to all other parts in instant connection--with ALL citizens registered, identified and located. You are all simply already within the system. The point is to protect yourself from the system as much as possible and the only way to do so is to utilize the laws and rules utilized by your adversary for as long as you can do so.

    The Prime Mover here is the most powerful Consortium of financial institu­tions, capitalists, and scientists ever leagued together. Their common purpose is to bring every person, place and thing under their total control and it is all but in place and already operational.

    The applied strategy is by way of instant IDENTIFICATION. This means of identification is by way of assignment of MARKS (or bars) for NUMBERS read by machines. (Numbers people can read, Marks they can't--the name of this game is SECRECY.)

    Phase 1 began in 1970 with a conscientious effort to "IDENTIFY EVERY ITEM" at the manufacturer's level with a NUMBER "MARKED" on it. A group of Numbers designated by Marks, lines or bars, is called a Bar Code. The Universal Product Code, (Code 39, etc.), and giant computer manufactur­ers are central to the phase.

    Phase II began in 1973 with an effort to IDENTIFY each PERSON with a Number. The Social Security Numbers when blended with the Universal Num­bering System will be converted to "Bars". Initially, the NUMBER will be "marked" on a Card; (a World-Wide Money-ID-Card). Subsequently, accord­ing to the old Bible Prophecy written and directed by the very ones who would put it into place, it will be stamped upon the person it identifies. As the MARK OF IDENTITY on an ITEM is a Bar Code, so the MARK OF IDENTITY on a Card and later on a person, will be a Bar Code facsimile. The Government, Banks, and Card Companies are central to this phase.

    Phase III is an effort to identify everything in the world, whether mobile or sta­tionary; if mobile, then how to instantaneously locate it, as a piece of luggage, an expensive race horse, a family car, or a pet or person. Central to this is the Federal Government which has spent ten years in research on "Electronic Identi­fication" at Los Alamos, the Airlines, and private inventors.

    If stationary, as a house, farm, or apartment, the United States Census Depart­ment is central to the phase.

    The symbol of 666 is absolutely instrumental to the Bar Code system. You are already in it, so let us be most careful how you handle it. Your best defense against it is to know truth about it--stop deluding yourself that you can somehow avoid the mark lest you get a special mark which sets you apart as a total trou­blemaker and you will be among the first incarcerated or removed by other means.

    I ask, George, that you please see to it that Col. J.B.G. receives this document. He inquired of me regarding this matter toward the end of our meeting and it simply was not the time to go into lengthy consideration for 11:30 and past would have overtaken us for sure. This IS one of my better subjects and I gave great cautions and lectures through others regarding the heinous system coming down on you since the 1950's--long before my present scribe ever "heard" of me. This coding is among the most important clues as to time of evolvement, structure of the infrastructure of the adversary and imminent timing of the Anti-God Elite Adversary's PLAN FOR TAKEOVER AND DISSOLUTION OF YOUR CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA--THE LAST BASTION OF FREEDOM IN THE WORLD. SO BE IT--MAY ENOUGH TURN TO WALK AGAIN WITH GOD OF HOLY REALMS.

  2. #2
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 22
    CHAPTER 13

    FRIDAY, MAY 10, 1991 7:44 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 267

    FRIDAY MAY 10 1991

    Hatonn present in Holy Light of God. Dharma, come into communion with me, chela, for you know this IS the day which allows no return. You confront--again, the measure of willingness to serve God, Brother, Country and Planet. The ending days are at hand and the time for strength and leadership is upon us. We can join the legions of faint-of-heart or we march to the trumpet of Gabriel and the drumbeat of Wakan Tanka GOD! Our mission is to lock step, join hands, cover the rear, all sides and go before--for the final curtain, for your na­tion, is set in place and it is time to stand forth. This is NOT just decision for you, but I shall remind you that the "EXECUTIVE ORDER" IS TO TAKE YOU OUT. Are you, Dharma, singled out? Oh no, there are TWO of you--Col. James "Bo" Gritz and Hatonn's mouthpiece! "AT ANY COST--SHUT THEM UP!"

    I want this message to go to members of the families and the immediate group-­immediately--then on to the readers instantly. I write this brief message this morning for George will go forth to speak on this weekend, to groups which can now find easy sorting. I ask that he and Desiree never leave My "cover" for an instant but I expect that which I will now give, to be brought forth in full. Am I giving forth information which is unknown? Absolutely NOT. But you will find from the total silence of the so-called UFOC (PRONOUNCE IT ANY WAY IT SOUNDS) (UNEXPLAINED FLYING OBJECTS CLUB) that the continued disinformation spouters are already in lock-step for distraction, diversion and total stupidity. The information has been pouring out in, full for months and months yet so few listen--Gritz has been telling the story, giving you clues as to timing and most of you ignore them--even (especially) those ones claiming to be within his focus group. Is this intentional or accidental? I suppose we might just NOW FIND OUT WHICH IT IS!

    We will get follow-up information to you as quickly as Dharma can put it to pa­per, but this writing will be seed for action and can be confirmed for the actions in the government are now under way by which you can set your "timing" appa­ratus.

    Webster's resignation from head of the CIA was a BIGGIE. I said yesterday that Gates is head of the list for effort to re-establish him in the slot--but that is COVER. What IS planned is to move Scowcroft into the slot to head the CIA and bring Richard Armitage (functioning public head of the Heroin Drug Oper­ation of your government in the Golden Triangle of Asia) into the slot of "Advisor" to the President. This will not require Congressional approval, as such, for the Advisory position. Only outrage by and from you-the-people can stop it. This massive steam-roller is ready to run you down and smash you into oblivion.

    George, you must confront loudly, these ones who claim to be on the side of you-the-people in the uncovering racket and rip-off. They have not only claimed to be in the uncovering business but they also have swamped Gritz with attention, etc. while they have worked diligently to discredit, and keep the in­formation silent.


    You want to fight the war on drugs which is intended to take out ALL OF YOUR RIGHTS UNDER THE BILL OF RIGHTS? Well, you won't do it through this Administration's "War on Drugs". The drugs are flown in, under government protection, right into your United States of America Air Bases. Further, PROOF IS WALKING AROUND ON TWO LEGS IF ONLY THE PEOPLE WILL LISTEN AND ACT! PROOF--WITH PICTURES, DIA­LOGUE AND CONFIRMATION. My God as witness--you have sons, hus­bands and friends still in Prisoner-of-War camps who are disallowed from re­turning home because the government knows the game is over when they come home and speak.

    Do you think it accidental that even the paper, SPOTLIGHT, declines our mate­rial? They also now decline Gritz' material so it is up to you-the-people if you wish to save the nation. I have asked for nothing save support and sharing, until you could become comfortable with Truth. I can wait no longer, for the edict has been issued to shut these ones up at any cost, and that was just issued. I will hover over all involved like the proverbial skin on your backs--by their own admission, they cannot touch US. We have reasoned, we even offered to save Bush's neck and he refused to change--we can do no more at this time, re­garding that entity. We were photographed with him at Camp David, and that will be used as fodder to further terrify you.


    Noriega is a henchman of Bush and well covered by an "alternate" which will also not be convicted but shushed-up under the National Security Information Act. He has been paid-off at rates far greater than your own Presidential salary, not to even begin to consider the additional bonus of drug rip-offs. The Panama area is forfeit with no intention to reclaim the Canal--and that has been struc­tured and under way for decades. It is COSTA RICA where the action IS! Why do you think Quayle is on tap? Why do you think the earthquake? Why do you think the rocket launches from that area? BECAUSE THE OPERA­TION "NEW CANAL" IS NOW FULL UNDER WAY AND YOU MUST KNOW EXACTLY WHAT THAT MEANS--BEFORE THE MEETING OF THE BILDERBERGERS IN JUNE.

    Then, I want Patricia, for instance, to make sure ones such as Donna, who be­lieve themselves to be coming to play with space-cadets, etc. and ones whose personal lives I give response, to understand why we must pull a measure of deeper silence around this work and source. NONE OF YOU COMPREHEND THIS MAMMOTH DANGER--NONE OF YOU! Your actions PROVE IT! You titter and twattle and act shocked, and then continue right on in your "personal" cells of distraction and prattling. You risk everything we have structured by your foolishness. The kitchen is on fire and if you cannot bear heat--go from the kitchen.


    Our thrust is now moving into total relentlessness. I have only asked you to spread the word--I am now going to solicit your deeper participation--if you can contribute funds to the Institute to assist with mailings and seminars, NOW BEGINS THE TIME TO DO SO, FOR GOD ASKS NOTHING FOR WHICH THERE IS NOT MEASURE OF RETURN--BUT WE MUST SUPPORT GRITZ, "THE CENTER FOR ACTION" AND MAINTAIN CONTROL OF THAT CONSTITUTION--WHICH IS ON ITS WAY TO THE DEATH-TRAP.

    Now, for Costa Rica. If nothing else is heard--HEAR ME NOW! The Panama Canal is obsolete, long past. Large vessels cannot get through the canal and Japan needs routing along with military ship capability of your government. Japan is a major part of the overall project. NOW, IF YOU DO NOT RECOGNIZE THIS NEWS OF YEARS PAST--FROM COL. GRITZ-­LISTEN UP. IT IS INTENDED, AND UNDERWAY. TO SET ATOMIC "BOMBS" ACROSS COSTA RICA--THROUGH THE INLAND SEA, DET­ONATE THE CHARGES SIMULTANEOUSLY (ALL AT ONCE). HUNDREDS OF MEGA-TONS BLAST EQUIVALENT AND INSTANTLY OPEN A CANAL. They are ready to detonate as soon as the Power Structure is stable in your Government. This location is on the "Ring of Fire" and you can expect the San Andreas to go at the same time. The troops are now in place to stop interference. By the way, some of your troops are in the area and still think themselves to be in the Middle East. Incredible? Of course. Will it work? Absolutely--it already has. YOU HAVE ONE ALLY--GOD. HE HAS SENT US, THE HOSTS--BUT WE CANNOT ACT UNLESS YOU ACT. WE ARE THE ONLY STRENGTH WHICH CAN TECHNICALLY STOP THEM--BUT, IF YOU CARE NOT ENOUGH ABOUT YOUR OWN STATUS--WE WILL NOT BE ALLOWED FURTHER PARTICIPATION. WE WILL SIM­PLY STAND AT READY.

    For you weak-of-knees and faint-of-heart--congratulations, you are alive and well. Now, let us get up off those assets and haul assets! Do all the Elite know? Of course NOT, for there is no ability to keep the ego and addicted mouths shut--they have simply destroyed your Congress the same way in which they have destroyed you-the-people. So--the enemy is few in number--mam­moth in POWER; I come, however, to tell you: GOD IS ALL-POWERFUL AND IN THE ENDING--GOD WINS! THAT, DEAR ONES, MEANS YOU OF GOD WIN!!!


    This is not a war of bullets, or war as you know it. It is a time of standing to­gether in total solidarity--it must be a battle with ballots and can only be done by YOU-THE-PEOPLE--FOR WHOM THIS WONDROUS COUNTRY WAS FOUNDED--IN FREEDOM, WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL. IT WILL REQUIRE YOU ALL! You will put aside the bigotry and hate and join with brother--you will reach out your hand and lift up your native population and join hands--this is an opportunity for the greatest performance of your life stream.

    I will be writing in detail--direct from the top leader's mouth, who was there, and who knows the truth of this message. One who risks his life every minute of his life. Who will join us? Or, do we do it alone? Well, it doesn't work that way any longer--either YOU move with us or YOU go down. The door is shut on the cell and the key is in the lock. Will you stop the turning of the key or will you demand it be turned? It is up to you! It now goes beyond your imagination as to damage you are ready to unleash. Even if there is no massive war begun by such a Costa Rican detonation--the massive radiation and violent geophysical response will be incredible--AND IT IS KNOWN AS MUCH! WELL, WHY DIDN'T SOMEONE LIKE CARL SAGAN TELL YOU? BE­CAUSE CARL SAGAN IS ON THE COUNCIL OF FOREIGN RELATIONS AND ONE OF THE ELITE BIG BOYS! HE CONFIRMS THEIR LIES FOR THEM. SO BE IT--IT IS NOW TIME FOR ACTION OR GET OUT. IT IS TIME FOR THE FISHING AND STOP THE TOYING WITH THE BAIT--IT IS TIME TO -- OR GET OFF THE --! IT IS TIME TO TEND YOUR AS­SETS AND YOUR OTHER ASSETS WILL TAKE CARE OF THEM­SELVES--FOR THE GOVERNMENT PLANS TO TAKE BOTH!



    Oberli, draw this to a rapid faxing to George prior to his departure--I waited until the last minute to insure security. The babe is in security so Grandma can relax. Get a duplicator this day, for video tapes. We must make a major all-out effort to get the information out, in every way possible. Original presenta­tions can be duplicated or purchased from source. After copying the informa­tion (tape) make sure the assemblers get ordering information ready for use, but hold up on sources until we can better discern mode of operation--for it may well be easier to funnel from many sources, including America West. These things can be worked out but it is time to burst that confounded disinformation bubble coming out of the supposed "uncovering" groupie. Just blow them out, George--starting at the self-appointed top--Friedman, and work down through the whole bunch--YOUR NATION AND YOUR LIVES ARE AT STAKE! YOU WILL BE GIVEN PROTECTION--KEEP GOD'S "MOUTHPIECE" WITH YOU AT ALL TIMES, SON--YOU WILL BE BRILLIANT BEYOND THAT WHICH YOU RECOGNIZE! GO WITH GOD. SANDY, THANK YOU FOR RESPONDING, YOU ARE INDEED PRECIOUS UNTO THE WORD. YOU STUDENTS HAVE EARNED YOUR WINGS, PHOENIX CHILDREN--IT IS TIME TO FLY. I SHALL SHORE YOU UP AS THE WIND BENEATH YOUR WINGS--BUT YOU MUST FIRST PUT OUT THINE WINGS, LEST YOU CRASH. THE TIME FOR PETTINESS AND HUMAN FRAILTY IS PAST--YOU WILL FLY OR FALL, IT IS UP TO YOU; I HAVE GIVEN YOU TRAINING AND IT IS TIME FOR GRADUA­TION AND SELF-SUSTAINMENT. SALU, SALU, SALU--IN THE TO­TALITY OF THE INFINITE TRIANGLE OF LIFE AND THE WHOLENESS OF THE INFINITE CIRCLE OF GOD-TRUTH--I AM YOUR BROTHER AND I WILL SEE YOU HOME.


    PJ 22
    CHAPTER 14
    REC #1 1-1ATONN

    SATURDAY, MAY 11, 1991 10:05 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 268

    SATURDAY MAY 11 1991

    Hatonn present in the Light of Holy God, may we be given to serve well. May we also be given to serve in beauty that the ugliness and darkness does not pull us down into discouragement.

    First, I must respond to Patricia regarding the device she refers to as the "Rife" machine. Number one--it is NOT! Moreover, it carries not enough voltage, etc., to be of any value that I can determine, whatsoever. However, if you can get enough voltage to the apparatus--you will kill anyone with a pace-maker. Do not touch Eleanor with that thing. I find no value in it whatsoever and it can cause disruption to the pace-maker. That, brothers, is the intent--you can only produce low frequency pulses from low voltage, low amp instruments which end up more damaging than anything you can do to a body. Even Be­dini, who had the right idea, produced far too low a frequency--THAT requires a sequence of voltage which no one is comfortable with which to work. In the meanwhile, the dark brotherhood would love nothing more than to have us kill some of our own people with these foolish devices--YOU NEED NO DEVICES TO HEAL SELF! NONE! Even my beloved Padre' is still punishing himself with that hand for some perceived aggression or another--put it away, brother--for penance is not of God as you ones perceive it to be. When you come into true "belief" (and it can work nicely with Ed because there is no physical reason that the hand continues to give such pain) that God can stop the deterioration, and then command that the limb be healed--so shall it be--God is only waiting and all those devices simply keep avoiding the issue at hand (pun intended).

    When ones come into the balance of ceasing to "REGRET" that which is past and perceiving there is not time to finally walk and produce to full extent--the perceptions of loss melt away and the void is filled. I can only ask of you ones that you set a reasonably short penance period on selves for your perceived transgressions so that you can pay quickly, satisfy self and live in peace and beauty in the perfection of God.

    Can you understand that nothing much changes in the perception at time of tran­sition save a momentary lapse in that which is created about you on your current plane of experience? How do I know? One, I have been there! Two, I see it before me right now and Three, the mind will continue its journey hardly inter­rupted from that which was present at the death of the body. You have been so lied to regarding transition that you long ago ceased the understanding of contin­uing journey of soul. NOTHING outside self will do it! "Things" can only contribute to the assurance into the mind of assistance and/or cure--but the subconscious knows immediately the difference in Truth and facade and until you can convince the subconscious mind of a "thing"--you will change nothing except, perhaps, the symptoms.

    Now, let us analyze, with reason, putting aside all preconceived notions. We speak not of that which came before nor that which will come later--but what is present right now in, say, Eleanor and Ed specifically. Ed's hand can heal to perfection for physical injury was temporary but healing slower due to many factors of physical maturing. Often, with enslavement of a body part which al­lows no motion due to whatever reason, as the body itself matures and changes, healing changes--slows and often misuses its fuel elements which allows for bone spur formation, etc. However, until the physical is changed and altered--the healing can be perfection and return to wholeness.

    Now, let us take in point, Eleanor. She has had long-standing problems with actual deterioration of the body due to outside means as well as favoring due to pain. This has caused actual physical change along with the surgeons who have replaced two joints--even though the body would be capable of actually re­building itself--the mind KNOWS that that body has artificial parts and WILL NOT regenerate itself--for what would you do with four hips? The mind knows it would be producing a worse situation for the being at hand and the mind will ALWAYS MOVE AWAY FROM PAIN WHICH IT PERCEIVES AS PAIN--IF THE PAIN SUPPLANTS A NEED--IT WILL THEN CLING TO THE PAIN FOR IT HAS BECOME A FRIEND AND A TOOL FOR PROTEC­TION OF THE PSYCHE. The continuing introduction of one foolish "thing" after another only reinforces the knowledge of the mind that it WON'T WORK and even if you brought something which would work, the mind is predisposed to allow nothing of the kind.

    Therefore, a warm and loving regular visitation and sharing would do far more than some piece of man-made contraption. So, the "frequency change" comes within the mind--negative and painful input are the low frequency range and Love moving into God-Love produces the frequencies of the high range which re-balance in perfection and healing. It is all indeed complicated but man will not trust of "self" and simply offer of self in love and friendship and, therefore, clings to "things" and "devices" and keeps "trying" to "help"--it just doesn't produce lasting healing but rather, often causes the body to respond negatively in order to not lose the comradery of the one with the device.

    Therefore, if the use of a device brings some measure of comfort--use it, but if the body has been tampered with in such manner as to be disrupted by electri­cal/electronic impulse--don't risk it. I suggest leaving the device at the door and taking your heart, in love, in for a nice sharing of friendship meeting and far more will be accomplished--for both (all, in fact) parties involved.
    Patricia, I am indebted, precious, for your inquiry. It is sad that we continue to have to learn over and over--WE CANNOT DO "IT" FOR ANOTHER--ONLY STAND BY AND OFFER OUR LOVE, UNDERSTANDING AND GEN­TLENESS--IT PAYS NOT TO BE THE GREAT PSYCHIATRIST, EITHER, FOR USUALLY THE "PHYSICIAN AND GREAT ADVICE-GIVER" IS SICKER THAN THE ONE HE TREATS. YOUR OWN MEDICAL CIRCLES HAVE A GREAT JEST (TRUTH): "A PSYCHIATRIST IS A HALF-SANE PERSON TREATING A HALF-CRAZY ONE". SO BE IT. Man becomes in­valid (get the word "invalid"; lack of validity) for two reasons: loneliness and self disrespect, and tyranny through which to control another. As children uti­lize negative behavior and tantrums and naughty actions, so too, do so-called adults--they become sick and throw more subtle tantrums and even if attention is negative in nature--it DOES WORK TO SOME EXTENT. The conscious mind can do nothing about it once it becomes a habit and the subconscious WILL NOT until the stimulation is replaced by different actions. The supra-conscious can but will not until such time as the being is whole enough to handle the change--so goes the endless loop of illness, pain and/or healing. When the body becomes weary of the game and sees through the subterfuge--the person will change IF the person faces and confronts the truth of action.

    How can I say this? Look around and you will see persons who have no arms, no legs, disfigurement, cancers--all manners of imperfections and yet they are not crippled, hardly even handicapped. You will keep unto you as much pain as is convenient--and then you will discard even that.
    Does this mean that ones intentionally suffer? Yes. Does it mean they inten­tionally continue the path? Yes. Do they realize that which they do? Some­times--usually NOT and certainly will not consciously admit it--especially to the ones they are somehow controlling or summoning. And yet, it is far more dif­ficult to accept loving kindness and gifts of self-sharing than it is to be outcast, for the mind is somehow punishing the body for misperceived violations of some sort or another--usually having become total habit.

    Usually one who is trained to be tended--cannot perceive being qualified or ca­pable of tending self--when the hurdle of sufficiency is crossed the persons be­come quite content in their newly found FREEDOM.

    God will always WAIT to see which it will be--self-enslavement or freedom-- funny about that character, God. So be it.

    Dharma, we are into the middle of four massive subjects, are we not? And, a dozen waiting so where do we go? Right along as if they are all the same--for they are! We just keep unfolding it and if one writing is disconnected from the one just prior--readers will have to back up a section or so. Confirmations are flowing through so quickly that I hope to get on to being able just to funnel the confirmations right on through with our bulldozer. What we have received within the last day regarding The USS Liberty, the Russian business interchange and rip-off and the failing insurance companies is enough to last us to shut­down of the planet--so, we will just do that which we can and give support to the speakers in every manner possible.

    I am most pleased to tell you that by the middle of June we will have backup help for you who wish to or already have formed Nevada Corporations, etc. It has been difficult but we have one in training who can be of assistance. I hope that you ones will see the merit of this type of business for it really gives the adversary a headache trying to getcha' when his own laws protect you. I cannot speculate as to how long that door shall remain open but we surely walk through open doors as long as we can; then, when a door shuts we usually can locate another which opens. It is the ONLY WAY WE WILL GET THROUGH THIS TEDIOUS TIME OF TIGHTROPE WALKING.

    I do note that some are writing and telling me "wonderful" news--you can get incorporated in Delaware so much cheaper--NO YOU CANNOT! THE DELAWARE LAWS ARE SUCH THAT YOU HAVE STATE TAXES WHICH PUTS YOU RIGHT ONTO THE FEDERAL EXCHANGE PROGRAM. NEVADA IS THE ONLY STATE WHICH IS NOT RECIPROCAL AND AFFORDS TOTAL OWNERSHIP PRIVACY. Can you get incorporated in Nevada for less than through the ones we can hook you up with? Probably--but they offer you no buffer or in-between privacy for officers lists, etc., and if they do, it will be more expensive by great measure. Further, you must know how to follow-on and most do not have the ability to gain that information without much study and very expensive trips to training seminars. Our desire is to be able to give you that kind of assistance and corporate veil protection for some kind of nominal fee which allows us to function in a "small", invisible manner with brother helping brother in network of possibilities--the point is to keep all profits moving and in use from the eyes of the trailers--for your protec­tion, for a half-done job is usually worse than no job at all. However, if set up properly, you will be covered and with proper "corporation" paperwork--you are safe and they are unable to pierce that veil and you can learn and integrate possibilities at leisure.

    I have stopped urging ones to go directly to Nevada unless you are already to­tally sophisticated and unless you live in Nevada where all information is easily attained--because you need more and to get more from Nevada is basically some $200 to $400 per hour for consultation, if you go that route. If you only dig "the hole" you are probably going to fall in, be pushed in or, or, or. Keep a sturdy plank across that hole which will not break under observation. We have simply been so swamped with the myriads of tasks that even our own ones within the family are not being properly tutored. They are safe but the knowl­edge level is so shallow at present that the perception is one of frantic "Oh dod, oh dod, what I do now?" Our intent is to get a wholly operational business and information center going for you just as quickly as possible and one is coming directly from a bit of a training period and with some intensive input we shall be able to build a qualified staff in reasonable time. We have some attorneys willing to learn the ropes and an accountant or two ALMOST willing to stick their neck out. When they find it totally secure and shielded--we will garner that which is needed--God is funny that way, also.

    The point is to get the sugar under the shed roof before it melts and/or turns to rock, and then it can be placed in proper shelving in dehumidified rooms at leisure. I do feel remiss that I have not done more follow-on on the total value of even individual corporations--for as set up in Nevada under the full laws of the state and nation--the benefits are incredible. Will they always be that way? Probably not but maybe so--the "big boys" have to have somewhere to run with their loot and their estates--remember, people die and everything "left" after the state gets through is usually tied up in probate until the "rest" is gone--old cor­porations never die; they just get a new president and the bank account is not even noted. Advantages of such action are almost limitless if handled smartly and timely. And remember, you ones who will be starting a corporation for your crochet and/or pet center, or "consultation" service (to your own kids, per­haps?)--KEEP YOUR NAMES OFF THE LABEL. IN FACT, IF YOU HAVE A STRONG ENEMY--PUT HIS NAME ON THE BUILDING AND PAPER­WORK--THE GOVERNMENT WILL THEN GO AFTER HIM AND YOU ARE SAFELY TUCKED AWAY. THE POINT IS TO BECOME NON-EGO FINDABLE. DO YOU WANT SAFETY, SECURITY AND YOUR MONEY--OR DO YOU WANT THE WORLD TO KNOW YOUR NAME? IF IT BE THE LATTER--FORGET THE CONTACT WITH US FOR WE ARE NOT INTO EGO-TRAINING, EXCEPT TO SEPARATE IT FROM THE TRUTH OF YOURSELF. DONALD TRUMP BLEW IT BY PUTTING HIS NAME ON EVERYTHING--HOWEVER, YOU CAN'T EVEN START TO KNOW HOW MUCH THAT CLEVER MAN HAS THAT THE PUBLIC DOES NOT KNOW ABOUT--AND THE GOVERNMENT AND HIS ENEMIES CAN'T DISCOVER AND IF THEY DO--IT CAN'T BE CONFISCATED. If we do not become as clever and intelligent as the enemy, we must expect to lose. The intent has been to totally train the public into attitudes of profound ignorance so as to know everything and anything about you and use it against you and it has worked.

    If you lose your Constitution, it is over no matter what efforts you have made--for you already bear the beast mark and you are identified--so, your only hope, already, is to cleverly utilize that which the adversary sets up for self. Can you shelter everything? No--nor should you even try for 'tis better to allow a bit of information while the rest remains in security. That which already is open--such as social security, etc., leave alone, even if there is tax, for the point is to cover all other assets and reduce self to only the income known. It simply re­quires intelligence and discernment and ABSOLUTELY NO BREAKING OF ANY LAWS--NONE! This only works because it CAN work within the laws--very nicely and very securely--if you are willing to do the required tending of the new baby. But then, why are we here? What is the intent? TO BRING ONES BACK INTO RESPONSIBILITY FOR SELF AND SELF-ACTION AND GET THE LEECHES OFF YOUR BACKS. IN THIS WORLD--IF YOU KILL OFF THE PARASITES (WHICH WILL HAPPEN IF YOU STOP THEIR FUEL INTAKE) THEN YOU CAN RETURN YOUR PLACE TO BALANCE. NO MORE AND NO LESS--IT HAS TO WORK FOR IT IS THE UNIVERSAL LAW--THAT THAT WHICH IS TRULY INTENDED IS THAT WHICH IS REAPED. THE LAW OF THE BUREAUROCRACY IS: THAT WHICH IS STATED IN INTENT PRODUCES THE EXACT OPPO­SITE. AND THAT, SIRS, IS HOW YOU RECOGNIZE THAT ALL THEY TELL YOU IS, AT BEST, PARTIAL TRUTH IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCE. Their intent is to enslave you so all thrusts of the mouth must be in attempt to allow you to "think" FREEDOM--while they act to bring you into bondage. It is no longer a point of theory--it is THE "LAW OF THE BUREAUCRACY".

    Dharma, since I have already rambled at some length, I think we shall just move ahead with the summary I was doing on the Banksters for it goes along a bit with business and waking up to both insult and possibilities. I think we were last, some days past, speaking of the good old Federal Reserve and the power thereof. We will just pick up at that point at any rate.


    Every effort possible has been utilized by the Federal Reserve Board to conceal its powers, but the truth is...the Fed has usurped the government. It controls everything in Congress and it controls all your foreign relations. It makes and breaks governments at will. So it behooves you all, if you have even what ap­pears to be meager assets--to protect them if possible. They have attempted to make you into a totally helpless welfare state whereby it does not pay you to protect selves--well, as I say, we can only offer possibilities of action--we do not twist arms nor cram anything down throats--people must take responsibility. I do, however, expect that, if you come within our working circles, you come in with intent to serve God and not further rip-off anyone, nor threaten investi­gations, etc., for privacy is the name of the game and if you foolishly wrap yourselves into selfishness--you will negate the purpose. All is totally legal to the finest detail but troublemakers and "seekers" of games and foment are asked to turn the other way, for we have neither time nor inclination to play games nor have a business set up for selfish, self-centered participants. The latter can easily be accomplished through this very route and through these ones who serve you--but it is ungracious to absorb their time when you can do it through established routes. Look at intent--self-shelter is worthy, but pulling your brother down in your selfish processing is unacceptable for ours is to have "business with total integrity, within the laws of the land AND WITHIN THE LAWS OF GOD"--IT CAN BE DONE!!

    Hopefully, you have the picture and understand the mechanics of how the Fed works in this criminal money-system scam. However, in case we still have misunderstanding and lack of comprehension, let's have one more objective les­son--especially for you new readers who don't know where to go "back" and pick up the information. I find that most of our regular readers still do not grasp it in full and can use the summary.


    Almost everyone is familiar with the game of Monopoly, which has a very ap­propriate name. However, its rules are those of a make-believe world. But with just a few simple rule changes you can make it resemble the real economic world far better than you would wish from a parlor game:

    First, count all the money available (let us example for this scenario--say, $8,000).
    Second, loan, not give, an equal amount ($2,000) to each of four players.
    Third, instead of each player collecting $200 FROM the bank every time he passes GO, he PAYS $200 in interest to the bank!

    Now you should know who will win every game. If not, play it according to these rules and find out! But then, perhaps you, along with the thousands of other Americans every week, have already lost the real life game and know who the winner is--ALWAYS!


    If you learn nothing else from this dissertation, learn this: If you are in debt, you are not free, you are a bond slave. Even if you have no personal debt, as a U.S. citizen, your share of the National Debt is over $20,000 and whatever property you think you own is pledged to pay that debt. And, the government can and will come and confiscate everything you thought you owned to pay it. As your own proclaimed Bible tells you in Proverbs 22:7, "The borrower is servant to the lender".

    The manner in which bondslaves were to be controlled was put forth in "The Bankers Manifest" of 1934 (don't laugh, here it is):
    Capital must protect itself in every way, through combination and through leg­islation. Debts must be collected and loans and mortgages foreclosed as soon as possible. When, through a process of law, the common people have lost their homes, they will be more tractable and more easily governed by the strong arm of the law, applied by the central power of wealth, under control of leading fi­nanciers. People without homes will not quarrel with their leaders. This is well known among our principal men now engaged in forming an imperialism of capital to govern the world. By dividing the people we can get them to expend their energies in fighting over questions of no importance to us except as teach­ers of the common herd.

    Feel nervous and hot around the neckband? I hope so! Did you really get the above message? All other issues take a back seat and are secondary to the question of money! You have been divided into a thousand different camps ranging from anti-Communist to anti-racists and neutralized by waiting for the rapture, or boozing with the boob-tube. What is your favorite diversion? That is, if you have any time left after working more than six months every year for the Anti-God Banksters (AB's) and THEIR "government". It is a very safe bet that you don't study history, or money, which, to re-quote that nice Robert Hemphill:

    ...is the most important subject intelligent persons can investigate and reflect upon. It is so important that our present civilization may well collapse unless it is widely understood and the defects remedied very soon.


    In order to understand how the AB's acquired their absolute power over the na­tions, it is necessary to understand some history which has been omitted from your history textbooks dealing with this matter--for your history books are so devoid of history that we have a myriad of subjects which are left out and buried under the shroud of deceit and lies. Nonetheless, let us consider this subject at hand. This knowledge is also necessary so that you do not repeat it--if you ever get the opportunity of control--AGAIN!

    In the beginning, there was no money and there was no civilization. Every man obtained his own necessities of life--food, shelter and clothing, through his own efforts in some manner or another. This was probably the only period in his­tory short of that ill-perceived "Eden" that man was truly free and independent--and that, too, is a dream, isn't it? However, this was a very difficult, danger­ous and insecure lifestyle at best, what with tantalizing apples and deceitful ladies of the night and serpents in all the trees and nothing but fig leaves to cover thine assets, and so forth. Fig leaves are most uncomfortable in the mid­dle of a windy blizzard or especially--sandstorm.

    Eventually, there developed a system of exchange of goods and services which we can call barter. In that economic system every man benefitted because he would only trade something he had for something that was of greater value in some manner to himself. For instance, if Jim had ten potatoes and Bill had ten fish, they could trade five potatoes for five fish and each would have a complete meal for his family. So there was "light".

    It was soon realized that, by specializing, a man could produce a given commodity much more efficiently and trade his surplus with other specialists to ob­tain all of his needs. Thus everyone who efficiently produced something which many people needed or wanted could make a very comfortable living with "markers" for a variety of items in exchange for his own production.

    The value that each man placed on his own produce was primarily a function of the time he spent to produce it, what he spent for raw materials and tools--AND MARKET DEMAND FOR HIS PRODUCT.


    It was soon realized, however, that barter was a very inconvenient system and, fun though it might be, consumed much time in bargaining over the value of commodities. After all, every man values everything differently from every other man and at different times, places and circumstances.

    Eventually, the use of certain durable commodities, such as gold and silver, be­came popular as a medium of exchange and greatly facilitated trade. Civiliza­tion began to develop as more men became specialists and an increasing variety of goods was produced for both production (tools) and consumption. The use of gold and silver bullion as media of exchange, although far superior to trading cows and corn, was still somewhat difficult, because their weight and purity had to be determined. Weighing them was relatively easy with balance scales but determining purity and quality was quite difficult. These problems were over­come with the introduction of "coins", which were certified by the issuing au­thority to be of the weight and purity represented by the denomination and pu­rity stamped upon them.


    As wealth increased, one of the trades that developed was that of making gold jewelry, or goldsmithing. Because goldsmiths dealt in large quantities of gold, it was necessary for them to have secure vaults, or safes, in which to store their valuable commodity for protection from theft.

    Other people who acquired significant amounts of metallic money, especially merchants and craftsmen, also required security for their money. It soon be­came common practice for them to "deposit" their money with the goldsmiths for a small fee. In return, the goldsmith would give the depositor a receipt for the amount of the deposit. A depositor could then give his warehouse receipt to a supplier in payment for goods, rather than transferring the metal itself. This method of payment was so convenient and simple that it soon became common practice. On paper an amount was simply transferred onto the books of an­other. Thus was born the business of banking. So good so far.


    The shrewd Babylonian Elite goldsmiths soon realized that, of all the gold deposited with them, only a small percentage was reclaimed each month with the warehouse receipts they had issued. As wealthy men, they were often asked for loans. As shrewd men, they were soon lending out as much as 90% of the gold placed on deposit with them, typically requiring that four talents of gold be re­turned to them in one year for every three they loaned, an interest rate of 33 1/3%!

    Since there was a limited amount of gold in circulation, they soon "cornered" the market on gold and became the richest men in Babylon. Their descendants still are and are referred to in Revelation 18:23: "For thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries (pharmicia = drugs) were all na­tions deceived". People who are drugged (poisoned) with alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, medicine, sugar, chlorine, fluoride, TV, government, "education", and "religion", have short-circuited brains and simply cannot think logically. If you are having difficulty understanding this, hopefully you now understand WHY! I am sure we left out a thing or two which has poisoned you as a soci­ety.


    Ah, rears the head of the deadly poison serpent. With virtually all of the gold in their possession, the goldsmiths could loan out their "warehouse receipts" for amounts totalling more than ten times the amount of gold actually in their vaults and charge interest (usury) on something which had cost them virtually nothing (clay tablets were very cheap at the time for labor was so thrifty).

    When this debt money was created and circulated in the society, it caused a temporary increase in trade and the production of real wealth until the loan was repaid. However, when the money was created, the amount of the interest was NOT CREATED and the ultimate result was a net reduction of money in circu­lation, causing depression and foreclosure, unless, of course, more money was loaned into circulation.

    Thus was born "fractional reserve banking" and the system of usury which to­day rules the world. This is the lifeblood of the system identified in Revelation 18 as "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT".


    Occasionally, the people holding these "gold certificates" would get wise to the fact that the goldsmith did not actually have enough gold on deposit with which to redeem his certificates. This would result in a "run on the bank" and his sudden demise, unless he had previously escaped with his hoard of gold.

    Being shrewd, the goldsmiths recognized this as an unhealthy situation. Therefore, after very little thought, they decided to bring the king in as a "partner". After all, the king was always in need of gold to support his concubines and palace guard. Thus the king was only too happy to provide government sanc­tion and protection for this racket in exchange for greatly discounted interest rates, even lower than the prime rate. But the shrewd goldsmiths thought that government protection might not be sufficient. After all, the police couldn't protect them 24 hours a day.

    Since the king was also god in the combined state religion of Baalism, the AB's decided that it would be safest for them to practice their black art under cover of religion. After all, there might be many who would revolt against slavery and risk imprisonment or death; what's the difference? But few religionists, even though enslaved, will challenge "authority" and risk eternal torment by being "excommunicated". Thus, many AB's became BAAL Priests and practiced their banking scam in the temples with complete safety--even picking up as much as 10% tithing, free, for being there.

    Thus was joined the unholy Babylonian trinity of; Government, Religion, and Banking (GRAB) which rules your world this day as a Great Mystery to the de­ceived "goyim", especially Christians, who are their prime target. Great pains and cares were also taken to REWRITE portions of the rule books for these goyim to fit with the Baal religion and keep the good little contributors happy and feeling "saved" at the same time.


    The beginning and rise to world dominion of this Babylonian system is detailed
    in your own Book of Daniel. The gold standard was established by King Nebuchadnezzar when he erected a monument of gold on the Plain of Dura and commanded that everyone bow down and worship it. This was about 500 BC when the Judaists from the southern Kingdom of Judah were in Babylon as cap­tives of the good old Khazar by whatever name they used that particular year. Apparently, all but four of them complied with the King's orders--Daniel, Shadrack, Meshak and Abednego.

    This is not too surprising, since those Khazar/Judaists had previously shown a strong proclivity for gold at the very foundation of their nation. While en­camped at the foot of Mt. Sinai after being led out of Egyptian slavery, Moses went up on the mountain to receive the Law from God--and when he returned, the foolish masses were worshipping a golden calf--so be it.

    Isn't this fun? Dharma, we need a break and then we'll move right on with Daniel's vision so we pick up a bit of historical value. These are the connec­tions which caused the Elite to separate Church and State, just in case anyone desired to check out either, or both. Salu.

    Hatonn to stand-by, please.

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