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PJ 21
SAT., NOV. 17, 1990 7:28 A.M. YEAR 4 DAY 93
SAT., NOV. 17, 1990

Hatonn present and I request that we move right along, please.

I trust you are all paying attention to the confirmations which are pouring forth upon you regarding those things which I have laid forth for your consideration. You are having confirmation of things from the presence of well-planned shelters for the so-called hostages in Iraq/Kuwait to atomic weapons in the hands of Iraq and Israel. These things are slipping through your "non-news media" in strange ways so I ask that you stay right on top of happenings.

How do you feel about the FBI confiscating material from a private hotel room, without warrant, in the presence of private security guards--in the CNN/Noriega matter? Do you have a police state? Is law of no value whatsoever any longer? Is it possible, little ones, that you have no rights? It appears there are laws for the elite forces and none to protect you the people. Consider these things for it can as well be YOUR HOME!

A young and newly married "hostage" in Kuwait has told the press that he would "prefer his wife (who had come to effort at his release) not to be in Kuwait for he fears for her safety if the ‘allied' forces attack; he has underground shelter provided in the event of attack. He has seen the shelters which are most secure and the ‘guests' will be the first placed in safety within the shelters if attack comes." This, beloved ones, is first hand information.

You also have confirmation that the Russian "advisers" are still in Iraq and Kuwait because there is petition by the U.S.--again--to get Russia to remove them.

You now have also been given public announcement that there are Israeli troops and heavy armored equipment into Lebanon-for some ten to fourteen days past and currently.

Now let us speak of the Shuttle just launched: The government is confirming everything I have told you in a most interesting manner--please attend closely.


Look at that which the U.S. is doing and sending into the Saudi sector. You had better be getting very, very nervous, chelas, for what is planned is heinous and a lot of people are going to get maimed and killed.

I want you to especially pay attention to the defense capabilities of Iraq: I ask Dharma to copy the article published this week in Spotlight as given to Oberli. I will further remind you that Iraq HAS ATOMIC WEAPONS AND ALL MANNER OF "DOUBTS OF SAME" AS PRESENTED BY YOUR MEDIA IS NULL AND VOID--YOUR CIA HAS CONFIRMED THE WEAPONS IN STOCKPILE. YOU ALL KNOW THAT ISRAEL HAS A STOCKPILE OF ATOMIC WEAPONS AND IS POISED AND READY FOR USE THEREOF.


Iraqi military strategists have built a complex system of trench defenses along the Kuwaiti border with Saudi Arabia, reminiscent of those built by France at "bloody Verdun" during World War I.

Declaring "they shall not pass," French Gen. Henri Philippe Petain built a series of trench and other earthwork defenses along the infamous salient of Verdun. Numerically superior German forces hoped to bleed the French army dry at the Verdun defenses, but the battle continued for months with the eventual loss of a million killed and wounded from both sides.

Now, 75 years later, military analysts are predicting that something like the mass slaughter at Verdun could be repeated in the sandy desert wastes along the Saudi/Kuwaiti border.

After the tragedy of Vietnam, with 55,000 American dead and the trauma of that war still causing the nation pain, the American people are not ready for the repeat of Verdun, with all its horrors--massive artillery barrages, bloody charges over barbwire defenses, poison gas attacks by the enemy, etc. But this is just what they will witness should war break out.


From a variety of sources, Spotlight has pieced together what American troops will be facing if the administration of President George Bush, currently seeking an excuse for war, orders the U.S. military to invade Iraqi-occupied Kuwait.

First, there is a line of razor wire, backed up by three parallel rows of minefields, each of which is several hundred yards deep and covered with buried anti-personnel and anti-tank mines, which the Iraqi government has obtained from Red China, the Soviet Union and France.

Between the minefields are anti-tank ditches, each about 12 feet deep and up to 10 feet wide. They were dug with earth-movers and bulldozers obtained by Iraq from Japan.

In these ditches, the Iraqis have placed 55-gallon drums of deadly napalm and have piped in crude from Kuwait's oil fields.

Oil-laden tankers, ready to be set ablaze, creating a sea of fire, await invading U.S. Marines off Kuwait's shores. This tactic alone would result in the worst man-made environmental catastrophe in history.

According to British intelligence sources, behind the "obstacle belt" of oil and napalm-filled ditches, designed to slow down or stop American armor, are Iraqi infantry, dug into deep trenches reinforced with concrete-coated wire mesh.

This first echelon of Iraqi forces is intended to further slow attacking troops.

A second echelon, according to the British sources, is strung out in a line that starts south of Kuwait City and extends west-northwest to the Kuwaiti border with Iraq and extends for some distance into Iraq itself. This second echelon consists of highly mobile mechanized armored units and is designed to penetrate and disrupt the attacking forces.

A third echelon consists of a cluster of heavily armored units north of Kuwait City. It is intended to be used in a counterattack.

Finally, farther north and on both sides of the Iraqi-Kuwaiti border is a large reserve force, according to the British sources. It is intended as Iraq's primary force to defend the Iraqi homeland in the event that all of the other defensive lines fail.




Iraqi forces have also deployed hundreds of fortified artillery pieces, ranging from 81-millimeter mortars to an awesome array of at least 300 155-mm howitzers.

The howitzers, which were largely responsible for decimating Iranian infantry and armor during the eight-year Iran-Iraq War are the best in the world.


Iraq has also developed, with German and U.S. technology, a new type of high-explosive weapon, which, according to Pentagon officials, is capable of delivering a blast similar to a small nuclear explosion over an area several miles wide.

Known as a fuel-air explosive, or FAE, it would be particularly effective against air bases, oil fields or troops in open terrain.

The bomb or missile warhead contains either propane gas or ethylene oxide. An initial explosion disperses the gas in the air, and a second, time-delayed detonation ignites the mixture of fuel and air, creating a huge fireball and shock wave.

Iraq reportedly can deliver the FAE's by aircraft-carried bombs or guided missiles.

U.S. forces will also face Iraq's probable use of poison gas weapons. The Iraqis are known to have blistering agent-type gases, as well as the more deadly nerve gases.

It is questionable if U.S. troops have adequate protective wear to counter such weapons, which the Iraqis can deliver either by guided missile or aircraft bombs.

Few military experts would disagree that American forces, primarily due to vastly superior air and naval power, will win a confrontation with Iraq. They will also not disagree that such a victory will not be without high cost.

As Iraq's brutal leader, President Saddam Hussein, has said, "We are not Panama."


I have already discussed, at length, the types of cannon capability and missile power Iraq has ready and aimed. I have also told you that state-of-the-art Soviet surveillance and intercept equipment is available and aimed--YOU CANNOT HAVE AIR SUPREMACY. FURTHER, ALL OF THESE ABOVE NAMED WEAPONS CAN BE LAUNCHED TO ANYWHERE IN THE AREA AT PIN-POINT ACCURACY, INCLUDING CHEMICAL AND ATOMIC, TO OVER 5,000 MILES FROM ORIGIN.



I will not cover this subject properly at this sitting for I must move on with the Journal subject under penning--let me suffice it to say that YOU STILL HAVE A WHOLE BUNCH OF PRISONERS OF WAR IN VIETNAM. As ones are able to escape in one manner or another they are immediately intercepted and given warnings by your government to keep silent under penalty of death. I have already suggested you get your own proof of this and further, face the fact that your sons, husbands and fathers are not worth the price of one ounce of drugs. I have suggested you get Col. Gritz's book and now, I further ask you to do your homework and save me some time for new information revelations. Get a book called Kiss The Boys Goodbye, by Stevenson/Jensen, Liberty Library, 300 Independence Ave. SE, Washington, D.C. 20003, $24.95. You are going to get some eye openers that I believe will curl your hair, even if you have none. I shall give you a brief synopsis at the next writing but I wish to now continue with your own creation and origin.

Dharma, I ask that we return to the subject referred to some two days past: non-time.


When the universe reaches a point of maximum expansion, a unique phenomenon will take place. There will be a moment when all laws necessary for the creative maintenance of physical matter and all materializing processes become suspended. Due to the relative velocities of the various star systems, this event will not be experienced simultaneously in all parts of the universe, but will travel as a wave across the sea of creation.

Existing within this ripple of non-time will be the focused conscious attention of the Creator. As it passes through the material realms, it will stay and take up residence in all life forms with circuitry capable of mirroring its essence. This is the moment when the Creator will slip inside Creation; the moment for which we are attempting to prepare you.

This is the much misunderstood "Second Coming of Christianity". It is the event that primitive civilizations have looked forward to as "the return of the gods". The Mayans went so far as to pinpoint its actual occurrence in what you would call the year 2011 A.D. Yet while many of your traditions hint at what is about to transpire, none of them have adequately conveyed the magnitude of impact such an event will have. Indeed, no single conceptual structure is capable of conveying the enormity of what is soon to take place.

Those familiar with the scriptures of your various peoples should be in position to understand what is occurring for these are the times spoken of. Yet you must realize that God did not invent the words used in scripture. He merely arranged them in the order most approximating His meaning. Further, He only presented them in mental pictures and through the years of translation and deliberate tampering most meaning is distorted and damaged.

What is actually happening requires all of biological life to convey its meaning.

Words can symbolize this but hardly portray it fully enough to stand alone. If you would know the deepest Truth of scripture, look not to words alone but to the great momentum of spirit within your own soul. This is where the living history is being made. In a way that would be impossible for your rational intellect to comprehend, this forthcoming event is human history. The sum total of all that has happened on your planet is but the shadow cast before.

In a very real sense, you have not yet been born. You are still in an embryonic state. You have yet to receive the touch of God's total definition. Through the long years of human history on Earth, your species has been forming the cells that are to comprise the directive aspect of the physical body of the Creator within Creation. Gestation upon this planet has but set the stage for the emergence of the Planetary Being now taking definite form. This Planetary Being is actually "who you are".

Has it occurred to you that the mathematical probability of your being here is infinitesimal? Were you not here, living proof of the impossible, an excellent case could be made for your non-existence--and still can prevail in conceptual reasoning. Within the framework of law that was of necessity instituted to create and govern these material realms, the existence of biological life would not have been possible, except were it to enter through that one moment when that law was suspended. Ponder this carefully. Such is the origin of biology; the fusion of Spirit and Matter. The impact of this single creative moment is so vast, so far-reaching, that the shock waves sent out before it have given rise to all of the biological life that now exists upon your planet.

You are living in the shadow of an event not yet taken place. Yet it is you, yourself, under all your layers of false identity that cause this event as you approach ever nearer to the Earth. From within the context of history, it appears that there has been, on this planet, a progression of increasingly complex life-forms evolving toward ever higher levels of consciousness. It appears that there has been an evolutionary process. But this is not the case. What is actually occurring is that the matter of Earth is falling under the influence of your vibrational body. This influence naturally increases as you draw nearer. Only when the center of your spirit touches the center of the Earth will Life on this planet be fully manifest in form. The same Truth can be presented, however, in that it HAS ALREADY OCCURRED LONG PRIOR TO THIS MOMENT AS YOU PERCEIVE IT AND YOU ARE BUT A REENACTMENT OF THAT WHICH WAS COME BEFORE.

This is not difficult to understand. What you have considered to be history or in other terms, the evolution of the species, is only what you have been able to observe through the distorted medium of a fragmented and quite subjective intelligence, trapped within the past-future orientation of linear time. From such a perspective, the act of Creation could appear as a progressive, sequential process. To the extent that you are able to identify with the spirit that gives you consciousness however, it becomes a much simpler matter: you have yet to arrive. You are still on your way, so to speak. Sitting there reading these words is only a reflection of your unconscious totality as it prepares to become fully revealed on the day of awakening.

Your real life will begin when the Creator gives you His definition in form. Within the womb of history, your species has been primarily defined by the Earth-Mother who is helping to prepare the clay. She is only interested in getting the form arranged according to specification. Her only knowledge of Spirit is that it brings forth her potential.

When the Father's center merges with the center of the Earth, the collectivity of human consciousness will awaken to a unified field identity. You will be born. After that, the influence of Matter will not affect your consciousness as dominantly as it did during the historical gestation period. The Earth will continue to suckle the species, so to speak, for another millennium before you are capable of going off on your own, but even during that period the Father's influence will be much greater than it is today.


The Creator has established laws to govern the bonding of energy. Through these laws of materialization, the physical universe is created and maintained. In the material realms, these laws are right and proper. But when they come into relationship with biological life, they begin to behave strangely. From a perspective of consciousness, they translate into limitation, contraction and ultimately death. In psychological terms, the laws of materialization have given rise to the ego--a fictitious identity with a sense of fear, vulnerability and a need to protect and defend itself. Spiritual consciousness should not properly be associated with the forces that govern the bonding of energy.

Their historical juxtaposition came about through the process referred to as "the Fall". During the period of species preparation, the presence of the materializing influence on levels of consciousness has been unfortunate but not critical. However, in light of the intensifying vibrations of the creative spirit that is now nearly aligned with the center of your planet, the definitions that have been imposed by matter will no longer be tenable. The Creator Himself will dispel this planetary restraining influence and henceforth hold all life-forms in appropriate expression through the new definitions of His love. This will be a profound transition for each and every form identity, a transition of a magnitude you can only begin to suspect.


As a collective event, the moment of birth is still a generation away. But individually speaking, this event transcends the limits of space and time and is, in fact, already under way. Your individual birth will take place at the precise moment in linear time when you stop struggling with your rational fear patterns and let yourself go in the divine dance of inner direction. You must decide whether you are going to accept the inevitable in a state of love and prepare yourself accordingly, or hold on in fear to the bitter end. Ultimately these are the only two avenues of response. By the linear time this event takes place, humanity will be polarized according to these two adaptive patterns. All will be decidedly in one camp or the other.


To those of the human race who have turned themselves in to the will of God, the coming interval of non-time will literally expand into eternity. These individuals will be able to experience a lifetime or many lifetimes, in that eternity, while still retaining the option to return to their physical projections as transformed representatives of the Being of Life on Earth. These will be our co-workers during the period of Planetary Awakening--please, I hope you ones read this very carefully. Dharma, pause, chela, and reread the above for it is indeed most important to some of you in this early awakening. Some of you cannot drift upon the currents but rather must come quickly into knowledge.

Others, not so finely tuned to the forces that will be released at that time, will feel great surges of energy, lasting for an indeterminate period. Some few will experience an intense fear and many, dear ones, shall die. Everything in physical form at this time, every soul in every kingdom, will feel something, something incredible, something that according to all the laws of physics ever known or ever to be discovered, could never happen. But there it will be before all senses; an impossible fact, like the babe in the manger, like the unmistakable feeling in your heart, an incredible vibration of Truth and Love, shimmering, scintillating, awakening every nerve, every capillary, every cell of your planetary body.

Whether the individual form identity reading these words right now will be a surviving participant in that event depends upon that with which you identify and how gracefully you are able to align yourself with God's creative definition. If you can identify with the flow of Life through your essential Planetary Being and release all subjective definitions of who you think you are, you will play your part most joyously in the birthday celebration. God's definition of you in form is much greater than any you could possibly imagine for yourself. During this present period of Individual Awakening, the first of the three creative periods, you are being given the opportunity to embrace this true definition as the cornerstone of your existence.


On the morning of Creation, you will recognize the Unified Collective Consciousness of all Humankind as your own true identity. You will know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are the bridge between Spirit and Matter, between Creator and Creation, between Life and the forms through which Life flows. If you release the definitions that Matter has set upon you, this is the definition that the Creator will bestow, the definition of Christ Himself!

Can you see yourself as we of the distant stars do, from the objective vantage point of the ages, with the eyes of the Star-Maker Himself? To us, your entire history appears as but a gesture of sorts. We see in your passage through the vibrational field of Earth, a gesture that you make, a salute almost, to the energy-retention systems of this particular heavenly body. This is how you express yourself on this beautiful blue and white world whirling through space as a wondrously blue-green thing of beauty.


Dharma, allow us to close this segment for ones must be attuned to the material thus far given that they can have concept of that which will come.
At this time in your racial experience, most of you are simply not yet ready to
enter into a closer working relationship with us but we will prepare you, during the coming years of revolutions of your planet around the Sun for the time when your collective vibrational patterns are such that we can blend with them on a very large scale.

We are still experimenting with various ways and means of accomplishing our task of awakening but with the increasing ease of direct informational exchange, our work within the currents of your history will probably subside. We hope it will not be necessary to shake you out of your exclusive past-future oriented focus on form through any of the cataclysmic events foretold in your various prophecies. We will use these if we must in order to protect the biosphere of this planet but if you follow through on the information we are clarifying, there is no reason why we should have to resort to such extreme measures. Through these transmissions and through many others like them throughout the Earth, we are supplying you with more than enough information to enable you to restore your own equilibrium.


We are allowing a certain amount of ecological destruction to take place without direct interference because such destruction may help to precipitate a voluntary and cooperative return to a pre-Fall state. You must come to understand that you structure these things yourself and not of outside doing. This would be far more meaningful than a return that is forced upon you. A self-initiated awakening will greatly enhance your ability to restore the Earth's ecological harmony. Consequently, at this time, we are confining our help as much as is possible to the provision of information and to the development of conceptual clarity.

Meanwhile, there are many among you who will, as time passes, experience one by one the necessary psychological transformation and enter into a conscious working relationship with those of us in a state of grace. During this coming period we will be largely occupied with the conceptual education of your species along with pointing out that which you are bringing in your own creation. You must witness the errors of your creation in order to collectively form perfection and balance in that which you are now creating.

As we move along here in this present cycle, we will be withdrawing our activity on conceptual levels and focus more directly on physical and emotional levels. This is where the real work needs to be accomplished. The establishment of a conducive conceptual climate however, is a prerequisite.

As we move along we shall be integrating past, current and future perceptions so that you can look at the patterns in somewhat less confusion. May we abide together, you and us, that clarity becomes our focus and ability to comprehend is granted through grace of Creator. It is a joy to share in this wondrous experience upon the waves of the universe. Salu.

Hatonn to stand-by.

PJ 21
SAT., NOV. 17, 1990 3:07 P.M. YEAR 4 DAY 93
SAT., NOV. 17, 1990

Our first very large scale entry into your historical process was in the late sixties. Now, I know that all of you are going to moan and groan and wonder about "little gray aliens" and space craft sightings occurring from the early 1940s onward. Let us turn to that subject later for I do not wish to distract from the chain of thought patterns which I intend to lay forth for you herein.

In what you called the decade of the 1960s we learned much of the process and materializing patterns that presently restrain and define your collective expression of consciousness. Our experiences at that time and during the years that followed have formed much of the conceptual basis for these very transmissions to this location and to receivers elsewhere. Our scribes do not at this time have knowledge of the other scribes and receivers for it is important that Truth come forth unblemished by conscious considerations. In "time", it will all be brought together for it is also important to not leave our workers with the overwhelming burden of feeling singularly alone in the work.

At that time, the members of your species most responsive to our descending vibrational patterns were those who had not yet assumed clearly defined social roles. Our more current writers are however, untouched by the contact or of knowledge from any study along the metaphysical or cosmic designs, either man-conjured or in Truth. This scribe, for instance, only came into consciousness of my presence on a personal basis in 1987, although she had been guided to use my label in SIPAPU ODYSSEY which she thought to be a simple fantasy--having no connection to the field of writing in any manner what-so-ever. Her training of course, was underway long before her journey to your planet but--as with all--there was no connection in consciousness. Do not any of you be surprised at how awakening into Truth will come into your own attention.

Esoterically, back in the late sixties, these individuals could be said to have had loose etheric bodies. But practically, they were individuals in transition, with few vested interests in the status quo. What made most of these individuals responsive to our presence was the fact that they had relatively flexible conceptual structures. Within them, we could plant the seeds of our Life-giving information with the greatest chance for successful germination. They took a lot of abuse and ridicule as "kooks" and "crazies". The problem was that in the confusion and lack of proper preparation, there was much erroneous information mixed with Truth and it produced great errors in judgment, perception and a movement into "drop-out", drug use and corruption of the very ideals we were efforting to re-establish. But these ones were ready for change and change always requires acceptance and readiness even if the experiments fall short of perfection. The children of that generation coming into maturity would be those who would participate on many different levels, in the great revelations of the late eighties and now, the nineties. This will be a truly momentous time, a time when the first contractions of birth are unmistakable. A large part of the purpose for these present transmissions is to allow you to now go back and see that preparation was well under way in that generation for something unprecedented that was to appear in their children. Some of you parents were also in total learning and sequential experiences which would lead you into your responsibilities at this time--i.e., Dharma and Oberli, George and Desiree' Green and thus and so.

Information of this same material has already been presented and the proper ones were made aware and utilized that which was projected for the time and space needed. Now, it is time to bring forth the work and words of Truth in current relationship to the fulfillment of prophecies and setting the Truth to pen and paper for the historical passage of the cycles. Many who read the identical material will now believe it to be new revelation when actually there is nothing new except your conscious understanding will have expanded into ability to grasp meaning and instruction.

Our communications during the closing years a decade later in the seventies were beginning to reach past the social fringe of your culture that was contacted during the sixties. At that time, we were reaching deep into the heart of global civilization. We were reaching many who were in what you might call "lubricatory positions" in your society--individuals working in factories, teaching in schools, building your cities and expanding your science. At the same time the Global Elite Cartel was in full swing in a most destructive manner and the bankers taking control of your very world. However, it would come to be that you would be able to look at that which was happening around you and begin to see that which was afoot in action and deterioration of your societies but the masses were unwilling to admit what was underway. There must always come a point where the lies can no longer be accepted and the masses can see beyond the veils and charades and into Truth. There must always reach a point wherein Truth is visible as the "sore thumb" sticking out in a crowd--unmistakable in its obvious presence. There must come a point where change is not only feasible but demanded by the masses in conscious unity. You are just about to that point, little chelas, and now, the WORD can go forth and it will fill the vacant voids left unfilled by organized indoctrinated religious clubs, politics, government, military and most of all--the separation of man from God by all manner of heinous lies and false teachings--you are now ready to hear Truth and KNOW THAT WHICH YOU HEAR BEARS THE TRUTH OF GOD AND CREATION! YOU SHALL THEN BE ABLE TO HEAR AND IN TIME ORGANIZE THINE ACTIONS INTO INNER UNDERSTANDING WHICH WILL THEN BE BROUGHT WITH-OUT AND YOU CAN BEGIN TO FUNCTION IN UNITY OF PURPOSE TO RECLAIM THAT FREEDOM AND TRUTH TAKEN FROM YOU THROUGH IGNORANCE ON YOUR PART, AND EVIL INTENT ON THE PART OF THE PERPETRATORS OF THE LIES. IT IS THE TIME OF COMING AGAIN INTO TRUTH!

In the seventies, we were not yet in direct contact to any great extent with your government officials nor with world bankers and/or international financiers. In most cases, these elements had surrounded themselves with ego mechanisms too complex to penetrate at that time--or at this time, for the matter of it. Our first major contacts with them would begin to occur during the more powerful transmissions of the late eighties and confrontations with their contemptible intent through disclosures of Truth beyond the layers and layers of lies sent forth to pull you the people down. It would be brave writers who would be given to perceive Truth from the sham and dare to bring it forth unto your eyes and ears. Most of the finer scribes have not physically lived to see even this fruit of their vines. They did not understand the importance of participation in open conscious knowledge of our presence and allowance of our shielding for their protection for the egos were still much too mighty to be set aside as with our later scribes where Truth is absolute in intent and the human writer hardly more than shadow.

We have had much contact with those ones, especially in the years of the very end of the eighties. They did not allow you ones to know of the contact nor of the presence and have continued to cover-up the relationships established and have continued to act in defiance of God's laws and further unbalance The Creation's organized harmony upon your planet. The ones in placement "among" the controllers, are none-the-less, critical enough in the maintenance of your social systems to insure that the world will make some incredible leaps in consciousness during these years of the nineties. The majority do not have room within their belief structures to accommodate so grand a being as an angel or extraterrestrial so they respond to our influence as if it were coming from themselves. They feel good; they feel clear; they feel the changes in the air. They wake up a little, throw off some of their defense mechanisms and bring a newer and fresher perspective into each situation where the point is critical. This is however, why the thrust into violence and conditioning of the masses into violent and deviant behavior has been speeded up to incredible extent. There are many major factions on headlong collision course and the explosion shall indeed be great.


Consciously or unconsciously, the ones we contact and "touch" who can accept possibilities of perception changes, begin to more thoroughly accommodate the flow of Spirit. At times they change radically and attribute their transformation to this or that mechanism. We simply enjoy the experience. We do not care HOW the change comes about as long as it does come. Those who are not yet sensitive enough to sense our presence, feel us as a high, as clarity, or as peace. All we touch are changed in some way. Even in the "unknowing" the touch is something to leave one changed forever.

If it seems to these people that the changes originate within themselves, this is all the better, for in fact they do. We do not bring the Presence of God; that already exists everywhere. We assist in the removal of conceptual and emotional blocks that prevent the full experience of that Presence. We work with all who are sympathetic, simple and sincere people who feel our spirit moving but for the most part, only within the context of their current belief system to allow growth into change without shock to the system's learned patterns.

Through communications such as these, we are forging more concise conceptual tools that these individuals and others can use to free themselves. Often, these tools are still too conceptual for the message they contain but they are useful at this time in loosening the bars of the conceptual prisons in which so many individuals still function. If you found yourself in Hell, it might he appropriate to grab a pitch-fork and fight your way out. In a sense, this is the nature of our conceptual work. Once out of Hell, you would no doubt set the pitch-fork aside for the tool would only be a further burden to be carried about.

These concepts that we are providing at this time are strictly transitional, to be used only until such times as you no longer need them. Their ultimate purpose is the dissolution of subjective thinking. We give them freely to assist your race in releasing itself from the spell of fear and reason. Reason is a beautiful and useful process when it springs from the right premise. But the right premise is seldom the starting point for fearful creatures caught in a net of subjectivity. Only when reason is returned to its proper place in the spiritual structure of true Intelligence and used wisely in the consciousness of the Christ, will it once more begin to serve the needs of the whole.


There is only one Spirit but there is no limit to the number of forms through which this Spirit can express. For the moment, these forms seem important and they are in so far as their contribution to the whole is concerned but as the years go by, the range of their differentiation will become of much less consequence to individuals who are sincerely offering their lives as channels through which the Spirit can work. As Life is able to express through such individuals with increasing ease, they will begin to recognize each other as differentiations of the same Spirit. Such individuals could be compared to conscious nerve endings, nerve endings of God in Matter, channeling the Life-flow of Christ-awareness into each and every cell of the Planetary Being.

Surprisingly enough to you who cannot understand, by the time of the eighties revelations, knowledge of our existence and our work was widespread, especially among the younger generation, the prime focus of our efforts at that time. Although awareness of our presence is not necessary to our work, it does facilitate the transfer of information. Many thousands were consciously working with us and many more were not in conscious realization of that which prompted them into various actions. Many of the youth could not adjust to the contradictions of lies and Truth, poor example and empty words and thus and so--and many committed suicide in order to fulfill their mission to awaken those left in the physical form. Never judge another's actions for you have no way to know the contract with God of another. Most of you do not even know your own contract with God and self.

I suggest you get those circuits clear, dear friends. Great portents of change are in the air. Your physicists are speaking of these things in terms that defy explanation. Your psychologists are abandoning the sinking ships of conventional rationality. Your religions are exploding beyond the confines of their dogma in the re-discovery of Spirit. It is all here in the present moment but unrecognized as ones cling to the old and final efforts are being thrust against you to pull you down--YOU ARE IN THAT PROJECTED "FUTURE SHOCK!"

Open your mind to possibility. Open your eyes and see what is around you. There is a new pattern descending upon your planet. Tune into it and learn an effective way of dealing with the closing years of this phase of historical experience.

You are being offered an opportunity to enter a new reality. A new creation set forth by your own training and by your own hand--cleared of the errors of past experience and overflowing with the abundance of perfect creation.


You created this world and what you perceive in it. To overcome the negative impact you must come back into recognition of that which you ARE. Just as you created that which you are now experiencing, you shall have to create the mode to overcome and grow above and beyond. You are headed for a day very soon now wherein there will only be "reality" to witness. Those who tune into the new frequencies and patterns will find life growing more wondrous every day. Those who tune into fear will find things falling apart. Two worlds of consciousness will begin to form ever more distinctly; the world of Love and Life, and the world of fear and death. There will continue to be some overlap of these worlds for several of what you call years to come, some going back and forth for certain individuals but as the century draws to a close, the polarization will continue to intensify. The moment of birth will also be the moment of Last Judgment, the moment of final separation.


There will be better times for some and worse for others depending on their orientation and involvement. Fortunately, the natural tendency of your species is to gravitate toward Love and Life for therein lies Truth innately awaiting surfacing. For the vast majority the times ahead will be better than they expect for beyond the conscious facade most ones at this time do not look forward with joy to anything. Some of the worst scenarios have already been rendered impossible. Except in a few isolated pockets where the new energies will not enter until later, the momentum of positive change is actually being felt everywhere. Remember that which you are shown and told is NOT Truth and therefore you must feel isolated and among the minority--there are more of your brothers around than the Conspirators would allow you to know. Their downfall is assured as you ones awaken into Truth and take your power.

The coming age will be a time of incredible blessing as the transition moves along there will be a restoration of ecological balance, etc. But you can expect these things to deteriorate in the immediate experience for change only comes after the swing into negativity reaches a peak.

As you move past the negative impact you will move into a transition of both existence and perception and for this, a remnant must survive to make the journey. Humankind will come to peace and harmony can prevail. Planetary resources will be realistically understood and properly utilized. It will be a time of revelation, during which the mind and plans of the Creator will be made clear for all to see. It will be the time when the final stage of incarnation becomes fully manifest in form, when Spirit, working through a fully awakened and responsive humanity, constructs for itself a mobile physical body.

Human individuals will not function in such cumbersome fashion as they do today. They will go about their tasks with the grace of dancers, performing to a music that each will hear on his or her own frequency of soul. Through these "melodies" in harmony, God will sustain each of His contextual identities in supreme fulfillment. Specific melodies will change with each environment, with each moment, with each task. Yet a consistent overall pattern of relationship will constitute the new identity of Mankind.

Ah yes, ye shall create thine own transition and it shall be glorious--if ye choose of it to be. Let us conceptualize for a moment, into and through this transition. The "time" as you perceive it shall be quite awhile in counting. Meanwhile, from a perspective of Spirit, there will be growing through the instrumentality of the human species, a physical body capable of universal exploration. The completed body will resemble a reflection of your species in design and structure--for lack of better explanation.

Then, in the proper sequence of cycles, the completed physical body, incorporating much of the Earth's biological life, will depart from this recognized planet, somewhere around a thousand years later, in your counting. I choose to refrain describing the appearance of this newly birthed being for it shall be of your design but you will be in recognition. It will function much like the microcosmic body with all organs represented for remember, you now have a living, breathing and thinking planet. It will be fueled by a fuel all will have learned to live on by that time--LIGHT! Ah, and then the wondrous journey--for its design will allow speeds to slightly less than the speed of light--but ye will not be constricted to the limits. If you wish to travel faster, my friends, you have only to use your non-physical vehicles just as do we.

It is projected that from the human cellular perspective, the construction of this body will be a gloriously enjoyable thousand year period of inter-continental cooperation. From a spiritual perspective, it will be the birth of an organism the likes of which the universe has never seen--as you ones come into your graduation. As the greatest gathering of interstellar space vehicles ever assembled leaves the Earth in graceful formation, the Christ Child will slowly get up, look around, and push itself off into space.

Yours is not a tame God to be confined in reverent concepts but a vibrant, playful energy, the very soul and spirit of Life! He comes to Earth not to be somber and devout but to dance, sing and enjoy that which He has created. Do not allow the gravity of your planet to weigh upon your consciousness. You have been aware of the effect of gravity on material objects but it has only been recently, in your outer travels, that you have begun to realize that that which holds you to the physical and enslaves you to the physical, binds and limits consciousness as well. You have been misled and brought down by the very physical concepts which are set forth to entrap you into the false path of a destiny of separation. You will find that the physical is only a mockery of the delights and experiences of Spirit in consciousness.

As a species, you first began to sense this when human beings entered into orbital patterns around the Earth. In the farthest reaches of the planet's atmosphere gravity was felt for the very first time as courtship instead of marriage. Were you listening to the reports of those first human space travelers? They were not alone in their capsules. The entire species was present with them in consciousness as collective historical preconceptions began to fall away. Many among you looked out of their eyes and shared the feelings they felt.

Compression as recognized as gravitational force will certainly not be done away with after the transition but they will no longer affect human consciousness for we now speak of a much finer and refined being. In these last few years, while the influence of matter still co-exists with the rising Life energies, do not conceive of your world with such gravity. Anticipate that which is coming in wondrous joy. "Lighten up" with the merriment and anticipation of Christ--the limitless Sacred Circle of Infinity. Watch the birthing of the Phoenix as it comes from the incubator.

Even now the awakening perfection is showing Himself to your scientists and mathematicians through playful impossibilities that thwart all their rational explanations. He is laughingly holding up the stage props of contemporary contentions, running to and fro, catching them as they fall, seeing how long He can keep His presence a surprise. Watching while they call HIM everything except that which He is.


Do you remember when you were but small children and the world seemed fun and exciting? Be like those little children again in your anticipation and curiosity for Truth. Come play with us in the wonderland of Matter. It is long years that you have dreamed of your entry into these realms. Your dream has come true and you fail to see of it! Wake up and see where you are! If the world sees the happy exuberance of the awakening Creator shining in YOUR eyes and thinks that it is irresponsible in light of this or that growing crisis, patiently explain to them what is happening. Remind them of how it has to be to reach beyond. Tell them something of the new perspective--show them the possibilities in taking control and power for self. Do not present yourself as a silly clown but come into the joy within your own presence in the moment of your being, tell them what you are experiencing and what they might experience too and what together you might change and accomplish to reverse the negativity upon your wondrous placement. Allow others to see that peace and serenity are not yours alone but the reflection in your life of a Being who will always be at His greatest ease. Do not put on a facade of pious foolish appearance--be self and be at peace.

Do not allow this preview of that which is to come distract you from the work that lies ahead. Do not store the specifics of this vision in your mind and then expound upon them with rational extrapolations. Feel the spirit of all that we have been sharing, embody it practically in your daily living. The vision is real, beloved friends, but there are necessary steps to occur before what is already done in Spirit becomes likewise accomplished on the physical Earth. You are the means of those steps, the mechanism that the Lord has designed to implement His will in the realm of form. In the stillness of your innermost being, contact Him. Gain His clarity, purpose and direction. When you have received instructions and discovered your area of service, go forth and do what needs to be done.

We are prepared to join in conscious communion, those members of your species who have experienced psychological death and rebirth. Before our help can materialize however, there must be more openings on human levels. We are unable to commune with humans whose vibrational fields are distorted by ego factors, emotional reactions, excessive conceptualization or past-future orientation. In such cases, our presence would force their vibrational patterns into alignment with ours, robbing them prematurely of a portion of their own identity. We are only able to work with those who are consciously aware of who they are and what they are doing. With these, union becomes simply reunion.

Be patient with thine brethren for they have long been falsely taught. It is only critical that you remember your origin and purpose and the rest shall follow in proper sequence of events. Your descent into Matter has almost reached its low point. If all with which you identify is not to be annihilated in entropic collapse, you must begin waking up and begin living. You have been dead to the most important part of yourself all these years of your history. But your time in the sarcophagus is complete. You shall no more be consumed in the fires of faithlessness. Arise then from the ashes of ignorance, put aside the incubation and rejoin the Cosmic Brotherhood. The time of separation has come. There are but two roads before you. You can walk in the innocence of those who trust in the Source or perish in the impending collapse of your rational systems. You must walk before you can fly and the choice, as it always has been, is yours alone!

We shall close this chapter for next we shall take up a bit of the psychological process of this change. Everything that you need exists in this present moment and this moment is all that exists. In its brief flicker you will find all the time in the world. Through it you will contact the Living Information that will guide you with infallible direction. It is through this present moment that you will leave the prison of human definition and expand into an awareness of divine perception. It is the crack between the worlds, not only the worlds of past and future but worlds of time and space, spirit and matter, form and being. It is a timeless zone, the gateway through which you will again begin to participate in the adventure of creation. As we begin so do we end for there is neither beginning nor ending in reality--ONLY THAT WHICH IS!

Do not subscribe to the passing illusions of this age. Do not blindly follow the archaic warrior programming that leaves you unconscious, an automaton, a puppet controlled by those who have for centuries made it their business to map and chart the currents of the fear that now entraps you. Realize your choices and your ability of creation. Should you feel a habit of violent reaction, whether in thought, word or deed, realize that it is only yourself with whom you strive. Do not contend so anxiously with yourself. There is only one of you here shadowboxing on the wall. Defend yourself from this alone: the programming of unconscious fears. The essence of intelligence is this: it is always to your advantage to cooperate rather than to retaliate. These are not "others" that you perceive as foes but those of self reflected back from the mirror. It is better to allow them to become your friends and partners in the healing and educational work of these times. But you must learn to stand strong in the presence of those who would refuse decision and play upon your very weakest fiber. Do not be so foolish as to allow that which would destroy you and/or our work, within. Remember--example? Ones of your species will be watching that which you do--not so much that which you say! So be it. If a man is not with us--he must be accepted as being against us and we must keep from the distraction for, after all, that is all it is about--his need for ego gratification as you place God in lower rank, thus negating thine own Truth and value. Ponder it gently but carefully, dear ones.

I stand aside that we might prepare to gather to discuss these things. I am Hatonn to clear, please.

By Hatonn, notes by Candace & Don Hynes & Esu
Apr 17, 2010 - 4:55:13 PM

Candace: This is WHAT the Ascension of Earth into Light and Life IS about. I have notes at the end and added material from Don Hynes. This is from PJ #21.

SAT., NOV. 17, 1990
When the universe reaches a point of maximum expansion, a unique phenomenon will take place. There will be a moment when all laws necessary for the creative maintenance of physical matter and all materializing processes become suspended.

Due to the relative velocities of the various star systems, this event will not be experienced simultaneously in all parts of the universe, but will travel as a wave across the sea of creation.

Existing within this ripple on non-time will be the focused consciousness attention of the Creator. As it passes through the material realms, it will stay and take up residence in all life forms with circuitry capable of mirroring its essence. This is the moment when the Creator will slip inside Creation; the moment for which we are attempting to prepare you.

This is the much misunderstood "Second Coming of Christianity". It is the event that primitive civilizations have looked forward to as "the return of the gods". The Mayans went so far as to pinpoint its actual occurrence in what you would call the year 2011 A.D. Yet while many of your traditions hint at what is about to transpire, none of them have adequately conveyed the magnitude of impact such an event will have. Indeed, no single conceptual structure is capable of conveying the enormity of what is soon to take place.

Those familiar with the scriptures of your various peoples should be in position to understand what is occurring for these are the times spoken of. Yet you must realize that God did not invent the words used in scripture. He merely arranged them in the order most approximating His meaning. Further, He only prescribed them in mental pictures and through the years of translation and deliberate tampering most meaning is distorted and damaged.

What is actually happening requires all of biological life to convey its meaning.
Words can symbolize this but hardly portray it fully enough to stand alone. If you would know the deepest Truth of scripture, look not to words alone but to the great momentum of spirit within your own soul. This is where the living history is being made. In a way that would be impossible for your rational intellect to comprehend, this forthcoming event is human history. The sum total of all that has happened on your planet is but the shadow cast before.

In a very real sense, you have not yet been born. You are still in an embryonic state. You have yet to receive the touch of God's total definition. Through the long years of human history on Earth, your species has been forming the cells that are to comprise the directive aspect of the physical body of the Creator within Creation. Gestation upon this planet has but set the stage for the emergence of the Planetary Being now taking definite form. This Planetary Being is actually "who you are".

Has it occurred to you that the mathematical probability of your being here is infinitesimal? Were you not here, living proof of the impossible, an excellent case could be made for your non-existence--and still can prevail in conceptual reasoning. Within the framework of law that was of necessity instituted to create and govern these material realms, the existence of biological life would not have been possible, except were it to enter through that one moment when that law was suspended. Ponder this carefully. Such is the origin of biology; the fusion of Spirit and Matter. The impact of this single creative moment is so vast, so far-reaching, that the shock waves sent out before it have given rise to all of the biological life that now exists upon your planet.

You are living in the shadow of an event not yet taken place. Yet it is you, yourself, under all your layers of false identity that cause this event as you approach ever nearer to the Earth. From within the context of history, it appears that there has been, on this planet, a progression of increasingly complex lifeforms evolving toward ever higher levels of consciousness. It appears that there has been an evolutionary process. But this is not the case. What is actually occurring is that the matter of Earth is falling under the influence of your vibrational body. This influence naturally increases as you draw nearer. Only when the center of your spirit touches the center of the Earth will Life on this planet be fully manifest in form. The same Truth can be presented, however, in that it HAS ALREADY OCCURRED LONG PRIOR TO THIS MOMENT AS YOU PERCEIVE IT AND YOU ARE BUT A REENACTMENT OF THAT WHICH WAS COME BEFORE.

This is not difficult to understand. What you have considered to be history or in other terms, the evolution of the species, is only what you have been able to observe through the distorted medium of a fragmented and quite subjective intelligence, trapped within the past-future orientation of linear time. From such a perspective, the act of Creation could appear as a progressive, sequential process. To the extent that you are able to identify with the spirit that gives you consciousness, however, it becomes a much simpler matter; you have yet to arrive. You are still on your way, so to speak. Sitting there reading these words is only a reflection of your unconscious totality as it prepares to become fully revealed on the day of awakening.

Your real life will begin when the Creator gives you His definition in form. Within the womb of history, your species has been primarily defined by the Earth-Mother who is helping to prepare the clay. She is only interested in getting the form arranged according to specification. Her only knowledge of Spirit is that it brings forth her potential.

When the Father's center merges with the center of the Earth, the collectivity of human consciousness will awaken to a unified field identity. You will be born. After that, the influence of Matter will not affect your consciousness as dominantly as it did during the historical gestation period. The Earth will continue to suckle the species, so to speak, for another millennium before you are capable of going off on your own, but even during that period the Father's influence will be much greater than it is today.


The Creator has established laws to govern the bonding of energy. Through these laws of materialization, the physical universe is created and maintained. In the material realms, these laws are right and proper. But when they come into relationship with biological life, they begin to behave strangely. From a perspective of consciousness, they translate into limitation, contraction, and ultimately death. In psychological terms, the laws of materialization have given rise to the ego--a fictitious identity with a sense of fear, vulnerability and a need to protect and defend itself. Spiritual consciousness should not properly be associated with the forces that govern the bonding of energy.

Their historical juxtaposition came about through the process referred to as "the Fall". During the period of species preparation, the presence of the materializing influence on levels of consciousness has been unfortunate but not critical. However, in light of the intensifying vibrations of the creative spirit that is now nearly aligned with the center of your planet, the definitions that have been imposed by matter will no longer be tenable. The Creator Himself will dispel this planetary restraining influence and henceforth hold all life-forms in appropriate expression through the new definitions of His love. This will be a profound transition for each and every form identity, a transition of a magnitude you can only begin to suspect.


As a collective event, the moment of birth is still a generation away. But individually speaking, this event transcends the limits of space and time and is, in fact, already under way.
Your individual birth will take place at the precise moment in linear time when you stop struggling with your rational fear patterns and let yourself go in the divine dance of inner direction. You must decide whether you are going to accept the inevitable in a state of love and prepare yourself accordingly, or hold on in fear to the bitter end. Ultimately, these are the only two avenues of response. By the linear time this event takes place, humanity will be polarized according to these two adaptive patterns. All will be decidedly in one camp or the other.


To those of the human race who have turned themselves in to the will of God, the coming interval of non-time will literally expand into eternity. These individuals will be able to experience a lifetime or many lifetimes, in the eternity, while still retaining the option to return to their physical projections as transformed representatives of the Being of Life on Earth. These will be our coworkers during the period of Planetary Awakening--please, I hope you ones read this very carefully. Dharma, pause, chela, and reread the above for it is indeed most important to some of you in this early awakening. Some of you cannot drift upon the currents but rather must come quickly into knowledge.

Others, not so finely tuned to the forces that will be released at that time, will feel great surges of energy, lasting for an indeterminate period. Some few will experience an intense fear and many, dear ones, shall die. Everything in physical form at this time, every soul in every kingdom, will feel something, something incredible, something that according to all the laws of physics ever known or ever to be discovered, could never happen. But there it will be before all senses; an impossible fact, like the babe in the manger, like the unmistakable feeling in your heart, an incredible vibration of Truth and Love, shimmering, scintillating, awakening every nerve, every capillary, every cell of your planetary body.

Whether the individual form identity reading these words right now will be a surviving participant in that event depends upon that with which you identify and how gracefully you are able to align yourself with God's creative definition. If you can identify with the flow of Life through your essential Planetary Being and release all subjective definitions of who you think you are, you will play your part most joyously in the birthday celebration. God's definition of you in form is much greater than any you could possibly imagine for yourself.

During this present period of Individual Awakening, the first of the three creative periods, you are being given the opportunity to embrace this true definition as the cornerstone of your existence.


On the morning of Creation, you will recognize the Unified Collective Consciousness of all Humankind as your own true identity. You will know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are the bridge between Spirit and Matter, between Creator and Creation, between Life and the forms through which Life flows. If you release the definitions that Matter has set upon you, this is the definition that the Creator will bestow, the definition of Christ Himself!

Can you see yourself as we of the distant stars do, from the objective vantage point of the ages, with the eyes of the Star-Maker Himself? To us, your entire history appear as but a gesture of sorts. We see in your passage through the vibrational field of Earth, a gesture that you make, a salute almost, to the energy-retention systems of this particular heavenly body. This is how you express yourself on this beautiful blue and white world whirling through space as a wondrously blue-green thing of beauty.


Dharma, allow us to close this segment for ones must be attuned to the material thus far given that they can have concept of that which will come. At this time in your racial experience, most of you are simply not yet ready to enter into a closer working relationship with us but we will prepare you, during the coming years of revolutions of your planet around the Sun for the time when your collective vibrational patterns are such that we can blend with them on a very large scale.

We are still experiencing with various ways and means of accomplishing our task of awakening but with the increasing ease of direct informational exchange, our work within the currents of your history will probably subside. We hope it will not be necessary to shake you out of your exclusive past-future oriented focus on form through any of the cataclysmic events foretold in your various prophesies. We will use these if we must in order to protect the biosphere of this planet, but if you follow through on the information we are clarifying, there is no reason why we should have to resort to such extreme measures. Through these transmissions and through many others like them throughout the Earth, we are supplying you with more than enough information to enable you to restore your own equilibrium.


We are allowing a certain amount of ecological destruction to take place without direct interference because such destruction may help to precipitate a voluntary and cooperative return to a pre-Fall state. You must come to understand that you structure these things yourself and not of outside doing. This would be far more meaningful than a return that is forced upon you. A self-initiated awakening will greatly enhance your ability to restore the Earth's ecological harmony. Consequently, at this time, we are confining our help as much as is possible to the provision of information and to the development of conceptual clarity.

Meanwhile, there are many among you who will, as time passes, experience one by one, the necessary psychological transformation and enter into a conscious working relationship with those of us in a state of grace. During this coming period, we will be largely occupied with the conceptual education of your species along with pointing out that which you are bringing in your own creation. You must witness the errors of your creation in order to collectively form perfection and balance in that which you are now creating.

As we move along here in this present cycle, we will be withdrawing our activity on conceptual levels and focus more directly on physical and emotional levels. This is where the real work needs to be accomplished. The establishment of a conducive conceptual climate however, is a prerequisite.

As we move along, we shall be integrating past, current and future perceptions so that you can look at the patterns in somewhat less confusion. May we abide together, you and us, that clarity becomes our focus and ability to comprehend is granted through grace of Creator. It is a joy to share in this wondrous experience upon the waves of the universe. Salu.

Hatonn to stand-by.

Resource: Phoenix Journal #21, 'CREATION, THE SACRED UNIVERSE - THE INCUBATION OF THE PHOENIX', Chapter 19., PP. 159-163

Candace: when we enter this, we enter Eternity as a planet. Many think we will live without time, but we will still go around the sun, we will still rotate each day, so we will have time. BUT, we will never die. The Planet will never die. GAIA as a uniform mind will never die. The true eternal journey lies ahead. Those of you who are not yet spirit beings, and are taking this journey will merge your morontial soul form WITH you body. We have brought this up before. It's a gradual process mind you, which is why so many of you have "ascension" syndrome. This is what is meant in all the stories about the ascension of GAIA herself, which is the planetary MIND. Creator slips in........ It is still a ways off. More and more, individuals will join in, until the planet becomes of one mind. And not before. Required here IS a certain number necessary. these energies we are in, we have said, that indeed even the animals (and plants) are responding. Many of you see this in your pets. The planet is beginning to glow to those out there in space watching. The vibration, albiet slowly, is going up. We shall be victorious. Those of us here to see you thru it, we will see you thru it!

This Stasis, IS a necessary dividing point you see! It's NOT the ascension, but it is necessary to create more parameters for it. As is the creation of Sun Jupiter, which we have said will provide reciprocal energies with our sun, and also that this solar system is being moved into an eternal energy circuit, all in preparation, for the creator to slip into this creation. Blessed be........
This has a LOT to do with the completion of this great cycle around the Milky Way. It is time. We in already in that ecliptic of the Milky Way I have described, of those gamma and other rays that help prepare the way. Come children come, for this is the way.

This is to be a Christed Planet. A Christed Mother. Combined with the Christed Father within HIS children, of those that chose the journey. Never again will there be war. Never again will this planet experience the horrors of it's past. Always, we shall be a sustainable global society. Because a people who are Christed Beings, never revert to the olden ways.
Some of you who are reading this, are here to become all you can be, as you are souls of this place at this time. You are here to obtain your own ascension. Others of us are here to help prepare the way. We have traveled this journey before. This coming of the Wave (which some of you have seen this term used elsewhere also on the web), is the coming of the recognition of the Father Within. The Creator will enter ALL the matter of this planet. This is the misunderstood "harvest" spoken of in Christianity and sadly the dark created this false rapture thing. No,,,,, it is the coming of true God Consciousness............ it is the entry into Light and Life, the entry into Eternity.
Those of you going with the earth in your individual ascension, this IS your fusion with your Adjustor, your God fragment within with your soul. You thus truly become an eternal being. Until that time, your Father Fragment is "on loan." It doesn't magically occur with the "ascension" of Gaia, for it is still earned by you when the time is right for you. Many will be going to other places, because they are not ready for this "harvest." at this window of opportunity. They will find it later some other place and time. Many of Earth will fuse with their adjustor long after the entry into light and life. The process continues on and on...... I suggest reading again, the topic of Light and Life in the Urantia Book for some more understanding. I do have sections here under the UB section in the menu on it, but it is easy to search also at www.urantia.org

OK, after I posted this, I went back to check my mail and re read the notes with Esu from Don Hynes I posted today. A copy of them belongs here too. this will help!
Esu Dialogues with Don Hynes


The new governance coming will be a higher, intensified vibration. This is the essential change the Earth and people are going through. The energetic field is changing to a higher, intensified vibration. What could exist at the lower vibration simply won't be possible in the intensified energetic field. There will be adjudication of the many crimes and faults but the present field was allowed as a place of repentance and redemption for those who had strayed into rebellion and those who remained to assist, to care for Gaia, to evolve.

Michael's way is one of mercy and forgiveness. This was provided on Earth and has been allowed these many millennia as things proved out and the cycle brought to completion. Now it is time to move on and it won't be done by punishment or judgment or arbitrary control but by lifting the creative field through the intensified vibration which is essentially one of love.


Esu posed a choice to remain on Earth after the change, to work with him in new time, new governance or an opportunity to move on, take another position with CM. The time ahead will not be an easy time, many hardships, but many opportunities as well. I see it as an opportunity to mature as a spiritual being. This is the basis of my choice and my choice is to remain.

The changing time ahead is already upon nature. Man is lagging behind as Gaia moves forward, shaking. Humanity could be out front in the cycle if they would open to Spirit's counsel and direction.

Human intelligence merged with the Divine would meet Cause at the initiation then the Earth could follow, gracefully. Esu is inviting those willing to move into this position while the mass of humanity remains behind the cycle.

Those on the leading edge will be judged because of the apparent time lag between vision and action in human terms. This is a way for humans to reject the vision but should not dissuade those who are choosing to move to the leading edge in alignment with Cause.

Don Hynes
Candace: well I finished the above, went and checked my mail one last time, and here is PART 2, which is posted separately and also here. This will help the understanding of the ascension even more. Talk about synchronicity! I had this "urge" to check 4 winds a bit ago, and there saw the above piece on NON Time which I have read many times before, it may even be posted here before. But I followed my "intuition" and posted it, and now it is matching with this material from Don today. ENJOY!!!!!!!
Esu Dialogues
4-17-2010, Part 2

In these times though there is protection provided for many, there are still tragedies. There are the purposeful killings and destructions and the accidental. It's wise not to judge why or wherefore something has occurred for another, for cause and effect can be very complex and not at all sequential or even logical to the human mind.

Cause and effect are like the recently "discovered" sub-atomic particles which can be both particle and wave simultaneously. One thing is for certain - the long chain of causality of this epoch, over many millennia, is coming to a close and in true Christ Michael dramatic fashion!

When you give yourself to Cause there are no guarantees, no benefits in the 3D style of wealth, fame, etc. There are those completely unknown in the eyes of the world who have done more for the Christic way than can be imagined and there are many who bask in the limelight who have not only squandered the gifts they've been given but debased them as well.

The mineral kingdom is the first responding to the new vibration. The earth quaking is just the first of the four kingdoms moving in the new alignment. The plant kingdom and the animal kingdom will follow and likely (sadly) the human kingdom last. The stones are happy to be shaking and delighted to be freed from the barbaric slavery they have been subject to these many centuries. Human deprivation has gone so far that blowing the top off a mountain and disgorging the minerals below is seen as best business practice rather than the rape that it is.

My voice is being heard more clearly by more people as the cycle intensifies. I may sound different and touch on different topics depending on the person with whom I am communicating, because the interest and focus of the human being is the aperture I have and the means of my embodiment, so I explore with each one their patterns of concern and expertise. With you (Don) it is Gaia and spiritual governance. You are only interested in the "bad guys" because they are in the way of right governance and because they are abusing your Love. You prefer poetry over science, sports over lecture, etc!

In the days ahead there will be more and more specific counsel and discourse available. I asked you to set aside these days for a "retreat" and you did so; hence these "dialogues." If you had not, they would not have been and the topics potential to you and OUR future not uncovered.

There are those who have the role and responsibility of "channel," to transcribe and authenticate the celestial voices and wisdoms, including mine, AND there are those who are engaged in the "dialogue," opening the "conversation" if you will, across dimensions. This is a new and exciting frontier and will become as much of a common and important tool in the years ahead as your cell phone is currently.

You and I both know that this has been more of a conversation than a discourse on my part and I understand why you don't want to interrupt the way you are writing this by turning it into a "he said I said" format, but how about inserting something from you here specifically.

Ok. I'm pondering Esu the way this "dialogue" has developed over many years, from a very cumbersome and at times frightening experience to now a very fluid conversation. I'm thinking of the way children are so much more adept with electronic devices. They don't need or want a manual of instruction, they just push the buttons and figure the thing out by trial and error.

Exactly! The whole medium of telepathic communication can and needs to open up to a much freer and exploratory experience. What is becoming familiar to you would be fantastic to others and if you limited your experience to the fears or prejudices of others there would never be any progress. It's wise to remain grounded, not put on airs of self importance and check what you hear right now or read somewhere else against your own sense of the truth, but it is equally important to loosen up!

This is a joy for me as well and our communion part of the fruit of the coming day which is arriving as we speak.

Don Hynes