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  1. #1
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar




    ISBN 1-56935-047-7
    Second Edition Printed by
    P.O. Box 27353
    Las Vegas, Nevada 89126
    September 1994
    Printed in the United States of America


    The Phoenix Journals are intended as a “real time� commentary on current events, how current events relate to past events and the relationships of both to the physical and spiritual destinies of mankind.

    All of history, as we now know it, has been revised, rewritten, twisted and tweaked by selfishly motivated men to achieve and maintain control over other men. When one can understand that everything is comprised of “energy� and that even physical matter is “coalesced� energy, and that all energy emanates from God’s thought, one can accept the idea that the successful focusing of millions of minds on one expected happening will cause it to happen.

    If the many prophecies made over thousands of years are accepted, these are the “end times� (specifically the year 2000, the second millennium, etc.). That would put us in the “sorting� period and only a few short years from the finish line. God has said that in the end-times would come the WORD--to the four corners of the world--so that each could decide his/her own course toward, or away from, divinity--based upon TRUTH.

    So, God sends His Hosts--Messengers--to present that TRUTH. This is the way in which He chooses to present it, through the Phoenix Journals. Thus, these journals are Truth, which cannot be copyrighted; they are compilations of information already available on Earth, researched and compiled by others (some, no doubt, for this purpose) which should not be copyrighted. Therefore, these journals are not copyrighted (except SIPAPU ODYSSEY which is “fiction�).

    The first sixty or so journals were published by America West Publishing which elected to indicate that a copyright had been applied for on the theory that the ISBN number (so necessary for booksellers) was dependent upon the copyright. Commander Hatonn, the primary author and compiler, insisted that no copyrights be applied for and, to our knowledge, none were.

    If the Truth is to reach the four corners of the world, it must be freely passed on. It is hoped that each reader will feel free to do that, keeping it in context, of course.


    This journal has been reprinted especially for all those who love to think about or to see, smell, hear, taste and touch the countless beauties of our wondrous orb. (By an anonymous donor.)

    And don’t forget to keep watching (and painting with your eyes) the skies she floats through. Some day I hope to travel there.

    “What on Earth are you doing about Heaven????� Are you efforting to balance the score with our Master Artist?

    We in Montana wish to thank you. So why not get busy, for our sake and yours?



    INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................... ...... 1
    CHAPTER 1.................................................................................................... ................ 3
    MON., OCT. 22, 1990............................................................................................... 3
    TODAY’S WATCH................................................................................................... 3
    LIBERTY LOBBY MATERIAL............................................................................... 4
    LET’S TELL IT THE WAY IT IS ............................................................................ 4
    WILL YOU ROLL OVER AND PLAY DEAD?..................................................... 5
    HERE IS WHAT YOU CAN DO.............................................................................. 5
    YOUR INFLUENCE COUNTS . . . USE IT!........................................................... 6
    PRESIDENT BUSH AND HIS ‘NEW WORLD ORDER’..................................... 6
    CAT’S OUT OF THE BAG....................................................................................... 6
    JUST TO BE DIFFERENT........................................................................................ 7
    THE ANSWERS TO THESE QUESTIONS............................................................. 7
    THIS IS A FIGHT.................................................................................................... ... 8
    BENEFITS HIDDEN IN MONEY BILLS......................................................... 9
    RISK EXPOSURE.................................................................................................... . 12
    $6 TRILLION WORTH OF RISK EXPOSURE:................................................... 13
    CHAPTER 2.................................................................................................... ............... 17
    WED., OCT. 24, 1990.............................................................................................. 17
    TODAY’S WATCH.................................................................................................. 17
    VULCANISM.................................................................................................... ........ 17
    INTRUSIVE VULCANISM..................................................................................... 19
    BATHOLITHS AND STOCKS:............................................................................... 19
    LACCOLITHS.................................................................................................... ....... 19
    SILLS:.................................................................................................... .................... 19
    DIKES:.................................................................................................... ................... 20
    PEGMATITES:.................................................................................................... ...... 20
    EXTRUSIVE VULCANISM.................................................................................... 20
    VOLCANOS:.................................................................................................... ......... 20
    VARIATIONS IN ERUPTION................................................................................ 21
    CALDERAS.................................................................................................... ........... 21
    LOSS OF LIFE.................................................................................................... ....... 22
    CLASSIFICATION BY CONE SHAPE.................................................................. 22
    FISSURE FLOWS.................................................................................................... . 23
    SO WHAT, SOLTEC?.............................................................................................. 24
    CHAPTER 3.................................................................................................... ............... 26
    SUN., OCT. 28, 1990................................................................................................ 26
    TODAY’S WATCH.................................................................................................. 26
    I. The Nature of Sananda......................................................................................... 28
    II The Nature of Jesus.............................................................................................. 30
    III.The Nature of Mohammad................................................................................. 31
    CHAPTER 4.................................................................................................... ............... 35
    MON., OCT. 29, 1990.............................................................................................. 35
    CHAPTER 5.................................................................................................... ............... 39
    TUE., OCT. 30, 1990................................................................................................ 39
    TODAY’S URGENT WATCH................................................................................. 39
    CONFIRMATION.................................................................................................... . 40
    ISRAELI RATIONALE............................................................................................ 40
    PROXY FIGHT.................................................................................................... ..... 41
    WHAT OF THOSE SAUDI OIL FIELDS?............................................................. 42
    OF COURSE BUSH KNOWS! ............................................................................... 43
    JEB BUSH.................................................................................................... .............. 45
    ANOTHER CONFIRMATION................................................................................ 45
    CHAPTER 6.................................................................................................... ............... 47
    WED., OCT. 31, 1990.............................................................................................. 47
    INFORMATION SORTING.................................................................................... 47
    REVISITING THE FALL OF BABYLON.............................................................. 48
    HOW SO WATER?................................................................................................... 50
    HOW DOES A NATION SURVIVE SUCH THINGS?......................................... 51
    DIVORCE MORAL AND SPIRITUAL LESSON OF TRUTH............................ 51
    WHAT HAPPENED?................................................................................................ 52
    THE NATIONAL COUNCIL................................................................................... 53
    CHAPTER 7.................................................................................................... ............... 55
    THU., NOV. 1, 1990................................................................................................. 55
    TODAY’S WATCH.................................................................................................. 55
    THE GLOBAL AGENDA........................................................................................ 55
    VOTING FRAUD.................................................................................................... .. 56
    INTIMIDATE THIRD WORLD CHALLENGERS............................................... 57
    NEW TYPE OF WAR?............................................................................................. 57
    MID-EAST OIL--BIG POWERS FUEL................................................................. 58
    CAPITALISM.................................................................................................... ........ 60
    EXAMPLES.................................................................................................... ........... 61
    DID SADDAM STEP ON U.S. TOES?................................................................... 61
    SO LET US LOOK BACKWARD........................................................................... 62
    OIL, POWER, PROFITS--IMPERIALISM............................................................ 63
    SHIFT LOCATION................................................................................................... 65
    HYPOCRISY AND WEAKNESSES....................................................................... 65
    WHY TERM “PALESTINIAN ENEMY�?............................................................ 66
    CHAPTER 8.................................................................................................... ............... 69
    FRI., NOV. 2, 1990................................................................................................... 69
    TODAY’S WATCH.................................................................................................. 69
    JUST WHAT ARE THE “PLANS� AS OF THIS DAY?....................................... 69
    BUSH PROJECTIONS............................................................................................. 69
    THE WAR PLANS FOR EARLY NOVEMBER.................................................... 70
    CHAPTER 9.................................................................................................... ............... 74
    SAT., NOV. 3, 1990.................................................................................................. 74
    TODAY’S WATCH.................................................................................................. 74
    CHAPTER 10.................................................................................................... ............. 77
    WED., NOV. 7, 1990................................................................................................ 77
    TODAY’S WATCH.................................................................................................. 77
    SOLTEC/EARTH WATCH...................................................................................... 77
    WAR NOW U.S. ONLY?......................................................................................... 77
    ASSASSINATIONS AND ATTEMPTS.................................................................. 78
    BRITISH POWER.................................................................................................... . 78
    ISRAELI WATCH.................................................................................................... 78
    AND REMEMBER CHINA............................................................................... 78
    KAHANE.................................................................................................... ............... 79
    GODSON AND THE “J4� SCHEME...................................................................... 80
    DAD.................................................................................................... ........................ 80
    MOSSAD TIE-IN.................................................................................................... .. 81
    AND WHAT OF URI RA’ANAN........................................................................... 81
    KISSINGER.................................................................................................... ........... 82
    COMMENTARY MAGAZINE OBSERVATION................................................. 83
    KISSINGER HAS “GONE PUBLIC�..................................................................... 84
    CHAPTER 11.................................................................................................... ............. 85
    THU., NOV. 8, 1990................................................................................................. 85
    TODAY’S WATCH.................................................................................................. 85
    NORIEGA? .................................................................................................... ........... 87
    COUNTDOWN TO WAR WELL UNDERWAY.................................................. 88
    CHAPTER 12.................................................................................................... ............. 90
    SAT., NOV. 10, 1990............................................................................................... 90
    TODAY’S WATCH.................................................................................................. 90
    ISRAEL IN LEBANON............................................................................................ 93
    SYRIA.................................................................................................... .................... 93
    NORIEGA INCIDENT............................................................................................. 93
    A WORD TO THE WISE--HINT, HINT!............................................................... 94
    WHERE DO YOU GO FROM HERE?................................................................... 96
    CHAPTER 13.................................................................................................... ............. 97
    MON., NOV. 12, 1990............................................................................................. 97
    TODAY’S WATCH.................................................................................................. 97
    THE HIDDEN WAR ALREADY UNDER WAY.................................................. 97
    PROTESTS.................................................................................................... ............. 98
    SECRETS!.................................................................................................... .............. 99
    FRENCH ROLE.................................................................................................... ..... 99
    EXPLODING JERUSALEM.................................................................................... 99
    WHO ARE THE REAL CRIMINALS?.................................................................. 100
    WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR “DRUG WAR�?................................................ 101
    END OF SO-CALLED “WAR�.............................................................................. 101
    WHY DOESN’T SADDAM JUST “GIVE UP�?.................................................. 102
    LET US TALK “REAL� PLANS............................................................................ 102
    OUTRAGEOUS THEORIES................................................................................... 104
    SOVIET SHADOWS............................................................................................... 105
    THE 64,000 DOLLAR QUESTION...................................................................... 106
    BACK TO BULL’S (IRAQ’S) SUPER ARTILLERY.......................................... 106
    EXTENDED-RANGE AMMUNITION................................................................. 106
    SHUDDER NOW--RANGE.................................................................................... 107
    OVER 5,000 MILES................................................................................................ 107
    DIFFICULT FOR U.S. AIRCRAFT........................................................................ 107
    GOOD AIR POWER?.............................................................................................. 108
    CHAPTER 14.................................................................................................... ............ 109
    TUE., NOV. 13, 1990.............................................................................................. 109
    TODAY’S WATCH................................................................................................. 109
    RIGHT NOW!.................................................................................................... ...... 110
    EARTH “THINGS�.................................................................................................. 111
    YOU HEARD THE WORD; BUT DID YOU HEAR IT?.................................... 112
    INTERPRETATIONS.............................................................................................. 113
    MOVE INTO REVERSE......................................................................................... 115
    YOU FEAR NOT SURVIVING.............................................................................. 116
    CHAPTER 15.................................................................................................... ............ 118
    TUE., NOV. 13, 1990.............................................................................................. 118
    ONENESS.................................................................................................... ............. 118
    ANGELS AND EXTRATERRESTRIALS............................................................. 121
    WHAT OF THE “OTHER� REALITY?................................................................ 123
    WHEN SERVICE CALLS....................................................................................... 123
    SHIFTING AWARENESS...................................................................................... 125
    CHAPTER 16.................................................................................................... ............ 128
    WED., NOV. 14, 1990............................................................................................. 128
    LIMITLESS.................................................................................................... .......... 128
    INTUITIVE SENSE................................................................................................. 130
    HUMAN INDIVIDUALITY................................................................................... 130
    FUTURE CREATION.............................................................................................. 132
    WHAT HAPPENS.................................................................................................... 132
    THEN IT HAPPENS................................................................................................ 133
    CHAPTER 17.................................................................................................... ............ 136
    THU., NOV. 15, 1990.............................................................................................. 136
    THE TIME IS AT HAND........................................................................................ 136
    I AM SANANDA; ISSA EMMANUEL, ETC....................................................... 137
    I AM, AND BECAUSE I AM SO MIGHT YE BE!.............................................. 147
    CHAPTER 18.................................................................................................... ............ 149
    FRI., NOV. 16, 1990................................................................................................ 149
    NO ACCIDENTS.................................................................................................... . 149
    VIEW FROM THE MOUNTAIN--SHADOWS.................................................... 152
    IN BIOLOGICAL MIRROR................................................................................... 152
    CHAPTER 19.................................................................................................... ............ 155
    SAT., NOV. 17, 1990.............................................................................................. 155
    TODAY’S WATCH................................................................................................. 155
    NOW LOOK AT WEAPONS.................................................................................. 155
    FORMIDABLE DEFENSES................................................................................... 156
    FACE WALL OF FIRE............................................................................................ 157
    NEW TYPE WEAPON............................................................................................ 157
    LET US DISCUSS PRISONERS OF WAR............................................................ 158
    AN INTERVAL OF NON-TIME............................................................................ 159
    LAWS.................................................................................................... .................... 161
    COULD IT BE A GENERATION AWAY?.......................................................... 161
    EITHER OR--.................................................................................................... ....... 161
    MORNING OF CREATION................................................................................... 162
    WE HAVE COME TO REMIND YOU OF WHO YOU ARE!............................ 162
    AS WE GO.................................................................................................... ............ 163
    CHAPTER 20.................................................................................................... ............ 164
    SAT., NOV. 17, 1990.............................................................................................. 164
    CITIES OF LIGHT................................................................................................... 164
    ADJUSTMENT.................................................................................................... .... 166
    ONLY ONE SPIRIT--MANY FORMS THEREOF............................................... 167
    WHAT ABOUT FINAL SEPARATION?.............................................................. 168
    COME AS CHILDREN TO THE GLORY............................................................. 170
    CHAPTER 21.................................................................................................... ............ 173
    SUN., NOV. 18, 1990 ............................................................................................. 173
    TODAY’S WATCH................................................................................................. 173
    ABANDONED.................................................................................................... ..... 174
    CREDIBILITY .................................................................................................... .... 175
    NO OATHS BROKEN............................................................................................. 177
    WHO WOULD DEFEND GARWOOD?............................................................... 177
    LT. COL. JAMES “BO� GRITZ............................................................................. 178
    ROSS PEROT.................................................................................................... ....... 179
    NOW LET US LOOK AT 60 MINUTES................................................................ 180
    WHAT IS CONGRESS DOING ABOUT THIS?.................................................. 180
    CHAPTER 22.................................................................................................... ............ 182
    MON., NOV. 19, 1990 ........................................................................................... 182
    TODAY’S WATCH................................................................................................. 182
    LET ME OUTLINE THE PLAN UNFOLDING.................................................... 183
    PEACE EVER-AFTER............................................................................................ 184
    WHAT HAS CHANGED?....................................................................................... 184
    BUT YOU SAID--HATONN!................................................................................. 185
    CHAPTER 23.................................................................................................... ............ 189
    TUE., NOV. 20, 1990.............................................................................................. 189
    HONOR TO DR. JOHN L. KING........................................................................... 189
    WHAT OF THOSE WHO DISCOUNT THE JOURNALS?................................ 190
    TODAY’S WATCH................................................................................................. 191
    TROUBLED WATERS............................................................................................ 192
    CALM THE TROUBLED WATERS...................................................................... 193
    ETERNAL BEING................................................................................................... 195
    THE BIRD TRIBES DESCEND............................................................................. 197
    UNDERSTANDING................................................................................................ 197
    SERVICE.................................................................................................... .............. 199
    CHAPTER 24.................................................................................................... ............ 201
    TUE., NOV. 20, 1990.............................................................................................. 201
    NO WORDS.................................................................................................... .......... 201
    UNINFORMED.................................................................................................... .... 202
    50,000 YEARS PAST.............................................................................................. 203
    INDEX.................................................................................................... ........................ 206



    As you of the human species move into the throes of the time of chaos, you will be turning again and again unto the “meaning� of life and the question of existence. The pat answers from those self-appointed gurus and preachers will not fulfill your quest for Truth. There is only one place to turn for coming into peace and understanding--UNTO GOD. God never pulls away from man--man efforts to pull from God in his searching for the physical path to spirituality. There is no such thing, beloved ones.

    How did the “higher brotherhood of man� get so smart? The same way as you--the hard way! We evolved and grew and learned our lessons and now we are come again unto you, the human of Earth, as emissaries of that One Creator and in the service of the wondrous whole of The Creation--to serve as teachers and wayshowers to you who have lost your vision of Truth and stumble in the darkness. God has sent ones of His realms to fill commissions that you might be given that which you need to find Truth and the WORD. The choice of participation shall be left unto EACH until the final hour.

    As the cycles turn and the wheel of Creation rotates, there would be the time when you would again look unto God. We come only as heralded as the “Hosts�, in service and forerunner of God, unto your placement for we are representative of naught except your higher self coming into awareness--we act in separation only as you separate from us of higher beings.

    You were sent forth upon the planet to be caretakers and now the consequences must be faced for failure to perform your task in gentle and balanced Truth in action unto Her.

    We have held the Earth most carefully and assigned to her the very brightest spirits. In this age now, our patience is rewarded for there are those of you who at last look up and see beyond the microscopic interpretations of those singularly misleading egos.

    You begin now to perceive us and communicate with us. We do that which we can with the primitive words of your ego-created languages but it is much like speaking with our hands through the movement of shadows on a cave wall, the fire of your interest ever flickering and fleeting. But crude and primitive symbolism is that which we have with which to come into communion and so shall it be. For as you sense the reality behind words and follow the direction of guided and divine thought, there is movement in your life as a collective people desiring change from the chaos into life. Perhaps you can now leave the cave of deceit and enter the sunlit garden that has ever been your true home and heritage.

    We are referred to in many ways: the Pattern Beings, the Winged Ones, the Travelers of the Heavens, the Sky People, the Light Bearers and the Flying Tribes--we are but the Hosts sent in service for a transition back into Godness and to act as alarm clocks to those sleeping while destruction descends upon you. We are come at your request to open the door of the prison you have built around yourselves without realizing the consequences of the isolation of a fragment taken from the whole of God-ness.

    The journey of spiritual growth has been long indeed--there is no “quick fix� and no “instant� perfection. Perfection comes only with and through God and therefore man seeks in all the wrong places and directions searching for a PHYSICAL way to attain Godness. The very simplicity of the transition is too much to be reckoned with in most instances. The God within calls softly unto you to open your eyes and see that which He has sent unto you to Light your path. We are your brothers come to show you the way and the “Captain� of the ship is perfection of brilliant light which is missed by the totality of its surrounding capacity. You cannot “see� because of all of which you “see�. You look for proof in a manner understood only through the physical experience and you shall never find understanding through the physical--only through the spirit.

    It is however, only through coming into Truth and Knowledge that will allow your physical journey to be long enough to allow your spiritual understanding to find balance and peace for you are manifest upon a physical plane of experience. Ours is to bring Truth that you might be an “informed transitioner�! What ye do with the WORD is placed within your own decision. We judge not for yours is to have free-will choice and ours is to bring the Word. We come with total love and petition that you look carefully indeed for the cycle of change is now upon you. Saalome’

    May you ever see as with eyes of the eagle and walk gently as the dove that we each and all will be found whole and worthy of flight unto our Source.

    I am Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn

    첨부된 파일 첨부된 파일
    Last edited by web master; 2013-01-15 at 19:42.

  2. #2
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 21



    MON., OCT. 22, 1990 8:24 A.M. YEAR 4 DAY 67

    MON., OCT. 22, 1990


    Hatonn present in the Light of Truth that the word shall go forth and that we might move quickly along with the writing. Information hidden or hoarded cannot serve the people. This of course is why the effort to ban the Journals--TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE!


    As you observe the ridiculous nonsense going on within your halls of Congress--please do not think it is unintentional. There are so many thrusts projected that it is mere sleight of hand to deceive you. The SHADOW GOVERNMENT is set forth now to get everything and more than the first foolish document brought within their clutches. What is happening now is a great intent to unseat as many incumbents as possible--however, any "Democrat" on the administration's side of the issue will be preserved if possible. Otherwise, the "leaks" of bribes, etc., (true or false) are for the intent of getting you the people to retire the old line Democrats and vote in the opposition which will then give the Administration voting power over the Congress. The Elite have set it up to win either way! You are headed for a New World Order and you are headed there very quickly--it is up to you to act.


    Rather, Dharma, than to randomly thrust information upon you, allow us to present that which is already coming forth so that there is guidance as to where and how to come together to STOP the wave of this consuming beast. There are some things in the following material with which I do not fully agree; however, it is material upon which you can take action in a positive manner.

    To conserve space I ask that this not be set into indention. I will tell you where the quote begins and when it ends:

    Although President George Bush, his hand on the Bible, swore on January 20, 1989 to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States," he now leads the chorus for a "new world order".

    Joining the chorus are Soviet leader Gorbachev and his foreign minister Shevardnadze, Dan Rather of CBS, Abe Rosenthal of the N.Y. Times, "conservative" chameleons like Wm. F. Buckley Jr., and Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) and every liberal, leftist, Zionist and Trilateralist in the world.

    For many years patriots have warned their fellow Americans that the conspiracy to destroy American sovereignty would culminate in a new world order, more often referred to as WORLD GOVERNMENT.

    Patriots who sounded this farsighted alarm years ago were either ignored or called "paranoid" or "extremist" or worse.

    Now who's crazy? And who is selling out America?

    Treason doth never prosper, what's the reason? Why, if it prosper, none dare call it treason!


    President Bush, under the cover of what he calls "national defense" to "protect" us from a dictator he supported up to a few weeks ago, has unconstitutionally deployed at least 180,000 troops in the Saudi desert plus numberless ships, planes, tanks, guns, rockets, poison gas, explosives and deadly bacteriological weapons. A devastating holocaust could break out at any moment with thousands of young Americans killed and maimed for life--for absolutely nothing of value.

    Diplomatically, Bush has shamed America by allying us with filthy scum such as Hafez al-Assad, the murderous, corrupt dictator of Syria and with the multi-billionaire oligarchy of Saudi Arabia as well as the terrorist government of Israel and the ambitious of dotty British imperialists.

    The conclusion is clear but sad. Bush and his Israeli-Trilateralist backers are now moving to install a garrison state in place of our Constitutional Republic, with all reins of government in the hands of their obsequious menials . . . like George Bush.

    And to give himself and his mattoid controllers a shred of reason, Bush calls his illegal usurpation of power his "new world order".


    Or is the Establishment going to have to drag you, kicking and screaming, into their "new world order"?

    Syndicated columnist Pat Buchanan is one of the few prominent voices to say "NO" to their "new world order". He's fighting. He's kicking. He's screaming. [H: Unfortunately--not very hard any longer.]

    Buchanan summarized it best when he wrote:

    "The Trilateralist Council on Foreign Relations; the Wall Street-Big-Business elite; the neo-conservative intellectuals who dominate the think tanks and the op-Ed pages; the Old Left, with its one-world, collective security United Nations upper allies dream: All have come together behind the ?쁭ew world order'; But out there, trying to break through, is the old authentic voice of American patriotism, or nationalism, of America First, saying, ?쁇ell no, we won't go.'"

    Pat's right. We're not going!

    That's why LIBERTY LOBBY is ready to fight.

    Time is short. There's a lot to do before it's too late.

    Unfortunately, not everybody reads The SPOTLIGHT (OR THE PHOENIX JOURNALS). So they don't know what is really going on. But one thing is sure . . .

    We've already got the American public on our side if they ever knew it. Trouble is, they sure are being brainwashed by the Establishment media, which treats Bush's illegal intervention and his "new world order" blabberings as worthy of respect.


    * Spread the word. You know the facts from this letter and the SPOTLIGHT AND THE JOURNALS WITH EXPRESSES. (Ed. note: Now known as CONTACT.)
    * Call radio talk shows. Write letters to newspapers. Tell the public what Bush can do with his "new world order". [H: It would seem that you can tell them in any obscene language you choose for as with "2 LIVE CREW" and the "Maplethorpe ART"? there appears to be nothing obscene left in your vernacular!] Tell ?쁢m YOU'RE NOT GOING!

    * Call your congressmen and two senators and tell them the same.


    * Make a contribution of service or whatever you have to offer to these workers in behalf of America's Freedom. [H: In the case of Phoenix Institute, these contributions of "size" can be invested in precious metals and used as collateral--giving you a personal win/win position, whereby you can contribute and have your gold too! Contact the Phoenix Institute for Research & ducation Ltd., P.O. Box 27740, Las Vegas, NV 89126.] The funds will be used to spread the word through newspaper ads, radio shows and mailings to millions of patriots in America.

    * In short, do what you can to alert the country to the conspiracy to destroy our national sovereignty in a bottomless pit of international corruption. Remember,


    * * * * *


    Say it once. Say it twice. Say it three times. "NEW WORLD ORDER." you might as well say it since you're going to be hearing a lot about it in the days to come. It's nothing new. The world-improvers have been working on it for a long time but they've never admitted it publicly before. Now, the


    and you can thank your conservative Republican president and his chorus of yes-men for it.

    In his book, THE WORLD CONSPIRACY, author Nicola M. Nicolov describes this old conspiracy and succeeds very well. The evidence proving a plot to impose world government is there and it cannot be denied. [H: Many authors, in addition, such as Antony Sutton, The Phoenix Journals, etc., have detailed this plan in infinite outlay. Please go and research for self to KNOW Truth.]

    To usher in this "new world order" a good war is needed. Well, not exactly a good war, any old war. And the war that Bush and his superiors have fashioned is war enough. It's a lousy war and no war aims that will stand up to examination--which is exactly what the rest of the media are making sure of.

    But let's examine what this war is all about and what to expect from it--and what not to expect from it.

    Like all wars this country has been slickered into since the Civil War, it is presented as a do-good-for-others war with no thought whatsoever being given to the advantages supposed to flow for us. Isn't the world mission for the internationalists to improve the lot of everyone else while ignoring the problems at home? But...


    let's examine all of the magnificent results to be logically expected for the Great American Suckers who are expected to fight and pay for Mr. Bush's war. Let us look at things--for a change--from the standpoint of the interests of the American nation and the people who inhabit it, not the interests of the Israelis, the British, the Arabian oiligarchs, the international oil companies and bankers. We realize this is a unique outlook but let's make a stab at it.

    Let us ask some questions, very specific. Let us consider the major and vital issues facing the American people--which happens to be exactly the issues the politicians WISH TO AVOID:

    * Will Mr. Bush's war lower Federal spending?
    * Will it lower taxes?
    * Will it lower the Federal budget?
    * Will it decrease the size and power of the meddling and wasteful Federal bureaucracy, including such freedom-expanding and helpful agencies as the IRS, FDA and CIA?
    * Will it diminish political corruption?
    * Will it lower the interest burden?
    * Will it fight inflation?
    * Will it lower the price of gas, diesel, heating oil, etc?
    * Will it fight the drug plague?
    * Will it make it safe for people in cities to walk the streets again without being mugged or killed?
    * Will it help to uncover the crooks who perpetrated the S&L scam of $500 BILLION or so?
    * Will it aid the American farmer or wage-earner or retired worker or the homeless and destitute?
    * Will it clean up our slums, fix up our highways, provide cheap public transportation and give the unemployed honest labor producing for society instead of the waste of war?
    * Will it clean up our smutty media and entertainment? Will it replace pornography with art?
    * Will it improve or even serve to maintain your quality of life in any way unless you are of a favored class of profiteers or own an oil well?


    are evident by asking them. War always increases the size and power of the government. It always enriches the sleazy profiteers and tends to keep the politicians in office. It always diverts the attention of the public from the real issues, centering their ardor on unattainable chimeras and will-'-the-wisp rhetorical flourishes, a sure and certain recipe for domestic disaster. And in this case the worst chimera of all is the new world order of the international mattoids, carefully designed to separate the American people not only from their money and their blood but also their Constitution, because what we are talking about is world government, nothing less.

    It wasn't too long ago when the conservatives of America were often heard sounding their opposition to the socialistic, leftist world planners who made the mistake of actually saying what they meant. When they said they were for world government, they made no effort to hide it. But the conservatives and libertarians now working for world government are not that frank. They are only working for free trade, a world money transfer system without any encumbrances, the letting down of all immigration barriers, the elimination of passports, even an international money system and they profess not to understand that the culmination of their desires would result in the end of American sovereignty, the Constitution and everything identifiable as American. Can they really be that stupid? Or do they just expect the American people to be stupid enough to swallow the bait?


    for American sovereignty, you can be certain of that. Loss of sovereignty means loss of everything Americans have built; it is repudiation of every American who has died for his country--as certain a repudiation as this government now gives to the many POWs and MIAs lost in Korea and Vietnam--and the ones who will certainly be lost, forgotten and repudiated in the war Mr. Bush is trying so hard to get started. (Remember that in case you're thinking of enlisting.)

    As Theodore Roosevelt said, "Real patriotism consists of speaking the right and doing what is right, even if the president and the Trilateralist/Israeli lobby don't like it."


    * * * * *

    I, Hatonn, can only urge you to take these things within thine hearts and hear the fading beat of the drum of freedom. You are on the brink of losing your very Sovereignty as a Nation of the United States of America!

    I can add nothing to these urgent messages which can be more pointed or thought provoking. I can only tell you that they tell less than the half of it.

    If you still need some confirmation regarding this subject, I shall just reprint from a couple of Telefax's sent to us from the Associated Press International. Sometimes truth is hidden in the projections and at least give you a good idea of what is being hidden from you. For everything printed, 99% is kept from you--YOU HAVE NO FREEDOM OF SPEECH!



    WASHINGTON--Two money bills being pushed through in the waning days of Congress have been stuffed with benefits for Israel that could be worth hundreds of millions of dollars with virtually no public debate.

    More than a dozen provisions, most initiated by Sen. Daniel Inouye, D-Hawaii, and Sen. Robert Kasten, R-Wis., have been tucked away in bills appropriating money for the Pentagon and for foreign aid in the fiscal year that began October 1.

    Inouye chairs the Appropriations Defense subcommittee, and Kasten is the senior Republican on the Foreign Aid subcommittee.

    Ranging from a $15 MILLION refurbishing of Israel's port at Haifa to a new $180 MILLION strategic petroleum reserve in Israel, the benefits apparently are intended to counterbalance Bush Administration gestures to two Arab countries, Egypt and Saudi Arabia.

    President Bush is seeking to forgive $6.7 BILLION in military debts Egypt owes the United States and has sought congressional permission to sell $7.5 BILLION in weapons to the Saudis with another $14 BILLION expected to be requested in January.

    Those moves, intended to reward both countries for their cooperation in the Persian Gulf crisis, have raised worries among Israel's supporters that the United States might be tilting away from its closest ally in the Middle East.

    At the same time, Israeli officials have appealed to the United States for additional aid to offset the increased costs of keeping military forces on high alert. The increased activities, including keeping planes in the air, will cost Israel an additional $1 BILLION this year, officials say.

    Supporters of Israel are pointing to bellicose statements against their country by Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. They also are reminding the United States of its promise to maintain Israel's "qualitative edge" in regional military might.

    Israel, with $3 BILLION in DIRECT CASH AID EACH YEAR, already is the leading foreign recipient of American largess. "They know our budget better than we do," one aide said of the pro-Israel lobby.

    Among the bills' new provisions:

    * Making Israeli firms eligible for contracts under the Pentagon's $200 million-plus Overseas Workload Program, which provides for local service and maintenance of military facilities and equipment.

    The defense bill directs the Pentagon "to identify and develop new specialized capabilities in depot maintenance and repair in Israel" and says Israel may have the inside track on maintaining U.S. F-15 fighter planes and converting 400 F-4 aircraft to drones.

    * Giving Israel, along with Turkey, first choice of excess defense equipment no longer needed by the Pentagon, potentially including large items like aircraft.

    * Establishing a 4.5 million-barrel strategic petroleum reserve in Israel, valued at about $180 million, to which Israel could have access "in the event of a wartime emergency or a state of heightened military readiness."

    * Positioning an additional $200 million in U.S. military stockpiles in Israel.

    * About $42 million to continue the development of Israel's Arrow anti-tactical ballistic missile, and a recommendation to buy Israel's Shaldag fast patrol boats for the Navy's SEAL special operations force.

    In the foreign aid bill now pending on the Senate floor, Israel also would get permission to use up to $200 MILLION of its $1.2 BILLION in economic aid for military purposes as long as the Persian Gulf crisis continues.

    That bill also would provide that Israel receive $1.7 BILLION of its $1.8 BILLION in military aid within 30 days of beginning of the fiscal year. That means the United States would have to BORROW THE MONEY AND GIVE IT TO ISRAEL TO REINVEST, EARNING ABOUT $60 MILLION EXTRA FOR TEL AVIV IN INTEREST.

    The bill also would give Israel access to $100 million IN NEW BUYING POWER FOR DEFENSE ITEMS.

    So be it, for as you sleep the foxes are eating your hens!

    Now, if the next doesn't make you throw-up, I can't imagine what will cause you ones to rise up and pay attention. Can it be that the citizens of this world are so easily gullible to lies?

    QUOTE: SAME PAPER, ASSOCIATED PRESS, OCT. 16, 1990. [H: Let me assure you there is a reason this would run in a Huntsville Times. You will not see such a document, uncut and untampered from the AP in Establishment publications, UNLESS it is to give misinformation--you must be the judge!]

    5,000 ARABS LIVE IN JERUSALEM VILLAGE: JERUSALEM...Abdallah Hsein, a bearded auto mechanic, is not afraid of an Iraqi chemical attack. God, he says, will decide if he lives or dies.

    Yet, like most of the 5,000 Arabs in the south Jerusalem village of Beit Tsafafa, he stood in line to get his gas mask on MON., the first day of nationwide distribution of the protective kits.

    Handing out the masks to Palestinians points up the contradictions the Israeli army faces in dealing with Arabs in Jerusalem.

    The government considers the residents of Beit Tsafafa to be Israeli citizens, but many see themselves as enemies of the Jewish state. Some youngsters receiving the masks in the Arab village said they'd been tear-gassed by the army for stoning soldiers.

    The government decided "earlier this month" to hand out the masks to Israel's 4.7 million citizens in case Iraqi President Saddam Hussein makes good on this threats to attack Israel with chemical weapons. [H: You good Americans paid for those masks--where are yours?] Last week, the army tested its distribution network in three small Jewish towns. On MON., it opened some 400 stations throughout Israel, hoping to distribute two million masks by the end of the week.

    Residents of Beit Tsafafa trickled into a community center to be among the first Arabs to get the masks.

    A half-dozen paramilitary border police armed with M-16 assault rifles and clubs were on guard--a sign that not all is peaceful in Beit Tsafafa.

    Some houses, half-hidden amid dusty olive trees, flew black flags from rooftops in mourning for the 19 Arabs killed by police on the sacred Temple Mount in Jerusalem on October 8.

    "The killing won't go without revenge", said Hsein, the mechanic who lined up for a mask. "I don't think any relative of those harmed in the attack will be satisfied by getting a gas mask."

    For Hsein, getting the mask is proving a point: "Our right as Arabs who are living in Israel and paying taxes."

    The Arabs of Beit Tsafafa are an acute double loyalty case. Until Israel captured the Arab sector of Jerusalem in 1967, the border that divided the city divided the village. One quarter was Israeli, the rest Jordanian. Today, many of the villagers support Saddam. The village has lost people in the nearly three-year Palestinian uprising against Israeli rule.

    "Saddam, O hero, strike with chemicals," a cluster of children defiantly sang into the microphone of an Israel army radio reporter outside the gas mask distribution center. A boy waved a toy pistol.

    A lieutenant-colonel speaking for the army on condition of anonymity said Israel feels itself responsible for its entire population, he said, and is buying extra gas masks for the 1.7 million Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip. [Oh GAG!]

    In the occupied territories--unlike in Arab sectors of Jerusalem--Palestinians will have TO BUY THE GAS MASKS.

    Rabiha Alayan, a smiling, dark-haired secretary who lined up for masks, said she was not afraid of a chemical attack. If it comes and "somebody remains on the earth after that," she said, "it may change the situation in the area, make things better."

    Mrs. Alayan came to the center only because of her three children.

    Dozens of children and adults were trying on the masks and listening to Arab instructors as uniformed army officials handed out boxes with protective kits.

    Hsein was unimpressed: "I think these masks will not be good against Saddam's chemicals," he said. "Even if Saddam attacks with chemical arms, I'm not afraid. There is God and He decides if I live or die."

    * * * * *





    Let's try again for attention in your economy. In June, 1990, the Backgrounder, published by the Heritage Foundation, gave you the above headline. They point out that in nominal dollars, World War II cost less than the S&L bailout. But this is just a $300 to $500 BILLION problem. The total financial obligations of agencies underwritten by the United States Federal Government is now some $5.8 TRILLION, and much of that obligation is in bad shape. Backgrounder added that "the government's total risk exposure of nearly $6 TRILLION is more than twice the national debt held by the public and five times the annual Federal budget."


    1. Deposit Insurance. The FDIC now insures $1.8 trillion of deposits at commercial banks and the national Credit Union Administration backs $161 billion in credit union deposits. Add to this nearly $960 billion in Savings and Loan deposits and total guarantees amounting to $2.9 trillion in 1989.

    2. Loans and Guarantees. If you add up the Veterans Administration (VA) and Federal Housing Administration (FHA) mortgages, the government is guaranteeing an additional $48 billion--bringing the total of the government's liability in loan and deposit guarantees to nearly $3.5 trillion by the end of fiscal 1988.

    3. Pension Programs. It is estimated that the Government's liability in this area runs over $819 billion for 1989.

    4. Direct Loan Programs. These include Export-Import Bank, the Small Business Administration, College Housing, and the Rural Telephone Bank. This outstanding portfolio adds up to $207 billion at the end of the fiscal year 1989.

    5. Government Sponsored Enterprises. GSEs are technically private organizations, but in practice, they are treated as extensions of the Federal Government. GSE stands for Government Sponsored Enterprise. An example would be the Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA) which has $110 billion in mortgage loans and has guaranteed another $208 billion in outstanding mortgage-backed securities by the end of 1989. Collectively, the top five government-sponsored enterprises had an outstanding debt obligation of $763 billion at the end of 1989 and are the fastest-growing source of all Federal credit exposure.

    Regardless of that which you are told--these will be bailed out by you the public as they fall--for as long as there are assets. As of June, "The total financial obligations of agencies, such as above, underwritten by the United States Federal Government was some $5.8 trillion, and much of that obligation IS IN BAD, BAD SHAPE!"

    I was asked to include the above in the Express for your confirmation as we have recently written about these items. Ones, as they read the Journals and the Expresses are beginning to share public documentation of our statements--for your confirmation. I make no conclusion as to quality or accuracy of the published data other than from self, for which statements I stand fully responsible. However, there continues to be controversy regarding Hatonn's validity and therefore, it might help for you ones to see your own Earth projections.

    Another: People's Daily World. Wed., Feb. 7, 1990, Vol. 4, No. 117: CIA DIVERTED S&L MILLIONS TO AID CONTRAS.

    WASHINGTON--Evidence has surfaced that the CIA bilked 22 savings and loan banks of millions of dollars and diverted the profits to the anti-Nicaraguan contras during a ban on such aid.

    The banks, 16 of them in Texas, are now bankrupt, part of the S&L crisis that will cost U.S. taxpayers as much as $300 billion (and more) in bailouts. Just covering the federally-insured deposits of the 22 CIA-connected banks will cost an estimated minimum $13.1 billion.

    Those are findings of an expose' on the S&L crisis last SUN. by Houston Post staffwriter Pete Brewton, who reported "numerous links between organized crime figures and CIA operatives, including some involved in gun running, drug smuggling, money laundering and covert aid to the Nicaraguan contras."

    The Post cited court documents, sworn testimony, law enforcement records and interviews with key government investigators gathered during an eight-month investigation. It concludes that the CIA "used part of the funds from S&L fraud to help pay for covert operations. . .that Congress was unwilling to support publicly."


    President Bush's son, Neil, was a director of one of the CIA-connected banks, Silverado Savings of Denver, that will cost taxpayers $1 billion in bailouts, alone.

    The article charged that the CIA "has intervened in criminal investigations involving agency operatives accused of S&L fraud and may be at least partly responsible for the fact that a substantial amount of suspected fraud has gone unprosecuted."

    U.S. Justice Department prosecutor Lloyd Monroe told the Post that federal agencies assigned to investigate the S&L crisis "are being precluded from investigating wrongdoing that is possibly being conducted in the name of national security." It seems clear that President Bush has a strong motive for suppressing a scandal that could link his son to S&L-CIA aid to the contras.

    In 1988 Monroe prosecuted reputed underworld figure Mario Renda, who later pleaded guilty to bank fraud. At the time, Monroe told the Post he was convinced that "the CIA either masterminded or condoned a certain amount of S&L fraud."

    SUN.'s article pinpoints the case of Robert L. Corson, chief of the now-defunct Vision Banc Savings in Kingsville, Texas, who helped St. Joe Paper sell 21,000 acres of prime Gulf Coast property for $200 million to a consortium of investors "that included several organized crime figures and CIA operatives." But only $58 million of the profits went to St. Joe while $7 million was channeled to a company "tied to narcotics smugglers and drug money launderers in the Isle of Jersey" off the coast of England.

    Corson received $3 million in kickbacks in the sale. That same year Corson rolled up $150,000 in gambling debts, spent $250,000 for a speed boat and $100,000 for thoroughbred horses. After Vision Banc Savings went bankrupt Corson fled to San Diego, where he is living in a luxurious beachfront house.

    Other insolvent S&Ls linked to the CIA include Sunbelt Savings, $2 billion in taxpayer bailouts. 1st Financial Savings of Pennsylvania, $1.9 billion, and Lamar Savings of Austin, Tex., $1 billion in bailouts.

    Central America solidarity groups reacted with anger. "We uncovered many similar illegal activities in our investigation of the Iran-contra scandal", said Rick Emrick, spokesperson for the Christie Institute. "If the public was not incensed by the Iran-contra hearings, perhaps they will be incensed to learn how much these covert operations are costing them in their pocketbooks."

    Bob Green, a spokesperson for Nicaragua Network said, "This is just one more example of how low the Reagan-Bush Administration would stoop in their genocidal war against the Nicaraguan people. The evidence linking the White House and Oliver North to drug trafficking, gun-running and money laundering is overwhelming. In a nation that really cared about fighting the drug plague, people would be up in arms about these disclosures. It would be on the front page of the New York Times."

    How can it happen in America? Dear ones, let us take one hard-to-believe and incredible situation at a time. When I tell you HOW this can be with the individuals, I MUST HAVE YOUR TRUST! You cannot know how deep the subterfuge and lies go within the very physical, human fiber of ones involved, nor would you be able to read without accusing Hatonn of lies. If I write it herein--we will await the time of trusting and then it shall all be revealed. At this point, however, you must stand and face that which is upon you and further distractors are not helpful. You can change these things if you will work together within your Constitution--that is where it must begin and then, and only then, can you come into understanding of the other that will be given unto you.

    FIRST: You must understand the terms Zionists and Khazars. STOP pulling anti-Semitic nonsense on speakers. I ask that my "INTRODUCTION" in THE MOSSAD CONNECTION, now in press, be appended hereto. If you cannot understand history and the lies; you cannot change of the direction planned for you of Earth. May God allow of your understanding for you are in grave, grave circumstance!

    Dharma, allow us a rest please and we can check as to how much further space we have for writing. Thank you, chela, for your service. I withdraw to stand-by in salute unto that which you ones are doing in this time of danger and threat. God shall be thine shields if you will but ask. Salu--Hatonn to stand-by.

    PJ 21



    WED., OCT. 24, 1990 8:37 A.M. YEAR 4 DAY 69

    WED., OCT. 24, 1990


    Hatonn present in service unto God and Man--within the Light of Truth. So be it. I ask, Dharma, that you avail yourself and service, briefly, to Commander Ceres Anthonious Soltec for, before we write this day, I must call urgent attention to you ones. There has been a rather small earthquake within the past 12 hours in northern California which bears great importance. It is a sign to you ones who will "see" and "hear". The quake itself is not of great importance; it is the fact that it is in the area of Lee Vining (close to Yosemite) but that is not the point. It epicenters in the area where the radioactive "bulge" of molten matter made radioactive by your Nevada testing is "coming to a head". This quake has two points of interest--it tells you where first the toxic material might surface and also relieves a bit of pressure from the "cone" itself. I move to stand-by, thank you.

    * * * * *

    Soltec present to speak of general information regarding the type of quake just experienced in this most important area. I am responsible for the command following most closely your earth changes in a "geophysical" attitude and, hopefully, allow you ones to have knowledge regarding these changes and "possibilities" involved. I can also tell you what to look for relative to a given action as follow-on. Please do not ask me to define explicitly in "Earth-timeframe". We calculate possibilities and probabilities by "sequence of events". I shall also make it as simple for general understanding as I can find words to fit descriptions.

    The relatively small quake in point was experienced in California to the coastal area near and around San Francisco as well as throughout portions of Nevada (most important indeed). To allow understanding to the "lay" public, I must first speak of vulcanism in general. Therefore, I ask ones who know all this information to please be patient, for we find that 99.9% of the human masses do not have the foggiest idea of that which we outlay unto you.


    The term "vulcanism" implies volcanos--and they are, to be sure, a spectacular product of it. But vulcanism involves much more than mere volcanos. Any invasion of the earth's crustal zone by magma from below is properly called vulcanism. If the magma pushes its way far up into the crustal strata but does not reach the surface, it is termed intrusive vulcanism, but if the magma flows out onto the surface via volcanic or other vents, it is called extrusive vulcanism. (These, of course, are Earth/English words and will need translation for other language groups.)

    The question may well be asked, "Why does molten material from the earth's interior force its way into and through the hard rock of the crust?" This is one of the questions that has vexed your geologists for many years--not only, "Why does magma invade the crust?" but, "Where precisely does the magma originate?" It is obvious to you "close" observers that release of pressure on the interior of the earth by deformation and fracturing of the crust triggers the outward movement of magma, but whether it originates initially at the earth's core, the mantle, or even the crust itself is difficult for you to determine for you have not enough knowledge or ability to research those pressures and temperatures to reach valid, provable conclusions.

    It depends on the TYPE of volcanic activity. Most volcanos tap only relatively shallow source regions; however, this does not obviate the deep-seated sources for certain types of volcanic activity.

    Nearly all major mountain masses are underlain by intrusive masses and frequently there is some sort of extrusive vulcanism in evidence as well--simply through visual observation. Mountain-building mechanisms such as folding and faulting cause vulcanism but vulcanism, once set in motion can be a potent mountain-building mechanism in its own right. Massive intrusions may lift and warp the surface layers and extrusive magma finding its way to the surface through faults can build huge piles of volcanic rock. Also, intrusions may be exposed by the wearing away of the softer overlying strata by erosion and the hard igneous mass will stand up as highlands. The Adirondacks and mountains of New England, for instance, are of this type.

    Please understand that I am speaking of the United States in this instance for this is where the scribe can have association and this is where the subject in point has and is occurring. The information is valid for all Earth locations geographically.

    Other examples are the smooth lava flows in Alaska's Valley of the Ten Thousand Smokes which poured out of a volcanic vent just a few of your decades past and still have the appearance of motion as observed. Today the area, Katmai National Monument, as you have named it, has only about 100 smokes active. It is, however, an area only in the "sleeping".

    Another great example of a landscape filled with volcanic plugs, the Kapsiki Mountains in Cameroon, is far different in visualization. Where each great "protrusion (plug of rock lava) was once a live volcano, its vent filled with molten lava. As the volcano expired and eventually eroded away, only the solidified igneous rock, relatively harder and more resistant, has survived for your modern-day viewing.



    The largest of the intrusive masses is the batholith, found to underlie every major mountain system and frequently exposed at the surface as the roots or cores of ancient mountains that have eroded away. But the batholith is not merely the upper margin of the monolithic Sima volcanics. It is a lobe that has forced its way well beyond that into the sedimentary (or altered rock) layers that form the continental epidermis, because of lessened pressure as a result of diastrophism. As for size, a stock is simply indication of "size". There is not "reason" of two terms other than somebody felt it helpful to describe the "bulging" or "hat" under the surface as a batholith if over 40 miles in area and a stock if smaller. Both will be found in the same "bulge".

    The batholith and stock are coarse-grained igneous or plutonic rock that has obviously cooled slowly deep underground. At their point of contact with the stratum above is a metamorphosed aureole or baked zone where the combination of heat, pressure, magmatic fluids and gases have commonly given rise to concentration of useful minerals.

    For practical Earth purposes you may as well regard as essentially "bottomless" structures and intrusive rock has not been "seen" to actually crystalize as extrusive lavas have. You are, as usual, dealing again with conjecture on your placement and it serves well enough in concept.


    On a much smaller scale than the batholith are several other kinds of magmatic intrusions. One of these, the laccolith, has some of the character of a small batholith or stock except that it is fed from below by a tube cutting across the overlying strata like the conduit of a volcano. However, where the volcanic bore gets into the surface rocks, magma rising up the laccolith feedpipe loses some of its impetus and spreads out between two flat-lying rock layers, eventually forming a lens-shaped mass that lifts and bows the surface into a dome and this is indeed most important to the subject in point.


    Similar to the laccolith but much more common is the sill. In this case the invading magma spreads out as a flat sheet often for many miles but does not throw up the overlying layers. Sills come to your attention when erosion exposes an edge as a sheer wall often darker and harder than the surrounding rock. The down-cutting Hudson River, as example, has revealed a sill in the Palisades that is particularly striking because of the columnar jointing of the cooling magma. Another major feature standing out in a moderately subdued landscape is the Great Whin sill of Northumberland, England. The black escarpment describes a 100-mile crescent from the Pennines to the sea and since its steep side faces northward, it was seized on by the Romans as the foundation for Hadrian's wall. Again, within the U.S., you will have a good example in the Black Canyon of the Gunnison.


    If the invasion of the surface layers is in the form of a thin sheet cutting sharply across all horizontal strata but falling short of intersecting the surface, then you have a dike. Visualize a sill turned on edge, except in the case of a dike it draws magma from its entire lower edge rather than from a bore or conduit. Dikes often occur in swarms, most frequently radiating from a volcanic vent. If the resulting igneous rock is harder than that which surrounds it, erosion may lay bare the solidified magma in the volcano conduit as a neck or plug and the radiating dikes as long narrow ridges. Ship Rock, New Mexico, is an outstanding example. One can see the radiating dikes exposed at the surface and Ship Rock itself is a volcanic plug.


    Note that although the originally molten rocks involved in intrusives are properly classified as plutonics and should therefore display a coarse granularity, only the batholith or thick sill is highly typical. Generally, the smaller intrusives isolate the magmatic melt into such thin or limited quantities that cooling is quite rapid and crystal formation is impaired. However, it is possible that a long intrusive finger may keep its contact with the molten mass below and selected gases and fluids will find their way into this backwater (pegmatite). Occasionally, crystals will grow to huge size under these unusual conditions. In South Africa mica crystals have been encountered measuring 10 to 15 feet in width.



    Volcanos are, of course, of particular interest not only because of their unpredictable explosive habits but because of their impressive structure. They tend to follow fault lines and thus the world's great seismic zones. Faulting, earthquakes and volcanos go together and faulting is the basic cause for the other two. The Pacific's unstable margin is often popularly referred to as the "Pacific Ring of Fire" because of its extensive volcanic activity. Everywhere, cones of all sizes, both active and dormant, are evidence of continuing vulcanism.

    It is foolish indeed to ever refer to any volcano as "dead". Dormant is your word most suitable for use and should be used if there has been no eruptive activity in historical time. Even historic time is not sufficient. For instance in 79 A.D., your labeled "Vesuvius", was not even a very imposing landform which was half hidden inside the broken remnant of the older Monte Somma and had never erupted in the memory of human inhabitation. There were not even any fanciful legends of vulcanism, so long ago had been its most recent activity. Yet in that fateful year Pompeii was buried in a great blast of fiery ash and Herculaneum was overrun by repeated flows of hot mud. Then for sixteen centuries there were only ten additional major eruptions. But in 1631, after 130 years of quiescence, Vesuvius began its modern, more frequent eruptive cycle marked by increased lava flows that had been of little consequence earlier. So today Vesuvius is by any measurement active, its personality changed considerably from its former self; and if Somma is any evidence, there have been many times in the distant past when Vesuvius and its precursors have surprised the sleepy folks along the Bay of Naples.

    The United States' own Cascade Mountains pimpled with 600 miles of snowcapped cones, must be regarded as merely dormant. Lassen Peak, the least spectacular of the lot, was active in 1914-15 but there has been a tendency to think of the others as "scenery". All are very new, geologically speaking, scarcely mutilated by erosion, and this, of course, is why they make such outstanding scenery. But by the same token, dear friends, they are more likely to be alive than dead after such a short time span. Evidences pointing to just such a likelihood are very modern cinder cones all around the base of Mt. Shasta, another in Crater Lake, recently discovered by your own geologists, hot spots high on the slope of Mt. Rainier and Mt. Baker and Mt. Lassen itself.


    No two volcanos are alike in their eruptive habits and as you have seen from the Vesuvian example, an individual volcano is often capricious. Some are spewers of ash, like Irazu in Costa Rica, which erupted continuously for almost two years (1966-1968), subjecting the residents of the capital city, San Jose, to a seemingly endless rain of thick dust. Others eject lava but with variation: Vesuvius goes off violently with loud explosions and gushes of lava streaming down its flanks; Kilauea, the Hawaiian crater, quietly spills lava over its lip with a minimum of fireworks; Strombolian lava, cooling and crusting over lightly in the crater, traps gases beneath it, which explode every half-hour throwing incandescent clots high into the air. Then there are the spasmodic eruptors whose conduit becomes clogged with hardened igneous rock between eruptions. With a cork in the bottle, so to speak, it is not uncommon for the increasing pressures to blow out suddenly through a weak spot on the side of the mountain. This is what happened to Mt. Pele on Martinique in 1902. Internal pressure started the cork, pushing it out of the vent in the form of a high spire but before it could wholly clear the passage the side blew out. A dense cloud of intensely hot gases and self-exploding lava mist swept down the slope to the sea, completely wiping out the town of St. Pierre in an instant.


    There is yet another kind of happening that involves the reverse of eruption, that is, a sudden emptying of the magma chamber. When this occurs, the entire top of the mountain, lacking support, collapses and is engulfed into itself. The end result is a huge crater-like pit called a caldera. Crater Lake, Oregon, is one of these. It is not a true crater because glacial evidences on the contemporary slopes indicate that a peak of over 12,000 feet must have existed to support full-blown glaciers. This reconstructed volcano, dating back probably some 8000 years, has been named posthumously Mt. Mazama. But volcanos can blow their tops--how do you know that it collapsed rather than blew up? You can know because the entire surrounding countryside would have to be covered with debris from the old peak and there simply is none. So now you are faced with the question, what causes the abrupt evacuation of a magma chamber? And you have no certain finite answer.

    Of more recent origin than Crater Lake is the caldera of Krakatoa, an island just off western Java. On August 27, 1883 there were four tremendous explosions, the last of which was heard 3000 miles away in Australia. A towering dust cloud was thrown up, noticeable around the world for two years and a great tidal wave drowned 36,000 people. Subsequent investigation revealed that a deep pit had replaced two-thirds of the island but that despite the dust and ash ejected, the bulk of the island had collapsed and the sea had rushed into the resultant caldera. The area is still indeed active. A new volcanic island is building called by you, Anak Krakotoa (child of Krakatoa). But even the original Krakatoa was merely a remnant of an earlier, much larger island. Like Vesuvius, standing in the breached caldera of Somma, generations of crustal ulcers appear on occasion to be healing but the infection distressingly reasserts itself again and again when least expected.


    On recounting the loss of human life from volcanic disaster through the centuries, one might be inclined to wonder why anyone would choose to live with volcanos as neighbors. But if a given cone can be classified conveniently as "extinct", local residents come to love it, are inspired by its majesty or even regard it as divine--that "the mountain" could be venomous and turn on its friends is unthinkable, until, of course, it does so. Agricultural people are drawn to the frequently fertile lava soils, willing to take an unknown risk to derive a known livelihood. And if the giant should cough up rejuvenating showers of ash periodically, so much the better. Anyway, absolute security is not a guarantee of living anywhere. Why would anyone choose to live in earthquake country, tornado alley or along hurricane coasts? The law calls these "acts of God" and God seems, in the short run, less lethal than midtown or freeway traffic which threatens you all on a daily basis.


    The simplest classification of volcanos is on the basis of the shape of the cone. Most of them fall generally into one of three types that are easily recognizable and the cone shape also gives some indication of the type of ejecta and the eruptive habits of the volcano.

    First, there is the cinder cone. This is the product of a violently explosive volcano where the lava has solidified in the vent, forming a plug. The accumulation of steam and magmatic gases gradually develops sufficient pressure to blow the plug with such force as to shatter it into tiny fragments (called cinders and ash), and these are deposited in a symmetrical pile around the vent, the larger particles nearest the vent and the finer ones farther away. The resulting cinder cone is steep sided (around 37 degrees, the maximum angle of repose of unconsolidated material) and usually symmetrical (Mt. Asmara in Ethiopia). Although evident in many parts of the world, the cinder cone seldom achieves any great size as erosion rapidly wears away what is essentially merely a pile of loose material. The disappearing islands of the Pacific are often mere cinder cones where an eruption may throw up a pile of solid ejecta above the ocean level to be visible for a few days or months until wave action removes it.

    The second type of volcanic cone is called a shield or dome. Here a quiet flow of fairly fluid lava issues from the vent, forming a vast low-angle cone as it cools. Mauna Loa-Mauna Kea whose 13,000-foot tips form the island of Hawaii is an excellent example of this type of cone and if the low angle of the island's slope is traced to the sea bottom some five miles deep, the true size of this twin cone becomes apparent.

    As often as not, however, a volcano passes through several stages in its history alternating between explosive eruptions and lava flows. The resulting cone develops a combination of the low-angle shield and the high-angle cinder cone. These are composite or strata cones and display concave slopes with a sharp peak. Imagine first a cinder cone, but before it can erode away, it is overlain by lava flows. Then built on top of this another cinder cone followed again by lava. The end product looks like Fujiyama, Shasta, Ranier, or Egmont, the world-famous volcanos that inspire poets and legends. The most tell-tale concave slope development, however, is shown by Mt. Shishaldin in the Aleutians which is smoking and active today. Its classic shape is totally unscarred by any type of erosion as it continues to build. Currently, Shishaldin towers well over 9000 feet above sea level and almost 40,000 feet above the ocean floor and growing.

    The four formerly mentioned volcanos are considered dormant but El Misti in Peru is equally as impressive and still active as is Mayon in the Philippines. Mayon, despite its generally low elevation and lack of picturesque snowcap, is reputed to be the most perfectly shaped of the world's composite volcanos. I URGE YOU TO NOT BE FOOLISH IN YOUR ATTITUDE THAT THESE "DORMANT" GIANTS ARE CONTINUING IN DORMANCY. THE ENTIRE OF THE CASCADE CHAIN IS AWAKENING.

    Now, let us turn to a most important link-up with information regarding the current quake in point:


    Lava, in pouring out onto the earth's surface, does not always issue from volcanic vents; it may well out of faults or fissures many miles in length. If the lava is highly liquid and the terrain fairly subdued, such fissure flows have been known to cover thousands of square miles and build up extensive plateaus as in eastern Washington, eastern Oregon, southern Idaho and northern California, U.S.A. The bulk of peninsular India is also of this origin. In Washington the Columbia River Gorge and the Grand Coulee reveal along their sides a banded layering of differing colors and textures, each of which represents a separate flow. On occasion, the hot lava will be heavily charged with gases and as the lava cools, the escaping gases leave holes in the rock, making it extremely porous. Water will occasionally flow through the permeable (scoriaceous) rock as though it were a pipe. It is also possible that in a moderately viscous flow, with the surface cooling and congealing through contact with the atmosphere, the hot, still liquid lava underneath will run on and out leaving an igneous cave.


    If you reason carefully regarding the quake in point, you can determine the situation and watch for further example or increased activity--in any and all directions. This can allow you to begin to determine likelihood of damage and extent of passage of radioactive material from the Nevada testing site. Because of underlying strata, the flow will be toward the Pacific Sea and will obviously, affect the immediate areas around the site of the "caldera" container and the direct fissure network radiating to the sea.

    It would be expected then, that material flowing from the nuclear testing center in Yucca Flats outside of and north of Las Vegas would flow along fissure lines into Death Valley and thus and so, however, this is a false premise. A brief and general outlay of descriptive flow from Yucca Flats test grounds would be between the Spring Mountains to the west and the Spotted Range and Sheep Range to the east, moving through and into "Devil's Hole" which I believe is one of your National Monuments north of the town of Pahrump, Nevada, on the south edge of the Amargosa desert east of the Amargosa Mountain Range and scattering in all directions. The most open and active fissure, however, runs on through (under) Sarcobatus Flat, between the Inyo and Toyabe National Forests and pools in the major underground-to-surface cauldrons beneath Mono Lake. Mono Lake is not formed for no reason, dear friends, and it is quite a toxic lake in its already pristine state. Lee Vining is at Mono Lake!

    Does this mean the only danger from radioactive material problems would be along that route, then scattering out from the Mono Lake Bulge (which by the way, is under water for the most part)? No, it means that it is where the weakest surface portion of the landscape lies. The fissures running into southern California are much more extensive but are deeper and less likely to show surface bulging. The flow, however, is much easier with much less interference from strata mass. THE MAJOR FISSURES ALL END UP AT THE SAN ANDREAS FAULT!

    When you hear of the prophecies expecting death from open fissures exuding death-causing vapors--it will be from toxic substances, yes, but deadly because of radiation from foolish man-made experiments of nuclear materials.

    How much will surface, if it surfaces? I cannot answer for it depends upon pressure buildup, pressure slippage vs. man-caused slippage and extent of flow. You can expect deadly gasses to spring from what you call Lake Elsinore and on down to the Salton Sea. These gasses may or not be, radioactive. Watch the type of tremors for you can know if a quake is felt over a large area, it is a bit deeper than a little surface jolt. It means a lot of deep churning and activity in radiating fissures.

    Since you do not yet show surface fissures to any great extent and very little surfacing material at this point, you can surmise it is still in the "intrusive" stage and moved into the "sill" stage from and forming additional "laccoliths". The area at Mono Lake represents a batholithic/stock in a location not noticed easily through visualization. The lake is not "just getting lower from depletion of water" but is also more shallow from the "rising" of the lake floor.

    I am not here, Dharma, to argue points of physical geology or geography. We have great difficulty with your new names for everything--the entire area described was once at the bottom of the sea and my vision and instrumentations recognize no difference except for isolating the identification of markers for you ones.

    The quake in point is of little notice except for the massive information it should be telling you. More important substance is coming forth along the New Madrid fault but the toxic quality of the California tremor bears more destructive potential from that aspect.

    The widespread activity is indeed important but I have not the facility nor you the understanding, to outlay it all. I just ask that you be at alert. If you can understand the functioning of your "Mother's" circulatory system, you can better know where safety can be found in order to continue service in this time of transition and upheaval. You in contact and counsel with the higher energies will be given to know if you but listen--you who just desire to save your assets (of all types) will likely not hear and discount much of this information--so be it for it is most certainly up to your own acceptance.

    Thank you, Dharma, for scribing this information. I realize you have neither the time nor the interest in these matters but your service is greatly appreciated for I have no receiver regarding these matters in this location. Much, much focus is given to this area geographically and I am greatly appreciative of your willingness to entertain my input. I ask the blessings of understanding in behalf of you ones awakening from the confusion of the sleep and I am most grateful to be of whatever service I might project.

    I take leave in salute unto you of our "land-locked" fellow-man. Saalome' and Salu!

    Soltec to clear.

    Hatonn returned to sign-off for this session as it has grown quite lengthy being that Soltec has not been subjected to having to reduce a chapter to a page nor a page to a paragraph as has been jested upon Hatonn. When we come back I will continue with items of "TODAY'S WATCH" and shake you up a bit with Quantum Cosmic Code. I shall at first reduce the paragraph to a sentence but as you might guess the subject is technical indeed and may require a bit more in-depth projection of wordiness as we move into the subject of genetic doubles abounding upon your place these days of political and technical chaos. So be it. Let us close this segment and take rest. Salu.

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