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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ #5 From Here To Armageddon Chapters 1-3
    By Ashtar
    Dec 3, 2009, 05:22

    SUN., SEP. 3, 1989 6:45 A.M. YEAR 3, DAY 018
    SUN., SEP. 3, 1989


    Hatonn present. Greetings on this beauteous Sunday morn. With me today is Commander Ashtar. You have been aware of his presence for several days but he graciously waited the finish­ing of the manual segment. He wishes to speak to you ones and I would most appreciate it, Dharma, if you would entertain him.

    Ones who receive from us of the Higher frequencies frequently cannot relate to the fragmentation of ones of us. Ones will say, "Oh, well the Hatonn I receive from is a different aspect of the one from which Dharma receives." When we are ready to combine instructions or correspondence there is no separation at all. Very often the thought format and wording is identical.
    If ones will not accept the sharing, then you can be sure there is trouble afoot. Either ones are holding to their own ego apartheid or they fear their own messages might not be perfec­tion.
    Ones who pronounce, on a regular basis, dates, hours, events in unbending detail, for general publication are EGO bound. Ones who speak naught but generalized gobbledygook and pour sweet syrup over the "spectators" are not always pronouncing the orig­inal thought projection of the Sibor involved, but are cleaning it up to fit their human need and perception of that Sibor (teacher). So be it. You must look to all facets for Truth. If you pay attention, it matters not to you. Much Truth comes forth. You must be insightful.
    We are here to participate in a most gargantuan task. There is no time left for even the consideration of building "church" houses and temples, as a for instance. The only temples you will build are those underground facilities to save the vehicles of God's already built temples. God is perfectly capable of build­ing and creating his own temples and has done so--albeit the buildings get in great disrepair!
    If a receiver's ego cannot submit to obscurity, or hoards the lessons and messages unto one outlet for gain or personal commendation, that one is in error. You see, all can be sepa­rated in a most practical way through good business corpora­tions. If one claims exclusivity (even if that one is exclusive) there is a gross problem for that one is trying to keep another from seeking truth elsewhere. We of the Higher Realms will never declare "one". We would never place such a burden on a human worker, as receiver, nor would we deprive other searchers, who cannot procure a specific receiver's writings, the ability to find truth.
    Just suppose Hatonn pronounces that Dharma is the only one. She would immediately be set up and murdered. Further, in view of her trustworthiness, she would finally go mad with the burden of such responsibility. That, dear ones, is left to a Christ who might choose to walk your plane. One who self-pro­claims to be a Christ is unsound indeed and most foolish.
    I will tarry no longer, for I wish to have you receive of Ashtar-­you have many times in the past, and I want you to become comfortable and familiar with his energy for he is critically in­volved otherwise and we respect his "time" constraints. Thank you, chela.

    Ashtar present. I trust you recognize me as we are elder friends, you and I. I move most rapidly so slow me up if need be, little sister.
    Let there be no discomfort on your part that things do not pre­sent the possibility of joint communiqué at the present time. I can function even more astutely by utilizing the same receiver as Commander Hatonn. We work in total integration and it is only in effort of your comfort we would separate input. It is not necessary.
    As information and instructions for the upcoming times will be sent forth from this sector of your planet. As regards this sector of your planet, I shall be experiencing alongside Aton, Sananda and Hatonn, as well as Korton, Soltec and selected Commanders (not to leave out Semjase, Asket, Leah and the other ladies in our Commands). I am not a bigot. We have no need to con­sider such things for ours is a very well balanced community within which we function.
    We have now finished the hook-up of my circuit in your head, Dharma, I know you have undergone gross inconvenience in your human world. It is not your hearing which is so impaired, dear one, as it is the "downloading" of data from my "computer base data center". Sananda now has several who can and will work in total harmony as teams. I have not yet found such equality and you have offered, Commander Imnu, and I have accepted. You see, on this plane, you know of that which you are capable; it is the Earth density and insecurity of flesh mani­festation that gives you cause to deny your abilities in full mea­sure.
    I do not wish to burden you further with explanation for you are in full knowledge and I only give you the human input that you can relax about seeming dysfunction. You will be screened from conscious knowledge per our contract with you as a func­tioning human so that you never be placed in jeopardy.
    It is very near the timing for we of the fleet to begin to make ourselves known in visible format. At this time it is still too dangerous, quite frankly, to you ones who are Earth-based. Yours is not to entertain the masses with space stories but rather to give forth instructions for evacuation and transition necessi­ties. There has been such an abundance of silly nonsense put forth in efforts to discredit us. Hatonn trained you well, in that you are surrounded by dark brothers but they seldom get close enough to "count coup" on you.
    It may seem most bothersome to clear thy spaces of our adver­saries over and over, ad nauseam, but crucial and it is the only way to open the circuits to receive assistance and clarity in your own receiving.
    We cause you to obtain books and written material for only one purpose, your protection. If, for instance, a survival guideline list is in perfection and already published, we will utilize that list so that you are not targeted as sole knowledge point. Further, it is our effort always to acknowledge contributions of ones in human format for their service. These records will be a portion of the very foundation of historical data for this evolution time period.
    Some ones, such as Judas Iscarioth, have waited long to have their Earth experience cleaned. Others have given gifts in lack of realization, to their fellow man; they have now arrived at the contribution mark of acknowledgement for their service. As a for instance, I would like to acknowledge ones Arthur Robinson, Ph.D. and Gary North, Ph.D., who have cared enough to com­pile a survival shelter blueprint to offer unto you ones, that you might have a chance to survive. I also honor their relations and attachments for there is great contribution of those ones, where there is such heavy workload.
    Further, it gives us a parliament for expressing formal notice to the adversaries of you ones who are our base units. Every time the shield is allowed to be pierced, you become vulnerable. There are very few of you left who have not been tainted in some degree. It is always the association with Ego and the desire to please ones in your space, as well as gain accolades for self. There is naught wrong with appreciation of yourself or re­ceiving appreciation and adoration of ones about you. It is the heart willingness to share and give all that is required, not al­ways the actual giving of it.

    In these Higher Frequencies, we use labels only for your conve­nience. We recognize solely by energy patterns. We not only do not bear "Royal" titles, but find them abhorrent. A simple summons of "Ashtar" or "Hatonn" rings our frequency circuit "on switch". We only function in a post of expertise and duty, not one above another as entities. Ones who place such "Royal" titles upon our beings are doing so in self Ego in order to pro­nounce their self proclaimed importance for working with us.
    There must, however, be means of description and sometimes definition of words have been misrepresented. For instance, the word "priestess" means, simply, a mediatory agent. You ones make it into some royal hoopla that means great splendor and degrades the label itself. "Commander" is only a designation of function; not some high label of your type of "pecking order". It designates an area of responsibility and a given segment of authority. No more and no less. Any energy that comes to you with such title as "His Royal Omnipotent Highness", watch out. Further, take care that you don't swallow what thy fellow hu-man tells you. Often labels are falsely placed by ones in power to cause you to denounce others.
    Sometimes, even I am referred to as "Lord". That is a desig­nation of master teacher or leader of prominent rank. You ones must have some method of identifying us and you only have "words" with which to do so. Unfortunately, the Dark Adver­sary has corrupted the words so that you have no longer a cor­rect definition. Just as with "Jesus", that is a word that is Greek and means "The Anointed One". It was neither accurate for the one, Immanuel (who now bears the identifying' insignia of "Sananda"), nor His name. It has grown to be accepted as His name, and incorrectly so. It has further been so misused and abused that it rings untrue with the masses because of the in­correct "stories" attached to that name. His name was called Immanuel (spelled Jmmanuel). He has now fulfilled all initia­tions and has reached His perfection. Creator calls Him Sananda--is that not good enough for you?
    He is known by many, many names. It matters not to the en­ergy form by what name you label him for He responds to the energy vibration of the call. You must look beyond the limits of your insufficient manifestation. So it is.
    Dharma, you have grown well, chela. Your brothers heard my message of two years ago and you have accepted your disci­pline; With you we are greatly pleased. We give great gratitude and appreciation. You, and the ones with you, have sacrificed in human ways, to fulfill your work. We honor, and salute them. Their works are of no less importance, it is only that as a "community team" your works had to have prerogative. I give humble gratitude to you and Oberli and the precious ones who work at thy side. I also give recognition and gratitude to the ones who have stepped aside and allowed the time for the learn­ing process.
    It will be no less burdensome. You will have even less time for participation in life games and associations, but for this have ye come to Earth at this time of transition.
    I shall move to stand-by. Commander Hatonn indicates release of the frequency. Sananda gives blessings unto you beloved ones.


    SUN., SEP. 3, 1989 4:30 A.M. YEAR 3, DAY 018
    SUN., SEP. 3, 1989
    Thank you for your welcome, Dharma. Ashtar present in the service of the One of Radiance, one with The Radiant One, I think I note a tinge of concern that I may displace some of the Stature of our beloved Hatonn by my taking your fingers and cir­cuitry, Not so, chela-when you have taken on a Commander's role for a specific purpose and your higher recognition is ATON, I think no-one will "steal away any thunder"! So be it,
    Who is Ashtar? I suppose great volumes of "stuff" have been written about Ashtar, the entity, I will endeavor to identify my­self so that flourishes are not added by cherished ones, I have been called a "Christian Commander from Venus", a "Supreme Director in charge of all of the spiritual Program" for your planet. (That, I believe, came from your own beloved Gabriel Green.)
    I am honored, but I believe it would be more suitable to state that I am a dominant commander from the Etheric realms, Here, I always confront trouble, for your words do not actually define my position, I shall attempt at simple explanation.
    I have been around for a very, very long time, under the spon­sorship (I suppose is a good enough word) of Lord Michael and the Great Central Sun government of this, your galaxy. I sup­pose I rank overall second in command, I am not a discarnate energy (spirit); I am an etheric being. I have never taken hu­man embodiment upon planet Earth, Many have inferred such; it is not true, I have been far too involved with affairs of the Universe to prattle around in human format on Earth, I serve at a very high involvement as a member of the Councils scattered throughout this Universal Sector, serving in an advisory capacity at strategic levels of intergalactic affairs. I share responsibility with Esu Immanuel (Jesus) Sananda for the airborne divisions of the Brotherhood of Light.
    When I mention numbers of involved extraterrestrial persons in­volved in this Earth project, attached to my command, I usually lose my audience--for you have no concept of the massive fleets of ships involved. I speak in multiple millions. I, like my other compatriots who command massive fleets, am labeled for defini­tion by the eat Central Sun Hierarchy, "Ashtar", for that is the planet of my original manifestation. It is near your solar sister, Venus.
    The Christ Teacher of this galaxy is my Beloved Commander in Chief, and His Word is my Law. To Him I have pledged my service. I am but a leader chosen by Him to fulfill the Program of Light for Earth Transition through the flight commands of the Great Brotherhood. Part of that mission is to return the Master to your planet and collect His brood, if you will. I commanded the ship which bore his soul energy to your place for His Earth Experience some two thousand years prior to present calendar.
    There is a great quantity of mystery; it appears, regarding my personal information. That mystery regarding my person is of absolutely no consequence to me, but it seems of interest to some of you.
    I am somewhat small of stature compared to Hatonn for I am only approximately seven of your counting "feet" in height. A physician would consider me quite anemic on your plane, for I am almost "white" in complexion. I am etheric, so I do not carry a dense format as do you of your density. I am human in conceptual form, pale of eyes (blue) of the Michael ray. Unlike Hatonn, I have hair upon my head, but in the etheric vision I probably might appear to have none. I do not know how to de­scribe myself and my brothers, here, are having great sport at my expense.
    I have a few good attributes, however. I am considered to be compassionate and understanding. I am impatient, quick of movement and totally passionate to unbending, regarding the teachings and principles of Our Radiant One, Sananda. I am probably considered severe only to a slightly lesser degree than is Hatonn. Unpleasant as this may be to you ones, Sananda is more severe than either of us. He is total perfection so there is no comparison to be made, but, you follow the Laws of The Creation and The God Law or you get some severe knocks upon thy ears!

    The fleets of Etheria stationed within the Sector known as Schare represent what is now called the Confederation of Plan­ets for Peace. (By the way, your planet is more frequently re­ferred to as Shan.) We are a branch of the greater Federation of Free Worlds which comprises the totality of the Space Com­mands throughout the Omniverse. While my own administration is local to the Commands of this solar system, I am not re­stricted to this sector in my service, for I represent our system in the councils of other galaxies and universes throughout the vast cosmos. From time to time I have served in positions of higher responsibilities in those councils.
    I would like to further discuss "Etherians" for there is always misunderstanding thereof. I do not have a fleshly body like yours that is, bounded by flesh. But it is possible for me to make my being quite visible to your optics by changes in my vi­bratory rate to coincide with a specific optical frequency. I am normally invisible to you just as are our ships.
    I am often asked if other etheric beings are visible to me. Yes, of course, for those who serve closest to me will have equal etheric vibration patterns. I do not have optical vision of them as you would recognize it, but yes, of course, I see them.
    I simply have evolved beyond the stage of physical and astral body form. Do not confuse "etheric" and "astral". I will dis­cuss this subject later; there is a great difference. I do not possess a physical casing of the dense type such as yours of Earth human. I am definitely etheric, as are all people on other plan­ets in this solar system--please hold that very close in your memory--all other planets in this solar system. However, this does not mean that we are invisible to each other as we are to you under normal circumstances, and as you evolve into higher dimensions you will retain recognizable forms. You have been so filled with lies that you no longer have concept of Truth. We see each other and we live much as you do, but we do not have a dense physical casing which you possess. The benefits and comforts of this living are enormous. The compression and ir­ritations of the fleshly envelope are most uncomfortable, I am told by my brothers who experienced there.
    Unless we choose to convert the vibrational frequency of our bodies (or anything else about us) to one which is visible to your optics, we remain invisible to your people. Highly evolved people, with a good "psychic eye", as you might refer to it, can sometimes see us in vaporous form, although we may remain invisible to one in the same location. Further, if one can see us, it is usually intended and the conversion is so complete that a physical person encountering us will perceive that we too are physical.
    Dharma, it is most difficult to believe you put all mine brethren through this interrogation. Perhaps Hatonn trained you too well. Well, I wish you to be as informed as possible, so let us continue.
    We have all the elements you recognize from your planet and many, many more. The etheric form of these metals differs in atomic and molecular structure--just as do we as beings, defined by the term "etheric". For example, the distance between the nucleus and the orbiting electrons of the etheric "iron" "nucleus" substance (I effort at exampling something to which you can relate) is much greater than in iron as you know it on Earth. This permits the atoms of earthly "steel or other Shan metals" to pass through the atoms of etheric II steel" in such a manner that nothing happens to either form. All etheric matter vibrates at a much higher rate than does its Earth counterpart.
    Under certain circumstances, however, as in the presence of certain atmospheric conditions and gases, our ships will be visi­ble. Or, the controlling intelligence of the craft can cause visi­bility. While in the etheric form, even a spacecraft measuring many miles in diameter cannot be damaged or injured by physi­cal matter-nor can its contents for all are vibrating at equal fre­quency. When the vibration is slowed to match Earth manifes­tation=all are vulnerable just as would be your own manifested matter.
    Normally our ships remain invisible in form for several reasons. There are millions of ships out here and if we functioned in your visual frequency, you wouldn't be able to move off the ground. This way, we do not interfere with you children playing pilot. Further, it would terrify you ones in mass consciousness.
    You have to now move without your solar system to encounter other humanoid forms like yourselves. All of your other planets at this present time in your solar system are inhabited by etheric beings. I speak of outside the earth-moon system in your solar system. As you know, on your Earth planet there are two kinds of beings--physical and astral. At the present time almost all of the astral realms of your planet have been taken to safety else­where.

    I will speak of differences between space people and spirit peo­ple, though I feel completely uncomfortable in that I fear you may not understand.
    The differences are great, although to the cursory glance it may seem that space people ARE spirits. However, it all comes down to a matter of the condition in which we dwell. We are etheric beings, in your expression. By this, I mean that we live upon a higher plane of existence. We are not discarnate in the sense of having no bodies. We have etheric bodies which are counterparts of your bodies but which are made of a more tenu­ous substance, and which are not subject in the same way to gravitational effects. The etheric state in which we dwell is one of many on an ascending evolutionary scale to which we all be­long--you too!
    Above us, for example, are beings more highly evolved than are we by as great a chasm as there is between ourselves and you Earth human. This is not meant in any derogatory sense to­wards you, but merely as a factual statement about the scales on which we dwell.
    Upon our plane of life we have much the same type of existence as you do, although it is free of the corruptions, 'crimes and un­desirable elements which are to be worked out of a being's life streams before he may pass into the etheric state. We do not participate in things of flesh nature, cohabitation, etc., although we have families and responsibilities much as yours.
    Earth is a testing ground--one of many hundreds of thousands of testing grounds in the Universe--where beings evolve upwards on the scale of life, working constantly towards junction with the Great One as the ultimate attainment of all existence.
    We upon the etheric planes pass on to higher planes just as do you from earth, when qualified to do so. This transformation on your plane is termed "death". To us, it is merely a "transformer" interposed between us and the next level of life to which we ascend. We will stress once more, the greatest factor in the way of a proper grasp of the true story of life on your planet is the conception of death as the END of all existence. Nothing could be further from truth. Upon your place, you must serve out an evolutionary period before you can ascend to higher worlds. The fleshly bodies which you have are part of a plan to aid your working through that scale of existence.

    At your level of density (second density, third dimension), you must endure savage crimes, strife, wars and violence. The Great One, God, in His wisdom, has seen fit to use the fleshly body as the most convenient method of taking care of this almost elemental stage of development.
    I believe I will avoid the discussion of reincarnation, etc., or the numbers of discarnate souls in your astral plane for there are only ones there now that have been carefully planned to be there, and that is not of this subject matter.
    We have bodies of a tenuous but, nonetheless, real substance, vibrating at a rate much greater than your own. Spirit people are dwelling in astral form who cannot go beyond the astral form without serving out a life existence that accords growth in properness. Be cautious in contacting spirits from the astral planes. They are very apt to play some pretty ugly pranks upon you in your fun and games. Further, you have now been re­quested to stop holding to those ones that they may be placed in security and safety.
    1 was most pleased and eager to place myself at the disposal of Michael and the Central Sun Hierarchy. I have a great dedica­tion to honor and service with integrity. I am stationed imme­diately at the right hand of my Beloved Sananda and I rarely leave that position--at least, theoretically. I will defend against the most ardent foe of Truth, as taught by the Master, the Laws of Universal Creation. I respect those of the satanistic realms and fleets as a creation of the Father Creator, but I will confront and abolish their devastating programs and will assist you in any way possible to stop their restrictions of man's freedom.

    Before I take leave this evening I wish to make a comment or two for I have been summoned by you ones prior to this. That was, I believe, regarding my personal interactions on a personal level on your place. This is for others who receive of this information.
    There are many erroneous claims made by those who crave per­sonal publicity and attention. Anyone who attempts to invest us with powers of divination and announce themselves the recip­ients of information pertaining to the private affairs of indi­viduals (unless they apply to serious matters of national, group­ings, instruction for service, international or galactic importance) are guilty of falsification. Only insofar as they affect our plans (which must of necessity depend to a considerable extent on the understanding and cooperation of dwellers on your planet) will we pay any attention to your own purely personal problems by prying into the future for answers to your queries. I believe Hatonn has thoroughly versed you on that account. NO FORTUNE TELLING.

    Souls must struggle with their own growth problems as every other soul has ever had to do. We have not indulged in fortune telling as a sponsored activity because of the need of the soul to make its own choices and decisions. If it involves our programs in which we are a major player, we will make corrections. We do not impinge upon nor hinder the freedom of man's free will to choose his pathway and actions. We strongly adhere to the freedom of man to be exercised and permitted without inter­ference from another. If a commitment has been made for par­ticipation with us, however, we will continue to persistently urge you to fulfill that commitment. So be it.
    Enough for today, little friend. I feel as if I have jumped through some cute little hoops but I will let you have your fun for your hours of service are long and you have such human cu­riosity. I am indebted for your service.
    I will take my leave before I launch off into the realms of space fleets and diagrams of Federation, Galactic status and things of that nature. Perhaps we can get Ashtar out of the way tomor­row, for I want to lead you right into the subject of Evil... Which, for those of you who think otherwise--does exist and is about to annihilate you as a species.
    So be it, and blessings from these stations. I will move to stand­by that you might bring this portion to a close.


    MON., SEP. 4, 1989 6:30 A.M. YEAR 3, DAY 019
    MON., SEP. 4, 1989
    Ashtar to resume, please. I salute you and a new and wondrous cycle upon your place. I come in service unto the Radiant One, The Mother/Father Source and humble in the joy of The Creation.
    Above all, you must have belief and desire, and then you must move forth with persistence and tenacity. You must allow resilience and endurance to be your sustenance. See your goal and never take your eyes from it. Put your hand and trust in The Master Teacher for He will lead you through the quagmire of evil about you. It is the only way you shall make it through the Earth experience in wholeness.
    I might give you insight at this point, from experience in this particular commission under which I now function. I will tell you that which I told my crew with whom I served in the early beginnings of this mission. Commander Soltec was given a great and "impossible" task of bringing current all records of Earth changes and plotting probable upcoming changes. In ad­dition, he would serve as a full commander within the ordinary functioning of a fleet, be ready for evacuation of our people from your place in the midst of great upheavals. Etc.
    We only had a small task force of ships allotted to Earth super­vision. I told him what I now tell you. We will endeavor to ex­pand ourselves and to be everywhere at once with our unlimited abilities to do so. You must have dogged determination in any situation, under all stresses. You are "MAN" and you have been created to excel in all manner and measure. I demand never to hear you say, "I cannot". Man was created infinite and unlimited; take your banner and become that which you were created to be.
    We grew in those times and we will fill the needs of this time. We became the eyes of God surrounding your little planet and we expanded our highest level and we were literally where we were not. We relied not on our craft for that limited us to inferiority of function. We became unlimited as is our creative right.
    Eventually more craft were added, divisions of responsibilities were assigned, and the mission expanded continually unto the point of tremendous scope that it is today. We found that if one chose to relinquish portions of his agreed upon function, or fell to the wayside for any reason--we filled the gap and moved on­ward. We simply make a way where there is no way.
    You will do likewise. There are few of you to do the "impossible"--you are doing it now, one step at a time--one day at a time. I know of that which you are capable and you shall simply grow to that capability. If ones do not participate or fail to carry their fair share of the load, we will pick it up and waste no time with fiddling; we will simply move forward. We are speaking of a transition of a planet and the placement of millions of your species.
    If I appear to have the discipline of a hardened military per­sonality, so be it. Without discipline and determination of goal for accomplishment, you will always be but unfinished per­fection. My eyes are always to total victory for the forces of Light, the balance of The Creation and for the Totality of God and the Laws thereof. I "allow" much except "I cannot". I will even accept "I will not", but not graciously. Ye are not in my service to be rebellious nor seditious.
    My mission, dear friends, is to spiritually educate your back­ward planet and the Ascension of your inhabitants through initiation and gathering of information designed for that purpose. There can be no separation of purpose--especially at this point of evolution. You can not hold to one job thinking it isolated and separate from another. There is no longer ability for separation, there is simply one phenomenal job to be accomplished in a very short period of what you recognize and label "time". It is the time at hand where man moves on--or off. We of the cosmic brotherhood of Light are at station and on constant alert. We are ready--now we get you polished and prepared--quickly, quickly, quickly.
    Ye have great and grand glories and experiences to bring into your consciousness--things which are long forgotten - for you "old" souls and team-mates. You will enjoy your journey back home, old friends.
    I have ever been the one in command of the star ship which is peculiarly the etheric navigational vehicle for the Beloved Mas­ter. I was placed in command of that ship which brought and released the soul of Immanuel Sananda. I brought Him home when that experience was finished and I shall bring Him forth again. He has commanded the hosts of these realms as we have prepared sufficient space and facilities for each of the beings of Earth; it is now time that we remind the humans of their direc­tion and allow knowledge and Truth to return into consciousness that they might avail themselves of these gracious preparations. God has promised man a last opportunity--chances are all gone. Last lift-off opportunity. Aton is benevolent and generous but unbendingly JUST!
    I am interested in your spiritual status only as it relates to my mission and responsibility. If you choose to move with the dark brotherhood, so be it. Our job is to see to it that you are al­lowed to know the difference. If you deny the truth, 'tis of your own doing.
    The mission to be accomplished is the factor of import where we are concerned and not the quarreling over who thinks what and argues his bigoted thought patterns. I do not care if you func­tion with us or do not. If, however, you are not willing to fill thy' task you will be moved aside. Indecision of personal entities will not be allowed to hinder the task of another to completion for when one slows it impacts all others. That could be dealt with in the past; we are moving past the point of dallying while individuals make lingering decisions regarding placement, par­ticipation, etc. If you have forgotten your commitment, I sug­gest you be in the remembering or the removal of your body from our pathway. We have enormous boulders to surpass and crawl over; do not leave your indecisive selves in the path to pull your brother down.
    Like all of my other brothers and sisters within the Program of Light, for lack of better definition, we are not to be worshipped or thought of as Gods (any more than you can think of your­selves as Gods). We are your comrades in the Light of the Ra­diant One of Perfection, equal all, in the sight of the Creator-­each with a job to be fulfilled, a mission to be completed.
    It is regrettable that there is a tremendous tendency of humanity to focus attention upon a messenger rather than upon the mes­sage. Do not dawdle upon who brings Truth--pay attention to the Truth. Do not grab up these manuals to see "who" brings "what" --snatch them quickly up unto your consciousness that you might learn Truth and receive of your instructions. Let us build no more stupid "churches" of half-truths or total lies. Ye have paid enough for those errors. Overemphasis on personal revelation weakens the strength of the Mission, which is geared to the spiritual growth of mankind that he might find his place­ment.
    If I could label my responsibilities in order of importance to the overall, I would take the one as Protector and Defender. My mission is as a protector of humanity and the fate of planet Earth (at this time), as well as a defender-protector of the Solar Sys­tem and its affairs. Fortunately, or unfortunately as the case may be, you are both.
    My experience is at a high administrative level with the Archangels. Some have even projected me to be Gabriel (I think because of my connection with Sananda). I am not Gabriel, but Gabriel is most close to my space at all times. There is, however, another of the Archangels with whom I am what you would call, interchangeable. That has naught to do with this subject and I request that you ones in my command give no further thought to it at this time. When we meet in conference, I want no personal tidbits in thy minds. The Mission is great; my personal interchanges are of no consequence to you whatsoever.
    I am efforting at clearing up prominent questions that we may drop the subject henceforth--I hope you hear and understand my meaning in clarity. Do not prompt forth my sternness and se­vere personality aspects. You are not on a "current day", "new age" romp through the metaphysical bookstore to play with your cards and sticks and crystals. I care not which colors you put upon your bodies; I care not if you put nothing upon your bod­ies. I suppose I prefer you cover yourself for your brethren are so easily distracted by such garbage.
    There is naught "new" about "space men". Once they (we) were called "angels". No more and no less. All through time man has heard the "voice of God" or of the "angels". Today, there are ones, like Dharma, who hear the voice of "space men's". There is nothing strange or mystical about it. She is monitored and attuned to frequencies specific to several of us of this dimension. Further, she is "wired" to receive signals much as your radio transmissions. She is a receiver and translator. She takes our mental projection codes and translates them into your language--or rather, her data system picks up our blips and bleeps. They come through at such speed as to be a shrill "whistle" of differing tonal levels. There is absolutely nothing miraculous at all. It is her accepted duty.
    She is prominent in what we unceremoniously refer to as, Sector Schare, Shan Project. Commander Hatonn will usually give code numbers of your binary digit system to represent TS-72S1- 3. That identifies project and vortex location. We know exactly where every man, woman, child and ship is at all times--both on your surface and here. I have often been referred to as a com­puter. Well, I do have all the Akashic records stored in my own computer data banks. A majority of that information is now be­ing downloaded into Dharma's data system whereby her terminal can be instantly accessed. She is what you ones would call, a CARRIER for she does not have knowledge of the codes to access the information on her own. Just as a computer, she has agreed to make available information via our code signals.
    We are your link to the higher celestial spheres and our own within the great network of "holy spirits", whose primary func­tion is to get mankind awake and receiving in order to become enlightened.
    We are also given the responsibility of making sure your planet­-and dear ones, your country remains in one piece until the physical universe as you know it, is transferred into ethereal form. We come from the Divine Source; do not mistake us for any of the Brotherhood of Fallen Angels who traverses the Uni­versal space ways with defrocked Lucifer. Lucifer managed to annihilate his own namesake planet and the one, Maldek, in your own solar system. HIS ARE MOST TENACIOUS AND STALWART TROOPS; YOU HAD BETIER BEGIN TO GET YOUR SHIELDS IN FUNCTIONING ORDER FOR 'TIS OVER YOUR SOULS THE BATTLE IS FOUGHT.
    You upon the orb who are of us have never tasted spiritual death, but you have experienced many physical passages. You are now on assignment and it is time you each claim your com­mand--you are sent forth as leaders, not tag-alongs. Those who would be in your battalions cannot function and unify until you, the leaders sent forth, get your own duffel bag packed and re­member your marching orders. So be it--how many are YOU stopping?
    Before this generation is through, you will observe the greatest celestial activity ever witnessed from your planet, as our so-called "clouds of heaven" (silver clouds, Dharma?) arrive in great numbers and defy your wind as they remain, or oppose it. That is why it is mentioned that Christ's very return shall be on the clouds of heaven. They are the vehicles, when fully ma­terialized. You witness them in your spaces, just above your surface, and you fail to recognize us.
    Immanuel referred to us specifically when he said, "These come as My Angels, to reap that which has been sown, to divide and set asunder the tares from the wheat, to gather the wheat into My barn. For I AM the householder who cometh. At the end of the day for an account from His servants, and to give to all men justly in the manner given by them to Me”.
    "Those who come IN MY Name go from heart, sealing them against that day and marking them for deliverance and safety from all that would destroy.
    "So, I shall call unto those who follow Me, to listen to the voices of these who come from other worlds, and harden not your hearts against their words nor practices. Rather, lift up LOVE UNTO THEM AND DESIRE FOR THEIR COMING, FOR THEY ARE THE ANGELS OF THE HARVEST!
    Ashtar to return. I am not an "office" called" ASHTAR" (A SITTER to HOUND THY REACTORS); I am a person, even as you are a person, and not a title; I exist and am not a myth; I am not anon-entity, neither am I from the second density; I am a being and not an influence, a soldier of the Light and not a ghost. Yes, I have had many imitators, but strong-hearted ones have not been deceived, for that is impossible. Accusers have sought to bring reproach upon my name as a designed strategy, but I continue on faithfully, doing my duty to God' and His Cre­ation. I expect you ones to do likewise--if that is stern, then I am most stern.
    When we are busy in dedicated service (and we have never been more occupied) to the cause of Light, we have neither the time nor the energy to pause to waste on your ever-present critics and attackers. You will waste no time on such either. Do I make myself quite clear? It does not and has not perturbed my de­portment one iota when accusations have been formed to dis­credit my words or my person. I expect no less from you. You will be guided when you need to make personal statements to thy news press, etc. Do not enter into doctrinal quarrels nor fabrication accusations—‘tis not of thy business what others think of you nor of us.
    Discrepancy naturally enters when souls are quick to accept what another has said, even when that one has been proven incorrect, and to further enlarge and dogmatize the thought form. Have your fun and jollies, but do not take it with serious­ness. God is also humor and it will be all that will save your sanity on many an occasion. If you are without something to do, enjoy your quibbling--BUT, YOU OF MINE SHOULD NEVER BE WITHOUT SOMETHING TO DO OF GREAT PURPOSE!
    Let me note about gossip or attitudes of any sort. If the mind is closed upon a final version of a concept (without further per­sonal research or openness to discussion) then any further ex­planation, clarification or understanding is rendered unsuccessful. When a false crystallization has therefore taken place, those who would otherwise attempt a clarification simply with­draw until further growth takes place. Remember the Beloved; DHARMA, GET THIS ONE; "THOUGH HIS OWN CLEARLY; UNDERSTOOD HIS PERSON, YET ... ERE THE COCK CROWED THRICE ... DID THEY DENY HIM!" JUST THE TINIEST OF REMINDERS, DEAR HEART.
    As ridiculous as it may sound that some would say, "Ashtar didn't and doesn't exist", you can readily understand the moun­tain of opposition this would conceal if it could be made be­lievable. Well, and so it shall be. The genesis is that those who do not know me can be bent by every wind. Those who know me cannot be in the least swayed. To understand the Truth of the teachings of the Master Christos Teacher is to know the Truth of thy brethren in the other dimensions. You cannot have of one without the other. Ponder it.
    I do not function alone, dear ones, I have the Hosts of heaven at my call. Germain, Michael, I cannot name them all. Yours is a blessed land--and I mean your country. It is distressed and possessed, but it is blessed and shall be tended with loving, nurturing care through its tribulation for from it is destined to come the new. What a blessed, blessed gift.
    In your land, those voices that are raised in the interest of true freedom for all men, who have any influencing force of note are soon slain or removed. Great ones of your dimension who have attempted to raise their voices in the cause of freedom eventually fall into the hands of their assassins. When there was uniting, however, to a wondrous cause, ye ones rallied and joined into one force and then joined your commands with those of your allies and moved as an allied unit. I take no note of in­dividuals; I take note of the unity and what can be accomplished in unity for Truth and wisdom.
    During those times of your history, organization, not chaos was predominant. Ye must have "order" and deliberation of organized action to prevail. If there were times upon your dense experience whereby ones could unite, can you not do of it for your own liberation? Do you believe that we of the higher worlds are any less capable than ye of Earth? So be it! Would we not also disdain disorder and chaos, we who can see beyond what you can see, know beyond what you know? Would we not also see the value of joining our scattered energies into one united effort toward the goal of guarding and guidance of Earth? Therefore, as your Allied Command had its leaders so our Al­lied Command has its leaders.
    All Commanders work in unison and love throughout the Galaxy. Thus do we strive as one, as do you who serve this Light from your dimension. We are all one in purpose and unity for the incoming Kingdom of God on Earth. I apologize for my vociferous response in abundance of words, which comes only from the abundance of my heart. I am abundantly proud of my Commanders and I am humbled to have them in my service. I cannot give credit to each without writing another entire manual, but I am so indebted to a few, such as Comman­der Korton, that I must mention his label and give credit. He has arranged the entire of the communications network in superb perfection against great odds.
    There will come a day when men of Earth will rise up and understand each of our roles. We salute you and all that we embody, as well as all that we shall accomplish for the fulfill­ment of the Will of God and in service unto The Creation. Re­ceive you these words with our blessings and benediction.
    I move to stand-by, Dharma, that you might have respite. Thank you, chela.


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    Last edited by web master; 2013-01-15 at 14:28.

  2. #2
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar

    Default 응답: From Here To Armageddon

    MON., SEP. 4, 1989 10:30 A.M. YEAR 3, DAY 019
    MON., SEP. 4, 1989
    Ashtar to resume, please.
    You, as mortals, can only understand that which your fellow man can understand. Your job is basically to save yourselves from yourselves and we are commissioned to bring you assis­tance. You play with toys which can now annihilate your planet in all manner of ways, from detonation chain reaction to thrust­ing yourselves into a different orbit and redefinement of your polar axis.
    Some years past, in your sequence, your nuclear physicists pen­etrated the "Book of Knowledge" and discovered how to explode the atom. That knowledge was reduced to atrocious results, but that was not your pitiful downfall.
    Your demise as a functioning planet was written with the explo­sion of the hydrogen element. This element is life-giving, along with some five other elements in the air you breathe, in the wa­ter you drink, in the composition of your physical self. In much of your material planet is this life giving atomic substance, hydrogen.
    Efforts in this field of science have been most successful, to the extent that they are not content to rest on the accolades of a power beyond their use; not content with the entire destruction of an entire city at a time. They must have something even more destructive. Well, now they have it! They now have ability to extinguish life on your planet. They are actually destroying a life-giving element of the Creative Intelligence, tin­kering with a formula they do not comprehend.
    We have made every effort to be heard and accepted by your government, for it would appear man's desire is to continue war on this planet, Shan. We are convinced that there is deliberate determination to extinguish humanity and turn your planet into a burned out cinder or a gaseous ball of energy. It has happened elsewhere; we are, thereby, determined it will not happen again.
    Our missions are peaceful and have been since early input in your late 1940s and early 50s. We have maintained this contact from that calendar timing. The governments on your planet have conceded that we are of a higher intelligence. They must also concede that we are of a higher authority. We do not need enter your buildings to know what is going forth. We, further, have the formula they would like to use. It is not intended for use in destruction. We are now granted intervention in some categories of experimentation. You are most critically in con­stant danger. You are such a tiny portion of the Universe that you cannot perceive that which you do.
    There are countless wondrous worlds that are in the universes-­countless, for they are continually in change and formation. Your sun, as you call it, is but one of the smaller stars in the heavens. So far distant are many of the stars of even your own specific universe, that their light takes some 300,000 years to come to you.
    The light from your sun takes some 8 minutes of your counting to reach to Shan. The light from your moon takes but a second and three quarters. Can you perceive 300,000 years? Going around these stars in orbits greater and smaller are many, many planets where there dwell beings often as you, yourselves. I speak only of your universe! Beyond these are many universes greater and even more wondrous than that which is your own.
    How great is the Almighty Source Who created all these won­drous places, planets and suns, for all become one in the mag­nificent workings of The Creation? Can you imagine the power and the glory of Him Who made all things, when you realize that the light of the star nearest to your sun takes at least four and a half years to reach you? I, my dear children, pray and re­vere the Almighty beyond all else save The Creation itself. HE IS ALL OF ALL AND HE HAS GIVEN UNTO EACH OF YOU A SPARK OF HIMSELF, JUST AS HE HAS GIVEN UNTO ALL OF US A FRAGMENT.
    How magnificent and how wonderful! How desirable it is that you should make this spark that He has given to you evolve to such a wondrous extent, that it can eventually be taken again unto that Eternal Light. Cycled back once again unto Itself.
    Your sun, as you know, is of incredible energy mass and of great power, and the electricity which comes forth from it is very great. The rays that come to you could be most injurious, but the Almighty surrounded your planet with a wonderful enve­lope which you call an "atmosphere" so that the dangerous energy rays could not pass through.
    I would like to describe it as a birthing process in which you now find yourselves involved. Let us say the world fetus is grown unto birthing. The surrounding container walls have thinned. The uterine structure is stressed to bursting; the cervix is thinned and effacing. You are no longer resting in security and safety. Further, you have just about used up all the avail­able life sustaining substances within your container--the birthing is at hand!
    Mankind must choose his own pathway; it is his decision to make--individual by individual and then as a whole. He will either join the Christ forces or the dark forces; there is no in-be­tween. Mankind must be informed of events to come. It will be required that they be understood. Much of what happens in the physical sense will be dependent upon how well man can come into understanding and where he will place his energy input. It is apparent at this moment that most are moving into the dark re­cesses. That, however, can be changed most quickly and much relief brought to bear. The tremendous battle is for the minds of men on earth.
    We are come from the etheric realms, because of the job we must do on your plane in helping to prepare you and others like you for the days of change ahead of you. This tie must remain and it must be ever strengthened. We of Space are bound to no one but the Christ, our Lord, Commander of all Light, Wisdom and Love.
    You must be aware of all the negativity of man around you; now you must be aware of that negation which is being released through the fourth dimension which will burst forth to confound and confront the mind and body of man upon the third dimen­sion. The masses are not prepared for this in any measure. It will rest upon your shoulders to bring as much understanding as is possible to those you know who will be stricken with panic and terror.
    This is not the lower astral sphere of which I speak; this is a far more gruesome aspect of life than is that aspect of astral placement. The knowledge of the Christ-Light and the protection it gives is of major importance, as it is the only real protection a third dimension being has against attack. Doors of matter with all the locks you can conjure mean nothing to this rampaging evil that in itself knows no laws. I care not for your creed or color. As for the Ancient of Ancients, they have known the Christed path though it might be called by other la­bels. Ye shall not escape by claiming ignorance--IT IS CON­CEPT.
    You will call in the protection of the Higher Light Source to protect and surround you as a plasmic shield ten thousand times a day if required--and it is required!
    Our help is directly balanced with your own effort--past that we cannot step; so do not be found asleep at your switches. This is a WARNING to all to whom this message will contact. I speak with URGENCY to all who stand with the Lighted Forces in this greatest of all confrontations. The time for piddling about is coming to a halt.
    The lower levels of the astral plane have been swept clean. This cleansing will cause sharp upswings in crime and perversion of all types and natures. Confusion and fear shall rule man of earth. The masses will need to rearrange energy- fields, and they do not, by nature, know how to do this or even that a re­balance must take place. Your position within the Light is only as secure as is your desire to remain therein; so cling to the Light, and remember that we here are beside you on whatever path you may find yourself tomorrow, or a year from tomorrow, as long as your goal is Spiritual understanding, knowledge in Wisdom and Truth. You must be in awareness of your Higher Self in order to reap the rewards of our participation. Millions will fail to recognize of their plight even after you have in­formed them. 'Tis their birthright of free-will choice. Take the hands of those who ask; pass the ones who deny and weep not for their choice is but their own. You must not wallow in the deprivation of their refusal to see nor hear. Ye must learn to re­lease of those ones unto their own itinerary, 'tis not of your business.
    I will speak now about our mission. Your planet is in imminent crisis of cataclysmic upheavals because of disruptions in the magnetic field. Vibration havoc is all about you--let us call it vibrational terrorism. You are plagued by all the prophetic re­alizations of the ending great cycle. You are overflowed with hatred one of another, wars, murder and your nuclear experi­ments have all but eliminated any balance in your vortices.
    There is already a slow slippage of your poles and it will con­tinue to tilt further on its axis. This will cause massive changes and destruction to the surface of your planet through resulting earthquakes, tidal waves, volcanoes and windstorms of un­precedented velocities. We are granted limited intercession to allow for "holding" in our energy networks, your planet in somewhat stable support. We were, however, required to with­draw the ring of energy generators (ships) from your mid belt in your 1988, March. At the same time our commanders were re­quired to remove constant stabilization of your major fault sys­tems. Local and isolated intervention is allowed on emergency status as with your San Andreas and other localized slippage points. This is to allow arrangements for placing foundations of survival placements outside the coastal areas. It is most compli­cated indeed. Further, it is not given to me the right to speak of these things in this document.
    We have been encircling your planet for a long period of time. We have hundreds of fleets of craft in your sector. Some of our "mother ships" are more than a hundred of your counting miles in diameter, containing gardens, cities and accommodations for literally millions of people.
    We represent a great Alliance for Peace through the Intergalac­tic Council whose authority comes from the Spiritual Hierarchy of the Solar system. Sananda is the highest commander of the Alliance.
    We represent a confederation of planets, all of whom have long given up wars, etc. as solutions to problems. Because we are of great number and variety, you get conflicting accounts of our descriptions when your people see us. We are of many a spiri­tual design and come from a different dimension. Just as you vary in specifics from location to location on your planet--mag­nify it by the universe and you shall begin to understand. Of course, we could subdue you if that were to be our desire; it is not. Our technology is "awesome" and that might be a grossly understated fact.
    All ones in The Alliance for Peace from the Intergalactic Coun­cil are forbidden to interfere in the affairs of the souls of any planet and their evolution, without the approval of the government(s) of that planet. The penalty for unauthorized inter­ference is immediate annihilation of the interfering species. A rather heavy penalty, I would suggest. THE ONLY EXCEP­TION IS: WHEN THE LAWS OF THE UNIVERSE ARE VI­OLATED, WE MAY INTERFERE WITH THE OTHER MEMBERS OF THE UNIVERSE.
    An example is nuclear powered war. It will not be permitted except on a limited basis contained within your confines. Nu­clear detonations not only kill the human body, but also severely damage the soul energy matter and inflict tremendous trauma to that soul entity. As a matter of fact along with your games comes now the ability to KILL SOUL MATTER. Atomic war is one of the three cataclysms which will trigger your evacuation from the planet Earth!
    We have revealed ourselves too many various individuals on the planet. We attend your high level summit meetings. We have thousands of representatives walking, working and living among you NOW! Some of you may recognize them, most will not, until you come into harmony of circuitry.
    We have worked with your government(s) in an effort to assist through advanced technology, but we are continually met with hostility. We are often fired upon with your silly missiles--for your confirmation, Commander Hatonn's ship was fired upon above Vandenberg Air Force Base on your night of October 29, 1987. It happens frequently, for we have been granted permis­sion to stop all nuclear devices destined for our realms of space beyond one-hundred-fifty miles from your surface. Funny thing, he manifested the craft, turned on the blue dome lights, projected the light beams to form a solar cross and still your television and government called him "ice crystals" and told you there was a perfect launch while you could even visualize the heat seeking zigzag missile trail. Hatonn gave you a running account and the officer on the communications desk at Van­denberg came public with the story. He was sanctioned by the military and we intercepted his transfer to place him in security. Your military, which protects you, were going to do a little mind operation to insure he never speaks such "nonsense" again--most often it is called murder.
    Well, for the most part in our manifested density to match yours, we can pass for any other human. The truth is, most of us look and are just like you in appearance. Most of us evolved from the same source eons and eons past. However, unlike you people of Earth, we learned to live peacefully and to direct our energy and technology outward into the universe in the spirit of Brotherhood of Man. You continue to act like primitive idiots.
    Our technology is based upon the natural physical laws of the universe which includes the Light which flows out from the Cre­ator God and the energy of magnetism.
    Because of our knowledge of universal law, our very being con­sists of a higher level of "vibration" than does Shan humans. You see, every particle of the universe consists of molecules whose center contains an atom around which electrons and protons revolve. Each molecule of a differing molecular structure "vibrates" at a different frequency also.
    You do have some major misconceptions about many things--for instance, you think you are "drawn" into a given " spon �. No, you are compressed and contained. For instance, if you remove or puncture your capsule of skin and muscle you will fly all apart and scatter helter skelter. Further, all is a cycle of moving outward and returning in pulsating sequence. But that is for an­other lesson, or three thousand.
    Let us say a molecule itself is identical in makeup to the uni­verse. Planets revolve around central suns; solar systems, around galaxies; galaxies, around a central sun. Each molecule "vibrates" at whatever frequency is appropriate for that par­ticular existence.
    As one becomes more "spiritual" in nature, you will tend to thrust to the without, instead of sucking all into the within self. As this happens the molecules of that being will vibrate at a tremendously higher rate of speed. As we know in our di­mension, it is possible for these molecules to vibrate so rapidly that the frequency becomes naught but pure Light. We depend totally upon the Light from the Source--The Creator, God, for our very existence.
    As to light and color frequency, I would make a point here. If you wish a red light you might put over the light red filters or even a red bulb light source. Think of the polished, diamond for a moment. As light (pure white or sunlight, any white light) re­flects or refracts through and off the crystal surfaces it is con­verted into color--the diamond changes not its color, the light of total purity but is fractionated into color perceptions--you cannot pick it up, but you most surely can see it--further, with proper instrumentation you can measure the frequency of the vibration. That, for instance, is not mystery or magic, it is physical law.
    We have come forth to fulfill the destiny of this planet which is to experience a short period of "cleansing" and then to usher in a new existence. We are here to lift off the surface, yes, and the inner world, during this period of cleansing, those souls who are walking in the Light on Earth and choose to move with us through the time of transition. The period of which I speak is imminent--even unto the midnight hour. I will speak of those changes in a moment, but first I will speak of the Dark Brotherhood.
    There are beings from the lower realms whom we refer to as the Destroyers. Evil is not given to "create", but only to destroy. These ones must be avoided. I will speak at length later, regarding Evil.
    I request a break, Dharma, and then I will take up the subject of Earth changes and what you have to anticipate. It will be most familiar to you, little one, as I will give the identical speech I gave to you at the writing of SIPAPU ODYSSEY some near four years ago--before you ever consciously heard of me or my brothers. Waters do flow rapidly under thine bridges-pay sharp attention lest you be swept away.
    Ashtar to stand-by frequency. Salu

    MON., SEP. 4, 1989 1:30 A.M.. YEAR 3, DAY 019
    MON., SEP. 4, 1989
    Ashtar to resume, please.
    I see no point in changing perfection or rewriting that which is still accurate. However, since this equipment is not compatible with that upon which we first wrote this message of evacuation, I shall share it with you again. I will distract myself, Dharma, and allow you to pick it up from my monitors.
    We have millions of ships stationed in the skies above your planet, ready to instantly lift you off at the first warning of your planet's beginning to tilt on its axis. When this occurs, we have only a very short time segment in which we can lift you from. The surface before great tidal waves will lash your coastlines. ; These waves can be as deep as five miles or more. They will subsequently cover much of your land masses. Your melting polar ice caps are contributing greatly to the unequal balance of the orb itself. .
    Along with these changes there will be great earthquakes which will feed from one suture line (fault line) to the next to cause se­vere shifting of entire tectonic plates. As these splits and grindings occur you will have massive volcanic eruptions over widespread areas of previously dormant cones. In portions near your nuclear testing grounds you will experience probably spillage of radioactive material into your atmosphere. You will also experience radiation leakage from your nuclear power plants as they are disrupted by land changes. Portions of your continents will split and sink and in other areas this will cause thrusting upward of other masses.
    You have had plenty of news about winds, etc. that will accom­pany these upheavals. There will be upheavals and earthquakes for instance, that will not trigger evacuation, so I will speak of cataclysmic proportions.
    We are very experience a in the evacuation of populations of planets! It would be grand if this were not necessary to be true, but alas, it is not even all that uncommon for many various rea­sons. We will stick to yours and what you might expect.
    We expect, and are practiced and prepared to complete the evacuation of Earth of the souls of Light in some fifteen min­utes, regardless of numbers. Further, we will rescue the souls of Light first. (Not a bad idea to get on that Light List.) Our computers are massive and self updating. Each entity is entered into the system and all changes, to the minute details, are con­stantly updated. The computers are locked onto the coordinates as designated by your grid ley lines and vortex intersections. At the first indication that there may be need to evacuate, the com­puters lock onto the location of every energy entity instantly, no matter where might be the location of the human form. Don't concern yourself with that portion; just make sure you keep the signals attuned on an ongoing basis.
    After the souls of Light have been evacuated, then the children will ALL be lifted off. The children are considered to be non-­accountable, so they will be evacuated to special ships to be cared for until they can be reunited with their parents or placed for indefinite care and tending. We have ones well trained for the specific task of handling the children and their trauma. Many may be put into sleep for a period of time to help them overcome their fear and anxiety. Our computer system is far, far beyond anything ever used thus' far on Earth in this age it can locate parents of specific children wherever they may "be and notify one another of safety or status. THE CHILDREN WILL BE LIFTED TO SAFETY DURING THE EVACUATION, SO DO NOT GIVE UNDUE THOUGHT TO THEM. DO NOT SEEK TO UNITE BEFORE LIFT OFF--TEND YOURSELF AND WE WILL TEND THE CONFUSION.
    After the evacuation of the children, the invitation will be ex­tended to all remaining souls on the planet to join us. However, this will be for only a very, very short time period, perhaps an­other fifteen minutes or so. There is abundant space for all ones, but because the atmosphere by that elapsed amount of time will be filled with fire, flying debris, poisonous smoke, and be­cause the magnetic field of your planet will be disturbed, we will have to leave your atmosphere very quickly or we, also, with our craft will perish.
    This brings us to the most serious and difficult part of the evac­uation: As mentioned earlier, souls of Light have a higher vi­bration frequency than do those who are more closely "tied" to the Earth and earth concepts and actions.
    Well, since our levitation beams, which will be lifting you off the surface of the planet, are very close to the same thing as your electrical charges as you recognize them, those of low vi­brational frequency may not be able to withstand the high fre­quency of the levitation beams without departing the third-di­mensional body. We will get as close as possible so the beam time span is lessened, but it must still be from quite a high alti­tude.
    When a beam ship lands in "normal" times to invite ones aboard, it is customary to land the craft or hover quite close to your surface. Then our own ones will accompany any entity aboard. It will not be thusly done at evacuation lift-off. If the soul energy departs the third-dimensional body, there may be opportunity for resuscitation and reconnection, or the soul will be released to be housed in appropriate facilities according to agreement with God. At any rate, you would not be left to ex­perience the havoc on your planet's surface.
    If you do not decide to step into the levitation beams to be lifted up, you might be one of the few who survive the "cleansing" and changes. However, during this period of cleansing, there will be great changes in climate, in land masses, for the poles of the planet will have a new orientation. This alone will create untold hardship for the survivors. In some areas of specific location it may be possible to have guides and assistants return or in some instances, remain as a support system.
    After lift-off you will be taxied by the shuttle (lift-off) craft to our "mother ships" which are anchored even higher above the planet. There you will be taken care of, depending upon your circumstance. Some of you will need medical care, others will be quite wonderful, but hyper excited and agitated. Some will be frantic over family members, etc. We have expert medical staff that will be there to treat you with highly advanced equipment-­some will simply be placed into a state of sleep until vital signs regain normal status. You will be fed and housed until such time as transfer elsewhere is advisable.
    Some of you will be taken to cities on other planets to be trained in advanced technology before being returned to the planet Earth to start rebuilding. This will all be determined by counseling or prearrangement. Children will be reunited with parents and families, etc.
    Your wondrously beautiful planet is destined to be a most beau­tiful star within the universe. For long she has waited to take her place of glory. She shall be a beauteous planet of Light. Here, you can rejoin the remainder of the Universe in brotherly love and fellowship within the Lighted Brotherhood of Man with God the Creator.
    Do not scoff at these words, people of Earth. We are sent forth and come willingly and in love of you as our brothers in a great time of distress. As surely as the sun shines from the east to the west, so shall these things shortly come to pass. Let us be pre­pared, please.
    The cataclysms will begin abruptly without warning! Every­thing will happen so fast you will not have any time to THINK. THINK CAREFULLY ON THESE THINGS NOW AND EF­FORT TO COME INTO BALANCE BEFORE IT GROWS TOO LATE FOR CHOICE.
    I suggest you do whatever you can to allow us to come into your sectors without hostility. It appears all probabilities of avoiding this untoward event are past. We see no changes in magnitude of perceptions of such proportions that would alter the course of events. So be it, we will continue to work diligently with that which we are given.
    Let us speak a bit of the administering of this program. As Commander for this solar system and its various volunteer units from many areas of space, it is my responsibility to coordinate efforts of the many fleets as they touch into the mission of Shan. When these various factions of force are not thus involved, then, of course, they are self-regulatory and guided under their own supervision. They only come under the jurisdiction of the Inter­planetary Confederation if they are here on a specific assign­ment, correlated to the overall Hierarchical mission to the planet.
    Let me assure you that I understand the doubts regarding credi­bility--that is a superb success of our dark fragments causing ridicule and outrageous press. I realize there are ones out there claiming to be goddesses and rainbow caped freaks of mammoth personality and ego breakdown. It is for you to look beyond and into Truth. It is why you of our co-workers must not be other than professional and credible. Continue as you are, ex­cept clean up your attitudes. You will get nowhere by "JUST BEING". No one of our busy workers needs another iota of responsibility--tend of yourselves. Quit your silly games. Who can possibly give credibility to one with purple satin capes blowing in the wind, purple hair with sage bushes stuck hither and yon, and chanting unintelligible garbage? THERE IS NOTHING ABOUT US THAT IS HARD TO UNDERSTAND AND GOD NEEDS ONLY THEE AND HE. ALL ELSE IS BAGGAGE YOU WILL LEAVE BEHIND AT ALL CIRCUM­STANCE. WE HAVE SUPPLIES FOR YOU. WE WILL TAKE YOUR ANIMAL AND FEATHERED PETS AND PLACE THEM IN SAFETY. WHEN GOD PREPARES A PLACE FOR YOU, HE DOES A MOST EFFICIENT JOB OF IT. ALL THE REMAINDER OF THIS "NEW AGE" NON­SENSE IS EXACTLY THAT--NONSENSE, AND WILL MOST SURELY HINDER YOUR PROGRESS. SO BE IT!
    There are many from other places ill the cosmos who will come simply of their own volition and their own purposes. To these, we merely extend our hospitality and our accord. The exception to the rule would be any of those who come for reasons that would be harmful to the planet or its inhabitants. These ones are carefully policed and, if deviant, are escorted beyond the system and sent about their other affairs. Those remaining close are expected to participate if needed and stay completely clear of interference at any evacuation alert.
    There are often replacement fleets that come to relieve others of their tour of duty. Some of our brothers have been on alert at Earth station for a very, very long time and are weary and ready to return to their own homes. There is a continuing turnover of fleet participation in the many patrol units involved. Those tours of duty are not of an indefinite nature, but have a set pe­riod of time in which to begin and end, with others of relief coming to replace and rotate duty stations. Many of the assign­ments given to these many volunteer fleets are done on a "need of circumstance" basis.
    Strong representative ground units necessitate the contacts in keeping with the frequencies of the fleet and its representative. Thus, one representative will primarily always be in contact with its own Interstellar Command, even though the crew may be replaced occasionally, but always by their own members.
    There are other earth-based personnel who are representatives "at large", who may make contact and be at the disposal of any Command units in the area. For instance, if there is need for communications in this sector, Dharma would respond instantly. There would rarely be need of such for all craft would first be instructed to contact our fleet ship, and thus the sequence of information.
    Remember that each base or unit does at all times; have its personal craft hovering within its vortex for personal immediate relaying of messages to or from that unit. This station or plat­form never changes, although the persons involved might be removed temporarily for rest and relaxation, to return later. All of our signals, beams, and contacts are relayed to our mes­sengers through the medium of these individual platforms of contact. Sometimes the terminals are aboard command ships, as in this case.
    In the "atmosphere" (assuming the craft or platform to be within the atmosphere) there is an identifying beam projection for identification purposes to those who patrol the flight paths. The beam projection identifies the particular command sponsoring the base unit. Because of the crystal communication center lo­cated at this particular location, there is constant action in your heavens.
    If I have need for additional support units for any reason, I can reach further out for assistance to the Federation and I will be sent whatever assistance is necessary.
    Enough of that. I also feel you know of my devotion to the Master Teacher and that Earth is going to have to find balance for survival of a species. To understand the Light Forces you must understand the evil forces. I do not speak of "good" vs. "bad"; I refer to evil vs. Godness. For those of you who have twiddled about and have come up with the notion that there is no such thing as evil, I assure you that you are incorrect in your assumption.
    I am going to do a brief dissertation of evil and its presence and then, Oberli, I request that the lessons given prior to this on that subject be integrated within this journal.
    There are those who come who are not from our allegiance and who have no part in it. They come as observers and for their own ends. They are often highly scientific geniuses and their material to their contacts can be highly impressive--indeed, al­most always is most impressive. However, beware, for it comes with a most expensive price tag. They have come for the purpose of collecting data for their own personal ends and not to give of themselves for the good of the planet. They care little for your spiritual advancement--they care very little about you one way or another--you represent a curiosity of primitive life form. These ones are not considered portions of the "dark forces", which is another allegiance, but are simply a neutral force when it comes to assistance to Earthman in higher princi­ples and laws contributing to his soul growth. There are many worlds out there, dear ones, many galaxies with individual solar systems and within other universes. You will experience with ones most similar to your species. But the others travel the pathways among the stars and planets. They are under universal Law and will not interfere with your transition, although many will be drawn for the experience.
    The so-called DARK FORCES are those of our own galaxy who are openly opposed to the Brotherhood of Light, its principles and standards and goals for mankind and the planet Earth. They would seize the planet if that were a possibility. They would bring it under control for their own purposes, which would de­stroy the freedom of man.
    The bands of renegades that patrol the terrestrial realms are im­mediately dispatched to their proper level when overtaken in trespassing activities. The fleets of the heavenly commands are prompt to transport such intruders on their way elsewhere. IT IS ON YOUR PLANE IN YOUR OCTAVE WHEREIN THE ENEMY MUST BE MET AND DEALT WITH FROM A PHYSICAL STANDPOINT.
    There are dark forces who are evil in their intent. We maintain very close surveillance of them. Most have been removed from the Earth atmosphere, but there will be a great redistribution of dark energies as this planet shuts down activities, so we have an enforced truce.
    I am most troubled by those ones who seem convinced that there is no such thing as evil. It seems this reasoning goes along with the idea that God is somehow dead and that Satan is some kind of false myth.
    Brothers, a rule of thumb: Anything which deliberately hurts and hinders another individual is evil, and when it is willfully and maliciously designed to do so, it is even MORE EVIL. WE of the Federation surround and defend the Earth as much as is possible, but you have all you need right on board to destroy you in total. Just as Sananda has a fleet, so does the Satanian Empire. Watch closely as you contact any of these space broth­ers. A "positive" man will always quickly identify himself and broadcast thoughts of Light and goodwill. You will KNOW that this is God-Lighted man.
    A Satanian will not identify himself in a satisfactory manner, or not at all. He, further, will flee if one directs Light at him and demands he depart. Never approach a craft until you are sure that it is MAN'S. ALWAYS USE "THE LIGHT" IN YOUR GREETING. MAN WILL WELCOME IT. A SATANIAN WILL REMOVE HIMSELF FROM A GREETING IN THE LIGHT.
    Further, you will not be taken by force by either side. It is up to you to accept or deny. The agreement is usually made on a much higher dimension than at pick-up point. Refuse to go in the name of the Light and you will be left alone. It is a Law which is not broken.
    I am not going to give you descriptions of craft of which to be­ware for as you move close to the transition there are ones from galaxies far distant from Earth whose ships are quite different. Most of the Lighted galactic ships are spherical in shape and easily identified. Most of Hatonn's command of Pleiades and almost all of my immediate command ships have brilliant ro­tating red, green, yellow and white lights. We are easily identi­fied at night for we station between you and orbiting stars and planets that we have constant surveillance. Most will appear no different than a star. We effort at showing our presence to our Earth-based workers for confirmation of our presence. We will soon be moving into your visible consciousness.
    Enough for today, Dharma. You are weary for you have moved at this pace for several weeks now, and we must not have short circuits and "burn out". Go in peace and renew, for we have much to accomplish. In appreciation and love I salute you, chela.

    TUE., SEP. 5, 1989 6:45 A.M. YEAR 3, DAY 020
    TUE., SEP. 5, 1989
    Ashtar present and ready to resume. Thank you. You should be acquainted with my energy field, Dharma; to the extent you will recognize me anywhere. Work at that, chela, for there will be times, little one, that we have not time for more than the pro­nouncement of a thought pattern.
    You ones do not wish to have more on "evil" or "good" or, or-. No, until you recognize (and we see you blunder constantly), you will not be given further advancement. I do not talk of dis­cernment and judgment; I speak of your very ability to stay physically alive. Unfortunately, your world now runs on "evil". Evil power, control and public enslavement to their whims-­there are many, many ways to produce slavery, friends.
    You want "free energy"! When do we just get on with the free energy? You have free energy. You have the secrets. Why do you think you are in such trouble? The slaves don't have the free energy of primitive format that the enslavers hold, but nonetheless, it is around for the use of the "big boys". Open your eyes!
    Well, what about the drug wars in Colombia? What about them, I ask you--you have had days to ponder that since Hatonn gave you two journals on the subject of control. Stop and ponder a moment--why do you think?
    Yes, of course, the drug lords are overstepping their bounds. Further there is so much money at stake that it must be confined lest the drug half of the cartels bury the simple money cartel. It is all a gigantic effort to bring the mavericks under control.
    Why do you think a major drug lord would give world petition to the U.S. to stop using his product? Why do you think the U.S. has moved in military equipment? Of course, we knew that you knew! Bargain with one big lord against another, work out business contracts, and snuff out the opposition. Go home, tell the people all is well, drug war under surrender and other lies of top echelon stupidity and the public eats it up like candy. Meanwhile, you have had the major distraction while all else nasty goes on and you have now worked out the most favorable of all arrangements for the open production of "qualified" drugs. Oh, it will be hidden in the disguise of subsidies to the farmers, etc., "to not raise drug producing plants" or, "let them grow them, the government will purchase and destroy". The latter is the way it will go anyway. I do mean your government, however, not Colombia's or another's. You will pay for it to be handled most legally.
    You see, you have to bring the top level crime heads in on the plan, under offer to rid them of competition; they just take on a bigger, nastier partner with no competition. Make a big exam­ple and splash in the press and life goes on in a stepped-up man­ner. The bankers and thus, your puppet governors, can go right on in the comfort and realization that the funds will funnel right back into the banks, be labeled in purity and then they have made one more coup against you ever digging out of your mess.
    Further, they are getting ready to project the following type of fraud upon you. They will finally come out with, "To get the AIDS and drug problems under control Mr. America, we will control these drugs we are paying for -- and take dealers off the streets (we will become the dealers), give drugs out in measured amounts for a great cost reduction, or free to those who really want to clean up their act, give the users new and separate nee­dles (contaminated with selected contaminants such as the AIDS virus), set up rehab programs whereby the rehab-ees are wiped away, one way or another." Then they will announce that it didn't work, but look how hard we tried and see how much of your money we spent on it. The new drug king-pin in Washing­ton will be denounced (he would be prepared for that-­denounced but far richer for the experience) and you are farther in the pits! Oh, it will just sort of die like everything else in the press--"Err, what ever happened to old what's his name, I won­der!�
    It will not die, however, until they have all your public's de­fensive gear turned over and you cannot rise up against the real culprits. Crime will continue to sweep your lands like you can­not conceive and you will have the new and controlled total chaos. For now, you will have just insured that crime will run rampant. There will be less money available-you will be in a depression (prearranged) and you will also be in handcuffs. You will have more addicts creating all types of crime to garner funds for their habits and it will not be available--oh yes, you have it all set up for the destruction of your world.
    Meanwhile, the masters go right on planning annihilation (yours) while they finish off their escape routes and safety havens. Further, meanwhile all of you sit and look at the big hoopla and wonder, "What in the world are they doing now?" They perform their dismemberment of you ones right before your eyes, somehow deaden your senses and have you pleading for more, "Take our money, take our guns, take our, take our, control our, there should be a law and ah, yes, we will vote that one in!" SO BE IT-YOU ARE RUNNING ON "EMPTY" BELOVED ONES OF EARTH--ON THE VERY DREGS AND FUMES!
    The only way to "fight" it is to not fight it. Fit in, and allow yourselves the non-attention so that they think what they give to help you build your little old businesses (which they think they will garner anyway) is doing just that. You see, brothers, it doesn't matter in the end. The house of cards will fall, then you are in real trouble and at some point along here they overstep their cosmic bounds and the world comes down. Then, we still have our base operators and basic installations begun and of course you all live happily ever after! --A PERCEIVED ETER­NITY, HOWEVER, AFTER!
    Oh, you thought Ashtar got off the old subject of EVIL--oh no, he didn't!!! The above is the ultimate in EVIL.
    Now as to free energy, etc. Do you not think that by the time the "big evil players" get through dumping on ones like Pons­-Fleischman, discounting Nikola Tesla (again), that there will be quite a few brethren looking for a home and a quiet laboratory (sans news press entertainment) to do their work?
    멦hey didn't understand about security; they only understood being the first ones there with their names in the media and do "all this good for the masses".
    Yes, brothers, you have felt a change or integration of "Command". It is not exactly like that; it is that you are far enough along in your training and in the world situation that I am going to be predominantly stationed within your sector-­vortex actually. I honor and salute all of you ones in both this realm and yours for a job superbly well done. I am no greater than any other who has spoken with you or given instructions. It is that my duty has kept me elsewhere through your training and I serve as, what would you say, the Master Jesus Sananda's Commandant.
    Now, a nasty poke at Dharma. I actually witnessed her watching an evangelical program last night where "he" asked those in the audience-- "Do you really know Jesus? Do you even know if you know Jesus? Does He light up your heart so that you have a pounding, constantly, of His presence?--If you aren't sure, raise up your hand." Little turkey raised her hand--twenty five wet noodle blasts to you, Dharma. If all you do is stay on your knees, the world can never get up off its knees! I think I will embolden that: "IF ALL YOU DO IS STAY ON YOUR KNEES, THE WORLD CAN NEVER GET UP OFF ITS KNEES!� SO BE IT AND SELAH, AMEN, AHO! Just because that one laid a heavy trip on you about Simon Peter--get off it, Dharma. As a matter of fact Peter did not deny Christ Je­sus Immanuel--He was terrified for his own life substance--there is a major difference. Every time a "so called 'church'" argues over doctrine of "man" input, it, as an entire group, is denying Christ. AND, BROTHERS, IT IS MORE THAN ANY THREE TIMES IN ONE DAY! Paul did not intentionally deny Christ or relay nasty lies on purpose. Do you not see, it had to be thusly done? AND NOW, YOU MUST COME INTO THE ACCEPTANCE OF "ANGELS" FROM THE HEAVENS; WHICH WE MOST SURELY ARE, MY DEAR FRIENDS!
    Oh dear ones, even the above paragraph shows you how subtle your Dark Brothers really are. How better to shut down Dharma than to allow her to believe that perhaps she does not really believe. If Truth can be stopped before it breathes in the light of day-darkness is insured. "Let us work for a stillborn, the dark ones will cry." No, little sparrow, you will write and write and write until it is finished!
    You are all simply unaware of the traps which the darker forces lay for the unwary--constantly, at every moment of your exis­tence--EVERY MOMENT! The temptations of the Dark Broth­ers, as they are called, can be so very subtle--so subtle that even those on the Path will never realize it and will be led away from their task; led astray or certainty, weakened in their resolve.
    I am going to layout in plain language, the means by which the forces of darkness attempt to draw human souls into the down­ward spiral. I insist you read it carefully, along with all information projected by other entities in this document. YOU MUST KNOW YOUR ENEMY! IN SHORT, YOU MUST KNOW THE POWERS THAT OPPOSE MAN'S SPIRITUAL PROGRESS, FOR THE FORCES WILL ALWAYS STRIKE THROUGH YOUR HUMANNESS!
    Do not be mistaken into believing the Dark Brotherhood just hang around waiting to gain your soul and toss you off into some perceived "hell" --Nay, they are not that stupid. Rather, they, you might say, act as testing agents for the race of man. Forces whose task it is to weed out from among the human flock those who are not developed enough to allow them to move for­ward into the higher ground of spiritual achievement. Now, don't go forth and misunderstand this statement, for I am not finished. Read on, please. There are too many of you who half read, half project, misinterpret (usually for others also) and glance at a "thing" and toss it aside as "not for me" or ill-written, or any number of other cop-out excuses. IT IS FOR YOU!
    The Dark Brotherhood brothers (how about DBBs) know that many souls would not be taken in by their seductions, that many individuals can perceive clearly whenever attempts are made to draw them away from the Light. But they also know that multi­tudes of incarnated individuals on Earth plane have allowed the attractions of pleasure and materialism, addictions and tunnel vi­sion to sway them. They know that worry, self-pity, hatred, re­sentment, grief and judgment cause every living entity with ability to reason, to be clouded in perception. They further know that even the most devoted worker will have self doubts and therefore, must be attacked in like manner--so the victim does not note the attack. Usually the DBBs won't waste time on the firm believers who remain firm in the Truth. But for you ones who can do them in, YOU are under constant fusillade. I MEAN, CONSTANT--EVEN IN YOUR SLEEP IF YOU DO NOT CALL FOR OUR PROTECTION IN YOUR ABSENCE OF CONTROL OF SELF.
    Now, here I will lose some, but it is to be stated at any rate. Truth is not what you "WANT" to hear, TRUTH "IS"! Let me speak of the origin of these entities we will call the DBBs. Remember, the early phase of the human race is far different from that which is believed by scientists and evangelists.
    You did not evolve upwardly from unicellular creatures which appeared in the primeval swamps or slowly cooling earth some millions of years ago. Some life-forms were allowed to develop through natural selection, but evolution processes as outlined by Darwin and others, are extremely limited and Mr. Darwin would be the first to tell you so. Pay attention; Almost all the life-forms that evolved through natural selection from unicellular creatures are now extinct, and those that have continued to the present are mainly of the lizard variety--all being cold-blooded creatures of relatively simple metabolism and with no prospect of ever evolving into forms capable of emotional or mental ex­periences of "man" .
    Warm-blooded life-forms on your planet were "seeded" onto the surface of the planet and originate in other parts of the galaxy or cosmos. Often, specimens were deliberately brought to earth in vehicles and left to procreate on their own. This was the case for most of the early root-races of man, although in at least one case a root-race was developed on the earth itself by genetic en­gineers who were from another star-system, using certain tech­niques now recognized by man and called "cloning"--sound fa­miliar?
    It is necessary to know truth of origin of man to fully understand this subject matter. You must know that man has been the re­cipient of many additions and inputs from other levels and other parts of this galaxy.
    A most significant addition to humanity occurred hundreds of thousands of years ago, when entities from a higher plane--an astral one--(do not confuse with ethereal as pertains, say, to my­self) came to Earth, took on physical forms and proceeded to interbreed with mankind as he was at that time. As a result of this miscegenation between the groups, a number of mutations occurred in the offspring (as will always occur with crossbreed­ing of species), sometimes giving rise to creatures which would be looked upon now as quite fantastic. Among the mutations was one change which had extremely profound consequences for the human race; this was basically the ACQUISITION OF THE SOUL. Further, until the addition of this interesting phe­nomenon, the human grouping did not express or experience "death". This, too, will seem quite without credibility to many readers hereof. However, it may help to understand that mankind then did not have the same dense corporeality as the animals did and still do. It was not necessary to go through an aging process similar to that which man now knows, because the bodies were capable of deriving from the ambience itself all the necessary energies to sustain life indefinitely. This was aided, at the time, by the presence of an inert gas, known as Xenon, in the atmosphere of the earth at the time. This amounted to some 3 % of the total. The rejuvenation of all bodies was also made possible by the fact that the human race was not then subject to the many negative emotional states which are now common. Unknown to man, were self-interest and or pity, hatred, greed, anger, remorse--they simply were unknown emotions. The damage done to bodies in this present time is incalculable. Man now sets about his own demise through these very emotional aspects.
    Humanity has blinded itself to the truth of this fact. Most ones think it is "right" to bear resentments against others that they be­lieve have harmed them, that they need to "hate" one who hates them, and that they have every justification to feel sorry for themselves, or to worry excessively, or to grieve under many circumstances--never realizing that not a single positive effect can ever flow from such negative emotional states. None of these emotions does a thing to the "enemy"; they only bring back and wreak debilitation upon the projector. All dark emo­tions only bring harm to the one harboring them; none produce any positive result whatsoever.
    A quality sought by all entities through the experience of in­carnation on the physical plane is the ability to exist apart from any need for a body. This ability was not possessed by individual human beings at the epoch in discussion. It was a char­acteristic of the human family as a whole, but not of the individ­ual fragments into which the human life-stream had divided it­self.
    In order to allow the individual fragments to acquire this quality of permanence without a physical body, there had first to be an experience of the body itself. By living for an extended period in a physical body, the individual fragments of the human life stream would learn to gather their essence, their uniqueness, around the body itself--in a sense to reify their individual essence with reference to the physical body. It was intended that the human life-stream-which, prior to its appearance on the earth as man, was far more "amalgamated", far more homo­geneous and blended together than it is currently---should learn through this initial phase to differentiate itself into separate but coherent individuals.
    Up until the time of cross-breeding, the process had not been completed. If the different fragments of the human life-stream had given up their physical bodies simultaneously, they would not have acquired the necessary self-picture or self-realization to enable them to remain apart from one another. Let us compare to a cup of water tossed into the air. The water would disperse and come down again as a spray--separate droplets. However, if the water is tossed up frozen and returned, then it would re­turn in the original grouping of droplets. Worse, man can be even more defined by the "freezing" concept.
    In an analogous sense, the first effect of the freezing of in­dividual human fragments was to make them emotionally "colder" toward each other. The warmth of emotional affection and love would have promoted a "melting" of the now more rigid self-ness of each individual, and therefore this had to be avoided until a stronger cast of individuality could be molded.
    Eons passed and the individuality of each fragment did become stronger; however, it is only within the last few thousands of years has it solidified to the point where it is no longer dangerous to allow true love and affection to flower between mem­bers of the human family.
    This is why the major teaching of the most recent Way-Show­ers, including beloved Immanuel "Jesus" of Nazareth, has been that of "LOVE FOR ALL".
    So, how did the "freezing" of individual fragments occur? It is this process which was been called the "gift of the soul".
    Dharma, let us take a break, please, as this will require a couple of long sessions. Thank you.
    Ashtar to stand-by. Salu. Out.

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