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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ #12

    REC #1 Sananda
    Sunday, December 31, 1989 7:30 a.m. Year 3, Day 137
    And the word shall go forth throughout the land and let him who has ears to hear, hear, and him who has eyes to see, see. For in these days man shall be tried mightily. Man does not understand that he can change of his plight if he would but free himself of his shackles. If he would but turn into brotherhood one with another—but man has lost his way. Man has written his own destruction path for it is man who has set forth the prophecies to suit himself—one to gain “it all” and the other to “have not”. This is the time to make of your choices for the time of the opening and closing will not be given unto you.

    Who told you that the Messiah would be red or green or black or white? Messiah means messenger—do you not think the messengers are all about you in every color and creed of human?

    What of those ones who come forth and call themselves Jesus Christ – returned? The Christ shall bear of a new name and thusly, he who says “I am Jesus Christ” shall be discounted. For I bear a “new” name upon my countenance and I am light. Before the white man I WAS AND I AM. Before the black man—I AM. Before the red man or the golden ones—I AM—and because I AM and I WAS—YOU ARE! He who paints and labels shall be holding of an empty paintbrush—FOR I AM!

    The black say, “Ah, the white man had done this unto me.” Surely so, for the black man has assisted. The brown man says, “Ah, the white man has done this undo me.” Surely so, for the brown man has assisted. The red man says, “Ah, the white man has done this unto me.” Surely so for the red man has assisted and so it is through all the races. And what of the white races? Ah, the white man has done it unto them also—for they all sat and allowed and assisted. SATAN HAS DUPED YOU ALL. WILL YOU BE READY FOR THE YEAR 2000? WILL YOU BE READY FOR THE PLAN 2000? SATAN THINKS HE IS READY AND HE MOST SURELY IS FAR MORE PREPARED—SATAN IS COLOR BLIND—HE ONLY FEARS THE LIGHT. HE SIMPLY DIVIDES THE BROTHERHOOD OF MAN INTO SEGMENTS, PITS ONE AGAINST ANOTHER AND THE HOUSE FALLS FROM DIVISION.

    What did YOU do to be birthed black? What did YOU do to be birthed white? Red? Golden? Yellow? And what have you done to become Gray??? You have allowed the Gray Men of the satanic rainbow to hoodwink you and set you against your brother. He caused ones to tempt and act in greed and others to “sell out” their own greed.

    You had best stop of your flinging arrows at your brother of various colors and creeds for “tis Satan and the Gray Men who have the plan all but finished—a one world government of such power and destruction that you can not imagine. You are being systematically destroyed if you do not fit into The Plan and it is quite accepted that some will willingly become slaves and some will not—those who will not are to be annihilated, along with those who are considered troublemakers and unwanted.

    Look at that which has been brought froth upon the United States—“The PLANNERS” have taken the “manhood” away from the Black man. He has worked on the very “macho” traditions of the Black and Brown tribes. He has thrust him into poverty, kept him from achieving except through crime and drugs. He has given weapons of war that he might kill of his own—gangs. He has trapped the unwary into addition and satanic worship of the entity and the idols thereof. Then when the majority of the “people” are disarmed and the situation is horrendous—THE PLANNERS will send in the police troops with gear that outdoes the gangs and mow them down like flies on a carcass. The black will lose a generation of young leaders and THE PLANNERS will be safe for a little while longer.

    At the rate of growth within the races, by year 2000, there will be more black than white. Add unto that number the other “minorities” and the whites who have corrupted a civilization shall be in grave trouble.

    Oh yes, there is a system of destruction planned for you sleepy little masses. A good solid nuclear strike will take most of you troublemakers out because you have no protection. Oh, you won’t have your military troops around to defend you—they have no protection either. THE POLICE FORCE WILL COME FROM THE SATANIC FORCES ALREADY ENTRENCHED IN THE OLD WORLD—WITH THE HELP OF THE SATANIC “LEADERS” IN YOUR NEW WORLD.

    Can you of the US actually accept the deaths of thousands in Panama, because one marine was killed in an altercation and a marine’s wife was insulted? It is because you live in the midst of evil until you as a sweet little person in Timbuktu have become as evil. You are uninformed and are kept that way. You are more interested in your day-time soap story and sport games than watching your non-news. You have even been told that to relieve “stress”—“don’t watch the news-casts”. You have not only sanctioned, but participate in the evil game of “getting to the top”. You have done it to yourselves. The white supremists say, “Why don’t all of you who are not white, go back to where you came from?” And the red man says, “Why don’t ALL of you go back to where you came from?” And so it goes. IF YOU ARE TO PREVAIL THROUGH THESE TIMES OF EARTH CHANGE AND ENDING CYCLES, YOU WILL TAKE YOUR BROTHER’S HAND, YOU WILL ALL BECOME TOTALLY COLOR-BLIND AND YOU WILL UNITE AS ONE—OR YOU WILL PERISH AS INDIVIDUALS DIVIDED AGAINST YOURSELVES.

    Scribe, let us write the myth words upon the paper that you might have clarity. Those of John shall be fine: “Now I was given a measuring stick and told to go and measure the temple of God, including the inner court where the altar stands, and to count the number of worshipers. ‘But do not measure the outer court’ I was told, ‘for it has been turned over to the nations. They will trample the Holy City for forty-two months. And I will give power to my two witnesses to prophesy 1,260 days clothed in sackcloth.” Looks like three and a half years to me, or thereabouts.

    “These two prophets are the two live trees, and two candlesticks standing before the God of all the earth. Anyone trying to harm them will be killed by bursts of fire shooting from their mouths.” Who said these were the “good guys”? I think if you listen on you will find these are quite interesting ones indeed. “They have the power to shut the skies so that no rain will fall during the three and a half years they prophesy, and to turn rivers and oceans to blood, and to send every kind of plague upon the earth as often as they wish.” Well, ye are close and if you turn your skis into fire you will have no fresh water to cool your brow. These ones who will gain control for that period of time will come out of the New World Order and it will be most disadvantageous to you witnesses. When the Order turns in upon itself, it will indeed be terrible.

    “When the complete the three and a half years of their solemn testimony, the tyrant who comes out of the bottomless pit will declare war against them and conquer and kill them; and for three and a half days their bodies will be exposed in the streets of Jerusalem—the very place where the Lord was crucified.” Well, that is more difficult for the Lord has been crucified in all places on your planet.

    “No one will be allowed to bury them, and people from many nations will crowd around to gaze at them. And there will be a worldwide holiday—people everywhere will rejoice and give presents to each other and throw parties to celebrate the death of the two prophets who had tormented them so much.” You ones do enjoy your celebrations and parties and as usual, you will not even know or understand that which is going on about you. Just as those blessed ones in Romania have only spilled their blood to do that which the Soviets from Moscow could not do for themselves—replaced the mavericks with the acceptable (to Moscow) new rulers and call it “democracy—comrades”.

    “But after three and a half days, the spirit of life from God will enter them and they will stand up? And great fear will fall on everyone. Then a loud voice will shout from heaven, ‘Come up!’ And they will rise to heaven in a cloud as their enemies watch.” Now does that say that Holy God is fetching them? No, it simply says that some wondrous thing happens that snatches them into some sort of craft or something. Well, don’t hold your breath to find out because the next verses tell you some interesting follow-ons.

    “The same hour there will be a terrible earthquake that levels a tenth of the city, leaving 7000 dead. Then everyone left will, in their terror, give glory to the God of heaven.” You don’t really think at this point the old Satan himself is just woofed away, do you? You ones will be running about in confusion trying to get the New World Order FEMA to do something for you as well as complaining about the New Order insurance companies and where is the New Order Red Cross with cookies and coffee?

    Ah—“The second woe is past, but the third quickly follows: For just then the seventh angel blew his trumpet, and there were loud voices shouting down from heaven, ‘The kingdom of this world now belongs to our Lord, and to his Christ; and he shall reign forever and ever’.” Well, perhaps there could be a bit of negotiating going on? But as you read on, does it actually seem like milk and honey?

    “Suddenly a red Dragon appeared with seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns on his heads. His tail drew along behind him a third of the stars, which he plunged to the earth. He stood before the woman as she was about to give birth to her child, ready to eat the baby as soon as it was born. She gave birth to a boy who was to rule all nations with a heavy hand, and he was caught up to God and to his throne. The woman fled into the wilderness, where God had prepared a place for her, to take care of her for 1,260 days.” Sounds like another 3 ½ years to me. Now, I would suggest that things probably will get pretty raunchy on Earth during those 1,260 days. Perhaps they already have? Perhaps some of the “Faithful and True” shall just get cleared and passage arranged for their safety for the worst is yet to come, I would guess, judging from an upcoming portion.

    “Then there was war in heaven; Michael and the angels under his command fought the Dragon and his hosts of fallen angels. And the Dragon lost the battle and was forced from heaven. This great Dragon—the ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, the one deceiving the whole world—was thrown down onto the earth with all his army.” Ah, but the story gets more interesting if you pay attention.

    “Then I heard a loud voice shouting across the heavens, ‘It has happened at last! God’s salvation and the power and the rule, and the authority of his Christ are finally here; for the Accuser of our brothers has been thrown down from heaven onto earth—he accused them day and night before our God. They defeated him by the blood of the Lamb, and by their testimony; for they did not love their lives but laid them down for him. Rejoice, O heavens! You citizens of heaven, rejoice! Be glad!’ But woe to you people of the world, for the devil has come down to you in great anger, knowing that he has little time.” GO BACK AND REREAD THAT PARAGRAPH! Sounds to me as if there was a ‘trial’ of some sort in heaven and a lot of so-called good guys had to take a stand. You see, there will be a least three ‘migrations’. All of you who are just having a blast in anticipation of that first shipload out will have the greatest trial of your life stream AFTER lift-off for the negotiations are under way in the big silver screen in the sky. A lot who would be first migration material might also just get a ride back with the big dark leader and tossed on your ear by Michael. DO NOT COUNT YOUR RIGHTEOUS CHICKS BEFORE THEY HATCH—LEST YOU BE LEFT WITH AN EMPTY EGGSHELL. OH NO—AND YOU THUGHT LIFT-OFF NUMBER ONE WAS PERMANENT? SO BE IT—FOR SOME. YOU CLAIMED TO BE GOD’S CHILDREN—ARE YOU REALLY? WHAT WILL YOU DO WHEN THE CHIPS ARE DOWN AND THE VISION BLURRED AND PERCEPTIONS ALTERED BY THE MIRACLES OF THE DEVIL? HE WILL DO THAT, YOU KNOW, AND I GUARANTEE A VERY PRECIPITOUS JOLT RIGHT BACK INTO THE FRAY. YOU THOUGHT ALL THE SORTING WOULD BE DONE ON THE SURFACE CRAFT, DIDN’T YOU? NO, YOU ARE GIVEN ANOTHER CONFRONTATION AND CHOICES AFTER LIFT-OFF. GO BACK AND READ ‘SIPAPU ODYSSEY’.

    “And when the Dragon found himself cast down to earth, he persecuted the woman who had given birth to the child. But she was given two wings like those of a great eagle, to fly into the wilderness to the place prepared for her, where she was cared for and protected from the Serpent, the Dragon, for three and a half years.” Looks like another 3 ½ years to me, let’s see now, 3 ½ + 3 ½ + 3 ½ = 10 ½ years. Could that possibly be? Are you ready for the year 2000? Well, don’t worry about it—sleep on, for perhaps this is not what “Revelations” meant at all. Could it be that the worst was only about to happen? So be it.

    “And from the Serpents’ mouth a vast flood of water gushed out and swept toward the woman in an effort to get rid of her; but the earth helped her by opening its mouth and swallowing the flood! Then the furious Dragon set out to attack the rest of her children—all who were keeping God’s commandments and confessing that they belong to Jesus. He stood waiting on the ocean beach.”

    “And now, in my vision, I saw a strange Creature rising up out of the sea. It had seven heads and ten horns, and ten crowns upon its horns. And written on each head were blasphemous names, each on defying and insulting God. This creature looked like a leopard but had bear’s feet and a lion’s mouth! And the Dragon gave him his own power and throne and great authority.

    “I saw that one of his heads seemed wounded beyond recovery—but the fatal would was healed! All the world marveled at this miracle and followed the Creature in awe. They worshipped the Dragon for giving him such power, and they worshipped the strange Creature. ‘Where is there anyone as great as he?’ they exclaimed. ‘Who is able to fight against him?’

    “Then the Dragon encouraged the Creature to speak great blasphemies against the Lord; and gave him authority to control the earth for forty two months.” Whoops! Another 3 ½ years? I say, now where do you think you are? “All that time he blasphemed God’s name and his temple and all those living in heaven. The Dragon gave him power to fight against God’s people and to overcome them, and to rule over the nations and language groups throughout the world. And all mankind—whose names were not written down before the founding of the world in the slain Lamb’s Book of Life, worshipped the evil Creature.” Could this be THE PLAN 2000 in action?

    Anyone who can hear, listen carefully. “The people of God who are destined for prison will be arrested and taken away; those destined for death will be killed. But do not be dismayed, for here is your opportunity for endurance and confidence.” Now that is a mouthful to which you should pay great attention.

    “Then I saw another strange animal, this one coming up out of the earth, with two little horns like those of lamb but fearsome voice like the Dragon’s.”

    “He required everyone, great and small, rich and poor, slave and free, to be tattooed with a certain mark on the right hand or on the forehead. And no one could get a job or even buy in any store without the permit of that mark, which was either the name of the Creature or the code number of his name.”

    Here is a puzzle that calls for careful thought to solve it. Let those who are able, interpret this code: the numerical values of the letters in his name add to 666! Well, we have already spoken of that haven’t we?

    “Then I saw a Lamb standing on Mount Zion in Jerusalem, and with him were 144,000 who had his Name and his Father’s Name written on their foreheads. And I heard a sound from heaven like the roaring of a great waterfall or the rolling of mighty thunder. It was the singing of a choir accompanies by harps.”

    “This tremendous choir—144,000 strong, sang a wonderful new song in front of the throne of God and before the four Living Beings and the twenty-four Elders; and no one could sing this song except those 144,000 who had been redeemed from the earth. For they are spiritually undefiled, pure as virgins, following the Lamb wherever he goes. They have been purchased from among the men on the earth as a consecrated offering to God and the Lamb. No falsehood can be charged against them, they are blameless.” Do you suppose these are the ones who ‘passed examination’ at the time of the first migration?

    “And I saw another angel flying through the heavens, carrying the everlasting Good News to preach to those on earth, to every nation, tribe, language and people.” And who might these ‘angel’ messengers be?

    “’Revere God’, they shouted, ‘and extol His greatness. For the time has come when He will sit as Judge. Worship Him who made the heaven and the earth, the sea and all its sources.’” That means, brothers, to give ultimate respect.

    “Then another angel followed him through the skies, saying ‘Babylon has fallen, is fallen—that great city—because she seduced the nations of the world and made them share the wine of her intense impurity and sin.’” Sounds to me like a lot of angelic beings and chariots are going to be making a lot of ‘reminder’ speeches.

    “Then a third angel followed them shouting. ‘Anyone worshiping the Creature from the sea and his statue and accepting his mark on the forehead or the hand, must drink the wine of the anger of God; it is poured out undiluted into God’s cup of wrath. And they will be tormented with fire and burning sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and the Lamb. The smoke of their torture rises forever and ever, and they will have no relief day or night, for they have worshipped the Creature and his statue, and have been tattooed with the code of his name. Let this encourage God’s people to endure patiently every trial and persecution, for they are his saints who remain firm to the end in obedience to his commands and trust in Jesus’”.

    Now, do you really think that if soul rebels but you are held captive, shackled and a mark put upon you that you are lost? Do not be foolish, little chelas. God, you seem to forget—works on soul intent and judges by that which the soul worships—not that silly mouth of yours. Most of you already bear the outward mark for the great deceiver called it by another name and you did not know. It was that which you do AFTER you KNOW TRUTH, that is judged.

    “And I heard a voice in the heavens above me saying, ‘Write this down; At last the time has come for his martyrs to enter into their full reward. Yes, says the Spirit, they are blessed indeed, for now they shall rest from all their toils and trials; for their good deeds follow them to heaven!’ Then the scene changed and I saw a white cloud, and someone sitting on it who looked like Jesus, who was called ‘The Son of Man’, with a crown of solid gold upon his head and a sharp sickle in his hand.”

    “Then the angel came from the temple and called out to him, ‘Begin to use the sickle, for the time has come for you to reap; the harvest is ripe on the earth.’”

    “So the one sitting on the cloud swung his sickle over the earth, and the harvest was gathered in.”

    “After that another angel came from the temple in heaven and he also had a sharp sickle.”

    “Just then the angel who has power to destroy the world with fire, shouted to the angel with the sickle, ‘Use your sickle now to cut off the clusters of grapes from the vines of the earth, for they are fully ripe for judgment.’”

    “So the angel swung his sickle on the earth and loaded the grapes into the great winepress of God’s wrath. And the grapes were trodden in the winepress outside the city, and blood flowed out in a stream 200 miles long and as high as a horse’s bridle.” I would say that, that sounds pretty serious to me. Could it be that your brothers are standing by to assist in this harvest? Does it not also suggest that the Prince of Darkness might also be standing by to trample the hapless peoples he has misled? Doesn’t it further suggest that we will not leave our brothers who have paid the price of earth experience to experience the horrendous consequences of that judgment upon your place? It will be at that point that there will be a great many ones who recognize those space ships for what they are. The place prepared for safety and security.

    It doesn’t get any prettier: “And I saw in heaven another mighty pageant showing things to come: Seven angels were assigned to carry down to earth the seven last plagues, and then at last God’s anger will be finished.”

    Enough for this sitting for I desire that man think upon these things. I am sorry to cause you to witness again and again, these things in your mind, chela, and I shall grant a removal now that you do not dwell upon the scene and burden your heart further. It shall be as it shall be and man must come into balance with that which shall be, for he has chosen to experience his play in this manner rather than come unto truth and reverence, as a whole, unto God and the Creation.

    I understand that it is a difficult way for you to experience and celebrate thy New Year. There is naught to celebrate within the bars and dens of darkness for the final death throes of the Dragon shall be great indeed.

    You ones of mine must be strong through the days to come for the way shall be shrouded in turmoil and confusion. The joy is that you know of the ending and the journey must be of peace and trust. Your brother must have the world and ye shall give it unto him and the masses of the starving lost children of your planet. In the meanwhile you will be given to accept that which you cannot change and move on. Each will be given unto his own and you must not grieve if another makes incorrect choices for yours is to continue.

    He who thinks himself wise and continues his world path, shall find himself meeting his foolishness and the foolishness shall be expensive indeed.

    We shall again sit and cover the seven angels, the seven stars, the seven clans, the seven ‘last’ plagues and the seven vessels. Let us later speak of the death of the prostitute who was the world betrayed and speak of the new—the rebirth into purity and radiance and with her, her creations. Death of the physical is hard and brings pain, but it must come to be if freedom is to be found., Peace be unto you, chelas. Your way is under pressure at this transition but you ones shall be given that which you need to fulfill your mission. So be it and I place my benediction upon you faithful and true. BEFORE ALL WAS—I AM.


    PJ #12
    Rec #2 HATONN
    Tuesday, January 2, 1990 9:30 a.m. Year 3, Day 139
    Truth covered for eons by lies is always shocking, chela. Further, if the truth comes out of proper sequence it is neither accepted nor believed. The time is at hand to speak of these things. You are chosen to pen it for it is elsewhere blocked in darkness. You will learn contentment in the perceived isolation for as we pen the ‘Journals’, each will be more accepted than the prior and your soul shall have that truth as food. Until we move a bit further you must accept the protection for thy task is heavy through this journey, as are the lives of those sent forth to participate.

    There are many ones, doing their work and in the end it shall be blended and you will all have understanding of the requirements and methods, the sequences and the restrictions upon your lives and time. When we turn the lies of history into the ‘rewritten’ truth of history, it sends shock waves throughout the universe. Man longs and hungers for truth and yet dreads the self-discipline that accompanies truth.

    You know that there is no turning back for the journey is beyond the point which allows returning to beginning—knowledge learned is not ‘unlearned’. So be it—you shall be given that which you need to do of thy work.

    There are many ‘lost’ places and cities which shall be coming forth again unto the attention of man. Places from the depths of myths which were truth but long hidden in the passage of experiences. As these great migrations and transitions come full cycle the way must be prepared for the acceptance of those things which shall come to pass. For just as experience is an illusion so is it ‘manifested’ illusion and must be ‘finished’ in like manner or the journey cut short in the individual consciousness—which is termed ‘madness’.

    You do not have to go unto these secret places, for we have come unto your place of being and you do not yet understand your circumstance. If you were allowed to retain ALL, your physical life would not last a single day’s cycle. You ones must work in the shroud of unknowing so that you can finish your work and not tamper with the contents of the messages brought forth. In the instance of these immediate topics you shall be even further removed from the presence herein. Just write that which we give unto you and we shall be fine for I hold thee most securely.

    Dharma, it will become more clearly acceptable to you as to why and how YOU are the one to pen these things, as we move along. Do not get yourself stopped to dwaddle on some of the substance to come forth. There will be much about Akhnaton and Aton and that which WAS. That information will be integrated with that which IS and most of it will not be very acceptable to the masses. I am coming forth as a neutral speaker resource so that the document will be more easily rendered objective unto you, chela. I shall speak as Hatonn, that you ones not be intimidated by my presence as ATON.

    Most of this material was brought forth in written, published format through ones who were not sanctioned to bring it forth and will therefore be repeated and corrected where necessary. You will further understand why the separation had to be made between you ones and others who ‘appeared’ to be thy mentors. So be it for ye shall rise above those shackles and I shall clear thy mind of the chaff from those encounters. Thy truth is 100% truth and none shall be allowed to deter you by their rampage. Let no human stand against thee or me for I AM ATON and I hold thee within myself.

    You must be given to understand the importance of the one Sananda who has again been sent and comes forth as a master teacher, a survivor of the Elders, the great men who lived on earth when ‘giants’ roamed the planet.

    There is a magnificent collection of artists, saints, scientists, Pharaohs, poets and, and, and—within a special placement for the purpose of now bringing forth the truths of evolvement. There are some who are unknown and many who have survived within your historical myths to be remembered. It is a wondrous ‘school’ if you will consider it as such, and there is great fellowship for within these ones the race spirit ensouled itself into race leaders of the dim past—these leaders constitute the group that will continue to show you the way through the teachings.

    This band of goodly entities are composed of entities who were of human men and women from other worlds, civilizations, and from other places in ‘time’ and ‘space’. They originally arrived on earth to assist mankind in its long climb from ‘beast hood’ to ‘godhood’. WELL, YOU MOST CERTAINLY NEED THESE ONES AGAIN!

    These ones migrated to earth—the ‘dark star’ planet of ‘sorrows’, as it was known—some eighteen millions of your years past and have continued to work ceaselessly and tirelessly in their gigantic task of acting as the Creator’s mentors to a backward, ‘fallen’ race. They have come into life as the legendary ‘gods’ of the ancients, and later incarnated as rulers of the people. As ancient ones touching forth on your planet in your generation, i.e. SFATH to B.M. in Switzerland who was actually THOTH of ancient mythology along with Osiris, Apollo, Mercury, etc. I tell you this up front because it is most alien to your belief system for the Satanic intent has always been to discount the myths into false spirituality. And yes, some will say you blaspheme and are a heretic but the world is ready and starving for truth and it all will fit with the ‘truth’ in that which you call your Holy Books. Further, it is most usual for the ‘receivers’ of this documentation to tamper with it for the load is a heavy one indeed.

    Ones such as Baal, Bacchus, Moloch, and other false gods were nothing but pure earth deities, and always became the ruling hierarchy in the pantheon of gods after a “Golden Age” had gone out in a blood-bath. Great universal truth was brought to mankind through the instrumentality of beings from more enlightened worlds and an age where ‘men talked with the angels’ inevitably followed only to decline and fall in decay when the mentorship was removed. There is nothing ‘new’ in extraterrestrial or angelic presences upon your place—you have just been led once more down the primrose path of lies into total ignorance. You believe lies to be truth which are not even reasonable in thought process. Reason and logic do not seem to influence that which you tend to ‘believe’.

    Examples of such periods would be the eclipse of truth that followed after the death of the great Pharaoh Amunhotep IV (Akhnaton), the first ruler in history to declare his belief in one God; and the veil that was thrown over the Word of the Infinite Father after the Crucifixion on Golgotha, when truth-seeking mankind was literally thrown to ravening beasts and clandestine councils handed down edicts which deprived man of God-given knowledge and truth.

    The ‘group of goodly wanderers’ who volunteer to come into earthly existence—time and time again, have assisted mankind for thousands of years in all ages. (Feel familiar?) They would declare universal wisdom and truth at a certain period of history when man had been prepared to receive it and then they would withdraw for a time to see what man would do with the new-found knowledge. Thus, the rises and plateau of man’s cultural history emerged.

    During a hiatus of universal influx, man was ruled by powerful and aggressive earth spirits. Examples of such periods would be the decadent rule in the colonies of the ‘Motherland’ after the submergence of Lemuria and Atlantis; the idolatrous period of late dynastic Egypt; the perversion of licentiousness of Rome under the Caesars.

    Legends of earth are rich in knowledge of the ‘Star People’, also referred to as the ‘Above People’—the Gods who came from the Sun or descended from Heaven to walk among mortals. Behind these so-called myths, which at first appear to be the imagining and fantasies of superstitious people, you will find a logical answer to why man adored the immortals of Olympus and other fabled abodes of the great gods. You will discover the startling truth behind the tales of the gods of classical mythology and the wondrous spirits of the Ancient ones.

    The ancient scribes and prophets spoke literal truth when they told later generations that angels and gods had taken on mortal flesh—descended from their radiant heavenly homes—to lift the physical, mental and spiritual level of humanity on the ‘dark star’ in the Father’s Cosmic House!

    You will also come to know that there are fantastic historical treasures which constitute a great legacy for mankind hidden in secret chambers under some of the wonders of the world! For example, the ‘four corners’ (and this designates many areas which come clear in designation at the proper time) of the earth, enclose records that for millennia have been hidden from eyes of the seeking man. These priceless accounts of the struggles and intrigues of your planet are even now beginning to seep into the light. Knowledge is coming forth but for all truth that comes forth the negative and dense entities of your natural manifestation shroud them in lies. Always at these times, well intentioned but ridiculous ‘do-gooders’ get into the picture and scramble the signals.

    The negative, opposing force which always intends to hold man back and keep him for ever in the dark chains of brutishness and beastliness has been behind the destruction of the great treasure-houses of remote antiquity. Examples would be the destruction of the ATON TABLETS IN AKHATON’S RECORD SANCTUM BY THE EVIL AMUN PRIESTHOOD AFTER THE GREAT PHAROAH’S ASSASSINATION; the burning of the Alexandrian library by fanatics in A.D. 389, the largest most famous repository of antiquity, containing over seven hundred thousand volumes, comprising most of the literary treasures of the ancient world, an inestimable loss which brought about the “Dark Ages”; the total destruction of the Aztec libraries, where priceless codices were ravaged with fire and sword by Cortez in A.D. 1519 as he sacrificed untold treasures to greed and they were swallowed up in his incendiarism.

    Certain secret orders have always managed to salvage or save universal truth, and on clay tablets, scrolls, papyri and now paper and magnetic discs they recorded the truth, so that future man might know—and in the knowing, the truth would make him free from the bondage of untold ages.

    The old records were hidden in tombs, secret chambers, caverns, temple ruins, catacombs, and every secret recess and tunnel was utilized. These records deal with the Most Ancient Wisdom and will be rediscovered in the years immediately ahead. These truths have been secreted away—then discovered, only to be buried again after they served their purpose of revealing that which was to be known during a particular age and time in man’s spiritual development.

    The records of which we will speak in this journal, at this time, are placed most securely and safely in the Peruvian mountains and in Guatemala (among the Quetzals) and in Mexico. We will not be particular enough to divulge identities nor exact locations for it is not yet time for that. The ancient records are well preserved and hidden and for the present, it must remain that way—‘tis now only the time of telling the history.

    There are some terminologies which will help you attach this information unto other, for example, you must keep in mind that the world ‘lion’ in the positive sense signifies “divine truth in power” and that is why the Christ is called “the lion”, etc. The one called ‘Jesus’ Christ was called ‘lion of the tribe of Judah’. Further and most important indeed is the word, “Word”. In its original sense, its first definition, means not sound, voice or speech, but rather it means “The Creation”, according to the divine laws, from the universal creative fluid, in the ‘tomb’, ‘cave’, or manger of the earth of that PERFECT ONE, which has the power to spiritualize and regenerate Adamic man. For instance, your Bible tells you that “Man does not live by bread alone, but by every Word (Creation) that proceedeth out of the mouth of God”.

    The WORD was prepared—“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God”. Therefore, the “WORD”, the Divine Creative Influx was prepared on earth that man here might receive it in love and understanding. This, that he might ascent to higher spiritual knowledge and wisdom because of this preparation.

    An example of meaning would be when the Prophet Daniel saw a winged lion emerge from the sea; he saw the symbolic representation of the Word for a new “age” or “cycle” in which the Divine Truth of the Word sets out to conquer new spiritual territory. It might serve well this day as you ones perceive yourselves.

    For a bit more mythology, I shall describe some other symbolic examples. Candidates who successfully passed the ancient Mithraic (we will get into this later) initiations were called ‘lions’ and were marked upon their foreheads with the Egyptian cross. Mithras himself is often pictured as the head of a lion and two pairs of wings. The reference to the “Lion” and the “Grip of the Lion’s Paw” in the Master Mason’s degree have a strong Mithraic tinge and basically originated from that source.

    The sun rising over the back of the lion has always been considered symbolic of power and rulership. The Egyptian priests in many of their ceremonies wore the skins of lions, which were symbols of the great solar orb, owing to the fact that the sun is exalted, dignified, and most fortunately placed in the constellation of Leo the Lion. Among the Egyptians the sun’s rays are often shown ending in human hands (ATON). Masons will find a connection between these hands and the well-known “Paw of the Lion” which raises all things to life with its grip.

    Yes, of course it becomes distorted—just as you ones might wear a cross about your neck. One must always trace the myth back unto its birth in truth.

    I am going into all of this because the sanctuaries of the ancient sacred treasures and truths are often referred to as places of the Lion—or sacred places (Places of the Sacred).

    Anciently the corona of the sun was shown in the form of the mane of a lion which was a reminder of the fact that at one time the summer solstice took place in the sign of Leo, the Celestial Lion. Initiates of the Egyptian Mysteries were sometimes called lions or panthers. The lion was the emissary of the sun, symbolizing light, truth and regeneration.

    The lion is considered to be king of the animal family, and like the head of each kingdom, is sacred to the sun, whose rays are symbolized by the lion’s shaggy mane. The allegories perpetuated by the mysteries such as that the one who opens the secret “book” is the lion, just as it is perpetuated that the solar power opens the seed-pods, releasing the spiritual life within.

    There was also a curious belief among the ancients that the lion slept with its eyes open and was therefore chosen as the symbol of vigilance. It is truly strange indeed, how myths begin and evolve, for the lion is ever alert but most certainly sleeps with its eyes closed and, in fact, if not endangered itself, sleeps as if in a coma. Just as an owl symbolizes wisdom but is a most stupid bird indeed.

    Nonetheless, this is the reason for placing the figure of a lion on either side of doors and gateways as an emblem of divine guardianship. Now we get a few more clues—the figure of a lion was most frequently erected over any type of buried or hidden treasure.

    Now, do not distract yourselves into other cultures—we are now speaking of ancient Egyptian culture where in the priests thought the cat symbolic of the magnetic forces of Nature, and they surrounded themselves with the animals for the sake of the astral fire which emanated from their bodies. Such animals were symbols of eternity, for when they sleep they curl up into a ball with the head and tail touching—an endless circle. It is important that you come into understanding as to how some things came to be traditional and legendary to allow the story to come to fruition. Wrong conclusions are drawn from ignorance—always.!

    Further, the lion symbolizes Secret Wisdom. King Solomon was often symbolized as a lion; to overcome this beast is to become a master of such wisdom. You should further remember that Samson and Hercules both ‘conquered the lion’—the lion also represents one of the Four Corners of Creation.

    Let us have a break, Dharma, before we go further into this dissertation for it will be a long and often boring unraveling of the façade of the tapestry. History must be laid before the punch line. So be it.

    I move to stand-by and I request that you spend time with in quietness for this will be a most heavy task indeed.


    PJ #12
    Rec #1 HATONN
    WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 3, 1990 7:30 a.m. YEAR 3, DAY 140
    Hatonn present in light. We shall simply have to take that which needs response first and then move on to the Journal as we find time. There will soon come a point, however, when we shall have to move our thrust from mass information into the area of responding in ‘mass manner’. For these early questions and denouncements I shall leave it up to GG (or whomever forwards me the questionnaires) to do with the response that which they will. You are going to find that I have less and less patience with the transgressors of truth and shall not, in all instances, be very kind.

    The same ones who lecture night and day regarding things such as MJ-12 and other ‘cover-up’ operations and bellow loud and long about “How could they?” come right back with innocent eyes and say, “Now, this is truth”—and “We caught them this time”. Oh, you precious little blind children—Satan is the most clever ruler of all—in your ‘uncovering’ you are getting EXACTLY that which it is desire you have! Further, you who go forth in newly-found ‘knowledge’ and ‘indignation’ play right into the hands of evil.


    There is a struggle going on for the very capturing of soul energy and it is on a level of being that is so far beyond your conscious imagination as to be incredible unto you. You ones touch on truth and in the next breath and statement show that you know not that of which you speak. You back up my truth at the same breath that you denounce me. Again, I shall have to take the correspondence sentence by sentence and give it back unto the source so that you can look at it. I do this for G&D-G, because the writer has already pronounced his position.

    Just as “A sprinkling of conspiracy facts and then a generalization about a cosmic code and abandonment plan for the planet is suspicious communications, so also is the partial and misleading use of my previous correspondence.” I had no desire to use ‘your’ correspondence in any manner other than to respond to the receivers thereof. Neither can you take these journals totally out of context and form opinions. That is what is wrong with the entire circumstance—human takes bits and pieces, assembles them in emotional response and pronounces conclusions—which in almost ALL instances are incorrect. Then, having made foolish conclusions publicly cannot set aside ego to hear truth—and dear one that is exactly where you sit— in the misinformation hot-seat, wherein you become a wondrous tool for misinformation and distraction. Further, somehow getting some opinion into print, the ego goes off wham-bam and suddenly the lie appears as truth and you become an ‘expert authority’ when it is but your ignorance you pronounce. As a matter of fact I go most easy on you in this particular instance because of other ones involved and THEY deserve gentle response to their desire for truth is great indeed.

    As we move through this series of thought patterns, I ask that all who have participation in this communion really see and hear both sides most carefully indeed. For as an interrogator, I can be most simple and blunt—you wish to play games and this is far too serious a matter to simply play little stage games.

    I will quote as I go along:

    (TD) “Dear G: Some further thoughts for our correspondence.”

    No, there is no further ‘thinking’ involved—there is simply another barrage of misinformation to dissuade these beautiful persons from their work. You, T.D., spout more insipid ‘junk’ pronounced by others to make whatever point you perceive you are making—the point other than to discredit “The Pleiadian friends” is the only point I could find in the document.

    (TD): “If anyone thinks abductions of whole families and especially women of all ages who are sexually mature, by the Reticulians and their Masters, has been primarily a scare tactic, they should talk to the psychologists, psychiatrists and physicians who have regressed and examined these unfortunates.”

    Please look at your own words. ‘primarily’ is a good one to begin with. What do you mean—“should talk to the psychologists, psychiatrists and physicians who have regressed and examined these unfortunates”? It seems you prove my point—it certainly works, does it not? And who are these examiners and regressors? If they are hypnotists out of the AMA approved schools of hypnosis—I primarily discount their ability to discern mental status, in most instances. Go on, you further make my case at every juncture, although I have no bone to pick with them for that is not the thrust of this particular conversation.

    Most of your information is coming from writers such as gynecologist, Richard Neal, and “Dr.” Harry Seagal and I have no wish to credit or discredit their work. My urge is for you ones to use your God-given brains.

    TD: “It is what John Lear, ex-CIA pilot and agent, meant when he said,”…the Deal, the U.S. selling out on its own people’. Over 100,000 people with biological implants have been tracked down regularly for primarily a mass cross-fertilization program since 1950.”

    Firstly, anyone who is ex-CIA and walking around denouncing CIA agents is first suspect. The CIA is very good at what it does, friends—and ex-CIA agents are most carefully monitored in speech contents and ones pronouncing the ‘wrong’ things are immediately (or more subtly) “taken out”. I take no exception to one John Lear—he is just not telling anything that hurts the ‘cause’—he is spreading the disinformation concept the CIA, FBI and CFR and Trilaterals want you to have. THEY DO NOT MIND ‘LOOKING BAD’, DEAR ONES!

    In the decades following the early 50’s, hundreds of experiments are reported and documented as to games your people play—in the winter of 53/54, several thousand animals were brought from Porton Down and tethered to rafts at sea some miles off the Bahamas, which was then a British colony. The microbiologists watched through binoculars as from upwind clouds of bacteria were released to drift over the animals. The diseases tested were anthrax, brucellosis and tularemia. The corpses of the infected animals were burned at sea.

    Let’s get closer now: While these tests showed the relative virulence of the diseases under examination, they did not solve the central problem of how easy it would be to attack a large city or military base. Experiments with “harmful-harmless” bacteria soon after the war, had shown how easy it was for germs to penetrate the interior of a sealed ship, but now attacks were needed against civilian targets. Over the next two decades, there would be over 200 experiments in the United States alone in which military and civilian targets, including whole cities and under directions and full co-operation of the intelligence services, would be attacked with ‘imitation’ biological weapons. The tests were conducted in total secrecy. If inquisitive officials asked questions, they were told the army was conducting experiments with smokescreens to protect the city from radar detection. The target of the attacks ranged from isolated rural communities to entire cities, including New York and San Francisco, to name two.

    One of the earliest experiments took place in San Francisco in 1950. The Pentagon believed it might be possible for a Soviet submarine to slip into an American harbor (that is valid indeed), release a cloud of bacteria, and disappear before the victims of the attack had even begun reporting to hospitals. San Francisco, the headquarters of the Sixth Army and much of the Pacific fleet, seemed a likely target for such an attack. Between the 20th and 26th September 1950, the theory was tested by two U.S. Navy minesweepers steaming up and down outside the Golden Gate Bridge. On board the naval vessels crewmen released clouds of spray contaminated with Bacillus globigii AND Serratia marcescens, two supposedly harmless bacteria. The Serratia marcescens strain code-named ‘8 UK’ had been developed at Port Down during the Second World War because when incubated it turned red, making it very easily identifiable when used in biological warfare experiments.

    There followed six mock attacks on the city. In their report later, the scientists concluded that 117 square miles of the San Francisco area had been contaminated, and that almost every one in the city had inhaled the bacteria. In other words, they wrote, “nearly every one of the 800,000 people in San Francisco exposed to the cloud at normal breathing rate…inhaled 5000 or more particles. Any other area having a steady wind and a degree of atmospheric stability comparable to San Francisco is vulnerable to a similar type of attack, and there are many such areas in the U.S. and elsewhere.”

    The San Francisco test was only one of many. In 1951, American Navy personnel deliberately contaminated ten wooden boxes with Seratia marcescens, Bacillus globigii and Aspergillus fumigatis before they were shipped from a supply depot in Pennsylvania to the navy base in Norfolk, Virginia. The tests were destined to establish how easily disease might be spread among the people employed to handle the boxes at the supply depot. Of the three infectious bacteria, Aspergillus fumigatis had been specifically chosen because black workers at the base would be particularly susceptible to it.

    Now what of the ‘harmless’ aspect? The entire San Francisco area had a massive ‘flu outbreak’ finally labeled some type of swine virus and several deaths occurred. Everyone who got a good dose of the “stuff” got terribly ill.

    Tell me, dear ones, do you truly believe that research has stopped or that techniques have not gotten even more vile? You, a population of cities with a military defense totally unprotected with even fallout shelters, think you are not vulnerable to sneaky, secret attacks of “fear” mongering? YOU HAVE HAD FORTY YEARS TO IMPROVE YOUR SYSTEMS SINCE SERRATIA MARCESCENS INTO SAN FRANCISCO! COME NOW, TD, YOU ARE EITHER NAÏVE BEYOND MY ABILITY TO BELIEVE OR YOU ARE DEADLY TO YOUR BROTHERS.

    (TD): “This conspiracy has been verified by a number of government agents.”


    Funny thing is if you cross a good male jackass with a lovely mare horse—you get a mule—sterile and unable to reproduce. These, brothers are almost the same species. Further you totally discount any arrangements which might have been made with the “evil” of earth.

    (TD): “Not only are the Reticulians ‘PROBABLY’ genetic engineering creations now degenerating, but the chemical/gene baths, and the ongoing genetic play at these two bases at Groom Lake and Dulce, have been described in detail by MPs risking their lives.”

    The word ‘probably’ is highly suspect and indicates “someone’s” opinion vs. fact. Yes, I am sure that MPs are risking their lives to tell of these things and I do most surely and sincerely appreciate their position, however, unless ones have “facts” it is still supposition and often gets distorted in the retelling.

    (TD): “The abnormal pregnancies and premature end of pregnancies in two months after subsequent abductions, the most painful mechanical abortions to save the half-human half-Reticulian fetuses, the neural implants, and the surgical scars on parents and children have all been verified by physicians!!”

    I know of no extraterrestrial so uninformed or technically backward who would behave in such manner as to “get caught later” unless fully intended that it be so!

    (TD): “Your Pleiadian friends should be more forthright and honest with you about these things, which are very obvious now.”

    The apparently “obvious” is the most deadly of all, my friend. GG’s Pleiadean friends are being totally forthright and honest—it is just not what YOU and the misinformed wish to hear! Now, however, you move on to worthwhile and very valid information which you should study most carefully.

    (TD): “As has been forecasted for this battle with evil at this time, there will be so much negativity and misrepresentation, that it will be most difficult to discern who are up righteous and who are manipulative. And that comes at all levels as we climb the stairway of truth and higher consciousness (wolves in sheep’s clothing).”


    (TD): “A sprinkling of conspiracy facts and then a generalization about a cosmic code and abandonment plan for the planet is suspicious communications. So also is the partial and misleading use of my previous correspondence.”

    I have already responded to this material but I have a question or two remaining---. Why do you send correspondence and messages to me (and you did so), unless you want a response? Further, did you expect me to sit and feed you back the lies simply because you assume “THIS RECEIVER” TO BE UNINFORMED AND PLAYING THE SAME OLD GAME OF “DUPE THE PUBLIC”? THIS RECEIVER KNOWS NOTHING OF THESE THINGS—SO YOU HAVE COME TO THE HORSE’S MOUTH, FRIEND, AND FURTHER—THERE IS NOTHING BUT A LONG MORNING’S WORK FOR THESE ONES—NOT STAGE ENTERTAINMENT SEMINARS OR HEFTY FEES FOR PHONY AND MISLEADING “EXPERTISE” AND NO PERSONAL INTERPRETATIONS OF INFORMATION OR DATA---DOES THAT POSSIBLY CONCERN YOU?

    ANONYMITY serves two purposes—one to pass out information for which you will not have to stand responsible. The other is for the protection of the very life-flow of a writer. Which is your status, TD? There is an old “saying” on your placement—“If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen”. A rehash of other’s opinion and interpretations is worthless. This is precisely why I give none of my scribe’s opinions and always can back up statements with facts. You give forth altered information from entertainers who glean at your expense and then wish me to fee it back to you with a pat on the back. Well, not so; a kick in the backside is more in order!

    Chela, let us take a break. All of you ones are ill with “accidental flu poisoning”. I am sorry dear ones; you are caught in the evil of the times. I will get back to this as soon as you have had respite; these are most valuable discussions indeed. Excellent opportunity to get our material forth, however, for controversy of evil with truth is excellent for Aton does not often become faint at heart! So be it! I will stand by. SALU, HATONN

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    Last edited by web master; 2013-01-15 at 20:58.

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