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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 12
    CHAPTER 23
    FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1990 11:45 A.M. YEAR 3, DAY 170

    Hatonn present in the service of the Great Spirit and the Gentle Lands that we may bring light unto a weary, darkened place. That which is within must come without that we may see, together, the truth of our journey.

    As I relate some of the legends and speakings I shall sometimes not honor ones who have spoken for, although they have spoken great truths, many have sold the traditions and given the oral teachings without permission and not in their proper sequence. It is for those ones to confront that which they have done in error; not for me to be in judgment of their path. Nothing is hidden from Tonkashila, Wakan Tanka or from Kunshi, Waziya and I may not speak in their stead for I honor the great Wisdom of Creator/Creation.

    For those who wonder what happens here in this place at our writings, we al­ways invite the dark spirits and evil brotherhood to take leave and do not ever begin the scribing until the area is naught save LIGHT, that these truths be untainted. Then as you walk with your eyes through the Journals ye shall find naught but truth. Thank you for your inquiries.


    It is a positive truth that the "magic" of the power, richness and relevance of the American Indians of the Ancients are being reborn in this decade. This is due to the planetary system which is forcing man to come to full realization and to see that this may be obtained from the tribal religious order. There are certain events that are taking place which you know give evidence that the old traditions are regaining strength. These activities are going on in the atmo­sphere, as well as in human affairs. This is why it is of concern that people come to full realization at this time.

    The events that are occurring in your nation today are an important part of the Hopi prophecies. There is much evidence that can be given, but the con­cern is that many will fail to realize it and acknowledge it. Ones do not wish to listen because of the bigotry which man holds for man of another color and yet no human can shed of his skin and remain in the physical. Prejudice is a great barrier indeed.

    As far back as the time of White Bear's uncle in 1890, the ones in Washington were warned of the events in time that would take place but, unfortunately for some, pigmentation of the skin stops the brain from accepting truth.
    As White Bear now says, "Color offers no barriers between brothers of the soul; but our messages in the ancient prophecies are continually ignored. But who are we? We are not an aggressive people. We are not going to make any kind of aggressive movement against someone who is doing wrong to us. We leave all things to our Divine Creator to straighten up. But we now see more of our p3ople reviving interest in their native traditions and in their native philosophies, but there are two types of forces that are now active. One is the aggressive, and the other is a spiritual movement. The spiritual movement will pevail and become stronger, because the aggressive force will get caught up in national affairs and lose sight of important issues.

    "We see ones using of harmful psychotropic drugs as they claim ‘to aid in spiritual development'. This is completely wrong. I cannot go along with these things. My people must pull away from the harmful things which were never used as man today uses them and proclaims sanctity for their use. For those who truly wish in spiritual ways, to resort to marijuana, peyote, and these other things is wrong. Those things were never to be used except in the most traditional and sacred manner.

    "There are no short-cuts to spirituality. You must start from within. You cannot receive your upliftment from chemicals. You must receive important messages from your vision dreams.

    "There will be spiritual awakening in the continents of what are called Europe and Asia wherein lie the foundation of the religious traditions of those places. But they must come to America. This is where the freedom was. This is where the true spirit of the Brotherhood was established. Regardless of how many religious orders they may have set up thousands of years ago, we are the people who have not contaminated the true spiritual knowledge. Some of our ones have misused it in their mistaken ways as they have picked up the tradi­tions of the thieves and zealots but those, also, must come back into the path.

    "You ones would want me to say that we are going to clean up this mess that has been made, I cannot. The pollution of our atmosphere is the worst thing that man has done. This pollution will get into our soil and into the physical parts of our people, as a whole race of mankind. Worse, not only will people's bodies he contaminated, but their spirits. The Hopi are trying their best to awaken all the nations of the world to this part of our prophecy. We are not the only ones but I can only speak clearly for my people.

    "When we speak of the Older White Brother we do not refer to the modern white man. We refer to the spiritual brother who has understanding of all kinds. He is not of human flesh at the moment, but he will come. Certain ag­gressive actions by nations, who call themselves the Great Powers, will set in motion a certain event that will lead to the coming of the True White Brother.

    "Everyone wants to know exactly when and give a date, a year and it cannot be done. Even with our prophecies, which have been so widely spread about, the "year" is only an idea of tune for you can only go by the cycles and there is no exactness for "times" can be changed but never sequence. There has been a most interesting great program laid out to accommodate to man's insanity. Everybody has to go by the pages of a paper full of dates and schedule of the weeks which run from a day called Sunday to another day called Sunday. Well, there are certain things that people may do in between, but they must arrive at next Sunday. There are things on the great program that may take years and years to fulfill, but all things are laid down on the schedule. Ones look upon the loose time frames and if such and such a thing has not hap­pened by a given time or it happens before the speculations said it would, then everyone decides it will not happen and the prophecies are wrong. No, it is man who is wrong, not the calendar of the cycles and sequence.

    "It appears that in probabilities we are about fifteen or so years behind in se­quence. There are great universal powers which are making young people go into the Indian lifestyle and try to copy it. They move into the 'game' without having knowledge. Unfortunately, not all of these young people are moti­vated by spiritual things, and they are destructive.

    "The wrong kind of 'force', a negative force, is being used among these young people and it is indeed destructive. I wish it could be that they could take up the positive aspects and teachings as far as their adopting our tribal ways and customs for we are trying to keep ourselves clean, but it is not good that they play in the games like children in the meadows.

    "Many of these young people come from wonderful people, but until they learn the true way of getting on the right course of the spiritual life through speakings with the Great Spirit, this opposite force will continue to motivate them. Some speak of having lived before as Hopi. I am positive this is not so. They are more aggressive in their way of conduct than I would be if I were being reborn again and they are truly the heyokas, except that they are in no way sacred. They love to go on 'vision quests' and outings with ones like Sun Bear and run about in their dirty clothes and sit in plastic sweat lodges--they seek entertainment instead of truth.

    "When you deal with the human action on the opposite side, well, then you know their spiritual attitude just isn't right. They are too rebellious. But I am trying my best to do what I can to try to help our nation's young people.

    "We of the Hopi have our doctrine and complete, full knowledge in our sa­cred tablets and we have tried to keep ourselves uncontaminated. Some Hopi believe that the Hopi are the only ones who have this knowledge in our souls but that cannot be true because in the ending ALL are ONE and that means that ALL must hold this knowledge at some level, within."


    Civilization on Earth has been cyclical. There have been highly evolved hu­man or hominid cultures before the tradition that led to your current epoch. Glorious times and experiences lie hidden in your forgetting. Entire civiliza­tions attained the apex of cultural accomplishment only to be crushed during their apparent golden days to become, thousands of years later, little more than rumors and twice-told tales. Mighty empires have risen to experience upon the Earth, only to have their vibrant flames snuffed out in global catas­trophes. Modern mankind can hardly abide such possibilities in his smug, egotistical little temples of game-playing.

    It is good to look unto your native brothers and into their legends which re­count the evolution of mankind through a series of world cycles, each of which is destroyed as man forgets the lessons of the Great Spirit and falls away to rely upon his own feeble devices. When this sad state of affairs comes to exist, the Great Spirit causes a time of Great Purification to cleanse the Earth Mother for a new epoch, a new world.

    The Hopi traditionalists recite their legends of the Four Worlds and warn of their prophecies, which state that a Great Purification will occur when people turn to material, rather than spiritual, matters; when evil ones set out to de­stroy the land and the life of the Hopi and other Indian brothers; when lead­ers of men turn to evil instead of the Great Spirit; when man has invented something which can fall upon the ground, boil everything in a great area and within the seas, and turn the land to ashes where no grass will grow--that which shall fall from the great gourd of ashes.

    You are not going to find the traditional practitioners of Medicine Power see this time of cleansing as being synonymous with the biblical "Judgment Day"-- the ringing down of the cosmic curtain with a cataclysmic bang and the atten­dant weeping and gnashing of teeth. There are many reasons for this, not the least of which is that these blessed ones are always. They are always the first and the last and I do not wish to speak on that at this time. It will be ex­plained in its proper time; we are speaking of cycles.

    The Great Purification is a necessary cleansing and a time of transcendence.

    Thank you for hearing me, Dharma--I must often test you also, for the legend we were allowing you to put to keys is mistranslated and out of its sequence and we do not honor those who bring forth the sacred legends out of their proper sequence to be tossed carelessly about by man who plays at the games of truth. It is a wondrous and beautiful legend and it has been most carelessly used. Your perception is growing more keenly attuned and I am indeed most pleased. It was a beauteous Indian legend, no more and no less.

    * * *

    (Dharma: I would be most curious about the above if I were a reader, there­fore, you should know that I had quoted almost four pages of a lovely Indian story. From the onset I was most uncomfortable about its correctness---as I wrote I became acutely aware of the errors. These things are the very things that allow me to continue to write in the face of the accusations of pilfering and lies generously dumped upon me---I believe that I shall prevail for I have just reason to KNOW THESE WRITINGS COME FROM SOURCES BE­YOND MY COMPREHENSION. THEY COME IN GENTLE FORM TO ME BUT SOMETIMES MY ROOM IS FILLED WITH LIGHT UNTIL I MUST WRITE WITH MY EYES CLOSED TO STOP THE POUNDING OF THE LIGHT WITHIN MY HEAD. IF I ERR, I AM STOPPED AND I AM HUMBLY GRATEFUL TO BE ALLOWED TO SHARE THESE MO­MENTS OF GREATNESS FOR I KNOW THAT I AM UNDESERVING OF THE HONOR. THERE IS NO WAY TO EXPRESS THE LOVE THAT FLOWS FROM THESE BEINGS THANK YOU FOR ALLOWING ME A STATEMENT.)

    * * *

    We have been requested to herein print the "Hopi Prophecies". They have been circulated widely and I have no objection to so-doing. I just request dis­cretion and discernment and keep the above lessons in mind as you read of them. Specific times are no-nos and yet the published papers have years ap­pended so in order to make no comment or verification I shall simply ask Dharma to copy them exactly as presented unto her by outside persons. She has been sent several versions, from notes (out of the "horse's" mouth) to nicely published format--we shall use the printed format for I do not wish to bring energy into play upon the ones who presented these out of their proper sequence.

    1980: The year of the creation of the teachings of the Eight Great Powers and the introduction, and the giving back to humanity of the Twenty Count. The Starmaiden Circle and the Flowering Tree Teachings which began the evolution of the distribution of the wheels and keys (the esoteric teachings of the North American Indians) of Turtle Island. It was in that year that the major beginning wheels and keys were given away.

    1981: The year of the planting of the light seeds of the Hokseda (the higher self). Many teachers of the Eight Great Powers began to plant their seeds of light about the develop­ment of the higher self and began to open the teachings of the Rainbow People also known as the Meti (mixed blood - the Rainbow People).

    1982: The year of fertilization, the year of planting, the year of going within these seeds of light in order to see the po­tentiality, the road map that a person can use. In the Turtle Island lore we say it is the year of finding one's path with heart and many many have done this.

    1983: The year of fruition, the year of seeking perfection, growth and development .. Most importantly this is the year of trust and innocence as being totally open, when people are lis­tening and teachers are talking to teachers. When mytholo­gies of the world and all Eight Great Powers are finally re­vealing secrets and the teachings within the mythologies are brought out into the open. Because of this there was a great deal of joy amongst teachers.

    1984: This year is critical, The year of the animal. The year of Tuwalananie, the dark force. The reason for this is that for three years seeds of light have been planted and we are starting to grow and the teachings are starting to come out and all those ones inside each of the Eight Great Powers who have taught partial truths, who have taught deliberate lies in myth, who have used the power of wheels to gain control of people to gain followers to gain disciples, to gain devotees are going to very threatened by the awakening of the consciousness of the Rainbow People because the Rainbow Peo­ple exist in every country, in every nation, in every land. In other words the Sun Dancers are going to be strong enough. The dark forces will be extremely threatened and they will use their power and their power exists in technology. We are go­ing to see some of the most strong technological advances known to humanity occurring this year and these very technological advances are going to be a tremendous threat as well as a blessing to the survival of humanity. Now what is also a Heyoka (trickster) is that 1984 is also a year that we must establish balance and harmony between the light and the dark forces. It's going to be interesting and that's why we have this sense of urgency because it is getting short.

    1985: The year of human to human communication. The year when the human family finally becomes a human. Then there will be more teachers and more teachings brought out to open format than has ever been seen on this planet in the first fifty thousand years. Because then we will re-establish contact in a very knowledgeable way with our ancestors from the stars. The first wave will come from Pleiades and will be totally ac­knowledged and will be known to all the world powers. The second wave will come from Sirius.

    1986: When Tunkashila and the enlightened teachers be­gin to open the veil of the crack between the worlds. We will see our memory circles. All kivas and sacred power spots will come alive in 1986 and be totally awakened. The inner room of the Great Pyramid will be opened. The order of the Golden Dawn will have ceremonies there again for the first time in 20,000 years. The Temple of the Sun in Palenque will be refurbished, reawakened and ceremonies will be renewed. Many of the ceremonies that are so-called traditionalists, but are trying to keep us locked in the past and will not function today will fall. It will be hard for some of the people of the medicine societies because they don't know any other way.

    They're going to have to change or die. Many teachers who have been seen as great teachers, who have literally kept us in the dark as worshippers of the sacrament orders will physically die and go over because it's the only way they can find the light in 1986 and many teachers will be seen for what they were and they will be the farmers, the laborers, and the gas station attendants and they will be seen as the real teach­ers because of the full awakening.

    1987: 144,000 Sun Dance enlightened teachers will totally awaken in their dream mindbodies. They will begin to meet in their own feathered serpent or winged serpent wheels and be­come a major force of the light to help the rest of humanity to dance their dream awake. A Sun Dance teacher is any human being who has awakened, who has balanced their shields, who has gained the dream mindbody and who honors all paths, all teachers, and all ways.

    1988: We will sit in a new circle of law. Civil and social law will tumble. All civil and social laws by whatever governments will have to be in conformity with natural laws or the people will not accept them and they will have the enlightenment necessary to reject the laws.

    1989: We will once again see the way to continue a new dream. We will be given the road map back to the stars and we will see the star people come out of the illusion of their two-legged form and into their actual Great Sleeper-Dreamer form. And so you will see some very, very powerful totally enlightened Masters in 1989 and that's the year of the second coming of the Christ spoken of in the Book of Revelations and it will be the awakening of a new circle, a new design of energy movement of humanity. Christ means a circle. So the second coming of the sacred circle is all enlightened humans dancing as one consciousness.

    Dharma, stop please. I believe you can perceive as you read that this is quite a lot of the B-word. This was shared with the "New Age" groupies for the thing they dubbed the Harmonic Convergence. I believe you must be able to see that it says naught in actuality. This was one wondrous person giving a rundown of his perceived happenings and it was latched upon like ants upon a candy. A little truth and a lot of interpreted legends which got set into con­crete just as did the biblical misgivings. I do not mean to discount the truth within, it is just that I am sure the Hopi would prefer this not be the final ver­sion of their wondrous prophecies. So be it. I hope I have not overly disap­pointed you in not printing of the last decade of the century but my scribe is weary and if you wish the game of hide and seek, go and procure your own multi-interpreted document. I hope that by this time in your lessons, you are learning discernment. So be it and blessings, you need to also have your mys­tical games to hide the truth which is within.

    Let us close this segment for I think we should leave the American Indians for a while and leave this subject to Little Crow.

    I take leave in great appreciation. I am Hatonn to clear, please. Salu.

    PJ 12
    CHAPTER 24

    SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1990 7:15 A.M. YEAR 3, DAY 171
    Hatonn present with clearance and prepared to begin. The first thing that we shall put to paper this day is an honor unto the one Gary Smith, who is known about your place as "Windsinger".

    Windsinger, Gary Smith, was a man dear unto your earth family and now ful­filling his service from this dimension for which we rejoice for the beauty of his spirit brings us delight. Windsinger's church temple was the wilderness; the wondrous canyons of the West. Because I must protect the location where our holographs shall be filmed I can say no more. He passed from your place a young man but a very old soul indeed. His music told the stories of that which was and has come to be. We shall use his music and words and here I wish to give him honor for a few that he not be forgotten and forever registered in the pages of our truth.


    Windsinger, ride! Windsinger, ride! Windsinger ride!
    Nit C' Hi Hatatih, Nit C' Hi Hatatilt, ride!

    A young Navajo came riding,
    While at his back set the bleeding desert sun;
    He sought his name upon the mountain,
    From the wise man, Nagi-Khan.

    Nagi-Khan was such an old man,
    And his eyes were filled with silence,
    The silence passed from the ages,
    When the spirits first walked and breathed upon the land.

    The old man smiled at the boy,
    And spoke with the strength of ten-thousand desert winds;
    "Ride the Four Winds of the mountain;
    Wake, and see, and think, and speak---WINDSINGER!"

    He was carried to the North from the mountain,
    To the land of the Bear, and silent, frozen faces;
    The Bear sat and watched the Eagle,
    Whose talons had been tangled in the darkness.

    The Eagle tried to stretch his wings
    And to tear himself free from the darkness;
    But his people were all sleeping,
    And not one person cared to awake and cut him free.

    The boy breathed deeply from the winds,
    And sang with words that struck like burning spears!
    "Hear your empty lives of deafness!
    Awake now! Can't you see the danger?"

    He was earned bythe wind to the Southland,
    Where the Lion and the Llama crawled on bloated bellies;
    Their eyes were only blackened sockets,
    And children tried to run while rickets swelled their knees.

    The rich would feast and make their speeches;
    Tomorrow would bring the needed changes;
    But their speeches were all empty,
    And the hungry children groaned 'til their parents could not sleep.

    Then the groaning changed into a roar,
    The roar began to thunder and the winds began to scream:
    "Do not let the children suffer!
    Make all the people wake and see---Windsinger!"

    He was carried to the East across the ocean,
    To a place where the Dragon spewed its venom on the land;
    He saw the vacant stares of millions,
    Hungry stares that held no hope for food in empty hands.

    The Dragon crouched before the Eagle,
    That had gorged itself on darkness,
    That had slept itself to weakness,
    In whose eyes grew dim the light that could still make all men free.

    The spirits moves upon the Winds,
    Till the voices of the ages began to echo in his ears:
    "Ride again among your people;
    Make them wake, and see, Windsinger!"

    Windsinger rode among his people,
    Singing in the cities, the suburbs, and the ghettoes;
    He sang tohis brothers in the hogans,
    In the squalor of the reservations.

    But the people would not listen;
    And the children danced their frenzied dances,
    As the neon whirled, and flashed, and blinded;
    And poison-bearing clouds hung like incense in the air.

    The boy sang out his broken heart,
    Then with sorrow in his eyes he rode slowly to the West.
    "Dance while you sleep, my people; .
    The songs that I sing have no meaning for your ears."

    But as he rode he heard a rumbling,
    For a few had woken and turned to raise their faces;
    They came forth from the darkened ghettoes,
    From the cities, and off the reservations.

    A few had stopped to hear the singing;
    And awakened from the slumber of the many;
    Each one raised a burning spear,
    With which to pierce the darkness and let forth the shining light.

    The winds begin to move and sing,
    Till the valleys echoed with a hundred rolling songs;
    The man rode to his sacred mountain,
    To wake, and see, and think, and speak.··· Windsinger!

    These songs shall be used in SIPAPU ODYSSEY, for this man died of a bro­ken heart---the doctors called it multiple sclerosis; it was a broken heart for no-one would look and see. NOW THEY SHALL SEE AND HEAR AND DANCE, WINDSINGER!


    I am the Red Tail
    Climbin' and soarin' through your sky,
    With the sunset on my feathers,
    With your friends, all gettin' high!

    Higher than the Red Tail;
    Up above me, there is beauty all around.
    Out beyond me, there breathes beauty.
    Down below me, there grows beauty.
    There is beauty all around me!

    Learn to see me,
    Learn to feel me, like the wind across my wings.
    Let my spirit grow within you.
    Learn to know me,
    Learn to be!

    Like the Red Tail;
    Catching currents, and rising in the sky,
    Out away from all that's ugly,
    Breathing freedom from the windstorms,
    Growing wise and filled with light!

    You can be the Red Tail
    A sunrise, a burst of glory in the sky.
    You'll know freedom,
    You'll know beauty,
    You'll find love, and you'll be wise!

    Rise with the Red Tail!
    Strive to find, all the beauty in your Life.
    Like the Red Tail you caught at sunset,
    Like the Red Tail of your mind!

    I am the Red Tail,
    Climbin' and soarin' through your sky,
    With the sunset on my feathers,
    With your friends all gettin' high . . . all gettin' high
    . . .all gettin' high.


    (This painting is really "there".)

    Deep among the canyon wall, I hiked alone while silence flowed;
    In some cool shade I stopped to rest and drink some water.
    Looking up, I noticed her, an act of love was painted where
    The sandstone face slipped down to meet
    --the crumbled ages.

    Unknown hands from years gone by, had stopped to rest here,
    the same as I;
    But with his brush and paints of clay, he left his love here.
    A painted girl to greet the dawn.
    A crown of white, a feathered gown;
    Her smile demure, she waited while
    --birds flew around her.

    A thousand years this love has grown
    and stood the test of wind and storms,
    While my love waits beyond these walls,
    --birds fly around her.

    The canyons grow and canyons die, as sand dissolves behind her
    Her painted birds will tumble down and join the ages.
    The grass turns green and then to brown, a thousand times
    before her crown;
    Although she's changing, slowly fading
    --her love will live here.

    So who am I to linger here?
    I'm just a flash before her mirror,
    A fading whisper who stops to watch
    --birds fly around her.



    In October of 1986, Windsinger lay dying and Dharma held his hand. He asked only that his songs be honored, for his music was his life. He asked that he go one more time to the canyons where the movie would be filmed and a promise was made, "If I must carry you upon my back---Windsinger." But it was not to be that way. Dharma, Windsinger shall be in the canyon---on that blessed day---for the one, Windsinger, shall be coming there with me! So be it, little eagle.


    Let us return, briefly, to the subject of women and God.

    At one time there was quite a bit of conflict due to male chauvinism as was rampant in the days of Emmanuel. As an example, at a meeting on one occa­sion Peter complained quite loudly that Mary was dominating the conversa­tion with Emmanuel and displacing the "rightful" priority of Peter and his brother apostles. He urged Emmanuel to silence her and was quickly re­buked. Later, however, Mary admitted to Emmanuel that she found it diffi­cult to speak freely in front of Peter as he had difficulty accepting teaching or advice from a woman, whereupon, Emmanuel replied that whoever the Spirit inspires is divinely ordained to speak, whether it be man or woman. Yes, Dharma, I thought you might enjoy that message---not that you particularly wish to speak but to allow you ones to realize that your roles are so often in opposition to that which was before that you might more fully understand the lessons. Perhaps Oberli could be a bit more thoughtful of your feelings when he is abrupt, for you are actually given almost no time to converse in your con­sciousness, with your friends. Ones think, because you write and speak for me in every gathering, that somehow you have participated---I shall one day have to set them to understanding. So be it.


    Oh yes, if you read it you shall see that many things in the Bible are most in­teresting indeed. I have news for you--many of the letters attributed to St. Paul were, in fact, never written by Paul!

    The Bible has been translated about 1600 times, there have been ample op­portunities to tamper with, delete and add a bit, here and there, to it; a fact that has been admitted to by theologians for centuries. The pseudo-Paulian letters, often had to do with church organization, rituals, dogmas, and doc­trines. It is here that you see Paul's so-called "disdain" for women where he says that women have to be subservient to men, that they have no right to speak, much less teach in the church and lays down the rules for allowing ''widows'' within "after they reach old age".

    A scholar has no trouble sorting out these things. These teachings could not have come from Paul as, first, the style of writing is totally unlike Paul's; sec­ondly, in several instances Paul directs certain male seekers to go to certain Christian women, such as Priscilla, for further instruction as these women were highly knowledgeable about God, and thirdly, and most important, St. Paul was a GNOSTIC; he had visions of God--he met Emmanuel after the crucifixion, on the road to Damascus which led to his conversion. In these vi­sions, Paul saw the Oneness of all things in God, and even said, "In Christ, there is neither male or female." So neither sex could be viewed as superior or inferior to the other as you all ("we" all) are ultimately part of the One God!

    The Gnostics also taught that God created not "Adam", the man, first and Eve, the woman, second, but human beings of both sexes simultaneously. In­deed, the literal translation of the BOOK OF GENESIS in your HOLY BIBLE quite plainly states that God created '''adham'', the Hebrew word for "human being", NOT "'ish" or "Zakar", the Hebrew for the "male human be­ing". There is even a question as to whether Eve was the first woman (oh yes, in your Bible), because of the references made to a woman named "Lilith" in many creation legends. In these legends, Lilith, the predecessor to Eve, de­manded to be viewed as Adam's equal, and was therefore exiled from the Garden of Eden by Adam. Enter Eve and the apple, and soon, Adam himself was thrown out of Eden on his ear! Was it really Eve's fault, or simply Adam's own ego rebounding on him? Do you not see the humor in your fa­natical perceptions? There is a tid-bit of humor that occasionally sweeps your land that says, "It was not the apple on the tree that Rot mankind into trouble­---it was the pear (pair) on the ground that did you in!"

    Furthermore, the Hebrew word used for God in Genesis is "Elohim". This word has been translated as "God" or "He", but its roots are of both masculine and feminine origin, "Eloh"--the feminine singular for "goddess", and the mas­culine plural ending "im". Perhaps this was Moses' way of intimating the many-sided, all-encompassing aspects of God; i.e., that God is both masculine and feminine, singular and plural and One and above all of the categories and distinctions! Is it possible?


    Gnostic references to the feminine aspects and the masculine/feminine dual nature of the godhead are quite plentiful throughout their teachings. One example of this, which echoes scientists' explanations of the dual aspects of the human brain---and we do like your scientists' opinions inserted if we can use them---the masculine side being the organizer and categorizer and the feminine side being the creator and initiator.

    Another interesting bit of information is that John related a mystical vision he had of the Trinity after the crucifixion:

    ''The heavens were opened and the whole creation which is under heaven shone and the world was shaken. And I was afraid, and I saw a light--a likeness with multiple forms--and the likeness had three forms. He said to me 'John, Jo(h)n, why do you doubt, and why are you afraid? I am the one who is with you forever. I am the father; I am the Mother; I am the Son.'"

    Whoops! You mean, Hatonn, that there are even more books? Sorry but quite a few, little sleepy-heads.

    In one called the SECRET BOOK, you will find the Hebrew term "ruah", a feminine word, used for "spirit". The Book goes on to describe this divine Mother-Spirit:

    "She is the image of the invisible, virginal, perfect spirit. She became the Mother of everything, for She existed before them all, the Mother-Father."

    In the GOSPEL TO THE HEBREWS, Emmanuel also speaks of "my Mother, the Spirit", adding that whosoever becomes a true believer in God gains both father and mother for the Spirit "ruah" is "Mother of many".

    So perhaps it is not just the arrival of a physical female incarnation of God that the stars foretell; perhaps they also foretell the necessary unfolding of the Mother-Spirit within us all; the birth of the Christ-Consciousness in each and every heart and the realization of your Mother/Father within as well as with­out; for as Sri Aurobindo has said, "A change of consciousness is the major fact of the next evolutionary transformation."

    I would like to interrupt here to respond to Rick in his query regarding a statement I made in answer to an inquiry from him--about the feminine as­pect of God. He recalls that I said there was not such a thing. I must be hon­est, I do not recall the incident; and hopefully, I simply misunderstood the query. The fact remains, however, that I would literally have to answer nega­tively again for GOD is ONE--NEITHER MALE NOR FEMALE AND THEREFORE HAS NO ABSOLUTE FEMININE OR MASCULINE AS­PECTS. "HE" is referred to as "He" because man has chosen to set forth your languages to utilize "He" as a reference to "mankind" and because of the role within the universal order---Creator God/Creation Mother.


    It is not only the Gnostic Christians who worshipped God as the Mother; reli­gions around the world have recognized and praised not only your heavenly Father, but also God as the Divine Mother and Creator of all life, as well as the seat of creation. Indeed, it is the total lack of feminine references to God that sets apart orthodox Judaism, orthodox Christianity, and orthodox Islam from the rest of the world's religions, whether they be Egyptian or Greek, Babylonian or early Roman, African, North American, or Indian.

    In India, the feminine aspect of God has been revered in various forms by both men and women since time immemorial. An example of this type of reverence was illustrated through the life of possibly India s greatest "saint"--Sri Ramakrishna. Sri Ramakrishna (1836-1886) revered and realized God in "Her" feminine form as the Mother--Kali. His closeness to God was so great, especially in Her feminine form, that he could invoke Her to appear physi­cally, even in front of others. This is most surely called "thought manifesta­tion" whereby he could present his image into your vision. These ones who can do this are far advanced indeed but it is a feat which can be done by any of you---YOU simply do not believe you can do and therefore, you do not.

    It was, and is, believed that there are five stages in the Path of Divine Love of God as follows:

    1) Man is "fearful" and needs help.
    2) He sees God as Father.
    3) He sees God as Mother. (And it is only from this stage that real love be­gins, for only then does it become intimate and fearless.)
    4) He loves for the sake of love--beyond all other qualities and beyond good and evil. Or, the distinctions of Mother and Father, or any other dualities.
    5) He realizes love in Divine union, UNITY.

    Note that those who have had death experiences relate that when the physical body is dropped, so are all societal "masks". In other words, all distinctions of class, caste, race, nationality, or sex--all worldly dualities--disappear; there is no longer any identification with the body physical, and, therefore, these worldly categories no longer exist or have meaning. It should also be men­tioned here that these death experiences cut across all cultural and religious lines; in other words, they are the same regardless of the race, creed, color, sex, or nationality of the person who "died". Both North Americans and Asian Indians have reported the same basic elements of the death experience.

    Similarly, though the Being of Light had a definite personality, as well as a great sense of humor, "It" was not seen to have any particular sex, either. Though many identified It with various religious names depending on the in­dividual's religious background, the Being Itself never gave Its name or any other label. It was beyond these dualities; It was instead, Divine Love--pure love for the sake of love without any limitations or conditions.


    Realizing there is but ONE, let us, however, understand wherefrom comes the concept of various aspects.

    Sri Ramakrishna was brought to the ocean of God's Bliss often through Love of God as the Mother. But he also experienced and realized God in His mas­culine form: as Allah, the Islamic God, and as Christ. In both cases, Ramakr­ishna threw himself into the teachings of each religion. In the case of Islam, he repeated the name of Allah and even wore the robes of a Mussulman. Eventually, he had a visual materialization of the Islamic ideal--the Prophet. Ramakrishna merged with him and, was once again, though by a different river, brought back to the ocean of God's Bliss.

    His experience with Christ happened seven years later occurring soon after the Bible was first read to him.

    "One day when he, Ramakrishna, was sitting in the room of a friend, a rich Hindu, he saw on the wall a picture representing the Madonna and Child. The figures became alive--the holy vi­sions came close to him and entered into him so that his whole being was impregnated with them--the inflowing covered his en­tire soul, breaking down all barriers. The spirit of the Hindu was changed. He had no room for anything but Christian love. Then one afternoon in the grove of Dakshineswar, Ramakr­ishna's temple, he saw coming towards him a person with beau­tiful large eyes, a serene regard and a fair skin. Although he did not know who it was, he succumbed to the charm of his un­known guest. He drew near and a voice sang in the depths of Ramakrishna's soul:

    "Behold the Christ, who shed His heart's blood for the re­demption of the world, who suffered a sea of anguish for love of men. It is He, the master Yogi, who is in eternal union with God. It is Jesus, Love incarnate.'

    "The Son of Man embraced the seer of India, the Son of the Mother, and absorbed him into Himself. Ramakrishna was lost in ecstasy. Once again he realized union with Brahman (God). In his room amongst his Divine pictures was one of the Christ, and he burnt incense before it morning and evening. Later it came to pass that Indian Christians recognized in him a direct manifestation of the Christ and went into ecstasy before him. But, for him, Christ was not the only Incarnation. Buddha and Krishna were others." Which, of course, brings us right down to the question of Avatars and we have already touched on that subject in a prior chapter.


    Earth man wants miracles by the bushel, proof by the pound and signs signs, signs! So be It.

    The Lord as a child performed many miracles. Most of Emmanuel's child­hood miracles have been taken out of the Bible and it is most sad indeed. But you can find records of them in other books, including one called THE LOST BOOKS OF THE BIBLE. Many of these miracles had to do with healings and the transformation of matter.

    In several cases, the Lord, through His example, stressed the need for solitude and silence, which is why all of the "avatars" spent so much time in the forest. All were tested by the temptations of life--lust, power, greed--as with Jesus' forty days in the wilderness, but all came through the tests without a single fault. Lord Buddha's words to Mara, the temptress (what you nice people would call the "Devil") are strikingly similar to Jesus' during His forty-day fast. When tempted by Mara with food during His own fast, Lord Buddha said: "O thou friend of the indolent, thou wicked one; for what purpose hast thou come? Let the flesh waste away, if but the mind becomes more tranquil and attention more steadfast (so that it may better concentrate on the Lord)."

    Why would we not send Dharma into the desert for forty days and make her fast? Sic, sic, you ones who ponder such a thing---would that truly make you "finally" believe in these words? Of course not and further, she is no avatar and no channel---she is a scribe, To send her to the desert without food and drink for forty days would but make her mad and then all of you would surely have something with which to discount this work. If you ones do not get busy and pay attention to these writings YOU ALL ARE GOING TO END UP MORE THAN ANY FORTY DAYS WITHOUT DWELLING, FOOD AND DRINK! SO BE IT---BETTER YE PONDER UPON THAT POINT INSTEAD OF DHARMA'S INTENT. WE SHALL TEND OF DHARMA!

    Jesus said: "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that pro­ceeds from the mouth of God." Let it be understood, that neither can the human, unprepared and unlighted, live without bread and sustenance.

    Guru Nanak, too, was tested by the passions of evil, but said in response: "What does it matter if I become a king, and command mighty armies, and oc­cupy a golden throne, and like the wind my commands encompass the earth? If exercise supernatural powers and can create wealth at a gesture, can ap­pear and disappear at will and thus win popular respect, these delude fools only who have not Him in their hearts."

    Jesus Christ came from the tomb and raised up after some three days. This was actually from "death" but not as you ones can perceive it. Guru Nanak, too, was resurrected from the "dead" after three days. He had walked into a lake in front of many people and completely disappeared into it. His family and others searched for His body in vain. Three days later, He reappeared with a luminous glow around Him and pronounced the first principle of His faith.

    "There is but one God, Truth is His Name. Maker of all things, free of fear and hate, timeless, birthless, self-existent known by the grace of the Guru (meaning: Spiritual Teacher or Guide). Meditate on the True Name.

    "He who has arranged this play of the Universe, this mate­rial world, in various forms and hues, He shall never pass away. He enjoys the sight of His own, artistry, to His own Eternal Glory. He is the All-powerful, subject to no other command. He is the Lord of Lords, the King of Kings, all live under His will.

    "You are all wisdom, omniscient, deeper than the oceans. You are everywhere, wherever I look, there You are. Sepa­rated from you, like a fish I die. All acts are performed in His presence. He sees all.

    "You are near, You are far, You are All in All, You see, You hear, You create this Universe; what pleases You, that is the only right actions."

    Now that we come back again unto labels, let me refresh you: ''Then I saw heaven opened and a white horse standing there; and the one sitting on the horse was named 'Faithful and True'---the one who justly punishes and makes war. His eyes were like flames, and on his head were many crowns. A name was written on his forehead, and only he knew its meaning (brothers, the name was God, Sananda!). He was clothed with garments dipped in blood, and his "title" THE WORD OF GOD. The armies of heaven, dressed in finest linen, white and clean, followed him on white horses.

    "In his mouth he held a sharp sword to strike down the nations; he ruled them with an iron grip; and he trod the winepress of the fierceness of the wrath of Almighty God. On his robe and thigh was written this title: 'KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS'." So be it, chelas, for thy days are numbered upon thy place!

    As with the Lord Emmanuel, Guru Nanak and Lord Krishna (among others) disappeared from your earth without leaving any physical body behind. This was in great measure so that you blind little lambs would not worship a fleshly chunk of nothing but understand the life eternal. Oh how wondrous if you all could have but understood of the message.

    A Lord or God among you, can be recognized in many ways---but the same "ways" can also be "ways" of those who have simply purified themselves and come into knowledge. But a great spiritual teacher can be recognized by His or Her actions, and that He/She possesses divine powers. That one will have total control over the five functions of the body, speaking, eating, repro­duction, elimination, and motion, over the five senses of taste, touch, smell, sight and hearing, and over the five elements of Nature as earth, air, water, fire, and ether. Great spiritual ones can often attain one or several of these powers or qualities--kalas--but only an avatar possesses them all, including the last and most important one--omniscience, or all-knowledge of the past, pre­sent, and future. True "avatars" are rare indeed, my friends, and a lot of you have been completely fooled by facades that hide the few unaccomplished feats of great spiritual teachers. Many "bodies" have been buried in the night and in the secret hours and places, to not blemish the concept of the credit of "avatar". Be not too gullible at the tales of ones ascending from hither and yon for it is most rare indeed and NO, I shall not enlarge upon that topic at this time. THESE ARE LESSONS TO CAUSE YOU TO STOP DIVIDING THE HOUSES OF GOD AND STOP CLINGING UNTO YOUR SPECIAL "AVATARS" AND DOCTRINES BUILT UPON OTHER THAN GOD. FOR AFTER ALL AVATAR IS GOD AMONG YOU!

    The powers given above are indeed totally natural and normal to an avatar and are used in a spontaneous manner; they are not the result of time and dis­cipline, as is the case with ordinary human beings who "grow". An avatar is "born with these powers"; this is why the avatars are able to perform miracles as wee children. This does not mean that they necessarily do so for most will not for their purpose is to relate to you as human and allow you to experience and know that what they can do, so can you. All of the miracles that each avatar performs are a result of their inborn, natural powers and are never used in carelessness.

    Let us leave this for a while, Dharma. We can further discuss powers over the elements, matter and body at our next sitting. Thank you.

    Hatonn to stand-by. Salu and blessings upon you dear ones.

  2. #12
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 12
    CHAPTER 25


    SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1990 2:00 P.M. YEAR 3, DAY 171

    An example of this type of power was illustrated by Emmanuel when he calmed the raging storm at sea that threatened to swamp His disciples' boat. Guru Nanak, too, demonstrated His control over the elements in an amusing incident. The Guru was travelling to Mecca, one of the holiest Muslim cities, when He met a group of Muslims who joined Him in His journey:

    "After a few days of travelling together one asked Him what His religion was. I belong to the religion of those who follow the path of God,' replied Nanak.

    "They pressed Him to confess that He was a Muslim but He refused to do so. This greatly troubled them. They were not sure whether they were right in having along a man who was an infidel. The Guru saw this and disappeared with his two atten­dants. They noticed that a cloud that had protected them from the scorching rays of the sun also disappeared with Him."

    The group of Muslims thought that the Guru would never make it through the desert alone, and were astounded to find Him in Mecca when they arrived. Further, he had been there several days! Convinced that Re had to be a great soul, they "begged Him to forgive them for their suspicions about Him".

    Lord Krishna, too, demonstrated incredible mastery over the elements in sev­eral incidents, such as calming the sea, quieting the wind, controlling the light­ning, et cetera. For example, a whirlwind of such hurricane force that heavy objects were being flung in the air like feathers, and one could not see any­thing due to the dust in the air, was calmed by Lord Krishna when He was a one-year-old child! On two occasions, He saved the inhabitants and animals of a village from fierce fires with His breath, "possessed as he was by unlim­ited energy".

    All of the avatars were Love and Compassion Incarnate and, therefore, felt
    sympathy for those who were ill of body, mind, or spirit. They cured these
    afflictions regardless of the race, color, creed, sex or nationality of the sufferer
    by teaching the Truth to those in spiritual darkness, casting out "demons" from
    those suffering mentally, and healing the limbs and wounds, and healing the
    sight to the physically blind, hearing to the deaf, cleansed the lepers, mended
    broken bones, and even restored severed limbs.

    All of them raised people, and in at least two cases animals, from the dead in accounts that are almost identical to those given about Lord Jesus except that some of them took place hundreds or thousands of years before Jesus was even born! For example, Lord Krishna not only raised one child from the dead as did Jesus with Jairus daughter; He raised at least a dozen or so young cowherds AND their cows, who had died from drinking poisoned water, simply by looking at them!

    Guru Nanak, too, raised the dead, including an elephant. In explaining why he was able to do this, Guru Nanak said, It is only He who can reanimate the dead. There is no other but God. His will be done."

    Most of the miracles often included the transformation of matter into other forms and/or the materialization or dematerialization of matter. An example of this is illustrated by the feeding of the 5000, where Jesus transformed five loaves and two fishes into enough food to feed all, and fill several baskets with leftovers. He performed the same miracle on another occasion for 4000 with seven loaves and a few small fishes. Another example was His causing so many fish to appear in the nets of His fishermen-disciples that the nets almost burst!

    Guru Nanak, too, transformed matter on several occasions. Once, the cows that the young Guru was looking after went into a neighbor's field and ate up everything growing there. Naturally the neighbor was very annoyed and ran to the village chief to complain. But when he and the chief returned, they found the neighbor's field lush and green, with a more beautiful crop than be­fore! Later, in His last job as a householder, Guru Nanak was in charge of the King's granaries. He always gave grain to anyone who asked in accordance with their need, and yet the granaries were always full!

    Further, to illustrate the all-pervasive quality of the One God, the following incident about Guru Nanak is recounted: The Guru was scolded by a priest for sleeping with His feet toward the Kaaba, the "house of God" in Mecca, whereupon the Guru told the priest, "Turn my feet towards the place where God does not dwell." So the priest tried, ''but whichever direction they turned His feet the Kaaba turned to them!" Guru Nanak explained that if one is a true believer in God then one would find that there is no place where the house of God does not exist!

    Lord Krishna transformed matter all through His life. There are several ac­counts where the enemies of the Lord tried to kill Him with arrows, but each time the arrow got close to Him, it would become a flower lei or garland, and land around His neck! Lord Krishna also transformed matter into food or simply caused food to appear and disappear, just as did Lord Jesus.


    All of the avatars have also made themselves appear and disappear, and/or taken on new appearances or different forms in front of their followers. The White Buffalo Cow Woman was so-named because She was able to turn Herself from a beautiful woman into a buffalo calf of various colors in front of Her devotees' eyes! Lord Krishna could disappear and appear at will and ap­pear in two different forms simultaneously, He also could physically re­produce identical forms simultaneously, like one who is standing in a three­-way mirror. One such occasion occurred during the Rasa Dance of the Gopis or cow-herdesses, when the Lord "introduced Himself in so many identical forms between every two gopis".

    Further, on one occasion the description of Lord Krishna's appearance in front of Arjuna, His closest disciple, is strikingly similar to the description given in the New Testament of Lord Jesus' transformation where the Lord is surrounded by a brilliant light that penetrates through and radiates from His entire Being.

    Guru Nanak, too, appeared and disappeared on occasion. He performed this miracle once to deflate the egos of some occult-yogis who had acquired cer­tain siddhis or powers, and were showing them off in an attempt to impress the Guru:

    "You see my disciple sitting in front of you, watch him', said Bhartari, the head yogi. 'He will rise up to the skies and be­come invisible in a moment. If you have any power, bring him back to earth'.

    "The disciple in a moment flew upward, and was soon out of sight. Bhartari turned to the Guru, and said, 'Find him'.

    "'Hide and seek is a game for children. Wait and see'. As Nanak said this, His two sandals flew up and in a short while the disciple descended, the sandals beating him down. The yogis couldn't stop the beating. The disciple fell at the Guru's feet.

    ''Then all of a sudden the Guru disappeared and Bhartari himself went in search of Him. After a long time he returned. 'I have searched the earth and the water and the high heavens', he said, 'but I cannot find Guru Nanak'. Just as he said this he found the Guru seated where He was before.

    "'Where did You hide Yourself!' inquired Bhartari full of astonishment.
    "'I was with you all the time', said the Guru, 'The body dis­solved itself into its elements and the soul into the All-Soul.

    ''The Sidhas, yogis with powers, were overwhelmed with awe and sat spell-bound."

    It is sad, indeed, that man saw fit to remove the wondrous "miracles" of Em­manuel from the books. They were wondrous indeed and so much more far reaching than the healing and the drying of the fig tree. But it was deemed too dangerous for the populace to know of these things.

    There were frequently occasions where Guru Nanak would be visible to some and totally invisible to others. In one incident, a very learned Pandit, scrip­tural teacher, who had acquired certain sidhis or powers tried to impress the guru by arriving to meet Him on a flying carpet. But when he arrived, he found that he could not see the Guru although a large crowd could. When asked by the Pandit where the Guru was, the crowd replied that He was right in front of him: "The Pandit was not only annoyed but felt humiliated as his carpet refused to fly back to his place. He had no option but to walk back."

    How much you ones have missed because you pulled away from God. All these wonderful things were yours to experience.

    Later, when the Pandit asked someone why he could not see the Guru when everyone else could, he was told that: "It was your pride that darkened your vision. If you go on foot without pride or power, you will benefit by the sight of Him." On the following day the Pandit did so and Guru Nanak then explained to him:

    "`Is there any darkness denser than pride? Because you could fly you thought you were almost a superman.'

    "'Forgive me, teacher,' said the Pandit. 'I have read sacred books and acquired superphysical powers. I must confess I have found no peace. Tell me how I can touch the feet of the Lord.'

    "'Knowledge which partakes of the darkness of the ego is of little avail,' said the Guru. 'You have followed men of much learning, but you have not grasped the truth that is within you. You have sought Him in things which are a mere reflection of reality. You are lost in the wilderness of knowledge. Words only acquire a meaning when you realize the truth of which they are the symbols.'

    "'Another man's wife, another man's property, cov­etousness, evil desire, search of sense objects, bad temper, back-biting, lustfulness and wrath---He who rids himself of these will find in himself the Infinite, the Unknowable. This hidden nectar only he discovers who receives the jewel of the Guru's Work and makes it his life breath. In the dawn of true wisdom--buddhi--fed by the light of God's Name, in the com­pany of saints, devoted to the Guru, the Guru, the Giver, be­stows the sacred Name. Treasuring it, the disciple is absorbed in Him. He alone obtains the sacred Word who earns the grace of the Lord. This body is the temple of the Lord. In the heart is His Light. Says Nanak, let the Word of the Guru enter the heart and by the grace of God effect everlasting union.'

    "The Pandit bowed and said, 'I have now learned the truth, to seek within and not outside, to get rid of the evil passions, to seek the favor of the Lord and remain absorbed in the Guru's Word."'

    Lord Jesus, too, appeared and disappeared at will, even before His crucifixion and Resurrection. As a matter of fact, His body was so finely attuned to the spirit, that it seemed to have no substance to it whatever at times. An account of this is found in one of the most famous Gnostic Gospels: The Acts of John. In this gospel, John relates certain strange incidents which suggest that Jesus was far from ordinary physical human being, and that even His body was not always your ordinary body: "I will tell you another glory, brethren; sometimes when I meant to touch Him I encountered a material, solid body; but at other times again when I felt Him, His substance was immaterial and incorporeal, as if it did not exist at all."


    Oh come now, Hatonn---other Gospels? Well, chelas, there were over 28 full gospels written and known. A scholar from South Germany chose the four which were placed into your New Testament--need I say more? How can you ones continue to be so narrow? It is as the "Jehova's Witness" who visited Oberli at the door this day. She dumped all those wondrous truths on or about Oberli and asked questions such as if he believed in God? And, do you believe in the Devil? But when he offered to even show her the books, SA­TAN'S DRUMMERS and AND THEY CALLED HIS NAME IM­MANUEL, she about had panic and needed to go immediately---your churches and church self-appointed priests keep the masses imprisoned. They do not dare even look upon other material than that which is sanctioned by the particular doctrine. Heaven might surely strike ones if they stumbled upon truth. These are the reasons that no Avatars begin or keep religious sects---they are only of God---sects are of man!

    Jesus said: "That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the spirit is spirit." He had come for a specific reason and it was to experience as man and therefore, he lived as man. Following his transmutation into light following the crucifixion he materialized and dematerialized into a human body at will and was witnessed by His disciples in very physical form. His transformation was, of course, not exactly as one who would "die" and after physical death would then assume a lighted form for he never was "dead" in body as was perceived--he simply transcended. He most surely was solid mat­ter when he spoke with Thomas who could not overcome his doubts. In fact during that period of time he wore only his physical body and ate with his group. However, before the transition he could quite readily create His etheric body. It is strange to Us of these outer realms as to why this is so dif­ficult for you ones to accept. Does it somehow pain you to find that the Beloved Master did not die and rot for three days? How is it that you seem all but forced to believe he could not have lived in human format following the crucifixion and went on to do his earthly work?

    It would most surely seem to be logical to me. It is not logical that God would be less or that he would only share truth with a small bigoted group in one tiny area of the Middle East--God does not act unjustly unto his flocks. You have lived in great misunderstandings for all of your earth lifestreams, The Earth powers must keep you believing in these narrow patterns lest the truth set you free. Try it for ye shall surely like of it.

    The Acts of John tells of James who once saw Him standing on the shore in the form of a child, but when he pointed him out to John, John said, "Which child? And he answered, ''The one who is beckoning to us," And John said, "This is because of the long watch we have kept at sea. You are not seeing straight, brother James. Do you not see the man standing there who is hand­some, fair and cheerful looking?" But James said, "I do not see that man, my brother."

    Going ashore to investigate, they became even more confused. According to John, "He appeared to me again as rather bald of head but with a thick flow­ing beard, but to James as a young man whose beard was just beginning. I tried to see Him as He was, but He sometimes appeared to me as a small man with no good looks, and then again as looking up to heaven."

    The incidents such as these testify to the truth that the Lord is seen by differ­ent people in different ways. It does not mean that there are different Gods; it is just that people perceive Him in different ways, and therefore worship Him in the form of their own perception.

    Jesus allowed His body to be crucified in an effort to again show you the body is so temporary that one should not become attached to it. Then he showed that he could utilize it or cast it aside; or appear as anything he chose. Men continually miss of the lesson's point. Ones must seek out and attach oneself to that which is permanent--the soul or spirit within .. You must come to know that the aura or light that is seen around the physical body, even in Kirlian photography, is unaffected by physical pain or death and remains perfect even after the body is cut away or dropped. Note in the picturing of a leaf--cut a portion away and the energy light remains whole.


    So be it not to allow it, brothers, for that is the purpose of this whole lesson--THERE IS ONLY ONE GOD and you cannot change of it for he has come in many ways and you must become one in God or this is going to be one miser­able time in front of you.


    Walking on water was a universal example of the Lord's great powers. Just about every avatar seems to have done it at one time or another to make a point. Buddha crossed a river on foot instead of accepting invitations by those with boats so as not to offend anyone, and in order to drive home the truth that "the rafts of asceticism and the gaudy gondolas of religious ceremonies were not staunch enough to weather the storms of worldliness, while the Per­fect One can walk dry-shod over the ocean of worldliness. He could have transported himself in any manner he chose but he would not have been able to give the same lesson."

    The Lord Emmanuel walked upon the waters and helped His disciples walk on the waters, too. But the lesson was one of "faith" for without faith, for in­stance, Peter--the point of the exercise--promptly sank and the Master had to pull him forth.

    Other ones have done these things in the passion of faith and done so quite naturally and easily and some of the great ones have actually moved rocks into the waters to form walk-ways that the believers might cross.

    Faith, then, is the cornerstone around which you must build your spiritual foundation: faith in God, and in the power of His Holy Source. You have been told that you could even move of mountains if you but have faith--oh, dear ones, we must begin to move that faith into strength upon which you con­tinually function for we have great things to accomplish in the forthcoming times so close ahead of us.

    You must come into your knowledge of your gifts of like energy and power that you are prepared for the day when the higher frequencies must be avail­able. Some believe "almost enough" and those dear ones will be in great need of help in those hours of transportation.

    It will come from the unity, the birthing of the Phoenix. It is the division and the controlling hand of evil which has crucified the Phoenix and set the ashes of destruction. All men must come together as brothers for there is no divi­sion in the heavenly realm of God. GOD IS ALL AND THEREFORE, ANY­THING LESSER AND FRAGMENTED IS NOT AT ONE WITH GOD BUT RATHER REMAINS OUTSIDE HIS WHOLENESS. YOU MAY NOT BRING THOSE NEGATIVE THINGS OF FLESH WITH YOU WHEN YOU MOVE INTO ONENESS WITH GOD FOR THERE IS NAUGHT OF DARKNESS IN THE HALLS OF GOD'S HOUSE.


    Let us speak of organized religion and how it often misleads humanity and puts forth ridiculous doctrines and meaningless rituals, spinning a web of con­fusion and fear, thereby clouding and perverting the word of God, in order to maintain control and power over the people.

    True religion is spiritual religion and is a seeking after God. There are many aids and props which may be of help in the "focusing" of attention but they should only be offered to man and certainly not imposed upon him.

    It is essential to seek the Truth of the One God, to learn of His true laws and to serve His Creation. But in order to learn and understand more about the Lord, most of you need guides or spiritual leaders for you cannot accept your own perfection. Therefore, the problem is to distinguish between the good teachers and the bad teachers, the true prophets and the false, I suppose you might say. How does one make this distinction? You ask this more than just about any other question---that is, unless you are already trapped into deaf­ness.

    Emmanuel gave you the exact answer---"YOU WILL KNOW THEM BY THEIR FRUITS."

    In other words, one must look to the actions, the fruits of those who would be teachers or guides. Those who preach the ONENESS OF GOD and the brotherhood/sisterhood of humanity, who, like the American Indians, "respect all worship of Him by others and show respect to such things as are held sa­cred by others", who bring peace and unity to the world by sowing the seeds of love and compassion, patience and tolerance, and who practice what they preach by helping all in need, regardless of race, color, creed, sex, nationality-- -all "relations", which, of course, is ALL. These ones are blessed and true "prophets", the Peacemakers--whose guidance you must seek in your spiritual quest. Never the person--always the WORD!

    Those who say that "their way" is the "only way", who sow the seeds of hatred and violence, division and disharmony, who point out the differences rather than the similarities between you all, and even those who may preach love, but who practice otherwise, who fail to serve all equally or give to those in need: know them to be the false prophets of whom Jesus warned, the wolves in sheep's clothing, the dividers of humanity and disrupters of the natural flow of Oneness, Unity and Harmony.

    Ones of truth will always "allow" and "bless" but will never change of the pro­nouncements of the Laws of God or the Laws of The Creation as to truth. Ones of truth will never say they are the "only one" but will never vary from the truth that the Christed path is the only way unto the Oneness with God. He will not judge but neither will he bend from those truths which have been sent forth from God to guide his path. He will never take the credit of per­fection or performance upon self but always act in the name of God Creator.

    Only he has a right to call himself worthy, who lives in the light of God's word brought to earth by prophets of all religions for only by being in the truth of God's light and truth is one a prophet. Religions and associations are set up by man who then sets himself up as the decider of truth instead of leaving God's word whole. Ignorance is the cause of religious conflicts from one doc­trine to another if they claim their source is God. People talk and yet fail to realize the oneness in All. There is no difference between Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Jew, Buddhist, Baha'i or Native Indian. All are from the same mold. Only the veil of ignorance separates them. Ignorance has its roots in the ego, it does not see Him in all things but on a most petty and shallow level.

    What is the best name, then, for God? ANYTHING YOU CAN USE TO REMEMBER HIM BY IS BEST: Jehovah, Om, Allah, Great Spirit, Wakan Tanka---whatever, for he knows thy heart-call, not the noise upon thy lips and lungs for those are of earth flesh. The heart soul is that which is of God and to that he always responds--for the call always compels the answer!

    You must stop of the separating out of the divisions of the various doctrines and see that that which is wondrous and truth is within all. You must gather the essence of the great perfection from all truth for truth is always truth--al­ways and 100 percent. Man can err and come unto God--man cannot turn from the truth of God and come unto God. If you turn away from the Laws of God and the Laws of The Creation and practice in the ways of Satan and evil, ye shall be left to thy evil and it shall consume of you for evil shall always con­sume of itself. You may, 100% of mankind, rewrite of the laws and vote upon them by democratic vote---it will change not a hair for changing of them does not make them changed. It only sinks you deeper into the lie for once know­ing the truth of it you can never "unknow" of the truth. For another man to tell you a thing which is wrong is right, only makes you the fool if you follow in his stupidity.

    The path requires discipline and the opening up unto knowledge and receiv­ing of the truth and the practicing thereof through self-disciplined actions. No more "sitting and waiting" for it to fall over and about thee! None other can do it for you and you cannot do of it for another--each must carry his own.


    Let us reason a bit together at the thing ye have been told. It is most obvious indeed that you now dwell in the Kali Age of Chaos---the time of the "Crucifixion of the Phoenix".

    But, the "sacred faith" will not be destroyed if it is truly of God, but those who preach the "doctrines of men for the commandments of God" and continue to sleep in the practice of evil in the breaking of the laws, will be swept away in the new revelations about to burst forth upon the world of men!

    The mists of the dark cloud of Evil will be lifted and the Infinite Father will be revealed working in great and magnificent strokes; more compelling in terms of His Divine Love, more revealing in respect to the choice offered frail and willful humanity, infinitely more convincing and real to sceptical mankind! Truth will no longer be shrouded in mystery!

    It was said unto you eons ago, how it shall be: "Now to him that is of power to establish you according to my gospel, and the preaching of the Christos, ac­cording to the revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret since the world began, but now is made manifest, and by the scriptures of the prophets, ac­cording to the commandment of the everlasting God, made known to all na­tions for the obedience of faith." The "mystery" will be completely revealed when the earth will be rent by earthquakes and the secret places are secret no more and will render up that which has been stored against this day.

    The "mystery of mysteries" will be revealed at the sounding of the great trum­pet. The earth will reap its reward because through countless ages the thoughts of evil men have created a vibration that must find expression now on a physical plane. The thoughts of those in the "Light" have created a fre­quency that will literally open the secret chambers and temples of remote an­tiquity! As the vibrations sealed and protected the tombs, they can also open the tombs in the "fullness of time"! For there is nothing covered that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known in that day.

    In Revelations it is said, "And there were voices, and thunders, and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great."

    It shall come to be, "When man again shall conquer the ocean, and fly in the air on wings like the birds, when he has learned to harness the lightening, then shall the time of warfare begin. Great shall the battle be between the forces, great the warfare of darkness and light. Nation shall rise against nation, using the dark forces to shatter the earth. Weapons of force shall wipe out the Earth-men, until half of the races of men shall be gone. Then shall come forth the Sons of the Morning, and give their edict to the children of men, saying: ‘O men, cease from thy striving against thy brother, only thus can ye come to the Light. Cease from thy unbelief, O my brother, and follow the path and know ye are right"'. (The Emerald Tablets)

    Oh, ye ask---Emerald Tablets? We have yet to see if one hears the call and responds regarding the Emerald Tablets. For this writing we shall leave it lay and tarry a while to see who comes forth to share with All. If there be none, we shall give it unto this scribe--so be it.

    One great cycle of time is now ending--shortly a new cycle begins. The Christ knocks on the door of the heart of the world. Those that bid him enter shall be the "Children of the New Covenant".

    Those who thought that perfection could be attained by eliminating and smothering all desire will learn a great universal truth: Man is never judged by the things that he does not do. He is judged by how he lives, what he thinks, says, and does; never by his non-action in Ignorance. Ah, but ye must remem­ber that sometimes "non-action" is indeed the greatest of "action"!

    Man is not accountable in truth in matters of Spirit, except unto himself and God within self---the God that stands at the Christed entry-way unto the high­est realms; the Christ that rules your "System"! Therefore, the authority for this work lies in the fact that future discoveries will prove the information con­tained herein to be accurate, indeed, as well as that which fills our other Jour­nals. There are great and wondrous experiences which lie ahead as the mys­teries come into truth. Besides discoveries made within the earth from the treasure places, great finds will be made in science. Soon there will be un­folded the instruments fashioned for the purpose, he will explore the unknown realms of light, colour, sound and consciousness---but it remains to un­fold in its proper sequence when no man shall take it from another.

    You are in the final closing of the Age of Old and then God and Man can be regenerated and reunited and the New can rise again from the ashes of the destruction of the Old. First we must endure the Crucifixion before we can experience the truth of Resurrection. First must come the ashes. So be it.

    Let us close this portion for the body wearies from the longness of the hours. Ye shall have the gift of rest and peace.

    In love and appreciation I stand aside that we might close.


    PJ 12
    CHAPTER 26


    SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1990 8:00 A.M. YEAR 3, DAY 172
    Hatonn present. Look about you, Dharma, at the glory of the snow that blan­kets the world in amazing beauty. God's grace is like that wondrous blanket of snow which nurtures the lands and gives drink unto Ina-Maka and covers all that is ugly and wounded.

    Because you look upon the covering of beauty it does not mean that the ugli­ness or wounds are either gone or healed--it only means that Father's GRACE can cover all. But just as with a heavy snowfall, it makes of the path slippery and the work heavy to remain in the purity for ye must also utilize the things of the earth which are covered and ye must dig and shovel, dig and shovel and bring the substance up through unto the surface. Today you can find abundance beneath and the birds can eat. Ye must prepare against the day when the abundance will not lay beneath and the lands are parched.

    Ye must live for the moment and yet you know that only ten miles from you there is naught but dry and and desert that stretches for hundreds and hun­dreds of miles with its water supply all but depleted. Look upon it now and remember--for the day will come that the desert shall appear as an ocean and lands which lie in waste will flourish as portions rise unto the height of the mountains. Rejoice for thy Mother is renewing.


    Before we dive off into the "Crucifixion" of the "Phoenix" we must speak of personal intents, bondage and rape of the minds---YOUR MINDS! Let us further speak of freedom--mental freedom and breaking your bondage.

    Mankind has come to the wall--will he remain on the troubled side or pass be­yond into the wondrous new---but unknown?

    To unlock the bonds you must release "FEAR". Fear controls your lives whether or not you realize of it. You fear you won't have, fear you will have, fear the government will catch you and audit your income tax reports, fear you will lose of another's "love" (well, it isn't "love" anyway), fear your rent will not be paid or the children not eat, or fear, fear, fear and more fear. You must release the fear and set your mind free, chelas.IN THE FREEDOM FROM FEAR YOU CAN AGAIN "THINK" AND GROW RICH IN ALL THINGS--FOR LOVE CAN FLOW WITHIN ONCE THE FEAR IS RE­MOVED FOR FEAR CANNOT REMAIN IN THE PRESENCE OF LOVE. IT IS JUST AS WITH THE LIGHT--IN THE PRESENCE OF LIGHT, THE DARK IS GONE. GOD IS LIGHT---LET US WALK TOGETHER INTO THE LIGHT, LITTLE ONES.

    Ones pick up this book and judge before they read the pages--usually from the comments of another or a paragraph of subject outline. Some will say, "Just one more 'spiritual' book with lecturing idealism," and some will say, "Why do they mess around in the worldly practicality when I need spiritual guidance and 'they' only tell me what is wrong?" and then always---"The word must come from darkness for 'I' didn't write of it and whoever believes in discarnate energies is crazy anyway." Do you see how fear, even of reception of a Journal, can immobilize you from action?

    Let us consider some guidelines as we consider the subject. "Easy for you Hatonn, Sananda and whoever else is up there, you ones have found your way. We need something for TODAY, DOWN HERE, and don't give us a bunch of ‘church' ‘stuff !" Alright, let's put it where it's at---YOU! JUST THE FACTS MAM AND SIR, JUST THE FACTS!

    Beginning rule: No-one can do it for you. You must look around and size it up as it is. If your life is perfection, you need not continue in this Journal---but the process begins and ends with you--unrelated to any other.

    To even begin, however, you are going to have to face one or two facts squarely head-on. You are going to have to learn to forgive the world and ev­eryone in it, MOST ESPECIALLY YOURSELF SO THAT YOU CAN START AT "O", CLEAN, CLEAR AND FRESH. Peace and fearlessness can only begin to come within as you cast the frightening things filling your life -without. Love and peace, inner peace, is experienced as you learn to forgive the world and everyone in it, and thereby see everyone, including yourself, as blameless. You cannot go back and erase that which is past--you can only start by forgiving yourself those past actions which displease, start to set things right which can be corrected, release those things which you cannot rectify and move right on--but in correctness and God-ness instead of the continual repetition of the old erroneous ways.

    Actually, each moment of your experience is an opportunity for a new direc­tion and a new path of action. If you find yourself depressed, angry, irritated or ill, you can be sure you have chosen the wrong goal and are responding to "fear". You have either directly and consciously decided to be more inter­ested in yourself and what you are "getting" than to extend yourself outward into the "What can I 'give'", and if you choose to linger in the discontent or nurse your perceived wounds by accepting anything or everything as an af­front instead of a simple lesson in choices, then you are giving in, again, to "fear".

    Let me give you an example that is very close to Dharma. From the Gate­house in Sedona went forth a most painful denouncement of her work and ac­cusations of evil having entered into Dharma's scribing. (The denouncement brochure which was sent to all ones on the Gatehouse mailing list is enclosed herewith along with Aton's response). It is included for we need to make a great point of this. The situation raised its serpent head and bit, inflicting great poison and pain. The matter was confronted and released--but this involved many others who were left in confusion and hurt. Aton responded for He stands higher than any other. Do you see? HE took the burden and car­ried it--Dharma released it unto him. It matters not what comes forth hence­forth from the incident--it is released and holds no threat for within there is peace and truth. It is easy to "forgive" for there is naught to "forgive"--it sim­ply is opinion of another or others, and is none of Dharma's business once she has come into balance and finds naught to "correct". Her "error in reactions to fear" would be to capitulate to the foolish attacks which only prove her truth is valid--you can always judge by the terms of an attack.

    For instance, if you take literally the exact words of the denouncing attack and disclaimer you will find that the ones attacking either now reject original writings as having been false or they are efforting at keeping truth hidden away for personal gain to prevent the masses from having the truth and word of God. The point is, it does NOT discount Dharma's writings for she is not the author of these Journals--she only prints the symbols of the alphabet upon the pages. Therefore, since the proclaimed denouncement is against the "authors" of these Journals--IT IS NONE OF DHARMA'S BUSINESS. SHE MUST RELEASE IT IN LOVE AND LEAVE IT. SHE MUST NEVER "FORGET" IT, HOWEVER, FOR IF YOU DO NOT REMEMBER THE LESSONS YOU ARE DESTINED TO REPEAT THEM. IT SERVES AS A MOST POSITIVE INPUT FOR IT CAUSES HER TO MORE CAREFULLY CLEAR OF HER RECEPTORS AND ALWAYS REMAIN "ONLY" IN THE LIGHTED PRESENCE AS WE WRITE. IF SHE IS NOT CLEAR, WE SIMPLY DO NOT WRITE FOR WE FORCE NAUGHT UPON HER. FORCE IS NOT OF GOD, NOR IS FEAR. FEAR AND FORCE ARE OF EVIL.


    'Time" is simply a perception which allows for "experience". It allows a "space" in which to choose an experience. Do you want to experience peace or do you want experience conflict? It is totally up to you which it will be. Christ is pulling for you to choose peace; Satan is calling to tempt you with lies that you might choose conflict. Only from conflict can the old dark one pull you down.

    Perhaps you need a bit of definition regarding terms: Being without fear and darkness IS being in a state of Love and allowing. Fear is the other "pole" op­posite Love. There are literally only two valid emotions. One is real-love; the other a mental illusion--fear, Love is true reality for it is oneness with God within; fear is something your mind has conjured up and is therefore unreal.

    What you experience is your state of mind projected outward into action and response. If your state of mind is one of well-being, Love and peace, that is what you will project and therefore experience. If your state of mind is one filled and churning with doubts, fears and concerns, you will project that state outwardly and it will attract that which you envision and therefore will be your experiential reality.

    All minds, brothers, are joined and are simply ONE, just as ALL things are ul­timately ONE--ONE! Therefore, what you perceive through your physical senses presents you with a most limited and distorted view of reality.

    Your minds, however, function as if they were not one. The one that really does you in acts, and will produce if you allow it, through the ego and directs only scenarios of war, conflict and confusion. It further projects the illusion that you are separate from one another. Your true director, however, does not project illusions; it only extends truth and projects unity and joining.

    Your mind is actually the director, producer, script-writer, film editor, cast, projectionist, audience and critic. Your mind, being limitless, has the capacity of changing the movie and everything about it at any time. Your mind has the power of making all decision. The ego portion of your mind acts as a heavy curtain which blocks you from reality. You can learn to direct your mind to open the curtain and reveal the light and truth and then the true mind can project alternative solutions for dealing with all the conjured up mispercep­tions. You never run out of alternatives--that is the biggest misperception foisted upon mankind for just when you think there are no more alternatives--there is another. It may not be suitable but alternatives are infinite. Which ones you choose is the testing.

    Do not denounce yourself for conjuring up negative and far out alternatives---that simply means the mind is working without restraints---YOU simply must weed out the inappropriate alternatives. Further, if you practice making all decisions in love and according to the Laws of God and Creation, you shall always be in the choosing of the alternatives which present total integrity for nothing less will be acceptable.



    Boy, do the "controllers" love this one. Make a man feel guilty and you have him in prison! Look around you and realize how many "guilts" are accepted by you simply because someone else chooses to control you in some manner. Further, look at the bars of your prison cell and the key to the lock--"fear". You can become totally immobilized by the "fear" and the guilt keeps you im­prisoned. You finally cease to function on your own account. You are given laws of God and Creation--ALL OTHER LAWS ARE STRUCTURED BY OTHER MEN! So what do you do? You start being so guilty and finally pronounce yourself unworthy and undeserving and forfeit all to the rule-mak­ers. Do you not see that as long as you follow the commandments of God and Creation, all else is self inflicted or man inflicted rules and regulations?

    The "Conspirators" will even launch a big "guilt campaign" at income tax filing time--calling you a "cheater" if in fact, you take deductions which are right­fully yours! Worse, the forced filing of federal income tax forms is unlawful according to your Constitution as laid down by your founding fathers. Oh, it is indeed "legal" for it is set up by your United States Legislative Democracy---it is UNLAWFUL!

    Ah, but the Constitution made YOU sovereign--We The People of the united states.... Not the United States' people. Watch your capital letters and apos­trophes. The sixteenth amendment does not repeal the articles of the Consti­tution. As an example, the 21st Amendment clearly states that it repeals the 18th Amendment; the 16th Amendment does not even hint that it repeals any of those preceding it which, of course, include the first ten, the BILL OF RIGHTS. Therefore, since it does not repeal that which came before then you must consider the filing of an income tax form a voluntary act or an "exercised right" and the forced filing caused by the Legislative United States upon a person who is not a citizen of the area of Washington D.C., Puerto Rico or other territories coming under the direct authority of Congress is un­lawful according to the Constitution. For, if you reside in one of the fifty states you are simply a Citizen of the united states and not a United States' citizen. No, they won't tell you that and thusly has all else in your Constitution as to your "rights" under the Constitution been reworded to defraud YOU THE PEOPLE.

    How many of you stand forth at tax time and don't file? You may actually be unlawfully filing but do you refrain? (Editor's note: The authors of the Con­stitution gave the authority to collect taxes to the States, not to Congress.) No--you move into total chaotic states of fear and guilt over every entry onto the form--terrified they will catch you in error and imprison you---and if you don't know differently, that is exactly that which will happen. Instead of be­coming informed in the truth of it you continue to march to the evil drummer.

    Thusly you become, next, a prisoner of anxiety and usually, anger. Both are equal wardens who then perpetrate upon your being illness, stress and, ulti­mately, immobility of action.


    All societies devise a system for administering justice so that when an individ­ual is accused of a crime, he can be tried and, if found guilty, appropriately sentenced to a designated punishment. This usually takes place in a court of law where three essential participants can be identified: the accused, the prosecutor and the judge.

    The accused, or the defendant, may engage a knowledgeable associate to help him, the defense lawyer. In addition, both the defense and the prosecution may solicit witnesses to support their respective cases. These are presented in a predetermined sequence before the judge, who will decide whether the ac­cused is guilty and what the appropriate punishment should be.

    In most civilized societies this process may take considerable time in prepara­tion and presentation before a verdict is reached. Yes, of course I speak in hypothetical and idealistic manner for of course your court system has also been crucified by the "conspirators".

    You must see that the court of the mind works much more quickly in pro­cessing all the available information and reaching a verdict--sometimes within a matter of seconds, and rarely more than a few days.

    The mind is like a complex computer, able to receive evidence for or against any particular course of action in order to weigh one against the other. It then makes a decision favoring one or the other according to the evidence pre­sented (or data entered). It then makes a decision based on that information. When an individual is accused of an emotional crime, his mind makes a deci­sion in the "court" of that mind. The decision of THAT court is binding and will determine that individual's entire future if the "crime" is not brought up for "retrial" on different evidence.


    Well, the holder of the mind (you, for example) is obviously the accused, but who might be the prosecutor? Who serves as judge? You probably already are aware of the 'crimes" and the appropriate "prisons" should you be con­victed and sentenced. Obviously, you must understand the nature and the function of each participant in this "court of the mind".

    Each of you has at least three ego states with three differing viewpoints. Your professors have labeled them Child, Parent and Adult. It is interesting in con­cept and will suffice for our purposes herein.


    THE THREE EGOS: CHILD: This is the original and perhaps the central ego state, the part of you that you refer to when you speak of the "real me". It is the feeling part of your being. The Child feels all your normal emotions: hurt, anger and fear as well as their opposites, happiness, love and security. As the component that provides the drive and energy for your creative activi­ties, it is probably the only ego state observable at birth, although the other ego states are developing as fast as the moments pass. The Child stands be­fore the bar of justice as the defendant in your court of the mind because only the Child ego state experiences feelings. In fact, that is exactly what the Child is being accused of -- having feelings. This is the very state of being which is required by God in order to enter into His kingdom for the other ego states are stripped away.

    The PARENT: Very. early in life the Parent ego state develops in response to contact With people in the outside world, chief of whom are your parents or surrogate caretakers. This ego state is modeled upon people in the immedi­ate environment, the most important of whom is usually mother, since she is so close to the Child during the early learning period. This internal Parent becomes very similar to the important persons in the child's world. It merits its name since it is almost identical in thought and behavior to the true par­ents. A very important ego state to the individual, it provides him with a ready reference to the likely responses of the true parent. This enables the Child to know in advance what effect his behavior is likely to produce in his parent.

    Each individual commences life with an instinctive feeling self. The expres­sion of the self, the Child ego state, is very much modified by its interaction with the Parent ego state. The function of the Parent is to gather all the in­formation it can about the people in the immediate environment of the Child so that the Child can respond in an harmonious manner to these people. The Child must get on well with these important people since it depends upon them for its survival. The Parent ego state therefore strictly mimics these people and adopts their attitudes and beliefs.

    It is vitally important for the Child to maintain his parents' approval and to avoid their disapproval. The internal Parent acts as an excellent means of monitoring and modifying the Child's behavior to conform with the true par­ents' ideas and beliefs so that it can get along well with them--exactly the same as going along with any authorities rules, whether right or wrong. At some point the Child cannot discern which is right and which is wrong and, to keep peace and within the acceptance of the "law" of the parents, he simply accepts their guidelines. The Child is aware of his great dependence upon the true parents for his very existence and they continually reinforce this by example or power with intention, and his greatest fear is that they will abandon him to his own helplessness and isolation. This possibility holds very real terror for the Child.

    The importance of the Parent ego state can never be underestimated. Be­cause of its sometimes hypercritical attitudes, it may be judged a negative and destructive element in the personality. This is more apparent than real be­cause the Parent ego state primarily intends to protect the Child, although the manner in which it fulfills this function is frequently archaic and responsible for much mental ill health. The failure of many therapists to appreciate this important point has limited their understanding of the clinical problems pre­sented to them.

    At first it is difficult indeed to accept the idea that each of you has more than one aspect to your personality. You can rather easily accept the Child ego state since most of you are aware of some of your feelings, and you can there­fore appreciate your feeling self, the Child. However, it may be most difficult to recognize the other ego states in yourselves, and this is particularly true with regard to the Parent.

    You can perhaps more readily recognize these ego states in others than in yourselves. Children at play, for instance, are happy, sad, angry or scared, clearly in the Child ego state. At other times, as they mimic parental attitudes and behavior, they are operating within the Parent ego state. Witness the little girl playing with her dolls. She will cold them for some imagined transgression or praise them for some notable accomplishment. Further observation will reveal that she loves her dolls and cuddles them. Her behavior reveals her developing internal Parent, which has modeled itself upon her own parents.
    In addition, she is adopting some of her parents' attitudes towards herself and is being critical, praising, or loving of herself. Clearly her Parent is interacting with her Child.

    The ADULT: Let us now consider the third ego state that can readily be rec­ognized in all human entities. Probably maturing a bit later than the Parent it develops from that part of the mind concerned with collecting information about the world around you and filing it away in the memory banks for future reference. Every minute of the day you are using your five senses and col­lecting information, which proliferates each and every day of experience. This data, accumulated without prejudice, is independent of other people's opin­ions and beliefs, much like the other knowledge that comes the individual's way. This is in direct contrast to the Parent ego state, which is totally con­cerned with learning exactly how others think and feel, then recording the in­formation.

    With ample data at its disposal, the Adult ego state is similar to a highly com­plex computer which can and does arrive at new conclusions whenever it is presented with a fresh problem. These conclusions are based upon the im­mense amount of information which has been amassed over the years. An understanding of the Adult role is particularly important for the analytical consideration in resolving problems which the Parent and Child have created.

    With ample data at its disposal, and unlimited additional information avail­able for the researching, the Adult ego is basically unlimited as to capability if not somehow closed down by the other ego states for one cause or another.

    Ideally, all three ego states should be acting together in harmony for the greatest well-being of any individual and these three ego states are always present in all humans although in varying states of maturity. They can best be equated to three separate points of view which step forward whenever a situa­tion requires a definite course of action. The Child ego state within you will have a definite feeling about the situation, often expressed as a "like" or "dislike"---with expressions of "I like" or "I want" or the opposite, "I don't like" or "I don't want".

    The Parent ego, as I have said, is very concerned with what others expect and want and it utilizes words that indicate this concern. When you find yourself saying such things as "I ought" or "I should" or, alternatively, "I ought not" or "I should not", you are using phrases that express your concern for other peo­ple's expectations of you. You are using your Parent ego state. This ego state also comes into play when, like the little girl with the dolls, you counsel, advise or criticize others in a parental manner, or whenever you take responsibility for others.

    When operating from your Adult viewpoint, you are either giving information in a purely factual manner or presenting conclusions that you have reached from information in your possession, You say things like "I can" or "I will" or "it is", you may offer the opposite statements of fact or intention e.g. "I cannot", "I will not" or "it is not".

    From the foregoing I trust that you can agree with me on the premise that you are not just one person with a single point of view. You carry within you more than one point of view about any given situation, and these viewpoints can de­clare war upon one another. Consider how quickly a Child's "I want" may clash violently with the Parent's "I should not". Incidentally this is the basis of much Parent/Child conflict of which we still have volumes to present unto you. Actually, it has all been presented unto you, you probably just haven't found it all in the set of instructions which came with your new self!

    Alright, now you have met the three states of ego, which all of you possess, so it is now possible to consider the role that each plays in the continuing saga of the court drama being played out in the mind.

    The ACCUSED: The accused is always the Child, the central part of the per­sonality that is being prosecuted for a feeling or some other attribute that has caused offense. For example, the Child may have been accused of existing, of being a girl or a boy, or even having certain unacceptable human feelings such as fear, anger or hurt.

    The PROSECUTOR: The prosecutor is usually a parent, more probably mother than father. Mother is the more likely to be affected by any of the accused's attributes since she is in close daily contact with the Child. (This, of course, is suppositional and will vary from child to child and circumstance to circumstance.) Siblings, grandparents and teachers can also function as pros­ecutors. The accuser is always someone within the Child's immediate envi­ronment who has been distressed by who he is or something he has done be­cause of who he is.

    The manner in which the prosecutor communicates his distress may vary con­siderably, but whatever method is used, there is no doubt left in the Child's mind that he is considered entirely responsible for the distress caused to the prosecutor.

    The JUDGE: The unenviable task of Judge falls to the Parent. Why? Be­cause the Parent functions to prevent the Child from alienating himself from the true parent. This must be avoided at all costs. The Parent must therefore judge whether the accusation is indeed correct and whether the prosecutor is sufficiently distressed to consider withdrawal of his support and caring. The Parent must also determine whether or not a punishment should be imposed which will prevent the recurrence of the offense.

    The Judge may be called upon to make a very rapid decision or to postpone judgment until one or more similar accusations have been made and it be­comes clear that alienation of the parent is likely.

    The DEFENSE: Since there are two sides to every question, in the court of the mind the case for the defense is always fully considered.

    The Child speaks up in his own defense, and his testimony is simple: he was only doing what seemed right to him. He was just being himself. This seems to him a totally adequate defense. If pressed, he might also plead that he did not know that being himself was a crime or that it would distress anyone.

    Unfortunately, ignorance of the law is not an adequate defense in any legal system. The fact that the Child did not know that being himself could be con­sidered a crime avails him nothing. His weak defense is laughed out of court. The onlookers in the gallery--friends, relatives, peers-become hysterical. How could any Child think that being itself could serve as a defense and that ignorance of the law is acceptable as a defense? Well, it is nicer in God's court for it is readily acceptable. In your world of density it is totally unthink­able!

    All is not lost, however. What about the Adult? What can he offer in de­fense? Unfortunately, the accusations are usually made before the Adult has gathered enough information about the world to be of much help--no-one usually goes researching until the need arises. He, too, is acutely aware of the Child's dependence upon the parent and may confirm that the Child still lacks the physical and emotional strength to survive the hazards of the world with­out the help of the parent. He may reinforce the Child by assuring him that he is not abnormal and that others with the same attributes are not consid­ered criminals for possessing them. But this support is usually quite minimal.

    The VERDICT: When the court retires to consider its verdict, it may spend a considerable time in reaching it or decide in the fraction of a second. A pro­portion of these verdicts are not guilty" verdicts. You do not need to consider those since no problem will arise. Verdicts of "guilty", however, are the ones of great concern.

    When the Judge (Parent) has found the Child "guilty" he must pass a sentence which will ensure that the crime will not recur. Whatever decision the Parent now makes must be acted upon by the Parent ego state. In the court of the mind, the punishment is always fashioned to fit the crime, and many years later, as you analyze the punishment which the Child is undergoing, you may hazard a guess at the crime that he was accused of committing.

    Sometimes the sentence is not immediately administered but is held over the accused's head as a threat (probation). To consider the details you must look closely at the "freedoms" available to the accused.

    Dharma, we must have respite please. Thank you.

    We shall consider "the emotions" when we return to the writing.

    Salu, and good-morning. Hatonn


    By "Dharma"

    In the fall of 1989, a series of 10 manuscripts referred to as the Phoenix Journals (referring to the symbol of the phoenix on the covers of each) were released to the public. Within the pages of this material many references were made regarding A.S.S.K. and also Sister Thedra. Since then we at A.S.S.K. have received numerous calls and letters asking us for additional information in regards to these journals, and since much information and false rumors have arisen in regards to this material we would like you to know the following:

    1. This material did not originate from A.S.S.K., nor do we at A.S.S.K. have any connection in the publishing or distribution of this material. We at A.S.S.K. do not endorse this material in any manner.

    2. It has come to our attention that large portions of this material was not received from
    higher sources as claimed, but was pilfered and copied from work previously released by other persons or sources. Examples you may check, are:

    •a. From the journal entitled Space gate = The great majority of the first 5 chapters of this journal is taken almost word for word from a manuscript previously released by M. W. Cooper, entitled Operation Majority - MJ 12.

    •b. Also from the journal entitled Space Gate = Chapter 6 is taken almost word for word from a transcript of a video tape on International Banking, by Jonathan May.

    •c. From the journal entitled The Rainbow Masters = This journal, for the most part, is copied word for word from a booklet released by Sister Thedra over twenty five years ago en­titled The transcripts of the Masters. These transcripts were later released in a book entitled Secret of the Andes. In either case, this material was not channeled in sept. of 1989, as the journal would have you believe, but has been in print for over twenty years.

    •d. From the journal entitled Cry of the phoenix = Chapter 6 of this journal was not received on Dec. 17 1989 as the author would have you believe, but rather most of this material was copied word for word from a book which was recorded by Sister Thedra over 30 years ago, entitled Prophecies for Tiahunaco.

    3. When William Cooper (see a. above) realized that his report was being copied with the in­sinuation that it had been "channeled" from "Hatonn", he simply asked that they stop. In response "Hatonn" through "Dharma" began to attack William Cooper in the next journals as a dark brother that was trying to keep the truth from coming out. In the transcript of Dharma's channeling dated Jan. 04, 1990, 8:00 am., 'Hatonn says:

    "This scribe or anyone in her association of persons, did not recognize the name William Cooper and had no knowledge of his writings or lectures, etc. This was a totally unknown en­tity to these ones."

    We at A.S.S.K. would like you to know that this is a lie. We, personally, sent a copy of wil­liam cooper's report (operation Majority - MJ 12) to "Dharma" and company approx 8 weeks before they came out with Space gate.

    4. Certain references are made in these journals pertaining to Sister Thedra and to A.S.S.K. Though the author of these journals (Dharma) had only second hand information pertaining to certain situations, some of these situations mentioned are distorted to fit the authors wishes, while others have been rewritten to the point of being lies.

    For example: There was never an attempt on the life of Sister Thedra as one of these journals (Survival - Pg.108) would have you believe. This situation was created from second hand information that the author of these journals received and distorted to fit the "story" (that attempts were also being made on the life of Dharma). In any case, references and claims regarding A.S.S.K. and Sister Thedra have been woven into the material of some of these journals and we would advise you to believe nothing you might read which pertain to either A.S.S.K. or to Sister Thedra. Ask only for truth.


    The reference pointed out above are only a few of the discrepancies that arise when these journals are exposed to the "light of day". If you read these journals, we ask only that you look at the truth before you pass them on to others.

    We at A.S.S.K. have been involved in the dissemination of truth for over 40 years. It has al­ways been our intent to make available material which truly helps the individual towards greater spiritual awareness.

    Within these journals we find an overwhelming emphasis on creating fear and very little (if any) true spiritual direction or encouragement. Also, it should be obvious to any seeker of truth that the 'elder brothers' and the true 'masters' do not need to pilfer the work of another, and never do they give forth such information without giving credit where credit is due. And lastly, when one distorts the truth to suit themself, it becomes a lie, and true spiritual aware­ness will never come from a lie.

    The Association of Sananda and Sanat Kumara
    2675 West Hwy. 89-A, Suite 454
    Sedona, Az. 86336

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