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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 33
    WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 1991 8:04 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 314
    WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 1991

    Why Hatonn? Why Pleiades? Who/What is Ashtar? Why all the lies? Deliberate or simple error? My, my, there are a lot of questions, aren’t there? Hatonn present to answer them in the Light of God. How do I know the answers? Because I KNOW God.

    Pleiades is the focus of attention because a goodly portion of Earth Shan humans are from the lineage of ones from Pleiades. All ones in service to this Command were trained for this mission on places within that constellation. You will find that our labels reflect our location, i.e., Hatonn, Soltec, Korton, etc., as well as being meaningful identification markers. That, however, is not the most important cause of Pleiades in this transition--it is because it is within that constellation wherein Shan Man can make transition with ease of present form and that is where the next interim step of “human” in physical shall center for Shan fragments who will be physically transported. A place has been prepared and is waiting with good facilities of most interesting entertainment and experience in the interim transportation system. God Aton has created this wondrous placement through his “Mind-thought” projection as well as creating ones to bring forth information at this time of growth and change. If you stay right with Germain, it will all make sense to your own thought mechanism.

    Why Hatonn rather than Joe Smirtnik? Why not Hatonn? Just as you prattle about “why Dharma?”, I can only say--“why not Hatonn?” I am as close to God Aton as you can get and I choose to be in this role of bringing my people home to security and reward. Who are you to question? If you wish to participate, you know who I am and if you don’t care to join us, it matters not who I am at any rate. I don’t require that you do anything save come again within the laws of God and Creation in intent and to the best of your ability according to your actions. Together we have created this wondrous illusion of experience and together we shall finish it in order to move on to more challenging experience--but only those who are ready to grow and experience within the laws as laid forth for balanced existence.

    What will happen to those who do not choose to travel with our crew? That is between that one and God. Remember something--when God decides to change His mind--that which was, is no more! Ponder it. However, once experienced as a projection of God-thought--it is forever stored in God’s data banks to be reactivated, or forever left to the archives.

    That is exactly that which Ashtar IS! This is why the evacuation of a planet at any given time of chosen salvaging, is left in that Command’s capable hands.

    The very term “ASHTAR” means storage of the records and I have long experienced as “Record Keeper”, for those of you who wish to check out my credentials, for I have been sharing in a most physical manner, as in this transfer of information, for many decades.

    The Commander in charge of that Command is referred to as “Ashtar” and he DOES NOT EVER flit around Shan with any twin-flame. If you could see the entire picture, it would be most amusing to you to even consider such a thing. But that is not my concern herein. At times of a necessary or “chosen” evacuation by fleet--Ashtar takes control of all fleet compatriots. Now why, if ones are thought projections of God in experiencing format, would there ever be evacuation? Because God chooses to experience the exercise and further, Man has tinkered until he can cause disturbances which can direly injure the “soul” energy fields of thought manifestation and that is a no-no.

    You ones can conjure all the fantastic fantasies you wish but facts is facts and pigs is pigs and TRUTH is not mystical nor fantasy--no magic, just simple electrical wave pulses in universal frequencies of suitable elemental construction. I fail to understand why any supposedly intelligent individual would choose to count on a mystical trip to perish in the clouds against a solid lift-off in a very physically manifested spacecraft of which countless thousands have been witnessed. So be it.

    Why the lies? Because God’s adversary is a very clever and deceitful entity whose sole purpose is to pull you away from Godness and I suggest he get an academy award for excellent accomplishment. He is of the physical manifestation, however, and therefore only functions in the “physical”. He CANNOT EVEN EXIST IN THE PRESENCE OF LIGHT AND TRUTH OF GOD. He has full allowances of his deceiving and misrepresentation to all human species and if the species falls for his wiles and temptations and forsakes God to the extent of control of a planet of Creation--which are all such, then separation is required. In every experience of physical nature the adversary is present; it is the manner of measuring growth of beings for when there is final return to the perfection of God--the experiencing being is perfection.

    This is all being quite adequately explained in the current JOURNALS if you allow understanding which will lead to KNOWING. We stand ready, willing and able to receive or assist any who petition within the brotherhood of Man for Nature/Creation already has her balanced evolution under total control for the transitioning planet and healing of the old--sans Man except for a few caretakers thereof. So be it.

    Now you who participate so intimately and those who WILL do so, why are you “the ones”? Because I chose that you be, trained you, nurtured you and I now wish to serve with you--AM HONORED TO SERVE WITH YOU FOR THROUGH FREE-WILL CHOICE, YOU ARE CO-CREATOR AND IT BECOMES “OUR” JOURNEY AND EXPERIENCE. I WOULD SEND NO LESSER THAN MYSELF TO TRAVEL WITH YOU OF MY BELOVED BROTHERHOOD FOR THIS IS THE MOST WONDROUS OF A PLANETARY EXPERIENCE--WHEN TRANSITION OF CYCLES OCCUR AND GRADUATION IS AT HAND FOR MANY, MANY ONES ON TO OTHER DIMENSIONAL GROWTH AND SOME TO RETURN TO CREATOR TO CHOOSE AGAIN. I salute you who cast off the veil and see beyond and into TRUTH of experience for unto you is the entire playing field of the universe. Salu.

    I sit aside now as we return to the lessons at hand, through my beloved friend and compatriot, Germain. And yes, we may, if we have “time” tell you more about the functioning of silver craft from other worlds. I shall need do that for Wally Gentleman for SIPAPU at any rate, and I shall be most pleased to share fundamental frequency and thrust information. But, I shall not do it FOR you, for it is YOUR experience and if I do it for you--it becomes mine and no longer YOURS! YOU need no ships in order to come home and earthbound physical craft are no longer allowed beyond the solar system of your sun. Let us focus on that which IS important to your travels and then we shall spend leisure playing at other games. Thank you.


    I am Germain and I thank you for again joining me that we might sort out some of the mysteries of LIFE and UNIVERSE. I am going to speak on a subject which has been well laid out by me and my colleagues quite thoroughly in the past. I will write on the subject of Atomic Energy and how it, alone, can suicide your planet and all life forms thereon. This was laid forth by myself and WALTER RUSSELL in your years 56/57. No, most of you DID NOT take access so it has to be done again--and again, if necessary. I will however, utilize Dr. Russell’s outlay regarding this segment for we drew charts and referenced quite carefully at that time and there is little need to “reinvent the wheel”--perfect it somewhat--but not reinvention thereof.

    It was a wise Man who said: “If we but knew what troubles our world we might, perhaps, fix it. The quandary is that we do not know.” I find myself wondering how it is that the truthful information is now on your place and you have only allowed the worsening of your plight; therefore, we shall try again to get your attention. You are still too near your primate days to know for you have, in addition, been shrouded by that which you “sense” in the physical and have lost connections with the Divine Creator which you ARE.

    You are not sufficiently unfolded as spiritual beings to recognize the fact that the cause of your world-trouble lies in that one naked fact that you are still too near your beginning to know how to build an enduring foundation. I speak, herein, of the masses who are experiencing on your planet--I do not need to speak to the ones who are now serving in specific mission of Truthbringers and/or Wayshowers. It is sad, indeed, when those ones choose to set aside commission in favor of the physical/emotional boundaries of this experience--but God allows and respects need of more lessons and growth--ALWAYS GOD ALLOWS! I would, however, suggest that if you know ones who fit this category of description--that you insure they get this information coming forth as Pleiades Connections because they might well wish to give reconsideration to their prior choices. YOU will know to whom I address this particular message.

    This is a transition point for Man, however, for tens of thousands of your people are far advanced in the unfolding of their spiritual natures--even if misled by the adversary lies--just waiting for Truth or, already in Truth but awaiting the next step in instructions and enlightenment into full KNOWING, therefore it becomes our task to see to it that we slacken not in our own commission to bring that WORD forth.

    These are the seeds of future cosmic ages. It is to these that we address these words to tell them what actually is the matter with the world, Shan. They will comprehend, even if our words have no meaning to mass-Man. These only, and the ones who will transform the world in this eleventh hour of its danger, if it can be transformed. We hope it still can, but it has fallen farther in fifty years than it had gained in eight centuries.


    I monitored on the yesterday, a most interesting presentation in the “just passing by” news. It was said that the “Yankee nuclear power plant would be left in operation for another year although it is said by the scientists that it is not safe and the metal reactor could fail and result in a meltdown.” Does anyone have any idea what that would mean? Better look again at Chernobyl and reconsider the area wherein that plant is located for it could devastate one of your most populous areas. Now, this is if NOTHING else happens other than simple wear of the equipment. This is reported to you-the-people without so much as taking a second breath by the reporter.


    As Dr. Russell begins, “In answering this question let it be ever remembered that God is LOVE, and that this universe is founded upon LOVE. Every action and its reaction in Nature must be in balance with each other in order to carry out the purposeful intent of the Creator.”

    Love is expressed by action, means balanced fulfillment of its own law of equal giving and regiving. That is the principle upon which this purposeful universe is founded. That which purposefully fulfills the law is GOOD. It will endure and be eternally repeated with more of that which man calls GOOD. Every action of Man, likewise, which is founded upon love is a fulfillment of the law, and is GOOD--and will be eternally repeated.

    Now, do you actually believe that the nuclear power plants are built through Love of Man or greed? Do you think the plants which are for the sole purpose of producing products for warheads are for Love of Man? Ponder it most carefully as to WHY you sit on hundreds of thousands of years of total destruction and more piling up every day!

    Our action in answering this momentous question is founded upon love for the good of Man. If it is purposeful it will bring GOOD into the world for endless repetition, which is Nature’s way of working. If it is not balanced and orderly in Nature’s way of normal growth of her Idea, then that moment of its departure from the GOOD will bring about its own dissolution. That is also Nature’s way of dissolving that which is unrhythmic and purposeless in the fulfilling of her One Law.

    What is atomic energy? What is this great power which is now used for the so-called betterment of “life”? That is the question which the entire world should be asking. It wants (the world) to know because there is great fear in the heart of Man that it should NOT be utilized, but he does not know WHY. The only way he can know WHY radioactivity should NOT be used is to know WHAT radioactivity IS--and what it will DO.

    Let us briefly state what it is and what it can do in one short paragraph. We will then expand this into larger discussion, for the purpose of giving you full comprehension of its meaning. When you read that one paragraph, which now follows, bear in mind the fact that the supreme effort of humanity is to learn how to live long lives in full strength, and repeat them down through endless centuries. The prior JOURNAL speaks to this same issue.

    Radiation is the normal death principle. Every thing in Nature dies normally by slowly radiating its heat. Radioactivity is the explosively quick death principle. Radioactivity is Man’s discovery of how the human race can die quickly, and not be able to propagate its kind for many long centuries.

    You MUST take this into careful consideration for the Adversary and his helpers have now produced places of safety from produced radioactivity--wherein THEY can survive nicely during a period of recleansing of the surface--or at least he perceives to have done so. He has placed his intended safety places most carefully in the areas of old Lemuria which should “rise” instead of sink within the seas and he has planned sufficiently for sacrificing the entire Northern Hemisphere of Shan if appropriate--and he DOES at this time, deem it appropriate. Reasonable? This is not a discussion regarding “REASON”, this is a discussion of WHAT IS!

    So, within the above paragraph is your complete answer in a few words. MULTIPLIED DEATH is the new boon which this age of Man believes he is giving to the furtherance of life. Naturally you do not understand it, but instinct and intuition within you are strong enough to make you FEAR it. The reason you do not understand it is because you are not yet aware of what makes things live and what makes them die and you cannot comprehend that your own species would deliberately annihilate their own brothers and sisters.

    The entire answer to this supreme question lies in knowing exactly WHAT MAKES BODIES LIVE and WHAT MAKES BODIES DIE. This cannot be briefly told. In telling it we must tell you how God constructs and dissolves matter electrically. Therefore, in this portion of this JOURNAL there will, of necessity, be repetition. If we answered it briefly, however, you would not comprehend it so we must take it swiftly and yet surely, step by step, for your understanding. The greatest minds among Man have tried to discover this life principle for centuries. When you do fully answer it for you and all mankind, you will also fully comprehend your universe and all of its mysteries. The telling must be a step by step process, however, and must keep in mind the purpose of this book, which is to dynamically explain in convincing language, and undebatable postulates, that the price Man will pay for the use of atomic energy is his own inevitable extinction. We have been speaking in prior material about the The True Nature of this Mind and Motion Universe for it touches the human directly and now you must know why and how it does so.

    Nature has a tremendously balanced rhythmic normalcy in her orderly processes of Creation. It is all of it good for Man and animal alike when they observe that normalcy. When they defy it, or violate it through ignorance of it, Nature does not punish them for that violation. Ignorance punishes them. The discovery of atomic energy as a means of obtaining greater heat than an orderly and normal way suitable to environment, is as much a breech of Nature’s orderly processes as it would be if Man violated the law of gravity by discovering that he could get to the bottom of the canyon in a much quicker way than the normal way. No man would do that because he knows better. Atomic energy for industry is as great a violation of Nature’s way as a defiance of gravity would be (realizing that even gravity is not that which is accepted). And it is as sure a death for the violator of one as the other.

    We know that Man is not intentionally defying God’s law. There is but one other reason why he is doing it, which is that he does not know what he is doing. Do not, however, for one minute believe that, as time has elapsed, the Elite have not seen the possibilities and now utilize same for their own greedy purposes. Man admittedly does not know what he is doing. The law works just as irrevocably, and inevitably, however, against him who defies it, as it does for the one who does not know. For long ages he has sought for the life principle in germ or ultimate unit of matter. He has never found it there and never will. Likewise, he has sought for the principle of death. This he has now found, but does not know it.

    Do you know WHY you live and HOW you keep alive? Do you know WHY you die and HOW you die? Do you know “Where you go when you die, or what happens to your identity after death?” No, you do not yet know these things. It is grossly obvious THAT YOU DO NOT KNOW THESE THINGS. Mankind has not yet unfolded far enough, spiritually, to know of his eternal Identity, or to know that he cannot die. Further, he relies on others who pronounce themselves ordained authorities on how it MIGHT BE--AND THEY ARE WRONG, WRONG AND WRONG!

    The complete argument of this story is based upon the fact that mankind does not know what either life or death IS, nor that the plan that he is now making is assisting Nature in her death process by helping you to die instead of to live. That plan is contrary to Nature’s law of love. We shall tell you all you have wondered about regarding life, death and immortality, so that you will comprehend the magnitude of the crime of Man against Man, which Man has now decided to perpetrate.

    Man does not yet know his universe, nor how it became, nor how it disappears into space and reappears. There is a universal process in Creation and a motivating force for the energy which creates it. That same process applies as equally to the creation of “life”, and its disappearance in “death”, in your body as it does to the whole universe. Do you know what that process is? Do you know what your universe is, and God’s relation to IT--and to YOU? Well, if you have read the prior JOURNAL, you have a very good IDEA OF IT. Do you not think you could live more powerfully and wisely if you did know these things? We feel certain that when statesmen and leaders in industry and government REALLY know these things, they will know they cannot use the death principle to aid life and some changes may well come along.

    Every forthcoming page will deal with the principle of life and death of the body of Man, and of God’s body--the universe of motion. It will, likewise, deal with the immortality of Man and his Mind-control over his orderly and normal life and death process. It will also clearly explain that long asked question: “Where do I go when I die?”

    During this explanation of the two ways of life and death, which will be clearly set forth herein, you cannot fail to see that Man’s illegitimate use of DEATH to benefit life will but multiply death upon your planet until not one grass blade will be left upon it. These statements present a dread picture. They seem unbelievable and impossible. It is our responsibility to prove to you that they are not only possible but, as you are going, inevitable. The only way you can possibly do that is to now make those things known about life, death and immortality, which have not made it into your understanding to this date.


    The real fallacy of nuclear fission for industry is that these so-called deadly poisonous gases from the radioactive elements in reactors, and in the waste products, which are encased in concrete and buried in the sea or elsewhere to protect human life from their admitted danger, are not poisons in their own environment underground, where they are serving a necessary purpose of helping to make it possible for organic life to live upon your planet. Man makes them poisonous by removing them from their purposeful environment to place them in an abnormal environment unsuited to their normal environment.

    Animal and vegetable life are dependent upon the upper few feet of the earth’s crust to live. The soil must have humus, nitrogen, carbonic gas, oxygen and water. These so-called deadly radioactive poisons are preparing the soil for oxygen dependent life to live by causing countless billions of microscopic explosions in the rock formations underground to release water and other necessities for human life and vegetation. That is all GOOD. In their proper place in Nature they are fulfilling their necessary useful purposes. They are vitally necessary where they are. They are of benefit to man when underground or distributed in rocks. It is only when you dig them out from under the ground and condense tons of harmless rock to ounces of deadly free metal, such as uranium piles, that you make the earth uninhabitable for Man.

    Think also of the hundreds of millions of years Nature has to work to decay solid rock and metal planets sufficiently to create enough decayed surface, and an atmosphere, for organic life to become possible. Mercury has no atmosphere nor even a grass blade. Its rock surface is so hot that lead would melt there. Venus is also hot rock but a soil has begun there, and water is now forming in the reclamation process, but only as steam vapor, for the temperature on Venus is higher than boiling point. Your earth has had a soil and atmosphere sufficient for simple forms of life, ever since it reached its seventy or eighty million mile mark from the sun. The radioactive metals made that possible. They belong underground just as dead animal bodies belong underground. Radioactive metals are dead and dying bodies. That is what is not yet known of them. There are twenty-two of them which are killer metals if you take them away from their rock environment underground in Nature and make them a part of Man’s environment above ground.


    Oh, now you want to change the subject? How is it that the brotherhood speaks of bases and stations on these various unhabitable planets? Because any species with capability of travel, i.e., to Shan, has also ability to station very large bases off atmosphere of these planets--but are referred to for identification as located at those specific vortices. The atmosphere, etc., of these planets and stars are “mined” for useful minerals. If mystics and psychics tell you that there are great cities, etc., on such as Venus--they either refer to the off-planet locations thereof--or the stories are fabrications! You ones want MAGIC and there is NONE! Please do not ask me to evaluate various speakers--you now have sufficient guidelines to discern for self TRUTH vs. fabrication, personal greed of the speakers and total deception of the adversary. If a being tells you he comes with his twin-flame from Venus--YOU BE THE JUDGE OF THE STORY OR CHECK HIS FEET FOR BLISTERS. Is it possible to have life on Venus? All is possible with God--however, at this point in evolution--there is no viable lifeform as you would recognize on THE planet Venus, as a for instance. It will likely be reclaimed for later habitation--perhaps for many of YOU. Earth Shan had to be reclaimed in order to again house life human after prior destruction by the adversary and his cohorts in vandalism.

    There are many metals which will not hurt you, such as iron, copper, gold, silver and many others. This we will clarify in the following test and consider that which we will label Fig. 5. You can live among thousands of living Men without being poisoned, but you cannot live upon the breath of living Men without dying from their poison. You cannot, in fact, live upon your own outbreathings. You would soon die from your own poison. Digging dead and dying metals from underground where their outbreathing is giving fertile soil for organic life, is like digging dead animals from where they are being transformed into living vegetable and animal life. Every farmer must put death under his ground in order to reap life above.

    Dharma, allow us a break at this point for I am asked to request that you depart this placement as soon as you can, for we need to work with the energy fields established against your location and it needs doing now. We must do something of different nature soon, for your body is losing the battle of self-protection from the radiation of the pulses. The bombardment will lessen as we move through and away from these subject matters but for now it is tedious indeed. We must now consider shielding of your person through other means than from the body itself. In the interim we have to keep at countering the beam projections and that is best served when you are away from the location since the interference is focused on your person and not at others in the locale.

    We shall take up at next writing with the procurement of radium by the Curies. Thank you for your service. I now stand aside.


    PJ 33
    THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 1991 7:46 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 315
    THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 1991

    Germain present to continue with the writing. We will move smartly along this morning so that you can get things prepared for the out-of-town meeting. Thank you for allowing writing this day.

    The Curies procured a few grams of radium from many tons of earth. Those few grams of dead metals would spread their quick death to every cell of your body if you put them in your pocket. But they would not harm you in the slightest if you slept upon the ground above them. The radioactive metals are giving out their quick death to the rocks in which they are embedded for the purpose of expanding the rocks in which they are embedded into the soil and water which mothers life. They should not be dug up from the ground to expand human beings into quick death. All things in Nature have their proper placement and use and, thus, should also the “crystals” be left to their proper placement. If you would have a good example of their purpose in life, which is beneficial to humanity, witness the great bare rock mountains of the West which are only a few million years old. Compare them with soil-covered, tree-covered, very much older eastern mountains, such as the Blue Ridge, White Mountains and Catskills where the soil is deep above them and waterfalls and brooks are abundant.

    Water and soil are decayed and dying rock. They are, literally, dead rocks. Out of death in Nature life springs, and when life above ground is dead it gives new life to the death of earth. These are the things which mankind must know. It knows too little about life and death, and how each one interchanges with the other to make death live and make life die. This is so fundamental a part of the process of Nature that you would be very much more interested in her whole processes if you would but give more thought to this one. Take note, for example, that the moment a peach in the dish on your table becomes over ripe you will see fruit flies hovering over it. They were born from it, and other less complex life forms were born from it before that, just as millions of microbes and other primitive life forms are born in your living body, and more complex ones will be born from your dead body. You do not realize that all of your body is not wholly alive all the time. Part of you is always dead or dying, up to your maturity. After that all of them are slowly dying. We will not get into mental control over that process, at this time for I do not want your distraction to take you from the point at issue.

    The millions of microbes which await more full life in you are harmless to you while you can charge your body sufficiently to insulate your life from their death. About two pounds of your body dies every day, and the millions of dead bodies which are in that two pounds would kill your live body if you took them back into your metabolism again. Have you ever thought of that? Great cities must have great sanitation departments to guard against just that.

    Have you ever thought that your every inbreath charges you with power to live, and every outbreath is death? That means that you are perpetually living and dying thirty or forty times a minute. More amazing still--if you will but give deep thought to it--is the fact that whatever lives in you is not a poison to you, but whatever of your own body which does not live WILL POISON YOU. You breathe in living oxygen which comes to you from the earth and its foliage. It dies in you and you breathe out a deadly poison known as carbon dioxide. That carbon dioxide is not poison to the ground, however. It is food to the ground. The earth breathes in that food and breathes it out as oxygen, which is poison to the ground, however. Have you given thought to this? Have you ever stopped to think that the very water you drink, the air you breathe, and the food you eat, comes from the dead and decaying body of this planet, and that every living body which dies and is returned to the earth, recharges the earth with renewed life? You probably have never given this a thought. We ask you to do so now, in order that you will more fully understand this next step in your understanding of life, death and immortality, in addition to beginning to know your universe. Just pause for a minute or two and ponder this information.

    This is your next step. We have pictured your simultaneously living-dying body. You must now know that all bodies in all the universe are the same in all respects, whether they are electrons, cells, rocks, metals, trees, men, planets or suns. All of them live and die in the same manner. All breathe in the charging breath of life and breathe out the discharging breath of death. All of them compress heat and polarize when they breathe in, and expand, cool and depolarize when they breathe out.

    Why is this? It is because all bodies are made of--and by--electric waves, and every characteristic of the electric current is a life and death alternation. The entirety of Creation lives and dies in sequences. With this thought in mind consider the body of this earth in the same way that you would consider your own body. Parts of the earth’s body are dead, and other parts are dying, just as parts of your body are dead and others are dying. Just as the slight decay of an over ripe peach will not hurt you, while a fully decayed one might kill you, so, likewise, the “over ripe” chemical elements of the earth, which are not too far from carbon will not hurt you, while the farther they are beyond carbon the more deadly they become, and the more impossible it is to guard yourself from their quick death (Fig. 5). This is the lesson of life and death which you must first know. Step by step you will know its whole process. You will then be ready to know “where you go after you die”, and fully comprehend it.

    Now think of the life and death of a planet as you would think of the life and death of your own body. You fully know that your own body grows to maturity--say at forty--when it is more virile than at any other age. That means that every cell in your body is more virile than that same cell could be at sixty, or eighty. At forty your body cells are true spheres and small, fast turning rings.

    At sixty the cells have become very much flattened at their poles as our earth is doing, and their surfaces are beginning to wrinkle with many rings, like Jupiter, just as an old face wrinkles with many lines. At eighty, rings are actually thrown off at equators, like the rings of Saturn. These rings are dead cells of Saturn’s still living body. An old man of ninety is still living but all of his cells are dying faster than he can replace them. This is an important fact for you to understand. Your car battery will help you comprehend the whole principle of the long slow years of dying. When it is charging while you are running it, that shows that its power to generate life is greater than its power to degenerate by discharge. The old age of anything, whether man, electron or planet, means that the galvanometer needle of its life current is showing more discharge than charge, even though it is charging some.

    Look at Figs. 3 & 4. These are pictures of Mars, Jupiter and Saturn to illustrate three such stages of slow dying. Dear ones, you must have death before you can have renewed life--it is simply the way of the cycles. It is also a good point to consider when efforting at all costs to hold on to an old body--why do so? It is only the fear of the unknown and the proof of NOT KNOWING--for all ones would far rather, if possible, have a nice new house. You ones work, pray, spend money and go through agony just to change the ones you already have--why do you wish so much to hang on to that which is moving toward re-birthing and renewal?


    The earth is a dying cell thrown off from the sun. It cannot maintain its spherical form. It is flattening at the poles and cannot keep in balance with its system by remaining on the plane of the sun’s equator. It is in the very early stages of preparing to throw off more rings such as its first one which has wound up to become a moon. The growth of deserts around its equator is the first early stage of that period. Mars has grown very much older. It still has water but oxygen-dependent life is nearing its end upon it. Deserts take up a large area of it and it is more oblate than the earth.

    For a good example of old age witness the wrinkled, expanded, oblate body of Jupiter. It has thrown off many rings, and is preparing to throw off more. Nature always throws off its rings in series of four. Near the surface of Jupiter you will see one series which have wound up into moons. Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars are the last series thrown off by our sun. Jupiter has expanded to probably three or four times its original size, and is whirling itself to its centrifugal death with ever increasing acceleration. In the still more oblate Saturn you see three of its next series of rings before they have wound up around a newly established gravitative center. This study of the way planets and suns die will clearly illustrate to you how your body dies. The point here is that in the speeding up of the dying process of a planet Man errs greatly for he causes such rapid loss of balance that life cannot sustain itself.

    The above thoughts have been given you for the express purpose of building up in you a full comprehension that Man is now attempting to build an environment of death upon the surface of this planet, which has for so many aeons been trying to build up an environment for life. He is creating an abnormal environment with which animal and vegetable life cannot possibly live. We desire to show you why radioactive fission, in large quantities, and oxygen cannot co-exist. These elements are fully alive while in their own environment. By taking them out from that environment they become corpses of themselves. To spread these huge ten ton reactor corpses throughout the world, and the countless billions of microscopic ones, so that they are in every breath you breathe, every bit of food you eat and in the water you drink, will eventually be like forcing you to again breathe in a gradually increasing percentage of your own dead breath.


    From now on we will talk very much about FLAME, in respect to radioactivity and death. Flame is the ultimate of creation. It is both maximum life and maximum death. Its radiation will beget life but its body will consume it. The maturity of all Creation itself is expressed in flaming suns. Suns are incandescent carbon. Carbon is frozen flame. Flame is one point of pressure beyond the maximum compression which a body will stand. Flame is the effect of the explosion which releases the compression at that ultimate point. Compression heats. Flame is maximum heat.

    Life cannot live without heat. It is created by heat and must have it. Radiation gives you that heat. It is good for you. It warms you to a normalcy of temperature. It expands your body cells in perfect attunement with their compression sequences. It synchronizes with the rhythms of your breathings and your pulse beat.

    Radioactivity gives you more heat than you can stand. It sends millions of alpha ray bullets into your body which accumulate there all of your life and raise your temperature, readjusting your entire metabolism until your body cells explode from their accumulated heat and expand beyond their normalcy. The slightest change in your heat abnormalcy gives you a fever. A fever means too much heat. It means expanded body cells and red blood corpuscles. Even too much heat from the sun will do that. You cannot expose yourself to its life-giving rays too long else they become death-giving rays. This idea you must also give much thought to, for your environment demands a proper amount of heat, which will become impossible when your present normal environment is made abnormal by countless billions of alpha and niton rays, which will bombard you constantly and show their effects in leukemia, bone cancer, deformed children and many other effects until you die by slow expansion. A “lethal dose” of radium gases will quicken that expansion.

    All things die from heat expansion. That is the only way any body can die, whether it is your body, or the sun’s body. All things in Nature die normally by slow expansion. Radioactivity is multiplied expansion, which is caused by multiplied compression. It helps Man die from explosively quick expansion. Flame is caused by maximum compression. Flame is the ultimate consumer of all bodies. If you will but bear this fact in mind as we proceed you will more readily comprehend WHY and HOW this planet will soon become a barren waste if radioactivity is widely used. You will also comprehend WHY and HOW Man can explode this planet into millions of fragments, or make it become a partially exploding body, which you call a nova in the heavens.

    Do not for a moment think that planets and suns cannot explode. They are continually exploding--this is why it so important to NOT START A CHAIN REACTION THROUGH YOUR TINKER-TOYS FOR THE ENTIRE OF THE PLANET CAN AND SHALL EXPLODE. There are thousands of novas in the heavens and space IS filled with countless millions of fragments of exploded planets, which you call asteroids and meteorites. These are irregularly shaped lumps. Nature does not create her forms in lumps. She creates only rings and spheres which she crystallized into geometric forms, but they must first be rings and spheres.

    The one amazing thing about all matter, which is not known today, is that all matter wants to explode, it wants to die. To live is an effort. To die is effortless. Matter is not held together from within by the attraction of gravity, as generally supposed, it is compressed together by a force exerted from the outside toward its center. Life is hard to maintain, for that reason, and for the same reason it is easy to die because it wants to die. You must understand that fact if you wish to comprehend how radioactivity kills. It is against all modern scientific belief, because the general belief is that a material nucleus holds the atom together. Nature does NOT work that way. Atoms do not have nuclei. Nature creates her atoms the same way that you would compress air into a tire. It is hard work. You pump it in from the outside toward its middle. Then you put a cap on it to imprison it. If it is not sealed and imprisoned it would escape without effort by you. It does not need help to expand. It only needs help to be compressed.

    Matter is an abnormality. The normality of this universe is a condition of rest--an equilibrium. Matter is not an equilibrium. It is a created condition which divides a resistant equilibrium. That division results in tremendous tensions. Tensions are not normal to the universal equilibrium. Tensions have within them a great desire for relief from tension. Decay, death, discharge, explosions and flame give matter that relief from tensions which it desires. Bear this fact in mind. Remember that the first desire of all Creation is Mind-expression by division of the universal equilibrium. Remember also that the desire to again return to the normal universal equilibrium is equally intensive. To divide an equilibrium requires work. To return to the normality of the universal equilibrium does not require work. Bear in mind, then, that it is hard to live but easy to die. Radioactivity is making it harder for bodies to live by releasing the tensions which makes them die.

    Later, you will find that every atom is exactly like your tire. It is an electrically compressed ring with a hole in it (Fig. 41). Nature has to seal her compressed rings to imprison that compression, just as you do, but the cap she uses to seal them is the eternal cold of space which encases every one of them with a frozen crust. That keeps the heat sealed inside, as it does to your earth. It seems strange to speak of the frozen crust of the sun, but it is, nonetheless, frozen--otherwise the sun would explode.

    SEE PAGE 133 FOR FIG. 6
    SEE PAGE 148 FOR FIG. 7

    All atoms are single units. All of these single units combine, in every octave, to make spiral atomic systems like the nebulae of space, or carbon in an octave, or a loop of force in an electric current. All atomic rings collide to unite four pairs of them into one sphere (Fig. 29). This you will understand later in detail, but an understanding of the essence of it now will help you to comprehend the quick death principle by means of which radioactivity lets imprisoned matter escape suddenly, just as a spark lets imprisoned dynamite escape suddenly.

    The special reason you should begin to understand the essence of it now is because it is against all scientific tradition and concept. It will be proven to you all through this book, however, for our whole case rests upon it. If present day belief is right in its concept that the atom is held together from the inside, then there is no case, and these writings would be worthless. If we are right in our knowledge that all matter is a powder keg which is intensely desirous of being released from its forced imprisonment, and needs only the right kind of match to explode it, you can then see that radioactive fission is that match, and these writings are priceless saviours of the race.

    It only stands to reason, therefore, that if every cell in your body wants to explode, and that radioactivity releases millions upon millions of deadly niton and alpha “matches” in our atmosphere, which will help your body cells to explode, and you breathe in enough of them, you could no more continue to live than your tire could hold its air if you open its valve. This actually happened in a laboratory where some radioactive gas escaped and a man breathed it in. He had a lethal dose and could not live. Of course he could not live, nor can the whole human race and the earth’s vegetation live when microscopic strontium, barium, radium and plutonium “matches” by the millions are in all the water you drink, all the food you eat, and in every breath you take. Some of your cells will constantly explode. Strontium will give you bone cancer and make you breed terribly abnormal children. Radium and plutonium will kill you by eating your red blood cells and causing leukemia victims by the millions. We will give you the detailed reasons for this as we proceed, but we do not need to tell you what cyanide of potassium will do to you, for you already know. Nor do we need to tell you what chlorine, the most deadly gas which laboratories fear, will do to you, for you already know. What then can plutonium rays do to you? They are a million times more deadly than chlorine gas, which every laboratory dreads. Also, what can it do to the planet? Its rays will endure for 20,000 years or longer. It is quite possible that the earth could remain barren that long, or very much longer. Organic life would have to “evolve” again from its very beginning.

    That could happen if you continue to spread those thousands of reactors around your world, for each reactor has a uranium pile of ten tons. That means that thousands of Frankensteins would be in your midst against which you are totally helpless. You could not even approach them to destroy them--check out Chernobyl. Naturally that could not happen, for mankind would discover his great error long before the country could be dotted with plants, but it is more than probable that enough would be constructed, and their shields be come as dangerous as they themselves are, to cause wholesale migrations to far northern latitudes for very survival. Great cities would become deserted and tens of millions would die from polluted food, water and air. You have seen it portrayed for you in practical movies as well as living (or dying as the case is) proof in Chernobyl and surrounding areas thereto. Worse, you in America sit with these plants scattered at random about your nation with some plants literally on fault lines expected to experience major earthquakes. The primeval life which would necessarily become imperative for the small number of survivors in the then temperate climate of the North and South Poles, would set civilization back for many thousands of years, for life would be utterly impossible within a thousand miles of naked reactor plutonium piles.

    One of the greatest errors in reactor construction is the use of aluminum tubes for uranium containers. Aluminum would become charged with radioactive death very quickly in comparison with silver, gold or any other metal on the blue side of the spectrum. Steel is on the red side, but its density is so much greater than aluminum that it is a better metal than aluminum for that purpose. Nickel would be better than steel, for nickel is on the blue side. The idea of constructing shields of any material at all, for protection against uranium and plutonium, is only a temporary expedient. The time will come when the shields will be as dangerous as the cores and you are almost there with several of your reactors. It is absolutely impossible to be otherwise. The time element may be long, but when that time comes, the greatest migration history has ever known will have to take place, and its road will be paved with millions of dead, largely from leukemia which will rapidly increase until it becomes a scourge. Already cancers and immune deficiency diseases are the plague upon your nations.

    I will drop one more “bomb” on you and then we will have a rest break. The element of surprise which could delay the discovery of the great danger, and thus allow more plutonium piles to come into existence, is the fact that scientists are looking near the ground for fall-out dangers and other radioactive menaces. The greatest radioactive dangers are accumulating from eight to twelve miles up. This seems to be totally ignored--deliberately ignored. The upper atmosphere is already charged with death-dealing radioactivity for which it has not yet sent you its bill. It is slowly coming, however, and you will have to pay for it for another century, even if atomic energy plants ceased today and all plants had not been built in the past two decades. That is why it is possible to have many reactors in use before discovering it is too late to stop building them. It would be impossible to destroy them for they could not be approached. Plutonium and uranium piles cannot be destroyed in any other way than by redistributing them the way Nature does. As that is utterly impossible, the only recourse left to Man is to flee from them and let the centuries renormalize the earth made barren by Man.

    Need a shocker? In Britain, in 1956, it was already known and printed, that which would happen to you all: “Since records have been kept the amount of radio-strontium which has fallen out on Britain has multiplied six times. In 1948, radioactivity, to roughly two-thousandths of a gram of radium, had fallen out on each square mile of countryside. Since then the rate of deposition has increased, and now the equivalent of nearly six-thousandths of a gram of radium are settling each year. And there is plenty more of it to come. The concentration of radioactivity eight miles up is some 200 times greater than it is at ground level. Between 10 per cent and 20 per cent of this is thought to settle upon the earth each year.” I suggest you calculate the “time” lapse and know that radiation is a “building up” process. I think you should ponder these statements; consider that it has been over 2 decades and half through another--just since that prior statement was set forth. Moreover, take a place like France wherein almost ALL power is produced by nuclear power and the waste put into the sea. You in America only consider your own waste material with great horror and disdain--ponder it worldwide--I doubt you will breathe easily the remainder of this day. Then, you gather together and make little frequency boxes to heal that which ails you all the while you are pouring on the death poisons as fast as you can and demanding MORE. So be it.


  2. #2


    PJ 33
    FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 1991 1:39 P.M. YEAR 4, DAY 316
    FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 1991

    Hatonn present to speak briefly. I have been with Dharma all this day to this point--since prior to the earthquake in the Los Angeles area this morning. Since there is no way to get this information to the public in time for any reaction or use thereof, I shall ask that we wait to cover the information via Express later. I have made a tape which runs throughout the morning and have given as much information as allowed under the circumstances--the point is to keep my people healthy, not tell fortunes or predict earthquakes nor after-shocks (taken in any manner you choose). Just pray for a bit of sanity in your world this day for you are in dire need of it. This is a warning “shot” to coincide with yesterday’s “Airquake” and the several of last night in the same general area, with no explanations of same, according to your press and media. It borders on “absurd” and a bit too much to stomach.

    Since I need Dharma for personal input, I am going to request that Germain write for an hour or so and then I need her to monitor to see when the news hits the public regarding the rocket launch scheduled from Teledyne this yesterday, then this morning and finally for this afternoon--a lot of the problems you are having are wrapped up around that specific rocket launch. Also be aware of the information pouring in from Slovenia and Croatia--you are in the middle of the biggest power plays on your globe. The instructions to the Soviets from the Bilderbergers and Trilateralists is to retain ALL the Soviet sub-states in one unit at all costs--or no participation in the IMF, funding through the World Bank and/or America, etc.

    Beware, also, of that which is coming down in Iraq. After pounding on your people’s nerves over “Iraq having no nuclear capability” at and during the Iraq War, what say they now? Ah, so it is, they tell you there are “many” installations and some are not even being reported nor open for inspection EVEN NOW! Bush wants to go back into the war with his, “I told you so.” Things are going sour in other parts of the Middle East and if you watch you will be able to see the “hands move” in every instance--even from the “non-news”. The time is critical, dear ones--indeed critical. You are again at “First Nuclear Strike against the Soviets” and they are warning you of what they can do and you had better listen! I think it appropriate that I remove myself and allow Germain to continue with his dissertation on the death tools as presented upon your world this day. Salu.


    I shall move swiftly along, Dharma, for I understand the pressures and I also realize that the taping is necessary and preferable to your having to sit at this machinery all day. I note that you will find all in your area have been aware of the incredible pressure in your location for the past three days. We shifted your terminals on the apparatus but we will require many interruptions for you for we can no longer totally interfere and neutralize the particle bombardment. We will watch the timing so that you can relax and write. it is truly an electronic game of chess we have going here with the world as stakes to the winner--however, the way the game is played, it is more likely to be “blow up the world” prior to the game finish. It is incredibly stupid and unthinkable but nonetheless it is the time of cycle rotation when this is what happens--so, please, allow us to continue regarding atomic suicide.


    We respond to your inquiries as to WHY these radioactive elements will so violently kill when others will not injure you. We will answer the question very explicitly for you but for the present our answer is that they will NOT kill IF LEFT WHERE NATURE PUT THEM to perform the beneficial service intended of them. They are all good in their place, in fact they help to create the very water you drink and make humus for the soil, which give you food. God’s whole plan is good. When Man upsets that plan he makes for himself that which he calls “bad”.

    Let us give you an example of our meaning. It is good and healthful for you to sit upon a great granite boulder with the sun shining warmly upon you. All of its radiations are good, for they are in normal balance with the pulsation frequencies of every cell in your body. Now if you “Bombard” that 100 ton boulder and take it all apart, you will obtain fourteen ounces of uranium and two pounds of thorium. If you then sit upon that you will soon die from the explosions caused in your body cells. You can also procure other metals which will not hurt you from that boulder. You can obtain 1,000 pounds of titanium, 180 pounds of manganese, 70 pounds of chromium, 40 pounds of nickel, 10 pounds of tungsten, 5 tons of iron and 8 tons of aluminum. The reason WHY these tons of metals will not hurt you, and WHY the few ounces of thorium and uranium WILL hurt you, is the reason why it is now necessary to know the relation of LIFE and DEATH of organic bodies, to the elements of matter of which they are composed.

    For this reason we again repeat the great simple basic fact that all death is caused by expansion, and all life is caused by compression. We also repeat the as yet unknown fact that life deeply desires to live, but has to work hard to keep sufficiently charged to maintain life, while death can fulfill its desire to die without effort. To charge a body with life takes time and much effort, but a discharge can be timeless and without effort. The flash of a short-circuit is not only a good example of this fact but is a DEMONSTRATION OF ITS PROOF.

    If you will but submit this new thought to your reasoning you will see the naturalness, and significance of it. Death means rest, or cessation of motion. Sound is motion created with an effort, but it ceases without effort. It is an effort for you to arise and work, but it is no effort for you to cease working and rest. It is an effort to heat a rod of iron but the rod will cool without effort. You must, therefore, realize that all things will die normally and naturally without help. That is what radiation is. Multiplied expansion means helping matter to expand quickly, and that is what radioactivity is. The use of nuclear fission, therefore, vastly multiplies the difficultly of living things to keep alive, by vastly aiding them to die.

    The mystery which I will effort to clarify in this message is to tell how Man can be master of life through knowledge, instead of letting death master him through ignorance. The first essential in knowing how to gain this control is to first realize the profundity of the basic facts above stated, and relegate all cause of normal death to normal expansion, and all quick death to abnormal expansion. Add other details to this afterward. Do not say that he died of arsenic poisoning, for there is no poison in the purposeful things of Nature, which must fulfill their purposes. He died of abnormal expansion due to contacting a higher voltage electric current than his body could stand. That was the cause of his death. It was radioactive electrocution, not poisoning.

    It is not greatly different from contracting a disease within a body who is host to the HIV virus. The virus causes invasion and inefficiency of the natural immune system. Then when the body is weakened, it is easily attacked by other forms of “infection” or “infestation” resulting in overwhelming by organisms or toxins thereof which cause abnormal expansion due to contracting a higher voltage electric current than his body can tolerate. It comes down to radioactive electrocution, not poisoning from the toxins directly. This might give some of you “cure” hunters a hint of what is going on in this disease mechanism. The HIV virus itself is a very hypofrequency structure which causes only immune deficiency. The body simply cannot, finally, ward off infections of other sources. The fact that the major disease association is that of Kaposy’s sarcoma indicates a high frequency cancer-causing toxin release within the body system.

    This example will apply to all radioactive effects which we shall describe herein. The lethal dose of radioactive emanation which killed the laboratory worker heretofore mentioned, was not a poison, nor was it a chemical death. He died by electrocution, slow electrocution which consumed two weeks of time to slowly expand enough to kill. ANY OF YOU DEALING WITH “AIDS” WILL NOTE THAT THE SYMPTOMS OF ILLNESS, SICKNESS PATTERNS, WEAKNESS AND TERRIBLE LETHARGY OF THE CONDITION SIMULATES THE PATTERNS OF RADIATION OVERLOAD, MISNAMED AS “RADIATION POISONING”. As our last word, before taking the next simple step in our clarification, let us remind you that this universe of motion is entirely electrical. Every effect of any nature, whatsoever, is basically electric. Whatever happens in any way stems from the electric current. To know just one wave unit of the electric current is to know all there is of the construction of matter, or the cause of any effect of motion, whatsoever.

    The secret of Creation lies in the octave wave, therefore, know the wave. Also, it is very good if you all first become electricians for all other “careers” are secondary to that of understanding electricity. We even suggest this same thing to the humanist, poet or missionary. First be an electrician! Know the electric current if you wish to control people, matter, or YOUR DESTINY. Now, Mr. Russell and Mr. Tesla both knew this simple fact very well indeed, especially Mr. Tesla--Mr. Russell’s knowledge came from this identical route--Mr. Tesla used practical application.

    The chemist and musician make use of the same octave tonal scale, and the clergyman who knows its rhythms is vastly more fitted to balance human problems. I say to all men in all professions, and all walks of life, from the statesman to him who wields a shovel: “If you would know your universe of motion, your relations to it and your control over it, FIRST THOROUGHLY KNOW JUST ONE CYCLE OF AN ELECTRIC CURRENT AND THE STILL FULCRUM FROM WHICH IT HAS ITS BEING.”


    I would now like to write for you what seems like an insoluble paradox, or an impossibility of Nature, but it is a fundamental, nevertheless. Please carve it indelibly upon your consciousness now, and await its gradual comprehension as other unknown fundamentals of nature will be or already have been revealed to you herein. It is as follows:

    All material bodies, organic and inorganic, live and grow by increasingly fast motion. They also die and decay by increasingly fast motion.

    This eternal fact of Nature has always stared Man in the face very conspicuously, without having been seen. Even so great a thinker and observer as Dr. Einstein passed it by when he wrote his equation of 1905, which states that fast motion multiplies electrical potential. Before Dr. Einstein passed on from your plane, he knew there were errors in his calculations and even tried to rectify some of them, at which point he was stopped from so doing. The fact in point of Nature is true, but as it is equally true that fast motion divides potential, his whole equations are invalid as a LAW, for a half-truth which voids itself CANNOT become an ETERNAL LAW.

    It is not to be wondered at that this fact of nature escaped observation by the senses, for Man is so accustomed to the fact that effects disappear through slow motion, and that death is consummated by cessation of motion. The senses are not to be trusted, however. When you fully understand the above postulate you will also understand the incredible death speed of plutonium radiations which are approximately 170,000 miles per second.

    The fastest speed of Nature is 186,400 miles per second. That is the generoactive speed in which light waves reproduce to create living bodies of matter. In the creation of matter the generoactive, polarizing, centripetal speed which multiplies to create solids, begins with zero at the first octave and reaches its maximum generoactive speed of 186,400 miles per second at carbon, which is the maturity of Creation. This is the increasingly fast speed which multiplies potential. It is centripetal. From there it begins its radioactive, depolarizing, centrifugal speed at zero and reached 186,400 miles per second, just beyond plutonium at the amplitude point of the 9th octave wave. This is the increasingly fast speed which divides potential to assist matter to die. It is centrifugal. Up to nearly that point the word fusion has taken the place of combustion, but beyond it the speed of death is so great that the word fission has been coined to meet it. The speed of flame by fission causes one short-circuit in about one hundred millionth of a second. Its actual speed could be computed by dividing the speed of light into the time it takes for one wave frequency. Thus we will end another lesson in unfolding your comprehension to the meaning of multiplied death before again opening new doors for still greater comprehension of the true nature of our universe.

    So please, let us review what we have projected here. We will make it easier to comprehend by telling it simply and in easy stages. As a step in this direction you must know that life in a Man’s body is exactly the same as life in your car battery. As long as its electrical charge exceeds its discharge it lives and grows with increasing vitality. When its discharge exceeds its charge it loses its vitality and slowly dies. This is as true of a flower as of a man, or atom, or flaming sun.

    We again repeat the fact that all things live and grow because of their ability to generate enough heat to charge their bodies with their normal voltage, and no more. Each living body has a normal temperature and pulsation frequency which must be constant in order to live and grow. Death begins with the slightest upset of that normalcy. Even one degree of extra heat beyond 98.6 will upset the entire metabolism of man. That one degree of fever is one fifth of his way to death. That is equally true of everything. Your planet already has a degree of “fever”, caused by radioactivity--not greenhouse effect nor missing ozone. That one degree has already upset the earth’s metabolism enough to cause many fishes in the seas to migrate into colder waters. It is causing ice caps and glaciers to melt, etc. Actually the degree registers a bit above one degree and rising. Less than ten more degrees of radioactive fever will make of your planet a barren waste!

    All things which die and decay do so because of their inability to continue the electric strain of compression sufficiently to preserve their normalcy. All living bodies compress. All dying bodies expand. This should not be a difficult lesson upon life and death, for compression and expansion are the only two effects of motion and force in all this universe and we have been over this quite a few times to this point. Also, all things in it are eternally compressing and expanding in alternate sequences, forever. Your heartbeat, your breathing, and the pulsations of every cell in your body are continually compressing and expanding in orderly ordained normal rhythms, each unit having its own normalcy of rhythmic frequencies, and each one being not only in balance with the whole, but also in balance with its normal environment.

    Consider a living man, in his normal environment of temperatures and pressures, being subjected to an electric pulsation frequency of a 10,000 volt current. That tremendous abnormalcy expands every cell in his body so suddenly that they violently explode. All expanding bodies are always exploding slowly, over long periods of time. We do not use that word for slow expansion, however. We do not say that a decaying tree, which takes fifty years to go back into the ground, is exploding. If you burn it, however, the flame is a series of quick explosions which will do in two hours what Nature intended to do in some fifty years.

    Consider your car battery in the same way. If small wires are used the charge in your battery explodes slowly. You can drive hundreds of miles because of those slow gradual explosions which gradually discharge your battery, If, however, you connect both poles with a large wire and touch the ends together you discharge the whole battery instantly. A brilliant flash of intensely hot flame appears from an environment which was cold. That is what radioactivity is. It multiplies the frequencies of slow, invisible radiation to fast visible radioactive fusion.

    If, for another example, you wind a tungsten wire with silk, then pass a hundred thousand volt current through it in a vacuum tube, you will see a brilliant white flash of intensely white hot light which lasts for only about one millionth of a second. That light is so hot that it instantly explodes the tungsten. Nothing but helium gas remains in the tube. Also those radioactively multiplied voltage frequencies are so quick that the silk thereat has not even been singed.

    Fix in your mind the primary fact that flame and radioactivity are one....Flame is quick death always. Coal dies slowly by slow loss of heat while in the ground. It takes thousands of years to radiate itself away, while flame does it in an hour. If you multiply the frequencies of flame you are, likewise, multiplying its power to quicken the death of anything. A sulphur match will not produce a hot flame. It will burn wood slowly but it will not set iron on fire. The hotter flame of the acetylene torch will set iron on fire, however, but it will not set granite or concrete on fire. How did you think an oxyacetylene torch cut through metal? If you multiply the radioactive power of flame still more, by making an oxyacetylene flame, you can then electrocute granite or concrete. It will burst into flame and slowly disappear.

    These great radioactive and heat-multiplied frequencies are nothing, however, as compared to the intense heat which nuclear fission produces with plutonium, barium, radium and other radioactively explosive elements. They are a far cry from the flame power produced by the sulphur match. These elements have made a match for Man which has produced a heat so great, and so quickly, that it has utterly destroyed millions of tons of rock deep down in an island and vaporized other millions of tons of sea water in a millionth of a second. The heat thus so timelessly generated is greater than the hottest part of your sun. That is what we mean by describing radioactivity as quick death.

    If it could be possible to transport a hundred ton lump of the sun to your earth it would drop through it as readily as a bullet penetrates the atmosphere. Call it radioactivity, fission, fusion or what you will, its principle in Nature is the release of a frozen body from its imprisonment by releasing its binding tensions. It is the relaxing principle of Nature. It is the restoration of tense matter to its Natural state of equilibrium.

    Let us have a break before we continue with how radioactivity kills. Thank you for your time out of this day busy with other life matters. This is absolutely necessary information if you are to understand how deadly the games are which are being played out on your placement. So be it.


    PJ 33
    MONDAY, JULY 1, 1991 8:51 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 319
    MONDAY, JULY 1, 1991

    Hatonn present in Light, in service and in humble appreciation for the gift of another day in which to serve our relations.

    OK, chelas, you flunked your examination. Charles is ill and you don’t know what is wrong--get Audrey and Eric. This is the very type of thing you ones can plan on facing along this path. Yes, I do know what is wrong--further, it is not important that “I” know what is wrong--YOU must know how to handle these things. Also, you ones must learn to measure tasks and not get yourselves into such boundaries of stress that you become physically ill.

    Audrey and Eric will be the ones tending this type of “emergency” and, of course, you have done the correct thing in getting medical assistance--but you should have a pattern wherein most appropriate service can be rendered in the shortest time possible. Both Audrey and Eric are trained very well in emergency care as well as convalescent attention--let us now begin to allow all to serve in their best capacity. Thank you.

    Do not anticipate that WE will automatically tend every whim or need--the body is always trying to reach through to the reasoning brain when there is illness or pain. Attend the messages carefully and then concern need not turn into useless “worry”. Then, I suggest that we consider getting on with our “housing-Audrey” project at the earliest possible time for it is the living alone which can become the problem as ones are “out of commission”. There will be a pile of permits and drawings, etc., but it must be considered soon for you have several who could nicely participate and many who could afford the care and living community. Let us work in bits and pieces here in the beginning and then let us see what we can do for obtaining some funding for this project--it can pay for itself as a good investment. You will need some larger apartments, i.e., let us say, if Ranos wished to live in such a dwelling, he would need room for his computers in addition to living, so you will need varying sized apartments, etc. This is only example, but I suggest it is time to begin to seriously think of these types of projects.

    All ones need privacy and yet, many would prefer to not tend of gardens, etc., or cannot do so--let us just feel our way along here until the direction comes clear.

    You will find that miserable bouts of “flu”, etc., are very debilitating and, frankly, mimic in symptom similarity, radioactive sickness--it is something that it is time to consider in your portfolio of concerns. Just from that which you have released into your atmosphere (for radioactivity is less at ground level than in the higher elevations) you are experiencing increasing bombardment--the scientists want you to think it is ozone depletion--it is radiation buildup. Face it and then perhaps we can begin to counter the situation.

    So that we can understand more clearly, the problem and the workings of the mechanism of radioactivity and how it eventually “kills”--I shall turn this over to Germain without further time consumption. Thank you, Dharma, for yesterday was a marathon day of writing, but rest can come when the knowledge is forth. Saalome’.

    Germain present and thank you for allowing my participation. The subject matter is most disagreeable but through knowledge is the only route through which we can prevail in the Light.


    This is certainly not a “pretty” subject but of utmost value for when you find a problem--there are always counter-measures to be taken. So, allow us to let our thoughts wander a bit and consider your condition. As you sit in relaxation by your fireside, for instance, you feel in perfect comfort. Your room is warm. You can go to bed when you wish and sleep in comfort. You are not hungry. You have good bodies and your temperatures are right around 98.6 degrees F--just as they should be. Your pulsebeat is regular and “normal”--everything is within “normal” range. You can arise in the morning, take food, go into town in a ready waiting car, and plan your day’s work and evening’s relaxation without fear of interference, because everything outside your home is as normal as it is at home. That is what you desire, is it not? Is not this regular, even if boring, existence that which all civilization is striving to attain? Is it not a fact that human happiness, health, safety, property and all things considered by you to be worth while depend upon the normalcy of your environment and your human

    Your temperature could not remain at 98.6 degrees if your planet could be pushed five million miles nearer to the sun. Your temperature would rise. You would have a fever of several points. Naturally that could not be done, but its equivalent can be done by the use of radioactive fission. Your normal life can quite easily be made most unhappy and very dangerous if the town’s water supply becomes polluted, or a hundred other things which could happen to you in your home, or to the town or nation, which would upset your normalcy.

    Epidemics of typhus, polio, smallpox, and many other things have upset the normal growth of individuals and nations. Two-thirds of middle Europe were wiped out by bubonic plague. A war tomorrow might draft you out of your comfortable home, your bed, your work and your relaxation. Your own desired normalcy can be ended in a flash, and an abnormalcy take its place, which you do not desire. Instead of a happy Hungarian family and comfortable home of this minute, some are dead, and some are in prison, or exiled to Siberia in the next hour. This is true, is it not? It is quite a familiar picture to the whole world, and not one person in all the world remains untouched by the abnormalities which have upset the great orderly rhythmic growth which Nature intends for all creating things, and will give to them if they cooperate with Nature in keeping that normal rhythm of her orderly unfolding of all creating things.

    You could look upon, let us say, a body-builder who is muscular and considered beautiful! Is that body perfection? No--it is trained in a most abnormal manner and is totally out of balance and in imperfection. The body was not born to appear in that manner and, worse, it is ego seeking eternal physical expression which causes the being to seek such physical manifestation. Sorry about that, you joggers, runners, weight-lifters, etc.--you are foolish and totally out of balance and there is almost no harmony within your being and requirements are absolute and total slavery to the task of remaining out of balance. Exercise for fitness is one thing--overdoing to fill ego needs for looking younger and such, is indeed foolish. Anything which causes undue attention in exaggerated manner--is in the long-run far more detrimental to the emotional stability which, in fact, gives instructions to that body to function properly--than almost anything for you who are slaves to training routines when that is not your path of service--are leaving yourselves open for great pain and suffering when you are unable to meet those physical sessions of training. What you have been trained to accept is only that which MAN has pronounced perfection of the physical.

    Normalcy of environment is a necessity of all Creation, as well. For instance, Eidelweis will not be found in a low valley. No one would attempt to raise tropical fruits in Alaska or northern Canada, nor could polar bears survive in the pastures of southern Florida without long times for natural changes to adapt. If you knew that certain actions of Man would so change the normalcy of your environment that it would cause an epidemic of bubonic plague, would you not rise en masse with your neighbors to prevent it? Of course you would. Bubonic plague would be a mild and transient effect as compared with what is now being planned for the human race, for many would survive it and, in future centuries, would forget it. Not so with radioactive fission, however, for none would survive to forget it. I wish to demonstrate and explain to you why oxygen-dependent vegetable and animal life could not again appear upon your earth for twenty to thirty thousand years if Man’s plan is consummated.

    It will be interesting and enlightening to again turn to your imagination regarding your comfortable and safe position in the universal house of the human race and other organic life. To aid the picturing of the position of organic life in this universe we are printing a map of the entirety of Creation for you to see it as a whole.

    Look at Figure 5. It tells the whole story of Creation, and your safe house within its dangerous surroundings, which we will point out to you a bit later. That safe house of yours in our universe is indicated by a triangle which bounds its walls of safety. You will see it right near the middle of the map. That triangle is the limit of your safe environment. Beyond it you cannot go for there are twenty-two vicious killers in the far reaches of the environment which surrounds your house, which you cannot see. You need have no fear of them, however, for Nature has chained them very securely so that they cannot hurt you while so securely imprisoned. Man is planning to alter Nature’s plan, however, and release them into your environment and has done so, even within your very house. These killers are the invisible metallic death rays which penetrate every cell of your body with ultra-microscopic poison metal bullets at speeds of around 160,000 miles per second.

    These killer metals, which are soon to multiply to uncountable millions, will await you in your drinking water, which will be polluted from underground over the whole region of atomic activities, from buried atomic waste. They will await you in your food, for every grass blade will take it into the beef you eat and the milk you drink. They will await you in every breath you take, for miles of it will accumulate in the upper atmosphere to fall upon the earth increasingly, year by year. Do not find comfort in assurance that you can be protected from it. We will consider that later, but you can no more be protected from it than you could protect the dryness of earth from becoming wet when it rains. Neither can your planet be protected from the rise in its whole temperature, which alone would so change the earth’s environment that all life would be impossible.

    The universe might very appropriately be likened to a harp of nine strings, with nine tones in each string. In the diagram the strings are all indicated as the same length for simplicity. In Nature the lower string is the longest. They grow gradually shorter up to the 9th. Likewise, the tonal positions and frequencies change in each string. In every case each note on each string is one octave higher than its next lower string. You will note that each string begins with a zero and ends with a zero. These are the key notes of each octave. They are the cathodes of every electric anode. They are called inert gases, such as helium, neon, argon, krypton, etc. They are the seed of all matter and the supreme mystery of matter. In them is the answer to the great mystery of life and death.

    Perhaps you may better understand our meaning by a study of your piano keyboard. There are only seven tones there. Each eighth tone is the same as the beginning note, except it is one octave higher. The reason for that change is due entirely to pressure mathematics. Compression pressure has reached a position where the vibration frequencies have multiplied in cube ratio. If you put a book upon the top of an organ pipe you will find that its tone will jump to just one octave higher.

    Like the low tones of a harp, the low spectrum tones on the Cosmic harp are of so few frequencies that they cannot even be perceived by human senses until the third string is reached. Up to around your year 1926 only one of these tones had been perceived, but at that time the Russell Charts numbered one and two, included herein, were published, which completed all of the octave tones of that third octave. Also, up to the issuance of the Russell Charts in 1926, the chart then in use was known as the Mendeleef Table of the elements. In that chart hydrogen was the only element shown in that otherwise empty third octave, an impossibility in Nature which creates ALL UNITS IN PAIRS AND ALL OCTAVES IN FOUR PAIRS. The Russell Charts repair this deficiency whether or not the scientific community wishes to accept it. Remember, Man of Earth Shan thought the sun revolved around your planet and that you were the center of your system--I wonder sometimes, if you have grown from that ignorance as

    of yet. Mostly it simply matters not to almost all of you. If you are told otherwise regarding truth of functions, you simply get rid of the speaker, burn them at the stake or worse--crucify them, and go on in your ignorance until the knowledge is used by the adversary to blow you away. Note that hydrogen, and its octave, were shown without an inert gas preceding it. This is as impossible in Nature as the growing of a tree without a seed is impossible. Also hydrogen was placed in the first column instead of the fourth column under carbon. Hydrogen has never been suspected as being carbon, one octave lower, as silicon is also carbon, one octave higher.

    The reason that each succeeding tonal note, which constitutes the elements of matter, is one octave higher is one entirely of increased pressure. You can better understand that by compressing some air in an enclosed box or tube in which you have inserted a whistle. The more air you pump in, the higher the whistle sound when you open its valve. If you tighten a wire the same thing will happen. The same harp string can give you many tones if you turn the tuning pins higher, or lower. By the time the first octave string has multiplied in cube ratio nine times, the speed of vibration frequencies and intensity of pressure have reached the incredible proportions of 1,073,741,824 times greater in the 9th string than the first string.

    You can better imagine the tremendous explosive pressures which lie behind radium and plutonium bullets by actually seeing the pressure figures. Try it. Start with the first octave at 8. By cubing 8 it equals 64, then 512, then 4,096. The carbon octave comes next with pressure of 32,768. These are YOUR normal pressures, as well as for all organic animal and vegetable life. When you cube your normal pressures you are running into danger. Nitrogen, for example, is phosphorous when cubed once, and it is arsenic when cubed twice. Nitrogen is necessary for you but phosphorous and arsenic will immediately “eat up” the nitrogen of your body and kill you by their radioactive expansion.

    Oxygen is sulphur when cubed once to equal 262,144 pressures. Sulphur will kill you, however, for sulphur is the dying body of oxygen and you cannot eat your dying body. If you ignite sulphur it will consume oxygen. If you cube oxygen five times you arrive at the deadly radium-uranium-plutonium octave with its tremendous pressures of over a billion. These are the very nearly dead bodies of the elements which constitute the universal body. The reason that these bodies poison you is the simple fact that you cannot eat the dead bodies of parts of your own living body. If you cannot survive the ptomaine poisoning of slightly decayed fish, how can you possibly survive the maximum putridity which radioactivity is?

    The deadly strontium octave reaches the tremendous pressure of 16,777,216, and the barium octave reaches 134,217,728 pressures. Underground these tremendous explosive pressures give birth to lower pressures by releasing higher ones from crystallized structures. That is the cyclic, or reincarnation process of Nature. Above ground, however, the cycle acts in reverse. Dead bodies kill living bodies instead of borning them. That is why oxygen and the free radioactive metals cannot co-exist. That is why thousands of tons of radioactive death in plutonium, strontium, thorium, radium and the other nearly dead elements used in reactor plants and discarded as waste, will gradually consume the earth’s atmosphere and its oceans if not prevented from allowing the dead to remain buried, instead of resurrecting it to kill the living. You must understand that all bodies beyond carbon are dying bodies and that living bodies cannot live by consuming dead ones. There is a point of decay in all bodies, whether they are carrots, meat, fruit, oxygen or nitrogen. You do not have to be convinced that you cannot live if you consume decaying bodies of vegetables or animals which are composed of nitrogen, oxygen and carbon. Why should it be necessary to convince you that you cannot live if you consume decaying oxygen, nitrogen or carbon in their natural forms? Decay and radioactivity are one, except that radioactivity is FAST DECAY.

    Pressures in electric matter are dominated by the geometry of space wave-fields, which are based upon the cube. We recite this fact in passing, to explain the use of the word, but its further explanation would require too much space to record here. We will lightly touch upon it at the end of this book.

    You can better understand the death dealing speed of radioactive light “bullets”, which radium or plutonium can shoot at you, if you but compare the speed and power of Colonial musket bullets to the modern ones, and then multiply that by thousands of times. Or if you put sixty pounds of pressure in your tire, instead of thirty, and compare the hiss of that explosion when you open the valve, with the hiss of a thirty pound pressure, it will give you a more clear picture of what over a billion times thirty pounds would do if you could blow up a tire to such a high pressure--undoubtedly you would reach the moon most quickly when you open that tire valve this time.


    Let us now look around your house of safety within which your environment is all contributory to the well being of organic life. By organic life we mean oxygen dependent bodies. Within that triangle on the universal harp are only five of its tones out of its total of 121. Those five tones are carbon, silicon, oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen. It will probably amaze you to be informed that four of these five elements constitute 98 1/2% of your whole body composition. More amazing still, all five constitute 98 1/2% of the upper few feet of the earth’s crust upon which your body is dependent for the food it needs for survival. The basic constituent for the fertile life-giving earth’s crust, is silicon. Silicon is the first stage of death for carbon. It is, therefore, as good for purposes of earth as carbon is for purposes of life.

    Your bodies need many metals but it is extremely important to realize two things about such needs. One is, that out of the many their total is only 1 1/2% of your bodies. The other is that not even a millionth of a milligram of metal enters the body in its free state. They can be present only as mineral salts, or oxides. Iron, calcium, magnesium, sodium and many other mineral salts are necessary, but only in infinitesimal amounts. To indicate the small amounts of metals the body will accept, we cite such examples as manganese, which is present in only seven hundredths of one per cent, copper one thousandth, nickle two ten-thousandths, and gallium three one hundred-thousandths of one per cent. Iron, calcium, iodine, sodium and other metal salts are necessary, also, but in extremely small fractions.

    This might seem to be a very strange thing, for Nature creates only metals. The text books give lists of non-metals, but there are no non-metals. All stone in this universe is composed of one or more pairs of metals in union. The stone of which your grindstone is made is the main source of aluminum, but the mate of aluminum is phosphorous. Likewise, the stoney carbon is composed of boron and nitrogen in union. Nitrogen is classified as a gas, but all gases are low-pressured metals. The next octave above nitrogen is phosphorous. It has been multiplied into a solid by one octave of additional pressure. Nitrogen and oxygen are good friends in the atmosphere you breathe, but phosphorous will burst into flame and consume oxygen if exposed to it, and if you breathe it you would die--yet it is but concentrated, or compressed nitrogen. If you multiply nitrogen another octave the result is arsenic, and that is obviously a metal. If you breathe arsenic vapors or take a very little of it into your body, even as a salt, it will kill you quite quickly--yet that, too, is but compressed nitrogen.


    We will take for the next step the as yet unknown fact that the structure of the universe, as one whole body, lives and grows to maturity, then dies, just as man, and all organic life does. Carefully note the parallel. A man matures at about forty, which is about one half of his cycle. During all of that period of time he is growing stronger and is more vital. From that moment, however, he begins to die. His generoactive maximum is reached and his radioactive period begins. He may still grow stronger in body but his cells are dying faster than he can keep them regenerated. When he is about eighty, death has caught up with the power which charges bodies into life. The WHY of that is what you need to know for your own sake, and the WHY of the death of metals is what atomic engineers must know.

    The entire birth and growth of matter matures at carbon. It matures as a flaming true sphere, any part of which will crystalize as a true cube when frozen into form. The cold cube of space and the hot sphere of matter are the consummate forms of Nature. Beyond that they cannot go. Also, they are Nature’s limitations in pressures, temperatures and frequencies. Beyond the cube and sphere they cannot go. When you understand this fundamental of Nature you will then understand WHY and HOW you and all things live, and WHY and HOW you die. Follow this explanation carefully, then, and you will know. As to “WHERE--you go when you die”, that can wait, but that also you will know before you finish this book inclusive with the prior JOURNAL. We will leave this idea of cube-sphere limitation, and its reversal for a moment, but will return for we have covered it in detail in the prior JOURNAL.

    Now look again at your chart and find carbon in the fourth octave symbolized by a cube centering a sun. From that point on death begins and multiplies its power to die in the same ratio as it has multiplied its power to live. In other words, it now accumulates as much centrifugal speed to disappear into its invisible Source as it accumulated centripetal speed on the way to its destination in carbon. The only difference is that the generoactive speed of compression is inward from the outside until maturity in carbon, and after that its radioactive speed explodes outward from the inside. In each case the inward speed of 186,400 miles per second is reached at the maximum point of life in carbon, and the outward speed is reached at the amplitude of the 9th octave, just beyond the transuranium elements, which is the maximum point of universal death.

    What we have just stated is one of the most significant facts of Nature. It has never been known because it has never been known that the universe lives and dies just as Man lives and dies. Nor has it been known that bodies live by fast motion and also die by fast motion. All through these writings you will never lose sight of that fact, for it runs through the books like a golden thread in a tapestry, as it does all through Nature.

    You must fully understand that electric compression continues to generate after carbon has been reached, and death has begun to find supremacy, just as a forty year old man may still become stronger and more vital after he has begun to die. If you examine these elements beyond carbon you will find that they are all more dense and much more heavy than any element up to and including carbon. Plutonium is the heaviest of all elements. It is also the greatest of the twenty-two killer metals. These killer metals are what atomic energy is intending to release into your atmosphere.

    It is time for a respite, please. Then we shall discuss why killer metals kill and why other metals do not. The central point, of course, is that God, the Creator, is LIGHT--the invisible White Light of the undivided and unchanging Magnetic universe. Upon this point revolves ALL. So be it.

    Thank you for your attention, let us stand aside that rest might give renewal and also allow time for pondering of the information AS it flows for it is far more effective in small “doses”. I salute you.


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