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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar

    Default 응답: SATAN'S DRUMMERS

    PJ 09
    CHAPTER 15


    WED., NOV. 8, 1989 6:30 A.M. YEAR 3, DAY 084
    WED., NOV. 8, 1989

    Sananda present for the final pages of this document. It will be the most distressing for the pictures are so vivid. It is most un­fortunate but it must be so. You do not wish to face this terrible thing that has grown to touch all of your lives. You have hidden too long--much too long. You must read these upcoming individual scenarios as if these were your family, your friends, your children and your babies. You must do so for in all instances--they are! Your entire world has been raped, pillaged and plundered at the hands of evil--no more and no less. Turning away and pretending it is not will do naught.

    If you still believe that you can comfortably live in today’s world as a God-loving, law abiding citizen and not deal with the reality of satanism, think again. Satanism is on the rise. It is not a passing fad that will fade if you all just ignore it or throw a few positive confessions at it. Not every satanist group is involved in animal or human sacrifice, but a growing number of them most certainly are and the actions are sanctioned by the hierarchy of every group.

    I am only going to touch on a few scatterings of cases which you can easily check for confirma­tion. As I look at the situation I find very few villages or cities which are completely absent of a witch or satanic cult. It is far beyond the subject of good or bad, goodness or evil. You could not see far enough to understand that the last great religion to sweep the mighty planet Earth would be of evil. It, like anything else, begins most simply and innocently in most instances; just a few little rituals which “work”, a few chants which “work”, a few fortune teller’s tales that are “fact” and a movement into self-greed, misery, loneliness, boredom and whatever else “seems” correct. You are drawn like moths into a flame.

    What I am going to tell you will not surpass the very movies you allow your babies to watch on any given Friday or Saturday in America, U.S.A. You pretend those are not true and there­fore harmless--nay, they are true and they are most dangerous indeed.

    It is painful to hear these stories. It rips at the very depth of one’s mind and soul to learn of the unspeakably deliberate evil that man is capable of committing. You would far rather talk and argue over one who is “Christ”. Well, for you who feel this way I most surely understand; however, it is a fact that these organized places of hell are “anti-christ” factories with written rules to break every law of God and Creation--a doctrine of total evil.

    Christians have become gross hypocrites and your children turn to truth. Shock you? I hope so. They turn to the truth, as heinous as it is. The only thing about the evil pronouncements which is total truth is that upon which they base their doctrines. The leaders of the cults live their lives in the selfish evil that they proclaim. The Christians go to churches and gatherings and go forth and live a lie. The children not only are witness to this but their peers, music, idols and daily living are testament to the fact of it.

    The devil lies to the receivers. He promises them fulfillment, power, popularity and wondrous contentment and then he destroys his victims after he sucks everything from the entity.

    Further, you don’t know what goes on in these rituals for the leaders either destroy their victims or can so terrify the observer or participant as to render, especially a child, helpless and actually present dual, triple (countless) personalities in order to preserve of the self.

    Hundreds of your pre-schools are riddled with this disease. The children are organized into a worldwide computer network of pornography. And yet these same children--your children--come forth and testify in terror and you turn from them. Your own California Attorney General, in a report in your 1986 referred to a Bakersfield, California case, “It can be firmly stated that the satanic allegations eroded the children’s credibility. . . and ultimately their ability to testify about what had happened to them”.

    If there is one thing that cult satanists do most well, it is to cover their tracks in such a way as to thoroughly discredit witnesses who might seek to come against them. That task is especially easy for them when dealing with young children, which is one reason why children make such ideal victims. The child may finally gain the courage to testify that he saw a little animal tortured, killed, and burned or buried--even a baby tortured, killed and “cooked”. When these sites are excavated there is nothing found--of course not, these are sophisticated organizations. They bury the bodies to accomplish the discrediting--the moment the ritual is over for the child the entity is dug up and disposed of elsewhere by burning or cooking.


    Further--sometimes in knowledge and sometimes in total ignorance, these ones of evil offer these artifacts for sale right through what you call your New Age journals and U.F.O. journals. I suggest you ones find a copy of one of these advertisements such as Inner Light Publications, a Brad Stieger organization, and read it. Especially read the advertisements for cult materials in the small print. Then I ask that you go forth in inner thought and check out the discrediting of U.F.O.’s and discrediting of alien visitors as vile enslavers and body snatchers.



    Of course some children have vivid imaginations and can construct falsely. But, dear ones, when a child can describe and draw pictures of things that you, as an adult, do not understand in lan­guage or actual fact--you had better get your “belief button” to “on”. How about a picture of an adult person who has “blue” lungs? Have you ever seen a dead-man’s lungs? Would not a baby’s intestines emerging from an opened abdomen appear like “worms” to a three year old with such limited vocabulary for descriptions?

    How often do you, as a parent, inspect your child’s anus or vagina for lacerations? So be it.

    I will effort at giving you several examples ranging from the “abused” to the “really abused”. From the “little bit of abuse” to the parents who literally abuse their own children and then sell the child into pornography and on into heinous torture, mutilation, murder and insanity. A few make it back to tell about it--they are never whole again and I honor these blessed ones be­yond my ability to express it for they are helpless in the hands of mine adversary, and they have been forsaken by the very ones who are their caretakers and protectors.

    These cults are filled with politicians, law officers, policemen, orthodox church leaders and your neighbors. It is power and total control and they are convinced they get this power and control from the rituals and heinous acts performed. The music shouts glory in evil and death to self and others. It projects rape, torture, blood spillage and crime as a motto of life.

    As a parent, if you have teens who listen to music video, etc., go look about your child’s room. What do you see? What is the appearance of your child? What are the actions of your child? Look at your child’s “doodles” upon his notebooks and papers--what do you find? Are there pentagrams? Upside-down crosses? 666? “OZZY”? Knives?

    And what do you do if you find these things? You better get on your knees to GOD. You will find the largest number of satanic practicing physicians in the psychiatric community than any other. You will find at least one physician in every sacrificial practicing group for the purpose of surgery for delivering of babies. You will also find at least one lawyer--it is part of the “rules” of the group to be “complete”.

    The infant and babe are the most heinously abused. It was no accident that the Manson gang would go to the extent they did with Sharon Tate--she was pregnant! Think about it when you have your next little puff of cocaine, drink of “booze”, smoke of “pot” and watch your little music video thriller. Oh, well, yes I see, you tell your children these things are wrong and make them turn off their television from these things--or do you send them to their room where they can watch in peace and leave you to your favorite program? This is “look at yourselves” time!


    PJ 09
    CHAPTER 16


    WED., NOV. 8, 1989 9:30 A.M. YEAR 3, DAY 084
    WED., NOV. 8, 1989

    In an effort to allow you to understand a bit of history and key players in leadership roles, I shall give you some historical and chronological information. It is more important that you of the United States know of that which is prevalent in the United States, therefore, I shall adhere to activities within America for the current times. It no longer matters what happened two thousand years ago for the acts are more heinous than ever be­fore in recorded history and further, you cannot handle more. The cleansing and corrections must begin at home and within self. There are worse practices taking place elsewhere in your world but relative “badness” is not that which we are about. This will be disappointing to ones in countries other than the North Americas who seek answers but other geographical locations shall be handed by other scribes or at a later date.


    I wish to say at this point that it will not be your big organized groups which present the imme­diate hazard to you for they must maintain a very clean outer shell. To participate in horrendous rituals the members will scatter to the little unknown groups here and there to preserve security. You will not know of these groups, which makes them doubly dangerous to you as citizens.

    The major, known groups are public because they incorporate to glean tax-shelter status under religious protection. It is most unfortunate that evil invades all gifts.

    Of the publicly noted organized groups are the Church of Satan, headed by Anton LaVey; the Temple of Set, headed by Colonel Michael Aquino, the Process Church of the Final Judgement, Our Lady of Endor Coven, the Ophite Cultus Satanis, founded in 1948 by Herbert Sloane in Toledo, Ohio; Brotherhood of the Ram, a southern California group; Church of Satanic Brotherhood, which broke away from the Church of Satan in the 70’s over disagreements with Anton LaVey, and The Satanic Orthodox Church of Nethilum Rite, located in Chicago, which was formed in 1971.

    There are other orthodox Satanic groups that exist whose names may come to your attention but I shall be discussing basically the first two.

    I shall not give the honor to Anton LaVey nor to Michael Aquino of giving their personal backgrounds except as it applies directly to the current topic.

    LaVey’s intent for the Church of Satan is to praise indulgence and discredit God and Christ-proclaiming churches. You will also see how insidious evil actually is in practice; it takes all the beauteous things and taints them with ugliness.

    As a for instance, you will note that you are in year three, day 84 of a new calendar of sequence--all the most ancient of calendars have expired on August 16/17, 1987. The clever LaVey did the following: On April 30, 1966, the occult holiday of Walpurgisnacht, he shaved his head, put on a clerical collar, neatly trimmed his Mephistophelian beard and proclaimed the age of Sa­tan. He encouraged and invited all news media to cover his antics. He was referred to as the Black Pope. He engaged in Black Masses in which a member would dress like the Pope. During the ceremony a nude woman was used as an altar as the make-believe Pope engaged in apparent sexual intercourse for the sake of the cameras. This is practiced openly when the press cameras are absent.

    In May of 1967 (May is a most “unholy” month in satanic circles--May 13th being a most unsa­cred and unholy day) he baptized his daughter Zeena into the Church of Satan. The baptism was recorded properly. LaVey then became very active in consultant roles, especially for the motion picture industry beginning with Rosemary’s Baby, the hit movie about a group of Sa­tanists who use the wife of an aspiring actor to breed the devil’s child. LaVey is quite nicely listed as an advisor.

    The Church of Satan continued to attract attention. A U.S. Navy Seaman, who had been a member of the Church, died, and LaVey, accompanied by film-maker and friend, Kenneth Anger, officiated at the funeral along with a Navy Honor Guard. The Church had gained legitimacy, so much so that the U.S. Government (yes, the same government as you honor) eventually pro­vided its chaplains with a handbook that, along with other non-traditional religions, describes the religious needs of service people who belong to the Church of Satan--the information came from the Church itself.

    Now, Dharma, please copy directly from the information provided for this purpose. As you read through this document please note carefully things which must become obvious to you in relationships one with another. Note, for instance, the connection with the major rock musicians coming forth first from England and the relationship with the Nazi movement and symbolism with the German Satanic connection. Please, read between the lines for the document had to be kept within “legal” boundaries. Further, watch for that which is omitted such as May 13th celebration and the high importance of Easter as a major time of sacrificing babies and children. Keep your eyes and minds open. Further keep in mind that the handbook was written prior to 1970 or approximately at that time--two decades past.




    The work involved in developing and producing this handbook was performed pursuant to contract number MDA903 76 C 0267 with the U.S. Department of Defense by:

    Kirchner Associates, Inc.
    with subcontract work by:
    The Institute for the Study of American Religion

    Post Office Box 7633
    San Francisco, CA 94120
    High Priest AKA: Satanists

    HISTORICAL ROOTS: The Church of Satan is an eclectic body that traces its origins to many sources--classical voodoo, the Hell Fire club of 18th century England, the ritual magic of Aleister Crowley and the Black Order of Germany in the 1920’s and 1930’s.

    CURRENT WORLD LEADER: Anton Szandor LaVey. High Priest.

    NUMBER OF ADHERENTS IN THE U.S.: 10,000 to 20,000.

    ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE: The Church of Satan is focused in the Central Grotto in San Francisco. It accepts or rejects all potential members and charters other grottos around the country. Isolated individuals relate directly to the Central Grotto.

    LEADERSHIP AND ROLE OF PRIESTS: The Priesthood is not comprised of individuals who are necessarily adept in the performance of rituals, though pastoral and organizational abilities are not minimized. The rank of Priest is conferred on those who have achieved a measurable degree of esteem or success; one’s level of membership within the church is commensurate with his/her po­sition outside the church. Hence, a respected career soldier or commissioned officer in the Army might qualify, though be totally uninvolved with group activity. Rituals are conducted by a de facto priest, i.e., a celebrant member who has evidenced a working knowledge of and ability to conduct services and is authorized by the Central Grotto.

    WHO MAY CONDUCT A RITUAL? Anyone, but a priest is required for group worship.

    IS GROUP WORSHIP REQUIRED? No, but it is strongly encouraged, because it is a strong reinforcement of the faith and instillation of power.

    WORSHIP REQUIREMENTS: Worship in the Church of Satan is based upon the belief that man needs ritual, dogma, fantasy and enchantment. Worship consists of magical rituals and there are three basic kinds: sexual rituals to fulfill a desire; compassionate rituals, to help another; and destructive rituals, used for anger, annoyance or hate. Grottos often gather on Friday evenings for group rituals.

    MINIMUM EQUIPMENT FOR WORSHIP: Varies with the type of ritual performed but is likely to include a black robe, an altar, the symbol of Baphomet, candles, bell, a chalice, elixir (wine or some other drink most pleasing to the palate), sword, model phallus, gong, and parchment.

    FACILITIES FOR WORSHIP: A private place where an altar can be erected and rituals performed.

    SPECIAL RELIGIOUS HOLIDAYS: The highest holiday is one’s own birthday. Every man is a God if he chooses to recognize that fact. After one’s birthday, Walpurgisnacht (April 30) and Halloween are most important. April 30 is the grand climax of the spring equinox and Halloween was one of the times of the great fire festivals among the ancient Druids. The solstices and equinoxes--which fall in March, June, September and December and mark the first day of the new seasons--are also celebrated.

    FUNERAL AND BURIAL REQUIREMENTS: The priests of the Church of Satan perform funerals and the Central Grotto should be contacted in case of death.

    AUTOPSY: No restrictions.

    CREMATIONS: Only permitted in extreme circumstances such as an expedient measure where it is necessary to safeguard the health of others.

    MEDICAL TREATMENT: No restrictions.




    BASIC TEACHINGS OR BELIEFS: The Church of Satan worships Satan, most clearly sym­bolized in the Roman God Lucifer, the bearer of light, the spirit of the air, and the personifica­tion of enlightenment. Satan is not visualized as an anthropomorphic being, rather he represents the forces of nature. To the Satanist, the self is the highest embodiment of human life and is sacred. The Church of Satan is essentially a human potential movement and members are en­couraged to develop whatever capabilities they can by which they might excel. They are, however, cautioned to recognize their limitations--an important factor in this philosophy of ra­tional self-interest. Satanists practice magic, the art of changing situations or events in accordance with one’s will, which would, using normally accepted methods, be impossible.

    CREEDAL STATEMENTS AND AUTHORATATIVE LITERATURE: The writings of Anton LaVey provide the direction for the Satanists--The Satanic Bible, The Compleat Witch and The Satanic Rituals. Members are encouraged to study pertinent writings which serve as guidelines for the Satanic thought such as works of Mark Twain, Niccolo Machiavelli, G.S. Shaw, Ayn Rand, Fredrich Neitzsche, etc.

    ETHICAL PRACTICES: The ethical stance of the Church of Satan is summarized in the Nine Satanic Statements.

    l. Satan represents indulgence instead of abstinence!

    2. Satan represents vital existence, instead of spiritual pipe dreams!

    3. Satan represents undefiled wisdom, instead of hypo-critical self-deceit!

    4. Satan represents kindness to those who deserve it, instead of love wasted on ingrates!

    5. Satan represents vengeance instead of turning the other cheek!

    6. Satan represents responsibility to the responsible, instead of concern for psychic vampires!

    7. Satan represents man as just another animal sometimes better, sometimes worse than those that walk on all-fours, who, because of his “divine spiritual and intellectual development”, has become the most vicious animal of all!

    8. Satan represents all of the so-called sins, as they all lead to physical, mental or emotional gratification.

    9. Satan has been the best friend the church has ever had, as he has kept it in business all these years!

    Beyond the above principles, Satanists generally oppose the use of narcotics which dull the senses and suicide which cuts off the life (the great indulgence) and stand firmly on law and or­der. The Church of Satan is not to be confused with Satanists groups which have been found to engage in illegal acts.

    HOW DOES THE CHURCH OF SATAN RECRUIT NEW MEMBERS? The Church does not proselytize but welcomes inquiries from those potential Satanists who hear about the Church from the various books about it, the mass media or word of mouth.

    RELATIONSHIP WITH OTHER RELIGIONS: The Church of Satan stands as a gathering point for all those who believe in what the Christian Church opposes, the members are generally hostile to its teachings and resultant behavior patterns. To a lesser extent, the same position holds for Eastern religions.

    * * *


    In your mid-70’s, some members of the Church of Satan became displeased with LaVey and what they perceived as the church’s new direction. They thought the Church to be too high profile, too media conscious and too much like a circus side show. They also believed that LaVey’s ego was becoming more important than the church’s mission. Many senior members quit and began their own groups. One of these people was Michael Aquino.

    Aquino joined the Church of Satan after serving nine months in Vietnam as a lieutenant in the cavalry squadron for the 82nd Airborne. When he flew home to San Franciso in 1969 to be married, he was looking for a dose of counter-culture, something to even out the effects of Army regimentation. He saw an advertisement for the Church of Satan in the Berkeley Barb, an under­ground newspaper.

    Aquino met LaVey and the two became very close over the years. LaVey raised Aquino to the full level of IVth degree--Magister Templi--the first Satanist other than LaVey to attain this level. Here is a little tid-bit of gossip: The recognition was conveyed on August 5, 1973, the anniversary of Marilyn Monroe’s death.

    LaVey was fascinated with Monroe and members of the Church claimed that LaVey held a ritual of necromancy for her. LaVey knew Monroe’s death was not suicide. He knew her death was con­nected with her alleged relationships with John and Robert Kennedy. Do you begin to see how the circles spiral around and around? And now, let us look closely at how things begin to re­ally swing into heinous action.

    Aquino believed that the Church was becoming corrupt. He believed it erred in allowing out­siders visit, study, and observe the Church without any intention of personal commitment. The Church elders believed that if people were exposed to the Church philosophy they would make such a commitment. Aquino believed that was wrong. He believed that people vampirized the Church, enjoyed the accessories of the philosophy (the indulgence without guilt) and con­tributed very little. You see, to this point the Church of Satan was very little different than many of your hippy and new age groups. I’m sorry, dear readers, but that is a factual statement.

    Aquino decided to start his own Satanic cult and vowed not to make the same mistakes as the Church of Satan. The group was actually an offshoot of an order within the Church of Satan known as The Order of the Trapezoid. As opposed to modern magic with a Mediterranean origin, the Order emphasized magic from Northern Europe and Germany. Germanic mysticism de­veloped mostly on its own and remained isolated during the Roman rule of Europe. It resurfaced during the Second and Third Reichs in Germany, much of it the basis for the Nazi’s obsession with the Black Arts. According to some members within the Church of Satan, the Order attempted to reconstruct this German mysticism. According to others, however, it had unpleasant overtones of Nazism.


    While still a member of the Church of Satan, Aquino spelled out the tenets of the Temple of Set in The Book of Coming Forth by Night. The title is the antithesis of The Book of Coming Forth by Day, (also known as the Egyptian Book of the Dead). Are any of my dear ones be­ginning to feel a bit warm and squirming about in your chairs?

    Aquino says that The Book came to him after he called upon the Prince of Darkness and his coming forth. In it, Set declares the Age of Satan to be over and the Age of Set beginning. Set says that his pact with LaVey is over and according to Aquino, “Upon the ninth solstice, I destroyed my pact with Anton Szandor LaVey. . . Thus all may understand that he (LaVey) is dearly held by me, and that the Church of Satan is not a thing of shame to him. But a new Aeon is now to begin, and the work of Anton Szandor LaVey is done.” And so, on the night of the North Solstice 1975 a new age of horror began.

    The Temple of Set as an organization was formally incorporated in 1975 C.E. (Satanists prefer to use C.E. meaning “Common Era”, instead of A.D. for Anno Domini, the Year of Your Lord.) In addition, time would be reckoned starting with 1966 as year one.


    Before we project the writings from the tablet, let us quote from Aquino regarding himself. “I am a Lieutenant Colonel in the Army on active duty, working in resource management. I am a graduate of the National Defense University in Washington, D.C. Beyond that, I would rather not discuss the details of my military career as, in the American tradition of separation of a church and state, I endeavor not to confuse the two or invoke one in a context pertinent to the other.

    “I have a Ph.D. in political science from the University of California, Santa Barbara, and a Master of Public Administration from George Washington University in Washington, D.C. I have also taught political science for several years as an adjunct professor at Golden Gate University in San Francisco.

    “The title of my doctoral dissertation was ‘The Neutron Bomb’. As it was in the field of Political Science, it dealt with the U.S., European, and Soviet negotiations concerning the development and possible deployment of neutron weapons in NATO during the Carter administration. Its principal theme--other than being a historical survey of the episode--was that the perceptions upon which many of the actors based their decisions were not necessarily related to the facts, nor were decisions made with a clear strategic foreign policy necessarily in mind.

    “Interestingly enough, my research led me to conclude that Jimmy Carter was a careful and methodical decision-maker where the neutron issue was concerned. This is in refutation to his popular image as an indecisive and weak leader.

    “As a matter of policy, the Temple of Set does not give out membership numbers. The bulk of our membership is spread fairly evenly throughout the United States with other members in Europe, Canada, and some Pacific Basin countries. Most of those who contact us wash out before even applying to join. They are discouraged by the rather dry membership informational letter we issue. Of those who apply for Ist degree admission, perhaps half don’t attain recognition as Adept IInd degree within the two-year time limit. There is virtually no attrition beyond the IInd degree level, though we have had a few senior initiates who have either resigned for personal reasons or been expelled for abuse of their responsibilities, the last such occurrence being about five years ago.”

    Rather than bore you further with dialogue from the tablets, it suffices to know that they lay down the general guidelines for the Temple of Set. Ah, Satan was happy and then even Satan had to raise up and look around. The secret cults springing forth from out of the bowels of his churches were even more degrading than he can stomach.

    When you ones pull from the ranks to interrogate on your talk shows you can get honest an­swers from the participants for the rules of the church do not advocate any of the things you pick at. Satan is the Prince of Lies, would he answer honestly even if it were true? Please, don’t embarrass yourselves.


    Of the Satanic cults as organized, it is mostly white, upper-middle class young people. You won’t find many blacks or other minority groups. If you find participating minority ethnic groups it will be in the so-called pagan groups or Santeria because each group will have its counterpart of ritualism. However, your most heinous groups are right out of middle America.

    People get involved for power and control--power over yourself, power over others and power over your surroundings. Dharma, another quote, please. This from a practicing member, Chicago bus driver: “If you know anything about Satanism, you know it’s about power. It is power that we all have, but most of us are too scared to let loose, take control of the power that Satan has given us.

    “I like the fact that you don’t grovel, you don’t kneel and ask God for things. That, to me, is begging. My being is too proud for begging. You have to be real sure of yourself to be a Satanist. You have to have your act together.

    “I ask Satan for what I want! I don’t beg some God that you can’t see. Can I see Satan? You bet I can. Look at all the sickness, hurt, and warfare in the world. That’s Satan! If there really was a God, and he’s supposed to be so good, WHY DOES HE LET THESE BAD THINGS HAPPEN? I’ll tell you why. Because Satan takes charge here on earth, and God takes care of heaven. All good little people will go to heaven when they die. That’s nice. I’m going to hell where I’m going to continue indulging myself. So, while you’re being good so you can go to heaven after you die, I’m going to keep on enjoying myself here on earth and again in hell. Who’s having the better time, me or you?

    “No, my group isn’t affiliated with any established group. We’re our own group. In fact, some of the people in our group have parents who were Satanists. We have a name, but I’m not telling you what it is. You wouldn’t know what it meant, anyway. How many people? About fifty, at any one time. We break up into smaller groups for workings.

    “I won’t tell you about our specific activities. That’s secret, but I will tell you this: We do what­ever we want, the people in our group. We have connections for anything. I’ll leave it at that. If you think I’m going to admit illegal action to you, you’re crazy.” This statement was made to an investigating officer.

    You also have what you might call, self-styled Satanists. This category fits ones such as your Richard Ramirez (the “Night Stalker”) of California. He would like to have joined a special group but he is so evil that no-one wanted him. Also one such as Clifford St. Joseph who was convicted in the Spring of 1988 of first degree murder. During his trial, it was revealed that his victim had been drained of blood.

    Then in June of 1985, a man was discovered killed. The perpetrators were gay and kept the man in a cage and used him sexually. They carved a pentagram into his chest. Candlewax drippings were in his right eye. He has not been identified—how very sad, not even the dignity of identification—just #60 in a police morgue. The perpetrators were into self-styled insanity. There was no evidence of motive of the killing except for ritual purposes. All manner of Satanist materials were found at the scene of the slaughter.

    Then you have another category which you would have to suggest is a youth subculture. The youngsters begin by playing with satanic ideas and get hooked. Most will dabble in it more than anything else, but a percentage will carry it beyond the games involved. These children are most often influenced by heavy metal music or by fantasy role playing games like Dungeons & Dragons. The youngsters who go beyond the normal curiosity tend to be those who have other behavior problems going on—problems in school, with peers, at home, and of course they have that consuming desire for power and control. I shall enlarge upon this grouping first by presenting some pathetic cases. The first being one Sean Sellars.


    In October 1986, an Oklahoma jury found Sean Sellars, seventeen, guilty of three counts of murder for killing his mother, stepfather and a convenience store clerk in the fall of 1985. Sellars was a self-styled Satanist who was obsessed with using human blood in his rituals. He kept several vials hidden in his refrigerator for black masses. He often carried it to school and drank it in the cafeteria in front of classmates.

    A friend of Sellars in Colorado, before Sellars moved to Oklahoma, testified at his trial that Sellars had formed a Satanic group called “The Elimination”. The witness stayed in touch with Sellars through letters and phone calls from Colorado. During a visit back to Colorado by Sellars, the friend testified that he and Sellars wore black robes, drank their own blood, and conducted the candle-lit initiation into Satanism of a third boy. They cut the boy with an athame and used his blood to write a dedication to Satan.

    During his trial, Sellars told of how he held a ceremony in his room, alone, in which he wrote in his own blood: “I renounce God, I renounce Christ, I will serve only Satan. Hail Satan!” He became addicted to Satanic rituals, often staying up late into the night practicing and reading about them. On September 8, 1985, he and another friend, Richard Howard--both had en­gaged in Satanic rituals together--held one last ritual before setting out for a human sacrifice. Sellers stole his grandfather’s .357 Magnum and shot convenience store clerk Robert Bower, who had once refused to sell beer to Sellers.

    Sellars became even more obsessed with Satanism and wrote shortly afterward in a school essay read during his trial, “Satanism made me a better person . . . I can kill without remorse, and I feel no regret or sorrow, only love, compassion, hate, anger, pain, and joy. Only I may understand, but that is enough”.

    Sellars began arguing with his parents over a fifteen-year-old girl whom they forbade him to see. He ran away from home but returned. One night, after going home from his part-time job at a pizza store, he performed his nightly Satanic ritual. After drifting in and out of sleep that night he walked quietly into his parents’ room and shot them both in the head. He went to his friend, Richard Howard’s house where he stashed the weapon. The next morning he made believe that he found his parents’ bodies and didn’t know what happened.

    Howard testified for the prosecution and received a five-year sentence as an accessory after the fact. He claimed that he didn’t take part in the clerk’s murder but waited outside for his friend. Sellars is now the youngest inmate on Oklahoma’s Death Row. We will hear from this youngster, himself, in a future Chapter.


    Last edited by web master; 2009-11-29 at 23:44.

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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar

    Default 응답: SATAN'S DRUMMERS

    PJ 09
    CHAPTER 17

    REC. #1 HATONN

    FRI., NOV. 10, 1989 7:30 A.M. YEAR 3, DAY 086
    FRI., NOV. 10, 1989

    Hatonn is present with greetings in the Light of the Radiant One. Let there ever be peace between us for we have much to do and learn one from the other.

    I petition you to watch very closely the events as they unwind in Berlin, please. Do not misinterpret that which is happening. The communists are not being such nice brothers and parents, they are in economic disaster. From your contributions to stabilize these foundering countries coming into self government and freedom of movement you will be further distressed as a nation who, too, is in economic devastation without additional load. IT IS PLANNED TO THE LAST DETAIL AND YOU ARE BLUNDERING RIGHT INTO THE TRAP. YOU DO NOT WITNESS YOUR PRESIDENT IN GRAND SPECTACLE OF EXCITED MERRIMENT OVER A WALL WHICH HAS COME DOWN. YOU ARE GOING TO NOW WATCH YOUR PRESIDENT BECOME A MOST CALCULATING AND EFFICIENT WORKER. YOU MUST HAVE ATTENTION DRAWN FROM THE FAILURES OF YOUR DRUG WAR, WAR ON CRIME AND CENTRAL AMERICA’S PLIGHT. WATCH MOST CAREFULLY FOR THAT WHICH IS HIDDEN IN THE UPCOMING MEETING WITH SHAMIER OF ISRAEL; MOST CAREFULLY INDEED.

    Yes, Dharma, the Anti-Christ “leader” is soon to make a move--he is presently in your state of Egypt; he is quite unknown but being tutored most diligently for his task ahead. He is not of Egypt. Watch most closely that place I have spoken of so many times before, Syria. Of course I shall not tell you who--you ones don’t seem to ever understand the danger in up-front information. Keep your eyes open and minds alert and you will find your own answers popping forth. You ones are simply “curious” and want inside information for salving that curiosity. You continually forget this computer is hooked directly to CIA surveillance systems and this house is electronically “bugged”. Do not ask me questions which I must refuse to answer and please do not push me for answers and discussions if I have declined to respond. I do not mind that you ask, just please understand if I must refuse to respond.

    I must caution you regarding your cattle mutilation thrillers and your abductions, etc. Your government does not hesitate a minute to destroy and murder.

    Yes, there have been animals taken by our brothers in this mission. But they are taken and placed in various locations for stocking purposes of mother ships and other placements for you ones at massive relocation time. Yes, we have inspected many of your cattle and sheep because your government has introduced cattle bovine leukemia viruses and sheep visna viruses into your sheep herds. These are the causative mutant factors which when combined with your vaccines such as smallpox, measles, etc., produce the AIDS virus in human culture. No, we do not mutilate, drain blood nor utilize ritualistic “parts” of carcasses.

    Most of the mutilations are not done by your Satanic brothers, either, except that many are utilized in that manner but mostly in your neighborhood locations. The major findings of stock mutilations are perpetrated by your gov­ernment in a most intentional manner. Most are staged in locations where they are sure to be found and made public.

    Further, many incidents from your mid to late 60’s and 70’s were in areas where dual discounting could be effective. One prime location is in the mountains of Utah and Colorado where known UFO bases are in place. Further, around your city of Salt Lake, a major effort was, and is, thrust forth to discredit the Mormon church. I make no comment, mind you, on the Church of Latter Day Saints--I simply tell you there is an all-out thrust to pull the church down.

    How many of you are aware that “Mormon” means devil or “top head demon” in many places of your world? In Japan, for instance, the Morman church must use another label and avoid the term Morman for that is exactly what it means--Satan.

    It requires most primitive equipment to go and find a rather isolated place and butcher a few cows. You further have all manner of pumps for extracting blood (you have had that availability for years and years in your mortuaries). Further, it is most simple to tranquilize an animal, take it aboard an aircraft and replace it with no disturbance whatsoever to the flora. It is equally as easy to plant UFO landing patterns on the ground itself. Moreso, it is quite easy to have hovercraft which are literal “flying saucers” (you have them, dear ones) and have sightings and “proof” of alien presence. It is well planned and most effective--most effective indeed.

    Yes, a great deal of the information came to your military from aliens but most of your “happenings” are the actions of your own earth humans.

    In areas where these happenings are prevalent, we patrol most openly. Australia is a prime location. Further, we utilize the ley lines. We also must monitor your tectonic plate movements and your earth upheavals--Australia is a hotbed of activity. Further, your U.S. government has a major underground installation in Australia with most secret and clandestined activities taking place. WE DO NOT PLAY STUPID GAMES--WE HAVE NO NEED OF SUCH.

    There is another thing you must remember from our past lessons, we, too, have the use of androids who are most delicate and most sophisticated. There are many reports which claim apprehension in “abductions” which result in the introduction of location or beings of higher form and larger stature. In a deliberate attempt to damage none of our own you are cared for most carefully and graciously. We do not harm and we do not mutilate--if you find a mutilated or burned body laying about--it is not your lighted brotherhood of space. WE HAVE NO SUCH PRIMITIVE NEED AND OUR ENTIRE THRUST IS TO KEEP YOU CALM AND IN EAGERNESS FOR OUR PHYSICAL ARRIVAL--NOT PANIC AND BREED FEAR OF OUR PRESENCE.

    Yes, you have all shapes and forms of aliens who are suited to various life conditions. Further, there are species who will take your planet after your species can no longer physically survive. There are ones who have come--at your governments request--to help you in a growing atmosphere of carbon dioxide, and you captured them, made hostile public statements about them and incinerated them. You are overfilled with evil energies for you are the dwelling place of the cast-out energies.

    Let us speak for a moment of one such as a Charles Manson who is a completely absorbed satanic energy. What happens if you give him a death sentence and do in fact kill him? Oh, what a mistake you perpetrate--his energy cycles back immediately and you birth a Ramirez or a Hitler or--or! These energies can always find reentry instantly for they have “breeders” upon your place which have bodies in preparation at all times and of all ages. Bad backgrounds? Of course, for preparations are most carefully made far in ad­vance. ’Tis nothing but the blink of an eye in higher dimensions but ’tis a necessity of “growing” time on your dense placement. Just as you ones all have needed to be birthed, grown, learned and arrived at today--so needs the dark energies.


    The game is usually pretty fair in the beginning for you are of soul God creation in purity and goodness. Then the impact of experiences hit you and your experience can go any way it chooses. There are, what I think you might call--”bad seeds”, which is a truly foolish identification but will suffice here, whereby an energy is recycled into an infant. It will always come from the lower levels of experience whereby the forming in­fant--at your dimension--is attacked and the higher energy first claiming the physical body in formation is removed for some reason. Many babes who would be stillborn are taken by these energies. Many babes who are malformed physically and would not ordinarily be birthed in living manner are accepted as vehicles for particular energies needing particular growth experience--from the higher levels. Most mal­formed persons are grossly “good” and pure of intent--childlike. Most handicapped persons who overcome the handicap at great odds, are won­drously “good” and God-like.

    Evil attacks the beauteous and “perfect” shells if they can at all arrange it for those ones pull the most followers--either to the physical being or to the projections of thought and intent from the evil mind. You see, anyone can be made to believe anything if the circumstance is proper.

    Let me example here a moment. Say Billy Meier is most credible--for a while. Then the intent becomes aimed at the discrediting of this contact. Someone will ask to assist him to mock-up a flight craft and/or any number of other things--then wham, instant discredit--allow the model to be found in his barn--make a public statement that Asket looks exactly like the local model in Munich and there you have it.

    Let us look closer to home--right in this dwelling. The house is filled with books on UFO’s because Colonel Steven’s daughter sent all the books Wendelle has written and others provide an endless supply of information pertinent to the facts under discussion. I do not wish to injure any feelings but practically none of the UFO books have even been opened and NEVER before the writings at this computer. WE do give her as much good confirmation as soon as possible from some public resource to allow comfort in security. Please continue to share all you acquire with these ones for she is guided to those which are correct and given information regarding those that are incorrect.

    For instance, there are exchange training programs with higher cosmic locations set up in various places of your continents. In Africa, there is a most acceptable, to your human citizens, installation and experience program in operation with Koldasians. These ones play no major role in transition--they come for the experience and observation of a species in great trouble. Pleiades has several major installations (bases, if you will) around the areas of the Andes, Belize, and other places which must remain unnamed. It is no secret that there are major installations within areas of the Tetons, Mt. Shasta (although that one has been almost cleared for volcanic reasons), the Uintas, etc. These are centers where cosmic councils and command officers can hold council gatherings. There are ones in the high Tibetan mountains and thus and so.

    This is not the forum for production of this information and I only present it for your interest. Each nation upon your orb is of different purpose of belief and intent. You cannot deal with all those ones from let us say, India. Why would you even bother to do so except of curiosity--you are located in the United States of America for a most specific reason and your teaching will be different from that of India. It is much as with physical “business”, if you tend your own instead of that which is none of your business you will flourish; if you effort at tending all, you will fail at all.

    At any rate, back to discrediting. Anyone could walk into this dwelling and simply announce Dharma is nuts, subversive or any number of things--lately--a Satanic worshiper because of the literature about the dwelling. When dis­crediting is set about--all is utilized to pull credibility from the source.

    This is the major reason that so many of these journals have been produced in such a remarkably limited span of time; she would not have been able to read, retain, format nor produce this quantity of valid, provable material in the human physical form. She is the mother of nine, grandmother to eight with a most special one whom she must walk through the birthing process alongside. The way is completely burdened with legal hearings, title fights over the dwelling, no income--all things which destroy the human psyche; all heaped on at once. Ah yes, the testing has been cruel and relentless. It has required days without sleep and writing at all hours of your time spans. We had weeks of writing at 2:30 to 4:00 a.m. until dawn. She will tell you she does not understand why or how it is done; she has been targeted and literally killed three times within the past year and a half and she sees it not. It was necessary for truth must come forth and it may not come hap-hazardly. She has been deserted and attacked by ones whom she trusted and revered beyond all others, she has lost her root physical family and yet she knows not “why” she is driven to continue. (I write this here for she and Oberli to see as well as others, for they do not understand what has happened here.)

    Look within, you who receive of this information, for you will be touched in a most personal manner--it comes forth as a calling tool. The publisher is compelled to get this into print, just as is the printer of these journals and they cannot tell you “why”. The testing is horrendous as the emotional energies are in conflict. Recognize it and you will more quickly come to balance with what overflows within as you receive of these documents. The intent goes so much farther beyond monetary gain that these ones would spit upon mention of it. Ones who are close have had to wait and wait and wait in patience (or simply went away) for directions and individual purposes while we trained and made ready the foundation. If this information lights up your imagination and stirs your desire to action--so be it; allow it to flower for you are hearing the call--the knock. THERE IS HOPE FOR THIS BELOVED LAND AND CIVILIZATION IF ONES BUT HEED THE KNOCK AT THE DOOR THAT WE MIGHT WORK TOGETHER. YOU MUST, HOWEVER, COME INTO TRUTH INSTEAD OF THE LIES THAT YOU HAVE FED UPON FOR EONS OF TIME.

    Beloved ones of past experience are at your call now. Mr. Nostradamus is writing just as rapidly as are we. Mr. Tesla, Mr. Russell--wondrous and powerful beings who have literally walked your path are available to give unto you information in proper sequence. When I say “proper sequence”, that is exactly that which I mean. Nothing will be given before it’s time for protection and security--some things will simply not be allowed to come forth through greedy, evil or self-centered persons. For instance, the total cure of AIDS is being stalled out by no more than a handful of persons who literally have the information at their fingertips but are awaiting the windfall of money involved. IT WILL NOT HAPPEN IN THAT MANNER! IT SIMPLY WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO COME FORTH IN THAT METHOD. FURTHER, ONES SHALL RETURN TO THE TEACHINGS OF GOD AND CREATION IF THEY WISH TO FLOURISH--’TIS SIMPLY THE WAY IT IS. THE RULES ARE QUITE RE­MARKABLY REASONABLE, SUCCINCT AND QUITE WITHIN LOGIC AND REASON. THERE IS A THING CALLED EMOTIONAL FEELING AND PHYSICAL BEHAVIOR--YOU AS A SPECIES HAVE CONFUSED THE TWO. SO BE IT.

    May I please be excused from this task, Dharma, for I am heavily occupied this morning. I realize that I have so much more on this subject of craft in your attention and ones who have interacted with brethren of the higher realms, etc., but ones must accept that I speak truth and the fantasies must taper off and the truth filter within. Further, I nor you, have the time to spend longer on the subject until after we finish the information regarding evil. This should only require a few more days and we can move on to other subject material. To speak of the evil energies does in actuality summon them, and we must put these portions behind us, for the impact is too great on you ones within this space. I request that you take a great deal of time in rest today for you cannot depend of gaining rest until after our baby is birthed. You will be given that which you need. In love and respect I take my leave; please find interim comfort in this which I have shared and be patient for a bit longer and we shall fully cover these subject matters. I salute you for both your patience and service.


    HATONN TO STAND-BY circuits clear, please

    PJ 09
    CHAPTER 18


    SUN., NOV. 12, 1989 7:00 A.M. YEAR 3, DAY 088
    SUN., NOV. 12, 1989

    Sananda present to resume work on the journal. I would suggest that you determine if there are portions of the past three days of Commander Hatonn’s responses to G.G.’s questions to be in­serted. It is often good for ones receiving these journals to understand that we are as close as your telephone--with an unlisted number of course. Just dial “GOD”, the operator knows our extension numbers!

    We will do as much work as possible this day for you will have a babe to cuddle most soon now but we do have to arrange for stars by night and clouds by day, etc., so you have a few hours in which we might put this journal to rest. If so, we can allow you to simply stay in your mobile covered wagon in the town so that you can catch up a bit on your rest as well as birth the babe.

    I would most like this journal to be out to the public by the Christmas holidays if at all possible--advertisement could go with the shipment of the prior books as distributed but this year a heavy thrust is intended by the Satanic troops at holiday time. That might well be mentioned in the notification of availability. It is not mine birthday, nor Jesus’ birthday (which was in August--8th I believe you count, the symbol of infinity--I have a most thoughtful father, by the old calendars it was also 8 ‘B.C.’) but it is the accepted time of celebration and there is a demonstration planned this season in the under­ground. All ones must tend of the little children most closely--never leave them alone for a moment and check your tenders most well if you leave them for holiday events. I cannot stress this need enough! If there are events, take them with you if possible, or do not attend!

    Let us now move on with this distasteful journal. I left you at last portion with a discussion of one Sean Sellars. I shall leave him now but shall return to him for you must know the workings within his mind at the time of his terrible crimes. He has turned unto me and I would petition that he be left in the state of aliveness for he can do much good from his place of incar­ceration. But he must reap his just rewards and be an example to other children who are tempted into the evil path.


    Most of you reading this document will not even know who this is. He is one of your up-front heavy-metal stars. I believe his name is David. By his own words, “I am a practicing Satanist, but we never try to preach that religion to anybody--Satan has nothing to do with concerts.” So be it!

    At the concerts by this creature the children are frantically maddened by symbols, lights and mind blasting noise. The song lyrics are literally laced with references to death, coffins, graves, evil, rape, murder, suicide, etc. The results are prevalent all over your planet and in the U.S. from coast to coast. In your country satanic activity is increasing dramatically. In Maine, a dozen of your orthodox churches were completely defaced with satanic symbols and threats. In California, New Jersey, Alabama and elsewhere police have found inverted crosses, pentagrams, mutilated animals and all sorts of satanic paraphernalia.


    The most pathetic, though not necessarily the most horrendous, are those crimes urged on by so-called adult practicing Satanists and music crazed-minded children.

    In Douglas County, Georgia, the judge sentenced l7 year old Milissa Ernest to life in prison with these words, “I’m sorry for you, young lady, and I sentence you to a life in prison. And I’m sorry for you--I can only wish you good luck.”

    Seventeen year old Melissa Ernest and two other teenage members of her coven admitted drinking her 15 year old victim’s blood, then dancing around her still warm body.

    From a small town in Maine: “Yesterday’s conviction of Scott Waterhouse for the murder of 12 year old Gizelle Cody may finally bring to an end talk of a satanic cult in the town.”

    Long Island, New York: Police arrest 17 year old Rick Casso for the ritual murder of 15 year old Gary Lauer. Casso gouged out his victim’s eyes. It is most horrifying to realize the level of vio­lence involved in these crimes and the total lack of remorse at any level when first confronted. The violence in Satan’s name is appalling and savage, brutal enough to sicken even the most hardened of police investigators--unless they, too, are practicing “Satanists”. Consider the next instance:

    In New Jersey, officer Paul Hart saw the unthinkable--a boy just turned 14 years of age, Tommy Sullivan, murdered and mutilated his own mother. Tommy had written a contract with the devil before he butchered his mother with his boy scout knife. The murder took place in the basement of the Sullivan family home. “Tommy died as brutally as his mother, through wounds self inflicted first to his arms and wrists. Following that he literally slit his own throat from ear to ear with the same three and a half inch knife--from the windpipe, all the way back to the spinal column--to the point of almost taking his head off.”

    A couple of years ago another youngster, in Missouri, and three of his friends who had been dabbling in Satanism and listening “to a minimum of five hours a day heavy-metal acid rock”, carried baseball bats, a cat and a length of rope to an isolated spot near their home town. By the time the night was over, the cat had been mutilated and one of the boys beaten to death by the other three, then dumped in a well. I shall only speak of one of the boys for he has come forward and is most willing to speak publicly--along with his mother whom I give great honor for sharing. This beautiful in appearance young man, Pete Roland, is in prison in Fulton, Missouri, sentenced to life without parole. His two friends are also sentenced to “life”. For the record you will find their labels to be Jim Hardy and Bud Clemmons.

    Pete Roland said he and his friends started out by listening to the heavy music, and using drugs, and then killing animals--this by his own words. In the frenzy of the fatal night the bloody ritual ended with Pete and his friends striking 19 year old Steven Newberry, some seventy blows with the bats. After the first blow Steven asked, “Why me?” and one of the boys responded, “Because it’s fun!” Pete can’t remember how many times he personally struck Steven--”just a lot”.

    This is one of the most beautiful young men you will ever encounter--perfection in physical appearance, handsome, well spoken and now one of mine own.

    Now, important that you hold the following close to your hearts for this is truly the way the evil leader works--! When asked about his feelings re­garding Satan the young man replied, “He lied. He promised us power and control and now we have nothing--he lied and double-crossed us, he just leaves you empty and destroyed--after it was over (the killing), I was just empty. I don’t know how I felt--I guess I really didn’t feel anything.” and he goes on, “I didn’t think ‘right or wrong’ because it just didn’t mean anything. I just had no appreciation for good or bad, but just from what I was into--I just needed to do ‘bad’--it was like, in my head to do it. There is really no way to explain it. I really never felt good about myself, I had really low self-esteem and the things that I’d seen in the satanism--I thought I’d get power and popularity and I felt like I had a place of belonging in my . . . . . and it did make me feel like I belonged --.”

    When questioned about whether or not the killing made a difference, he replied, “It didn’t really make a difference to me because I considered thoughts of suicide myself and I felt like he was me in a way because he had the same beliefs as me and he was kind of like me. If I didn’t care about myself, then I really wouldn’t care about someone like me.

    “The guy who got me started into this was really popular, he was the president of my senior class. I got curious, and just like I said over and over again--power. I just felt a sense of machoism or something--made me feel big like a king in a sense of how he feels over all his servants.

    “But then, I don’t feel really too good now, as far as all that’s happened. But in a way I feel better because I’m away from that stuff and I know that people do love me in a real way and I am a Christian now . . .I guess I’ll have a long time to think about it.”


    And what of the grieving parent? Who eases the pain of the grieving, guilt ridden parent? May we please look at a picture of what happens- - -:

    Pete’s mother, Penny Baert, “There were some things that I saw that I should have paid attention to. I saw the album covers and they are hideous. I just assumed that if they sell them, it’s got to be OK. I assumed it was a passing phase--I had my things at that age. I assumed that he had his--I assumed wrong.

    “Well, I think what I mostly noticed was that Pete began to avoid us as a family. He didn’t want to be around us. I remember mostly when I would come home and fix dinner, he would come home, go to his room, and when my husband and I were through eating and had left the kitchen, then Pete would come in and eat. Then he would go back to his room. He really avoided us. There stopped being any family life and his friends didn’t come around the house any more.

    “I love him so much. I think I love him now more than ever before but I am angry with him because he knew right from wrong. I asked Pete one day--long after the trial, because I just couldn’t talk about it for a long time, ‘How could you kill a friend?’ And he told me that he had no regard for his own life, therefore he had no regard for Steven’s life and Steven was involved with this, also. He knew Steven had no regard for life, even his own life, so it seemed it didn’t make any difference to anyone at the time. Yes, I still love him and I always will be here for him and I have to accept that this is his life, this is just the way it is and I have no choice--!

    “I should have paid attention because I saw the record covers and I saw satanic symbols on this book work and I even spoke to him about it. He said it didn’t mean anything and I wouldn’t have even known what to look for anyway. I assumed all that was a passing phase--I assumed wrong. Please, you other parents, don’t ignore it. It doesn’t ‘pass’, it is something I will never get over--never.”

    And again, Pete: “The music was like when we killed animals, it was like it just went around and around in your brain. I can see the thoughts just like they are real. Yes, it just went completely through your mind. I can see the hurting someone you know, torturing people and just all saying Hail Satan and whipping of tied-up ones around you. After you listen to this hours and hours a day every day, for years or even months, it can get to you.

    “Steve got chosen as the victim just because he was a human and was there--just because we could deceive him easy. When he was hit the first time I looked down and it just kind of sounded like ‘pop’ and I knew what it was so I looked up and Steve’s eyes were real big, you know, and he just said, you know, ‘Why me?’ He just looked like he was really sad and someone said, ‘Because its fun, Steve, and we’re all just like vultures, you know.’ We just went crazy. I don’t know how many times we hit him--a lot.

    “I look at my hands and I think these can’t be the same hands that killed him and I mean, I know that they are, but it doesn’t seem like it, you know. I would never want to kill anybody ever again. Right after we did what we did I just. . . . well, I felt real empty inside. I felt I could never love again, you know, like a zombie. The devil really double-crossed me; he just leads you on to destruction and here I am in jail without even parole . . . .”


    And now let us go back briefly to Sean Sellars, condemned to die by lethal injection because of the murder of his mother, his step-father and a convenience store clerk. Let us hear what this youngster says after hearing denials that Satanism or music has anything to do with brutal activities.

    “Oh, I’ve heard all that before. The satanists say that it is not the teaching that is wrong, that it is the person that is wrong but, I can’t use satanism as a cover for my own violence because it all boils down to being one’s own responsibility as to what you do. But they tell lies--lies all the time. You see, satanists believe good is evil and evil is good and of course that is the basis of the whole satanic thing. They, the satanists, believe evil is good--and that is what I believed.

    “They will claim the Satanic bible is not taken literally but we all take it literally. Millions of people are taking it literally all around the world. The facts are that teenagers are drawn into the cults and a lot are being used for the cult sacrifices and there’s been so much denial, but it is true. What is worse is that there is so much pain and gore and blood and stuff but really, no one shows you how to get out once you’re hooked inside. Ones trying to get out sometimes call me or their parents call -- and, well, one in Texas called about her daughter but said she didn’t want her daughter out just ‘to become a Jesus freak or anything like that’. Well, I just couldn’t help her because there isn’t any other way out--you have to turn to a Christ of some kind because that is all that can get you out. And the destruction just goes right through families, for instance that Texas girl destroyed three other lives because she went to live with her Aunt and Uncle and the mother ended up insane in an institution.

    “I sure do believe in the devil but I don’t worship the devil any more. I am a Christian--I stand up boldly and proudly and say I am a believer in the Christ way. There is just no other way out of satanism except through the Christ path because Satanists curse everything that is Christian in truth.
    “The big problem about this whole issue is that the lies from the orthodox Christian churches causes the kids to be turned off. They go to church and preach one thing and then go right back to doing all the stuff they just denounced. It’s really hard, man, really hard to understand.

    “The problem is that the crimes are so heinous that people don’t want to believe that any adult would do these things to a child and I don’t know specifically about the Church of Satan and Mr. LaVey or The Temple of Set and Mr. Aquino, but these awful things and sacrifices really do take place. I went out and killed that clerk just because I had broken all the laws but the one of murder--I just chose the first one that was handy, really.

    “The night I killed my parents, I did my thing with the rituals and boy, I really got worked up over them butting into my business and I listened to the music and got really worked up . . . . I just decided to do it.

    “I didn’t remember for a long time about it--the killing, I mean. And now I have nightmares every night and I nearly go out of mind in remembering. I see myself standing there by their bed and blood is pouring out of my mother’s face and spurting all down the wall and puddles on the bed--and I’m laughing--I’m hysterical and laughing and laughing and laughing.

    “I don’t know about dying here. I guess whatever they decide is what will happen. But I think you should look at what I was before I got hooked and what I am doing now--the good that I am doing now--because I can reach a lot of people with my own story. Well, I could just do a lot of good.”

    So be it, so be it. Pray for your children and open your eyes--for some it might not be too late. Selah. Let us close this portion and have a rest break, Dharma. I choose random geographic locations in these inputs for you must come to know that it is everywhere--everywhere!

    I move to stand-by.


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