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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar

    Default 응답: SATAN'S DRUMMERS

    PJ 09


    WED., NOV. 1, 1989 5:45 A.M. YEAR 3, DAY 077
    WED., NOV. 1, 1989

    You need no “sign”, Dharma, for your space is clear and I am pre­sent. Let us continue with our subject within this journal. To request a “sign” that you might “know” is only to further doubt. Because “another” says 10% of thy truth is tainted means nothing. There is no acceptable percentage of taint within our works. Perhaps errors can occur, for we are producing our work on a human level; perhaps sorting tools of words are used, but not “tainting”. The intent, although unwittingly projected, is to stop the publication of these journals. No more and no less. I am sorry for all parties involved but know, chelas, it will always be over worldly material desires that the perpetrators betray themselves. In the instance of the Gatehouse, it is a mis­understanding regarding funds; in the projection of discrediting your material, it is misperception. Do not waste of your time in the pondering of “who” did “what” and further, how can you “lose” of a thing you never “had”. You had your perceptions and others had theirs--do not further disturb yourself for it slows our work. I have heard your call and I have received of it--we have a job to get on with and you shall do so, please. The only Evil present in this space is that which we are in the printing thereof.

    Let me surprise you even further, thousands of Satanists will obtain this book. The evil personality loves the ego stroking of recognition and it will shock some into change. These journals must be distributed far and wide--immediately--the truth is the only thing that can set you free. Ones are now in the scanning of the pages and it requires study and attention to obtain and retain the value from these books. He who simply scans and thinks he has absorbed it all should keep of his negative or discounting opinions to himself, for understanding will not be complete. Nay, unfortunately for a weary world in trouble, we bring total truth and that is the sad part of it. The joy held within is the “hope” for humanity which is brilliant indeed. It is not through the efforts of higher beings; it comes from human realization and action which will produce the positive works and regain control and order from the chaos. If each does his selected task, we shall get our work done in timely manner and great brotherhood shall spring forth from beauteous unity. So be it; let us continue.

    * * * * *


    Let us set aside, for the present, the question of “reality” of a being called Sa­tan. That point, whether it appears this way or not, is not the ultimate issue at hand. If a thing exists as reality in the mind, be it singularly perceived or mass perception, it becomes “real”.

    I would like to insert a parable at this point. Let us say a baby who is at the age of toilet training is being scolded for soiling his diapers. Now, let us say that there is a little puppy within the household; the puppy soils the floor and an adult strikes the animal and it dies of the blow. What think ye the child’s mind accepts regarding the dangers of such action? Might the child become totally compulsive and obsessive in some deviation from accepted “norms”?

    Let us consider for a moment how a concept becomes instilled within a mind. “Magical thinking” is uppermost and can take a variety of forms, but basically it is a belief that thoughts in and of themselves may cause events to occur. This is one point that is most important regarding even this document--people think that if they read of it, it then becomes birthed into reality.

    Young children normally think magically--and here I do not refer to dreaming and pretending. I speak, for instance, of a child of say, five, who gets jealous of his new baby sister and thinks: “I wish she were dead!” He might very well become totally obsessed and anxious, fearing that she actually will die because he wished it. Or, what if the baby becomes ill, he may be consumed with guilt, feeling that his thought caused her to become ill. Worse, what if for some reason the baby dies--I believe I make my point.

    The reason I dwell on these examples is that at some time within the life-span of such individuals, they are very apt to make a “pact with the devil”. Now why wouldn’t one make a “pact with God”? Because the mind within knows the source of the problem and knows it is not “normal” belief or action to believe in “magic”. “Magic” is somehow mentally related to “evil”.

    It is when man faces unthinkable danger, sorrow, pain, etc., then is when he makes unbalanced promises to God. He further does not seem to be too concerned with the breaking of these promises to God. He really is nervous about breaking a pact with the Devil. Do you find this interesting?

    This is the danger of placing total trust in a fortune-teller; if, even in error of calculations of star signs, one is told he will die at a certain place and time, he will usually manage to do so that is the horror of a “curse” for it is the belief in the magic itself.

    Let us assume, further, that one of the above individual’s beliefs were based in Christianity. Now you have presented an almost impossible confrontation to overcome. According to this model, humanity (and perhaps the universe) is locked in a titanic struggle between the forces of good and evil, between God or Christ and the Devil, Satan. The battleground of this struggle is the individual human soul. The entire meaning of human life revolves around the battle. The only question of ultimate significance is whether the soul will be won to God or won to the devil.

    By establishing a pact with the devil, a relationship of terrifying “reality” has been fixed within the mind. Now, the only way left to the individual is to dare to retract the pact and turn to the God source for protection. It is not thus, but in a terrified mind it is the only solution. This neurotic symptom, confronted, is often a crucial turning point of existence within an individual which usually has cosmic significance.

    We have now spoken of one aspect of magical belief which can leave a person crippled and the perceptions clouded as to truth. No psychiatrist can “reason” a return to health nor can the individual afflicted recognize his problem for the truth of the cause of his actions which would cause a pact with the Devil is hidden in the first place.

    Now, here is where the self must go within and find the incident which caused the disarrangement in the first place and confront it head on. This is where a trained hypnotherapist working in integrity can be the only helpful entity. The mind must move within self and “remember”, which it cannot do while in a con­scious state of being.

    This is why, however, man lumps the hypnotist in the category of Devil’s ad­vocate and assistant; because evil does not want to let go once it has claimed a subconscious mind for itself.

    It is most interesting to note that the medical profession does not have a very broad-minded approach to Evil as a valid factor and has refused to come up with a classroom field of psychology of evil. Why would this be so? Because the concept of evil has been central to “religious” thought for millions of years. Therefore, you will keep it separated from your science of psychology and your human edicts come down “thou shalt not mix the two”.

    Somewhere in the era of Mr. Galileo it became an unwritten social contract that “natural” and the “supernatural” would forever be alienated.

    Now look what you have set up in your evolvement with such attitudes. Reli­gion agreed that the “natural world” is the sole province of the scientists. Sci­ence agreed, in turn, to keep out of the spiritual, or anything to do with “values”. Indeed, science defined itself as being “value-free”.

    But how can you leave the most crucial cause out of mental unbalance? Well, you cannot and therefore, you continue to have distorted, valueless humanity in epidemic proportion. Worse, the medical discipline will accept the tool of hypnosis only on their limited and inept guidelines--partially for fear they will assist in “curing” the patient and lose of the mammoth income guaranteed by mental illness.

    It is a most difficult subject indeed, for it is a most non-definable term and science must have defined guidelines and labels for everything. Theologians suffer no such compunction and will bite off all manner of evil demons whether or not they are, in reality, present. There is no left brain/right brain delineation for the theologian. Let’s just exorcise the demons and hope the human survives. Sometimes there is demon possession and it works; most often it is mental misperception of fact and the patient is more traumatized by the ordeal and sent to his demise in an institution as “hopelessly insane”.

    The problem of evil is a very big mystery indeed. It does not submit itself easily to reductionism. However, some questions about human evil can be reduced to a size manageable for proper scientific investigation. Nonetheless, the puzzle pieces are interlocked and severing them one from the other is all but im­possible.

    Your major problem when regarding evil is that it cannot be separated from goodness. For were there no goodness in the world, you would not be con­sidering the problem of evil. I am constantly petitioned with, “Jesus, why is there evil in the world?” Why do ye not ask me, “Why is there good in the world?” Well, let me give you a few observations that we might get the boring lesson matter over with and on to the violence of present evil, which you all seem to attune to much faster.

    Evil is always in opposition to life. It is that which opposes the life force. It has, in short, to do with “killing” (murder)--namely, unnecessary killing, killing that is not required for biological survival. Don’t get confused by the abstract definitions intellectually thrown at you which render the explanation irrelevant. MURDER IS NOT ABSTRACT.

    Don’t err in restricting murder to the corporeal state. Evil is also that which kills spirit. There are various essential attributes of life--particularly human life--such as sentience (emotional), mobility, awareness, growth, autonomy and “will”. It is possible to kill, or attempt to kill, one of these attributes without actually destroying the body. Thus you may “break” a person without harming a cell or hair on the physical body.

    The desire for “breaking” of another, is usually the desire for control of that other--to make them controllable, to foster their dependency, to discourage their capacity to think for themselves, to diminish their unpredictability and originality, to keep them in line. This would be a term described in your vo­cabulary as “necrophilia”. The opposite of a necrophile would be a biophile. A biophile is a person who appreciates and fosters the variety of life forms and the uniqueness of the individual; whose aim it is to avoid the inconvenience of life by transforming others into obedient automatons, robbing them of their humanity.

    Evil, then, is that force, residing either inside or outside of human beings, that seeks to kill life or liveliness. Goodness is its opposite. Goodness is that which promotes life and liveliness.


    You are going to take God, Christ-ness, and yourselves far more seriously than you now do. From the very beginning you have been told that God created you in His own image. When are you going to take that seriously? When are you going to recognize and accept the responsibility that you are Godly beings? When will human life again have sacred importance?

    I am come that you might have life, and that you might have it more abundantly. Does it strike you as so strange that I, too, relished the things of the physical life and lived abundantly even two thousand years ago? I was not so strange, I enjoyed weddings and celebrations, wine, fine oils and good companionship. Length of a life-span is of very little value compared to the vitality in the living.

    I repeat--let the dead bury their dead, for if you are alive it has no relationship to you. I dwell on the spirit of life, in liveliness.

    Satan, the very spirit of evil, was a murderer from the beginning. Evil has nothing to do with natural death; it is concerned only with unnatural death, with murder of the body or the spirit. You ones in human format must take your human life so seriously that you also take human evil far more seriously--se­riously enough to study it with all the means at your command, including the methods of science. You must recognize evil for that which it is, in all its ghastly reality. This is not morbid. To the contrary, it is in dedication to “life. . . .more abundantly”. The valid reason to recognize human evil and study it well is to allow of the healing wherever you can, and eventually wipe its ugli­ness from the face of this wondrous earth.

    You can no longer simply turn your eyes and ears away from the problem which is growing in boundless measure--you must look at it most minutely and with intent to heal humanity of this blight. Healing is the result of love; it is a most closely integrated relative of love. Wherever there is love there is healing. Where there is no love there is no healing. There must be love of life and respect and reverence for life and livingness--man turns to the Satanic cults and worship to “belong”, therefore, to heal there must be “belonging” and love offered in abundance along with human caring.

    You must know that all dis-ease is physical AND emotional so both must be considered in any instance. You must further be able to distinguish between human evil, such as murder, and natural “evil” as perceived through death and destruction resulting from fire, flood, and earthquake.

    Further, do not be misled into the assumption and perception that real evil does not have anything to do with a mother of one or five children who lives next door, or the deacon or minister in the local church building. Evil human beings are most common and usually appear quite ordinary and are mostly located in just such places.

    There are several “levels” of evil possession and let us consider them in lumps. One type of evil concerns those in the process of “sliding” into evil. The other concerns those who have already slid, “fallen victim” to and been taken over by “radical” evil. These are simply recognized myths upon your place and I find them suitable enough for description.


    This is a most unpleasant confrontation for parents do not wish to believe that they perpetrate evil upon their children unless they are openly practicing Satanic rituals. However, the most abundant form of evil is passed through in just such manner.

    To children, their parents are like gods. The child assumes that that which the parent does is the way that things should be done. They are not able to make realistic assessments of their parents’ behavior. Treated badly by its parents, a child will usually assume that it (the child self) is the “bad” one. If treated as an ugly, stupid second-class citizen, it will grow up with an image of itself as ugly and stupid, etc. Reared without love, children come to believe themselves unlovable. Whenever there is a major deficit in parental love, the child will, in all probability, respond to that deficit by assuming itself to be the cause of the deficit, thereby developing an unrealistically negative self-image. They will ultimately respond to what they perceive as some type of evil within themselves.

    So what does this all have to do with evil in general? Well, if you confront a child in trouble--look for the evil within the parental beings. You will know and recognize it when it comes into your presence. You, if you are within the light protection, will be revulsed by the presence when it enters into your space. You simply will find the humans of evil-ness most unpleasant within your proximity. This is a most saving response to the impacted one--however, if a child is involved and being in the living hell of a victim--you have responsibility to that little being.

    There will be many symptoms to show you--for evil is obligated to wear a sign upon its countenance. First you will be uneasy in its presence, there will be a mixed note of fear and pity, and those possessed of evil live in sheer terror for they most often are attempting to keep that portion of their being quite secret and thus hidden away. BEWARE IF YOU KNOW ONE IS PRACTICING EVIL IN ANY FORM AND YOU ARE COMFORTABLE IN THAT PRESENCE--YOU ARE IN TROUBLE!




    Unpleasant though it may be, the sense of personal sin is precisely that which keeps your sin from getting out of control. It is painful at times, but is a very great blessing because it is your one effective safeguard against your own proclivity for evil.


    Evil ones do not serenely bear the trial of being displeasing to themselves. In fact, they don’t bear it at all. There is almost an unbelievable lack of self-re­crimination in evil ones. They are prone to openly state flagrantly their selfish actions without any seemingly hesitation whatsoever.

    The varieties of people’s wickedness are manifold. Resulting from refusal to tolerate the sense of their own sinfulness, the evil ones become uncorrectable grab-bags of sin. They are, for instance, remarkably greedy people. Thus they are cheap--so cheap, in fact, that their “gifts” may indeed even be murderous in nature.

    Sin is usually due to physical or character laziness and that is followed closely by pride. Sins are quite repairable except the sin of believing one is without sin.

    Here I wish to give great credit to Gerald Vann, THE PAIN OF CHRIST AND THE SORROW OF GOD (Temple Gate Publishers, Springfield, Illinois, Copyright by Aquin Press, 1974, pp. 54-55.) I shall herein quote for un­derstanding most often comes as understanding from human viewpoint:

    “There can be a state of soul against which Love itself is powerless because it has hardened itself against Love. Hell is essentially a state of being which we fashion for ourselves; a state of final separateness from God which is the result not of God’s repudiation of man, but of man’s repudiation of God, and a repudiation which is eternal precisely because it has become, in itself, immov­able. There are analogies in human experience: the hate which is so blind, so dark, that Love only makes it the more violent; the pride which is so stony that humility only makes it more scornful; the inertia--last but not least the inertia--which has so taken possession of the personality that no crisis, no appeal, no inducement whatsoever, can stir it into activity, but on the contrary makes it bury itself the more deeply in its immobility. So with the soul and God; pride can become hardened into hell, hatred can become hardened into hell, any of the seven root forms of wrongdoing can harden into hell, and not least that sloth which is boredom with divine things, the inertia that cannot be troubled to repent, even though it sees the abyss into which the soul is falling, because for so long, in little ways perhaps, it has accustomed itself to refuse whatever might cost it an effort. May God in his mercy save us from that.”


    A most predominant characteristic of the behavior of the evil person is the constant scapegoating. Because these ones feel themselves above reproach, they must lash out at anyone who reproaches them. They will sacrifice any other to preserve their own self-image to the point of total absurdity to the witnessing entity. They will go to preposterous limits to preserve that self-image of perfection. Since the evil, deep down, feel themselves to be faultless, it is inevitable that when they come into conflict with the world they will invariably perceive the conflict as the world’s (or other’s) fault. Since they must deny their own badness, they must perceive others as bad. They project their own evil onto the world. They never think of themselves as evil; on the other hand, they consequently see much evil in others and proclaim it most loudly.

    One author on your place defined evil “as the exercise of political power that is, the imposition of one’s will upon others by overt or covert coercion--in order to avoid . . spiritual growth”. In other words, the evil attack others instead of fac­ing their own failures. Spiritual growth requires the acknowledgment of one’s need to grow. If you cannot make that acknowledgment, you have no option except to attempt to eradicate the evidence of your imperfection.

    Incredible as it may appear, evil people are often destructive to unlimited ex­tents because they are actually attempting to “destroy” evil. The problem, of course, is that they misplace the focus and locus of the evil. Instead of de­stroying others they should be destroying the sickness within self. As life often threatens their false self-image of perfection, they are most often busily engaged in hating and destroying that life--usually in the name of righteousness. The fault, however, may not be so much that they hate life as that they do NOT HATE THE SINFUL PART OF THEMSELVES.

    You must associate some words with evil people and those are “image”, “appearance”, and “outwardly”. While evil persons seem to lack motivation to actually be good, they intensely desire to appear good. Their “goodness” is all on a level of pretense. It is, in effect, a lie and the lie is not so much to deceive others as it is to deceive self. These evil ones will not endure the pain of self-reproach.


    Self-deceit would be unnecessary if the evil had no sense of right or wrong. You lie only when you are attempting to cover up something you know to be illicit. There is no need to hide unless you first feel that something needs to be hidden.

    Yes, a paradox! Evil people feel themselves to be perfect, however at some unacknowledged level of sense they know themselves to be most imperfect--which, of course, is intolerable and begins the cycle all over again. At one and the same time, the evil are aware of their evil and desperately are trying to avoid the awareness. Rather than blissfully lacking a sense of morality, like the psy­chopath, they are continually engaged in sweeping the evidence of their evil un­der the floor covering of their own consciousness. Therefore, the essential component of evil is not the absence of a sense of sin or imperfection but the to­tal unwillingness to tolerate that sense. Just as with other problems, a good example of which is alcoholism--until the problem is accepted and acknowl­edged, there will be no cure.

    You can usually recognize evil by its very disguise. The lie can be perceived before the misdeed it is designed to hide--the cover-up before the fact. You can witness the smile that hides the hatred, the smooth and oily manner that masks the fury, the velvet glove that covers the fist. Because the evil are such experts at disguise, it is seldom possible to pinpoint the maliciousness of the evil. The disguise is often impenetrable but what you can catch are glimpses of the uncanny game of hide-and-seek in the obscurity of the soul, in which it, the single human soul, evades itself, avoids itself, and hides from itself.

    Since the primary motive of the evil is disguise, one of the places evil people most often are found is within your churches. Does this make you feel com­fortable? How better to conceal evil than to be a deacon or some other highly visible form of Christian within your culture? In other parts of the world you might have to turn to the good Hindu or good Moslem, etc. This is not to cast the spotlight on the whole but rather to point out that evil people tend to gravitate toward piety for the disguise and concealment it can offer unto them.

    What might help distinguish the evil from the rest of you “sinners” is the spe­cific “type” of pain they are running away from--for all are running away from pain toward that which they classify as happiness and joy. The evil are not pain avoiders or lazy people in general; to the contrary, they are most exerting in their continuing effort to obtain and maintain an image of high respectability. They may very willingly, even eagerly, undergo great hardships in the search for status. It is only one particular kind of pain they cannot tolerate and that is the pain of their own conscience, the pain of the realization of their own sinfulness and imperfection.

    The evil hate the light--the light of goodness that shows them up, the light of scrutiny that exposes them, the light of truth that penetrates their deception. The evil will, further, attempt to annihilate any and all who cast light on them and their activities and therefore the light bearer becomes in fact, the target of the evil aggressor. To maintain the dark secret, the light must be extinguished at any cost--participants of a group of evil congregates must cause ALL to prac­tice some extent of total evil action to maintain the lie. Through participation is always the threat of discovery, so threats so heinous in nature that one would be terrified to reveal truth must be employed. And so be it that we will leave this portion at this point. It has been a lengthy session and it is time for a respite.

    I will move to stand-by, that this chapter might be brought to a close.


    PJ 09


    THU., NOV. 2, 1989 6:00 A.M. YEAR 3, DAY 078
    THU., NOV. 2, 1989

    Good morning. Such a wondrous day it is and we are thankful for another time span in which to do our work. Sananda present with warm greetings.

    Note, please, the major earthquakes off Japan and Portugal of yesterday. Further, note the three major accidents aboard your naval vessels of yesterday--so be it.


    The drive most noted in evil persons is characterized by unsubmitted will. All ones who are mentally healthy submit themselves one way or another to “something” higher than themselves, be it God or truth or love or some other ideal. They look beyond into truth instead of just “the way I want it to be”. In other words, what is needed by that “other” “beloved one” becomes priority rather than the total selfishness of self-desires and self-gratification. In yet other words, healthy individuals submit themselves to the demands of their own con­science. Not so the evil ones, for in the conflict between their guilt and their will, it is the guilt that must go and the will that must win. Evil people are extraordinarily willful, determined to always have their own way and have a most remarkable power in the manner in which they attempt to control oth­ers.

    You ones go about the decision of evolution against creation and cannot come to balance for man is so obviously strong-willed in choices and desires control beyond reason. Your scenarios never change--you never learn by that which goes before in the history lessons.

    You tempt yourselves into acceptance that the problem of evil lies in the will itself. Perhaps the evil are born so inherently strong-willed that it is impossible for them ever to submit their will. And yet, a characteristic of all “great” people is that they are extremely strong-willed--whether their greatness be for good or for evil. I, Jesus, as you called me, was unbending and strong-willed; ah, but so was one named Hitler--could it be the difference in “willingness” and “willfulness”? Mine willfulness was that of our Father’s--Mr. Hitler’s was that of his own.

    It also becomes evident, doesn’t it, that the one whose will is of his own is threatened greatly by goodness? It therefore leads to the need of destruction of the goodness or that one which represents such. Thus murder is born. It is better, of course, if the evil one can cause the one of goodness to acquiesce in total submission and give through total abandonment of goodness into the hands of the evil.

    I think your psychiatrists might label this type of behavior of self-demand, narcissism. It is not strong enough a term for evil so let us call evil a disease of cancerous, or malignant, narcissism. Your church authorities have generally considered pride first among the “sins”. “Pride goeth before the fall”, and so it is. Pride is actually the same as cancerous narcissism, but I want you to realize I can also speak your “hidden” languages.

    Somehow within the minds, from onset of Adam and Eve in your mythology, there has been envy and pride. Cain felt somehow less than Abel in God’s eyes so he proceeded to solve the problem in the typical fashion--murder him. The same happened, dear brothers, when God required Christ and Satan to each present a plan for dealing with the infant human race. Satan’s plan was simple, of the sort that most business and military leaders of today would choose. God had armies of angels at his command; just assign an angel with punitive power to each human, and He would have no trouble keeping them in line. Christ’s plan was radically different and more imaginative and biophilic: Let them have free will and go their own way, however, let me live and die with, and as, one of them, both as an example of how to live and of how much You care for them. Of course you will assume that God must have chosen the Christ plan as being the more creative. Of course Satan rebelled at the choice. The rest of the story is clear. WAS IT SIMPLY POOR CHOICE ON MY PART? CAN GOODNESS ULTIMATELY WIN OVER EVIL? WELL, ULTIMATELY IT HAS ALWAYS ENDED IN NEAR ANNIHILATION OF THE SPECIES--AND SO IT WILL AGAIN. THE ENERGY UNBALANCE BECOMES SO DESTRUCTIVE THAT THE GAME MUST BE BROUGHT TO A HALT TO KEEP FROM IMPACTING THE UNIVERSE AS A WHOLE. OH, YOU DON’T LIKE THAT WHICH IS BEGINNING TO SEEP INTO THY VISION?

    While man has rewritten his guidebooks to proclaim the soul goes “somewhere” or “nowhere” or “anywhere”, the words mean naught to the soul--it just goes on and on and on experiencing and growing.



    It can be noted upon your place that evil generally “runs” in families. Would that not be logical? If parents are cruel and unloving, however, or the childhood otherwise traumatic, then the child will need his own “pride” to preserve as a fortress, against the vicissitudes of an intolerable life. It is the same with the genesis of human evil. Even in architecture, the builders of your medieval cathedrals placed upon their buttresses the figures of gargoyles--themselves symbols of evil--in order to ward off the spirits of greater evil. Thus children may become evil in order to defend themselves against the onslaughts of parents and elders who are more evil.

    The facts are, that some of you are very good and some of you are very evil, and most of you are somewhere in between. Now, as individuals you can move yourselves one way or another along the continuum. Unfortunately, it works out to be much like the rich getting richer and the poor getting ever poorer--it seems most evident that the good get better and the bad get worse.

    Your capacity to choose changes constantly with your practice of life. The longer you continue to make the wrong decisions, the more your heart hardens; the more often you make the right decision, the more your heart softens--or comes alive.

    Each step in life which increases your self-confidence, your integrity, your courage, your conviction, also increases your capacity to choose the desirable alternative, until eventually it becomes more difficult for you to choose the undesirable rather than the desirable action. On the other side, each act of surrender and cowardice weakens you, opens the path for more acts of sur­render, and eventually freedom is lost. Between the extreme when you can no longer do a wrong act and the extreme when you have lost your freedom to right action, there are innumerable degrees of freedom of choice. In the practice of life the degree of freedom to choose is different at any given moment. If the degree of freedom to choose the good is great, it needs less effort to choose the good. If it is small, it takes a great effort, help from others, and favorable circumstances indeed.

    Most people fail in the wondrous art of living not because they are inherently “bad” or so without will that they cannot lead a better life; they fail because they do not wake-up and see when they stand at a fork in the road and have to decide. They are not aware when life asks them a question, and when they still have alternative answers. Then with each step along the wrong road it becomes increasingly difficult for them to admit that they are on the wrong road, often only because they have to admit that they must go back to the first wrong turn, and must accept the fact that they have wasted energy and time.

    Therefore, you might conclude that human evil is a process whereby evil choices require ultimately becoming evil. Ah, but this underestimates the very power of the “will” itself. Ones continually make evil choices (such as becoming blood affiliates with Satanic churches) for no apparent reason at all except through pure desire to exert freedom of his or her will. They know exactly what they are doing. They know what is supposed to be the right action but refuse to be bound to notions of morality or even to their own conscience. In other words, if they do the good thing, it would be simply because it is the good thing. If they do the bad thing, however, it is solely because of desiring to do so. The choice is usually to do the bad thing, because it is a freedom of choice to so do.


    Sometimes only the agony of free choice remains to an individual--only the will remains.

    When you are right “up against it” the unknowns outweigh the knowns and just as with a crucifixion staring you in your human face, you become all but helpless in the terror. This is because those terrors are engraved upon the soul memory forever for each act becomes a portion of memory and the total fear of the unknown. Death of a body comes most hard in most instances and always most outrageously at the hands of evil

    Once steeped in evil--”possessed” is the literal word--the casting off of that energy is all but physically and mentally death producing. Evil consumes and “takes over”, the light of goodness requires the freedom of will and choice--always remember the difference and you will understand which is assisting you in your choices. When faced with the ultimate rejection of the evil, all manner of attacks come upon the mind and physical frame and the demon itself becomes king of the hill.

    At a time such as this the mind will relinquish all logic attached to mental il­lusions about psychological motivations, behavioral stimulations, rationales, mentalistic hedges, situational ethics, social loyalties and communal shibbo­leths--all these large named states of mental being go where they belong--into the waste heap. For in the end all you have remaining is your “will”. All that re­mains is your choice of free will. How many free will choices will you make before you make the ultimate one? How many have you already made? I speak of choices without outside stimuli or background in memory; without any push from acquired tastes and persuasions--without any impetus from a desire to live or die--for at some point you will actually be indifferent to both. At some point in this journey you will be as the mouse who sits equidistant from his favorite cheeses and yet starves to death because he cannot decide which way to go.

    Ah, but the paradox, on the one hand, free will is a reality and you can be free to choose without “shibboleths” for criterion of a distinctive grouping--or accepted common ideas; or, on the other hand, you cannot choose “freedom” itself. There end up being only two states of being: submission to God and goodness or the refusal to submit to anything beyond one’s own will--which refusal automatically enslaves one to the forces of evil. You must ultimately be­long either to God or the devil.

    Every square inch and every split second in the universe is claimed by God and counterclaimed by Satan--there is no neutral ground even for you fence-sitters and middle-of-the-road standers--ultimately there must be a choice. You can assume that the only true state of freedom is to stand exactly halfway between God and the devil, uncommitted either to goodness or to utter selfishness--but that freedom shall be torn apart for it is intolerable and in fact, the choice is already made by the inaction toward either.


    Realize, please, that in accepting a situation as existing and the ability to label that situation gives some amount of power over it. So far “evil” as a state of being is unnamed in your lexicons--you “feel” certain emotions and instinctive “feelings” in the presence of the energy--revulsion, dread and unease. However, the emotional range is too large to actually categorize by explicit guidelines, just as is goodness.

    You cannot, however, even begin to deal with a disease until you identify it. The help or treatment of an illness begins with its very diagnosis. But what of evil? Can it ever be defined as “illness”? The people labeled evil are rarely crazy or mad. They are not babbling, drooling or demented in a defined sense.

    At this point I wish to interrupt this thought to allow you to ponder something. Very often when an extremely evil person is taken away from his setting of evil doing--let us say, arrested and cast into prison, there is often an extreme change to God. This is by no means “always” but is especially evident in young Satanists who are caught in the emotional “high” of a moment. Why do you believe this to be so? Because the devil energy is through with them--they have outlived their usefulness and contribution ability. GOD NEVER TURNS AWAY NO MATTER HOW LATE THE HOUR NOR THE ACTIONS BEFORE THE RETURN TO GRACE. Further, removed from the constant bombardment of the hypnotic “spell” of the evil lords and the company of the band of hoodlums--reality returns vision and perspective. Evil must feed on itself to survive--remove the food source and the entity can return to a sem­blance of order and balance.


    Well, it is obvious that you cannot place a medical diagnosis upon evil--for then you would need diagnose good as a disease. You have quite a gathering of humanity upon earth at this time and you can look at a few outstanding potentials.

    There are a sufficient number of people in all cultures and at all times who have achieved in their full adulthood a kind of gracefulness of existence so that you can generally say of them: “They have become truly ‘human’.” By that description it would indicate that their lives actually touch on the divine. You can study those people and examine their characteristics and find that they are wise, aware, enjoy life with fervor, yet face and accept death; they not only work productively but creatively, and they obviously love their fellow human beings, whom they lead with a benignity of both intent and result.

    You will observe, however, that most people are so crippled in body and spirit that they cannot possibly ever attain such a lofty condition even through their best efforts without massive therapeutic assistance. Among these latter crip­pled legions--the mass of suffering humanity--the evil reside, the most pitiable of all humanity. Man will require that their own bodies become infirm that the choices seem to be taken from their own control--however, it is equally as obvi­ous that the very act of such is having made “the choice”. Ones victimize themselves and, of course, it is mostly at a level beyond that which the consciousness understands. These results can be traced back to causative factors within the individual’s experience, let us example; a person has an at­tack of asthma every time they feel ignored, stressed, isolated or uncared for. Are they victims? They are victimized by self; their motives, failures, and choices are deeply and intimately involved in the creation of their injuries and diseases. Although ones who have these psychosomatic illness all have a degree of responsibility for their condition, you still consider them ill. But evil fits no such category so it is difficult to classify it as an illness--for it fits both the category of cause and effect.

    Evil in an individual can almost always be traced to some extent to his or her childhood circumstances, the sins of the parents and the nature of their heredity. Yet evil is always a choice one has made--indeed a whole series of choices. We do not speak here of “justification of choices”; we simply must recognize “choice” involvement.

    Well, if you can “diagnose” evil it must indicate illness or disease which is any defect in the structure of your bodies or personalities that prevents you from fulfilling your potential as a human being. BUT, OFTEN EVIL ONES DO FULFILL THEIR POTENTIAL IN A MOST HORRENDOUS MANNER.

    Further, there is no medical cure for evil. To cure evil requires a final choice to turn from evil into goodness. It is however necessary that the phenomenon be looked at most carefully for if evil is indeed an illness, it should then become a research project like any other disease. But it actually only requires a choice of action and no amount of forcing of “treatment” will change an iota of the status of the so-called patient, any more than all the forcing of evil upon a truly good person will change his intent. Well, both evil and goodness can be labeled as diseases--the ultimate diseases for it is in the state of one or the other that a man will pass from one dimension into that of another and will further decide where the entity is destined to function in that “other” dimension. Ah, yes, it is most confusing and yet most cut and dried (I believe is your suitable statement). Ones will either move into the ultimate separation from God or to oneness with God--or a zillion choices of in-between experiences at differing levels of soul growth. It will ultimately be, however, individual choice--meanwhile the higher energies are drawing up sides and you, friend, will make your choice! So be it and selah.

    Let us leave this writing as the session has been quite long enough for the ab­sorbing. We shall continue after a break.

    I move to stand-by that you might summon me when you are prepared to continue.


    Last edited by wave; 2009-11-26 at 18:45.

  2. #2
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar

    Default 응답: SATAN'S DRUMMERS

    PJ 09
    CHAPTER 13


    TUE., NOV. 7, 1989 7:00 A.M. YEAR 3, DAY 083
    TUE., NOV. 7, 1989

    Let there be peace for I am with you. Esu Sananda present to finalize this portion. Satan’s drummers? Oh yes, there is a drum-beat, a cadence, a pulse rhythm to Satan’s march. It is loud to the extreme, chaotic to total confusion, repetitious and absolutely geared to the mind acceptance. The physical will turn from the cacophony of chaos into the inner subconscious state of shocked withdrawal--then, the words, suggestions and instructions are poured forth in unclouded clarity. Just as severe physical trauma causes a body to withdraw into shock and memory loss, so does terror and pain cause the same withdrawal. Evil is practiced in all methods and manners of destruction to a being.



    It is most interesting to note that some public persons and some parents went to battle over the lewd filth and degradation of this music and what resulted is as follows: Anything with pornographic, criminal or whatever else “mundane” material accepted as undesirable, must now be labeled as dangerous. All of your above groups who call themselves Heavy Metal or Acid Rock “musicians” fell into this classification.

    What has happened? As of five days ago the announcement came forth in the casual manner that only news broadcasters can perform: “The labeling has had a dual effect--the labels must be printed on the album cover but record sales are being recorded by purchasers who have never before purchased this type of music.”


    Let us look at something for a moment--hopefully without judgmental impact prior to reading. I shall ask Dharma to bear with me while I repeat a news item from a major news press jour­nal. Dharma had never heard of this entity until we began this journal and she has some nine children and nine grandchildren. HOW MANY OTHER PARENTS ARE IN THE SAME EM­BARRASSING SITUATION AS SHE? THE FATHER IN THIS INSTANCE KNOWS EVEN LESS!


    This will be a direct quote, please, so do whatever you need to do with your little “ “‘s.

    “In 1968-69, in the United States and other Western countries, the institution of large-scale ‘outdoor rock concerts’ was invented, to siphon off growing ferment among youth angered by the Vietnam War, into a direction that would be favorable to the Aquarian/New Age movement and not threatening to the power of the liberal Establishment. Woodstock was the paradigm of this. Now, in 1989, with mass ferment growing throughout the East bloc, in reaction to the collapse of the economies and the shortage of food and the moral-political bankruptcy of the Communist system, the highest circles of the Soviet KGB are repeating this operation.

    “The most recent example, was an Aug. 11-12 weekend extravaganza in Moscow’s Lenin Stadium, attended by 100,000 ‘rock fans’, and watched by a reported ‘tens of millions’ on Soviet television. Throughout Western Europe, newspaper headlines of the event read, ‘WOODSTOCK 1969--MOSCOW 1989’.

    “As astonishing as the sheer numbers, was the identity of the performers. They represented the dregs drawn from Western ‘heavy metal’ rock groups, typified by the burnt-out alcoholic, druggie, and Satanist Ozzy Osbourne, who is famous for having bitten the head off a bat on stage.

    “Preposterously, the Lenin Stadium event was advertised as a benefit to raise money to fight drug and alcohol abuse in the Soviet Union and the United States. The deranged Osbourne even gave a ‘press conference’ in Moscow, a photograph of which was published in the U.S. Army’s Stars and Stripes daily.

    “Some of the proceeds of Ozzy’s benefit are already earmarked for organizations that are known fronts for the Soviet KGB.

    “It is a convenient fiction, nurtured by the CIA, the KGB, and the British intelligence, that the ‘outdoor rock concerts’ are a form of ‘Western cultural penetration’ of the U.S.S.R. encouraged by Gorbachov’s ‘glastnost’ and ‘reform’ policies. And indeed, for many years, the Soviet Communist Party maintained the propaganda line that rock n’ roll was the ‘imperialist’, equiva­lent to ‘moral AIDS’; now, this propaganda has been dropped.

    “But the truth is, the drug-rock counterculture is and always has been an operation against Western civilization, run by the same Establishment crowd cozying up to the Soviets--and as such its principal beneficiary is the Kremlin.

    “Embracing ‘heavy metal’ rock gives the KGB new possibilities of ‘play-back’ into the West.

    “As for Ozzy Osbourne, the aim is also to rehabilitate him after the damage done by the Schiller Institute’s attacks on him in Western Europe and the United States. In Sweden, Switzerland, and elsewhere, Osbourne concerts this year have been disrupted by anti-Satanist citizens’ groups. At least one Osbourne concert was cancelled. More recently, until Aug. 6 (1989), Osbourne was in the United States, on a national tour that included the states of Maryland, New York, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Iowa, Minnesota, Arkansas, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, and others.

    “On Aug. 13, speaking in Moscow, ‘heavy metal’ rock promoter Doc McGhee complained that, ‘Tipper Gore (Senator Albert Gore’s wife) and everybody else (sic) said Motley Crue and Ozzy Osbourne were these Satanic cult bands. We want to show the world how concerned they are’.

    “McGhee himself promotes ‘heavy metal’ rock concerts as ‘anti-drug’ events, as one of the conditions for probation for his past role in a marijuana-importing scheme. Evidently, McGhee is himself hooked on some powerful mind-altering substance, perhaps provided by friends in Communist China. On Aug. 14, after the Moscow concert was concluded, he exclaimed: ‘The next rock concert will be in Tiananmen Square. We know a million people fit in there--if you take out the tanks’.

    “The Lenin Stadium extravaganza was introduced by Genrikh A. Borovic, head of the official Committee for the Defense of Peace and the brother-in-law of General Valdimir Kryuchkov, head of the KGB. In the week that the Lenin Stadium event was taking place, the latest edition of the Soviets’ international New Times publication was reaching the West, featuring an interview with General Kryuchkox. He called for closer collaboration between the KGB and Western intelligence services, in the areas of drugs, nuclear proliferation, and nuclear terrorism.

    “Another top promoter of the event was Anastas Mikoyan, a scion of the powerful Mikoyan family, and name-sake of the late Soviet Foreign Trade Minister Anastas Mikoyan, one of the crucial Soviet power-brokers of this century.

    “Several other rock stars have been in Moscow during August. According to the International Herald Tribune, one important visitor to Moscow in the days preceding ‘heavy metal’ weekend, was top ‘Trust’ agent Armand Hammer of Occidental Petroleum.

    “Whether Hammer was involved in financing (or performing in?) the Lenin Stadium extravaganza, there is no question the satanic festival has to be seen in the context of U.S.-Britain-U.S.S.R. ‘condominium’ arrangements. One publicized ‘surprise guest’ was Jack Matlock, the American ambassador in Moscow, who drew considerable publicity some months back when he had an unprecedented private meeting with KGB head Kryuchkov. According to press reports, Matlock was wearing a shirt, with the words, ‘Just Say No’ written on it.” This last statement I desire you look at most closely since this article originated in Russia. “That is the insipid ‘anti-drug’ message invented by Nancy Reagan, a believer in magic and astrology and close friend of Armand Hammer.”

    Oh, you who become picky; I suggest you RUSH to the nearest lyric counter and get the words to the noise and drum-beat of these “songs” these groups sing. Further, pay attention--your own children will tell you, “KISS is not a Satanic Group, they have that name because one of the group, Paul Stanley, likes to kiss everybody”. Nay, it, K.I.S.S., stands for KNIGHTS IN THE SERVICE OF SATAN! . . . The “kissing” statement came from a teenaged child (K.W.) in Toledo, Oh. He continued with some enlightening information: “O.K. Look, you say that Satanists sac­rifice people and animals, right? Well, what do you think the ancient ones did, and what about the Aztecs? They all worshipped GOD--and they also made sacrifices. Humans and animals. Now, you tell me the differences of today. As it says in the Bible, we are all brothers.”

    I have no wish to be more advertising of one group than another, but here is another article from a “trade” paper regarding the ones you refer to as the Rolling Stones. This was with pictures and a great deal of wondrous hype and honor unto this group:


    Again, understand that I only quote for this scribe is just about sick of this document and I will not allow personal responsibility of this projection to be dumped upon my scribes and publishers. I judge not--perhaps you might become a bit discerning, however.

    “Philadelphia: The Philadelphia appearance was the first in a tour that will hit 29 cities in the United States and Canada between now and January 1990.

    “This group, more than any other, pioneered the overt Satanism which pervades today’s rock concerts by introducing such songs as ‘Sympathy for the Devil’ in the 60’s and the hit album, ‘Their Satanic Majesties Request’. The Stones are equally well known for headlining the mass concert in Altamont, California in the late 1960’s in which it is well remembered that a man was murdered by the Hells Angels motorcycle gang during a performance of ‘Sympathy for the Devil’.

    “The media buildup for the concert (Philadelphia) overshadowed anything devoted to a presi­dential campaign in the week before the election. Print media has devoted tens of thousands of words to the Stones, referring to them constantly as ‘Their Satanic Majesties’.

    “The New York Daily News tabloid accorded the Stones a ten-page spread in their weekend edition, and 4-5 pages daily. TV and Radio blasted Stones songs for weeks indicating no lack of enthusiasm after two decades.
    “56,000 people piled into Philadelphia Veterans Stadium for opening night. Two and a half million watts of sound shattered the air as the Stones appeared on a 150-foot-high set designed to resemble a crumbling city.

    “According to Stones production manager, Michele Ahern, the set is designed as an indictment of contemporary society, presenting a scene of industrial decay with catwalks, gray girders and black nets towering over the stage. The Stones’ performance was designed to satisfy the multi-generational audience, with songs from every period of its history and a featured performance of the notorious ‘Sympathy for the Devil’.

    “A lot of the members of the audience at this concert were between the ages of 40 and 50--a testament to the hold which the cultural hedonism of the sixties still has on the population. Law enforcement authorities termed the crowd well behaved, since no murders were committed during the performance, and only 40 people were injured in fights and other mishaps.”



    Dateline Sept. 1, 1989:

    “(Aug. 24): The British heavy-metal rock group Judas Priest, and its distributor, CBS Records, are being sued in Reno, Nevada, for their role in the suicides of Raymond Belknap, 18, and his friend, James Vance, 20, on Dec. 23, 1985. (Belknap died shortly after shooting himself, while a badly-disfigured Vance lingered on for three years.)

    “The two young men, after spending six hours listening to Judas Priest’s ‘Stained Class’ album, went to a church yard to commit suicide. The album contains the repetitive subliminal message, ‘Do it. Do it’.”

    Here is a letter sent in to a “personal column”:

    “Hello. My name is XXX. I’m 13, and I’ll be 14 in October (’89). I’m very, very interested in a magazine which was passed out at our school about Satan being in the schoolyards. I’m from a small town called Argos, Ind.

    “I used to be really interested in Satanic worshippers until I read this magazine. I listened to very heavy acid rock music all the time, like Metallica, Led Zeppelin, and Ozzy. I used to pray to Satan to get raped and other things. The only reason why is because I’m still a virgin, and I thought that was the only reason to lose my virginity and if I got pregnant, I wouldn’t get into trouble. It would be nice if lots of schools would pass out this magazine because I know a lot of kids my age who don’t know what to do.

    “Thank you if you would print this letter or send me a reply.”


    Dharma, please now print the letter from the R.N. in Wisconsin. This portion is a reply to an editorial in a rather small Wisconsin publication called Wisconsin Report. These quotes can all be verified at your library.


    “Dear Virginia,

    “After reading your editorial comments in the September 28 issue of the Wisconsin Report as well as Peggy Cuddy’s letter regarding rock music, I am writing to add support to the view that rock music, especially ‘heavy metal’, contributes to poisoning the minds of our young people. As a registered nurse working in a treatment center for disturbed adolescents, I see first-hand the damage this music and lifestyle does. Not only is the loud discordant rebellious beat objectionable but the music forms an addiction so the young person desires to continually listen to it. This causes them to gravitate toward the philosophy of the music--a philosophy of hate, rebelliousness toward authority, anarchy, violence, sex, death and drugs. This music listened to by a depressed teen is like pouring gasoline on a fire as it makes the depression worse. Some of this music involves occultic themes, and promotes suicide and satanism.

    “I urge everyone reading this to go to various record shops and ask the salesperson to direct you to the ‘heavy metal’ section of the store. The grotesque images, death, blood, gore, sex, occult images, and desecration of Christian symbols is predominant.” (Please allow me to add, however, lest there be confusion--the desecration is toward all accepted sects of “goodness”--the Jewish faith is most hard hit of all, in actuality.) “How can anyone not know, even after viewing the record jackets alone that, something is wrong? The same goes for videos, movies and TV. Take a good look at the selection of “thriller” films available for rent, showing rape, mutilation, gruesome murder, satanic and occultic rituals and every barbaric practice known. What does it take for people to wake up and see the damage this is doing? Many of the young people I work with will never be mentally healthy. It’s too late. The damage has been done. Most of the other mental health professionals I work with do not even address these issues as contributing factors. I’ve heard them tell concerned parents, ‘Don’t over-react’. They look at the rock music as a means of expression and it would be wrong to deny teens this mode of venting their feelings! We read the police reports showing evidence of satanic involvement they see as they go into the bedrooms of teens who have attempted suicide. Reports of walls plastered with favorite heavy metal rock stars, books on the occult and satanic paraphernalia are found but nothing is done about it because many do not take it seriously, calling it ‘just a phase’. Trying to educate these kids to the dangers of this activity often just makes them retreat into further secrecy. Even after sharing the lyrics of the music, and the lifestyle and philosophy of these rock stars, often parents will remark, ‘What does it hurt? We had our music when we were young’! There is such a profound blindness!

    “When we shop for food to nourish the body we want the best. We reject rotting produce, moldy bread, and spoiled meat, because common sense tells us that contaminated food can cause illness or poisoning, yet when it comes to feeding the mind, so often choices made for entertainment involve illicit and violent sex, profanity, murders, crime, blood and gore. As a result, people’s minds become ill and so does society.

    “Many buy rock music tapes and concert tickets for their children with these demonic themes filled with hate and rebellion or turn a deaf ear to the music and pretend not to see! There are often no restrictions on what is viewed on videos, movies or TV. When kids end up with emotional problems parents wonder why and spend a fortune for a ‘cure’.” (I would insert here that I sug­gest you really look carefully at the predominance of advertising on your TV--it deals with hospital and projected “cures” for alcoholism, drugs etc., etc.!--So be it.)

    “Not all parents can be blamed. Some do care and teach their children right from wrong. Peer and social influences can be intense. There are those strong-willed children who are more difficult to raise than others. Even in the best family environment there can be problems, but without loving, consistent parental involvement and without strong family values, there is little hope.

    “Mental hospitals are filled with young people who are a lost generation because so many have not cared enough to protect them from feeding on mental garbage. Now society must pay the price while many continue to wonder why!”

    This was signed: A WISCONSIN R.N. I am a bit sorry for I would like to give her great credit, however, that would be most unsafe for her well-being. I do, however, honor her greatly and make acknowledgement herein.

    One more on this subject, Dharma, and we shall move on.


    The following is self obvious:
    “Titled ‘Adolescents and Their Music’ and produced by the AMA’s Group on Science and Technology a report counsels physicians who treat teens to be aware of the connection between rock music, especially heavy metal, and anti-social behavior. The study was published in the Sept. 22-29 Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) (1989)

    “‘One aspect of the adolescent environment that has been a source of concern . . . has been the role of rock music, specifically its lyrics’, says the report. This concern has been enhanced by the ‘violent and sexual content’ of rock videos. Heavy metal, which ‘features a loud pulsating rhythm and abounds with lyrics that glorify hatred, abuse, sexual deviancy and occasionally satanism’, is especially disturbing.

    “Although extremely conservative--it concludes that there is no scientific proof that rock has deleterious effects on behavior--the AMA report performs a useful function by citing numerous studies which have implied a causal relationship between teen fascination with rock music, and participation in drug use and other destructive behavior.

    “The study warns that ‘evidence, although anecdotal’, exists which suggests that teenagers heavily immersed in the heavy metal subculture, ‘may be at risk for drug abuse or even participation in satanic activities’.

    “As evidence, it cites several murders which ‘have been correlated with a fascination for heavy metal music’, including the case of the ‘Night Stalker’, serial murderer Richard Ramirez who left Satanic slogans and symbols at the site of his crimes, and ‘was said to be obsessed with the heavy metal band AC/DC’.

    “It also refers to a number of studies which link rock to drug abuse and premarital sex. One such study found that 60% of drug-dependent teens named heavy metal as their first choice of music, ‘leading the author to suggest that such music is associated with and may promote destructive behavior in susceptible teenagers’.
    “Another, on the effect of music television (MTV), found that 7th and 10th graders, after watching more than one hour of certain music videos, ‘were more likely to approve of premarital sex. . . .’ Another concluded that violent music videos ‘desensitized viewers to violence immediately after viewing’.

    “Perhaps the AMA’s most shocking finding is that, between the 7th and the 12th grades, the average teenager listens to 10,500 hours of rock music. This is just ‘slightly less than the entire number of hours spent in the classroom from kindergarten through high school’. No wonder there has been such an explosion of Satanism, drug use, and suicide among adolescents!”

    No, Dharma, I am not going to answer your questions in this segment. First you ones must face that which is already projected for your attention. We can only touch on a piddling few and even at that, most ones will bore and lay aside or move onward to something less accusative or titillating. This hits on every person alive and on all your children. Perhaps all I shall ever do is show you how it is, that you might better understand “how it will be”! Amen.

    I request a break at this point. I wish to discuss and project a thought on a most popular little game you have running around your children’s playroom, DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, before we turn to the “beyond games and into reality of practice” games man now seems to enjoy so very much. It seems most illusive for parents to be able to face that which has entered the lives of all, es­pecially the young. It is banned to give a child in a crib a toy with buttons and yet you have no restrictions what-so-ever on the choking bits and pieces which poison the only thing your child has in reality--his mind! So be it. A break, please.


    PJ 09
    CHAPTER 14


    TUE., NOV. 7, 1989 1:00 P.M. YEAR 3, DAY 083
    TUE., NOV. 7, 1989

    Dharma, let us make it clear from the onset of this chapter that we are singling out this particular game for it carries with it such obvious messages. There are others which could be discussed in depth but this will suffice for our needs. You ones must learn to look within even your games for hidden content and impact. The game of “DUNGEONS & DRAGONS” is especially good for critique for it is noted as a Satanic game.

    This, too, will be quoted in full that it can be verified. I give appreciation to ones A. Chaitkin and E. Corpus. Dateline: August 11, 1989.


    “Remember. . .that goodness has no absolute values. Although many things are commonly accepted as good (helping those in need, protecting the weak), different cultures impose their own interpretations on what is good and what is evil. . . .”

    “Remember that evil, like good, is interpreted differently in different societies. . . .”

    “Curative and healing spells can have no effect on a dead character--he can only be returned to life with a raise dead or resurrection spell. . . .”

    “A spook spell enables the wizard to play upon natural fears to cause the target creature to perceive the spellcaster as someone or something in­imical. . . . .”

    “Animate Dead (Necromancy). . . .This spell creates the lowest of the undead monsters--skeletons or zombies--usually from the bones or bodies of dead humans, demi-humans, or humanoids. The spell causes existing remains to become animated and obey the simple verbal commands of the caster. . . .”

    “A geas spell places a magical command upon a creature (usually hu­man or humanoid) to carry out some service, or to refrain from some action or course of activity, as desired by the spellcaster. . . . While a geas cannot compel a creature to kill itself or to perform acts that are likely to result in certain death, it can cause almost any other course of action. The geased creature must follow the given instructions until the geas is completed. Failure to do so will cause the creature to grow sick and die within 1d4 weeks (sic).”

    “Control Undead (Necromancy). . . .At the end of the spell, the con­trolled undead revert to their normal behaviors. Those not mindless will re­member the control exerted by the wizard. . . .”

    “The finger of death spell snuffs out the victim’s life force. If successful, the victim can be neither raised nor resurrected. In addition, in human subjects the spell initiates changes to the body such that after three days the caster can. . . .animate the corpse as a ju-ju zombie under the control of the caster. . . .”

    “Trap the Soul (Conjuration/Summoning). . . .This spell forces the creature’s life force (and its material body) into a special prison gem enchanted by the spellcaster. . . .”

    “When a power word, kill spell is uttered, one or more creatures of any type within the spell range and area of effect are slain. . . .”

    You have just read some of the rules in the Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Player’s Handbook, 2nd edition (1989). The book’s cover invites “players, ages 10 and up” to “enter a world of fantastic role-playing adventure”.

    The publisher, TSR Inc. of Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, producer of the game Dungeons and Dragons, will stage a kind of Satanic games fair in the Mecca arena in Milwaukee, August 10-13. Approximately 10,000 participants, aged 10 years and up, are expected at the event, known as Gen Con.

    Some players will appear in occult or pornographic costumes--a prize will be awarded. Some will be stoned on drugs. From 8 a.m. to midnight, for four days, the “D&Ders” will play fantasy roles under the control of Game Masters. The elements of the fantasy scenarios date back as far as the occult fakirs of ancient Babylon, with added new technologies of manipulative mind control developed during the post-World War II period. The object: to strip participants of their human sympathies and human identity.

    The formal logic of Dungeons & Dragons, played by over three million in the U.S.A. and Europe, is as follows. Any number of persons (with fantasy character identities) enter a “dungeon” (predetermined group of rooms and corridors) that contains a treasure, there to duel against monsters, hostile inferior races, and other characters to retrieve the treasure and emerge alive. Equipment ranges from simply paper and pencil, up through elaborate computer software.

    Players, typically beginning involvement in their early teens, must align their emotions with fear and degradation, violence, sadistic sex, torture and pain, and suicide and death. As the game consumes more of their time, they are isolated from contact with family and peers. The family’s loyalties and val­ues, and the child’s self-control are attacked and altered in favor of allegiance to the “Dungeon Master”--often a schoolteacher or older teen--who rules over the multiple deities and gods, necromancy, magical spells, incantations and curses, the sorcery and mysticism of the ages.

    As more and more deranged child-players have died from suicide, and have murdered family members and friends, Dungeons & Dragons has been banned from a number of schools, and has come under increasing attack from concerned religious and child-welfare groups.

    Beyond these shattered lives, perhaps the community’s gravest imme­diate concern should be whether the Dungeons & Dragons game could be used as an entrance point into hard-core Satanist groups, such as the OTO, or “Ordo Templi Orientis”. D&D game clubs intertwine everywhere with proselytizing Satanist and witchcraft organizations, linked together by occultists’ computer networks such as BaphoNet and Wierdbase. If only one in 10,000 young people per week are successfully recruited to criminal pedophile circles, that is 300 minds lost, and countless children abused and murdered.

    * * * * *

    In preparing for a battle--whether it is to stop the brainwashing of children or to repel an armed invasion--it makes sense to know who the enemy is, and why he is attacking you. Despite the growing controversy about Dungeons and Dragons, no one has yet printed a real history of the game, or even the smallest biography of the mysterious E. Gary Gygax, D&D’s original promoter.

    Published sources say that Gary Gygax, assisted by personal friends, invented the game and first sold it in 1974, through his TSR Hobbies, Inc. Gygax is no longer with TSR; in a 1985 power struggle, he lost control of the company to Lorraine Williams, granddaughter of newspaper syndicate boss, John Flint Dille.

    In his 1987 book, Roll Playing Mastery (Putnam, New York), Gygax tells of three separate sources for the idea of Dungeons & Dragons:

    * * The use of role-playing in clinical psychotherapy, a widespread practice in the “Aquarian Revolution” of the 1960’s.

    * * Military conflict-simulation--through which think-tanks such as the Rand Corporation helped direct the Pentagon away from “traditional” to “utopian” military thinking of the Robert McNamara variety.

    * * Military miniatures gaming, i.e., playing with toy soldiers. Gygax credits British author H.G. Wells as the ultimate father of D&D, through Wells’s 1913 book Little Wars, describing an elaborate game world with fights between tin figures.

    There is no biographical data in Role Playing Mastery, not even the usual blurb on the author. Magazine articles about Gygax call him a retired insurance salesman and shoe peddler, simply an enthusiastic hobbyist, dreaming up spells, racial archetypes and elaborate modes of murder.

    In his Mastery book, Gygax describes his work in a sophisticated mid-1960’s Stanford University project: “of the conflict simulation sort, and with a bit of military miniatures. As I recall, it was labeled the Ad Hoc Committee for the Reconstruction of WWII--a massive, fairly chaotic effort using the en­ergies of several people plus computer assistance. I participated in the role of the Chinese Communist commander.”

    “. . .I proceeded to acquire books on the history, culture, agriculture, politics, and literature of China. . . .Of course, I bought maps, military histories, and even writings of Chairman Mao--the person I played in the game. At the same time, I tried to learn about the economy and who and what the so-called Nationalists, my opponents, were and their resources in thinking, manpower, weapons, and what have you.”

    In a recent telephone interview, Gary Gygax told us that the Stanford war game simulation was run by six people, none of whose names he remembers; that he doesn’t remember what agency sponsored the Stanford affair; and that all records relating to it are lost.

    He did recollect that he founded the International Federation of War Gaming in 1967, several years before the invention of D&D. This involved some 600 computer war-game specialists nationally. He could not remember anyone who worked with him in that organization!!

    While Gygax played Mao, another Stanford University experiment developed theories and methods of thought control which would aid the game designers of the 1970’s and 1980’s. “Artificial intelligence” researcher K.M. Colby created several models of computer simulated paranoid neurosis, the “Artificial Belief System” for which he was named Research Scientist in 1967 by the National Institute of Mental Health, with Pentagon agency backing. The idea of the Colby-Stanford project was to imitate human insanity, in order to induce it, or manipulate it, for military or “social” purposes. Expert judges from the American Psychiatric Association, could not distinguish between teletyped dialogue with actual human paranoid patients, and dialogue with Colby’s program.

    The artificial intelligence work has been applied to the study of both robotics and brainwashing by Pentagon sub-agencies including the Office of Naval Research, and “linguistics” experts at the University of Wisconsin.

    In our exclusive interview, Gary Gygax boasted of a family background of more interest than that of most Midwestern insurance underwriters. He claimed that the Gygax family moved in 200 B.C. from Thessalonika, Greece to Switzerland, where today there are four Gygax castles centered around Berne. As our discussion ranged across time to the magicians of the Persian empire, Egypt, etc., it became clear that the lore and practice of the occult could well be a living family tradition with Mr. Gygax.

    Frederick Gygax was the Swiss consul general from the end of World War II until the mid 1950’s, while the Swiss-and New York-based Allen Dulles was forming the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. Consul Gygax was extremely guarded in a recent telephone interview with us on the Gygax family, but he acknowledged the fame of a cousin of Gary Gygax, U.S. Admiral Felix Gygax--who held the curious position of naval attache’ in Switzerland before World War I.

    Another political curiosity in the family is Gary’s uncle, Eugene Burdick, the author of the anti-war thriller Fail-Safe, and The Ugly American. Burdick taught at the University of California until 1965, after lecturing for a time at the Naval War College. Here is the leftist Military Expert, teaching rules of “little wars”.



    Gary Gygax confirmed our tip, from a former TSR executive, that Gygax was deeply involved with another firm, the Avalon Hill Game Company of Baltimore, Md., before he set up TSR for Dungeons and Dragons. Gygax says he designed a game called Alexander the Great for Avalon Hill; perhaps this was simply family history.

    According to the Avalon Hill chairman, Eric Dott, his game company has done military simulation exercises for “colonels and up” in the defense Department. Mr. Dott absolutely refused to be specific about the nature of these exercises, or if they were of a classified nature.

    Sources close to TSR say that, “The government was suspicious of Avalon Hill—they saw them as knowing things they weren’t supposed to know”. Eric Dott explained that, “The FBI and the Secret Service have come around asking questions several times”.

    There are a number of reasons for counter-intelligence inquiries about Avalon Hill:

    The games they produce, played at popular weekend gaming con­ventions, involve large numbers of U.S. military personnel, both officers and enlisted men. What are they being recruited to do?

    Even apart from Dungeons and Dragons, the typical role-playing game seen in current hobby shops involves an unbelievably horrible post-nuclear holocaust nightmare world. The mental life of the gaming genre is a perfect conduit into OTO and Satanism generally.

    Asked about the political-military outlook of Avalon Hill, Chairman Dott said, “We’re pretty much all conscientious objectors here.” Here, the “peacenik” who brings young people into fantasy race-wars and every-man-for-himself bloodbaths, gives conflict-simulation exercises to the Defense Department!

    When H.G. Wells wrote Little Wars in 1913, humanity faced a New Dark Age in the impending world war. Wells proposed that strategic planners engage in fantasy war games as a healthy alternative to a major conflict. Wells--called the real father of Dungeons & Dragons by inventor Gary Gygax--placed no value on human life. He merely proposed a more expedient route to the New Dark Age.

    A recent article by a top Pentagon “expert” illustrates how deeply New Age delusions have penetrated American strategic thinking. Charles A. Whitehouse, now Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low Intensity Conflict, was formerly U.S. Ambassador to Laos, Undersecretary of State for Henry Kissinger, a regional chief of the Operation Phoenix as­sassination program in Viet Nam, and founder and chairman of the “preservationist” Piedmont Environmental Council in northern Virginia. He once directed a State Department project to guide public opinion away from blaming either Communist China or the CIA for dope sales in Viet Nam.

    Writing in the newsletter of the Reserve Officers Association, White­house lays down the rules for the new era of “U.S.-Soviet reapprochment”. The “distortion” of the U.S.-Soviet rivalry is now over, he claims, allowing us to see clearly the “threat” the U.S.A. faces in the Third World. Those poor countries, not the Communists, should occupy our strategic planning. He proposed an in­creased emphasis of “deception, stealth and guile” to win the new-type wars.

    Whitehouse, like Gary Gygax, would teach from the Communist Chi­nese model: “Mao had only three rules that governed relations between his guerrillas and the Chinese people: All actions are subject to command. Do not steal from the people. Be neither selfish nor unjust. Simple, yet effective, and the kind of ‘art’ that makes low-intensity conflict work. . . . We forgot these lessons as we focused our attention on ‘big’ wars. It has been nearly 50 years since the Marine Corp issued the Small Wars Manual. . . .Perhaps it is time. . .for a new Small Wars Manual.”

    Ambassador Whitehouse executed countless persons in Operation Phoenix, and is fascinated by the honesty and selflessness of the Communists. Rest easy. The conduct of national affairs is in the hands of the fantasy game masters.

    * * * * *

    I will ask that you please take note of recurring persons, i.e., Henry Kissinger, etc. It might be good if you went back and reviewed SPACE-GATE Journal #3 and SPIRAL TO ECONOMIC DISASTER Journal #4.

    I am not going to linger longer on the foregoing subject. It speaks for itself. Further, I hear the protests coming forth: “Well, everyone doesn’t fall prey to the darkness of this game, or the metal music--you have no right to go on in this manner or quote such antiquated material.” True--very true; however, look around at your society and determine how long you can go on in this manner of existence! So be it and Selah.

    Dharma, just add one last thing--quote from the notice posted regarding the August 10-13, ’89 Gen Con games fair.

    “Be advised: this is not simply some mindless amusement, such as a Space In­vaders video game. Dungeons & Dragons, the fantasy role-playing game, has already resulted in numerous child suicides and related murders.

    “This is brainwashing, carried out under the control of “Game Masters”. It is designed to break a person’s self-control, loyalty to family, and sympathy for human life.

    “Further warning: Dungeons & Dragons clubs function in an environment of computer interlock with groups practicing Satanism and witchcraft, whose objectives include the recruitment of children as sex objects.”

    So, come on in and see if you can outwit Gen Con!

    I guess my case rests regarding this “silly” little child’s game. I knew that all you good adults and parents knew all about these things. . . .Dharma just needed typing practice!

    Close this portion, that we might move on into the really wondrous world of Satanic games and secrets for you ones who are now mumbling about the boring stupidity of this book. Unfortunately, there is no way to really shock any of your society any longer. Unfortunate indeed! However, perhaps a few of you will blink a bit and raise up off your comfortable places of resting and self-indul­gence and see a bit farther.


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