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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar

    Default 응답: 플레이아데스 컨넥션 - 피닉스호의 귀환, PLEIADES CONNECTION--RETURN OF THE PHOENIX. " Dedication & Introduction

    PJ 30
    CHAPTER 17
    MONDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1990 8:00 A.M. YEAR 4 DAY 116

    Hatonn present in the Light of Radiance. First, I would have a personal notation please. Oberli, please attend Salliotte this day. Further, I would have a COMPLETE set of books for each of Dharma뭩 children--along with any others that you so decide but this has gone too long unattended. You must realize that Salliotte is the best and most meticulous bookkeeper and office detail person you have or will ever find--allow us to begin to meet obligations for these are the ones who stuck with you through the very leanest of times and still do not wish to work with you for the burden it might impose. So be it. I cannot ask Dharma to give unto me her life to write these Journals if she continues to feel she may have them not when published. We must come to better balance regarding publication of the these books. There is something wrong with the 뱎lan� if the author has no access to a few to be utilized as he or she deems appropriate. She is emotionally classifying herself as a mere printing machine and that is most unacceptable. She holds the whole of truth in her head awaiting the printing thereof and exploitation by any name is unacceptable. So be it.


    Pay attention to what this man now does. He came back from a trip to South America, had a full day of jogging and tennis and yet could not join with his family and/or his nation at the Christmas festivities of the evening. This is always a sign of negative influence--the things that are representative of the Light are placed to the rear of the cooking places. He will begin to again give you the SHOW but watch closely how he handles the subject and how One World Order will have replaced 밎od�.

    What of Shevardnadze? He is making sure that he gets from America that which the Russians want at this time--in exchange for co-operation. He needs food supplies for his cities because of the poor management, black market and other things of poor government actions within the Soviet Union. Believe me, if it were not that POWER has its rewards, Mr. Gorbachev would be well out on his ear--you will note that his only roots this day are within the Communist Party--you ones had best take a good clear look at that situation! It is NOT as presented unto you.

    Allow us now, to move on with our Journal lest we loose thought continuity. We must keep you alive and in some manner of freedom, but spiritual growth is ultimately the only experience of real and enduring merit. Lessons WILL be learned but you must begin to come into understanding of truth instead of the ridiculous lies given unto you from the mis-directors who long ago lost their own truth in repetition of the lessons handed down without ability to question whether or not truth was involved with the handed-down edicts of churches and false perpetrators--whether in ignorance or intent of destruction, the ending can be the same except in magnitude of 뱑eward� for actions.

    번역완료: 플레이아데스 컨넥션I,II


    There is always a logical chain of command--not as you utilize it as 뱑ight of passage� but according to learning and true knowledge.

    Wherever there are thinking forms of life, there are established laws everywhere. Each, from the position of spiritual development of the tribe뭩 leaders, has taken laws from the true natural law and expressed them in responsible form within human-natural law. In consequence these laws are of natural logic, and are not illogical and primitive, such as ones established on your world. In your governments, pure worldly-material power casts the laws--usually to render you ones who must follow the laws helpless to stand against that which the rulers put forth.

    In any given society at whatever level of understanding, laws exist. As I stated prior to this, it is only where the Creational laws become self-evident do expressed laws fall away. This only occurs at very high spiritual levels, in pure-spiritual spheres, where materiality is a thing of the past. Material forms of life are still afflicted by too many mistakes, than that they can simply neglect laws appropriate to their level of existence.

    As a society, however, becomes advanced to the extent of foisting off their own behaviors upon other species and other planetary placements which bring evil and destruction upon the inhabitants, things are taken to a higher level of authority and Cosmic law comes into the picture.

    Growth, in general, in the Pleiadian sense for the most part, is of a more spiritual level and consequently more humane, which certainly cannot, at this time, be stated regarding your form of law. You have almost no form of equality of justice.

    When we speak of 밾eavy� crimes in the Pleiades system, for instance, there is no longer punishment by elimination and injury to the physical body, as is your barbarous habit--either that or a buy/sell justice system. The higher energy forms require that the fallible creatures be exiled to other worlds used exclusively for this purpose.

    To such worlds are exiled only creatures of the same sex. In that way propagation is prevented and no descendants are produced. The exiled ones are left to their own means on these worlds and have to care for themselves with their own hands. No machinery or apparatus is left at their disposal, and they are forbidden to produce such things. To assure this objective these worlds are controlled and secretly produced means are eliminated for long periods of retraining time. In addition, any contact to any others is closed off--the inhabitants are locked into the planet system.

    On some worlds, the fallible creatures are also exiled to great islands, if the grade of fallibility on the concerned world is very low. This manner of punishment assures security, and at the same time the fallible ones are no burden to the natural society. Moreover, this form of punishment is humane and suitable because the fallible ones are not obstructed in their development. Does it begin to bring memories of your own beginnings, perhaps? Could it be that you are a 뱎rison� planet? Of course, for God always gives unto his creations a place to reform, restructure, recreate 뱒erve their time�, so to speak. Teachers and guides, wardens and guards are always sent to guide and effort at rehabilitation--then there is a graduation and if rehabilitation into truth and rightness of action is accomplished, the 밿nmates� move on and the negative unlearned ones are placed into other suitable accommodations until they DO learn Universal behavior. Most of Earth real criminals never see the inside of a prison for the real criminals of humanity are the ones who set up the false teachings and the heinous laws which create injustice, force and degradation unto the soul.

    In very ancient times different fallible creatures were exiled from different worlds in this Universe to your Earth, as well as from our race also. We do not keep 밺ates� and 밹alendars� as do you so let us consider it was 밶 long time ago�. Since in our Plieades star system, there is interplanetary travel and interchange, the laws are very similar on all inhabited orbs and will do for general purposes of discussion at this time.

    Our races are monogamous, after a thorough clearing up of facts in respect to belonging together. Mistakes, of course, can not be excluded for the life-forms are not very far advanced of your own races, but these, if necessary, are still later eliminated. Descendants are regulated by the highest council, meaning that a definite amount of births within a defined amount of time and space is observed, so as to preserve the race without overpopulating. It is totally controlled by responsible 밃CTIONS� and not 밹ontrol� by artificial means, devices nor destruction of 밶ccidents�--there simply are no 밶ccidents� through total dedication of self-responsible actions.

    Married couples remain in that alliance during their life-experience cycle. When you have careful pre-union understanding and friendship, then you have no problem with irresponsible behavior for a marriage represents friendships within the boundaries of Law of balance and harmony and total responsibility to the planet upon which all must reside. Since the physical greed, power and social needs of the procreation act are evolved out of the picture, procreation is with intent and great planning in responsibility. Since Pleiadians live to be hundreds and hundreds of years of age, it requires this same discipline over a period of many centuries.

    Pleiadians do have one of the highest forms of human civilizations for the needs of the balanced planet are strictly adhered unto and ones who refuse the responsibility are given homes in places such as Earth. When ones who have broken lesser obligations are placed, it is often that the 뱎rison� if you will, becomes inappropriate for their deviation of behavior--or rehabilitation is fulfilled, and then 밽raduation� day arrives and/or the planet becomes so unbalanced that the darker forms of experience are placed elsewhere--as with your planet.

    There will be evolution into higher dimensional values and density and fully developed ones will transverse with her. The totally negative life-forms will be separated away and placed in suitable 밹lassrooms�. The guides and wardens will have served their time of duty and will be allowed to further experience according to growth levels--or simply return to God-Source. Many of you will desire returning to Pleiades to experience awhile in that goodly environment; many will wish to move with Earth into Radiance of Shan and many of you will wish to return, or remain, with the healing planet to nurture and re-create a habitable placement.

    I specifically used the term 뱈onogamous� because we do not use without responsibility, the sexual act and, therefore, there is no need of multiple partners. Persons in need of care and life-nurturing assistance are cared for properly and not in any way USED for the personal experience of lust, greed and/or sexual misbehavior. Marriage and creation are most highly esteemed and most carefully regarded in all respects. This is why we denounce the 밷ehavior� of deviant groups--not the love and energy exchange of people. A friend can be as or more dear than a spouse but there is no physical sexual actions intruded into the relationship. Children ARE NOT ACCIDENTS! FROM IRRESPONSIBLE BEHAVIOR--NOR ARE THE BASE DISEASES STEMMING FROM THESE UNIONS.

    Divorce as you know it is insufficient and admitted in only the worst cases, such as when one of the union is exiled. This is most rare indeed. Our laws have worked in harmonious balance for millenniums.


    So what of such a love? Do you mean as perhaps I might LOVE Dharma? I, representing masculine and she representing feminine? What of it--we, especially one of higher dimension even than another planetary system, have no need for such expressions! Love as you express of it is not even entered into the picture of higher dimension. Love is all inclusive and I love Oberli even as much as I love Ranos, Ilsie, Daylene and/or Dharma. Further, ask any one of these ones--once touched by the Love of higher understanding, there is naught of Earth experience to match the experience. Love is an emotional experience--untouched by any human physical beingness--you simply have forgotten.

    What you usually refer to as Love is a simple infatuation for another--expressed in a totally physical manner--missing the wondrous beauty of the emotional fulfillment for you place pleasure in the place of emotional fulfillment. When you merge two souls--that, dear friends, is LOVE! One can merge with every body in the system and you will find yourself only worn out and disease ridden--not fulfilled, at peace nor content--you will only have formed a bad habit and will search for even one more with which to tamper. Ah yes, Earth mankind has forgotten the difference in LOVE and love. There is no LOVE to be expressed in any manner as I feel for you of my children in journey--I, at thousands of years of age in your counting and you, as babes and toddlers. But you must understand that many of you have walked with me through the eons of time and have only FORGOTTEN! This is why you are pulled to me as a magnet to the iron filings--for we are of the same essence and THAT, dear ones, IS THE TRUTH OF ETERNAL LOVE IN ITS WHOLENESS--I WOULD GIVE ALL THAT I AM AND HAVE UNTO YOU, FOR YOU AND WITH YOU--AND NOW, SOME RETURN THAT GIFT UNTO ME AND UNITED WE CANNOT FAIL TO ACHIEVE OUR GOAL--FOR THAT KIND OF LOVE IS THE TRUTH OF THAT WHICH IS GOD! Man is the creature who is envious of any relationship which he perceives excludes self--and therefore, it is a singularly excluding of self. When man loses his self-orientation then, and only then, can he enter into such a relationship as God-LOVE, for all is in behalf of the OTHER. However, in fact, the LOVE OF THAT KIND OF NATURE only returns to self, the fullness of the relationship for neither is TAKING from the other--BOTH ARE GIVING ALL THAT CAN BE GIVEN--EACH MORE THAN HIS WHOLE.

    Each and all have the ability by mind power to pull unto self any desired 뱓hing�. So, I suggest you be most careful regarding that which you desire--for you may be unfortunate enough to pull it unto self. It is when you rise above self of the physical that you find truth and all knowledge and then, only then, is peace and tranquility achieved. It can only come through the 밽iving� and proper 밶ccepting� and 밻xchanging� of emotional equality and not physical experience, that truth of life meaning is understood. THIS IS YOUR BIRTHRIGHT: FREE-WILL THROUGH CHOICE AND THE RETURN UNTO THE ONENESS WITH GOD! ALL OTHER IS SIMPLY 밫HE JOURNEY� THROUGH THE LESSONS UNTIL TRUTH IN GOD-NESS IS ACHIEVED.

    Wherein the physical only visualized that which is physical--higher essence sees only that which is spiritual. I see you ones as the soul essence which you are and the physical falls away. I can see beyond the ego of the physical experience and understand the impact of the human physicalness--but it is the soul I see as I look within your places--so you are actually quite safe from prying eyes in the bath. My communion is with soul--not the physical. I understand the physical impacts of living--but those are for YOU to have conquest; they are not of my business--except as they impact that which is within my jurisdiction or group of committed workers within my Command. Then, neither do I have control--only in request for separation until direction is isolated and decisions are made for I, nor my brothers, have any intent to ever intrude other than to speak warnings and give guidelines for participants in this mission.


    Ones who have intent for participation in the transition with communion with higher brothers of the Cosmos or, and more especially, in relationship to higher energies of other dimensions--agree to abide by God뭩 laws and The Creation뭩 laws in that example is total as regards 밶ctions�. There will be the lusting and greeding as long as there is physical--how the human 밶cts� in the given scenario is that which is ultimately important.

    Do not go about saying we 뱆ick you out� or 밿solate you� if you are acting in behavioral ways deviant from Cosmic law, for YOU will have made that choice--not we! YOU may change your actions at any time but you cannot 밼ool� us! We see only soul intent! Past errors? So be it; in God뭩 realms past ignorance is all points of the law--it is important when it is 밺eliberate actions in defiance to those laws�. If you do not approve of those laws, it is your choice, but I promise you--you who continue in Satan뭩 trappings will not find your next journey through the gates into Godness for learning of the laws and abiding therein is the price of that lovely transition. For instance, the Pleiadians want no irresponsible, misbehaving humans cluttering their life of balance. There will be no 뱒leeping around� to introduce envy, self-gain and/or base human behaviors accepted. You had all better rethink the 밨APTURE SCENARIO�. If you are ill-using physical-ness, you aren뭪 going to 뱑apture� to anywhere physical that I recognize as 밾igher� dimension--and most certainly not unto God! NO EVIL INTENT SHALL ENTER INTO THE HOUSE OF GOD!

    Now, when you speak of inter-planetary beings of human format, much changes in perception. Ones of higher learning often make changes into what would be considered 뱇ower� vibrations and often join with the 뱇ower� frequency being in what you might loosely refer to as a 뱇ove� relationship--but it is not handled as a physical matter at that level even if it entails physical actions. This means that the 뱇ower� being will grow rapidly or there will be a lot of pain borne by both for the 밾igher� being will be unable to compromise soul truth--it happens frequently.

    Sometimes ones, say from Pleiades, come for rotations of duty upon your placement and then there is subjection to your own environment with the consequent loss of memory data and often these ones are lost to the environment and activities of Earth plane. Often good 뱑eceivers� of higher energy forms are lost to the Earth environment and ego state as surrounds the dense capsule of your planet. It is indeed hard to keep those conduits open and as such, many are only opened in these recently current times to allow for purity of communication. They simply were not opened at the earlier time in order to serve in proper sequence. Each fragment serves at its given proper sequence of experience--the students then must discern the changes for it is part and whole of the learning requirements. YOU EACH MUST LEARN THE LESSONS PRIOR TO TRANSITION AND THE OLD MUST BE CAST ASIDE. FOR INSTANCE--YOU MUST RELEASE THE LIE THAT ANY ONE BEING COULD ABSOLVE YOU OF YOUR SINS AND ERRORS. NO ONE CAN DO ANY SUCH THING FOR ANOTHER! YOU WILL STAND RESPONSIBLE AND ANSWERABLE FOR YOUR ACTIONS IN THE PHYSICAL EXPERIENCE--NO MORE AND NO LESS--YOU!!


    We, serving in the Pleiades Command for instance, are only allowed to speak of certain things and explain only so much. These neighboring planets have been priorly occupied in former times by our races, and are by minimal measure still today important as bases and other extraterrestrial homing centers for starship attachment--usually of higher dimensional 뱑ating�.

    I, for instance, effort to carry somewhat current information regarding your solar system in my mind in respect to the level of my experience at the current time; however, I do not have interest in other than your evolution and my command at the present experience. I simply have no interest at this time, in the other systems. You ones are not destined to be placed on these other planets when evolved from this Earth plane and, therefore, I spend little time inputting other data that can be garnered from other teachers if the interest and curiosity abounds--I am interested in changing your truth and knowledge and getting you into safety and security--prepared and ready for transposition. My thrust, and the thrust of Sananda 밓esus�, Korton, etc., is to bring as many as possible into awakening and full decision in Godness to move into other responsibility--ours is not a sojourn to philosophy and speculations of how it may be next door. If your only intent is on such trivia--go unto another for your lessons for ours is far advanced of trivia not applicable directly to your transition.

    We are come to awaken ones to their purpose, bring truth and prepare for the reclaiming of the Kingdom unto God. I am not, for instance, concerned with that which might be going on on Venus or Mars except as Earth bases thereon might impact you as World citizens--specifically within my Command. Truth is truth is truth--but in addition, ones of my Command must HEAR THE CALL TO PURPOSE!

    Dharma, write this document immediately--did you not note the energy wave that struck this dwelling? It is fine, chela, your attention is removed but we will lose the document if you do not attend it. Thank you.

    We have you very well shielded now and it is very difficult to get through the web to vulnerable attack spots--we can deflect quite efficiently now with little damage sustained--however, there is continual barrage against the computers and electronics systems and any electric interruption can wipe out the programs and data storage systems. Simply take care.

    I suggest you ones who come into writings by ones who claim physical behaviors with extraterrestrial beings--be most careful indeed--for the inter-change would be exaggerated according to the perceptions of the ego of the writer. No celestial being would ever even be tempted to pull an Earthian from his path by such dalliance for the discipline would be great on his own level and especially at this time of sequence; an extraterrestrial of higher understanding such as would be a teacher or speaker--would simply never participate in such behavior--check with former contactees such as Billy Meier for confirmation. Semjase is a most beauteous creature in Earth perceptions and I believe she gave Billy quite a good and grand, unmistakable lesson regarding such matters as Earth-type behavior and LOVE. Misbehavior of higher brotherhood from other star-systems would be met with severe discipline and would be totally unacceptable.

    Further, for 밪pace-beings� to respond to personal, egotistical demands to become 뱕isible� to 뱎rove� something or another is equally unacceptable. Regardless of who believes otherwise, it is most often totally destructive behavior to become visible--especially on such cause and demand. Most ones are quite honest and relate that 밒� need to see or touch--but many will place it as 뱖e� and 밼or our good� and 뱒o we can better serve�, etc. No, it is always for 뱈e�, 밒� and 뱒elf�--if not, it will be left to the discernment of the higher being for the better good of the whole--without exception.

    Does this mean that each will not desire 밼or me� 밼or I� for 뱒elf�? Of course not and the desire will be always at the forefront--however, the acceptance of 밾igher truth� will always prevail and the thought will always return to 밼or the highest Cause� and 뱊ot my ego will, but thine higher truth� shall always prevail if given in truth of higher Cause. The ego will always seek satisfaction and the quicker the better--봧nstant Patience� and 뱔ndelayed gratification of whatever is the point of attention�. Remember the obligation of the higher resources unto you at this time and bear with their limitations as given forth unto them--THEY ARE TO ACT WITH TOTAL DISCERNMENT WITHIN HIGHER KNOWLEDGE AND THEY MAY NOT PLAY YOUR GAMES ON DEMAND. IF THEY FALL INTO THE TRAP OF RESPONDING FROM EARTH 밆ESIRE� STANDPOINT--THEY WILL BE RELIEVED AND RETURNED HOME.

    I would clarify another point however, in some instances--and you ones will know of the one or two circumstances of which I speak--a joint intent will have been established through two energy forms and then the separation will be caused whereby there is one in one plane of experience and the other in another--FOR THE PURPOSE OF INTER-ACTION AND TASK PERFECTION AT THE PROPER TIME OF TERRESTRIAL/EXTRATERRESTRIAL JOINT ACTION. I believe that one, Gabriel, shall recognize of that which I speak. The loyalty and communications have never been severed and there is no misunderstanding of intent. The purpose always becomes quite obscure with the one left on Earth sphere for the density reduces ability to retain memory patterns. It is true trust and ego allowance to maintain that wondrous communion through such dimensional changes. Many of us walk together but in separation become unable to recall--it is now the reawakening unto those connections in a most unphysical manner--the higher energy will never allow reverting unto the human behavior patterns. The human involved may have very vivid memory visions of such interchange--but that is exactly that which it will be--recall visions--dreams. It depends totally on intent of purpose within the missions as to whether or not there will be actual physical visualization. I do not mean to complicate the subject; it is just that the contacts are so misperceived and humans are so easily deceived and duped by ones claiming this and that status.

    Always you can discern in truth according to the laws of God and The Creation--truth will always move you in soul unto the Lighted God; evil will pull you away from the God-ness: no more and no less. If there is anything in the projections of so-called energy voices or projections, that diverts physically or in intent from the God-truth, get away from the energy for it is not of God. The laws are most succinct without maybes or sometimes--the laws are always! Therefore, it becomes indeed easy to discern he who gives false teachings and that which does not. It does indicate, however, that you must know the Laws and I remind you that EVERY ENERGY BIRTHED UPON YOUR PLACE--CARRIES THAT PARTICULAR KNOWLEDGE WITHIN. It does help to brush up on them into your consciousness.

    Allow us to close this segment as it grows long and we cannot cover the entire of the subject matter herein so allow us a break. Thank you.

    Hatonn to stand-by, please. Good-day.

    PJ 30
    CHAPTER 18
    TUESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1990 8:00 A.M. YEAR 4 DAY 117

    Greetings in the Light of Radiance. Hatonn present that we might continue on our Journal. As we watch this day I would ask that you carefully consider that which is coming forth from the different areas of the world in regards to that which you have labeled AIDS. Also, pay attention to the new implant which is utilized on the female of your species to prevent pregnancy. Is there no end to which you will not go to substitute for responsible behavior? So be it. Do you not see that--if left to your own devices as moving between subtle birth control and AIDS--you, yourselves, will wipe out your species? If something is not done soon, the whole of the Brazilian population will be devastated just as is Africa. Now, instead of teaching your young generations to use control and responsible behavior--you will sterilize a whole generation of women before you are finished and all in the name of safe-sex. 밚ike lambs to the slaughter!� Each 뱓hing� will come forth as planned, upon your nations, so that you eagerly bring down the shackles upon selves--demanding it, in fact.

    For my group of 뱓ouchy� friends--since the incident two Saturdays past--last evening was simply the shuttle coming home to roost -- from Australia. How much will you accept, people of the lie? So be it.

    Allow us to continue with our Journal for it seems time is of utmost importance in which to bring you into truth and alignment with God. AHO!


    Speaking in behalf of Pleiadians I shall simply utilize first person in order to achieve brevity--I shall speak of positions of higher dimension at a later portion. You must now become familiar with that which IS as regards placements as you move from this orb--I speak in generalities unto some 6 1/2 billion persons of separate fragmentation so, please, you must also generalize my lessons for we have not time to speak to each in formal format. You may go within, inquire and receive answer--but I find few who 뱇isten� so this will suffice. You can confirm this truth from ancient teachers such as Little Crow, other contacts such as Billy Meier (in his early contact days), etc. First, it would seem appropriate to outlay that which happens as we make contact with ones of your races on your planet.

    I hear and see the ones who stand forth and denounce the receivers as stationed about your place, saying, 밯hy not me, I have been willing to make contact for years--why not me?� Because usually those ones have only personal interest and/or it is not yet time in the sequence for utilization and transference of information in that particular sector. It is a true worker who is willing and patient to await that which is his purpose--in support of those who are in service presently. One job in proper sequence is of no greater importance than is another--only different and given differing times of projection.

    Herein, I caution Dee that that which she is projecting regarding receiving from the Command be tempered with great wisdom. Do not misunderstand that which you receive and perceive to be from Korton. You have opened a can of worms to divide and fragment workers.

    If ones wish to sit to pen for self and/or contact higher self or the energies of higher consciousness--fine; to contact and receive for one in our Command or functioning at this time in this specific operation only confuses and hampers our work. You all must first understand the communications and it is evident that you do NOT.

    Perhaps for some it is fine to sit with pen and dally upon the paper--however, mostly, all that will be received is tampering energy forms. This mission is far too important to allow such trivial pursuit of fun and games. For instance, to fragment my communications at this time is absolutely unthinkable for man is confused enough without fragmenting further in misperceptions.

    I shall not elaborate on that which is happening to other scribes but I assure you that we do not deal in simple higher thought forms. I give forth exactly that which I wish stated--in pulsed beam format and simply 밶llowing� the flow is not sufficient from a scribe. Everything that touches the scribe뭩 personal space is an impact upon that which is written and thus the training is hard and LONG in order to bypass that seeking input for personal instructions. If we have need of personal data exchange, we handle it in proper format, in separation of duties. We are not in the business of teaching everyone to 밹hannel� or 뱖rite�, etc. In this location, specifically, we have too many willing teachers and confusion can be the only outcome as the information is spread about. If each of you will do your job and cease trying to be the scribe or receiver--we shall have a wondrous working relationship; if we simply have another group of gathered channels--we defeat purpose from foundation upward. I ask you to simply check out that which you do and see if we can discipline selves into conformation.

    We of the command, as we move along here, will be making less and less contact with various ones and we surely do not wish the general masses to 뱓ry their hand and mind at this 멺ame뮅. You need a source of unquestionable TRUTH and ones coming into the writings must know it. We, too, must have focus and 뱊on-generalized� input and output--you have too many 밄ibles� as it is.

    Let me explain our contacts and why fragmented diversification is unacceptable. It is out of the question and not possible to have random contacts as we approach the time of focused function. Each must contact the truth within but I again caution you of my tribe, do not try to teach all to receive for you are giving erroneous information for this purpose--reaching within is fine, but I ask that you leave the lessons of 밹hanneling� and 뱒cribing� unto the higher Command. This is not to pain anyone but I remind you of the human format--when you ask a higher energy for input--he is required to respond if asked in truth--YOU MUST USE THE DISCERNMENT OF PROPER USE OF THE MATERIAL--AND YOU MUST BE VERY, VERY SURE YOU KNOW OF THAT WHICH YOU DO! There are not more than five receivers trained for this job so I ask that if you are one, you care for that responsibility greatly. I know that which is meant--the general masses do not! Therefore, it is YOU who must be in the use of great and perfect judgment. I, Hatonn, do not relinquish this Command to any--NOT TO ANY!

    If contact is opened with an Earth human, then this is based on his prior pre-conditioning, often lasting decades on your placement alone--even if he is not in knowledge of that which is coming forth. This includes guidance in tremendous variety of concerns.

    We will only open contact with an Earth human when necessary spiritual conditions are perfected and when sequence of events are proper--this is not something discerned from human vantage point and humans do not have awareness of that which is required to disallow pre-conceived human ego projections into the equation.

    We can only open contact with an Earth human if his development has proceeded so far that he is able to work out and recognize basic truths by himself, alone, without the help of fellow creatures or books or literature being resorted to. This does not mean these items will not be utilized for confirmation and focus--it means that they may have no impact of consciousness. A contact scribe is one who pens or writes exactly that which is projected as nearly to perfection as language translation allows. Does the receiver act in robotic fashion? Yes! When the space is in clearance it is a physical circuitry which comes into operation and opinions and reflections must be put aside until such time as the conscious ego can again ponder a given subject. This scribe, for instance, regardless of how it appears to you ones in presence, is specifically from this place to fulfill this particular function upon your place. What is experienced in ego format requires great attention but that becomes moot for she is in complete justification with our intent and purpose--having been sent for this specific mission. Of course human impacts are great but not to the extent which might seem to present themselves. If confronted, there will be no deviation in behalf of Earth choices but in many ways she becomes as the child and then it is most important that significant others within her functioning space keep absolute intent uppermost without swaying as to focus. It makes Oberli, for instance, need to be abrupt, strong and unbending and ones working in this area must come to know as much and be not offended if he seems harsh and/or rigid. He will not even realize WHY he is unbending and/or without human allowances which are his usual attitudes regarding human actions--it is required for when receiving and scribing, Dharma has no ability in human format to respond or react in clarity.

    If we initiate contact with an Earth human without these premises being fulfilled, then such a contact is a preliminary undertaking for special purpose, and usually after achievement of the objective the MEMORY IS ELIMINATED, as for example happens continually with Dharma herself--she spends the majority of her time with us, as do you other ones in this particular mission--and you do not remember as much in your consciousness. This is for your security and the security of the mission--it is with total free-will and agreement. If you cannot seem to understand the requirements and cannot maintain this discipline, then others are placed within the 뱒lots� of function. There are too many impacts of Earth experience on ego consciousness, in some instances, to allow total participation. This is not negative, this is simply the way it IS. Further, if this be the case, it is often of only temporary nature and the one in point is never offended nor slighted--for only the ego consciousness would be slighted--and therein, lies the answer each would seek. If ego consciousness is embarrassed or offended--check most closely, for this mission is one of purity and selflessness. You may have all the opinions you desire but if they differ from your ascribed and accepted mission--you will use the discipline to keep them to yourself except as discussion among your immediate family of brethren.

    The human entities are set by contracted agreement and will be specifically suited for a given objective, such as ones who are given to 밼ind� or 밺iscover� specific artifacts or information, etc. We often expect too much of ones, in our own perception, for we have a tremendous task to perform and ones simply are lost to the physical format or are pulled temporarily from the intent by Earth impact or other human entities. We are patient as perceived time allows but sequence moves forward and this cannot always be accomplished. We must work within our own limitations as Cosmic brothers finding necessity to function within your own similar 뱓ime� frame of experience.

    If we open contact with an Earth human, then we undergo this in accordance with higher authorization, and with the person specifically designated for this--as with Aton, the Christed Energy, etc. At planetary transitions there is always the total direction from the higher Source--we act only as the preliminary Hosts under total and complete Command of higher Lighted Resources. One very obvious reason is that too many humans in the first position may upset everything by even the slightest misperception input data and human opinion. It is simply as you put it nicely in the kitchen: 밫oo many cooks spoil the stew�.

    We are not allowed to make ourselves visible to more Earth beings than corresponds with our objectives. This precaution concerns private and military and official desires aimed at taking possession of one of our ships and other such objects of our contacts. Then, as always, discretion is not for the Earth contact to decide nor should he even be informed. You ones want all the 뱒ecrets� beforehand without thought of consequences to self or the mission. We are expected to have higher intelligence as to that which is proper and that which is human curiosity. You will note that if we had followed that which you ones desired and required in the beginning of our contacts--you would all be blown away by this point in time! Ponder it before you ask your next 뱎roof� of 뱎urchase�. Because of this, we only cultivate contact with Earth humans known to us, sent by us for a given purpose and proven totally trustworthy in all respects. Sometimes this is simply an agreement that nothing of meaningful content will be left within the consciousness to outlay. There must be total confidence in the security of the objectives in every respect from business instructions to strategy. We bring you knowledge to get you through the transition and to share as we give guidelines--not for you to toy with, gain great riches or disperse at random--we give specifically and exactly as for our special mission with you and your group and further instructions will always be given--usually privately within intended receiving minds.

    Testing is intense--ones are expected to perform to the utmost ability of perfection regardless of the task involved--in the upstart it will hardly ever be a task which the human desires and will always require great humility and self-disassociation. If ego-self cannot be set aside, the contact must be forfeited for the intent is still of Earthly physical need and the contact will not be further contemplated.

    With the selected human contact in focus, we initiate communication in most unexpected and secret ways. This is why simply to sit with pen in hand is foolish indeed unless you simply try to contact higher intent of self. Our requirements will be so difficult, disciplined and scrambled that ones of ego-orientation will be totally discouraged. Most early contacts will fit into this category and will usually place meetings, writings, scribing, etc., down the list of priority when confronted with human decision, especially physical choices regarding other ego-fragments. Surprisingly enough, transition of a species and planet, as well as oneness with God, is usually taking second seat to the lover or perceived physical gain or relationship, especially as involves sexual involvements and/or acquisition of material 뱓hings�. Sometimes these things are to be first considered--but it is important to see if that priority services God or YOU.

    You ones who work with us would blossom at our presence--but most of the ones on your place would panic and be totally terrified, not to even consider the offensive measures that would be undertaken by your military and government. If you think Saudi Arabia looks like an armada to end all armadas--forget the concept--at this point the entire world WOULD unite against us and that is exactly the point being projected by your world leaders.

    Sometimes we allow bits of evidence unto the few--and very often it turns into negative response so we must be most cautious and in spite of that which you of our beloved workers desire, we must use higher and better founded intelligence regarding actions. For instance, we fully intend to participate in the filming of the first projected pictures--however, if at the time security is breached or attention is undue--we will not! Does that mean we are less real? If it means that to you involved, I suggest you had better look again at your opinions. If you are prepared in any event--what difference does it make? So be it.

    With Earth human--뱒ome� is never 밻nough�. If we parked a craft in your door-yard, you would not believe it is we unless we pour out all over your property and jeopardize the very crew you demand to see and touch. No, we must use good judgment to the perfection of ability--and we do have a great deal of ability in that measure. Hatonn has been known to err--Aton has not.


    It is important to consider still another matter of which I shall often be in the reminding. All truth and knowledge has remained preserved upon your place as brought forth or transmitted right up to this present epoch, though it may be totally forgotten, somewhat forgotten, disregarded and/or lost by the Earth human. As truth, knowledge, wisdom, and love, and all power of the spirit are unchangeable and constant, and the same in the present, this all must be conceived there and continue upward into man뭩 higher understanding. In other words, truth, knowledge, wisdom, love and so forth, must simply be brought together again--remembered and integrated.

    What you call, by an old (for you) language, the backward relating 뱑eligion�, should for this case, and which has to be done, by the same old language, be called 뱑el-e-geon�. The definition of the word as broken into meaning indicates that 밶ll has to be brought together again�, which is to be considered rel--e--geously, but not religiously. In consequence, the already existing materials should be newly assembled, to lead into the future. After the 뱑elegeon� must begin the way of evolution, which has a two-fold meaning. You know one meaning of evolution as development and unfolding in the sense of something already existing, but still concealed, that must develop, which in a spiritual sense means, must 뱑ise from the sub-conscious towards the conscious�.

    The second meaning of this term has been lost to you for a long period of time, namely that something not yet existing is explored, developed, and unfolded, and 밷ecomes�. Because this meaning of evolution was lost, man lives under a false impression that evolving material already exists to be unfolded and developed. However, it is that the indwelling spirit has stored those matters and things which it collected in the course of its material existence in material bodies and lives. This, according to your understanding, is a very large bunch, but in truth is very little in comparison to all that IS.

    During innumerable further experiences, the spirit must explore further, must search and must find; thus he must assemble further knowledge, recognitions and experiences which then establish themselves in him as faculties. Because the spirit continues after the material death of the body and exists within spheres of living of the 뱋ther world�, it works upon the achieved results of the other experiences, and fixes these results inside it in what you call the 뱒ub-conscious�. Upon taking up the human form of life, the obtained knowledge and faculty is anchored in the sub-conscious, and must evolve slowly in the human form of life to help in new lessons and recognitions toward developing conscious talents--the God consciousness or 밾igher supra-conscious� is a compilation of all of soul experience.

    Allow us to close this segment for I wish to discuss prior contacts, their purpose and dispersion of information. It is as usually occurs when higher energy forms touch one another for purpose of presenting truth and spiritual knowledge--the human becomes entangled with that which is exciting, human and greedy in intent. The truth of the higher purpose becomes misplaced in the contact with the unexpected and exploitation swings into full action. The subject and purpose of the contacts become lost in the reality of the physical presentation. In other words, the Pleiadians become the point and not the purpose of their presence. Once man has been distracted and the slightest projection of falseness of intent enters the picture--the contact is usually lost to God뭩 intended fullness of purpose for controversy becomes the issue--not God뭩 message. So be it.

    I will move to stand-by. Hatonn to clear, please.
    Last edited by web master; 2010-08-08 at 01:08. Reason: 번역구간 지정

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