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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar

    Default 응답: 플레이아데스 컨넥션 - 피닉스호의 귀환, PLEIADES CONNECTION--RETURN OF THE PHOENIX. " Dedication & Introduction

    PJ 30
    CHAPTER 11
    TUESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1990 9:08 A.M. YEAR 4 DAY 110

    Just when you could believe in something--like restoration of a greedy, immoral Sabah family to power in Kuwait, exiled Kuwaitis themselves are not in favor of such a 밆EMOCRATIC� ACTION. They have been meeting in London--these Kuwaiti exiles of prominent status and 밆O NOT WISH TO SEE THE FORMER RULING FAMILY REINSTATED�! Ah, so it goes.

    By the way, as you were just beginning to believe this 뱖ar� invasion of Saudi Arabia might happen to be over oil and other misunderstood reasons, now you have to face another blow. THE SAUDIS HAVE STRUCK IT RICH! You maybe thought they were already rich? (sic sic). In addition to seas of oil--some of which is that nice light crude needing almost no refining--there is an entire mountain of gold which has just been discovered in the southern part of the Kingdom--well, Kingdom come! Could this possibly partially explain this sudden protective urge in the breast of the Trilateral Commission and the deployment of half a million American troops in Saudi Arabia?

    One more little sock-it-toya: One of your own Congressional Reports states that the Agriculture and State Departments approved $5 BILLION in taxpayer (you)-guaranteed crop export credits TO IRAQ between 1983 and 1990 despite concerns it could not repay the loans. The General Accounting Office concluded that U.S. desires to build a relationship with that nasty old Saddam and Iraq in days leading up to the Kuwaiti 밿nvasion� outweighed those fears. Iraq has already defaulted on a $2 BILLION taxpayer-guaranteed loan and certainly has absolutely no intention of repaying this larger one. Well, you dear 밷ottomless pockets� don뭪 object do you? After all, you can think of the 밾ostages� eating while you go hungry wondering what happened to all your grain and dairy storage items--AND, YOUR MONEY!


    I will herein speak of Europe and possibilities which will also curl you hair even if you are bald as a billiard ball--as I am.

    President George Bush has fallen into a fine trap--perhaps the greatest trap ever set in history--and this nice little trap was baited by his key intelligence adviser. It stems from the transfer of those nice NATO troops, some 200,000, to the Middle East.

    The two armored divisions and other units being transferred from Germany to Saudi Arabia will leave NATO as naked as the plucked turkey at Thanksgiving--and no head to boot! Europe is wide open to possible attack from the formidable armed forces of the Soviet Union--which they will surely do if the above scenario gets too botched to pull off.

    Now just why do you think no one in the White House seriously considered this obvious danger, thanks to the clever manipulations of the President carried out by Robert M. Gates, the deputy director of the National Security Council (NSC)--A MAN LONG KNOWN IN INTELLIGENCE CIRCLES FOR HIS PRONOUNCED PRO-SOVIET BIAS! Could it possibly be that some ones in your Administration believe they have a seat on the Board of the Global One World Government? Could you have provided a nice secure ticket for them to be wardens of your U.S. prison?

    Dr. Gates is the official who briefs the President every morning on the world situation when he is not traveling with his close friend, Secretary of State James A. Baker III, to Moscow, Paris, London and other capitals of Bush뭩 밡ew World Order� allies.

    Why do all these other countries, such as Brazil and Argentina, etc., go along with this world take-over? BECAUSE THEY HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE AND EVERYTHING TO GAIN!

    Moreover, Brent Scowcroft, director of the NSC, has left the day-to-day operations of the White House intelligence center squarely in Gate뭩 hands; not that it matters in the least for Scowcroft is a part of the inside planners, along with Mr. Eagleburger. On top of that, Gates chairs the powerful 밆eputies Committee� comprised of his counterparts from the Pentagon, CIA, Mossad and other security agencies.


    In short, Gates controls the flow of intelligence to the President as well as to the Department of State and to key Cabinet-level officials--a nice slot for a devout Communist Zionist, don뭪 you think?

    It certainly should come as no surprise to insiders who have been watching Gates for years that the Soviet threat is now almost totally ignored by the Bush administration. The fact that the Red Army is not only still totally intact but far stronger than it has ever been before Gorbachev ascended to power is quietly and simply brushed aside.

    Indeed, the most salient security factor of your time, i.e., that ONLY THE SOVIET UNION HAS THE STRATEGIC CAPABILITY TO UTTERLY DESTROY THE U.S., IS NOW DEEMED TO BE OF NO CONSEQUENCE IN THE RARIFIED 밢NE-WORLD� ATMOSPHERE PREVAILING IN THE WHITE HOUSE. This is obviously the view of the whole Pentagon as well.

    The evidence that Saddam Hussein would never have invaded Kuwait without at least a green light from the Soviets is underwhelming, to say the least. Yet under Gate뭩 guidance the fact that Iraq got four-fifths of its arms from the USSR and couldn뭪 move its 5,000 Soviet tanks and other materiel without assurance the spare parts would keep coming from the Soviet Union, is thought to be irrelevant in the Oval Office.

    Also brushed off by Bush and Gates are the thousands of Soviet military advisers in Iraq who are guiding the Iraqi army뭩 every move and manning the deadliest high-tech weapons systems.

    Most dangerous of all the USSR뭩 heavy contributions to Iraqi military might is the SS-12, a missile capable of firing both nuclear and poison gas warheads up to a thousand miles with deadly pin-point accuracy. Under the Intermediate Nuclear Forces 밫reaty� signed by the United States and the USSR in 1987, the SS-12 was banned from the face of the Earth--how quaint.

    However, this highly accurate weapons system has since popped up in large numbers in Poland, Czechoslovakia and other East European countries and is now reportedly deployed in Iraq. Indeed, the SS-12 was planted solidly in Iraq prior to 1988 when the war with Iran ended.

    Although the Defense Intelligence Agency notified the White House of the persistent reports of this SS-12 capability in Iraq, Bush, Gates and their trained seals in the CIA are looking the opposite way at this dangerous development.

    Bush has now doubled the size of the American forces in the Middle East while espousing that the Soviets are our blood-brothers having 밹hanged their leopard spots�. The Soviets are now your beholden 밼riends and allies�. It would appear to me that there is great suffering from acute myopia induced by Gates, Baker, etc., etc., etc. The President seems to perceive absolutely no danger to Europe what-so-ever--how could this be? Could it be that he is consumed by his ethereal vision of the New World Order? Or, does he know more than you know and it isn뭪 a 뱕ision� problem at all! The world is set for total take-over--BUT, THE PRIME MOVERS AND SHAKERS HAVEN뭈 TOTALLY SHAKEN EACH OTHER DOWN, YET!!


    Blind? Mr. Bush blind? I seriously doubt that, dear ones. But, has no one dared point out to Bush that it was this same insane vision that broke the presidency of Woodrow Wilson as he played into the hands of the Bolsheviks then taking over Russia?

    Is there no one on Bush뭩 staff who can remember that this identical vision of a world ruled by the United Nations led Franklin Roosevelt, then under the influence of Alger Hiss and other pro-Soviets, down the primrose path to Yalta and the surrender of Eastern Europe and eventually mainland China to communism?

    With more than half a million Americans in the Saudi desert and on their way from Europe, this has the makings of a mammoth trap--perhaps a BEAR TRAP?


    If Bush commits these forces to battle, as now would seem totally likely, what would prevent the Soviet army from moving right through their ally, Germany and France, to the English Channel in the �10 days� Gen. Nikolai Ogarkov allotted in the master plan drawn up in the mid-1980뭩 and still preached in Soviet military circles? Oh son-of-a gun, you didn뭪 know about THAT plan?

    So be it, the answer, of course, is NOTHING!

    Let us look a bit more closely at this man, Gates.

    He is a consummate con man and has gulled Bush as completely as he did his late boss CIA Director W. Casey and, through Casey, President R. Reagan.

    By simply telling them what they want to hear and constantly leaking prepared stories to the press, Gates has persuaded both conservative and liberal columnists he is a 밾ard-liner� adamantly opposed to the Soviets and suspicious of glasnost.

    But the quality of the 밿ntelligence� Bush now receives on a daily basis from Gates may be better judged by several tidbits in the closely held dossier several officials have been keeping on Gates.

    As CIA뭩 deputy director for intelligence, Gates helped sell Casey and Reagan on Israel뭩 wacky plan to exchange U.S. arms with Iran for the release of American hostages in Lebanon--the nutty idea that tempted Reagan to tiptoe into the Iran-밹ontra� morass.

    Just before becoming Casey뭩 No. 1 deputy on April 18, 1986, Gates leaked two top-secret intelligence estimates to the Washington Post. The first was aimed at helping the liberal Democrats in Congress to drastically cut the Reagan defense budget; the second tried to shoot down, and essentially succeeded in shooting down, Reagan뭩 strategic defense initiative (SDI), commonly called 밪tar Wars�. As reported by the Post on March 31, 1986, the first estimate claimed that Soviet military spending had been 밶lmost flat for a decade� and might even 밺ecline during the next five years�.

    Of all the fiction fed to your presidents in weird 뱊ational intelligence estimates� over the years, this particular concoction of Gates must take the prize. Indeed, all the evidence, then as now, proved conclusively that the USSR had been engaged in the greatest military buildup in history--a buildup that ominously continues to this very day. The second blast from Gates less than a week later was intended to cripple SDI. This 밿ntelligence� estimate claimed the Soviets had NOT violated the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty. But three years later the Soviets themselves freely admitted they HAD violated the ABM agreement, just as they have violated nearly 200 other solemn agreements made with the U.S. and the West.

    U.S. deployment of SDI hangs on the issue of observance of the ABM Treaty. Gates� target in trying to defend Soviet claims that they were not in violation is certainly obvious. Tragically, he scored a perfect bull뭩-eye.

    In fact, this single leak from Gates� fiction factory at CIA cast such doubt on Pentagon reports of Soviet ABM violations that many consider this the major reason America still has no viable defense against Soviet ICBM뭩 or the short-range missiles poised aboard the Soviet submarines lying in wait off both your East and West coasts--a combined force capable of killing every man, woman and child in the U.S. in a matter of mere minutes. As you might have guessed by this point, Gates has served both the KGB and the Mossad. Further, it was Gates, behind the scenes, who led the fight waged in favor of permitting your NATO allies to accept the Soviet oil and natural gas pipelines to Western Europe. Now completed, except for one strand, the pipelines tie the economies of France, Germany and a half-dozen other, smaller European countries to the Soviet Union like an umbilical cord.

    Gate뭩 many coups on behalf of the Soviets began when he joined the CIA in 1966, fresh out of Indiana University, where he had picked up an MA in history after being at William & Mary. In 1974 he got his Ph.D. in Russian and Soviet history from Georgetown University while working at the CIA. And in the same year (1974) Gates transferred to the staff of the NSC, then under the iron thumb of none other than the Great Detentist, HENRY KISSINGER!


    Kissinger became Gate뭩 mentor. The younger man did his job at the NSC so well as Presidents Nixon and Ford cozied up to Brezhnev that he was kept on at the NSC by Jimmy Carter. In January, 1980 he went back to the CIA as the national intelligence officer on the Soviet Union and two years later he was appointed CIA deputy director for intelligence in charge of all the national intelligence estimates prepared for the President.

    A short, husky, boyish-looking operator, Gates has made a whole career out of ingratiating himself with the older men who have been his superiors. He completely mesmerized Bill Casey, who came to look upon Gates as his son.

    Gates fed Casey the anti-Soviet hard- line the CIA director thrived on. In the spring of 1986 Gates was promoted to the powerful post of overall deputy director of the CIA.

    When Casey뭩 health collapsed after the Iran-contra scandal broke, Reagan nominated Gates to be the new director of CIA. The liberals rejoiced and the Post and the New York Times hailed Gates appointment.

    With powerful Democratic senators backing him, Gates� confirmation appeared assured. But several conservative Republicans on the Senate Intelligence Committee were given the file on Gates. Almost overnight, support for Gates moving up to director of the CIA caved in, and Reagan was persuaded to withdraw the nomination--however, no publicity was released of negative nature and the subject was instantly hushed.

    Gates was kept on as deputy director. William Webster, who had been appointed by Jimmy Carter to head the FBI, was named director of the agency, and he apparently was as completely taken in by Gates as Casey before him.

    When Bush became President he picked Scowcroft to head the NSC, a post that required Senate confirmation. Gates was named deputy director of the NSC, a job that sidestepped the painful confirmation process in the Senate which had so recently thwarted Gates� promotion to the top post at the CIA.

    In the Bush White House, Gates has presided over the accelerated disarmament of U.S. and NATO forces. The conventional arms treaty which was signed in Paris on November 19 is Gates� biggest coup to date.

    Thus, now having helped strip NATO naked, Gates is free to concentrate on steering Bush into the Middle East trap.

    If the Soviets do make their move in Europe when the huge U.S. force is nailed down in the Iraqi desert, Gates may well go down in history as the rook that helped the Soviet Union checkmate the United States of America. So be it for little Robert M. Gates--ah, the web is tangled indeed!


    In case you haven뭪 noticed, you ones who feel safe and private in paying with money orders--beware! 밡O INDIVIDUAL POSTAL CUSTOMER MAY PURCHASE MONEY ORDERS IN EXCESS OF $10,000 IN FACE VALUES ON ANY ONE DAY�. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS TO THIS RULE. This is, of course, from the U.S. Postal Service뭩 Domestic Mail Manual. Please be alert and act accordingly if you buy your money orders down at the good old Post Office--Big Brother is WATCHING! This means exactly what it says--you cannot, for instance, buy $10,000 worth in the morning and $6,000 in the afternoon--IT MEANS IN ANY ONE DAY.

    Here is a post-script regarding the subject above regarding a cutting of required bank reserves. The following notice was received by a business colleague of our publisher who had shared it with him this day --- it has just now been brought to the scribe to be shared with you: 밄ulletin: Fed cuts some bank reserve requirements. Reserve required for some categories to be cut to ZERO. Fed says reserve cut responds to tighter bank lending---�

    And you thought nothing happened on December 3rd, 1990.

    I would like to leave you with a thought this day: He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it‑-where might you fit?

    Hatonn to stand-by. Salu and good-day.

    PJ 30
    CHAPTER 12
    THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1990 6:52 A.M. YEAR 4 DAY 112

    Good morning, in the Light of Radiance. I am Hatonn.

    Beware, chelas, you are about to be sucked into the trap because suddenly everything looks very good and promising for that 뱎eace� they are preaching unto you. Uppermost and foremost, this day, remember a few key points: The key players in this little world scenano are ALL TRILATERALISTS! That, dear ones, means they are all members of the Global Plan 2,000! Don뭪 overlook this for a single moment--history is about to gobble you up like the turkey on feast day. This membership in the Trilateral Global 2,000 Plan of One World Government with the citizens of the world totally enslaved to the elite, runs from every Head of Government that Bush is visiting to Saddam Hussein and Jesse Jackson (newly inaugurated into the clan). What does this mean? THAT YOU ARE 밐AD�.

    You are getting from your television exactly that which they want you to have. Let me outlay a few things of current interest.

    The plan, of course, is to deliver to the American people--some sort of Christmas present saying 뱇ook what we뭭e done for you!� There is no intent to make Saddam lose face, for he is a consummate ruler--not a martyr for God. You are simply watching the noose strings being tightened around the people of the world.

    Look at today뭩 headlines, for those of you who have had opportunity at this early hour to get any fragments--Dharma, you will get it later, chela, please just write for now.


    Saddam claims to have been 뱓ouched� by the petitions of families flocking to Iraq regarding the 밾ostages� and will now release THEM ALL. He will turn this duty over to his government councils to work out details and therefore there will need be no dickering with Saddam--nor Baker, nor Bush. The negotiations which are claimed to be absent will simply not be between the parties against whom 밚ips� said there would be 뱊o negotiations�. Actually, the plan has been laid for weeks (from onset of this so-called war). But all who have worked in behalf of the Iraqi stance will be made to pay some penalties.


    Now, after all these months it is finally public in a burst of glorious pronouncement--the bomb which blew up Flight 103 over Scotland, �..was a Libyan bomb�. It was not a Libyan bomb--it was compliments of Syria but now, you can뭪 very well blame Syria, can you? Assad and Syria are your closest friends and allies--so other뭩 who are enemies of this One World Dictatorship must be blamed. Do I defend Libya? No! No, I certainly do not--however, I do defend truth and what you are being given now, is not truth. No matter who tells the lies it does not make the story 뱓ruth�.


    They are further preparing you for any number of events regarding the recent shuttle trip. Another telescope of multi-millions of dollars--totally worthless and now, carbon monoxide? In the crew cabin! Haven뭪 the daily news items of things going wrong annoyed you the public who spent all this money on this garbage? What do you suppose is REALLY happening aboard that Russian space system?

    Can뭪 you further see the thrust, even with the young soldier who has now ended his commitment to the government who simply wants to come home--you have no declared war and no emergency and yet, because he would like to come home, he is ostracized and pronounced a traitor to America!

    I remind you that you are just about to be given a glimpse at 뱖orld peace potential�. It will look very good--just as does the poison candy. You will be weak with the blitz of �..look how we saved you from massive and catastrophic war!� You will gladly leave your troops to 뱎rotect� the Middle East and carry out the invasion of Saudi Arabia whose royalty government has already formed a coalition with the World Cartel.

    Well, all I can say to you beloved ones who see the difference, is to make and gather as much hay and grain as you can while you are manipulated in the upward swing of events. You will all be blinded by the drop again in oil prices, probably also in gold (for investment purposes--and then an incredible rise thereof), a surge like unprecedented in the stock market until after the tax time--recall that the plan was to push the market to well over 3500 points and then pull the collapse on you. WATCH WHAT THEY DOING!

    The Feds are doing everything necessary to make you ones go on an unprecedented buying spree while sinking yourselves farther and farther into debt--they will simply reclaim all the property--so, put your ideas and money to work and put aside that which you can to use later (afterwards) and be prepared to give them back their property--they will still need someone to run the factories, etc. Don뭪 get yourselves attached emotionally to these 뱓hings�--be flexible and able to leave them without looking back if it needs be. If you can adjust yourselves to the same level of gamesmanship as your adversaries--you have naught to concern with over the long haul뾣or they are solidly and ONLY attached to 뱓hings� and material matter--in most ones, the soul essence is totally missing (which gives you a tremendous advantage) and you ones come within the shield of Lighted God. This is why you will prevail. Keep that shielding intact around you and there is nothing (NOTHING) which can destroy you--albeit if you are careless, you will be 뱓aken out�. Does this mean that you will avoid and escape all Earthly harm and assault? No, in fact at this moment both Oberli and Dharma are enduring a prearranged and deliberate infection of virus but you will note it has not interrupted the writings as we have been even more productive as she is not distracted by other perceived 밺uties�.

    I did not write on the yesterday--not because of her illness--we needed to monitor the theater taking place in your Senate Hearing chambers. Do you feel you are watching a bunch of Robots at work? So be it!


    Can뭪 you begin to see that the citizens of a world have been mesmerized and programmed into sleep and no longer caring what immoral or unGodly activities take place? Can you not SEE it?

    Can you not see that they plan to take everything from you? The intent is to render you helpless and you are all but there. They have plans for getting all your stored wealth by simply collapsing the economy and replacing the money. Then you will be told how wondrous the plans for your 밼reedom� have worked that you will push for a Constitutional Congress and give away your defense means and forfeit your Constitution and the game will be over for most of you--EXCEPT FOR THE MISERY! WILL YOU TURN UNTO GOD THEN? OH YES, RIGHT AFTER YOU TURN FROM HIM FURTHER AND CURSE HIM FOR THAT WHICH YOU HAVE DONE UNTO SELVES. So be it.

    There is NO COMPASSION in these ones who would be Kings! NONE! Look into the eyes of those run past you on the screens--look very closely and see the blank expressions as they spout off the pre-programmed lies unto you--LOOK INTO THE EYES AND ACTIONS AND SEE THE TRUTH OF IT.

    Watch what the news media does. Watch as the ones espousing freedom and constitution are cut off and the station moves to commercials. And then, look what they show you on the commercials--heinous acts of torture in Kuwait, etc. The only acts of torture in Kuwait have been perpetrated by your own side to work you the compassionate citizens of the world into frenzy. Look at the ones bringing these stories--how did THEY get out to do all this talking? How did THEY get the pictures to blind you?


    MOREOVER, YOU ARE CONFUSED--that (confusion) is his number one tool--to confuse and confound so that you continue in the chaos until you cease to look for your way out. Then, you are hit with intentional blasts of pulses to the entire society to cause depression and lethargy which causes you to withdraw even more--and the only shield you have is the Lighted Shielding of the Higher Energies. Most ones who understand that fact are turning back unto what they believe to be Godness--but it is only Satan dressed up in ritual God-camouflage suits. You leave your souls open to an even heavier barrage--while pursuing all that is told to you will make you whole--HAS IT? For instance, does the act of sex, safe or otherwise, leave you fulfilled and at peace--especially deviant acts? So be it--I note that it only gives problems and guilt as well as disease and emotional devastation. Is this that which you desire that your world become--Soddom and Gomorrah? It is that which you have achieved! You are now as the lemmings--desiring to march into the sea to find peace.

    God has never moved--He is right there within and you don뭪 have to go anywhere--all you need do is reach your mind unto Him--He who waits for your decision. He sends His Hosts in us, who have come into your spaces to offer our hands and show you the way. No, God has gone nowhere--and frankly dear ones, NEITHER HAVE YOU!

    번역완료: 플레이아데스 컨넥션I,II


    I am in a most wondrous position to point out some facts from your Pleiadian relations. These ones have vested interests in your place for they are coming over from their own belligerent and often chaotic past, and perceiving yet another atomic devastation by the scientists� new ascendency, a legacy to you from their own history, and seek to head it off if possible. Do not confuse the people of Pleiades for the Hosts of God, dear ones, for that would be compounding your problems. The ones, however, coming forth at this time are ones who have grown most balanced in the truth of Law--both of God and The Creation.

    In another Journal I have spoken of many of the projections which will be outlaid herein but you need it laid forth in one placement for reference and therefore, where necessary, we shall espouse it again.

    You must have further knowledge regarding a cosmic change. It can be called the 밎olden Age� or the Age of Knowing! In this respect I must first explain the religious interpretations concerning this epoch and point out that they are incorrect. Certain irresponsible fanatics treat this as the religiously proclaimed 밼inal days�. By no means is this 뱊ew age� a 밼inal� time, because in truth it brings REAL LIFE!

    This wondrous epoch enables everything to develop to its highest potential, including spirit and according to Providence. But it will take many centuries, in your perception, after entering that period to reach such advanced levels. At first, as usual, the irreligious scientists will profit from the new advances while the common people will be restrained by their religions and perceptions that the lie is truth. Mesmerized by the concept of the change of epoch, especially the religious people will fall into fanatical delusion. Especially in the 2 centuries of the time of change, in which you now function, religious beliefs of all sorts will shoot up like mushrooms and bring many humans under their control. Murder, exploitation of all kinds, suicide, enslavement and imprisonment unto the lies--total enslavement to false beliefs will be the daily experience. The whole world will be shaken and involved. False prophets will offer salvation publicly in a fanatic search for victims and new followers--these will be leaders, politicians, publicans and proclaimed prophets of God Almighty--but they will give you only lies and your distress as a world shall spiral downward and downward into the morass of distressed perceptions.


    This is the initial phase of the 밽olden Age�, the transition phase of the two centuries. The culmination of this period will come in time--it is said to be around 2028 in calculation of your years. Therefore, if you are to count in accordance with projections and probabilities, you are in a most difficult present circumstance. The REALLY INTENSE revolutionary force of this 뱊ew epoch� began around and just prior to your mid 1800뭩 and since then the extensive alterations on Earth rush irresistibly forward.

    The New Age already demands its tribute, religious delusion, rapidly developing sciences, rampant crime, and wars of extirpation, characteristics of this time which can not be ignored. The first half of the transition period lasted almost a hundred years, until the first third of the 1900뭩 in your counting, while the Earth felt the last of the old age--as it was known.

    Since that time, rapidly evolving events, discoveries, inventions, etc., were characteristic as for no other time in history as you can recognize it. Your whole sun-system with all its innumerable creatures is under the control of this 뱊ew� time. Each and everything is influenced by it, because this is a cosmic law and it is according to this law, to which are subject all movements of planets and all life forms of and within the Universe. Therefore, it can be considered that before your mid-1800뭩 and hitherto, existing regulations not of the Creational character replaced those of Creational disposition.

    The origin of this epochal change is in the radiation effect of the huge central sun around which your system circles once in every 25,860 years, and passes through the 12 epoches within the meaning of the cycles. The Earth has already touched the outer borders of the 밎olden Radiation� of the central sun, which are of the strongest and most revolutionary radiation.


    Abundant mischief is connected with this, especially in respect to religions and the use of new discoveries and achievements. The way-showers of these changes are in cosmic destiny and appear under the Creation Laws. The way-preparers for these revolutions (affecting humans) are also human beings having been brought forth to lay forth the truth as given forth by the higher energies sent forth at the cycle of evolution which you now experience. They come, as in this case, to simply lay forth the truths of knowledge and spiritual wisdom as is given through them from the Higher Truth and Source. These way-preparers will be and are considered revolutionaries, heretics, and exiles, for they will announce the truths for ALL TO SEE! They will be set upon and many will be pulled down for they, too, shall have to come into awakening unto the truth of circumstance.

    These revelations are of much interest, and also of great importance to humans and you should spread the word by all means possible--this too, is the desire of the Cosmic brothers for it is the purpose of their (my) mission. Some of you have already undertaken the diffusion of the messages of truth; regrettably, however, it is not sufficient as of yet but that shall now be rapidly changing as the humanity of Earth begins to pay attention.

    You of the planet must understand that your Cosmic brothers from other planets in the Cosmos are limited, also, and are often deluded by ones who at first appear to have great loyalty--the difference is that they will not interfere with this illusion regardless of set-backs.

    It would seem a hopeless task from where you sit in the observation limitations--it is not a hopeless task, this awakening. Believe me, chelas, all are NOT blind and dumb who are searching for truth, and who, as well, will recognize it. Do not worry about being unknown or tiny in perspective for there shall be ones touched by truth who will come within the truth and help move it forward and some of them will be better known and with more influence. By their help you will be able to reach out unto newspapers and magazines, and to radio and television stations and interest will pick up from the masses who will seek out the books and journals of truth. You must always remember to speak the truth of that which is abounding about you in your own markets and government and play no tunes of singularity on the harps of the heavenly realms for most are not yet ready for the people have been given into fear of that which is unknown.

    Less and less ridicule and denouncing of your truth shall be in the coming and you must look about to the care of one another. Do not concern with 뱇ooking� for friends who will support your truth and being in the 밷ad� times for as truth unfolds you will find those 밽ood� friends waiting. They will even be of such sincere attachment that they, too, will endure the unjustified ridicule and derision and even be quite amused by it. You will never be alone in your journey, wherever you are--for instance, I am as near as your silent thought. You will, however, remember that if careless participation were to be allowed, you would run into helplessness due to your own laws of the land. Therefore we will always act in Earth manners within the laws of the lands. Please do not ask for short-cuts or for us to do it for you--for we shall not!


    The 밶ncients� and students of metaphysics, the ancient mystery schools and even economists who study cycles have always known of these cycles of ages, and that the foundations for the teachings of each and every new age are laid down during the beginning of the ending cycle of transition. For instance, from the early 1800뭩 there have been the projections of this which is upon you now--in fact, insuring that you move along as the plan was laid forth. As you further forget your power in Godness you are funnelled into the limits of the plan as given unto you and in what manner you will perform to insure the plan unfold properly. The mass consciousness is mesmerized into the trap of the controllers as orchestrated by the Satanic forces.

    Do you ever wonder at your own projectors of 뱊ews� in that in each and every instance of revelation--let us say spacecraft of alien origin--ones are called in as 밻xperts� who never have actually investigated any of the details themselves and are always antagonistic to the truth? How is it, for instance, that Stanton Friedman (a lovely Zionist/Elitist) has become the chief 밶uthority� on UFO뭩? He doesn뭪 know one end of himself from the other and certainly knows nothing about UFO뭩! He is a puppet set up to feed you the 뱎arty line� of lies and, in addition, continues to utilize the pictures of one, Billy Meier, for public demonstrations while denouncing Meier as the biggest hoaxter ever to hit earth. Do you not find this strange?


    It is always hard to come to grips with truth--especially for those who desire to believe a thing to be true. As in the case of Billy Meier--there were hundreds of genuine craft pictures--AND HUNDREDS OF PICTURES OF MODELS. Which do you see? Mostly the models, of course. Funny thing about those photos, however---ONLY the models were brought forth in order to discount the whole of the contact.

    In the interim, Meier was so attacked and so bewildered--and physically injured, that he became unable to actually cope with that which was happening to him. Ultimately he has fallen prey to these infamous assaults. Does that make his truth less truth? No, it only makes it harder to decipher from the rot thrust forth by his enemies.

    The contacts were valid and the lessons brought from the Pleiadians valid. The discounters� intent was to terrify the world by fear of 밶liens� and the march has been in that direction from upstart. It is time for you ones to see and hear truth--YOU HAVE NOTHING TO FEAR FROM YOUR COSMIC BROTHERHOOD. The conjured-up beings upon your place are put there by ones from your own density--right upon your own Earth-place. I can promise you that the Pleiadians performed enough 뱓ricks� and 뱈iracles� to convince all participants in the encounters. However, as we point out continually to you who want 뱈iracles� and 뱈agic tricks�--it proves nothing at all and does, in fact, only create confusion and more discounting and ridicule--ponder it well.


    The importance of the contacts from Pleiades have always remained unchanged--your spiritual status and development. I shall outlay that which was given for it is time to give it forth again--it was obviously overlooked intentionally as first given unto you.

    Since this book regards your Pleiadian Brothers and your contact and communication with them, it will be from that aspect which I will speak for they are not far removed from yourselves and perhaps the connections will be easier to assimilate.

    The human being carries his own spirit, which never dies and which also in this deepest sleep does not, itself, sleep. It continually records all thoughts and movements; which tells the human being whether his very thoughts are right or wrong. This spirit in the human being is the carrier of the Creation뭩 domain, and is possessed by all human beings--note I said 밾uman beings�--I did not say 밾umanoid robotoids�. The spirit holds the outlook for total perfection, for total harmony, peace, recognition, understanding, knowledge, wisdom, beauty, love and truth in ALL things. All together they form the spiritual kingdom which exists within THE CREATION!

    Let us look into 밺reams�. In dreams the human being creates marvelous worlds (or dastardly ones) like The Creation creates consciously the known worlds. For the human, this ability grows from his consciousness, existing inside himself. He, himself, is the heavenly kingdom, the domain of Creation. Recall the old philosophers who spoke of the human being as the microcosm in the macrocosm, because everything that exists in the universe is connected to the human spirit--all is connected to all. The dimensions of the human being are without end. The entire concept, the copy if you will, of The Creation, the spirit, exists inside each self, and at the same time transcends all dimensions of all space and time. When a human being is happy, for instance, this comes from within because it is a self-creation. Everything arises from inner being.

    A human being may appear aged--old, but this is only a transient state of being. The spirit remains young and is never subjected to the appearance of age. When the human understands the existence of his spirit, then age no longer affects him. No vicissitudes of life or environment can make him mourn or sad. WISDOM IS LIGHT. And so wherever light flashes up and shines about, darkness and ignorance instantly disappear and that which becomes 뱆nown� can never again be 뱔nknown� to the perceiver unless damage of physical nature is thrust upon the consciousness--nonetheless--the unknowing is never again returned to soul.

    Ignorance is nothing but darkness, which is overcome by the light of wisdom. Wisdom is also the mark of human being who has recognized the existence of his spirit and works in accordance with Creational Law. Wisdom and spirit are two aspects of the same thing, like the sunlight and the sun. In the Universe, every created existence, in consequence of its forces, generates forces which, following Creational law, manifests as truth, knowledge and wisdom according to given principles.


    This existing force is THE CREATION. And from this, there is only one existence that governs the Universe, only one Creation, only one truth, only one knowledge, one wisdom, equally directed and remaining for all time. When the human being advances his knowledge and wisdom, he will recognize The Creation. Knowledge of the truth brings unlimited wisdom. Wisdom is a recognition of the laws of Creation.

    Love and wisdom go together because the Creation and its laws are love and wisdom at the same time. Where there is wisdom and knowledge, there is love and recognition, and where there is love and recognition there is Creation. Wisdom and love increase the desire within men to conform to natural law, because spirit and Creation are one and the same. The Earth human speaks of love, which he does not even know. He believes to know his actions in love, but deceives himself in this. No one can put love into words, because it is a state of being. Love is imperishable and does not change. The path of spirit runs through cognitions of truth, knowledge, wisdom and love. Meaning the mission of spirit is to spread truth, knowledge, wisdom and love.

    Great multitudes of wonders are hidden with the kingdom of spirit. The visible universe with which the human being occupies himself consciously is only a small pin-spot within this marvelous, unlimited, spiritual existence of Creation. Universes like this one are in the innumerable millions within the infinite spiritual existence of The Creation. What is visible to the physical eyes of a human being represents only a dot in infinity. What is not visible to man뭩 eyes is immeasurable, inconceivable, and unthinkable, confusing his human intelligence and capacity. All of the universe he sees is only a simple one of many such, which must be counted in myriads, because there do exist universes inside of universes, universes above universes, universes below universes, universes opposite universes, and universes outside of universes, in this first Cause, Mighty All-Powerful Intelligence existing with The Creation. With this immense spirit, with these original forces of existence, of Creation, the spiritual intelligence of the human being is connected, because a fraction of this spiritual intelligence of The Creation lives in every human being as spirit, and ensouls him.


    Millions upon millions of humans look up at the stars in the heavens without real cognition. Yet astronomers, when they look up at the heavens, discover whole new worlds and write bunches of books about their findings. What they see and recognize, the others simply do not see at all and they do not understand nor do they care, even if they look in the same place. This is quite similar to the difference in viewpoint between a common and a spiritual human being; the one who lives from spiritual and Creational Law, sees and recognizes all around, within each life-form, all objects, each thought and action, within each creature, within all nature, and also in all conceivable circumstances and events,...THE CREATION.

    The human being is always spiritually great and constructive. The Spirit, the spring of all the infinite Creational build-up, is the innermost character of the human being itself. The outer human being is full of limitations, because this is not him, but only his frame, his material body of limitation, of mis-leading matter, a source of labor and pain, limited in cognition and will. When the outer being looks materially at his inner being, he sees little but the form and figure. Yet, if he looks with the spiritual eyes of cognition, and he knows that this all-revealing consciousness in him is also in all others, even though they do not know it, then his manner changes fundamentally as he considers his fellow creatures. He then no longer simply looks AT a man, a woman, or a child, but SEES the other as a carrier of Spirit, which knows all about itself and its existence, and wants to reveal itself to everyone if only the chance were offered. A human being can be deprived of all his possessions and be exiled from his homeland, but from his inner spirit no one can exile him.

    So the human being must effort to always be conscious of this portion of Creation, without which he could not take one breath--could not generate one thought, without which he could neither recognize or see, hear or experience. thus the great wise ones of all times say: 밫he Creation spirit is nearer the creature than his own breath.�

    The spirit can live without the light of physical eyes, ears, arms, legs, even without outer reason and consciousness. But always there is the Creational force behind all. The more light his spiritual intellect receives, the more his personality gains force. He becomes aware of the past and the future, which shape his eternal present. The whole spiritual intellect is visible to those who can look within and understand The Creation present in all. The human being is separated one from another in perceived 뱒pace�, but connected to all in The Creation. If he does not know The Creation, he can be misled and deceived by false doctrines. A human being in contact with his Creation realizes himself everywhere in space and time, and within all matter. He is everything within himself, and can awaken to The Creational in everything and affect it by recognition and experience.

    Because the Creation is inside all, which is vivified by its spirit, everything is one within all. A spiritual being identifies himself with all matter, and all creatures of the world and the Universe. He knows that everything arose from truth, rises from truth, and will rise from it for time eternal. From that he identifies himself with all and everyone, and every thing. A material being identifies himself with this body, his money, his possessions and goods, his utterances and the sound of his voice. If, on the other hand, one identifies with the all, no hate or avarice can live in him, and he makes no selfish differentiations any longer. Further, one can corroborate this knowledge for you.

    You ones perceive that no one desires to know truth--that is not so and you must not give in to that perception because the spiritual evolution of the Earthbeing proceeds irresistibly. You should assist in spreading the truth for the ears and eyes of humanity are truly awaiting your call. It is the projections thrust in falseness before you ones that have you confused. Man is starving unto his very death of physical form to find and feast upon truth and God never leaves his chelas wanting if their searching be in wisdom and truth. It is the negative influences of the Satanic energies which never fulfill the restless heart seeking through the physical aspect of existence for nothing of mortal construction is immortal. The soul, beloved ones, is NOT mortal nor does it have physical format. So be it.

    Let us not run this segment on longer, for it is better to have the groupings of thoughts which you call 밅hapters� a bit on the short side for better digesting of the information.

    I do herein inquire of you before taking leave, 밆o these teachings appear to be from miserable 멿ittle gray aliens� come to earth bent on your destruction?� I think not.

    Salu and Saalome�, may the WORD fall in understanding upon your eyes and ears that your souls shall awaken unto the wondrous promise of God and Creation.

    Hatonn to clear, please. Man is awakening to his desire to hear and find truth--please God, allow us to do our mission in fullness and clarity.


    Last edited by web master; 2010-08-08 at 01:04. Reason: 번역구간 지정

  2. #8
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar

    Default 응답: 플레이아데스 컨넥션 - 피닉스호의 귀환, PLEIADES CONNECTION--RETURN OF THE PHOENIX. " Dedication & Introduction

    PJ 30
    CHAPTER 13
    FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1990 6:40 A.M. YEAR 4 DAY 113

    Precious chelas, Hatonn present to converse. Good morning.

    Today is a most nerve frazzling day with the court matter regarding this property wherein our future in this place rests in the hands of three very worldly oriented Judges. It is self-discipline, Dharma, that we write this day for ours is not to give in to that which is always pulling us from our work. Please understand that this is a partial reason for working when you are ill in your perceptions and also when pressed for time or have guests--YOU AND I MUST NEVER ALLOW OUR PRIORITIES TO

    I do not wish to go into details regarding Joy뭩 book, SOLUTIONS FOR OUR TOTAL GLOBAL SPIRITUAL STARVATION, expressed by Sananda. I already see the prickly mark of the beast tinging the edges with push and pull as to 뱖ho� can do what with what, etc.

    We care not which words are expressed to allow visions of truth but no expressions are to be allowed which express untruth even if only carelessly laid forth--that is the purpose of editors--no more and no less, i.e., if a phrase, for instance, states that God NEVER, God CAN뭈 and/or ONLY through this way or that way of Earth input a thing can be done--it WILL NOT BE PUBLISHED WITH MY PERMISSION. These are words common to man as is your entire language and in the beginning scribes are very accustomed to utilizing (providing) a selection of words suitable to their own expressions and beliefs--this is why training is severe and lengthy. It is to be expected that a scribe on a first presentation would fumble in some words for we of the speakers are stumbling along in your individual data banks seeking expression.

    Our thrust, however, is to reach into understanding of man--not fill the individual expectations of a scribe nor of an editor--if something can be stated in format more easily accepted by readers but with no change of intent of content and perception, so be it--we expect you to tend of it, else why do we have you to read the material prior to publishing?


    Why? Because if man is allowed to move about in his error of thought--he deteriorates into the heap of problems which assail you ones this day in this closing cycle--you end up placing God of Divine Source and Creation into the same category as the physical temptor of the dark ignorance and limitation of destructor and utilizer. God forces not--God allows. For instance, God will even allow the human to totally destroy his environment--BUT, he will also allow us of His other Creations to intervene to stop you if you reach that inevitable course of action, for it is then that your own actions invade the course of journey for His other creatures. God has even allowed of that, chelas! You had better be most careful for we are only allowed to intervene at such a time of impending and immediate destruction in totality by nuclear methods which alter soul essence and you, nor we, know if in acting, we can stop it in time to stop the reaction. None save God can know nor is any save God supposed to know--now where is God? You had best come to grips with the facts of Creation so that you fully understand. YOU will impact the ultimate--no more and no less and if that impact be for God of Creation--so be it; if it be against God of Creation then I believe you already can be pretty sure of that which is coming! So be that, also. What you do is up to you!


    Writers must also make sure that in choosing up pen-names, etc., that they do so in correct perceptions for identification is one thing, pen names another. For instance, if Dharma pens a book for Hatonn--her pen name must thusly be Hatonn, perhaps? Let us look very carefully at why and how we do things.

    Will the books in question be Journals? Why would they be Journals? They are not Journals in the same sense that the regular writings of this place are entered as Journal information. If you mix fish and sauerkraut or bananas and peppercorns, you are likely to reduce the value of the recipe to the point you will lose all your diners. Gourmet God is hardly that which we intend to serve. Truth is usually quite disagreeable and unpalatable at best--but given with of truth of infinite ability of God it becomes THE WAY! I would be in the reminding of Sananda and Joy that the original intent of the work was to outlay the errors of your Earth 밹hurches� and how they have strayed in their responsibility and have actually moved into the service of the dark brotherhood.

    How dare I speak thusly to Sananda? I dare because I am Aton! So be it.


    Before we move back into the subject of Cosmic brothers--in this Journal, the Pleiadians, I need to caution you ones for I see misperceptions regarding what is happening.

    In your joy at seeing the possibility of war being postponed, I must remind you to pay attention to ALL the facts and not just the OBVIOUS. Do I wish to upset you and bring your joy into vanquishment? No--but truth will set you free and bring unto you JOY--밓OY� WILL NOT BRING YOU INTO FREEDOM.

    Firstly, the return of your 밐ostage Guests� is reason to celebrate--so why is not Bush and his henchmen in celebration? Sour grapes? No--Saddam Hussein told you a whole truth and gave you the play script of possibilities. HE HAS HIS DEFENSES IN PLACE AND IS READY FOR ANYTHING YOU THINK YOU CAN THROW AT HIM. THE RUSSIAN ADVISERS ARE STILL IN IRAQ--A NEW MONITORING AND DETONATION SYSTEM WENT INTO SPACE WITH THE RUSSIANS--AND YOUR SPACE MISSION HAS FAILED! READ THE WRITING ACCURATELY, DEAR ONES, OR YOU WILL BE 밆EAD� DEAR ONES. Will there be war? At some point, yes! Will it be now and will it be in Iraq? Not unless there rules stupidity beyond that which even we can discern. Remember you are dealing--on your side--with programmed and ruthless, conscienceless 뱖ould-be Kings�. The statistics of war have no meaning! They will handle death counts in war as if you were weeding prime carrots from ones the worms have eaten. Remember? 밃cceptable losses are set as 30,000 and over 50,000 body-bags are on site in Saudi Arabia with more on the way! Well, with the type of war machine that is available and in place--you won뭪 need too many body bags for you won뭪 find most of the bodies to place therein.


    Israel pushes for total abstinence of any conference of the UN or any other council on the Palestine situation. Why? Do I speak of lovely Jews of God seeking stability in a homeland?--no, I speak of those who would rule a world and already control the U.S. government. Am I a bigot? Would you consider me a bigot if I said the Chinese or Africans have control of your Congress? The facts are that the would-be GLOBAL RULERS are of all nationalities and sects--INTENT UPON GLOBAL CONTROL. I would suggest that you who are of Jewish race, as I was, pay very close attention for you have been fooled and it will be the Godly Jew who will pay the most heinous price of all at the hands of those you considered to be of self.

    Do I think Shamir is right? No! Do I think Bush is right? No! How about Saddam? No! There is only ONE RIGHT--GOD! I see no-one in the lead of all of the world who is working in the service of God! Shamir says, 밒 will - -.� Bush says, 밒 will - -.� Saddam says, 밒 will - -.� Well, chelas, God, too, says, 밒 WILL.� And guess who will ultimately have final say? He will also remind you that he further said, 밳OU WILL - - - - -.� And, dear ones, before you find perfection in any form other than through His Godness--YOU WILL!

    Now for the Russians and what might they be up to? Well, you know that they have stated bluntly that they will not participate in a military 뱓roops� way with you of the UN. How can that be 밼ull intent� of the world if the head honcho says 밒 won뭪 - - -?� All of you keep building up your arms and nuclear arsenals as fast as you can. What for, if this world be at peace and the 밹old war� over and trust rings throughout your world??? I suggest you walk most carefully, little stumble-toes! The bullies of war are still at work and out here in space beyond that which you are given--it is a beehive of activity in preparations for possible stupid moves on the part of the 밬nited Nations�, all nicely lined up in service of the United States--even the countries of the UN hate you--bitterly! Only the would-be rulers, enslavers, Kings, dictators and greedy mongers of wealth are sided with you as a nation. The rest of the world actually feels pity and sorrow for you 뱊ice American people of the lie�. Why do I, 뱖e�, bother? Because God goes where His children are troubled in ignorance.



    There are many extraterrestrial races in a confirmed working relationship between the Pleiadians and themselves. Contacts already established upon your place are confirmed. There were, for instance, ones who contacted the one, Billy Meier, prior to Pleiadians. How many of you reading this are familiar with those contacts and books forwarding a picture of one, Asket, realize she was from the DAL Universe, as referred to by us, and not actually Pleiadian at all? There is advanced spirit, more aware, in contact with a far greater reality of which you are only a tiny part. Be greatly gentle and kind to ones who were and are early contacts for how much can one mind handle without being pronounced 뱈ad� by your experts?

    For you ones who chime and chip at us to become visible and show ourselves--there are thousands of pictures of valid visibility. Meetings were set up singularly and with witnesses in attendance. It is herein noted that an entity even in the midst of witnessing--will conjure doubts and 뱑easons� why he did not see that which he saw. Especially ones who are set in opposition of 뱎rove it if you can and if you dare� will make sure you do not! These kinds of doubts are rooted in materialism and a disbelief, which rises from a material intellect, from which all spiritual-intellectual talents are missing. This is not from lack of reason and/or brains, but from a religious confinement, from which that person is not able to find freedom. You ones leave yourselves, in the group, open to such attack for you are too generous and too confident regarding ones you perceive to be 뱖ith� you--by those, your mission can be damaged greatly. I believe we have proven to you that in an ordinary grouping of people--you cannot trust the very things you believe you are seeing! Observe with interest and discernment but do not be the fool!


    What would you expect of elements present in a 뱓hing� which I would hand unto you? I am now going to disappoint you for if you had access to ALL information of elements, you would find whatever I bring to be made up of those elements--no more and no less--the elements of the Universe. HOW they are arranged and combined would likely be different from that naturally occurring--especially on your placement. If anyone would analyze them, then one would not find differences from minerals and crystals of the same sort of Earth origin. The construction, being the same in the whole of the Universe, the same kind of minerals are valid to the same laws everywhere. Further, if we are able to function in your arena, you must therefore know that we are greatly similar to your species. Therefore, the content of the Universal minerals, etc., will be likewise similar. If we were from that which differs greatly, you would recognize of nothing--including us.

    Many artifacts and composites have been brought and given into the hands of you humans. The ones which differ and have great meaning are 뱇ost�, 뱒tolen� and/or vanish.

    In observing that which differs in perspective from your cosmic brothers, let us begin with 뱇aws�. I speak not of God뭩 Laws nor of The Creation--I speak now of your human laws. We find your rules to be so foolish and unbased on truth that we can hardly believe that which we witness in your totally unjust system. Invented laws in most respects are not worthy of the human form of life in many, many respects, often being so stupid and primitive that I become tired of even discussing them. Anything of logical and lawful conclusions can only be found in very few of the laws, as some 95% of your laws as constructed and enforced are outside all human dignity and reason, not to speak of reasonable logic. In working with us, you have great disadvantage as set forth upon you by your laws. Frankly, as we came forth to work with you in full intent--we found them far worse than our worst expectations.

    The whole of the people would, however, have to oppose the laws as brought upon you for your control by others, if you are to find change and freedom. These are most important for your changing of society but for self-growth into understanding and balanced life you must better understand 뱒pirit�. Therefore, allow us to continue with discussion of spirit.


    A person will react to a word or thought as programmed by experience--every word and every thought creates a response whether recognized or not recognized. Therefore it is a 밽iven� that a person will react to the word or the designation 밫he Creation� in different ways, as though it were something apart and beautiful or good or whatever. Such is not exactly the case. Such characterizations as 뱋mnipresent�, 밶ll-powerful�, 밶ll knowing� are valid characterizations of the nature of The Creation. Millions of religious humans do not understand the true nature of The Creation.

    Whenever they speak of it they tend to personify it as a God-being (which is then itself a separation for The Creation), and they confuse the idea of The Creation. So, it is very important to know as much as possible about the character and the nature of that which we label The Creation, for when the word is understood properly it buoys the inner mind and connects it to its Source as soon as the word is expressed or heard or 밿mpressed�.

    I can briefly place this into different and simplistic context. The Creation can be described as the sum of all that is manifest and unmanifest, the matter realm being only a very small part of the whole, and that ALL that IS, is THE CREATION experiencing its polarization which produces the created and its experience, all of which continually adds to the total experience of The Creation for further application in that which is created. In other words, IT is in you (us) and works through you (us) and all that is created, and we are IT, in all and within all, of its parts. There is no separate personification indicated, except as some part chooses to represent itself as such, which any part can do within its own level of concept.

    The experience reveals The Creation as unlimited beauty, harmony, wisdom, knowledge, and truth꿦nduring endlessly. So whenever a human perceives a thing of beauty, a flower, an animal, clouds, water, landscape, music, color and thus and so, he considers it in connection with the limitless grandeur of The Creation itself. When a human recognizes and realizes this, then he knows that this recognition springs from limitless cognition, which itself is The Creation. Wherever life moves, even inside the most tiny creature, like for instance, a microbe, he sees the limitless Creation.

    The Creation is within every human being, and every other creature and thing as well. This is but a fraction of that manifestation itself. Once this thought has penetrated deeply inside a person and he can experience it, he loses all fear and doubt. When he knows his contact is with the all-knowing, almighty, Creation, he enjoys peace and tranquility. Reflection on this gives the name 밅reation� great meaning indeed. The more he thinks on this reality, the more his intelligence is illuminated and stretched, and the more powerful his personality becomes, and his whole life and labor is blessed.

    The Creation rises in his consciousness and he senses peace, strength, knowledge, wisdom, delight and hope. He can overcome obstacles, and achieve his objectives, and he suddenly has no more need for purely material things. One must learn a spiritual-intellectual manner of thinking and recognize its validity until the first successes are achieved--that is the hardest and yet, the first requirement of the journey into spiritual awareness.

    But the way certainly does not stop here, because further exploration, research and development, and further recognition leads to the limitless endurance of time. Everything may happen in the course of time to prevent one from achieving his objectives, but the spiritualized person knows no limits and does not allow himself to be stopped short of his goals by any events of the future. For him the future always exists in the present, wherefrom he becomes determined to do everything here and now to obtain the highest spiritual state of consciousness, and he does not fear the future for the future is now just as present as the present itself.

    When the spiritualized being sees others before him, he sees THE CREATION in them...!

    The stones of this foundation of knowledge have now been laid and we will simply polish them a bit. Later, in your perceptions--but not very much later, the avalanche of desire for this truth will flood the lands for all other actions have been trial, error and have pulled you away from God and not unto Him. You must wait upon the Lord; do your work and allow the WORD to flow.


    You continually ponder upon 뱎rayer� for yes, it is indeed important that you petition and it is most significant HOW you present your petition. Let us first understand the meaning of 뱎rayer�. A prayer is truly a 뱖ish�; a wishful call upon the spirit of the human being himself, the Creation part in the Creation collective, meaning 밽rant me this or that...�. Those who are conscious of the force, the knowledge, and the ability of their spirit, no longer resort to such prayers because they already live in the knowledge that the power and might of their spirit is capable anything. For that reason, they determine constantly, the might of their spirit. The unspiritualized one, being unaware, is unable, and thus seeks to activate his spirit by conscious prayer. Further explained, this means that the spiritualized human is always using the forces and abilities of his spirit, and quite consciously, while the unspiritualized one expresses only wishes in prayer, and those to an exterior power/force, usually personified, when the source is within through his personal contact with The Creation itself.

    A most beauteous prayer was established by Jmmanuel and has not been improved upon through the generations, so let us consider it carefully:

    My spirit Almighty: My spirit who is all-knowing, almighty, and all loving in me.

    Your presence be sanctified: Your presence confirms to me your controlling power over all matters concerning myself.

    May your wisdom become conscious to me: May your power be extended in the consciousness of my thoughts in order to enable me to apply all truths, wisdom and love, peace and freedom, given to and acquired by me and all mankind.

    May your power be extended in me, on earth as well as in heaven: May your power become effective in me, in all material as well as all spiritual aspects.
    Please allow and give unto me all that I need for living this day and each day: Please grant me all I need for my material as well as my spiritual life and development, for you are almighty.

    So that I acknowledge my errors: So that I may recognize my faults and eliminate them since they hinder me on my way of evolution.

    Please do not allow me to be led into temptation, nor allow me fall into temptation뭩 clutches, but rather to right decision and choices through discernment and just judgments: Please do not let me make error by material and wrong thinking, or become dependent on beliefs alone.

    For you are within and without me as power and wisdom, truth and knowledge for eternity: May I become conscious of your almighty forces inside me at ALL times.

    All of this ask in truth and ask not for self, except for understanding and truth and ask all else in behalf of brother so that the cycle of wholeness may become manifest--even unto the tinymost portion of manifestation of your relations--which after all--IS ALL! 밫hy will be done in and through me as the creation which I AM� does very nicely indeed. 밫hy will--as I desire it to be....� DOES NOT!

    Chela, please end this portion at this point for the computer is now going to digest the material. It is enough upon which to feast this day. Further, it will give you insight into that which transpires this day in the court. God shall prevail just as soon as mankind desires God to prevail and not a moment sooner! How do YOU wish it to be? So be it! Salu and Saalome�, THE WORD IS TRUTH AND THE WORD IS GOD; THEREFORE, THIS WORD IN TRUTH IS GOD AND SHALL SET YOU FREE!

    I am Hatonn, to clear for the present writing. I shall walk with you through the mire of this confusion so that you can see of your way and have understanding of that which appears to be negative impact for you are not given to know the plan and method of God--so you be in the deciding of HOW it shall be and so shall it be. AHO!

    PJ 30
    CHAPTER 14
    SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1990 6:25 A.M. YEAR 4 DAY 114

    Please take note of that which is presented unto you. Note carefully that neither Russian nor Israeli spokesmen so much as declare desire for this new 밢ne World Order� of Mr. Bush. In fact, watch what Israel is doing--listen to what Shamir and Sharon are saying. Shamir is in the U.S. to STOP any potential council meeting of the UN regarding the Middle East and, specifically, any reference to Palestine. Note further, that the U.S. has recanted any reference to positive potential to such a meeting and the press says it is �...to not anger our closest ally, Israel�. What have we here? Perhaps you ones had better listen to the non-news a bit more closely.

    Know that CNN was set up to suck you all in and has now become the prime producer of mis-information! You must look beyond the obvious but the real news is within and behind the facade.

    These ones tell you that Saddam is increasing his numbers of troops--HE IS NOT! They show you troops--they are the same parade troops shown on every newscast for weeks and weeks now and have nothing to do with this current situation at any rate. They say that Saddam is calling up the 뱑eserve� 밼armers� to come to immediate service within the next two weeks--phoo! The college youngsters of proper military age are not even changing their dating behavior, much less dropping their school classes. If you do not look, chelas, you will not see.


    Now you have the barrage of 밾elp the Russians� who are hungry. Yes, the countries of the Soviets are in terrible circumstance--however, note again--the pictures. The workers do not show up in the fields to even gather in the harvest. The people walk across the fields covered with root vegetables and crush the grain which would sustain them. The cattle of the dairies are being fed fodder of mixed cellulose and mud which actually kills them because there has been none of the grain stored for their use and the workers will not come to work to do of the feeding. The people raise their voices against Gorbachev. What do you take away from these messages? It is important.

    The underlying note is that the Russians under Gorbachev have blatantly destroyed the people while the government continues to build an incredible war machine! They decry the lack of discipline and state they would go back to Stalin. I can only urge you ones to pay attention most diligently and carefully to the propagandi for you cannot have it ALL WAYS at the same time. What do YOU think is going on? You do not need me to tell you everything which is in front of your own eyes to see and hear. If you only absorb the lies then you are destined to live and then die by the lie. I urge you to seek within into your coffers of wisdom and see that which is being projected upon you and then the mess can be straightened into order.

    Stop this praying to 밠y Father which art in heaven�! Go within into the places where our Father dwells--within the temple of self--stop looking for HIM out there somewhere--In some 밾eaven�. Your Father would not leave of you to reside separate and apart from you--in some kind of heaven.

    Remember that the Master Nazarene--the young teacher from Galilee was called the Master of Wisdom. He told you to go within into the temple wherein God can be found and seek truth. He said he was but the Wayshower -- the bringer of truth of the WORD. How many times do you need hear this message before you follow the instructions? Or, do you just continue and continue to babble your prayers so that someone ELSE can do of your work in your stead--and stand responsible, beaten and slain to spill blood for your purification--WHAT ABOUT HIS PURIFICATION? IF HE HAD TAKEN YOUR RESPONSIBILITY FROM YOU HE WOULD HAVE BEEN IN DIRECT OPPOSITION UNTO GOD CREATOR WHO GIVES UNTO EACH OF CREATIONS THE CHOICE AND FREE-WILL TO ACT--RESPONSIBILY OR IRRESPONSIBLY! Do you still desire that the one you called Jesus, or whatever, move against his Father뭩 will and Laws to take up your cross FOR YOU? He came to tell you truth and HELP you find the way and will help you bear that which is given, but never to do FOR YOU.

    What do you ones celebrate at Christmas-time? X-mas time? Santa? Buying and getting? Singing of mindless carols? Could you not give a bit of thought unto Christ--could you not, for a refreshing change, shorten the term given to Christ-X? What have you allowed to happen to your generations? And for you ones who believe not on the 밓esus� Emmanuel as Messiah (teacher), to whom DO you have allegiance and faithfulness? Is it of the world, or is it of Divine God?

    Where do you place The Creation in this time of mass-murder of your young, healthy trees of evergreen? You take their lives to bear ornaments of tinsel and gaudy strips of trash in order to 밷eautify� that which is beyond beauty in its perfection, and you call it 밹elebration�. Celebration of what? For what do you slay all those millions of trees just reaching their prime--or for the show of shows--a giant statue of a hundred years to stand on a political pot on a politician뭩 lawn--under guard lest you the people touch of it! To what do you bend in worship, my chelas? What do you sell and buy at Christmas? Perfumes to seduce? Expensive gifts to seduce? Gifts which 뱎urchase� something or another? WHAT, DEAR ONES, ARE YOU DOING? WHAT DO YOU TEACH OF YOUR CHILDREN? WHAT DO THE CHILDREN EXPECT AT CHRISTMAS? PERHAPS IT IS THEN THAT YOU SHOULD USE THE TERM X-MAS FOR 멦IS A PITY TO ATTACH THE NAME OF GOD UNTO THE HYPOCRISY AND CONTRADICTION OF TERMS AND ACTIONS.

    Things given in love and remembrance of shared joy and appreciation are wondrous indeed and a special time triggers the thought--but you ones have turned it into scenes of greed and gluttony of senses. I believe it is fine to leave God out of it and call it that which it has become--Satan뭩 greatest time of celebration! A card of touching and sharing a thought is wondrous, warm and caring--a magnificent temple dedicated to lies is of less than value of the item. If the heart and pocketbook can afford of both, then it is wondrous indeed when the heart and hands give forth and blessings are unlimited upon thine gifts. But what happened to the widow뭩 mite--the gift of that which she had, in secret, in love and in no expectations of return? Oh, how God longs for the widow뭩 mite--or less; the desire is magnificent without the mite. Blessed are ye who walk with me for I shall bow unto you and serve you and give unto you all that God has given unto me and, dear ones, it is ALL--it is the Universe, the very light of soul and all the wondrous manifestations of Creation--won뭪 you come and walk with me? I am your brother-----I KNOW THE WAY! I can teach you to fly as the eagles and soar as the gull; I can show you the wondrous trappings of the Cosmos and bring you among the stars--but we must ever move in the Lighted places for only in so moving can we escape the bindings of your physical shackles whether it be within your bodies of physical format or without.


    Let us turn again to the subject of the Journal at hand which is to give you the understandings and teachings of higher brotherhood--i.e., the Pleiadians, at this instance. I do this because it is important that you be given information in increments which can be understood so that you can build a stairway into understanding while at the same time removing the mystical and magical thought streams.

    Let us speak of precious stones, gems, semi-precious stones, crystals and such. Let me outlay, again, the facts. They bear great influence and you of earth toy with them, uproot them and generally abuse them. You seem to not understand the value of these items--THEY CAN BE PROGRAMMED, DEPROGRAMMED AND REPROGRAMMED. They can be trinkets of adornment or deadly weapons and you ones seem to have no discernment of which is which. These 뱈inerals� of Earth origin (or any origin) are receivers and transmitters human emotional feelings and thought energies. Each, according to its kind, stores more or less ofhese energies which their owners discharge, concentrating them again and influencing the owners to some considerable extent--even if the process is unfocused in intent.

    The Earth sphere, especially in this current time of cycle, is vibrating with the energy of much evil influence for it is the time of chaos upon your place. The cloak of compressed energy in evil, worldly format surrounds you like a fog. These negative forces arise and are further developed by the vast negative thought-energies of the Earth-human creatures, which place the whole world under the spell, if you will, of dangerous and deadly radiating pulses of energy waves. Crystals, as a general classification, just as with your micro-chips for computers, are programmed easily. Some more easily than others. Crystals of every type, as well as precious stones and different minerals, are strong receivers and absorbers of such energies and it is unavoidable that these negative human energies and thoughts, which are extraordinarily charged with evil character, become a quite dangerous source of projecting negative response.

    Each mineral, according to its type and character, becomes 뱈iddle-men� of all sorts of focused intent--sickness, lethargy and especially mental distress and depression of emotional well-being. In this day and age you ones cling to them, sell them, program them and adorn yourselves with them with incorrect intent. You buy them, steal them, find them and program them with magic hoopla for self-charisma, drawing unto you the opposite sex, giving you power over another, etc.--read the literature. They are touted to heal, restore, balance and baloney--it is like giving sharpened knives unto a two-year-old and suggesting he not get blood on the carpet.

    Crystals and precious stones of every kind--even the stones (rocks) of the hills and deserts, are extremely sensitive receivers and collectors of human thought energies and emotions--both negative and positive. But they are usually 뱎rogrammed� by non-informed touters of greedy use and are, therefore, negatively unbalanced. They begin by being strongly influenced by their original places of growth before they are imprisoned and displaced by humans. The Creation utilizes these little computers as points of focus but as man has spread unbalance, so has the unbalance spread throughout the natural kingdom.

    If the human being wants to have crystals and precious stones in his possession, to own them as valuable assets, use them as decoration, or as a bringer of health through mental focus of intent, then he must first release the dangerous radiations which exist in preprogramming as oscillations (vibrations), because otherwise they are capable of being utilized in a harmful manner. Moreover, the stones must be cleansed and freshly 뱊eutralized� at regular intervals. This is because there is so much negative thought being projected that these bits of data storage containers become contaminated.

    These wondrous systems can easily be cleansed by thought clearance but most ones do not have the foggiest notion as to how to do it. These are items which focus attention of the mind and if given the negative focus will allow the being in point to compound the negative aspects.

    The human also has a great tendency to wear talismans as good luck symbols--but you see, they do nothing in themselves and work only in consequence to the 밷elief� held within by the user. These 뱓hings�, however, can also bear the negative input and should also be cleansed with intent.

    The native Indians have methods of cleansing stones--one of which is the smoking of same with sage. The facts are, dear ones, that the most effective way to destroy a computer chip is through oily smoke. It becomes quite 뱎hysical� in actuality.

    I do not enjoy this subject, at all, because it is so ill-understood. There is nothing of magic about rocks or gems. It is what is placed into them and, therefore, that energy must be cleansed from them--no more and no less. Some things conduct 밻lectricity�, for instance, far better than others and so it is with program-bearing substances. Secret formulas, conjurations--by water or other means of this nature are ridiculous--it is the focused 밿ntent� of thought pulses which reprogram and/or neutralize the data.

    Now, I caution all of you. I do not wish to be misunderstood nor misquoted. Most of the BS given unto you regarding this or that crystal, special cleansing materials, pre-programmed crystals for whatever and thus and so are mere sleight-of-hand tricks to get you separated from your money! Some well-meaning ones have even attributed these 뱈ethods� and 뱒ecrets� to space brothers for one reason or another and thus you can locate the very point of time when the receiver began to manipulate and be manipulated.

    It will be stated that 뱋nes from Sirius, Pleiades, Orion� and so forth, have brought these stones and given special instructions for use and for the selling of such to gain funds for your 뱖ondrous and holy work�. I tell you they lie and a good con game is being perpetrated upon you. The best way to foist off upon a receiver is to give unto him/her an item of programmed security. If the thought focus moves from God onto some piece of drivel--the human is altered by the belief placed thereon. A gift is a gift is a gift--YOU GIVE IT ITS POWER!

    If the petitioner for, let us say, funds to further work of any nature--asks for methods of acquiring those funds, and clears not his space and mind of negative energies of Earth-physical bindings--he will be 밾ad�. The first to show up in any inquiry regarding physical material-matters--is physical material-beings of negative intent as to God뭩 business. You will always be able to read within the pages at which juncture the scribe or receiver or contact--was first allowing of negative energy input--there will be compromise of lessons, truth and 밾ow-to�. If any entity utilizes a physical 뱓hing� instead of full intent of mind intent--God is put aside! This does not mean that these 뱓hings� are not good and utilitarian items--it means the intent of truth is not present.

    Every 뱓hing� emits radiations and vibrations--some dangerous and deadly indeed--however, EVERY pulse and wave can be countered by the all-powerful, all-ability--mind. Do not be fooled for one moment as to what is doing what to what. In the presence of God shielding, there is not pulse or radiation which can transgress. There are, indeed, few humans who can bear and project such protection for as the entity believes it to be--so shall it be.

    All contactees have been approached and caused to experience both the perceived negative AND the positive teachers. It is imperative that a scribe and/or receiver be capable of discernment and know that anything that moves one from God unity and truth is evil in intent. Not good nor bad--evil in intent--for that energy will pull one from the path of truth and God-ness. It has nothing to do, really, with good and bad--it has to do with physical desire, needs and actions. If the receiver fails to shield self from the encroaching negative energies--so shall they impact first because they are of the physical plane and you are of the physical plane. To counter these barrages--the being must move into the higher understanding where the protection abides. Herein and only herein, can the 밶ttack� be neutralized for the attack is actually against your higher universal self--soul. If you give away your power then you can expect to fall--but often, you will not be the one to realize you have deviated from the original path. Does Dharma stumble and fall? Of course, constantly--but she always calls unto God in perfection and He always responds and picks her up and sets her again unto the proper direction upon the tracks.

    I am often asked questions regarding Dharma as we move along through the brief months of joint venture--�...is she a robotoid?� Does it matter? Perhaps in the higher sense of direction and journey, we all are God뭩 created robotoids and if we continue to function according to His Laws within balance--is it important? Ones given to experience in your density--are none-the-less humanoid. I suggest that all who are pre-programmed into the totally physical aspect of experience--are but humanoid robotoids of the negative aspect of experience for you place finite limits upon experience and being. There are ones among you who are in great positions of leadership, however, who are projected from human manipulations and represent genetic humanoid robotics without soul compassion and/or life essence of Creator. These are the ones you must attend.


    Let us change our thought attention to another aspect of experience--what you do in the name of guilt.

    I suggest, however, that you not cast off those twinges of conscience as simply unnecessary 밽uilt�. It is one thing to feel guilt which is not valid--it is another to 밼eel guilty� regarding that which you perpetrated against another and did not set to correctness or deliberately foisted off to pain another.

    Then comes the barrage of the human to 밹hange the old laws�. It will always come with an argument that it needs to be so for the 뱈odern� man for 뱓imes have surely changed�. Dear ones, only perception of 뱓ime� has changed--not the human. Why should the laws be changed? Human, when he changes in fact, will have no problem with the laws of God nor The Creation.

    밯ell�, then you say, �...but surely not regarding the laws in respect to sex and matrimony--they surely are not valid today as eons ago, while we have moved into a 몀odern� world!�

    Come now, chelas--have you become modernly responsible for all of your actions--or do you pass out condoms in the schools? Have you come up with 뱈odern� rules and methods which have brought peace, balance and harmony in love to all mankind--or, have you overpopulated, taught murder through abortion and other various things of unrest and unbalance? So be it--pigs is pigs and laws is laws!

    Surely, when an entity burdens, against better knowledge, quite consciously, a guilt upon himself, then he pays an atonement, because that is the law justice. If the consciously self-laden guilt is too great, then a punishment in balance of such guilt is suited, where the concerned creature is unworthy of life and loses its justification for existence. The human creature is birthed with the inner knowledge of that which is right and that which is basically and immorally wrong--all the lessons do not wipe out the inner knowing that that which you do is right or it is wrong. It is not 밽ood� nor 밷ad� as such--just right or wrong. What happens in your 뱈odern� society is an uprising against elders who have efforted to teach and accept 뱖rong� as 뱑ight� and the new life-forms (children) are angry, guilt-ridden and filled with rebellious resentment to the so-called adults who mis-teach and mis-lead. They kill and they do suicide against self in total resentment against you who have set the examples of ill-erroneous intent and actions.

    Atonement always follows at some point in experience--a rebirth if you will, in which the ill-formed and uncompleted perfection then completes the formerly eliminated life. It is always a path of growth. There always must be a rise in spiritual development, In a strange twist of experience--it is often perceived to be through quite negative means that spiritual growth is given great strength and positive development.

    Let us look at that which becomes prevalent upon your placement. You call it freedom of choice and 밾uman rights� but you accomplish something which you miss entirely. Let us look at the 밾omosexual� movement for a moment. The 밾omosexual� movement and participants do not ask for equality in LOVE EMOTION. They demand sexual expression in the physical format as a 밷irthright�. Now, what are they actually accomplishing? They are basically 뱒terilizing� selves--castrating self in basic concept. What is happening is basically that which is accomplished through other means on other placements having ability to utilize other planets, etc. In other societies in your Universe, ones who do not follow the laws are simply separated into separate sexes and placed in other 뱖orlds� and islands for the remainder of their current life experience. Lacking the opposite sex which is necessary for the human to reproduce--there is no reproduction and therefore the species cannot multiply as is. The ones placed elsewhere are usually most contented in the experience and are not continually in search of 밻quality and acceptance� within a society which is based on procreation as is Earth Human, for example. The Earth human might well be in a good position for such at this present time if he were not so blinded, corrupted and disunited. This arrangement solves so many various problems that you would be amazed.

    Now, do not misunderstand anything that I say herein--THE LAWS OF THE CREATION ARE ETERNAL AND UNCHANGEABLE. But, the laws of experience on given placements are different according to the size, life ability, soul growth ability and what you would call evolution, of a given species. The guidelines are different--the LAWS of balance are ABSOLUTE.

    밇ARTH� GOD

    As we speak of these laws, we must remember that there were and are laws applicable to a given placement--a planet upon which human experiences. These laws are of human origin, so to speak, and meant to regulate Earth creatures experiencing within that particular manifestation.

    These laws are given forth by that which you would consider the highest leader of the human races, Governor of the Heavenly Sons, so to speak,--BY GOD. His prophets and mediators and selected humans announced these laws among the races which observed them, unfortunately, for only a very short time and confounded them later, which was a further step in the direction of the abyss of later mankind.

    Do the aliens (Pleiadians) have 밾umans� making laws? Wherever there are 뱓hinking� life-forms, there are established laws--everywhere. Each, from the position of spiritual development of the tribe뭩 leaders, has taken laws from the true natural law and expressed them in responsible form within human-natural law. In consequence these laws are of natural logic, and are not illogical and primitive, such as ones established on your world. Humans upon your place, in your governments, still exercise purely world-oriented, physically based and lust/greed based--worldly-material POWER and call the projections 뱇aws�.

    Are there degenerates and criminality on other placements, say Pleiades? It is total nonsense to think that a brother/sister planet of humans are super-men and no longer need law. As we progress through the stages of higher dimensions we then cease to function in physical format to which all of the basic physical human attributes are attached. However, on the planets housing humanity in species there is always need for rules and laws. Only there where the Creational law becomes self-evident do expressed laws fall away. This only occurs at very high spiritual levels, in pure-spiritual spheres, where materiality is a thing of the 뱎ast�. Material forms of life are still afflicted by too many mistakes, than that they can simply neglect laws appropriate to their level.


    I suppose we are going to discuss this until we understand it and therefore I request that, until we finish this document, you understand that we speak from the position of Pleiades--and even at that, not specific planets thereof. This is, however, to separate higher energy existence from that of which you inquire.

    There is established a 뱎unishment� to suit given 밹rimes�. While with you of Earth, punishment is exercised in a most primitive way, which is no more the case with your brothers.

    Dharma, leave this computer instantly and stand-by. There is trouble afoot, chela. Set this to print and get out of this room--NOW!

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