PJ 36


MONDAY, AUGUST 19, 1991 7:23 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 003


Thank you, Dharma--Hatonn present. My "thank you" is for seeing through this foolish facade. I can only ask calmness--you are being prepared for the same kind of action, through State of Emergency, as the Soviet Union. Let me remind you of the clues for which to watch.

Widespread distractors.
Apparent "Natural" distractors.
"Wait and see" attitude.
All of the "controllers" on vacation and continuing vacations but, under duress will rally.
The biggest lie: "We had no idea"!
Watch who is doing what in the markets--not the rise or fall. (They suspended some trading by Salomon Bros., for instance.)
When Bush returns to Washington the excuse will "probably" be ne­cessity to evacuate because of hurricane Bob, not international af­fairs, etc.
Does this cement or pull away from the "New World Order"?
Promises to honor all treaties to date--which are worthless at best.
Timing--AFTER the money is already arranged for through the World Banks.
Mouth service to "taking no more loans" and "doing it" without international Bank "aid".

This takeover in the Soviet Union is the best planned movement since they planned the takeover of the U.S.A. which is planned for coming down very soon now if you don't keep your eyes open.

All of the advisors of Bush and the "actual" actors in the facade know exactly what they are doing and helped stage the distractors. I remind you that these puppets are exactly that--puppets. The overall global planning is done by the Council of 300. All the "shock" and "oh, no's" are not even worthy of academy award consideration for acting. This whole thing is positively planned to coincide with your readiness for Emergency control with all emergency regulations taking place. If there is upheaval in your country you can expect it instantly--if you ones continue to sleep, it will be tossed on you at a more opportune time to save Bush's neck. BUT WHAT AND WHO YOU THINK YOU SEE--IS NOT THAT WHICH YOU THINK YOU SEE!

I have had Dharma on full-time alert for over a week now, and the "plan" is coming off exactly according to letter of the scheme so it bodes pretty seriously for you ones who think you have freedom. This is just another step toward the One World Global CONTROL under force. The tanks will be in your streets "just to make sure you people do nothing foolish until we can settle down WITHIN THE CONSTITUTION". Listen, listen and listen again to WHAT IS SAID: "This Soviet action is OUTSIDE the Soviet CONSTITU­TION and can not be allowed". You have nothing functioning within your Republic Constitution so you see, if you take the OPPO­SITE perception of that which you are given to hear and see--you will be correct. Bush is saying this is not a Republic Constitutional action but rather a Federal Constitutional action in Russia--so you have it from the horse's mouth. He knows exactly that which to say and do to line you all up behind him like ants to the honey. You are going to do anything he asks of you TO INSURE YOUR OWN "CONSTITUTIONAL" RIGHTS, WHICH TRANSLATES: ANY­THING THE GOVERNMENT WANTS TO DO TO YOU UNDER THE CONSTITUTION EXECUTIVE ORDERS!

They don't even use clever manipulations--how is it that EVERY ONE OF YOUR PRISON WARDENS are on vacations scattered about here and there? And, where are THEY REALLY? Again this Bush character is left in place for you to see while the planners meet here and there without having to take note to anyone or thing. The press follows that "Bush" around his golf course, his fishing boat, etc., while the sky falls--YOU ARE DUPES AND SEEM TO LOVE IT.

You will now demand whatever the media dishes out by way of in­structions for you to act. As the markets do this or that, there comes opportunity to do anything at all to your economy and not take one degree of heat from a total collapse of the system.

The fear was that some foolish fanatic would start a nuclear war--that, by the way--is still ON.



What will you do? Well, so many of you are unemployed and with­out benefits that you can vegetate in front of CNN and eat the lies as they dish them out to you. It worked before and it will certainly work again--all the way to the prison. Do you actually think Bush will not get what he wants from a budget this year? Last year an ap­parent Middle East WAR and this year a Soviet WAR? Come now! I suggest you all get yourselves prepared for devastation, one after another, in incidents from total economic takeover and collapse with confiscation of all your assets, Natural disasters to further distract you in pain and national agony, crime increase and gun confiscation and a nuclear war to seal the deal. YOU IN AMERICA HAVE NOTHING TO OUST THE EVIL ONES FROM OFFICE! YOU THE PEOPLE? NO--THE MAJORITY OF YOU THE PEOPLE DO EXACTLY WHAT CNN TELLS YOU TO DO AND CNN TAKES THEIR ORDERS DIRECTLY FROM THE WHITE HOUSE AND BANKERS OF THE COUNCIL OF 300. THIS HOLDS TRUE ALSO FOR EVERY NETWORK PROGRAM­MING SCHEDULE FOR "NEWS". THEY NOW HAVE YOU IN HANDCUFFS--AS THE SOVIETS WARNED YOU SEVERAL YEARS BACK: "WITHOUT FIRING A SHOT"!--using your own government to pull it off!

Gorbachev under house arrest? Oh dear, how could that be? Gor­bachev is not even REAL. Arrest from what? He helped plan the entire program of activities.

America, have you forgotten that just a couple of short years ago your deadliest ENEMY was the Soviet Union? Now the hard-line has taken over and you don't even bat an eyelash??? Even in Russia the airwaves were simply filled with symphony music! La te dum dum. You had best pay VERY CLOSE ATTENTION TO GERMAIN'S LECTURES FOR IT IS YOUR ONLY TICKET OUT OF

Some of you will simply say that "It couldn't be much worse anyway"--ah so, but it certainly WILL BE--it has to be to bring you into line.


Wally G. has forwarded a letter to me from an airline pilot ("who has become alerted to the possibility that Extra Terrestrials are a possibility. To assist his growth, P. has asked some specific questions on the Captain's behalf. The questions have some bearing on Sipapu. . .").

The questions:

1. By what means are your ships pressurized?
2. For what reasons are your ships round?
3. How do you handle temperature limits encountered by metals?
4. I would like to know an equation of the Fourth Dimension, and one of the Fifth and Sixth.

(The inquisitive pilot is a close friend of P.C. and would enjoy very much a personal response.)

If I gave the response exactly as I should, on this day when your world is ready to blow apart--I would likely lose a very good and beloved friend. I will just say to Wally--you are not in the space­craft business--you are in the motion picture business and stresses and metals are not your problem--all you need is a nice little pretend craft and we will provide the rest.

If these people who "want confirmation" want it badly enough they will read the material wherein ALL THE QUESTIONS LISTED ARE ANSWERED! I am not in the business of confirming anything to anyone. If this "pilot" needs confirmation, I have little hope for your world at any rate.

Why are our craft round? All of them are not round! In fact few are round except in diameter. However, if they were and some are--it is because that is the perfect projection of God's intent in compres­sion--i.e., the sphere.

Why would we need pressurization? We run totally by "frequency" and thought projection.

We have no structural limitations of our ships.

We do not "handle temperature limits" for we have no such thing with which to contend.

What kind of equation of the Fourth Dimension, Fifth and Sixth do you want? This is about the most ridiculous projection I have yet encountered. Do you want equations for ice-cream bars or do you just want to reproduce a little bit of each dimension?

Wally, you are being distracted and if you are not careful the dis­tractors will kill you by one way or another. I will not give out in­formation which will only cause you grief and problems--please un­derstand my response is in love and concern. What kind of "intelligent" beings are attempting to "treat" you and absorb your precious "time"?

If there is any agreement with George it is without any discussion of any type with me. George may do that which he pleases but good intent or bad intent--these ones are, at the least--foolish in their inno­cence or indeed, most clever in their evil. You must decide but the inquiries are in incredibly bad taste if nothing more.

We are not "little aliens" running around, my friends--we are sent as the Hosts of God--THAT MEANS--WITHOUT LIMITS! We abide within the Laws of God and those of The Creation--all else is with­out limit upon our beings or presence. Your questions have no meaning in reality whatsoever!

We are here, sent of God, to inform the citizens of the planet and of­fer you a way out of your dilemma. What you do with this informa­tion is up to you--but I most certainly will NOT give technical in­formation about anything unto one who just wants a little "proof", for they show lack of knowledge that baffles the mind. If those par­ticular questions with answers would prove anything to anyone then I think I need more discerning teammates at any rate. Please do not lump space Command into your games of human primate mentality.

Forgive my abruptness but you ones are about to go into a nuclear holocaust which will destroy many of my own people and your entire world is physically falling into the hands of the evil adversary of physical dimension--those are the equations you had best investigate and let the fourth, fifth and sixth come with a bit of intelligent KNOWLEDGE.

If this insults your sensitivities then I believe you will get some mea­sure of the level of the insult I feel by the very questions themselves. When ALL information we have brought has been carefully studied and brought into memory so as to answer every question I might ask of you ones--i.e., give me back even in rote that which we have given you--and you still have lack of understanding--THEN I shall explain in more detail. Until then--I plan to get right on with your Soul evolution just as quickly as I can bring you along for whether or not my ship is pressurized means not one thing to you--just rec­ognize that we will pressurize it to suit the ones who MAY BE ABLE TO GET ABOARD FROM YOUR PLACEMENT. YOU ONES ARE GOING TO LEARN THE DIFFERENCE IN PHYSI­CAL AND SPIRITUAL OR YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE HEADACHE AFTER HEADACHE. SO BE IT.


I suggest that these ones in point be given privy to all of the PLEIADIAN CONNECTION VOLUMES--George can supply them with a whole list of books available. Integrate the information being brought and you will indeed heal the entire planet. We serve the six and a half BILLION persons (each one) on the planet and I will not play these individual games any longer. The answers are in the JOURNALS and/or WILL BE. You will do your homework or you will not have the answer and that seems indeed sad.

If we do not get on with the motion picture, it will be too late at any rate. Distractors are costly indeed. Funding for the project will only come after the readiness of the materials and if these ones wish so badly to participate--then I ask that they put their mouths where their questions are and get busy helping you, Wally, with that picture board project and stop distracting you regarding things which are of no business whatsoever of theirs or any other Earth man's.

My mission is to bring Truth of the Laws of God and Creation--not individually comfort ones with whom the laws disagree in fact. Man may stay by whatever he wishes--he simply will not come into our care and nurturing without the willingness to practice according to the laws which we practice--no more and no less. You of earth Shan are in the mess of total destruction because you do not practice nor even remember the LAWS--so in fact, there is no point of discussion in actuality. You will not convince me that to break all of the laws is the "way to go"--if nothing else--you prove time after time that your way is the WORST WAY TO GO! By the way, the POINT of Sipapu Odyssey has nothing to do with "ships"--it has everything to do with "SOUL". This is but a "reminder" and not a rebuke.

I am sorry, chelas, whether or not you like of it--I come with highest authority and mission and I simply will not fall into the trap of indi­vidual gamesmanship. IS THIS WHAT YOU REALLY EXPECT OF GOD? PONDER IT!

Dharma, take this from the equipment so that Germain can get on with his writing. Thank you.

You ones are in a most tedious moment by moment crisis. Please keep focused on that which is important for if you fail at that which is important--the rest is purely hypothetical and academic. Salu.

PJ 36


MONDAY, AUGUST 19, 1991 9:53 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 003


In the Light of the Mighty I AM Presence, I am here--Germain. It is the measure of a being, how he responds to the impacts of happenings. The "test" is to mediate in total balance and reflection while weighing that which is presented against that which has been given unto you for guidelines in discernment. If you will but utilize that which you have been given and cease treating it as sensational tabloid material--you will instantly have insight to EVERY situation for the adversary follows a blueprint of actions. He never has to change the scenario for it works over and over again--every time. What is happening in your world this day is only one more step to incarcerate you--do not be fooled by the seeming distance or players in the game--for it is the "global takeover plan" in action and if you are hung-up on a tree here and there you will miss the removal of the entire forest. Everything that is happening is well planned for a very long time and is being orchestrated exactly the way the "controllers" have structured it. We must not linger over the dis­tractions for the greater lessons are at hand and it is our "higher" duty to present them. Blessings, little ones, for you are growing in KNOWING and through that knowledge is hidden the Freedom.


I said, "Take man's death away from him in this new day of man. Give him eternal Life in Me knowing Me in him." This is from God, little ones, and perhaps we can look at it a bit more carefully.

This regards the giving of God's message to a newly comprehending man as he moves into the Cosmic Age of understanding--or reverts to the cave. The intent is that mankind is ready in great measure to come into understanding and quit clinging to ignorance. It is as with the "bleeding" of sick patients--it was wrong and only "later" was it proven and accepted to be wrong and actually weakened of a patient. It was hard for Earth man to accept that Earth was NOT the center of the solar system--but nonetheless, alas, it is not. Ones felt the Earth to be flat--but alas it is not--now you will grow and realize it is but a thought expression of God in manifestation. By these steps does man grow and learn.

A little child thinks the speakers in a TV are little beings behind the glass--then he must accept that they are but projections of electrical pulses and frequency waves. Does this destroy his Mind--this factual information? Of course not--it is but coming into KNOWING of that which IS. However, because he "thought" the players were behind the glass--if you allow his ignorance to progress--you eventually destroy the reality of mind of the child.

Therefore, to allow you ones to continue in your ignorance simply to avoid offending your experts' opinions is indeed blatantly stupid. Who, for instance, is Santa Claus? If a college professor still, at 50 years of age, actually believes in Santa Claus who answers all de­sires and wishes simply for the wishing, he is truly considered in­sane, is he not?

One who believes and states that God cannot be defined or that there is only "faith" in accepting that which elders tell you whether factual or fantasy--lies to you and is more dangerous to you than is the "simply insane" individual. There is a factua1, physical (physics) definition and function of God and The Creation which operates on endless cycles of compression and expansion, and denying it will not change an iota of the fact of it. If you place all of your knowledge on "another's" opinions--and you think not of your own responsibil­ity with reason--you shall indeed wish that you had not done so. Each will answer for self and no other! No other will answer for you!

When saying, "Take man's death away from him", our Father-Mother means that man is eternal and cannot die. That does not mean that bodies do not die, for all creating things grow, decay, generate and radiate as they sequentially appear, disappear and reappear.

Life and death are but interchanging between rest and action, as all things in Nature, without exception, are. They are an eternal continuity of repeated interchangings with each other, for life could not live without death, and, conversely, death could not die without life.

It might clarify God's meaning if the above were paraphrased as follows: "Take Man's ignorance and fear of death away from him and give him knowledge of eternal life in him. Make him to know that he lives in Me and never dies, for I am he. In Me there is no death".

"Make him to know that life in bodies is but the multiplied motion of My concentrative thinking--and death is but a division of that motion as My thinking decentrates to find rest in Me. And when both life and death are added together, their total is but the zero of rest in Me".

Reduced to its utmost simplicity, this means that life and death are but two opposite directions of motion. Life is the inward from outward generative direction of concentrative thought and action, and death is the outward from inward radiative direction of rest from action.

What could be more simple? Your bodies are but wave cycles of motion. Your bodies simulate eternal life by the eternal repetition of life-death cycles, but your bodies are not your PERSONS, or BEINGS, or your DIVINE SELVES. That is THE thing God wants the new age of man to know. Past ages have feared death because they did not know its meaning. The dread of death is born out of the belief that man dies when his body no longer functions and that death of his body is his end.

It is unbelievable how many intelligent people of today actually be­lieve that way. There are very wealthy, successful, intelligent, kindly ones who say, "When you are dead, you are dead and that is the end of you". This is sincerely believed and yet at a funeral of a loved one, he is right in there consoling the remaining loved ones by saying "He/she is now in a better place�!" You cannot have one without the other nor can you have one unless you have the other. Then there are the ones who actually believe that his intelligence is within the brain, that his brain is Mind, and that his own individual Self has no connection with any other Self or with a universal Mind. However, on close interrogation--his explanations will usually not reflect such a TRUE belief.


If life and death are but motion, what, then, is motion? If you would know what your bodies are and how they are extended from your spiritual Selves to simulate your Selves by fast and slow two-way motion, you would not only know what light is but how it works, for light-waves alone constitute your bodies.

Also, if you would know how to control your bodies which you, yourselves, have extended from the spiritual SOULS of you because of your DESIRE and your WILL, you would know better the relat­ion of the Intelligence which is within each body to control it, and the body itself.

This is the knowledge which will mark a new day in all social, in­dustrial, scientific and medical practices. The fact that your physical bodies are but moving extensions of your spiritual Selves has but begun to enter into human Consciousness. It will affect you personally to your great advantage in the measure of your ability to comprehend it.

Just as the visible tree is made to appear out of its invisible Soul-seed by increasingly violent motion and continues to grow into a bigger and bigger tree so long as the violence of motion can be multiplied into more violent motion and then disappears as mul­tiplied motion is reversed by dividing it, so has invisible man been made visible by fast motion.

The particular point we wish to emphasize is that the whole in­tellectual world must revise its concepts regarding human bodies and the practices concerning them, medically and otherwise. You have regarded them as your Selves instead of as instruments for manifesting your Selves. You have been mightily misled into treating effect with effect instead of with CAUSE.

You have magnified the importance of motion, which is the sole in­gredient of your bodies, to the exclusion of considering the Source of that motion in the seed pattern of your Souls. When it becomes a part of every man's thinking that a single thought can change the polarity of your entire body toward either life or death--and can likewise change its entire chemistry toward increasing alkalinity or acidity to strengthen or weaken it--or can change the shape of every corpuscle of matter in the entire body in the direction of either growth or decay--then the medical profession will radically change both its principles and practices in dealing with the ailments of bod­ies. It will look for cause in the Mind first, then body afterward.

Likewise, you and your neighbor who is seeking happiness, pros­perity and great achievement in life will at last find that you must cease setting up insurmountable obstacles in your business or social lives which each of you individually--and the whole world nationally--is constantly doing and thus preventing the happiness, prosper­ity and power for which you all long.


Let us look upon all bodies for that which they are instead of that which you think they are. Bodies are but waves of motion, pulsing waves of motion, which multiply in speed and decrease in the diameter of the thought-waves which express life, and reverse that process to express death.

Bodies of matter-in-motion have been man's realities for ages. The time has come when the unfolding human race must know the unreality of moving bodies and the reality of their Source of motivation. Reality can never be in motion for motion ceases, but the stillness from which motion extends is as eternal as the silence from which sounds extend. Reality must be eternal in order that it be real.

Go back, therefore, to the first principles as outlined heretofore and review them carefully until the conviction is imbedded in you that the undivided Light of Mind-knowing is the reality from which thought imaginings extend and retract in pulsing sequences to make believe that their pulsing electric motions are the ideas which their motion simulates. Meditate upon this thought until you thoroughly comprehend that ALL MOTION IS MAKING BELIEVE that it is something which it really is not.

Realize what YOU are so that you can forget your body through intense inspiration and can see your Self as the undivided, unchanging, invisible MIND of Creation. Then picture what your Mind does when it thinks what it knows by taking its ONE WHOLE IDEA apart into seemingly separate ideas and assembling those separate ideas into a machine, or painting, or building which manifests another idea.

This will enable you to picture Creation for what it is--a desire of Mind to create moving bodies in the forms of Mind imaginings TO MAKE BELIEVE that the moving bodies ARE THE MIND-IMAGININGS. This is accomplished by projecting them from the stillness of their Source, followed by an equal desire to return those
bodies to their stillness by cessation of motion. This principle of division and projection creates a universe of tensions which perpetu­ally desires release from tensions.

If you will but meditate deeply on this thought, you will much better comprehend the pulsing heartbeat of Creation. In simple words, Creation is but a wave recording of Mind-imaginings but we should not be deceived into thinking that the record is that which created It.

If you will then realize that every action in nature starts from a point of rest in the universal vacuum, seeks a point of rest in the universe of tensions and returns to a point of rest in its vacuum Source, you will better comprehend the idea of the emergence of matter from "space" and the subsequent swallowing up of matter by "space", which we will describe in detail.

Likewise, you will better understand the pulsing of the universal heartbeat which concentrates and decentrates as thought-power multiplies and intensifies electric tensions, while lessening desire divides and releases them.

You will also better understand the mechanics of motion as the compressive half of the universal pulse concentrates large volumes of low potential into small volumes to create visible solids, then "goes into reverse" by expanding its compressed solids into invisible space.

Also, you will more clearly visualize the universal heartbeat as a universal pump which light-waves compress and expand simultaneously and sequentially, seemingly to divide de undivided, to change the changeless, to give measure where no measure is and to condition the unconditioned.

Also, you will better realize that the energy which motivates all motion is in desire of Mind to express idea in moving forms of idea and not in the moving forms which result from desire.

Likewise, you will discover in your meditation that desire itself is divided into the concentrative desire to manifest life through multiplied motion and an equal decentrative desire to seek rest to manifest desire through cessation of motion.

If you will meditate long upon this thought, you will realize that every desire to multiply your power to think concentratively is followed by a desire to rest from the fatigue of that concentration. If you will now fully carry this thought through, you will gradually realize that you are constantly interchanging your thoughts and actions with God as co-Creator with Him.

If you work actively all day, you will want to lie down and rest all night. Then, when you rest all night you are being reborn with new life from God so that you can again work all day.

In the preceding paragraph is the whole principle of life and death and how each borns the other and is reborn from the other in every breath and heartbeat cycle.

Let us review: You begin your day of manifesting LIFE from a point of rest in sleep. Your day is filled with dynamic actions in building the product of your thinking. The energy which has been given to you by your Creator while you rested during the night is gradually being regiven to Him during the day until you have to stop at a point of rest to return to your Source for more energy. You only think of it, however, as having grown so tired that you again have to lie down to rest in sleep for the night. You must gradually learn to think of it as it is, however. You must think of it as a return to God for a replenishment of power or even as giving your death to God in exchange for His regiving of life.

Vigorous action and desire for work in the morning manifests the life principle. Relaxing and lying down to sleep at night from fa­tigue manifests the restoration principle which man calls death. During the night, body-death is constantly generating life from death at the dawn of a new day. During the day of life, the body is constantly degenerating to born death from life when the night of life comes. To live is to MOVE. To die is to become STILL. You are forever dying as you live and forever living as you die. Every pulsebeat of your heart manifests both life and death.


The direction of motion which manifests LIFE is the outward-to-in­ward direction which forever compresses and shortens its waves and accelerates speed as it approaches its focus to gravity. This is the positive direction which multiplies the power and speed of thought-rings by compressing them into hot solid spheres by gradually closing the holes which center them. It is the centripetal direction of concentrative thinking which is one-half of the gravity cycle.

The direction of motion which manifests DEATH is the inward-to-outward direction which forever decelerates as centrifugal force expands it into the coldness of space. It is the centrifugal half of the gravity cycle which reopens the centering holes of thought-rings. (see fig. 28 & fig. B)

as automatically and periodically as inbreathing and outbreathing, heat and cold, generation and radiation, compression and expansion, and night and day perpetually interchange. Life is ACTION and death is REST. In every effect in Nature, every expression of motion must be followed by rest, for rest is the basis for the next action.

IMMORTAL LIFE is in the stillness of the LIGHT of the zero of space.

MORTAL LIFE is manifested in matter by dividing the universal equilibrium into pairs of opposite conditions which is called LIFE and DEATH and which really means ACTION and REST.

Life and GROWTH and GENERATION are manifested in matter by compressing GRAVITY-CONTROLLED LIGHT-WAVES.

DEATH and DECAY and DEGENERATION are manifested in matter by expanding them. These two effects are constantly pulsing between the vacuity of God's universe and the compression of man's universe. These two effects also constitute the life principle which science is so eagerly seeking.

LIFE in bodies means increasing power of compression. DEATH in bodies means increasing power of expansion. That which man calls LIFE and DEATH are but increasing and decreasing speeds of motion, and increasing decreasing power to compress and expand.

All bodies are wave recordings of Mind-thoughts.

Mind-thoughts pulse in concentrative-decentrative sequences be­tween the visible and invisible universe which we call cycles. All cycles are gravity-controlled motion and rest sequences.

LIFE and DEATH of bodies are but cyclic recordings of Mind­thoughts. Thoughts come and go--and life and death record their comings and their goings in light-wave bodies which appear, disappear and reappear forever.


THAT IS ALL THAT LIFE AND DEATH ARE--JUST IN­TERVALS OF REST BETWEEN SEQUENCES OF MOTION. When you can think of your bodies as just transient states of motion which are but dramatizing the thought-imaginings of your eternal Selves, then the more you can realize that you, your Selves, are creating your own bodies for your Selves--yes, creating the universal body for the Universal One Self.

This is good to know but that does not mean that your human emotions are to be voided when bodies of your loved ones cease to continue their physical existence with you. When you grieve for loss of human companionship, you are fully justified in so doing, for no amount of knowledge should dehumanize you to the extent that grief should be "reasoned away" by knowledge.

The antidote for grief, however, is knowledge and the power to be mentally united in memories and imaginings. The highly developed innersensory person is never alone or lonely because he is always one with all things. When you know that you cannot die, or be alone, and that desire for body still continues forever in the eter­nal Self of man--and that a new body will reappear from that de­sire just as surely as dawn follows night--you will then have an enrichment for your grief through knowledge instead of misery and hopelessness due to ignorance of your immortality.

The confusion which has made death so tragic and terrible has arisen from ignorance of God's creative processes.

A most common expression regarding anyone whose senses have ceased vibrating for any reason, such as sleep or anesthesia, is that such a one is unconscious. There is no such condition as "unconsciousness". What one really means is that one's brain has ceased "sensing".

Mind is always conscious. Mind always knows and desires whether the body is asleep for a night or for the longer interval of acquiring a new body. The Mind of one can always become ONE with the Mind of another because they are ONE. They vary only as to the state of their respective unfolding--which is commonly termed "individuality".

When anyone asks that age-old question: "Can I contact my father--or other loved one--who has passed on"?, he really means, "Can my body contact their bodies? Can my senses contact their senses? Can I ask them questions about whether they are happy or about a busi­ness problem"?

People who ask such questions do not think things through. The one who has "passed on" has not assed on. He still IS, as he always has been, as the tree which has refolded into its seed still is even though no one can see the tree until it again unfolds. Therefore I say to you that your desire to contact bodies which have passed on can never be gratified.

Mind can ALWAYS conntact MIND for all-knowing is universal, but vital, polarized bodies cannot contact devitalized, depolarized bodies; but their thoughts and their identities still exist and can be contacted by Mind instantly.

Communion of Mind and Mind is in the timeless language of the Light of all-knowing. We shall talk about this in future lessons when you quite thoroughly understand that there is something beyond the sensing of bodies which has no need of bodies.

Just as there are inventions to come as yet undreamed of so, likewise, there are mental powers to unfold which are as yet undreamed of.

The Cosmic Age now dawning is a far step in the unfolding of that in man which transcends his body.

Let us have a rest-break please. When we sit again, we will take up the fact that knowledge makes you master instead of servant of mat­ter. The fact t at your physical bodies are but moving extensions of your spiritual Selves has but begun to enter human Consciousness and we shall carefully look into that awakening perception. Thank you.