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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar

    Default 응답: 인간, 사람의 과학 HUMAN, The science of man.

    PJ 36
    CHAPTER 13
    SATURDAY, AUG. 24, 1991 8:34 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 008
    SATURDAY, AUGUST 24, 1991
    Germain present in the Mighty I AM. May the violet flame of Truth and transmutation bless us each that, understanding may flow as the living Spring of Life Waters. I AM.

    Hatonn is a very "hard act" to follow because I know that his mes­sages are the news which you long for and insight unto your every day of experiencing but, nonetheless, it will be lessons of higher understanding which shall give you "freedom" and ability to change and move into that higher Presence and experience.

    In the JOURNAL structure we were going to speak, at this writing, of transient matter and the omnipresent zero.


    To know our universe it is absolutely necessary to know Self. A philosophy teaches you how to live, but you must live in an environment which is filled to the brim with laws and conditions which will control you if you do not have the knowledge to control them. For that reason, we devote as much earnest endeavor to give you knowledge of your universe as we do to give you knowledge of your spiritual zero-Self and physical body of motion.

    The more you become aware of the two universes of Mind and mo­tion which you constantly intercange with every second of your life, the more you will reach that high estate which all mankind must some day reach, which is God's intent in the very creation of man.

    The more knowledge you acquire of Creation's secrets, the more you will comprehend what Immanuel meant when He said, "My Fa­ther and I are One".

    The textbooks tell you that there are two kinds of electricity. I have laid this impossibility out to you prior to this but let us consider this a "workbook" course and "work" through the information more "hands-on" as we go more carefully through the explanations.

    It is totally impossible to have TWO kinds of electricity and we will show you how "out" of keeping it is with Nature to project such a foolish thing. The light-waves, which science erroneously calls electricity, do only ONE THING; they COMPRESS divided pairs and force them into collision, then they cease to compress and expand to their zero beginning.

    It does not require two forces to compress or expand anything. If you wish to compress air into your tire, you compress it with a force exerted in one direction which is inward from the outside--the same as with a child's balloon. The greater the force that you use in that direction, the greater the multiplication of pressure within your tire as compared with the pressure outside of it. That is the way God creates all matter. His force is exerted from the outside-in to create matter, which then returns to zero by an inward-outward expression of the same force without the aid of another kind of electricity to help it escape from its bondage. It will seek its equilibrium level without another kind of force to help it. The universal vacuum is that universal equilibrium. Any departure from that state is a forced departure which causes a tension or strain.

    The zero universe is without strain or tension. All of the wave uni­verse of motion is under constant strain. All matter is imprisoned by compressed motion. It is in exactly the same condition as your tire is which you have compressed into a strained tense condition from which it constantly exerts its own strength of desire to escape from its prison into the universal equilibrium.

    It will help you to better comprehend our meaning if you stretch a piece of elastic from its normal equilibrium condition of rest. It takes force for you to stretch it but it will return to its normal condi­tion without another kind of force being necessary. In stretching the elastic, you have the created strains and tensions of an abnormal, unbalanced condition. The zero universe is balanced. Everything in Nature which becomes unbalanced by the exertion of any force will eventually find balance because of the force of vacuum which is the one normal balanced condition of space.

    If you fully comprehend this, you can now comprehend the great mystery which Einstein thought to be insoluble, the mystery as to how matter emerges from space and how space swallows it up again, which will be explained in the last lessons.

    You may wonder how it was that earlier investigators decided that there were two opposite kinds of electricity instead of one.

    It was because the two opposite conditions of living and dying--growing and decaying--heating and cooling--polarizing and de­polarizing, and all other effects of motion are expressed in opposite directions by seemingly opposite forces.

    Their thinking was influenced by their senses. They did not take into account the fact that motion is an abnormalcy which has been created by a disturbance of stillness. Motion is a creation which emerges from the Creator's vacuum and returns to it. Likewise, life is a creation which emerges from the Creator's eternal life condi­tion and returns to it. So, also, heat emerges from the eternal cold, and sound emerges from eternal silence and returns to it without any aid from an opposite kind of force. The return journey to zero is a relaxation of the compressive force.

    Let us make sure that you understand this vital fundamental of Na­ture which has so grossly deceived the greatest minds of centuries. We will return to the tire that you compressed, by using force, into a very much higher pressure than that of its environment. That pressure is held in the tire by a sealed casing, but it is difficult to entirely seal it against slow leakage from some part of it.

    That leakage is the same effect as radiation from matter. Your tire is sealed by a casing, but all matter is sealed by freezing. Every particle of matter is either solid or liquid because it is frozen by the vacuum of space. To be frozen means that it must first be com­pressed into dense solids or liquids, and compression heats. Heat helps matter escape from its prison just as heat helps air to leak from your tire.

    Your tire wants to explode outward. That you know. So does the battery in your car. It also wants to explode outward. We do not use the word "explode" for that effect, however, for we now use the word "discharge". Leaking, radiating, discharging, depolarizing and exploding are all the same effect. So, also, are decay, death and combustion. So, also, are radioactivity and fission.

    When you compress your tire, you at once begin to create an explo­sive condition, for you are creating rings of motion around a resist­ing hole. The increasing pressure is first collected together on the inside surface of the casing, just as a wave current does likewise when compressed into a wire. The more you compress the tire, the more you close up the hole. The resistance to that compression causes heat, so if you compress long enough, and fast enough, to close up the centering hole, you will generate enough heat to explode that tire even if it were made of steel.

    Remember that every action you perform causes motion--and all motion is wave interchanging which moves spirally--and every spiral is a series of rings around holes. Remember, also, that you cannot cut a section through any wave current anywhere without producing rings which spin spirally around holes.

    To prove this to yourself, pass a current through an evacuated tube with sufficient air or vapor in it to aid visibility and you will see the rings which the current creates. You will see them as rings of light spinning around black holes. Those rings you see are the "ultimate particles" of Creation, for there is no other form in Nature than opening and closing rings. They are the basis and the substance of all form. When they appear, matter appears. When they multiply, form appears. When they disappear, matter disappears as do all ef­fects of matter with them such as sound, color, heat, form, density and dimension. When compression is maximum, the holes close and incandescent suns appear.

    Once again I repeat that this universe of motion consists entirely of light-waves which thrust outward from their fulcrum in pairs. They do not pull inward from within. Again I say, "electricity" does but one thing--it compresses to divide into pairs for the pur­pose of manifesting the control of gravity, and all that it does is performed against the resistance of the universal vacuum which finally conquers every effort of compression to simulate cohesion in matter.

    Remember, also, that every action which is recorded in Nature, like the growth of a tree or the throwing of a stone into water, produces rings with holes in them. The young tree starts that way, as a tube, but it closes its holes by compression to become a solid, and every solid is a series of ring layers which eventually open to let "space" in gradually until space becomes all and the tree disappears entirely into it.

    Cut your own body into sections and you will find it is composed of rings around holes--your chest--your skull--your bones, arteries, heart, windpipe, nerves and every cell of your body. Light-waves work that way. They try to close up the holes but very few out of millions of effects succeed in doing so. Organic life has not one ex­ample of body building which has succeeded in becoming a solid, not even the ivory of an elephant's tusk. It is centered by a hole and its cells are porous.

    All Nature, everywhere, cries out its protest to such an unnatural and impossible concept as the nucleal atom, which holds itself to­gether by a force exerted from within.

    These words all tell of the way compressed matter tries to escape from its compressed imprisonment. Every one of the these many-named but similar effects expresses the demand of the eternal vac­uum to cease moving and become still.

    In order to become still they have to expand: The one force of Nature has to be unwound like a watch spring which is in a tense condition from being wound up tight. Every molecule in that tense watch spring desires to be relieved of its tension.

    These are conditions which attend the return journey from sound to silence, from heat to cold, from motion to stillness, from polarization to depolarization, from compression to expansion and from generation to radiation. You know that they cannot prevent their conditions of compression from expanding. They just cannot hold their heat nor their compressed conditions. If you will demonstrate our meaning by trying to hold your compressed breath in your body, you will find that it will explode outward in spite of every effort that you can exert. That compression of your inbreathing has heated your body beyond its average normal. It would explode if for no other reason. This effect of expansion which we have just pictured is what science erroneously terms nega­tive charge instead of radiative discharge. Briefly, it covers all expanding bodies.

    It would be well to examine the reasoning process which led ob­servers and research workers to determine that there must be two kinds of electricity. The idea of a universal vacuum never entered into the thinking or reasoning of early observers of EFFECTS of motion. Lacking that concept, they lacked their first essential premise . Secondarily, they conceived heat to be the reality which caused motion, and considered cold to be less heat. Instead of that, cold is the eternal unchanging reality from which heat emerges and into which it returns, just as sound emerges from eternal silence and returns to it.

    Now it so happens that the early concept of electricity provided for a one-way flow which compressed to multiply potential which simultaneously produced heat. The opposite flow was theoretical but a nec­essary one, for there are two poles and two opposite conditions in every wave effect.

    Science has not yet discovered that there are four pairs of poles in a wave and not just the two which it calls positive and negative on opposite ends of a bar "magnet". That is because it has never yet related the octaves of the elements of matter to optics as we will do in the last lessons.

    The sex-divided condition did not occur to these early observers. Such an idea never entered their thinking. To them, sex was a func­tion of organic life only, and not of atomic life in the elements of matter. Nor did the red and green divisions of the spectrum ever become a part of their considerations.

    Nor did the idea of spectrum tensions ever enter into their thinking in relation to the electric current--the tension of the spectrum division which desired unity by the disappearance of the colors of motion into the White Light of universal stillness, or the tensions of sex division of Father-Motherhood into father and mother bodies which desired unity in sexlessness. Nor did they take into consideration that the two opposites of compression and expansion coincided with concentration and decentration--growth and decay--life and death--or the polarization and depolarization principle.

    Then at the turn of the century, Rutherford and Bohr conceived the idea of atomic construction being based upon the firm belief in the Coulomb Law which says that matter attracts oppositely "charged" electrical matter and repels similarly "charged" matter. Nothing could be more convincing for one pole of a magnet "attracted" its opposite and "repelled" its like. It never occurred to them that gravity, not "electricity", is the divider of sexlessness into sexed pairs. If so, they would have realized that two like males do not mate for procreation, nor do two like females. If the sex idea in relation to "electricity" had occurred to them, there never would have been a Coulomb Law nor a nucleus in an atom.

    Nothing could be more convincing to sense-reasoning than the very self-evident fact that there must be two kinds of electricity--even if the electric current did run only one way, but with an un­proved suspicion that it ran two ways.

    Then some new and important discoveries were made which proved that the current ran two ways and that fact was misinterpreted as being proof only of their theory.

    I will recite a discovery which clinched the belief in two kinds of electricity--one kind for each way, in case you ones don't remember it from a prior writing:

    "T. Edison observed the passage of electric current in one di­rection from a hot filament to a cold metallic plate in an evac­uated enclosure, as if 'negative electrical' particles were emit­ted from the filament".

    This is from the Encyclopaedia Britannica under the heading "Electron Tube".

    Let us see how this fact was misinterpreted.


    There was nothing in the above experiment which merited the atten­tion it received.

    The electric current Edison observed was the radiation from a heated condition seeking the cold equilibrium of space. It did not need to be in a evacuated tube. It is the same effect which your hand feels from the rays of the sun, or which your body feels from a hot stove in a room. It has always been known under the name of RADIANT ENERGY. Radiation creates "electric" cur­rent. Radiation is deduction. So does generation. Generation is induction. One compressess, the other expands, but it is the same light-wave current. Any movement of any kind creates a light-wave current, even the movement of your littel finger.

    A hot iron at one end of a room and a block of ice at the other end will cause a current to flow both ways until the iron, the ice and the room are all equal in temperature. That will also happen if you put two red hot irons or two blocks of ice at opposite ends of a room. Warm water rising into cold space creates a flow of current, but that does not mean that there is one kind of "electricity" to make the wa­ter rise and another to make it fall. One might as reasonably say that there are two kinds of water, one kind which rises and another which falls.

    Such a claim is like saying that one kind of electricity makes a man live and another kind makes him die. All motion is centripetal when it multiplies its potential by increasing its speed, and it is centrifugal when it decreases its potential by decreasing its speed; but centrifugal force is but an escape valve for centripetal force.


    Waves are motion--any kind--or stages of motion. When motion ceases, waves cease. When you breathe in, you cause an increase in the speed of centripetal motion. When you breathe out, you de­crease the speed of motion. It is then centrifugal. Motion is the same kind of motion whether it is fast or slow. Air is the same air whether it is hot or cold. Likewise, force is the same kind of force whether it is compressing or expanding.

    A charged body is still a charged body until the last vestige of mo­tion leaves it. Your car battery may be discharged to the last mile, but as long as it can produce motion it is still charged. You might properly say it is then in a negative--or negated--or voided condition, but one cannot properly say that a discharging body is negatively "charged" under any possible condition. The same thing applies to life. As long as a man is alive and can move even one finger, he is still alive. There are no such conditions in Nature as negative electricity, negative charge, silent sound or dead life.


    Gravity is the force used by the Creator to create bodies. Bodies are disturbances in a vacuum. Gravity causes those disturbances, for gravity both compresses and expands.

    The principle of electronics is a miniature example of what the gravity cycle does in a vacuum. A vacuum tube with no wave motion dividing it is the normal rest condition of the universe. It is the condition from which matter emerges--matter being the light-waves which science calls the electric current.

    "Electricity" emerges from the omnipresent vacuum. It does not return to it. It merely seems to do so. When an electronic tube is evacuated, it means that the electric commotion and tensions which have been pumped into by Nature have "escaped" out of it, leaving it in its normal state of rest. Two wires are then attached to it to cause the kind of patterned commotion within it which it records from outside of it. The vacuum condition insulates the new pattern of motion which is caused within it from any other patterns of mo­tion which would otherwise occupy the tube.

    That tube is a correct miniature zero universe of stillness which is creating a multiple universe of motion. If you will but study that effect, you will learn more of Nature's processes. The more that sci­ence develops this principle of creating its own patterns by starting from zero without interference from other pressures and pattems, and then multiplying them by gravity control within them, the more progress you will make in science.

    The practice of electronics will grow to enormous proportions as electronic engineers begin to know more about light and the relation of its pressures to the spectrum-divided universe which controls those pressures.

    The one great lesson that you can now learn from electronics, with­out being technical, is the fact that whatever patterns you put into those tubes in the way of sounds, pictures or movements, come out of them in the same patterns as those you put into them. THAT APPLIES TO YOU ALSO.

    Let it be fully understood what I mean in this respect. The sounds and motion you make do not go into the tube. It is not necessary to tell you that, for you know that nothing goes into that tube but the wave recording of the patterns of light and sounds of the events which waves record. Now here comes your lesson. You can hear and see what you put into that tube coming out of it again as many times as you wish to turn on the current. That means that light-waves are the recording principle of Nature. The electronic tube might well be likened to a seed of man. The pattern of man is in the seed but the man is not in it.

    That also means that all matter is but thought-recordings, for all matter is wave motion. It necessarily follows that your body is but a thought-record of your Mind-thinking which is operating within the Cosmic vacuum tube just as long as you can keep it vitalized sufficiently to create the image of you which your thinking is making. That means that matter is but pure thought, for all matter manifests idea.

    That includes every creating thing and its pattern as being thought- recordings which act for a while, then refold into Nature's little electronic tubes, which you call seeds, for intervals of rest. When you turn the generating current of the sun's rays onto those electronic tube seeds, you can see and hear the record all over again and change it if you like, whether it be yourselves, a tree or a solar system.


    Is not that a lesson of immortality? Within the eternal electronic vacuum of Nature, every thought and action that has ever taken place during all time lies enfolded there in non-dimensional space.

    There is one more lesson that the electronic tube might clarify for you--the lesson of dimension.


    Some day during your spiritual unfolding of inner sensory perception, you will become aware of the fact that dimension is but an imagined effect. It might help you to take the first step in gaining this aware­ness if you will but realize that when you look out upon a fifty-mile expanse of land, buildings, people and events, you see it all within a dimensionless pinpoint of space within your eye. The whole universe is thus reducible to the non-dimension of Mind-knowing which has caused the imagined universe to be extended from its eternal zero which never exceeds zero in CAUSE but seems to exceed it in EFFECT. God did, in fact, create His universe in His image, but dimension is as much a part of His imaginings as form and events are a part of it.

    Yes--the above is a wonderful lesson for one who is mystified by the vague idea of immortality, but a still greater lesson of universality awaits deep meditation by you upon the thoughts above given.

    You have, undoubtedly, wondered much about the unfolding of a tree, or a human body, from a microscopic seed. Many years are consumed in the process after you have put the seed in your own yard to generate a wave current for again unfolding the record con­tained in that patterned electronic tube. The electronic tube seeds of Nature have their film patterns enfolded within them. Man has to carry his patterns separately--also his projection machine--whereas Nature's projection machine is the womb of earth.

    Now give thought to that little seed which you call the electronic tube which is planted in Africa, ten thousand miles away from your yard. Within that seed a terrific conflict is being enfolded, a conflict between men, planes and guns. It is taking place NOW--this instant--and is being simultaneously unfolded from its recording seed into another seed in your very room. You ones just experienced this very example within only the past few days. You can see and hear what is happening ten thousand miles distant. You can see their ac­tivities against their African setting of desert, palm trees and a broiling sun. You can hear the agonized and frenzied shoutings of people who are ten thousand miles away from you. Likewise, fifty million people like you can hear and see the same events from fifty million different pinpoints of space upon your planet. Does not that teach you a lesson in the universality of all things?

    Where, therefore, is dimension or time? If that event is happening within your room right now as an unfolding from an electronic seed, and that dimensionless seed is almost simultaneously unfolding in fifty million rooms, how can you say that it is ten thousand miles and weeks of time away from you? If you place a yardstick upon a mighty oak and measure its many dimensions, and then the oak withdraws those dimensions into its concept as recorded in the seed, how can you say that the dimensions you measure with a yardstick and weighing scales have any reality in a universe in which the real­ity you believe in disappears before your very eyes.

    We find it interesting to note that in the contacts of the brothers with Billy Meier there was a tree which was photographed with the ships--many times. The brothers then reversed the process and folded the tree within its seed which removed the standing tree into the seed and thus was thought to have been removed. Moreover, ones who could not account for the absence of the tree simply stated it had never been there! This is exactly what happens when you demand miracles and magic to "prove" a thing. We die and it didn't, over and over again.


    Where, then, is REALITY? Is it the Idea which forever appears and disappears in the motion picture universe every time the current is turned on to reproduce it from its invisible storehouse, or is it in that eternal zero which is its Source?

    How long will it be before man seeks that reality which is eternal within him? How long will it be before he even begins to comprehend the meaning of that command to seek the kingdom of heaven within?

    As we look out upon your world of strife, seeing fear in the Soul of man instead of love and happiness, and seeing greed there for worthless quantities of moving matter, and seeing also desires for body-sensation rather than Mind-inspiration, we can but conclude that man as a whole is still far from knowing that Light within him which One Man, whom man crucified, knew when He said, "I and My Father are One".

    Let us take rest, please.

    Germain to clear, thank you.

    PJ 36
    CHAPTER 14


    SATURDAY, AUGUST 24, 1991 3:55 P.M. YEAR 5, DAY 008


    It is time that you learn that you live within a cosmic electronic vacuum tube of invisibility as Mental Beings who project actions from that vacuum condition to manifest your creative desires.

    Look within a television vacuum tube for a moment. All you can see there are flashes of light which COME and GO. They COME only because of a Mind-desire to manifest invisible IDEA into visible form. They GO when the invisible IDEA has been expressed and the desire for further expression ceases for a while.

    Ask yourself this question: Will those light flashes remain in that tube unless forced to remain there by a power outside of their own light, or have they the power within themselves to hold their units together?

    You have but one answer. Those light flashes have been created to manifest Mind-Idea in action. They have no energy of their own. They will cease when Mind ceases to desire manifestation by action. What has happened within that vacuum? Mind-thinking has been visibly embodied. That is all that has happened. That is all that CREATION IS. That is all the GRAVITY IS. That is all that light-waves ARE. And that is all that they DO.

    Let us carry the example of that electronic tube a bit farther. Consider that tube as a miniature replica of the Cosmic Vacuum ZERO of the Creator's Mind. Now consider it YOUR MIND. Follow that up by realizing that there is no light in the tube because you are not recording your thought-images in it. That is the only reason. The moment you connect the power of your thinking to that vacuum, it immediately begins to record your thoughts in light flashes which come and go as the light flashes of suns and stars of the cosmic vacuum come and go, like flashes of fireflies in the meadows.

    If you will but think this through in your quiet hours of innersensory perception, you will then fully comprehend that the light of motion, which matter is, has but one desire--to escape from the bondage of compression which keeps it forever moving to record idea instead of resting within Idea. It accomplishes this by regiving to ZERO that which ZERO has given to it.

    Every particle of matter in the universe, from microcosmic particle to giant sun, desires to explode. The only way it can explode is to generate enough heat within it to explode instantly or to decay slowly. Newton's law of attraction has no place in Nature.

    The only thing which prevents the continual multiplication of heat is the uncreated cold of the omnipresent vacuum which not only sur­rounds it but interpenetrates its every part. Cold freezes matter in space to keep it from exploding, just as cold freezes matter in your deep-freeze to keep it from decaying.

    Every particle of matter in the universe retains its appearance as a gas, liquid or solid only because it is frozen into the ice of itself: A vast mass of absolute zero cold freezes your sun into its density and keeps it from exploding. Some suns generate heat beyond their melting points and explode as novas, but some of them are con­quered by cold before they expand beyond the limits of their heat exhaustion. They are then subdued for a while until they generate enough heat to try it again. This happens many times to many stars before they become permanently subdued. Many, however, explode and disappear.

    Compression alone creates density, but compression also creates the heat of resistance to tensions. Vacuous cold takes the heat away, however, and leaves only the ice of that substance. Iron, for example, is so closely compressed that it can generate 1500 degrees of heat resistance to that compression before the eternal cold subdues it. It desires to explode, however, and will do so if you will help it by supplying 1800 degrees of heat from an acetylene torch.

    Everything on your planet will also explode if it can generate enough heat to do so. It has always been trying to do this through the inter­nal fires of compression-resistance which sometimes reach the sur­face of the Earth through volcanoes.

    The Earth is now so far away from the heat of the sun that cold has quite completely conquered it, but man is now attempting to create conditions which might make it possible to explode.

    A full realization of the fact that matter is not held together by nucleal attractive action from within, and knowledge that your Earth is held together only by freezing a crust of stone around its internal heat, should deter humans from helping Earth to explode as a whole, as it is continually exploding in every little part which you call growth. I mean by this, that when a small particle generates enough heat to explode, the cold of its environment freezes it and causes it to refold into a cell of matter. Gradually those cells take on patterns as tens of thousands of forms of animal and vegetable life appear. That is the way things grow, and the only way they die is that they are enabled to generate more heat than their environment of cold is ca­pable of freezing.

    Living bodies are produced by compression. Dying bodies are lib­erated by expansion.

    This entire process is a photosynthetic one. Growth is a synthesis of light particles and the patterns of growing things are photo­graphic records of each pulsation of growth.

    So what does this do to the theory of ones coming to your planet who revitalize through photosynthesis? Yes, it IS interesting, isn't it? All things grow as a synthesis of light particles and the patterns are photographic records. You believe you need food, etc., to live and grow--no, you are sensual by nature and desire, and food is pleasure of flesh indulgence. Some 98% of what you need can be gleaned very nicely from the air you breathe--you have simply for­gotten as much.

    The next logical step in the unfolding of this information is covered in MURDER BY ATOMIC SUICIDE right in the Introduction. I trust you will all refer back to that as a refresher for it is indeed im­portant.

    Now, before we move on to the next subject, which will be regarded as the Science of the Cosmos, we will respond to a few questions which relate to the Science of Man and then we will move on with the next subject material.


    Almost every prayer which carries with it a request also carries with it the inference that God is overlooking something in the manage­ment of his universe and needs a reminder that things are not run­ning smoothly enough to suit the petitioner. Also, they carry the in­ference that requests are asked as personal favors from reverent and devout believers who believe that such favors will be granted if enough devout and reverent people join the weight of their petitions together to be heard by God and His interest in their personal re­quests is sufficiently aroused. God is not hard of hearing and He is right there within, so what are you actually doing? Such prayers carry an inference of intercession in someone's interest--as though intercession is necessary with God--or would have any effect what­soever upon Him. They also carry an inference that God is a per­sonal being, like a king on a throne, to whom petitions are submitted and favors asked upon a personal basis.

    To those we say that God does His part always and needs no reminder. His part of Creation is Perfect. His law is perfect. HIS LAW ALWAYS WORKS.

    You need not ask God to make His law of gravitation work. Neither will He set it aside if you ask Him to do so. If you fall off a cliff, the law of gravitation will cause your death whether you are saint or sinner and no prayer will set that aside. God will tell you not to fall. He has told you that in your very seed but if you disobey, you will perish just like anyone else. CAN GOD OVERRIDE THOSE LAWS? YES. WOULD HE! NO, NOT VERY OFTEN--BUT HE MIGHT WELL OVERRIDE SOME OF YOUR ANTICS AND IN THOSE CASES THEY WOULD APPEAR TO BE MIRACLES.

    God's whole universe is in perfect balance. He keeps it so. You may depend upon it always. If you want good crops, God's law is there to give them to you IF YOU WORK WITH HIS LAW. But if you ask God to do your part of the work as well as His, you will harvest nothing no matter how great is your faith.

    A farmer does not ask God to cure a potato blight. He searches for the cause of it, which may be his own lack of knowledge of the particular soil. When, however, a blight strikes men's own bodies, they vigorously condemn anyone who suggests that they do what the farmer does who works knowingly with God, doing his part of the work together with God's part of it.

    What was the cause of the potato blight? Was it too much moisture?

    What was the cause of the human body blight? Was it tight lacings generations ago? Wrong diet? Unbalanced emotional disturbances? Frustrations? Infection from a rusty nail? Distorted seed pattern of ancestors' unbalanced actions?

    No matter what the cause of any disintegrating or depolarizing ef­fect, the remedy for it is to restore balance. The restoration of balance in any machine can be accomplished through action. It is just as reasonable for one to expect God to repair his typewriter because of his faith and belief as it is to expect Him to repair a human machine which man has damaged.

    The restoration of balance through any mental unbalanced condition is purely mental. A change of thought from negative to positive will cure any mental ailment. A physically unbalanced body condition requires a physical action to restore its balance and this can actually only be truly accomplished through first balancing the Mind.

    Mind-healing has no relation to faith and belief, in actuality. It is purely CAUSE and EFFECT working in accordance with God's es­tablished law. It is desire for a right condition followed by intelli­gent action to restore that condition. Purely physical abnormalities, whether a broken bone, a cancer, a cut upon the head, a gunshot wound, paralysis from blood clots on the brain, misshapen bodies or other deformities can be "cured" only by physical action. One might just as well ask God in all faith and belief to mend a broken spoke in an automobile wheel as to ask Him to cure a deformed foot without intelligent action.

    Can God do it? Yes! However, if it be your foot and it is mal­formed--why would He override your input? If you wish it healed (if in fact you perceive it in need of "healing") you will do it yourself through the proper physica1 attention (although the physical action may very well be totally mental in projection). For instance, if one has indigestion from drinking martinis--would it not be wise to stop the martinis? If you have so little care as to healing of self then it is assumed that the misery is enjoyed for some unrecognized reason and when the person is ready to release the illness--he will do so.


    Creation is a play of CAUSE and EFFECT. The CAUSE is undivided. CAUSE is always balanced. It is always ONE.

    EFFECT is divided. Instead of one balanced condition, it is a divi­sion into two unbalanced conditions.

    The play of life is to keep the two unbalanced conditions of EFFECT
    in balance with each other. When CAUSE and EFFECT are in balance with each other, the spiritual and physical manifestations of either man or nature manifest harmony, unity, growth and normalcy in all parts. It is impossible to keep one's body in perfect balance al­ways. To say that God made man's body perfect, as well as man, does not mean that man can keep his body from being damaged. He must go to a dentist when his teeth wear out, or to an oculist when his eyes grow old--or put up with the inconveniences for the avoid­ance.

    It is inconsistent for one to believe that God will set a broken bone and, therefore, refuse a surgeon's help, but will go to a dentist to have his teeth filled.

    God's law of CAUSE and EFFECT always works. When anything goes wrong with you, or with civilization, it is you who are at fault, not God. If men steal from each other for ages, they harvest hate and fear which culminate in wars. The seeds of fear, hate and greed will not yield harvests of love, prosperity, happiness and peace.

    .Men pray to ask God to protect them from their enemies, instead of praying to ask God to so enlighten them that men can practice the love principle in their human relations and, thereby, not make enemies. As long as man continues to violate God's law, he will hurt himself. All the faith and belief in the world will not alter the effect of any cause whatsoever. Try it. Try putting your finger on a red hot stove while praying reverently with full faith and belief that God will cancel the law as a favor to you--and see what happens. Your finger will burn!

    Can you override that result? Yes, but it requires preparation of the body responses in direct effect of orders from the Mind to make those changes--I see almost none who can successfully do this. To walk across a bed of coals, say, is not proving much of anything but is fooling the people around you as well as yourself. If mentally prepared properly, the Mind can cause the body to react in directed conditioning--but this takes a lot of attention and work.

    Therefore, we again say to you that when you ask God for anything, never ask Him to fulfill His part, for He has already done that, but ask Him, rather, to show you what you should do to fulfill your portion. Everything that is wrong with you is of your own making; Therefore, ask that you be enlightened. Perhaps it will be as simple as putting an asbestos finger mitten on before touching the hot stove! The answer will always be quite simple and always most reasonable.

    Let us say, for example, you want a roof for your church or perhaps, as with Little Crow, the gathering office needs paint--and your people pray in full faith and belief that God will give it to you and you then rely solely upon your prayer, your church will not get a roof and the walls will not be covered with new paint. If, however, you ask God to give you knowledge to guide your actions in giving service for regiving of money for the roof and/or the paint and to have someone splash the paint on the walls, your knowledge will find the way to accomplish both. In Little Crow's instance, he sim­ply asks his gathering for contributions. If that does not do it then he will have to decide how badly he needs new paint--and leave it alone or do it himself--do you get the point? This is the law and you will as surely have your desire fulfilled as the farmer's desire is fulfilled when he does his part by tilling the soil and planting seed.

    That is what I mean by the prayers of men who tell God what they wish Him to do instead of asking God to tell them what they should do. How many times do you think of something only to put it aside and later say, "I thought of that but didn't do it". You have to listen when God tells you for it will always be through IDEA.

    This is the great misconception of the power of prayer. The cause of that misconception lies in the fact that people who ask God for fulfillment of their desires forget that requests for material things are created only through two-way action. Material things are not created by rubbing an Aladdin lamp or through wishfull thinking. They are created through balanced action and reaction.

    Let us put a hard example on this. Say now that certain guns and ri­fles need registration and you have one but have not registered it. It lays atop the gun case. Now you can pray until you drop dead to have God remove that gun and place it in security and you are going to become arrested at some point for having the gun. You know what to do with that weapon and if you want something done with it you better get at it. God will allow you to be incarcerated if that is the penalty to allow you to know the difference. He will warn you in time if you have asked for guidance--but YOU WILL DO IT. This is a good lesson for today for many of you are going to be caught in this plight as gun controls come down on your nation. If you are one with one of these banned guns--here is your warning--GET IT TENDED! GO WITHIN AND ASK FOR GUIDANCE AS TO WHAT TO DO AND LISTEN FOR THE ANSWER--THEN ACT. IF YOU DON'T WANT TO GET RID OF THE EQUIP­MENT THEN YOU HAD BETTER TEND OF IT SOMEWAY. SURPRISE SEARCH AND SEIZURES ARE GOING TO BEGIN AT ANY MOMENT! THEREFORE, IF YOU ARE NAGGED BY MALCONTENT OVER THE TENDING OF IT--DON'T TEASE AND QUIP ABOUT IT--TEND IT!

    When a mechanic fixes your broken car through KNOWLEDGE of its workings, or a surgeon fixes your broken body through KNOWLEDGE of its workings, those operations are as much Mind­healings as the elimination of toxic poisons from your body by thoughts of love is a Mind-healing.





    When man fervently asks God to fulfill desires, he forgets that he is asking God to do what he, himself, should do. God's part has already been done.

    Man asks God to stop wars, forgetting that wars are man-made, not God-made. They are a breach of God's law. Wars are effects of the disunity, greed and selfishness of man. Man has free will to mani­fest the spirit in him, or his senses, as he wills. It is all a part of the Play of Cause and Effect. The play must go on until man learns by experience that he must some day manifest the love principle upon which the universe is founded.


    Sorry about this, but you know that the fulfillment of any desire, whatsoever, comes only through intelligent action. You guide your car through busy streets by intelligent action, not by faith or belief unsupported by knowledge of the right actions which are nec­essary to take.

    Faith and belief are wonderfully consoling for a wishful thinker who is willing to believe in miraculous happenings or who is quite ready to evade effort on his part, but it should be erased from the lexicon of those who desire to achieve or to acquire anything. This is why those who tout that it is fine to just "BE" are lying to you and to themselves for "just being" entails that someone do for them, that which are considered NEEDS. If all in the same group are "just be­ing" and sitting on their duffs "wishing", not a thing will get done except you will get hungry and have to go to the bathroom.

    God creates what He KNOWS by thinking it into divided forms. Man should do likewise, but he must first KNOW that which he desires to think into form.

    You may have faith, belief and also HOPE in regard to others but not in God. You must KNOW that God will give you your desire if you WORK WITH HIM to fulfill it but not otherwise. Others may have to justify your faith and belief in them but God should NEVER have to prove Himself to you.

    If you ask a builder to build a house for you, you KNOW that he can do it and, also, he knows that he can do it--or you will choose an­other builder. If he answered your inquiry as to whether he could build a house for you by saying, "I sure hope I can" or, "Well, I have faith and belief that I probably can", your own faith in him would be tinged with deep doubts, for your very belief in him is founded on confidence in his knowledge or you wouldn't have con­tacted him in the first place.

    YOU MUST HAVE CONFIDENCE IN YOURSELF based upon your KNOWLEDGE for knowledge is your power; not faith, belief or hope. Those are but the stepping stones to come into KNOWING THROUGH ACTION.

    Therefore, I say to you, whenever you desire to do anything for which you do not feel yourself equipped, do not start doing it with doubt in your Mind or with blind faith that God WILL DO IT FOR YOU, FOR YOU MUST NOT BEGIN THAT WAY.

    Stop, rather, and talk WITH God. "Seek Him, know Him, be Him", in deep meditation communion. Seek knowledge through INSPIRATION. That is the only way to build ommipotence into your desire. Never start anything without inspired knowledge which puts love into your givings--for that which is called WORK should be only joyous giving.

    Your weakness lies in asking God to fulfill your desire instead of asking Him to give you the knowledge to work WITH Him in the fulfilling of your desire. You render yourself weak in so asking--and you double your weakness by the very thought of having "faith in God". You must have KNOWING in God. Somehow, by just having "faith in God" implies a doubt of the certainty of His promise, and places God on His honor to grant you your request. He already granted you your request through His grace--all you have to do is accept the gift and regive by achievement. You must learn to approach any achievement with an attitude of certainty for, when you have instilled the certainty of the goal accomplished the God within will provide the "how" in the form of inspired IDEA--you add the action.

    Don't approach God--or your Self--in an attitude of begging supplication. You are not asking benevolence--nor is God dealing out pa­tronage. God is Creator--and you are co-Creator--not a suppli­cant for favors.

    You must put aside your idea of separateness and find your universality. Until you KNOW your attachment with the universe, you are but one part of it. As long as you feel yourself to be a separate individual person with no attachment, you will think of God as totally separate and apart from your Self. Until you can think of your Self as The Person, or the Universal Self, God will be another Being Whom you may revere or worship, or ask fa­vors from, or depend upon, in the measure of your KNOWL­EDGE OF GOD.

    To have faith--or belief--in God implies separateness. It implies that God is another of Whom you cannot say, "I and My Father are ONE". That is why much, deep communion with God is the most important thing in your life, for the more you looze yourself in the Universal Self the more you think of God and your Self as being of ONENESS.

    When you plant corn, you do it with KNOWLEDGE born of experi­ence that the corn will grow and fill your granaries. It does not grow because you have faith and belief that it will grow; it grows because of the perfect workings of God's Laws. Likewise, you put the seed in the ground by intelligent action--first making sure you begin with corn seeds. You do not sit in the house and pray to God with faith and belief that He will plant it for you, for you KNOW that He will not. God will work WITH you but not FOR you, and all of the faith and belief in the world will not give you a crop without your doing your part with God in the fulfillment of your desire.

    Let us look at the faith and belief that just believing on "Jesus'" death will save you and that you will be raptured away just for that believing. NO. You will not go anywhere unless you take action and do the things instructed for you to do in order to be suitable for the passage--REMEMBER? IT IS TIME YOU ALL REMEMBER YOUR SUNDAY LESSONS--"EXCEPT THROUGH ME SHALL YE ENTER INTO THE KINGDOM OF MY FATHER"! And who was this bold speaker? He was the "Christed" teacher, which means "the perfection of God" and therefore, HE IS THE WORD, THE LIFE AND THE WAY. EXCEP'T YOU ACT WITHIN THE LAWS OF GOD WHICH HE IS, YE SHALL NOT ENTER IN. Just remembering the half of the lessons which you enjoy hearing and require nothing of your physical being--you seem to have selective hearing and much more selective actions. You want to practice all the fleshly physical "things" without responsibility and then dump the load on a poor, unsuspecting scapegoat. It shall not come to be! "For except through the actions within the LAW shall ye enter in"! Moreover, you won't even get on board a silver craft with that attitude for the Cosmic Brotherhood live within the LAWS and ye who do not and deny them--are not welcome within to foul their order and balance.

    Forests rise, corn grows in their majesty, vapors rise and storms rend without faith and belief, or even without knowledge they follow the natural laws of the universe. God's Law is being fulfilled in them. God's Law is also being fulfilled in you. You may break your leg and God's Law will heal it just as God's Law grows the corn. But if you ask God to do more for you than fulfill His law--in other words, if you ask Him to do something for you which is YOUR part of it--He will not do it, no matter how much you pray and no matter how much faith and belief you put into your prayers.

    To exemplify our meaning a bit farther, suppose your broken leg is badly twisted out of line, or the bones pass each other, and you ask God to reset the bones which you, yourself, should do or have done by a surgeon who KNOWS. You will find that God will do His part by making His universal Law work for you, but your twisted leg will be the evidence of your own neglect to do your part of the work that God is doing with you, and you will be a cripple for life, a self-made cripple self-destined to suffer from your own disobedience to God's perfect Law.

    And therein lies most of the confusion regarding faith healing. God's Laws of growth are absolute. They work automatically and they work whether you pray or do not pray. Conversely, God's Laws of decay and disintegration are just as absolute as His Laws of construction, and all the prayers which ask God to set aside His Laws as a special favor to you are more than wasted.

    Again, another example. A destructive fungus develops in a farmer's corn field. The farmer does not go to his chamber to pray with full faith and belief that God will cure that blight while he sits by his fireside and does not do his part in working with God to re­verse the destructive effect. Nor does he reason with God by mak­ing such useless affirmations as: "God made the corn perfect. Therefore, there is no imperfection in it because there is no imperfection in God".

    The farmer knows that he must do HIS part in checking the destructive growth WITH God's help--which means with the CERTAIN KNOWLEDGE that God's unalterable Laws will always work, so he corrects the faulty, damp, under-nourished soil which was the CAUSE of the fungus and God's constructive Laws restore normalcy. Moreover if there was a cure for the corn blight and the farmer refused to utilize it while he kept only praying--you would call him a fool and say that he certainly deserved to lose his crop.

    The farmer knows that he must do his part in checking the destructive growth or he shall simply have no crop.

    If you would not expect a farmer to heal his corn disease by faith and belief only in prayer to God, why expect it of humans? Yet a blight does develop in a human--a blight such as cancer, tumors, wasted lungs, or any of the many things that can happen to any ma­terial growing body which came out of the ground through the con­structive forces of Nature and must return to the ground through the destructive forces which are always waiting to do their part in Na­ture's work the instant they are called upon to do their part. Many humans would not ask God to cure a corn blight nor condemn a farmer for curing it himself, but when they find that a blight has struck their own body, they pray that God will set aside His inex­orable Laws because of their great faith in Him instead of doing what the farmer does by working WITH God.

    Those who believe this way make certain affirmations upon which they base their beliefs regarding humans as being quite different from laws governing corn or potatoes. Those believers say with much reverence: "God made man perfect. Therefore there can be no imperfection. If you will but see yourself perfect, you will then be perfect".

    The great fallacy of such a belief lies in the fact that man's body is not man. Man is Mind--an idea of Mind, an idea with a spiritual entity. That is what God made perfect--and it is quite true that there can be no imperfection in the spiritual, eternal man.

    But it is not the perfect spiritual man that has a cancer or tumor. It is man's body WHICH HAS THE CANCER OR TUMOR. AND IT IS MAN'S BODY WHICH IS FOLLOWING THE INEXORABLE LAWS OF CAUSE AND EFFECT WHICH CONSTRUCT AND DESTROY ALL BODIES SEQUENTIALLY. So, the Mind must be allowed in its own KNOWING and BAL­ANCE to create that balance which allows the BODY TO BE HEALED. It is not "faith" healing--IT IS SELF-KNOWING REBALANCING.


    God made His Law perfect. Perfection of God's Law means perfec­tion of balance between two opposite forces, the force which builds bodies and the force which destroys them. God made BOTH these forces and they are inexorable and unalterable in their workings. God made the divided universe and the laws which govern it are perfect.

    But God gave man KNOWLEDGE of how to control those forces by putting his knowledge into action. The forces of Nature and the construction of bodies cannot be controlled by wishful think­ing. Do you think it wise to sit in front of an onrushing train and wish it would stop when all you have to do is get up and step out of the way? The divided universe of bodies, which come from the earth and go back into the earth, is one of action--not inaction and wishful thinking.

    The next time someone taunts you with, "Why don't you let God heal that", if you have cut your finger and ask for antiseptic to cleanse the wound--ask him why he doesn't let God eat, wash and toilet for him? Why would you ask your guides, your teachers and/or God to do that which you know full well what to do to tend?

    Funny thing--all along the way YOU have helped God to make your body. God did his part perfectly for God has all knowledge and works in harmony with His Law, while you do your part imperfectly because of your perceived limited knowledge of and obedience to the law, such as eating good food and observing the laws of cleanliness and exercise.

    If you eat poison food you will poison your body--why blame God?


    If you put decaying or poisonous food into your growing body and then ask God in full faith and belief to set His Law aside for you, you are but expressing ignorance of God's way of working with you instead of knowledge of your co-Creatorship with God. You do not realize that you are asking God to reverse His Law and make the destructive force which you have put into your body become a constructive force. What you should do is KNOW that you are in a predicament and you had best ask for inspiration and IDEA as to how to tend the matter and then you will get your guidance to either put the poison out, have an anti­dote, send your body's own resources or something useful and you really should do it right away.


    There is no imperfection. If something is not your liking then you are left with but one action--do something to make it otherwise. The only thing you can do is work with God intelligently through action, just as God works with Nature through intelligent action.

    The Law is always perfect, however, and imperfect bodies are a breech of Law.

    A smallpox or typhoid epidemic cannot be stopped by all the prayers of all the world so long as man continues to build small­pox or typhoid into his own body through ignorance of the Law which he is breaking. Instead of praying to God to stop the epi­demic, man should pray for KNOWLEDGE of how to work with God in the elimination of it just as he prayed and worked for the elimination of smallpox. It was not faith and belief which con­quered smallpox--nor will it stop the new strains deliberately de­veloped by other men to reinfect you with more virulent small­pox.


    Many who believe in healing by prayer alone without working with God through intelligent action vehemently condemn calling in a doctor or surgeon in cases where a purely mechanical action is needed to save a life, for instance, in childbirth where both child and mother die because of lack of a purely mechanical change of position of the borning child which otherwise could not be birthed.

    Refusal to make use of the knowledge of one to whom God has given such knowledge is as much a commission of murder by the one who refuses as though he killed the mother and child with a re­volver.

    The same with seatbelts which go unworn. If you do not use the IDEAS God gives for your security--then why blame God if your car crashes and you are maimed? There are some things which can only come from higher resource but mostly humans simply ignore those things which are made available through their refusal to act WITH God.

    If you encounter ones who refuse surgery and transfusions because God will heal or take according to His choice--I have a question for you to ask. "Would you recommend that a hundred surgeons and doctors be withdrawn from the battle fields and replaced with men of your belief to save the lives of men whose legs have been shot off, skulls crushed and bones exposed to view, men who are bleeding to death from terrible wounds or burns where flesh is half gone from the body? (Preferably ask one who is ON HIS WAY TO THE BATTLEFIELD!) Why would you not utilize the wondrous KNOWLEDGE which God has shared with the human to gain skills in medical treatment? It is as much as with Ascension instead of working and acting to change the path of destruction--HOW MANY PEOPLE HAVE YOU SEEN ASCEND????

    If you feel everything should be ignored and left to some God somewhere out there--then you know nothing of the very basic principle of Creation and have no idea who and what is God.


    THOSE WHO AFFIRM THAT GOD MADE MAN PERFECT--MEANING THE BODY OF MAN--DO NOT REALIZE THAT THE MAKING OF THE BODY OF MAN COVERS A PERIOD OF MILLIONS OF YEARS. The man of the jungle, of the Stone Age, the Neanderthal man, or the man of the Carboniferous Age, is as unalike as the forest of today. At which one of these many stages was man perfect?

    If God made man of today perfect, could we not also say that the Neanderthal man was perfect--or that the cosmic-illumined man of the future is also perfect--when neither one resembles the other ei­ther mentally or physically?

    Dharma, the writing has been long this day and we cannot finish this subject without making the chapter too lengthy so allow us to close and I will finish before we change subject material. I need to con­sider, with you ones, the fact that bodies are chemical machines and I do not wish to rush through the discussion.

    Thank you for your attention. Know that you ones are beloved of us, your brothers, and we are honored to serve.

    I AM --- GERMAIN

    PJ 36
    CHAPTER 15


    SUNDAY, AUGUST 25, 1991 10:28 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 009

    SUNDAY, AUGUST 25, 1991

    Germain present in the violet ray of God--may His Grace always shine so abundantly upon us. You are not yet into KNOWING enough to measure the wondrous personal gift of His sharing with you in such a personal communion. Perhaps, however, you become too familiar with His Presence to continue the reverence for His Being. As integration begins to flow ones become unbalanced and the adversary pushes harder and harder at your emotional human­ness. It is not to "fear" the Father but to certainly never fail to un­derstand and give reverence to the ALL KNOWING ONE. I think our immediate workers sometimes overlook the stature of the ones who work so closely with you in this journey. You still allow the adversary entry far more often than do you allow the fulness of God within to give function to your projected manifestation--it would be great wisdom to sort of this, commune about this and effort to move within balance for the unbalance shows, dear ones, as brilliantly as a sore and bandaged thumb! Perhaps it is as the burned-out light bulb in the string of Christmas lights--the focus cannot be on the whole if the attention is on the one which is void. It is certainly fine if you wish not to function within the game--but if you are not of the team then it is not your game! Ponder it.


    All vegetable and animal bodies are mechanical instruments which are made for the sole purpose of manifesting God THROUGH ACTION. That is all that bodies do. They do nothing else than express the reactions of their centering Mind which motivates their actions.

    Bodies are composed of light-waves. One half of every wave is concentrative and centripetal. It is thus polarized in the positive direction of increasing vitality. It is the builder of bodies.

    Positive polarity multiplies power in the measure of desire of Mind to express action. Positive polarity expresses LIVE.

    The other half of the wave is decentrative and centrifugal. It is thus depolarized in the direction of decreasing vitality. Depolarization expresses death.

    One half of every wave, likewise, is alkaline in its chemistry. The alkaline elements are positive and multiply vitality in the direction which expresses LIFE. They compress in the direction of the equator which centers the spectrum.

    The other half of the wave is acid in its chemistry. The acid el­ements are likewise positive but expand toward the two blue ends of the spectrum.

    For every acid element, there is a balancing alkaline one. Both are necessary but each must always balance the other, else the body is thrown out of balance and becomes ill or develops the destructive growths and malignancies which are so rapidly increasing in the unnatural lives of great cities.

    Centering the body is the undivided Consciousness which rules the body through its divided extensions of thinking-Mind. The wave vibrations of thinking-Mind are, likewise, divided into opposite sets of emotions.

    The emotions which express happiness, joy, ecstasy, love and good will polarize the body positively in the direction which expresses LIVE. These emotions multiply the positive elements to vitalize the body and to destroy any destructive tissue or malignancies in the body caused by an overbalance of acid supremacy. Poisonous toxins which are not deep-seated will thus be voided, but long-developing, deep-seated growths, due to unbalanced conditions and to inherited malformations in seed patterns, may be retarded and often are not possible of healing without the aid of the surgeon.

    The emotions which express anger, fear, worry, jealousy, cynicism and hatred depolarize the body in the direction which expresses DEATH. These emotions multiply the acid elements and devitalize the body by developing toxic conditions which, if sufficiently sus­tained, promote the various destructive growths which gradually de­cay the body until it is utterly destroyed.

    As I have so often said, you build your own bodies by the thoughts you think as well as the food you eat. God's Mind is forever ecstatic. The more you reflect the ecstatic condition of God's Mind, the more you vitalize your bodies, prolong your lives and lengthen their maturing points.

    That is what you mean by the need for constant communion with God in order that His Omnipotence shall be extended to you in the measure of your ability to recognize it in you. That is why your own lifetime habits of working knowingly with God prolong life and keep it free from maladies which constantly affect those who worry, fear, dissipate or indulge in emotional disturbances or permit frus­trations to enter their lives.

    The great effort of life is to so live, mentally and physically, that you forever maintain a perfect balance between all of this pairs of op­posite conditions. To allow tensions to multiply in one means paying for them in illnesses.

    While affirming to your cancer patient that God made all men per­fect, are you taking into consideration all of these attributes which are so far out of balance in every living body that it is almost hu­morous to assert or affirm such an impossibility in Nature?

    I again remind you that there are no perfect living bodies of any kind in Nature. Their very growth under so many varying conditions makes perfection for all of them impossible. The perfection lies in the law which makes bodies, not in the bodies.

    That oak over in the open meadow seems perfect. A squirrel planted it on good ground. That other oak over in the shadow seems far from perfect. A squirrel planted it on barren ground in the crevice of rocks where its roots could not spread.

    That man over there seems to have a fine body even though one would not call it perfect. He has injured its shape by overeating. Next to him is a much finer body. He inherited it from long-lived ancestors. But over to the left is a misshapen body given to him by parents who where syphilitic.

    In the hospital up the street are rooms full of bodies with twisted feet, hunched backs and other deformities. Surgery is reclaiming many of these to a semblance of perfection. Could you bring happi­ness or cure to any of these by telling them that God made them per­fect? We think not. But there are ones who come into understand­ing and recognize what is meant by the phrase, "God made man per­fect". These ones may be hopeless cripples, paralytic, who can only barely move a head--perhaps blind as well. But spiritually--these ones are giants. These ones would say: "Yes, God made me perfect--but Nature, or my parents, or something did not work in balance with God's Law to give me a perfect body. But I AM PERFECT".

    It is THAT understanding and KNOWING which gives you the gift of gifts.

    Remember the passage of scripture which says that the unbalanced acts of parents will be visited upon their children unto the third and fourth generation? There are millions of imperfect bodies, even badly malformed bodies, which are the inherited malformations of distorted seed patterns. It is not to "blame"; it is to "understand".

    Disease is not alone the cause of all of these malformation of descendants. For several generations, women distorted their inner organs by tight lacing of that corset they thought made them beautiful. Hundreds of thousands of female descendants of these tight-lacing ancestors have suffered great and unnecessary agony in giving birth to children, or in their normal menstrual periods, because of these "sins" of their mothers and grandmothers, and thousands of them have had to undergo major operations because of those "sins". Faith and belief would never have reduced this suffering for the "pattern" was altered.

    When you tell these women who are always in the changing of Self--into some perceived image of ideal presentation according to human social desires--that God made them perfect and all they have to do is to see themselves as that perfection, and they need to remind God that He has, perhaps, overlooked them in letting something so hurt­ful happen to their bodies, you are forgetting that God did not do the tight lacing, fat suction, abortions, medications and birth control methods, substance abuse, etc., which caused these agonies. Their parents and grandparents did these things in a very HUMAN delib­erateness.


    It must be remembered that bodies are the product of thought of Mind. Mind is perfect, so that part of the building of man which God does is perfect. When man's thinking is unbalanced, his body is also unbalanced because his body is built in the image of his thinking.

    No one should ask God to remedy man's own failure to do his part in working with God. All the faith and belief in the world will not induce God to balance man's own unbalancing, for that would take free will from man and reduce him to the status of an automaton, and that is not in the scheme of Nature.

    Faith and belief have great emotional value in healing bodies for, like other positive spiritual emotions such as reverence, ecstasy, happiness, beauty, love and kindred emotions they reverse the opposite emotions of fear, hate, worry, discouragement and other neg­ative emotions and thus repolarize a depolarizing body.

    When you have thus substituted such constructive emotions for destructive ones, it is not your faith and belief in God which has healed you; it is you, yourself, who have healed yourself by balancing your body electrically and chemically.

    It is your own obedience to God's Law that has healed you.


    God is LOVE. The foundation of love is BALANCE.

    God's universe is balanced by the two opposite pulsations which manifest love.

    When man learns to balance all of his human relations and all of his human emotions, he will have a perfectly balanced body. Normal bodies are balanced. Every one may have as balanced and as normal a body as he is able to practice the principles of balance from moment to moment of his life.

    If you could keep in balance all that God has already given you, you would never have any illness of body whatsoever, for it would be impossible. God's balanced laws are always fulfilled with balanced manifestations. It could not be otherwise. Conversely unbalance between two opposing forces will always result in unbalanced manifestations.

    Tumors, cancers, headaches, heart disease, and every other body ailment are the result of unequal interchange between God's two constructive-destructive forces. Likewise, all infectious diseases and all malignancies are similarly caused, for absolute balance between the two would insulate each from the other and allow the complete cycle of appearance and disappearance to consummate itself in an orderly and normal manner.

    The more you can live and work knowingly with God from mo­ment to moment, the more your body can approach the perfection which complete balance alone can give.


    God created His dynamic universe for the sole purpose of manifesting the ONE IDEA OF LOVE--which constitutes His Being--in human extensions of His Being who slowly and gradually become aware of their Oneness of identity with Him. For this reason, every human on Earth is perpetually seeking God whether he knows it or not. For untold ages, man has sought God outside of himself. The human race is just beginning to become aware that, when it does find God, He will be found within man. It is to this end that this new knowledge of the long hidden secrets of space is now given herein in order that man will be enabled to transcend himself and his works for the betterment of the whole human race.

    By this time you will have discovered that there is a trend and a pur­pose between the lines of these lessons other than the building of knowledge upon which a scientifically provable philosophy of life can be founded.

    You must come to FEEL that trend and purpose. To actually touch that invisible knowledge--you must reach out for it in your quiet place. We have given you a first "overview" in a couple of the JOURNALS so that you might get a bit of foundation and we also have spoken in generalities, telling you, for example, that it was a transition from sensing to knowing or the unfolding of the Cosmic Man. These terms must have intuitively conveyed the meaning to you and awakened in you the desire for cosmic knowledge but you did not have so dynamic an understanding of what lay behind those terms as you do this day.

    You must understand by this time that we are trying to make you live and work KNOWINGLY in both the undivided invisible uni­verse and the divided physical universe of bodies in action. The transition from sensing to knowing actually means living in the Light of inspired knowing all of the time and extending your inspired knowing to your thoughts when you wish to create thought-bodies to image your thoughts.

    Thus, living in the high heavens, the body is but secondary and to be forgotten as much as possible when not needed for the manifestation of your knowing through action.

    This reverses the rule of both body and Mind by the senses which make continual demands for pure gratification of senses. The senses are important, vitally important, for they are a doorway to the soul if the door to the soul is kept wide open by desire of the soul in you. But when demands of the senses close the door, or never let it open, and the senses dominate you, you then but live in an objective uni­verse of sensed bodies which insulate the soul and drown out the In­ner Voice which would reach the soul if it could.

    The most wonderful thing in all the world is within every man--the genius knows it for he is close to it--the mystic knows it better for he has touched the hem of it--and the cosmic thinker is reaching out eagerly for that kingdom if heaven in the Light which that wonderful thing IS.

    All mankind has known of it in his heart from the beginning and started his search for it way back in the dark aeons, but many are now opening the door wider and wider which leads to a new dwelling place--the REAL dwelling place of man who has for such long ages thought that his body was his dwelling place.

    To live knowingly in the Light where MAN is--where GOD is--where all knowledge, power and presence are the fulcrum for ex­pression in the divided universe--to make that kingdom of heaven which lies beyond the doors of your senses your dwelling place--to know the ecstasy of it--the inspiration of it for your interpretations into silent rhythms, into motionless forms unborn as yet, unborn till you want them born--THAT is what I mean by making the transition from sensing to KNOWING.

    I want you to live in God's universe and look out from its Light into its divided extensions when you will, and thus looking out to find them wonderful and good--reflecting the glory of the Light of their Source strongly here, weakly there--but all of it being GOOD, for all are seeking that door which you have found and some are near enough for you to reach forth your hand and help them over the threshold.

    And that is what we are giving our very lives for, working toward just that end. Hours upon hours we and our own extensions are di­rected toward giving you that which will help you to understand. Always our intent is to keep the door open wide unto the Light for your dwelling place from where you may work knowingly with God from moment to moment and be ever watchful for those who are reaching out to you to help them across the illumined threshold into the glory of the all-knowing Light.

    For that purpose, God has sent us to this place from where the messages can flow and spread throughout the world when there are teachers enough to multiply our ability to spread it as desired by God. Ones will come and add to the numbers and we shall unfold Truth unto the brothers for the great transformation of man and the dawn of a new day in human relations. We serve in the deepest love and caring.


    I have always given unto my human counterparts the tools which will hopefully further the growth of each and allow KNOWING to come within the individual and within the whole. We have used af­firmations, decrees, etc., in an attempt to allow you to see what power is within but man begins to rely on the simple mouthing of words and forgets to seal these desires within his Soul.

    I wish to outlay the difference, for instance, in the perception of various identifications of the above statement. The difference be­tween a prayer as mankind has understood it and the issuing of a Decree is that most prayers are supplications. Please harken back to our prior discussion of this very subject. A Decree is the acknowledgment of God the Almighty "I AM PRESENCE'' as the only Presence and Intelligence acting. YOU see at once the difference in the power released to produce the results and the difference in the individual's feeling.

    Mine is not to condemn nor criticize prayer as such. If you know HOW to pray you have wondrous power gleaned, but you see it does not always produce what you anticipate. You have come to know it is not only the Law of God, but the Law of Life of which you are a definite part--that brings the power and desire into fruition.

    As you ones work within the Brotherhood of Light and the teachers speak, sometimes quite firmly, you ones go and perceive yourselves somehow wounded. It is beyond that perception, dear ones, for we are compelled through the feeling world to prompt you not to repeat of unbalance which you so unsuspectingly create. We are compelled by the Law of your Life to keep reminding you of these things, until you no longer allow them to act in your world.

    There is no use giving forth Deeper Teaching until individuals utilize what they have and you have used only a fragmentary part of what is before you. If you do not use this material to balance and offer Love--then WHO shall do so? If the very ones who first take the writings cannot comprehend and practice them in fullness--why shall we dump more unusable material upon the masses? How dare any of us claim to be participants within the highest CIRCLE of that Mighty I AM ONENESS and not project the teachings as the Lamp bearer. You are resonsible only to your own Life, UNLESS YOU ARE EXPRESSING DISCORD; Then you become responsible to ALL mankind. You are adding to the burden of mankind by whatever discord you express. In the understanding of your God Presence, you cannot do this without penalty because you have called forth a tremendous charge of energy from your Presence into your feeling world. Then, if you continue to allow discord to clothe that energy and send it forth, you become more and more responsible to the Great Law of Life and to your fellow man. The individual, who does not understand the Presence, cannot release the great volume of energy that you can. It is not possible.

    Therefore, beloved ones, stand guard! Call the Presence to stand guard over your world! If vicious things are acting in your feeling world, stop them instantly--I plead with you. Do not have an opinion about another. If there is an appearance which seems to need correction, call to their Presence and then be in the forgetting of the incident.

    It is the only way you can be free. We love you so greatly, and We see the enormous progress which is being made by the great num­bers. We want to give you the encouragement and the strength to stand more firmly on guard, that you may more quickly enter into your Glorious Freedom permanently.

    I assure you, beloved ones, the Victory is yours for the "Mighty I Am Presence" which beats your heart is your certain Victory! If you slip occasionally do not discourage--but with a firmer determination than ever demand of Self not to do it again.

    Never think that the Mighty Presence is not ready for every detail so call it forth into action for every detail. Do not worry nor think that your Presence is too Great to handle little things. It is the little things, dear ones, just a little thing here and a little thing there, which finally get to whirling in your feeling and make a disturbing activity. It is the listening to--"I wonder why such a thing got started; I wonder why this got started over here". Such a subtle sug­gestion is just an opportunity to get your attention on some discor­dant thing which will finally pull you into it. Do not allow it.

    The messengers find, dear ones, the only means of keeping them­selves free from the gossip of human beings is to instantly say: "You have no power! You cannot enter my world"! and it does not do it. Everyone must do the same. You are the only one responsible for your world. Do not feel any concern about the other person's world, except to bless it and praise it. Oh praise and pour out blessing. What a wonderful thing.

    Do you know, precious ones, how important it is to bless everyone and give all courage? Take yourselves today, how many are there who do not appreciate with all their hearts a kindly word? Someone lays his hand on your shoulder and says: "I am grateful you are win­ning your Victory". Is there anyone who would not appreciate such encouragement to its fullest extent? That is what mankind needs. It does not mean, dear hearts, at every little appearance out here--"that person has gone wrong". Do not misunderstand what I am going to say to you. The Messengers have always pled with you to turn wholly to your "Source within" for EVERYTHING. We have watched a certain activity and note that problems are magnified through the needs of this one or that one--be careful how you let others know of your need. If the knowledge of your need touches someone who is discordant, you have just that much more to handle. Oh, you WILL come to this place where you will meet the condition; when you MUST stand wholly with your Presence, not looking to a single thing outside. The moment you REALLY do that, your troubles will cease, precious ones. I assure you that the moment you can turn wholly to your Presence and say: "I am looking to you and my call compels the answer". You cannot fail to have positive results.

    Precious ones, as you keep calling upon your Presence, it will choose. Your Higher Mental Body which is the discriminating se­lective Intelligence will choose who shall give assistance, if it be through human channels. Then no mistakes can be made.

    You see how easy, how simplified it all is when once you get this clearly? YOU are the focus on Earth of the Light from your Source of All. As you hold yourselves, your feelings harmonious and call your Presence into action; It does pour out a Mighty Radiance, like the heat from a great furnace all the time. Then you MUST feel Its radiance, for you are the most wonderful focus of Light in the world. Will you feel your individual responsibility to keep yourselves so harmonious, that this Light can keep pouring out, pouring out, and every one who touches It will feel the uplift and not discord? This is really your responsibility in your understanding of the Presence. You have become a mighty radiation Center of Light. Therefore, if you allow discord to clothe the Light from your Presence, are you not responsible for the discord you spread to another?

    I am trying to make this so definite and clear, that in the intellect you will no longer have the slightest excuse nor have any desire to feel or express discord of any kind--because that is imperfection in your Life. If you have brought pain through discord or retort and ex­pressed your own annoyance and unbalance--perhaps you might set it to peace for to function in discord only magnifies discord, and our work is to present the harmony and LOVE through TRUTH unto our brothers--not simply more discord. Discord attaches itself through the vibrations unto everything you think and touch and is borne out to the ends of the universe. Perhaps you will better under­stand the power you have to project the goodness or the discord and take more care in your dealings one with another throughout the brotherhood which you touch--which is ALL. The silence in Love and Truth is greater than all the flattery given in discord.

    May we attend our Selves that our journey may bear the Lamp which honors God at every moment of our existence and experience for we must learn that control of Self is the greatest POWER OF ALL.
    Thank you for your attention. Dharma, thank you for your service. May we gather in unity and oneness of direction so that our work can be done in the perfection of Truth given unto each of us to share. May the blessings of understanding be our reflection in honor and integrity which gives uplift from the mirror of God who gives nothing save perfection unto us.


    I AM --- GERMAIN


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    Default 응답: HUMAN, The science of man.

    CHAPTER 11


    THURSDAY, AUG. 22, 1991 8:22 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 006

    THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 1991

    As we grow in understanding of the physical--please, do not get sidetracked on the sensationalism of "seeing" truth in happenings and exclude the source of the KNOWINGNESS. It is your God knowledge within that is coming forth and every day--every happening--will allow for more and more discernment.

    Moreover, as we move along we will be able to share more and more of the earth happenings with our physical brothers so that we can concentrate more on the next phase of our participation. Re­member, we are not rabble-rousers, we are not activists in the sense of the definition of "activism" and public disobedience. Our ONLY thrust is to urge you ones to get in there and reclaim the power of your Constitution.

    It will appear to all of you that what happened in the Soviet Union was a "good" thing. No, it was a planned confrontation brought about by total deceit--the most deceived were the ones who THOUGHT they had backing. It makes one harken back to the situ­ation in Iraq/Kuwait wherein Iraq was led to believe the world would not interfere at worst and even assist at best.

    This gave the leaders an opportunity to find out who all dissenters are, from political adversaries to military aggressors. It only unified that portion of the New World Order. Note the markets of the world and note that even the doubtful and hesitant helpers of the Soviets are now lined up to give, give and give to the Soviet Dictators foisting off total totalitarian dictatorship as "Democracy". "Republic" was just removed from all association with the govern­ment form. Giving ones a vote when the choice is death by hanging or death by poison is hardly a fair for-the-people way to go. It surely is nice for the One World Dictator, however. You will also note quite easily that the Gorbachev who went on vacation is NOT the one who returned.

    Oh, I think with such a "scare" that Bush will get just about everything he asks for from you people and the puppets in Washington. I hope you have noted that the major rise on the stock markets is in the areas of defense industry. All of this when the newly unem­ployed (registered) last week increased an additional 22,000--that means "increase from the prior week" so you are talking some 200,000 NEWLY (in one week) unemployed. You already have millions out of work and an already decreasing in welfare expendi­tures for the already millions on the rolls.

    So, what do I suggest? Do all you can without any civil disobe­dience to retain and reclaim your constitutional laws and build what you can for a period of real hardship and an assault against the over­population of the world.

    What happened to Yeltsin? Please, chelas, now we all know what happened to that gentleman--remember, he too, was missing for sev­eral weeks within the past months--except for OLD pictures of the man--the world did not see this great leader of the multitudes of Rus­sia who had formerly backed everything except Gorbachev and the new regime. You must look at the whole of a symphony to under­stand the various refrains of same. The groundwork for this circum­stance was laid long, long ago. You must see that your world is lining up on the side of the physical projection and not on the side of good.

    God wins, precious ones. It is only that you are not yet truly aware of what that means, so we must continue with the lessons until you do, for the pendulum always swings in reverse cycle and what we leave written will be the rule book for another journey at another experience. Let us say it in this manner: "You are sent to give the spacecraft schedules and inform as to that which the ticket aboard costs and it is not a journey at this time in evolution to be martyrs but, rather, a time of physical participation in the leaving of Truth". We have no wish to have the books burned nor any such sensation­alism. We would like to see you prosper through good and proper business and especially through a time of depressed society. We de­sire the example to be one of "desire to follow"--not dread of pain and agony. Let us get our balance fulcrum stable upon God and we shall be fine.

    We have the solution for many of the current problems for you ones in this place--within the society and utilizing all that we advocate AND having security and foodstuffs, as example. Oberli heard me and will share. This is a time of self-responsibility and creative thinking wherein all MUST participate. So be it.

    I turn over the forum to Germain so that we can get some work done on our proper task today for the day is again shortened for the writ­ing because of need for a meeting. Let us ever be loving, gracious, generous, kind and compassionate one with another. This becomes most difficult as the bombardment of the physical impacts come upon you--but if we cannot reflect these things of God, then how can the world?

    Probably in the next few EXPRESSES I shall choose to go back and give you scenarios from past planning and experiences such as what was done with the MX missiles in prior world attempts for nuclear war. If you have paid any attention to the carriers you will have seen, RIGHT NOW, MX missiles all over the United States on the move. The carriers are usually just boxcars with huge slab sides and a top shaped like a "barn" roof. They are usually painted a typical brown or gray with few, if any, markings on the outside. They are, however, set so that when the train is halted and the trigger pulled, the sides blast off and the missile is raised to launch angle and would be launched directly from the location aboard the train.

    This can be most uncomfortable if one or more of those missiles are launched from a town because the adversary has his missiles tracked to pinpoint yours--even the ones in motion. Every one has a Cosmo-sphere or two in attendance and this kind of confrontation can cer­tainly cause a bit of discomfort to the township involved. It is truly time to get informed.

    The next plan for you of America is to work out a little scheme with the Russians to allow the Cosmospheres to give you a few demonstrations and call them space-origined from your unfriendly aliens. This is WHY Cooper is so prodded to continue the facade of "little gray aliens" and scatter more and wilder lies about all the people in­volved in getting to the actual truth of aliens.

    Further, there may come a time when briefly we will have to discontinue personal contact of this nature for your protection. That does not mean that anything will change--God goes nowhere. However, ones of the adversary's troops are lining up to blast our mate­rial and PROVE the presence of these "little grays" holding your government hostage. The protection will only be increased for you ones of God, so relax and enjoy the show--regardless of that which you are doing it should be done in LOVE and Joy. There are still some real surprises in store for the adversary and his troops from the Lighted Realms of Source and I don't think any of you want to miss it! Perhaps it may be time for G.G. to contact some of his old acquaintances who have also been threatened by this speaker, liter­ally, with death threats.

    I believe that you will find your audiences changing greatly but we are most appreciative of those which served as launch pads and we are indeed grateful. You are just about to begin some really excel­lent sessions and we honor our enemies who give us press. There is no facade involved; America is the chosen place of God and it is time to reclaim it so that the ones remaining can grow into proper perception as the world recovers and plays out its course of life be­fore rest. But the order of societal structure under God, as your na­tion was idealistically projected, yet never actually experienced for evil against brother was present from onset, shall be again set as example.

    Can it be? Of course, it has been just such massive changes in all past periods of civilization growth. While the nations sort of their friends and foes within and without--so too, does God. There is however, a large difference, HE does not watch that which the lips say--of any individual--but rather, that which the heart speaks. Man will, if uninformed or for whatever purpose, usually follow the masses which is often most unwise indeed while the heart is saying quite a different thing. Physical stupidity is not necessarily a favor to God for it most often means--in the event of purges--less bodies to serve God.

    You are not placed there to fight wars--remember? Wars are not of God! Yours is to bring the WORD as promised and live with intent of God so that you are AVAILABLE for transition, etc. You do not set yourselves aside in anything beyond that which is in your Constitution. Suicide is not a very honorable thing in most instances so let us always act with wisdom in all circumstances.


    Germain and I have conferred here, and it is agreed that I shall do the remainder of the subject of the Humanist Ideal and Pro­gramming. This is an excellent place to insert the information in the JOURNAL in writing and also you may wish to include it in EX­PRESS material.


    I see no point in great further discussion for I believe the material
    speaks better for itself. I will only remind you as you begin this input that GLOBALISM MEANS THE DEMISE OF AMERICA AND HENCE, THE WORLD.

    I shall ask, Dharma, that you take this in duplication for I need no expression beyond the material physical aspect in which it was originally given and then, as updated sequentially. I believe you will see that the plan has worked to perfection and the adversary is in control of the human manifestation and has trapped the Souls within. That is the freedom of which we speak--the physical is not important other than as a vehicle for use in experience--'tis the soul in prison to the physical which in every experience is but fleeting. Let us quote a little brief statement made by one, Khrushchev, who said the fol­lowing in one of his sessions of "remembering": I suppose you could say my political education began during my boyhood in the lit­tle village of Kalinovka where I was born. My schoolteacher there was a woman named Lydia Shchevchenko. She was a revolutionary. She was also an atheist. She instilled in me my first political con­sciousness and began to counteract the effects of my strict religious upbringing. My mother was very religious, likewise her father--my grandfather--who as a serf had been conscripted to the Tsarist Army for twenty-five years. When I think back to my childhood, I can re­member vividly the saints on the icons against the wall of our wooden hut, their faces darkened by fumes from the oil lamps. I re­member being taught to kneel and pray in front of the icons with the grown-ups in church. When we were taught to read, we read the scriptures. But Lydia Shchevchenko set me on a path which took me away from all that.

    Do you see? Neither is right. The child thought only the prayer was to the icon and the lie was visible. The lie is the living example of that lie for that is all the "senses" can absorb.

    It is difficult to sit and compile some sort of a list to alert ones to the problem for the humanist educationists have been infiltrating their ideas and techniques into the system for so long that they have completely displaced the traditional academic methods and curriculum. In addition, you have "bought into" their philosophy and methodol­ogy to such an extent that you find yourselves bankrupt for other ways to teach. You have now passed enough generations that there are indeed only a tiny few teachers who can recall anything different in the school system. In a sense, chelas, we are starting all over again and the material we bring seems new and radical. It is our duty to present it to you for history shall be documented for the gen­erations to come forth.


    The time has come for widespread recognition of the radical changes in religious beliefs throughout the modern world. The time is past for mere revision of traditional attitudes. Science and economic change have disrupted the old beliefs. Religions the world over are under the necessity of coming to terms with new conditions created by a vastly increased knowledge and experience. In every field of human activity, the vital movement is now in the direction of a can­did and explicit humanism. In order that religious humanism may be better understood we, the undersigned, desire to make certain affir­mations which we believe the facts of our contemporary life demon­strate.

    There is great danger of a final, and we believe fatal, identification of the word religion with doctrines and methods which have lost their significance and which are powerless to solve the problem of human living in the Twentieth Century. Religions have always been means for realizing the highest values of life. Their end has been accomplished through the interpretation of the total environing situa­tion (theology or world view), the sense of values resulting there­from (goal or ideal), and the technique (cult) established for realizing the satisfactory life. A change in any of these factors results in al­teration of the outward forms of religion. This fact explains the changefulness of religions through the centuries. But through all changes religion itself remains constant in its quest for abiding val­ues, an inseparable feature of human life.

    Today man's larger understanding of the universe, his scientific achievements, and his deeper appreciation of brotherhood, have cre­ated a situation which requires a new statement of the means and purposes of religion. Such a vital, fearless, and frank religion capa­ble of furnishing adequate social goals and personal satisfactions may appear to many people as a complete break with the past. While this age does owe a vast debt to traditional religions, it is none the less obvious that any religion that can hope to be a synthesizing and dynamic force for today must be shaped for the needs of this age. To establish such a religion is a major necessity of the present. It is a responsibility which rests upon this generation...

    First: Religious humanists regard the universe as self-existing and not created.

    Second: Humanism believes that man is a part of nature and that he has emerged as the result of a continuous process.

    Third: Holding an organic view of life, humanists find that the traditional dualism of mind and body must be rejected.

    Fourth: Humanism recognizes that man's religious culture and civilization, as clearly depicted by anthropology and history, are the product of a gradual development due to his in­teraction with his natural environment and with his social heritage. The individual born into a particular culture is largely molded to that culture.

    Fifth: Humanism asserts that the nature of the universe depicted by modern science makes unacceptable any supernatural or cosmic guarantees of human values. Obviously humanism does not deny the possibility of realities as yet undiscovered, but it does insist that the way to determine the existence and value of any and all realities is by means of intelligent inquiry and by the assessment of their relation to human needs. Reli­gion must formulate its hopes and plans in the light of the sci­entific spirit and method.

    Sixth: We are convinced that the time has passed for theism, deism, modernism, and the several varieties of "new thought".

    Seventh: Religion consists of those actions, purposes, and expe­riences which are humanly significant. Nothing human is alien to the religious. It includes labor, art, science, philoso­phy, love, friendship, recreation--all that is in its degree ex­pressive of intelligently satisfying human living. The distinc­tion between the sacred and the secular can no longer be maintained.

    Eighth: Religious humanism considers the complete realization of human personality to be the end of man's life and seeks its development and fulfillment in the here and now. This is the explanation of the humanist's social passion.

    Ninth: In place of the old attitudes involved in worship and prayer the humanist finds his religious emotions expressed in a heightened sense of personal life and in a cooperative effort to promote social well-being.

    Tenth: It follows that there will be no uniquely religious emo­tions and attitudes of the kind hitherto associated with belief in the supernatural.

    Eleventh: Man will learn to face the crises of life in terms of his knowledge of their naturalness and probability. Reasonable and manly attitudes will be fostered by education and sup­ported by custom. We assume that humanism will take the path of social and mental hygiene and discourage sentimental and unreal hopes and wishful thinking.

    Twelfth: Believing that religion must work increasingly for joy in living, religious humanists aim to foster the creative in man and to encourage achievements that add to the satisfactions of life.

    Thirteenth: Religious humanism maintains that all associations and institutions exist for the fulfillment of human life. The in­telligent evaluation, transformation, control and direction of such associations and institutions with a view to the enhance­ment of human life is the purpose and program of humanism. Certainly religious institutions, their ritualistic forms, ecclesi­astical methods, and communal activities must be recon­stituted as rapidly as experience allows, in order to function effectively in the modern world.

    Fourteenth: The humanists are firmly convinced that the existing acquisitive and profit-motivated society has shown itself to be inadequate and that a radical change in methods, controls, and motives must be instituted. A socialized and cooperative economic order must be established to the end that the equi­table distribution of the means of life be possible. The goal of humanism is a free and universal society in which people vol­untarily and intelligently cooperate for the common good. Humanists demand a shared life in a shared world.

    Fifteenth and last: We assert that humanism will: (a) affirm life rather than deny it; (b) seek to elicit the possibilities of life, not flee from it; and (c) endeavor to establish the conditions of a satisfactory life for all, not merely for the few. By this posi­tive morale and intention humanism will be guided, and from this perspective and alignment the techniques and efforts of humanism will flow.

    So stand the thesis of religious humanism. Though we consider the religious forms and ideas of our fathers no longer adequate, the quest for the good life is still the central task for mankind. Man is at last becoming aware that he alone is responsible for the realization of the world of his dreams, that he has within himself the power for its achievement. He must set intelligence and will to the task.


    J.A.C. Fagginer Auer, E. Burdette Backus, Harry Elmer Barnes, L.M. Birkhead, Raymond B. Bragg, Edwin Arthur Burtt, Ernest Caldecott, A.J. Carlson, John Dewey, Albert C. Dieffenbach, John H. Dietrich, Bernard Fantus, William Floyd, F.H. Hankins, A. Eustace Haydon, Llewellyn Jones, Robert Morss Lovett, Harold P. Marley, R. Lester Mondale, Charles Francis Potter, John IIerman Randall, Jr. and Curtis W. Reese.


    Now, as you read over this which was projected in 1933 you will not find great and magnificent gaps in growth and truth of the situation which was already under way. It was the beginning of integration with the Communist Manifesto and Protocols of the Zionist Elders of Wisdom. Remember, the Adversary doesn't care how long it takes to get things aligned into his way as long as there is steady growth through three full generations for all that man HAS ARE HIS "SENSES" BY WHICH TO GUIDE HIS DIRECTION. So, let us write on and see how things begin to take on more form. Let us move about forty years forward from 1933 and see about the:



    PREFACE: It is forty years since Humanist Manifesto I appeared. Events since then make that earlier statement far too optimistic. Naziism has shown the depths of brutality of which humanity is ca­pable. Other totalitarian regimes have suppressed human rights without ending poverty. Science has sometimes brought evil as well as good. Recent decades have shown that inhuman wars can be made in the name of peace. The beginnings of police states, even in democratic societies, widespread government espionage, and other abuses of power by military, political and industrial elites, and the continuance of unyielding racism, all present a different and difficult social outlook. In various societies, the demands of women and mi­nority groups for equal rights effectively challenge our generation.

    As we approach the twenty-first century, however, an affirmative and hopeful vision is needed. Faith, commensurate with advancing knowledge, is also necessary. In the choice between despair and hope, humanists respond in this Humanist Manifesto II with a posi­tive declaration for times of uncertainty.

    As in 1933, humanists still believe that traditional theism, especially faith in the prayer-hearing God, assumed to love and care for per­sons, to hear and understand their prayers and to be able to do something about them, is an unproven and outmoded faith. Salva­tionism based on more affirmation, still appears as harmful, divert­ing people with false hopes of heaven hereafter. Reasonable minds look to other means for survival.

    Those who sign Humanist Manifesto II disclaim that they are setting forth a binding credo; their individual views would be stated in widely varying ways. This statement is, however, reaching for vi­sion in a time that needs direction. It is social analysis in an effort at consensus. New statements should be developed to supersede this, but for today it is our conviction that humanism offers an alternative that can serve present-day needs and guide humankind toward the future. Signed:

    PAUL KURTS, Editor; EDWIN H. WILSON, Editor Emeritus

    The next century can be and should be the humanistic century. Dramatic scientific, technological, and ever-accelerating social and political changes crowd our awareness. We have virtually con­quered the planet, explored the moon, overcome the natural limits of travel and communication: we stand at the dawn of a new age; ready to move farther into space and perhaps inhabit other planets. Using technology wisely, we can control our environment, conquer poverty, markedly reduce disease, extend our life span, significantly modify our behavior, alter the course of human evolution and cul­tural development, unlock vast new powers, and provide humankind with unparalleled opportunity...

    The future is, however, filled with dangers. In learning to apply the scientific method to nature and human life, we have opened the door to ecological damage, overpopulation, dehumanizing institutions, totalitarian repression, and nuclear and biochemical disaster. Faced with apocalyptic prophesies and doomsday scenarios, many flee in despair from reason and embrace irrational cults and theologies of withdrawal and retreat.

    Traditional moral codes and newer irrational cults both fail to meet the pressing need of today and tomorrow. False "theologies of hope" and messianic ideologies, substituting new dogmas for old, cannot cope with existing world realities. They separate rather than unite peoples.

    Humanity, to survive, requires bold and daring measures. We need to extend the uses of scientific method, not renounce them, to fuse reason with compassion in order to build constructive social and moral values.

    Confronted by many possible futures, we must decide which to pursue. The ultimate goal should be the fulfillment of the potential for
    growth in each human personality--not for the favored few, but for all of humankind. Only a shared world and global measures will suffice.

    A humanist outlook will tap the creativity of each human being and provide the vision and courage for us to work together. This out­look emphasizes the role human beings can play in their own spheres of action. The decades ahead call for dedicated, clear-minded men and women able to marshal the will, intelligence, and cooperative skills for shaping a desirable future. Humanism can provide the purpose and inspiration that so many seek; it can give personal meaning and significance to human life.

    Many kinds of humanism exist in the contemporary world. The va­rieties and emphasis of naturalistic humanism include "scientific", "ethical", "democratic", "religious", and "Marxist" humanism. Free thought, atheism, agnosticism, skepticism, deism, rationalism, ethical culture, and liberal religion all claim to be heir to the humanist tradition. Humanism traces its roots from ancient China, classical Greece and Rome, through the Renaissance and the En­lightenment, to the scientific revolution of the modern world. But views that merely reject theism are not equivalent to humanism. They lack commitment to the positive belief in the possibilities of hu­man progress and to the values central to it. Many within religious groups, believing in the future of humanism, now claim humanist credentials. Humanism is an ethical process through which we all can move, above and beyond the divisive particulars, heroic per­sonalities, dogmatic creeds, and ritual customs of past religions or their mere negation.

    We affirm a set of common principles that can serve as a basis for united action--positive principles relevant to the present human con­dition. They are a design for a secular society on a planetary scale.

    For these reasons, we submit this new Humanist Manifesto for the future of humankind; for us, it is a vision of hope, a direction for satisfying survival.


    First: In the best sense, religion may inspire dedication to the high­est ethical ideals. The cultivation of moral devotion and creative imagination is an expression of genuine "spiritual" experience and aspiration.

    We believe, however, that traditional dogmatic or authoritarian religions that place revelation, God, ritual, or creed above human needs and experience do a disservice to the human species. Any account of nature should pass the tests of scientific evidence; in our judgment, the dogmas and myths of traditional religions do not do so. Even at this late mandate in human history, certain elementary facts based upon the critical use of scientific reason have to be restated. We find insufficient evidence for belief in the existence of a supernatural; it is either meaningless or irrelevant to the question of the survival and fulfillment of the human race. As non-theists, we begin with humans not God, nature not deity. Nature may indeed be broader and deeper than we now know; any new discoveries, however, will but enlarge our knowledge of the natural.
    Some humanists believe we should reinterpret traditional religions and reinvest them with meanings appropriate to the current situation. Such redefinitions, however, often perpetuate old dependencies and escapisms; they easily become obscurantist, impeding the free use of the intellect. We need, instead, radically new human purposes and goals.

    We appreciate the need to preserve the best ethical teachings in reli­gious traditions of humankind, many of which we share in common. But we reject those features of traditional religious morality that deny humans a full appreciation of their own potentialities and responsibilities. Traditional religions often offer solace to humans, but, as often, they inhibit humans from helping themselves or experiencing their full potentialities. Such institutions, creeds, and rituals often impede the will to serve others. Too often traditional faiths encourage dependence rather than independence, obedience rather than affirmation, fear rather than courage. More recently they have generated concerned social action, with many signs of relevance ap­pearing in the wake of the "God Is Dead" theologies. But we can discover no divine purpose or providence for the human species. While there is much that we do not know, humans are responsible for what we are or will become. No deity will save us; we must save ourselves.

    [Hatonn: As we move through here, please take note of the most subtle use of that which is TRUTH and swinging it into a negative aspect in practice. This is not the concept of "save self" that is TRUTH; this a full intent to separate the human from God in to­tal.]

    Second: Promises of immortal salvation or fear of eternal damnation
    are both illusory and harmful. They distract humans from present concerns, from self-actualization, and from rectifying social injus­tices. Modern science discredits such historic concepts as the "ghost in the machine" and the "separable soul". Rather, science affirms that the human species is an emergence from natural evolutionary forces. As far as we know, the total personality is a function of the biological organism transacting in a social and cultural context. There is no credible evidence that life survives the death of the body. We continue to exist in our progeny and in the way that our lives have influenced others in our culture.

    Traditional religions are surely not the only obstacles to human progress. Other ideologies also impede human advance. Some forms of political doctrine, for instance, function religiously, re­flecting the worst features of orthodoxy and authoritarianism, espe­cially when they sacrifice individuals on the altar of Utopian promises. Purely economic and political viewpoints, whether capi­talist or communist, often function as religious and ideological dogma. Although humans undoubtedly need economic and political goals, they also need creative values by which to live.


    Third: We affirm that moral values derive their source from human experience. Ethics is autonomous and situational, needing no theological or ideological sanction. Ethics stems from human need and interest. To deny this distorts the whole basis of life. Human life has meaning because we create and develop our futures. Happiness and the creative realization of human needs and desires, individually and in shared enjoyment, are continuous themes of humanism. We strive for the good life, here and now.

    The goal is to pursue life's enrichment despite debasing forces of vulgarization, commercialization, bureaucratization, and de­humanization.

    Fourth: Reason and intelligence are the most effective instruments that humankind possess. There is no substitute; neither faith nor passion suffices in itself. The controlled use of scientific methods, which has transformed the natural and social sciences since the Re­naissance, must be extended further in the solution of human prob­lems. But reason must be tempered by humility, since no group has a monopoly of wisdom or virtue. Nor is there any guarantee that all problems can be solved or all questions answered. Yet critical intel­ligence, infused by a sense of human caring is the best method that humanity has for resolving problems. Reason should be balanced with compassion and empathy and the whole person fulfilled. Thus, we are not advocating the use of scientific intelligence independent of or in opposition to emotion, for we believe in the cultivation of feeling and love. As science pushes back the boundary of the known, man's sense of wonder is continually renewed, and art, po­etry, and music find their places, along with religion and ethics.


    Fifth: The preciousness and dignity of the individual person is a central humanist value. Individuals should be encouraged to realize their own creative talents and desires. We reject all religious, ideo­logical, or moral codes that denigrate the individual, suppress free­dom, dull intellect, dehumanize personality. We believe in maxi­mum individual autonomy consonant with social responsibility. Al­though science can account for the causes of behavior, the possibili­ties of individual freedom of choice exist in human life and should be increased.

    Sixth: In the area of sexuality, we believe that intolerant attitudes, often cultivated by orthodox religions and puritanical cultures, un­duly repress sexual conduct. The right to birth control, abortion, and divorce should be recognized. While we do not approve of ex­ploitive, denigrating forms of sexual expression, neither do we wish to prohibit, by law or social sanction, sexual behavior between con­senting adults. The many varieties of sexual exploration should not in themselves be considered "evil". Without countenancing mindless permissiveness or unbridled promiscuity, a civilized society should be a tolerant one. Short of harming others or compelling them to do likewise, individuals should be permitted to express their sexual proclivities and pursue their life-styles as they desire. We wish to culti­vate the development of a responsible attitude toward sexuality, in which humans are not exploited as sexual objects, and in which inti­macy, sensitivity, respect, and honesty in interpersonal relations are encouraged. Moral education for children and adults is an important way of developing awareness and sexual maturity.

    Seventh: To enhance freedom and dignity the individual must experience a full range of civil liberties in all societies. This includes freedom of speech and the press, political democracy, the legal right of opposition to governmental policies, fair judicial process, reli­gious liberty, freedom of association, and artistic, scientific, and cultural freedom. It also includes a recognition of an individual's right to die with dignity, euthanasia, and the right to suicide. We oppose the increasing invasion of privacy, by whatever means, in both totalitarian and democratic societies. We would safeguard, ex­tend, and implement the principles of human freedom evolved from the Magna Carta to the Bill of Rights of Man, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

    Eighth: We are committed to an open and democratic society. We must extend participatory democracy in its true sense to the econ­omy, the school, the family, the workplace, and voluntary associa­tions. Decision-making must be decentralized to include widespread involvement of people at all levels--social, political, and economic. All persons should have a voice in developing the values and goals that determine their lives. Institutions should be responsive to ex­pressed desires and needs. The conditions of work, education, de­votion, and play should be humanized. Alienating forces should be modified or eradicated and bureaucratic structures should be held to a minimum. People are more important than decalogues, rules, pro­scriptions, or regulations.

    Ninth: The separation of church and state and the separation of ide­ology and state are imperatives. The state should encourage maxi­mum freedom for different moral, political, religious, and social values in society. It should not favor any particular religious bodies through the use of public monies, nor espouse a single ideology and function thereby as an instrument of propaganda or oppression, par­ticularly against dissenters.

    Tenth: Humane societies should evaluate economic systems not by rhetoric or ideology, but by whether or not they increase economic well-being for all individuals and groups, minimize poverty and hardship, increase the sum of human satisfaction, and enhance the quality of life. Hence the door is open to alternative economic sys­tems. We need to democratize the economy and judge it by its responsiveness to human needs, testing results in terms of the common good.

    Eleventh: The principle of moral equality must be furthered through elimination of all discrimination based upon race, religion, sex, age, or national origin. This means equality of opportunity and recogni­tion of talent and merit. Individuals should be encouraged to con­tribute to their own betterment. If unable, then society should provide means to satisfy their basic economic, health and cultural needs, including, wherever resources make possible, a minimum guaranteed annual income. We are concerned for the welfare of the aged, the infirm, the disadvantaged, and also for the outcasts--the mentally retarded, abandoned, or abused children, the handicapped, prison­ers, and addicts--for ALL who are neglected or ignored by society. Practicing humanists should make it their vocation to humanize per­sonal relations.

    We believe in the right to universal education. Everyone has a right to the cultural opportunity to fulfill his or her unique capacities and talents. The schools should foster satisfying and productive living. They should be open in all levels to any and all, the achievement of excellence should be encouraged. Innovative and experimental forms of education are to be welcomed. The energy and idealism of the young deserve to be appreciated and channeled to constructive purposes.

    We deplore racial, religious, ethnic, or class antagonisms. Although we believe in cultural diversity and encourage racial and ethnic pride, we reject separations which promote alienation and set people and groups against each other; we envision an integrated community where people have a maximum opportunity for free and voluntary association.

    We are critical of sexism or sexual chauvinism--male or female. We believe in equal rights for both women and men to fulfill their unique careers and potentialities as they see fit, free of invidious discrimi­nation.


    Twelfth: We deplore the division of humankind on nationalistic grounds. We have reached a turning point in human history where the best option is to transcend the limits of national sovereignty and move toward the buildingof a world communitybased upon transnational federal government. This would appreciate cultural pluralism and diversity. It could not exclude pride in national ori­gins and accomplishments nor the handling of regional problems on a regional basis. Human progress, however, can no longer be achieved by focusing on one section of the world. Western or East­ern, developed or underdeveloped, for the first time in human his­tory, no part of humankind can be isolated from any other. Each person's future is in some way linked to all. We thus reaffirm a commitment to the building of a world community, at the same time recognizing that this commits us to some hard choices.
    Thirteenth: This world community must renounce the resort to violence and force as a method of solving international disputes. We believe in the peaceful adjudication of differences by international courts and by the development of the arts of negotiation and compromise. War is obsolete. So is the use of nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons. It is a planetary imperative to reduce the level of military expenditures and turn these savings to peaceful and people-oriented uses.

    Fourteenth: The world community must engage in cooperative planning concerning the use of rapidly depleting resources. The planet Earth must be considered a single ecosystem. Ecological damage, resource depletion, and excessive population growth must be checked by international concord. The cultivation and conserva­tion of nature is a moral value; we should perceive ourselves as inte­gral to the sources of our being in nature. We must free our world from needless pollution and waste, responsibly guarding and creating wealth, both natural and human. Exploitation of natural resources, uncurbed by social conscience, must end.

    Fifteenth: The problems of economic growth and development can no longer be resolved by one nation alone; they are worldwide in scope. It is the moral obligation of the developed nations to provide--through an international authority that safeguards human rights--massive technical, agricultural, medical and economic assistance, in­cluding birth control techniques to the developing portions of the globe. World poverty must cease. Hence extreme disproportions in wealth, income, and economic growth should be reduced on a worldwide basis.

    Sixteenth: Technology is a vital key to human progress and development. We deplore any neo-romantic efforts to condemn indiscriminately all technology and science or to counsel retreat from its further extension and use for the good of humankind. We would resist any moves to censor basic scientific research on moral, political, or social grounds. Technology must, however, be carefully judged by the consequences of its use; harmful and destructive changes should be avoided. We are particularly disturbed when technology and bureaucracy control, manipulate, or modify human beings with­out their consent. Technological feasibility does not imply social or cultural desirability.

    Seventeenth: We must expand communication and transportation across frontiers. Travel restrictions must cease. The world must be open to diverse political, ideological, and moral viewpoints and evolve a worldwide system of television and radio for information and education. We thus call for full international cooperation in culture, science, the arts, and technology across ideological borders. We must learn to live openly together or we shall perish together.


    In closing: The world cannot wait for a reconciliation of competing political or economic systems to solve its problems. These are the times for men and women of good will to further the building of a peaceful and prosperous world. We urge that parochial loyalties and inflexible moral and religious ideologies be transcended. We urge recognition of the common humanity of all people. We further urge the use of reason and compassion to produce the kind of world we want--a world in which peace, prosperity, freedom, and happiness are widely shared. Let us not abandon that vision in despair or cow­ardice. We are responsible for what we are or will be. Let us work together for a humane world by means commensurate with humane ends. Destructive ideological differences among communism, capi­talism, socialism, conservatism, liberalism, and radicalism should be overcome. Let us call for an end to terror and hatred. We will sur­vive and prosper only in a world of shared humane values. We can initiate new directions for humankind; ancient rivalries can be super­seded by broad-based cooperative efforts. The commitment to tol­erance, understanding, and peaceful negotiation does not necessitate revolutionary forces. The true revolution is occurring and can con­tinue in countless non-violent adjustments. But this entails the will­ingness to step forward onto new and expanding plateaus. At the present juncture of history, commitment to all humankind is the highest commitment of which we are capable; it transcends the nar­row allegiances of church, state, party, class, or race in moving to­ward a wider vision of human potentiality. What more daring a goal for humankind than for each person to become, in ideal as well as practice, a citizen of a world community. It is a classical vision; we can now give it new vitality. Humanism thus interpreted is a moral force that has time on its side. We believe that humankind has the potential intelligence, good will, and cooperative skill to implement this commitment in the decades ahead.
    We, the undersigned, while not necessarily endorsing every detail of the above, pledge our general support to Humanist Manifesto II for the future of humankind. These affirmations are not a final credo or dogma but an expression of a living and growing faith. We invite others in all lands to join us in further developing and working for these goals.

    [The listed signers will be herein deleted but can be made available. There are three pages in the list and it is very time and space con­suming to list them all.]




    Dharma, there is no time to continue this at this sitting. However, before this goes to press we must add the checklist in analysis of the traditional belief system of Biblical Law (as presented, suffices) ver­sus the comprehensive belief system of Humanism. You will find it interesting if nothing more.

    You must understand that I get loads of nasty slings and arrows from ones who say, "Well, alright for the Communists, the Protocols and those sorts of things--WE have come up with the perfect answer--The Humanist Teachings".


    I need to have the floor briefly at this afternoon's meeting for there is serious intent to begin right away to utilize the Cosmospheres in an attempt to bring the whole world into unity in defense of the planet. This is WHY ones like Cooper must get more and more ag­gressive and excessive in denouncement of Truth. This is to be the unifying thrust now, into one world control (against a common en­emy which is already invented and ready for the presentation). This roller-coaster is just about to pick up speed and become even more interesting. Cooper is sent forth on a mission of disinformation re­garding aliens and it is my objection to his conclusions which is causing him to react so incredibly foolishly--the time is upon you and he knows it. He must act rapidly, even if it requires outright lies, to maintain attention. Yes, I believe, George, that it is time to bring the true questioners of the alien command into some attention. What they plan to do to bring you into belief and control is horrendous in­deed. Thank you for a long session, Dharma--but "time" grows so short.
    PJ 36
    CHAPTER 12


    FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, 1991 8:26 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 007

    FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, 1991


    Ah, children--beloved and wondrous. You demand "proof"? What gives you proof? Let me help you--proof is that which comes with KNOWING "within". You are in a time in increased illusion where a holograph scene can literally be placed on your balcony by your own beam system. You must understand, little ones, that we are sent forth from God to assist if we can. Our purpose is to set TRUTH out of the lies to allow you to fashion TRUTH for self and thus have "proof". Some of the brothers come aboard our craft have been birthed and matured aboard the craft while awaiting our need for service unto you for the higher "brothers" grow in their own progression by that service unto you. In the finer/higher frequency physical expression the knowledge is greater and it is their responsi­bility to be your guides--this is WHY the information is coming from the level of KNOWING in the Pleiadian Constellation for they ARE you--your ancestors. Ones come from all over the firmament but the human species as you recognize form--is from the Constellation of Pleiades and those of you grown in Knowledge and yet not fulfilled in KNOWING to be literally in the oneness with God--will be brought home again--to Pleiades. God went forth to prepare a place for you and so He did. BUT NO EVIL INTENT WILL BE AL­LOWED IN THAT PLACEMENT. IF THE INTENT REMAINS IN EVIL DIRECTION AGAINST THE LAWS AS LAID FORTH BY GOD AND THE CREATION, PLACEMENT WILL BE ELSEWHERE IN SUITABLE LOCATION TO MEET THE FUR­THER GROWING OF YOUR BEING--INDIVIDUAL BY INDI­VIDUAL--NONE OTHER CAN BEAR YOUR LESSONS.

    I tell you that God has sent transportation for you if it needs be and it DOES need be for the Planet is not going to be suitable for life-forms if the activities of present, are continued. You think the Rus­sian situation is settled and you will all live happily ever after? Nay--not so. The stupid facade was to cover the REAL COUP which was under way. The missiles were aimed and ready to fire. The CIVIL WAR IN THE SOVIET UNION IS NOW ABOUT READY TO BEGIN--YOU HAD BETTER CAREFULLY LISTEN TO WHAT MR. GORBACHEV (THIS NEW ONE) IS SAYING. HE HAS NO INTENTION OF LEAVING COMMUNISM. AND WHERE WERE ALL THOSE MILITARY ALLIES? Where WAS the General who NOW heads the military? Oh indeed--you will need some good transportation before it's all over. In addition the government plans to blast a few of your cities and blame space brothers--mark it today for the plan is already UNDER WAY for they can no longer hide the PRESENCE. To discount God they will produce some of these little gray aliens and spacecraft shaped vehi­cles and kill a bunch of your own people.

    The hope is to work a deal with the Russians to utilize the Cosmospheres--but Russia is not so stupid--yet. Note that Russia is still taking out your sensor satellites which monitor nuclear detonations.

    I do give you this--Gorbachev was in bad trouble for his song has only changed since his "return". This functions around Pamyat I and Pamyat II and deals with how the Russian nationalist anti-Bol­shevik forces have been consolidating their strength under the PAMYAT and SOYUZ umbrella. Soyuz is the organization of high-ranking Soviet army officers who joined Pamyat in a struggle to rid the Soviet Union of Bolshevism. This has all been well outlaid to you by one of your own brothers--John Coleman in report after re­port to all who would listen and regularly to consumers who read INSIDER REPORT, WORLD ECONOMIC REVIEW and WORLD INTELLIGENCE REVIEW. How do I know? I know because I know John Coleman and we are bringing him within our umbrella of security at this very moment. It really IS NOT so bad to be associ­ated with GOD and TRUTH.

    This Gorbachev that is speaking to the world after his horrible "ordeal" is not the Gorbachev which was on vacation. So, you had better look again, world--you are closer to war than you can imagine in your wildest dreams. While a coup was planned and your bunch sidetracked and turned it into a world farce--the real coup took place in high places--it is all done except for the blood letting and that will come when you least expect it!

    Proof? I need prove NOTHING to any of you. Why do you desire that I prove something to YOU? Why do you not make the ones who feed you lies--PROVE SOMETHING TO YOU? Why do you not make them show you a place in the "good book" that even men­tions the word "Rapture"? Oh, you say, well, it was mistranslated? Oh? What are you going to do up there in the clouds? They will be radioactive, surely you know!

    Well, why would a coup be thwarted or changed or anything? Be­cause your Congress is on vacation and a budget is coming and ev­erything dirty has to be done while Congress is asleep. So, in a few words--Bush wants to conclude a big sell-out of United States secu­rity before Gorbachev is toppled. The CFR knows that when the Soviet military takes over Russia, there will be a far lesser chance of rapidly bringing about the much desired One World Government. Bush believes that the top leaders of the Soviet Union will keep their promises and the hope of the New World Elite is that the Soviet Armed Forces will be bound by agreements signed at the summit. You are trapped, why not Russia?

    Even your non-news press and media are beginning to grumble that there is rotten fish afoot in all this maneuvering and while you are all buying Gorby dolls and shouting how wonderful it all is--the enemy is working as fast as they can and you keep trying to launch a sensor satellite so you can blast these poor souls into oblivion--BUT, THEY HAVE EXCELLENT SURVIVAL SHELTERS (YOU DO NOT!) AND THEY HAVE EVERY MISSILE PINPOINTED AND A RE­TALIATION MISSILE AIMED--EVERY SITE WHERE THERE IS AN MX MISSILE WILL GET "IT". Russia does not want to sign these treaties because they have a dandy space capable system that will bring the payload to your door yard and struck or not by defensive missiles--will immediately scatter their own payload which is made up of many nuclear powered/nuclear war-headed scatter mis­siles which can travel in every direction and have independent guid­ance systems. If you intercept one of these to blow it up--you only assist in the distribution of the payload.

    Then why would the Elite start such a war with the Russians? Be­cause they know the ONLY HOPE for anything called "survival" and success, is to have a surprise first strike against them and hope­fully knock out these installations and bases. You won't fare well even if that happens for the Russians have a massive submarine fleet with huge craft that fire many nuclear missiles and THEY SUR­ROUND YOUR NATION OFF SHORE.

    No, dear ones, what you "see" and think YOU can "prove" will be shown as illusion far too soon for your adequate preparation as a na­tion. The person you watched in Maine was NOT the one who you have "even recently" seen at the Capitol or at Camp David--that one, who heads the rest, was safely tucked away in a bunker city in total security.

    Now, if you ones desire "EARTH TRUTH" of this information from ones with the information--and a continuing source of inside information--FROM EARTH, I ask you to get the above mentioned reports. It will do two things--it will allow you to have truth which you can confirm at your level of understanding and I CAN GET ON WITH OUR WORK OF TELLING YOU ABOUT GOD AND CREATION.

    I will "prove" nothing to anyone and, further, I am going to cease answering the letters which only badger, insult and defame my peo­ple. All of you have total choice of free-will action and belief. I ask you to do nothing, go nowhere nor believe me and/or God. I am simply here to tell you "HOW IT IS", no more and no less. If you think it better to blame evil of 2,000 years past and dump your re­sponsibility and "sins" onto a murdered God--so be it. If you think a nice nest in the floating clouds is the way to go--so be it. I will cer­tainly leave you alone if you will leave mine alone. But remember something--THERE ARE MIGHTY FEW ATHEISTS IN A FOX­HOLE WITH A NUCLEAR BOMB HEADED THEIR WAY! You-the-people have been deceived, lied to and stolen from--from your heritage as an immortal being to your very bank account. Is it not time you looked around?

    Did you not notice them flashing the term: "Armageddon"? These past few days it was in most common use--you see, the planners had planned for a massive blood-bath and the REAL COUP PLANNERS SHUT IT DOWN AND GAVE YOU NO CAUSE TO INVADE. Note also that the whole bunch of playwrights calculated that Sad­dam Hussein would give excuse to bomb him to oblivion, also, and save the face of the ones who have $250 BILLION split with that gentleman and the world wouldn't find out until after the fact when you are hog-tied and cannot do a thing about your national plight!

    I am asking America West to please see what they can do to locate and somehow make available the Insider Report, World Economic Review, and World Intelligence Review as well as all individual "Subject" documents. These MUST be made available to our PHOENIX readers. You need confirmation as the blade comes down across your necks.



    Let me quote from a flash bulletin to the readers of the above men­tioned publications. You of our readers will already have the infor­mation but perhaps you do need a bit of confirmation that I bring TRUTH!

    "....The crisis of dual structure in the USSR has become a full-blown crisis, every effort by the Bolsheviks to stop it having failed... This is what threatens Gorbachev and his cozy relations with the U.S., and particularly with Bush, whom PAMYAT'S Dimitri Vasiliev describes as "the embodiment of a typical Zionist lackey". If Gorbachev does not heed the "advice" of his military men and break with Washington, GORBACHEV WILL BE DITCHED BY THE END OF 1991 OR IN 1992, and the world could be headed for the Third World War...If Gorbachev chooses the latter course, then we can be certain that the Second Russian Revolution, already begun will gather mo­mentum, and this time it will be a genuine Russian revolution.

    "Right now Pamyat and its allies are accusing Gorbachev of restoring the cancers of capitalism, rapid economic growth fol­lowed by inflation, higher prices, unemployment... Certainly the army does not trust Yeltsin, whom one Pamyat member described as 'a self-seeking money-grabbing opportunist who will have to be carefully watched' ".

    The foregoing is only a small portion of the information contained in these Reports. Presidents Bush and Gorbachev knew that the hour was fast approaching where Gorbachev would be ousted, not by "hard line communists" but by Russian nationalist forces. It was critical to Bush to have Gorbachev remain in power to preserve unanimity at the United Nations. The very progress of the One World Government would be threatened if Gorbachev was ousted. The arms treaties would go by the board, especially the critical START treaty. Having seen what Pamyat and Soyuz did to Shevardnadze, Bush ordered the CIA to formulate a plan to counter the impending move to oust Gorbachev. Such a contingency plan was readied shortly before the Group of Seven summit in London.

    This plan called for a pseudo coup to be launched against Gorbachev by "hardline communists". The stage was set for August 20th when the world was informed that Gorbachev had been ousted. The truth is that the CIA was not "caught by surprise", such a statement is patently absurd. Moreover Gorbachev would not have been "ousted" while he was away from the Kremlin. Soviet tradition has it that deposed leaders are seized IN THE KREMLIN. The plan was to glorify Gorbachev who would be hailed as a "savior of the Rus­sian people". His status in resisting the coup would be greatly en­hanced and ensure that nobody in the USSR would ever again be able to challenge him. The second benefit would be that PAMYAT and SOYUZ would be divided by the defection of General Moisiyev to the Gorbachev camp. The head of the KGB, Vladimir Kryuchkov, would be greatly undermined. (The impact of this was lessened by Kryuchkov refusing to go along with the plot). And so the great coup that never was, was sprung upon the people of the world. Un­happily, Gorbachev did not get the bloodshed he wanted, SOYUZ ordered troops not to fire on the people and countermanded Gor­bachev's orders. In this manner, too, Boris Yeltsin's brave resistance lost some of its shine. We have not heard the end of this mat­ter, but for now, Gorbachev emerges as a great hero, the Russian nationalists and "hardliners" are discredited and the New World Or­der is stronger than ever, Yeltsin's status enhanced. But this is only a lull in the storm. Those of you who saw CNN and wondered why Bush's national Security Advisor was grinning so widely as he and his boss entered the White House, now know why!

    [I, Hatonn, interrupt this dissertation prior to the next paragraph because I want to tell you that the plan executed puts you into water so deep and so hot that you should be boiling by now. I want to write the next paragraph and then comment.]

    So well executed was the "coup", that even my expert sources were taken in for a few hours before they let me have these amazing facts. Full details will appear in World Intelligence Review and Insider Re­ports August (3) and (4), which will be mailed out shortly.
    * * *
    The "coup" was NOT well planned and the flaws are blatant. It does seem good enough to dupe most of a world--BUT, what is the outcome is as bad for the world as you can get. Mr. Gorbachev emerges (a new one or a very battered old one) who will put into power the very ones YOUR LEADERS DO NOT WANT IN POWER. He is now programmed to do exactly that and you will see the malcontent in the press and media very quickly now as "Mr. Bush's administration is not happy with the new appointments", etc. But YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT EXCEPT NOW MEET THE BLACKMAIL PAYMENTS--WITH MONEY AND FOOD. WATCH THE "WORLD" RALLY RIGHT OUT OF ENGLAND AND ALL THE UNITED NATIONS--AND "YOU", WHO CAN'T EVEN PAY YOUR UNEMPLOYED WORKERS AND/OR MEET YOUR WELFARE NEEDS. YOU HAVE NEVER BEEN IN A WORSE POSITION THAN THIS DAY, AMERICA--WORLD! WELL, THAT ISN'T SO--IT WILL WORSEN EVERY DAY NOW UNTIL SOMETHING "BLOWS". If you are alive to read this, I suggest you pause and thank God for that blessing!


    I will finish the analysis of the teachings of Humanism against the traditional Biblical system. I am going to quote so do not take all the Biblical teachings or accepted views as higher Source affirmations. This comes right out of a very Earth-based author's book and I do not have space herein to further comment. This portion is taken from a book titled: GLOBALISM America's Demise, by William M. Bowen Jr., Huntington House Inc. (1984). The designation of "Biblical" will be "B" and the designation of "Humanism" will be "H" in efforts to save time and space:


    B: God, creation, morality, the fallen state of man, and the free-enterprise system.

    H: Humanism teaches--total hostile rejection of traditional beliefs and substitution of man, evolution, amorality, basic goodness of man, and one-world system in its place.

    B: God has written His values (the Bible) and if man follows he will be prosperous and have life, (love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, kindness, dependability, goodness and self-control).

    H: Humanism teaches--man to follow his own changing values and be responsible for the consequences of his actions (abortion, illegiti­mate births, lesbianism, homosexuality, murder, hatred, strife, con­tention--in general--let it all hang out). Read Romans 1:22-32.

    B: God has made man in His image--spirit, soul and body to be in fellowship with Him.

    H: Humanism teaches--Man is an animal (soul and body) and needs only to be rightly related with himself.

    B: God is Supreme Being.

    H: Humanism denies existence of God.

    B: God is the Supreme Being, therefore faith and trust are in Him.

    H: Humanism teaches man is Supreme Being, therefore faith and trust is in Man.

    B: God does not change (there is certainty) therefore this system includes law which defines certainty.

    H: Humanism teaches--there is no certainty because there is constant change (evolution), therefore law must be continually changed to the whims of man who is the Supreme Being.

    B: God is a supernatural being, omnipotent (all powerful), om­nipresent (present everywhere), omniscient (knowledge of ev­erything).

    H: Humanism teaches psychic phenomena to give man (Supreme Being) the sense (feeling) of being supernatural.

    B: We have to ultimately answer directly to God for our actions.

    H: Humanism teaches--the individual need answer only to himself. He is his own judge.

    B: Life after Death.

    H: Denies life after death.

    B: Lying is wrong.

    H: Lying is a relative term and therefore doesn't exist if the person thinks it is OK. (The end justifies the means.)

    B: There is a devil (Satan).

    H: Denies existence of a devil (Satan).

    B: God's name should not be profaned.

    H: Humanism allows profaning God's name since it is just an ex­pression. God does not exist.

    B: Man is basically evil, separated from God and God has to deter­mine a set of values for him.

    H: Humanism teaches--Man is basically good and therefore is able to determine his own best values by himself.

    B: The law is the authority that establishes the boundary of conduct.

    H: Humanism teaches--no man need recognize ANY authority beyond himself.

    B: God has freely given, (by grace) the law (so that we might not sin) and Jesus Christ (so that man can be reconciled by God).

    H: Humanism teaches--there is no sin and man needs to be rec­onciled only to himself, (self-actualization, self-realization).

    B: Man is able to receive the benefits of God's grace by faith and enjoy all of its privileges.

    H: Humanism teaches--Man's faith is in himself and he must stand up for his rights over and against others.

    B: Where there is jealousy (suspicion) and strife there is disorder and every evil thing.

    H: Humanism teaches--question the decisions of those in authority (teacher, parents) and role play strife and contention.

    B: God has established an order, a framework, within which there is a governing authority which provides peace and tranquility.

    H: Humanism teaches--Man's peace and tranquility is within himself and therefore he is his own authority.

    B: Men and women are different.

    H: Humanism teaches--men and women are the same.

    B: The family is the basic unit of society. The family has re­sponsibilities to fulfill physical necessities.

    H: Humanism teaches--the individual is the basic unit of society. The society has responsibilities to fulfill the individual's physical ne­cessities.

    B: The legal age of majority is twenty-one years-old.

    H: Humanism teaches--a child is able to determine his own best val­ues at any age. (Efforts are now being made to lower the age of statutory rape to 14 years old.)



    B: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. (Forgiveness is required here.)

    H: Humanism teaches--we are over populated and must stop having babies. (Zero population growth and Planned parenthood.)

    B: Sex is a beautiful relationship between husband wife who have become one flesh.

    H: Sex is a physical animal need that must be gratified in any way that the person deems best.

    B: The sovereignty of each nation to govern itself.

    H: Humanism teaches--one-world system ruled by an intellectual elite. (The Humanists.)

    B: There are absolute rights and wrongs, therefore:
    A. Guilt and shame result when a person does something wrong (sin) according to that which is written (the law).
    B. Forgiveness and/or punishment relieves guilt and shame.

    H: Humanism teaches--there are no absolute rights and wrongs, therefore:
    A. No guilt and shame exist because no one can do any wrong (sin). Wrong (sin) does not exist, therefore guilt and shame should not exist.
    B. No need for forgiveness and/or punishment.

    B: Certain, absolute moral values: Incest is wrong.

    H: Humanism teaches uncertain, amoral values: Incest is OK.

    B: Prostitution is wrong.

    H: Prostitution is OK.

    B: Abortion-on-demand is wrong.

    H: Abortion-on-demand is OK.

    B: Homosexuality (sodomy) is wrong.

    H: Homosexuality (sodomy) is OK.

    B: Lesbianism (sodomy) is wrong.

    H: Lesbianism (sodomy) is OK.

    B: Sex outside marriage (fornication, adultery, etc.) is wrong.

    H: Sex outside marriage (fornication, adultery, etc.) is OK.

    B: Masturbation is wrong.

    H: Masturbation is OK.

    B: Public nudity is wrong.

    H: Public nudity is OK.

    B: Sensuality and sexual intercourse should be in private.

    H: Sensuality and sexual intercourse in public is OK.

    B: Pornography is wrong.

    H: Pornography is OK.

    B: Use of drugs is wrong.

    H: Use of drugs is OK. (Working to change narcotics laws.)

    B: Suicide is wrong.

    H: Suicide is OK and is encouraged.

    B: Killing of old people and sick persons (euthanasia) is wrong.

    H: Killing of old people and sick persons (euthanasia) is OK and is encouraged.

    B: Masochism and sadism is wrong.

    H: Masochism and sadism is OK.

    Continuation of quoting: This is by no means the complete list.

    In Humanist Magazine (Nov. /Dec. 1980) author Riane Eisler says: "It is absurd to say... that one is a humanist but not a femi­nist...feminism is the last evolutionary development of humanism. Feminism is humanism on its most advanced level". Riane Eisler wrote THE EQUAL RIGHTS (ERA) HANDBOOK.

    Karl Marx's own definition of Humanism reads: "Humanism is the denial of God, and the total affirmation of man... Humanism is really nothing else but Marxism"--Karl Marx, ECONOMIC POLITIQUE ET PHILOSOPHIE, VOL. I, PAGES 38-40.

    "Soviet society today is the real embodiment of the ideas of pro­letarian, socialist humanism"--On the Policy of the Soviet Union and the International Situation by Leonid Brezhnev, prepared by the Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, Moscow--Doubleday & Co., Inc., Garden City, N.Y. 1973, page 27.


    Does all this mean that you are going to have to change your at­titudes before God will lift you off your place in time of extreme change? YES. INDEED YES!

    What you are being given in the current PLEIADIAN CONNECTIONS series is the Truth of how life WORKS. You will find that the physical is only related to that which is SENSED. Spiritual is that which is KNOWN. The two are hardly connected except that the physical body is an extension of the eternal Mind--for use of that mind in a physical environment--to serve.

    Attitudes such as those considered "OK" in your slang terminology are simply not acceptable behaviors in the higher experience where the "body physical" is a most unimportant portion of experience. SENSED existence is a very "primal/primitive" state of Being.

    To my beloved writer who feels me to be cruel and harsh because I question that her work is solely that of a projection of Sananda:

    There are many passages which are incorrect and Sananda makes no errors except in the "testing" of the writer. It cannot pass into the public. There is, for instance, where Sananda proclaims that mas­turbation is not only wholesome but necessary. NO, that is an atti­tude of MAN. Is masturbation evil? It depends on the intent! It is certainly NOT SOMETHING MANDATORY TO GOOD HEALTH. I cannot sanction such a projection as coming directly from God for it simply is not so! Does this lessen the writer? NO, only the perception. It is very hard for mankind to come into clarity and accurate perception. Does this make the book evil and the au­thor unworthy? No, it only means that the author is a human and that the book must not be published AS GIVEN DIRECTLY OF GOD--THAT, DEAR ONES, IS WHAT IS INCORRECT ABOUT YOUR BIBLICAL REFERENCES--THEY HAVE BEEN TAMPERED BY MAN TO SUIT THE BELIEF OF MAN.

    Any Earth person can publish anything they please and many are worthy of great note--however, if publishing is IN THE NAME OF DIRECT STATEMENT AND RULES FROM GOD--NO. It, fur­ther, is my responsibility to sort the two. Does this make the human author less my friend? Do I become cast out as a friend because I stop the flow of erroneous material? Would you consider me a friend to allow publication of material which is NOT correct to go forth and the soul of even ONE be misled?

    The point is not in worthiness of either the writing or the person. The point is that no information which deviates to the iota from that which is the Truth of God is not of God directly. Those are errors perpetrated by the rest of us. Moreover, it has naught to do with the subject in point in actuality--it has everything to do with growth and understanding of the author.

    Speaking FOR AND AS DIRECT DISCOURSE FROM GOD (and that is who Sananda IS) can only be brought through a willing non-­participant writer. I say non-participant because it must be someone willing to write that which THEY MAY OR MAY NOT SANC­TION--ACCORDING TO THE LAW, NO PREFERENCE OF HOW YOU WISH IT TO BE OR AS MAN HAS WARPED IT. We are not speaking of afternoon tea time reading material--WE ARE GIVING YOU THE LAWS OF HIGHER PLACEMENT WHEREBY YOU WILL BE ALLOWED TO JOIN THE HIGHER BROTHERS IN SECURITY AND SAFETY--FOR IN THE PLACES PREPARED FOR YOU, LITTLE BROTHERS--YOU WILL FUNCTION BY OUR RULES OR YOU WILL NOT COME ABOARD! THAT IS INCLUSIVE OF PLANETS, STARS, HEAVENLY REALMS AND MY STARSHIP--WHICH BY THE WAY--IS FAR LARGER THAN IS YOUR PLANET EARTH! I care not what YOU think about the "hereafter"--I KNOW what is there and I know about the prepared places and little human of Earth will abide by the Laws as laid forth and practiced by those where and with whom you will be placed--OR, you will be left to your own demise.

    This simply is the way it IS and I cannot change it to suit your hurt feelings or arguments--WHAT IS--IS! WHO ARE YOU TO DE­MAND ANYTHING? So be it--however, your Earth Shan gets in worse and worse condition, run by total chaos and insanity so, if I were you, I would begin to consider these points most carefully in­deed.

    In the Oneness with God, I am Hatonn.

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