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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    Chapter 3


    TUESDAY, JULY 16, 1991 7:16 P.M. YEAR 4, DAY 334


    Obviously the first step to communication with God is to somehow “forget” your body and stop thinking about anything. In other words, move into zero stillness. You need to turn off your senses and become a vacuum insofar as your senses are concerned. Next, you desire mentally to reach the Light. If you could express this desire in words--stop and let that expression have a meaning, but without words. Let it become a realization.

    “Easy for you, Germain,” I hear all of you saying and yes, we may have a go at it and probably will need to produce a tape to use in conjunction with early practice sessions--we will consider that as we move along here. The second step is to STOP WORKING AT THIS! At this point it should be even more obvious that I want you to be able to read--not cut out on me.

    You will, especially at first, find it hard to stop thinking. The harder you try to stop thinking, the more actively you will think! Therefore, just relax and “allow” the thoughts to drift on through--DO NOT HANG ONTO THEM--WE ARE EFFORTING TO CLEAR THE MIND, NOT SOLVE PROBLEMS OR FOCUS ON PROBLEMS.

    Get comfortable and let go--relaxing as much as possible--make this your time. Allow your mind to give “orders” as to that which you desire, i.e., I want to relax, then become alert enough to read with clarity and understanding. Take a nice deep breath and hold it (to a count of about six) and slowly exhale while repeating to yourself--”I am still”. Do this about three times and then just rest a moment while instructing your inner mind to remain relaxed, remain receptive and that with each easy breath you take you are becoming more and more receptive and relaxed.

    As you move along you will probably want the simple tape we made with Dharma for it allows you to have assistance in clearing of self, dark energies, and then allows you to write or read while remaining quite relaxed. A lot of you already have it. At the worst, you will go to sleep and get some rest if nothing more. The main thing is that this is NOT the time to solve your financial problems, the kid’s problems, the world’s problems or tend your cares. You need to use these early sessions as if all the world were already in perfection and you have nothing to do but relax and play this game.

    First you will feel nothing more than a bit of inner relaxation along with the body relaxation. Desire to contact the thought of God and remember--HE is on top of everything and therefore is perpetual universal joy--you must desire to reach that same frequency of pattern and you cannot do it while you dwell on the new tax affixed to “munchies” in California. Release the pounding anger over toxic wastes for a minute and put aside atomic bombs and starving children. You cannot change those things until you can approach them from Creator point of view and that can only be done by viewing from that standpoint. You will note that during this period of relaxation that you find some peace and stillness then the state of inner joyousness will gradually become an immediate response and the more you practice in segments the more permanent characteristic of your nature will this inner peace become. What you are efforting to attain is the acceptance of the negative impacts without bringing on reactions of fear, anger, discouragement, inferiority, envy or jealousy. Just see things for that which they are in objective manner--for you must function with reason and controlled intent--not in reactions based on fear, etc. God is total passion and energy--He is NOT in fear, anger, depression, etc.

    Even if for only this brief respite, your ailments and afflictions will move away from you for they cease to be the “focus” of your attention. If things ARE and you cannot change of them-- you must release them for that which they are and deal as if everything and everyone in the world had identical afflictions--this makes you one of the crowd rather than alone in perception--for actually, if a brother is afflicted you may not realize it--but you too have the affliction. As you begin to focus on God within-- the physical inconveniences or perceived unfairness becomes unfocused and you will find that a crippling circumstance is only a bit of a handicap, i.e., if you cannot walk--then God always has need of hands and brains! God accepts NO EXCUSES! AS YOU MOVE MORE DEEPLY IN BALANCE WITH GOD AND THE MENTAL ASPECT OF WHAT IS REALLY IMPORTANT--THE OTHER THINGS OF FLESH DESIRES DO BECOME LESSENED IN IMPACT. YOU WILL ACTUALLY FIND, IF YOU GIVE IT ACTUALIZATION, THAT IT IS ONLY THE MIND CONNECTION TO SOURCE WHICH HAS MEANING AND THE THINGS OF THE BODY TAKE A LONG BACK-SEAT. YOU MUST ACCEPT SELF AS IS--EXACTLY AS IS, WITHOUT “IFS” FOR YOU ARE WHAT IS!

    The point herein, however, is get into that state of relaxation which allows this peace. The utter relaxation from all mental and physical strains which comes from simply stopping the madness in your mind and stopping your active focused thinking and replacing it with desire for just one thing--inner joyousness-- which will immediately begin the cure of any bodily ailment of mental distress. After you get pretty good at this procedure you can begin to add some problem solving into the storyline. At on set just hold in your mind that you desire to “talk with God about things”. In other words, give form to your desire--for that is real prayer. Furthermore, if you ask in behalf of another, placing self at the end of the request, except as how you can better serve--you will note instant response and disattachment from ego self-centered “me”.

    Just reading these words will not do it--you are going to need to practice but it most certainly DOES NOT MEAN THAT YOU GIVE ALL YOUR TIME TO IT. We will get to some very substantial physical conscious methods of dealing with problems--through confronting them. You hold the problem and therefore, you hold the answer, all you need do is locate it and in objectively looking and listing all aspects of the thing you stop the “worrying” at it and get on with solutions. To worry is to prevent solution.


    Meditation is the desire of man to know God in him and to manifest his God-awareness by extending his knowing-- through his thinking--to the production of material bodies created by him in the image of his inspired conceiving.

    Let us put it more simply by saying that MEDITATION IS A DESIRE TO BE ALONE WITH GOD TO TALK WITH HIM. MEDITATION IS REALLY A CONFERENCE BETWEEN YOUR SOUL AND THE UNIVERSAL SOUL.To be One with God means to desire His knowledge and power. God’s Mind is your Mind; hence you have all knowledge and power that God has to the extent of your awareness of God in you and the measure of your comprehension of your unity with Him. If God’s knowledge is asleep in you, it must be awakened in order that you may be aware of it. When you are aware of it, you can use it in the measure of your ability to comprehend it. The entirety of Universal Law works with you at your command.

    Some of the things I say here in the beginning may not make much sense and seem even trite. Please abide with me long enough to give it fair trial. You are actually afraid that you are going to get all relaxed and give away your perceived shortcomings --GOD ALREADY KNOWS THEM SO PERHAPS IT IS TIME YOU FACE THEM! The facts are, however, that what you fear will not happen if you release the fear--it is the fear of a given thing which draws it directly unto you. The point herein is to communicate with God--not wash dirty laundry.

    To the extent of your awareness and understanding, and to that extent only, you may use universal power to think your knowing into material forms. Your KNOWING is your Mind-Self. Your Mind-Self is you, the eternal Being. Your Self is not your body, nor is your knowing in your brain, but your knowing controls your body and your brain as their absolute master. Do not confuse your Mind and brain as being the same. Your Mind thinks through your brain and with it, as a lever works upon its fulcrum--remember the JOURNAL describing this working mechanism. Your brain is but the instrument for fulfilling the commands extended to it by Consciousness, which Mind is. Your brain records memories, experiences and information electrically, just as phonographs likewise do, but it is the will of your Mind which orders your body to obey through electric messages from your brain, just as it likewise orders your automobile to obey. The nerves of your body are the “wires” of the electric machine which your body is. The brain is but a nerve recorder and distributor.

    The measure of your cosmic knowing is the measure of your God-awareness. It is the measure of your ability to dwell in the Light of all-knowing and to command the thought universe of Creation with God. You are then a co-Creator with God.
    Thinking what you KNOW into imagined forms is expressing your eternal Self in the invisible universe of Mind.

    Giving formed bodies to imagined thought-forms, by following up your thoughts with actions, is expressing your eternal Self in the visible universe of matter.

    That, beloved ones, is all that God does, for He controls His electric body as its absolute master. He keeps all of its interactions and interchangings in absolute balance, for God is eternally creating His body in the image of His desiring.

    You can do likewise, if you desire to, by working knowingly with God. You can be master of your body in the measure of your awareness of God’s power in you. You must remain in balance instead of continually unbalancing your thoughts and body actions in diverse ways from morn until night and from night until morn. Tensions and strains, fears and worryings, and various emotions destroy your body by the accumulation of toxins. You will continually pay the price of your wrong actions until you ultimately learn that whatever you know, you think-- and what you think, you become.


    This brings us to a point where much confusion exists regarding Mind and matter. We must make this relationship so clear that the confusion will dissolve in your understanding.

    Mind Is spiritual and constitutes the INVISIBLE universe of CAUSE.

    Matter is physical and constitutes the VISIBLE universe of EFFECT.



    God expresses His desire dynamically by thinking and imagining.

    God is the Universal Soul. God’s thinking and imagining create a body to manifest His Soul. THAT BODY IS THE LIGHT-WAVE UNIVERSE AS A WHOLE.

    It is God’s one Idea divided by His thinking and imagining into countless millions of units of ideas, each having a differently formed body but all manifesting the ONE by being extensions of each other.

    There is naught else in all of this vast universe but moving bodies extending from the stillness of the cosmic Light of Soul which centers thinking--Mind of God and man. All formed bodies are made in the image of God and man, and extended from mind-imaginings to manifest God and man.

    How simple it really is when you think of it that way--Creator and Creation being just mind-imagined forms dynamically extended into light-spectrum-formed bodies fashioned in the images of their imaginers. How much more simple it is to think of all the universe as one mind, one Soul and one Body, seemingly divided into many Minds, many Souls and many bodies.

    You must really learn to think of God and God’s body that way before you can fully understand the ONENESS of all things. When you do learn to think of it that way, you will then know that there are not two separate or separable things in the universe. Likewise, you will fully understand that you are the center of the universe, for all things in it extend from you and all things are extensions of each other and of the ONE. Therefore, all things center all things, and each is the center of the entire universe.

    How glorious and wonderful is the realization that Mind of man and Mind of God can know their oneness in meditation in order that the creations of man can have the balanced rhythms, the symmetry and the stability of God’s creations! All that God does is to think thought-forms of ideas and give them formed bodies from His Body and Soul of His Soul. God thinks man and the body of man appears in the image of God’s imagining. In the same manner, the bodies of roses and oaks of the forest, ants and lizards, elephants and horses, planets, suns and oceans with all their living hosts of swimming things, and countless other formed bodies appear as separate ideas all extended from the One, and all from each other. Some of God’s favorite and special thoughts are of flight and freedom and perfection of the winged creatures who ride the electrical waves of the pulsing atmosphere. Those winged creatures are your very connections with the stars for it is the principle of flight which ultimately gives you freedom.

    Now guess what! This is also ALL THAT MAN DOES! He also thinks thought-forms of ideas and gives them formed bodies from Universal Body, and Soul from the Universal Soul. The engineer conceives the image of a bridge and the formed body of the bridge appears in the image of the engineer’s imaging. Then by taking bits and pieces of that which exists, he BUILDS by fitting the appropriate pieces together and, if needs be, he places a mechanical lever system within the mass which will raise and lower the bridge. You call it manufacturing!

    A writer places abundance of organized alphabet letters on a paper and then compiles the paper and “creates” a story--an expression of idea.

    Likewise, the musician thinks music in the silence of his imagining and, behold, the formed body of the music appears in sound as notes are reflected from his scratchings--but the sound must extend from the original silence of the idea. And so, too, are you--and all men--thinking imaged forms of multiple things and giving them formed bodies in the image of your imaginings.


    Whatever the greatest genius in the world can do, you can also do. You have the same inheritance that he has. The only reason you have not given evidence of it is because you have not yet been aware of it. In other words, you have not yet discovered your Self. That divine spark of genius which is aflame in him is dim in you. You can illumine yourself by inspiration and deep meditation--or you can go forth and create something else which appeals to you more. The greatest miracle that can happen to you is that wonderful discovery of your Self, the divine power which lies within your Self, and the awakening of unlimited knowledge which you unknowingly now have. And you don’t have to go anywhere or do anything to discover that wondrous Self. Its been there all the time--YOU HAVE SIMPLY BEEN RUNNING AWAY TO HIDE FROM IT WHILE TOUTING THAT YOU ARE SEARCHING FOR IT! MOST OF YOU ARE TERRIFIED AT THE POSSIBILITY OF FINDING SELF. There is great security in the forever “searching” and insuring that you DO NOT "find". It becomes an ongoing EXCUSE for irresponsibility.

    One of the reasons you have not yet made that marvelous discovery of your own genius is because meditation is still new to the Western races. Worse, as it is discovered it is tainted by the foolishness of those who desire control and wealth from that which you seek. But in spite of all that the adversary does, there is coming a more constant beat of that “Inner Voice of the Spirit” which is forever calling within the Souls of all men. When you are too busy with material things to have time to listen to that Voice, you become chained to emotions of your body and to the demands of material things. You are enslaved by them. The moment you begin to listen to your Inner Voice, that moment you become freed from slavery to the body. The high heavens of God’s omnipotent and omniscient universe then become your dwelling place.

    Meditation began when thinking began at the Dawn of Consciousness in the human race.Man was in communion with God and thought nothing of it--it was a present part of his being- ness. Until the “Dawn of Consciousness” men were ruled by their senses and their instincts. As soon as humans began to “think” and “know”, they began to suspect a superior Being. Worship then began; sun worship, idol worship and, finally, the Inner Voice of thinking-man led him to the spiritual idea of many gods--then to ONE God.

    Through the centuries of meditation or communion between the physical senses of men and their spiritual inspiration, the genius of some unfolded beyond others. This gradual unfolding has been taking place during several ages of man until now a new stage of the human race is unfolding which is the dawn of the “Cosmic” Age. The great masses of mankind are not yet ready for cosmic knowing but many thousands are ready for this new knowledge of the invisible universe of thinking-Mind. It may be that there are even a few millions who are ready to become the seed of the new race of cosmic man. What a lovely and intelligent time it will be.

    The test for ascertaining the average number of those who are ready for this higher step upward in the unfolding of the man-idea is not a religious one. It is a cultural one. Let us example a city of some 8,000,000 people--a city like New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, etc. Of that number of people there are about 25,000 people who seek the higher inspirational rhythmic creations of the world’s great geniuses who interpret the heartbeat of Nature for the Souls of men. These will shun noisy crowds if possible, shudder at hard-rock noise and find distress in the musicless loud pounding upon the ears and Soul and seek aloneness in the forests or ocean’s shores if they can find solitude, where they can hear nature’s silent whisperings and rhythmic sounds within their very Souls. To the rest of the 8,000,000, the silent whisperings of Nature have no meaning whatsoever other than boredom. If these be found at ocean’s shores, it will be where boardwalks and blatant noises vibrate the senses of their bodies pleasantly for the excitement of their senses only. These still live sensed existences with body-awareness controlling their lives and as boredom increases so does the violence which is utilized to hype the senses. The Dawn of Consciousness has not yet illumined them with the Light which still awaits their Soul’s awakening.


    Those illumined ones who are now ready to open the doors of their Souls far wider for the Light to illumine them further will uplift the whole human race to higher standards. Out of that whole, there will always come an average few until the Cosmic Age will be strong with growing numbers of the more and more illumined--and believe me, I speak NOT OF NEW AGE! THESE ARE THE ONES, THESE ILLUMINED, WHO FOREVER UNFOLD THE SPIRITUAL NATURE OF THE HUMAN RACE. They will not present as pious, dictatorial nor controllers. They will present as that which you call “normal” or “regular” “good” people--for they are all of these things.


    Creation is an IDEA of God. Love is the one whole Idea. That one whole Idea constitutes what God knows. God thinks the one Idea into countless parts of countless forms. Thus God’s thinking takes God’s knowing apart into seemingly separate ideas, each of which is given its separate form. That is exactly what you do. You may have all of God’s knowing if you become fully illumined, but in each communion with God you get a little more each time your Soul touches the Universal Soul. You then take it apart and think it into objective form. That is what constitutes God’s Creation--or yours.

    You ALWAYS get that which you ask for if you ask for it with your Soul instead of your senses.If you ask in words alone, you will not receive what you ask for, because you have not asked God for it--you have but asked your senses for it. When, however, you have actually written your desire into your heartbeat, as some have automatically done all their lives, from moment to moment, you unfailingly acquire the knowledge you ask for. It comes to you in a timeless flash in the rhythmic language of Light which God uses to talk to His children.

    Having thus acquired that part of the one whole Idea which you have asked for in your heart, you then think it into the form of a concept by imagining it into a form. The conceptual form may be misty or nebulous at first. Do not act upon it while it is still nebulous. Decentrate to the zero of the Light, over and over again--then concentrate. Each time you concentrate, you more clearly see the image of it in your inspired imaginings. While it is still in embryo, do not give it birth into the objective universe of form and motion. Dwell on it until it becomes clear to your outer vision.If it is an invention, meditate upon it until you clearly see it. Do not waste time experimenting at this stage. See the embryo of it completed mentally before you spend precious time on it physically; otherwise it will be immature just as a child’s body is immature if born in embryo. If it is a sale, assemble all of the elements of the sale together until you can vision its consummation clearly before approaching your client. If it is a motive for a symphony, hear it in the silence of your Soul before you give it a body. No matter what your desire is, take it to God for a spiritual form before you give it a physical one. Create it INVISIBLY before you create it VISIBLY. Get into the fixed habit of seeking that zero of stillness in the Light before starting to think or act. When you finally act to give your concept a physical form, keep your Soul attuned to the Universal Soul. Hold fast to that inner realization and joyousness which comes from working knowingly with God. Your creation will be finished in much less time and you will know no fatigue. Let this paragraph become a part of you by meditating upon it endlessly. Talk to God constantly in His wordless rhythmic language of Light. The moment you find yourself working alone with your own ego, stop working, for the emotions of your sensed body are making you aware of it and your work will not be enduring without the Light of your Soul in it. Physical emotions immediately smother spiritual inspirations.


    You can know an idea timelessly, all of it, but to think it into objective form is to take it apart for extension into the three-dimensional universe of time and space. To thus think it, you divide and multiply it into many conditioned material forms and set them in motion to become a part of this physical universe of multi-conditioned moving forms. This creative process requires a technique--but knowledge and inspiration require NO TECHNIQUE.

    Always remember that God is creating His universe by giving body forms to Mind-imagined forms. Likewise, you are creating your universe by giving objective body forms to your imagined forms. YOU MUST, HOWEVER, CONCEIVE THE IDEA FOR THOSE FORMS BEFORE YOU BEGIN TO BUILD THEM INTO YOUR IMAGININGS. Then you must imagine them fully before giving birth to them objectively. When your imagined idea is sufficiently clear, then start creating it whether you know its technique or not. Learn the technique of it in the DOING OF IT. A technique is something that your body acquires, and anyone can acquire any technique; but knowledge and inspiration you do not acquire. You already have that. All you need do is to awaken it. And to awaken it, all you need is DESIRE to awaken it. The moment you have the desire and let God know of it, you will then begin to know that glorious language of the Light which you, yourself, are. Inspiration will then come to you, and in that inspiration your desire is being fulfilled with the knowing which that inspiration is. The language of Light is wordless, but in it is the essence of Intelligence. You, yourself, can put Intelligence into words, for words are but a technique.

    Likewise, whatever form you wish to give it, you, yourself, can translate the essence of that divine language of Light into form through any medium by acquiring the technique of that medium. That is something which your body does by acting solely with your will. Through your will, you command your body to express your desire. Your body is but an automatic machine which must be manipulated by your will. It must be trained by your will to fulfill every technique of expression, and it may take years to so train your body to automatically obey your will.

    That is why it takes years of practice for a body to become a perfect musical instrument, or an instrument which paints, writes or sculpts with tools which are but extensions of the body.


    Your conception of an idea has the same relations to that idea as the seed of an oak has to the full grown oak. Your imagining is recorded in your very Soul, and from the stillness of your Soul the idea extends into form, just as the form of the oak extends from the stillness of its formless seed.

    The inner joyousness of conceiving an idea and imagining its form and purpose is as uplifting as the “created” extensions of it are, and it is purposeful even if it but uplifts you alone. To be purposeful for the world, however, you must give your inspired imaginings of formed body which responds to the senses of man. It is through this action-reaction of giving your creation a material body that you make it a masterpiece. Extending your Soul into it by moment-to-moment communion with God is the way you give love to your creation. If you do not extend love from your Soul to your creation, you do not give it life. Not having life or love given to it, it cannot regive life or love to inspire others. It is already dead and soon will be buried in the trash basket of dead things.

    A masterpiece of any product whatsoever is that to which the life and love of the Creator’s Soul have been extended to it through your Soul for re-extension to other men by re-inspiring them with your immortality.

    Above all, remember, moment by moment, that your body is an extension of YOU. If you give it love, it will regive love. If you make of it a surly, grievous unbalanced thing, it will extend to others what you extend to it. Stop right here and give some deep thought to this idea. Then come back to it often and give more and more thought to it until you become meticulously careful as to what thoughts you are going to allow to pass through your body, lest you make your body ill and drive others away from you by your repellent thoughts and repellent body.


    There is an indescribable glory all along the road which leads from your active thinking to the stillness of deep meditation. If you cannot actually go to the forest or sea, the better to commune with God, go there in your imagination. If some problem demands your thoughts, let the imagined tones of the sea drown them out. If you imagine the sea and hear the rhythms of its waves pounding upon the shores as echoes of the heartbeat of the universe resounding within you, or if you hear the breezes whispering in the pines with your inner ears, the glory of the ecstasy will soon drown out dross thoughts of Earth.

    Meditation transports you from the world of sensing the motion of things materially to imagining them cosmically. It transports you from the world of blatant sounds which sear the senses to the world of rhythmic silences which is without body--to the world of the soul and the seed of things unborn which await their birth through you. The world of your imaginings is your escape from emotions, with its tensions and nervous strains, to the ecstasy of your Soul’s high heavens. It is the cosmic way of restoring balance.

    Earth music is melodic and chains you to Earth. The “music” of the “spheres” which you hear with inner ears is deeply tonal, not melodic. The rhythms and tones of Nature’s music which sing its octaves in the language of Light have always within them the pulsing rhythms of the universal heartbeat, always the one-two one-two pulsing of the Father-Mother heartbeat of borning-reborning forms of things which manifest the Father-Mother pulsing rhythms of the Soul’s high heavens. Always in your deep meditation, the music of the silences from which sounds of Earth spring is like unto the aftermath of the great symphonies by cosmic masters which have refolded from sounds of Earth that your ears have heard into your very Soul which still hears them in the pulse beat of your imagining. In the beginning it is most advantageous to take unfamiliar but beauteous harmonics to accompany audially your meditation for it drowns out the undertones which keep the mind from its imagining. Plus, if there is a pulsing heartbeat you will find your imaginings coming within the same wondrous rhythms.

    Never will you hear the one-two-three of waltz rhythm in the Soul’s high heavens, for that syncopation brings you quickly back to Earth and to awareness of your body EMOTIONS and its SENSES. That one-two-three rhythm makes you want to physically dance, and that is good for it gives physical happiness. But, it distracts greatly from original creative thought. To those whose desires are so deeply rooted to the senses of Earth that their deep appeal is the deeper syncopation of jazz, the silences of the high heavens are but a deep void and as though they did not exist. Jazz music, you see, splits the rhythms of nature into such unbalanced rhythms that he who listens severs his Soul from the Universal Soul. (Candace: boy is that true for me, can’t handle jazz.) That is something to be appreciated or unappreciated by the physical and does not meld with the thought-producing Soul creation. It becomes a total distraction into the physical which is exactly that which you are efforting to avoid.

    I certainly am NOT suggesting to you that you should not listen to the music which excites body emotions, for they are good when properly divided between the rhythms of Earth and the rhythms of heaven, such as the one-two-three of rhythmic waltz. You need to live gloriously on Earth as well as in the high heavens, but to live the rhythms of Earth alone is to be but clay of Earth, chained to Earth as slave of Earth, never soaring into the high heavens of the Light of immortality. Mortality is a prison cell from which you can escape only upon the wings of your immortality. Herein we are discussing contact with that wondrous immortal Self so do not confuse the two subjects.

    Dharma, tomorrow is a day in court and the hour late. Therefore, allow us to close this portion. I ask that Oberli take rest and not work at this writing on this evening--he must consider his hours of rest more diligently. You know me, Germain--I would have all ones in bed and soundly asleep by no later than 10:00 p.m. if you would hear me for we have so much to do and so little “time” in which to accomplish it all. However, I bow to the request of Hatonn and will not press all--I do press you, Dharma, for I need you fresh and available both day and night and somewhere in the interim “spare time” you must balance and process the physical data. Let us be wise in our choices, little friends, for we have much to be done and we have agreed to do it.


    I AM
    PJ 34

    THURSDAY, JULY 18, 1991 10:55A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 336

    THURSDAY. JULY 18. 1991.

    I, Hatonn, present first this morning to bring calm unto the scribe. It has been a long morning of confusion, personal harassment of every imaginable assortment and yet, we cannot leave the writing to go another day for yesterday was lost to the court battle. We have some very fatigued people here and all need rest. George is returned only to prepare for departure so we must attend the physical and emotional needs of you “beings”. Overload and burnout do not help our work--they close down smooth function and remove joy from the work.

    It is of PRIMARY AND UTMOST IMPORTANCE that as these lessons of “communion” and “communication” come forth that ALL OF YOU PRACTICE. We MUST begin to be able to contact individuals in clarity. We do not need a lot of “bosses” or “rearrangers” but we MUST have each and all of you with ability to show another THE way (not your pre-ascribed opinion of the way) and be both knowledgeable and “rested”. If you gain nothing more from the experience of meditation than the rest and clearing, setting aside of problems and releasing those problems over to your “solving” mind--then we have gained half our journey’s worth in total value. You cannot expect to have God and Mind-Self work out your solutions to your inquiries and actions if you do not take time to commune and communicate them unto those resources. The point is to NOT ALLOW THE TREADMILL TO CONTROL YOU BUT THAT YOU BRING UNDER CONTROL THE TREADMILL. THIS CAN ONLY BE ACCOMPLISHED IF YOU KEEP PRIORITIES UPPERMOST!

    Now, for the concerned of this location as to the “blasts” this morning. There is abundant beam flashing and subsequent “chase” craft searching to locate source. We are also shoring up the shielding for every impact pounds upon the frequency shields. It is far better that you NOT KNOW that which is taking place. Please accept that.

    It matters not what you THOUGHT happened at the G-7 meeting; I warn you, it only went well on the surface. Do you see that the lack of demanding great money for Russia is a most deadly change of events? You are all but in war this day.

    And where is the missile you fired off Monterey, California, yesterday? That is one of the most important things that has ever happened to you as a nation--the vanishing of that missile with those particular “things” aboard! Note that missile was FIRED FROM AN AIRCRAFT--WHY? CAN YOU BELIEVE A THING THEY TELL YOU ABOUT ANYTHING? WHY ALL THESE AIRQUAKES AND SONIC “BOOMS” TODAY AND YESTERDAY? HARKEN UP, AMERICA, IT IS SERIOUS TIME!

    I want you ones to know that I am present and following these things. We shall keep exceptional and constant monitoring on this apparatus and if I tell you to depart the room, Dharma, do so--instantly! The games are most deadly today. I have all of you running about hither and yon and only a couple of you have paused long enough to request shielding and some of you go even closer physically, to the impact area. I am a bit annoyed-- yes indeedy! If I have to put gremlins in the machinery to get your attention--I will do so. As pressures mount--you ones forget us and the need for coverage, on the spot, and YOU MAY NOT “ASSUME” ANYTHING! I have been most hard on Dharma this morning and discipline is not focused on only ONE. If I cannot depend on my crew to follow the most IMPORTANT OF ALL INSTRUCTIONS--then we are in serious bindings, friends, and I get nothing but closed or static-filled circuits from almost all of you this day. Neither do I want to hear “but I can’t....!” You CAN or you would not be in the job you are in. If you learn and know without thought, the priorities--then, and only then, are we working as a polished piece of machinery. This is not “punishment”, this is discipline for I have no intention of allowing misappropriation to reach the point of needing such a foolish thing as punishment. Please allow us to be beyond that nonsense.

    Thank you for your attention and I suggest you leave this in the volume for ALL ones must think carefully about that which they are “about”--not just a handful of crew members. Check on your priorities and that which you are willing to do in service unto God, Brother, Nation and World! The How-To is not going to rub off on you like garlic from the stew-pot. If you are going to change this old troubled planet--you are going to have to attend the lessons and learn the “trade”--you would never pass muster in building a commercial skyscraper by simply reading a “do-it-yourself” Time-Life do-it book of only volume A.

    I bow to my compatriot and Brother--Germain, and I move to stand-by. Thank you for your attention. Hatonn to clear.

    Germain ready to continue. I, too, accept that which Gyeorgos has brought for us to ponder upon and share in disciplined consideration. There is so much of incredulous impact on your globe this day that it is all but impossible for us to remain focused on this task at hand, of teaching. WE have very busy crews and backup work so we will move through this as orderly as possible but I must ask indulgence in detail, please.


    There is much confusion regarding the relation of an inspired idea to the technique of its expression. Thousands of times one hears people say, “I could never be an artist for I could not even draw a straight line.” For this reason, we would like to expand what was said in our first lesson regarding this relationship.

    We have told you that anyone can acquire the technique of giving a material body to any idea. But so can an automatic machine or a tape recorder. A technique can be photographed or electrically repeated, and such a recording of a rendition by a master may even be immeasurably better than the technique of a human for the automatic recorder may record much of the Soul of the master’s technique while the human may have acquired a perfect technique with his senses but be lacking in Soul.

    Just as an inspired conception is the result of a conference between your Soul and the Universal Soul to produce a thought- body, so must your rendition into a material body continue that Soul-to-Soul conference. Every technical rendition of a painting, symphony, or any other creation conceived by the Soul of a master, is an extension of the Soul of the master. Every brush stroke or tone of symphony must conform to the nature of God reflected in the nature of the master.



    The nature of God is to give out His love for regiving. The nature of the master must be to give out love to inspire others to regive love.

    I don’t want you to focus on the Earth’s accepted “meaning” of love with its trite, even tacky, way of association of “love” with that which is actually irresponsible self pleasure. We MUST understand that herein we speak of GOD LOVE and that which is all encompassing and you of Earth have forgotten what that means. If you are “turned-off’ by our use of the term herein--I suggest you make it an instant priority to stop and conclude WHY you respond thusly. You see, you have no other term to suit the need for communication and THAT, DEAR ONES, IS EXACTLY WHAT THE ADVERSARY DEPENDS UPON.

    As you move along in communion, you will hear things and see things which others do not--in the same area. Dharma, for instance, often sees ones at “meetings” which none, or few, see in presence. She often hears things--musical scales being exercised and tones being practiced and she no longer takes note of them. This has simply become a part of her experience and she will most likely not even mention them to anyone--just as all of you accept that your heart is beating. You only note your heartbeat when it is unusual in some manner.

    I suggest that we stop utilizing the word “LOVE” except in this context and put other words such as “intercourse”, “affection”, “romance”, etc., where they belong and cease the stupid practice of mislabeling everything “else” and spoiling the only word you have for higher association. At any rate I have to use the term and we will have explicit understanding right here early on. If you think this is just another “Love-in”, I suggest you forget it right now. We are not “flower-children” “being”--we are efforting to bring instructions and information unto you to save your assets and get you off this planet or get this planet changed into ability to house life-forms and “LOVE” is the highest form of frequency energy/electricity. You ARE NOT going to make it if you don’t come into that understanding RIGHT NOW! It is NOT poems and roses, violets nor sugar is sweet and so are you! I speak of the energy set into motion by God-thought which is LOVE PROJECTION. IT IS THE ENERGY FLOWING FROM GOD TO YOU AND, IF YOU DESIRE TO ATTAIN AGAIN THE PRESENCE OF GOD, YOU MUST CAUSE THAT SAME LOVE TO BE REGIVEN AND RETURNED UNTO GOD. OTHER EMOTIONS AND THRUSTS ARE NOT UNDER DISCUSSION AT THIS POINT SO THERE IS NO NEED TO DRAG THEM IN FOR CONFUSION. Right here is where the know-it-all self-appointed experts and authorities start the labor of “distraction” to suit their own perceived notions about how it SHOULD be! No--if a thing deviates from the Laws of God and the Natural Laws of Nature (Natural Creation), then they are incorrect and you better hang-in a while longer with us. If you don’t pay better attention, there will not even be 144,000 on board and I promise you, all the others won’t be in “rapture” either!

    Let us look at masterliness. Masterliness in anything is the fruit of love. The Soul alone can give out love. The body can render a perfect technical reproduction but if the love nature of God is not in it, it is not art, for the art of anything is not in the skill of rendering a visible or audible thing but in the beauty and love which only the stillness of the Light of your Soul can give to it. And therein lies the difference between the genius of the master and Soulless mediocrity.

    That is why your constant communion with God is necessary for every moment of life and every stage of your creation.God must sit with you on your piano stool, at your canvas and brush or at your work-bench. Your hands must be His hands. Your thinking must be His thinking. Love must be interwoven in every stitch of whatever pattern you are weaving, every word you are writing, and every interchange between yourself and your fellowmen. So, you get angry when someone abuses another? So? Do you not think God also gets angry at the abuse of one of you to another? I do not speak of pious pretense--I speak of the presence of God in that which you do. If you must do something in the dark or do not wish your actions seen--then you must check WHY? God is there at any rate--but YOU are hiding.

    Look at those things which you do--to fill your time--be it love to Poker; work to fishing. Why do you insist upon doing those things? Because you have nothing better with which to interest self. When your interest is in the things of God, then you will gradually lose the desire for the performance of other distractions. That does NOT mean that you run down and preach on every street corner and make a fool of yourself and cause the worthiness of God to appear even more foolish. You treat God’s business with at least the same reverence and respect as you would the most important work on Earth--be it banking or brokering, building or cleaning.

    Love is rhythmically repeated in its givings and regivings to synchronize with the givings of your outward breath to the heavens and their regivings to you. Balanced rhythmic interchange between your heartbeat pulsings and all other electric extensions from the stillness of your Soul is LAW--the basic fundamental LAW of all creating things in all this dynamic universe. Your own masterpiece is the measure of how divinely you have conceived it and how worthily you have rendered it in balance with Universal Law. In the measure that you can extend the beauty of your imagined rhythms to material bodies, built in the images of your spiritual conceptions, those rhythms will be the measure of your ability to create masterpieces. The very measure of the quality of your material interpretation lies in your ability to translate imagined forms and rhythms of the universal heartbeat into bodily forms and rhythms which can reinspire others with the ecstasy of your inspiration.

    When you inspire others, you are manifesting the love nature of God and the fulfillment of His law by giving love. Those whom you reinspire are, likewise, manifesting the nature of God and fulfilling His law by regiving love. You cannot reinspire others, however, if you leave God out of your technical rendition. That is why meditation is necessarily continuous. That is why great masters never go into their concert hall, or to their easels or work benches, without an interval of time to forget materiality. They first seek the zero of the still Light which centers their consciousness before extending their thought-images out from that stillness into the three-dimensional universe of moving electric waves, which Creation is. Not only every day should be started by seeking that zero of stillness, but every moment from the beginning of anything to its fulfillment. Never start your day’s work by yourself alone. Be sure that you feel God’s Presence within you. If some disturbing telephone call or other distraction severs your inner-Self from the Universal Self, open your door and let your sensed-self out and let God in; otherwise your work will not be masterful.

    This is exactly that which transpired right at this computer board this morning. Dharma could not work and I will outlay briefly what transpired.

    Daylene had done a great deal of organization of the dwelling on the yesterday while Dharma was in court. So, Dharma arose early and decided to appoint the early time to more organization and ordering of the confusion still abundant in every room of her dwelling. But that is not what happened; immediately one of the baby birds was “missing” and it took half an hour to find it (caught helplessly behind a potted plant), then at least a dozen inquiries of every description of “what color clothes will you be washing” to “can you help me find a tape George needs?” and on and on until the hours passed, no other work was accomplished, nerves were frazzled and no writing done either--only to find the house full of passers-by and distracted confusion. The morning was lost and when the child sat to do her appointed work, there was no clearing to be found--only desperation and fatigue. You ones MUST find your priorities and demand that they be met--FIRST. If you are about God’s focused work (in the manner of scribe, for instance), then that comes first, middle and last--ALL ELSE IS OF NO RELATIVE VALUE WHATSOEVER. If Dharma does not write--the immediate impact moves into the universe for it stops we of the authors and those of the distributors and publishers--not to even mention you of the readers. To empty the dishwasher, I fear, takes no priority at all in the summation--well, she didn’t get that done either, she reminds me! And yet, she cannot be responsible for all for all.


    I am interrupted in this diatribe, by Hatonn, who asks me to relay the message that the Cosmospheres have started a storm system which is intended to cause trouble in the desert areas and wooded mountains of southern California within about 48 hours. Efforts are being made to disperse same but it will be clouding over rapidly and you should pay attention. It is intended to be an electrical system which would start fires all over and rainfall will be efforted at minimum to disallow the extinguishing of the fires. If, however, it doesn’t go all that well, as planned, then you may also get a great deluge which also will present damage. We have a bit of “reasoning” taking place and, frankly, it is easier to deal with the Russians than it is your government. At any rate, your Mr. Bush has his hands full in Greece this day. There are some grave political errors being made right now which can produce grave consequence. You are asked to simply remain alert. You dear ones have a very tedious 48 to 72 hours ahead of you.

    Back to our subject, please. You cannot do anything of yourself alone. Whether you are aware of it or not, you have to acquire God-power even to lift your finger. Your are automatically controlled in your every action. Why not be controlled by working KNOWINGLY with God at all times, and being fully aware that God and His law are working with you. Continuous meditation means continuous God-awareness, not sitting cross-legged in a lotus position. That continuity of awareness is forever leading you higher and higher into the high heavens of your own mountain top and insulating your body from physical ills.That, and that alone, is the great glory of life and of living. That awareness, and that alone, leads you to masterliness of achievement, peace, prosperity, happiness and the love of all mankind which is forever enduring. That is the only thing worthy of the striving.


    The basic reason for meditation is that you want to ask something from God. There is no other reason for it. And you do not begin to ask God for anything until you begin to realize your oneness with Him. You then ask God because you realize that you cannot fulfill your Soul’s desire without Him. When you finally do ask Him, you naturally ask how you may fulfill your Soul’s desire. You wordlessly say in your heart, “0, God, show me the way. Illumine my path with Thy Light.” Your Soul asks this in the silences of the Universal Soul. Naturally your inner ears cannot hear the answer except in the silences of the Light of inspiration.Naturally, also, you cannot comprehend the wordless answer from the silences of rest in His Light unless your Soul is so attuned to the Universal Soul that your inner ears can hear that answer in the universal language of Light. That is the language in which God talks to inspired man who knows God in him and is thus illumined.

    Naturally you seek aloneness with God in the quiet of your chamber or work shop, or in the forests of Nature where the nature of God is being made manifest in the forms and whisperings of rhythms which echo within your own heartbeat as one. That very desire puts you in the “mood” for meditation, and the more you thus become companion with God, the more readily you comprehend His language of Light and can put words and forms to it.

    When you have formed the habit of constant communion with God, you will then not have to make any conscious effort, or seek the quiet of nature’s environment, to induce it. It will become a working habit--a fixed habit of working knowingly with God--under any circumstances. A cosmic thinker can instantly decentrate to the zero of the Light of all-knowing whether he is in a subway or in a forest.

    Let us analyze what is meant by “Soul’s desire”. What is the greatest thing in the world you can ask for or become? There is only one answer, and that is to be like unto God and manifest His nature. Until that IS the answer you have missed the intent of the journey. In its simplest form, just what, exactly, does that mean? In its simplest form, how can you be like God and manifest His nature? The simplest answer to that, in turn, is to acknowledge that God is love, life, and the Truth which lies in the Light of all knowledge and power. That is what God IS. Love is the nature of God, the Universal Mind or Soul. Now, as to what God does, the answer is just as simple. GOD EXTENDS HIS KNOWLEDGE AND POWER FROM THE STILL LIGHT OF HIS MIND, THROUGH THE PULSATIONS OF HIS THINKING, TO WAVES OF MOVING, DIVIDED LIGHT TO CREATE ONE PULSING BODY TO MANIFEST THE LOVE, LIFE AND TRUTH OF HIS KNOWING. WHICH CONSTITUTE HIS NATURE.

    And that is exactly what you do to the extent of your knowledge and ability. You extend your knowledge and your power from the still Light of your Mind, through the pulsations of your thinking, to create your universe in forms which reflect your nature. Whatever you create is the image of you. You call it your individuality or personality. Whatever it is, it is YOUR IMAGE projected into forms imagined by you to manifest your nature. You create a manifestation of your immortal Self by thinking your knowing into form. If you know but little, and think but little, you will create a little person. IF YOU THINK OUT OF BALANCE, YOU WILL CREATE AN UNBALANCED INDIVIDUAL WITH AN UNBALANCED BODY. Where do you fit? If you are a hypochondriac, you have made yourself into one instead of into a genial, cheerful, happy and healthy leader of men.

    WHATEVER YOU WISH TO BECOME, YOU MAY BECOME FOR YOU MUST, BY NOW, REALIZE THAT YOU CAN BECOME ANYTHING YOU CHOOSE. If you create your own personality alone, by yourself, it will have all of the weaknesses of the senses. The more you ask God to help you make your Self into His image, the more power of His Mind you will have to fashion your Self into a powerful individual. When His nature and yours are one, you will then be a person of cosmic power and your creations will manifest your nature and God’s nature as one.

    Our very name for God’s Creations is NATURE, for God is Love, and Love is what Nature IS. We thus define Nature for you in simple words: NATURE IS A LIGHT-WAVE IMAGE OF THOUGHTS WHICH EXPRESS GOD’S LOVE NATURE.

    Your genius does not depend upon your ability to translate your Soul-imagined patterns into material ones, for your genius unfolds for your own exaltation even if you never express it through a technique which gives it a body. To awaken it in your Soul exalts you to your own high heavens, but does not exalt your neighbor to his high heavens until you have expressed it as a Soul-to-Soul message by giving it a formed body.

    When the genius of your Soul sends out a visual or audible message which awakens the genius in another Soul and reinspires him with your inspiration, you have then extended your immortality to another. He then recognizes his own genius in the measure of your awakening of the knowledge of his immortality in him.

    It is not necessary to another whom you may inspire that he should have the technical mastery of any instrument or medium you employ to lift him up into your ecstatic heaven, for the moment you inspire him with your genius he has genius in himself to the extent of the intensity of his inspiration. He cannot bring his heavenly inspirations to Earth, as you can, unless he acquires the technique that you have acquired to be enabled to bring them to Earth. It has, however, uplifted his cultural standard and, in so doing, has uplifted the cultural standard of all mankind, even as one drop of water uplifts the whole ocean by that measure.

    Your transcendent genius is the result of your communion with God. But through your masterly interpretation of the rhythmic heartbeat of His thinking, you have caused others to commune with you and God. Your meditation and theirs are one. You have made them forget their sensed-bodies and dwell in the Mind-kingdom of your high heavens with you and all illumined Souls who dwell in God’s kingdom of Light. That is the way that culture gradually awakens in unfolding man. Those who have come to know that kingdom through meditation tell it to others in the inspired language of Light--and that language has no words, no sounds, no form and no technique.

    It is purely a radiant state of knowing, without meaning. When meaning does begin to come into that radiance of your meditation, it comes in rhythms of octave thought-waves of “light”, and those rhythms are always the rhythms of the Universal heartbeat and your heartbeat. That is what is meant by being “in tune with the Infinite”.

    When your radiance is a state of knowing, without meaning, that is the state of meditation. When, however, IDEA enters your meditation with meaning, your meditation is also a “communion” with God. That is what is meant by talking with God. That is also what is meant by inspired revelations from God.

    The language of Light is from Light to Light, or Soul to Soul, and there need be no words, nor sounds, nor forms. The Soul understands that rhythmic language whenever expressed by Soul. The body-senses, centered at the seat of sensation in the brain, can never understand it, even though they hear its expression in words and sound and see it expressed in form.


    The seat of Consciousness, which is the Light in man, centers the seat of sensation from which the electric action-reaction sequences of thinking extend. In meditation, you are partially or wholly severing the extending sensations of your thinking in order to find the stillness of the Light, which your Consciousness is. You thus lose your manifestation of life--which your body is--to find the eternal life--which your Soul is. Let us again define meditation in other words:

    Meditation is a communion with God for the purpose of acquiring knowledge and power to manifest God as co-Creator of His universe.In different words, it is to enable Mind to control matter. That acquisition gives you the power to create your individual universe in the image of your individual Self, as God creates His universe in His image. Through meditation, you free your body from slavery and acquire mastery over it. The human race has been a slave to its body all down the ages. You and every other man are slaves to your bodily senses until knowledge gives your Mind mastery over them.

    Since different words about the same thing have connotations which lead to better understandings, let us again define meditation with different words:

    Meditation is the basis for intercommunication between your immortal mind and the electric senses of your mortal body.

    Meditation is a conference between your immortal Mind-Self which knows and your thinking which builds images of your knowing--also your body which acts in obedience to the will of your Mind.

    Meditation is an expression of desire for knowledge of perfect CAUSE for the purpose of producing perfect EFFECT.

    In communion with God, you acquire God-awareness, which means Cosmic Consciousness, by forgetting body awareness, which means material sensing. God-awareness in you brings realization of the Light of Cosmic Consciousness in you. When your realization of your cosmic unity with God is strong enough, your cosmic power is the measure of your intensity of that realization. The only way you can multiply your strength to think, or to create, or to command matter to your obedience such as commanding your body to health, or commanding masterly achievement by control over your body, Is to multiply God-awareness In you.

    Your Mind is God’s Mind. Your thinking is God’s thinking. Your creative processes are God’s creative processes. When God concentrates His thinking, body-forms appear in the image of His desiring. When God decentrates His thinking, those body-forms expand into disappearance to reappear when God reconcentrates His thinking. You do likewise, for there is but one KNOWER, one THINKER and one CRFATOR In the universe.

    God is all that IS. YOU are all that IS. In meditative communion with God, you become aware of that. To be alone with God is to know the wonder of that awareness. Meditation is for the purpose of recollecting your immortality.

    God creates His universal body by extending the electric pulsations of His thinking from the stillness of the Light of His knowing. Idea of God’s knowing is projected by light-waves through the motion of His thinking to mirrored image waveforms of idea which we call matter.

    All matter is but electric wave-pulsations of His thinking, recording the idea of His thinking in forms which appear, disappear and reappear to synchronize with the cyclic sequences of His concentrative-decentrative and reconcentrative thinking which characterize the entirety of effect in this dynamic universe of His creating.

    God’s eternally-creating universe is the result of His eternally-continuous meditation and desire to manifest idea.

    You create your universe in the same manner and by the same processes and method under control of the same law. There is no other manner, nor process, nor method, nor law. Your universe is your Mind-idea of what you are. It is your Soul’s desire manifested into the material image of your thinking. It is the fruit of your meditation.

    The most wonderful thing about it is that God will give you whatever you ask, fulfill your desire no matter what you desire. You can make yourself into the kind of person you desire to be, whether bishop, poet or thief, for the whole universe will work with you to fulfill your desire if you work with its law. If you work against the law, it will avail you nothing, even if you fulfill your desire. Balance your desires, therefore, and their fulfillment will, likewise, be balanced.

    Communion with God in meditation will not only mold your desires in harmony with Divine Law but will give you knowledge of the nature of God--which will become your nature. To the extent that you reflect God’s nature, your desires will also reflect God’s nature. THIS SHOULD BE YOUR CONSTANT ENDEAVOR FOR ITS SUPREME ATTAINMENT IS YOUR ULTIMATE GOAL.

    Please allow us a break at this point and then we will return and continue this subject explained as: GOD IS LIGHT.

    I AM

  2. #2
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar




    THURSDAY, JULY 18, 1991 8:20 P.M. YEAR 4, DAY 336



    God’s communion within His own Being is a sequential transition from the still, unconditioned Light of His knowing and the moving, conditioned lights of His thinking.

    The Light of His knowing is undivided. It is a balanced equilibrium. The two lights of His thinking are divided. They are the electric pulsations of two-way motion which build thought-forms for recording His knowing.

    God’s light-wave universe is the invisible still Light of Mind- knowing. God’s electric universe is the product of God’s knowing, expressed by the visible, pulsing lights of His dynamic thinking.


    We cannot say more to you than that, for God’s communion with His Self is identical in principle and practice with your communion with your Self-Oneness as God. The eternal Light of eternal Life is the balanced Light of the Soul-Mind universe.

    Your electric body is the product of your knowing, expressed by your thinking--as God’s universal body is the product of God’s knowing, expressed by His thinking. If you can but fully realize this vitally important fact, you will be farther ahead than you could possibly be by reading all the books in the Congressional Library.

    When you commune with full understanding, you become aware of your oneness with God. You become more and more aware of the fact that God’s Mind is your Mind, that His knowledge and power are your knowledge and power. When God becomes your teacher (and little doves, you of this brood have God as your personal teacher, I hope you understand that gift), you need no earthly teachers. I watch you in this crew and know that you don’t yet understand that which I say to you for, already, you cannot separate that which came to you as a “brother” from that same entity which is now your “Father/Creator”--how blessed you are to come into KNOWING through this wondrous route of brotherhood so that you were able to grow into the comfort of His Mighty Presence. You have learned the reverence without losing the wondrous humor and comfort of His sharing toil. You who labor so hard in a “Commander’s” service will find that to be the reward of rewards for your selfless service.

    To the extent that you become aware of God as the still Light which centers you as Soul of you, you are God. As you become more and more enabled to forget your body-awareness and find yourself alone in that stillness of cosmic Light, you form inspired conceptions of ideas which come to you in timeless flashes of that Light which you do not see but KNOW because of its illumining presence. You feel the ecstasy of it in the Light of your Soul and in the inspiration which accompanies your celebration.

    All geniuses conceive their ideas with that accompanying joy and exaltation of inner thinking. They then think those ideas into form. After the mental image is clear, they give a material body to each idea by outward thinking through their senses for others to interpret in the measure of their knowing. To sum up this as a formula, we might say that meditation is a sequential journey from the zero of Mind-knowing--through the action of Mind-thinking--to the rest point which centers two-way thinking--and back again to that zero of Mind-knowing.The more intensely you can comprehend this definition, the more simple you will find all things in life, for we do not depart from the above formula in any decision or action of life, or the solution of any problem of life. Nor do we depart from it during this entire course of lessons. It is most basic, as you will discover as we proceed. We urge you, therefore, to give deep thought to it and recognize its prototype in principle in all things, even unto life, death and rebirth as being the same effect as inbreathing, outbreathing and repeated inbreathing.

    Desire in God to manifest His Being by producing imaged forms by projection in light-waves of motion from the stillness of His Light of knowing is the energy of the universe which He is eternally creating. Desire in you is, likewise, the energy which enables you to create your universe. We will talk much, later on, about your energy and God’s energy in relation to the motive power extended to you from God, and your use of it.

    Constant communion with your Source of energy will give you both knowledge and power to use it by giving form to your inspired conceptions under your cosmic control instead of under your sensed control. Communion with God in meditation means talking with God in Mind silence.


    In the last lesson, we took you one step nearer to the simplicity which underlies your interchange between knowing and thinking. We will now take another step in that direction by having you understand the love nature of the universe and how that love principle parallels the simple formula given to you.

    Communion with God exalts you to the joy of the universal love principle of God and Nature. Here we must use the word ecstasy which is also a badly misused term. It is, however, the only suitable word for it is the one undivided emotion--the balanced full joy “ecstasy” of love for which there ARE NO OPPOSITES.

    The reaction to the giving of love is love regiven. When your meditation gives to you the love nature of God, you will then know that there is no evil, nor sin, nor bad in God or in Nature. There is naught but GOOD in God’s universe. This does NOT mean that the presence of evil is absent from the world but only that--in communion WITH GOD--there is nothing save Goodness because ALL is then perceived with the objective of total Love.

    In communing with God directly, or through those moods of Nature which lead you to God, you become aware that His nature is your nature. In your deep communion, you feel only the universal love nature of God extending through you to all the universe. You then love all things for there is naught but love extending through you and from you. Your own ecstasy tells you that.

    Imagine yourself communing with God indirectly, such as listening to the heavenly rhythms of God’s heartbeat in a masterful symphony. While thus enraptured by the divine rhythms reaching your very Soul, can you possibly imagine yourself thinking evil, or thinking sinfully by planning to cheat, or lie, or steal? No--of course you cannot. The reason you cannot is because you are reflecting the love nature of the universe in your spiritual Self, and there is no sin in that love nature to reflect. That is why you should seek God in meditation immediately if you indulge in angry or unkind thoughts. You must restore the balance of the universal love principle, else the toxins of unbalanced thinking will upset the balanced normalcy of your body rhythms, which all illnesses are.

    Form the constant HABIT of meditation. Make it a moment-to- moment private continuous attitude of your Mind in order to keep in tune with the universal rhythms of God’s balanced thinking. Be in tune with them always. Never stray far enough from God-awareness to allow the slightest imperfection in your work, your health, your friendships, your business plans or any achievement whatsoever. The more you become fully aware that you cannot do anything of yourself alone, and desire partnership with the whole universe, the more you will find that you can say, in the deep depths of your communion, “I am the universe. I am all that is, for the Light of my Father is all that is, and I am that Light. I and my Father are ONE.” That is cosmic meditation, for that is the thinking of the new race of cosmic man now in the borning.In those deep depths you can desire what you will, and “behold, it standeth before you.”

    It is recorded that every man who has known the illumination into Cosmic Consciousness has first lost all awareness of sin or evil. He finds himself in a universe of love in which there is no evil. You are quite a ways from that state of beingness--of necessity, for you must bring back into balance a very unbalanced world where evil has run amok. We must first bring love and balance into the world in such a measure as to begin the swing back into balance from this tremendously unbalanced circumstance.

    Could it be done through ONE MAN? Yes, but you had best look at that one man in point--if he clings in any manner to that which is deviant from any of the laws of God and Creation then he has not the full capability of desire to change the whole. I mean ANY DEVIATION!

    This God communication leads you into the REALITY of love and away from the unreality of evil. When one is wholly Mind, he can know no evil for there is no evil in his presence. God and His universe are founded upon love. Love is all there is.


    The entirety of Creation is the manifestation of love. Every effect of motion in Nature is a manifestation of the nature of God, for Nature gives of its all in every action and regives equally in every reaction. If that were not so, the movements of the planets would not be predictable. The electric heartbeat of nature expresses love in both halves of each cycle of the universal heartbeat. Nature never takes--for God never takes. Nature always gives equally--for God always gives equally. God’s equally balanced giving for regiving is never violated in Nature. It could not be violated for Nature is an extension of God’s nature. For this reason, the balance of Nature can never be upset.

    When you commune with God, do not have desire written upon your heart for that which is to be given to you. Ask, rather, to be inspired as to what you can give, and how, in order to be worthy of that which will surely be given you if you first give. UNLESS YOU FIRST GIVE, YOU WILL NOT BE RE- GIVEN.

    Let your thinking be energized to express love by first giving love in order that its inviolate reaction will regive love. To give possessions is not giving love. Love can only be given from your Self to another Self, and love given without Self is like unto sounds of music given without Soul. To extend love is to multiply the Light of it a thousandfold.To the extent that you are illumined with the Light of Love, which comes only from communion with the Source of love, to that extent you will be enabled to manifest your genius in masterly creations of your own. The very purpose of meditation is to enable you to give body-forms to ideas conceived by your Mind.

    Unless the Light of love which illumines you is extended into your creations, they are but dead things which cannot endure.

    The one point we wish to accentuate is that what we are now telling you is Universal Law, inescapable and inevitable law, which cannot be violated. Just to tell you this is not enough. Talk it over with God in your heart and you will really know that if you defy the law to the slightest extent it will hurt you equally, while if you work with that law it will work with you to the fulfillment of your every desire.


    A musician asks how meditation helps a musician to compose a symphony. He claims that teachers are necessary because of
    technique. Teachers can never teach you to be a poet, musician, artist, inventor, or creator of anything. They can only teach you techniques which they themselves have attained at the very best. God is the only one who can teach you to create. A teacher can tell you how to give a material body to your concept, but only God can give you your inspired concept. In other words, a teacher can give you a technique for expressing your idea, but he cannot become your Soul from which your concept extends.If the teacher can reinspire you with his inspiration, that inspiration of his, reflected in you, awakens the sleeping genius which is within you, but no one can teach you that. If you have been inspired by listening to a Paderewski, he has not taught you anything. He has enabled you to recognize the Light within your Self by his re-illumining.

    The beauty of music is not in its technique; it is in the Soul of its creator. That is why the same “tune” does not express the same Soul essence as different persons present it. One may be a genius--the other a player of recorded music. A copy of a great master’s art may be quite identical but one is the original with its Soul and the other remains “a copy”. Music is neither the sound vibrations of music; it is in the silence of the Light from which the sound sprang--a series of “tones” does not make music. You can KNOW music and THINK it without having acquired the technique of expressing it, or without producing sounds to give it a body. Your inner ears can hear the music in the silence of God’s eternal rhythms and you can interpret your moods into the rhythms of the universal heartbeat, as Beethoven interpreted the mood of the moonlight into the rhythms of it without having any teacher but his God-Self.

    Consider the life of any great musical genius. What he finally produces in a written composition first begins in his Soul.He must first find aloneness with Self by getting away from all other people--even from his own body-awareness. He must suppress all outer influences to seek that stillness from within from which the inner ears of his Soul can hear the rhythms of the universal heartbeat of God’s creative thinking. This is why, for instance, Dharma must have silence and quiet about her and aloneness when we write for otherwise her consciousness is distracted into fragments and she cannot hear that which we bring forth, or send forth,as the case may be. I know that ones who live and work with her assume she just sits and types--no, she is as any other writer--she must hear the message. God is the author of any worthy writing. All GREAT writings are of God for those of the adversary DO NOT ENDURE.

    To find that stillness in the Light of knowing, he must stop thinking in order that he can conceive idea from the Light of all-knowing. From the ecstasy of that stillness, the inspiration is born in his very Soul. The motive for his symphony gradually takes form through the heartbeat of his thinking, which he extends from the stillness of his Soul. He then ceases to extend it, again to find the stillness of the Light which is gradually giving him his motive through inner inspiration.

    This is the mood of all creative geniuses during the inspiring and ecstatic hours during which they commune with God. By such communion, you awaken and unfold your own genius. There is no other way to become a cosmic being. There is no other way to acquire inspired knowledge to uplift you from earth into the high heavens of the kingdom of the Soul where cosmic man dwells.

    Not until the creator of a cosmic idea wishes to give it a material body can a teacher be of any help.

    Giving an inspired concept a material body means to extend the conception from the consciousness of Mind, through thinking, to the sounds of a musical instrument, or the symbols of a written manuscript. That is purely a question of technique. A teacher is helpful in the acquirement of a technique and all of its mechanics. Does Dharma have this practice and technique when she writes? Not exactly--as with this material she presents for us--however, the technique of getting in clear touch and reception of the work required great discipline and giving, not to even include inspiration. The technique is most human--the gift, divine. Do you see the difference? For through the technique, she ALLOWS us to write that which we need to share with you without inserting her OPINION.

    In giving your conception a material body, many years of technical and scientific practice are needed. The science of the octave spectrum of color or tone is needed for expressing each of the arts, for from those octave-wave rhythms the poet, painter, architect, sculptor or musician gives rhythmic bodies to his inspired conceptions.

    The architect must first go to the Source of all inspiration for his conception. He does not need to be an engineer or mathematician for that, but when he builds the cathedral of his inspired imaginings he must know the technique of the engineer and mathematician in order to give a material body to his imaged one. Likewise, the painter, sculptor, poet or musician needs to be informed, either by books, teachers, experimentation or experience, regarding the techniques of giving bodies to his spiritually-conceived ideas.

    Remember, however, that technical information is not knowledge. You can be informed through the senses but you can acquire knowledge only through desire of the Soul for illumining with the Light of all-knowing. Knowledge is of the Soul and the Soul is not concerned with techniques. To the Soul they have no existence for your consciousness can conceive a greater symphony, poem, monument, painting or temple than you could ever give to a material body, no matter how perfect your technique is. So too, as you ask about these JOURNALS: Dharma writes on a keyboard through an earth technique that which God and we of his Hosts, present as the Soul unto the work. Without the KNOWING and the addition of input of Soul direction--we would simply have compiled more piles of print without direction or motivation save to present piles of print. Dharma herself, would, further, have preferred to write other types of material--or at least in beginning that was preference. She did not, nor does she yet, perceive herself a writer--shhh: she is still awaiting her “purpose”! She agrees to do this “favor” until she recognizes her purpose! Who are we to bend her from her seeking? For you who are new into the work here--she only started writing for us in July of 1989. God gets right with it when His time sequence is attended. There weren’t any more startled to find themselves doing this work than perhaps George and Desiree’ Green. George had made a commitment years ago to the Pleiades Command and Hatonn simply wrote a few little JOURNALS and reminders of commitment--it can be quite shocking when God comes knocking with his reminders of commitment. There have been some most interesting stories unfold herein which would be fun some day to relay to all so you can share your knock-knock’s, as in “Knock, knock! “; “Who’s there?” “God--where have you been?”

    The Soul’s greatest masterpieces are never produced on Earth Shan. They never descend from their high heavens of the Mind universe. No musical master can produce in sound the music which he hears in his Soul while in communion with God. Physical sounds can be heard by anyone but the silences from which they spring can be heard only by a cosmic God-conscious being while his Soul is in communion with the Universal Soul. How well that music is received and appreciated by his listeners after he then records the remembered strains is that which gives life and Soul unto the projected works. At best, it is but a recording of God’s thought projected through physical perception.

    Speaking, again, of techniques, an electric machine can remember information recorded upon it electrically, and it can repeat it countless times with accuracy. The electric machine is sensed (wired) for that purpose. It is a body without a Soul. It obeys the will of an intelligence which presses a button.

    Man humans are but electric machines which remember and repeat information recorded upon their senses. People say of such persons that their technique is perfect but soulless. That means that God-awareness in them has not yet been awakened. That is what we mean by saying that teachers can give you techniques but God can awaken the Light of cosmic inspiration in you.

    Many unawakened humans forever repeat the ideas of others, such as those who stand in assembly lines, each one electrically sensed to do his unthinking, unknowing part like an electrically-driven automaton. But many there are who also stand in assembly lines who perform work automatically with their bodies while their Souls are in communion with God in His high heavens. These are the cosmic ones among men who are seeking to find the kingdom of the Soul’s high heavens They gradually break away from the treadmill of life through communing with God.

    John Doe of the assembly line can escape from John Doe and be Rachmaninoff, or Shakespeare, or whoever else at will. Through meditation, John Doe can roam the universe and be alone with God in the deep woods hearing the rippling fall of waters or the breezes in the pines above the crash of factory wheels or gears.

    No matter how heavy the burden of the treadmill of life may be, or how bitterly your body may be chained to Earth, you may escape from it and be exalted among men by hearing the still small Voice within you whispering inspired words in God’s language of Light.

    Let us bring this section to a close because I wish to discuss “how to meditate” a bit at the next sitting and the hour grows too late to complete the thought pattern. We shall sit again in the morrow, please. Thank you for attending me and thank you for your service.

    I bid you precious friends peace within the wondrous Presence.

    I AM

    PJ 34

    FRIDAY, JULY 19, 1991 9:56A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 337
    FRIDAY. JULY 19. 1991
    Vio present to continue with our JOURNAL:
    This is a subject of so much controversy and as many answers as there are persons who experience; so, if you have a method that works--why fix something which is not broken?

    Meditation is the key that will open the door to your inner-Self wherein lies all the true power for material manifestation, for, as sound springs from silence, so does positive action come from inner KNOWING.

    It has been said that one must lose one’s life to find it. Applied to meditation, it means that one must forget one’s mortal body in order to become aware of one’s immortality. That is exactly what happens when we seek the Light of Self-illumination in our eternal Selves. The great glory of existence is reached only by Mind-awareness. You can only reach supreme heights that way. In that ecstatic existence is the seed and Source of all-power and all-knowledge, which is yours by desiring it.

    It is not easy to acquire the meditative state all at once, even as carefully as these writings will tell you how to acquire it. It is perhaps too simple and ones are seeking too much of a “change” of beingness. What you are actually doing is moving into a personal state of hypnosis wherein you are setting aside your sense awareness/ consciousness. Almost ALL misunderstand that which is “hypnosis” and, therefore, I am going to have to share a dissertation of what hypnosis IS!

    Dharma, I ask that we take the explanation tape from your set and herein reproduce the lecture regarding “hypnosis”. We will make decisions regarding inclusion of the audio tape later. I do not want, however, to include a thing in tapes which is not duplicated in printed form --of this nature. I would suggest, however, to the Publisher, that to accompany this volume with a couple of pre-planned tapes would bring incredible results. People simply work too hard at a thing which is as simple as relaxation and you cannot attain it by written instructions. May we please conference regarding this matter, soon?

    Acquiring “contact” comes a bit slowly if you are working without benefit of support from an audio source which can allow your mind to simply “follow” and your desire to commune MUST be present. First comes desire for change and only then can change be accomplished. There is no other way! You must either desire to live in the sensed body of Earth or in the Light of the Mind-kingdom of heaven. That is the answer to those who say they try to meditate but find that they cannot stop thinking to “get into that state of Mind”. To those who are thus troubled in making the transition, we would say that if you desired to talk to the President of the U.S., your Mind would be centered on the reason why you desired to talk to him.

    Exactly the same procedure takes place when you wish to talk with God. Your Mind is centered on your desire. You could not possibly think of other things, nor could your thinking wander aimlessly. Concentrate hard upon your desire if you wish to, or just breathe your desire softly, or just write it upon your heart wordlessly. Perhaps your desire has no definite objective other than to find the peace of heavenly companionship by dwelling in the love nature of your Self and God.

    It makes no difference what your desire might be, or whether your approach is in deep concentration upon some specific thing, or in dreamy decentration upon some nebulous idea--or upon nothing at all. You cannot concentrate long in any case, not more than five to ten minutes, before the reaction of decentration replaces it. Gradually the inspiration you ask for will come to you. Before you can realize it, you will find yourself sort of “stepping in and out of the body”, so to speak, in that alternation which always takes place while losing your sensed-awareness. Gradually you will completely forget your body and have full awareness of the Light of knowing, which MIND IS.

    What I am asking Dharma to place herein is an explanation regarding hypnosis. To do this work we trained her by a Master Teacher of the subject and she is brilliantly qualified in hypnotherapy. I can only urge you to read most carefully this explanation of hypnosis and walk with her through the relaxation techniques and into ability at self-hypnosis--for this is a most private within Mind experience--to be shared only if desired. There is nothing more personal than your communion with God-

    Learning is not enough, however--you must then follow-on, after several practice sessions with the self-hypnosis training tape, into the tape prepared for her use in “clearing”, asking in the higher Presence and giving permission to the sub-conscious to function physically by enabling you to remain in a state of relaxation but giving you ability to write as response flows. It is an excellent tape to utilize as you retire and allow that sub-conscious worker-bee to sort out the problems overnight. At first your responses will likely appear most silly to you--write what comes at any rate--often the higher energies will be testing to see IF YOU WILL ACCEPT THE MESSAGE--REGARDLESS OF CONTENT. You must learn to receive as given--not as YOU EXPECT OR THINK IT SHOULD BE IN RESPONSE. If, however, you get dark input--demand instant removal of all dark energies who are NOT IN DIRECT SERVICE OF DIVINE GOD SOURCE AND THE LIGHTED BROTHERHOOD. DO NOT ALLOW FAILURE OF IDENTIFICATION IN THIS MATTER--IF YOU PICK UP GAMES ABOUT IT-IT IS NOT OF LIGHT! GOD’S WORKERS IDENTIFY WITH GOD INSTANTLY!BUT YOU HAVE TO ASK, FOR THE ADVERSARY WILL LIE TO YOU EVERY TIME AND HE IS ALLOWED TO FOOL YOU IF HE CAN-- YOU MUST TAKE CONTROL!


    There are so many misconceptions regarding hypnosis that we will herein correct any misinformation regarding this wondrous tool. We will allow you to see how and why the method works.

    In order to fully benefit from use of the tapes it is extremely important that you understand exactly what it is you wish to accomplish and how the goal can best be accomplished.

    It is most important that you understand what is meant explicitly, by the term “hypnosis”, and to also have understanding of how the Mind functions.

    Ones attempt to change bodily functions and replace negative habits over and over to only end in failure. Perhaps you are efforting to build better self-image and esteem and/or be a better spouse or parent and simply cannot reach through that barrier of the conscious mind. Ones work hard at being a better public speaker and/or better relate to the opposite sex or generally with all others. We most often seek greater self-worth--the list seems to be infinite in length. You spend millions upon millions of dollars, each and every year, on self-improvement programs and countless diet plans, seminars and even seek psychiatric assistance to hopefully fulfill the dream of a magical result.

    How many times do we decline to GROW within our careers or participate in social situations because of our own feelings of self-dislike and feelings of personal unworthiness? Failure then becomes our subconscious goal instead of a goal of success, riches, good health, social poise and confidence. We continue on and on forever reinforcing the feelings of failure until surely enough, failure results.

    You no longer need to move toward failure for we can show you how to move only toward success in your life. The miracles follow and success must result for you will confront the problems and bring forth the solutions at a level of mind-control wherein the problem is recorded. You can now have the method THAT WORKS.

    There are several parts to the human mind, two of which I am going to speak of in this discussion, and we will deal with them in order to achieve the use of the tool available to you. One is the “conscious” and the other is the “subconscious”.

    The conscious mind is that portion of the mind of which you are fully aware. It is the “me” when you think of yourself. Now it appears that this is the portion of the mind that makes all of your decisions and directs your activities. This, however, is NOT TRUE. The other and larger part of your mind is the subconscious.

    The subconscious is the REAL YOU. In actuality the conscious mind is ruled and directed by that subconscious mind. We all have “free-will” to do anything which we desire and our decisions are based on the strength of those desires.

    The subconscious desires ALWAYS dominate the ones which are conscious. Let us use an example; A man may consciously wish to stop drinking if he is an alcoholic. He consciously regrets having the loss of love and respect of his family, which usually happens. He may also be watching his career being destroyed due to his drinking. Yet he will continue to drink to excess in spite of his “conscious” desires. The subconscious mind will continue to direct the person to drink in excess until such time as the idea within the subconscious mind is changed or replaced by a different idea.

    Although our conscious mind has the ability to reason and decide upon a course of action which would be far more advantageous to us, it cannot put that decision into action until such time as the subconscious mind agrees--and then must direct its energy toward the implementation of that decision. Our source of energy stems from the subconscious mind and no amount of WILL-POWER exerted by the conscious mind can override it. This is the reason “will-power” in the long-run will almost always only make a temporary dent in any surface physical problem. Habits will continue to dominate until the subconscious mind is changed.

    The subconscious mind works exactly as a computer works in that it will respond only as it has been programmed. Much of this programming took place long before we were old enough to choose between ideas helpful or hurtful to our very own welfare.

    The subconscious accepts only what the conscious mind believes at the time a suggestion is offered. If that suggestion becomes embedded in the subconscious and the conscious mind changes its opinion, the subconscious will CONTINUE to respond as originally programmed until such time as it is reprogrammed. After a NEW IDEA is PROGRAMMED and accepted within the subconscious, however, it then becomes accepted and is the idea upon which the individual will henceforth function. It now becomes apparent that if we wish to attain self-mastery in any situation, we must program and/or reprogram (as the case may be), our subconscious mind. Once this is accomplished we then CONSCIOUSLY direct our activity toward any goal desired--be it toward good health, happiness, financial success or success in any endeavor chosen.

    Since the subconscious mind is our driving force we always do what IT believes and wishes us to do. Since it will believe anything it is told to believe we can reprogram it if we only bypass the conscious mind--set it aside--and then we must replace the old program with new and constructively positive ideas instead of the existing negative ones.

    These new ideas then must be continually reinforced until they are totally entrenched habits of thinking and acting. It becomes obvious, therefore, that we must temporarily set aside that conscious critical mind, so that reasoning from a “false premise” can be stopped, thus allowing us to substitute a correct premise for the false one that we have stored within the subconsciousness.

    This is accomplished most efficiently and rapidly through hypnosis.

    As part of the beginning to make changes within your subconscious mind it is necessary to understand its nature and its function. The subconscious is designed to be YOUR SERVANT and act upon orders given to it by your conscious mind. Since it was designed to serve, it makes a very poor master, indeed. And yet most of us allow it to continually control our entire lives. It consists of your desires, whims and emotions and the energy that drives you to satisfy them. What your subconscious believes, is the difference between good health and sickness, happiness and unhappiness, success and failure.

    The subconscious mind has several vital functions. It regulates and controls involuntary functions within the body such as breathing, blood circulation, digestion and elimination. Stress and tension inhibit these processes and are therefore responsible for ALL psychosomati illness symptoms. The subconscious mind is the seat of the imagination.

    Many people will say they have no imagination. But of course they do, although they may have effectively suppressed it. Even against their own well-being and best interest they can always seem to create a negative response.

    The subconscious mind is a memory bank very much like a computer. Everything we have ever done, seen, heard, smelled, tasted, felt or experienced in any way, is permanently stored in a maze of memory patterns which feed back the information to the conscious mind, when activated. Nothing is ever erased from the mind--except through injury or removal of a portion of the brain itself.

    The subconscious mind is the foundation of our emotions. This accounts for its domination of the conscious mind. Since emotions govern the strength of our desires and since our desires govern our behavior, we are actually at the mercy of our subconscious mind--UNLESS WE LEARN TO CONTROL IT. The subconscious is incapable of discrimination and will believe anything it is told. It carries out our habitual conduct, it manages and controls the activities we have reduced to habit; such as dressing oneself, eating, walking and so on.

    It is the generator that directs our energy. It is the energy that drives us toward our life goals. It, automatically and constantly, uses this energy to proceed toward a goal; therefore, unless you set a goal for it to achieve, it will either choose its own goal, or proceed toward a goal someone else has suggested. Without your direction and demand it might very well strive directly and unerringly toward negative and self-destructive goals. As I said before, it has no capability of choosing a proper goal.

    The subconscious mind is not supposed to “think”, but rather, only to react to the thoughts you feed it and then to carry out your direct orders. It was intended that YOU be the boss and it be the servant and it is time you started giving the orders to push you on to success and happiness and bring you into communion with your higher beingness.

    Any person who succeeds in his business or in his personal life, and anyone who is making large sums of money, has simply chosen success for a goal and given that direct order to his subconscious mind. This can be by conscious choice or by having had the idea implanted within his mind at some point in his past experience.

    The subconscious WANTS to receive guidance from your conscious mind for that is the way Nature intended it to be. It will do exactly what it is told because this is its Natural function. You can direct it toward anything you wish and it will achieve it for you even though you consciously may even forget what it was you requested. Once an idea becomes fixed in the subconscious it feeds back into your daily behavior and causes you to be that which you are. So it is up to you to direct it to work for you instead of against you. Through the use of hypnosis or self-hypnosis you can easily learn to control your future by channeling your energy constructively.

    We must clear up some misconceptions regarding hypnotism. The average preconceived ideas about hypnotism are so far from the actual truth as to be totally absurd and ridiculous. There is NOTHING MAGICAL OR MYSTICAL about hypnotism. There has NEVER BEEN A DOCUMENTED CASE OF HARM COMING TO ANYONE AS A RESULT OF ITS THERAPEUTIC USE.

    Although its benefits are well established, it remains a much misunderstood and oftentimes frightening subject in the minds of the general public. This stems from the natural fear of a powerful force that is not understood.

    This force, however, stems entirely from your own subconscious mind--and if you don’t bring it under your control it will most surely control you. It has that option. The greater danger is in not understanding the source of this power. Almost all physical and emotional ailments result from this uncontrolled force working against us when we should be using it to our best advantage.

    Fear of hypnotism is, thank goodness, being gradually replaced by acceptance of its use. Even in medicine, doctors are finally accepting it as a viable and valuable treatment of emotionally caused diseases. Psychiatrists are beginning to supplement psychotherapy with hypnotherapy which dramatically reduces the time need (and also indicates why it is not more readily utilized--time is money for the physician and hypnosis is FAST, effective and inexpensive) for the therapy process. Dentists, too, are using hypnosis in order to relax patients and in that process are finding they are needing far less anesthetic or none at all, for painless drilling or tooth extractions.

    (Candace: I no longer need anesthetic for drilling. I go into self hypnosis.)

    There is a question which is always asked-- “How does it feel to be hypnotized?” And this is a most important point. You will feel the same while hypnotized whether by a professional hypnotist assisting you or your doing it yourself--provided you have
    some audio assistance for otherwise you have no relative comparison.

    Every muscle in your body becomes pleasantly relaxed and all tensions disappear. Every muscle in the body becomes relaxed as every nerve becomes calm. This happens in various degrees from one hypnotic experience to another until it becomes an established habit pattern, after which you are able to completely relax within just a few seconds. After the nerves and muscles relax the mind also lets go and--although you can and will remain “aware” of the noises and activities around you--they simply do not disturb your tranquility. You are able to think if you desire to do so, but only an emergency will trigger such a desire. You simply prefer to continue enjoying the pleasant relaxed feeling of complete security and contentment. It feels almost like being awake while sleeping. Perhaps a better description might be like watching yourself sleep in “mind’s eye”.

    (Candace: Having occasional sleepless nights? Self hynopsis is a great thing to practice during this time, and your body will get up refreshed. I always just call it meditation, but it’s self hypnosis, and if you can’t sleep, you can use this period not only to relax/heal the body while you are down, but you can so some really “fun” other stuff, either sort and look at problems as if from a distance and just journey around the universe, and say, look at where Jupiter currently is, the real one.)

    Any and every person goes into and out of hypnosis many, many times each and every day. It’s the abstract state you are in when day-dreaming and you become unaware of your surroundings. Or, when you are driving and drift off into thoughts so that when you look around, you realize you have reached your destination without realizing it. You will not pass out nor will you EVER become unconscious. In fact, the general reaction by most people after coming out of a hypnotic trance is that they don’t believe they have been hypnotized. They say they enjoyed the experience immensely but they had expected something much different.

    You may remain conscious of where you are and what you are doing but you simply feel too relaxed and comfortable to give it thought. You can, however, return to complete awareness at any time that you choose to do so--it is especially so when in a self-induced trance for you still have the total control of the suggestions. NO ONE HAS EVER BEEN UNABLE TO COME OUT OF A HYPNOTIC TRANCE and the sensational stories you may have heard regarding hypnosis are simply untrue and are propagated by stage presentations which are intended to produce exactly such an illusion.


    During a trance both your body and mind become revitalized and you will return to your full awareness feeling physically refreshed and emotionally calm and serene. Your energy will be renewed and your tensions will have dissolved. You will look forward with eagerness to your next experience because it is a very pleasant experience.

    One reason people may have difficulty at first, in learning self- hypnosis, is that they don’t know when they are hypnotized. Because they EXPECT something much different they believe they have failed when actually they have succeeded very nicely.

    (Candace: you who are learning to say receive from the higher realms, do expect some sort of “magic” to happen, and “TRY” way to hard, and thus shoot past your goal. By expecting it to be hard, guess what happens? )

    There are various “depths” of trance which can be achieved and as you practice you will find yourself at various stages during different sessions until you become conditioned to the point where you can choose the depth.

    While in trance you will probably experience a floating or a detached feeling--like your limbs are detached from your body; or perhaps your entire body may feel as if it is floating. It is an extremely pleasant sensation. With practice you can go into any depth of trance at any time you desire, in a matter of only a few seconds.

    The light trance is the easiest level to achieve in self-hypnosis and is more than adequate for reaching and planting suggestions into the subconscious.

    The medium trance is a level necessary for anesthesia and age regression.

    The deep trance is the deepest level and appears to be, but is not, deep slumber. Hypnosis is a “type” of slumber but is not “sleep” as experienced when “asleep” at night. Anytime the term “sleep” is used in my tapes or instructions it is only a directive to the conscious mind to turn loose in order to bypass directly to the subconscious mind.

    Now that you understand the power of your subconscious mind and the role of hypnotism in reaching it and influencing it--the next step is to learn to hypnotize yourself. The tools you will use are suggestion, concentration and imagination. If you have a good imagination you will find it extremely easy to learn self- hypnosis. Even if you don’t, it is not difficult. It is, however, of utmost importance that you DO NOT “TRY” TOO HARD. Because if you “try” too hard, you will become tense and this is the opposite of that which you are attempting to accomplish. (Candace: see, I just said that above.)

    If you take a skeptical “prove-it to me” attitude, you will also impede your progress and that is not what we are about at any rate. Just cooperate and you will get your “proof” soon enough.

    You must absolutely avoid an analytical attitude--analyzing will only keep your conscious mind alert and the whole object of hypnotism is to relax that conscious mind. Analyzing also breeds doubt as to the effectiveness of each step. Since hypnosis is a conviction phenomenon, doubt will surely slow your progress. We are assuming that you desire to hypnotize yourself or you wouldn’t be making all this effort.

    (Editor’s Note: Please be reminded that this is a literal transcription of the first audio tape in a set of seven.)

    You CANNOT go into hypnosis against your will so you can’t do it unless you follow the instructions. You must avoid over- anxiety and skepticism and simply cooperate with the ideas suggested. If you follow those ideas, relax and just let it happen, it will. You are going to have to, however, practice. You are given herein a “Learning Self-hypnosis” tape on the reverse side of this discussion. Use it alone for five to seven days. This will enable you to instantly respond to the subsequent inductions on follow-on tapes for programming or meditation. You MUST be able to rapidly and successfully get yourself into hypnosis prior to moving on to programming tapes in any of our sets.

    A programming tape must then be played from 21 to 25 times to thoroughly entrench a new idea. Don’t switch to different programming tapes on different days at random. Continue with only one program for several consecutive days and with the sets for appropriate problem solving, you will be given instructions for multiple use of the program at point. This is so that you don’t confuse or overload your subconscious mind as to exactly what goals you are attempting to achieve. Don’t TRY to concentrate on listening to the tape(s), just simply relax your mind and allow it to drift as you listen. Your subconscious mind will absorb the taped message. Don’t try to analyze the contents or verbiage of the tape and quit asking yourself questions while you are in a state of hypnosis--prepare those questions prior to beginning and feed them in with instructions to attend them.

    (Candace: If you take on any sort of “self improvement” with your subconscious mind, do so ONE at a TIME, otherwise, your poor subconscious will not see the forest for the trees.)

    You will find that a few of you will experience positive results beginning within a day or so--perhaps one time through the session. The largest numbers of people experience success beginning around the third or fourth week with the planned programs. Ten to twelve percent will show results only after 45 to 60 days with self-hypnosis for some set up unintentional barriers which are not present in therapist assisted sessions. Don’t be discouraged. Less than 5% report only minimal changes and, without exception, those who experienced only minimal results-- FAILED TO FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS PROPERLY. WE HAVE HAD ABSOLUTELY NO ONE REPORT A TOTAL LACK OF POSITIVE RESULTS--EVEN IF IT IS ONLY TO GET A WONDERFUL SLEEP SESSION.

    (Candace: for those that like to relax to music with songs in it, be very careful WHAT you listen too, it may be better to listen to music without words. This is a problem in the churches with mind control. People are lulled into a hypnotic state with beautiful sounding music, accompanied by words that hook people into the WRONG idea of God. I was appalled and still am by music used in churches during “Lets worship the Lord Sessions” particularly those evangelical churches, which also put the words up on the wall while you sing. This method of mind control was quite an eye opener to me. People’s subconscious minds are being programmed to carry out the work of the beast in this manner. Ministers in fact are given training to mind control the members, of how to create a hypnotic state. You see this by masters working crowds too, even back in the days of the cross, in the people calling for the hanging of Christ.

    And these same churches go about now programming very young children in the non ways of the Lord, on purpose, and this is what the subconscious mind will play for them until they can see through it. This is why some Christians bug you half to death that you must join a church, get baptized, receive the misunderstood holy spirit, and go to hell if you don’t, and give plenty of money to the church and Jesus will not accept you into heaven unless you belong to the one and only right church. So hypnosis can be misused on the unthinking person, and is on TV all the time during soap operas and sports games.

    And you know all the hip hop music, and lots of other beaty music including HARD ROCK, there is often really bad words used in these, and these program the subconscious. Military uses them all the time. Remember that movie Fahrenheit 911 by Michael Moore, and the soldiers listening and singing to the “burn those mother fuckers type music?” DON”T let you kids knowingly listen to this type of music, because when they “get into it” they can be in a hypnotic state and can be programmed by it unless they are advanced souls who see through it. And even nasty war like harsh music without words can still program. )

    Since in this context you will only be working with meditation tapes it is suggested that you only practice in a state of rest and NOT when doing another task. Programming tapes can be played while doing other things but--especially for beginners-- serious accidents can occur should you drift off to sleep, etc. Never use the “learning” tape except when lying or sitting comfortably with intent on utilizing the instructions.

    Don’t excuse lack of trying this method of relaxation because of ANY past experience. If you wish to have success--begin right now and forget that which went before--we are not interested in that which did not work--AND NEITHER SHOULD YOU BE.

    Each and every one of us must change mental programming if we intend to change our life style or reach any goal. You can begin immediately to changing those failure patterns into success blueprints. Success and happiness is your RIGHT, you are a perfect creation and you deserve the things you desire and the ONLY ONE STANDING IN YOUR WAY OF SUCCESS IS YOU, YOURSELF!

    From this time forward the term “failure” can be removed totally from your vocabulary--forever, as well as from the domination of your life in this physical experience.

    Those who reported the most rapid changes and success, played their tapes several times a day--so be patient, but in order to move along toward better results faster, I urge you to use the tapes as many times a day as you can make the time to do so.

    Comment: The remainder of the taped message is specifically for the self-esteem tape set and is not applicable to this volume. However, it is really a boost to use that learning tape several times until you are proficient and then move on to other resource tapes.

    The most successful time for listening to and experiencing the tapes is at bedtime when retiring because you are already anticipating relaxation and rest and this leaves the remainder of the night to allow the subconscious to sort and absorb the input.

    Don’t be concerned if you feel as if you have drifted off to sleep, even with the programming tapes--if you rouse up to the click of the player or become aware that the player is silent-- YOU HAVE BEEN SUBCONSCIOUSLY TUNED IN TO THE MESSAGE AND YOU WILL HAVE HEARD IT.

    If you wish to return to sleep after playing any tape simply give yourself instructions to do so, rouse yourself enough to turn off the equipment and return to bed and you will return to sleep almost instantly. If you get up to go about your activities, give yourself input that you are refreshed and feeling wonderful in every way, count to five and say that your eyes will be open, you will be alert and feeling good in every way, and do so.

    You can create your own miracles and change your image in the total privacy of your own mind! Thank you.


    Germain to return. Thank you for sharing and we will work out accessibility to the tapes in some manner best left to the publisher. It is the information regarding hypnosis which I particularly wished you to have.


    Mostly, the question is, “How can I decentrate into that stillness of the meditative mood? The more I try to stop thinking, the more things I keep thinking of.”

    First: Desire to be in the Light. Say to yourself wordlessly, “I want to be alone with God.” If you want to be alone with God, there is a reason for it. That reason is that you NEED GOD. You have a desire you want fulfilled--a problem to solve--illness--misfortune--financial loss or need--an idea for invention--a conception for a work of art. No matter what it is you need, whether knowledge, power or inspiration, no matter what it is, DESIRE IT IN YOUR HEART WORDLESSLY. Do not talk to God in words. Talk to Him in essence. Know Him. Do not Think of Him and thus make Him objective and apart from you. Be Him. Let your Soul touch His Soul. Seek His ecstasy of Mind. When you find that ecstasy, you will know that He is One with you.

    Second: Your desire is written upon your heart. It is registered in your Soul. It is no longer your body’s desire; it is your Soul’s desire. You are in communion with God about it--not in words but in Light. You have an increasing sense of joyousness. Your desire is written into the universal heartbeat rhythmically. You are responding to it rhythmically. You are no longer just body--you are Soul--slightly aware of body--slightly aware of Earth and the heavens above, and of creating things. You are not thinking of extraneous things. You cannot think of objective things of Earth while you are in the Spirit.

    Third: You are in a contemplative mood. There is an indescribable peace in its rest. Your Soul sees the beauty of the flower you are passing. It is not your eyes which see that beauty, nor your ears which hear the silences from which the sounds of Earth spring. You are in the rhythmic world of imagining--the world of inspiration--the world of the high heavens--the formless, indescribable world of the high heavens. You become less and less aware of your body as you become more wholly Mind. .You “dream” rather than sense.

    Fourth You are in communion with God You are ONE with all things. All things are ONE. You KNOW all things as ONE. You KNOW the Light which all things are. You KNOW the love nature of God and of all things. You Know God as love. You KNOW yourself AS LOVE. You KNOW the ecstasy of love. You know your Self. The mortal YOU has become the eternal YOU.

    Fifth: That which you desired to know, you do know. That which you desired to have, you now have. You have always known--and always have had that which you have but now desire. You have always known it in spirit for you are the Light of all-knowing, which spirit is. God does not give you knowledge of power. He gives you an awareness that you already have all-knowledge and all-power that He has, for He makes you comprehend your oneness with Him. When you actually KNOW that, you can then say, “My Father and I are one.”

    Neither does God give you material things without your equal regiving, for that is the inviolate law regarding all material things. He gives you the seed but you must unfold the seed. He gives you His body to fashion into the form of your desire, but you must give equally of your body to fashion it. God gives you the tools you need, but you must use them. God manifests the spirit of His nature in His own body by creating His body in the image of His Self. You must manifest the spirit of your nature in your own body by creating your body in the image of your Self. God will forever work with you, but you must work with Him.

    Sixth: In meditation, you have stepped out of the material into the spiritual You. You have stepped out of the body of yourself into the Mind of your Self--out of the manifestation of reality into reality. You have stepped out of the conditioned universe of divided and unbalanced things into the unconditioned and undivided universe of balance which controls unbalanced things. You have done this because you had desire in you which must be fulfilled.

    Your desire has been fulfilled. God has illumined you with the knowledge you desired. You have become inspired. Conception of idea in spiritual form is now in you--but can you now come back into the physical world and transform your conceived image into a material one? You now know CAUSE. You have acquired that knowledge from the stillness of Mind-knowing. Can you translate it into effect by making a body for your conception? God has given you what you have desired--but now comes the important question as to what you are going to do about it. How shall you use it? Have you the moral courage to use it or are you still a weakling, preferring to suffer the effects of your ills rather than remove their cause? Will you work with God and arise, or against God and fall?

    Your body manifests your Mind. It will do what you command it to do. Is it ill? If so, it is out of balance. Restore its balance by balanced thinking. Balance is in the eternal YOU--now extend balance to the mortal you. Whatever your problem was, it has been solved in the spirit of you. Can you now manifest it? Can you now give it a body? Can you now extend your spiritual balance to your unbalanced physical body to stop the wreckage of your business--or heal your body--or regain a lost friendship?

    Dharma--Dharma, respond to me, please. The computer is going to destroy our work. We must close it out. Did you not see that which it did? I must ask you to remain a bit more alert for it was just now hit with a strong blast and I must have you pay more attention. Please let us leave this room. We can finish the subject at another sitting. I believe you need to check on the meeting probabilities, also. Thank you, chela, for a long session. I will stand aside.

    I AM

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