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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar




    THURSDAY, JULY 18, 1991 8:20 P.M. YEAR 4, DAY 336



    God’s communion within His own Being is a sequential transition from the still, unconditioned Light of His knowing and the moving, conditioned lights of His thinking.

    The Light of His knowing is undivided. It is a balanced equilibrium. The two lights of His thinking are divided. They are the electric pulsations of two-way motion which build thought-forms for recording His knowing.

    God’s light-wave universe is the invisible still Light of Mind- knowing. God’s electric universe is the product of God’s knowing, expressed by the visible, pulsing lights of His dynamic thinking.


    We cannot say more to you than that, for God’s communion with His Self is identical in principle and practice with your communion with your Self-Oneness as God. The eternal Light of eternal Life is the balanced Light of the Soul-Mind universe.

    Your electric body is the product of your knowing, expressed by your thinking--as God’s universal body is the product of God’s knowing, expressed by His thinking. If you can but fully realize this vitally important fact, you will be farther ahead than you could possibly be by reading all the books in the Congressional Library.

    When you commune with full understanding, you become aware of your oneness with God. You become more and more aware of the fact that God’s Mind is your Mind, that His knowledge and power are your knowledge and power. When God becomes your teacher (and little doves, you of this brood have God as your personal teacher, I hope you understand that gift), you need no earthly teachers. I watch you in this crew and know that you don’t yet understand that which I say to you for, already, you cannot separate that which came to you as a “brother” from that same entity which is now your “Father/Creator”--how blessed you are to come into KNOWING through this wondrous route of brotherhood so that you were able to grow into the comfort of His Mighty Presence. You have learned the reverence without losing the wondrous humor and comfort of His sharing toil. You who labor so hard in a “Commander’s” service will find that to be the reward of rewards for your selfless service.

    To the extent that you become aware of God as the still Light which centers you as Soul of you, you are God. As you become more and more enabled to forget your body-awareness and find yourself alone in that stillness of cosmic Light, you form inspired conceptions of ideas which come to you in timeless flashes of that Light which you do not see but KNOW because of its illumining presence. You feel the ecstasy of it in the Light of your Soul and in the inspiration which accompanies your celebration.

    All geniuses conceive their ideas with that accompanying joy and exaltation of inner thinking. They then think those ideas into form. After the mental image is clear, they give a material body to each idea by outward thinking through their senses for others to interpret in the measure of their knowing. To sum up this as a formula, we might say that meditation is a sequential journey from the zero of Mind-knowing--through the action of Mind-thinking--to the rest point which centers two-way thinking--and back again to that zero of Mind-knowing.The more intensely you can comprehend this definition, the more simple you will find all things in life, for we do not depart from the above formula in any decision or action of life, or the solution of any problem of life. Nor do we depart from it during this entire course of lessons. It is most basic, as you will discover as we proceed. We urge you, therefore, to give deep thought to it and recognize its prototype in principle in all things, even unto life, death and rebirth as being the same effect as inbreathing, outbreathing and repeated inbreathing.

    Desire in God to manifest His Being by producing imaged forms by projection in light-waves of motion from the stillness of His Light of knowing is the energy of the universe which He is eternally creating. Desire in you is, likewise, the energy which enables you to create your universe. We will talk much, later on, about your energy and God’s energy in relation to the motive power extended to you from God, and your use of it.

    Constant communion with your Source of energy will give you both knowledge and power to use it by giving form to your inspired conceptions under your cosmic control instead of under your sensed control. Communion with God in meditation means talking with God in Mind silence.


    In the last lesson, we took you one step nearer to the simplicity which underlies your interchange between knowing and thinking. We will now take another step in that direction by having you understand the love nature of the universe and how that love principle parallels the simple formula given to you.

    Communion with God exalts you to the joy of the universal love principle of God and Nature. Here we must use the word ecstasy which is also a badly misused term. It is, however, the only suitable word for it is the one undivided emotion--the balanced full joy “ecstasy” of love for which there ARE NO OPPOSITES.

    The reaction to the giving of love is love regiven. When your meditation gives to you the love nature of God, you will then know that there is no evil, nor sin, nor bad in God or in Nature. There is naught but GOOD in God’s universe. This does NOT mean that the presence of evil is absent from the world but only that--in communion WITH GOD--there is nothing save Goodness because ALL is then perceived with the objective of total Love.

    In communing with God directly, or through those moods of Nature which lead you to God, you become aware that His nature is your nature. In your deep communion, you feel only the universal love nature of God extending through you to all the universe. You then love all things for there is naught but love extending through you and from you. Your own ecstasy tells you that.

    Imagine yourself communing with God indirectly, such as listening to the heavenly rhythms of God’s heartbeat in a masterful symphony. While thus enraptured by the divine rhythms reaching your very Soul, can you possibly imagine yourself thinking evil, or thinking sinfully by planning to cheat, or lie, or steal? No--of course you cannot. The reason you cannot is because you are reflecting the love nature of the universe in your spiritual Self, and there is no sin in that love nature to reflect. That is why you should seek God in meditation immediately if you indulge in angry or unkind thoughts. You must restore the balance of the universal love principle, else the toxins of unbalanced thinking will upset the balanced normalcy of your body rhythms, which all illnesses are.

    Form the constant HABIT of meditation. Make it a moment-to- moment private continuous attitude of your Mind in order to keep in tune with the universal rhythms of God’s balanced thinking. Be in tune with them always. Never stray far enough from God-awareness to allow the slightest imperfection in your work, your health, your friendships, your business plans or any achievement whatsoever. The more you become fully aware that you cannot do anything of yourself alone, and desire partnership with the whole universe, the more you will find that you can say, in the deep depths of your communion, “I am the universe. I am all that is, for the Light of my Father is all that is, and I am that Light. I and my Father are ONE.” That is cosmic meditation, for that is the thinking of the new race of cosmic man now in the borning.In those deep depths you can desire what you will, and “behold, it standeth before you.”

    It is recorded that every man who has known the illumination into Cosmic Consciousness has first lost all awareness of sin or evil. He finds himself in a universe of love in which there is no evil. You are quite a ways from that state of beingness--of necessity, for you must bring back into balance a very unbalanced world where evil has run amok. We must first bring love and balance into the world in such a measure as to begin the swing back into balance from this tremendously unbalanced circumstance.

    Could it be done through ONE MAN? Yes, but you had best look at that one man in point--if he clings in any manner to that which is deviant from any of the laws of God and Creation then he has not the full capability of desire to change the whole. I mean ANY DEVIATION!

    This God communication leads you into the REALITY of love and away from the unreality of evil. When one is wholly Mind, he can know no evil for there is no evil in his presence. God and His universe are founded upon love. Love is all there is.


    The entirety of Creation is the manifestation of love. Every effect of motion in Nature is a manifestation of the nature of God, for Nature gives of its all in every action and regives equally in every reaction. If that were not so, the movements of the planets would not be predictable. The electric heartbeat of nature expresses love in both halves of each cycle of the universal heartbeat. Nature never takes--for God never takes. Nature always gives equally--for God always gives equally. God’s equally balanced giving for regiving is never violated in Nature. It could not be violated for Nature is an extension of God’s nature. For this reason, the balance of Nature can never be upset.

    When you commune with God, do not have desire written upon your heart for that which is to be given to you. Ask, rather, to be inspired as to what you can give, and how, in order to be worthy of that which will surely be given you if you first give. UNLESS YOU FIRST GIVE, YOU WILL NOT BE RE- GIVEN.

    Let your thinking be energized to express love by first giving love in order that its inviolate reaction will regive love. To give possessions is not giving love. Love can only be given from your Self to another Self, and love given without Self is like unto sounds of music given without Soul. To extend love is to multiply the Light of it a thousandfold.To the extent that you are illumined with the Light of Love, which comes only from communion with the Source of love, to that extent you will be enabled to manifest your genius in masterly creations of your own. The very purpose of meditation is to enable you to give body-forms to ideas conceived by your Mind.

    Unless the Light of love which illumines you is extended into your creations, they are but dead things which cannot endure.

    The one point we wish to accentuate is that what we are now telling you is Universal Law, inescapable and inevitable law, which cannot be violated. Just to tell you this is not enough. Talk it over with God in your heart and you will really know that if you defy the law to the slightest extent it will hurt you equally, while if you work with that law it will work with you to the fulfillment of your every desire.


    A musician asks how meditation helps a musician to compose a symphony. He claims that teachers are necessary because of
    technique. Teachers can never teach you to be a poet, musician, artist, inventor, or creator of anything. They can only teach you techniques which they themselves have attained at the very best. God is the only one who can teach you to create. A teacher can tell you how to give a material body to your concept, but only God can give you your inspired concept. In other words, a teacher can give you a technique for expressing your idea, but he cannot become your Soul from which your concept extends.If the teacher can reinspire you with his inspiration, that inspiration of his, reflected in you, awakens the sleeping genius which is within you, but no one can teach you that. If you have been inspired by listening to a Paderewski, he has not taught you anything. He has enabled you to recognize the Light within your Self by his re-illumining.

    The beauty of music is not in its technique; it is in the Soul of its creator. That is why the same “tune” does not express the same Soul essence as different persons present it. One may be a genius--the other a player of recorded music. A copy of a great master’s art may be quite identical but one is the original with its Soul and the other remains “a copy”. Music is neither the sound vibrations of music; it is in the silence of the Light from which the sound sprang--a series of “tones” does not make music. You can KNOW music and THINK it without having acquired the technique of expressing it, or without producing sounds to give it a body. Your inner ears can hear the music in the silence of God’s eternal rhythms and you can interpret your moods into the rhythms of the universal heartbeat, as Beethoven interpreted the mood of the moonlight into the rhythms of it without having any teacher but his God-Self.

    Consider the life of any great musical genius. What he finally produces in a written composition first begins in his Soul.He must first find aloneness with Self by getting away from all other people--even from his own body-awareness. He must suppress all outer influences to seek that stillness from within from which the inner ears of his Soul can hear the rhythms of the universal heartbeat of God’s creative thinking. This is why, for instance, Dharma must have silence and quiet about her and aloneness when we write for otherwise her consciousness is distracted into fragments and she cannot hear that which we bring forth, or send forth,as the case may be. I know that ones who live and work with her assume she just sits and types--no, she is as any other writer--she must hear the message. God is the author of any worthy writing. All GREAT writings are of God for those of the adversary DO NOT ENDURE.

    To find that stillness in the Light of knowing, he must stop thinking in order that he can conceive idea from the Light of all-knowing. From the ecstasy of that stillness, the inspiration is born in his very Soul. The motive for his symphony gradually takes form through the heartbeat of his thinking, which he extends from the stillness of his Soul. He then ceases to extend it, again to find the stillness of the Light which is gradually giving him his motive through inner inspiration.

    This is the mood of all creative geniuses during the inspiring and ecstatic hours during which they commune with God. By such communion, you awaken and unfold your own genius. There is no other way to become a cosmic being. There is no other way to acquire inspired knowledge to uplift you from earth into the high heavens of the kingdom of the Soul where cosmic man dwells.

    Not until the creator of a cosmic idea wishes to give it a material body can a teacher be of any help.

    Giving an inspired concept a material body means to extend the conception from the consciousness of Mind, through thinking, to the sounds of a musical instrument, or the symbols of a written manuscript. That is purely a question of technique. A teacher is helpful in the acquirement of a technique and all of its mechanics. Does Dharma have this practice and technique when she writes? Not exactly--as with this material she presents for us--however, the technique of getting in clear touch and reception of the work required great discipline and giving, not to even include inspiration. The technique is most human--the gift, divine. Do you see the difference? For through the technique, she ALLOWS us to write that which we need to share with you without inserting her OPINION.

    In giving your conception a material body, many years of technical and scientific practice are needed. The science of the octave spectrum of color or tone is needed for expressing each of the arts, for from those octave-wave rhythms the poet, painter, architect, sculptor or musician gives rhythmic bodies to his inspired conceptions.

    The architect must first go to the Source of all inspiration for his conception. He does not need to be an engineer or mathematician for that, but when he builds the cathedral of his inspired imaginings he must know the technique of the engineer and mathematician in order to give a material body to his imaged one. Likewise, the painter, sculptor, poet or musician needs to be informed, either by books, teachers, experimentation or experience, regarding the techniques of giving bodies to his spiritually-conceived ideas.

    Remember, however, that technical information is not knowledge. You can be informed through the senses but you can acquire knowledge only through desire of the Soul for illumining with the Light of all-knowing. Knowledge is of the Soul and the Soul is not concerned with techniques. To the Soul they have no existence for your consciousness can conceive a greater symphony, poem, monument, painting or temple than you could ever give to a material body, no matter how perfect your technique is. So too, as you ask about these JOURNALS: Dharma writes on a keyboard through an earth technique that which God and we of his Hosts, present as the Soul unto the work. Without the KNOWING and the addition of input of Soul direction--we would simply have compiled more piles of print without direction or motivation save to present piles of print. Dharma herself, would, further, have preferred to write other types of material--or at least in beginning that was preference. She did not, nor does she yet, perceive herself a writer--shhh: she is still awaiting her “purpose”! She agrees to do this “favor” until she recognizes her purpose! Who are we to bend her from her seeking? For you who are new into the work here--she only started writing for us in July of 1989. God gets right with it when His time sequence is attended. There weren’t any more startled to find themselves doing this work than perhaps George and Desiree’ Green. George had made a commitment years ago to the Pleiades Command and Hatonn simply wrote a few little JOURNALS and reminders of commitment--it can be quite shocking when God comes knocking with his reminders of commitment. There have been some most interesting stories unfold herein which would be fun some day to relay to all so you can share your knock-knock’s, as in “Knock, knock! “; “Who’s there?” “God--where have you been?”

    The Soul’s greatest masterpieces are never produced on Earth Shan. They never descend from their high heavens of the Mind universe. No musical master can produce in sound the music which he hears in his Soul while in communion with God. Physical sounds can be heard by anyone but the silences from which they spring can be heard only by a cosmic God-conscious being while his Soul is in communion with the Universal Soul. How well that music is received and appreciated by his listeners after he then records the remembered strains is that which gives life and Soul unto the projected works. At best, it is but a recording of God’s thought projected through physical perception.

    Speaking, again, of techniques, an electric machine can remember information recorded upon it electrically, and it can repeat it countless times with accuracy. The electric machine is sensed (wired) for that purpose. It is a body without a Soul. It obeys the will of an intelligence which presses a button.

    Man humans are but electric machines which remember and repeat information recorded upon their senses. People say of such persons that their technique is perfect but soulless. That means that God-awareness in them has not yet been awakened. That is what we mean by saying that teachers can give you techniques but God can awaken the Light of cosmic inspiration in you.

    Many unawakened humans forever repeat the ideas of others, such as those who stand in assembly lines, each one electrically sensed to do his unthinking, unknowing part like an electrically-driven automaton. But many there are who also stand in assembly lines who perform work automatically with their bodies while their Souls are in communion with God in His high heavens. These are the cosmic ones among men who are seeking to find the kingdom of the Soul’s high heavens They gradually break away from the treadmill of life through communing with God.

    John Doe of the assembly line can escape from John Doe and be Rachmaninoff, or Shakespeare, or whoever else at will. Through meditation, John Doe can roam the universe and be alone with God in the deep woods hearing the rippling fall of waters or the breezes in the pines above the crash of factory wheels or gears.

    No matter how heavy the burden of the treadmill of life may be, or how bitterly your body may be chained to Earth, you may escape from it and be exalted among men by hearing the still small Voice within you whispering inspired words in God’s language of Light.

    Let us bring this section to a close because I wish to discuss “how to meditate” a bit at the next sitting and the hour grows too late to complete the thought pattern. We shall sit again in the morrow, please. Thank you for attending me and thank you for your service.

    I bid you precious friends peace within the wondrous Presence.

    I AM

    PJ 34

    FRIDAY, JULY 19, 1991 9:56A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 337
    FRIDAY. JULY 19. 1991
    Vio present to continue with our JOURNAL:
    This is a subject of so much controversy and as many answers as there are persons who experience; so, if you have a method that works--why fix something which is not broken?

    Meditation is the key that will open the door to your inner-Self wherein lies all the true power for material manifestation, for, as sound springs from silence, so does positive action come from inner KNOWING.

    It has been said that one must lose one’s life to find it. Applied to meditation, it means that one must forget one’s mortal body in order to become aware of one’s immortality. That is exactly what happens when we seek the Light of Self-illumination in our eternal Selves. The great glory of existence is reached only by Mind-awareness. You can only reach supreme heights that way. In that ecstatic existence is the seed and Source of all-power and all-knowledge, which is yours by desiring it.

    It is not easy to acquire the meditative state all at once, even as carefully as these writings will tell you how to acquire it. It is perhaps too simple and ones are seeking too much of a “change” of beingness. What you are actually doing is moving into a personal state of hypnosis wherein you are setting aside your sense awareness/ consciousness. Almost ALL misunderstand that which is “hypnosis” and, therefore, I am going to have to share a dissertation of what hypnosis IS!

    Dharma, I ask that we take the explanation tape from your set and herein reproduce the lecture regarding “hypnosis”. We will make decisions regarding inclusion of the audio tape later. I do not want, however, to include a thing in tapes which is not duplicated in printed form --of this nature. I would suggest, however, to the Publisher, that to accompany this volume with a couple of pre-planned tapes would bring incredible results. People simply work too hard at a thing which is as simple as relaxation and you cannot attain it by written instructions. May we please conference regarding this matter, soon?

    Acquiring “contact” comes a bit slowly if you are working without benefit of support from an audio source which can allow your mind to simply “follow” and your desire to commune MUST be present. First comes desire for change and only then can change be accomplished. There is no other way! You must either desire to live in the sensed body of Earth or in the Light of the Mind-kingdom of heaven. That is the answer to those who say they try to meditate but find that they cannot stop thinking to “get into that state of Mind”. To those who are thus troubled in making the transition, we would say that if you desired to talk to the President of the U.S., your Mind would be centered on the reason why you desired to talk to him.

    Exactly the same procedure takes place when you wish to talk with God. Your Mind is centered on your desire. You could not possibly think of other things, nor could your thinking wander aimlessly. Concentrate hard upon your desire if you wish to, or just breathe your desire softly, or just write it upon your heart wordlessly. Perhaps your desire has no definite objective other than to find the peace of heavenly companionship by dwelling in the love nature of your Self and God.

    It makes no difference what your desire might be, or whether your approach is in deep concentration upon some specific thing, or in dreamy decentration upon some nebulous idea--or upon nothing at all. You cannot concentrate long in any case, not more than five to ten minutes, before the reaction of decentration replaces it. Gradually the inspiration you ask for will come to you. Before you can realize it, you will find yourself sort of “stepping in and out of the body”, so to speak, in that alternation which always takes place while losing your sensed-awareness. Gradually you will completely forget your body and have full awareness of the Light of knowing, which MIND IS.

    What I am asking Dharma to place herein is an explanation regarding hypnosis. To do this work we trained her by a Master Teacher of the subject and she is brilliantly qualified in hypnotherapy. I can only urge you to read most carefully this explanation of hypnosis and walk with her through the relaxation techniques and into ability at self-hypnosis--for this is a most private within Mind experience--to be shared only if desired. There is nothing more personal than your communion with God-

    Learning is not enough, however--you must then follow-on, after several practice sessions with the self-hypnosis training tape, into the tape prepared for her use in “clearing”, asking in the higher Presence and giving permission to the sub-conscious to function physically by enabling you to remain in a state of relaxation but giving you ability to write as response flows. It is an excellent tape to utilize as you retire and allow that sub-conscious worker-bee to sort out the problems overnight. At first your responses will likely appear most silly to you--write what comes at any rate--often the higher energies will be testing to see IF YOU WILL ACCEPT THE MESSAGE--REGARDLESS OF CONTENT. You must learn to receive as given--not as YOU EXPECT OR THINK IT SHOULD BE IN RESPONSE. If, however, you get dark input--demand instant removal of all dark energies who are NOT IN DIRECT SERVICE OF DIVINE GOD SOURCE AND THE LIGHTED BROTHERHOOD. DO NOT ALLOW FAILURE OF IDENTIFICATION IN THIS MATTER--IF YOU PICK UP GAMES ABOUT IT-IT IS NOT OF LIGHT! GOD’S WORKERS IDENTIFY WITH GOD INSTANTLY!BUT YOU HAVE TO ASK, FOR THE ADVERSARY WILL LIE TO YOU EVERY TIME AND HE IS ALLOWED TO FOOL YOU IF HE CAN-- YOU MUST TAKE CONTROL!


    There are so many misconceptions regarding hypnosis that we will herein correct any misinformation regarding this wondrous tool. We will allow you to see how and why the method works.

    In order to fully benefit from use of the tapes it is extremely important that you understand exactly what it is you wish to accomplish and how the goal can best be accomplished.

    It is most important that you understand what is meant explicitly, by the term “hypnosis”, and to also have understanding of how the Mind functions.

    Ones attempt to change bodily functions and replace negative habits over and over to only end in failure. Perhaps you are efforting to build better self-image and esteem and/or be a better spouse or parent and simply cannot reach through that barrier of the conscious mind. Ones work hard at being a better public speaker and/or better relate to the opposite sex or generally with all others. We most often seek greater self-worth--the list seems to be infinite in length. You spend millions upon millions of dollars, each and every year, on self-improvement programs and countless diet plans, seminars and even seek psychiatric assistance to hopefully fulfill the dream of a magical result.

    How many times do we decline to GROW within our careers or participate in social situations because of our own feelings of self-dislike and feelings of personal unworthiness? Failure then becomes our subconscious goal instead of a goal of success, riches, good health, social poise and confidence. We continue on and on forever reinforcing the feelings of failure until surely enough, failure results.

    You no longer need to move toward failure for we can show you how to move only toward success in your life. The miracles follow and success must result for you will confront the problems and bring forth the solutions at a level of mind-control wherein the problem is recorded. You can now have the method THAT WORKS.

    There are several parts to the human mind, two of which I am going to speak of in this discussion, and we will deal with them in order to achieve the use of the tool available to you. One is the “conscious” and the other is the “subconscious”.

    The conscious mind is that portion of the mind of which you are fully aware. It is the “me” when you think of yourself. Now it appears that this is the portion of the mind that makes all of your decisions and directs your activities. This, however, is NOT TRUE. The other and larger part of your mind is the subconscious.

    The subconscious is the REAL YOU. In actuality the conscious mind is ruled and directed by that subconscious mind. We all have “free-will” to do anything which we desire and our decisions are based on the strength of those desires.

    The subconscious desires ALWAYS dominate the ones which are conscious. Let us use an example; A man may consciously wish to stop drinking if he is an alcoholic. He consciously regrets having the loss of love and respect of his family, which usually happens. He may also be watching his career being destroyed due to his drinking. Yet he will continue to drink to excess in spite of his “conscious” desires. The subconscious mind will continue to direct the person to drink in excess until such time as the idea within the subconscious mind is changed or replaced by a different idea.

    Although our conscious mind has the ability to reason and decide upon a course of action which would be far more advantageous to us, it cannot put that decision into action until such time as the subconscious mind agrees--and then must direct its energy toward the implementation of that decision. Our source of energy stems from the subconscious mind and no amount of WILL-POWER exerted by the conscious mind can override it. This is the reason “will-power” in the long-run will almost always only make a temporary dent in any surface physical problem. Habits will continue to dominate until the subconscious mind is changed.

    The subconscious mind works exactly as a computer works in that it will respond only as it has been programmed. Much of this programming took place long before we were old enough to choose between ideas helpful or hurtful to our very own welfare.

    The subconscious accepts only what the conscious mind believes at the time a suggestion is offered. If that suggestion becomes embedded in the subconscious and the conscious mind changes its opinion, the subconscious will CONTINUE to respond as originally programmed until such time as it is reprogrammed. After a NEW IDEA is PROGRAMMED and accepted within the subconscious, however, it then becomes accepted and is the idea upon which the individual will henceforth function. It now becomes apparent that if we wish to attain self-mastery in any situation, we must program and/or reprogram (as the case may be), our subconscious mind. Once this is accomplished we then CONSCIOUSLY direct our activity toward any goal desired--be it toward good health, happiness, financial success or success in any endeavor chosen.

    Since the subconscious mind is our driving force we always do what IT believes and wishes us to do. Since it will believe anything it is told to believe we can reprogram it if we only bypass the conscious mind--set it aside--and then we must replace the old program with new and constructively positive ideas instead of the existing negative ones.

    These new ideas then must be continually reinforced until they are totally entrenched habits of thinking and acting. It becomes obvious, therefore, that we must temporarily set aside that conscious critical mind, so that reasoning from a “false premise” can be stopped, thus allowing us to substitute a correct premise for the false one that we have stored within the subconsciousness.

    This is accomplished most efficiently and rapidly through hypnosis.

    As part of the beginning to make changes within your subconscious mind it is necessary to understand its nature and its function. The subconscious is designed to be YOUR SERVANT and act upon orders given to it by your conscious mind. Since it was designed to serve, it makes a very poor master, indeed. And yet most of us allow it to continually control our entire lives. It consists of your desires, whims and emotions and the energy that drives you to satisfy them. What your subconscious believes, is the difference between good health and sickness, happiness and unhappiness, success and failure.

    The subconscious mind has several vital functions. It regulates and controls involuntary functions within the body such as breathing, blood circulation, digestion and elimination. Stress and tension inhibit these processes and are therefore responsible for ALL psychosomati illness symptoms. The subconscious mind is the seat of the imagination.

    Many people will say they have no imagination. But of course they do, although they may have effectively suppressed it. Even against their own well-being and best interest they can always seem to create a negative response.

    The subconscious mind is a memory bank very much like a computer. Everything we have ever done, seen, heard, smelled, tasted, felt or experienced in any way, is permanently stored in a maze of memory patterns which feed back the information to the conscious mind, when activated. Nothing is ever erased from the mind--except through injury or removal of a portion of the brain itself.

    The subconscious mind is the foundation of our emotions. This accounts for its domination of the conscious mind. Since emotions govern the strength of our desires and since our desires govern our behavior, we are actually at the mercy of our subconscious mind--UNLESS WE LEARN TO CONTROL IT. The subconscious is incapable of discrimination and will believe anything it is told. It carries out our habitual conduct, it manages and controls the activities we have reduced to habit; such as dressing oneself, eating, walking and so on.

    It is the generator that directs our energy. It is the energy that drives us toward our life goals. It, automatically and constantly, uses this energy to proceed toward a goal; therefore, unless you set a goal for it to achieve, it will either choose its own goal, or proceed toward a goal someone else has suggested. Without your direction and demand it might very well strive directly and unerringly toward negative and self-destructive goals. As I said before, it has no capability of choosing a proper goal.

    The subconscious mind is not supposed to “think”, but rather, only to react to the thoughts you feed it and then to carry out your direct orders. It was intended that YOU be the boss and it be the servant and it is time you started giving the orders to push you on to success and happiness and bring you into communion with your higher beingness.

    Any person who succeeds in his business or in his personal life, and anyone who is making large sums of money, has simply chosen success for a goal and given that direct order to his subconscious mind. This can be by conscious choice or by having had the idea implanted within his mind at some point in his past experience.

    The subconscious WANTS to receive guidance from your conscious mind for that is the way Nature intended it to be. It will do exactly what it is told because this is its Natural function. You can direct it toward anything you wish and it will achieve it for you even though you consciously may even forget what it was you requested. Once an idea becomes fixed in the subconscious it feeds back into your daily behavior and causes you to be that which you are. So it is up to you to direct it to work for you instead of against you. Through the use of hypnosis or self-hypnosis you can easily learn to control your future by channeling your energy constructively.

    We must clear up some misconceptions regarding hypnotism. The average preconceived ideas about hypnotism are so far from the actual truth as to be totally absurd and ridiculous. There is NOTHING MAGICAL OR MYSTICAL about hypnotism. There has NEVER BEEN A DOCUMENTED CASE OF HARM COMING TO ANYONE AS A RESULT OF ITS THERAPEUTIC USE.

    Although its benefits are well established, it remains a much misunderstood and oftentimes frightening subject in the minds of the general public. This stems from the natural fear of a powerful force that is not understood.

    This force, however, stems entirely from your own subconscious mind--and if you don’t bring it under your control it will most surely control you. It has that option. The greater danger is in not understanding the source of this power. Almost all physical and emotional ailments result from this uncontrolled force working against us when we should be using it to our best advantage.

    Fear of hypnotism is, thank goodness, being gradually replaced by acceptance of its use. Even in medicine, doctors are finally accepting it as a viable and valuable treatment of emotionally caused diseases. Psychiatrists are beginning to supplement psychotherapy with hypnotherapy which dramatically reduces the time need (and also indicates why it is not more readily utilized--time is money for the physician and hypnosis is FAST, effective and inexpensive) for the therapy process. Dentists, too, are using hypnosis in order to relax patients and in that process are finding they are needing far less anesthetic or none at all, for painless drilling or tooth extractions.

    (Candace: I no longer need anesthetic for drilling. I go into self hypnosis.)

    There is a question which is always asked-- “How does it feel to be hypnotized?” And this is a most important point. You will feel the same while hypnotized whether by a professional hypnotist assisting you or your doing it yourself--provided you have
    some audio assistance for otherwise you have no relative comparison.

    Every muscle in your body becomes pleasantly relaxed and all tensions disappear. Every muscle in the body becomes relaxed as every nerve becomes calm. This happens in various degrees from one hypnotic experience to another until it becomes an established habit pattern, after which you are able to completely relax within just a few seconds. After the nerves and muscles relax the mind also lets go and--although you can and will remain “aware” of the noises and activities around you--they simply do not disturb your tranquility. You are able to think if you desire to do so, but only an emergency will trigger such a desire. You simply prefer to continue enjoying the pleasant relaxed feeling of complete security and contentment. It feels almost like being awake while sleeping. Perhaps a better description might be like watching yourself sleep in “mind’s eye”.

    (Candace: Having occasional sleepless nights? Self hynopsis is a great thing to practice during this time, and your body will get up refreshed. I always just call it meditation, but it’s self hypnosis, and if you can’t sleep, you can use this period not only to relax/heal the body while you are down, but you can so some really “fun” other stuff, either sort and look at problems as if from a distance and just journey around the universe, and say, look at where Jupiter currently is, the real one.)

    Any and every person goes into and out of hypnosis many, many times each and every day. It’s the abstract state you are in when day-dreaming and you become unaware of your surroundings. Or, when you are driving and drift off into thoughts so that when you look around, you realize you have reached your destination without realizing it. You will not pass out nor will you EVER become unconscious. In fact, the general reaction by most people after coming out of a hypnotic trance is that they don’t believe they have been hypnotized. They say they enjoyed the experience immensely but they had expected something much different.

    You may remain conscious of where you are and what you are doing but you simply feel too relaxed and comfortable to give it thought. You can, however, return to complete awareness at any time that you choose to do so--it is especially so when in a self-induced trance for you still have the total control of the suggestions. NO ONE HAS EVER BEEN UNABLE TO COME OUT OF A HYPNOTIC TRANCE and the sensational stories you may have heard regarding hypnosis are simply untrue and are propagated by stage presentations which are intended to produce exactly such an illusion.


    During a trance both your body and mind become revitalized and you will return to your full awareness feeling physically refreshed and emotionally calm and serene. Your energy will be renewed and your tensions will have dissolved. You will look forward with eagerness to your next experience because it is a very pleasant experience.

    One reason people may have difficulty at first, in learning self- hypnosis, is that they don’t know when they are hypnotized. Because they EXPECT something much different they believe they have failed when actually they have succeeded very nicely.

    (Candace: you who are learning to say receive from the higher realms, do expect some sort of “magic” to happen, and “TRY” way to hard, and thus shoot past your goal. By expecting it to be hard, guess what happens? )

    There are various “depths” of trance which can be achieved and as you practice you will find yourself at various stages during different sessions until you become conditioned to the point where you can choose the depth.

    While in trance you will probably experience a floating or a detached feeling--like your limbs are detached from your body; or perhaps your entire body may feel as if it is floating. It is an extremely pleasant sensation. With practice you can go into any depth of trance at any time you desire, in a matter of only a few seconds.

    The light trance is the easiest level to achieve in self-hypnosis and is more than adequate for reaching and planting suggestions into the subconscious.

    The medium trance is a level necessary for anesthesia and age regression.

    The deep trance is the deepest level and appears to be, but is not, deep slumber. Hypnosis is a “type” of slumber but is not “sleep” as experienced when “asleep” at night. Anytime the term “sleep” is used in my tapes or instructions it is only a directive to the conscious mind to turn loose in order to bypass directly to the subconscious mind.

    Now that you understand the power of your subconscious mind and the role of hypnotism in reaching it and influencing it--the next step is to learn to hypnotize yourself. The tools you will use are suggestion, concentration and imagination. If you have a good imagination you will find it extremely easy to learn self- hypnosis. Even if you don’t, it is not difficult. It is, however, of utmost importance that you DO NOT “TRY” TOO HARD. Because if you “try” too hard, you will become tense and this is the opposite of that which you are attempting to accomplish. (Candace: see, I just said that above.)

    If you take a skeptical “prove-it to me” attitude, you will also impede your progress and that is not what we are about at any rate. Just cooperate and you will get your “proof” soon enough.

    You must absolutely avoid an analytical attitude--analyzing will only keep your conscious mind alert and the whole object of hypnotism is to relax that conscious mind. Analyzing also breeds doubt as to the effectiveness of each step. Since hypnosis is a conviction phenomenon, doubt will surely slow your progress. We are assuming that you desire to hypnotize yourself or you wouldn’t be making all this effort.

    (Editor’s Note: Please be reminded that this is a literal transcription of the first audio tape in a set of seven.)

    You CANNOT go into hypnosis against your will so you can’t do it unless you follow the instructions. You must avoid over- anxiety and skepticism and simply cooperate with the ideas suggested. If you follow those ideas, relax and just let it happen, it will. You are going to have to, however, practice. You are given herein a “Learning Self-hypnosis” tape on the reverse side of this discussion. Use it alone for five to seven days. This will enable you to instantly respond to the subsequent inductions on follow-on tapes for programming or meditation. You MUST be able to rapidly and successfully get yourself into hypnosis prior to moving on to programming tapes in any of our sets.

    A programming tape must then be played from 21 to 25 times to thoroughly entrench a new idea. Don’t switch to different programming tapes on different days at random. Continue with only one program for several consecutive days and with the sets for appropriate problem solving, you will be given instructions for multiple use of the program at point. This is so that you don’t confuse or overload your subconscious mind as to exactly what goals you are attempting to achieve. Don’t TRY to concentrate on listening to the tape(s), just simply relax your mind and allow it to drift as you listen. Your subconscious mind will absorb the taped message. Don’t try to analyze the contents or verbiage of the tape and quit asking yourself questions while you are in a state of hypnosis--prepare those questions prior to beginning and feed them in with instructions to attend them.

    (Candace: If you take on any sort of “self improvement” with your subconscious mind, do so ONE at a TIME, otherwise, your poor subconscious will not see the forest for the trees.)

    You will find that a few of you will experience positive results beginning within a day or so--perhaps one time through the session. The largest numbers of people experience success beginning around the third or fourth week with the planned programs. Ten to twelve percent will show results only after 45 to 60 days with self-hypnosis for some set up unintentional barriers which are not present in therapist assisted sessions. Don’t be discouraged. Less than 5% report only minimal changes and, without exception, those who experienced only minimal results-- FAILED TO FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS PROPERLY. WE HAVE HAD ABSOLUTELY NO ONE REPORT A TOTAL LACK OF POSITIVE RESULTS--EVEN IF IT IS ONLY TO GET A WONDERFUL SLEEP SESSION.

    (Candace: for those that like to relax to music with songs in it, be very careful WHAT you listen too, it may be better to listen to music without words. This is a problem in the churches with mind control. People are lulled into a hypnotic state with beautiful sounding music, accompanied by words that hook people into the WRONG idea of God. I was appalled and still am by music used in churches during “Lets worship the Lord Sessions” particularly those evangelical churches, which also put the words up on the wall while you sing. This method of mind control was quite an eye opener to me. People’s subconscious minds are being programmed to carry out the work of the beast in this manner. Ministers in fact are given training to mind control the members, of how to create a hypnotic state. You see this by masters working crowds too, even back in the days of the cross, in the people calling for the hanging of Christ.

    And these same churches go about now programming very young children in the non ways of the Lord, on purpose, and this is what the subconscious mind will play for them until they can see through it. This is why some Christians bug you half to death that you must join a church, get baptized, receive the misunderstood holy spirit, and go to hell if you don’t, and give plenty of money to the church and Jesus will not accept you into heaven unless you belong to the one and only right church. So hypnosis can be misused on the unthinking person, and is on TV all the time during soap operas and sports games.

    And you know all the hip hop music, and lots of other beaty music including HARD ROCK, there is often really bad words used in these, and these program the subconscious. Military uses them all the time. Remember that movie Fahrenheit 911 by Michael Moore, and the soldiers listening and singing to the “burn those mother fuckers type music?” DON”T let you kids knowingly listen to this type of music, because when they “get into it” they can be in a hypnotic state and can be programmed by it unless they are advanced souls who see through it. And even nasty war like harsh music without words can still program. )

    Since in this context you will only be working with meditation tapes it is suggested that you only practice in a state of rest and NOT when doing another task. Programming tapes can be played while doing other things but--especially for beginners-- serious accidents can occur should you drift off to sleep, etc. Never use the “learning” tape except when lying or sitting comfortably with intent on utilizing the instructions.

    Don’t excuse lack of trying this method of relaxation because of ANY past experience. If you wish to have success--begin right now and forget that which went before--we are not interested in that which did not work--AND NEITHER SHOULD YOU BE.

    Each and every one of us must change mental programming if we intend to change our life style or reach any goal. You can begin immediately to changing those failure patterns into success blueprints. Success and happiness is your RIGHT, you are a perfect creation and you deserve the things you desire and the ONLY ONE STANDING IN YOUR WAY OF SUCCESS IS YOU, YOURSELF!

    From this time forward the term “failure” can be removed totally from your vocabulary--forever, as well as from the domination of your life in this physical experience.

    Those who reported the most rapid changes and success, played their tapes several times a day--so be patient, but in order to move along toward better results faster, I urge you to use the tapes as many times a day as you can make the time to do so.

    Comment: The remainder of the taped message is specifically for the self-esteem tape set and is not applicable to this volume. However, it is really a boost to use that learning tape several times until you are proficient and then move on to other resource tapes.

    The most successful time for listening to and experiencing the tapes is at bedtime when retiring because you are already anticipating relaxation and rest and this leaves the remainder of the night to allow the subconscious to sort and absorb the input.

    Don’t be concerned if you feel as if you have drifted off to sleep, even with the programming tapes--if you rouse up to the click of the player or become aware that the player is silent-- YOU HAVE BEEN SUBCONSCIOUSLY TUNED IN TO THE MESSAGE AND YOU WILL HAVE HEARD IT.

    If you wish to return to sleep after playing any tape simply give yourself instructions to do so, rouse yourself enough to turn off the equipment and return to bed and you will return to sleep almost instantly. If you get up to go about your activities, give yourself input that you are refreshed and feeling wonderful in every way, count to five and say that your eyes will be open, you will be alert and feeling good in every way, and do so.

    You can create your own miracles and change your image in the total privacy of your own mind! Thank you.


    Germain to return. Thank you for sharing and we will work out accessibility to the tapes in some manner best left to the publisher. It is the information regarding hypnosis which I particularly wished you to have.


    Mostly, the question is, “How can I decentrate into that stillness of the meditative mood? The more I try to stop thinking, the more things I keep thinking of.”

    First: Desire to be in the Light. Say to yourself wordlessly, “I want to be alone with God.” If you want to be alone with God, there is a reason for it. That reason is that you NEED GOD. You have a desire you want fulfilled--a problem to solve--illness--misfortune--financial loss or need--an idea for invention--a conception for a work of art. No matter what it is you need, whether knowledge, power or inspiration, no matter what it is, DESIRE IT IN YOUR HEART WORDLESSLY. Do not talk to God in words. Talk to Him in essence. Know Him. Do not Think of Him and thus make Him objective and apart from you. Be Him. Let your Soul touch His Soul. Seek His ecstasy of Mind. When you find that ecstasy, you will know that He is One with you.

    Second: Your desire is written upon your heart. It is registered in your Soul. It is no longer your body’s desire; it is your Soul’s desire. You are in communion with God about it--not in words but in Light. You have an increasing sense of joyousness. Your desire is written into the universal heartbeat rhythmically. You are responding to it rhythmically. You are no longer just body--you are Soul--slightly aware of body--slightly aware of Earth and the heavens above, and of creating things. You are not thinking of extraneous things. You cannot think of objective things of Earth while you are in the Spirit.

    Third: You are in a contemplative mood. There is an indescribable peace in its rest. Your Soul sees the beauty of the flower you are passing. It is not your eyes which see that beauty, nor your ears which hear the silences from which the sounds of Earth spring. You are in the rhythmic world of imagining--the world of inspiration--the world of the high heavens--the formless, indescribable world of the high heavens. You become less and less aware of your body as you become more wholly Mind. .You “dream” rather than sense.

    Fourth You are in communion with God You are ONE with all things. All things are ONE. You KNOW all things as ONE. You KNOW the Light which all things are. You KNOW the love nature of God and of all things. You Know God as love. You KNOW yourself AS LOVE. You KNOW the ecstasy of love. You know your Self. The mortal YOU has become the eternal YOU.

    Fifth: That which you desired to know, you do know. That which you desired to have, you now have. You have always known--and always have had that which you have but now desire. You have always known it in spirit for you are the Light of all-knowing, which spirit is. God does not give you knowledge of power. He gives you an awareness that you already have all-knowledge and all-power that He has, for He makes you comprehend your oneness with Him. When you actually KNOW that, you can then say, “My Father and I are one.”

    Neither does God give you material things without your equal regiving, for that is the inviolate law regarding all material things. He gives you the seed but you must unfold the seed. He gives you His body to fashion into the form of your desire, but you must give equally of your body to fashion it. God gives you the tools you need, but you must use them. God manifests the spirit of His nature in His own body by creating His body in the image of His Self. You must manifest the spirit of your nature in your own body by creating your body in the image of your Self. God will forever work with you, but you must work with Him.

    Sixth: In meditation, you have stepped out of the material into the spiritual You. You have stepped out of the body of yourself into the Mind of your Self--out of the manifestation of reality into reality. You have stepped out of the conditioned universe of divided and unbalanced things into the unconditioned and undivided universe of balance which controls unbalanced things. You have done this because you had desire in you which must be fulfilled.

    Your desire has been fulfilled. God has illumined you with the knowledge you desired. You have become inspired. Conception of idea in spiritual form is now in you--but can you now come back into the physical world and transform your conceived image into a material one? You now know CAUSE. You have acquired that knowledge from the stillness of Mind-knowing. Can you translate it into effect by making a body for your conception? God has given you what you have desired--but now comes the important question as to what you are going to do about it. How shall you use it? Have you the moral courage to use it or are you still a weakling, preferring to suffer the effects of your ills rather than remove their cause? Will you work with God and arise, or against God and fall?

    Your body manifests your Mind. It will do what you command it to do. Is it ill? If so, it is out of balance. Restore its balance by balanced thinking. Balance is in the eternal YOU--now extend balance to the mortal you. Whatever your problem was, it has been solved in the spirit of you. Can you now manifest it? Can you now give it a body? Can you now extend your spiritual balance to your unbalanced physical body to stop the wreckage of your business--or heal your body--or regain a lost friendship?

    Dharma--Dharma, respond to me, please. The computer is going to destroy our work. We must close it out. Did you not see that which it did? I must ask you to remain a bit more alert for it was just now hit with a strong blast and I must have you pay more attention. Please let us leave this room. We can finish the subject at another sitting. I believe you need to check on the meeting probabilities, also. Thank you, chela, for a long session. I will stand aside.

    I AM

  2. #4
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar




    SUNDAY, JULY21, 1991 11:08 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY339

    SUNDAY. JULY21. 1991

    Germain present in the glorious violet ray of the I AM PRESENCE. May we be given into understanding and communion.

    As I sit with the brother and witness the penning of information which is so painfully oppressive to your senses and agony unto the spiritual Being, I am only drawn to more rapidly and diligently be about our work, for ours is the methodology of coming into communion and understanding in that transmutation can be achieved and you can possess the power and control of Creation which allows perfection. One cannot be achieved without the other. The steps are simple but mandatory for the path is explicitly drawn and knowledge of the transportation is necessary--you do not bungle and bumble your way into the perfection of the halls of God. The point is to NOT remain in illusion and delusion through ignorance. But worse, is to require self to remain in ignorance through refusal to see and hear the TRUTH of it. What a wondrously beauteous challenge given into our hands and what honor to be granted the Presence to present this gift to all who will accept of it. Therefore, we will be diligent and comprehensive in our work so that man has opportunity to come into the fullness of understanding and then, he is responsible for his own journey but we shall have given perfection unto our own that his feet are not misguided.

    As with instructions unto you world physicians—"first do not harm". Well, as ones ponder and accept or denounce our suggestions and word—ones of the readers and practitioners must see first that "there is nothing to HARM". What have ye to lose for study and revelation of the WORD and then, what have ye to find harm in respite within self to touch with God?

    He who chooses not to touch with God, so be it, at the least you will have had a few moments of peace and rest of body. As it would turn out IF all we bring would be but lies and more lies-- what would it be to harm you to awaken and then when awake and “thinking” take time from thine schedules to relax and rest? There is only positive response from that which we bring for God sends instructions for regaining “order” from the chaotic madness about you. You have lived long with the promises made by the adversary of goodness--you have corrupted your world and you find no peace but rather, continuing chaos. Would you not now TRY God? Certainly there can be no HARM to come into COMMUNION WITH GOD. The worst that could happen would be that you throw off the shackles and move into freedom and that would distress those who have you in bondage for they would lose their ability to parasitize you. This is WHY you are continually misled and restricted under fear of tribulation if you DARE to LOOK at another’s projection. If it be false, you will not accept it--and if it be Truth, what have you had in damage? The adversary KNOWS that when you find Truth you will accept it and see that which has been done unto you--and, therefore, he works constantly through his tools to see to it that you do not partake of knowledge. To keep you isolated into the narrow discourse projected upon you is the only way to keep you in chains--through ignorance. So be it, for ignorance is something you can choose to release or retain. But through ignorance you will never attain KNOWING and only through KNOWING WILL YOU FIND GOD AND BALANCE.



    I wish to supplement everything I have told you about meditation--or communion with God--and talk to you about “prayer”, which is the desire basis of meditation and out of which meditation grew.

    Prayer is the mightiest of man’s powers, for through prayer--if understood and rightly used, and accompanied by action--man may have anything he desires, attain the loftiest heights, or extend his powers to others for their exaltation. Rightly and knowingly used, prayer can transform one’s own condition or that of the whole world. If prayer is not rightly and knowingly used, the time consumed is wasted, for it will be of no avail.


    Desire what you will and, behold, it stands before you. Throughout the aeons it has been yours without your knowing, even though you have but to ask for it. Sit not and ask, acting not, for unless you reach out for your desire it shall not walk your way unaided by your strong hands and arms.

    This means that God will fulfill your every desire if you work with God to fulfill it. The whole power of the universe will work WITH you for its fulfilling, but it will not work FOR your while you do nothing about it.

    In this promise is the key to why prayers are or are not answered. God tells you very plainly that He will give you whatever you desire, BUT YOU MUST REGIVE EQUALLY BY THE ACTION OF SERVICE TO GOD THROUGH NATURE OF YOUR FELLOWMAN.

    Think that over. Recall the many prayers you have uttered and how disappointed you were because they were not answered. Most prayers are just selfish ones, continually asking for something to be given without even the intention of giving something in exchange.

    Think of the thousands of entreaties which are sent up to God with the hope that what is asked for by people will just fall into their laps. You ask God for money. God says, “Yes, I will give you money, all you want of it, but what are you, yourself, giving for it? What is the price you are paying for it?” Again we quote God’s message in the Word:

    He who desires riches of earth alone, denying Me in him, shall dwell in outer darkness of his own making, until he shall desire Me strongly.

    Even to him will I give all he asks without stinting; yea, and even more; but he, having more than all he sought will have nothing but worthless “stuff" in his earth desire.

    Things of earth which man desires are but things of earth to be returned to earth with bones of him. But things of earth, heaven blessed by Me, are as eternal in the immortality of his Self-recording Soul as Light of Me IS ETERNAL.

    You ask God for peace, happiness and prosperity to be given to you, but you take peace, happiness and prosperity away from another by malicious gossiping about your neighbor or treating your servant unjustly, thus taking happiness away from him or her, or by misrepresenting the product you are selling.

    Until you balance your desire for peace by giving peace, or happiness by giving happiness, or prosperity by giving prosperity, your prayer will be voided by you, yourself.The only way you can have happiness given to you by the Light of love, which God is, is for you to give love to others. You cannot take happiness or love. You can only give it. If you give love, it will as surely be given to you as light shone into a mirror will reflect light back from the mirror.

    Witness the nations which have tried to become powerful, prosperous, peaceful and happy by plundering other nations. Empires who have thus taken by force, without giving equally in exchange, are heavily in debt and on rations, and for every man killed in taking wealth and happiness away from others for themselves, ten have paid the price in blood and a thousand in tears. Witness, also, the great fortunes which have been built upon that principle. No man has ever yet been able to purchase happiness, prosperity, peace or love with any other coin than happiness, peace and love.


    You ask God to heal your body from its ills which you, yourself, created by overeating, by giving vent to violent anger, or by diverse acts which destroy normalcy of balance given you by God. It seems never to occur to you that you must regive that which you ask for by eating properly, by substituting love for anger, or by cessation of the abuses which have caused your disorders. Such unbalanced conditions as anger or overeating, addictions, or worry and excessive grief--yes, and even loneliness and introspection--will cause grave disorders.

    That which we wish to impress upon you is the one fact that any disturbance of balance in the body is immediately recorded in the body by some malady or maladjustment, which you think of as sickness. Also, that any sickness of any kind is self-made, whether knowingly or unknowingly, whether intentionally or unintentionally.

    God’s laws are never set aside by prayer or otherwise. The CAUSE of your illness is in your defiance of the law. You are suffering from its effect and ask God to eliminate the EFFECT while you continue to repeat the CAUSE.


    Consider the many prayers for cessation of wars. “0, Lord, we beseech Thee to stop this cruel war,” you say, forgetful of the fact that you make your wars yourselves by the free will to act as you choose. You certainly fail to realize that the way TO STOP WARS IS TO STOP CAUSING THEM.War is just as much an effect of a cause which man created by his selfishness as a business failure is the effect of a cause created by man.

    You not only pray to God to let you defy His law without suffering from its effects but you blame God for your own actions in breaking His law. How often we hear people say, “How can a loving God in heaven permit such cruel wars? It is hard to believe there is a God, else He would not permit such wars.”


    God gives you free will to do as you choose in the making of yourselves to your own image, and He gives you all the power in His universe to help you break His law if you so choose, but the nature of the free will you exercise will become your nature. Again, let us hear God’s pronouncement:

    Verily has man free will to control his actions. That my Father- Mother has given to man as his inheritance. But the control of the reactions to those actions man has never had.

    This my Father-Mother holds inviolate. These cannot become man ‘s except through modifying his actions until the reactions are their exact equal and opposite in equilibrium.



    It is generally believed among men that one who prays often, and with many words loudly and piously uttered, is holy among men and much favored of God. But we say that he who finds ecstasy of happiness in his Soul from the giving of his love to touch the Soul of a despairing neighbor is a hundredfold more holy in God’s sight. To him the “kingdom of heaven” is as though he dwells in the house of the Lord, while the holy man of piety and words sits afar outside its garden wall.

    When you pray to God, saying, “0, God, pity us for we are as dust beneath Thy feet,” God’s silent Voice whispers within you:
    “Know you the Light which I AM. You are man, exalted in Me. What I AM, you are. You are light.” He may also very well tell you to get up and stop groveling and request respect and reverence rather than pity--for pity indicates helplessness of the other and usually is only self-indulgent refusal to accept responsibility. For instance, “Oh pity me, Father, for I cannot serve for my head pains greatly.” He might very well give you a worse headache until you see the point of that which you are avoiding.

    For long ages, God’s silent Voice whispers within your unhearing ears. God, therefore, gives you your desire to be what you wish to be in the building of your Self. As long as you believe yourself to be dust beneath the feet of the almighty God, you are that dust which you have built in the image of YOUR imagining.

    When you pray to God, saying, “God have mercy upon me, a miserable sinner”, you have not prayed to the one God of Love, Creator of His universe of love, Creator of you to manifest His love, for you do not know HIM. YOU HAVE BUT PRAYED TO A GOD OF WRATH AND FEAR OF YOUR OWN MAKING WHOM YOU HAVE BUILT IN YOUR OWN IMAGE.

    He who builds gods in his own image builds idols for his worshipping and for his own purposes in a sensed world. He whose idol is fear and wrath cannot know the God of Love. Until you know love, you are what your idol is, a miserable sinner to whom mercy must be shown by your idol whom you, yourself, are. And you will be punished for your imagined self-made sins by you, yourself, for the idol you worship will show you no mercy until you are freed from him by knowing love.

    When you pray to God resignedly, as though patiently accepting the punishment of grief at the death of a loved one, and you say, “Thy will be done, 0 Lord. The Lord gives and He takes away”, you have not yet known the God of Love, for God GIVES ONLY. GOD NEVER TAKES THAT WHICH HAS NOT BEEN GIVEN. What God gives to you, you REGIVE TO HIM for HIS REGIVING.

    You rejoice when God gives birth to life, yet you deeply grieve when you give rebirth to new life--for that is what death IS.

    Mass-man is unable to comprehend this idea which is commonplace thinking to cosmic man, but you, in whom the seed of cosmic thinking is being sown, will go to your neighbor and sow it in his Consciousness and he, in turn, will do likewise until man-in-the-mass will be transformed from barbaric man, who still crucifies love, to cosmic man, who IS love.

    (Candace: The seed of COSMIC thinking that is being sown, is that which is called the SPIRIT of TRUTH, in both the bible, where they didn’t change it, and in the Urantia Book. And US starseeds are here to help seed cosmic thinking, the concept of it. That is the showing of the way.)

    “Let us unite in prayer.” How familiar these words are on every religious occasion and, upon hearing them, the congregation automatically bows its head, bends its knees, and words come from the pulpit in earnest tones which may be superficially heard by some and hardly heard at all by others, while the very few who hear in their hearts are deeply stirred by the ardor of the supplication to God for forgiveness, or mercy, or blessings upon the congregation and various other human interests.

    Prayer is just meaningless words if not felt in the heart; just as music is no more than sound if it does not reach the Soul. Prayer to God is a realization that the Soul of man is ONE with the Universal Soul. It is not an appeal by man to God. It is a communion between the divine man to the divine God of man.As such, it is the mightiest of man’s powers, but when prayer is but WORDS, not coming from the Soul, it is no more effectual than the hundreds of prayers written and distributed throughout the streets in Asia or prayers written into a disc and whirled to repeat themselves by turning the prayer wheel swiftly.

    Worded and formal prayers, issued periodically like morning and evening prayers, prayers of thanks at mealtimes, and prayers on arising and retiring, become habits which people obey automatically. There may be great earnestness in them or there may be none. The habit of praying periodically, and with a sense of duty, tends to automatic prayer rather than devotional. A silent prayer at mealtime brings more realization of God than wordy prayers half listened to.

    Those who thus pray might just as well not pray, for prayer is a union of Soul of man to Soul of God, and words alone cannot make that union.

    (Candace: How many of you in new age also recite meaningless words you have been taught on new age sites, and thru new age false channelings, or which you have paid money for? How many of you paid for courses in “ascension” which guaranteed your ascension? There is NONE such. Your ascension is between you and God and not anything else.)

    Automatic, formal and habitual praying from the lips alone, whether in one’s chamber or in groups, is of no avail. Prayer based upon desire and uttered within the Soul of man wordlessly, or by silent thought, will always command the whole universe to fulfill the desire, but words alone are not prayer any more than paint is the art in a picture.

    When you pray to God asking for all the things you want, enumerating them carefully--even to timing their arrival as your desire possessions--yea, even informing God as to what His method should be in giving them to you--detailing your business and family needs--never giving thought as to your worthiness to receive them, or whether it is wise to have them, or what you shall GIVE ‘to deserve them--you are but making yourself into your own selfish image and not in the image of God’s spirit in you.You are thus telling God how He will serve you without thought of how you will be worthy of that service.

    When your child prays for a long list of birthday or Christmas presents, ending with “God bless Papa--God bless Mama”, you tell the neighbors how CUTE that prayer is and then buy everything the child wants, to uphold its belief in prayer.

    IT IS NOT CUTE IT IS TRAGIC. It is helping the child build its own selfish image. It is also helping the whole world to build its own selfish, greedy image. It is helping to perpetuate this barbaric age of greed, selfishness, and fear of neighbor against neighbor.

    When will parents teach their children that they must give love for love given them? Not until THEY first know that they, themselves, must not ask to be given anything without a deep desire in their hearts for REGIVING LOVE EQUALLY FOR LOVE GIVEN.Parents who know that will say to the child:

    “God will give you all you desire because He loves to give, but what are you planning to regive in love to God? You want God to show His love to you by giving you the things you want, but God wants love from you. The way you can show your love to God is to love all things which God puts on earth. When you ask God to bless Papa and Mama, you can help God bless them by giving love and doing loving things for them which gives them pleasure, help or assistance, i.e., bring Papa ‘s slippers and/or help Mama dry the dishes, etc. That is the way you can be WORTHY of receiving all the things you ask for.”

    When a mother prays to God to extend His loving protection to her son and keep him from harm in transit on stormy seas, she, herself, must extend her love equally to all other sons of all mothers of earth, and to all things of God’s creating. It most certainly requires more than hanging a yellow ribbon bow on a tree--it requires the changing of a situation which takes the children away and places them in danger through the passage of life. Her devout prayer CAN ALONE BE ANSWERED THAT WAY.

    When she prays devoutly, no matter how deep her sincerity in asking love from her mother’s heart, then turns angrily or impatiently upon her friend or neighbor, or a servant in her house, she, herself, VOIDS her own prayer as though it had never been uttered.

    When you ask God to bless your business and make it prosper, God will answer your prayer when you go out into your plant and bless all in it and make them prosper. When you regive to your helpers the love given you by God, it is God’s love given to them by God through you. That is what is meant by manifesting God on earth.

    When you pray for God to show His love for you by giving your field good crops, you must yourself give your love to your fields to regive His giving. Your love given to them is God’s love given to you for REGIVING. Your love and God’s love are ONE. Its manifestation is TWO in giving and regiving but that TWO is the ONE HEARTBEAT of God’s body, even as the swinging of the pendulum is the TWO of the ONE source of their manifestation.

    If the farmer would but stand in the midst of his fields and pray, saying unto them,

    “I love you, my green fields. I love every part of you, every grass blade, every root and herb and ear of ripening corn. I love every tree of you, each leaf of you which gives love in oxygen for nitrogen given you in love. I love the fruit of each tree of you--and the red-gold you regive to me in your luscious fruit for the love I have given to your roots.”

    If the farmer would but pray that way--deeply and in his heart-- he would prosper as his fields prospered with him. For if he surely and sincerely gave unselfishly of his love he would nurture and tend to the very best of his ability to show that love and it would be returned in a thousandfold. He would know no fatigue, for love given is not work--and there would be a light in his eyes and inner joyousness in his heart, which nothing but the manifestation of love given on Earth as it is in heaven can ever give to man.


    He who can say in his heart, “I and my Father are one,” and feel the ecstasy of that unity, is continually IN PRAYER, even as he is continually IN LIFE and continually breathing. His prayer is like unto his inward-outward breath which is forever with him, forever vitalizing him. Every life should be a continuous Mind-communion with God.

    He who knows the Light of love in him does not beseech the Father-Mother of the universe for his next breath, nor for his next heartbeat, for he fully knows that his heartbeat is one with the universal pulse, and that for which he would needlessly ask is already his.

    Therefore, we say to you when you ask of us, “How shall I pray and when?”, we say to you, “As you live and breathe continually, and as you are in life and love continually, so shall you be in prayer continuously.”

    And as the air you breathe surrounds you abundantly, awaiting your need of it, so is that which you would ask for awaiting you in abundant supply; yea, even to overflowing fullness.

    (Candace: BUT beloveds, we are fowling that very air and so pure air is not in abundance. Where is the living in prayer continuously when we allow the poisoning of the planet, and of that air that ALL need. We have done so by our very inaction in serving/being Mother/Father)

    And as there is not a time when God does not center you, nor an interval in which He does not control your balanced heartbeat to synchronize with His, so is there not a time when you should pray to Him and another time when you should not.

    And, likewise, as there is not a time when the air you breathe is denied you while you manifest your Father-Mother on this earth, so, likewise, there shall never come a time when that which you need to manifest Him worthily shall be denied you for, we again say, you already have that for which you ask, even as you have love and life for which you have not asked.

    If there are times when you would like to put words to your desires to give them form, let not your words be from your lips, nor give voice to them. You cannot deceive God with empty words as you deceive man. Say in your heart when sorely perplexed, “Be Thou Thee in me, my Father,” and know Him as your very Self.

    Your problem may be great and your wisdom may be in doubt to your Self. If then you would say, “Father, stand by--I deeply need You”, it might mean more in assurance to you--but to your Father it weighs not one whit more than saying it in your heart-so pray to Him that way if it comforts YOU to commune thus.

    If sleep will not come to you for heaviness regarding your dealings with business or a friend, write your questioning upon your heart with desire that love shall guide you, then sleep in peace and know that the answer will be written in balanced rhythms where the question has been erased. Then let not the morrow pass without extending love to your friend.

    And if your handiwork goes not to your liking, having too much of your earth-self in it--sensing instead of knowing--liking and not loving--diverted by sounds of earth from hearing the silences of heaven which borns them on earth--then, we say, open wide the doors of your Soul and let God in to work with you. Rejoice then in your renewed ecstasy as you again think your work knowingly with God, creating with His hands and yours as one.

    If a friend approaches you with a grievance, send love to open the door for him to you, and say within your heart, “Father, let my words be Your words to him, not mine alone.” Then weigh his grievance on the scales of love and not let him depart unillumined by the Light. Void his grievance with your love. In so doing, a great happiness will descend upon you.

    If you find your business slowly ebbing because you have, perchance, founded it afar from where you should have founded it, and you grieve because you have not the means to transfer it to that far State where you now know it would thrive, we say to you, do not grieve but rejoice that God has illumined you with the Light of knowing what to do to balance your unbalanced beginning. In your rejoicing is your power to take the first step of that far journey which will be followed by another, and still another one--even as one breath forever follows another--until that far State is beneath your feet in answer to your prayer.

    Know, however, that all the prayers in all the world would have been as soft blown winds on desert sands had you not regiven to your Father even as He has given to you by working with Him, step by step and breath by breath, to balance that given to you by Him to manifest you on earth with that which you give to manifest Him in heaven.

    He who would become a music master and grieves because he has not the means to meet the years ahead to so become already has the means to play his first note. And when that first note is played, he has the means to play the second one. Therefore, we say, he who takes his first gift from God and regives to Him will find that first gift to be a trickling stream, a running brook or a mighty cataract of power ever ready to be given in the measure of any man’s ability to regive equally.

    Again we say, God will work WITH you but not FOR you. No one ever became a concert pianist by prayer without action, for that is wishful thinking, and by faith-and-belief without knowledge manifested.

    If you are low in spirits because of some fancied hurt, or have been too much alone and would balance your Self-awareness with God-awareness, let your prayer be a desire for realization of your high place in God’s universe. Say within your pulsebeat, wordlessly--for God has such good hearing that you need not speak it:

    I, My Father, am not alone “I”. You, my Father, are “I’. You are in me and I am in you. I am favored of You, my Creator. I AM of the inner Mind. I KNOW your joy and I am exalted in You.

    I have all knowledge and all power. That which I desire to know, or to have, or to give is mine to know, to have, or to give. My dwelling place is in Your high heavens. Be in me that I may be You--knowingly. (My bolding added, Big one,-Candace )

    I AM in Your Light, 0 my Father. Enfold me ever in Your Light that I may not again feel the heaviness of the dark upon my heart. Dissolve my separateness and make me ONE with You that I, too, can ever be in the giving.

    Dharma, we will end this chapter with the following discussion of misconception of prayer and then we will close this segment.


    Realize, therefore, that prayer is not for the purpose of asking for something you wish to have. It is for the purpose of realizing that you already have that for which you have asked. All power exists in the universe and is yours when you do your part in bringing it to you.

    You have health--and a perfect body. It is eternal in you. What have you done to drive it away so that you now think you do not have it?

    What have you, or your ancestors, or loved ones, done to destroy the perfection of your body--or the seed of your body?

    Why do you now ask for health and a perfect body as though it is not already yours? What you did to destroy your health or your perfection, you must undo to attain the normalcy which is already yours and always has been. Whom are you blaming? If you have lost anything, have you not gained its equivalent? Is not finding your Self worth a broken back?

    Balance and perfection are normal. They are primal CAUSE. Imperfection is an EFFECT of unbalance. Who--and what-- caused your unbalanced effect? You still have perfection. Restore it by eliminating imperfection.

    Normalcy is the basis of abnormalcy, just as silence is the basis of sound. When sound ceases, silence reappears, but silence IS. It has never ceased to be. Likewise, normalcy IS. Stop abnormalcy and normalcy reappears. It has never ceased to be. AND BY WHOSE DEFINITION AND GUIDELINES DO YOU PERCEIVE PERFECTION? I MUST REMIND YOU THAT A HANDICAP IS NOT IMPERFECTION!

    When you pray to God for love because you are lonely and without love, God answers, saying:

    “You already have all the love of all the universe. Prove what I say to you by giving love out from you. You will find that all of the world loves you in the measure that you love the world.”

    When you thus give love out from you to all the world, love will come to you from its far horizons.

    He who would pray for love and the companionship of many friends shall be given that for which he asks in the measure in which he gives love and friendship to others whom he befriends.

    And he who would feel the ecstasy of all the world at prayer with the God of Nature should go out into nature's great cathedral of forest pines and oaks and join in that mighty prayer of running streams and babbling brooks, and the singing of birds, the sound of the bees, the droning of countless insects and hidden things that chirp and trill, and sing hosannas to God in His high heavens to gladden our hearts as we walk and talk with God.

    When any man prays to you to fulfill HIS DESIRES, as you do to your Father, know that he is praying to your Father who is ONE with you. Even as God works with you to fulfill your desire, you should work with him who desires aught of you to fulfill his desire--for as all men are one, so, likewise, are all desires of all men one.

    If he thus prays to you to help him to fulfill an UNBALANCED desire which is not love given and regiven equally, extend to him your love and balanced knowing, even as God whispers it always to the unhearing and unknowing.

    If he hears but heeds not your counseling, do not condemn him or fail to watch over him until the Light of your illumining has reached his heart as it some day will, even as God watches over the unbalanced ones who have not yet learned to manifest love. Say to him within your heart what God says in His heart--”All men will come to me in due time, but theirs is the agony of awaiting.” And be there awaiting him with love when he has at last known love. In the interim you must not thrust by force your opinions upon him for that is not of God--but you must allow release of that one to his own path while he alone finds of his way into Truth and giving.

    And so it is in all ways of man--for we say that God is Love and love is all that is in God’s kingdom of heaven--and the manifestation of love is all that is on Earth.

    Man of earth does not yet know that, but he is beginning to know it through cosmic man brothers of the high heavens who know love in him and give it to the world in the heavenly rhythms of the high heavens.

    The geniuses of the world manifest God’s love and give it out from themselves to uplift the world by reinspiring man-of-earth with the inspirations of heaven-born men.

    The love-inspired symphony is prayer for love fulfilled in the composer, and again fulfilled in the hearts of those whose heartbeat feels the ecstasy of God’s heartbeat as expressed in those heavenly rhythms.

    And so is all the art of all the world a prayer for love fulfilled in inspired cosmic man for regiving of love to the race of man. For art is beauty, without which man is not yet even human.

    The workman at his bench who gives beauty to his work regives the love which God has given him to all the world to uplift the world. Likewise, the housewife who puts love into her cooking enriches the food with God’s love which renourishes her family with love. Likewise, the butcher, the baker and that candlestick maker who regive love for love given to them to manifest God in building His universe of love with Him also uplift the world.

    And the mason gives love to his wall in the laying of each brick which, in turn, reflects love’s beauty to each passer-by. Beauty thus given by the mason and reflected to man is the Light of the kingdom of heaven extended to man for his illumining.

    We shall pick up our next segment with a discussion of the dawning transition of man.



    PJ 34


    MONDAY, JULY 22, 1991 8:43 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 340

    MONDAY. JULY22. 1991

    Hatonn present in the Radiance of a day of perfection. Let me be humble and wondrously egoistic about that which is produced (evolved) for you each and every cycle. No matter that which is coming upon you, it is the gift of gifts if you but see it.

    Dharma has brought to the keyboard, a basket of flowers sent to them from our precious German visitors to Scott Tips, our beloved attorney. They are young attorneys having been sent by Germany to study a few weeks in American LAW. Of course they have had no opportunity to do anything other than “Constitutional” law for this very case which has been in point around our people. They take back a BUNDLE of insight and incredible growth as to how the world REALLY IS.

    Interestingly enough, following WW-II the Germans patterned their legal system on the “partially” remaining Constitutional system of the U.S. No one here has noticed that the U.S. no longer functions under the Constitution--but the foreigners see it clearly. They are so sad to have to be leaving soon and we are greatly indebted to them as well as recognizing we will be missing their presence greatly.

    Now for the flowers: Christiane and Ulrike sent a bouquet of flowers--large carnations, small but fragrant carnations and violet daisies along with lots of greenery. Please, dear ones, when you have opportunity--DO NOT SET SUCH A GIFT ASIDE WITH “THAT’S NICE”! Please take time and do that which I request my ones do EVERY TIME AND SEVERAL TIMES WHILE THE FLOWERS REMAIN--ACTUALLY EVEN AFTER THEY HAVE FADED AND WITHERED--GET A GOOD BIG MAGNIFYING GLASS FOR IT WILL BECOME YOUR FAVORITE TOOL-AND REALLY LOOK AT THOSE BLESSINGS OF PERFECTION!

    Look carefully at the petals and the leaves--look at the circulation system which is magnificent. Look at the colors and how they appear to be painted on as the petals lighten or darken on their fringes. Look at the heart (seed) of the blossom and realize the perfection and see the feeling which is reflected in your soul of how each color and hue reflects upon your being. I promise you that if you begin to see your world through the magnifying glass and realize the perfection of that which Nature presents, you will never be out of communion with God.

    That is what we are doing with GOD, LIFE, DEATH AND HOW-TO. We must look within into the perfection and without, into the corruption and hybridizing (some wondrous and some disastrous breeding replication and sterility of the species [whatever it is]) and then, when you can KNOW, you can change of it to bring a return into the direction of Light, balance and healing. But you must begin somewhere as within the heart of a tiny flower to gain perspective of yourself. Man can make silk flowers and they are lovely. He can spray them with artificial scent and they are fragrant’--but not one false imitation can touch the single petal of Nature’s perfection or fragrance. You will even notice that with the hybrid tampering, the very scent is decreased. You have bred out the very portions of your experience which are the most precious and perfect. The odor of a spice carnation or a wild rose is so magnificent that your nostrils and smelling senses are totally shocked by the REAL THING. Ah, if you but give appreciation and love unto the tiniest of these precious gifts the giving of that love will regive unto Father and the giving will only be increased. Even the tiny flower showered with love will stand straight and offer its heart unto you. The bouquet will remain beautiful for days instead of the few tiny hours. Then you find there is even beauty in the drying as the cycle closes for some and buds open on others. Stop allowing the wondrous beauty of this physical experience to pass you by in your search and clamor for worldly THINGS for you will find that the ultimate search is for replication of that which God and Creation do so abundantly well.

    Look carefully and you will also see the tiny life-forms of insects who have set up housekeeping within the petals and know that by your carelessness these wondrous balancers of Nature are destroyed. But mostly--APPRECIATE--for they are given for that sole purpose.

    So much for the botany lesson. Please understand it was a lesson in love, giving, regiving and appreciation and, most especially, the thought and loving care brought into manifestation. And, sic sic, you thought you couldn’t manifest! You just don’t know what you mean by the statement itself. You do not need miracles or magic--you have all the wondrous supplies right at hand--if you have love and desire and connection with God-- there MUST be creation and manifestation. So be it. And remember that the reproduction as in a photograph of the “real thing” sends forth the same beauteous message. It reaches across the endless miles and touches in the giving just as do the notes of caring, shared. Blessed are you who care and share that loving care. AHO!


    Germain present and, again, I am given a hard “act” to follow. But I am honored deeply for I am allowed to show you the “how-to” and besides, I saw to it that the flower pot would be filled with violet daisies. I want you to become familiar with the purpose of the differing “tones” of color and the beautiful transmuting qualities of the various colors--and in this instance, violet, for it is the flame color of transmutation. Purple is the blending of the “red” and the “blue” and within it you have ALL. For within the heart of, say, a flower or within its body (stalk) you will always have the green and yellow--go look for self. You may note that, in flowers, you may not find the other colors of the spectrum but you will ALWAYS find the yellow and the green in some portion of the life-stream--these are the color rays of the plant kingdom. ALL are present in the humanlife pattern of EVERY human as the transmutation and alchemy takes place--ALL IS PRESENT IN ALL. UNTIL YOU CAN COMPREHEND ALL--YOU CANNOT MANIFEST NOR CAN YOU GROW INTO TOTAL TRUTH. I did not say you had to know the working details of ALL--just comprehend the presence of All as connected to All and you can manifest God and that, dear ones, is that for which you seek and endlessly search.

    God produces the DNA blueprint for the flower--YOU accept the gift and appreciate the wonder of it and that appreciation regives unto Father and He gives more abundantly for you are perceiving and his gifts are not wasted in the dung pile. But even in the dung pile, life abides in total abundance and through the gift of nurturing the plant and flowers grow more abundantly--GOD IS ABUNDANCE AND NATURE ONLY GIVES! THERE IS NO TAKING--ONLY GIVING AND REGIVING, CYCLING AND RECYCLING AND THROUGH NURTURING IN BALANCE--ABUNDANCE OVERFLOWS.

    Let us now continue:


    The dawning age of cosmic man which is now unfolding for the restoration of mankind from self-suicide by the barbaric dealings of man with man is a transition from believers in a far-off God of fear, whom they fear, to knowers of a universal God of Pure Love, Whom they love. Through this projection you will come to release the negative responses to the terms God, Christ, Love, etc. For the pulpit spewers of nonsense have defiled the terms and given forth incorrect information. You will come to love and respect the terms as you fit Truth and proper definition thereto.

    Those cosmic ones who KNOW God (and yes, indeed, there are ones of you there on that place--YOU, for instance, if you are attuned to this very information) are “cosmic thinkers”, inspired geniuses and illumined mystics who know God within them and
    see God everywhere. These are the ones who down through the ages have uplifted man gradually by bringing the beauty into the world which has gradually given man his culture and his ethics.

    These are the ones who will unify mankind through their knowing to end this babel of tongues of many religions, and bring into being the ONE religion of the ONE God of Love.

    This now-ending Barbaric Age is peopled with GOD- “FEARING” MEN.

    The dawning Cosmic Age is to be peopled with GOD-RESPECTING (“LOVING") MEN.

    The coming Cosmic race of men will know that love is all there is in God-nature and that the expression--or manifestation--of love is all there is in the nature of the physical universe. It is man of the now-ending Barbaric Age which has turned and corrupted all of beauty into that which is unbalanced, destructive and ugly.

    It is our, (yours and mine) responsibility to so clarify the above statement that you will thoroughly understand the basis of what is called evil--or bad--and it is your responsibility to teach it to others so that they will gradually comprehend that a universe which is founded upon balance cannot be unbalanced, or one founded upon good cannot be bad. As you become more and more illumined with the Light of God’s knowing, you will know that evil is a creation of man and has no existence in Nature.

    When you understand how unbalance, which is the basis of the idea of evil, can seem to be overthrown but can never succeed, and that good can seem to be overthrown to create that which you call “bad”, you will readily see how the race of man has made itself suffer through gross ignorance.

    Conversely, you will as readily see that the only way to conquer evil, bad, illness, failure, fear, worry, superstition, greed, selfishness, loneliness, grief, or even death itself, is through cosmic knowledge of the Light which gradually illumines the consciousness of man.

    You who are readers and deep students of Truth are the seed of the coming Cosmic Age. You who know this message in your hearts know God’s command to you, which it contains. Let us again state a portion that refers to the method which all must use in making the transition of man which will bring love into the world.

    I say, verily, the dawn of cosmic man is in it beginnings. Go, therefore, to all the world and sow the seed of your KNOWING….for it is the promise of God that the WORD would flow over the lands that all mankind could have expression of that which IS.

    You, as you become “knowing”, shall pass on the WORD and sow the seed of knowing man in unfolding man ‘s progression, and no rest shall you know until you have well fulfilled your task. This is why, as you awaken, you can no longer sleep the sleep of mortal ignorant MAN


    Many are they who know Me (God) in them. Sow the seed of Beauty, Love and Balance in them. And multiply them until their legions shall illumine the dark of man‘s barbaric ages with My Omniscient Light--which becomes your Light.

    Say to your anointed ones, these, My words: You are Love. You are Beauty. You are Balance. Go and give Love, Beauty, Balance and Truth to your neighbor.

    Think not of doing great works in My name. Go to your neighbor. Think of your neighbor alone and you are not overwhelmed. One seed is sufficient--not for a meadow perhaps, but out of the one seed comes a sheaf of ten.

    As many sheaves of ten fills great granaries, even so will your sheaves of ten encompass the whole earth to bring into being the new age of cosmic man.

    Say these, My words, to your neighbor: Go to ten men who will believe on you: and multiply them by ten, and yet another ten, until a legion shall be as a wall of granite beneath your feet. Speak of those things in the speakings which touch first his attention and then he can come to find comfort in the Truth of the whole and he will come to realize it is his connection with God and Creation for which he longs and seeks. Do not cause him to believe another “religion” has sprung forth to further divide brother from brother.

    Heed My commandings and sow My seed of Love lest man destroy himself by his continued desires of earth, knowing not Me in him.

    Be not neglectful of your own tasks, My precious children. Leave not to others of lesser knowing that which you yourself must do. That which must be done for cosmic man to come must have your own Self in it.

    He who conceives must first unfold his concept. And herein lies the responsibility of the receivers and then the responsibility of the readers who perceive for there is nothing of force or coercion in God--God only gives (offers) and man must accept and regive lest he be destroyed in the taking and taking and taking. If a man turns away--allow him to go for you will have fulfilled your purpose of planting the seed--sometimes the seed lies dormant until the ground is made fertile and often that is through self experiences which are very often most offending in perception.

    The mason lays the stones of the master’s thinking. You, yourself, must impart your knowing in the Light of your anointing to cosmic man who will build your knowing and Mine into balanced rhythmic forms with you and Me.

    And out of the knowing of your anointed legions a new world of unified man shall spring--not a New World Order controlled by Elite and evil enforcers of physical enslavement.

    For where your anointed shall gather together to thus unify man through his knowing of the Light of Me in him, there shall I be in their midst. AND THEY SHALL NOT FAIL.

    Then “WHY”, you ask, “do you not call the little nucleus around the scribe, a group?” Because she is only one who produces the information and she has no need to bear greater burden than the task requires in itself. Better the groups which will form around GOD AND TRUTH, be unlabeled as religious indoctrination--you NEED GOD--not Dharma, do you see? She serves as a set of fingers, a tongue for speaking and a servant unto that same God--no greater nor lesser than are YOU. The contribution only DIFFERENT in scope of job description. Her reward? Try a bouquet of flowers from a friend! Try simple recognition of Truth by the readers who share that same Truth with a neighbor for, within, the Truth is obvious and stands infinitely immortal.

    Yes, she gives and regives--but the rewards are beyond that of a physical “thing” and, yet, there are coming back in the flow, those also. She is seeing the unfolding of the totality of “giving” that one can receive and ones must learn to “receive” for without the accepting--you cannot have the “giving”. You need no preachers--God is Truth enough and as you find yourselves forming groups--focus on the things needing change and the learning and sharing and do not permit one to become “leader” for he can only speak and project “his OPINION” and it is no better than your own. But you do need ones who are willing to form the groups and host the groups--give honor and respect unto those ones--NOT YOUR POWER! BUT IF YOU JOIN WITH A GROUP, MAKE SURE YOU ARE NOT DIVISIVE IN YOUR OPINIONS FOR IF YOU COME WITHIN A GROUP, YOU MUST HONOR THEIR STRUCTURE. IF YOU DO NOT LIKE THE MANNER IN. WHICH THEY FUNCTION, DETERMINE WHO MIGHT BE IN ERROR REGARDING SELF EGO--AND LOOK MOST CAREFULLY OF ALL--WITHIN--TO SEE IF, INDEED, IT MIGHT BE YOUR OWN ERROR AND SELF-INDULGENT DESIRE TO BE ATTENTION CENTER AND DO THINGS “YOUR WAY” WHICH IS NOT NECESSARILY “THE” GODLY WAY!

    Just as these ones are giving their entire lives to sowing the seed of the Cosmic Age through YOU--which is our responsibility-- we know you will give great heed to the above words of our Father and realize that they are addressed to YOU as yourresponsibility.

    These words do not demand that you give up your whole life to help mankind make the transition. It simply means that you should LIVE IT and thus be an example to your neighbor. It means living it WITH your neighbor by making your dealings with him conform to the teachings of The Message. We are but MESSENGERS!

    When people are asked to work for most “causes”, it generally means to give up something, or make some sacrifice to do it. This requirement of our Father reverses that thought, for if you actually practice the Love principle of first giving, you will find that you have not “sacrificed” anything. Instead of that, you have enriched your life in every respect. Sacrifice gains you naught, but helps another, and very often hurts. If you give with Love, you have not sacrificed, for Love will be regiven to you in equal measure.

    If you could keep this most important working thought of life before you always, and put that thought into every dealing you have with everyone, your patient, your client, the man you are selling to or buying from, your servant and your neighbor, you would soon find yourself in a very different kind of world of your own making for yourself and for all mankind.



    We could speak of many ones who have become illumined but that is “their” story--their path. WE will be offering you the experience of your own ability to come into Knowing and receiving in direct alignment with Source. You will note on the tape which is used for relaxation and clearing that there is instruction to take pen in hand and write. As you practice, if you clear of your “space”, God WILL give you that which to pen upon your page. It will be so identical to that which we now give that you will feel you are simply doing copywork--fine! Be more concerned if it differs greatly--look carefully at that which differs for two inputs. 1) Does the lesson vary as to concept? 2) Are you getting specific (and perhaps, technical) information? This is WHERE you will begin to see manifestation into a physical format that which you have not been ABLE to hear within. It is merely the allowance of God to move into the physical and commune. There is nothing mystical nor mysterious about the method of communication--YOU are the ones with the physical hands with which to express.

    Ones often ask--”. . . why use hands? Why don’t you just write?” Because YOU must fulfill your committed service and you of the Light have agreed to serve as the hands and conduit of the WORD that brother and neighbor can see that he, too, can participate. Then, also, you will not be seeking some “special” “thing” that only another can “do”. This is as natural as breathing, that of God speaking and manifesting that speaking onto your paper--for the message, after all, is to YOU. If you allow the unfolding of the message--EXACTLY AS GIVEN, WITHOUT TAMPERING OR CONTROLLING--AFTER MAKING SURE IT IS GOD OR THE LIGHTED BROTHERHOOD COMMUNING--THEN YOU WILL GET HONEST AND OPEN INSTRUCTIONS WITHOUT SHAM OR MISUNDERSTANDING. Know that much you will not wish to believe for it will give away your secret tools of manipulation and cause you to face them--but if you continue in your desire for truthful change--it will flow as the river of life over your whole existence. You will no longer have to seek out a “Dharma” to relay messages for they will overflow you and they will do so in Truth if you ask in Truth.

    Know that you are not appointed to “WRITE THIS MATERIAL”. Man certainly needs no more variations. Truth is Truth is Truth so ALL do not need write the same information-- go forth and write of facets of living wherein you are talented and offer back unto God those talents. This is what Dharma is given to do--she is not given to need do YOUR job. All you have to do is isolate your job and confront whether or not you are willing and ready to fulfill it! Many of you are simply not ready for one or another “excuse” for there are NO “REASONS” GOOD ENOUGH FOR FAILURE TO FILL YOUR TASK AND YOU KNOW IT! The God of all is most forgiving of those truths--perhaps you must forgive self and move on. Remember, circumstances, physical “things”, and age--nor status of the body, have anything to do with fulfilling your mission. Your mission will be geared to that which you ARE! KNOW IT! If you be a paraplegic--so shall your “job” be fitted to the circumstance. YOU ARE IN THE JUDGING!

    As you open up unto receiving and communing, you will (if you are devoted readers of this very information--you already experience the nudges) have what may feel like strange premonitions of service. You will wrestle with it in your sleep and toy with it in your awake time. This will go on for years until you hear it within your Being. You will find the reality and glory of the breakthrough will be far less mystifying and far more understandable than the premonitions which always leave you deeply in wondering and confusion.

    As you move within and allow God--you will come into total comfort of direction and if your task be one of unbending focus you will experience (and only once is enough) a moment of total and incredible communion. Dharma experienced this from a sound sleep in the wee hours of a morning long since forgotten though it only is less than three years ago. I have to remind you who tend to think that she has done this for years. She wrote her first stumbling words for Hatonn on September 12, 1987. Leah came first to prepare the reception. She did not come into focus of direction or “job” until July of 1989 and it still was not clear in direction. These 33 JOURNALS and some 1000 plus pages of EXPRESSES have come forth since that time--with the exception of SIPAPU ODYSSEY which has its own separate story of birthing. I share this story because YOU must not think yourself different at any age or state of being at the present moment--as you open unto God--God will give you directions and as you listen and act--IT WILL UNFOLD!

    With the experience comes a total inability to forget it and nothing again in all the experience within the world of physical can even begin to touch the glory of the moment. Some are left to longer go without that expression for reasons of God’s planning and these moments are so private and so personal that they should never be asked for the sharing if the ONE wishes to hold the moment for Self. At any rate it is beyond description and you will never again leave the searching and service in your desire to become one with that wondrous split-second of eternity within the ONE. You may become side-tracked in the journey-- but you will never find rest until you regain your focus toward that ONENESS again. It is the moment you KNOW you are sent forth for special service and purpose. Your consciousness may even forget--but the Soul NEVER forgets.

    You will find that you somehow no longer “fit”, nor can bear, the things which only a while before seemed fun and joyful. Your acquaintances who were exactly like you a moment before have nothing in common any longer--unless they, too, move in the same Godly direction. You will move away and into the wonder of the silence of your world where you can hear the wondrous music of the maestro playing the wondrous symphony of perfection within your heart. It is at this point in living that you who are still searching become most unhappy and lonely-- never finding that “other” to fill that loneliness.

    I would share one of Dharma’s experiences for she had six children. One died before birth and her youngest son committed suicide at 25. He seemed lost and so lonely in a tormented world of realization and inability to change it--you see, he had to move from it--his purpose was to deliberately move from it--to touch the spark to illumine the mother and father to their purpose. Never think yourself justified in “judging” for you know not another’s contract nor how hard that contract may be to fulfill. Loneliness becomes a soul-testing void awaiting the filling in by you ones who walked and walk this pioneer path for you are not given into full understanding and your drive is to fill this void with that of physical. It is not until you realize the void must be filled by that which is NOT physical that the soul finds peace within.

    As you find communion you begin to seek expression of that which is becoming beauty within and you want the touch of another and another who find the same within. You then see that the path is in only one direction and your soul cries out to those who cannot seem to see and then the burden accepted of “worry” over those who refuse. But that is the joy of the path, as well. You only have to present in example and after offering the gift, you must release the regiving unto the one in point. It then becomes an issue between them and God within them. You and your God stay out of it in the interim--for you shall rejoin soon enough as Light moves into the darkened corners of misunderstanding. That which you perceived lost into darkness-- cannot remain there--for as there is only ONE so shall all come again into that ONENESS--regardless of you.

    This is an awakening so personal, of which I speak, that there is no one to whom to turn for counsel, save God. Oh, Dharma went to Little Crow and said, “tell me” (and to others) who said, “You must walk the mountain alone--for there are some things another cannot share.” The “Eagle” took her hand and denied her “his” truth and applied a big foot to the rear when the work lagged and the self-pity set in. But you see, he too, must walk in the human format and only the Souls can share the joy of totality with God and Creation--the human projections must go their own way of experience. Dharma cannot do it for anyone--she will be the first to say that she still can’t do it for Self and doesn’t understand enough to attempt it. Good! That is the first mark of progress--when you leave the things of God to God. The best you can do is that which Little Crow said: “God does all things in His own way in His own perfection and ALL will be EXACTLY AS IT WILL BE!”

    There are masses of you out there who read this material which relate to this scribe as Self. There is such love and attachment that you cannot begin to understand. It is because, precious ones, you ARE HER. You are responding to the God reflection in Self--that communion with Aton, Hatonn, me (Germain),--God--and it brings you into attention of Creation and Destiny and Infinity. It brings you again into the KNOWING of how it REALLY is and it brings the loneliness of homesickness to touch and share as the ONE which we are. You will reach across the miles as if they are but a thought away--and it IS that way. You wish to reach out and touch her with a memory, a picture, a flower, a carton of coffee beans--because you are reaching out for Self--Blessed ones, YOU ARE COMING INTO RECOGNITION OF SELF! HOW GLORIOUS IT IS FOR YOU SHARE THAT WHICH IS PRECIOUS TO YOU--YOUR LOVE, YOUR SUPPORT, YOUR SPECIAL CRYSTAL, FLOWER, PICTURE--FOR IT MEANS SOMETHING TO YOU. Blessed ones--your hands are now joined across the planet. There are calls from South Africa and New Zealand, Norway, Germany--around the world you are taking another’s hand where it counts--IN THE MIND! IN THE IMAGINING AND THROUGH THE IMAGINING GOES FORTH THE THOUGHT AND THROUGH THE THOUGHT FOCUS COMES THE MANIFESTATION AND THEREIN IS YOUR PROOF THAT YOU CAN CHANGE THIS THING COME UPON YOUR WORLD--YOU CAN RECREATE IT THROUGH GIVING AND TRANSMUTATION. IT IS A BLESSED TIME OF BEING IN THE PHYSICAL WITH DIRECTION OF GOD FOR THE CHALLENGE AND EXPERIENCE IS ONE OF GLORY.

    As you come into communion you will find that no words of your own physical speaking or thought processes have the meaning or the depth of that which comes from that Soul within. It has been expressed so many ways and times and always it is the same in context of message:

    I am going to quote from Walter Russell regarding his own awakening for it expresses the experience most effectively.

    It had been given me to know that regeneration of the body from that which man calls ‘death’ is within the range of power of inner thinking if the Soul has not left the body. (Meaning that the Soul no longer controls the body through a centering Consciousness.) [By the way, you who see great similarity in this work and that of Walter Russell, Tesla and a few other masters of their trade and world must KNOW THAT I DIRECTLY GAVE UNTO THEM IN THE SAME WAY AS I GIVE THIS FORTH THIS DAY.]

    That disease which man calls ‘black diphtheria’, or ‘black plague’, had so disintegrated my body that my Soul made ready for its departure and I was pronounced dead by man.

    God took me up unto a high mountain top where inspired man is God-man and there gave unto me higher knowledge of the power of regeneration of my body through His all-knowing Light.

    [No, you do not have to have a death experience but often it is the only way God can get your attention!]
    Through the red-violet world, and the red, red world to the world of pure white Light beyond the world of blue-- and back again to the world of pure white simulated light beyond the yellow world, the Spirit within me journeyed in an ecstasy for which there are no words of man to tell.

    In the ecstatic state of inner-knowing, the great truth of creating and decreating things was made known to me.

    That majestic swing of the cosmic pendulum spelled out for me the glorious rhythms of things to be and, then, not to be.

    The mystery of Soul was mine--the Souls of all creating things.

    The memory of ten times ten thousand lives mirrored themselves in Light from their records on my Soul to tell me that my body was still new--that my time of disappearance had not yet come.

    It was then given me to know that the power of revitalization of my body was mine and I, who had been pronounced dead by man, lived strongly in that body.

    That is sufficient for my purposes. No, you do not need go through such an experience--but the ones who will present the UNTAINTED Word and the explicit working mechanism--must spend time in Presence to receive of that information for these ones are in the KNOWING but they are not given to the mechanism any more than are you the reader.

    You will not always even recognize it is time to begin your work or what you should do--but you will be nudged--perhaps by this very writing (I certainly hope that myriads will so be). God gives His signals--YOU MUST BE ABLE TO RECEIVE THEM. The method and transmission will be as different in number as there are energies to receive. The TRUTH will always be the same.

    The Christ masters upon your place have always projected the very same identical principles. But it is only NOW the proper sequence for MAN to come into understanding the two opposite chemical reactions which control the generation of life and the degeneration of death. These were instantly reversible in the human body by the will of Man, and the reversal of one voids the other completely. A simple example of the normal action of this principle is the inbreathing of oxygen which multiplies life and its reversal to death-giving carbon dioxide when one breathes out.

    This explains the instantaneous healings by the one you called “Jesus” and the others. This fact lifts such instantaneous healing out of the realm of the miraculous and gives perfect understanding of them as a process of Nature which must obey the will of the One Mind of the universe which created both opposite effects as a part of nature’s cyclic principle of Creation. The reason it seems to be miraculous is because this reversal principle is not yet known to science although it is “danced” around constantly--the scientists continue to leave God-Soul out of their work.

    Why am I going through possibilities of what may represent this flash of insight? Because you all need to begin to understand that which can take place, even if your own experience is different. Many of you had your experience and simply buried it or did not recognize it. You are given sign after sign and miracles are given and you miss them or turn away from them to continue your physical journey but you can never bury them deeply enough to not confront them at some point down the path.

    Once you recognize the Truth of this message, you may well find a desire to seek isolation of moving within the forests or along the sea shores in an effort to be alone with God (or that “something” you find elusive). You will become ever more slightly aware of purpose which may be yet identified. Each passing segment and sequence will give your inner-sensory perception more possibility of expression to enable you to “see” with inner vision the electric workings of the universe in the construction of matter which no man of outer perceiving could ever “see”, much less “KNOW”. It is enough for the time being that you are made aware of the fact that somehow you must be able to demonstrate, at least within Self, this versatility which can prove to man that whatever he desires to do, he can do it. You will each find varying manners in which to do this.

    Years may pass, or only hours, but you are usually assuming that you have not been at work on the matter--ah, but you have been. If it be your purpose of the journey--you are working on it constantly at a level of no physical conscious perception--

    You will become insightful--I do not say necessarily what is recognized as “psychic”, I said insightful--and be given the power to “see” on an inner plane beyond the obvious. You will be able to count back and find that approximately every seven years of your span you will have done something quite extraordinary of which you have doubtlessly forgotten if you be older in your counting. The difference in you and others who did project great talents in these many things is that YOU did not pursue them.

    You can become so intuned that you can actually become totally aware of the birth of a significant relationship just as you must become aware of the coming birth of another planet in your own solar system--it is, you know. It will seem incredible and unbelievable but you will be so aware of growth and purpose that you will feel certain as to the importance and mutual destiny wherein you will begin to join in unity of intent and mutual activity in reversing the thinking of the human race from its greed-and-fear basis to the love basis of Nature.

    There are ones on your place within the knowledge of this small fragment unit who experience that of which I refer--on a most conscious inter-dimensional level of experience. I think my brother, Gabriel Green, will not object to my sharing that almost two decades ago his beloved mate, Helen, changed dimensions and there has never ceased to be a far more conscious, loving and infinite communion than ever experienced on the physical plane. These are communions beyond anything a mortal can experience--including that which you refer to as ecstasy in a bedroom--no, there is naught can compare with the communion of Godly essence and focus--ALL else becomes dull and mundane. But the communion of “special” ones are for great purpose and must be attended with openness for the unfolding which may require many years in your counting.

    You will come into acceptance of that higher WISDOM which is your constant companion but you drown it out in that facade of noise and commotion so that you can refuse to hear. As you come into communion you will become aware of telepathic communications and you may well recognize communion from very recognizable people having passed your way--or, who WILL pass your way.

    As you find others who have same intent and purpose, the journey does, indeed, become one of joy and fulfillment--even if tedious and busy and filled with pitfalls. But examples must be given and no teaching is better than with example in experience. Dharma and Oberli have little time to share but she does her work and he assumes the responsibility of passing it on in proper channels and then on to the next and the next until as one following another meets responsibility (no matter how tired or distressed) the information flows and can be, if applicable, in less than a day--from Mind to Mail. Then, of course, you move from the sublime into the ridiculous!

    Any story of insight is incredible only to those whose limitations are outer-sensing. To anyone whose inner sensory perception has unfolded to the great spectrum range which is given to all with vision, these stories are perfectly comprehensible and totally natural. Dharma sees herself doing nothing unusual and, in fact, actually feels she doesn’t do much of anything while everyone else works very hard at this job.

    Ones who have gone before longed to write the perfect “romance” of this cosmic experience to inspire others to deeper comprehension of the multiplication of power which results from male-female unity and equality. Strange thing about that desire--it will be done and it will be done by the higher Mind at work--and the fingers of some mortal being willing to type for hours at a keyboard and decipher radio signals. In fact, we began with the conception of SIPAPU ODYSSEY. A “fantasy” in TRUTH. But a beginning into understanding and then another shall be written by the playwright from the information flowing and man will begin to be able to comprehend his potential and he will begin to settle for no less than the perfection of his potential.

    I have rambled much too long in this segment but it is most personal and urgently important: Treasure your inspired moments which become more and more yours as you increasingly walk and talk and WORK with God. Inspired men, geniuses and mystics, are the saviors of other men for they show the way and allow the other to find his own. They are the interpreters of God’s language of Light and teachers of the Love nature of God and balance of Nature Creation who only GIVES. Each can only give in the measure of his own awareness of the Light of God-Consciousness within him--but as another comes forth in willingness of giving can be shown the compilation and integration of the wisdom and Truth and another can decipher the hidden secrets and produce from the information--each according to his own but all with the same task at hand and the goal in sameness.

    Each of the SUPREME mystics of the past brought the message of LOVE, UNITY and the BROTHERHOOD OF MAN to the people of his day, but the human race was too newly out of the jungle either to comprehend the principle of love or to practice it.

    The human race is only now unfolding enough to more than faintly understand it or to practice it. Man’s attempt to understand it has led to the formation of many religions which have disunited man instead of uniting him, and the misinterpretation of the nature of God as a wrathful God of fear has created a world of fear, sin, evil, selfishness and greed which has led to countless murders in war after war. Man becomes what he thinks and believes. He is an evil “sinner” because he has been made to believe that he is an evil sinner. IT IS TIME TO COME INTO REALITY AND TRUTH. MAY GOD SHINE HIS LIGHT OF WISDOM ABOUT AS WE TAKE THE VEIL FROM THE EYES THAT THE LIGHT MAY COME UNTO THE LANDS.

    God has again sent His message of Love to this electric age of unfolding man for there are a sufficient number among men who can become the seed of the Cosmic Age and are the seed for this dawning realization, for reinspiring other men to their exaltation in cosmic knowing.

    These few among the many, such as YOU ARE--else you would not have been led to it--will spread their knowing of the Love nature of God throughout the Earth and to man of the comprehension of this electric age, and that alone will bring man back from his own destruction. So be it and may the WORD be blessed.


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