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제목: PJ#031, PLEIADES CONNECTION - God Said Let There Be Light, and the Creation Became

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    Default 응답: God Said Let There Be Light

    CHAPTER 18

    이 구간 번역예정입니다.


    SUNDAY, JUNE 2, 1991 8:05 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 290

    SUNDAY, JUNE 2, 1991

    In the wondrous beauty of a gifted presence may we commune. May all who partake be given into insight, balance and understanding that we may fulfill our mission within this glorious experience.

    May comprehension come that all things extend to all things, from all things, and through all things. For all things are LICHT, and LIGHT separates not; nor has it bounds; nor is it here and not there.

    As the rainbow is a light within the light, inseparable, so is Man's Self within God, inseparable; and so is his image God’s image.

    If you cannot understand these connections then you can realize nothing in a manner to change that which is negative compression upon your beings, nation and globe. Perception is but one facet of experience.

    Look within the non-news and see, also, that which is not given unto you. Do you think the episode of the keeping of the Iran hostages has gone away? There is total proof now that your President again deliberately lied to you. Worse, it is now conjured so that he can have medical lapses of memory so that he will not be accountable.

    How many realize that the United States is stockpiling WEAPONS in Israel? Dear ones, the world is in full foreclosure by the Banksters.

    I ask that you pay close attention to the lack of "budget" talks. Last year your nation shut down to get a budget from which you had to have a war to prevent follow-through. What do you suppose there is in store for you this year? Well, two things, probably--one, you had better watch the "victory" parades under the guise of welcoming your sons and daughters home. From what? An invasion which killed hundreds and hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqi people? Why would the thrust of the parades be weapons and some 10,000 troops? To get you hyped for more war and let you know that these are the troops YOU WILL FACE IF YOU FAIL TO DO THAT WHICH THE GOVERNMENT IS BRINGING DOWN ON YOUR NATION AND THE WORLD.

    Secondly, it is planned to run the nation into a budget situation wherein the President can activate the banking regulations and monetary control network via emergency economic regulations. That means he can close the banks, limit withdrawals when open and literally remove federal reserve notes along with all assets of the people. You only have until the end of September to avoid this monster for it is planned if other maneuvers go awry and perhaps even if things move simply in "sequence". May you awaken in time to change this thing come upon you.

    Let us return to the subject of Light as the ALL of the universe. If we can please get this Journal to rest, we can speak of these other things in Express format in the early week ahead.


    Actually, it is the "cause" of the universal pulse beat of which I speak. Matter and space constitute the two conditions necessary for interchange of motion dia­grammed in Figs.18 and 19 with one very distinguishing difference. That dif­ference is that the two conditions represented by the tanks of the compressed and expanded air and the two cells of the electric battery are equal in volume, while bodies of matter and their surrounding space are unequal in volume.

    The expanded condition of space is millions of times greater in volume than the compressed condition of its centering body. This explains the seeming mystery of gravitation and radiation which causes solid objects to fall toward the earth and gases to rise toward space.

    In the electric battery the interchange between the two pressure conditions can void both in an explosive flash by a short circuit if the wire connecting both cells is heavy enough. If a small wire connects both cells the interchange takes time to complete the voidance. Each condition gives to the other in install­ments, for the wire is not big enough to void both conditions instantly. The consequent giving and regiving by the two opposite pressures constitute the os­cillations of the electric current. Electric interchange by installments is mea­sured and recorded by waves, and the time element of those recordings of inter­change are wave frequencies. They constitute the pulse beat of the electric cur­rent. When an electric wire pulses with wave frequencies of an electric current you say that it is a live wire. When it stops pulsing because the current is disconnected you say that the wire is dead, for it no longer pulses.

    All Nature pulses in measured frequencies with the heartbeat of the universal electric current, as evidenced by universal breathing inward toward bodies and outward toward space. When breathing is switched off in a man's body by the cessation of interchange between the two opposite pressure conditions of matter, you say that the man is dead. By solving the mystery of "installment inter­change" between bodies and space one can more fully comprehend the fact that neither pulse beat, breathings nor wave frequencies of interchange have any re­lation whatsoever to life, for they relate only to the principle by means of which life or energy is manifested by motion.

    The first step in solving this mystery lies in the principle by means of which matter and pace become unequal in volume.

    Herein, Dharma, I find it far too "time" consuming and unwieldy to continue with sketches of ideas. I have counselled with Dr. Russell and the obvious measure is to utilize work which we have already displayed. The time is at hand, chelas, wherein Man must have the correct answer, lest all Men will per­ish from the planet. If we work moment by moment living and KNOWING God and awareness of His presence all can be accomplished. With such a power extended to him from the universal Source he can become master of ev­ery art he desires with which to express himself.

    As can be proven by ones who had opportunity to experience with Dr. Russell, we are experiencing an identical sequence herein--where Truth and insight are being brought forth from the Source THROUGH Man. Dharma simply serves the higher energies during this time of universal expression of "change". Ones who have failed to find their messages in other works--MUST be given oppor­tunity to see, hear and respond to purpose. This means that the expression must be given forth in many places, yet there is only ONE Truth. Dr. Russell was a most important person in experience upon your place but unfortunately, as with Tesla, Newton, etc., there is great need to discount his work and worse, make every effort to erase his presence from view.

    Walter was also unaware of this Cosmic Consciousness until a great event in the year of 1921 when a great flash of light severed his consciousness from the seat of sensation of his body. For almost forty days and nights he was wholly MIND, being aware of his body, and making use of it, but as though it was quite apart from him. This is a magnificent experience for any who comes into, within and through this type of awakening and KNOWING. Dharma does not experience this type of experience for hers is not to compile and totally "understand", but only to commune as a scribe and translator, that which has al­ready been brought forth in Truth. Why would God reinvent the wheel over and over again? At best, the concept can only be re-perceived according to another's "opinion".

    It is simply time to lay the information before you--again--in different format so that the intended receivers can "discover" it and merge missing portions within their own work, thereby allowing fulfillment of great assistance to this pro­gressing experience of Man.

    Fig. 20 represents the electric battery with the line AB dividing the two pressure conditions as the equilibrium of both. This line represents a static equator--a plane of rest from which both opposite conditions are extended at right angles as a dynamic equator--line CD.

    Fig. 21 represents static and dynamic equators (or magnetic and electric) at ninety degrees from each other. As the two opposed conditions which extend from these planes of rest are equal, the lines of force which connect both are as symmetrical to both diameters as though reflected by mirrors placed at right an­gles to each other. Such symmetry below to the cube and sphere alone.

    Fig. 22 represents the electric battery with the negative cell much larger than the positive cell. The static and dynamic equators will still be at right angles to each other but the static equator will not be in the middle. It will be much nearer the positive pole and will be curved because lines of force which record the measure of interchange between the two opposite pressures can be symmetrical to the dynamic equator only, and not to the static equator.

    Such symmetry belongs to the radial universe of cone sections. All dynamic equators are radial, and all lines of force of conic symmetry are forever chang­ing to record the forever changing potential of dynamic equators.

    Fig. 23 illustrates this principle which forms spheres and creates the illusion which makes heavy objects seem to be attracted radially toward the earth and tenuous matter thrust radially away from it. Line AB shows the curvature of the static equator which causes the dynamic equator to expand at its negative end and contract at its positive end into the radii of a cone. The outward thrust of radiative pressures would curve the base of the cone thus produced to corre­spond with the curvature of its static equator, AB.

    Fig. 24 represents a bar magnet which has been divided into the two opposite pressure conditions of this electric universe by coiling a charged wire around the bar of steel, thus forming two opposed plus and minus electric vortices with in­tensities measured at poles.

    Two nails of equal weight are suspended to these poles. It is not magnetism, however, which picks up these nails. It is the electric vortices which pick them up, for the vortices are still effective upon that steel bar even though the electri­cally charged wire has been removed.

    It is the whirlpool motion of the electric vortex which performs the work of lifting those nails and not the stillness of the poles of magnetic Light.

    If the bar magnet is enlarged at one end it becomes a cone. The division into the two opposed conditions will still be equal, as in Fig. 25, but the volume will be so large in one as compared with the other that the nail which the positive end will still pick up cannot be lifted by the negative end unless the nail is ground to a fine powder. The negative end will then lift the same weight in to­tal but only by dividing nail over the whole volume.

    Before this principle is applied to matter and space, it is necessary to correct the general impression that the earth is a magnet. By referring to the bar magnet pictured in Fig. 24 it can be seen that its poles alone express gravity. The earth, on the contrary, expresses gravity at its center. (Fig.26)

    The earth is formed between magnetic gaps of its wave as all bodies are formed (Fig. 27). If two bar magnets are placed so that negative and positive ends are near each other, that still point which you call the center of gravity will evi­dence itself between the two ends. If iron filings are placed in this, gap condi­tions of gravity similar to those of the earth will be found there. Gravity will end and radiation will begin at that center. Nails will fall toward it from any di­rection, as heavy objects do on earth, and compass needles will follow the vor­tical directions of lines of force which extend toward its poles.

    The analogy between the unequal battery cells and bar magnets is now sufficiently complete to compare them with matter and space. In Fig. 28 two bar magnets have been fanned out into cones. The weight which the positive end will pick up as a solid has to be finely divided in order for the expanded volume of the negative end to pick it up.

    The essential difference between the two opposed pressure conditions of the electric battery and the two of matter and space is that in the battery the opposed potentials are equal because the volumes are equal.

    In the universal battery of matter and space the two opposed conditions are conspicuously unequal. The resultant high and low potential contrast each other so violently that solid matter "falling" toward the high potential of the compressed condition must be divided into vapors and gases before the same substance will "fall" toward the low potential of the expanded condition. A solid bar of iron will fall radially toward the earth because both are high potential compressed solids. If divided sufficiently by vaporizing it, that same bar of iron will fall radially toward the heavens.

    Gravity and radiativity are opposite pressure conditions of the same thing. Both of those pressure conditions are in every creating thing. Every creating thing can expand to lower its potential, or can contract to raise it. Like conditions seek like conditions to find balance. Creating things changing their compressed conditions to expanded conditions must move to find balance in like conditions. That is the sole cause of two-way motion.

    Every potential has a balancing potential position somewhere in the universe. Desire to find that position is in every creating thing and any restraint exerted to prevent it from moving to find its balancing potential can be measured as weight. The cause of the radial universe which constitutes matter and space lies in the inequality of the two opposite pressure conditions both as to volume and potential.

    The cause of the universal pulse beat and the breathing which motivates the manifestation of life in every creating thing lies also in this inequality. All cre­ating things pulse and breathe just as organic "life" pulses and breathes, but that is not life, it is but motion.



    The universe is dual—the still magnetic universe of reality and the dynamic electric, radial two-way universe of illusion which extends from the static uni­verse at an angle of ninety degrees.

    In the dynamic electric universe there are two directions--inward and outward radially from a still point of magnetic Light to still planes of magnetic Light. All motion within magnetic wave fields is controlled by the Creator. (Figs. 29, 30) For Creator has told you, "Behold, I am within all things, centering them, and I am without all things, controlling them."

    The inward radial direction is North--the compressive direction of gravity which multiplies potential by compressing light waves radially into similar volumes of greater frequencies. The outward radial direction is South--the expansive direc­tion of radiation which divides potential by expanding light waves into larger volumes of lesser frequencies. (Fig. 31)

    The two directions of the static universe are East and West. They are static be­cause they are spherical. They follow curved planes of unchanging equipoten­tial pressures, such as the contour of the earth or sun or of the orbits of planets or floating clouds. East and West do not oppose each other. Each arrives at its own starting point without change of potential. (Fig. 32)

    North and South, on the contrary, diametrically oppose each other. They are constantly changing. They seek opposite directions, each passing through the other in opposite spiral lanes; each interchanging with the other as it passes; each voiding the other through that interchange, and each becoming the other because of it. (Fig. 33)

    East-West spherical planes are also the fulcrums of wave levers which curve gravity as they pump high potential into low to expand solids into the gases of space, and low potential into high to compress light waves into the solids of earths. (Fig. 34)

    Incandescent suns of white hot light are born from cold black darkness and cold dark space is born from white hot suns. (Fig. 35)

    All suns are generated into incandescence by two black rivers of evacuated light which flow centripetally inward toward their still centers by the way of their poles. Conversely, darkness of space is radiated from two incandescent rivers of white light which flow centrifugally from suns' equators.

    Thus are the four arms of all spiral nebulae formed as two pairs of opposites interchanging with each other to become the other two; the two black arms be­long to gravity and the two white ones to vacuity. (Figs. 36, 37, 38)

    This electric universe is curved--motion is spiral. Where motion ceases curva­ture ceases. Cleavages between wave field boundary planes of crystals separate them into their individual crystal forms. Motion cannot pass through those planes, for there is naught but stillness there. Motion is repeated in all wave fields by reflected extension from wave field boundary planes. (Fig. 38)

    Curvature is imperative under such conditions for opposed pressures resist each other and each must bend to the other to find passage for its own expression of force. Motion and curvature simultaneously begin and end when opposi­tion begins and ends. (Zero in Fig. 39)

    Each wave field is like a separate projection machine in which its own curved motion picture universe is dually projected upon its self-measured zero screen of space. (A in Fig. 39). The incandescent sphere of light which centers it pic­tures the forms of desire in the measure of desire for manifestation. (See also Fig. 38)

    This curved universe consists of lenses and mirrors of light which reflect, bend, curve, concentrate and decentrate light into its countless forms. Any action anywhere is repeated everywhere by and through countless mirror planes of wave fields and the lenses of space. (Figs. 40, 41)

    Concentrated spheres, such as the earth and sun, are surrounded by layers of light of equal pressures. Clouds float around the earth in them. The reason they float in curves parallel to the earth is because of these spherical equipoten­tial planes of pressures which curve as the earth curves.

    Curved pressures of light act as lenses to multiply and divide light radially. Light rays which pass through curved planes concentrate toward a point when projected through light lenses of space in the convex direction and decentrate when they pass through in the concave direction. (Figs. 42, 43)

    The very fact of gravity and radiativity are accounted for by this fact. Every object which falls toward the earth falls radially toward its center because of this fact. No two men who stand upright in balance with gravity stand parallel to each other. Lines drawn through the feet and head of any two men standing in either hemisphere would form a cone with its base in the heavens and its apex at earth's center. Rain falling vertically from a cloud falls conically. The area of the base of the cone in the cloud is greater than its conical measurement on the earth. (Figs. 44, 45) The electric potential of rain increases as it falls because of the multiplication of pressures by the lenses of light which surround the earth. For the same reason a man weighs less as he ascends a mountain and re­gains it when descending. Light lenses subtract from his potential by multiply­ing its volume while he ascends and multiplies it while he descends by subtracting from its volume.

    Curvature of light wave axes, by contraction or expansion between planes of zero curvature is the cause of all pressures; all pattern; all of the attributes of matter, such as density, tenuity, melting point, brittleness, conductivity and countless other effects which are voided when curvature ceases in planes of rest in wave field boundaries, or in points of rest around which motion rotates spirally.


    Within the wave field centripetal spirals wind light waves into spheres and then cease to be spirals. Centrifugal spirals unwind spheres into cubes and also cease to be spirals. Centripetal and centrifugal spirals are electrically sexed mates. Their interchange borns all forms and likewise voids all forms. (Fig. 46)

    Centripetal spirals are electro-positive. They wind light inward into incandescent spheres. They are the father-light which refolds unfolding forms. They begin their half-cycles at cube boundary planes of wave fields and end them at centers of spheres. Fig. 47 diagrams the six mirror planes which reflect gravi­tating light centripetally inward through the poles.

    Centrifugal spirals are electro-negative. They unwind light of incandescent spheres into cold black light of space. They are of the mother-light which un­folds formlessness into form. They begin their half-cycles at centers of rest in spheres and end them in the reprojection mirrors of wave field planes. Fig. 48 the six mirror planes which project radiating light centrifugally outward from equators.

    Fig. 49 diagrams the screen of space which simulates motion because of the two-way projection of oppositely conditioned lights inward and outward through each other to create the illusion of motion, change, sequence and time. (See also Fig. 39)

    Spheres and spherical systems, like carbon, are born where centripetal and cen­trifugal spirals meet. Matter registers the potential of the position of its birth. For that reason it floats in equipotential orbits appropriate to its position in its wave field, together with all units of its system. In the electric current elec­tronic systems are born where the familiar loops of force occur around a charged wire. (Fig. 50) Figs. 51, 52 and 53 diagram electric systems forming at AA.

    The spiral is an incompleted sphere just as crystal forms are incompleted cubes. Spirals and crystals have individuality which they lose by voidance in the oneness of spheres and cubes.

    Individuality is given bodies for the purpose of manifesting separateness and multiplicity. Individuality, separateness and multiplicity are then voided in oneness.

    Individuality in every creating thing is a moment to moment record of its un­foldment and refoldment. It is the fruit of cosmic desire for creative expression. It begins when the cycle begins, ends with its ending, and repeats itself in each cycle until the entire cycle of any expressed idea is voided in its completion.

    Two-way sex-conditioned spirals are the consummate individuals of all Creation. They condition all bodies with the condition of their bodies. They unfold all idea from stillness of Mind-knowing into moving form of Mind‑imagining and refold it into the stillness of Mind-knowing. They are the elec­tric workers which desire of Mind by interweaving threads of light into patterned forms and recording those patterned forms in the still Light which centers every spiral pair, as the axis of a cone centers the cone.

    The one centering axis of both spirals is the shaft upon which the dynamic uni­verse rotates. All motion rotates and revolves upon still centering shafts, and all shafts are two-way extensions of points which lead to and through centers of spheres.

    The familiar wave line which records all effects of motion controls those ef­fects. One can record that wave line but is not aware of the fact that it is the power extended by the Creator in the measure of desire for power.

    The wave line is a record of the amount of energy borrowed from its static equator to express any mechanical process, such as the vibration of a harp string, the pulsations of an engine, the cardiogram of one's heartbeat, or the pattern of an earthquake, as recorded by a seismograph. (Fig’s. 54, 55, 56, 57, 58)

    The shaft of a wave is a line drawn through every point upon the surface of a wave-disturbed ocean in a vertical section, where water and sky meet. Around the still shaft of the wave all motion of the wave spirals to interweave the pat­terns and forms of desire. All spiral forms must have intense individuality in order to express such amazing varieties of form and pattern. (Fig. 59)

    The inside outside in turnings of all creating forms is due to the gradual un­folding-refolding principle of Nature. This process is controlled lay spiral pairs which are motivated by still centering shafts of magnetic Light. Opposed pairs of spirals gradually expand centrifugally to planes meeting at static equators to complete the unfolding half of a cycle. They then contract as the opposite of what they were, to complete the other half. During the entire journey they continue without reversal of direction.

    A clockwise spiral is always a clockwise spiral during its entire centripetal journey to its apex and its centrifugal journey to its base. The opposed pair which rotates upon the same shaft are anticlockwise, for both are projected through each other. (Fig. 60)

    The characteristic unfolding-refolding, inside out-outside in principle of Nature causes the integration of matter at poles and disintegration at equators. Matter integrates by the contraction of one pair of spirals around the shafts which wind it into spheres by the way of its poles, and disintegrates it by the expansion of the other pair which unwinds it by the way of equators.

    The pair of spirals which wind light waves into spheres continue that winding until holes are bored through spheres and rings are formed, aided by the cen­trifugal force exerted by the expansion of the opposing spirals.

    Rings are the "death" half of the cycles of spheres. Rings recondense around points in space and rewind as spheres. The majestic ring nebula in Lyra is an outstanding example of the disintegration process of Nature. The ring exempli­fies the "death" half of the cycle and the newly formed sun at its center the "life" half. A new body has been born out of the old one as it expanded into the heavens.

    The heavens abound with new bodies appearing from old ones which have dis­appeared into another form. The Owl Nebula demonstrates this principle by two rings and two stars reborn from them. (Fig. 62)

    The rings of Saturn will become moons, just as its other rings have become its several other moons. Your own moon was born from a ring from earth as it expands its bulk by absorbing its oceans, and accelerates its rotation as all of the outer planets have done.

    Jupiter is even now developing belts which will be thrown off as rings, to be­come moons. The moons will become comets and eventually plunge into the sun as all things in this solar system likewise do.

    Fig. 64 illustrates the unwinding process by means of which moons free them­selves from the bindings of their mother shaft to again seek revolution around the shaft of their beginning in the sun.

    Disintegration of suns and planets by radiation is accompanied by flattening at their poles. Spheres come into being by prolating and go out by oblating. Ever increasing speed of rotation around shafts is the cause of this phenomena. Inner planets rotate very slowly upon their own shafts in the sun, but they revolve very swiftly in their orbits around the sun. (Fig. 65)

    Mercury, your own moon, and Phobos, the inner moon of Mars, are so close to their mother shaft that they are obliged to revolve very swiftly, with the same face always toward their primary. The outer planets have so far broken away from the influence of their mother shaft in the sun, that their years have materi­ally lengthened, their days conspicuously shortened, and their faces are con­stantly changing in relation to the sun.

    Cyclones, waterspouts and tornadoes develop on your earth when spirals tighten around their shafts, for the more they thus contract the greater their speed. When spirals are so wide at their bases that their angles to the earth's surface is negligible there is calmness and peace; but when they contract to thin pencils which furiously speed around centering shafts of magnetic stillness at ninety de­grees to the earth's surface, they then do inestimable damage. (Fig. 66)


    Perhaps with the foregoing in mind you can better understand how Man has been able to duplicate Nature's movements and create the disastrous storm sys­tems which he can now develop. All you need is the right set of circumstances with which to begin the system and then by intensifying the energy input the small spiral, for instance, can be manufactured into a gigantic tornado and/or massive typhoons. These can be taken from small storms off-shore and developed into massive weather fronts and be guided to almost pin-point accuracy to the desired target area (as in Bangladesh).

    Dharma, allow us to take a rest break please.

    To clear. Thank you.

    Fig.65 As poles flatten equators lengthen

    [trans="번역완료: 물질의 구성"]

    PJ 31
    CHAPTER 19


    SUNDAY, JUNE 2, 1991 10:26 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 290


    The heartbeat of the universe, starting from zero of rest, spirals from its mini­mum to its maximum and back again to zero, in four pairs of opposite actions and reactions. These four pairs of opposite electric interweavers constitute the universal spiral octave wave by means of which the dynamic universe of effect rises from the static universe of cause. (Fig. 67)

    The octave wave formula which governs ALL motion, and its birth position in the universal wave, is as follows: (Fig. 68)

    Zero to four means the centripetal direction toward the apex of the spiral, which leads to higher potential, density, gravity and the white heat of incandescence. Four to zero means the centrifugal direction toward the base of the spiral which leads to lower pressure, lower potential, vacuity, radiativity and the black cold of space. Each of these is half of a cycle.

    The reason an octave cannot be counted from one to eight, instead of from one to four, is because each of the pressures--which bear the relations of one to four positive in the octave--is a credit pressure, which has its equal opposite debit pressure in one to four negative.

    The elements of matter, born on the spiral pairs of opposites as tones, have the same relation as tones of music have to the octave wave.

    All wave motion is expressed in eight tones--four pairs of opposites. The mid­dle pair is seemingly one. The octave is usually expressed as seven for this rea­son. An octave is a series of orderly harmonic tones. Tones are multiplied and divided pressures of light, spaced rhythmically with mathematical precision, upon each octave wave of motion. The law which applies to one effect of motion applies to all, whether sound wave, electric current, color spectrum or oc­taves of elements of matter.

    No state of motion has permanence or even duration. Everything is forever in a state of transition, changing its position in its wave by either multiplying or di­viding its vibration frequencies to change its conditioning.

    The basis of all octaves is the keynote of rest from which the octave springs to express the idea which lies within the magnetic stillness of that keynote. The fulcrum of the wave of musical octaves is its keynote from which all tonal changes in the octave are mathematically calculated in wave frequencies and volume. That keynote is always in one's consciousness whether the note is being sounded or not. It is the balance of its octave. All tones are out of balance with it at all times and forever desire balance. No state of motion can evade the keynote of rest from which it sprang, nor can it be separated from it electrically in matter--or consciously in Mind.

    No matter what instrument produces octave tones, its frequencies and other dimensions must be in the orderliness demanded by the opening and closing spiral pairs which control those tones by conditioning them. Likewise, no matter what the instrument; whether larynx of man, string of violin, carbon wave field or color spectrum, its sole motivating power for producing change, of dimension for the purpose of producing change of tone, is electric pressure directed by de­sire and borrowed from the keynote of the octave’s stillness. Furthermore, all power thus borrowed for one expression in any octave tone must be in balance with the opposite of that tone within which those borrowings have been debited.

    This outstanding fact of natural law must be borne in mind in considering those principles as applied to the mechanics of the universal wave which produces the octave wave tones of the elements of matter with such precision that any effect produced by any of them in combination, or separately, will produce that same effect always.

    Two-way journey front zero—through zero—to zero


    An unvariable characteristic of Nature is to express life-death cycles of any idea, in nine lesser interweaving cycles enfolded in the one. When you think of Man as an idea, you think of him as grown up to fullness of middle age. Until then you think of generating Man as infant, child and youth. Following his generating cycles come the degenerative ones in which he gradually repays all of his borrowings from his zero of rest and returns to that zero to again borrow power to re-express the idea of Man. (Fig. 71)
    Fig. 71
    The universal nine octave cycle

    This process of Nature, which expresses its cycles of idea in nine lesser cycles, is conspicuously present in the life-death cycles of the elements of matter. Carbon alone expresses the idea of matter. All the nine octaves of the elements are stages of unfoldment and refoldment of carbon. The first four and a half oc­taves lead to the maturity of carbon by the genero-active contraction of gravity. It is the hardest of all of the other stages of its transition, having the highest melting point. The last four and a half octaves lead from maturity through old age to disappearance at the end of the nine octave cycle by the radioactive expansion of vacuity. (Fig. 70) (Dharma, please see to it that the Russell Periodic Chart of the Elements Nos. 1 (Fig. 70) and 2 (Fig. 69) are included in this JOURNAL. We will speak of the elements at greater length at another writing. Thank you.)

    Genero-activity begins at the birth of carbon in the first octave with genero-ac­tive, inner explosive speed of light, which is 186,400 miles per second. It ends with an equal radioactive, outer explosive speed. This speed is the limit at which motion can reproduce itself in curved wave fields before reaching zero where motion and curvature cease.

    Carbon fulfills the plan of the Creator in His desire to create but one form: the cube-sphere. Carbon alone crystallizes in true cube, with all of the qualities of the true cube and sphere fully exemplified. All other elements which crystallize as cubes are octave extensions of carbon. All such extensions occupy the four- zero-four position of wave amplitude.

    In carbon are all of the elements of its previous stages, just as in man are all of the actions and reactions of his previous stages. Hydrogen is a one octave younger prototype of carbon. It forms on the wave amplitude at four-zero-four just as carbon forms at four-zero-four one octave ahead. In hydrogen is a whole octave of elemental tones. Several of these have been recently discovered and wrongly named isotopes. Isotopes are split tones such as those which a violinist could produce between full tones.

    An amazing thing happens at this point in the unfolding of carbon's life record. Hydrogen's melting point is 259 degrees below zero centigrade and in one oc­tave the winding up process of nature acts like a whiplash at its halfway position where genero-activity and radioactivity meet as equals. This effect tightens the winding of carbon into such a dense substance that the melting point jumps to 3600 degrees above zero in that one octave.

    Nature immediately counterbalances this accelerative action by dropping nitro­gen, the next element beyond carbon, into a gas which melts at 210 degrees below zero centigrade. It does not recover from the gaseous condition during the rest of its octave.

    The cosmic seed of the carbon octave is helium.

    Silicon is one octave older than carbon. The melting point of silicon drops to less than one half of its older stage: 1420 degrees.

    The cosmic seed of the silicon octave is neon.

    When carbon becomes one octave older at the four-zero-four position of cobalt in the sixth octave, it divides its full tone into ten split isotope tones, five on either side. (Fig. 70)
    Carbon has lost much of its vitality and changes its character by thus dividing it
    into cobalt isotopes. Its melting point has dropped to 1480 degrees, which is
    slightly higher than the silicon stage of carbon. Because of sharing that position with ten others, it has lost much of its true cube-sphere quality of balance which the four-zero-four position manifests.

    The evidence of that is the metallic quality of cobalt which is impossible in the true cube-sphere position of four-zero-four in the octave wave.

    The four-zero-four position is one of balance between the pairs of metallic op­posites such as iron and nickel, manganese and copper, chromium and zinc or sodium and chlorine. When any of these pairs lose their metallic quality, such as iron and oxygen in iron rust, or sodium and chlorine in sodium-chloride, they find both rest and balance in the stony quality of the salts; they crystallize in the cubic system if they are equal or near equal opposite pairs. Sodium-chloride is a good example. One can see its approximately true cubes in sodium-chloride (ordinary table salt) or in the distorted cube crystals of sodium-iodide.

    The four-zero-four position in the octaves of the elements is the position of rest where any action must end its half cycle and begin its other half. It comes to a point of rest before returning to a point of rest, as all actions and reactions in nature do.

    At one octave of further aging carbon becomes rhodium and again climbs to its
    amplitude position at four-zero-four by five efforts and descends by five more.

    Rhodium is more vital than cobalt, for its melting point is 1950 degrees. (Fig. 70)

    The cosmic seed of the rhodium octave is krypton.

    Great vitality is often evidenced in nature's creations after they have fully matured. The radioactive death principle is as vital in disintegrating the body as the genero-active principle is in integrating it. That vitality is enhanced by the opposition of the genero-active resistance set up against it. Such strong, vital metals as silver, nickel, copper, tantalum, tungsten, osminium, platinum and gold belong to the next two aging half cycles of carbon.

    Tantalum is a radioactive metal which becomes so dense because of opposition between the two electric conditioners that its melting point reaches 3400 degrees centigrade, or within two hundred degrees of carbon. Osmium follows with a melting point of 2700 degrees and platinum at 1755 degrees. In this octave the violent drop from carbon's melting point to nitrogen's melting point at minus 210, is balanced by this corresponding genero-active reaction.

    In the next octave of carbon's aging, the radioactive death principle becomes more evident in lutetium. After reaching its three position in the positive half of its octave, it arrives at its balance position of four-zero-four only after mak­ing twelve efforts, as evidenced by twelve isotopes. These are balanced by twelve in the negative half cycle. Among these twelve is the vital tungsten, a negative metal of great commercial value.

    FIG. 70
    One of the two completed Mendeleef tables of the elements which Walter Russell gave to the world of science in 1926.

    By bombarding this metal with a sufficiently high current to cause it to disintegrate, it will discharge its seed of inert cosmic gases just as an oak tree will discharge its cosmic seed in acorns.

    The cosmic seed of the lutetium octave is xenon.

    The cosmic seed of carbon's last octave of disappearance arises from the un­known inert gas niton. Octaves unfold from their past recorded seed and they must have a seed into which their present record can refold. That principle is absolute in Nature.

    Radium and actinium evidence the going-to-seed process of all completed cycles of growing things in a strong measure. One can see this process taking place in radium without resorting to the electrocution process referred to as applied to tungsten.

    A small telescopic instrument, the spinthariscope, contains a needle upon which a microcosmic portion of radium has been placed in front of a fluorescent screen. By looking through its lenses in the dark, one can see the shedding of the cosmic seed of the slowly dying carbon in its radium stage as the rays of those cosmic seeds bombard the screen. The effect is beautiful, like looking into the heavens on a starry night with all of its stars twinkling into appearance and disappearance as fireflies twinkle in the meadow on a dark night.

    Carbon never comes within perception as tomium, but its efforts to reach tomium are evidenced in the uranium group of isotopes, of which there are fif­teen before tomium is reached. Out of this group several have been found and made use of, especially those from which the atom bomb have been produced. (Fig. 70)

    Radioactivity has so nearly reached its maximum at this point that the speed of the cosmic seed shed by these isotopes has been measured at 180,000 miles per second, which is approximately the speed of light nearing its ending point at omeganon where the octave again begins at alphanon.


    The octaves of the elements of matter "grow" from seed, just as all things grow from seed. From the moment the elements unfold from their seed they are in a constant state of transition, from the beginning of their cycle to the end. Ele­ments are not fixed created things. They are pressure conditions of light waves. Those conditions of the light pressures are constantly changing from infancy to old age in the elements of matter just as they are in the animal kingdom. The inert gases are cosmic elements which will not combine with any other elements. They constitute the recording system of this creating universe. They surround the zero from which motion springs and to which it returns. They represent minimum motion in the wave, just as amplitudes represent maximum motion. They are the seeds of the octaves of matter, and each octave has a different seed just as different trees have different seeds.

    Elements are waves, and waves disappear and reappear. God's recording system does not allow any creating thing to disappear without recording the actions and reactions of its stages of appearance. All states of motion are recorded in the inert gases. In the inert gases are the souls of their bodily manifestations in the universe of motion. In them is desire for expression and the patterned form of that desire.

    The cosmic inert gases fill all space between the stars of heaven. They insulate states of motion from each other by their balancing zero. They bring all motion into being through the will of the Creator, true to the pattern of desire. They are the source of balancing cosmic rays which interchange between zero and matter. They vitalize matter with the omnipotence of creative desire which lies within the zero of these cosmic rays.

    There are nine cosmic gases, the first and the last being one. Alphanon begins the cycle and omeganon ends it--to begin again at alphanon. T ere is no beginning and no ending.

    The list of cosmic gases follows: .alyhanon, betanon, gammanon, *helium, *neon *argon, *krypton, *xenon, niton and omeganon. (* indicates those known.)


    The known octaves which lie within the range of perception are five and one half. These begin with the third, or hydrogen octave, and end with the uranium group which are isotopes of actinium and tomium in the last octave.

    The invisible octaves of finely divided matter of space are three and one half in number. These octaves are beyond your range of perception, but they are NOT beyond your knowing.

    Light is the universal language. Through spectrum analysis of light waves Man has been able to analyze and recognize each element when in its incandescent stage.

    By means of the spectroscope, he has been able to divide light rays through its prisms into the component parts which make up the life history of each stage of its two-way cycle.

    Each element tells the story of its entire precious "incarnations" in other oc­taves, since its beginning. Any line in one octave is repeated in the next, but shifted in position because of the changing pressure of each succeeding octave.

    The spectrum of hydrogen is preponderantly red. A bright red line indicates its present octave. Other red lines tell its past history in lower octaves.

    The simple history of hydrogen, as compared to the complex spectrum of iron, is like the history of an obscure youth as compared to that of Napoleon.

    In the spectrum analysis of iron, the lines which belong to iron and those which tell its recent and remote history can be seen at a glance. These lines also indi­cate the relative ability of the iron atom to charge or discharge. Wave length 718.8 is immediately recognizable as belonging to iron in its present octave; 6916.8 is recent history and 6944.8 is extremely remote history. Herein fol­lows a partial list of lines whose wave lengths belong to iron or to its immediate mid-tone associates, and also other lists indicating its recent and its more remote history.

    [Please place chart which comes between Fig. 73 and 74 in this section.]

    The visible and invisible spectrum is divided into several thousand lines. Each line is different in its shade of color and in its plane. Each line proves that this universe of varying motion is a universe of varying pressures.


    The elements of matter are not different substances or different things. They are different pressure conditions of light waves. The light units of the elements are all alike but are differently conditioned by the electric pressures exerted upon them during the inward or outward spiral journey from zero to zero.

    The unanswered mystery of how the elements become mathematically precise octave tones, just as musical tones or color tones of the spectrum are mathe­matically precise in vibration orderliness, lies in the wave field gyroscope principle.

    Together the eight elements of an octave form two halves of one whole cycle of tones which ascend from zero to the four-zero-four position of amplitude and descend again to zero to begin again.

    This spiral journey contracts into greater pressures as it approaches wave field amplitude positions at spiral apices, and expands into lower ones on the return journey to spiral bases.

    That two-way spiral journey of each half cycle extends between six mirrors of still Light which compose the wave field, and winds around a still shaft which centers the spiral. Three of these mirrors are the mirrors of action and three are the mirrors of reaction. ( Fig. 75)

    The three of action are the inner intersection planes of the cube and the three of reaction are the outer boundary plants of the wave field.

    All of these planes of the wave field are of zero curvature but, the spiral uni­verse which is forming within those planes is curved. Curved planes of light act as two-way lenses which bend light to focal points and extend it from those focal points radially.

    As the two-way spirals of forming matter extend from the wave field center in opposite directions toward wave field intersections, the six mirror planes of still light focus three points of still light upon the still shaft of each half cycle. Centers are formed at these focal points which become the one, two, three posi­tive and negative elements of matter by rotating gyroscopically upon the wheels of light which act as equators for those borning tones.

    Multiplying and dividing pressures determine the density and volume of each succeeding element. The color spectrum records these pressures, as the complete history of every element, from octave to octave of the whole nine octave cycle of the elements.

    Multiplying pressures of the spiral also affect the curvature of its light lenses to such an extent that the focusing positions change their mathematical ratios in conformity with the acceleration of gravity and the deceleration of radiation.

    The positions of focal centers of gyroscopic wheels upon the wave shaft are thus affected as diagrammed in Fig. 76 and Fig. 72. Each element is the square of the distance to and from its succeeding one in accordance with its direction. The direction of gravity is the inverse square, and the opposite direction is the direct square.

    The volume of each succeeding element is likewise affected directly and in­versely as the cube.

    Six of the eight gyroscopic wheels of the whole octave are thus accounted for by geometric projection of two-way opposed lights through each other, from two sets of three mirror boundary fields. The fourth double tone is formed at the rest point where eight cube wave fields meet. This is the point of rest which is known as the center of gravity in earths or suns--where motion and curvature cease.

    The completed sphere thus becomes a section of eight adjoining wave fields and revolves around that point of rest upon the wave shaft where the two half cycles of the wave meet.

    For this reason the four-zero-four position is one of balance in which the yellow of orange is the dominating color of one of its two gyroscopic wheels and the yellow of green is the other, centered by white.

    At the two points upon the still shaft of the turning sphere where the shaft pen­etrates its surface are the magnetic poles of still Light which control the balance of each sphere's turning. One of these is the north magnetic pole which con­trols the winding of the sphere into density y centripetal electric force, and the other is the south magnetic pole which controls its unwinding centrifugally into space.

    In a sphere such as your nearly mature sun, these magnetic poles are practically upon the sun's pole of rotation; but upon oblating planets, such as your earth, Shan, the magnetic poles are removed from that pole of rotation in accordance with the measure of the earth’s oblateness.

    The elements of matter are miniature stellar .systems. Every principle and law which applies to one applies to the other. This solar system is a gyroscopic wheel in the position which iron occupies in the elemental series. When it spirals a little further it will correspond to a carbon atom. The sun will then be a true sphere and its new planets will also be true spheres.

    The gyroscopic principle accounts for that law of Nature which causes like ele­ments to seek each other. All decomposing compounds are sorted out, element by element, gyroscopically.

    The efforts of man to transmute one element into another must be governed by this principle, and not upon the theory that another substance will be obtained by “knocking out one electron". It makes no difference how many planets there are in a solar or atomic system in so far as its "substance" as an element is con­cerned. One or more added or subtracted would not change the element into another substance any more than one or more children would affect the nation­ality of their parents.

    Transmutation will become simplified by observing that the plane of gyration, in relation to amplitude, and the speed of revolution of the gyroscopic wheel upon its still shaft, will alone change volume by either multiplying or dividing density.

    Great possibilities in new metals lie in the proper application of this principle.


    This ageless universe has NO shape. It has a seeming infinite extension, but that extension is a reflected one. This electric universe of two-way extended light is but a series of mirrors which reflect into each other through curved lenses. Its seeming extension might be likened to a light within a mirror-bounded room.

    One light within such a mirrored enclosure would seemingly extend infinitely, but the light thus mirrored would be the same light. The reflected extension would have no reality.

    The idea of continuity or discontinuity is based upon mirrored effect of an initial Cause. Continuity infers time. Time is but one of the effects which constitutes this universe. Time flows two ways, but the senses detect only the forward flow. They cannot detect the backward flow which cancels out the forward flow. Time is as unreal as the wave universe is unreal.

    What is true in principle of one wave is true of all waves. Each wave is a two-way reflected extension of an equilibrium zero which we call a vibration. Vibrations appear, disappear and reappear from their source of rest to manifest idea which is existent alone in rest. Just as the vibration of one wave disappears into its zero of universal stillness, so do all vibrations disappear into the universal zero of stillness. This zero universe of vibrating waves can have no shape other than a seeming one.


    This is a zero universe of seeming mechanical motion of force exerted in a seeming three-dimensional universe.

    Every action of any nature begins with zero, counts up to nine, to end and begin again at zero. Beyond nine it cannot go, but up to nine it must go. Nine is universal.

    Nine is universal because it is the wave field number--the eight of the cube centered by the zero of gravity in the sphere.
    Your decimal system is based upon the wave field of the cube sphere. It is as follows:

    0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 0 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 - 0
    equals 10 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10

    The musical scale and the spectrum of Nature correspond to the wave field tones. They are a follows.

    Musical 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 0 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 - 0
    tones do re me fa sol rest sol fa me re do
    (Keynote) (Overtone) (Keynote)

    spectrum: black red red orange yellow white yellow green blue blue black
    tones violet violet

    Fig. 75 demonstrates this fact. The three centering planes are centered by zero. All intersections of these planes add up to eight. Eight, centered by their zero source, equals nine. Likewise, the cube itself adds up to eight by counting the intersections of its six faces. Also, there are eight directions of action anti eight of reaction; each eight being four pairs, which are nine by adding the centering zero.

    Nine is the three times three of length, breadth and height extended from zero. The length, breadth and height of any expression is two extended zeros centered by zero.

    Length and breadth are static, for they are both on equipotential levels. Height is dynamic, for it is radial. (Fig. 2)

    The universal nine of matter and space is three mirrors of rest, centered by rest, from which all, three extend at right angles to each other, each mirroring itself into the other. (Fig. 75)

    The universal nine of the octave is four pairs of opposite pressures extending diagonally from zero which centers the cube to eight zeros which corner the cube.

    The universal nine of the octave is four pairs of opposite pressures extending di­agonally from zero which centers the cube to eight zeros which corner the cube. (Fig. 75)

    The measure of extension from zero to zero is desire for extension. Desire for extension from zero to zero is energy in zero. Energy extended from zero to zero is manifested by pressures of desire equally multiplied and divided--equally added and subtracted--equally credited an debited--and equally and oppositely conditioned. The sum of all these balanced effects is zero. (Fig. 75)

    Zero pressures equally multiplied and divided are manifested by the action and
    reaction of motion. Motion is a projection of the opposed energy pressures of desire from within a centering zero to extended minors of rest, which mea­sure desire and mirror it back to rest in the centering zero as expressed desire. The sum of dually reflected motion thus expressed is zero.

    Zero thus extended by action to fulfill desire for expression, and simultaneously mirrored back to manifest the fulfillment of expressed desire, is all there is to this universe of rest. Zero multiplied or divided--added or subtracted--extended or retracted--results in zero. This is a zero universe in all effects of motion--a
    seeming universe in time and sequence--and a mirage universe of imagined form.

    It is a universe of two negations which simultaneously cancel each other and sequentially repeat the cancelling of their negations to create the illusion that zero can be multiplied--or divided--or added to--or subtracted from--to create a real­ity which never is nor can become. (Fig. 75)

    That is what Creation is. It is the imagining of knowing. Knowing is Light. Light is still. Imagining is thinking. Thinking is the imagined action and reaction of motion mirrored from zero of rest to zero of rest.

    This is a still universe of Light of Knowing. In it is no activity.

    But what about your senses? Your senses tell you otherwise. Your senses are inadequate. They deceive you mightily. And that is good, else the play of Cre­ation could not be played. The senses record but little of the whole. If the senses could but see the whole there would be no play. The senses record mo­tion alone for the senses themselves are but motion. Motion is an illusion which only seems. It has no being.

    The senses do not know, but Man believes that his senses do know--and in that belief lies Man's confusion.

    The senses, being but motion, sense moving things, and moving light mirrored as moving things. They sense the forward movement of an airplane piling up compression ahead of it--but they do not record the mirrored invisible counter­part of that plane--equal to it in potential and speed—moving backward into a vacuum behind the plane which simultaneously voids the compression ahead of it.

    This inadequacy of the senses to record the backward flow of forward moving things--causes the illusions of sequence and of time.

    In Fig. 77 this principle, diagramed by arrows extending two ways from every element in the whole known series, indicates that integration is simultaneously balanced by disintegration. No time interval elapses between the debiting of any credit extended to opposites in Nature.

    Fig. 78 diagrams all matter as pairs of opposite conditions. Each line is con­nected with its opposite mate. Each of the pair is a negation of the other one. Each pair is conditioned as the two tanks of air in Fig. 17 and the storage bat­tery in Fig. 18 are conditioned. Each one of these elemental pairs are equal and opposite mirrored extensions from a centering zero fulcrum. The fulcrum of effect is the One Light of God.

    Fig. 73
    The universe of matter is composed of pairs of negations which never exceed zero


    Every action is voided as it occurs, is repeated as it is voided, and recorded as it is repeated.

    I AM

    Candace: the varies drawings in this Journal in Chapters 17 to 19 are all most likely by Walter Russell. Look him up on the Internet, he brought HUGE truth, which was NOT acknowledged, like most. Our periodic table of the elements is WRONG.
    Walter Russell did not fully finish advanced degrees, he got his information directly from the universe, starting with an initial 40 period of collection. hmmmmm 40 days in the "wilderness"?

    Last edited by wave; 2010-07-26 at 19:37.

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