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    Default 응답: God Said Let There Be Light

    CHAPTER 10


    SATURDAY, MAY 25, 1991 2:39 P.M. YEAR 4, DAY 282

    May we ever dwell in the KNOWINGNESS of God so that our senses and thinking point ever toward reunion with God. Hatonn to continue, please.


    The electric universe of motion forever moves to find rest, but never finds it. Matter in violent motion simulates rest and balance through violent motion. The more violent the motion the greater is the illusion of rest and balance. Mo­tion can cease but it can never actually become rest.


    The entire dynamic wave universe of electric matter is not what it seems to be. Everything which seems at rest depends upon violent motion to make believe it is at rest. A wire wheel could appear to be a steel disk if spun fast enough. The faster it is spun, the more at rest it would seem. Your planet, seemingly at rest, is in violent motion around its centering point of rest from which it is electrically extended. Seemingly motionless clouds, floating above the earth, are rotating with it at the tremendous speed of one thousand miles an hour at the equator, or four times faster than an ordinary plane.

    All the planets are revolving swiftly around their central sun which seemingly stands still in the heavens of space, but in fact it, too, is moving with incredible speed. Likewise, all the stars of night are simulating rest for they are actually moving at terrific speeds to adjust their mutual unbalances in this dual universe of divided pressure.

    The pencil in one's hand, the desk upon which one is writing, the room full of "motionless" things, seeming to be at rest, are but simulating rest through violent motion of their many parts. Tremendous vibrations may be in the glass pa­per weight, for instance.

    Not one thing could manifest the rest it simulates if it were not for the incredi­ble speeds of those atoms which so incessantly rotate and revolve to make the seeming restfulness possible.


    All seemingly still matter is manifesting pretense of rest by make-believe mo­tion. Motion itself is an illusion. The motion one senses in one's brain has no more reality than the motion which one senses in a motion picture.

    The seeming motion of the cinema is caused by sequences of changing patterned forms projected on the screen which give the impression of motion because of the rapid change of pattern in the negatives. That self-same illusion applies to the material universe.

    Without change, God's play of Creation could not be played, nor its actors be. Behold, therefore, the changing universe of God's imagining, the seeming uni­verse of God's thinking.

    And again I say that there is NO CHANGE in God, the changeless ONE, so, also, is there no change in God's thought universe of pairs of opposed things which forever interchange to simulate God's universe of change. Even the seeming changing of God's thought universe is not change save for senses of sensed things which are bound to pairs of parts of wholes.

    Each pair winds its way through the interchanging pressures of its electric journey. Each appears, then disappears, to reappear againand again. Even though senses of sensed things sense changing in all things, they change not to conscious knowing.

    So, why be a slave to sensing? Rise above the sensing and Be as God in the KNOWING.


    Change is an illusion of the senses due to motion. There is no change whatsoever in the conscious universe of knowing. There is only an illusion of change set up by the two interchanging lights of thinking to divide the One Whole Idea into many separate ideas and record them in moving matter.

    The senses are the audience for these thought pulsations. The senses are a part of this illusion. Senses are electric. They belong to the thought universe of motion and do not respond to stillness. As motion itself is non-existent, so also are senses non-existent.

    The senses are but the imagined records of imagined motion, matter and change. As such they are limited to pin-hole peeks into the vastness which ex­tends beyond their sensing. The senses have no knowledge of what they sense. The merely record motion. The senses, further, respond to motion in only direction. The sense the forward flow of time but not its backward flow. If they could register both directions, they would become aware of the stillness of this zero universe of seeming motion. The Universal ONE planned it this way, otherwise there could be no sequential manifestation of thought which consti­tutes the creating universe. When your knowing exceeds your sensing, you will no longer be deceived by the illusions of your senses.

    (Candace: much new age literature loves to say we are making this all up, this world is imaginary, and so it is.)

    A man seeing a technicolor motion picture for the first time and without knowl­edge of such electric effects, would think he was looking through a window at real happenings, unaware that it was but an illusion "created" by projecting positive light through patterned negatives. That is all that creation is: two lights projected through each other to simulate motion, form and change.

    Your senses are like passengers on a fast-moving train. They sense parts of the landscape as they rush forward, while, to their senses, the landscape rushes backwards--ponder it. The senses interpret these effects as matter in fast motion which is forever fast changing. A man, seeing the same train from a mountain, would sense that same fast motion and fast change as changeless and still.

    As Man unfolds from sensed Man to spiritual Man, he gradually becomes aware of the two-way motion of all effect; that two-way being the visible effect which responds to his senses and the invisible effect which he knows bud does not sense. Gradually the time arrives in his unfolding when his full awareness of Cause voids all reliance upon sensation. He then rises above his sensing. He then knows the universe of motion for that which it is instead of for what it seems to be.

    You must stop seeing with outer eyes alone for you have knowing eyes to void the illusion of your sensing. Throughout long aeons Man has walked this earth with eyes of outer seeing, giving belief to that earth of his body's sensing. Throughout his new aeons he must walk the earth of inner seeing and KNOW GOD in it as but visioning it in Light of God and Light of him.

    For God thinks earth, and earth appears, disappears and reappears in balanced rhythms of God's thinking. Wherefore, God says, man's earth and Man are by "My" imagining, to come and go with "My" imaginings. It is not God, nor is it him; nor is it even what it seems to be to him.

    However, Man must cease placing earth before God, gaining aught of earth and naught of God. For God is a patient God--patiently awaiting awakening Man.

    Awakening Man is he who knows the Light of God within himself. Man may choose his own aeons for his awakening, but know God he must. Until that day Man's agony of unknowing shall be Man's alone. His knowing must be his own desiring. Knowing Man is ecstatic cosmic Man. He who begins to know God in him--yea, even him who suspecteth God in him hastens his unfolding to cosmic Man of all-knowing.


    Imagine a perfectly motionless wheel and a fly walking around its rim, moving ever forward over changing ground, and the wheel seemingly backward, during a continuity of time in which the fly sensed a constant change in the changeless wheel. Every time the fly got back to the same point, it would compute the past time consumed on the journey and the forward time necessary for the next cir­cuit.

    The wheel being still, motion, change and time are created by the fly itself as it takes the whole idea of the wheel apart by journeying around it and examining it bit by bit. The fly sensed motion by changing its position on the wheel. It sensed change by finding a seeming difference of condition at each forward movement. It sensed time by creating the sequences necessary in taking the one idea of the wheel apart and dividing it into many separate ideas. This simple analogy is a good symbol of Creation. Your planet, like the fly on the wheel, moves forever around its motionless orbit. The orbit is as rigid and still as the wheel upon which the fly is moving.

    As the planet moves upon the wheel of its orbit, it senses constant motion and change. It senses changes of days into nights, of spring merging into summer, autumn into winter. All of these seeming changes are in the motion of the planet and not in the wheel of its orbit. Each change is entirely due to the mo­tion of the planet and not to the changeless orbit. The planet itself registers change on its changeless wheel. Change therefore lies in motion alone. The senses are motion, therefore the senses sense only that which they themselves are.


    Man continually overrates his senses. He places far too much dependence upon them without justification, for they are not recording all of the phenomena of his surroundings. He likewise trusts them too much without justification, for they are constantly deceiving him. While his senses are recording the stillness and rest of Nature on a lazy afternoon, they are failing to record the violent motion of everything in his entire environment, from the blade of grass to the clouds in the heavens above him.

    Those seemingly motionless clouds are moving at the speed of a thousand miles an hour at the equator without the slightest evidence of that swift motion being recorded upon his senses. The earth also is moving many miles per second in two directions, one of rotation upon its axis and the other upon its orbit. His senses register stillness. They are electrically unaware of that motion.

    This deception is as it should be, just as the same deception in a cinema is as it should be. God's universe is but an electric recording of His knowing, mani­fested by His thinking. To thus record the idea of His knowing in the two lights of his thinking, a three dimensional universe is necessary. If the senses could detect and record all motion, instead of but a part of it, the illusion would disappear. The senses would see behind the illusion and find that all motion voids itself. Division of the whole into parts causes the illusion. If the film is removed from the projector of the motion picture, the illusion of motion and change would be voided.

    That is what Creation is, the One Light of knowing divided into the patterned parts of thinking . Sensing is but an electric tension set up by the seeming divi­sion of one into many which "strain" to fulfill its desire for the oneness. When a unity of condition is consummated, sensation between those parts ceases be­cause the tension ceases. The senses, being but tension of desire for unity between divided parts, have no existence. The senses are electric flux thread of light connecting every particle in the universe with every other particle. They are the intercommunicating nerves of the one universal body. When strain of desire for balance, rest or unity ceases, sensation ceases.

    In your electric universe, sensation is the strain of, resistance to the separation which exists between all separated masses. All matter is one. Separated particles desire to find that oneness. It is part of God's plan that the senses are lim­ited entirely to the recording of a very small fraction of effect. The senses can never sense the Whole but the conscious Mind can KNOW the WHOLE.

    Therefore, I say to newly comprehending Man of his new cycle: Love one another--all; for you are ONE IN GOD. Whatsoever you do to ONE IN ME you do to all, for all are ONE IN GOD. Love your brother as you learn to love yourself--but first you must learn that love of self. Lift high your brother, lift him to high pinnacles, for your brother, after all, is self.

    Know the difference, however, for prideful love of ego self, or nation of selves, turns neighbor against neighbor, and nation against nation. Ego self-love breeds hate and sows seeds in all the winds to blow wherein they will. Wherefore, love of neighbor for neighbor, and nation for nation, unites all men as ONE.

    Serve first your brother. Hurt first yourself rather than your neighbor. Gain naught from him unbalanced by your giving. Protect the weak with your strength, for if you use your strength against him his weakness will prevail against you, and your strength will avail you nothing.

    He who gives love prospers mightily; but he who takes aught gains naught. Why therefor lose all to gain the world, gaining nothing? He who has not laid up a treasure in heaven to equal treasure gained of earth has sought the dark and for him the Light is indeed far.


    This coming time era (age) will mark an epochal advancement in Man's evolu­tion toward his goal of omniscience and omnipotence. Man becomes a higher being with greater power as he acquires knowledge. In knowledge alone lies power. Only through knowledge can Man become co-creator with God. Knowledge can be obtained by Man only through awareness of the Spirit within him. Lack of that awareness is the tragedy of today's civilization. During the last century or so of the greatest progress in the history of man, great nations of the world have killed, robbed, and enslaved other men to build their own empires. Today Man has killed millions, condoning his killing as necessary for his self-preservation. He is now but reaping the seed of his own sowing. He who lives by the sword shall die by the sword. No Man can hurt another Man without condemning himself to greater hurt.

    Fear dominates the world of today. While fear is in the world, love cannot also be. Love can never dominate the world until Man ceases to live a primarily sensed existence and knows the Light of the Spirit within him.

    This age brings man one step nearer to the universe of greater knowing through greater comprehension of Man's relation to man, and to God. Each past cycle in the growth of Man toward higher levels has been illumined by the few in­spired messengers of the Light who have known God in themselves.

    New inspired messengers who know God in themselves will likewise give the Light to this new cycle. And these few messengers of the Light must multiply to legions, for the need of a spiritual awakening is great.

    Man's whole reason for being is to gradually pass through his millions of years
    of physical sensing into his ultimate goal of spiritual knowing. Man has now reached a transition point in his unfolding where he must have that knowing. He can acquire that knowing only through greater awareness of the Light of the universal Self with centers him as ONE WITH GOD.


    The secret of Light is fathomable to man only by first solving his two supreme illusions. The greater of these is the illusion of the universe itself. Man has never known his universe for that which it is in reality, but only for what his senses have made him believe it to be. His senses have deceived him mightily.

    The other is the illusion of Man himself. With but few exceptions, Man has never as yet known Man. Nor has he known his relationship to the universe, nor to his still more unfathomable God. The little that Man knows of himself and his universe is what the eyes and ears of his body have told him that they have seen and heard about himself and his universe. But Man has eyes and ears of the Spirit which see and hear what Man's sensed eyes and ears can never see or hear, for man is still too new in his unfolding. He is still but in the ferment of his beginnings--which is seeming to also be very near his ending.

    Man senses motion, change, sequence, multiplicity, time, activity, life, death, good and evil. Of these things he is most certain. His senses have made him most certain of their substantial reality. In the face of the fact that he has lived with his familiar universe all his life, it is not easy for him to accept the state­ment that it has no existence whatsoever, that it is all illusion, all of it, nothing being left upon which to even base that illusion. He can accept the illusion of the railroad tracks meeting upon the horizon, but the railroad tracks are real, even though their seeming meeting is not. They, at least, still remain as a basis for their own illusion.

    A mirage of a city is comprehensible to man also as an illusion. He knows it does not exist but he also knows of the reality of the city which thus repeats it­self, ghostlike, in the mirrors and lenses of light waves of the heavens above the city. To tell him that the city, as well as its own mirage, has no existence is to lay too heavy a tax upon his credulity and patience. Yet that is what the very secret of Light would reveal, and that is what you must tell, simply and convincingly, to layman, churchman and scientists alike, and in the language standards and methods which each requires for his conviction. Thus comes forth our work in the manner laid-out that each might come into understanding within his given realm of perception. So you must come, therefore, and know God, His universe, and Man with other eyes than your sensed ones. The eyes of the Spirit are knowing eyes. God's universe of knowing is all that is. The universe of seeming motion simply does not have existence. Therefore, why be a slave to sensing when you can be as God in your knowing?

    Without thinking God's One Idea could not become many "one ideas" for His stage setting. Without motion His cosmic play could not be played, nor could its actors be. Without change His undivided One Idea could not unfold. With­out time His drama of His own creating universe could have no sequences. Without motion, time, change and sequences the unfolding of God's Mind imaginings could have no measured space for its stage settings, no screen for its light projections.

    Therefore, see them as God imagines them, but know that they are but unfolding patterns of His knowing through His thinking. Know, therefore, that time is naught, nor are there moving things which change; nor is there life, nor death, nor cam, nor heat, nor good, nor bad in His universe of Himself.


    In the beginning God, the Father. The Father is Light, the still Light of the Spirit Whom no Man can see. The dwelling place of the Father is the Kingdom of Heaven, and it is without form and void.

    In the Light is the seed of Creation, and the Light is Father of the seed. In the Light is Being, and in the seed is desire for Being. And desire in the seed is soul in the seed.The Father in Heaven knows His Idea. He knows it as ONE, the undivided ONE. In the Father Light is the seed of all-knowing. In Him is two-fold desire to unfold and refold His seed of all-knowing into imaged forms of His imagining, by dividing wholeness into parts, stillness into motion, unchanging into changing, unconditioned into conditioned, void into form, in­finity into measure, eternity into time and immortality into mortality.

    The Spirit of God moved to fulfill His two desires and said: "Let there be Light, and let darkness shine out of Light and Light out of darkness.” And it was so. The One Light of the Father in His Kingdom of Heaven divided the void. And behold, two father-mother lights of nightless suns shone out of the darkness of the void and day appeared in undivided oneness of everlasting day.

    And the Father centered His suns as seed of His desire that forms should appear from formless Light to fulfill His desire for division of the One into many di­vided ones formed in the image of His imagining.

    And mighty polar breathings of desire within the nightless suns begat earths to course sun's far heavens to divide the day and give night to day to mate the day. And lo! night was born on earths from nightless day and day was born from night. Are we together so far? Now wait a minute--I DID NOT SAY "ON EARTH". You are a smug and conceited lot on Earth, are you not?

    God saw that it was pretty good that each of the two, begat from One, was born of each other, to disappear into the One, to reappear as the other. Thus the One Light of God's knowing extended to the two of His thinking, pulsed as the three of all creating things, the One centering the two, the two extended from the One; the Spirit; the Father-Mother polarity of Light; the Trinity centering the shaft of Creations' seeming fulcrum of its heartbeat, ALL ONE .

    The manner of the extension of God's knowing to His thinking was as follows: The Father of the Kingdom extended His arms of still Light unto His heaven and said to one: "Sit here and look inward. Be the seed of My knowing for re­peating My thinking. Refold the forms of My imagining within your stillness and give them back to Me for resurrection in the imaged forms of My imagining."

    And to the other Light the centering Spirit said: "Sit here and look outward. Be the womb of My knowing for borning My thinking. Unfold my seed from the stillness of seed and give earth forms of them to heavens to manifest Me.

    "Mother My thinking; and let your name be South, for South in Light means outward breathing from the seed into their heavens. Interweave your threads of light of earths and suns with threads of light from heavens into patterns of My thinking extended from My knowing to manifest My knowing."

    To the North and South the Father said: "Behold in you and Me the firmament of my desiring to mirror the Light of My knowing into Father-Mother forms of My imagining."

    And earths appeared below and heavens above the firmament, each being each, each mirrored from the other to become the other.

    Come now, Chelas, sic, sic; you have been nagging and nagging that we "get on with it--and you over and over again said that you are ready already. But oops, no big bang and no coming from the seal to evolve from a fish? No apes? Just Light, and thought and wham, bam, there it is? Well, I think most carefully, little ones. For lo! knowing that I can create anything which I desire, all imaginings in seed of earths unfolded into the heavens for heaven's refolding into patterned seed of earths for earth's reborning; and behold, God's imagin­ings pulsed with life of His imaginings within His omnipresent Kingdom. I rather like this game, don't you? Continuing, God divided the waters from the waters: those which were under the firmament from those which were above the firmament, and each were of each, and each of the other. ("firmament" meaning the vault or arch of the sky, lest we overload you.) Now this was very good. All things were thus divided, as two halves of one which never could be one, but must forever born the other from each other to manifest the KNOWING of the ONE as the two opposed desires of His thinking. This was a really fine game.

    The all-knowing was in the Light. And God sowed seed-suns of all-knowing Light unto far reaches of the firmament for borning into patterned images of His own imagining. Then the planets began to come forth in life and bring forth grass, and herb-yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind--and this, too, was good.

    So too did the seas begin to bear life and great whales came forth, and every living creature that moved and had life, and fowl that might fly above the earth in the openfirmament of heaven-- all created for a wondrous placement for you of the most wondrous creations of all.

    Then it was decreed that the earth would bring forth the living creatures after his kind, cattle, and creeping things, and beasts of the earth after his kind--and it was so. And you know what? At that point it was very good and pleasing, this tapestry of thought projected throughout the universe of infinity.

    Then came a very interesting experiment in creating--of course, that was MAN. Man was created in Spirit as the direct, reflection of the thought-form of God. In the beginning God could whisper to Man and, while Man was new, he listened--but as the compression crushed upon Man and he forgot, so did he cease ' to hear the soft whispers. So, we pushed it a bit further and gave man "knowing" and allowed him, in the image of God, to have dominion over those nice fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth--for by now the planets were come to life and it was good that the orbs have caretakers and stewards.

    And lo, man knew God in him and emerged from the dark of his jungle into dawn of the Light in him and turned is eyes upward toward the Mount of his ascension from sensing into knowing. And man desired his ascension into the Light. And God could see that it was good and dwelt within Man to give him the Light of all-knowing, as awakening Man desired the Light of all knowing. Did something go wrong? No, it has gone exactly as was predicted-- it is simply that some of the Creations are farther along on the path within the cycle than are others and that, too, is a process of sensing which can move into Knowing and then on into Thinking wherein Man can become One with the Creator and create that which he finds to be "good".

    Ah, but it comes with responsibility, beloved little fragments-great responsibil­ity not to botch a universe. You ones get too big for your pantaloons and begin to tear the place up in the cycle of negative destruction which is of evil-dark in­tent before you can find the better way within the cycle back unto goodness and responsibility and into Oneness again with Creator.

    Oh, you wanted this from Little Crow so you could better understand it? What is there, precious ones, that you do not understand? You understand, alright, you just fail to desire to accept the responsibility of the recognition of Knowingness. Well, I have certainly as much time as do you--in fact because other impacts come upon your very created orb--you are running right out of "time". The sequence is nearing the connection of transition so that the spiral can move onward without breaking of the patterns. Just as a babe outgrows the cradle--so must Man get off his narrow little self-tunnel and grow. It is either grow or re-peat the grade--no shortcuts and no cheating.

    The universe is indeed wondrous and great. It is pure art in beauty and per­ceived motion--filling the very being with color and refractions of Light playing about the cosmos. Great art is purely simplistic--My universe is great art--for it is indeed simple. Great art is balanced. My universe is consummate art, for it is balanced simplicity. My art is harmonious--My universe is perfection for it is total harmony. My universe is one in which many things have majestic measure; and again another many have measure too fine for sensing. Those I keep for the using as I change my thoughts.

    I have not one law for those great and majestic things, and yet another law for things which are beyond the sensing. I have but one law for all My opposed pairs of creating things and that law needs but one word to spell it out, so hear Me when I say that the one word of MY ONE LAW IS "BALANCE".





    So be it. That isn't too hard to remember, is it?

    I guess we had better look at that a bit before passing on because, quite frankly, I lost a lot of you back there somewhere--even some of you who have nagged the loudest about getting on with this information "KNOWING" business.

    The underlying law of Creation is Rhythmic Balanced Interchange in all transactions in Nature. It is the one principle upon which the continuity of the universe depends. Likewise, it is the one principle upon which the continuity of Man's transactions, his health and happiness depend. It is the manifestation of God’s two opposing desires in all processes of creation.

    BALANCE is the principle al unity, of oneness. In it is the stability which lies in CAUSE. Balance is the foundation of the very universe itself.

    BALANCED INTERCHANGE simulates oneness by interchange between pairs of opposites. It is the principle of equal giving between all moving pairs of unbalanced opposites which constitute this dual electric universe. In it is the in­stability of EFFECT. Instability is forever seeking to find stability. It can never find it, but it can simulate it by balancing its instability through equality of interchange.

    RHYTHMIC BALANCED INTERCHANGE is the principle of continuity of EFFECT. Balanced interchange between opposites repeats simulation of stabil­ity, and rhythmic balanced interchange continues that repetition.


    Rhythmic Balanced Interchange is the inviolate law WHICH MUST BE OBEYED.
    Nature persistently violates it and Nature instantly pays the price of its violations in its storms, tornadoes, crashing avalanches and tragedy of field, forest and jungle.

    Man persistently violates it and instantly pays the price of his violation in his crashing business failures, enmities, unhappiness and illness.
    All the storms of earth cannot affect the balance of the earth, for balance in the universe cannot be upset. The earth continues in its fixed, balanced orbit with so much precision that its position can be determined at any time to the split second.

    If the earth disobeyed this law by the slightest variance, its oceans would sweep its continents clear of all living and growing things.---OOPS??? NOW JUST GUESS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN BOTH NATURE AND MAN WORK DILIGENTLY TOGETHER TOWARD GREATER UNBALANCE? YOU GOT IT!


    Man's disobedience to the law cannot affect the balance of Man in his whole journey, for every unbalanced action of his must eventually be balanced. Man is on his way to his cosmic goal of Oneness with his Creator--so you see, we can wait around for a very long time and hardly notice it for Man can in no way deviate from that fixed orbit which will eventually take him to his destination of glory in the high heavens--no matter how long it might be perceived to take. BY DISOBEYING THE LAW HE IS BUT HURTING HIMSELF WHILE ON HIS JOURNEY, BUT HE MUST MAKE THE JOURNEY AND MUST BALANCE EVERY UNBALANCED ACTION WHILE ON THE WAY. Oh my gosh, responsibility again?

    You don't think I take this seriously enough? I thought you would never take it seriously at all! Moreover, there is a great deal of humorous activity flying around on your placement and it is indeed amusing--after all, where did you think "humor" comes from? Perhaps we are beginning to catch on a bit? It is as though a man on a great ocean liner disobeyed the laws of the ship. In spite of his disobedience the ship is taking him to his destination and he must go with it. Likewise, he has hurt himself by lessening the happiness of his jour­ney.

    THE WHOLE PRINCIPLE OF CREATION LIES IN EQUAL GIVING. The Oneness of the Light is divided into an equal and opposite two, and all inter­change between the two must be equal in their giving. God's division of the Light into a seeming two is manifested in Nature by electric waves of two op­posing lights springing from the still sea of God's magnetic Light, just as waves of water spring from the still ocean.

    The outstanding characteristic of waves is that they forever interchange. Troughs become crests and crests become troughs. Gravity pressure above and below their axis is equal. So long, as equality of interchange continues rhythmi­cally, waves repeat their interchange. When the sloping sand at the beach pre­vents this equality of rhythmic balanced interchange, the waves accumulate un­balance until they crash on the shore.

    Ever transaction in human relations either continues or discontinues, in accord with obedience or disobedience to this one law. A man who sells and gives less value for that given to him, lays the foundation for his own wreckage. He finds it ever harder to sell and loses many purchasers by gaining their ill will. He who gives equally for what is given to him multiplies his purchasers and prospers by gaining their goodwill.

    The pulsebeat, the swinging pendulum, the in-breathing and out-breathing of living things all exemplify God's one law of rhythmic balanced interchange. Any deviation from that law in the heart-beat of a Man would endanger his continuance, but when there is a rhythmic balanced interchange between the two compression and expansion opposites, man's life continues to function at maximum.

    Man has free right to choose his own actions, but he must balance those actions with equal and opposite reactions until he learns that God's one law MUST be obeyed. This God holds inviolate.

    The whole purpose of life is to learn how to manifest God in Truth and the Law. The lesson is a hard one but Man, himself; makes it hard by his unknowing of the Law. As Man gradually knows his purpose and the Law by knowing God in him, life becomes more and more beautiful, and man more powerful in his manifestation of power. Man's power lies in giving. He must learn to give as Nature gives. Each half of a cycle eternally gives to the other half for re-giving. Nature forever unfolds into many for the purpose of refolding into one. Each individual must manifest this universal Law.

    The desire of some parents to run their children's lives for them, often claiming that they have sacrificed their own lives for them, are taking from their chil­dren--not giving. They are taking away the initiative children need to complete their own cycles; they must live their own lives for themselves. Ah so, just as Me with YOU. If I live your lives and do this or that FOR you, I take from you your very right of passage. Man must know the principle of Creation, giving between each interchanging opposite half of each cycle for the purpose of repeating its giving.
    Man will forever war with man until he learns to give his all with the full expectation of equal receiving, and never taking that which is not given as an earned reward for this giving. Where do you think your world is in this partic­ular cycle? Does look pretty bleak, eh what?

    As we move on we will go into the "Power Source" and see how those shoes fit the toadies. Sometimes we must stretch in order to flex the muscles between the ears. I am in great love with you and I have abundant patience--but YOU WILL DO IT RIGHT! WE WILL KEEP DOING IT AGAIN AND AGAIN UNTIL WE CAN LEARN TO DO IT RIGHT AND THE "KNOWING" IS PRESENT.

    I believe we understand one another well enough to draw this segment to a close for I ask that you chew this pretty well for the digestion may get tougher and tougher as we move on for you have forgotten much, beloved ones--much in­deed.

    Thank you for your attention. Dharma, thank you beloved one, for your ser­vice. Salu. The Light shall be given to shine around about thee--if you but open thine eyes.

    Good evening--may your dreams be worthy! Salu.

    PJ 31

    CHAPTER 11


    SUNDAY, MAY 26, 1991 7:17 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 283

    SUNDAY, MAY 26, 1991

    Hatonn in Light--may it also be thine knowing. What is in a name? Nothing. What is within a “being"? ALL. Let us just get "right to it"! Come walk with me along this path; take my hands and come with me and it shall be Glory! Amen.


    Without light all things perish. Even in the greatest depths of the oceans wherein life seems to be resting--there is life and thus--there MUST be light. To the human eye indiscernible but, nonetheless--it is there for God is there and with God goes and comes that which is projected as "Light".

    We speak of things great and small and, yet, ALL is tiny compared to the vast­ness of infinite universe--greater "ALL". Man comes forth and overlooks his most wondrous attribute--that he, too, is naught save Light and he, being "Light", is as God or God IS LIGHT. Man searches and searches, figures and calculates looking for that which is NOT in his hope to find God and Source for he longs to be with the ONENESS again from that of which he is created. Ye are simply the great swirling infinity of spiraling light coalesced into wondrous manifestation that has taken form that ye might experience with thine senses, the magnificence, for God, too, desires to share and experience all.

    The day is now come when all Men must know what is meant when the great teachers have said, "God is Light". For if you know not, you cannot know God--and that, friends, must be known. In the swirling mass of words we use efforting to allow understanding, you are lost in portions which yet elude your comprehension at first looking–do not despair for Knowing simply IS just as God "simply IS". The "KNOWING" must also come. It is the time, now, for the bringing together, again, the fragments of explanations wherein those who are ready for knowledge can grasp the sensing and allow it to become knowing. For those who are not ready in their journey, it will come if ye do not turn away. Continue on with us and we shall show the way for that is our purpose in coming unto you.

    Vast knowledge is held (all, in tact) within the wondrous mysterious secret of "Light" and though it is all around Man--he cannot see it for it reflects too many myriads of infinite other creations back into his senses. That which Man cannot "see" is somehow incomprehensible to him. God becomes as the wind for it is not seen and yet it is unmistakenly "there", and yet, even the wind is comprised of Light.

    Man still knows not what matter IS. He has advanced far in knowing how to deal with portions of matter but you still do not understand the true source nor the "why" of matter. We are now trying to tell you the "what" of matter. It has been done before--by me, in fact and yet only the tiny, tiny few have been able to transfer the knowledge into recognition. It is time to present it again and see if we touch the buttons of recognition. I do not bring puzzles simply to annoy you, when what you really want to know is when the earthquake is com­ing so you can wait until the last moment to run hide. Those things are fine for the sensed experience but the sensed experience is but the thought projection of God and, as God desires to return into the perfection, it requires that the KNOWING take place. In the KNOWING IS GOD, therefore don't be foolish in your assumption that you might make a "wrong" choice of direction once you KNOW. You will not! Choices of the flesh and physical sensing dimension are simply that--an illusion which passes as quickly as do the changing thoughts. To really KNOW GOD IS TO BE WITH GOD.

    You as physical Man have not even begun to scratch the surface of the patterns known to you as energy, electricity, magnetism, gravitation and radiation. You have learned to play with them, change them into destructive toys and partially locate a few of their actions--but you have not the slightest true knowledge of them. You can develop bombs of them and yet have no way to control that which you have developed.

    You haven't the slightest valid knowledge of the purpose of the inert gases and WHAT THEY ARE. Nor do you know the structure of the elemental atoms nor the gyroscopic principle which determines that structure. You are not aware of the fact that this is a two-way continuous universe of balance in all effects of motion and not a one-way discontinuous universe. Only a finite few on your place have even heard of the most important of all principles in physics which is recognized by us as the VOIDANCE principle. You know nothing of the lenses and mirrors of space which are the cause of illusion in all moving things. You do not even consider the entire material electric universe to be the illusion which it is; there being no reality to it whatsoever--so you continue to play with your perceived bits of matter and miss the whole point.

    You haven't the slightest iota of knowledge of the cause of curvature of space, nor the voidance of that curvature in planes of zero curvature at wave field boundaries. Not one person KNOWS FOR PHYSICAL SURENESS how it is that crystals get their various shapes. It will amaze your old world to know that those shapes of crystals are determined in space by the shapes of the wave fields which bound the various elemental structures. Oh, some have told you for I have told them but they understand not and, therefore, put the Truth of it aside to continue the ego tinkering and speculations--all of which are incorrect.

    You haven't the slightest conception of what constitutes the very life principle, nor the principle of growth, nor the simultaneous unfoldment-refoldment principle which repeats all patterns in Nature sequentially and records and voids them as they are repeated. You can present and manufacture replicas--you cannot even begin to simulate true LIFE. Nor are you aware of that recording princi­ple by means of which the Creator carries forth the sum totals of every sequen­tial cycle in His unfolding and refolding universe unto the very end of its mani­festations upon one planet and its beginning on a new one. You just shout "big bang" or "creation of little fishes" or, or, or--all of which bear not the slightest connection with simple "reason".

    "LIGHT" holds the answer to ALL of these heretofore unanswered questions, and many more, which the ages have not yet solved nor known enough to even ask. This revelation of the nature of Light is the inheritance of Man in this time in which he finds himself--a time of great revealment and comprehension. You want to "prove" God? Herein is proof of God-- by methods and standards ac­ceptable to science and religion alike. It lays a spiritual foundation under the present material one of science, which you don't understand any better than the invisible one.

    Will Man understand? Eventually--it matters not--it is our mission to commit the fragments unto you and yours to do that which you will, with them. If Man will but come into attention, the two greatest elements in civilization, religion and science, can thus find unity in marriage of the two. Will Man do it? On your orb of earth matter, probably not, but at some time on some earth orb-- MAN WILL--(the same man--you). Why do I know this? Because it is the projection of God that it be so and therefore, it will be so. My intention is to make it so! Well, who in heaven's name do I think I am? God! So be it!

    (Candace: for new readers, Hatonn is Aton/Christ Michael, as used in the Urantia Book, who is FATHER GOD of our universe, who incarnated here 2000 years ago and has returned as he promised, incarnate again, not by “birth” but in a created body that will allow him to walk this planet. When the Creator Son incarnates on a world, that world is told that he who has seen the SON, has Seen the Father. EACH universe and there are MANY universes, has a Creator Son, who was created by the Universal Father and Eternal Son. The Creator Son thus manifests the Father and Son of the Trinity. The Infinite Spirit, the 3rd person of the Trinity, is manifested in each Universe also, and is “MOTHER GOD” which is also called the Holy Spirit, and her “name” is being presented on earth as Nebadonia, because our universes name is Nebadon. That said, the Eternal Son, is also known at the Mother Son, as he is ‘Mother to many Sons” including the Creator Sons. )

    Likewise human relationships will become more balanced because of greater knowledge of universal law which lies behind all of the processes, which light uses to interweave the patterned forms of this electric wave universe.

    There is no department of life which will not be vitally affected by this knowl­edge, from the university to the laboratory, from government to industry, and from nation to nation. If for no other reason than to allow you to see your er­rors. Those who choose to not see and hear--shall be allowed the consequences of those errors of choice. There are places aplenty to allow for their onward growth--for ultimately they WILL KNOW.

    I can only present it to you in mouthful’s of quantity sufficient to feed and not choke. Perhaps a spoonful of sugar might make the medicine go down a bit more pleasantly--I hope so for the direction in which Man is sailing is toward the bitter cup in the learning of his lessons.

    I caution you "would be" teachers who THINK you've "got it" and proceed to expound ad nauseam--you do NOT! You are only touching on the minutest edge and if you present this material in wholeness as in total understanding, you will err greatly. I suggest you put your ego aside and learn to use the term, "in my humble opinion" it might be this or that or the other. How do I know that you do not know it all? BECAUSE YOU ARE STILL BOUND TO HUMAN AND HUMAN SENSING--WHEN YOU KNOW YOU WILL NOT BE THERE IN THAT EXPERIENCE. I suggest you tend that weapon called tongue most carefully.


    Who, what, why, where, when? All of these scream from the being within each fragment. Suspecting MORE, knowing Truth is hidden somewhere within or behind the veil. How am I to know Truth? What, in fact, is Truth? I am still asking who am I? What am I? And most of all, WHY am I? Where do I fit into and within the universe, to Man, and to God? If Balance be my goal--HOW can I find it? How can I find and know that balance in our interchange which will enrich both him and me? Why is goodness veiled from my eyes like a thin vapor which hides YOUR LIGHT, Father, which I vainly seek. I seek in countless religious teachings and houses and still I hunger--where can I go to find? Please, will YOU take away from my eyes the blindfold which hides the path to Thy Light, that I may find my way to Thee? Sound familiar? I hear it as a great cacophony upon my receiving system.

    You wondrous ones who are receiving this word now, are the ones out front asking these questions--screaming these questions and demanding, commanding and crying out for answers; for Man must be ready to hear and, first, he must have the desire to hear and see and KNOW. Those who truly do not desire to hear--WILL NOT! It is for your own growth that you release them to their own journey, even if you perceive it to be pitiful for it is not for your journey-- just do not err by being sucked into their mistakes for the rewards of deliberately turning away from God into darkness are great indeed--in a most miserable per­ception.


    ALL progresses in cycles. This includes civilization. New comprehension periodically transforms mankind into higher beings. A new cycle, of which shall take around three thousand of your years in counting, is now in its birth throes.

    God's omniscience, omnipotence and omnipresence are centered in the con­sciousness of every Man; but few there are who know of the Oneness of their Self-Soul with the Universal Self-Soul. Man requires many millennia to begin to be aware of that. Each cycle of Man brines him nearer to his awareness of his Oneness with the Light of his Self-Source.

    Man lives in a most bewildering complex world of EFFECT of which he knows not the CAUSE. Because of its seemingly infinite multiplicity and complexity, he fails to vision the simple underlying principle of Balance in all things. He, therefore, complexes Truth until its many angles, sides and facets have lost bal­ance with each other and with him.

    TRUTH IS SIMPLE. BALANCE IS SIMPLE. Rhythmic balanced interchange between all pairs of opposite expression in natural phenomena and in human relations, is the consummate art of God's universe of Light. It is also the law. In this one fundamental Universal Law lies the balanced continuity of all cre­ative expression in God's electric wave universe of two conditioned lights in seeming motion which record God's One Whole Idea of Creation into countless seemingly separate parts of that Whole Idea.


    The great unanswered question of man has a simple answer. The Silent Voice within every Man ceaselessly whispering it to his awakening consciousness. Every desire written upon the hart of man is carried to the Source, and its answer WILL come. But few there are who ask comprehensively and fewer still who hear.

    Many are the ages of preparation for worthiness to hear it, for Man's con­sciousness is insulated from his Source by the sensations of his electrically con­ditioned body which he wrongly thinks of as being his mind and his personal Self. What he calls his objective human mind is but the seat of electric sensa­tions of his body. What he mistakes for thinking is but an electric awareness of things sensed and recorded within the cells of his brain for repetitive usage through what is termed "memories". Memories have no more relation to knowledge of Universal Mind which is in Man than Motown records are related to the source of their recordings.

    What Man thinks of as his living body is but an electrically motivated machine which simulates life through motion extended to it from its centering Self-Soul which alone lives and wills the body to move.

    What he calls his subjective mind is his consciousness, his spiritual storehouse of all-knowledge, all power, and all presence. That consciousness is his Self, his ETERNAL Self through which his omniscience, omnipresence and omnipotence is expressed as he slowly becomes aware of their presence within him.

    The electrically oscillating nerve-wires which operate his bodily mechanism act almost entirely through automatic reflexes and instinctive control, and to a very little extent through mental decisions. Each cell and organ of his body has an electrical awareness of its purpose and each fulfills that purpose without any mental action whatsoever upon the part of the Intelligence which occupies that body. The heartbeat, for example, is purely automatic. The white corpuscles of the blood rush to repair an injury to the body as automatically as a bell rings when a button is pushed.

    In this body and its electric recording brain, man thinks that he thinks and lives,
    loves and dies. He thinks himself conscious while awake and unconscious when
    sleeping; unaware that in all Nature there is no such condition as unconsciousness when sensation ceases in sleep. Man does not say that his tooth is unconscious when it is put to sleep by short-circuiting the electric current in the nerve-wire which gives sensed electrical awareness to his tooth. He knows that his tooth cannot be unconscious, but he does not know that his body cannot be unconscious. Nor does he yet know that consciousness never sleeps, never changes, for consciousness in Man is his immortality. It is the Light which he is unknowingly seeking but assumes that the sensation of his brain is his think­ing.

    Man is still new. He is barely out of the dark of his jungle of realization. For the million or more years of his unfolding, as you recognize it, he has relied upon sensation for his actions and the evidence of his senses for his knowing. He has been aware of the Spirit in him only a very few thousands of years in YOUR counting. But, are you, as a species, the first? The only? Ah, sweet mystery of life! Perhaps you are NOT the first nor the only. If that be so, then is it not wondrous that there are those who have gone afore thee? Is it not won­drous that there are, and will others, to show you the path? Ah, and so it is. In this beginning of Main's new awareness he is confused, knowing not which is Mind in him, which is consciousness in him and which is but sensa­tion.

    He has not yet learned that bodies are but Self-created mechanisms (yes, that is exactly what I said), which manifest their centering Self, and that Self manifests God as One with it. Likewise, he has not yet learned that bodies neither live nor die, but repeat themselves continuously and forever as all idea of Mind likewise repeats itself.

    The wheel, for example, is a mechanism consisting of a hub, spokes and a rim. A little part of the wheel touches the ground, feels it, then leaves it, to disap­pear from reach of the sensations which connect rim, spokes and ground. But then it reappears.

    When that happens to man you say, "He was born, lived and died" When it happens to the apple, the flame, or the tree, you say, "The apple was eaten, the flame has gone out and the tree has decayed." You say that because only a small part of the cycle of any idea comes within the range of your senses. The larger part of the cycle is beyond your range of perception, just as the larger part of the wheel is beyond the sensed perception of the ground.

    You do not yet know that the invisible part of the cycles of all idea is as continuous as the wheel is continuous. The cycle of the apple is light reaching from the sun and earth to that positive half of the apple cycle which your hold in your hand. The negative half of the cycle is light returning to sun and earth for repetition as another manifestation of the eternal idea of the apple. The same is true of the flame, the tree or any other part of the One Whole Idea of Creation.

    The flame "goes out" to your sensing. But it still IS. Likewise the tree, the forest, mountain, planet and nebula of the far heavens appear, disappear and as surely reappear. Likewise, Man appears to disappear and reappear again and again in countless cycles to express eternal life of the Spirit in eternal repetitions of that part of the Man cycle which the body of Man can sense. Man never dies. He is as continuous as eternity is continuous. The Christos rightly said that Man shall not see death, for there is no death to see or to know.

    Likewise, the body of man does not live, and having never lived it cannot die. THE SPIRIT ALONE LIVES. The body but manifests the Spirit. That which you think of as life in the Spirit of man manifests itself by willing the body to act. Actions thus made by the body under the command of its centering Soul have no motivative power or intelligence in themselves; they are but machines motivated by an omniscient and omnipotent intelligence extended to them. These things you do not yet know, for Man is in his infancy. He is but begin­ning to KNOW the Light.


    Man is forever seeking the Light to guide him on that long tortuous road which leads from his body's jungle to the mountain top of his awakening soul. Man is forever finding that Light, and is being forever transformed as he finds it. And as he finds it he gradually finds the Self of him which IS the light. And as he becomes more and more transformed by that God-Light of the awakening Self within him, he leaves the jungle farther below him in the dark.

    There are those who seek the Light who are discouraged because they seemingly cannot find it, wholly unaware that they have forever been finding it. Un­knowing ones expect to find it all at once in some blinding flash of all-power, all-knowledge and all-presence. It does not come that way until one is nearing his mountain top. Man cannot bear much of the Light at a time while his body is still so new and too near its jungle. All who are well out of the jungle have already found enough of the Light to illume their way out of its dark depths.

    He who is far out of the jungle and still seeks the Light in the High-heavens is forever finding it, and is forever being transformed as he finds it. One cannot for one moment remove his seeking eyes from his High-heaven, for ever so slight a glimpse below into the dark brings him Back to the fears of the dark, which tempt him to plunge back into them.

    Look ye, therefore, forever upward into the High-heavens of inspiration, where glory awaits the fearless, all-knowing seekers of beauty in the purity of the universal Light. To him whose eyes are in the High-havens—The Light will forever come, and he will be forever transformed as he finds it.

    The dark road from his jungle to his mountain top of glory becomes ever more illumined during the ascent from body to Spirit. It is a hard, but glorious road to climb. All must make the climb. The ascent of Man from the dark to the Light is the forever repetitive play of Man on the planets of suns.

    When all mankind has found the Light, the play will be finished. Likewise will your planet be finished as an abode for man. Therefore it behooves you to look again at your "clues". .It is quite probable that Man will not ALL see Truth and therefore it follows that either this planet of yours will need reclamation or replacement or, Man will need relocation. What we are faced with in this puzzle is which it will be. It appears that ALL of MAN has most certainly NOT found the Light but there is strong indication that this scenario could well end in anni­hilation of the planet in some manner. However, it follows in "reason" that it probably will Not be that way--BECAUSE ALL MEN HAVE NOT FOUND LIGHT.

    Other planets are in the cycle of reclamation wherein, with some adjustments, they could be re-utilized to house life. Venus, for instance, which is now to­tally uninhabitable, is quite near being ready if God so chooses. It is gradually being rolled into place to possibly become a stage for the next repetition of the ascent of Man in this particular solar system. As your planet is finished as an abode for many it will be rolled off into its ever expanding orbit while other forms take up the orderly transition. (Candace: This is EXACTLY why we have “star ship Venus” showing a hologram out there now. The “real Venus” is not in the same place.)

    You actors of the play must, therefore, be content with the lines of the play as revealed to each of you in Light. You must also be very joyous at your continuous transformation, as each one of you learns your part, line by line, the better to fill it worthily.

    Ah, and now comes the worst confrontation of all--what are your lines and what exactly is YOUR part? Well, stop asking Me what is YOUR part? I can only fill MINE--whichever role I may be playing at a given sequence. You ones keep asking Me through Dharma, etc., "...what is my role?". Do you see, it is not My business nor certainly is it Dharma's business! It is between you and the Source and He speaks to YOU though YOUR voice within. (Candace: Your Father Fragment/ Thought Adjuster.)

    All parts of the play are experiences which become the action of the play. All Man's experiences are part of his unfolding. Each experience is a part of his journey from the dark to the Light. All experiences are steps in that journey to his mountain top of glory. All experiences, therefore, are good experiences.



    I AM

    I have expressed these words of God prior to now and I shall express them again and again until Man has understanding through knowing.

    I am the One Whole, the ALL. Glorify Me, the One Whom I AM, for I am ALL, and no other IS. I, the sexless One, am Unity. What I am you are, for you are Me; you are the Whole--with Me. So, glorify your Self for in so do­ing you are glorifying Me. But debase Self; you debase Me in your own per­ception--for you cannot debase Me; only Self. Because we are One, however, you drag Me into the places of your hidden pretenses.

    I, the One Whole, am KNOWING Mind. I exist to think. All thinking is Light of My KNOWING but My thinking IS NOT ME. I AM CREATOR, CREAT­ING WITH MY THINKING.

    Out of My Light of KNOWING are My two lights of thinking birthed as sexed pairs of opposites for repetition as sexed pairs of opposites--this is WHY wholeness cannot be brought forth from two "likes"--there must be the pairing of the opposites.

    To think is to create. I create with Light. Nothing is which is not Light. I think IDEA. Light registereth MY IDEA in the two sexed lights of My think­ing, and form is born in the image of My thinking.

    Form has no existence, nor have My imaginings. These exist not, for they are not Me, they are only of Me. I alone exist; I, the All--I AM!

    I create my imaged body with the in-breathing of My pulsing universe of Me. My universe is My image; but MY image is NOT Me but only OF Me. All things are My image, but they are NOT ME, even though I am in them and they in Me--they are OF me. So be it. (Candace: herein is a simple explanation of the Eternal Son, which is also manifest in the Creator Son. Our local universe of Nebadon, is Christ Michael’s/Aton’s image of himself, in a sense his only Begotten Son.)


    You would nag and nag and request I give you great "secrets" and I have done so. I wrote at great length in the early writings with Dharma about the Elec­tric/Magnetic Universe. We wrote of Tesla, Newton, Russell and others. We gave you exacting pictures and formulae but in the ending you want them for the wrong reasons of Self--out of sequence of properness. You must ask of Self--"...why would God give unto ME these great solvings of the very mysteries of Life?" When you understand that you have answered that one inquiry in properness for the cycle of Truth and not sensing Ego--ye shall undoubtedly have the response you await. You are getting the response continually--it is simply not the one you THINK you desire. BUT IT IS THE RESPONSE YOU DESIRE--FOR IF INTENT IS WRONG, YOUR VERY GOD-NESS WILL PREVENT YOUR RECEIVING THE KEY TO THE SOLUTION.

    Let us speak of something to which all of you can relate in one way or another--addiction. I care not what kind of addiction, be it alcohol, drugs, food, etc. You become addicted to avoid confronting that which is to be confronted. No matter how long you remain in the addiction and refuse to confront the issue in point--you will not solve a thing but rather worsen the original lack of under­standing. All addictions are escapes or punishment of self. If you refuse to accept the burden of another's addiction or addictive behavior then the other can begin to grow for there is no real point in the addiction. In other words, a child having a tantrum will cease to tantrum if there is no one present to accept the bombardment. You see, destruction of Self is not the point at the foundation of the matter--it is to injure another in order to injure Self. If it is truly Self that Self wishes to murder--Self will murder (suicide) Self. Addictions bring gross pain to another or many others in addition to Self and hence the reason to con­tinue in the addiction. YOU CANNOT HIDE FROM SELF—YOU CAN ONLY LIE TO SELF. YOU CANNOT RUN AWAY FROM SELF--FOR YOU SIMPLY TAKE SELF ALONG.


    Do I think I am big enough to pull this off? INDEED I DO! I NOT ONLY "THINK IT"--I MOST CERTAINLY KNOW IT! Who might YOU be?


    I perceive we need a break and allow the chewing for one of these moments, dear ones, comes the time of the swallowing. It can be sweet or bitter--it mat­ters not to me which you choose. Salu.
    The lamp is offered full of oil, polished and lighted. Who will accept of it? We shall see.

    Thank you, Dharma. Good morning.

    Candace: Regards this final discussion about addictions, go over your additions, and how they not only harm self, they harm others and thus the whole planet. INCLUDE MEAT eating in the list. Drug users, think of the games and politics and lives spent in misery producing your drugs. Check out the cigarrette industries, and consider how your smoke harms anybody close by, even if "temporary". Think about the work you have to do to buy those cigarettes and booze etc, and what this costs your family and yourself. Coulnd't the money go to something better?

    Even with coffee there is LOTS of horror in that industry, which I was again reminded of in something on TV I watched yesterday. There are people growing OUR coffee (Yes I drink a bit, but am about off the stuff), to get MONEY for food, instead of growing their food! And they live poorly for doing that. There is a great deal of corruption in the coffee industry, and coffee is second only to OIL, on the stock markets. Thus it's called Black Gold also.

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    Default 응답: God Said Let There Be Light

    CHAPTER 12


    SUNDAY, MAY 26, 1991 12:08 P.M. YEAR 4, DAY 283

    The Light shall be shone around about thee that you nay find ,your way and 1 and my Hosts shall give unto you the WORD that you can have KNOWING. In the Radiance (7171_,L THAT IS--I AM. So be it, for as I AM so shall it come to pass as I decree that it shall be.


    God is Mind, the Intelligence of the universe. In God's Mind is One Idea, which God knows as One Whole idea. In God's Mind is desire to give creative expression to that One Idea by thinking it into portions. Desire in the Light of Mind IS the power quality of Mind. Desire IS the soul of Mind, the will of Mind. ALL PRODUCT OF GOD OR MAN IS THE RESULT OF DESIRE OF MIND TO CREATE PRODUCT.

    The power to create product is in Mind. It is not in the product. Product has no power in itself to produce itself. This assumption that product has power within itself to produce itself is another of Man's illusions which have de­ceived the senses of Man during these early days of his unfolding. It is as though the architect gave to his cathedral the power of creating itself. The cathedral is but an expression of desire of the architect to give form to the "idea" of his "knowing". The power to create the idea is in the knowing. The idea of the cathedral already exists. The eyes of the Spirit can see its spir­itual image as clearly as the eyes of the body can sense it in stone as a product of his knowing.

    The expression of power to create the idea as product--lies in the electric action of thinking idea at rest in the Light of Mind into the two lights of waves of motion which simulate that idea.

    As servant of Mind, electricity gives moving form to the idea by performing the work necessary to produce it. The power to thus produce does not lie in electricity nor in motion. It lies in DESIRE of Mind only. Without that desire Creation could not be. Without desire of Mind in man his power to create could not be.

    MIND IS LIGHT AT REST. Desire of Mind is expressed through waves of light in -Motion. The expression of power in waves is not power. All of the power of the ocean is in its stillness, whether expressed or not. Likewise, all of the power of Light is in the stillness of its knowing--whether or not it is expressed by light waves.

    All expressions of energy spring from rest, seek a point of rest and return to a condition of rest. The power of a moving lever is not in the lever nor in its motion. It is the stillness of its fulcrum from which it borrows its ability to manifest the power of its fulcrum.

    GOD IS THE FULCRUM OF MAN, AND OF THE UNIVERSE. So, Am I representative of YOUR fulcrum? Close enough! Indeed, close enough if you but recognize Me. "G" "0" "D" is a label and cannot even begin to touch that which I AM. You ones may play all the games you choose and deny and resist and fight and struggle--but you will find nothing against which to bear thine forces--for simply, I AM and the YOU that YOU are perceiving yourself to be is naught! I shall gather and regain My fragments from where I please, when I please, how I please and I shall bring home who I please and I am now giving you the reasons WHY. Neither Man nor any moving thing in the universe has power within himself to do anything. All power expressed by Man must be extended directly from the Father in heaven to His father-mother lights of earths and heavens which manifest HIM. Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Suffice it to say that I came before you and I recognize My KNOWING so I do have a foot up the ladder of understanding and it does indeed give Me infinite leverage. Well, who is Hatonn? Who indeed?

    The mechanical principle by means of which power is expressed by the Creator is in the light waves of two-way motion which record His two-way thinking. Waves are two-way cycles which are divided equally to express the two desires of Mind to create form images of Mind imagining and to destroy those forms sequentially for reforming.

    Waves of motion spring from the stillness of the universal equilibrium. They are the universal heart-beat which manifests eternal life and power in God's stillness by eternal repetitions of simulated life and power as expressed in waves of motion. Waves of motion express the power of desire for unbalance and motion which is in Light at rest, and they also express the opposite desire for balance and rest which is in motion.

    Desire in the One Light of Mind is positive. Its expression in the two lights of opposed motion is negative. Every expression of power in Nature is negated by its opposite expression.

    The senses are limited to the perception of but one of these negations at a time, and then only in small fractions of whole cycles. If the senses could record the whole of each cycle both ways, they would record stillness, not motion, for every action would be voided by its oppositely flowing reaction.


    Ah, finally I have reached a subject which draws your attention? Do you suppose you are really going to like or understand the subject in Truth? I hope so.

    The still magnetic Light of the Father of all Creation is One. The One Light is the positive principle. It is CAUSE.

    The moving electric father-mother lights of all Creation are two. The two are opposites of each other. The two negate each other. They are the intercommunicating nerves of the universal body, like those of Man's body through which he senses things. They have not existence save an awareness of each other. They are but mirage extensions of Mind imagining which senses that which they but manifest.

    Each electric opposite conditions the other with sex unbalance. Each sexed condition gives unbalance to the other to separate each from each to increase the power of each to oppose each. Each then gives of itself to the other to void the unbalanced condition of each other. In order to effect balance in each, each must become the other. The charging one must discharge and the discharged one must charge. Voidance of unbalance can only come that way. Likewise, repetition can come only that way.

    The electric universe is the negative principle. It is EFFECT. The two moving lights of the electric universe are two equal halves which express themselves in opposite directions. Their sole purpose is to oppose. Opposites which violently oppose and void each other can never become one, nor can they attract each other.


    Sex is the division of a balanced equilibrium condition into two equally un­balanced conditions which negate each other periodically for the purpose of repeating the two unbalanced conditions.

    Sex is the Creative principle. It is the dual desire force in Mind for expressing its One Idea. Without a division of the one unconditioned Light into two seemingly conditioned lights, Creation could not be.


    An electrically balanced condition of anything is sexless whether it be a man woman, electric battery, or the atmosphere. You humans can vote on it, denounce it, pronounce it, call it some sort of action or revolt and it will not change one iota the truth of it.

    A sexed condition is an unbalanced condition. An electric battery which is fully charged is dually unbalanced by the opposite electric pressures of compression and expansion. These two opposite unbalanced conditions violently desire to return to the oneness of balance from which they were divided into two. A short circuit between the two poles of the battery will give it that balance. You would then say it is dead, for it will no longer perform work expressing its desire for balance.

    An unbalanced atmosphere will violently seek a balanced condition, depending upon the intensity of the unbalanced condition. When calm follows the storm, it means that desire for balance has gone out of it, for when balance has been attained by rest, motion is no longer possible.

    The sex condition of unbalance in Man is exactly the same in all phenomena in Nature. Unbalanced sex condition in Man demands balancing in the same way, and its violence depends upon its electrical measure of unbalance. When that desire is satisfied and balance is restored, man is as sexless as the dead storage battery and for the same reason.

    Man is recharged into a sexed condition by his heartbeat, by the food he eats and by his in-breathing/out-breathing. These are the generators which recharge the "dead storage batteries” of all the universe into sexed conditioned "live bat­teries".

    A sexed condition and an electric condition are identical. Electricity conditions all sexless matter into its sexed condition, by dividing a pressureless condition into two opposite pressure's which desire release from their opposition. All of the work of the universe is performed as a result of that desire in unbalanced matter to seek rest in a balanced condition.

    This is a sexed electric universe in every effect of motion, whether it be in the heart of a giant sun or in the petal of a meadow violet. Every action of motion in the universe is a result of sex desire for motion from a state of rest, or for rest from a state of motion.

    These two sex desires of electric action and reaction are the result of the two de­sires of the Father to manifest His one Light through the extended fa­ther/mother lights which interweave His idea of Creation into the multiple forms of that idea and void them periodically for the purpose of repeating them.

    The desire for two-way motion is equal action and reaction as reflected in the dual electric desire to give for regiving, and to unfold for refolding.

    For I have ordained that the father/mother of My imaged stage, its players and its motions become an equal two extension-retraction at My Light. An equal two must be an equal two, for desire of each to outbalance each would upset My spatial stage and all the father/mother offspring of My stage. Therefore, I have set a measure in My high heavens to balance each with each, that each might have its all, bat not one whit more; nor lose aught, nor gain one whit more.

    Wherefore I, the ONE, watch over all My creating pairs of father/mothered things with My two measuring eyes to balance that which fathers My universe with that which mothers it. And as My sexed electric universe is two, so also must its watchful measuring eyes be two, centered by another ONE from which the two extend and seem to move as that mirage expression of My thinking seems to move.

    Why does it work this way? Because I choose to have it work in this manner for in this expression comes total balance.


    Each thing in My universe is paired as opposite expression of that thing. Nei­ther expression is that which it expresses; therefore, both life and death of things which seem to live and die, are neither life nor death. This is because all things in My universe interchange with their opposites and with all other things. Each opposite becomes the other sequentially, for, I say, in Me is Balance. I balance all opposites of pairs of things with equal opposites of pairs of things and it works very well indeed. You may play with it in your expression all you wish--and still all you will produce is unbalance for the Source is totally bal­anced. Until you learn as much, chelas, you do not get to be the big Puppet-Master in the sky. Ones who become the puppet-masters of your perceived uni­verse only bring horrendous unbalance and total chaos--from God comes OR­DER and BALANCE. Evil (or chaos) is the opposition to God which is bal­ance. This is WHY, as a species, YOU WILL TURN BACK INTO THE TRUTH AND PATH OF GOD OR YOU WILL PERISH IN THE ILLUSION FOR--JUST AS UNBALANCE INEVITABLY COMES--SO DOES RETURN UNTO THE BALANCE. THEREFORE, SINCE BALANCE IS GOD--ALL SHALL ULTIMATELY RETURN TO GOD. TOTAL PERFECTION IS THE ONLY POINT ON THE WHEEL WHEREIN ONE CAN "GET OFF". YOU CAN NOT GET OFF AT THE POINT OF TOTAL CHAOS!

    The entirety of this balanced universe is thus divided into unbalanced pairs of father/mother sex-conditioned sex mates for the purpose of seemingly dividing universal Oneness into a universe of many ones. No matter what names you use to designate one pair of sex mates from another, whether gravity and radioac­tivity, male and female, positive or negative, charge and discharge, centripetal and centrifugal, generative and radiative, integrative and disintegrative, plus and minus, heat and cold, life and death, buyer and seller, producer and consumer, import and export, emptying and filling, inward and outward, north and south, heaven and earth, growth and decay-- all of them are similarly conditioned by the two opposite electrical conditioners. You see, I have spoken quite a while here in without once even mentioning that which you refer to as "screwing" anyone or thing. Human debases that which is his most ultimate purpose.

    In other words, all these things above are being either compressed or expanded, if you use "pressure" terms, or charged and discharged if you use "electrical" terms. Both are the same. Likewise, all that are being compressed or charged by positive electricity are simultaneously being expanded and discharged by negative electricity to a lesser extent. Likewise, all that are being expanded by negative electricity are simultaneously being compressed and charged by positive electricity to a lesser extent. This is a two-way universe in all effects of motion, and both opposite effects are expressed in both mates simultaneously as well as sequentially.


    Electricity is forever winding light up into hot spheres, surrounded by cold cube wave-fields of space, and likewise sequentially unwinding them for rewinding. While winding them into compressed light masses, they are simultaneously un­winding to a lesser extent. Conversely, while unwinding they are simultane­ously rewinding to a lesser extent.

    Every opposite of a pair charges in excess of its discharge for one half of its cycle. It then discharges in excess of its charging. Life and death are good examples. Life charges a body in excess of its discharge for one half of its cy­cle and death discharges it in excess for the other half. Likewise, the sun charges the earth during half of its twenty-four hour cycle in excess of its charge on the night side of the planet. The night side sequentially becomes the day side. The discharge of night then reverses to a preponderance of charge.

    The father/mother principle is fundamental in every expression and both are simultaneously manifested in every expression, each being preponderant sequen­tially during half of each cycle. The father principle multiplies light into density and high potential. The mother principle divides it into vapors and gases of lower potential. Light is thus multiplied and divided into suns and planets sur­rounded by “space”.

    The "matter" of earth is the same as the matter of heaven with but one difference, VOLUME. And therein lies the secret of the universal pulse beat. Space is a division of solidify into tenuity. It is also a multiplication of volume at the expense of potential. Interchange between these two unbalanced oppo­sites is the basis of all motion in this rhythmic universe. It is also the reason there will be errors in mathematical calculations by anyone who does not fully understand that which I just said--including such ones as Bruce Cathie who has found a portion of the puzzle. To threaten me with some type of incoherent prattling by lawyers in the event of possible "plagiarism" leaves me quite amused for the entire of the writings and calculations upon your orb are but my own expressions and I shall utilize any and all which I so choose. If you vari­ous fragments who can't quite seem to "get the picture" continue to refuse to "get the picture", then you shall simply be excluded from the loop of contribu­tors for in the perfection that which is created can as instantly be uncreated.

    You ones must all come to realize that it is at the point where at you begin to move into perceived "thinking" within the compression called physical that the errors flow. As long as you operate within the KNOWING, come the answers--for they shall never be found in the physical. The solutions only exist in the thought which IS and is of God. Therefore you will find no answer where they are NOT.

    I shall share with you readers that which is passing in Dharma's consciousness at this moment. She knows that she KNOWS and is actually sitting here almost in panic for she also realizes that, at this point in KNOWING, one usually ends the play. So what is different? In the KNOWING she is also aware that her PURPOSE is not inclusive of "cutting out" at this time for she has accepted the positive action of presentation as extension of myself in bringing forth the WORD. Therefore, she can both relax and be annoyed for in the same instant that she KNOWS SHE CAN SIMPLY EXCHANGE EXPERIENCE SHE ALSO KNOWS THAT SHE WILL NOT DO SO. She will continue to do her work and she will also agree to remain in the density and illusion of the veil so that balance can be attained in her functioning system.

    Sex mates arc two equal halves of one. They never can be one. They can never unite for they are the opposites of motion. Opposites of motion can cease to be and by thus ceasing to be they can give birth to the other opposite, but they never can be other than opposite. This is why if you have a male and a male--as in homosexual--no matter what they do to change appearance, etc., they will never be in proper placement to serve as sex-mates for sex mates are TWO EQUAL HALVES OF ONE AND NEVER CAN BE ONE. It is like having only half a wheel and therefore can go nowhere only forward to the break and backwards to the break thereby becoming stagnant and non-produc­tive. Does this mean that the love flow between the male to male is invalid? No, for the love energy is not incomplete--only the physical expression which, at best, is not LOVE at any rate--only some manner of physical expression of whatever is agreed upon by the two or more experiencing energies.

    Man can tamper and develop and make all the perceived changes he desires in his little physical playpen but he cannot in any measure whatsoever reach be­yond into the spiritual and find expression through creation while still housed in the physical expression. Facets of spirituality can be "expressed" in limited ways but KNOWING comes full only in the spiritual totality.

    Why don't I just whap you across the beanie and tell you how it is and how you are going to be? Because I have nothing to "prove" to anyone or anything--but YOU DO!


    Compression can never expand but expansion is born from compression. Conversely, expansion can never compress, but compression is born from expansion. They can interchange with their opposites with every pulse beat, and they do. Each opposite is born from the other. Each pulse beat brings each opposite nearer to voidance of each and complete interchange into the other. It becomes the other sequentially at the halfway point in its cycle, but it is still an opposite. Opposites oppose. They never perform any other office than to oppose. Opposition alone produces the idea of separateness in a universe of one in­separable thing.

    The opposite of water is water vapor. Water is a compressed condition. It is of the father-light. Water vapor is the expanded condition of water. It is of the mother-light. They are two halves of one which never can be one. The mother-light unfolds from the father-light. The father-light refolds the water vapor into water. Each have been born from the other. Each IS the other but they can never unite to become one. Moreover, from the water you will not get cola vapor--you will get water vapor. Nor will you get cola from pure water vapor--ever.

    All idea of Mind is thus divided into sex pairs of opposite mates. Matter is di­vided into solids and gases. The gases are the solids outwardly bound toward the heavens. Solids are those same gases inwardly bound toward gravity. Heat and cold are opposites. Inwardly bound light rays degenerate heat from cold by compressing cold. Outwardly bound light rays degenerate heat into cold by expanding heat. It is said that cold is less heat. One might as well say that east is less west. East and west are two opposites just as cold and heat are opposites. Ah so--some of you are smitten by an inkling idea--is it possible that where all opposites meet in that one brilliant collision is God? Insight is a bit breathtak­ing, is it not? It follows that it MUST BE SO FOR OUT OF GOD'S THOUGHT AND IMAGINING CAME THE "TWO" IN THE FIRST PLACE. Even perceived time of past and future meet in the NOW which is actually all there is. Do you begin to see how simple is the whole thing? Isn't it nice to know that you can't pass from one opposite or anything into its other without passing through God? Therefore, does it not seem intelligent to get on with getting to God as quickly as you can, since that is your ultimate destination un­der all circumstances? I hope we can come to a pleasant understanding re­garding this matter for I do not like having to "pull rank".


    Matter and space likewise are sex mates. Each has become what each is by op­posing the other to attain the appearance of separateness. Then each inter­changes with each by breathing into and out of each other until space disinte­grates matter and becomes what the other was. Space disintegrates suns and earths by the way of equators and generates them by way of poles. Heat generated by cold by the way of poles is radiated by the way of equators. Suns thus turn inside out. Cold bores black holes right through their poles and great suns become rings, like those in Lyra and other ring nebulae which are plentiful in the heavens. But you ones cannot seem to come to the KNOWING that at the center of each is God and thus will come the burst of glory as the cycle is finished.

    All matter is generated by the degeneration of its opposite. Likewise, all generated matter is sequentially degenerated by the generation of its opposite.

    Compression in matter is balanced by an equal evacuation in space. Every un­balanced condition in Nature must be balanced by an equal opposite. All borrowings from the bank of nature are debited with an amount equal to the credit extended just as money borrowed from Man's bank is debited and credited--ex­cluding the Federal Reserve System, that is.


    The two are always two and never can become one--for when they become ONE they become God. Although the desire for oneness is with each during the en­tirety of its cycle. It is this desire for oneness which causes them to interchange. When credits and debits are balanced by interchange with each other, the cease to be. They do not become one. When electrical opposites thus cancel each other out by interchange of their plus and minus conditions, the do not NEUTRALIZE each other, as commonly believed-- THEY CEASE TO BE.


    There is no exception to this process of Nature. All idea is recorded electrically in equal pairs of opposite expressions. Each of the pair cancels the other out in cyclic periodicities. Each then becomes what the other was.

    Generation of any idea exceeds radiation during the first half of its cycle. Radiation then exceeds generation for the second half of the cycle. Both of these simulations of the idea, as expressed by motion, disappear. The idea still exists, however. The idea is at rest in its seed from which it can again appear in form of idea. The two points of rest which are the fundamentals of every cy­cle are: the point of beginning at the wave axis, and the point of interchange between positive and negative opposites at the wave amplitude. At these two rest points, motion has utterly ceased. It has not been neutralized into a condi­tion of rest.


    All creating things are paired as unbalanced equal and opposite sex mates. Reproduction of two unbalanced mates cannot be repeated until balance has first been restored. The calm surface of the ocean may be broken up into waves, but those waves cannot be repeated until the calm surface of the ocean has been re­stored to the equilibrium of its rest position, even though that rest position is not maintained.

    Reproduction begins at the rest point where the previous wave cycle ends. Reproduction of unbalance must find a fulcrum from which the wave lever may leap into wave expression for repetition of pattern. That is what Creation is, merely the repetition of pattern with added pattern forever.

    This is a universe of waves within waves and waves without waves; pulsing waves of dual light, extending forever outward to the ends of mirrored space and reflecting back again to microscopic centers of rest from which they may again spring from rest to seek rest through dual motion but never finding it. This is a sex-divided, opposed, two-way electric universe which creates and voids through unbalanced pairs but repeats (reproduces) through voided ones.


    Reproduction of dynamic sexed pairs does not come through the union of dy­namic sexed pairs, but from the voidance of sex condition, and with it, the power of dynamic sex expression reproduction. Reproduction is not the unity of two opposite halves of one patterned thing; it is the voiding of the power of dynamic expression which all unbalanced opposites express.

    Reproduction is the cessation of those two unbalanced conditions which restores a balance from which similarly patterned negative forms reverse their expres­sions and become positive forms.


    In this manner all patterned forms repeat their patterns sequentially. All pairs of unbalanced opposites come from God, the One, and return balanced as one, to God. All unbalanced pairs of separately conditioned things must first find voidance of unbalance and voidance of opposition. They must then become their own opposites to again acquire an unbalance necessary for another void­ance and consequent repetition. All "twos" must become "voided" in the ONE in order to again become two. Reproduction of unbalanced opposites, by un­balanced opposites, is impossible. Opposition must first be voided. The dy­namic must emerge from rest and it must be voided in rest in order that it may again become dynamic.


    All things seek balance. Two opposed, unbalanced halves of one are forever seeking to balance their opposition. Two children on a seesaw are balanced when they are on a level with their centering fulcrum. When they are on two different levels they are then unbalanced with their centering fulcrum. They are then dynamic. The fulcrum no longer centers them although they are balanced in themselves. In such a position they are obliged to move. Repetition of their motion is impossible while they are in balance with their fulcrum, but is impera­tive when the fulcrum no longer centers them.

    A sexless condition is imperative before a sexed condition can be repeated. Just as all motion starts from rest and returns to rest, so does a sexed electric condi­tion arise from a sexless one. The two sexes, therefore, cannot be united to cause reproduction. They must first be voided.

    Unbalanced condition and change cannot unite to reproduce unbalanced condi­tion and change. The unbalanced condition and change must be voided in order to repeat unbalance and change.


    The sexes, like the two opposites of motion, cannot "neutralize" each other by socalled "union". The dynamic cannot be "neutralized". Likewise, it cannot become static. But it can be voided. The static condition does not then take its place, for the static condition is eternal. It was there before the dynamic condi­tion arose.

    The dynamic condition of sound, for example, arises from the static condition of silence, but sound does not become silence. Sound is voided; silence is eter­nal.

    The dynamic condition of sodium and chlorine do not unite to become the static condition of sodium chloride, nor are they neutralized. They must be voided before they can be repeated.


    Opposites are not things; they are conditions of things. Just as heat and cold, or east and west, or inward or outward, or compression and expansion cannot unite to become one, so also, the opposite sexes cannot unite for they are but inward-outward pressures.

    Sex opposition is a difference in the pressure condition of things. The male condition is one of compression, the female is one of expansion. The sexes are thus differently conditioned by the two directions of electric pressures, in accord with the two opposite desires of the Creator. The difference of conditioning makes basically similar substances appear to be different things and different substances.

    All things are sex divided. When, therefore, any two opposed and unbalanced sex halves of one conditioned thing balance their opposed conditioning through motion, they appear to become another thing or substance.

    This appearance is a deception of the senses for they do not become another thing. They become voided and another thing, from which both are extended, appears in their place. In chemistry you call these pairs stable elements, such as the salts.

    Water, for another example, is a voidance of oxygen and hydrogen, for there is no oxygen or hydrogen in water. For there is actually no hydrogen or oxygen in water. Nor do oxygen and hydrogen become water. Water is the result of the voidance of two unbalanced and opposed conditions caused by equalizing opposed pressures at static equators.

    Consider the static condition of the calm ocean. A storm transforms that surface into a dynamic condition. Waves which spring from the static ocean surface toward crests and troughs do NOT unite to reproduce another wave; they withdraw into the ocean surface. They disappear entirely and then reappear from it in reverse to repeat the next wave.

    Absolute voidance of one condition must take place before repetition can follow. HEREIN, FURTHER, LIES THE TOTAL SECRET OF THE WORKINGS OF THE UNIVERSE.

    Voided motion is recorded in the stillness from which it was unfolded in order that it can be repeated from that record. Records of motion are seed for repetition of motion. In the seed is desire for manifesting imaged forms for idea. All forms are wave forms. All wave forms unfold from seed records of those wave forms.

    And so have I said, The One Light of Me desires to be two. Two sensed war­ring divisions of the One spring forth from My unsensed Oneness into an im­aged space. Two voiding lights of My One White Light spring from their Rest in unity to find rests of their own, but find not two but one, for two rests there cannot be in My universe of ONE.

    For I say that each light seeks rest in each where wave of My pulsed thinking meets wave, and at that mutual point of rest each void each in the One from which another two spring into their mirrored infinities.

    Hear Me when I say that all things which flow from Me are sex-conditioned pairs of two, even to the cosmic dust of space which forms new worlds and even to the heart of blazing fires of hottest suns.

    Nothing is there in My divided universe which is not sex-conditioned, sex-interchanging and sex-balancing. Thus these moving pairs seek balance in voidance forever to repeat the thought-patterns of My thinking in the sex-balancing void­ance of their "conditioning". And yet, the Truth and function has always eluded Man and he continues on the path of misuse, misunderstanding and igno­rance of the very laws of the Cosmic Universe of which he is a part--ALL that is within Creation.

    Let us have a rest please--not voidance, just a rest. Ah, but that which we are now creating will breathe life into an expiring cycle of Man. By that which we give forth--many will find God in that wondrous vortex where all things collide and become ONE within the stillness and balance. What a wondrous journey!


    PJ 31

    CHAPTER 13


    MONDAY, MAY 27, 1991 7:32 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 284

    MONDAY, MAY 27, 1991

    I AM present to share in blessings of knowledge. May the in-light be indeed brightened as we move through the wondrous days of change, always remem­bering that we move from one perceived "thing" into another with differing "players" and happenings. Allow yourselves never to forget that all are related--ALL. The volcano eruption in Japan, the plane crash in Thailand and the earthquake in Italy--note further that there have been seven registered quakes along the length of California, also.

    Oh, I didn't identify? Yes, readers, I did--I AM. But now that we are about it, let us discuss My label. Would you believe intent more and with more justifi­cation if I utilized Sanskrit or Arabic--how about Greek? Well, there are sev­eral reason it would be unsuitable, not the least of which is there are no such symbols on the keyboard and only one out of every three million would have the vaguest idea of what I would be saying. Haven't you had enough "stuff" you can't understand even in the languaging? So be it.

    What is in a name? In this instance--a great deal, especially for ones such as Dee and Ranos, etc., who love to deal in the mysterious meanings of things such as USA in the middle of Jerusalem and other such nonsense. You see, as man searches and searches for the puzzle answer he always goes to the PHYSI­CAL expression. Is it always nonsense? No, because now that it is time to get busy and bring the two seeming separate experiences into perspective--we too, shall give you symbolic meanings which you are now conditioned to find enter­taining.

    Let us take the name HATONN as first example. We must also use codes which attract the other end of our "line". There must come "memory" recogni­tion and then the coded symbols which separate the happenstance from intent.

    ATON in Egyptian meant "The ONE Light". Amunhotep IV was the great "heretic" Pharaoh of Egypt. Amunhotep's name was changed to Akhnaton (aka-naa-tun) or (ack-na-tun). He was first to bring the attention of the people to the recognition of the ONE LIGHT or ONE GOD WHO WAS TOTAL LIGHT. No big deal except, as he came into his own recognition, he needed to recognize purpose and therefore his label was changed to suit contract for he re­fused to further accept association with God's adversary Amun (which was "of physical earth divided and dark"). You see, when ones say to me--but you said "Tiddle" meant so and so and we know that Tiddle was, in fact, "Twaddle" and he changed it. So what--I am far more interested in what the name was "deliberately" changed to. I care not what a man gives me as his label--I have him/her labeled and identified for I recognize energy, not names. But YOU do.


    I chose my name in order to associate to the ones who would serve with me in this mission so that they would recognize my presence. Hatonn contains ATON with "silent" prefix of "H" and suffix of "n". Then, if you remove one letter at a time from each "end" you come to "to" which in this instance is recognition of the arrival at "O"--this being the symbol of eternal sacred circle of infinity. This is also represented in "number" lay the universal sign of a figure "8" which indicates all things, related to all things. It further indicates the coming together of all opposites into the void "O" (or "to" the "O" whole ONE). Why would not the ONE come to you as Silber Blastoflutashic? Our point is not to confuse further, the game--but to bring order and understanding, IN SIMPLICITY, of TRUTH in KNOWING.

    Now, "dharma" (bringing forth the word of "life" in Truth and goodness) was presented as Akhnaton and he did fairly well but was taken-out and all traces were attempted at removal of his passage.

    We asked this energy to try again--many, many times--as "dharma". He did pretty well as Socrates but old Soc's new shoe, Plato, immediately changed the teachings following demise of the old Soc. It was already a pretty smelly sock at best. So "dharma" was sent many, many times and actually, by the time of the Master Christos' journey, this energy was a bit irritated and confused by the journey through the veil time after time. So again with the Master Teacher--there was Peter who would deny the Christ and, you know, that one who would betray him, old J.I. Now we have created a dual entity which could emphasize the importance of remaining in truth without deviation and standing FOR truth when the going gets rough in spite of the offerings of the evil adversary who would offer goods and material gain but NEVER PRODUCES SAME AFTER YOU ARE HOOKED. FOR HIS PROMISE ACTUALLY IS THAT IF YOU HAVE THIS OR THAT--YOU WILL BE FULFILLED AND AT PEACE AND HAPPY EVER AFTER.

    At this point I do not wish to confuse by the differences in Juda lharioth, Judas Iscarioth and Judas Iscariot for history records according to "desire" of the "users" and not according to fact or Truth. This energy kept trying--even be­came a philosopher (Saxon) and made it up to the "’king’ dumb" (Epicticus) of that bunch of power-hungry hoods but the world got worse, did it not? Well, of course, that energy in between helped get it in such bad shape so basically owed a bit to growth and Truth. Probably a good service was done by this "dharma's" thrust through balance attempt of "equal rights" as establisher of the Liberator at Boston during the period of the mid-1800's.

    So we come to the recent travel session--the training wheels are gone and so are the illusions of physically bringing Light unto a blind mass. The agreement this time? That the energy simply "write" and others who have come forth to also "serve" in understanding--even if unremembered--would put the word forth from ATON without appending intentional opinion. Will all men hear this time? No, but ALL do not need to hear this time. The promise is to put the WORD forth and clear this manifested orb for "HER" recovery and settle a few scores at the same time. Graduation for some--back to the old salt mines for others, depending on performance. Only a few receive "Oscars" for perfor­mance. There is another refreshing change, however, in the awarding of sym­bols of excellence--there are no "fixed" judges and no favoring one group of ethnic participant above another--you earn on MERIT ALONE.

    Why have I not told you prior to this--some thirty books after the fact? Because you would have thrown the books in the garbage, shouted insanity and witchery and burned the "dharma" at the stake for you people are really not very nice in your criticism and reactions. Further, I choose to experience this journey as a Commander of a Star Fleet interdimensional participant. It gives balance to my own experience and puts me right in the ball-game with you so you can't claim "exception" and "special" and all the other nonsensical excuses of non-perfor­mance and irresponsibility. If ones who work with me have NO advantages greater than any of YOU and right on up through the ranks of seeming different dimensional beings--can act in responsible fashion in the midst of increased ha­rassment and danger--THEN SO CAN YOU! If the ones "in my immediate crew" such as Dharma, Oberli, George and my precious little dove, Dru, Ranos, John, Charles, etc., etc., etc., will forfeit their experience of luxury and unbalanced life-journey--then so CAN you. I must continually face the fact that many ones simply are not strong enough nor grown enough in understanding to be able to change. Often it goes beyond "desire" for change. It, therefore, re­quires ability to sort and choose confrontation and method of awakening--or al­low the sleeping and place elsewhere in security while allowing the growth.

    In this particular instance in writing about the very point and fabric of LIFE, which is LIGHT, I choose the recognition of the "O" which is yes, the zero, also, as well as the whole—for it fully represents the VOIDANCE POINT OF ALL THINGS ELECTRIC--WHICH ARE ALL THINGS AND BEINGS. Note that the word "GOD" is the same--the central "O". Since I am writing in "English" I shall not remark on "clues" in other languages for we will handle that appropriately for those who utilize other languages--it happens that in the UNIVERSAL LANGUAGES the "O" is the "tone" of the whole of Light! The perfect balance--the silent stillness of being one with Light.

    You of earth Shan (earth meaning only a planet of terra (or earth/ground) with "life" capability) are indeed smug in thinking yourselves to be the only such place. However, in these cycles of the recognized growth of soul participation in this play--your experiences (except for higher learning) have revolved basi­cally around that one particular planet. The intent is to allow Man to experience the full cycle from beginning to ending so that he can then move on in percep­tion toward and/or within the whole of Lighted Godness. It keeps existence from becoming boring--both for thee and me.

    "Well," you say, "God simply would not come and speak through some un­known dumb-bell in an unspellable nothing of a village--he would come to a great evangelist or a great Guru, etc." Would I? The one you called "Jesus" was a "hippy"--totally unaccepted in his own village. Moreover, I do come to all those others you name--and you can see what happens. I choose where I shall go and come and with whom I shall openly communicate for all to hear and see--I, Me--and Thee shall have no voice in it for it is My decision and eons of training and preparation--for these very ones of my team. Worse, YOU have no idea at the importance of the "placement" wherein we have set up cir­cumstances which fill our needs of confirmation for the human being.


    Does Dharma enjoy her role? Not consciously--no. She is human and to have others poking and pulling, legal battles, forfeiture of all holidays with family to write for self and you-the-people gets tiring and old. Constant attempts to cause her demise is painful and brings sorrow--this is true for the whole group of teammates. But joy? Oh indeed. Peace? Indeed. Would these ones pull away from Me for any other purpose save my own turning into darkness? Never, for we have become as ONE and those fragments shall be guarded more closely than a shepherd his flock. The physical aspect eventually falls into its place and the choosing becomes easy.

    "Well, maybe these ones have had it this way or that way and the awakening was easy for them." Ask them! They have experienced the full load of pain, family, living, experiencing in a compressed world in chaos (unto the very mo­ment), the desires of the flesh, the broken homes, pain of separation, suicides, birthing--all physical--just as all others. No easy paths were laid forth for these ones. We even have a most beloved brother who is in his eighth decade who spent 35 years as a Catholic Priest. The interesting thing: he finds no problem with God vs. the Church of Rome. You see, you can actually find God ANY­WHERE, OCCASIONALLY IN THAT WHICH YOU CALL "HIS" CHURCH. I admit it is awfully rare. The leaders of those "churches" rarely will allow God or the Christos within the sanctuary which has basically become the teachings of the adversary. Besides, God and Christ don't have very much money to contribute to the temple's building fund to glorify the preacher therein. Man doesn't want to be disturbed by God, my friends.

    Don't bring me gold and/or gems, lentils nor rice. I want no fine clothes or Mercedes--when you come unto me I only want YOU. We shall then, together, YOU and ME--measure the extent of your growth and come to understanding of "where do we go from here". Until that day it is a record of how you handled life's physical experience and those wondrous things of abundance which ARE GOD. ACTIONS and INTENT will be measured--not your pot of gold. IF YOU FEEL UNWORTHY TO BRING ALL YOU ARE AND HAVE INTO THE LIGHT OF KNOWING—WHAT HAVE YOU FAILED TO LEARN? CAN YOU COME TO MY PRESENCE NAKED AND SAY "HERE I AM, DADDY, I WANT TO COME HOME?" CAN YOU SAY, "I HAVE HAD MY DISCIPLINE AND I AM READY FOR ADVANCEMENT IN THE HALL OF LIGHT?" ARE YOU PLEASED WITH THAT WHICH YOU HAVE BE­COME? OH, DEAR ONES, YOU ARE YOUR OWN HARSH "JUDGE"-- NOT I. I JUDGE NOT AT ALL--ALL I DO IS ASSIST YOU IN DISCERNING AND PERCEPTION--YOU WILL KNOW BOTH WHEN I AM PRESENT AND WHEN YOU "KNOW". So be it and may you be given into the circle of wholeness wherein abides the light for you are indeed precious unto me. Moreover--until EVERY FRAGMENT is again home within the ONE, I shall have no wholeness within my own being. I AM COME TO SHOW THE WAY AND GIVE THE GAME RULES--AND BRING YOU HOME.

    Something else that really seems to bother you ones is why I use so much Egyptian symbology. Because you have all walked this path and that was a great turning point in Man's coming into "knowledge". I also use a lot of Greek for that is from whence sprang your own languages, such as even in your alphabets which seem different and yet are most similar, i.e., "a" is the begin­ning just as is "alpha" even though the symbol be different.

    Now, know that in "universal" language they also mean the same thing--the "beginning". So again we can have a universal language lesson.

    Ones come along on earth places and spout Christ, son of God, etc. In univer­sal language it is represented differently but in same intent. Let us look at why a seeming Space Cadet would come and bring the word of, supposedly, God. Well, I was God first and only thought to be a Space Cadet--so let's start at the beginning. Once again--with symbology.

    Hatonn--brings you "to" the "O". If you remove the letters from either opposite of “SON" you come to "O"--If you do the same with "SANANDA" YOU COME TO "A" "ALPHA"--THE BEGINNING! Now, the "son" also said he was the "beginning" and the "ENDING", so you still end up at "O". Now, why would my imagining and creation carry more weight at this time of in­fluence and creation? Because I am the Creator (Father) and Him, the Created (son)***. When He has achieved his ONENESS WITHIN CREATION HE BE­COMES ME--"GOD" ("O") THE ONENESS AS/WITH ME AND BECOMES THE ENDING AND THE ALPHA ("A) OF THE BEGINNING. Then, dear ones, there is NO DIFFERENCE. You must be given into understanding that the ONE you recognize as the Christed energy by whatever label, is finishing his cycle of perfection, in perfection, and you are sort of his last testing. He went forth to prepare placement for you and in Him am I well pleased--many of you have returned to serve again while He makes this final transition--what a privileged experience from among My many billions of imaginings--to prepare the way and walk home again with MY SON INTO THE BALANCE OF ONE WITH SOURCE AND BE ALLOWED TO EXPERIENCE THE ENDING AND BEGINNING AND ALLNESS.

    ***(Candace: The Creator Sons as taught in the Urantia Book, have as their parentage, the Universal Father and The Eternal Son. This is clearly stated above, and thus “proof” of the statement we have been making, that Christ Michael made through me in our #25 piece on April 25, 2004. Titled “No One has Ever Walked with Christ Michael, as You Shall Do. “)

    So why might my WORD appear to bear more weight in the annals? Because I AM the Father/Creator within the Mother/Creation and that ONE is our SON/dual child returning into and within the ONENESS. Those who return in ONENESS WITH THE SON—COME INTO ONENESS WITH THE FATHER/MOTHER--IT IS WORTH THE EFFORT!


    Back to the lessons, please. We can speak of these things again--but now, it is imperative that you come into important understanding in a "timely" manner. Thank you.

    Before I go into the "Mind" again, however, let us speak of "conscious" vs. "unconscious" a bit more clearly. Know that these terms are, of necessity--gen­eral. When I say to you that " were most certainly not androspotic"-- what does it mean? Well, I thought not. Therefore, we work with that which we have in languaged definition and often the words do not fit and worse, have been corrupted in reception and perception until they actually have changed meaning. It comes most often with the most critical of all terms for they impact you the most "importantly". I have no intention herein of getting into debate with psychiatrists, psychologists nor even valid and competent hypno-therapists. There is actually only ONE mind and if we lap over into definitions, so be it. Perhaps the earth Man can humor me a bit--and change his own perception for I am weary of attempting to suit Man's erroneous projections just to soothe some imitation ego-being's feathers which have become rumpled and frazzled by the hot-air about. Until and through death of the body--the --the mind remains intact and ONE. The brain is the other alternative for discussion--NOT THE MIND--which is SPIRIT!

    Electricity is the servant of Mind. It does all of the work of Creating this light-wave universe in unfolding-refolding sequences which Mind desires. The uni­versal Mind has two desires--the desire for creative expression through the ac­tion of concentrative thinking and the desire for rest from action through de­centrative thinking.

    One desire is for separation from Oneness into unbalanced multiplicity and the other is a voidance of multiplicity into balanced Oneness. One desire is for ac­tion and the other for rest.

    These two desires of Mind constitute the give for re-giving principle by means of which all things in nature grow or unfold by appearing from the void of rest in the kingdom of heaven from which all creating things appear, reappear and disappear in sequential cycles.

    The electric expression of the two desires is reflected in the pulse beat of the universe. One pulsation compresses, the other expands. The compressive pul­sation gives form to idea by seeking rest at wave amplitudes through centripetal action. The destructive pulsation voids form to seek rest at wave axes through centrifugal reaction. These two opposite desires are characteristic of all effects of motion. All animal, vegetable and mineral life seeks action and rest alter­nately. All effects of motion manifest that principle. A ball thrown in the air seeks rest from its action and returns from its unbalanced condition to seek out rest through reaction.

    After a day of work Man rests from action so that he may repeat his day of ac­tion.

    Because of these two opposite desires of universal Mind-thinking, all creating things appear on earths from the void of their heaven, disappear from their earths into their void in the heavens and reappear from that void to repeat their desires. This explains the mystery of "matter appearing from space to be alternately swallowed by space".


    The two opposite electric expressions of desire of Mind unfold all idea of Mind from its pattern in the seed into imaged forms to simulate the idea of Mind and refolds it back into its recorded pattern in the seed, for again unfolding. Each one unbalances the other in order that each may seek balance in the other to dis­appear and reappear as the other.

    Positive electricity is the father-light, which gravitates toward a point of rest which centers all creating things.

    Negative electricity is the mother-light which radiates toward planes of the One Light at rest, which bound all wave fields of motion.

    Positive electricity winds the light of motion into dense solids around points of still magnetic Light. It compresses motion into incandescent spheres surrounded by the vacuity of negative electricity.

    Negative electricity unwinds the light of motion from dense solidity to tenuous vacuity by expanding it into cubic wave fields of space.

    Positive electricity pulls inward spirally from within against the opposing resistance of negative electricity which thrusts outward spirally from within.

    This two-way radial universe of seeming motion is the product of these two op­posed electric conditioners of matter which pass through each other in opposite direction. Each interchanges with the other in sequential pulsations as they pass through each other from points of gravity to wave field boundaries and back again in endless cycles. Each becomes the other at halfway rest-points of their cycles.

    Large scale examples of this process can be seen in any of the spiral nebulae, notably Nebula 74 Piscium. Two fiery spiral arms of radiating mother-light reach out from the equator of its central sun to born its countless other suns and earths by unfolding them from its centering seed.

    Two black arms of gravitating father-light pull spirally inward from the heavens toward the pole of the centering giant sun to generate the sun in incandescent oneness of all form. The father-light of gravity refolds all unfolding forms from Creation's seed.

    Radiation is the female principle of Creation. Radiation unfolds from the seed.

    The generating light of gravitation and the degenerative light of radiation are projected through each other from rest to rest in pulsing sequences to manifest idea by borning father-mother forms of idea through their voiding interchange. This principle of rhythmic balanced interchange between father-mother lights of gravitation and radiation is fundamental in all creating things. It is the principle of two-way equal giving which manifests the quality of Love in the Light of the ONE.

    So, God is the Soul of His universe of creating things. Within His Being is de­sire for manifesting His Being. Desire in Him is Soul in Him. That which is Soul in Him desireth to manifest in form thought Light. Light extends from Soul in Him and returns to Soul in Him, the extension and returning being two seeming lights of Him.

    Again I say, I am the seed of My unfolding-refolding universe. Within My Light all formless seed of planned idea are enfolded in My Being at rest in Me. And again, repeating, all things extend from Me and return to Me. From Me all things are born from seed of thought in Me, and born again, with each pul­sation of My thinking.

    There is nothing but birth in My imagining. There is no death in Me, for end­ings and beginnings are one in Me. Nothing but life reaches out from Me, and nothing but life meets returning life tor rebirth in Me.

    Wherefore I say, YOU must be born again and again into that infinity of mir­rored reachings which is My imaginings. Thus is My ONE idea continued endlessly in imaged forms of My thinking. Thus is My One Idea reborn as many ones in the multiplying mirrors of My Light, forever without end.

    So I repeat, the mirrored multiples of My thought images are but reflections of My imaginings. They, however, are NOT Me.


    Pairs of opposites are drawn into each other's vortices where they void each other, passionately. Each is then nothing, a zero simulating that Zero of their Source from which they sprang--but they are also seed for another seeming two which emerge from the Oneness of their Source.

    One of the great illusions of the senses is that matter attracts and rebels matter.
    It is also believed that oppositely charged electrical particles attract each other and like charges repel. If a scientist cannot get beyond this illusion--there will be no fulfillment of free energy, devices used in healing nor any other TRUTH IN INVENTION.

    There is much evidence of the senses to justify such a conclusion, but it is of the same illusive nature as the evidence which deceives the senses that railroad tracks seem to meet upon the horizon.

    You see the tides rise toward the moon on one side of the earth and away from it on the other. You conclude that the moon attracts the earth and thus pulls the ocean toward it, but that does not account for the fact that the tides rise on the opposite side of the earth away from the moon. What is actually happening is that all conditioned matter is constantly seeking to balance its condition with all other matter.

    The moon and the earth center their own respective wave fields surrounded by space. All wave fields are bounded by planes of zero curvature, and a zero pressure condition
    Which insulate each field in the universe from every other field. The very shapes of wave fields of earth and moon are forever changing to adjust their balance as the moon revolves around the earth. As a result, the mutual equators of both fields must lengthen, disc-like, on a plane which inter­sects the center of gravity of each body. Naturally the tides rise toward, and away , from the moon. If the earth were all liquid instead of solid, it, likewise, would lengthen appreciably at its equators, disc-like, and flatten at its poles to meet the interchange of balance between the fields of the moon and sun, as Jupiter and the outer planets are so noticeably doing. It would also throw off rings as Saturn and all the stars of heaven are doing, and for the same reason.


    You see the positive pole of a compass needle pointing toward the negative pole of a magnet and the negative pole of the magnet pointing toward the positive pole. This evidence is one of the bases of conclusion. That is what your eyes see. What actually is happening is that they are voiding each other's unbal­anced condition to seek balance through each other.

    Opposite poles get as far away from each other as they can, until their opposi­tion is voided by balance in their fulcrum and they cease to be.

    When the positive pole of a magnet is brought into contact with the negative pole of another magnet, that effect which you think of as attraction is one of voidance. It is a cessation of opposition or power to manifest anything. Polarity utterly ceases extending at that point as each opposite extends to each oppo­site end, each getting away from the other and through the other, spirally, as far as it can.

    If opposite poles attracted each other, they would be together in the middle of a magnet instead of at its ends.


    Matter neither attracts nor repels other matter. Unbalanced conditions in matter seeks balanced ones. All matter is motion constantly seeking rest. This it can find only by balancing its condition with matter similarly conditioned by void­ing the tensions of its sexed condition. That alone is the cause of motion and the reason for its continuance or discontinuance.


    This is a universe of ONE THING. All matter which is electrically separated from that oneness seeks it. This is a fundamental principle and underlying desire of all Creation. It is as true of humans and their emotions as it is of matter.

    We again repeat that electricity is a division of the One Light into two exten­sions of the Light projected-through each-other, each becoming the other alternately. The One Light is a pressureless and sexless condition. The two lights which are extended from the one are opposed pressure and opposed sexed conditions.

    Thus there are but two conditions of matter--either expanding from stillness or contracting toward stillness. Each condition arises from the other. The instant it becomes its own opposite it gets as far away from that opposite as is necessary to find balance in a like condition. It seeks its like condition to find rest in a balanced condition and not because the matter of it is attract by the matter it seeks. A log floating down stream is seeking a balanced condition and is not being attracted by the dam or by other logs.

    These opposites represent the compression-extension father/mother principle which integrates light into solids and disintegrates it into vapors and gases.


    I trust all you would-be scientists are taking note of this writing--for within lies the total "secret" of ALL things. I only promised “dharma" that we would write the information-- I further told her that she would not be given "THE knowledge of having given forth the secret" so that she would not be suspect nor target. The utilization of this material is for others of you who read this material to decipher.

    To say that these opposites attract each other is equivalent to saying that north attracts south, that inward attracts outward, that wetness attracts dryness, or that darkness attracts incandescence.

    Water, for example, is a compressed condition. When water vaporizes it expands into its own opposite condition. It then seeks rest in clouds of like condition. When it thus finds rest in a balanced condition, its motion ceases and its opposition also ceases.


    Another effect of motion which has misled the senses into believing that oppo­sites attract is that hot air (heated vs. political) is said to rise toward cold and cold air to descend toward heat. That is not what is happening, for like seeks like. Cooling air is expanding and rising toward cold, and heating air is con­tracting and falling toward heat.

    Negative oxygen bubbles gather at the positive pole of a charging electric bat­tery and positive hydrogen bubbles gather at the negative pole. What is actually happening is that the positive pole is taking the positive condition out of the water, leaving the negative oxygen as residue. The negative pole is, likewise, taking the negative condition out of the water, leaving the positive hydrogen as residue. Again like seeks like.

    The outstanding demonstration of the principle of like conditions seeking like is in the elements of matter. If opposites attracted opposites according to present concepts, it would be impossible to gather together one ounce of the same elements. All elements seek their kind. In any chemical decomposition of com­pounded mixtures, each element seeks and finds similarly conditioned elements­--preferentially "identical".

    Nature's gyroscopic principle does this automatically. Every element has its own gyroscopic relation to the axis and amplitude of its wave. Each seeks that relation of pressure and moves until it finds itself in the orbit of its own gyro­scopic plane of pressure. This, dear ones, is simple balance and cycling of the Universe (as Creation's physical laws of balance.) Let us again consider the subject of homosexuals as is so popular this day to argue about. God doesn't care a whit about sexual preference--whatever that means. But neither is it "preference in love of spiritual nature being demanded by the deviant group­ing". They demand to be in acceptance of the PHYSICAL ACTIONS AND INTERACTIONS OF ONE HUMAN TO AND WITH ANOTHER AND ALL PHYSICAL MANIFESTATIONS OF THOSE OF NATURE'S BALANCED CREATIONS. GOD COULD NOT CARE LESS ABOUT "PREFERENCE"--GOD DOES CARE ABOUT ACTIONS AND BEHAVIOR OF THOSE ENTI­TIES. BUT STILL, THE TRUTH LIES NOT IN THE LAWS OF GOD BUT IN THE BREAKING OF THE LAWS OF NATURE--AND NO BOOK, BIBLE, PREACHER, TEACHER OR FRANKLY, UNDER PRESENT CRE­ATED RULES OF GOD, GOD, WILL MAKE IT DIFFERENT--NOR A SUITABLE BEHAVIOR. If it is to be suitable according to natural law--then Creation must be re-created. Therefore, arguing by any means present in your physical manifested illusion has no meaning whatsoever. The actions are against the laws of nature Creation.

    Does this mean, then, that Man will cease and desist--no, he will push it right into chaos prior to returning to seek balance in the voidance. He will push it until he sees and knows that it positively, absolutely will never work well and when he reaches the point of voidance--he shall turn about and effort in the op­posing direction.

    It is time that Man gets the translation of My thinking--for his guidance. I am Balance. In Me all My imaginings are totally balanced in their seeming unbalance. I add; but that which I add to one pulsation of My thinking I subtract from the other one.

    I divide; but that which I divide, I multiply. So the nice saying goes like this: Love is God and Love adds and multiplies as you divide it with others--sub­tracted it always leaves a void which, if left unfilled--will destroy the whole.

    My pairs of opposites are equal; but again I say that they are opposites, and op­posites oppose in my universe of Me.

    Opposites VOID opposites, while likes RETAIN their friendly orbits side by side. All the suns of heaven give light of each to each, while the dark voids the light and the light, likewise, the dark.

    My two lights move in opposed ways to avoid the other's path, but find these paths to be lanes leading into and out of vortices centered by but one rest pole where the two poles are nothing, having never even met as two.

    So again: Pairs of opposites are drawn into each other's vortices where they void each other, passionately. Each is then nothing, a zero simulating that zero of their Source from which they sprang--but they are also seed for another seeming two which emerge from the Oneness of their Source.

    So be it and amen.

    Thank you for your service and your attention. May we take a rest break at this time, please.

    To clear.

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