


THURSDAY, MAY 23, 1991 8:53 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 280

THURSDAY. MAY 23. 1991

Hatonn present. As we sit to pen this day, my being is filled with love and compassion for you, my people/brothers. This does not denote “ownership” but rather, “one with”. Ah, your languages are filled with contradictions almost to the point of extinction of original meanings. Even names bear meaning and rarely is a “name” chosen which is unguided from higher knowledge. I will use as example, herein, one who continues to send assurance and support to us in love and understanding and above all, patience, as the play unfolds. Her name is Janell, his George (a good name if I ever heard one). Even if he were blinded to purpose and understanding, it is still a most wondrous name. Those who effort to figure out what in the world kind of name is Gyeorgos only find it to be George by any spelling. What means this term applied to a person? Worker of Earth or pertaining to work on Earth or within/upon earth. So, if you take my name, for instance, you will find identification beyond the obvious ‘label”. Gyeorgos (George) meaning work focused on Earth. Ceres (nurturing, birthing, growing, planting--feminine aspect of God), Hatonn (Directly pronounced with a silent “H” denoting the masculine aspect of God and the “all in one-ness”--Aton). Will this hold true in every language? Yes, for there will be derivations of the labels in EVERY language even though they sound, in verbal tones, nothing alike.

So, George is, by George, a good name and I often have to nudge ones with that label to cause them to question their directions for it is a method of labeling through which we can make connections with our own team-mates.

Now, allow us to look at “Janell” (now please, dear ones, don’t all of you send me your labels for investigation--I am only speaking example here and I cannot ask Dharma to spend time at label identification). Janell is a feminine construction of both “John” and “Jacob”, meaning, in order, God is good, goodness, bearer of Truth of goodness and Beloved of God in goodness and successor. Therefore, you have one who is sent, or comes forth, in God goodness and is a successor to truthbringers who have passed the way and/or returned to advance in learning and goodness--even if the journey is only lessoned by seemingly narrow boundaries of limited circumstance. Now, the portion “nell” is representative of a light or torch. Therefore, by all identification unto me, I know that the label was chosen for this one, regardless of present, past or future experience, to allow us to find contact with a successor light or torchbearer of the goodness of God.

Can labels be intentionally for disinformation to contactees? Yes indeed--but it only takes the blink of an eye to know Truth from Lie. Do not be further misled into thinkingthat visible physical circumstance means very much--for to God, who will ultimately recall all fragments--the knowledge is seen on the inner screen through the projector within soul, never requiring even the eye blinking “time”. As we serve and look for our contacts--we have to scan and locate. Sometimes ones have greatly strayed from the service of God and moved without the flock of God-ness. It ultimately matters not, for the journey will continue elsewhere or “again” if the direction is not found in a given cycle.

So, Janell has sent me a little clipping of a “Phoenix” which I will share for it expresses “meaning”. “The legendary Phoenix represents the sun which dies each night and rises again each morning. Like fabulous bird which emerged from the ashes to become larger, stronger and more potent than ever, you can emergefrom the dark and start life anew.” Our symbol further denotes the endless immortality of soul growth and the endless cycles from and again into the oneness with Creator/Creation. To deceive you, the God adversary, satanic opposition to goodness, has pronounced the symbol to be “Pagan” (whatever that means) and usually gives it a serpent tongue and evil connotation so that you would be pushed from desire to join with that which comes from “space” with ability to traverse space and comes at the changing of cycles of Man on terra planets. The purpose of physical life is the growth of the soul within the physical Man, through myriads of experiences. But you see, life is endless--only changed and all things have life in some manner or another--for GOD IS LIFE. Evil is an experience of PHYSICAL OR “ADVERSARY” EXPERIENCE--RELATED ONLY TO PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION. This can carry through many levels or dimensions until the body physical is cast off as a necessary growing vehicle--i.e., when the child learns to ride the bicycle--he no longer needs the training wheels. As you grow into oneness with Creator you further have opportunity to re-experience or “serve” in capacities of guides or teachers at many levels/dimensions. But, when the dimension of service is a wholly physical manifestation--the agreement is to forfeit memory of the perfection so that the experience is valid and relative to that which you are experiencing.

For instance, Man must relate to that which he IS and in the physical experience he desires to relate to the physical for that is all his consciousness can confront on that plane. This is why Man is given to worship things and/or other Men for they forget their relationships with all Creation. This is why we use the fingers of a very Earthbound person (Man--generic of species) with only denotation of “dharma” for that simply means the expression of right behavior; conformity to the Law of God/Creation; Virtue, Truth and Righteousness. You see, in my scribe I would need the experiences attained in the greatest of the learning cycles--a relationship with Aton of ancient history upon your place wherein you could begin relating to historical data--ancient Egypt. But I would also recognize the lineage passing through the training of ancient Greece--thus Doris, or “Dorina woman” meaning from the ancient lineage of tribal Dorians and one who had served as teacher of balanced life experience and one who came from the line of Nereus who attended “one with the sea”, for the teaching would come again from the Sea as from the elder continents of Earth with expectations of the rising again from the Sea--a oneness with that one you might have referred to as Poseidon. I was also instructed that she would bear the name of Eloise which indicates a connection with bearer of Light and frankly associated with the creation of the perfection of Lucifer (which “name” means Light-bearer). (We shall notdiscuss the corruption herein.) Further, she would bear the symbol in her name of Elijah which prophet always is sent in precedence to God’s appearance and the bringer of Truth from and with God. She would also be in total connection with the Dove and the Eagle, being birthed in the sign of the scorpion as the Eagle of Gold and yet the Dove of peace--as in the name of Jon--surname of Jones. Did I know whom I sought? Indeed--but she did not! Therein is the mystery.

Do NOT get hung-up on such as the above for it is only a clue, nothing more and if you attend what “might be’, you miss entirely--that which IS. Always according to service, the clues are unfolded for your confirmation--not for your games-playing.

There will be no groups built around this entity by any name. There will be no groupies or cults built around one Hatonn--we want no groupies nor cults--we are bringing the unfolding of Truth and Lighted insight--along with other brothers of the species, Focus? There must be focus which is unfolded in Truth of various bringers of the Truth--but the bringer of the Truth is not important--IT IS THE TRUTH WHICH HOLDS IMPORTANCE, AND TRUTH WILL STAND ON ITS OWNMERIT THROUGHOUT INFINITY. If a speaker deviates and “gives permission” to act in a given manner--against the laws of God and Creation--he has deviated in Truth. This does not mean that ALL he brings is lie for the deceiver will never give forth ALL LIES-- he mesmerizes you in the Truth and when you’re entranced, he will sell you the LIE. Purchase price? Portions of your soul--you will serve longer in the dark cycles of the compression of the physical limitations.


You ones continually ask me of validity of one or another ‘channel’, “group” or “teacher”. I refuse to respond unless it is urgent to the moment--for I ask that you studyall and experience the teachings and in Truth of perception--you will discern most quickly which brings Truth and which one fudges to make you like him/her better. It is YOUR opinion of other speakers which is important-- NOT HATONN’S. You must grow into understanding of “life experience” both in the “lighted dimension of what you call etheric soul and within the dimension of consciousness (human-physical). Consciousness is the recognition of that which the being is experiencing at the moment--therefore, CONSCIOUSNESS is God but of the physical recognition. How can I describe this so you might better see? Let us try the terms “sensation” and “consciousness’ for a starter and see if we are ready for higher understanding in this veil of elusive illusion.


I have just said that God is consciousness. Well, consciousness, is “static”.

Consciousness is the knowing of mind. Knowing therefore, is “static”.

Consciousness is the spiritual awareness “Being”, of all-knowing, all-power and all-presence.


God’s thinking is expressed by two-way moving wave extensions from consciousness, like a lever swinging upon a fixed fulcrum, or like waves extending from the calm sea. Thought expression is dynamic. Thinking belongs to the electrically sensed and conditioned vibrating universe of motion. Thinking is the motionless principle in light which creates the illusion of motion.

The “Self” of Man belongs to the static, invisible, conscious, unconditioned universe of KNOWING. We express knowing in the dynamic, visible, electrically conditioned universe of sensation.

Sensation is the electrical awareness of motion simulating the spiritual QUALITIES of the One Idea by creating imaged QUANTITIES of separate forms which seem to have substance.

Consciousness is REAL. Sensation simulates reality--through motion of interchanging lights, but the mirage of a city is not the city it reflects.

Confusion and misunderstanding as to whether you are thinking consciously from knowledge or sensing electrically from memory records stored in your brains have led you to the necessity of distinguishing between the two by the common usage of such terms as “the human mind” and “mortal mind”. You know full well, while using them, that there is but the ONE MIND OF THE ONE LIVING GOD OF LOVE.

The universal Mind centers every particle and mass in the universe; animal, vegetable or mineral, electron, atom or sun.

Man is the only unit in creation who has conscious awareness of the Spirit within him and electrical awareness of duality conditioned light acting upon his senses. All other units of Creation have electrical awareness only.

Man alone can be freed from body to think with God, to talk with God and be inspired by His centering Light. All other units of Creation are limited in their actions to automatic reflexes from sensed memories built up through ages of sensing and recording such sensing as instinct.

Likewise, the same confusion leads you to the adoption of such terms as ‘subconscious mind”, and ‘superconscious mind”. However, there is but ONE Mind functioning universally within all creating things, and that ONE Mind is not stratified nor divided into the more or Less. There are no differing conditions of the ONE Mind, nor are there different kinds of minds. I did not slip when I said “creating” vs. created in the above statement. You now have “developed” imitations of ‘creating’ beings functioning among you on Earth and the difference is great indeed, but that is for another subject, please.


God is the imaginer of HIS ONE IDEA. ALL imagining is God’s imagining. Al creating forms in this thought universe of God’s imagining are built in the image of His imagining, creating “in His image”.

All forms in this creating universe of imagined forms are but electric recordings of God’s imaginings. They have no existence. Records of idea are not the idea they record.

They have no substance. They are but black and white lights of sun-centered wave fields of space assembled in vibrating systems to simulate substance in an objective universe which is not, but seems to be.

Gods imagining never began and will never end. It was not ” created” at some remote past time by some vast cosmic event, as commonly believed. Nor is it condemned to a “heat-death” by expansion into nothingness.

This is a creating universe, not a “created” one. God did not begin to imagine at some “fixed” “time”, for time does not exist. This light-wave universe which records God’s knowing by His thinking and imagining is as eternal as God’s thinking is eternal.


Inspiration is the language of Light which Man uses to talk with God. Inspiration is that deep awareness of the consciousness of Being which differentiates the genius or mystic from the being of average intelligence.

Inspiration in man is accompanied by an intense mental ecstasy which is characteristic of all who become intensely conscious of their closeness to God.

Inspired geniuses forget their bodies while deeply conscious of their existence as wholly Mind. Their bodies, thus forgotten, act almost automatically in obedience to instinct and cell memory reflexes--just as “dharma” responds through reflex movement of her fingers as I dictate data. She is totally aware of the consciousness of Being in my presence as well as receiving intonations for translation. Is she a genius? Who cares? She is in service and her service is unto God/Creator/Creation--and brother being. Moreover, greatness and genius are often utilized as sameness--nay, nay--not so. Although there is little discernible difference in one who is great and a genius. This is not relative to intelligence or education as in the “great genius” of Man’s ego projection. The one desires to be as a humble servant--the other wishes control through his prowess and self-perceived greatness. One is so humbled by the presence of God in that which they seemingly “produce” that they are selfless--the other is “self” oriented and most often deletes God totally from the equation.

Inspired geniuses translate God’s knowing into words of man for the soul of man. They uplift all mankind by reinspiring all who listen to their ecstatic words and rhythms. He who attunes his heart tothe messages of genius purifies himself. No impurity can there be in heart for verily he then is in communion with the Holy ONE.


First, don’t go crazy at what I am next going to express for I shall use terms which denote a different meaning for the terms used relative to this dissertation. I speak of “mystic” and “mystery” but they will be relative in correctness of the meaning of mysticism vs. mystery. Beyond the genius as we have defined above, is the mystic.

The Mystic is one who has attained cosmic consciousness by a complete severance of the seats of consciousness and sensation. He is then almost totally unaware of his body and is totally aware of the Light of God centering him.

Now, in your terminology when you refer to a “Mystic”, does it fit this definition above? No, for the one you go to as a “Mystic” is most identifiable by the very clothing and body consciousness projected by the “self” individual. In other words--there will be total consciousness of the colors on the body, the food intake, the money you will pay, the charts and codes and numbers, etc. Totally focused on the immediate accoutrements will be your erstwhile “channels”, “seers” fortune-tellers and mystics. You will even note that the garb is most important in the synagogues and churches. The minister will usually wear a robe (black, yet) and adornments of scarves, ribbons, and stripes to denote importance. A true speaker of (not “for”) will take no note of “self” other than to be acceptable and pleasing to the purpose of the scene and serve as unnoticed as is possible to allow the speaker to have attention and not the “self” mouthing the verbiage or “garbage” as is most often the case. The problem being that most often the garbage is spoiled and becomes poison to the growing consciousness--thereby killing or mutating and/or stunting growth.

Omniscience comes to him in that timeless blinding flash of light which is characteristic of a complete severance from physical “self” and a relinquishing unto higher being. Often this is slow in coming but at some moment the inspiration is intense and comes to any man in a partial illumination for inspiration is illumination opened up to flow freely in fullness. Inspiration is the manner in which new knowledge comes to man from the cosmos.

The ones you have called Christed are outstanding examples of all time. They are the ones representative through history to have known complete cosmic-conscious unity with God. The Truth of the teachings refers to cosmic-conscious experience as ”the illumination” or “being in the Light” or “in the Spirit”.

There arc indeed few cases of partial cosmic consciousness known in all of your history and only one or two anywhere nearly approached the complete state of illumination experienced by the beloved Nazarene.

Cosmic consciousness is the ultimate goal of all Mankind. All will know it before the long journey of Man is finished, but there are many in thisnew age just dawning who are ready for it in part, if not fully--else we would not be here.However with the readiness also comes the barrage of the impacting negative desperation as the adversary pulls the shroud ever closer across thine eyes.
Many desire itfully, but it is best that it come bit by bit for the complete severance is very dangerous and presents an ultimate lie in most cases--for the understanding does not fully accompany the moment of inspiration. The ecstasy of this supreme experience is so great that one does not wish to come back to the necessary conscious reality of experience. The power of severance of soul from body is within easy accomplishment, but to step back into the body is often very difficult. This very thing is what often is found present if you have ongoing coma circumstance. The etheric being has separated and often will not return to the body and the body is not in lethal termination so you have a body which is physically functioning--still attached--and an entity unable to sever the attachment and yet unwilling or unknowing how to return into physical housing.

To attain cosmic consciousness requires intensifying one’s conscious awareness which requires self-inner aloneness and companionship with God while manifesting Him in every moment and every task of your physical life as you move through the experience.

Moment-by-moment companionship with God brings with it so great a realization of Oneness with Him that the transformation into that full realization of unity is apt to take place at any time. It is not connoted by a pious face-mask or squiggly hands--it is simply acceptance and recognizing that you take God with you everywhere you go and you tend to shape up your activities when that realization strikes the consciousness.

The deterrent to cosmic consciousness is the feeling that God is far away instead
of being within, and that you can reach that far away God only through sources outside of self.


Inspired Man alone can create enduring things. To create you must first “conceive”. To conceive you must stop thinking and KNOW. All sensing must cease. There is no power in thinking. Thinking but expresses the power which lies in knowing. You must project your Selves into the still Light of KNOWING to commune with God. You must become one with God to conceive an idea in order to produce the form of that idea. A concept must precede its manifestation in form.

The culture of the entire race is given to it by the few inspired ones who know God in them. They alone know immortality.

The art of a civilization long outlives the civilization. The pyramids of Egypt still speak of the creation of a race which is long gone from the face of the earth. The sculptural and architectural beauty of Greece still tells you of a type of creative genius which has never been excelled. The great in the arts are few. “Art alone endures. All else passes.”

Great art can be created only by working moment by moment with God as co-creator. When man and God thus work together they commune one with the other as One Person. The language of their communion is the language of Light which man calls “inspiration”.

When man works alone, his works are as the winds which blow. When man works with God as co-creator, his works are forever enduring.

Every great genius manifests this law: that he is One with the God-Mind, that God in him is the source of every thought and that he is inspired by that omniscience and omnipotence within him which make his work enduring.

Let us look herein, again, at “dharma”. What will endure? You who recognize the connection with God know that it will not be someone who hardly any of you even knows--not even the name as listed on some “birth” certificate. But will her work endure? Even if the pages are ALL destroyed and erased from the face of the Earth--her “Art” shall be forever--for it expresses the source--God as He sends Truth unto His creations. What of her ego in this experience which is measured by “things” and “doings” and “recognition”? What of it? AS she serves and moves again into the ONENESS with God/Creation--will it not be HER WORD? Can you see, precious ones of God--you are an expression and can be no less than the expression chosen but always--greater, for ultimately the ONENESS is again with God/Creation. But you must all be given guidelines by which to measure growth for all knowledge exists. All knowledge comes to Man in its season and sequence. Cosmic messengers periodically give to Man such knowledge of God /Creation cosmos as Man is able to comprehend, but that which he can bear is like unto a thimbleful out of the mighty-ocean, for man is but beginning to comprehend. When Man KNOWS Light then he will know NO LIMITATIONS, but Man must know the Light for himself and none there can be who can make words of it, for Light KNOWETH Light and there need be no words.


Knowledge is cosmic. It belongs to the still Light ofthe positive principle. It never can become a property of the two negations which constitute the mirage universe of matter of motion.

To “know all things” means to have all knowledge of the Whole One Idea of the cosmos as CAUSE. It does not mean knowledge of created things which are EFFECT of CAUSE. The whole Cosmic Idea is simple. It can be known by any one of average intelligence. Its bewildering complexities lie in effect of cause.

Man cannot knowtransient effect. He can KNOW cause only. He can but comprehend effect. Man cannot know a sunset sky, for example, but he can comprehend it if he knows its cause. Knowledge is, therefore, limited to ‘cause’.

All knowledge exists. All mankind can have it for the asking. It is within man, awaiting his awareness of its all-presence.

Knowledge cannot be acquired by the brain from without, it must be “recollected” from within the consciousness of self. Gradually dawning conscious awareness is but gradual recollection of the all-knowing which has always been within man.

Man cannot acquire knowledge from books or schools. He can but acquire information that way, but information is not knowledge until it is recognized by the spiritual consciousness of man, just as food is not nourishment for the body until it becomes a part of the blood stream. Information gained by motion of the senses must be returned to the stillness of the Source before it becomes knowledge.

For the same reason man cannot acquire knowledge from the so-called “facts of matter”, for there are no facts of matter in a universe of transient matter in motion. All matter in motion is but a series of illusions which deceive man into drawing wrong conclusions.

It is impossible for man to draw right conclusions from his observation of matter in motion until he has acquired the ability to translate dynamic effect back to cause.
This he can do only through decentration to the One Light of his conscious awareness of the Source of all knowledge. Until he knows the WHY of effect and its deceptions, he has no knowledge whatsoever upon which he can rely. He has naught but unreliable information.

Information concerning the body, for example, does not give knowledge concerning cause of body, or of the body’s relationship to the universe. Information of birth and death of the body, on the assumption that the body is SELF, never can lead to knowledge that body is not Self, or that Self is immortal.

Nor can information concerning the material body alone, its chemistry and its functionings, heal the body. Bodies manifest life, but life is cosmic. Life is not in the body. Life is spirit, and spirit is still. Life is not chemistry or germ of matter. To heal the body so that it can manifest life of the spirit Self of the body, one must give the unbalanced body the balance of the spirit. Knowledge of the Light can alone do this. All the information in the world will not heal a body unassisted by the Light in him who heals and in him who is being healed.

As Aton of the ONE LIGHT I can say to you that I am LIGHT, but the Light which is ME is not the sensed Light of the sensed universe of My creation. I, the Creator, think. I think in two lights extended from the ONE Light of Me, yet those two lights are not ME, nor is My thinking ME.

So I say, I give of Me and I take away; for I am the Imaginer who builds image forms to tear apart to build anew. So I give unto those who serve in intent of Truth safety and as I Image the net of safety--and they heed My notice, so none can harm them while they remain in My requested attention. As I image security and safety so is projected that security and safety and the KNOWING of safety is absolute. Do I allow for dalliance and fragmentation? Of course, for you are the projected image of human experience and can only act in that projection until the imaginings are changed. At this time I choose this image and I further choose the image of reversal of the plagues and horrors perceived upon Earth, therefore, it MUST COME TO PASS--unless I change my imaginings. Fickle God? No, but never boring, beloved ones, never boring. Boredom is not of God.

I am thinking Mind, forever thinking the changing image of My unchanging self. My image changes ever with the changing of the two lights of My thinking, though I, MySelf, change not. All things change, and their changing still images Me, yet they are not Me.

You, Man, are bounded to the illusion of My dual thinking, for Man’s sense-seeing with his eyes is the binding. I but build illusion with My dual thinking for your sense seeing. Sense-seeing binds man to “forms” and “things” , while Mind-knowing opens doors of glory to the opposed threads of Light with which I weave all idea of Mind into forms of many moving things. Mind-seeing decentrates unto the farthest reaches of My universe of Me, and sees all forms as One.

With his seeing eyes Man sees Light as matter energized, but senses not that the energy of matter is THE LIGHT of My divided thinking.With Man’s unseeing
eyes of spirit he knows the Light of Me, the Source, and knows that he is bound in Me as One, and I in him.

Behold in Me thy God of Love, the One, inseparable!


May the Truth and Light of that which you are, come into thine comprehension for it is time to gather my thoughts unto Me and bring them home--I would like your company on this journey--if you can remember from whence you came.
So be it.

Make a good day of this that ye have been given--for ye know not but what it may be thine last. Saalome’.

PJ 31


FRIDAY, MAY 24, 1991 8:56 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 281

FRIDAY. MAY 24, 1991

Hatonn present in Light and Truth that we may share. Let us first mention a few items briefly and then we can move on for I wish to bring more of spiritual connections and explanations today. “Man cannot live by bread alone!” and it is so. You who write ask excellent questions which it seems we do not have time nor space to adequately respond but I do try to incorporate them into the writings as they find suitable placement. One such, for instance, is a second inquiry as to why we do not use YAWEH and/or YAMOSHUA instead of the ones I use. Because, two reasons, some of the terms utilized are actually designations of ‘satan” and not the “Christos” and some are simply labels given by “foreign” languages other than English in which I am communicating. I have told you prior to this, God does not “hear“ language--if you call out to God and you call him Bob, Joe, Yaweh, Yewah, Jasuah, Jmmanuel and/or Dingleberry--it matters not, FOR IT IS THE INTENT WHICH GOD RECEIVES. This is why I must again remind you ones that it is what is in the heart intent (you see, even that is incorrect for the heart is but a muscle that pumps blood)--what is in the energy soul intent which makes thecommunication with God. If you become hung-up on names you have missed the point and you are still locked into the PHYSICAL PLANE BY ANY NAME!

I have also received many references and objections to “Thou shall not commit adultery!” Some write to tell me that “adultery” is simply “adulteration” or the act of “diluting” or introducing another substance into an original--thereby possibly improving, as well as depreciating, a substance. No sale, brothers. As a matter of fact, that of which you speak is “adulteration” which has been construed to be as above. The actual definition as given is to corrupt, to debase or to make impure by the addition of a foreign or inferior substance; esp: to prepare for sale by the addition of a foreign or inferior or less valuable or inert ingredients. (This is a no-no, too!)

Adultery: voluntary sexual intercourse between a married man and someone other than his wife and/or between a married woman and someone other than her husband. [These are Webster’s definitions and yet, they certainly do not cover all the “thou shalt nots” as regarding sexual behavior.] You can rewrite the laws if you choose and you can make it humanly OK and legal if you choose--IT MAKES NOT ONE IOTA OF DIFFERENCE--IT IS AGAINST THE LAWS OF GOD. I DID NOT, HOWEVER,SAY IT IS AGAINST THE LAWS OF NATURE/CREATION!

The Laws of God are given forth forHUMAN behavior in order to maintain balance within Creation--in harmony and balance. Anything that brings lies and irresponsible behavior is against the laws of God. The Laws of Creation will simply toss you off into oblivion if you overpopulate, over pollute, etc. God gives Man laws by which to live in balance and harmony-- no more and no less, Cultures bear differing connotations respecting interrelationships of Man, but the ones which are presented as the basic rules of God are those which will, if followed, bring the highest measure of harmony and balance in rciationship to and relationships of Man.

The next subject is a bit more complicated for it will deal with mixture of races, creeds and colors of human beings. At this point I always get, ‘. . . but dogs mix, horses mix, cows mix” ad nauseam. They DO NOT mix if left in balanced herds or packs. Look at the birds of the fields--look at the numbers of sparrow--great flocks of striped headed sparrows will be merged with great flocks of black bibbed ones and they in turn will mingle with the junos and finches--but do not breed with them. Mostly, also, you will find that the majority of wild life will mate a single mate if left alone where it can be one-to-one mating to propagate the species. You arrange it so that herds only have one male for many females, etc. God did not create it that way.

When you mix races, creeds and colors of humans you are playing with two separate situations--you are basically confusing “culture” and “traditions” which can cause great pain to one or another of the pair and/or offspring and what you do not realize is that those differences come from outside your planet for when the races were introduced onto the planet they were from different origins and cosmic placemets of great variations in experiences but all HUMAN. Therefore, all are identical in the sight of God for there is only one color in God’s vision of creation--light. You perceive “light” to be white for it has no color at all but is made up of all colors. The darker race chooses to call itself “black”-- no, that is grossly incorrect for the “black” is not “black” which means the total absence of color. The so-called “blacks” are the most beauteous hues of bronzes and tans of your planet, followed by your “brown” race of golden browns and earth hues of superbspectrum--then the golden race stemming from the so-called Orientals and the wondrous projection of the red-bronze hue of the native cultures--of all, the white is the most colorless and quite frankly, the most “adulterated” and wimpish of all races, having no superiority in most instances and therefore utilizing self-proclaimed POWER BY CIRCUMSTANCE!

I have no intentions of enlarging on this subject at this time and please do not demand it for we have such urgent material to cover that you had better just look at the color within and stop the nonsense. If persons wish to cross color/creed barriers then so be it. The problem grows greater for you as ones come forth to retrieve species to return to “home base”--all galactic placements are not as wondrously giving and accepting as is Pleiades and even there, there will be planets wherein cross-over is unacceptable. Not from mean perception but for preservation of a species. This is WHY Man should think carefully about his behaviors--God has no color preference--Human does in most instances (not being better one from another--just different for given experiences) and as the journey from the physical, as you know it on Earth, progresses and placement moves entities onto other placements--the encounters continue with that which you call “human” species of one sort or another.


Another reason that I fail to utilize ALL names for God is that I simply don’t know them all and care not to know them all. It is perhaps time to realize something extremely important and that is the breakdown of service of cosmic brothers in this time of Earth transition and near annihilation. Part of the reason you have such incredible chaos is the fact of mingling of races and species from elsewhere in the universe. You didn’t “just happen” to be in predominantly one race in one place and another in other. You did not just happenstancely “appear” as this or that and neither was it through “blending” of the races nor sun intensity, etc. That is the biggest bunch of tampered BS every perpetrated upon you ones as a civilization of humans.

I would like to remind you of something most important--those of you, for instance, who recognize the teachings of one called Ramtha. I take no note particular of Ramtha for he is not of my particular “interest” as Hatonn, Commander. But remember--you followers of Ramtha--He told you that he had returned to gather HIS people! So be it and selah! There are many, MANY come forth at this time to gather individual groups, followers and species of origin from given galactic placements. Myself included--I am come to gather my races if appropriate--BUT, I AM COMMISSIONED WITH THE OVERALL DUTY OF TAKING ALL OFF WHO ARE GROWN INTO HIGHER UNDERSTANDING AND FREQUENCY ABITITY TO MAKE TRANSITION FOR IT IS THE TIME OF CYCLES IN WHICH THE PLANET WILL EITHER BE SHAPED UP OREVACUATED TO ALLOW FOR REBIRTHING AND HEALING OF THE WOUNDED “MOTHER”.

This is why you will find craft and beings from myriads of galactic locations here at this time--to tend of the flocks and participate in the transitional change. Much of the higher “sorting” will take place according to “preference” and “following” as you are brought into original safety. You perceive that a LOT is happening on your world and within your changing experiences--YOU SHOULD SEE OUT HERE! It is a time of God sorting according to learning, His own fragments of experience into proper categories, if you will, for ultimately THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE BUT AS LONG AS THERE ARE PERCEPTIONS OF INDIVIDUAL PHYSICAL BEINGNESS--THERE IS DEFINITELY MANIFESTED “DIFFERENCE”.

THE IN-DEPTH AND TOTAL UNDERSTANDING IS NOT A THING OF THE PHYSICAL DIMENSION CALLED EARTH OR SIMILAR PLANETARY EXPERIENCE--IF YOU HAVE ALL THOSE ANSWERS YOU WOULD NOT BE ON A PLANET SUCH AS EARTH, EXPERIENCING. WHAT HAPPENS LATER? IT IS NOT FOR ME TO SAY AND IF ONES TELL YOU THAT THEY KNOW--THEY LIE OR THE SPEAKER IS ILL- ADVISED. You can measure comprehension only so far and the rest has to be left to God and higher understanding. This does not mean that you might not know, for most have experienced already, that of which we speak. If, however, you continue to put the cart in front of the horse--you are going to have a long and miserable journey. You may have instant revelation into knowledge that there is total KNOWING--you will not, however, HAVE total KNOWING in


I have had many inquiries regarding my perceptions of connections with St. Germain and various groups who claim heading by Germain. I ask not to be pinned down as to various groups for I wish all men to discern through information and knowledge gained that it be YOUR opinion and not that of another--be the other ethereal or human-- all groups, beings and humans will give you clues by which to discern Truth and many, even if they deviate into the human path too greatly, still give great measures of Truth and ultimately YOU MUST DECIDE AND DISCERN FOR SELF. IF THOSE ONES FAIL TO LOOK INTO OR AT ANOTHER’S PERCEPTION--THEY ARE NOT TOTALLY OFGOD FOR GOD ALWAYS ENCOURAGES YOU TO LOOK AT ALL SO THAT YOU CAN SEE THAT WHICH STANDS AFTER ALL ELSE FALLS AWAY.

A friend has presented the Saint Germain Press, Inc., 1120 Stonehedge Dr., Shaumburg, Illinois 60194 as a source of the “I AM” Religious Activity of the Saint Germain Foundation. There are errors in the presented works of that group just as Man comes along and tampers with all groups to suit his own perceptions of that which HE discerns the higher energy meant to somehow project. But Germain? Germain is one of my closest associates and beloved friends. Dharma writes, and has written, books and volumes of material from Germain--often to contact his beloved workers such as J.S. of Mt. Shasta, etc.

Germain is of the violet ray of transmutation and an alchemist el superb. As we move higher in dimensional experience we forget that you ones must blend from the manifested and Germain remains much more closely connected to Earth Man in connection your politics and science than, say, do I.

The United States is Germain’s MAJOR focus just as Planet Earth (Shan) is the MAJOR focus of the Christed Energy at this time. Higher in the steps is Michael of the archangelic realm who is also focused on the Planet Earth. You will find Gabriel right there, also, for you see, with each civilization (speaking generally of a focus of a planet) there are the guardians and they will be recognized by whatever a given culture or language group recognizes them. YOU ONES MUST COME INTO REALIZATION THAT THERE ARE MANY STEPS BETWEEN YOU AND THE ULTIMATE “ONE” SOURCE OF “ALL”. Some of you are ready for the “ALL” but most are still in kindergarten in your journey to perfection and knowledge. That does not mean that God will abandon you until you “get there”, you will be nurtured and loved and tended like the wondrous garden of budding flowers that you ARE. AT the moment the crops are infested with destructive insects and molds/mildews and about to perish--no more and no less--but God has other places in Creation upon which you can continue to experience--HE HAS GONE FORTH AND PREPARED PLACEMENT FOR ALL WHO WILL COME AND HE HAS PREPARED THEM ACCORDING TO YOUR OWN LEVEL OF PROGRESSION AND COMFORT OF PLACEMENT.

That which you perceive to be so wondrous about a place like Earth is that it is all you can perceive. As you look back on the experience from a higher viewpoint, you will realize it was quite base, cruel, painful and still, the most valuable of all experiences for it is where you learn to discern and make choices which allow soul to grow for all physical passes by the way. Now where will YOU go? Wherever you EXPECT to go for you will act in such manner that you will simply go wherever you expect to go. Some of you more humble ones will find that you aren’t as pure as you proclaimed and some of you who perceive yourselves very short of perfection have actually that spark of Truth within which gets you to a very wondrous place indeed.

To P.B. of Canada, I suggest you get THE RAINBOW MASTERS Journal if you have it not--for it is mostly orchestrated by Germain. Germain also writes much for the Journals through both secretaries, Druthea and Dharma; and much advice regarding very human physical matters, via Thomas.

Now as to the workings of this transition time and Command-line as you interpret higherarchy. We do not recognize anything such as you have on Earth-- however, we have to use structure and identification which you can somehow understand. That means that I have to utilize military structure, predominantly, for your government gives even worse example. Number one: we have no “Royalty” although on some planets there is an accepted “King”--for you have no better word to identify a top-person. We are given functions according to our capabilities and no other reason--not seniority nor “education”. We simply serve where we are capable but you do have to have ones “in-charge” to maintain flow in orderliness. For instance, there is gross misunderstanding regarding ‘Ashtar” and I make a lot of Earth enemies at this point for “Ashtar” speaks to a lot of Earth-based people--or used to! “Ashtar Command” is exactly that--a “Command”, a structured “command”. There will be one who heads the Command and that one is known as “Ashtar”. This can be hard to accept if you think it to be a specific beauteous dark-haired, widowed-peak masculine human who looks like a handsome God. He may or may not. “It” is a total comprehensive computer system of incredible magnitude. I do not know how you would recognize a computer which is some equivalent to ten square miles if manifested. That does not mean that the entities in charge are a computer. The one you would call “Ashtar” is an entity of extremely high status. THAT “COMMAND” is in overall charge of the various fleets come for observation and fleet operations if evacuation is required spontaneously. It is further at standby for what we can refer to, for lack of better description, lift-off for reason of global devastation, etc.--to simply get you off the place prior to devastating changes as the planet goes into major cleansing and detoxification phase. Anything short of atmospheric annihilation can be cleansed by simply rotation of continents into/out-of the sea and re-establishinglife-forms. This is where comes the perception that Man evolved from the sea--because it appeared after great cyclic changes that all available life-form was from the sea--and so be it. But there was also the establishment--again, of rather primitive Man to re-establish experience anew for all newly created souls must have experience and teachers and thus and so--this is the thought projection of God-Creator as Creation is formed in various facets of existence. Soul is immortal but new beginnings of perception must be accommodated.


Man can only project that which MAN perceives--as with your evangelists for instance--it does not mean that the perceptions are correct for they are almost ALWAYS incorrect for you have no ability to view from the mountain, so to speak.

Let us look specifically at a clipping sent to me: April, 91: Astronomers find new space entity. Astronomers have found a mysterious object about 100 billion times as massive as the Sun, and they say it is either the largest black hole ever found or a completely new, unexplained phenomenon.

“The huge mass and its great concentration and darkness are puzzling and unlike any found previously,” said Joss Bland-Hawthorn of Rice University, one of the discoverers.

The object’s mass is roughly equal to that of all the stars in the Milky Way galaxy, Bland-Hawthorn said. Yet it is compressed into a space 10,000 times smaller.

Ah, the wondrous things left to be unfolded. Yes, I know what it is but obviously NO ONE on your placement does. Don’t tell me that so and so knows and he/she is on your placement. IF THEY KNOW IT CAME NOT FROM YOUR PLACE--does any of this begin to have meaning? If I told you what that is and it turns out to be correct--you STILL GOT IT FROM SOMEWHERE OTHER THAN ON YOUR PLACE! I am not going to tell you, however, for that is for you to place in realization. I will tell you that it is very, very important--”important” meaning that which has great impact on the largest numbers of beings. You see, “important” doesn’t mean “good”: it means marked by or indicative of significant worth or consequence. This is just example for illustration: Adolf Hitler might be considered by some to be far more “important” to the world than was “Jesus Christ”--certainly he would rank right up near the top “since” that time. Many of the most “important” clues within the Holy Books have NOT BEEN CORRUPTED IN TOTAL, FOR THEY WERE NOT UNDERSTOOD WELL ENOUGH TO CORRUPT THEM-- THAT “PHENOMENON” IN YOUR HEAVENS IS ONE OF THEM!

I request that we write a bit more follow-on to yesterday’s subject and we can take up current daily events later today, perhaps. There are things going on like the preliminary passage of the “Free Trade Bill” WHICH SHOULD HAVE YOU TERRIFIED!, but as I said, mancannot live by bread alone”. You must come into understanding how things REALLY work and that belongs to the soul. I do ask that Dru’s recent scripting be included anywhere along with these writings for Sananda, Germain, Michael and ME are going to give you a load to carry. If it causes “overload” I can only ask that you go back and catch up on the back Journals, etc. You cannot expect to start post-graduate level and comprehend it if you are not even in grade one. Use “reason, beloved ones, for Truth my fall all over you but if you are not prepared-- you won’t see it.


Man is still a primate with very few exceptions. He has not yet learned to think powerfully from knowledge. He is just beginning to think as an extension OF knowledge.

You sense electrically, as I said, and then you mistake that electrical sensing of observed effects for thinking. Sensing is NOT thinking. Sensation is but an electrical awareness of wave motion by other waves.

You mistake the electrical records of the information which your brains have recorded as sensation, for thinking and for knowledge.

Information thus acquired by the senses is not knowledge, however. A man may have vast information and skill but have very little knowledge.

The greatest scientists of today, for example, are well informed. They know how to do wonderful things but do they know the WHY of what they do? Information from observed effects, and skills in putting those effects together for useful purposes, have multiplied vastly since man first observed natural phenomena. His sense of observation told him how to make a boat; then a sail for the boat. He then discovered the wheel and fire. Electric awareness of effects of motion, plus memory, plus the power to reason objectively, gave him the ability to do this. Very little of it is has been due to either thinking or knowledge.

You thus confuse sensing for thinking and knowing when, factually, you have been but functioning through sensed electrical awareness acquired from information. The “information’ thus conveyed is electrical, not mental. The telegraph message which goes over any wire is not the thought conveyed by that message. Even the typed telegram is not the thought conveyed by it. It symbols inform the thinker of the thought conveyed by it, but it is not the thought.

Thus it is that your vast mechanistic, electrically motivated universe is inter-sensitized for the purpose of informing every nerve ganglion in every cell of every organic and inorganic part of it of the condition of every other part of it.


In speaking of an electrical awareness which you call sensation, you think of your senses as five in number. These are the senses of seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling and feeling. All of these five senses are but the one sense of feeling. YOU DO NOT HAVE FIVE SENSES. Seeing is a sensation of “feeling” light waves through your eyes. Hearing is a sensation of “feeling” light waves through your ears. Tasting and smelling are sensations of ‘feeling” light waves reacting upon mouth and nostrils.

All variation in sense of “feeling” is due to a difference of electric conditioning in pulsing wave matter. If pulsing wave matter is but an electric wave record of thought, sensation likewise is but an electric wave record of thought. Neither of them have reality. Neither of them are the thought they record.

It also follows that if matter, motion and substance are electric records of thought, then sensation has no reality--for sensation is but an electrical awareness of wave motion by other waves. It likewise follows that if matter, motion and substance are electric wave recordings of thought, then electricity which records thought, and thought itself, are nonexistent.

There is but one thing in the universe--LIGHT--the still Light of ALL KNOWING. The ONE Light which is God. God alone lives. His thinking and imagining is Knowing; the Knowing universe is all that is; Knowing Mind is still. There is no activity whatsoever in the universe of either spirit or matter.


Man’s present civilization is erected upon the foundation of empirical knowledge obtained through his senses. Whatis ‘empirical” knowledge? The definition in your dictionary is: “conclusion founded upon experiment and observation alone”. In other words, the so-called “knowledge” upon which man relies is founded upon the evidence of his senses, or more simply, upon the nonexistent waves of motion of a nonexistent substance. That fact is the answer as to WHY mankind has, as yet, practically NO KNOWLEDGE. During his amoeba and jungle days, so to speak, he lived a purely “sensed” existence. His body cells were controlled entirely by instinctive flux threads of light extended to him directly from the Creator.

It has extended into your current experience by the concept of “if it feels good-- do it”. KNOWLEDGE would tell you that “if it ‘feels’ good, it had best be carefully ‘Thought’ about.”


Out of millions of such years, Man has had but a few thousand years since the dawn of consciousness awakened in him the slightest suspicion of his spiritual inheritance. The advance of Man since the first messengers of God appeared on earth to kindle an awakening spark in him, has been based upon information gained by his “senses” and stored in his electric brain as memory records of “sensed” observations. These observations he has reasoned into sensed conclusions by an electrically sensitized brain.

All of such conclusions which are based upon the evidence of senses have within them the elements of deception which characterize all effects of motion in your three-dimensional illusion. Man is aware of some of these illusions, such as those of perspective. He is aware of the fact that railroad tracks do not meet upon the horizon, but he is not aware of the fact that all effects of motion are not what they seem to be. He is thus misled into forming conclusions which have no relation to Nature whatsoever. One can have no knowledge of EFFECT, for all knowledge lies in CAUSE. Your new fundamental laws and principles must be based upon knowledge of cause.


Let us take an example, Newton, confessedly did not know what gravitation was, yet wrote laws concerning it based upon his observation as to what gravitation “did” to an apple. Also, he concluded that the moon would fall upon the earth if it were not for its motion. He even proved this mathematically, not being aware of the fact that those same mathematical formulae would apply to every satellite, planet and star in the heavens, as well as to every electron in every atom, none of which are falling into their primaries.

Observers of Natural phenomena are still calculating the age of the universe and weight of the earth. The universe is ageless. It had no beginning. Likewise the earth has no weight in respect to anything else in the universe. Every orb in the heavens is in perfect balance with every other orb.


Please pay careful attention to this segment. What little knowledge man has acquired during those last few thousand years has been given to him by the very few geniuses, prophets, mystics and other messengers of the Light who have come to re-inspire mankind with their inspired knowledge.

From these rare few, the beginnings of your culture has sprung. Without them there would be no understanding of beauty in the world. Without beauty Man would still be barbarian. Through beauty alone will he gradually become consciously aware of his ONENESS WITH THE LIGHT.

When Man knows the Light he will know all things. Today that Light is so dim in all mankind that no one has as yet fathomed the secret of Light, or the gravitation, radiation, electricity, growth, life, reincarnation or the wave. Ones can come up with frequency patterns, harmonic vortices and grid systems--but he cannot fathom the CAUSE! Worse, as some come into the mere touch of realization, they are lost in the concept of the senses which causes ego greed to cancel the wondrous information about to be birthed. It is pure abortion by murder--theinspired idea being the child life-form, abortion being the killing thereof and murder being the ego’s manner of killing.

You see, beloved ones, in this age which has now dawned Man can know these things if Man will but awaken unto the Lighted Truth and pull himself up from the trap of illusion as projected upon him by His adversary.

All this are One, but made to appear as two extensions of the centered ONE. You must come to know that the two extensions of God’s recorded thinking are divided by the One which centers the two, the One balancing the two, the One controlling the two. THE ONE IS NOT DIVIDED INTO TWO, AS PAIRS OF OPPOSITES OF THAT ONE. THAT ONE DIVIDES THE TWO EXTENSIONS OF HIS THINKING BUT HE IS NOT HIS THINKING--NOR IS HE TWO.

When Man thinks Man alone, denying God/Creator, then is Man’s image Man’s, not God and Man’s, for the pattern of God’s balanced, rhythmic images within Man may not be seen in him; nor may the glory of God’s Light be seen in him or known by him.

“When man thinketh Me, through knowing Me, then is he patterned by My image and I am he.

“When man thinketh Me in him, then is Man’s balance absolute.

“When man so thinketh, then hath he all power that I, thy Father/Mother/Thinker of Creation hath” SO BE IT.

Dharma, allow us a break please for the morning is gone but we rejoice, for Man is beginning to see and hear and through that inspired thought comprehension can the universe bechanged. Within the Light can we bring again balance for the CAUSE shall be the LIGHT and the darkness which is the EFFECT--SHALL CEASE TO BE.

Salu, for I AM--by any label. I touch ye gently, chelas, for I find ye ones indeed worthy.