FRIDAY, MAY 24, 1991 2:56 P.M. YEAR 4, DAY 281


May I be so bold as to point out a few items for your consideration. I need not make much comment--just YOU pay attention as I take just a few items from today’s Wall Street Journal and see HOW MANY OF YOU PICKED THEM UP AND WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT THEM? WHEN IT COMES TO THE BANKING SITUATION--PLEASE PAY CLOSE ATTENTION FOR THIS IS A GLOBAL THING, NO MATTER WHAT “THEY” TELL YOU.


Outrage Boils over the postwar policies of Kuwait’s royal rulers.

The anger goes beyond the quick trials and harsh sentences for accused traitors. Comments by Kuwait’s ambassador to the U.S. in a TV interview that Kuwait doesn’t need lectures from Americans on judicial practices further fan the flames. “The Kuwaitis seem to have slipped back to a state of prewar arrogance” fumes Rep. Ackerman, a Democrat who backed sending U.S. troops to free Kuwait.

Bush officials stay low key despite Kuwait’s slowness to move toward democracy. The emir gives the U.S. only vague promises about setting a specific date for elections. Kuwaitis are noncommittal on giving women equal rights. Middle East Watch, a human rights group, says that over 100,000 residents who have Kuwaiti mothers and foreign fathers are denied benefits.

“Given Kuwait’s actions, I’m confused about what the high noble purpose of this war was “, says Washington bank chairman Joe Albritton.

Undoubtedly there is promise of better--closer to home:

President Bush marked the 89th anniversary of Cuban independence Monday by calling for a free press there, the right to organize political parties and free and fair elections under International supervision. He challenged Fidel Castro to let Cuba live in peace with its neighbors, promising that if Mr. Castro made such changes, relations between our two countries would “significantly” improve. He focused, in short, not on Mr. Castro, but on the need for Cubans to pick their leaders by a democratic process.

On the same day, the president said he would oppose the lifting of trade sanctions on Iraq so long as Saddam Hussein was in power. He did not call for a vote in Iraq. The presidential spokesman called attention to a recent speech by deputy national security adviser, Robert Gates (yes, the one up for head of the CIA), to the American Society of Newspaper Editors. Mr. Gates also focused on Saddam, not on ending the Baath dictatorship by giving Iraqis a fair chance to pick their leaders.

This seems odd. It is Saddam, not Fidel Castro, who has been calling for democracy. He has agreed to grant the Kurds autonomy within a looser federal Iraq, and he has stated that press freedoms, the rule of law and elections throughout Iraq would be a more acceptable guarantee of the rights of the opposition than a Western military force or even the U.N. security squad, which he has whittled down to 500 men armed only with handcuffs. He seems to be responding to the demands stated two years earlier in London by Iraqi Shiites and Kurds, of the right, left and center, for democracy and the rule of law as a durable protection of their rights within the present boundaries of Iraq; and to the same demands presented during Operation Desert Shield by 21 political parties, including all major opposition groups.

Oh well, guess they lied to you about the need for the Iraq war , after all--how many of you have noticed?

And, again, crime will be encouraged and abetted by your government:

The Supreme Court has said that they will completely repeal the statute known as RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations law) if major reforms are not quick in coining--Dan Quayle has taken up the banner and reforms are expected to be forthcoming shortly!

Now for more on Quayle and Bush:

Bush readies vetoes to block Democrats, who hope for political gains:
Leading the White House hit list: bills restricting strikebreakers and mandating parental leave. Administration officials vow openly to veto a defense bill that fails to fund the B-2 bomber and SDI. They talk privately of vetoing legislation that cuts spending on the space station, a pet project of Darman and Quayle.

And, money, money--must be money aplenty:

Bush responded to increasingly open Soviet pleas for financial help, saying he would be backing a Western aid package tied to economic reform by Moscow. The President said he hasn’t received a formal aid request, but noted that Gorbachev is sending an envoy to Washington next week to discuss economic issues.

Ok, so you just gave them another 1 1/2 Billion dollars in grain--that comes up to 3.5 Billion now and growing, for this does not consider the private commitments made by private grain growers when Gorbachev visited in the U.S. YOU HAVE NO RESERVE, DEAR LITTLE AMERICANS! THIS little package now being referred to is in the amount of $100 Billion (one hundred billion dollars). So be it.

But Bush is on a roll, let us not slacken now:

The House agreed to EXTEND BUSH’S SPECIAL AUTHORITY TO NEGOTIATE TRADE AGREEMENTS, CLEARING THE WAY FOR TRADE TALKS WITH MEXICO. The action means Bush can submit trade accords that aren’t subject to legislative amendments (which are all under regulations already in his power). But the House reserved the right to make revisions if the pact doesn’t include promised labor and environmental protections.

The trade talks are likely to accelerate what is already Mexico’s greatest economic upsurge in a decade----andthe abolition of American industrial strength!!!!

But, the best is yet to come--hold your breath if you have missed this one. The banks, S&L’s and Insurance companies have not stripped you quite far enough into total poverty and destruction so we now have a nice new one for you-the- people:


This banking bill cleared panel by 36-0 vote:

Approval of the measure, which contains MANY OF THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION’S PROPOSALS, sharply boosts the prospects for enactment of comprehensive banking legislation this year.

It came after a day of pro-bank votes that exempted nearly 80% of the notion ‘s banks from the Community Reinvestment Act and gutted an earlier amendment that could have slowed expansion by large banks.

Under the bill the Financial Institutions Subcommittee is sending to the full committee, banks would be allowed to establish nationwide branch networks, affiliate with securities firms (undoubtedly more honest than the S&L ‘s) and become parts of holding companies that are owned by industrial corporations. Elements of the plan to modernize the banking system still face significant legislative obstacles, BUT TREASURY OFFICIALS AND OTHER BACKERS OF STREAMLINED BANK LAWS (ESPECIALLY THE FEDERAL RESERVE CORPORATION) WERE DELIGHTED BY THE PANEL’S ENDORSEMENT OF MAJOR SECTIONS OF A BILL THAT APPEARED TO HAVE LITTLE CHANCE JUST A MONTH AGO.

“This unanimous vote changes the dynamics” of the debate over how to modernize banking laws, said Rep. John LaFalce. “The 36-0 vote increases the chances of passage dramatically.” Edward Yingling, chief lobbyist for the American Bankers Association, said the breadth of the house panel’s bill will help build momentum for comprehensive legislation in the Senate Banking Committee. The Senate panel is in the early stages of trying to build consensus on its version of the bill, etc., etc., etc.

I won’t take time herein to list subcommittee and committee members but I ask you to take your Congressional handbook and look at the list. Then I want you to go to the Trilateral Commission and Council on Foreign Relations and do a little cross checking--good luck, WORLD!


While you might think this is a singular effort to hook up the Securities racket into the Banking system only in America--you should see what Great Britain has ALREADY DONE and, just this day, what Japan is doing:

Japanese Bank Liberalization: Japanese banking regulators received draft proposals for desegregating the securities and banking business.

Under the auspices of the Finance Ministry’s banking bureau, the Financial System Research Council hopes to make formal its staff’s recommendations-- largely what the financial industry expected--within two weeks. The Securities Exchange Council may act on the draft today.

The plan calls for mutual entry by banks and securities firms into each group ‘s business through dedicated subsidiaries. For example, new laws would require separate units for traditional securities dealings and trust banking, and allow commercial banking by long-term credit banks.., and so it goes.

But what of this?

Saudi Arabia seeks war loans: Saudi Arabia is said to be seeking a $2.5 billion loan from major Saudi banks to help meet some Gulf War costs. The kingdom this month signed a $4.5 billion credit with a group of foreign banks, its first dollar borrowing in more than two decades (no, don ‘t breathe yet). The Islamic proscription against usury makes borrowing a sensitive subject. Saudi Arabia is expected to use both loans to pay the $8 billion still owed of its $13.5 billion contribution to the U.S. to pay a share of the war’s cost.

Breathe now! Is this some kind of crazy and unusual day in the news world? No, just a regular day of tightening nooses and honing axes for the demise of the planet as you know it. Just one more day in the hall of “injustice” while you-the-people consume the poison bite by bite. By the way, the “camel is already inside the tent--waving its tail at you.”
I don’t know about you--but I can’t stand any more so let us allow you to read for selves--you just have to remember to read between the lines and know what to look for. Good luck. I do not, at this point, see how you are going to get out of it, so let us go back to our subject of earlier WITH WHICH I CAN DEAL.


The electric inter-sensitizing of the two pulsing light extensions of the one still Light is for the purpose of recording thought-patterns in matter.

Mind knows but one idea as whole. Thought is idea taken apart and patterned as separate idea. Thought is patterned idea electrically expressed and electrically recorded in matter by its two pulsing, interchanging lights.

This universe of matter in motion is but the electric record of thought. The process of recording is to take the One undivided Universal idea apart and express it as many seemingly divided parts. This given form and multiplicity into many seeming parts and things of a universe of but ONE thing.

Electricity is the servant of the God-Mind. Electricity expresses the desire in the God-Mind for creative expression by seemingly dividing the One still light into transient waves of spectrum divided positive-negative colors of light. This entire universe of seeming substantiality consists solely of transient light waves in seeming motion. Motion itself is illusion.

All patterned thought creations of God or man are the interweavings of the spectrum colors of the two electric opposites of light-waves into the patterned designs of those thoughts.

Creation might well be likened to the tapestry weaver who KNOWS the one idea was a whole, then THINKS IT INTO PARTS, then RECORDS those parts by interweaving their spectrum colors into the many forms which, together, manifest the idea as a whole.

To exemplify the meaning herein, consider any one part of the whole idea of Creation--iron, for example. Iron is a separate part of the whole. You might think of iron as a hard, cold metal with certain properties which make it possible for you to manufacture it into many products. When iron is in its frozen condition, you do not think of it as light, but you can photograph by it if you heat it to incandescence. Not only is it then light but all of the properties which make it available to you as iron have then gone out of it. It is as though the divine tapestry weaver had unwoven all the threads of the idea of iron and sorted them into their spectrum colors, thread by tedious thread.

A physicist can tell you what element those threads of light would be if “frozen”. Upon looking at them, he would say, “That is iron.” But it would not be the form of iron as you know it--it would be the formless idea of iron as the sun knows it.


In the incandescent sun is all idea that earth knows. The idea of the apple of earth is in the sun, likewise, the wood of the tree and the violet in the meadow. Likewise, the cool earth is there, with its rivers and mountains. All idea is one idea in the light of the sun. The light of the sun is never divided into its many seeming separate ideas until it is electrically extended from the sun and those extensions electrically echoed back to it. The sun is a crucible which melts all ideas into one, then sets them out into space to cool and separate into many units of that one.

Likewise, idea of Mind never becomes the many ideas of Creation until electricity divides that One idea into many separate parts.

The One Light cannot be divided, but extensions of the One Light can appear to divide it. The spots of sunlight upon the cathedral floor are many, but they are all extensions of the one light of their source in the sun. Likewise, all mankind is an extension of the one idea of Man for Man is but One in the Light of his Source.

Likewise, all moving extensions of the One still light, as manifested in the white light of suns and the black light of their surrounding space, are but extensions of one Source.

(Candace: Now after reading the above, do you see why man has often considered the “sun as god.?” Primitive man is not so far off from truth at all, but “modern” is certainly far from it!” There is good and rational reason to believe in the Father Sun and Mother Earth)


The motion pictures (cinema) exemplify this meaning. Upon the screen are many patterned ideas in noisy, violent motion. You know, however, that all of the motion of the separate ideas, and all of the sounds emanating from those patterned, moving forms, would instantly cease if the still source of light from which these images and sounds are projected was turned off. Further, if you stop the illusion of “motion” from frame after frame of “still pictures” you would cease to have “motion” and remain in “stillness” of the tiny projection of a single fragment intended to make up the “whole”.

(Candace: well, picture stasis as being sort of the like the example above of film, the still before the film runs again, when the earth is re awakened. )

You know that the cause of all this transient division into positive and negative effect is in the one still light from which it is projected. You know that the sounds you hear emanate from that stillness, yet you seem to be totally unaware of the fact that all of your pulsing universe is but an extension of the One still light of Universal Mind, projected through positive and negative light upon the universal screen of space.

It is difficult to conceive earth and all of its phenomena of motion, sound, people, animals, and plant life, as a motion picture projection from your sun.

Yet all of the separate ideas of earth are in that one incandescent light of the sun. All are but one thing--LIGHT.


I ask that you carefully ponder this which I shall now give you for it is your relationshipwith Eternal Mind and Lighted Source which can give you freedom or bondage.

For I say that man who senses but clay of earth in himself is bound to earth as clayed image of his earth--he cannot separate from that which he perceives he is constructed.

Those clayed images of My imagining who knoweth not Me in them are but dwellers of earth’s dark. To sensed man the doors of My Kingdom are self-barred by darkness until the light of Me in him is known by him as Me.

Until then he is but moving clay, manifesting not Me in him while sensing naught but moving clay of him; knowing not the glory of My Light in him.

Wherefore, I say to thee, exalt thou thyself beyond thy sensing. Know Me as fulcrum of thine thinking. Be Me as deep well of thine knowing. So be it. From time to time I bring these messages and perceptions unto Man and Man turns away--often taking the concept and MISTEACHING it unto brother after brother for the concept was not comprehended. Are we ready, chelas? Are we yet ready for the sharing of the Word? We shall see. Who AM I? Better to answer; who are thee? Perhaps it will become more clearly illustrated as we take up the subject of the “brain” vs. the “mind’ but we need a break, please, Dharma.

Thank you for your attention and your service--this old road can be quite wondrous if we walk of it together for I know the way to where we wish to go.

To clear, please.

PJ 31


SATURDAY, MAY 25, 1991 6:56 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 282

SATURDAY. MAY 25. 1991

Let us be grateful for this day given for our service. Hatonn present as and within the Light that we might walk together on this journey.

As you watch and hear the distant bells tolling the loss of freedom, know that you CAN bear up and bring about change for the enemy pushes rapidly will make errors. Watch for those errors and the hole in the damn wherein the floodgates are useless.

Note that President Bush has put forth a Trade Bill which is “unalterable” by Congress. Is this not the same as rule by dictator?

Also note that there was a major drug ring among the troops in Saudi Arabia-- utilizing prescription drugs in great quantities.

Note the kinds of motion pictures being foisted off on the public in which good DOES NOT prevail and the language consists of four-letter words while murder is random--by the police department grown corrupt and politicians gone mad with power. Note the way in which space brother is depicted--at the least as mutants and scaly monsters--nay, we are more nearly as God would image us, in some type of visual relative to theMen we come to serve and assist. If you allow yourselves to fall into the trap that tells you these things are proper--you are doomed. It is a time to put fantasy aside and comes into Truth. FEAR comes only from that which is unknown--therefore, allow us to get on with clearing of the dark corners and move into understanding whence the fear can be swept away.

As we move on with the subject at hand, I wish to acknowledge a gifted and beloved friend who has been stricken with the frailty of the living machine-- called physical. This is Dr. Lillian Frye who has asked nothing and given much which has allowed us to share much knowledge, brother to brother. Our blessings are rested upon her and we release all unto her with/within God for only THEY can KNOW!Thanks be unto you who give nurture unto her for as. “ye do unto the least of mine, so have ye done unto me!”


Electric awareness of observed “effects” of matter in motion is registered in the brain. It is most often believed that the brain “thinks” and “knows”. The brain, however, does NOT think, nor does it know. It is only a storehouse of recorded sensations much like the disc in your computer data system. The brain only “remembers” these records for man’s usage as he needs them, and for fulfilling the requirements of his body. The brain is a most complex state of motion expressed by waves of light pulsing in cycles.

States of motion cannot KNOW anything, nor can they THINK anything--they just ARE.

The brain is a wondrous part of a machine, a human machine. Machines can express thoughts which are electrically projected through them, but machines are incapable of thinking the thoughts thus projected. Likewise machines can express knowledge but they cannot have knowledge. Likewise, machines can do marvelous things when patterned and controlled by knowledge--BUT THEY CANNOT KNOW WHAT THEY DO.

(Candace: thus the robotoid cannot know what it does either, and has NO knowledge, even though it has life force. It is an artificial being, completely, and has none of the learning and knowing that the natural An u mal soul has of its journey upward. You beloved cat has far more “mind” that does the robotoid, it is learning from living through the evolutionary path.)

The centering conscious Mind of man’s Soul-will alone, thinks by projecting desire for creative expression through thebrain machine. Desire in Mind is electrically expressed. Electricity is the motivation force which projects the One Light of Mind two ways to create cycles of light waves for the purpose of expressing thought cycles. Desire is NOT in the brain. It is in the centering conscious self. DESIRE IS THE CAUSE OF ALL MOTION.


The brain is but the electric recording mechanism of conscious Mind thinking. It is also man’s storage warehouse of electric records of memories and thoughts since the beginning. It is the servant of Universal Intelligence. It operates all mechanisms of the body. It acts as the central switchboard for all its instinctive voluntary and involuntary actions.

The brain is a veritable sea of sensation. Its purpose in this respect is to keep the body electrically informed of the condition of the body, through electrical messages. Such messages are NOT MENTAL. They are purely electrical--just as a computer when the proper signal key is pushed and, further, without power source it will remain functionless (actionless). The brain senses and records every message as sensation is produced within the system. It sends counteracting messages to other parts of the body totally as directed under the direction, by the way, of the programmed subconscious mind.

Remember, the body is not a big blob oozing around hap-hazardly. The body is a vast and most complex mechanism with every minute cell in function. The brain is an electrical recorder, distributor, broadcaster and receiver of all operational parts of that multi-celled machine, but its actions have no relationship to intelligence.

If you hold these things uppermost in your own perception for a moment you can visualize how truly easy it is for Dharma to be a receiver attached to a keyboard--not having to KNOW anything and, further, can be relative without self-sensation--just receiving and transmitting and recording both within the data system and upon the keyboard through the function as directed by the computer system called brain. If you detach her from the board she cannot tell you instantly where the various keys are located on the layout. The brain does not need to KNOW to produce.

The brain records sensations of experiences and observations which the senses convey to it. Such sensations are mistaken for thinking and knowing. Sensation arising from electrical motion is purely automatic. The mistake in assuming that the brain “thinks” and “knows” is due to the fact that man believes himself to be thinking when he is only sensing. Man also believes that he is acquiring knowledge through sensed observation of sensed EFFECT, when he is but recording electrical sensations which inform him as to the nature of things observed byhis senses.

The body is a patterned machine designed to do many, many things. Electric motivation through nerve wires determines each movement--cut the ‘wire’ and the body is motionless save for “motor” function, i.e., man has forgotten how to regenerate his nerve centers and therefore, if the spinal cord is severed, the now non-innervated muscle system cannot function nor move according to “accepted” pattern and sometimes not at all. The body becomes the puppet whose various strings are severed. COULD the body and brain (mind) bridge the gap? Indeed--but Man has forgotten how to do same.

Ah, but when such sensations act unison with his conscious awareness of the Light which centers him as a PERSON, he is then thinking as well as sensing.

The centering consciousness of man, the person, transforms information received by the senses into knowledge to the extent of which he is capable of recognizing cause in Spirit, back of the effect which his senses record. Until that transformation takes place, man is without knowledge, no matter to what extent his senses may have informed him, for information is not knowledge. A man may be a veritable encyclopedia of information. He may have earned many college degrees for being well-informed and yet be without sufficient knowledge to create anything.

For instance, you cannot sense the idea of a harp while it is still, but you can know the idea of the harp. You can know its various possibilities of expression, even though its strings are not vibrating. Likewise we can imagine countless complexities of rhythms which lie unexpressed within those still strings.

Conversely, you cannot know the vibrations which come from those strings when you set them in motion. You can but sense those vibrations through your own sensed electrical awareness. The Source of all things is, therefore, within all things, centering them at Rest, from which their motion springs. It is also without all things, controlling their balance with all other things--Resting in Total Harmony awaiting motion to spring into sensation through harmony or disharmony. Man’s universe is still composed of many things, many separate and seemingly individual things--and separable. However, not one thing is there in God’s imaged universe which is apart from God, NOR OF ITSELF ALONE.

God guides His borning things from the very first seed by sensed threads of light extensions of His own thinking until they themselves can guide themselves. In fact, chelas, a puppet-master is not an instant perfect puppet director/worker--he/she must learn and practice-- learn and practice and then try again and again until the motions become almost, and then, automatic. It has taken a long, long time for your world to fall into chaos through all the errors that come from man’s separation from true thought and hap-hazardly displayed in effect of that which is not “thinking” but simply reaction. NOT EVEN THE LEAST OF THINGS ARE THERE WHICH ARE NOT BOUND TO GOD/CREATOR/CREATION.

Images of God’s own imaginings which grow from Earth, and those which move freely, all of these things grow and move through extended light ofGod’s dynamic thinking until they themselves can think with God. This is why you can know that the dwelling place of God is within self--for only that thinking can CAUSE and only through EFFECT OF THAT CAUSE CAN THERE BE SENSATION AND PERCEPTION.


The material universe of many seemingly separate parts is electric. The whole ofthe universe of countless parts and pieces is wired together by an electric flux of “nerves” (wires) which inform each part of the universe of the ever changing conditions in/of every other part. Split an atom and it is still attached to its separated parts.

There is no “sensation” between balanced parts of balanced conditions of matter--there cannot be such. By “sensation” is meant the “feel” of the electric current which conveys the message. The electric current is impossible in an equilibrium condition, hence you can feel no sensation whatsoever when your bodies, or parts of them, are in a balanced condition.

Electrical awareness is necessary to an electrically mechanized universe. An electrically controlled machine in one’s factory has exactly the same electric awareness that a man has. Its wired nervous system conveys electric messages to its parts for the dual purpose of motivating them as well as for adjusting all parts to each other in continuity --i.e., increased power is supplied as increased power is needed. Electric machines do that which electric awareness demands of them through sensation. So does man, tree, plant, bird, the solar system and every nebula of the heavens.

Man’s body cells are electrically aware of their mechanistic purposes and respond to electric messages sent to them. They have electrical cell memory of their individual and group purposes. They act automatically when sensed reflexes are electrically motivated.

Bodily functions, such as your heartbeat, digestion, chemical gland transformation, breathing and walking, are automatically operated by cell “memory” reflexes. Cell memory and instinct cause birds to migrate, animals to hibernate, spiders to spin webs and certain vegetable growths to close in on flies and fish and to open unto the sun or unto the moon in proper cycles.


This principle ofelectric awareness, through sensation, is not limited to animal life alone. It is equally characteristic of the mineral and vegetable kingdoms. It extends to the veriest electronic particle and to the mightiest galaxy. Not only is each particle in each mass electrically aware of its purpose, but each particle in the entire universe reacts in response to electrical messages sent to it from every other particle in theuniverse. This physical universe is controlled solely by electrical sensation which is measured and balanced by the still magnetic Light, centering all things.

For behold, “saith the Universal One, I am within all things centering them; and I am without all things controlling them.” All of the electric universe of motion is thus so perfectly conditioned by two electric workers which build the universe and tear it apart sequentially for rebuilding, that all moving things in itsense all other moving things in it.

Likewise, all differently conditioned things in the universe readjust their conditioning to every change of condition of every other thing in the universe.

There is a constant separating process in Nature which forever expresses the universal desire for change and multiplicity, and there is likewise a constant leveling process which forever expresses the universal desire for oneness. Just as there is always the ongoing separation and again coming together, so too, will man come and go--he will seek companionship in that which is focused within his being-- be it of evil or of Light. Moreover, one cannot know of the direction or purpose of another and must allow that one to grow at his own rate of development and understanding--you can present material which can give input but you cannot accept the learning for him. Your own task in that measure is to allow and release for you can only respond and sense for self--therefore likewise, you can only actually think and KNOW for self as that IS your connection to God. Creation requires no “self-thought” for all is response to God’s thought and therefore to man who has been given the God-gift of thinking/knowing mind.

Therefore, Man is created in God’s universal image and it follows then, that what God IS, Man IS. God thinks “idea”: and the form of God’s idea appears in the pattern of Yourthinking. God thinks Man: and Man appears in the patterns of His thinking. Man thinks Man: and Man appears in the image of Man’s thinking. Man thinks God and/or evil Master and evil Master and/or God appears in the image of Man’s thinking. So it must again follow--Man’s thinking is Gods thinking for all thinking things are thinking God’s thinking.

All creating things are formed in the image of God’s thought imaginings to manifest His thought imaginings. If God dwells within the temple which is You then it must follow that you will form that which is your thought.


Just as I can manifest from nothing perceivable unto Man-- so also can Man--but he does not yet KNOW HOW TO DO SO. Further, until you learn--you will not do so. Therefore, we must go on with our lessons, correct?

Organic matter generates purely from the desire of mind to manifest idea in matter. The cosmic desire to create form produces the desired form. DESIRE is the motivating force of all Creation.

Man begins to express the idea of man as a single cell. The whole idea of Man is that single cell. It then unfolds in orderly time and space (sequence) according to cosmic law. Likewise, the whole idea of all Creation is in that single cell. All idea is omnipresent. There are no parts of the Whole. Each step in the unfolding of the Man- idea follows the continuing desire for unfolding. Cell memory of purpose is given to each cell as it unfolds. Pattern of idea follows in sequence as desire in God Mind and desire in the growing idea work together to express the idea in form.

Every action of unfolding Man is a part of the unfolding of the man-idea as it exists as a whole in God’s mind. Any desire of man is, therefore, a two-way extension of the Light of that idea from God to man. Whatever God desires to express in Man He will express, for He is Man’s Creator.

Who am I? If I be God, then I have Created YOU. It must follow, however, that if You, too, be God, then you have created that which you have become. All the blame, credit, discredit, etc., cannot change the fact that YOU have created that which you have become and it will, therefore, require that YOU change it if it be changed--forif I be God, I have given into your keeping that fragment of Me which allows you to create for self that which self becomes.

Whatever man desires, the God within will create. Man must however, co-create WITH Godaccording to God’s universal law. IF MAN BREAKS THAT LAW, THE LAW WILL BREAK HIM TO AN EQUAL EXTENT.
Therefore, it behooves Man to learn to act within those laws of God and the Creation.


All of the expressions of desire in the unfolding of any idea are a part of the idea itself. They are experiences in decisions. All experiences are parts of the unfolding of any idea.

Whatever those decisions might be, however, they are recorded upon the individual Man as his own interpretation of the Man-idea. Likewise, they are recorded in the whole of the race of Man as the sum total of all desires and experiences of the whole Man-idea.

As the idea of any thing is one, so also the parts of that idea are one.


If it were not for instinct, animal life could not survive or develop. Instinct causes mechanical actions to take place in all bodies to meet the necessities of existence. Instinct protects animal life from enemies. It tells the proper food to eat, how to build nests, how to take care of its young, how to return home when taken great distances, as the carrier pigeon does, for example, and countless other wonderful things that animals do.

A salmon, spawned in a certain river, instinctively leaves that river and makes its way to the sea until maturity. At the proper time for its mating and spawning, it then returns, over thousands of trackless miles, to the very river in which it was born. It is instinct which tells birds to fly south before winter. Instinct tells them the direction of south. Instinct tells them it is warmer in that direction. Instinct likewise governs the migration of seals and other mammals of the sea, the building of the beaver’s dam and the weaving of the spider’s web.

INSTINCT MIGHT WELL BE DEFINED AS A CELL-MEMORY RECORD OF ALL OF THE ACTIONS OF A BODY, AND ALL OF THE SENSATIONS CAUSED BY THOSE ACTIONS. By the way, ALL those nice laws of God and The Creation are birthed and carried within every memory of every Man. Check it out--for all things Man does against those laws is done in secret and in darkness if at all possible--if not possible, then it is hidden to the best of the ability of Man to hide Truth. Truth seeks the Light of day--open for the viewing of ALL--including God. Man forgets that God/Creator also witnesses the secret and hidden things and actions.


Without instinct in all animal and vegetable life, their evolution would not be possible. All creations of the Creator are the result of electric wave recordings of the Creator’s thought. They are the result of Universal Law, of Cause and Effect.

None of the creations of the Creator have in them at their beginning the power to “think”. It takes millions of years for complex organisms to recognize the Spirit within them sufficiently to think at all (and this IS a clue). During these long ages, they are guided almost entirely by instinctive reflexes. Man alone has begun to think, reason, imagine, create and invent, and then only during the last few thousand years--so it becomes obvious that you can only, as Man, build on that which came prior to you--even if it be YOU! It follows, then, that if YOU now come into thought and knowledge realization--the YOU WAS THERE AT THE ONSET! DOES IT NOT???? “If Ihave seen farther, it is because I have stood on the shoulders of giants come before me,” said Newton--MIGHT THEY HAVE BEEN HIS OWN SHOULDERS AND/OR THOSE OF “THINKING” GOD?


Instinct is, therefore, God-control over the actions of His creations. The involuntary actions of the body, such as the heartbeat, or the actions of white corpuscles, red corpuscles and electrolytes, do not know their purpose in the healing process of the body, but God/Mind centers andcontrols every atom of His Creation which He then has shared with HIS CREATION (YOU)--AND EACH MUST FULFILL ITS PURPOSE. Malfunction establishes a purpose of some type of punishment for self for the creation is made in perfection--even if the perception is one of handicap or crippled-ness. If the instinct direction is to have carcinoma, for instance, the body through direction of instinctive function will create a perfect carcinoma. Therefore, it has to follow, that Man is what Man desires to be--EXACTLY. If there is perceived Illness or malfunction--locate the problem and unbalance, confront it--change direction signals and the mechanism will follow orders--explicitly.

An example of the manner in which God and Man work together for creative expression is the needleworking of a person--say, a woman who is knitting. Knitting is part of the Man-idea which requires a skill. The woman who desires to knit must desire to acquire that skill. Desire must precede all expression of that desire. Slowly she starts by taking on blundering stitch at a time. All of her power of concentration is needed to take those first stitches and, watch out when the pattern changes, for you lose the person into deep concentration of her work and you lose audience. Each stitch taken, however, has within it the desire for taking the next and the next and the next. Very slowly she interlaces yarns into the pattern required while holding the thread slipping through the fingers, most awkwardly. The cells of her fingers gradually acquire cell memories of their purpose--the thread only “feels” right in certain finger placements. These cells coordinate with other cells of the body in the development of the whole skill--the fingers, the wrist, the shoulders, etc.

Gradually, then, she learns to knit instinctively. Her mind is now freed from concentration and she may think of other things and converse freely at the same time. Her body cells alone will work from the memory of purpose given to them. Instinctive skills are thus imparted to bodies of Man by the co-creative efforts of God and Man.The pianist teaches his fingers to work instinctively in order to free his mind to think music. God is working with him. Without this moment-to-moment cooperation with God, he could do nothing. Do not be foolish enough to think a tiny child could sit to that piano and play a symphony or pick up a harp and play a song--if it does so--IT WAS TRAINED PRIOR TO THE CIRCUMSTANCE!



Awareness of the Light in Man will give him all knowledge and power. Man may not be apart from God at any time. Nor can any part of Creation be apart from God at any time.

All things, therefore, come and go from God’s divided thinking. All things go from the very “heart” of God into God’s imaged universe; and when they disappear from there He also takes them back to the very heart of Himself.

Man divides his thinking in manifesting God. The body ofman sleeps, that it may awaken in God, to manifest God. Is it not time to now wake-up?

The body ofMan disappears, that it may reappear to manifest God --is it not time to now reappear?

Man who sleeps or dies or disappears is but Man’s image, for Self of man sleeps not, nor dies, nor disappears; for Self of Man is God-ness which does none of those things of physicalness.


Where are we brothers? You cannot separate from me--might we just as well get on with our work of this experience? Might we just as well come into unison instead of continuing the illusion of separation? Might we just as well come back into ONENESS now for ultimately that is ALL THERE IS! Take my hand and I will show you. Walk with me and I will guide you. Come with me and if you stumble I can lift you up-for I REMEMBER THAT I AM WITH GOD AND YOU HAVE FORGOTTEN. SO BE IT AND SALU--FOR ‘TIS FOR YOU THE BELL TOLLS; NOT FOR ME FOR I AM COME TO RING THE BELLS.


There is much confusion regarding the supposedly possible condition known as “being unconscious”. When you sleep, or are anesthetized, you say you are “unconscious”. You, however, cannot be. “unconscious”. You have always been conscious without the slightest awareness of the state. Your confusion in this respect lies in mistaking sensation and thinking for consciousness.

When you stop thinking, whether asleep or awake, you do not stop KNOWING, nor do you cease being consciously aware of your Being. You but cease to set your knowledge in motion to express idea through the pulsations of thinking.

Conscious Minddoes not sleep. Sleep is merely the negative half of the wave cycle of electrical awareness of sensation. Wakefulness is the positive half. All nature sleeps when the sunlight lessens the ability of all things to manifest life. Sleep is the death half of the life-death cycle.

One might say, “I am aware of this or that,” but one cannot say, “I am unconscious,” when one is always conscious. Conscious awareness is KNOWING. Unawareness means that one does NOT YET KNOW. Knowledge is within him when HE CAN KNOW when he desires to know. NO AMOUNT OF CRAMMING WILL CAUSE OR AFFECT KNOWING UNTIL THE BEING IS READY AND DESIRES KNOWLEDGE.

Sleep and wakefulness are positive-negative wave parts of a wave cycle. When
the body or parts thereof are thus “put into sleep”, they have not been rendered “unconscious”; their voltage has merely been lowered.

The dentist does not refer to a local anaesthesia as having produced unconsciousness;he refers to it as a desensitizing condition, but when the surgeon desensitizes the body, it is then supposed to be “unconscious”. You assume that the brain has stopped thinking. The brain does not think, therefore it cannot stop doing that which it never does. You assume that bodies cease to be conscious, but consciousness is never in bodies. Therefore, under “anaesthesia” the subconscious mind is open fully and absorbing everything it experiences. If a physician speaks and comments that there is possibility that the body shall not endure long--the subconscious mind works ever so diligently to fulfill that directive.

A local anaesthesia stops pain. Pain is a too-intense electric current. The voltage is too great for the nerve wires to stand the strain. They burn out, and the overcharge of burning outcauses the pain. When the nerves of the body FEEL an electric current running through them, the body is aware that something is happening to throw it out of balance. When the body is inbalance, it has nosensation. When the body is unbalanced, sensation informs it when and where, otherwise it could not function.

Wakefulness and sleep are merely the charging and discharging of the unvaultable (Hatonnese for “not containable”) electric batteries of the body.
If these batteries were kept constantly charged, there would be no such alternative conditions as sleep and wakefulness.

Your planet is carrying you on your uphill journey to your pinnacle. The sun is the generator which charges its batteries. The sun is that generator, but the earth is turning toward and away from its generator continually. As the sun’s charging light disappears from one edge of the planet’s rim at evening, everything goes to sleep. Conversely, all things awaken at the dawn. The batteries of all things on earth are being forever charged daily and discharged nightly. God centers the moving shaft of His universe, yet He moves not, although its power to move springs from Him. He centers growing systems, and changing cells of growing systems, yet He changes not, even though their changing patterns spring from Him.

God centers those living things which manifest His life, but they live not. God alone lives. Growing things are moving things in Man’s sensing, though they move not in Man’s KNOWING. Moving things are changing things in Man’s sensing, though they change not in Man’s knowing.

Even though fast moving things of Man’s sensing move quickly, they simulate the “rest”, while moving, from which they sprang into “seeming” motion.

We shall take up this subject of motion simulating ‘rest” when we sit again to write. Let us have a rest-break, please.

I shall simply clear the circuit and move to “ready”. Thank you.