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    Default PJ#031, PLEIADES CONNECTION - God Said Let There Be Light, and the Creation Became

    Candace: This is Part 2 of the 8 part Pleiades Connection Series. These Journals were all banned plus a couple of others. This is because of the sacred material contained therein. Besides the sacred and scientific teachings in them, there is the usual daily type commentary that is typical of the Journals. In this one is coverage of the Brady gun laws etc. This one is done by Christ Lippens, again using software to transcribe the original journals after printing, and which were then scanned into a computer for publishing on the Web. HUGE credit and Thanks go to Patrick and Anne Bellringer of for their long effort to get these on the web. Patrick acquired copies of all that went to print and then copied them page by page on a copy machine for scanning. And then the folks of PhoenixSourceDistributors used his hard work and placed them on their website, copied from his and then put on their list of scorned ones and gave him no credit for his effort.



    PJ 31


    MONDAY, JUNE 3, 1991 8:44 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 291

    MONDAY, JUNE 3. 1991

    I am humble to be in your service for together we shall come to KNOWING within the ALL which is the Light of Creation.

    What is this book going to be “about”? Life, which is--LIGHT and all things seeming to come therefrom. Why do I say it is Pleiades Connection, Vol II? Because we have prepared a place for you who would move on to other experience and we are your counterparts, only advanced in knowledge. God has set forth places in his heavens for ye ones who journey within an ending cycle on your own planet. We are commissioned to bring the Word as handed down by God that you might likewise KNOW thine origins and HOW ye came “to be”.

    It is the time of the return unto your place for the reclaiming of the planet and, also, the informing of the species of Man on your place of that which God ordains to be given unto you that you might find your path and select your direction.

    Will the ones who turn, or remain, against the Source be left to experience that which is moving in sequence of heinous prophesy upon him? Yes, for force is not of God and Creation will work her changes and reclamation with or without permission of either God or Man--or Space Command.

    Have others come, or will come, who also bring truth? Yes, but I suggest you use great caution for in the impostors are the downfall of KNOWING for that which you are taught is often only half truths and perceptions which will leave you locked to a changing orb--without direction unto higher Source--in the final portion of THIS play. Is that alright? Of course, for it is Man’s choice as to that which he will do and how he will experience. Each will stand in the revelation of the recordings of experience and “get their ticket” unto wherever is proper in growth sequence. Ours is a commission to allow” you insight and KNOWING into that which is the path of perfection; the outlaying of the reality of that which you perceive as experience, life and reality.

    I come as a higher energy of experience; my fleet is largely made up of craft and participants from the constellation Pleiades. There are also thousands upon thousands of beings come forth to serve, from other constellations and even other universes--for truth is truth is truth and you must know the rules and regulations prior to coming into our cosmic stations. You will leave all evil intent behind. You will leave your toys of destruction and negative intent within the physical to be voided. If ye cannot leave of the things of destruction to creating form then you will simply be placed elsewhere, among beings wherein the actions and intent are of equal growth--locked, basically, to an orb of similar state of migration wherein you will be harmless to the orderly functioning of the balance of the universal cosmic realms. Those ones who choose simple continued experience shall give up their physical housing and simply be transferred.

    I would suggest that you all understand something about that transition. You are come to a point of realization as a species and a planet wherein you experience the negative unbalance of chaos with no massive effort to come into Truth. Those who press and are flowing back into efforting to understand and change of their pathway are flocking unto places where evil has taken the pulpits and silenced the voice of God--though the Truth of God can never be silenced. The planet Shan (earth) shall be cleansed, nurtured and healed and that simply is going to happen as it has in the past memory of your experiencing, but Life is NOT that which you have been told by Man who would control you and place you into sleeping.

    All material bodies, organic and inorganic, live and grow by increasingly fast motion. They also die and decay by increasingly fast motion. The intention of the ones who would control your world plan to speed up that sequence by unbalanced radiation of several manners of bombardment. The major plan is that of forms of what you call”radiation”. These are pulse waves wich expand massively.


    The great simple basic fact is that all death is caused by expansion, and all life is caused by compression and herein we shall begin the full explanation of the concept of fact.

    We also repeat the as-yet-unknown fact that life deeply desires to live, but has to work hard to keep sufficiently charged to maintain life, while death can fulfill its desire to die without any effort whatsoever--and that, in itself, can tell you what lies before you if you “just continue” to “be”. To charge a body with life takes time and much effort, but a discharge can be timeless and without effort. The flash of a short circuit is not only a good example of this fact but is a demonstration of its proof. If you will but submit this new thought to your reasoning you will see the naturalness and significance of it.

    Death means rest, or cessation of motion. Sound is motion created with an effort, but it ceases without effort. It is an effort for you to arise and work, but itis no effort for you to cease working and rest. It is an effort to heat a rod of iron but the rod will cool without effort. You must, therefore, realize that ALL things will die normally and naturally without help. That is what radiation IS. Multiplied expansion means helping matter to expand quickly, and that is what radioactivity is. The use of nuclear fission, therefore, vastly multiplies the difficulty of living things to keep alive, by vastly aiding them to die.

    I realize that you cannot comprehend exactly that which I mean when I say that all things can only die of this expansion. Herein I can only begin to clarify the explanation of how Man can be master of life through knowledge, instead of letting death master him through ignorance. You must learn firstly, that ALL NORMAL DEATH is DUE TONORMAL EXPANSION, AND ALL QUICK DEATH TO ABNORMAL EXPANSION. This even means by means of a bullet, say, which strikes the body at seemingly great rates of speed--no, it only comes within the mass and expandsas through explosive nature. Even if poisoned, say by arsenic or other means, death comes from abnormal expansion due to contacting a higher voltage electric current than that which the body can stand. So the cause of death is due to radioactive electrocution--not poisoning. We will get into that more deeply in a subsequent JOURNAL. However, prior to writing immediately following this JOURNAL, on the subject, we are giving the Masters an opportunity to share with you the great mysteries of LIGHT AS RELATIVE TO COSMIC EXPERIENCE.

    LIFE is “compression”; DEATH is “expansion” and ALL is electric--ALL IS LIGHT--ALL and GOD IS THE ONE LIGHT FROM WHENCE YOU AND CREATIONS ARE BORNED.

    There was a reason God FIRST said “let there be Light” for from that Light and God THOUGHT does everything perceived, spring forth. Without LIGHT all is void of beingness. God extends His LIGHTED THOUGHT and all “becomes”.

    Nature has a tremendously balanced rhythmic normalcy in her orderly process of creation. It is all of it good for man and animal alike when they observe that normalcy. When they defy it, or violate it through ignorance of it, Nature does not punish them for that violation. Ignorance punishes them.

    In all things “radiation” is the normal death principle. As man tinkers with the very substance of “radiation”, he is speeding the death process by great measure. Radiation is the normal death principle. Every thing in Nature dies normally by slowly radiating its heat. Radioactivity is the explosively quick death principle. Radioactivity is Man’s discovery of how the human race can die quickly, and not be able to propagate its kind for many long centuries. You can validly refer to the speeded process as MULTIPLIED DEATH. You do not yet understand it, but instinct and intuition in you are strong enough to make you fear it. The reason you do not understand it is because you are not yet aware of what makes things live and what makes them die.

    In telling it we must tell you how God constructs and dissolves matter electrically. This, answered by only the “brief punch line”, would not allow you to comprehend it. The greatest minds among men have been efforting to discover this life principle for thousands of centuries. When we do fully answer it for you and all mankind, you will also fully comprehend your universe and all of its mysteries. The telling, however, must be a step by step process, and must keep in mind the purpose of these writings, which is to dynamically explain in convincing language, without mysticism, and undebatable postulates, that the price man will pay for the use of the speeding processes of energy is his own inevitable extinction. A mammoth task? Indeed--but only the “task” for the concept is as purely simplistic as is God.

    There have been ones come before this writer who have outlaid the information in detailed format and only a handful would listen and read--and so shall it be again--but THAT is the choice of Man to deny or accept. We bring you the PROOF YOU REQUIRE and still you turn unto the mystics and fortune-tellers. So be it.

    God has sent His hosts to share and bring Truth and long sequences of sharing were gifted unto you only to have you “bury” the writings and hide the great ones who brought Truth unto you in total understanding--i.e., Walter Russell, Nickola Tesla and even the great Masters whom you CLAIM to follow--they only taught the TRUTH Of LIGHTED GOD.


    We can assume that the masses of Mankind would not knowingly destroy that which is the very gift of experience nor that he is intentionally defying God’s law. Some do, yes, but not the masses. There is, then, but one other reason why he is doing it, which is that he does not know that which he does. The law works just as irrevocably, and inevitably, however, against him who defies it, as it does for the one who does not know.

    We are aware that new thinking and perception is difficult. We will make it as easy as possible to comprehend by telling it simply and in easy sequence stages--beginning in this volume with the concept of LIGHT AS ALL, and following on shortly with the overall explanation of how matter ”functions”.

    We come forth to bring the Word of LIFE and TRUTH OF THE UNIVERSE and you may do with it that which you will--but it is the promise of God that it be so. If you will simply hold above all that all living bodies compress. All dying bodies expand.

    Let us state herein that it is as if your planet has a fever, say, a few degrees and you can see what has begun to occur in massive unbalance from just that abnormal unbalanced state. Just a few more degrees of fever, dear ones, of radioactive fever, and your planet will become a totally barren waste. You are pushing toward that great cataclysm at ever increasing madness. All things which die and decay do so because of their inability to continue the electric strain of compression sufficiently to preserve norma1cy. All living bodies compress. All dying bodies expand. Also, all things in existence are eternally compressing an expanding in alternate sequence, forever.

    If we could transport a hundred-ton lump of the sun to your earth it would drop through it as readily as a bullet penetrates the atmosphere. Call it radioactivity, fission, fusion or what you will, its principle in Nature is the release of a frozen body from its imprisonment by releasing its binding tensions.
    It is the relaxing principle of the Nature. It is the restoration of tense matter to its Natural state of equilibrium.

    I pray unto Source that you will be given into understanding that you might come into KNOWLEDGE for that is the only thing which can set you free. We have come to show you the way. Who will come and travel with us? God went to prepare a place for you and now is the time of harvest--who will come and who will turn away? May the blessing of the LIGHT OF UNDERSTANDING SHINE AROUND ABOUT YOU THAT YOU MIGHT FIND YOUR PATH HOME UNTO THE GLORIES OF THE RADIANCE OF LIFE.

    I AM
    PJ 31


    SUNDAY, MAY 19, 1991 9:42 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 276
    SUNDAY. MAY 19. 1991

    Hatonn present in the Light of Creator’s wondrous presence--come to walk with us and give our journey purpose and meaning--for we are givento discouragement as the confirmations of the “illness” of society flows in upon the minds and hopelessness overwashes the motivation processes.

    As confirmations flow from man the very paperwork is sent unto us to ask comment. Dharma’s response is, “Where have you been, we have written about that subject at length two to four times in almost exactly the very same language and sentence structure--where are you?” When we get about ten of these responses from regular readers stating that “. . .and you should see what So and So has written, why didn’t you tell us that?” and I can see that it was taken from the Phoenix Expresses, I am both amused and know that you must again receive it. Some subjects bear the retelling and the reshowing for they are so entangled in the beast’s maze of confusion that you DO miss it the first few times for you hang up on one point or another and simply cannot believe the dirty deed is actually ALREADY ACCOMPLISHED!

    When I tell you, for instance, that it is ALREADY a FELONY offense in California, New York and Washington D.C., etc., to have an unregistered gun in your possession or in your home--you go crazy. BUT IT IS FACT! RIGHT NOW! Further, when I tell you that RIGHT NOW in those places, the police need no warrants and no pre-entry knock at your door to come in and search and seize all weapons including the unregistered ones--along with which you have created a felony offense warranting up to 15 years in prison--RIGHT NOW! Then when I say that if you injure or, God forbid, you kill an intruder-- no matter what the intruder intends or does--with one of those weapons (guns or any other weapon requiring registration and permits--which is ALL) you will be tried (and convicted) of FELONY MURDER AND YOU ARE GONE!


    I honor Donald McAlvany (Intelligence Advisor) who does a monthly report--I do not always agree with his conclusions nor his investment projections in all cases for he falls short of giving you methods for privacy, i.e. Nevada corporations, investment against gold collateral, etc. Frankly, we do not intend to make a “big deal” of any of the opportunities, save in mentioning them and making assistance available to our own readers--for too much attention and the laws will abruptly change to capture our own privacy. But we will continue to press HARD for income tax coverage by Constitutional rights, etc. Some of the shelters, however, are better for the small group if the masses are, frankly, unaware--but I disappoint at you regular readers who do not participate for I tell you again, your options are gone for valid protection and “iffy” in all shelters!
    THE BIG BOYS INTEND TO RUN THE WORLD, HOOK, LINE AND SINKER--OPERATIONAL BY YEAR 2000 AND WELL ON THE WAY TO FINALIZATION RIGHT NOW! But McAlvany, for instance, is on the right track and I enjoy recognizing those who are beginning to see the WHOLE picture and possibilities outside the “norm”. If you wish subscription information: P.O. Box 84904, Phoenix, AZ 85071. Almost all newsletters in thrust are “disinformation” and 99.9% of all INVESTMENT newsletters are trying to stay alive through “investing” and are telling you lies, lies and more lies to sucker you IN. It requires attention and “reason”.

    One major point of continual raising of the postage rates is to finally cause the newsletters to have to cease operation for the rest of the media is totally controlled. You can now expect the postage rates to jump to at least 35 cents a letter and many small newsletters will simply have to give up the fight for the cost cannot be met as printing and labor also climb “out-of-sight” and there comes a limit to what the “ordinary” reader can afford. We are faced with it daily so it must be obvious to all of you what the legal, governmental point and intent is to accomplish. Worse, as in the case of Spotlight, efforts are to close the entire publication facility--in addition, already, infiltrated staff who are of the Establishment have been put into places of decision of product and no longer are ones with REAL NEWS, for you ones are phased out! These are still better sources for gaining insight--but they are being eroded rapidly.

    So, back to the “GUN CONTROL JUGGERNAUT”:

    Oh, before I go on, you “inquiring minds” want to know what Queen Elizabeth is doing in America--REALLY? Inspecting her Kingdom, good people, inspecting HER KINGDOM--OF AMERICA!


    HEAR YE, HEAR YE--THIS TIME, HEAR YE! I am not going to waste precious postage and time saying who said what--we are going to write, copy and whatever else required to ALLOW YOU TO SEE AND HEAR!
    Gun control advocates, liberals and the political left in America, armed with gun control endorsements from Presidents Nixon, Ford, Reagan and Bush, are currently building gigantic momentum for a series of local, state, and national gun control initiatives aimed ultimately at banning the manufacture and sale of all firearms in the U.S. and registering and confiscating all firearms owned by honest, law-abiding Americans.

    As crime and pillage increases all over America, honest law-abiding citizens who wish to hunt, target practice, or most importantly defend their families are being declared to be criminal felons for not registering or turning in their firearms. Hundreds have been jailed for so-called firearms felonies and tens of thousands more will be jailed if the plethora of new gun control legislation across the country is enacted.

    Gun control in America is apparently to be a major cornerstone of George Bush’s and Mikhail Gorbachev’s New World Order. It will be very difficult for the globalists to establish their world government under the United Nations without first disarming the American people.

    The ideaof an armed citizenry is as relevant today as it was 200 years ago. The British tried to keep firearms out of the hands of the colonists before the War for Independence. They said that the colonists did not need their guns because they had the British Army to protect them from French and Indian attacks. Hostilities erupted near Boston on the road from Concord to Lexington when the Red Coats tried to confiscate a magazine of colonial muskets.

    Today’s Red Coats, the Kennedys’ and those from Handgun Control, Inc., tell you the same thing the British told your forefathers--that private people do not need their guns.

    You need your guns more than the American colonists needed theirs for the dangers lurk closer to home. While you seem to enjoy some measure of peace with the French and the Indians today, America is a battleground in a drug, and drugged, war. Americans are being held hostage in their homes because they do not dare go out on the streets. There are not nearly enough police to protect the citizens and many of the police head the drug groups under total protection of higher enforcement. Even at that, statistics show that there are some 150,000 police on duty at any one given time, in the entire country, trying to protect a quarter of a BILLION Americans (actually more than a 1/4 of a billion).

    There are over 100 million firearms in private hands in your country, yet only a tiny fraction of one percent are ever used in crime. Private citizens are able to kill over 3,000 attackers in justifiable self-defense each year, and they wound and apprehend over 15,000 each year in addition and these are minimal figures which somehow “slip” out from under the cover-up.

    On average, over 2,700 Americans each day use a handgun, or a rifle, or a shotgun to resist a criminal attack. While the advocates of gun control talk of it being more dangerous to use a gun in self-defense, Dr. Gary Kleck, a criminologist at Florida State University in Gainesville, has found that, in fact, one is nearly twice as likely to be harmed when failing to resist a criminal as when resisting.

    Gun control only has implications for law-abiding citizens. They will lose the ability to defend themselves and become more vulnerable in your crime-ridden society.

    Surveys of felons have shown that their proclivity to commit criminal acts is more constrained by fear of encountering an armed victim than by fear of police and courts. In 1990 about 645,000 citizens used their handguns to protect themselves from robbers, rapists and murderers. Hard statistics prove that armed citizens are far less likely to become crime victims than those who are unarmed. Citizens acting in self-defense kill about three times more assailants and robbers than do police. Gangs and criminals kill at random in crime against other criminals for territory and product and THEY ARE THE ONES WITH THE REAL DANDY WEAPONS--FURNISHED BY THE VERY GOVERNMENT WHO WOULD TAKE YOUR LITTLE DEFENSE WEAPONS AWAY--READ ON.

    The gun controller’s war on semi-automatic rifles is a subtle attack on ownership of ALL rifles and shotguns (since about two/thirds of those in existence are semi-automatic), just as the gun controller’s campaign to ban “Saturday night specials” was a disguised attack on ownership of ALL handguns. By calling these semi-automatic rifles and shotguns “assault weapons” or ‘para-military weapons” they have persuaded liberals in the national, state and city governments and in the media that they are inherently evil and should be banned. (These rifles are actually no different than regular hunting rifles except for larger magazines. They just LOOK different.)

    They claim that semi-automatic weapons are the weapon of choice of drug dealers and organized crime. This is a lie. Police stats show that the lion’s share of gun-related crime in America is committed with shotguns (i.e., 60%), .38 specials and .22 caliber rifles. So-called “assault rifles” are used in less than one,(ONE; 1%) percent of homicides in America.

    The ultimate goal of the gun controllers is registration and confiscation of ALL handguns (semi-automatic or not )and ALL rifles and shotguns. They believe that they can accomplish this within five years. The trend in gun control legislation (local, state, and national) is accelerating dramatically like a floodtide. By the mid-’90’s, if this momentum is not blocked, the American public will be disarmed and the doom knell sounded and the noose closed. The tyranny of the Soviet-style police state will follow as the enforcement is ACTUALLY TURNED OVER TO THE SOVIET RUN U.N. POLICE FORCE.


    There are numerous anti-gun legislative initiatives emerging across the country. One has been introduced which will ban nationally the sale of all new semi-automatic rifles and pistols capable of holding a 10-shot magazine (which is almost all of them) and shotguns and .22 rifles with tubular magazines holding more than six rounds. Every person who presently owns one of these so-called “assault weapons” would have to register it with the BATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms) within 30 days, including fingerprinting, mug shots, etc. All magazines holding 10 rounds or more and fitting a semi-automatic rifle, pistol, or shotgun will become illegal to possess.

    Another bill specifically bans AR-15’s, Ruger Mini 14’s, and eight others, but says the Attorney General and Secretary of Treasury CAN BAN ALL OTHERS. A person who fails to register his .22 rifle (or other semi-automatic) or turn in his 10 round magazines is subject to a five-year jail sentence as a criminal felon. This bill calls for confiscation within 30 days of enactment into law with no compensation.


    For it will be everywhere: In California, it is now a felony to possess, sell, or manufacture 56 different semi-automatic pistols, rifles and shotguns. Failure to register these firearms in California carries prison terms of up to three years (simply for failure to fully comply). Police in the “Golden State” can now kick down the door of a gun owner (YOU), search (your) home WITH NO WARRANT, confiscate the gun and anything else considered probable in criminal intent--AND ARREST THE OWNER (YOU) WITH NO RECOURSE, WITH CUFFS AND INCARCERATED, ALSO WITHOUT RECOURSE. That person (you) is now considered an alleged criminal felon in the process of committing a felony by virtue of simply having on his premises, an unregistered gun in his home--even if the gun in point is totally inoperable.


    Similar and identical legislation is underway and in passage in Florida, Colorado, Oregon, Washington, Minnesota, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Illinois, Wisconsin, and about a dozen other states as well as local legislation in Cleveland, New Orleans, Los Angeles (even though the State already has the law in force) New York City (likewise), Denver, etc. One bill introduced in the Colorado legislature even calls for police and highway patrol road blocks to stop cars and check them for firearms. So, you dear ones might ask, ‘Is this America or the Soviet Union?” Doesn’t make a bit of difference for this is the New World Order and it is only a piddling portion of the overall plan--disarmament is only one of the final parts of the plan. Your enemies are all now UNITED AND WORK AS ONE SINGLE SOLIDIFIED UNIT--FORECLOSING ON THE PLANET--AND YES, THEY CAN! THEY CAN AND THEY ARE IN THE FINAL STAGES OF SO-DOING AND YOU ARE GETTING EXAMPLES OF THOSE WHO DEFY THE PLAN IN ANY MANNER WHAT-SO-EVER--TOTAL DEVASTATION OF THE SOVEREIGN NATION AND THE PEOPLE.

    In many states from Hawaii to New York, so-called “assault weapons” bills are brewing. In New York, Governor Mario Cuomo, in addition to a 10% surcharge on all guns and ammo, is attempting to impose an outright ban on possession of military style firearms (which is anything so chosen to fit the guidelines), plus conventional rifles and shotguns. New York City Mayor Dinkins’ bill goes even further; it would ban anything which the police commissioner considers to be “suitable” for military purposes as just stated.

    In Maryland, Governor Donald Schaefer is not only trying to ban new purchases of semi-automatic pistols and rifles, but the present owners are required to register all of these guns which they already own, and to pay a $100 non-refundable registration fee to keep each gun. They must also “PROVE that they need” the gun in order to be allowed to keep it. In California, pending legislation would subject adult gun owners to criminal prosecution and jail sentences of up to four years if one of their children should accidentally kill someone with the parent’s gun, or use it to commit suicide.

    A few of the major national gun control bills will be herein discussed.


    As you read this it will probably be finished. Right now the House of Representatives, led by the political left and Handgun Control, Inc., passed the so- called Brady Bill by a vote of 239 to 186 (nice Zionist Elite controlled House). This legislation, which gained support not only from liberal members of Congress but also from 56 previously “pro-gun” Republicans in the House, will impose a national seven-day waiting period before a handgun can be transferred by a dealer to an individual. Presidents Ford, Nixon, Reagan and Bush have all endorsed the legislation as a necessary first step in gun control. On the surface, it does not seem at all unreasonable to have a seven day cooling off period before a person can take delivery of a handgun, and that is how the legislation is being sold to the public.

    However, HR-7, which now goes to the Senate and then the President really has very little to do with a seven-day cooling off period. It is a disguised way of registering all future handgun purchasers on a local and/or national basis and, in many cities or towns, a way to completely deny the constitutional right to purchase handguns at all.

    If this legislation becomes law, it will later be expanded to cover rifles and shotguns and perhaps even ammunition. Once all future purchases (and purchasers) of handguns are registered, registration of ALL guns, and gun owners, will follow, as in the case of California, New York City, Washington, D.C., etc. Gun confiscation legislation will be the next step. As the National Rifle Association, which has 2.3 million members has said, “The Brady Bill is a prelude to confiscation because it would start a nationwide list of new gun owners.”
    It must be completely understood that when a gun is registered, it is really the gun owner who is being registered and once that has happened, and that gun owner is in the Federal computer data base, the government can come after him and all of his other guns which may or may not have been registered--along with anything else questionable they might encounter in their search and seizure (whether already present OR PLANTED). THEY INTEND TO GET THE WEAPONS OF ALL TYPES AND PUT OUT OF CIRCULATION, ALL PERSONS WHO CAN BE REMOTELY DEEMED AS TROUBLESOME.

    Let us consider the Brady Gun Control Bill for ominous factors which need consideration:

    The law is unconstitutional because it infringes on the right of law-abiding citizens to keep and bear arms by requiring them to prove themselves innocent to the State’s satisfaction (which will not be allowed), before exercising a constitutional right. According to English common-low, the foundation of the U.S. Constitution, guilt must be proved by the State before an individual is deprived of constitutional rights. Current legislation, court decisions and media bias is rapidly altering this fundamental premise, forcing individuals to prove their innocence and, in fact, is depriving citizens of their rights until such time as they can do so. This is especially true in cases involving firearms, the use of cash for “privacy” and taxes. The implications of this are staggering.

    Most criminals (well over 90%) do not buy firearms through gun dealers but get them illegally, steal them, etc. Of the 10% or so who might buy firearms through a store, most are first time criminals (after the fact) such as John Hinkley, and have no existing police record. It is well known by law enforcement officials worldwide that hardened criminals and terrorists do not obtain firearms from stores where they leave a paper trail. Honest law-abiding citizens DO. As one of your own columnists recently wrote: “What possible success can a waiting period have in keeping guns out of felons’ hands when few criminals acquire guns by purchasing them from gun stores in the first place? On the rare occasion when they do, they usually use a clean family member, friend or alias.”

    “How can a waiting period succeed when the majority of criminals have no criminal record? A majority of criminals are not even apprehended. A majority of those who are caught are not brought to trial. A majority of those tried have no felony records because they reduce their crimes to misdemeanors with plea bargains--as did Patrick Purdy, who had a clean record despite arrests for extortion, weapons charges, drug charges, robbery and receipt of stolen property (and now you know the REAL VALUEof PLEA BARGAINING!--You knew it would come down to this, did you not?) Purdy went through California’s 15-day waiting period and police background check, bought his gun and killed five school children just exactly as programmed to do!”

    The criminal will always be able to obtain firearms. Like prohibition, when the
    use of alcohol could not be legislated out of existence, neither can firearms--AT LEAST NOT FOR CRIMINALS AND THAT IS EXACTLY THAT WHICH IS FULLY PLANNED!

    Therefore, the Brady Bill is actually directed against honest law-abiding citizens who want or need a firearm and you had better get on with facing that fact. The NRA has said it accurately: “The bill is a flawed attempt to control crime by regulating the behavior of law abiding members of the community who are already victims of the criminals who will continue to act without restraints”.

    If you have ever been arrested for ANYTHING, or someone has wanted you arrested, regardless of whether the charges were dropped, or you were tried and found innocent, you will be denied the right to purchase a firearm. If your name pops up ANYWHERE in the local, state or federal government law enforcement computer data base, even if you were only a part of a group assembled to quietly protest this or that petition--in a legal public gathering (and millions of Americans are in those data files)--YOU ARE GOING TO BE DENIED CLEARANCE AND IN ADDITION, YOU WILL BE LISTED AS PROBABLE “TROUBLEMAKER” AND WILL BE PLACED ON COMPUTER SURVEILLANCE IN EVERY ASPECT OF YOUR FUNCTIONING LIFE.

    Do you really believe that confiscation of Joe Doe’s .22 pistol in southern Dog Neck, Calif. is going to stop crime in the gang wars in Los Angeles? Reason is the better part of intelligence, my friends! It won’t even stop crime in southern Dog Neck! But it may well allow for the increase in crime in southern Dog Neck.

    This next had better scare the living daylights out of ALL OF YOU--ESPECIALLY IF YOU HAVE EVER BEEN TO AN AUTHORIZED “COUNSELOR”, ESPECIALLY A CERTIFIED PSYCHIATRIST OR PSYCHOLOGIST In states like California that require psychiatrist to REPORT THE NAMES OF THEIR PATIENTS TO A CENTRALIZED DATA BASE, (didn’t you nice citizens know this?) denial could and would arise for all individuals that have sought care and counseling for depression caused by the death of a family member or whatever, regardless of the diagnosis. All will be lumped into the same pot as to need for counseling and denial will be forthcoming and there is not even requirement to respond to the applicant nor to provide reason for denial. There will be no appeal and no reason for denial given to the individual--under the LAW.

    Another problem is that the records in America’s criminal “justice” system are known to be highly inaccurate. A recent study of New York State’s criminal justice system shows that over 75% of their records were in error--accidentally or deliberately tampered. If a person has unpaid traffic tickets in some portions of the country--or maybe they were paid but not properly recorded as such, or paid late, a gun permit would be denied. It would be held up for review by government red tape and bureaucracy indefinitely--by law. Recently in New York City, 11,500 were threatened by the City with wage garnishment for unpaid parking tickets when actually ALL 11,500 had paid their tickets. Another problem, according to the US Attorney General speaking to the US Congress in October ‘90, is that “automated conviction records are too incomplete to identify convicted felons.” So the system is not even fool-proof to catch criminals if they should try to purchase a firearm at a gun store.

    A dangerous criminal can get fake identification papers (i.e., Social Security card, alien registration, etc.,) for $35and therefore purchase a gun undetected by a government background check. But, of course, if you use the same method and the checkers come to check and you are found to have fake records--they can get you on felony charges on both counts of fake ID and unregistered or erroneously registered weapons. It is a Catch 22 exactly as they have planned it and written the scripting for the fall.

    Dharma, allow us a break please. We will continue this subject today or tomorrow. Thank you for your service and thank you readers, for being responsive and attentive. The depth of your understanding is increased without my ability to place measurement upon it and the questions are worthy of note. We ARE making inroads even if it appears to continue otherwise--there IS unity forming in “reaction” to facts which is pleasing indeed. Salu.

    Hatonn to clear.

    Last edited by web master; 2013-01-14 at 15:22.

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