PJ 35
MONDAY, AUGUST 5, 1991 8:39A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 354
Germain present in the ever consuming flame of the transmuting violet ray, with the Mighty I AM Presence. May we walk ever together into understanding. It is difficult to cover ALL, at best, and incredibly difficult to cover it all at once when so many other things of daily events are "happening" unto you. This is a time to truly take the words "wait upon the Lord" with great intent. We are outlaying things as quickly as possible and repetition is draining away inconceivable amounts of our time. We can only ask and re-ask that you go back to the earlier JOURNALS and EXPRESSES for information for it is in there. Even this which is given in this detail, is also in the prior JOURNALS. I, too, do not have a way to handle the expenses involved--God will always show the way to gain that which is necessary but he will not, simply shower you with it. Our people can bear no heavier load and the public has no idea of the value of that which they are declining. What will happen, worse, is that man willwait until the cell door closes and locks and then he will not have the wherewithal to purchase them, either. Hard times are ahead--the government depends on you ones to NOT notice that you are given only news which is intended for your eyes and ears.

But you have your clues if you but attend them: in one sentence the newscast will pronounce recovery of the economy and within the very next breath they will announce the close of a major business and/or "...another 6,000 to 10.000 layoffs" in "one" industry branch. If you dig further you will find that the industries in point are completely owned and operated by the Elite few and you will ALWAYS find that among the top two owners will be the Royal Family of England!! No, they DO NOT give out that information. We give it to you when we can work it into the writings and then search for confirmation for you--we are narrowing it down now, however, and the "horse's mouth" with inside intelligence workers will be joining us very, very soon. We have some magnificent men on our team, in ad­dition to the faithful workers already aboard--YOU CAN CHANGE YOUR MESS IF YOU WANT TO FOR IGNORANCE IS NO LONGER GOING TO VALID EX­CUSE. HONOR YOURSELVES, YOU WHO HAVE BLESSED THESE WEARY WARRIORS ALONG THE PATH, FOR YOU ARE THE PIONEERS OF TRUTH! THAT WHICH YOU HAVE ACQUIRED FROM THIS PLACE­MENT IS WITHOUT PRICE--TOTALLY WITHOUT PRICE. GOD IS THE ONE WHO HAS BROUGHT TRUTH UNTO YOU AND ATTENDS MY LESSONS AS GIVEN, FOR YOU WILL BE SHOWN THE WAY AND THEN HE WILL WAIT UPON YOU--BUT MAN "ELITE" (THE ADVERSARY) WILL EFFORT TO DO YOU IN IN ADVANCE OF YOUR GAIN­ING KNOWLEDGE. IT IS UP TO YOU!SO BE IT AND AMEN.

What happened to "religion" and why has man found it so diffi­cult to accept the possibility of errors? One who denounces the Catholic church cannot seem to believe there could have been an error from the group around Martin Luther or John Calvin. How many of you even know who these people are? I thought not. You of the world who consider yourselves "religious" are exactly that--in love with "religion", NOT God. You wouldn't know, from the "religious" inconsistent teachings, God, if He sat on you--which He is now ready to do. How many will rec­ognize Him? Oh, you really think so? I am privy to your ideas and pronouncements and I think you are mistaken!

The early religion of beliefs, as we were speaking of in the prior chapter, in spiritual beings soon added super-natural beings and MAGIC to those beliefs and then made a big thing of FEAR. Even those early men who weakened ethical practices by infiltrating religious beliefs devised many ways of profiting by them even then as they did thousands of years later on a much larger scale. As this fact is one of the greatest contributors to world degradation of today, you cannot pass it by unnoticed, otherwise we could not tell you what is the matter with man's world. We will refer to this later in relation to the BOOK OF THE DEAD which was written for the express purpose of obtaining money for magic charms and other means of helping the dead to escape the various punishments they would otherwise have to undergo. With after-death fear came evil and sin, pure inventions of man, which did not exist in the highest stages of Egyptian life. Nei­ther did greed for material possessions dominate this first high race. That also grew--and spread later into Babylon and de­stroyed it.

Those who think of this early race as savage must know that the Pyramids they built have never yet been exceeded by man as scientific structures. One of them shows the existence of a high state of knowledge in mathematics, astronomy and astrology, besides the inclusion of writings which indicate an equally high standard of knowledge of literature. We shall quote later some extracts from the great literature of the Egyptian civilizations which arose and fell between the years of 6000 and 1500 B.C., from which the Psalms and Proverbs of our Old Testament were rewritten with modifications.

Our ancient Bible history is redundant with its tales of slaughter and immoral episodes. We are prone to think of that stage as being due to the early stage of man, whereas it is a stage of fallen man, a stage of long degeneration which followed the in­filtration of after-death fear and evil in man. It never seems to have occurred to historians that the intensely low moral stage of Babylonian man was a stage of several thousand years decline of a great race.

All of the foregoing has been written to make it clear to you that when physical man discovered spiritual man, his first greatest desire was to multiply the Mind-qualities of spiritual man. Long centuries passed before the physical qualities, which were in­stinctive in him for millions of years, gradually dominated the spiritual aspirations of this highly unfolded intellectual race.

It is necessary to give a little space to describe to you the basic cause of the battle between the spiritual and physical natures of early man so that you can comprehend that the whole human race has gradually reached higher and higher standards of physi­cal unfolding which have been expressed by greed for power, physical possessions and entertainment for the senses at the expense of suppressing its spiritual qualities of character, morality and Mind-inspiration.In other words, the human race has for thousands of years been gaining the whole world and paying the price of it by losing its own Soul. To the extent that you do not even recognize that which IS actually the taking of the Soul. Some will live in the world and then utilize nothing which is claimed by "Caesar" such as tools which are set up for themselves--i.e. Corporations, etc. You have been totally confounded and no longer KNOW what it is you are doing or what is Truth and what is the lie in actuality.

You simply do not know whether any other civilizations existed on Earth Shan before the one you know of which had its cradle in Egypt. Yes, of course, there were others--long since harbor­ing their revelations and treasures beneath the sea--with all the classical indications of your dry lands having once been beneath the same seas. You can find traces of proof that at least four "Ice Ages" swept down over Europe, almost to the Mediter­ranean, during the long millennia previous to the birth of Con­scious Man. If any races or civilizations have been buried by the "Ice Age" flow, you are not given privy to know it. You do know, however, that for over a million years the human primi­tive "Stone Age" man has been occupying all of that area around the Mediterranean and far south into the Sahara Desert which was then a fertile forest-covered hunting ground with heavy rainfalls. You know this because you have found his stone tools and weapons throughout the entire country, and from there north and east through the Euphrates country where Babylon once flourished, across the rest of Asia into China and India. It was in Egypt, however, that the awakening of the Light in man first took place.

During those limitless ages, his sole thought was survival for his body which depended solely upon food and shelter. For this he had to fight constantly. Therefore, for those endless ages his instincts were concentrated upon fighting and killing in order that he might have the necessities for existing. During this period he had no moral nature whatsoever. He was as much animal as other creatures of the jungles and forests were animal.

Gradually he began to observe and reason to an extent sufficient to make weapons which helped him to kill. During all of that period he made his weapons from stone. Not until after Con­sciousness of Mind in him began did he make weapons and other utensils out of metal.

The one purpose of this brief interlude is to call to your attention the fact that man instinctively killed for a million or more years, before and after he knew that it was wrong to kill. During that killing period he also obtained what he desired by the power of MIGHT-OVER-RIGHT.

Do you not clearly see how it is that when there is any lowering of the moral and cultural standards of man, his physical instincts quickly prevail and he quickly adopts the might-over-right prin­ciple of TAKING WHAT HE WANTS, even by killing when necessary and often, when not necessary?

Do you not also clearly see that any individual man, or nation of men, or world of men, who have descended morally or cultur­ally quite easily revert to their old instinctive qualities and rob and kill and enslave other men until all that they have gained of culture and character in generations is lost in a plunge toward their old jungle status? Can you not see this degradation quickly taking place during the last century of wars with their wholesale killings? Do you not see the lowering morality in the sex loose­ness and lack of character of man in the ratio in which he loses his spiritual nature? Do not further preserve your ignorance by basing all of your assumptions on your own nation--no matter which nation in which you dwell. Look at the looseness of moral degradation in Holland, for instance, with legalization and liberalization of prostitution and the full flow of a welfare state--advertising "their products" in store windows, no less. This is but example, but what of the entire city park in Geneva and other places in Switzerland, where drugs are bought and sold and clean needles (over 7,000 a day!) are given to the addicts who exist and die in that park--right behind the most expensive money houses in the known world.

Worse now, you must become informed about the U.S. govern­ment's total control and involvement in the drug importing busi­ness. Billions are traded in every day. Even the drug lords would give up the trade, specifically Khun Sa of the Asian Golden Triangle, except for the involved U.S. government un­der George Bush. The CIA under Bush had controlled the en­tire market. Remember North? Well, these men dealt in drugs to facilitate the Iran-Contra criminal actions. Your own gov­ernment'sArmitage, Gates, the Bush's, Shackley, Kissinger, and on and on--control those drug transactions, brought the drugs in to destroy your citizens and take your world. Eagle-burger, Scowcroft--all entangled. These ones, then, through the Israeli lobby, bought off your Congress--just like they did the Administration--and now you have Israeli government by BLACKMAIL and cooperation of the IMMORAL PARTICI­PANTS. The intrigue and substance which we could herein write for you is beyond your comprehension and yes, we will arrange to bring you more and more and more, for an informed people is all that will salvage your civilization. We just need to also keep the leaders alive in this massive effort to kill them.

This is the position in which the world of man finds itself today. Within the past three to four decades the immorality compounds itself as your Constitutional rights are removed by the same compounding principle.


Long ages of being constantly inoculated with the teachings of after-death fear, and greed for wealth and power for the physi­cal body, had bred the kind of man and civilization which imaged his thinking. Nothing could better exemplify theaxiom that man becomes what he thinks and wants to be than the long ages of spiritual decline which have taken place since man began to again take on the physical qualities of might-over-right prac­tices that he lost while making the great ascension from the jun­gle to the Pyramid Age Man.

We shall now go back to that great age and tell you how man of that age conceived a God who was GOOD and trace the fall of man to the God of wrath and vengeance which man has created for this age.

All of the foregoing has been in preparation for you to better comprehend the unfolding of the human race in its eight to ten thousand year effort to live together as a unified civilization. How far has man succeeded in this attempt since the Dawn of Consciousness? The answer to that question is stark tragedy for twenty civilizations have fallen during that time. For the first two thousand years, he succeeded in forming a cooperative, friendly civilization of communal people who attained a high degree of character, culture and righteousness.Ever since then, man has been descending spiritually and advancing technologically--a very, very unfavorable circumstance.

In your eyes, your mechanized civilization seems far advanced--to anything you have known historically. You do not know of the wondrous space ships and interstellar travel prior to the go­ing down of Atlantis, Lemuria, Pan, Mu, etc. But some of those records are now being caused to be "found" in monasteries and hidden places and we shall write of them--indeed, more technical than anything you have today. And what of today? If you continue in your path, you will be one of the oral tradition speakings of mythology--again into the ages of darkness. These records are now being written that they can be preserved for the cultures who will follow you and will have forgotten how it was. Will man hear and see or will these writings simply be a "scroll" to be "found" at some time after eons of passage and sequence? Will a JOURNAL be found wrapped and sealed in resin beneath a stone in a tomb some 10,000 years from this day? What will the "language" be? What will the symbols be into which this primitive symbology will be transcribed from some gifted re­ceiver/translator?

Here is a sobering, I hope, thought for today. What will be made of these scribblings? Think carefully about that which we are bringing you and I believe you will get the drift of your direction in experience. Think of what has been outlaid in these writings--WILL IT NOT BE MORE REPRESENTATIVE OF "WHAT HAPPENED" TO THIS CIVILIZATION? WHAT DO YOU FIND OF ROME AND GREECE? YES, THAT WHICH HAPPENED PRIOR TO THE FALL! Ah, but the Godly went somewhere didn't they? I have bad news for you so-called Christians who expect an irresponsible "Rapture". The Christians of the day in Rome thought they,too, would be lifted up, up and away--instead thousands upon thousands died in the arenas of doom--fed to the lions and executioners. YOU HAD BEST GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT FOR THEY, TOO, WERE OFFERED EXIT VISAS AND THEY, TOO, REFUSED THE JOURNEY WHILE THEY WAITED FOR THAT WHICH WAS MISREPRESENTED UNTO THEM!

To an early Egyptian, however, your man-killing civilization would seem savage, for its sole desire was to save man. The early Egyptian would be utterly amazed and astounded at your world which has created the idea of sin and evil, and at your concept of a personal god of wrath and vengeance instead of a God of Light which they could see as the Creator of GOOD. The sun was their symbol of God. You very lightly classify them as "sun-worshipers", but the early-man concept of a Cre­ator was a logical one and the pagan concept which you have adopted is extremely illogical.

Ever since the Dawn of Conscience, man began his long search for his Creator. When he first began to think and reason, the first great fact of life was growth of life followed by death. His reasoning process pointed to the sunlight as the Creator of life. He could see all vegetation facing the sun and following it to drink in its light-of-life-and-growth. All day the sun gave life--and all night the earth slept in darkness, only to rise again when the light-of-life awakened all Nature every morning.

And so it was that the first great thoughts of unfolding man were of a Creator who was GOOD and of his Creation which was all GOOD.

It logically followed that if the Sun gave life to man, man also must be GOOD. EVIL had not yet come into the world. Right and wrong had also not come into the world. There was naught but GOOD in it in those days before GREED came into the world.

You may better comprehend this great age of GOODNESS and CHARACTER if you will but try to translate yourself back into those days of man's intellectual beginning before even language began. Try to realize the first dawn of comprehension and understanding of man's connection and unity with Nature. During all of man's jungle life, his only thought was survival. His en­tire life was dominated by this one instinctive sense-urge.Man got what he wanted and needed by TAKING it.

Gradually the spiritual unfolding of newly-thinking man taught him that other men would be useful to him only if he would be equally useful to them. The demonstration of this principle of cooperation among men by mutual interchange of service came into the world with the first spiritual actions of GIVING and balanced RE-GIVING. One man helped another to build a wooden house, or a mud house. Civilization began that way and men found it GOOD.

Very slowly things happened in association between men that gave them pleasurable feelings. They invented words to com­municate with each other, and that was GOOD. They liked the interchange of it. They liked mankind because mankind could interchange service for service and idea for idea. Greed for possessions had not then been a part of man's thinking. What­ever any man wanted could be obtained by working with other men. MAN was of first consideration, for that which was GOOD could come only through the Sun-God to man FOR man, and could be converted for every man's use only by the work of every man. Thus came the firststrictly communal civilization into the world. By "communal" I mean a social order of people who realized that each person뭩 happiness and comfort is dependent upon others and their happiness and comfort is dependent upon him. A good modern example is the group who came over in the Mayflower to build a new world. In such a case, the WHOLE is dependent upon every part and the loss of any part would weaken the whole.

The early Egyptians of 8,000 years B.C. to 4,000 years B.C. could be very well likened to such a group, for they came out of mental darkness into a new light of understanding which was like another world. They had to begin at a beginning and even create a language before they could create homes. Naturally the first thoughts of men who were trying to live together under a workable system were those of mutual service and cooperation. Religion had not begun. Morality and a social conscience had not yet begun nor had a sense of possession, greed or indi­viduality begun.

The first dawning of a social conscience was based upon the fact that every man wanted to have the friendliness and cooperation of every other man. To gain that friendliness, early man found that service to another gained that happiness of friendship which he sought. Out of that principle grew a code of ethics in relation to man's relation to man which gave that happiness when obeyed and denied it to him when disobeyed. This is the way it grew. When one man pleased another, he found a name for it. He called it GOOD--or MAAT in his language. The first principle which developed from that code of ethics, which brought him happiness when obeyed, was this:

When you do that which makes you loved by men, it is GOOD. When you do that which makes you hated to man it is BAD.

There is nothing of right or wrong nor of good or evil in this connotation. Such a sense had not then arrived within the men­tality of man. His ethics of that day made him shun doing that which made him to be unloved and, conversely, made him de­sire to do that which made him loved, for that was the only way he could acquire that state of happiness which became the basis for the "Age of Character" which preceded the building of the great Pyramids.

To create so high a social order demanded a system of mutual cooperation such as the world has never since known. That is where the "Age of Character" began. That is where the Broth­erhood-of-Man principle began. That is where the first great architecture, poetry, literature and science began, and all had their roots in the principle of GOOD. To the Egyptian of that day, everything and everybody was GOOD. Their word of LOVE was MAAT. MAAT MEANS LOVE, RIGHTEOUSNESS AND CHARACTER. To the men of that day, the teach­ings of MAAT were of first importance. Everything else was secondary. All human character teachings were based upon the givings of GOOD from the sun which they believed to be the Creator of all things. A system of ethics grew from those teachings which spread down the centuries through Palestine, Persia, Babylonia and the far countries of India and China.

The Hebrew Proverbs, the Songs of Solomon, The Psalms and the great wisdom of all the Hebrew prophets of later days--also all that Confucius, Laotzu, Buddha, Krishna, Socrates, Plato, Lucretius, Moses, Abraham and Jesus said later--were first con­ceived and written down on papyrus thousands of years before any of these great mystics appeared.

Now it must be thoroughly understood and comprehended that the later mystics of the Middle Age period, which you know as "Before Christ (B.C.)", may not have even known that the thoughts and words they were giving to the world had ever been given before. It is not greatly unlike Dharma--almost all of that which is given to her is unknown by her that there is prior record of the teachings. Because "I" know does not mean that she is privy to the knowledge. If I present her with something from which I wish to work--so be it, but it will always be for ease of her ability to gather appropriate spellings of labels and words, etc. And then, as with all of you--we will arrange for her to come into some confirmations along the way for it is dif­ficult to be literally "shot at" for service in isolation, believing you are the sole knower of the material. ALL IS KNOWN! ALL! However, man who comes into information and then uses it for his own benefit and material gain--actually suppresses the flow rather than allowing it to go forth in giving and allowing God to re-give in exchange.

Well, as we said before, it will all come into the light. Many of those old papyrus writings of pre-pyramid man have been buried until this very century and current decade. Neither Im­manuel nor Krishna, the two supreme mystics of all time, had even seen them. They could, however, have known them as folklore in the manner in which wisdom, fable or drama reach from one generation through many others in their endless repe­tition. That is not the answer, though. The answer isthat God sends His illumined Messengers to man always, and always, age after age, these Messengers speak words of the same meaning, for all knowledge and all idea of the Truths of Nature exist per­petually. Illuminates acquire this knowledge cosmically and, as all knowledge is the same knowledge, it is spoken in words of the same meaningeven though the words vary. This fact is what should concern and interest you, for when you find yourself thinking cosmically by being inspired from within, you will speak words of the same meaning that these nameless Egyptian Illuminates of those very ancient days spoke before even Indi­vidualism began, or the same that the Illuminates of later days spoke after man began to think of man as an INDIVIDUAL. Thus it is that the first great individual ever known to history whose name was Iemhotep (Amenophis) wrote a scientific trea­tise on medical lore and surgery which preceded by thousands of years the words of the Greek Asclepios and the Roman Aescu­lapius--as you have been informed.

During the four to six thousand years before Iemhotep, all men thought of themselves as the WHOLE--not as separate individual parts. Whatever they did was for the WHOLE, even if one man did something for another man. Individualism did not creep in until desire for individual possessions crept in. When one wanted more possessions or more power than another, the strength of the whole social order suffered until the intense state of Individualism of today had been reached with its consequent threat of destruction of the whole human race. So pregnant with GOOD was this principle of UNIFIED WHOLENESS of your first civilization that it endured in some parts of the world until about 2,000 years B.C. All of the writings of the Indian Ma­habharata were written that way. That great epic may have been written by a hundred men, but not one name is attached to it, not even to the greatest of all of them--the Bhagavad-Gita. Does it now make more sense to you WHY there is only the name of the scribe given as "dharma" to this work we are now "about"? We honor ones with names and make dedications but the scribe shows only as "dharma" or "druthea" or "Thomas" or, or, or. Man's contribution will be so indicated. Believe me, some of you who bear great human ego--do not TRULY want credit for all that you present--

Individualism begat self-consciousness and self-desires. The word selfish stems from these qualities. Instead of desire being for the WHOLE, including one's self, desire for the self grew into the slowly forming commercial and political world as a poi­sonous germ instead of a leavener of the whole loaf to which the world's great geniuses contributed.

You must, therefore, fully comprehend that God sent Illuminates to man from the days of his early beginnings, but the high spir­itually-endowed social order of that day gradually fell from its high estate in the ratio of man's growing individual and national division into selfish separateness.

Since there is ample input here for a chapter I believe it appropriate to end this one at this point. I can take up with a couple of examples when we return and keep continuity. Dharma, Aton needs you to translate for Him, please, with the travelers who will be arriving soon. We will sit again when we have opportunity뾣irst things must always take priority of the moment.



PJ 35
MONDAY, AUGUST 5, 1991 4:48 P.M. YEAR 4, DAY 354
Germain present to continue after this break. I can only add to that which has been given you from a higher Source than myself--ye honor the Father only in that service which is as He asks and not that which pleases or displeases you personally, chela. He who proclaims to act only in God's service and than does that service under the instructions and legal bindings of MAN has not full intent toward God within. Man is accustumed to manipulation of one another and the reflection of TRUTH is ways made visible if you but look. Let us return to the subject of the writings.


It will be good right here to give an example or two of the manner in which writers of the Hebrew bible carried traditional Egyptian teachings into those darker ages which followed the greatest fall of man from his high standard of character and righteousness into the low, marauding, immoral, pagan Babylonian and Hebrew races. We will quote from Malachi 4-2, for example:

"Unto you that fear my name shall the sun of ritheousness arise with healing in his wings".

Here is a direct reference to the Egyptian Sun-God and the falcon wings which are so much a part of early Egyptian symbolism, yet these words in Malachi were written at least four thousand years after Egyptian civilization gave them meaning. Let us quote Psalm 104-24, for another example:

EGYPTIAN: "How manifold are thy works! They are hidden before men 0 sole God, beside whom there is no other. Thou didst create the earth according to thy heart".

HEBREW: "0 lord how manifold are thy works! In wisdom thou hast made them all: The earth is full of thy riches".

Here in the early days of man is the full acknowledgment of the One God. Thousands of years later, the Greeks, Norse, Chi­nese and many other people of the Middle Ages had many gods, but the influence of Egypt upon the Hebrew renaissance caused them to hold to the one god, but their god was not the GOOD God of the Egyptian concept. Sin and evil had come into the world because of man's lost character. Pagan man of the Old Testament days conceived a personal god of wrath and vengeance, a god who loved bloodshed and blood-sacrifice on every church altar. You, of today, have inherited that pagan concept and two out of every three humans on Earth believe in that god-of-fear concept instead of the Good God of the "Age of Character". This is indicative of the great depths the human race has fallen into since man became self-centered instead of communally-centered. When the fall of man began in "Pyramid Age" days, some current sage coined a new word which for­merly had no place in Egyptian thinking. That word was AVARICE, which came to be known and dreaded beyond all other words, for these Sun-God men could see the threat of degradation befalling them at that time as the more illumined intelligentsia of your day can see your threatened degradation rapidly falling over your world.

No more inspiring poetry and philosophic literature has ever been produced than the inspirations of these early Egyptians. We will quote parts of an Ode to the Sun which symbolizes their concept of One God who gives naught to the world but GOOD. I quote the following from one, James Breasted's "DAWN OF CONSCIENCE".


The world subsists in thy hand,
Even as thou has made them.
When thou hast risen they live,
When thous settest they die;
For thou art length of life of thyself,
Men live through thee.
The eyes of men see beauty
Until thou settest.
All labour is put away
When thou settest in the west.
When thou risest again
Thou makest every hand to flourish for the king
And prosperity is in every foot,
Since thou didst establish the world,
And raise them up for thy son,
Who came forth from thy flesh,

Thou risest beautifully, 0 living Aton, Lord of Eternity;
Thou art glittering, beautiful, strong;
Thy love is great and mighty,
Thy rays furnish vision to every one of thy creatures,
Thy glowing hue brings life to the hearts of men,
When thou hast filled the Two Lands with thy love.
0 God, who himself fashioned himself,
Maker of every land,
Creator of that which is upon it:
Even men, all herds of cattle and the antelopes,
All trees that grow in the soil,
They live when thou dawnest for them,
Thou art the mother and the father of all that thou hast made.
As for their eyes, when thou dawnest,
They see by means of thee.
Thy rays illuminate the whole earth,
When thou dawnest as their Lord.

When thou settest in the western horizon of the sky,
They sleep after the manner of the dead,
Their heads are wrapped up,
Their nostrils are stopped,
Until thy rising comes in the morning,
In the eastern horizon of the sky.
Then their arms are uplifted in adoration of thee,
Thou makest the hearts of men to live by thy beauty,
For men live when thou sendest forth thy rays,
Every land is in festivity:
Myriads of life are in thee to sustain them alive,
For it is the breath of life in the nostrils to behold thy ra­diance.
All flowers live and what grows in the soil
Is made to grow because thou dawnest.

By this poem you can clearly see that the basis of righteousness and character is the Love, Beauty, Goodness and Truth which Nature manifests. To be GOOD is to be like the Creator of Goodness.The Creator of Nature was Love, and His actions all expressed Love. Early man set his standards by the actions of Nature which were all GOOD. He wanted to be loved. To be loved was to find happiness. Man made it his first effort to find happiness by making his actions like unto Nature. In so doing, man built CHARACTER and WISDOM.

We accentuate right here that the first builders of character based their civilization upon right actions--actions which conformed with the goodness of Nature. They did not build their Character and righteousness upon religious beliefs, for religion did not come into the world until a realization of the immortality of man brought after-death fears for punishment for those things that man did which made him to be unloved. A sense of the ex­istence of evil gradually seeped into the human race as religious beliefs of right and wrong, good and evil, and the punishment of sin after death seeped into the human consciousness. These qualities were not in the early social order of pre-individualistic days. The human race was more alike in its standards.

Character and wisdom were treasured qualities of all men. They held to them with as much equality as possible. Fathers made it their first obligation to pass their wisdom on to the whole race through their sons. Civilization was a vast school for the teaching of character and wisdom as being based upon right actions. Not anywhere in these early teachings is the slightest evidence of teaching a system of beliefs as a basis of character. The word righteousness grew out of the phrase right actions.

A code of ethics grew out of the teachings of right actions which has been felt ever since in countries which followed these early Egyptian teachings. The most conspicuous example of in­heritance of the Egyptian teachings during these long centuries of the gradual death of character was the ancient Chinese civi­lization. Confucius and Laotzu are conspicuous examples of these teachings. China was noted for its honesty and respect for its given word. During Confucius's life, one might lay his purse upon the street and no one would touch it except for the purpose of restoring it to its owner.

For long centuries, the father passed his wisdom to his sons and if, perchance, a son erred, the father took the fault upon himself for not being a worthy teacher. In such a manner, whole fami­lies became responsible for the wrong actions of any one mem­ber. This system seemed to be very unjust to the occidental, but it worked toward righteousness better than your system for whole cities policed themselves by theassumption of parental responsibility for righteous actions, while occidental cities were policed with great thoroughness. A story is told about a mis­sionary who was sent to a certain city to convert the "heathen Chinese". A Chinese sage of the town invited him to dinner and asked him why missionaries were sent from a country which had a murder every thirty minutes to convert a city which had only one murder in thirty years. During the conversation, the old sage asked: "Why do you consider us to be heathen and your people to be enlightened"? The missionary answered in these words: "All people are heathen who have not accepted Jesus as their Redeemer and Saviour from sin".

This exemplifies the import which religion places upon belief as contrasted to right action.

One paragraph in Breasted's DAWN OF CONSCIENCE (which book, by the way, I suggest all who can find time--read-­Charles Scribner's Sons), is so symbolic of the One God of Love which dominated the first human civilization that we quote it in full. Dharma, pay attention, chela, and allow us to quote it in full--it means a great deal more to you, precious, than at first glance. The words of it were written by an Egyptian Illuminate over a thousand years after Iemhotep's time. His name was Akhnaton (Ikhnaton) (Amunhotep IV). In referring to the Sun-God of early Egyptian concept, he wrote:

Thou art the father and the mother of all that thou hast made.

[Let us also pen Breasted's comment:]

"This teaching is one which anticipates much of the later development in religion even down to our own time. To the sensitive soul of this Egyptian dreamer, the whole ani­mate world seems alive with consciousness of the presence of Aton, and filled with recognition of his fatherly kind­ness. The picture of the lily-grown marshes, where the flowers are 'drunken' in the intoxicating radiance of Aton, where the birds unfold their wings and lift them 'in adoration of the living Aton', where the cattle dance in delight in the sunshine, and the fish in the river beyond leap up to greet the light, the universal light whose beams are even 'in the midst of the great green sea'--all this dis­closes a discernment of the universal presenceof God in nature, and a mystic conviction of the recognition of that presence by all creatures. There is here an appreciation of the revelation of God in the visible world such as we find seven or eight hundred years later in the Hebrew Psalms, and in our own poets of nature since Wordsworth."

In these words is the spirit of that exalted race of God-conscious men which has gradually been lost to the whole human race in proportion to its technological advancement and its ever-in­creasing number of religious doctrines, creeds and beliefs which have so effectually disunited a once closely united race of God-conscious, non-individualistic, united men.

Then let us see how Breasted pictures this contrast in the fol­lowing description of Ikhnaton (Akhnaton):

"Ikhnaton was a ' God-intoxicated man', whose mind responded with marvelous sensitiveness and discernment to the visible evidences of God about him. He was fairly ecstatic in his sense of the beauty of the eternal and universal light. Its beams enfold him in every moment of his which has survived�.. He prays, 'May my eyes be satisfied daily with beholding Him, when He dawns in this house of ATON and fills it with his own self by its beams, beau­teous in love, and lays them upon me in satisfying light for ever and ever."

This awareness of God's presence which so vividly lived before the fall of spiritual man and the rise of technological machine-age material man is what we are trying to bring back into the world by awakening it in you, and nourishing it in the thou­sands of others like you in whom it is being awakened. We tell you over and over again that the human race can advance only in the measure in which each man recognizes his own divinity. We tell you over and over again that God's presence must be with you every moment, yet a large percentage of the human race will not even mention God and resents the mention of His name.

The reason for this is because the many doctrinal and creedal religions which have developed for thousands of years have gradually succeeded in picturing a God whom men repel be­cause of the concepts and false beliefs in sin, evil, wrath and vengeance which God seems to be more concerned with than love. The end result which is now taking place is to drive the human race AWAY from religion, as evidenced by the fact that over 91 % of the old-time churchgoers of England do not go to church at all and the Sunday Schools of America are being rapidly turned into entertainment centers to hold their pupils.

More saddening still is the reaction of such conditions upon your coming generation of teen-agers. Youth delinquency, drugs, and crimes committed by youths are paralleled by the incon­ceivable sex-looseness of school age boys and girls which has become not only commonplace, but taught in the schools, so that the shock of it to moral thinking people seems to be giving place to its total acceptance as a passing phase of the times not only sanctioned but encouraged; even as similar sex-degradation ap­peared in the early days of Hollywood and wiped itself out by its own reactions--only to rise again more horrendously than ever before.

It is not as light as that, however, it is a repetition of the symptoms which made Babylon, Athens and Rome fall. Your present civilization is as sure to fall as past ones fell if charac­ter and righteousness do not come back into the human race by your efforts--and ours--to bring them back.

The whole world now asks: Is the Light of the world going out? Is it? Ask this of yourself. Ask yourself if the ugly underlying world-thought of today has the slightest resemblance to the world-thought of that long yesterday which expressed its thoughts in this way:

Thou findest him who transgresses against thee;
Woe to him who assails thee!
Thy city endures;
But he who assails thee falls.

The sun of him who knows thee not goes down, 0 Aton!
But as for him who knows thee, he shines.
The temple of him who assailed thee is in darkness,
But the whole earth is light.

Here you find an ancient race of men who rejoiced in knowing God, while you, who feel yourselves to be enlightened, have so few who thus rejoice. These whole messages, of course, are totally redundant with pleas to mankind to take GOD into its consciousness, but the very words seem strange to ninety-five percent of your people.

You might give some careful thought to one of your Earth peo­ple, Oswald Spengler, who proclaimed the final downfall of the white race of Western civilization and inferred the rise of the yellow race to world mastery!

If man succeeds in building an enduring civilization in which he finds happiness, prosperity and peace which passeth beyond un­derstanding, it will be because he has founded it upon character. An enduring civilization cannot be built otherwise, nor can a successful, individual career be built otherwise.

In those old days when it became the responsibility of fathers to pass their wisdom on to their sons, one of them said:

Precious to man is the virtue of his son, and good charac­ter is a thing remembered.

The greatest moral order of all time grew out of the creation of a system of universal ethical values which reached their height of physical and spiritual expression two thousand years before Akhnaton's revival of them, after a period of their suffering from the effects of after-death fears and the evils which the reli­gions were infiltrating into human thinking.

Akhnaton was comparable to Immanuel as the Messiah of his time; yet, like Immanuel, he was overthrown and every attempt to obliterate his teachings was practiced by the then lowering standard of man of his period, fourteen centuries before Christ.

Bear in mind that the One Solar God became the basis of the monotheistic religion which followed through the entirety of Egyptian life until the early Hebrews discarded it for a personal God who recognized the Hebrew race as his "chosen" people. When this transition took place, this god of the Jews changed his nature from the Creator of GOOD to the lover of bloodshed and punisher of evil. From that day, the altars of the Jews ran with the blood of thousands of animals which were sacrificed as ap­peasement for the sins committed by those who paid the priests of the temple for the sacrifices--those ones still expect AN­OTHER to sacrifice in their stead. To this very day, the great majority of the human race accepts this pagan doctrine of an al­ready fallen race in preference to the Solar God concept of a Creator of GOOD which shed His light and heat upon the world to create all that IS good for the needs of all Creation.

Let us close this segment and when we sit again we will give you example of some of the teachings which the fathers of four thousand years of Egyptian civilization passed on to their sons in their daily lessons. It might shock you a bit.

May the WORD be blessed.