PJ 35


FRIDAY, JULY 26, 1991 4:29 P.M. YEAR 4, DAY 344

FRIDAY, JULY 26, 1991
Germain present in the Mighty I AM Presence. Again, with a hard act to follow. I trust you ones will realize what a won­drous gifting of information you received prior to this writing, from Hatonn. (Editor: This refers to the EXPRESS of this date penned earlier today.) You must continue to function in a very confusing and chaotic world and he has taken time to give you very basic decision-making guidelines. How blessed you ones are, to receive from that beloved friend who travels beyond time and space and yet keeps tabs on all His children unto the small­est sparrow. You will come to know who is this being who holds your hands and wipes thine eyes and noses. May the WORD be blessed for as you come into KNOWING you will also KNOW that GOD would send nothing lesser than Himself to show you the way and guide your steps. Adonai.

Higher knowledge comes to man solely through the unfolding ofintelligence within him which leads him to discover the light of his own divinity and Oneness with God.


Knowledge is Mind-Idea.

Consciousness is Mind-awareness of Idea.

Sensation is a body awareness of pulsing tensions taking place in nerve systems of bodies due to the interchanging of wave motion in creating matter.

All knowledge eternally exists in the God-Mind of the universe, God is knowledge and power. Man's measure of knowledge and power is the measure in which he acquires God-awareness within him. Man cannot acquire knowledge through outer-observation­ by his senses. He can but acquire information that way.

Sensed-bodies cannot know anything.They are limited to a sensed-awareness of motion, for sensation is impossible without motion. Sensed-bodies see, feel, hear,smell and taste, but that is all they do. Sensed-bodies are devoid of intelligence and are limited to brain-reasoning from observed effects.They can never acquire knowledge for knowledge is distinctly a property of the Mind, and the brain is not the Mind. When that Light of Mind-Consciousness is awakened in man, he has arrived at hisfirst beginnings of God-awareness in him. Knowledge then be­gins in him, and not until then. He then begins to create instead of imitate.

Immanuel told these facts nineteen centuries ago and they have had no meaning all down through these ages. The great tragedy of His teachings was the unreadiness of man to comprehend them in His day and in ignoring their import in this radio and electronic age when human intelligence has unfolded sufficiently to quite easily comprehend them. When He was asked--"..when the kingdom of God shall come", these were His words:"The kingdom of God cometh not with observation. Neither shall they say, lo here! or lo there! for behold, the kingdom of God is within you. " St. Luke 17:20-21.

It seems quite inconceivable that the consequential universities of learning have paid no attention to these very plain statements, for their sole method of gaining knowledge is through sense-observations which merely inform one of effect while knowledge lies in cause. It is also extraordinary that the objective God as accepted by the "pagan" definition, could still persist with that very plain instruction which tells where to find God.

CAUSE is the desire-energy within Mind to manifest Mind-Idea by extending light-waves of thought from centering fulcrum points.

EFFECT is manifested Mind-Idea expressed by motion of ex­tended light-waves of Mind-thinking. God--the Creator--is CAUSE. The created universe is EFFECT.

The foregoing defines the very simple foundation for higher knowledge which man needs for the unfolding of his spiritual nature. Without this higher knowledge needed by man for the unfolding of his inner vision, he will still remain barbarian in thought and practice. He can never progress toward happiness, peace and prosperity while he is physically dominated and lim­ited to sensed effect, for world history shows that the increase in material power of expression, unbalanced by spiritual power, is always accompanied by a multiplication of crime, wars and immorality, with increased sex and cultural degeneracy.

Every time a material civilization has prospered by the vicious methods which have made all past civilizations prosper, it has fallen low into the dark for long centuries and has recovered only through the agonies of tears shed for deep suffering. Your present civilization is in its eleventh and a-half hour, preceding a similar fall and for the same reason, as everyone must now come to know.

The only way that mankind can save this present degenerating civilization is to throw off all that is barbarian and ungodly in him through acquiring the higher knowledge necessary for his inner, spiritual unfoldment.

The only way that mass-man, who constitutes a civilization, can acquire that higher knowledge is through mass-teachers, and there are no such teachers in any of your scientific, educational or religious institutions. None of them has made any attempt to fulfill this requirement for bringing God and man together in close communion and companionship. In fact, every one of these presumably man-building organization has done just the opposite, which has retarded the unfoldment of the spiritual na­ture of man.This is indeed unfortunate for some hundreds of thousands of advanced thinkers have freed themselves from the anchors of traditional material concepts and are seeking earnestly for the Light of higher knowledge which will eventu­ally illumine them into Cosmic Consciousness.

When I utilize the term "barbarian", I define as: possessing of characteristics of a cultural level more complex than primitive savagery but less sophisticated than advanced civilization--mercilessly harsh and cruel and without refinement.

When I utilize the term "pagan", I define as: a follower of a poly (many) theistic religion (as in Ancient Rome); one who has little or no religion and who delights in sensual pleasures and material goods; an irreligious or hedonistic person.

READ THAT "PAGAN" AGAIN. YOU ONES GO ABOUT CALLING THE NATIVES AS IN "NATIVE AMERICANS" AND PRIMITIVE TRIBESMEN--PAGANS. WHERE DO YOU COME BY SUCH SMUG CONDESCENDING INFOR­MATION? THE NATIVE DOES HONOR UNTO THE DIF­FERENT RELATIONS AND SHOWS HONOR UNTO THE SEASONS, THE WINDS AND THE BROTHERHOOD OF LIFE--BUT HAVE YOU NOT HEARD OF, YOU OF IGNO­RANCE--THE GREAT SPIRIT? WELL, THE GREAT SPIRIT--THE WAKAN TANKA, IS GOD BY ANY LABEL. Moreover, this ONE God has the same offspring in recognition as do your traditional Life-streams. It is time you ones learned that which is your own language--for you speak things that have no meaning in FACT. The primitive "natural" natives have less interest in that which is physical and material than any species on Earth--THEY ARE NOT PAGANS! YOU HAVE BE­COME PAGANS!!!!!

Can you now comprehend how it works with the adversary? You are told a thing and without question you hop on the bandwagon of denouncement, etc. You know not anything of value for you have been told the opposite of Truth for such a long time that you even reverse the meanings of your own language words.YOU HAVE BECOME THE PAGANS--NOT THE NATIVE INDIANS. THEY, IN FACT, SPEAKING OF THE NATIVE AMERICAN "INDIANS" WERE ONLY LABELED "INDIANS" BECAUSE THE EUROPEANS THOUGHT THEY HAD REACHED THE INDIES. THE NATIVES, IN THEIR OWN LANGUAGE, CALLED THEMSELVES "THE PEOPLE" OR "HUMANS". YOU HAD BEST LOOK A BIT INTO HISTORY AND TRUTH--AND PERHAPS YOU MAY LEARN SOME SHOCKING FACTS.

The only ones who can teach a higher knowledge to man are ge­niuses and Illuminates. Since the Dawn of Consciousness, less than two hundred geniuses and forty or so illuminates have been prepared by the Creator to awaken the spark of divinity in man, and of these only two are actually known. These two had been fully prepared as omniscient Illuminates who had complete God-awareness, complete knowledge, and a full 360-degree exten­sion of the light spectrum which made God's ways and pro­cesses of creation fully known to them.

These two were the Christed being labeled many names but ac­cepted as Jesus, the Christ of the Hebrews now come as "Sananda", whom they crucified in His day and I shall not ex­pand on that at this time, and the unknown mystic who wrote the Bhagavad-Gita, whom we will henceforth refer to as the Christ of the Hindus. I use these labels for simplification. Some called that great teacher Sri Krishna--but as with Jesus, the label is not of any importance whatsoever. These are the only two commonly known divine immortals who have arrived at that highest stage of spiritual unfoldment which is known as Christ Consciousness and went about in many forms on all places of the Earth. We won't go into the "universe or cosmos" at this time. Now, you will find that one came to Earth about 8,000 years ago and founded the first "religion" of the one God of Light (getting warm?) in which your sun became its symbol. Out of His teaching grew your first great civilization, known as the Age of Character, which lasted for some 2,000 years. We will tell you more about this civilization in the following units.

Two more of these great beings, Buddha and Mohammed, reached a very high state of Cosmic Consciousness and each founded a great religion, but neither of them knew God's pro­cesses of creation and could not tell of them although they fully KNEW God and were fully prepared to tell man where to find God, and heaven, and "paradise"--WITHIN MAN.

Among the lesser Illuminates--which means those who have been transformed by just a momentary flash of severance of sen­sation and Consciousness, such as described in the experiences of, say, Moses or Paul as described in the writing myths, were several which you would recognize as Isaiah, Socrates, Plotinus, Francis Bacon, Roger Bacon, etc. All of these have had a pro­found effect in the exaltation of the human race by bringing man closer to God, and some founded great religions, which have discarded the pagan concept of God and of Sin. By their writ­ings and history can you recognize them.

Preceding the exalted stage of Cosmic Consciousness is the nius stage. These are the illumined ones who interpret God's rhythmic thinking in God's "Soul-language" of inspiration-not a bunch of prattlings of human superior egorecognition. These are the exalted ones who are quite fully aware of their divinity and commune with God for long, ecstatic periods of isolation and then translate their communions into rhythmic forms to reinspire others and to awaken the Light in their souls.

There have been a couple of hundred great geniuses since the dawn of Mind in man. You would know all of them if you were studied in history in accurate measure. It is these who have given the world its priceless culture, yet the world honors and patronizes its "heroes", who kill and conquer, beyond all of these--ah, 'tis indeed sad. It also gives such high honors as the Nobel prize to those who add to the world's material wealth, while the priceless Beethovens and Leonardos who may be living unknown among men are left to starve for lack of patronage and recognition.

Such is the state of the world--and even worsened in your mod­ern, current world. It had reached a promisingly high stage of culture in 1900, but has degenerated so far since then that the only hope for saving it is through the coming of God-awareness and finding the "kingdom of God within man".

The greatest tragedy of humans is their failure to recognize and comprehend the teachings of ones like Christ and Krishna. The Hindus, Lebanese and Persians recognized and revered their Teacher but did not comprehend him. They sought God, as he taught them to do, by searching within themselves through deep meditation. They became a deeply spiritual people that way, but the Hindus were more deeply influenced by Buddha and over­stressed their searching through meditation withoutfollowing it with action. As a consequence, they neglected the creative action of working knowingly with God, as Krishna more particu­larly taught. Because of that misinterpretation of Buddha's and Krishna's teachings, the Hindu world stood materially still for these many centuries.

The "Christ" of the Hebrews transformed many of His own people with His great love and would have, undoubtedly, cre­ated the One-World Ideal of the Brotherhood-of-Man, as He started out to do, if the religion of His day--which Heso vio­lently attacked--did not tear Him down and attempt to totally de­stroy Him through persecution and crucifixion. Then His fol­lowers paid the same price for some three hundred years by hideous tortures and death in the arenas, as with the lions.

This failure to comprehend the divine Messengers whom God sent periodically to illumine man with the Light of God-aware­ness within him is the human tragedy for which the world has paid in blood, tears and agony for nineteen centuries. It is a great pity, however, that the human race has set itself back two thousand years because of but one thing--gross ignorance.Shall you now have the courage to look at your faulty civilization squarely in the face and begin, at long last, to build an en­during civilization based upon Love and the Oneness of all men with God?

This you must do lest you perish. You have no choice, actually. Every cultural institution as well as all industry, commerce and government must place the acquisition of higher knowledge first else Markham's wisdom in saying, "In vain do we build the city if we do not first build the man," will be verified by witnessing another fall of man into chaos and degradation--and brothers, you are there!

It is for this very reason that we come forth to awaken in your Conscious Mind the great Truths of God and His universe. We will continue to unfold that which is "wrong" so that you might confirm for self that we bring only Truth--you have watched the long foretold present world crisis come to peaking. You have seen the crisis of fear and hate unfold until it has been recog­nized, realized, written about and talked about by every man to every other man, and by the press even in its secret bondage, radio and television throughout the world. How long will you turn away and presume that God will, at your whim, bring His Truth through another? It is not to be so! Here it is and you who will partake are welcome at the banquet--you who choose another table--so be it! We shall see WHO sits at the table of God.

The waters now deepen, little fishes--it is better to swim than continue for the shallows are no more. You have long sailed through those shallows and superficialities of matter, motion and process and are now sailing into deeper waters in your search for the higher knowledge which you must have in order for you to become the omniscientBeing of God's intent for man. We deeply the ones who came before this day and understood and shared these concepts for now the keys can be fitted into the locks so that freedom and understanding can prevail.

I direct your thinking toward reversal from outward motion to­ward inward stillness to awaken that divine Light of all-knowl­edge, all-power and all-presence which centers every whirling thought-wave which constitutes your body.

Just how much of that Light is awakened in you is dependent upon how much you have mastered the art of meditation wherein you gain the power to transform sensed-effect to its Mind-cause. To say this same thing in other words of more im­port, which you have probably not yet heard, we repeat the fol­lowing: to unite the divided two into the united ONE.

Take a deep breath for the waters now deepen and you fish do not yet know that you can breathe beneath the waters. We are getting right at the heart of the least understood but most basic principle of Creation, the sex-creative, physical principle which is measured, balanced and controlled by the spiritual surveyor of motion known as GRAVITY. Yes, ifyou have read our prior CONNECTIONS, you will recognize this and be far ahead in comprehension for we have covered it greatly in the books.We are going to dissect it now, that you have no excuses remaining for unknowing--IF you do not sluff through the work. Mankind has never yet fully realized or understood the basically spiritual nature of sex. The human race is still far too physically new to comprehend it as a whole, but advanced Cosmic thinkers are beginning to feel it as God-awareness unfolds in them. Truly mated humans feel it as they discover their multiplied per which arises from their actual transformation from being two to becoming ONE.

Marriage alone does not thus transform two to ONE. Nor do a minister's words transform two into ONE. The words are but abstractions for they are not scientifically understood.That is precisely what we mean by saying that we are sailing into deeper mental waters. That which but very few men and women of Earth even slightly understand is the sex-polarity principle of GRAVITY which UNITES THE DIVIDED TWO INTO THE UNITED ONE. And moreover it hasn't a thing to do with the bedroom, or specifically, the bed.

It is time for this higher divine knowledge to come into human Consciousness for many are ready for it. In Krishna's and Im­manuel's day, man was so physically sense-limited that neither of these two greatest of all teachers complicated His teachings by dynamically stressing it. To do so would have been a hope­less attempt to open the doors to the invisible universe before the people of their day could even faintly comprehend the visible universe of bodies. Whenever either of them mentioned that principle at all--such as the phrase, "I and My Father are ONE"--no one of their day had the faintest idea of its real meaning and very few of today more than superficially or abstractly grasp it.

Who in that day, or even today, would dream of connecting the sex-polarity principle with such words of Immanuel as these:"That they may be ONE; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be ONE in us; 꾿nd the glory which thou gavest me I have given them, that they may be ONE, even as we are ONE."John 17:21-22

If you look back upon the physical man of that day, you will see that he was so absolutely unaware of this one holy principle of Nature that its totally physical expression destroyed men and nations of men so continually and so often that sex was made evil and sinful by man. Instead of writing holiness into the Adam and Eve FABLE, they wrote evil into it and made of God's one holy law the basis of "original sin". This stupid and corrupted idea is now disappearing as intelligence in spiritual man unfolds, but it is still part of the thinking of fully three-quarters of the human race, and women are still held to be infe­rior to men and not ONE with them. Worse, as the shrouds of the lie are pealed away the response is one of total irresponsible behavior and the errors are magnified in the opposing direction causing greater pain and degradation upon the souls of mankind.

It might be well for us to build upon Krishna's phrase so repeatedly stated asTHE UNDIVIDED AND THE DIVIDED and restate it as follows: THE UNDIVIDED, THE DIVIDED AND THE UNITED. We must choose carefully that which can con­nect in your Minds with that which you already recognize in definition.

We must now relate these words to higher knowledge. Con­sider, therefore, that every wave action-reaction in Nature is expressed in cycles. Remember, also, that a cycle is an exten­sion of a divided pair of equal mates from the undivided zero which unite as ONE and return as a divided pair of mates to again become ONE in the zero universe.

Let us think together about cycles for a moment in order to fol­low our thought. A life cycle of an insect may be only ten min­utes, a day, or a week according to the complexity of the idea expressed by the insect. That is but one life cycle, however, just as one breath of yours is a completed cycle in itself, but millions of such cycles occur in one eighty-year life cycle.

What we are endeavoring to make clear to you is that cycles lengthen as bodies complex. They complex because they mani­fest a growing idea. The life cycle of a man at his beginning may have been but a few seconds or minutes.Millions of years have passed during the growth of the man-idea. The cycle of that growth to the maturity of a physical body is already millions of years long in just completing the physical body of man up to the point where his mental and spiritual nature began to unfold.This means that the cycle of the man-idea is only in its middle at present. A few thousand years of Mind-Consciousness is not enough to more than unfold his intellect a very little. Mind-awareness will now unfold fast but it may be a hundred thousand or even a million years before the spiritual nature of man as a whole species will arrive at the mental status of the Christ of the Hebrews or the Christ of the Hindus or the Sacred Circle of In­finity of the native Sioux.

Dharma, it has been a very long day with all work and no rest nor food. Let us leave this at this point. Our need is to get in­formation to man as quickly as is possible--but we cannot kill the golden goos with the silver quill. You will come to recognize of self, chela, and you will accept the challenge for ones must come to confront their purpose and so be it. I wrap you on in the violet flame of the transmuting ray of manifestation-- may we ever serve in honor. I salute you.

I ask that as these messages pour from my dictation and any tapes that come from my speakings--be regularly sent to John in Shasta. Just make him, please, a regular daily mailing recipient. I need no explanation, even for John, at this time. Thank you.

In brotherhood within the Mighty I Am Presence


PJ 35



SATURDAY, JULY 27, 1991 8:00 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 345


As we sit to write this day let us be ever mindful of our sons and daughters who serve in the firing lines at the "front". Those who stand before the multitudes and present Truth and targets at the same time. The way we keep them safe is to keep them protected and safe within our heart and thought projections for that which we project is that which shall be. There are mighty decisions in the making for you of the Brotherhood of man and if you will but be patient a few days more, we will have good news--and bad news. The good is that we will have mighty as­sistance. The bad?YOU WILL HAVE TO SUPPORT IT AS YOU HAVE NEVER SUPPORTED BEFORE--YOUR GLOBE HINGES ON THAT WHICH YOU ARE WILLING TO DO AND SERVE.

In this interim, we must allow Germain and Dharma to present the instructions and Truth of Creation, God and how it all func­tions. Without this information, you are helpless except to churn in the ever increasing whirlwind. With the information you can stop the wind and turn it into power for your machinery! Evil must more and more present his face and his actions-- YOU MUST BE READY AT THE OPPORTUNITY--SEIZE UPON IT AND ACT. Blessings are upon you precious chil­dren. I am Hatonn/Aton. All things at your level of understanding shall be made categorically finite before you. If you will pick up the banner of Truth, you shall march to vic­tory!

I greet you in the abundance of that which is God.


Germain present to continue. Dharma, it is so important, chela, that we move smartly along for things are happening most quickly now. We must be ready when the student becomes ready. Salu.

Though it seems from the prophecies that man must have ad­vanced as far as he can go--know that he has hardly advanced at all. In important matters of value--i.e., his Soul and Spiritual eternal self has moved backward in the ever spiraling chaotic expectation of the physical state.

Realize, please, that man of today is still in his early intellectual and moral period but has now arrived at a point where compre­hension is multiplying in him much more quickly than it did twenty centuries ago because of man's greater knowledge of nature's effects.

In spite of all such mental advancement, man is still strongly material-minded because his discoveries have been translated into material values instead of spiritual ones. He still senses television, radar and other such discoveries commercially and quite fully misses their much deeper spiritual meaning.

It is very difficult to convey the meaning which is in new think­ing by textbook language. Parables and examples are great aids to comprehension so we will resort to them. If, for example, you lived in the 10th century, which you did, and could have heard Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata or the Rachmaninoff Pre­lude, it would seem like noise, for spiritual unfolding had not then advanced to the stage where it could comprehend the dia­tonic scale. If you now hear it, you would hear something else that you could not hear before your spiritual unfolding had pro­gressed to where it now is. As you hear that other "something" today which you could not have heard in your more primate (and I don't mean "monkey") days, you might realize that that "something" you now hear is evidence of your greater spiritual unfolding. What you are now hearing with that sound is the uncreated IDEA, which is immortal. What you are really doing is tuning in to the thinking Mind of God and listening to His silent Voice within the sound.

Logic alone will tell you that there must be something more in music than sound alone. What is that something? Before we answer it, let us carry this thought farther. Mass-man hears nothing beyond sound in the greatest music ever written. Worse, he has mostly destroyed his "hearing" so that he no longer hears the most wondrous of those tones with his physical senses. You hear some of that spiritual quality which belongs to the invisible IDEA world, but you do not hear as much of it as Toscanini could have heard. Nor could you see as much in the greatest painting in the world as Leonardo could have seen, nor as much in the Apollo as Phidias could have seen.

Can you not plainly see, therefore, that the human species is slowly unfolding to an awareness of being able to see that SOMETHING which has not been physically painted into the picture, or hear that SOMETHING other than sound which is not in the sound?

That other SOMETHING is IDEA. IDEA is never created. Therefore it cannot be sensed. It can only be known. Creation manifests IDEA but the manifestation is not that which it mani­fests. It is but a simulation of it.

We may now be able to touch the sensitive spot of the great thought which we are endeavoring to infiltrate into your Con­sciousness. The first step is to realize thatevery physical action of every nature whatsoever is but a visible physical action of an invisible UNCREATED IDEA. When you are but a physical body, you cannot beeven slightly aware of that invisible IDEA which lies behind its manifestation.

IDEA lies solely within the Mind of the Creator. When YOU become even slightly aware of the Creator within you, you are then the Creator in the measure of yourAWARENESS of HIM in you. To that extent, your inner vision can "see" what your outer vision cannot see--and your inner ears can hear what your outer ears cannot hear--and you can have the doors of vast knowledge opened up to you which notextbook can give you because the invisible IDEA, which the textbooks manifest, is not in them.

The familiar terms "inner ears" and "inner eyes" really mean Mind-awareness. They mean the spiritual unfolding of innersensory perception. They mean KNOWING instead of sensing. The moment the human knows that fact, by feeling it inspirationally, he has begun to be aware of his divinity, for God alone is knowledge. God alone can CREATE. MAN CANNOT CREATE UNTIL HEBECOMES AWARE OF THE GOD-MIND WHICH CENTERS EVERY CELL OF HIM, AND EVERY TUBE OF GROWING TREE, AND ALL OTHER THINGS IN ALL THE UNIVERSE WHICH GOD ALONE CREATES.

These are the things which the divine teachers taught, but few there were to know their meaning even unto this day. Their words are filled with very plain admonitions to tell mankind that the physical man--who is designated as "mortal man"--could have no knowledge nor power of his own, nor could he create until he began to be able to SEE AND KNOW GOD.

We have told you all through our teachings that anyone who desires to see and know God can we and know Him. "GOD WILL WORK WITH YOU BUT NOT FOR YOU" tells you how quite explicitly. God tells you, "Seek Me; Know Me; Be Me; Be thou fulcrum of thine own power".

There are no more beautiful words ever written than the fol­lowing words of Krishna to Arjuna who had so deeply desired to "see God face to face":


"Fain would I see, as thou Thyself declar'st it, Sovereign Lord! The likeness of that glory of Thy Form wholly revealed. 0 Thou Divinest One! If this can be, if I may bear the sight, make Thyself visible, Lord of all prayers! Show me Thy very self, the eternal God."


"Gaze, then, thou Son of Pritha! I manifest for thee those hun­dred thousand shapes which clothe my Mystery: I show thee all my semblances, infinite, rich, divine, my changeful hues, my countless forms. See! in this face of mine,....wonders unnum­bered, Indian Prince! revealed to none save thee.

"Behold! this is the Universe! -- Look! what is live or dead I gather all in one--in Me! Gaze, as thy lips have said, on GOD ETERNAL, VERY GOD! See Me! see what thou prayest.

"Thou cans't not!--nor, with human eyes, Arjuna, ever mayest! Therefore I give thee sense divine. Have other eyes, new light! And, look! This is My glory, unveiled to mortal sight."

For all these long centuries, the divine teachings of these Mes­sengers of God have been as though of another language. Their teachings have been revered by many but not understood by even those who have revered them.

They plainly tell that higher knowledge comes from looking within, not without. Jesus reiterated it over and over again in His many veiled and symbolic references,such as: "Ye must be born again"--meaning into the spirit. He told many parables likening heaven to spiritual things, but His most beautiful words in respect to the unfolding of the spiritual nature of man are His Lord's prayer.

Those who have come to know God intimately as a moment-to­-moment working companion see much with their inner vision that is forever hidden to those who just sense and never know.

We are endeavoring to make it clear to you that higher knowl­edge is the omniscient Light within you of which you gradually become aware is God's Silent Voice. It means the multi­plication of Mind-power through the unfolding of the inner spiritualvision. These teachings are ignored by modern educational institutions. Their concept of higher knowledge is to develop human encyclopedias of information, which is useless to anyone who does not have creative inner vision. To stress the process of "educating" the brain instead of unfolding the Mind stultifies whatever creative genius may be latent in a child. The creative genius in a child requires inspiration as a plant requires water. To force such a child to memorize useless information for which it has no immediate use is like nourishing a plant with salted water. Such a child should be asked to take a walk through the city market, or in the woods, and write an essay upon its, reac­tions to what it saw. Such a child would respond happily and write from its Soul, while the child with a photographic memory would write stupidly, or probably nothing at all. The world loudly cheers the one who can answer the$64,000 question and ignores its would be Edisons and Beethovens until it is forced to recognize them by seeing their fruits. It does not help them to come to fruition because the world cannot see that fruit in the seed.

This is not a criticism of modern education. It is merely a pic­ture of your present-day primate civilization. The point herein is not "education" but level of growth. A fully unfolded civi­lization cannot come into being any more than a flower can ap­pear as fully matured. Your civilization has reached a point, however, where hundreds of thousands are becoming quite vividly aware of the Light which centers them. Their spiritual unfolding is fast developing their inner vision, but they are con­fused by it and need to be shown the way more clearly. It is to these that our words are addressed, for they alone can under­stand them.



It is now well to gather together the essential thoughts of the foregoing and restate them as principle in order to assist your comprehension. Principle must have a pattern and an orderli­ness of growth so you can vision it with as much understanding as you would understand the orderly changing pattern of a growing tree.

First comes the necessity of fully comprehending the pattern in­dicated by the words "THE UNDIVIDED, THE DIVIDED AND THE UNITED." The undivided means THE UNCRE­ATED changeless QUALITIES of God's eternal equilibrium, as explained in greater detail in later units. It means THE UN­DIVIDED white Light of CAUSE which constitutes the spiritual universe of REST.

The DIVIDED means the sexed pairs of male and female bodies which constitute the gravity-pressure universe of MOTION. It means CREATED QUANTITIES of EFFECT.

The first step toward higher comprehension is your discovery and realization that THE DIVIDED EFFECT has within it THE UNDIVIDED CAUSE. The uncreated is always within the cre­ated. The spiritual always centers and controls the physical. The eternal invisible white Light balances and dominates the transient visible spectrum-divided light. This is the most important for anyone who seeks higher knowledge to understand. Therefore, we must use every effort for you to understand it. Let us go back to a parable regarding that SOMETHING in mu­sic which you could hear but that Toscanini could hear better than you could hear. That SOMETHING is the UNCREATED, the UNDIVIDED spiritual IDEA that exists within the physical SIMULATION OF IDEA which your physical body cannot hear until spiritual awareness of the Presence of THE CREATOR within you unfolds.

If you will but spend some time in meditation upon this glorious fact, the wonder of it will gradually unfold with you. You will then understand that in the creation of YOU and all things else, awareness of the PHYSICAL EXPRESSION of Creation comes to you first. The senses first become aware of the senses. In all Creation the senses never exceed sensed-awareness except in man. After millions of years in which man never exceeds sensed-awareness, Consciousness of that other SOMETHING which transcends sensing dawns in him. He begins to be aware of the UNDIVIDED from which he issued. He begins to hear the Still Small Voice of the Light of Mind within his DIVIDED being and does not know what that SOMETHING is.

Let me share with you Krishna's divine explanation of it as he gave it to Arjuna during the process of his illumination:

"For in this work BEING is twofold; the Undivided, ONE; the Divided, ONE. All things that live are "The Divided." That which sits Apart, "The UNDIVIDED".

The phrase which uses the words "sits apart" is Krishna's equiv­alent of the words "that SOMETHING" which we are now us­ing. Krishna uses other words to amplify that SOMETHING. Read them with us:

"Who knoweth Me thus, with mind unclouded, knowest all, dear Prince. . . Who comprehendeth this hath wisdom! he is quit of works in bliss."

In other magnificent verses, Krishna paraphrases Immanuel's teachings of God-man unity in His words which say that "The Father is in Me, and I in Him" with the following description of the transformed man who has become aware of that SOME­THING which "sits apart" within him until he has become aware of it. To such a man:

"Another Sun gleams there! another Moon! Another Light, not Dusk, nor Dawn, or Noon--which they who once behold return no more; They have attained My rest, life's Utmost boon." .. . . "those see plain who have eyes to see. Holy souls seewhich strive thereto. Enlightened, they perceive that Spirit in them­selves; but foolish ones, even though they strive, discern not, have hearts unkindled, ill-informed."

Jesus constantly referred to the Father who "dwelleth with Me, and I in the Father", and "the words I speak unto you I speak not of myself, but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works". You will find these words in John 14:6 to 21.

Why do I sometimes call "Jesus" Immanuel, Emmanuel, Jm­manuel and Esu, Isa, Iisa, Isa, Jushua, Pale Prophet, and thus and so? Because you all know him bydiffering language labels. I want you to understand that it is the Christed Being of which I speak and you skim readers will miss it. I know this to be true for we continue to be flooded with letters who say we would be consistent if we were of the Lighted Hosts. Further, if a name is misspelled or unintelligible in correspondence, that one is very likely to mail denouncement letters to myriads of people, "They would correctly spell MY name if they were truth!" Why? If you choose to call yourself something or write incom­prehensibly--who are we to change your foolish prattle or self-appointment, much less your language of finite limitation? We are dealing in CONCEPTS and if you remain locked to the physical aspect of existence--YOU WILL MISS THE BOAT!

Whenever Immanuel referred to the Father, He meant that un­created Source of all things which we are now referring to as that SOMETHING which all spiritually unfolding people are discovering in every physical manifestation as they rise above its physical nature, such as we exemplified in the simple exam­ple of the UNCREATED element in music which is within the CREATED sounds that manifest the UNCREATED IDEA. Immanuel meant by the word "FATHER" the Light of Mind which God IS. The use of the word "Father" has helped to build the concept of apersonal man-shaped God, but that is be­cause His people, and most all of ours, were not ready for it. In essence, however, He was endeavoring to impress upon people that The CREATOR was ever-present in the CREATED, which is the same in meaningas Krishna's words. The UNDIVIDED is present in the DIVIDED. Both were endeavoring to tell man where to find God but man had not unfolded sufficiently to even grasp the edge of their meaning.

It seems incredible that you could have had such higher teachings as those of the Nazarene and Krishna for two thousand years without teaching them in every school and church throughout the world. The answer to that is just what we are now talking about. Man, as a whole, has NEVER YET BEEN READY FOR IT. Man, as a whole, cannot yet see or hear that SOMETHING which the increasingly FEW are beginning to hear with inner eyes and ears.

Krishna's teachings arc authentic, for they have been translated from the writer's own written Sanskrit words. They can be fully depended upon. Unlike Krishna's teachings, those of Jesus Immanuel were verbal and have been passed down as folklore in repeated memories of others. He never left one personally written word. Most unfortunately, the New Testament quotes many sayings of Jesus which He could NOT have possibly said, which any mystic knows are vicious forgeries. History tells you that certain priests were authorized to decide what Jesus said and what He did not say. These priests very far exceeded their authority and wrote in many untrue things which they thought He should have said to uphold their pagan concepts and doc­trines of that ignorant physical age. These ugly, unnatural things which Immanuel could not possibly have said can be eas­ily recognized by you or anyone whose spiritual nature has un­folded to the extent that yours must have unfolded to qualify you for being able to comprehend what is now being written. We will give you a few examples of those forgeries, however, to help you to better recognize them yourselves. After you be­come a bit more insightful, you can pick them out easily. Try referencing Luke 16:22-25. Matthew 25:41-46. Matthew 18:8­9. Matthew 5:29-30, etc.


The foregoing explanations have now prepared you for exam­ples which will further clarify your understanding. Always re­member, however, that the UNDIVIDED is always the spiritual ONE. The DIVIDED are the physical pairs, or halves of one, and the UNITED is the physical ONE, such as the two hemispheres of your sun. Remember, also, that the UNDIVIDED is still, while the DIVIDED pairs are always in motion. If you will now fix upon your consciousness the fact that each of the divided pairs is centered by gravity, which becomes ONE center of gravity when the two are united. (refer to prior JOURNALS to assist with diagrams), you will more fully realize what we mean by saying that the UNCREATED and UNDIVIDED is within every DIVIDED pair and every unit of Creation.

Again we repeat that the spiritual REALITY is within the physi­cal expression which simulates reality. We will say it in other words of different connotation to aid you infully grasping the idea we are trying to give you. By thus saying that THE CREATOR CENTERS HIS CREATION in reference to the center of gravity in the sun, you will be better enabled to understand the thought which I am endeavoring to give you if you will realize that that SOMETHING which you hear in music which Julius Caesar could NOT have heard, and that Toscanini COULD hear more ecstatically than you can, is the same thing, and that means GOD.

The measure in which you can hear the SOUL of music is the measure of your God-awareness. It is the measure of your ability to know the UNCREATED. You increase that measure when you can hear what Toscanini could hear. That means that your spiritual nature has unfolded to that measure, and you can increase that measure vastly if you apply that desire to all things equally with music.

The sun is not in the least aware of its centering white Light which is its Creator and which is also maximum in gravity pres­sure because the sun is a physical expression of the IDEA of Creation and can never have mental awareness. It is not in­tended that it shall have.Man is the ONLY UNIT OF CRE­ATION WITHIN WHICH PHYSICAL AWARENESS IS FOLLOWED BY GOD-AWARENESS. Physical awareness comes first, however. This is the thought we have been leading up to and upon which we will very purposefully and necessarily dwell at some length, the better to aid you in recognizing the measure of your own God-awareness as it is expressed in the sex-mating idea. Always bear in mind that the physical expression of every idea in Creation comes first in body unfolding. Spiritual aware­ness slowly unfolds.

We return to the example given through music which expresses one idea of Creation. The greatest music known to man is but another kind of sound to early man. The very first dawn of any measure of spiritual meaning in jungle man is evidenced in his drum beat. He recognized the rhythm of his walking, his run­ning, and the beating of his heart, even though he had not yet recognized tonal variance or melody. The drum beat rhythm demands rhythmic expression of his body, and the wild dance follows. Melody and tonal variance unfold slowly as the spir­itual nature of man very slowly unfolds in the great masses, and more swiftly in the few. Some centuries before the Christian era, the ancient Greeks and Egyptians stretched some gut strings which they strummed all together, not separately, for tone and melody had not yet unfolded in them. Their first singing was mere chanting which gradually grew into tonal melody several centuries later in the Gregorian chantings.

The Greek lyre gradually grew into your harp and piano, while the Egyptian lyre grew into the ancient cithara, which became the forerunner of your mandolins, banjos and similar stringed instruments of today. In ancient China, its musical expression took the form of blowing with the breath to vibrate reeds, or through tubes which gave wind and flute tones rather than string tones. The Chinese finally evolved the cheng by joining a series of tubular reeds together, and the cheng is now your pipe organ, flute, mouth organ and accordion, and other "wind" instru­ments.

And now, of course, these tones are perfectly duplicated by synthesizers.

So slowly has the mental and spiritual awareness of God's Pres­ence in music unfolded that the diatonic scale did not come into the awareness of man until a hundred years after Leonardo Da Vinci's day. The spiritual rebirth in Italy during the fourteenth and fifteenth century brought forth this great unfolding. Instru­ments for expressing it developed with it, and genius in illumined man gave you Bach and the glorified Gregorian chant which have awakened the Light in tens of thousands and brought all men closer to the door of heaven for the spirit energy rides the waves of the etheric tones.

If you will, now try to realize that nothing whatsoever but mo­tion has been created, of which sound is but one of its many ef­ects. Everything beyond that is IDEA, and IDEA is never cre­ated. Idea is spiritual. Idea cannot be sensed by you. It can only be KNOWN. You cannot begin to KNOW until you tran­scend your senses, for yoursenses cannot know anything. They can but sense the effects of motion.

Civilization, however, is still made up of the very many who are yet close to their pagan primacy and the very few who are rapidly becoming transcendent beings through their increasing ability to commune with that Silent Voice of God which centers every unit of His Creation. These very many of the great masses ofmankind, even though they have advanced to tonal awareness in sound, have not unfolded beyond the physical ex­pression of rhythm. We must dwell upon this idea at some length, also, for this example given you in music will be paral­leled in the example of balanced sex-mating. In fact, that is our reason for reciting the slow stages of unfolding musical aware­ness. It is fortunate for civilization that the few are multiplying into the hundreds of thousands instead of thousands--and nowmillions, as evidenced by the greatest increase in the sale of classical music ever known.

But to return to the musical taste of the great masses, if you lis­ten to television and radio very much you have observed that the popular "shows" have very much of the jungle rhythm and NOISE of syncopated beat, accompanied by much body writhing. Even the musicians are much given to beating with their feet, which is merely a grown-up version of the drum beat of early man.

It is so unfortunate that you have caused the "great" to fall into the methods of gyrations, etc., to have any audience at all. The television producers will cater to the many--not the few. This is even in the face of that fact which is now recognized--that the media is controlled to control that which you think and feel.

Many of the great musicians have become players in night-club shows because there ceased to be acceptance of true talent. Some have left the area of music altogether in order to exist in the physical. You have not yet learned that subsidies for ge­niuses, even to hundreds of millions a year, would be the best investment a government could make, for world culture comes only through world-geniuses, and geniuses are indeed rare. There is great significance to this fact which has back of it one of the many reasons your civilization is still too barbarian and retarded in its spiritual development. As the reason is the same in sex-unbalanced and every other effect with constitutes your civilization as it is in musical unbalance, the explanation of one will help to comprehend the others.

We shall now carry the simile of music still further for your greater understanding of the principles which apply throughout all Nature. In making this next step, we will add another word to the three basic words of Creation which we formerly gave as THE UNDIVIDED, THE DIVIDED AND THE UNITED. These are the basic words of the Creative process for they con­stitute the cycle of motion. There is another word which is not a part of motion for it does not move. It controls all motion, however, and higher knowledge demands full and complete comprehension of its controlling power over all Creation. By adding the word BALANCE, we now have four words which constitute the basis of Creation: The UNDIVIDED, the DI­VIDED, the UNITED and BALANCE, or, more specifically, BALANCED INTERCHANGE BETWEEN PAIRS.

This is so vital a principle that we could well generalize all ac­tions in the universe by saying that all actions which are rhyth­mically balanced are good and perfect, and that all that you call bad, all ills, all hurtful things, all wars, failures, bankruptcies, divorces, frustrations and other unbalanced rhythms of man or Nature, and all things else which prevent man, or nations of men, to achieve prosperity, peace and happiness are the result of unbalanced mating of divided pairs. When you realize the tremendous unbalance which exists in the world-home of men, and in the lives and homes of individual men, it is easy to com­prehend what a long road lies ahead of the human race before it can rise out of the chaos which it has made for itself during these last three thousand barbarous years. What is most difficult to comprehend is why the human race thinks that it is highly ad­vanced.

Allow us to have a break and then we will continue with expla­nations of these terms. You will find great assistance in refering back to diagrams given before. We will be giving them again as we move along but to expedite the information flow, we will move along herein without additional pictures for you can refer to prior material. For you who have really studied the prior JOURNALS--you are out front and this information should fall within the heart and not just upon the eyes and ears.

As quickly as possible begin Alan on the recording of audio readings--we must get this information to the non-readers as ex­peditiously as possible. George has recording equipment--I do not want any of Dharma's moved elsewhere for we will be uti­lizing it. Thank you. The readers will be informed as soon as tapes become available.