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제목: PJ#035, PLEIADES CONNECTION - "The sacred Spirit Within." Dedication and Prelude

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    PJ 35
    CHAPTER 15


    FRIDAY, AUGUST 9, 1991 7:47 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 358

    FRIDAY, AUGUST 9, 1991

    Germain present in the Light of the Mighty I AM Presence. I feel a bit of nagging discomfort regarding the pictures which have been presented by ones who believe themselves to be pre­senting my likeness. Remember that each one who paints, paints that which they enjoy seeing--not necessarily a likeness of myself. No, I would not attire myself in purple robes--at the most I would dress with some trim on my garment, perhaps, of violet in recognition of my color presentation. Purple is a color of false "royalty"--nor would I trim my being with gold for our "ray" is not represented by "things" but by the LIGHT within which makes up our BEING. Further, as we each speak with you, scribe, we will present on a very near frequency as that of Aton so that your identification is easy and immediate. People misunderstand the meaning and use of the refractions (rays). It is fine for physical beings to represent us as they choose; it is for each individual to perceive the substance, however. We come representing the Light of God in our teachings--we will use the Light of that Source in presentation. The violet flame (ray) is one of transmutation and herein we are transmuting nothing--just pronouncing TRUTH which is represented by the white or golden light. The reason ones of my students interpret violet is that they are usually asking for some form of transmu­tation or healing. It would be so wondrous if MAN could find his way to the closeness with God and put aside the toys which he feels he must have to attach to or accept Presence. So be it.

    Note that there is always a lot of "royal" purple and blue associ­ated with that one who heads the Ashtar command. The strange thing is that we only label the individual who heads the Com­mand by the label OF his Command. Ones, for instance, on physical planes wish to make the energy forms into your own images and imaginings--i.e., Ashtar becomes His Royal Highness--Ashtar as presented by Tuella, for instance, to allow for the illegitimate son, Vegan. This is all ridiculous and heinous trickery of a friend and receiver. The one CLAIMING to be Vegan has been spending a bit of time under arrest for taking funds from various groups. 'Tis indeed sad and is the reason we must keep our work without blemish or blot. LET THE TRUTH SPEAK FOR ITSELF--WITHOUT TRAPPINGS OF MAN'S PERCEPTIONS--FOR AS YOU TOUCH WITH GOD YOU NEED NO "LIKENESS".

    Back to Confucius:


    Confucius was primarily a moralist. He bent his energies to so­cial reform and the building of CHARACTER. Let us enjoy some of the "sayings" which constitute his wisdom:

    Make conscientiousness and truth your guiding principles and thus pass on to the cultivation of your duty to­wards your neighbor.

    The ordinance of God is what we call the law of our Being. To fulfill the Law of our Being is what we call the Moral Law. The Moral Law when reduced to a system is what we call Religion.

    The Moral Laws form the same system with the laws by which the seasons succeed each other and sun and moon appear with the alternations of day and night.

    It is this same system of laws by which all created things are produced and develop themselves, each in its order, without injuring one another; by which the operations of Nature take their course without conflict and con­fusion, the lesser forces flowing everywhere like river cur­rents, while the great forces of creation go silently and steadily on.

    It is this one system running through all that makes the Universe so impressively great.

    How unflinchingly firm is he who has moral strength! He is independent without any bias. When there is moral social order in the country, if he enters public life he does not change from what he was by retirement. When there is no moral social order in the country, he holds on his way without changing even unto death.

    It matters not what you inquire into; but when you in­quire into a thing, you must never give it up until you have thoroughly understood it.

    It would be well to imitate the men of old who spoke lit­tle--for those who talk much are sure to say something it would be better to have left unsaid.

    Do not forget to rectify an evil because it may seem small--for though small at first it may continue to grow until it overwhelms you.

    A great body of wisdom has been written by Confucius and many of his disciples, notably Mencius, Chuang Tzu, Yang Chu, Kang Hsi and Ye Tse Tse Chan. Yes, I know you don't find the ones you are looking for on the list--those ones you seek out are modern and speak not whole truth but color it to please the people receiving their teachings.

    The influence of these writings of Confucius has been strongly felt in China for 2,500 years, for they permeated all Chinese thinking and are an excellent example of the fact that "people become what they think". We will quote some of these maxims which were either written or taught by Confucius whether writ­ten by others or not. You will note that every one of them has to do solely with the ethics which govern character building. Not one of them gives any concern to religious beliefs or doctrines.

    Maintain a love of harmony, that throughout your families the common speech shall be: Let us help one another. Then shall the world be at peace.

    The above maxim is the very heart of an enduring civilization. It is the brotherhood-of-man principle taught by the Christ pre­sentation and every one of the great teachers or Illuminates, of all history. It is that which the Nagi Wakan (Wise Spirit) would teach to the "ancients". It is the very basis of character and righteousness. Giving consideration to this fact, ask yourself to what extent this principle is practiced in your humane relations, or taught in your institutions. Industry is fast learning that it should have observed and practiced this very principle. It ulti­mately must do so, for it is now so vast that ethics and honesty have become absent from the working heart of the industrial complexes. The Elite have garnered so much of the "small" business and destroyed it and run the others out of business through their great power and control through politics and crime that the nations are doomed through their lack of moral ethics if all else served well. It is Truth to KNOW that failure to obey laws bring quick and unerring punishment. ("That which you sow so shall ye reap".) If civilization could reflect such a high state of ethics as the old Chinese philosophers taught, as exem­plified in the following quotations, the world would have taken another great step toward its goal of unity.

    I have three precious things that I hold fast and prize. The first is Gentleness--the second is Frugality --the third is Humility, which keeps me from putting myself before others.

    It is a notable characteristic of these teachings that wealth was measured by these qualities which cost nothing, while-he who had great material wealth, without the qualities which make character, was considered poor indeed.

    The following paragraphs amplify this idea:

    Be gentle and you can be bold--be frugal and you can be liberal--avoid putting yourself before others and you can become a leader of men.

    A dog is not supposed to be a good dog because he is a good barker. A man is not considered to be a good man because he is a good talker.

    If a man wishes to attain the excellence of superior beings, let him first cultivate the virtues of humanity; for if he is not perfect in human virtue, how shall he reach immortal perfection?

    To starve is a small matter--to lose one's virtue is a great one.

    In these speakings from the wisdom of a great Illuminate whom God sent into the world to help man to awaken the Light of Love in him, you can see an example of the continued struggle of the divinity of man for recognition but resisted by the mate­rial senses of the bodies of men for sensation, wealth and power.

    In this stage of it, at 500 B.C., man had reached a low moral stage. He once had an awareness of his Soul but had been smothering that awareness for three thousand years in favor of his desire to gain the whole material world. That process of gaining material wealth, and sensual pleasures at the price of character, honor, righteousness and dignity had so lowered man that utter licentiousness was common and local tribal and sec­tional wars for the acquisition of wealth and power were quite the order of the day.

    Confucius had succeeded in creating a moral region around about him which was noted all through China for its high state of character. His district became so crimeless, so peaceable and so honest that the Duke of Lu, who controlled his district, made him Minister of Justice. In his new position, he punished wrongdoing swiftly and rewarded virtue so conspicuously that his province became so reformed that one could leave his goods by the side of the road and no one would molest them.

    This fact gave rise to jealousies in adjacent provinces whose people and leaders did not wish to give up their licentious and characterless ways of life. The neighboring Duke of Tsi plotted to overthrow this model province by tempting the Duke of Lu, by presenting with 180 of the most beautiful young girls in his land, together with 120 fine race horses. The Duke of Lu suc­cumbed to the temptation, and Confucius resigned with about seventy followers to look for another prince who might favor a reform, but all of them preferred the licentious way of life, and he was forced to wander for the rest of his life attempting to find that which he could never again find.

    He lived to a ripe old age, traveled in many States, maintained his dignity and honor throughout his life and won the reverence and love of all who knew him. His life was a living example of the first Egyptian idealism which commanded that every man should do only those things which make him to be loved by all men.

    In this example we find the answer to the peace and happiness which all men seek but never find, because materialism and sen­sation are stronger in man of today than character and righ­teousness. Your civilization has sunk much in character since then, but has gained more in materialism and technology. You have learned so much more of the art of war from Gengis Kahn to Napoleon, and from Napoleon to Hitler--not to even mention the total evilness of ones such as Winston Churchill and Eisen­hower, Stalin and other military adversaries of goodness. Ah, but the Elite tell you to worship at the statues of these pro­claimed great "warriors"--these men have been responsible for the murder of more people than was Gengis Kahn and/or Hitler combined. This very day there is remembrance of an atomic bomb being used on Nagasaki. The interesting thing in point is that the Japanese leaders are telling the people to pray for peace for it appears there will be more atomic war--in the Middle East. America, wake up, please. You MAN of today have come from the ability of one man to kill someone with a stone hatchet into the ability of one man to kill twenty million or more men and destroy a whole city in a few seconds and a whole planet in only a few short minutes.

    Small provinces in China with petty princes, and small tribes in the desert countries, conducted insignificant raids upon each other to acquire herds, slaves and concubines, but your Empire Builders conducted these war raids upon a huge scale basis and thus built this present world of fear and hate which is so in­evitably destroying itself that its changing pattern is now as evi­dent as the daily rising and setting of the sun is evident.

    The only hope now for saving this civilization is by restoring a system of ethics which will rebuild character, honor, dignity and righteousness into the human race.The greatest op­portunity for accomplishing this result is through the growingmammoth power of Industry which MUST trade upon an in­creasingly greater ethical basis than it has ever done before during the days of caveat emptor (a principle in commerce: without a warranty the buyer takes the risk of quality upon him­self. ["buyer beware"]).

    Industry cannot do this by alone building Industry. It must also build man, for you must remember Markham's dictum in this respect, which I again repeat: "In vain do we build the city if we do not first build the man".


    I ask you to pause here for some introspective thought. Where do YOU fit into these action patterns? What do you do with YOUR ego? Are you the tyrant who demands or are you one who GIVES? Do you speak of others as a part of some Elite band when, in fact, they are only different in job responsibility? DO YOU TREAT THE OTHER AS YOU DESIRE THEM TO TREAT YOU? Are you ACTUALLY being treated as is de­serving through the return cycle of that which you have pro­jected? Better look again!!! What EXACTLY do you expect? Do you treat the other in the manner which elicits the kind, gen­tle and loving regiving? Do you demand that you be the recipi­ent of abuse in some self-punishment need through lack of self-esteem? Do you hide from the truth of it while proclaiming an­other has all the attributes you have just sent forth? Are there not a lot of you who should possibly be sent into the "forever" horizon to clean up your attitudes?

    How many times will you who must be "in charge" allow others to come who have no intent to "follow" but rather to "restructure" the so-called group? Why do you allow another's evil and greedy moods and rampages to cause you to play into the force rather than take a stand and refuse such behavior. Are all things which are projected (also from this so-called group) reflective of GOD? I can tell you now--NO, and moreover, it is painfully damaging to the respect and Truth of that which we bring. Yours is not to judge a MAN--yours IS to judge actions and that which is reflective of the adversary in character rather than the God of Truth and Love in ALWAYS GIVING, MUST BE CONFRONTED. You all know the laws and the golden rule--why would you expect Hatonn or Germain or, or--to come and handle your earth personality ego rampages? You ones have two or three massive and very earthly jobs to attend and I see not how you can get them done with personality conflicts as they are now entangled!

    If ones who have these problems of inter-relationships cannot see their own errors, does this mean that all others must some­how tolerate such behavior? God will work THROUGH AD­VERSARIAL SITUATIONS--HE WILL NOT GET INTO BED WITH THE ADVERSARY. Perhaps you ones should begin with yesterday's lessons wherein I pronounce that "turn the other cheek" as projected by the would-be controllers to ensure their power over you--had best be restudied within the laws of sowing and reaping--a Natural Law which is never in variance! If you send out unrest--you shall have it--immediately! If you send forth gossip and prattling--so shall it come against you. If you send out Love--it returns unto you--instantly! It will be­hoove all you ones to look at that which you are and that which you do lest the horizon be a most lonely one. How dare you hand over that which is God's because another demands to TAKE IT. If you serve in a "team" in which God is the focus--how dare you do that which brings embarrassment upon the team by your egotistical tantrums and moody indulgences. NO ONE IS INDISPENSABLE! ALL ARE NECESSARY TO THE WHOLE BUT IF ONES REFUSE TO MOLD THEIR PIECE OF THE WHOLE INTO ONENESS BUT CONTIN­UES TO SET THEMSELVES ASIDE AS PUT-UPON OR UNACCEPTING IN ORDER TO MAINTAIN SELF STATUS--IT IS INDEED SAD FOR THE BROTHERS WILL GROW WEARY AND YE SHALL FIND SELF QUITE ALONE AND UNWELCOME--IT HAS NAUGHT TO DO WITH LOVE. AS WITH THE CHILD HAVING A TANTRUM--HE SHALL STOP IF HE HAS NO ONE TO ATTEND HIS BAD BEHAV­IOR. SO BE IT.


    In our efforts to give the lost qualities of character and righ­teousness back to the world of men, we believe that Laotzu fol­lows Immanuel and Krishna in value for your study. So highly did his followers value him that the prelates of the religion which they formed--strongly against the will of Laotzu himself--tried to clear him of the stigma of being born through sex, as the prelates of the Christian religion tried to do for Immanuel (Jesus).

    Now let's look at a rather strange and humorous comparison. The Christian Prelates conceived Jesus as being "immaculately" born by being fathered by the "Holy Ghost". Chinese Taoists were a little more spectacular, to say the least: They conceived Laotzu to be fathered by a shooting star and carried in his mother's womb for sixty-two YEARS, THEN BORN FULLY MATURED, WITH WHITE HAIR.

    So, how is it you ones have such trouble with DNA duplication and gene splicing? This is nothing compared to a conception via ghost or a sixty-two year pregnancy! How can you be so gullible in your acceptance of things so totally against the Laws of Nature? Can a man not be "son of God" AND "son of Man"? I believe the Masters told you exactly that! How can you accept the total blatant contradictions? So be it.

    Dharma, I would like to close here for I ask that ones give more thought to this closing in this lesson. It is of no value to have Truth if you ones do not see fit to practice it--only scatter it about among OTHERS. We witness much which is needing at­tending within the small groups--how can you expect to reach out and touch the world with Love, if you cannot find peace and Love within? If you perceive that you are somehow "left out"--perhaps you have isolated self--a gift must be accepted to be a gift! Ponder it.

    Allow us a short break, please.

    I AM --- GERMAIN

    PJ 35
    CHAPTER 16


    FRIDAY, AUGUST 9, 1991 11:46 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 358


    Laotzu never heard of the story of his so-called gestation period during his lifetime for the story was not "invented" until cen­turies after his death; just as with Immanuel, likewise, never knew of His "immaculate conception" nor that his name was "Jesus" during His life for it was not "invented" by Christian Prelates until three centuries AFTER HIS DEATH.

    The chief thing which characterizes Laotzu from all other men was his ability to obtain knowledge from the Cosmos through meditation communion, as Immanuel (Jesus) and all consum­mate Illuminates acquire it. He openly declared that the infor­mative knowledge which any man received through his senses was of no value whatsoever. He claimed that the only knowl­edge of any value to man was the Spiritual knowledge which comes to man by direct communion with the Cosmos itself.

    He claimed that Spiritual knowledge was innate in every man. It did not need to be sought. He told his pupils that if they rested quietly and serenely, and withdrew from outward sensing to inner--or innate--knowing, all knowledge would come to them. In such manner he taught men to seek the quietness of Tao (God), just as he sought and found it. At this point I shall interrupt the thought to respond to a frequent inquiry--why do we continually use Sioux terms for God, etc., instead of Hopi or Cherokee or Mayan or somebody else? Because we work in conjunction with a being given into the task of bringing the Oral Teachings unto the human print. Since I work with that one and all of the natives understand from that label exactly that which I mean, why use another? It all means the same thing and if the heart says otherwise then I suggest the dissenting ones look at their ego reasons for chafing about it.

    The next question is, "...well, then, why don't you use Sun Bear, or Black Elk, or Red Dawn, or, or, or"? Why? Why would we not use the one appointed by the Great Spirit and our Grandfather, to fill his task? Earth human has hardly qualified himself, as a mass, to choose the methods used by God nor of the ones which will serve as he directs. We certainly do NOT NEED ANY MORE SELF-APPOINTED GURUS WHO AC­TUALLY PULL AWAY FROM THE TRADITIONAL TRUTHS TO "FIT" MORE COMFORTABLY IN AN UNBALANCED AND SELF-ORIENTED WORLD IN SEPA­RATION FROM GOD. If ones of you don't like that which we choose I suggest you look around at your world and the state of your existence and then tell me that WE ARE WRONG--WE CAN SEE THAT WHICH YOU HAVE DONE THROUGH YOUR "WISE" DECISIONS AND CHOICES. NO, I THINK I'LL STICK WITH THAT WHICH I AM COMMISSIONED TO DO--THAT IS TO SET TO TRUTH THAT WHICH IS FALSE. IF YOU DO NOT LIKE THAT WHICH IS BROUGHT FORTH THEN WHY SHOULD YOU DO OTHER THAN TURN AWAY--WHAT COMPELS YOU TO HAVE TO MAKE GRAND AND LOUD STATEMENTS AGAINST IT? I suggest if it be wrong--far too many of you protest too loudly for you will find nothing which is not of goodness and Light in the teachings. I said the "teachings"--obviously there is almost everything of the adversary's darkness in the world that we must outlay for your attention. So far to this moment, ALL WHO HAVE SCATHED AND CRUCIFIED THESE WORKS--HAVE NOT EVEN READ THE WHOLE OF THE WORK. Nor will there be any rocks thrown by ones after reading same if they have any connections with Truth and the Laws of God and The Creation, in reason. The most vicious attackers and loudest disclaimers have actually read the very least!


    You see, I am not interested in what Sister Thedra says, or Bill Cooper, or Ramtha, or Mafu or Saraswatti--I HAVE ONE EAR AND THAT IS TO HEAR WHAT GOD SAYS!! MINE IS TO PROJECT AND REFLECT EVERY LAW OF GOD AND THAT OF THE BALANCED UNIVERSE WITHIN NATURE. I NEED NO OTHER QUALIFICATIONS--NOR DOES DHARMA FOR ONLY THAT OF GOD IS PROJECTED. If you do not like Shirley MaClaine's books, would you simply not read them a second time--for how else do you know you like them not if you read them not, the first time? After you have read all the PHOENIX material and you still dislike that which you read--why would you annoy us with your dislikes for it is your business and not ours as to that which you think! Further­more, it seems most outrageous to me that the world would be interested in your opinion--especially if they take not the time to become informed for selves. If ones' truth disagrees with mine­--then let us see whose stands the ultimate testing of TRUTH and reason.

    We of the guides are amazed that the human gives so little at­tention to the most important things in existence--his immortality and divinity and his freedom. He treats marriage like an expected faillure before embarking and uses murder as birth control and then throws atomic bombs at my scribe because I say these things are against God's laws and that of The Creation in Na­ture. Some will stand with a Bible in one hand while writing me with another and telling me to "return to Jesus"?? The Christ travels WITH me and I recognize the energy you tout who can sanction murder, disrespect, hate and theft of everything in­cluding freedom. I cannot even relate to ones who expect a man of two thousand years ago to bear all of everyone's evil. What are you, humankind? Then, shouts at me, do you think there should be a law against abortion? There IS--it is God's law! If you ask me if I think there should be a man-law to make it ille­gal, I can only respond "What difference"? There are laws against murder and yet murder takes place. There are laws against child abuse and yet it takes place. There are laws against suicide and yet suicide is committed. There are laws against what the government practices against you and yet it continues. What difference?? You cannot legislate morality and character and the world Shan has lost both. You can argue and object to me all you like--you can burn the books and chant and rave--it will change NOT ONE IOTA OF THE TRUTH OF IT. YOU CAN TOSS MY SCRIBE ONTO THE PILE OF BURN­ING BOOKS AND YOU WILL ONLY PROVE THAT WHICH I SAY IS TRUE!!

    The teachings of Laotzu paralleled those of Immanuel the Christ who, likewise, told men to seek the kingdom of heaven which was within all men, and they parallel our teachings herein when we speak of that divine spark of genius which lies inherent within all men. They also parallel the teachings of the Christ in respect to His instructions which say that knowledge cannot come to man "through observation".

    I tell you this because you all desire to comprehend the principle of gaining knowledge and power through the awakening of Cosmic Consciousness, as we have gained it and we, therefore, commend Laotzu to you as one of the few great Illuminates who have known the universe through God's teachings of it.


    There is only one book of Laotzu: THE WAY OF LIFE which is in English and other translations. The interesting thing is that this priceless book was written at the request of the gate-keeper of one of the exits through the Great Wall through which Laotzu was about to pass on his way to disappearance. I think you will find the book listed as the Witter Bynner translation and was published by the John Day Company. You will find it interest­ing in total similarity of teachings. I will give you a few ex­cerpts as we move along. But back to the gate-keeper. As Laotzu started to pass through the gate for his final journey the gate-keeper said: "Master, are you going away? What will you leave us that your teachings may not be forgotten?" Whereupon Laotzu tarried a few days and gave to the gate-keeper these im­mortal pages, then passed through the gate and entered the pass to the mountains of the North never again to be seen by mortal man.

    Laotzu transformed the entire spiritual bearing of the Orient by insistence upon one idea, and if you can take that idea into your Consciousness it will transform you to the same extent. He gave to the world a new concept to help people attain cosmic consciousness. He called it Creative Quietism or Taoist Qui­etism, and explained it by saying that Tao (God) was absolute Stillness out of which came all power and all creative knowledge power and all creative knowledge. He exemplified that principle throughout his life by living in a lonely hut on the mountain side seeking that absolute stillness in order to become One with the Creator of all things and thus BE the Creator. By thus doing, he was in no wise a hermit, for anyone who knocked at his door would be cheerfully received and taught by him without price. May I further explain the importance of the "stillness" in communion with God? It is not so that you can talk TO God--it is required so THAT YOU CAN HEAR HIS ANSWER!!!

    Laotzu knew the universe and the processes of Creation through practicing his principle of Creative Quietism. Did he claim to be the Christed God? No, he claimed that which he was--­Laotzu OF God and a teacher of Truth, no more and no less. This wondrous being was so studied that he could sever his seat of sensation from its seat of consciousness at any moment and be taught BY GOD. He consciously asked: What is God--What is Love--What is Existence--What was the beginning of things--What is Life--and Death--What is Beauty--What is Attainment?

    He consciously asked those questions as though asking a teacher then dissolved his body-awareness into his state of Taoist Quietism--which means God-stillness--and awaited and received his answers. In this respect, he was the greatest teacher in world for he was able to tell others how to attain Cosmic Consciousness, while other great Illuminates were un­able to put it into comprehensive words. How many thousands of times Buddha had to tell his people that he could not tell them how to attain it beyond telling them how to place themselves into a mental condition which invites that attainment. That is why India is characterized by the men who spend their lives in monasteries or sitting by the side of the road in meditation with­out knowing its true meaning.

    These Hindus interpret the Buddhist meaning as inaction and freedom from all desire, while the Japanese Buddhists, who had a deeper comprehension of the powers of meditation because of the Laotzu teachings of it as CREATIVE QUIETISM, filled their meditation with the desire for creation and followed it by ACTION.

    You may, yourself, gain a priceless lesson from this one idea alone. We have told you many times that a man becomes that which he thinks. The difference between the entire mental and fysical habits of Hindus and Japanese is marked by the differ­ence in their thinking. The more you, yourself, can carry that idea of creative quietism into your meditation by consciously asking while consciously desiring, and THEN becoming ONE with God in His One Great Stillness, the more you will be enabled to sit at the feet of the universal Teacher and become aware that all knowledge and all power are truly within YOU.

    May we share a few fragments of the great knowledge which Laotzu gained by sitting quietly in the nothingness of Taoist Quietism while fully knowing that all moving things are born out of it through desire to give birth to them--which is what Laotzu meant by Creative Quietism.

    Once Laotzu was asked how he KNEW the INTEGRITY of the universe--he replied:

    How do I know this integrity? I know it because it could all begin in me.

    One who recognizes all men as members of his body is a sound man to guard them.

    The sanest man
    Sets up no deed,
    Lays down no law,
    Takes everything that happens as it comes,
    As something to animate, not to appropriate,
    To earn, not to own,
    To accept naturally without self-importance:
    If you never assume importance
    You never lose it.

    It is better not to make merit a matter of reward
    Lest people conspire and content,
    Not to pile up rich belongings
    Lest they rob,
    Not to excite by display
    Lest they covet.
    A sound leaders aim
    Is to open people's hearts,
    Fill their stomachs,
    Calm their wills.
    Brace their bones
    And so to clarify their thoughts and cleanse their needs
    That no cunning meddler could touch them:
    Without being forced, without strain or constraint,
    Good government comes of itself.

    The breath of life moves through a deathless valley
    Of mysterious motherhood
    Which conceives and bears the universal seed,
    The seeming of a world never to end,
    Breath for men to draw from as they will:
    And the more they take of it, the more remains.

    The universe is deathless,
    Is deathless because, having no finite self ,
    It stays infinite.
    A sound man by not advancing himself
    Stays the further ahead of himself,
    By not confining himself to himself
    Sustains himself outside himself:
    By never being an end in himself
    He endlessly becomes himself.

    If you can bear issue and nourish its growing,
    If you can guide without claim or strife,
    If you can stay in the lead of men without their knowing,

    What we look for beyond seeing
    And call the unseen,
    Listen for beyond hearing
    And call the unheard.
    Grasp for beyond reaching
    And call the withheld,
    Merge beyond understanding
    In a oneness
    Which does not merely rise and give light,
    Does not merely set and leave darkness,
    But forever sends forth a succession of living things as mysterious
    As the unbegotten existence to which they return.
    That is why men have called them empty phenom­ena,
    meaningless images,
    In a mirage
    With no face to meet,
    No back to follow.
    Yet one who is anciently aware of existence
    Is master of every moment,
    Feels no break since time beyond time
    In the way life flows.


    Be utterly humble
    And you shall hold to the foundation of peace.
    Be at one with all these living things which, having arisen and flourished,
    Return to the quiet whence they came,
    Like a healthy growth of vegetation
    Falling back upon the root.
    Acceptance of quietism has been condemned as "fatalism".
    But fatalism is acceptance of destiny
    And to accept destiny is to face life with open eyes,
    Whereas not to accept destiny is to face death blindfolded.

    A leader is best
    When people barely know that he exists,
    Not so good when people obey and acclaim him,
    Worst when they despise him.
    "Fail to honor people,
    They fail to honor you",
    But of a good leader, who talks little,
    When his work is done, his aim fulfilled,
    They will all say, "We did this ourselves".

    Before creation a presence existed,
    Self-contained, complete,
    Formless, voiceless, mateless,
    Which yet pervaded itself
    With unending motherhood.
    Though there can be no name for it,
    I have called it "the way of life".
    Perhaps I should have called it "the fullness of life",
    Since fullness implies widening into space,
    Implies still further widening,
    Implies widening until the circle is whole.
    In this sense
    The way of life is fulfilled,
    Heaven is fulfilled,
    Earth fulfilled
    And a fit man also is fulfilled:
    These are the four amplitudes o f the universe
    And a fit man is one of them:
    Man rounding the way of earth,
    Earth rounding the way of heaven,
    Heaven rounding the way of life
    Till the circle is full.

    Might be likened to the course
    Of many rivers reaching the one sea.

    * * *
    No greater philosophy of life has ever been written than these words of this Illuminate of China. Take careful note of their similarity to the teachings of Krishna. Let us quote a few lines in review of the translation by Swami Prabhavananda.

    What is knowledge? What is it that has to be known?

    Sri Krishna answers him by telling him that this universal body is the FIELD in which seeds of knowledge are sown by the KNOWER. He explains that nothing exists in the universe ex­cept the KNOWER and the FIELD. Another name for the Field is Prakriti--whichis the Hindu word for Cosmos.

    Read these next words carefully for they are among the most valuable words ever written and are the highest teachings, yet not one word of these priceless teachings ever reaches the mod­ern youth for not one educational institution ever thinks of them in any other way than as examples of "ancient wisdom", with the connotation that they belong to the past and not to today:

    Briefly I name them:
    First, Prakriti
    Which is the cosmos
    In cause unseen
    And visible feature;
    Intellect, ego;
    Earth, water and ether,
    Air and fire;
    Man's mind also:
    The five sense-objects--
    ­Sound in its essence,
    Essence of aspect,
    Essence of odour,
    Of touch and of tasting;
    Hate and desire,
    And pain and pleasure;
    Consciousness, lastly,
    And resolution;
    These, with their sum
    Which is blent in the body:
    These make the Field
    With its limits and changes.

    Therefore I tell you..
    Be humble, be harmless,
    Have no pretension,
    Be upright, forbearing,
    Serve your teacher
    In true obedience,
    Keeping the mind
    And the body in cleanness,
    Tranquil, steadfast,
    Master of ego,
    Standing apart
    From the things of the senses,
    Free from self;
    Aware of the weakness
    In mortal nature,
    its bondage to birth,
    Age, suffering, dying;
    To nothing be slave
    Nor desire possession
    Of man-child or wife,
    Of home or of household;
    Calmly encounter
    The painful, the pleasant;
    Adore me only
    With heart undistracted;
    Turn all your thought
    Toward solitude, spurning
    The noise of the crowd,
    Its fruitless commotion;
    Strive without ceasing
    To know the Atman, (God)
    Seek this knowledge
    And comprehend clearly
    Why you should seek it:
    Such, it is said,
    Are the roots of true wisdom:
    Ignorance, merely,
    Is all that denies them.

    I could go on here for some great length of time relaying the teachings of great men who have graced your lands but I believe you will only find that they repeat the identical theme.


    I would like to urge you precious ones who are coming into better focus in your communion--to flow with that which touches you. If you feel a nudge to do something which seems alien to your talents--try it. Ones will be finding that as they reduce the input of the "critical" consciousness the truth of the talent held within becomes a bursting flower. You who are nudged to paint--get a brush and follow your heart--you must ALLOW the talent to flow lest you never realize it is there in waiting. This becomes a demonstration of the meaning of working knowingly with God and working with God's hands together with your own--as one. This, also, is a demonstration of God-awareness. That is the way inspiration comes--suddenly--for all inspired conceptions are timeless. Knowledge is a quality of the undi­vided Mind universe in which there is no time.Thoughts of Mind, however, take time, for thoughts are divided waves and waves are synchronized with the Universal heartbeat which cre­ates the idea of time.

    As more and more of you become thoroughly familiar with the practice of working knowingly with God until it becomes a habit, the world will know more and more about it and geniuses will again be produced as they were during the three hundred years following the great Renaissance which gave you many in­spired geniuses. But do not do that which is so foolishly fol­lowed by the "New Age Movement" members who dabble into meditation within some medicine wheel and come forth pronouncing themselves great artists and reincarnations of great masters--this would be a most stupid attitude for one very im­portant factor is always present in the great masters--humility and gratitude. They paint or compose from the soul and treat it as a most wondrous gift of soul--not ever acclaimed for self. They may become total perfectionists and quite eccentric but that is only in searching for perfection of the idea--the imagin­ing. Anyone who touts his talent in ego gleaning is a bore not a genius.

    Every man is an inherent genius and there should be an ever-increasing number of geniuses in the world. You have it in you and so have your sons, daughters and friends. And if it comes forth--others will take note without, preferably, your even speaking of it. The greatest man who ever lived is no greater than you except that within he KNEW that he was and did some­thing about it.

    The hope for world culture is through the production of more geniuses and you can only have that when you present ideals worthy of becoming a great culture. By genius, I repeat: the person who has learned to live life gloriously --at the maximum--not just the genius who has expressed himself in the arts or sci­ences.

    It is now apparent that you must necessarily KNOW God so that you will see yourself reflected in HIM, or know yourself to be an extension of Him. The more you do unfold your genius, the more you will be enabled to uplift the world to the level you have yourself attained.

    It is wondrous to take note that as God-awareness increases, materiality decreases, and materialists are the ones who make wars.

    Take time--find time, therefore, to lose your body as much as you can. When you are aware of your body, you can be lone­some, terribly lonesome and dejected--but you never can be lonely if you can find the exaltation and ecstasy which is in your Soul. Instead of being lonely, you will rejoice in your aloneness with God. This is what is meant by "finding" yourself. This is not found by wandering about the country trying this or that and loving-in and popping in here and there to "experience"--usually at the expense of another because in your searching you have found no time to be self sufficient--therefore, all you have done is diligently work to AVOID FINDING SELF.

    Therein is the secret of Self-discovery. Therein lies the differ­ence between greatness and mediocrity, stability and instability, and strength and weakness in man. The secret--ceasing to think of self as limited when he thinks of himself AS body. Human must lift the thinking into the awareness of the eternal man, in­stead of the transient body which is but the instrument used for self-expression.

    Life is glorious when it is all that way--and it really IS that way when that which is eternal in you makes you forget all else but the eternal in God's universe--the rest of it being mirage which really cannot touch you when you know it cannot.

    Remember that which I wrote on the yesterday: You can apply these things, and there is no proof in this World that amounts to anything except that which you prove to yourself.

    So stand firm in the glory of the Presence of Life. Stand in its fullness; stand there giving the full power of its mighty action, and let the Presence and power of Life go forth and bring to you all that you crave. As you go forth in the Expansion of this Light, in the power of Life, you do not know today that which stands right in the periphery of your world, ready to come forth with dynamic power and give you that freedom, that happiness which you have craved so long.

    There is nothing controversial about this Word and Work which we offer unto you--just the loving kindness and power of Life in action, and we shall never do anything else. Therefore, I want you to realize that you are dealing with the Power of Divine Love in turning your attention to the Presence of Life, the Masters gone before, the Cosmic Beings, and the Cosmic Light.

    You have throughout all teaching heard and believed in the Christ Principle, have you not? Now, what is this which you have been talking about all through the centuries? An action of your own Life! How and why is it the Christ Principle? Be­cause it is that energy of Life which is no longer contaminated by human QUALIFICATION. That is what the Christ Principle of Life IS, and every human being can become as the Christ when they cease using human qualification of discord. Every one is a Christ Being because the Light within them that beats their heart is God. It is Mighty Intelligence and Energy.

    When you understand this, you will no longer feel the human sense of limitation that so upsets you, and you will find that even in the simple words of calling to your own God Presence, even without further understanding, you will draw into your experi­ence the greater perfection of that Life which will cause you to know that you have touched the fountainhead of Life.

    You must further understand that when your attention is upon outer things, it is limited, because that is human presentation. But when your attention is upon your own "God Presence" and you call upon that Presence for ANYTHING WHATSOEVER-- (AND, OF COURSE, WITHIN THAT UNDERSTANDING YOU WOULD NOT WISH TO HARM ANOTHER NOR WISH DESTRUCTIVE ACTIVITY, FOR YOU KNOW THAT WOULD RETURN UPON YOU)--all constructive activity in your Call to the Presence of Life, will find fruition. The call compels the answer.

    As I close I can only urge you ones who enter into the reading of the JOURNALS from your brothers--especially the spiritual sharing of what is identified as PLEIADES CONNECTIONS--at the advanced books you will not find acceptance of Truth so easy to understand. When you started in school you did not jump from the kindergarten to algebra or calculus or some higher understanding, did you? You went step by step. So, you have to begin step by step before you have attained this compre­hension.

    We are in a position to not only tell you, but show you the way in detailed outlay. As you come to understand yourself, you will see that you are dealing with the most natural, beautiful, majestic, powerful thing--your own Life and your own won­drous Immortality. Perhaps it will be easier for you to accept my presence if you think of me as your own greater expansion into KNOWING. For it is only for the guide and teacher to give unto the student than which is given in greater Knowing that that which the student has. You would not be given that which is beyond ability to comprehend--IF you walk step by step and, students, do your homework--God will walk WITH you, He will not DO IT FOR YOU! SALU.

    Blessings and Love I offer unto you.

    Germain to clear, please.

  2. #10
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    Default 응답: "The sacred Spirit Within." Dedication and Prelude

    PJ 35
    CHAPTER 17


    SAT., AUGUST 10, 1991 8:47 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 359

    SATURDAY, AUGUST 10, 1991
    Germain present in the Light of GOD. I am asked to relinquish time tomorrow for the writing of an EXPRESS. I believe that means we need to do at least two sections today, Dharma, and then we will draw this JOURNAL to a close and begin a fresh title on the beginning week.

    So much EXPRESS material has piled up that I would like to ask that Hatonn cover the new cost to you taxpayers for "spying" by the Israel mini-state. I believe that even though you THINK you are getting a grasp on the officious taking of your country through deceit--you have no REAL integrated acceptance of the "whole of it". Perhaps this will shaken your eyelids just a tad? You who are ordinary Americans and already see the billions exacted by Israel from the U.S. as a rip-off through the annual rite (since 1949), hear ye; hear ye! You are now looking at a bill for over $50 BILLION, claimed by the State of Israel for "intelligence services"!

    Does this sound like some kind of kinky, sick joke? No--there is already a task force quantifying by market evaluation, all information supplied. Ariel (the Butcher) Sharon was Israel's defense minister in the 1980's and he set up a task force to quan­tify and to set this "market evaluation" on all information the Is­raeli's military and civilian (Mossad) staffs claimed to have sent to Washington. I would say that with an amount of at least $50 BILLION (Israel claims the bill is actually OVER $80 BIL­LION) that here is just a little proof of what Hatonn and others have been telling you--that is one heck of a large charge for something of clandestine operation. Do you STILL think you don't have government by BLACKMAIL AGAINST YOUR LEADERS? So be it.

    Also, chelas, the holding of Hostages in Lebanon is revolving around how much those hostages can tell about the secret nego­tiations (blackmail) in the issue. If there is evidence of the clan­destine arrangements by the U.S. government in the continued holding of these people, they are not apt to be released. This is WHY McCarthy is still in "seclusion"--until the government finds out what he can "TELL". You see, England has more to hide than does even the U.S.!!! "What you sees and hears is NOT what youze gets"!

    Let us move on with our JOURNAL material, please.

    I ask that you now refer back to the Introduction by Aton, to MURDER BY ATOMIC SUICIDE for the subject matter would ordinarily fit very well in this placement. I do not, however, wish to duplicate so much material. I trust you will obtain the book and study it most carefully for it is, indeed, extremely ur­gent and important.

    Let us consider the question of questions: "How can I become a transcendent being, a being possessed of supreme power, knowledge, intelligence, wisdom, dignity and character, a being who can give of great riches to the world and the glory of an abundant peace and happiness for myself--and hence unto all who touch me"?


    Yes indeed, this is THE question. It IS the SUPREME question because that is what you and the world want and need to make a happy home for your family and an enduring civilization of happy homes for the world-family. The answer is simple. It is to know God and be like unto Him.

    The answer is simple, but of course, acquirement is a bit more complicated--not difficult--just a bit complex. The word "difficult" has usually been used to describe this capability; I dislike the word for it implies WORK and struggle. No, it requires neither of these actual "activities". We are simply limited by your lack of recognized terminology. We are not writing for university professors of English language--we are writing for MAN in the most simplistic manner we can utilize. It would, however, behoove the professor to study it most carefully for he is misinformed--if he teaches in an accepted Establishment uni­versity--HE IS MISINFORMED AT THE VERY LEAST.

    To "attain" means diligent practice and a bit of effort. To at­tain it means to know God's ways and processes, and that means the work of physical and mental unfolding--indefatigable effort given and performed in love during one's life. To ascend any high mountain peak gloriously means great exertion performed with intense spiritual exaltation--and a desire for attaining the mountain top. The mountain top will not "fall down" just so you can stand atop it--if it did it WOULD NOT BE THE SAME. To become a transcendent being, one must climb that high mountain of life gloriously, rejoicing in the effort and ex­perience of it--uplifted by the joy of it--ennobled by the conquest of it.

    What is that "effort" which will uplift you to your high mountain top?

    It is the KNOWING GOD in you by KNOWING HIS UNI­VERSE. To attain your full inheritance of God-power, you must KNOW the power which God makes use of to create His universe. You can never acquire that knowledge through your senses. You can acquire it only through your Mind. To KNOW through your Mind, you must BE Mind. THERE­FORE, AWAKEN! Sever your senses from your Mind by BE­ING MIND. To sever your senses from your Consciousness, learn to BE STILL. Learn to stop thinking. Meditate unthinkingly and KNOW. Forget the Body. Be thus STILL and LET GOD IN. This is why we urge you to put aside all the preor­dained "positions" and "chants" and other rituals save the ONE--to get the conscious critical to relinquish and allow the "within" to be open. You will thus hear HIS voice within you. You will thus know HIS Presence within you. You will thus know His Identity and your Identity as in oneness. At first you may experience nothing for you are so conditioned to receiving through "senses" that you will actually miss the response--continue and you will suddenly recognize the entity AND the response. Do not "try" this once and announce failure--simply to "try" indi­cates certain failure. You must DO a thing--not simply "try" to do a thing. If I ask you to "try" to get up out of a chair--as long as you are "trying", do you see, you cannot get out of the chair. If I want you out of the chair I must tell you get up--not "try" to get up.

    Do you deeply desire to become the transcendent being de­scribed above or do you just want to "try" another route to one more failure? It is up to you. If you wish success, you can as­cend that mountain of life in the measure of your desire. The heights you will attain will be measured by your willingness to put forth some effort and "time". You are living in a world of "instant" everything--most especially push for gratification of "wants". God does not respond to your "instant wants for the taking", He responds to your petition for the giving in order to obtain the re-giving of God.

    If you desire the accomplishment, the heights you attain MUST be measured by your willingness to GIVE with love, and to know God's universe through knowing God's ways and pro­cesses for the purpose of recognizing them as your ways and processes. When you KNOW THAT, you are working know­ingly with God. You are walking with Him and talking to Him. HE will be your moment-to-moment companion.

    To help you climb that glorious mountain of life is the sole purpose of my dissertations. These are the fundamental lessons learned by your higher brothers of the Cosmos and for this purpose are we come to share with you--in brotherhood and love to set your thoughts to correct direction for you are floundering in confusion.

    These words are aimed at awakening YOUR MIND to think in­wardly toward the kingdom of "heaven" within instead of out­wardly toward that which your "senses" have come to believe is your permanent reality. For instance, someone may touch you briefly--and immediately it is only a "memory" of that touch which your senses hold--not the touch itself. With God in the energy of soul--it remains the immortal touch.

    If you have ideas you wish to meditate upon, think deeply on them to weld them into your Consciousness. If you then stopthinking and meditate upon them, you will be following the right procedure in thinking the way geniuses and mystics think. No matter how far down, or up, your mountain you are, start from where you now are. Allow us to think WITH you and di­rect your thoughts as food for meditation. Think well upon them. We will then take another step in giving you greater knowledge of our wondrous universe of which YOU are a functioning part.

    From whence and what comes energy for the initial impulse of power and speed which is given to any creating body and mul­tiplies it for a time before withdrawing all of it for another pe­riod between eternal cycles of beginnings and endings in an eternity which has no beginnings and endings?

    A mighty star is moving across the heavens at many thousand miles per minute. It has been moving like that for countless ages and will continue to do so for a long time yet. It did not al­ways have that speed. It began at zero stillness and will end where it began. Where will you be? Where did that energy come from? Why does it continue? Why must it discontinue? WHAT IS THAT ENERGY?

    A majestic ship of the ocean moves its huge mass very slowly. Its mighty engines strain heavily to give it its initial impulse. Its slowness multiplies into speed and its speed multiplies as the great ship moves very fast with much less power extended from its engines.

    From whence came that impetus of greater speed of momen­tum with less work? What is momentum? What is its secret? We have already given this to you--but alas, you did not fully understand it, did you? That is fine--let us not deliberate over that which you did not fully understand--it is a concept kept from you for eons of time and multitudes of experiences--NOW is the time decreed by God that you shall come into under­standing--so we will present it until you can grasp it.

    A strong man who desires to be a rich and powerful merchant sells neckties on the city streets with but little reward. His ef­fort to gain an initial impetus is great but the years multiply it into power to sell many thousands of items with less effort and greater reward than to sell one item at the beginning of his de­sire to express effort.

    What is the secret of a man's power to multiply himself in such a manner that he becomes as a thousand men with more ease than when he was but one? Can it be that he multiplied some other power than that which man calls ENERGY? Do you re­ally know the meaning of ENERGY? Do you really know why you attain greater momentum with less energy?

    Across the valley you see the quick, silent flash from a handgun, say. Two or three seconds later, you hear the report of the ex­plosion. Twelve thousand miles away an Arab can hear that same shot in his desert tent through radar before you hear it across your valley. And if a man on the moon had that Arab's radar, he also could hear that shot across that vast gap of 240,000 miles before you hear it across your two-mile valley.

    Are there two energies, one within the other, or two kinds of energy to give two speeds to every action and reaction of ev­erything of Earth and heaven? Or--is there some as yet un­known mystery in Nature which you know not of because you have only been concerned with moving matter and the energy of its moving?

    How can this be? You are told that one of these velocities is the speed of sound which is 1,100 feet per second, and the other velocity is the speed of light which is 186,400 miles per second. Yet they are both "SOUND". You hear both speeds and both of them are "LIGHT"! So they are both sound and light. Light is the basis of ALL. UNIVERSAL EFFECT. BOTH ARE WAVES--SOUND-WAVES AND LIGHT-WAVES. Why the mystery of their incredibly different speeds? And what is the relation of such slow sound-waves to such fast light-waves? And why is it that these two speeds remain constant and never vary for greater or lesser intensity of either light or sound"? This mystery must be clarified in understandable terms.

    You must know HOW it is--and WHY--that a pistol shot can girdle the world many times before it reaches you. You must know how that little voltage of energy--which is exploded from that power--multiplies itself by the millions of voltage power needed to reach the antipodes of Earth and passes beyond them to the farthermost star in its traverse of this universe, and every star in the firmament must adjust itself to this energy. If that sound reaches the moon to be recorded there, it, likewise, reaches Mars--and Arcturus--and every nebulae of the far heavens, even those which are a million light years away in forward time--which means that the little pistol shot of today on Earth is still resounding in this universe long ages after Earth has disappeared and your Sun has become the vacuous dark of space.

    Has man so great an ego as to think that the little energy he cre­ated made such a vast effort possible? Or does his ego permit him to think that he alone could have made that little effort of energy expression unaided by that vast voltage of power which is extended to him from the Cosmos to make that effort possi­ble? Or is man so local that he could think that the effort which he believed to begin and end in him ever did begin or ever could end?

    It has been said by the mystics that motion once started never can end. If man could but become universal instead of local, he might have a different conception of his place in God's uni­verse and the mighty power which is back of his every effort for every man to use when he knows that power and knows that it is to use.Again we say that if that little sound or even that of the loudest thunder, can touch the farthest star in the firmament of heaven so, likewise, can the feeble cry of a babe or the whisperings of Earth's winds, or even the fluttering of a tiny butterfly's wings reach also the other ends of space. Likewise, the simplest of actions as well as sound girdle the universe to be recorded in every particle of matter. Every star in the heavens must readjust itself to so slight an action as that of a man walking across a room. To him whose ego leads him to believe that energy begins and ends in him instead of knowing that the vast energy of the universe is his to use when he knows his universality, that is his stumbling block--his brake to success set against himself.

    This is the mystery which must be clarified. Our every word to you is for the supreme purpose of making you know your uni­verse.

    The energy which man uses does not begin in man--nor end in him. It does not extend from him--nor does he extend it. It is extended TO him and he receives it as his cosmic gift in the measure of his desire to be given--WHICH HE MUST REGIVE in order that he be again regiven. Until man becomes the fulcrum of his Self through cosmic knowing, he is but an exten­sion of the fulcrum which moves the universe--but when his Self becomes the fulcrum of his Self through knowing, he is that fulcrum. He then knowingly moves the universe.

    THE FEELING THAT WHATEVER YOU DO IS UNIVERSAL INSTEAD OF LOCAL SHOULD BE CULTIVATED BY YOU. THAT IS WHAT IS MEANT BY SAYING THAT WHEN YOU MOVE TO DO ANYTHING, THE WHOLE UNIVERS MOVES WITH YOU. YOU KNOW THAT TOBE TRUE SO WHY NOT MAKE IT A PART OF YOUR AWARENESS? Even when you so much as move your little finger, or whisper to a neighbor, it will help you to know your universe better if you are conscious of the fact that your whisper is repeated in China, and on the moon, and out to the farthest star. When you cultivate that awareness of universality, you are becoming omnipresent in your identity and aware of the oneness of all identities. Your intellectual progress will become more rapid when you thus become universal in your thinking. That omnipresent universality is what is termed "cosmic thinking".


    The sound of the pistol shot which reverberates upon the moon as well as upon the Earth is not man's little energy multiplied into the mighty cosmic voltage of this universal body--it is the omnipotent voltage divided into the little measure of man's desire for use of it. That which he asks is extended to him from the whole universe, not just a part of it, and must be returned to the whole of the universe. That is why the pistol shot never began and never ended. Man has no limitations other than those which he sets for himself in the measure of his knowing and the measure of his desire to work with God as God works with him, for desire alone will gain him nothing.

    Give whole effort to think, in terms of omnipotence rather than in fractions of it. Grow into your Consciousness the fact that all of the power of the whole universe exists at every point of it for your use in the measure of your desire for it. You can take one shovel of earth from a mountain if that is the measure of your desire, or you can tunnel through it or remove it entirely if that is the measure of your desire. You set your own measurement and your own limitations. The universe sets NO LIMITA­TIONS UPON YOU.If you desire one hundred millions of voltage power, the universe will give it to you from any point in the whole of it and you must return it in like measure, but if your desire is but fifty volts strong, the universe will give you only that fifty volts of your desire. Even that little fifty volts is given by the whole universe, not just a part of it. It must, therefore, be returned to the whole universe.


    The merchant who thought that his energy alone gained him his chain of stores probably did not know how little his own initial impetus contributed to his multiplied power and how much power the Mind-Cosmos gave to him as the result of his Mind-desire. Without desire in him, however, and without a vision of that altitude which he desired to reach, he never would have gained the momentum which increased his power and reduced his effort, but would have continued the hard labor of ex­pressing the energy which he, himself, was content to express while working alone without vision or desire.

    THE FULLY GAINED MOMENTUM OF THE GREAT SHIP OF THE SEA IS NOT ALONE THE PRODUCT OF MAN'S POWER TO EXPRESS ENERGY BY CONVERTING ONE FORM OF IT INTO ANOTHER, TO GIVE ANOTHER EX­AMPLE. The ship's engines strain hard to give the ship its ini­tial impetus from which but little speed results. Much fuel is burned, but as the speed of momentum increases less fuel is burned and the strain on the ship's engines lessens. Neither the fuel nor the power of the ship's engines give the ship its increased momentum. They give the ship its initial impulse at great effort but DESIRE of the will of mind GIVES THE SHIP ITS MOMENTUM WITH LESSENED EFFORT.

    Energy is cosmic. Desire is also cosmic. Desire of man for power and speed gives to him the power and speed of his desire. He will cause methods for production of same. It is extended to him from the Cosmos by that cosmic power which fulfills all de­sire of all creating things. Science has given a name to that bor­rowed power. It has termed it "INERTIA" but that word does not fully explain it. It cannot explain it for its full meaning has not yet entered human consciousness.

    To exemplify the power of extended cosmic energy to man from the universal fulcrum of power, consider the laborer who can shovel twenty tons of coal in a day because of his desire to do so. The food he eats replaces his body wastes but does not lift that twenty tons of coal. Even if his food were entirely con­verted to the so-called energy which matter is presumed to be, it would not lift twenty pounds, let alone twenty tons. This is the mystery which can only be cleared by the measure of your ability to comprehend the omnipotence and omnipresence of universal power. Such understanding will give new meaning to our Father-Mother's words as given to this age of man:

    Desire what you will and, behold, it stands before you. All down the aeons it has been yours, though you have but just requested it. Sit not and ask, acting not, for unless you reach out for your desire it shallnotwalk your way unto you, unaided by your strong arms and hands.


    Many millions of people in many countries have fully accepted the idea that MIND-LIGHT is the basis of this universe and that Mind creates matter by dividing and multiplying light into waves, but few there are who know that God's creative Mind thinks--as you think--or that the matter and motion of this uni­verse are light-wave records of Mind-thinking.

    Science does not unanimously accept the universality of Mind. To most men of science, each man has his own individual Mind, and to many modern psychological and psychiatric thinkers Mind is an evolutionary growth which arises from the experi­ences of the senses. Likewise, science conceives Creation to be some cataclysmic accident of Nature which assumed an orderli­ness of form out of a chaos which demanded orderliness so that the processes of Nature could continue during that long interval between its chaotic birth and certain death.

    Men have been aware of the Cosmos as a WAVE UNIVERSE but few beyond the Illuminates have conceived it to be a THOUGHT-WAVE UNIVERSE, and very few indeed, have conceived it to be what it really is--A GRAVITY-CONTROLLED AND MIND-MAGINED THOUGHT-WAVE UNIVERSE. If you have been exposed to this information뾭lease realize that you have a foot up on your brothers--however, you must also realize that the world is still in a very unenlightened state of being, so understand how much it takes to move a universe from the inertia.

    Science has conceived a universe of light-waves, but never has there been the slightest suggestion from science that Creation might be an OCTAVE-WAVE universe in which the elements of matter are created by the opposing pressures of sex-divided thinking.An indication of this lack of understanding of the en­tire universal body by science is the concept that matter is emerging from space and is sequentially swallowed up by it. No such suggestion could ever be made by any one person or group who understood the optical nature of the universe or understood the workings of the light spectrum as a two-way dynamic EFFECT arising from a static CAUSE in God's omnipresent MIND-UNIVERSE.

    The mystics of past ages have told of the divided and the undi­vided universes. The Book called "Genesis" states that God di­vided day from night, light from dark, male from female, and the earth from the firmament of heaven, but never has it oc­curred to the layman, the churchman or the man of science that such a division into pairs of equal opposite mates means sex-divided octave lightwaves. Furthermore, such an idea as that of connecting God's thought processes of concentrative and decen­trative thinking with compressed matter and expanded space, or of sex division of the One Light into four spectrum mate-pairs, was unthinkable.

    The relation between POLARITY and UNIVERSAL THINKING-MIND has not yet entered into the Consciousness of man, for if it had there would have been no mystery regarding the relation of matter and space, nor of growth and decay, nor of life and death cycles.

    To clarify all this confusion, we will again restate the essentials of God's principles and processes of Creation, as an artist paints his picture, one enlightening brushstroke at a time.

    God is the all-knowing, all-powerful Mind of undivided, unconditioned, formless, motionless, changeless and dimensionless Light--and that means Light, no matter.

    In the Light of all-knowing is DESIRE for the expression of the IDEA of all-knowing in three-dimensional form by creating an imagined body of divided lights which seemingly extend from the undivided ONE as a lever extends from a fulcrum to manifest IDEA through motion.

    Desire to create is gravitationally expressed by polarized extensions from the fulcrum of Mind-Desire. The energy of the universe is in the stillness of its fulcrum which divides its extensions of expressed energy as an equator divides the poles of a bar magnet. There is no energy in the polarized extensions of the universal Mind-fulcrum. The power of matter to express energy is extended to it from the mind of the Universe, but the power thus extended is the property of the Mind-fulcrum and not of its extensions.

    The energy of the Cosmos lies within the fulcrum equator which divides two fulcrum equators of stillness, one which divides heat and one which multiplies cold. They are zero points of stillness. The measure of that mighty power is the measure in which the opposing poles can be extended from each other by the expansion-compression pulsations of waves. The farther apart they can be extended, the greater is the heat of resistance to that extension. When extension resistance has reached its maximum, all octave pairs unite as one balanced hot sphere which gradually expands to regive its energy of resistance back to its zero fulcrum.

    DESIRE of Mind-knowing is expressed by thinking the undivided ONE IDEA of Mind into countless pairs of conditioned unit forms of Mind-Idea.

    Cosmic thinking equally divides the one changeless Light of Knowing-Mind into the two balanced interchanging lights of Thinking‑Mind.

    Cosmic thinking equally divides the Light of universal equilibrium into male and female, heat and cold, generation and ra­diation, matter and space, compression and expansion, and all other pairs of opposite conditions which gravity cycles have made possible.

    Cosmic thinking is expressed by octave-divided waves. God's universal body is a gravity-controlled thought-wave uni­verse.

    Cosmic thought-waves have a frequency of repetition which measures 186,400 miles per second. This velocity is misnamed "the speed of light". It is not the speed of light, however, for light is static. It has no speed. What you see is but the speed of reproduction. This means the speed in which gravity can seemingly divide the One Light of equilibrium into light com­pression-expansion sequences and reproduce those sequences in wave-fields.

    Thought-waves which equally divide the One still Light into octave pairs of seemingly moving lights likewise keep the equally-divided pairs of opposite conditions in balance with each other. Not one milligram of weight in the whole universe can outbalance one divided condition with its mate condition. The most deceptive illusion in this universe is MOTION, for there is NO MOTION IN IT. MOTION ONLY "SEEMS".

    Thought-waves are the recorders of all thought actions and all patterns of unfolding idea. Every thought and action of every unfolding unit of Creation is recorded within every other unfolding unit of all Creation at the speed of 186,400 miles per second.

    This illusion of motion indicates the unchanging and ecstatic condition of our Father-Mother's thinking. When God's ec­static thinking is extended to inspired man, man's knowing is reflected in his thinking in the timeless flashes in which the Creator extends His knowing to His thinking to produce the illusive effects of time and motion.

    This unfolding universe is the result of thought followed by action. Every action-reaction in Nature is a division of an equilibrium in which octave pairs of opposite conditions extend from two dividing equators.


    The foregoing pages require mental effort upon your part to ab­sorb into your consciousness. You may ask why you should make that effort, and our answer is that your own measure of your power to command your own destiny depends ENTIRELY upon your knowledge of the universe which controls your every movement.

    A sailor appropriately asks why he should study subjects per­taining to the ships he sails in and the oceans upon which he sails, and the wind currents, ocean currents and temperatures which create cyclones and typhoons. The more he knows about nautical matters, the greater his power to master their angers and survive.

    Your climb to your own goal can be eased by your knowledge of the nature of this universe and your relation to it. That is why you will profit by acquiring this knowledge. Let us, there­fore, devote a few pages to an application of knowledge thus gained to your daily life, and then we will leave this JOURNAL entry to end while you ponder that which is given and we move on to the next step in unfoldment.

    You should by now fully comprehend why it is that God gives you that which you desire when you work knowingly WITH Him to manifest your Self in HIM. You should, likewise, more fully comprehend the meaning of God will work WITH you but not FOR you. When you know that He fulfills your desire as surely as you know that your car will run when you turn on the switch, or that you will be illumined with light when you plug into the generator at God's powerhouse, then you will also as surely know that when you plug into the universal generator with knowledge of the Source of that power, you will be more able to use its inconceivable vastness than if you had but a small measure of that knowledge.

    Niagara generates great power and you know that it is dependable if you plug into it, but you must know HOW to plug into it. It is not enough that Tesla knew how. That power has been there for millions of years before men knew how to plug into it. The entire power of the universe awaits your use of it when YOU know how to plug into it. That is why it is worth the ef­fort to gain this knowledge.

    Now you must realize that Cosmic Mind created this vast incal­culable voltage by dividing the earths from the heavens so that the interchange between the two expresses the mighty power which moves the countless trillions of stars of the firmament at inconceivable speeds. The wonderful part of it is that all of it is extended to YOU to use in the measure of your desire to use it, and the measure of the knowledge, backed by effort, that you put forth in the working with that universal power to be worthy of your desire.

    This fact you must understand. You must always remember that DESIRE for knowledge and power focuses in YOUR Mind. DESIRE will give its fruits to you only if you first give love out from you in the measure of your expectancy, for the power which holds the universe together and controls its bal­anced interchange is LOVE. Love is the spiritual name for that power. Its scientific term is GRAVITY. Unless you first give love in equal measure of your expectancy, you may sit at ease and commune with God with inspiring thought exchange and be uplifted by it until your very body falls apart from inaction, which it would soon do, but your prayer will never be answered and your desire never fulfilled.

    You want more out of life than sitting at ease, however. You wish to give form to your desires. You wish power to achieve. You wish to grow in physical and mental stature, build your body and other bodies, and manifest your thoughts and conceptions. This you can only do through desire followed by physical action. It is right here that man fails to obtain his desire through not knowing his Mind-relation to the Mind-fulcrum of universal power which God IS, and the divided mates which extend from that fulcrum which God's universal body IS. The frustrations and failures of men who ask much from God and perform no service in working with God to be worthy of their desire are many.Such is the belief of many that they allow their bodies to die from lack of willingness to give the attention of right action through right knowing that is demanded of all bodies, whether of men or machines.

    Countless spouses, siblings and children are allowed to suffer untold agonies of pain which the Mind of one who KNOWS, followed by right action through right knowing, would alleviate or cure. Instead of extending desire for Mind-healing to a Mind who knows CAUSE and a skilled hand trained by KNOWING to remove ill EFFECTS of CAUSE, many appeal to Minds who do not know and who have no skilled hands, and these many advisers who are called in to treat unbalanced bodies beset with many ills deceive those who appeal to them into working against Universal Law instead of WITH IT. These are the ones who teach man to expect God to perform the physical action that is expected of physical man for his physical body as well as giving him the mental balance which lies in the Mind of our Father-Mother.

    Immanuel was a master scientist. He was illumined with all-knowing in the Light of Cosmic consciousness. Any man can do what He did when he has the cosmic knowing which Im­manuel, the Christos, had, and any man can heal himself or other to the extent of his KNOWING. The Christ received His illumining in the light of Cosmic Consciousness from GOD alone. It is quite true that Immanuel (Jesus) said, "What I do, ye can also do", to which I add, "When you are what I am and know what I know". That which we have added to His meaning is what the thousands forget who believe that they can do what Jesus did.

    Perhaps you can better understand this principle if we put those same words of Jesus into the mouth of Paderewski. He also could truthfully say, "You can do what I do and give the world great music, but you must also become like me by giving of YOURSELF to acquire such power". No one can acquire the powers of Christ, or for that matter, Paderewski--or even a skilled blacksmith, and do what they did by WISHFULL thinking, faith and belief, affirmation or magic. ONE IS AS HELPLESS TO EFFECT A CURE AS THE OTHER. KNOWLEDGE ACQUIRED BY WORKING KNOWINGLY WITH GOD FOR WHATEVER TIME IS REQUIRED WILL ALONE EQUIP ONE TO HEAL HIMSELF OR ANOTHER--THROUGH KNOWING ACTION.

    God will give the greater part of man's desire to him who asks for it because God has that mighty universal power to give, but man must give his little power to the universe for multiplication by the universe. Man must give the initial impulse. God gives the momentum of inertia to multiply that little to the measure of man's effort.

    Immanuel healed by giving the initial impulse of desire and belief to those whom He healed. Until they came to Him, they believed in the reality of their illness. He so multiplied their de­sire for balanced normalcy that they then fully believed in His power to heal them. By His extension to His knowing to them, their belief was transformed to His KNOWING and they thus healed themselves through the mighty power of momentum which is Nature's reaction to every action of man or nature.

    Many Mind doctors believe that it is their own knowledge and power, extended to them by God, which heals their patients. It would be as unnatural for the farmer to believe that he also grew his potatoes from their seed instead of merely supplying the initial impuls of action to which nature added the mighty power of its reaction as expressed in momentum of inertia.

    This is another of those principles of Nature which has not yet entered human consciousness. Everybody knows that man has free will to perform any action he chooses. It can be a good ac­tion or a bad one. That action is his limitation, however. NA­TURE holds the right to the reaction. In other words, GOD ALWAYS HAS THE LAST WORD.

    We will briefly give this idea a scientific basis by stating that all actions of man or Nature are but initial impulses which end where they began and have no reality in them whatsoever. All reactions to all actions are the momentum of inertia which forever extends throughout the universe to mature the desire image of the action to its fulfillment, and the fulfillment always ends in the source of its beginning.

    We mean by that that whatever you start doing must inevitably come to its end in YOU.

    The farmer starts a crop of potatoes. The reaction to his action ends with him and its image is the multiplied image of his de­sire.

    The ship's captain started his engines. The reaction to that ac­tion ended in multiplied image of all the desire and beliefs of all the creators of that ship. Nature not only continued the action but multiplied it into universal omnipresent power, which inertia IS.

    All of this is good. Let us see how bad actions multiply by uni­versal momentum.

    A man tries to find happiness by stealing money from another. The momentum acquired by the reaction to that action infallibly ends in himself. By hurting another, he has hurt himself. Even though he may not yet be found out, he is forever after in fear that he may be caught. He has become the kind of man whom no man loves, not even himself, and that is the highest price anyone can pay for wrong actions.

    Applying the same principle to man-in-the-mass, your present civilization is a perfect example of it. The actions of man in killing, robbing and enslaving other men for thousands of years are now returning to man-in-the-mass in a multiplied image of his multiplied actions. For thousands of years, man sowed the wind and is now reaping the whirlwind. This perfectly ex­emplifies the fact that if one man hurts another, or others, the momentum of the reaction ends in himself alone, but when the whole world hurts the whole world, the momentum becomes so mighty that all the world of man is hurt.

    It is strange that so many thousands of years have passed since the Dawn of Consciousness without this greatest of all moral laws of Creation having ever been known sufficiently to avoid its dreadful consequences for anyone whose actions are not in strict harmony with the heartbeat of the universe.



    Prayer is, in itself, an expression of desire for something, whether it be for one's self or for others. Unless the desire is fulfilled by knowledge and belief that it will be fulfilled, a prayer is barren. It will not come to fruition.

    What do we mean by that? We mean that man is put on Earth to complete his and Earth's destiny through purposeful action. All desires, therefore, which call for fruition by help to man from God come only to him as the reaction to his own actions and in no other way. This means that man must first give in order to receive. Actions must always precede reactions and the reaction is always the image of the action.

    Words are but word-pictures of desires. A word-prayer for a crop of potatoes will end in empty words as its reaction, but the word-prayer of desire followed by the creative action of work is the kind of prayer which is always answered in all fullness.

    Prayer might well be defined as an expression of desire to work knowingly with God.

    It necessarily follows that any man who wishes to unloose the mighty universal momentum, which every reaction is, should well consider the nature of his desire before asking that it be granted or before acting upon it, for he must know that whatever it is, it ends in him where it began.

    It also necessarily follows that the measure of the fulfillment of any desire requested from Nature is dependent upon one's knowledge of Nature and his relation to it.

    A deer, for example, does not pray in words. It prays through desire, followed by action. It desires speed for its legs, for ex­ample. Long ages of repetition of that desire, followed by the repetition of action, answers its action-prayer with longer legs. The desire will give it speed in its body for that is where its de­sire is centered. Speed for its body means work for its legs from which it will soon tire.

    When man desires speed for his body, he does not ask for longer legs for his knowledge prompts him to ask for another extension to his body. His little knowledge is enough for him to extend his body by adding a wheel and a cart--and a horse to pull the cart--while he attains greater speed with ever-lessened effort until his body attains a speed of hundreds of miles per hour without effort due to the extensions to his body which knowledge and desire gave to him. He thus adds the reaction of momentum to his desire by knowing God's power sufficiently to be God in the measure of his knowledge.

    You who are the head of a great business know full well the hard work of the initial impetus you gave to it, and you also know that for every effort you made in working WITH God's law, God met you more than half-way and multiplied your effort by giving you His power of momentum in the measure of your knowledge of its use. Great businesses grow by the multiplication of momentum acquired by substituting Mind-power for body-power. I also said "great" businesses--I did not say "big" business. You have seen countless men whose desires were un­lawful fall by the wayside, ill and broken of body, as they re­ceived from the universe the like measure of wrong action which they gave forth to it.

    Set no limitation to your desire, therefore, for its greatest mea­sure cannot in any wise affect the balance of the universal sup­ply. No matter how small or great is your desire, the speed of your thought in asking for it is the same. A small wire extend­ing from a small battery will send a message from you at 186,400 miles per second to a little bell which you desire to ring just as surely as a large wire will carry a higher voltage current to ring a great bronze bell in a church steeple. The little wire and weak current will not, however, ring the big bell. It would burn up with so much current.

    It is important that the power required for your desires and ac­tions should grow together. To work knowingly with God do not expect terrific momentum immediately for you are not yet ready to contain the load.Shouldthe entire fulfillment of your desire come to you the moment of your expression of desire, it would as surely destroy you as the big current destroys the little wire.

    We are not here on Earth to manifest ourselves alone. He who so thinks never passes beyond the boundaries of action-reac­tion of this material world of illusion. We are here to manifest God but find that we are, also manifesting our Selves.

    Man is forever in search for the door to the Light through which he can enter into the kingdom of heaven for the sole purpose of leading his neighbor to that door of Light, even though he may not be aware of it.

    Man is forever in search for happiness. Happiness lies only in the Light of Love.

    Man is divine when he knows that he is divine. And he is om­nipotent, omnipresent and omniscient when he knows that he is omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient.

    The journey of life is to find that awareness of divinity, knowl­edge and power.

    To live life gloriously is to forever transcend one's self during the whole journey of life.

    To KNOW life thoroughly is to forever feel the ecstasy and joyousness of the pulsations of the universal heartbeat as they are always reflected in our bodies by the universal thought-waves at their constant universal speed.

    To live with Mind and body of man so thoroughly attuned to Mind and body of God that their balance is absolute is to know the glory of being ONE with the ONE being whom we are to the extent of our knowing.

    If you would ask of God the supreme question, He would say unto you:

    As we move promptly right into the next JOURNAL, wewill continue with the consideration of making of bodies which ap­pear and disappear, to LIVE and DIE from the point of view of simplicity. Let us be mindful, as heretofore stated, that all that God does is make bodies to manifest His all-knowing. Also, as thus follows--that is also all YOU do!

    May you be given into the Light of Understanding that you might grasp your divinity and power within God.

    I AM --- GERMAIN

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