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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    CHAPTER 22


    MONDAY, JUNE 24, 1991 4:08 P.M. YEAR 4, DAY 312

    Germain present. We are doing fine, Dharma. Do not let the massiveness of the task overwhelm you, for we are moving right along far more rapidly than we had any right to expect or for which to hope. We will have to divide the information into probably three or four volumes for I desire that no one book be more than say, 200 pages. It is better if you can understand the universe--not just cover volumes of printed alphabet letters on scrambled pages.

    This information will require going over several times and, oh, would that it would be possible to work with each of you and input this data directly within the subconscious mind and allow the super-conscious to sort it for you. That is what will happen at any rate--I just wish we could bite, chew and swallow for you, snap our fingers and all be known. But then, you would not have the wondrous unfolding of the mysteries over which to rejoice. It is only important that you all know that NOW is the time for the unfolding and the time in which understanding can flow without blame within MAN.

    Let us return to our subject:


    The electric current begins and ends at cathodes. Cathodes are still points in the zero universe from which the energy of desire for creation is expressed. Chemically, cathodes are the inert gases of the octaves, which are not elements, for they will not mix with them. Please make sure charts 1 and 2 are first in the "figures" for ready reference. Those charts will be absolutely necessary when we get to the subject of atomic energy. Oh, didn't you know you were going to get a degree in nuclear physics? How about astro-physics? Quantum physics? All the above!!

    The inert gases of the octaves are the seed from which the elements spring, and to which they return. From the spectrum standpoint they are white light from which all colors extend when put under electric strain and to which they return when the strain ceases. From the tonal point of view they are the keynotes of the octave from which one can never escape knowledge of their presence in every tonal harmony. From the mathematical point of view they are the zero of the whole octave which will be further discussed. From the geometric form point of view, which its basis for motion gives it, the inert gas consists of four rings, one within the other.

    Magnetic poles are "created" by coiling a wire around a bar of steel in such a manner that the compressing rings of the electric current will produce these so called magnetic poles at the ends of a bar of steel. That is what electricity does. It produces a potential of electric motion around a still center, but the still center is gravity. To be correct these poles should be called gravity poles, connected by a gravity shaft. They control the sex-division of Nature. The magnetic Light is sexless for it is in equilibrium.. Its electric division into pairs creates the dual sex condition which we know as male and female. When these two conditions unite they become ONE. Gravity poles are TWO, when divided by the electric current. When they unite they become ONE CENTER OF GRAVITY. You have always called them magnetic poles when they were TWO but when those two were united we have then called them a center of gravity, and that is NOT consistent.

    Electricity, therefore, produced the poles by compressing the holes out of the rings. They did not come there in any other way. Electric motion does not create gravity poles. It merely locates existent points and makes them identifiable. It makes the invisible become seemingly visible. However, it never occurred to early observers that the division of God's stillness into sexed pairs would have to have a measure of balanced control over such a division. In other words, if the one condition of balanced stillness in the zero universe is divided into two unbalanced conditions, it is then necessary to have two controlling points of stillness around which motion can spin while thus divided.

    The two poles are, therefore, poles of still magnetic Light around which the divded electric pairs can manifest their light of motion. The two poles, thus divided, have within them the desire to be united as one by uniting the two divided pairs of conditions as one. In this manner the two poles, which have united, become the common center of gravity of the whole gravity shaft of mass controlled by it.

    Magnetic poles of gravity are still centers which balance and control the electric motion which surrounds them. Electric motion can be insulated from all other electric motion, but magnetic polarity, or the gravity center where poles unite as one, cannot be insulated from anything, for they are of the omnipresent stillness upon which the universe of motion is based.

    Neither polarity nor gravity are "created" by electricity. They merely become points which can be located in the omnipresent stillness. When, therefore, we say that electricity creates the condition of gravity, we mean that electric motion is spinning around a point in the omnipresent vacuum which controls that motion.

    Polarity begins as sexless unity as the cathode, which is the location for the inert gases in the octaves of elements. From there it is divided into sex-conditioned pairs as they are extended centripetally toward anodes. They again unite as one sexless unity at amplitude wave positions where they collide and become the two hemispheres of an incandescent microscopic, or macrocosmic, sun, which corresponds to a "loop of force" in an electric current.

    The order of creation, as expressed by the electric wave, electric current, or magnet is as follows: RED--0--BLUE RED--0--BLUE RED--0--BLUE RED--0--BLUE. Fig. 47-A is a series of bar magnets placed in this order. You can not take one of these bar magnets out of this order and reverse its ends--as shown in B. If you do so, you have two males and two females where the normal mates of opposite sexes should be. This would result in the following impossible order RED--0--BLUE BLUE--0--RED RED--0--BLUE.

    Electricity spins around all centers in this whole universe in one direction only. C. represents this universal direction of electric spinning around the same series of bar magnets. That one direction is clockwise, or anticlockwise, according to the position of the observer. If you look at the spiral turning from one end, in the direction of other end, you will see a clockwise direction. If you look at it by reversing your position you see it anticlockwise. The direction of turning does not change because you change. You cannot pick out one half of a cycle, however, and reverse it as indicated in D.

    The most important new thought in relation to electricity is that every action creates only one cycle of an electric current. That one cycle is the electric record of that action. The omnipresence--or Oneness of the universe—repeats that record throughout the universe. The motion of your little finger, or of a dynamite blast, will create one cycle for each action, for electricity is the recorder of Mind­-thought, and Mind-thoughts are consecutive.

    Future laboratory techniques should eliminate from two-thirds to nine-tenths of its wiring. This will follow a greater knowledge of the geometry and mathematics of space, and especially the tonal nature of octave waves, to make it possible for cathodes to find their anodes without wires, as they do in Nature. The cylindrical soleniods of today should be entirely eliminated, especially where they encase anodes and prevent their expression of power by the way of equators. Vacuum tubes for every purpose should be re-designed to conform with the action-reaction mathematics of the cycle, which accelerates and decelerates in cube ratio, as a potential is multiplied for one half of the cycle, and divided for the other half. The cylindrical coil ignores this law of Nature, even as Einstein ignored it, and makes very clumsy affairs of step-up transformers and a tremendous complexity in electronic machines, which is entirely unnecessary.

    It is said that storms in the Northern Hemisphere are anti-clockwise and are clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere. That is because you are looking down upon it from one end, then you are looking up into it from the other end. You would see the same effect if you look into the spiral of your bath tub drain, then look up from under it.

    Fig. 47-E illustrates the fact that you cannot pick out one section of a wave, or of an electric current, and reverse that one section. If you do this you will reverse direction of motion, and the universal division of sexed pairs. Nature will not allow this to take place. See 47-F.

    To account for this unnatural phenomena The Coulomb Law was adopted, which says that opposites attract, meaning oppositely sexed mates; and likes repel, meaning similarly sexed pairs. This law is invalid, for oppositely sexed mates do not attract. They are forced into collision by the electric action of dividing Oneness into unit pairs. The instant that they do collide they use their utmost endeavors to re-attain the sex-divided condition by recharging their discharged condition. Nature helps in this process by assisting to recharge with every heartbeat, every breathing cycle, and the food one eats.

    Space will not allow further amplification of this process in the nature of electricity, for enough has already been given in the high points of essentials to serve the purpose of this book. It is not well, however, to leave this mystery of how "magnetism" picks up iron nails and "attracts" steel needles, unexplained, for the entire electrical engineering world is paying heavily for lack of this understanding in many ways, the more expensive one being the vast wastage caused by building improper coils, solenoids, armatures, step-up, step-down transformers and electronic tubes.

    The element iron--like cobalt--is formed almost at the very amplitude of the wave. Its position is almost at the collision point where mates find unity in each other. Also, iron is on the red side of the spectrum division, and the red side bores within the blue when they seek unity. Nickel, cobalt and copper are on the blue side of the same octave. Because of this position in the wave, iron and cobalt are so constructed under high compression and high melting points that they "remember" the motion of the electric coil which borned them, even after that cod is removed. The spinning effect still continues within them, and will still continue for many years unless they are heated to a sufficiently high temperature to explode the power of electric potential, which these poles have accumulated. Conversely, cold multiplies that memory which heat destroys. At absolute zero, polarity and conductivity are both more intense. It should be sufficiently convincing that the "magnetism" attributed to this electric effect could not be an existent force, for if it were it could not be destroyed by cold. Factually, cold multiplies electric potential, and heat divides. This fact of Nature should bring to an end this unnatural concept which attributes electrical effects to something other than electricity.

    Copper and nickel occupy the same relation on the blue side of their octave that iron and cobalt occupy on the red side, yet neither of them are able to retain the memory of the electric coil which borned them. The reason for that is because the blue side seeks the outside of mass and, therefore, has lower densities, with consequent less power to retain a "memory" of the motion.

    Regarding the compass needle which seeks the point of north at one end and the point of south at the other end, the principle is the same. Every compass needle is a miniature bar magnet. If you place a lot of iron filings on paper, in the familiar way shown in all text books, and shake them over a magnet, those findings will form curved lines. These curved lines are called magnetic lines of force on that paper, and also in the so-called magnetic field of a planet. They are not magnetic lines of force. They are merely the curved planes of opposing pressures which electricity is causing in its efforts to compress. The vortex of gravity which is in the compass needle, will follow these pressures. Every effect of motion in this universe is an electrical effect caused by an electrical force acting under the control of the invisible universe. The invisible universe entirely dominates and controls the visible universe, but motion entirely electric.

    So, in conclusion, we have briefly given the essentials of the construction of matter and the true nature of electricity, gravitation, radiation, radioactivity and magnetism. Even though the entire process is as simple as we stated it in a paragraph prior to this, its aspects are many, for its effects and its divisions are many. We have not departed from the pattern laid down in that paragraph during this narrative, nor do we depart from it in any writings. Beyond that is still the need for further volumes, but this simple principle cannot be exceeded, no matter how many volumes are needed for greater amplification of essentials.

    There are still many essentials which we have not touched upon, such as space geometry and mathematics which determine the pressures of the chemical elements, in order to master and control the principle of transmutation, which is now right at our doors, and the control of drought. Even in all of these it is impossible to exceed the one principle laid down in that paragraph in any effect of motion in this entire universe.

    You have forgotten the message in point? Well, let me refresh you a bit with a couple or more paragraphs to which I refer that are all part of the same.

    In the heart of every man is the desire for love--for happiness, peace and prosperity. In the hearts of nations of men is the One-World desire for international unity. This is why it is so easy to sell the lies unto humanity for the desire for unity is so strong and each perceives that "another" must have the answer to accomplishment of this unity. Universal Brotherhood is the ultimate world-goal. How far are you from that goal? The distance is far ahead for the human race. Its distance is measurable only by the yardstick of LOVE, and love has not yet entered the doorway of human relations, and will not until unity opens the door for it to come in. You tout the words and you have your little gatherings and big gatherings and pronounce the incorrect assumptions and then go forth and practice that which is NOT love but physical manifestations of projections of would-be controllers. You go out and effort to MAKE-LOVE and that is NOT LOVE. THAT IS PHYSICAL MISUSE OF THE PHYSICAL ASPECTS OF GOD-GIFT IN MOST INSTANCES RESULTING IN MORE GROSS MISPERCEPTIONS AND ILL-BEGOTTEN ACTIONS.

    Unity means Oneness. Unity balances the mate-hood of all pairs of people and equalizes their transactions in giving and regiving. Civilization has not yet progressed to the point where unity, through the giving and regiving of Love, can even comprehended by more than a few of man's millions of beings.

    Man's greatest lesson is to learn how to give. You are still in the barbarian age of TAKING --of even taking life from before birth to snuffing out of the aged. The Spiritual Age is dawning, however. Its doors are slightly ajar, but that is all, for your World-House is erected upon the sands of disunity and the thrust is to further scatter and separate you. The product of disunity is FEAR. A house divided against itself by disunity and fear must fall. Peace, happiness and prosperity cannot enter a divided house of fear.

    If you now ask when peace, happiness and prosperity will come to Man, I say to you that it will come when the Light of Love unites all Men as ONE, and that shall come to pass only when Man ceases to create FEAR. So, brothers, how far do YOU think Mankind is from finding direction and unity? The entire thrust of the Elite would-be rulers is to tear you apart THROUGH TERROR AND FEAR!

    The time has come in Man's unfolding when he should have more knowledge of the nature of this electric universe of motion. He has never truly known it, for he has but sensed its shadow. The real meaning of substance has never been known by Man for that which it is. He only knows it for WHAT HE SENSES IT TO BE.

    Actually you live in two universes--the invisible zero universe of CAUSE, and the visible universe of EFFECT. You have sensed the EFFECT and believed in its reality. You have never yet come to know the universe of CAUSE. It is time that you begin to KNOW God’s invisible universe which is in absolute control of the visible universe. Man will never solve the riddle of the universe until he fully knows and comprehends the zero universe which he can in no way hear or see. He can know it, however, and in so knowing he can, likewise, know God. He can even prove the fact of the omnipresent God in his laboratory. Nor shall man ever solve the riddle of his own Self--his own Identity, until he knows that he, himself, is as eternal as God is eternal. When Man knows that he is Mind and that his body is his Mind-Creation, as the whole universal body is the Mind-Creation of God, he will then know what the consummate mystic of two thousand years ago meant when He said: "I and My Father are ONE."

    Dharma, allow us to break this chapter at this point and our next subject shall be "The Mind Nucleus of the ATOM". Following that we shall take up "The Material Nucleus of the Atom" and then we shall close this Journal lest it become too lengthy. These messages are being brought through to you from the Pleiades sector and therefore, we shall label this JOURNAL as Volume III of the Pleiades Connection. We shall call the JOURNAL: I AND MY FATHER ARE ONE, SECRETS OF UNIVERSAL ORDER; ETERNAL OUEST OF MAN.

    Good evening.

    PJ 32
    CHAPTER 23


    MONDAY, JUNE 24, 1991 9:10 P.M. YEAR 4, DAY 312

    Germain to continue. First we will define explicitly the term "pagan" so that I am not misunderstood. This has nothing to do with groups of people who have been tagged "pagans" for most often the "pagan" as attached to the native populations is not relative in any manner. The native populations accept and honor that all is brother to all--all is related to all, etc. But you have no other suitable word for my needs so we shall define that which I mean when I utilize the term.

    Pagan: a follower of polytheistic religion (as in ancient Rome); one who has little or no religion and delights in sensual pleasures and material goods; an irreligious or hedonistic person.

    Some 2,000 or so years ago the consummate Illuminate of all time tried to tell the early Man of His day that God centered His universe and Man. He freely told Man that the Kingdom of Heaven was within, and that the Father of Man dwelleth within Man. His words had no meaning in those days of little knowing. The people of His day demanded an objective God, a ruler over Men, a personal God outside of themselves who had human emotions. That was the "pagan" concept of pagan intellects. Very slowly, down through the ages, the Mind-God of a Mind-created universe, began to dissolve the pagan concept of a God outside of His Creation, to a mind which is omnipresent within it. Today millions of people have entirely discarded the pagan concept and have accepted the Mind concept without comprehending its real meaning, but Man in the mass, throughout the world, still holds the pagan concept. Civilization progressed dynamically and spiritually as Man's concept of God thus changed. With even this progress the words: "Seek ye the kingdom of heaven within you", have no dynamic meaning.

    The human race can never become ascendant until it is as fully aware of God Presence within Man and all things, as it is aware of objective things. The brotherhood of Man Idea can never come into its full meaning, and practice, till that new day of enlightenment.

    God didn't wait until today to bring forth the word again. There was a book written in May of 1921 which contains the same words in meaning as given 2,000 years ago and are being given again this day. You will find THE DIVINE ILIAD a most insightful and wondrous book of TRUTH. It was written via messenger directly from the Source which tells man where to find God. Here are a few of the words of one of the Messages:

    "For behold: I am within all things centering them. And I am without all things controlling them.

    "I center My universe as My knowing. My universe encircles me as My thinking."

    These words were written to inform a newly dawning Age that the nucleus of the atom is the still magnetic Light of God, the Creator of the atom, and that the atom is the electrically divided pair of moving lights which manifest His thinking.

    God centers His universe. God holds every atom of it together to manifest Him by its purposefulness. God gives of Himself to all His universe in an eternity of endless regiving. God's universe regives of itself to God in an eternity of endless giving. That which God gives is Love. That which is regiven is Love. That is the divine story of Creation. It is a story of cause and effect in the giving and regiving of love. It is the One story of God's knowing, expressed by His thinking, illumined by the Light of His imagining. It is told in the language of Light projected from His existent stillness into existent stillness to simulate motion where naught is but stillness--to simulate dimension where dimension is naught--and naught else is.

    There is nothing but God--and God's knowing--and His thinking --and His imagining--in all this seeming universe of Mind, which alone IS. These are the things which long ages of time, and experience fraught with the agony which is a part of ignorance, have tried to whisper to Man from within his inner Consciousness. The silent voice of God has been ever active in this respect. Intuition and inspiration have also been ever active in this respect. God's Messengers to Man, the geniuses, the Cosmic Illuminates and the rare mystics have ever been active in this respect, even though man crucifies them for their service to Man.

    The time has come when unfolding Intelligence in Man should tell him that the divine spark of inspiration, and the Silent Voice which speaks to him from within, is the Magnetic Light of mind and the Source of his energy.

    We have been saying all through these writings that it is time that all Men should know our universe. We shall now add to that by saying that all men should know God and His universe as One with themselves.

    God centers all units of His Creation. It is God's energy which created His universe. God is the Source of energy which causes all motion. God's Mind is YOUR Mind. He extends the energy of His Mind to every atom which moves around His center of stillness where He takes His omnipresent stand in every thought-ring and cell. Whatever knowledge you ever acquire comes to you from your Mind within. Your senses cannot acquire knowledge. They can but be informed of effects of motion. And they can be mightily deceived by what they see. Knowledge can come only through Mind. Mind-awareness in the human race has but begun. With Mind-awareness comes God-Consciousness.

    God-Consciousness and cosmic awareness of the Light of the Divine Presence within every Man is the next step in the spiritual nature of Man. Thousands--and then more thousands--are beginning to comprehend that Inner Voice of one's own Mind coming from within each Man. The reason for that is because the human race is still in its intellectual infancy. The Dawn of Mind-Consciousness is too recent for all Men to THINK with their Mind. Man-in-the mass still SENSES with his body. His desires are still dominated by his senses. His concepts are still sense-based. He hurts himself with his own acts and calls them evil. He conceives a personal God with vengeful human emotions. Evil was conceived in the senses of Man. It has no existence in the Light of Mind.

    All that the one dubbed "Jesus" told the world about the unity of God and Man, and the location of the Mind-Kingdom within every Man, has no meaning except for the very few illumined ones and the very many who now so deeply desire that illuminating. Yes--God-conscious is slowly infiltrating the human race as man knows more and more how to THINK with his Mind instead of SENSING with his body. We, who know God in us, are desirous of illumining the path for you to find that Light of inner knowing--and when you do find it, you will then be able to say--with deep knowing-I and my Father are ONE--and you will know all things!

    The nucleus of every atom is Mind-energy. The electrical power of motion, which spins spirally in one direction throughout all the universe, records Mind‑knowing in Mind-centered rings. Electric rings are atoms and united pairs of rings are atomic systems and cells. Compressing atoms multiply to express life to its maturity in cells and systems. Cells and systems then divide again into expanding atom rings to rest in their eternal cathode Self, which man mistakes for death.

    All motion is Mind-thinking and rest from Mind-thinking. Thinking is cyclic but the energy Source of thinking is eternal. All of the energy of all Creation is in the omnipresent vacuum of the zero universe. The error a Man's observation of universal FACT lies in his beliefs that energy MOVES. The omnipresent vacuum never moves. It is the fulcrum from which motion draw its energy to move, but the fulcrum never moves. Every ultra-microscopic point in this Cosmic vacuum tube, which the universe is, is a fulcrum from which mind-desire is extended to express the Idea of Mind. Mind desire is the sole energy of the universe. Motion is but the lever which expresses the energy extended to it from the fulcrum. As God's Mind is omnipresent, so, also, are all of the qualities and attributes of Mind, omnipresent. That is what man of the future must know and comprehend. He must know that all knowledge and all power exists at every point in all of the universe. When he finally knows that, he will know that all-knowledge and all-power are within himself. Man's greatest lesson of life is to become aware of that all-Presence within the Light of himself. That is what Cosmic Consciousness means and I do not use it the same manner as touted about carelessly by the parapsychologists and self-appointed theologists who proclaim a "New Age" and through their very attempt to "sell" the idea to all the other humans actually miss the very point at issue. They become totally focused on things, i.e., how to sit, how to breathe, what to wear, what to eat, sex, feel good, mantras and you name it and it's used. Until you become Mind-conscious rather than body-conscious you can not achieve Oneness. You certainly won't be doing any of that proclaimed and awaited "rapturing" or as­cending.

    Let us illustrate the meaning of the above in this way. If a Man looks into a mirror he fully believes that he is looking at himself. That is the belief of Man for long ages. He is not looking at himself, however. He is but looking at the rings of motion which are spinning around his eternal Self for a period of activity between a rest period, in which he is building an image of what he thinks his Self to be. No man can see his Self but he can KNOW his Self. Seeing is electric sensing. The senses are motion. Motion can sense only motion. They cannot sense the stillness of eternal balance. They can but sense the motion of divided balance.

    When a Man stands in perfect balance he cannot sense that condition. The very instant he falls out of balance, be it ever so slight, he is then aware of it. The electric current of motion vibrates within his senses and his senses become electrically aware of it. He misinterprets the motion of his senses for Mind-thinking. If a Man is perfectly comfortable his senses are not aware of it. If he becomes cold his senses then tell him of his unbalanced condition in respect to his environment, and he puts on a coat. His body has told him these things, however, and not his Mind. The measure of unfolding Intelligence in Man is the measure of his Mind-knowing in relation to his body sensing.

    Has Man unfolded intellectually to the extent in which he can hear God's Voice inspiring him to become co-creator with Him by interpreting His qualities of love, beauty, rhythm, harmony or balance? Or is he limited to fulfilling the demands which the motion of his body cells are demanding of him? This is the nature of the knowledge which will give the coming race more geniuses and mystics, and great leaders among Men for the upbuilding of an enduring civilization of peace and good will on Earth. This knowledge can be acquired only through desire for it. Desire can be awakened, and then multiplied, through knowledge. To acquire knowledge look within your own centering Self, for it is there awaiting you. The Silent Voice of your eternal Self forever whispers its omnipotence and omniscience to you. The following diagrams, which accompany the words of this chapter, are for the purpose of giving you that knowledge of where your power lies awaiting its manifestation by your body.

    Let us now consider one thought-ring of motion, which constitutes this entire electric universe. Bear in mind that there is not any other form in Nature than this one alpha-omega form, and combinations of them. See Fig. 48 for it represents a single thought-ring of motion, which surrounds its motionless mind-center. From this Mind-center all-knowledge and power is extended to the electric thinking which records the Idea of Mind. This universe is, therefore, composed of Mind and thought-motion. Its thought-pulsations multiply to the high potential of maturity and then divide into the rest from which they were born, to be again reborn for another period of motion. This figure represents the Inner voice which speaks to you inspirationally, if you are sufficiently Cosmic to be aware of it, or to lower animal life instinctively.

    Following this diagram are others of a sequence which demonstrate that bodies are created and given life, for a purpose, by increasingly fast thought-power motion around their Energy-Source. After they have fulfilled their purpose they must give back to their Source that which has been given to fulfill the law of love, which demands equal giving and regiving . It must be noted that Nature never TAKES--IT ONLY GIVES. Note the diagrams numbered 48 through 57 which illustrate this principle. Each one of them is the prototype of one cycle of an electric current, or an electric thought-wave. There is no other expression of motion than this in all Nature.

    In studying these illustrations fix upon your Mind the one thought that the entire omnipresent vacuum, out of which motion appears, has all-knowledge, all-power and all-presence. What happens anywhere in it happens everywhere in it. Your senses may see it only at one point but your Mind knows that it is omnipresent. The radio and television tell you that. Every school boy is conscious of omnipresent actions through his familiarity with television. That fact he has learned from the radio and television. There is still another greater fact which lies ahead for future generations of Cosmic man to learn. That great fact is that all-knowledge and all-power exists within him and can be acquired by him for the asking in whatever measure he shall desire. To demonstrate our meaning we refer you to the two cyclone drawings in figures 51 and 52. In these drawings is a measure of force, expressed by motion. That measure of force is what the cyclone "asked for", and no more. If it desired to be a bigger and more powerful cyclone it would have more power extended to it for that purpose, for unlimited--or OMNIPOTENT--POWER CENTERS IT. That principle applies to all Creation.

    A Man is what he desires to be. All-knowledge and power are his for the asking. They center him. They are his kingdom of heaven, which is within him. Whatever he desires and asks for, with full awareness of his Oneness with his Creator, he can have by working with God to create it. That is why one Man knows more than another, or has more power than another. He has learned of his closeness to his Mind-center and knows how to ask for it, and the conditions upon which it will be his. The only way it can be his is to know how to work knowingly with God by becoming one with Him as Co-Creator. The more that one can feel God's presence, moment by moment, the more his Mind-awareness multiplies. That is the kind of mental progress which makes Man aware of the unlimited knowledge and power which is omnipresent everywhere, and can be expressed around any point of gravity which is chosen as the center of that ex­pression. This idea is beautifully expressed in another message from The Divine Iliad:

    "Desire ye what ye will, and behold: it standeth before thee. Throughout the aeons it has been thine without thy knowing, even though thou hast but just asked for it.

    "Sit thou not and ask, acting not, for unless thou reach out for thy desire it shall not walk thy way to thee, unaided by thy strong arms.

    "Desire ye what ye will and it shall be thine. All my universe will give it thee in the strength of thy desiring, and in the strength of thy action in reaching out for thy desire.

    Fig. 46
    Fig. 48 The six inner mirrors of radiation.
    Fig. 49
    Wave spirals on their wave shaft.
    Fig. 50
    AA Birth of electronic systems
    All matter is formed by projecting and compressing light rings in pairs toward each other. The collision of such an impact is a sex union. Only by sex union can bodies be created and repeated. Atomic and stellar systems are formed this way. In an electric current such systems are called loops of force.

    "Behold I am within all things, centering them. And I am without all things, controlling them. But I am NOT those things which I center and control.

    "I am the center of My universe of Me. Everywhere I am, I am the center of all things, and I am everywhere."

    For full comprehension of God's words, as expressed above, one should dispel all idea of the fulfillment of desire by wishful thinking and words of supplication--unfollowed by action. The last paragraph of the above is scientifically demonstated in Fig. 6. The entirely of this idea is expanded and exemplified in the book:

    Fig. 6
    Your Mind is universal. It is God's Mind. When you have discovered that fact you become co-creator with God. Until you do discover it, God speaks to you through instinct. When you finally do discover it, all-­knowledge comes to you from that still small silent Voice which extends inspiration, beauty, intuition, rhythm, and all of the Mind-qualities you did not have until the dawn of Consciousness began to awaken a realization of them in you. Realize then, that your body consists soley of electric motion centered by the still Magnetic invisible Light of your Mind.

    If you concentrate your Mind-thinking, the thought-rings will become smaller and spin faster. If you relax by decentrating your thinking, the holes will become larger and the rings will spin more slowly. See figures 48, 49, 50, 51 and 52.

    If your thinking is unbalanced by emotional disturbances, or your actions reflect your unbalanced thought-decisions, the tensions which result from such unbalance will cause every Mind-center, which controls the balance of those thought-rings, to act as though they were off-center and the spinning of the electric current around that eccentric center will be like a fly-wheel with its shaft eccentrically placed. When you understand this you will know why your body develops toxins which cause your various ills. Fig. 46 further demonstrates that you cannot become off-center with your Mind-Source. These diagrams tell you just where your mind is in relation to every one of the billions of cells which constitute your body. All of them have a central "switchboard" in your brain which sends messages of command to them.

    Remember always that a thought-ring is a sliced section of a cell--small and large--of your body. No matter where you slice through your body, or any body in Nature,
    you will find that each section is a ring with a hole in it. The hole is where invisible Mind is located. The ring is composed of electrically sensed motion that obeys the command of Mind, which centers it. It can but obey for it has no intelligence or energy of its own. Consider such a thought-ring-section in the cell of an ant. The ant cannot think for itself. The Mind which created it reaches out with electrical messages, which we call instinct. All animal and vegetable life is controlled that way by their Creator. They have a modicum of free will in accordance with the amount of intelligence which some forms of animal life attain, but vegetable and mineral life have no such power. They are entirely Mind-controlled through their senses.

    Every particle of matter, in combination as mass, or single as a unit, is purposeful, its movements are mind directed. Cells composed of oxygen, hydrogen and carbon in combination with each other, are performing marvelous actions in your body. They are manufacturing adrenalin and dozens of other fluids by Mind-control. They are knitting bones and flesh together in accordance with marvelous patterns. They are digesting your food and transmuting it to blood. They group themselves into marvelous machines which pump, knit, weave and perform many skills with many techniques. What man-built machines do you know of that can build themselves, then operate themselves without Mind-motivation and Mind-control? You do not know of any, for that is an impossibility of nature. It is equally impossible for the cells of your body to build and operate themselves. Each one is a purposeful mechanism. It has to be "created" by Mind-power just as you would have to create a typewriter to fulfill its purpose that way.

    That is why you must know where the Intelligence and enemy is which operates them. Look again at Fig 48 with this idea in mind. Note in it that all that God it can be extended to motion which manifests God. All knowledge, energy, inspiration, idea, beauty, rhythm, intuition and other Mind-qualities are within every thought-ring of motion in all Creation. Man is the only unit of Creation which has yet arrived at that stage, and only a very small percentage of the human race has risen to that high stage of unfolding in which Man has become aware of his centering Intelligence. The very large percentage of the human race thinks electrically with its outer-senses, instead of inwardly toward the inner Mind. Man-in-the-mass is aware of senses only. Such a word as inspiration has only a superficial meaning for him.

    Sense-thinking is purely electric. All sensations of the body are purely electric. One who senses electrically can acquire only what information of sensed EFFECTS that his senses reflect to him from objects of his observation. He is limited in his conclusions and decisions to what his senses tell him of bodies in motion. He can never acquire knowledge of CAUSE that way. He can acquire knowledge only by thinking inwardly and thus talk to God direct.



    We have diagrammed the relation, and location, of Mind to matter in that Fig. 48. That diagram shows how messages are sent out to creating bodies electrically for long ages before dawning Intelligence makes bodies become aware of the meaning of those messages, or that they are from the Divine Source of all Creation which is "within" all things.

    We will now parallel this diagram with another to show that Mind-messages, which are sent to creating bodies from their Magnetic Source of Universal Intelligence, are identical with the nature of the electric current. Before entering into this comparison, which Fig. 49 potrays, we wish to inject a new thought regarding the process God makes use of in the construction of His electrical body-universe. Instead of using text-book language we will use simple homely phrases to emphasize our meaning: God creates matter by projecting very big electric rings of visible light around still points of His invisible Magnetic Light. By so doing He creates big black, cold holes in His bitterly cold space. In order to create bodies of solid matter in those cold holes He must heat the holes to incandescence, and then freeze the incandescence by surrounding it with His universal, basic cold, to imprison it until it has fulfilled His purpose. He then uses His basic cold to compress series of four pairs of rings into spheres by squeezing the cold black holes out and letting the four pairs of compressed rings-spheres of light in. This constitutes His entire generative, or polarizing principle of Creation, for the only things created are heat and motion.

    All effects in all Creation are the product of heat and motion. Living things are the product of heat and motion. But living things must "die" they must regive their heat back to the cold which created it, and they must regive their motion back to the stillness from which it was extended. God's way of doing this is just the reverse of His generative method. He gradually lets the cold, black holes return within the hot spheres by projecting rings, in series of four, from the equators of spheres until they entirely disappear into their basic, changeless cold. All matter thus begins to appear as rings of light around black holes, and finally disappears as rings of light around black holes.

    You can plainly see, by this homely description, that there is no process of Nature which allows for material nuclei in its atoms. The nucleus for all atomic structure is the Magnetic Light of its Creator's Mind. Likewise the energy for the construction of atoms is in that centering Magnetic Light. It is the invisible Light which centers the visible light. It is the energy of God's Omnipotence which centers its simulation of energy by motion. It is the Idea of God's knowing, which is manifested by moving forms which image God's Idea. It is the beauty, the rhythm, the balance and ecstasy of God's thinking of His One Idea of the giving and regiving of His love to His Creation for manifesting His love in all creating things.

    Good night, and rest well for we are truly coming into TRUTH AND KNOWING--please be at peace and allow this information to come within wherein it can find its fruition bearing of the perfect fruit of wisdom and KNOWING.


  2. #14
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    CHAPTER 24


    TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 1991 8:51 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 313

    TUESDAY. JUNE 25. 1991

    Hatonn present in the Light of Truth within the balance of Creation to which I give total reverence and respect.

    How is it that you allow your language to be corrupted into meanings of words which later destroy all order and rational expression? I specifically refer at this instance to "chauvinism" This means: excessive or blind patriotism. In the "modern age" of confusion and causing hatred between sexes and groups it has become established as: undue partiality or attachment to a group or place; as in "male chauvinist". The term comes from the French word chauvinisme: 1815 French soldier with blind and irrational patriotism to Napoleon.

    I give you that because the term as utilized today was foisted upon you by the feminist movement headed by groups of so-called, self-styled persons of Khazarian lineage. It has been pronounced in the press and controlled media to the point it has lost its "patriotic" meaning of national patriotism.

    Why do I point this out? Because this day on your television a group of worshiping people of the Judaist faith, in Iraq, were interviewed and here is the answer given to the press: "Oh, the Iraqi people are NOT AGAINST JUDAISTS-THEY ARE ALL AGAINST ISRAEL AND THE FALSE JUDAISTS!! IRAQ IS OUR HOME AND WE ARE BROTHERS HERE--WE ARE AGAINST ISRAEL ALSO BECAUSE THEY ARE DECEIVERS AND LIARS! THEY DO NOT PRACTICE THE FAITH OF OUR FATHERS AND GRANDFATHERS IN ISRAEL--THEY HAVE A NEW RELIGION WHICH IS AGAINST GOD OF ABRAHAM!"

    When you are asked to explain your "anti-Semitism", you demand that the accuser explain his statement!!

    America is supporting totally a group of parasites who have already stolen the very basis of religious tradition of a group of God's people. They took land from Palestine and called it Israel. They are neither "chosen" of God of Light, nor are they practicing Judaists. They labeled themselves "Jews" to hide their races and pronounce themselves Zionists in order to allow for the usurping of all Middle Eastern lands (yes, I said ALL) for their own domination and that, dear ones, includes all the oil lands. They will further prevent you from producing free energy and all manner of restrictions will be placed upon the world by this self-proclaimed group calling themselves "chosen". The world has been deceived and they, the Elite, will not stop until they control the globe.
    To the Judaists of the world who are of the Judean faith, beware: you are the first in line to be sacrificed and annihilated for you know the truth and they will have to shut your mouths as the carnage gets worse--in the name of God and Jewism.

    What think you about your chances of electing a "clean" President in 1992? Please note that plans are to run Solarz and Rockefeller on the Democratic ticket against Bush! You had best wake up and see the dawn lest you not awaken to another dawn at all!

    I turn this forum over to Germain, in petition that you ones hear him for through the truth of how the universe functions and your relationship to God-Mind, is the only way you will change that which is upon you. May you be given into seeing and hearing; and understanding.

    GERMAIN present to continue.


    You must plainly see by this time that the intent of Creation is to dramatize the Idea of Love, by expressing it in action and reaction. To express Love the Idea must be divided into separated halves. To fulfill Love the two halves must be united as one. Halves of one must be equal, therefore, their actions and reactions must be equal and simultaneously created. The only action which can express Love is the action of giving. The only equal and opposite of giving is regivng. The One is divided--the two divisions simultaneously exists. If the action of giving extends from one is equally and simultaneously extends from the other. If equal giving and regiving of each half are simultaneously expressed the product of that fulfillment is Love.

    Can you not see, therefore, that the one great age-long lesson of life is to learn how to balance every transaction of life in such a manner that givings and regivings between pairs of opposites are equal? That is all there is to learn for that is all there is in Nature. Creation consists of multiple electric wave units. In every cycle unit of Creation the Law of Love is expressed to perfection, as demonstrated in one cycle of the electric current.

    Can you not see, also, that the reason why Man's world is in such chaos is because Man has hardly begun to learn that lesson of the aeons? His givings are few but his takings are many. His empires have been constructed upon his takings, which he is now losing and will continue to lose, until he has balanced them with givings.

    Can you not see, therefore, that ONE WORLD OF PEACE is far away into the long generations of learning that one simple lesson of rhythmic balanced inter­change in every transaction of Man, as it is in Nature? Can you not see that the "New World Order" is based, more than ever, on TAKING? IT IS BASED SOLELY ON TAKING--OF EVERYTHING OF VALUE INCLUDING MAN'S VERY SOUL ATTACHMENT TO GOD AND SELF. AS DESPAIR CAUSES FORFEITURE OF SOULS UNTO THE BEAST OF HUMAN PHYSICAL, YOU ARE LEFT WITH A WORLD OF EMPTY BEINGS WHO WILL NOT RISE UP AGAINST THEIR ENEMY. CAN YOU NOT SEE THE INTENT UPON YOU-THE-PEOPLE?

    You have a law of Man which reads: “Actions and reactions are equal and opposite,” NO, NO AND NO: IT MUST BE RE-WRITTEN AS FOLLOWS TO CONFORM TO NATURE “EQUAL AND OPPOSITE ACTIONS AND REACTIONS ARE SIMULTANEOUSLY CREATED AND SEQUENTIALLY REPEATED” Look at the diagrams 53 through 57. Every transaction in Nature is repeated in each of these examples, whether it be the casting of a pebble, or the creation of a sun. In an entire solar system its balanced transactions are so perfectly in keeping with the law of Love that one can calculate to a split second the exact time and position of any planet a thousand years from now. Conformity with that one law is the only way that mankind can ever find peace, happiness and prosperity in a unified world. How long shall it be before you, yourself, shall find it? In that is the answer to world-unity, for YOU are the seed of the world. What you become, the world becomes from your GIVINGS. IF YOU SIMPLY CONTINUE TO TAKE, TAKE, TAKE, YOU ARE POSITIVELY ASSURED OF DESTRUCTION!


    So radically different a conception of atomic structure demands much exemplification to replace the old with the new. For this reason we must cite many examples to demonstrate that every creating, growing, living and dying thing in Nature is just a multiplicity of slow and fast moving light-rings surrounding dark of low electric potential, centered by a zero point of absolute stillness and unlimited Mind-potential. The new concept is a challenge to the old which must be convincing proof that the new concept is undebatable.

    Let us preface the following examples by these text-book statements of fact as known to science:

    1. "An electric current sent through a wire is confined to its surface. There is no current at its center." Quoted in essence from Tesla, Farraday, Pupin, Millikan and others.

    2. "Living cells show a difference in electrical potential between their interior and the surrounding medium." Dr. Louis M. Katz--Univ. of Chicago.

    Let us go back and look again at Figure 49 which demonstrates this fact in an electric current. To emulate a section of a living cell we will put a salt solution within a ring of conductive material. By placing two insulated wires, with bared electrodes, close together in the center of that ring and connecting the wires with batteries we emulate the charged condition of the living body, of which the cell is a part.

    By turning on the current it will be found that the spot between the two electrodes is of zero potential, and that many lines of radiation extend from the center and cause a moving electric current to spin around the zero fulcrum center where the ring is located. Not only that but an electrode placed in contact with the ring will convey current away from This effect of electric current extending from a still center to convey its power to the ring, and other outside conductive matter, is identical with the mental example shown in Fig. 48.

    Anyone who may question this fact may not only prove it by this simple ex­periment but can also move the two electrodes away from the center of the rim so that their centering zero occupies an eccentric position, as the human heart does in relation to the chest, and as the zero center of the heart itself is eccentrically placed in relation to its mass. A different wave pattern will result but the electric qualities will remain the same. There is always a point of stillness which centers the birth point of any action. Motion spins around that still point, but there is no motion AT THAT CENTER.

    Consider your body itself, and every part of your body, even to its last microscopic cell. Every part of it is a moving ring in section which spins around a hole, centered by stillness.

    Now consider every part of your body, one at a time. Every horizontal section cut through your head is a ring of flesh and bone around a centering hole, where the magnetic Light of your Mind is located. The space between is filled with a material quite unlike the flesh of your body. That material is the broadcasting and receiving station for conveying messages to every last microscopic part of your body.

    Consider your spinal cord. It also is a ring in every tubular section of it, which is not only centered by a hole for itself but is confined in a ring of bone which is your spinal column. Both of these are shafts made up of rings, but it must be remembered that every shaft in the body, as well as every artery and vein tube, is but a continuous extension of rings. Even the center itself is a continuous shaft of zero electric potential surrounded by thought-rings of varying potential. The center itself is omni-Magnetic potential, for that point is where YOU sit with God, as ONE.

    Your heart is an electric thought-ring of motion centered by a hole, where your invisible Mind is located. From that center it sends its complex messages out to the very wonderful mechanism, which your heart is, to command its every part to function true to its purpose.

    Your lungs and your chest are rings of thought-recordings which are, likewise, centered by four holes, for the carrying of four different qualities of messages from your Mind to the thought-rings which compose your whole body. We will refer to these again in this chapter.

    Now examine your fingers and toes, and your arms and legs. Each of these are centered by zero potential holes around which are rings of bone and flesh of varied potential.

    Before completing our brief analysis of Mind-relation to the human body, let us step out into the forest and cut practically any growing flower stem, shrub, sapling or tree. All of them are rings in sections of either tubes or seemingly solid shafts. Even the leaf of the tree is centered by a tube from which countless tubes extend to center the countless millions of thought-rings being created by the Magnetic Light which centers every one of them.

    If you cut a section of a new-born oak, you will find that it is tube-centered, but if you cut a section of an old oak, you will find that it has seemingly "squeezed" the hole out to attain density in accordance with the same principle of compression which gives density to a sun. Examine it, however, and you will see a series of rings surrounding its center.

    If you now examine the chemical elements, such as oxygen, fluorine, helium, nitrogen, sulphur, phosphorous, sodium or potassium, you will find that their nuclei consists of varying sized holes surrounded by rings of varying sizes and numbers. Helium has four rings with a very large hole within them. Helium divides into four pairs and becomes a solid sphere, which has squeezed the hole outside of it? Fluorine and lithium have one ring with a centering hole smaller than helium. Oxygen and beryllium have two rings with still smaller holes. Nitrogen and boron have three rings with almost no holes. These male and female equal pairs unite in marriage and become two hemispheres, the red and blue halves being divided by an equator.

    Chemists and physicists have recognized something of this mathematical orderliness and have given it the name of "valence". They say that oxygen has a valence of two, carbon four, etc. and they balance and vary their mixtures in the ratios of valence by putting two atoms, which have a valence of two, with one which has a valence of four, to equalize their potentials. This they have always done, but their text books give no adequate explanation for so doing.

    The real reason is that spinning rings which get closer to their Mind-centers in the Mind-nucleus of every atom, gain more and more power in the ratio of that closeness.

    Before returning to the Mind and body relation in Man we must make it clear to you that the chemical elements must be considered in a very different way than Man is considered. All have the first stage of Creation only. They exist as compressed matter before water is created by combination with two of them, and air by a combination of another two. The next stage is a combination of these elements with water and air to create the vegetable kingdom. The simplicity of the mineral kingdom is then complexed by the addition of water and air and more "conduits" are arranged in these combinations for the placement within its creations for the zero centers of Mind-control. The vegetable kingdom has very little free will choice of decision regarding its welfare or destiny. It has some, however.

    Next in order of complex combination is the animal kingdom. This third stage includes both mineral and vegetable matter, in combination with water. The animal body is a complex pattern of variously arranged mineral and vegetable life, so must continually be replenished with all three stages of creation as its various parts "die". For this reason very much more space is given to the body for Mind-control, and for the creation of very different forms of matter of high conductivity to carry the messages concerned in body "manufacture" and body survival. Directional messages, such as instinct, have a very different reflex toward matter than those which may be called automatic reflexes, which are very much more keen in animal than in vegetable life.

    The fourth--and last--stage is the human. Man's body is also a combination of all three stages, but Mind-awareness only begins in the human stage. The animal has much intelligence but is not aware of it as a quality within him.

    Man, the human, was first controlled by instinct. For millions of years he had no Mind-awareness. He had no creative ability, whatsoever, and not even enough sense of rhythm to desire to beat a drum. The desire of the savage to beat a drum is the first evidence of spiritual unfolding in Man.

    Man--the human--began at the dawn of Consciousness a few thousands of years ago--as an awakening fragment of the ONE. He became slightly aware of a creative force outside of himself, then more fully so, through the drumbeat stage to the more extensive recognition of universal rhythm in the four stringed lyre up to a comprehension of the diatomic scale sometime in your 15th century. A sense of beauty, as seen through the eyes, had developed much earlier than that, but the jungle sense of cruelty, brutality and blood-pleasure still remained in Man-in-the-mass even while his culture was unfolding, and still remains with a very large percentage of the race. Marauding tribes have become marauding nations and Man-killing by Man is still done on such a large scale, for greed and power only, that the human race has no justification, whatsoever, for thinking its present civilization, as a whole, to be in any other than an early barbarian stage. Many, however, have arrived at a very high intellectual point, and a few have reached almost to its summit. It is through these few that thousands of others are being awakened to that Light of their own Oneness with the Source, and it is through these that the race will finally achieve such intensive God-awareness that the Man-killing stage of today will have become impossible.

    The above is given herein for the reason that the new knowledge given will give every Man a better comprehension of how he can lift himself above the present stage. Having thus explained the reason for this interlude, we will now return to the climax of the knowledge for which this chapter has been written.

    I believe that at some time in the near future we will find it necessary to break these lessons into some type of study course with some knowledgeable leaders so that you can "talk" about these things in groups, or think in meditation, about these outlays of TRUTH of existence and intent of Mind-creation. We shall see, for first we have to cover the information. Then we can return to the "segments" for some are awaiting technical information to get on with their own focus of work in free energy, life prolonging apparatus, etc. If, however, the very foundation of conclusions is incorrect, you cannot reap the benefits beyond that which is already present. Moreover, the populace with whom the apparatus is shared must be in harmony with the equipment--so we have a "catch 22" as to getting the information forth in proper sequence and rapidity. This is also why we are producing the work in smaller, digestible segments of JOURNALS rather than a massive volume. This way the work and information can be absorbed from one while the next is being printed.


    It is commonly said that Man is made of flesh and bone. That is not the whole story, however. There is muscular flesh and there is what is known as neuromuscular flesh. There is also bone and the marrow of bone. Just plain flesh and bone are the physical working parts of the body, but much that is in the body is created for the express purpose of conveying messages from the Mind WITHIN each cell to its surrounding ring, and the nerve-flesh which conveys messages to the farthest extremities of the body with the speed of light.

    The vegetable kingdom is practically all "flesh and bone" but even that has an intricate intercommunicating system which is composed of a very different kind of flesh, a kind which corresponds to the nervous system in animal and Man.

    The muscular and boned flesh which is used for utility purposes, that which you call "meat" in chickens and cattle, is entirely different from the flesh of the heart, brain, spinal cord and nervous system, and also of arteries, veins and bone marrow. The blood is also flesh of the body, as other parts of it are, and it comes from the Mind-center of thought-rings which constitute the heart. That, too, is a flesh which is mostly concerned with its message-carrying purpose, both for body-building and Mind-thinking purposes. That flesh is so sensitive to tensions and strains of unbalanced actions and emotions that its normal thought-ring cells quickly change, or their centers shift to eccentric positions very quickly. The slightest emotional disturbance acts upon them in such a manner that they seem to have an intelligent understanding of such tensions, for they immediately convey that tension to the heart, brain and stomach with a consequent equal upsetting. All message-carrying flesh and bone marrow must have the rhythms of happiness and joyousness in order that their normally balanced electrical state will extend normal balance to the cells that they are continually creating and controlling, as well as informing as to purpose.

    If people only realized that a happy body cannot exist as a normal body without a
    happy state of Mind, there would be no "mental cases", or insanity, stomach ulcers or

    heart diseases. One little example of such effects should be enough. Consider the red blood corpuscles as that example. The blood is the basic living flesh of the body. Strangely enough--but appropriately--its red blood cells are microscopic rings with holes centering them, such as pictured in example A, shown herein. Emotional, or other disturbances, even inherited disturbances, which sufficiently upset the balance of the body metabolism, will break openings in these rings and make them appear to be sickle-formed as shown in example B. Now I would also note herein that all species of humans are not prone to the same type of specific differences, i.e., in some races there is a pronounced tendency to sickling, etc. I don't want to get into that subject at this writing but it is evident that the Mind-creator or Man-Mind-creator has projected differences in the human species.

    One of the very first evidence of temporary or permanent degeneration of an individual, of a race, is the breaking down of the normal thought-rings of the blood cells from circular to sickle shaped rings. Any abnormality or unbalance in man's thinking and his decisions which cause unbalanced actions, is first shown in blond cells. If this abnormality is not corrected, by the individual during his lifetime, his children can inherit the tendency. The whole human race could be destroyed that was if the tendency is not reversed by balancing the unbalanced condition. (These two diagrams are reprints from Scientific American.)

    The little white discs which constitute the white corpuscles of the blood appear to have frayed edges, as though they were moth-eaten. Anemia and leukemia follow such abnormalities. The blood is of first importance of all of the elements which compose the body. The nervous system could be entirely paralyzed and the body would still function, but the blood has deep instinctive awareness of its existence and the body, which does not have a happy, rhythmic blood condition, cannot possibly retain its normalcy. The blood immediately feels every mental and physical tension to which it is subjected.

    This is why a whole population can fall ill if the proper frequency changes are introduced into that population--and brothers, the ADVERSARY KNOWS IT AND KNOWS HOW TO MANIPULATE IT. YOU CAN HAVE THE "CURE" FOR AIDS AS RAPIDLY AS COMING INTO KNOWLEDGE OF THIS INFORMATION FOR DIS--EASE CANNOT ENTER WHERE THE MIND-CREATOR CHOOSES
    TO HAVE NO ENTRY! A Man negative in HIV studies can keep himself negative in all time--simply. He will cease exposing himself to any of the methods of transmission and limit his contacts. You will note that some groups of high infection with lazy, impotent HIV virus propagate and proliferate the opportunistic diseases caused by the failure of the immune system--it has nothing really to do with the HIV virus which is indeed the laziest of all viruses known to science.

    What actually happens and is KNOWN to be a probability, by the Adversary who would continue this disease, is to project need to continue in the "birthright" activities and addictions and practices of gathering and intermingling to the point of absolute infiltration of the problem. You cannot vote-in or out this disease and no amount of money can "CURE" it for it is at center-an emotional disease with demand for its spread.

    But back to flesh. Next of importance is the heart flesh itself. There are muscular parts of the heart which perform physical functions only, as other flesh does, but a great part of the heart is composed of an independently living kind of "flowing" flesh which is not dependent upon the whole body, as all other parts are. The blood is the most potent of all of the Mind-message carriers of the body.

    If you cut any part of your body out and preserve it from decay in a salt solution it can be thus preserved for a very long time even though it is as dead as the flesh in your deep freeze is dead. Not so, however, with that part of your heart which is made up of what the text-books call specific, or autonomous neuro-muscular flesh. If you put that in a proper electric conducting medium, such as a proper salt solution, it will live a very long time-indefinitely perhaps--if the solution remains properly conductive. It does not die as other flesh dies so long as it is held in a conductive and proper medium. The blood really has no intelligence but is so close to the Mind as a carrier of power and creative messages that it seems to have intelligence of its own.

    There are other parts of the heart which are, likewise, intended for the mental and physical state of the body which are utterly absent in all vegetable life, and less conspicuously developed in lower animal life. Such parts are the sinus node, the right and left bundle branch, and the intricate intertwining nerves, veins and muscles of the lower heart.
    More important still is the fact that the blood is placed in columns, or shafts, which center all body-extension in such positions that those centers are the location of Magnetic stillness, and, as such, are of zero electric potential.

    Next in our consideration is the brain flesh which surrounds the thought-rings of the central "switch-board" of the entire bodily nerve system. This, with the bone-marrow which assists message-carrying intercommunications between the Creator's Mind and the imaged-forms He is creating, constitute quite a new science in itself, which is more needed by the medical profession than by layman students. For this reason we cannot devote as much space to this vital subject as we would like to.

    Our present purpose is served by exemplifying the fact that every illness of the body is made in the image of one's thinking and the actions which follow men­tal, or sensed-decisions. You can retain your body normalcy, or you can easily damage it, by unbalancing your thinking and your normal way a life. If, therefore, one is ill, he should look to the cause of it within himself. If people only realized that a happy body cannot exist without a happy state of Mind there would be no "mental cases" or insanity, much less headaches and other ailments. A healthy and well-centered body does not have to react to any stresses of the ordinary life-styles or projections--it depends solely on the state of the Mind and how Mind chooses to react to impacting ideas and impulses perceived against it.

    There are two other shafts of zero potential besides the arterial and spinal ones which center the chest. These are the shafts which convey food to the stomach and the one which carries air to the lungs. The membranous flesh, which constitutes these tubes, is not like a plastic container. It has great conductive super-sensitivity. It performs two separate and seemingly impossible opposite offices, for it both insulates that which should be insulated and conducts that which should be conducted.

    One is very often mistaken in assuming that a badly upset stomach is due to food unwisely eaten when the fact is that unhappy rhythms have been the cause. The reaction has not alone been confined to the digestive functions. Its main cause my lie in emotional disturbance, business worry, worry of conscience, fear or many other states of unbalance .Even the food one eats should be "happy". It should be cooked with love and eaten joyfully and there should be a joyful realization of love in one's deep breathing and exhilaration during the process of taking food into one's body. The food you eat becomes blood and flesh of your own body, and the manner in which you eat it, and your mental attitude while eating it, decides your blood count, the balance between acidity and alkalinity of your digestive machinery, and your entire metabolism. This is far more important than “WHAT” you intake.

    These four great body shafts have much more "responsibility" than just performing physical, mechanical purposes. Please realize that fact. Your typewriter is a machine which will supposedly operate just as perfectly if you are angry, but even your typewriter could register your anger and be damaged by it. Whatever your mental condition is, your body condition records and reflects it as truly as a mirror equally images an angry you or a happy you.
    Your Mind is YOU and your body is the record of your thoughts and actions. Your body is what your Mind electrically extends to it for recording.

    Future generations should learn to think in such terms. They should discard the present concept of Mind and matter and substitute mind, thought, and action in place of it. Some day Man will fully comprehend that matter is but the motion of thought.

    The substance of this chapter is for the purpose of making you realize that your Mind reaches to every part of your body, not only your arms, legs, fingers and toes, but to every microscopic cell in your body--most of which you know not even the name.

    You can instantly order your arms or fingers to obey a command from you, because large enough nerves connect your "switchboard" with them. There is not one cell in your body you cannot reach, however, with orders from your Mind. You may have to concentrate long and often to do it but you can it. A simple experiment to prove that is to look concentratively upon one part of your body, such as the end of one finger. Demand of it that warm blood shall collect there, and it will, after a very few efforts. Many have done this. Another experiment for convincing you will be to order your ears to move--and they will in due time, just as a Paderewski orders his fingers to do fifty times as much as you can with yours. (This, of course, is for Dharma who believes she can type no faster--every day she disproves that notion.)

    Now apply this to your headache. First, making sure that you are "in tune with the infinite" and not out of tune with it, and that you are not violating any law of nature which continues its cause, your headache must disappear--follow the "pain" around and you will find it actually seeking exit. Nature is normal. It balances all unbalanced effects it is given a chance. However, it is useless to try to "cure" an unbalanced condition mentally unless the unbalanced CAUSE is first replaced with the proper positive rhythms which approach God-Mind-Balance.

    Now that you know where your Mind is in relation to your body, you have the basis of what the Master Teacher knew when He extended His balance to the unbalanced thinking of other bodies, and gave them His balance. Unbalanced bodies cannot remain unbalanced if one's Mind is balanced and joyous to the point of "ecstasy".

    It is my earnest hope that each of you will now more fully comprehend the meaning of the command to seek the kingdom of heaven within you. It is also my earnest hope that the medical profession will apply this knowledge, at some point, to every patient and not treat his "physical" unbalance alone, while allowing its mental cause to be ignored. Isn't likely, is it?

    The physician is the logical Mind-healer for he has knowledge of EFFECTS which the Mind-healer cannot possibly have. One cannot so to God abstractly. You must know what you wish to ask for and know how to do your part in working with Him. You have moved a long-way in the wrong direction, do you see? It is not very likely that those who usurp for greed and evil purposes, will allow such happening to occur--therefore, it is up to you-the-people to demand a return to the "art of healing". I suggest you go read the Protocols of the Zionists Men of Wisdom and see that which has happened to your medical and legal "professions". The exact intent of that which is against you is now accomplished fact. So be it.

    Allow us a break, please.


    PJ 32
    CHAPTER 25


    TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 1991 1:12 P.M. YEAR 4, DAY 313
    The foregoing chapters have gradually prepared you to comprehend that the Rutherford-Bohr atom, which is symbolized in Fig. 58, has no place in Nature. This chapter is to tell you why not one single fact of nature supports it in structure, nor justifies it in principle. This is a most important chapter so please attend us carefully. It is as with Mr. Cathie's work which gives you grid assumptions and locations according to frequencies, etc., IF YOU ONLY HAVE A PORTION OF THE PROBLEM, WHAT VALUE CAN THE INFORMATION HOLD? IF WE ONLY TELL YOU THAT WHICH IS WRONG WITHOUT TELLING YOU WHAT TO DO TO "FIX" IT, WHAT HAVE WE DONE EXCEPT FURTHER DISTRESS YOU? HALF-INFORMATION IS OFTEN FAR WORSE THAN NO INFORMATION FOR THE "WRONG ASSUMPTIONS" ARE THOSE WHICH ARE ACTED UPON AND IT CAN BE A DEADLY BIT OF PLAYING.

    Hatonn gave great honor to one called Bruce Cathie but I am not so generous. To simply identify mathematically a rather unimportant fact after fact after fact without bending to even consider the possibility of invisible input which will perfect an equation--is not of my understanding and I give no such honor for it only further confuses the mind of Man who might otherwise do something worthwhile other than considering such greatness in another mortal with no useable information whatsoever. We would be most happy to work with anyone who has the good of his brothers in intent. Anyone who thinks so egotistically of himself that if another speaks of his findings, he will bring lawsuits--I suggest is of no worthy foundation upon which to share anything. America West can do that which they will with publishing of the material--it will not sell for Man only ends up feeling cheated for knowing numbers accomplishes naught.

    Mr. Cathie, it seems, is much like Jack Cole of Florida--he asks to be "zapped" "if you are real"--I remind all of you that there are MANY ways in which a "zap" can be brought about! Further, "pride (and ego) go just before a fall". If your intent is to only figure out use for the "physical" with exclusion of God (oh, it isn't stated in that manner but that is what it is)--in this time of transition, the information can only be considered detrimental to the purpose of the actual functioning of a universe. If you have one who responds with lawsuits to ones who give great honor unto him--then this man has no intent of goodness toward his fellow-man and if he claims "born again" christness­--discard the statement for there is nothing of God within the being save that which he cannot put away. So be it.

    Is it not strange that a man would spend so much time and effort to prove the

    The Rutherford Bohr atom.
    Fig. 59 Illustrating the radial universe concept.

    visibility and presence of UFO (alien craft) and then deny any possibility of contact? Is this not at least a bit contradictory? What is the point of the display of so-called "information" if one is closed to all possibilities regarding that very information? Is it not also an affront to insult so blatantly one who does contact us in great interchange of service as this man George Green does, who at great expense, publishes his material? Is there not something WRONG herein?

    As I have stated before, this electric universe has been constructed entirely by the electric wave, therefore, any theory of motion or matter, which is outside of electric wave mechanics and construction, is invalid.

    If human reasoning by the greatest of the world's thinkers built this impossible concept, there must be something very basically lacking in knowledge of our universe to make it possible for thinking people to form such a concept. And there is something basic, many things in fact, which sense-observation alone can never tell to man. We will enumerate these also, step by step.

    Nowhere in Nature does motion, in any three dimensional mass, revolve around a common center. All mass is made up of pairs of ring units, which are joined together in parallel planes to create hemispheres. Each ring has its gravity center and each mass has its dividing equator. Adjoining rings which form spherical masses cause gravity centers of these rings to seemingly become gravity shafts. All motion, in every hemispherical mass, spins in parallel planes which are 90 degrees from the gravity shaft of that mass. This means that all motion in spherical mass spin around its gravity shaft in parallel planes and not around a common center of gravity, which supposedly controls the whole mass, but actually controls motion in the plane of the equator only. See Fig. 59. This also means that Nature is bilateral and not radial.

    All mass is divided by an equator, and the four pairs of rings which constitute that mass, are arranged in plane layers on either side of that equator. All pairs are sex conditioned by the divided spectrum, which place the red units of each pair in one hemisphere, and the blue units in the other hemisphere. The red units of mass do not revolve across a common center of gravity and spin through the blue side to complete its orbit, as the units of the Rutherford-Bohr appear to do, as shown in Fig. 58--nor do the blue units spin through the red. That would be as much against nature as it would be for humans to change their sex during every daily cycle, say, man in the morning and female at night.

    The invisible universe is based upon the cube in relation to its control of motion. The stillness of gravity, therefore, when its points are extended to appear as a shaft, is always at an angle of ninety degrees from its electric thought-ring extensions. Never anywhere in Nature does any electric effect reach over to another center than its own. The three inner intersecting planes of the cube will not allow of such a crossing. If you examine the cleavages of a cube crystal you will not find them radiating from a center. The senses have been too much affected by the symmetry of light radiations from a star, or from the hexagonal radiating arms of a snow crystal, and many similar effects, which the senses too readily accept. It is time that you at least begin to doubt the evidences expressed and accepted of and by your senses in making hasty obvious conclusions for most frequently you will be incorrect in those conclusions.

    Another cause of confusion by the senses in this respect is the fact that all planets in a system, revolve around a common center of gravity. These are rings of motion, however, which spin around holes in which their controlling center is located. Every part of the mass of every planet, however, spins around its own center which is on the gravity shaft, and always in parallel planes, not intersecting ones, which would be necessary if all parts moved around a common center.

    If you look at an electric current in a vacuum tube you will see parallel rings extending from the cathode to the anode, like buttons strung upon a thread. See Fig. 60. Each of these rings is controlled by its own center of gravity in its own plane. Each ring is a unit of a cycle and it is necessary for pairs of cycles to unite to form a mass, or for four pairs to unite to form spheres. When a sphere is thus formed it is as bilateral as all things else in Nature are bilateral. It extends its right arm and its left one to form a shaft. Each point of gravity in that shaft is also the fulcrum of a lever, which its ring is. The fulcrum is still, and in it is all the power which its spinning lever-ring expresses, but the energy thus expressed is not in the moving ring, it is in the fulcrum of gravity which centers it.

    Electricity records Mind-thought in rings of light which spin around a Magnetic center of still, invisible light. All motion in all the universe spins around Mind-centers which becomes shafts as motion extends

    If you now look at the wave with this thought in your mind you will, likewise, see pairs of rings strung on the wave shaft of gravity which extends, as thought-rings of motion extend, to center and control the motion of each ring from that center, and to become a shaft of gravity for each mass which is formed by the amalgamation of ring pairs.

    By a careful examination of the construction of an electric current, and an electric wave, there is no part of it in which orbits of units intersect the planes of the orbits of other units, or of masses which are formed by the union of pairs, nor do any of them share their gravity centers with other units. As there is no precedent in the electric current or wave of nature to justify the multiplane concepts shown in Fig. 58, and as there is no precedent in the electric current or wave to justify the presence of material nuclei in the atomic units which constitute mass, such an impossible and unnatural concept should be expunged from human thinking.

    Let us now apply this principle to the copper wire which carries a current. The wire is still. It does not move. Motion spins around its surface in rings, which are centered by holes where gravity sits and rules each ring. The wire is horizontal but motion is vertical in the plane of its spinning. The wire is a series of gravity centers which make of it a seeming shaft. The wire-shaft does not move yet it performs the tremendous work of lifting thousands of tons, and driving thousands of engines and other machines. And it could easily kill a man if motion, which encircled the wire, collided with the man.

    Your senses very plainly, and truthfully, tell you that the wire is not moving, but if a speeding bullet traveled along the path occupied by the wire, your senses untruthfully tell you that the speed of the horizontally moving bullet killed the man, instead of the vertically spinning motion. It has been and likely will be a longer time in Man's unfolding before he can differentiate between what his Mind knows and his senses believe they know, but new thinking must someday come to Man which is based upon Mind-knowing instead of body-sensing. If the Mind were allowed to function properly in actual thought projection, a speeding bullet (in fact the faster the better) striking a body would hardly be noticed--it is the Mind that is convinced of its ability to injure and kill and the body reacts as directed—if struck appropriately, it dies.

    Let us now bend the copper wire into a semi-circle to symbolize a wave, and send a current through it. You have now curved your gravity shaft and your planes of motion, which spin around it at angles of ninety degrees, and are no longer parallel. They all point in the direction of the center of a circle and your senses tell you that that center is the common center of gravity for all of those converging radial lines. That is another misleading illusion which your senses believe in implicitly, but is not true to Nature. We must give space enough to very briefly tell what the Mind knows in respect to the curvature of gravity, which the senses cannot sense.

    To help visualize this let us first disturb the horizontal plane of calm water and bend it into a semi-circular wave, as we bent the wire. The electric compression pressure registered fifteen pounds per square inch before the water was disturbed. It now registers less above the surface and more in the trough of the next wave. The gravity shaft curves as electric pressures curve. Your senses tell you that the wave shaft is moving up and down. Also tell you that they are moving right and left. You speak of the speed in which light waves travel, which is proof that you believe that they do travel, when they but move up and down. Light waves reproduce at great speed, but light does not travel at any speed.

    These are the things your senses tell you but your Mind knows that the only direction of motion is the electric direction of circles, which spin around gravity shafts to cause EFFECTS which your senses thoroughly believe in but which are NOT FACTUAL. Light does not travel. It only appears to, and that appearance is limited to the boundaries of its own electric wave-field. We do not yet know the universal radar principle which repeats every happening anywhere to everywhere. Your senses are mightily confused between zero cause and dual effect.

    The greatest, and most visibly evident proof of the fact that the universe of suns and earths is made up of pairs of rings, and that they disintegrate by throwing off pairs of rings, is to look at the greatly magnified pictures of such planets as Jupiter and Saturn, and such ring nebulae as Lyra and the others, as I now ask you to include in the illustrations. The great telescopes very clearly show the parallel wrinkles on Jupiter, which make its surface look like heavy corduroy.

    The fact that all such planets and suns oblate proves that the rings expand in their own planes and not radically. If a planet expanded radially it would still be a sphere, no matter how large it grew, but all through the heavens you can see planets and suns expanding in planes which are parallel to their equators. This they continue to do until great holes are bored right through them where their gravity shafts exist to still control them until their motion ceases entirely. The Dumbbell Nebula is an excellent example of a sun thus expanded until a very large hole has bored right through it as it slowly explodes. In all probability part of it will regenerate a new sun in its center as the Lyra Ring Nebula and countless others have done. Fig. 148

    Fig 148 Illustrating the death principle in all matter. Spheres are created by compressing rings to form in them. Spheres are then disintegrated by projecting rings from them until a black hole surrounds their axis of rotation and they gradually expand until they eventually disappear into their cathodes.

    It now remains to explain why gravity does not express itself in radial lines from the surface to the center of a sun or planet, as diagrammed in Fig 59. With all that knowledge you will better comprehend why nature will not tolerate such intersecting orbital planes of motion as the theory of the nucleal atom demands, as shown in Fig. 58.

    There are only two spots upon the surface of a true spherical sun where a stone, dropped upon it, will continue its electric journey to its very center. Those two spots are the two "magnetic poles" which are the ends of the gravity shaft upon which the whole mass turns. Likewise, there is but one plane, where a stone, dropped anywhere upon it around the entire sun, would continue its electric journey to the sun's center. That plane is the equator which divides the two hemispheres.

    Do not lose sight of the fact that suns are made up of pairs of rings which par­allel their equators and also do not lose sight of the fact that each ring is an effect which is centered by its own controlling cause. Likewise, bear in Mind that gravity is omnipresent and does not move.

    With these warnings we are now ready to drop a stone on the earth a thousand miles from the equator. We will ignore, for the purposes of this demonstration, that the earth is not now a true sphere as it once was, and, for that reason, the gravity poles do not coincide with the pole of rotation (and that should scare you badly enough in its own right). The stone now curves toward the pole as it is dropped, and its direction toward its centering gravity shaft still continues to curve away from the earth's gravity center, instead of directly toward it as your senses have long told you it would do. See Fig. 61. This oblate earth actually has two gravity centers, but we will ignore that also.

    Fig.6l. Illustrating the bilateral nature of matter and the seeming curvature of gravity.

    We drop another stone another thousand miles farther north, and still another with the same result. Each ring plane owes its allegiance to its own center of gravity in its own plane, but as there are countless billions of rings within rings between the surface and the gravity shaft, the line of gravity control will forever curve, until the last stone cast will be nearer the north pole than the earth's center, toward which it was originally headed, and where your sense told you it would go. We will print Fig. 61 to illustrate this fact of the curvature of electric potential pressures, which gives the impression that gravity itself is curving.

    You are probably familiar with the bar magnet experiments with iron filings which curve from pole to pole. These curved lines are known as magnetic lines of force. You may also be familiar with the curved lines from the earth's equator to its poles, which the text books call the earth's magnetic field. These curved lines ARE IN NO WAY RELATED TO MAGNETISM. They are but lines and planes of electric pressures.

    Fig. 61 will graphically diagram this effect but figures 17 through 29 and especially 17 and 18 will help to clarify them still further, and comparing one with another. When you have done this you will no longer accept the possibility of such an effect in nature as the nuclear atom such as shown in Fig. 58. Also you will more clearly comprehend the marvels of the advance in electronics, which is making such marvelous strides against the resistance of sense-believing in things which the Mind knows to be otherwise.


    Perhaps the greatest blow to the nuclear atom theory is the fact that it claims that each consecutive atom in all of the elements from hydrogen to uranium changes its substance by the addition of one more electron revolving around its nucleus, and a balancing number of protons in the nucleus. For this reason it numbered the elements from 1 to 92 at the time the theory was conceived. That meant that hydrogen had one electron revolving around its nucleus, helium had two, lithium had three, etc., up to uranium which had 92.

    No more inconsistent and fantastic concept could possibly have been formed than this, for it has not the slightest resemblance to Nature's processes, whatsoever. It assumes that hydrogen is the first element of Creation, instead of the 18th, and gives numbers to isotopes, which are split tones, in the same measure that it gives to full tones. It has not allowed for the possible discovery of new elements for which it could have no numbers to give. This embarrassing situation actually arose when it was discovered that hydrogen was NOT the first element. The discovery of deuterium and tritium in the hydrogen octave threw that whole theory in the waste basket and nullified any such thing as "heavy water" or possibility of cold fusion and perhaps that is exactly WHY scientists say it is impossible. Sort of like the Emperor's new clothes? But science met that unexpected occurrence and danger by calling the new tones isotopes--oh nausea. Even then they had no numbers for those isotopes although they had numbers for the 49 other isotopes which you can see in Fig. 5 as they arrange themselves on either side of their wave amplitudes in the 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th octaves.

    This unnatural concept destroys itself by its impossibility to conform to the chemical law of valence, which give equally and multiplication and potential to mate-pairs in each octave, instead of 92 consecutive multiplications which ignored octave-wave principle. Let us analyze this briefly to throw light upon this impossibility of Nature.
    We have continually shown how God divides every effect of motion into equal pairs in nine consecutive waves. It is the most basic principles of Creation, for polarization is founded upon it. All through the nine octaves all full tones are divided into four equal mate-pairs. The first three of these pairs are equal and opposite atomic ring units, which increase their potential from 1 to 4. The fourth pair in each octave is united as hemispheres, such as carbon, and is the maximum potential of its octave-wave.

    The law of valence recognizes the progression of multiplied potential and classifies these mate equalities by giving the first pair a valence of 1, such as lithium and fluorine. It gives a valence of 2 to the second pair, such as beryllium and oxygen. The third pair has an acknowledged increase of potential, which gives it a valence of three, as in boron and nitrogen, and the fourth pair--the carbon hemispheres, have a valence of 4. We will point out the havoc this concept would play in science if we tried to uphold the principle by endeavoring to fit it into Nature's scheme. Lithium, for example, is given 3 electrons and its equal mate--fluorine is given 9. Nine electrons to 3 overpowers one of the mates and destroys its polarization equality. Much worse than that, however, its 9 electrons make fluorine, which is a very light gas with a below zero melting point, superior in potential to carbon, which has only 6 electrons, even though it has the great density which requires a temperature of 3,600 degrees to melt it.

    Carrying that comparison farther we find that bromine is given 35 electrons and iodine, its equal mate, is given 53, which is nearly nine times the potential given to carbon. It is not difficult to compare the potential of iron to lead, yet the number of electrons given to lead is 82, or nearly three times the number given to iron. To carry this analysis still farther is useless, for the comparison multiplies the fault of the principle to the point of great embarrassment.

    It was bad enough in the early days of research when Mendeleef gave atomic weights ever-increasing potential in the same manner, for he gave all of the dying elements increasingly greater atomic weights than the living ones. As an example of this inconsistency the soft, dying element lead is given an atomic weight of 206, or over sixteen times the weight of the carbon atom, which is only 12. In this concept of atomic weights iron is given as 55, or four and half times the weight of carbon, and tungsten is given as 184, or about fifteen times the weight of the one element, which is the most fully alive, most dense, and has the highest melting point of all of them. In the next JOURNAL we will do a lot of talking and investigating into elements, octaves and the absolute insanity of nuclear power, etc., as you toy with it.

    It was as inconsistent to assume that all of the elements were progressive, or se­quential multiples of hydrogen, as to assume that each successive element above the hydrogen owed its characteristics to one more electron and proton added to those it theoretically possessed.

    In neither of these two cases has the, octave-wave been considered as starting from zero as cathode and colliding as maximum potentials at anodes. More conspicuously in error, than these two above mentioned, is the giving of electrons to the orbits of the inert gases which are zero in every case and can have no atomic weight at all, for there is nothing to relate weight to in them, nor any complexity beyond the four undivided rings of their own construction.

    The final step in proving that the nucleal atom is outside of Nature is the fact that such a group concept is, necessarily, three-dimensional, which means mass, and Nature does not begin three-dimensionally. It is first two-dimensional, for Nature is made up of single plane units, which are two-dimensional. The moment two-dimensional units are divided into pairs, and unite to become mass, the three-dimensional bilateral universe appears.

    Let us very briefly review the process of Creation in its initial stages. Mind-Idea must first be concieved. The conception of Idea is registered in the inert gas ring, which is forever the seed-record of that Idea. That first undivided ring is two-dimensional. It has length and breadth, but not thickness. A ring is the only form in Nature that can be unitary, or two-dimensional, or balanced in itself, for its extensions are all in one plane. The moment that anything is added to a ring it must be added to on BOTH side to balance it. It cannot be added on one side for Nature does not create hemispheres, it creates spheres--remember? To add one ring on each side means the extension of a Mind-center to three mind-centers, or a Mind-shaft to balance and control three instead of one. To add successive pairs means to extend the mass to spheres and that means three dimensions, and it also means the creation of a bilateral mass. A three-dimensional universe is but the result of polarization. Polarization is not an extension of motion. It is an extension of omnipresent stillness into omnipresent stillness. Motion is a lever which must have a fulcrum. As motion extends there is always a fulcrum everpresent to center it. A gravity shaft, which results from polarized divisions of stillness into moving pairs, is not a direction of motion, nor is it a part of Creation. It is merely an identifiable Mind position in the zero invisible universe.

    The Creator follows conception with action and reaction. The inert gases divide and extend. Motion is then created for the purpose of giving body-forms to Idea. Divided and extended motion is expressed in pairs of light rings. Divided light-rings must necessarily divide the white Light of Mind into the tensions of the color spectrum. That means the red and blue of a bilateral universe which cannot exchange its sides, for each is interchangeably sex-conditioned. The sex strains and tensions are set up in the immovable rings of the inert gas of each octave, which is divided into pairs. Motion, tension, strain and heat begin with the extension of motion, in ring pairs, from its conception in the four recording rings of each octave. These four rings of the inert gases are within each other in the same plane. They are, therefore, two-dimensional. The moment they divide and extend into unit pairs, to simulate body-forms, mass begins and the three dimensional, cube-sphere, bilateral universe appears. In other words, neither God, nor Man, create three-dimensional body-forms before conceiving the Mind-image of that form. Mind-images are thoughts. Body-images are actions, and actions are always in pairs. Thought-concept is entirely outside of Nature for it has no precedent in it, nor is it a part of the electric process which constructs mass. Mass is an extension of many thought-concepts into many planes, and a simulation of extension of the one Mind-center into a gravity shaft.


    God--the knower--is non-dimensional.
    God's thinking is two-dimensional
    God's creative actions are three-dimensional.

    The nucleal atom theory begins with three-dimensional mass. It conceives groups of neutrons and protons revolving about and around each other on both sides of the spectrum. Each neutron and proton is conceived to be a three-dimensional, spherical mass in itself. In combination they constitute a larger three-dimensional, spherical mass. Three-dimensional beginnings are impossible, The electrical Nature of this universe demands a division from one plane located in a cathode. Polorarization is the result of that one plane division. Balanced equal and opposite pairs thus come into existence. Every united pair becomes an anode, which means a hot bodied three-dimensional beginning, which it does, but in doing it leaves the record of its motion in two-dimensional thought-forms in its inert gas.

    Dharma, I ask that our writing of yesterday via Dru be placed in the Introduction of this JOURNAL and allow us to leave this with no further writing save diagrams according to the editor's best placement. We have at least two more JOURNALS to cover the absolutely necessary information and then we shall likely break down the subjects into chewable sizes following that so I cannot give you an idea of completion "time". We will move as rapidly as you can, chela, working around the need of EXPRESSES, etc.


    We realize this places you in jeopardy beyond that which can be expressed for if Man could not accept that the Earth Shan was not the center of the universe--how much less will he accept the truth of the universe? The INFORMATION has been brought forth before and few retained the knowledge and fewer can tell you now, when or what it was at that time. It is now time that Man will come into KNOWING or Man will perish in his misperceived illusion. May the Light shine always about you, our people, for the way is hard but the rewards great. It is as with anything given in error--it can be voted-in or voted-out and it will change not one iota of the TRUTH OF IT.


    We shall begin the next JOURNAL on the morrow, Dharma, for it is indeed imperative that we move smartly along. Thank you, chela, for I know you are weary but the time is at hand for us to serve as diligently as we can function. We are the thought of God in action for He has decreed that our work be put forth and receive by his children. So be it.

    I salute you ones in this service and bow in respect and reverence unto that which we accomplish here.


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