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  1. #7
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    CHAPTER 11
    SATURDAY, JUNE 15, 1991 7:45 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 303

    SATURDAY. JUNE 15. 1991,

    Antonious Soltec to speak briefly, Dharma; thank you for allowing my commu­nication. I have been asked to comment on the widespread Earth activities. I wish, please, to refrain from any comment of political ramifications of the hap­penings for it matters not whether an earthquake is precipitated by man or by Mother Terra.

    What you must attend is the apparent widespread occurrences which will appear unrelated-no, they are related both to the political and natural realm and they give you clues to possibilities.

    As Hatonn told you in the past days--pay attention for there is massive move­ment in the entire circumference lip of the ring of fire (the Sea of Peace Ocean). I believe it is the Pacific Plate Tectonic, as you refer to it. Please note that Australia is NOT within those boundaries but is THE MOST IMPACTED by movement of the Pacific Plate. There is tremendous activity in the outreach portions of Australia and New Zealand . The Georgia (Soviet Union) is a differ­ent matter and is in established upheaval to cause the Soviet Union to remain united for as the Russian Republic becomes republicanized so will the other Bloc nations again rise up and Georgia is one which is already at a level of un­acceptable restlessness. It is, of course, far more than that but it is a most dan­gerous game played when you tamper with Mother Nature. You people Shan earth are either the most daring or the most foolish beings we have come upon in a very long time of traveling.

    The primitive people of the Philippines are terrified, just as are the natives of Australia and New Zealand , for they know the underground is ready to "uncreate" those islands or project up the entire ocean floor--which is going to cause happenings like you can only hold in the imagining. The atmospheric havoc is proof of that activity.

    It is the location of Mt. Pinatubo that is most distressing to the Indians of the region for it is a part of the prediction (clues) of changes which would come upon the people and the world (which, of course, to them IS the Philippines and little more). The eruption could have been from Taal , Caniaon, Mayon and it would not have the same meaning as one which is dormant for centuries.

    Now please, look to Japan and the earthquakes and rumblings--this is NOT un­usual for Japan , but you might well be seeing eruptions of those volcanos in Japan , also, within hours or days. Whether or not you hear of it, there will be great numbers of tremblers in the Aleutians and right down through your chain of volcanos in the North American continent and through the entire circle to the south.

    Earth man can precipitate earthquakes but he cannot control the activities very well, of volcanos. He can detonate high level nuclear explosions within the craters or from underground placement but to cause activity in the mountain it­self, there has to be a hole opened into the pressure caverns. This is why erup­tions mean far more to geologists of the observers in my geologic survey teams, than does all the earthquakes you can produce.

    As you study the upheaval in Georgia, U.S.S.R., note its political proximity toTurkey and Iran , The Black Sea and the Caspian Sea and remember the trouble in Azerbaijan and Armenia , both bordering to the south and to the south-east. You ones must begin to look at the WHOLEand stop using the telescope attached to the kaleidoscope which simply blinds you through visions of colored glass.

    The "state" of Georgia (U.S.S.R.), for instance, is a restless nation with many uprisings which have been quelled militarily-- against the wishes of " Russia ". Russia has over 146 million people to be reckoned with and Georgia has some 5.3 million to which the U.S.S.R. must account. Almost all the states of the Republic will side with Russia as the "party" grows stronger. Ah indeed, Yeltsin is a man with which to be reckoned and aid to little Georgia for earth­quake relief may not be sufficient any longer.

    Georgia can be most central in damage on an emotional level for it is in the western part of Transcaucasia and contains the largest manganese mines in the world. Well, what could that be worth? Lots is often a prime substance in the manufacture of steel, falling into the 6th octave periodic register of Ele­ments, falling into the same octave wherein argon is the seed and running from fifth toward seventh includes potassium, calcium, scandium, titanium, vana­dium, chromium, manganese and iron with cobalt on the cusp. So you see, you would have a much higher frequency, or "finer" steel than say, vanadium or chromium. Lower in the octave you have argon, chlorine sulphur phosphorus and silicon on the cusp. Moreover, manganese is a relatively low frequency and is utilized in producing low-frequency pulse beams. Indeed, the USSR . would not like to lose that commodity.

    Further, Georgia is rich in timber resources and COAL mines. Basic industries are food, textiles, iron, steel but it is resource for grain, tea, tobacco, fruits, grapes and other agricultural related products. To maintain control, the U.S.S.R. MUST control at least Georgia , Armenia , Azerbaijan and especially the Ukrainian SSR. In the Ukrainian SSR, for instance, is almost 52 million people. Can you now see how frail a reed Mr. unpopular Gorbachev actually is blowing in the winds of possibilities?

    I recognize that I am a "geologist" by "trade" but my commission is to study your globe from that particular aspect within the "whole". I could recommend nothing more important to your PHYSICAL input than to get good reference material and KNOW YOUR WORLD. You ones of Earth do not even know your own bodies and almost NOTHING about your planet.

    You speak of the "ring of fire" and yet you understand not the connections and why, for instance, eruptions in the Philippines are important! The Pacific plate "generally" outlines the "ring-of fire" but oh, if you look no further, you are amiss in good judgment for there IS a Philippine plate which has great impact just as does the Indian plate which encompasses Australia . These particular plates are impacted greatly by the movement of the Pacific Plate. Note also that the coastal areas of the volcano chain and the major western coastal fault lines are within the North American portion of the American Plate, while areas of Central America and northern South America are in the Caribbean Plate. South America is in the southern portion of the American Plate. Now, you have to look at the area of Georgia which you will find in the Eurasian Plate which is affected by movement in both the American, Philippine and Pacific Plates. The magnificent Himalayas are the crumpled consequence, for instance, of an Indian plate pushing northward into and under rigid Eurasia .

    Do you begin to feel your education is lacking a bit of valid input? Precious brothers, you simply cannot expect to know nothing about your little world and then expect to be accepted without limits within the universal, cosmic order. You as a species (civilization) of human physical beings are still quite in your infancy. There is nothing "wrong" with that, it is just so unlikely that your ability at this stage of development and knowledge allows you to participate in the great federation of the cosmic experience. You grow technologically into inability to control or cope with that which you tinker. You will find your brothers in the cosmos will not be very accepting of your demands in a council wherein you do not even know the tectonic plates of your own planet--and I promise you that the ones who develop the death rays and weapons do not know anything about the working order of your globe--much less do the politicians who control every facet of your existence in your physical experience.

    Would this not be the wondrous gift one such as "Inquirer General" Cole COULD give unto his listeners--or would he simply lose those which proclaim him "entertaining" ? You see, we of the Command do not understand the insults to your intelligence which you not only tolerate but encourage. "Understand" is not a good word for use herein, for we DO understand what is happening and what is intended by your would-be King Masters, but our difficulty is the lack of expectation on the part of you-the-people to stand against the insults upon your experience.

    I believe it should not have to be from an alien being that you should be gaining your education regarding these matters--it should be from your learned teachers at your universities and kindergartens. DO YOU NOT REALIZE THERE IS AN ADULT WITHIN EACH OF YOU TRYING TO GET OUT?

    Hatonn and Dharma are going to bring forth some very interesting information which might be worthy of your attention; you keep working with the thin person trying to get out from the overweight trap; the inner child coming into protec­tion-- -NO, NO, NO! Within each is an ADULT to get past the whole lot of the garbage! Beyond the tending teddybears. I believe Hatonn will have you cuddle your Constitution and NOT your teddy bear and binkie. Haven't all of you slept with your binkie long enough??
    When God says "come as children unto me", He doesn't mean with binkie and bunny-he means with curiosity and eagerness to come into KNOWLEDGE with Himself cares not about your sexual physical food preferences nor other of the physicalness-- YOU MUST COME INTO KNOW­ING THAT ALL OF THOSE THINGS ARE OF THE FLESH PHYSICAL EXPERIENCE AND YOU--YOU YOU WILL COME INTO MATURITY AND KNOWLEDGE OR YOU WILL LINGER WITHIN THAT SHROUD OF DISCONTENT AND RESTLESSNESS. SO BE IT.

    You-the-people are on the brink of allowing the Puppet-Masters to commit Particle/Atomic Suicide of a Planet. Is it not time you gave up your binkie and stopped this insanity?

    I see that I have outstayed my welcome and will, therefore, give my apprecia­tion- -with a reminder or two. Within the next few years of your counting, things are going to heat up from your own place (I DO NOT MEAN GLOBAL WARMING BS) and from your atmosphere-- you are going to have a lot of ra­dioactive debris pouring back in on your orb and if you don't get with the pro­gram and petition assistance, you are going to all get a very big hotfoot.
    I ask in closing, Dharma, that you reproduce an article you will find regarding the solar flares--also nonsense as projected but deadly if the cover-up does NOT STOP!
    Release: Thurs., June 13, 1991. New York Times News Service [This is THE ESTABLISHMENT MIS/DIS-INFORMATION RESOURCE]:
    Waves of charged particles thrown off by the sun have caused re­newed disturbances in Earth's magnetic field in recent days, disrupting radio communications and apparently disabling power transmission equipment in Virginia.
    At midday Wednesday, a new wave of the particles hit the magnetic field, indicating that "we're beginning a very disturbed period," said David Speich, a scientist at the Space Environment Laboratory of the national Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, in Boulder , Colo. His agency predicted that as a result of the disturbance the Northern Lights could be visible as far south as Tulsa, Okla. [This is a setup to allow for all manners of sky activity without a person questioning why or what!}
    A round of disturbances, which scientist call geomagnetic storms, began June 4 [Let's see now, you launched the pre-missiles and then the shuttle on - -?], in response to a disturbance on the sun three days ear­lier. Solar flares have sent waves of protons and electrons toward Earth, literally pushing the planet's magnetic field. When the field moves through Earth's crust, it generates electric currents, which can jump into power lines and disrupt transmission equipment. [I suppose this is the same technique that HIV virus uses to "jump" from person to person or fleas onto a dog? If this were true then why do you need ANY other hind of electricity production?? ??]

    The Virginia Electric and Power co., said three capacitor banks failed simultaneously Monday. The capacitors are used to maintain voltage on transmission lines.
    "It didn't present any extraordinary problems to us," said Larry W. Ellis, senior vice president of the power company, because the demand for power was not at a peak.
    If a geomagnetic storm caused transmission to fail at a time when the system was fully loaded, some experts say, a wide-scale blackout could result.
    The particles also disrupt the ionosphere, a layer of charged parti­cles. In some kinds of radio transmissions, the ionosphere is used to bounce the signals back toward Earth.
    In addition, the particles can deliver a radiation dose to passengers on airplanes on trans-polar flights, including most flights from the United States to Europe . [If I were you, I would be shaking in my booties and binkie about now!]
    As the solar storm deforms the magnetic field, it increases the size of the polar region--the effect that makes the Northern Lights visible so far south. The particles are drawn to the polar region and, interacting with molecules of the atmosphere or aircraft, can shake loose neutrons, which then irradiate people. [I have never heard more insulting hog-slop in my experience.]
    By some estimates, the dose on a single flight, especially at high al­titude, can be twice as large as for many diagnostic X-rays.
    If the solar storm intensifies, [which they undoubtedly plan to de­velop] it could add slightly to the dose of radiation that people on the ground routinely receive from the sun and other stars. [Getting ready to blame God, perhaps, and faulty ozone layers and greenhouse effect and blah, blah, blah for the radiation deaths which they intend to now dump on you-the-people? Ifyou don't wake up---you won't EVER be allowed to wake upin this "walk-through" .
    I suggest that no one, i.e., T.D., write in unless he has some verification of the above account--AS I PRESENT IT, for you will not get further explanation of "what they are doing to you now" from us--YOU BETTER GET BUSY AND TEND THAT , CONSTITUTION AND OTHER MATTERS AND DEMAND TRUTH--NOT A -BIT OF EARLY INFORMATION AND GOSSIP FROM US. Ignorance might be "bliss" but it sure is going to wipe out a planet! So be
    Soltec to clear, please. I believe that I am being now asked to turn the forum over to Germain instead of Gyeorgos and therefore, I again thank you for your attention and petition you to give thought to these things come upon you for they are indeed urgent to your journey and the outcome of your journey. I salute you and sincerely suggest you begin to study most carefully the lies given to cover the Elite actions. Salu.

    CHAPTER 12
    SATURDAY, JUNE 15, 1991 10:00 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 303

    Violini Germain come in the Light and transmutation of the Violet refraction. Let us not make something mystical of this pronouncement and greeting. My label is one of identification and not some Greek, French, American or Italian nonsense. My first identification identifies my station, or frequency, as of the refraction frequency of violet (purple, I guess you call the tonal light). Germain identifies my purpose, location relative to you of Shan and the thrust as to major input to that earth hemisphere and continent Please do not turn it into God. Many of earth place have followed my teachings for long--but have turned it into some sideline "religion" of a type. We must draw away from these clumps of pre-conceived possession of one sort or another.

    One of my beloved brothers has inquired wherein the "I AM" group might have touched by errors of man-pronounced impact. Precious brother-the minute earth humans pronounced "doctrines" of how and who and what should set the mks-from conclave to dress code, Don't' misunderstand my statement--I make no judgment--only factual statement. It is not necessarily so that the leaders set the stage or the rules, but rather, ones under their tutelage who "thought" it a better way to experience. It is fine if you indeed, say "we the group gatherers have set these rules" but when pronounced as My, or Christ's. or God's, regulation-that is error. For man to state that "in my opinion this or that Germain, the Christ, God meant--fine, but to make edict by "self and proclaim it to be of another---is error. This sets up your authority above other. Now, of course. if those coming within the circle of the "authority" then so be it. I do not say to push and shove and rewrite that which the founders have set up--but go elsewhere. Ones coming into a group with established dress codes, actions of acceptance, etc., will either come within on the basis of the rules or go somewhere else and do their own thing. This is not that which usually happens for the original founders usually welcome with opened arms the "intruders" and soon the "intruders" are the authority. This requires both "allowing" and careful "discernment" , for the deceivers are at every turn of the path. If you grow in and within the Light you will be fine wherever you ARE. If benefit of good:ness and comradery is gained from the associations- -does dress code matter? Let us always look unto the higher understanding and KNOWLEDGE that we give the GODNESS OF SELF unto the money-changers. (Yes, I meant exactly that!)

    On to the subject at hand. I find it moves reasonably on with continuation of the parting statements and urgings of Soltec. You must come into some deeper understanding of that which is about you for there is much "physical" and of "universal physics" which impacts your human "senses" and is nut visible but neither is it "unphysical".

    [trans="번역완료:전기와 중력"]

    Let us also pick up where Sananda left off with this subject. The thoughts which have been written to accentuate are:

    1. That every effect in Nature which observers have attributed to gravity, and magnetism should rightly be attributed to electric potential, and
    2. that the center of any mass like the sun is a center of maximum heat and pressure which is a violently, explosive condition, not an attractive one, for heat expands and violently desires to escape.

    Tens of thousands of suns have exploded. They are called novas. Many of them are conquered by the cold of space and reimprisoned. The greatest of these is known as the Crab Nebula. It is a very recent explosion but a very spectacular one and one unto which you can relate. A most careful study of its movements gives clear comprehension of that majestic battle which is continually going on between the cold of space and the heat of its resistance to its electrical division. These misleading effects in nature have held scientific progress back for too long already, on your place. Their correction would be of incalculable value to present day progress.

    The text books tell you that there are two kinds of electricity, a positive kind and a negative opposite. Let me show you how impossible and illogical this is, and how contrary it is to Nature's processes in the construction of matter.

    Herein I must repeat a fact, that electricity does only ONE thing divides an equilibrium into EOUAL pairs and compresses them until they unite to create an explosive condition around a still point of gravity. When that purpose has been completed, electricity slowly dies in all masses, until all motion has ceased in them.

    It does NOT require TWO forces to compress anything. If you wish to compress air into, your tire you compress it with a force exerted in one direction, which is inward from the outside. The greater the force you exert in that direction the greater the multiplication of resistant pressure within your tire, as compared with the pressure outside the tire If you open a valve the pressure within your tire will explode outward without the aid of another kind of electricity to help it escape from its bondage. It will seek its equilibrium level without an­other kind of force to help it. The universal vacuum is that universal equilibrium level. Any departure from that state in Nature normalcy is a forced departure which causes a tension, or strain. The zero universe is without tension or strain. All matter, is compressed motion. All compressed motion is explosive. It is in exactly-same condition as your tire which you have compresse into a strained, tense condition, from which it constantly exerts its own strength of desire to escape into the universal equilibrium. This desire for outward explosion is inherent in all matter. There is no desire in matter to hold itself together with other matter.

    Perhaps it will help in understanding this statement if you stretch a piece of elastic from its normal equilibrium condition of rest. It takes force for you to stretch it but it will return to its normal condition without need of another kind of force. In stretching the elastic you have created strains and tensions of an abnormal condition. The zero universe is balanced. Everything in Nature which becomes unbalanced by the exertion of any force will eventually find balance in the Cosmic vacuum, which is the one normal condition of space .It is also the CAUSE of all EFFECTS and the SOURCE of all ENERGY. If you comprehend this, you can now solve mystery which great thinkers in science thought to be insoluble--the mystery as to how matter emerges from space and how space swallows it up again.

    How was it that early investigators made a decision that there were two opposite kinds of electricity instead of the one kind which produces motion? It was be­cause the two opposite conditions of living and dying--growing and decaying--heating and cooling--polarizing and depolarizing, and all other effects of mo­tion, are expressed in seemingly opposite directions by seemingly opposite forces. There are no opposite directions, or opposite forces, however. There are but divided sexes which exert the same force and in the same direction. The one force is compression and the one direction is spiral. That which seems to be two are one when united. They could not unite if they were per-suing opposite directions, nor could they be one if they were opposites. One's senses are very deceptive. They convincingly make one believe the very oppo­site of what they manifest.

    Early investigators did not take into account the fact that motion is a cosmic abnormality which has been caused by a disturbance of stillness. The normal condition of this universe is a rest condition. Motion is a created effect which emerges from rest and returns to it. This universe of motion might be likened to a quiet pool into which a stone has been thrown. The normal quiet of the pool has been disturbed by a force. The normal quiet will return without the aid of force. There is no opposite force which causes the return to normal bal­ance.

    And so it is with life and death. They are two seemingly opposite effects which emerge from the Creator's zero universe as a disturbance of its vacuum by seemingly opposite pressures. So, also, are heat and sound. But all of these which emerge by the application of force, return to their, normal rest condition without the aid of another kind of electric force, or a change in their one uni­versal spiral direction.

    Let us be sure that you understand this vital fundamental of Nature that has so grossly deceived the greatest minds of the centuries. We return to the tire which you compressed into a very much higher pressure than that of its envi­ronment. That pressure is held in the tire by a sealed casing, but it is very dif­ficult to entirely seal it against slow leaking from some part of it.

    Always remember that every action you perform causes motion—and motion is electric--and electricity moves spirally-and that spirals are always created in pairs. You cannot cut a section through any electric current anywhere without producing rings which spin around holes. Try it. Pass an electric current through an evacuated tube with sufficient air or vapor in it to aid visibility and you will see the rings which electricity creates. You will see them as rings of light spinning around black holes. Those rings you see are divisions and ex­tensions of the "ultimate particles" of Creation, for there is no other form in Nature than opening and closing rim. They are the basis, and substance of all forms. When and where they appear, matter appear. When they disappear, matter disappear, and all effects of matter with them, such as sound, color, heat, form, density and dimension.

    To repeat, this universe of motion is entirely electric, and there is no power, or quality, in electricity to pull inward from within. Again we say--electricity does but one thing --it compresses to divide into two pairs for the purpose of creating a dense pressure condition known as electric POTENTIAL. This is done against the resistance of the universal vacuum, which finally conquers every effort of electricity to simulate cohesion.

    The entire principle of the construction of matter is based upon surrounding an area of rest in the omnipresent vacuum with four rings, then in compressing the rings in divided and extended pairs until the holes are eliminated and flaming carbon suns occupy the holes. Suns throw off rings in series of four until the hole returns. Electricity causes the compression and the zero vacuum is the expression of Mind energy which causes the expansion. This universe is a cornpression- expansion pump. One end of its piston is in the eternal vacuum and the other end is in the pressures of electric potential.

    Remember, also, that every electric action, which is recorded in Nature, like the
    growth of a tree, or throwing a stone in water, produces rings with holes in them. The young tree starts that way, as a tube, but closes its holes by com­pression, to become a solid, and every solid in a series of ring layers which eventually open to let "space" in gradually, until space becomes all and the tree disappears entirely into it. Cut your own body into sections and you will find it is composed of rings around holes--your chest--your skull--your bones, arteries, heart, windpipe, nerves and every cell of your body. Electricity works that way. It tries to close up its its holes, but very few out of millions of effects suc­ceed in doing so. Organic life has not one example of body building which has succeeded in becoming a solid, not even the ivory of an elephant's tusk. It is centered by a hole, and its cells are porous.

    All Nature, everywhere, cries out its protest to such an unnatural and impos­sible condition as the nuclear atom. Nature is cellular and cells are rings in sections.. Also, every cell in Nature is product of the union of four pairs of rings. Nature also cries out its protest against such a concept as that of a cos­mic "glue" of some mysterious and mystical nature, which supposedly holds the atom together from within a nucleus. Atoms are held together only by pressure from the outside and sealed from the outside by cold. The inside every atomic mass is a heat generator and heat consumer. Atomic units have cold centers, but combined atomic masses have relatively hot centers, according to their purpose and position. Its cells must be electrically conditioned to maintain that heat, but no matter what the temperature is in any cell it tends to expand it--not hold it together. Instead of being a glue it is an explosive.


    We need a rest break, please. It is my pleasure to again work with you and I much enjoy the friends with which I might again share--not the least of which are on MY SIDE OF THE FENCE. I am sure that you readers recognize the projections of Tesla, Newton , Russell, etc., etc., all of whom I have not space to recognize. There are brothers here totally dedicated to your education and I ask that we honor them by doing our work carefully and accurately.

    Before I take leave, please allow comment on an observation regarding the "child" vs "adult". You are experiencing in an illusion of differing "characters" . I would caution all of you to ponder that which I am going to say regarding the "child". God asks that you come in "child-like" manner. HE DOES NOT SAY "CHILDISH". "Child-like" is represented in proper matu­rity of given stature of growth retaining the curious and seeking after KNOWL­EDGE regarding his world and /ism. "Childish is a pretense of being something which you are most definity NOT. There is great difference in projec­tion and that which you might think to be cute and "child-like" is usually most inappropriate and indeed foolish. I recommend that each of you take careful perception of self and see whether you play a game in "childishness" or project maturity in "child-like" growth, participation and seeking after learning. Teddy-bears, binkies and blankies do not cut it after leaving of the cradle--for child or adult! Salu.


    Last edited by web master; 2010-09-04 at 22:58.

  2. #8
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    CHAPTER 13
    SUNDAY, JUNE 16, 1991 8:00 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 304

    SUNDAY, JUNE 16, 1991

    Hatonn present that we might get started this morning. It becomes more com­fortable for me to show up first so that clearance is a bit speedier and, also, I wish to mention a couple of things to note in current events.


    The reason Mr. Bush is "playing" with Reagan in California is not to brush up on commencement services nor his golf game. He never consults with Reagan on government matters, so be assured it is to silence Reagan about the Paris , 1980 "deal". It is a terrible time to have a scandal because you-the-people are not dead yet. The election is not of importance to them except that they had planned on no opposition at all.

    You are being heard, America. The flies are smeared all into the ointment and it causes great aggravation. Even the States are beginning to slow up the walk to the penning line as can be noted in California 's failure to accept the Gover­nor's plan for handling the budget deficit.

    But what of this crazy new proposal which will supposedly go into effect after next year--wherein all products must reduce "odors" to decrease pollution--specific ally in Los Angeles ? They feature deodorants and colognes--for they "...put hydrocarbons into the air in the ' odor". How do you take the odor out of cologne and perfumes? Can you see just how ridiculous it can get while you march along to "their" drummers? After about a year or so of aerobics "for sound bodies, etc.", and lots of sweat, it should be a great place to avoid visit­ing. Good luck, World.

    But--there is hesitancy regarding the currency--as to whether to push it prior to fiscal close or not, so you are making waves. It is not good unless it can be to­tal surprise. However, the consensus of ones such as the "Feds" and Bilder­bergs is that it would be possible to do it immediately because it gets harder to hold the market stable as time goes by.

    What is planned and what is projected as "necessary" is to give you ones a cur­rency exchange and devaluation "...to save the economy" and then "when that doesn't work" let it go so that all debt of the government can be simply repudi­ated.

    The security is tighter than ever at the Bilderberg meetings in Baden-Baden but don't despair--informatio n will seep out in a few days. But the Europeans are so suspicious that it is difficult to maintain secrecy or credibility. It is fully recognized by the Europeans that the upcoming West European economic unifi­cation in 1992 is just a "way-station" to world government-- THE goal of the Bilderbergers to be fulfilled and operable by year 2000.

    The economic integration of the European nations into the European Commu­nity (EC), due to be completed in two years, is already casting a pall of doubt among the future citizens of the new European super-state. The Bilderbergers, enraptured by the thought of the enormous pool of cheap labor available, plan to merge East Europe and the Soviet Union into this economic union.
    But the tremendous cost to former West Germany of absorbing the technologi­cally backward, economic basket case of East Germany has not been lost on Eu­ropeans, who see an alarming parallel with the planned merger of the Soviet Union into the EC.

    East Germany was the most technologically advanced and successful of all the communist-bloc nations. So if it is difficult to absorb, the others will be far worse.

    The Rockefellers and other powers in the world shadow government want the Soviet Union to follow the same course as that planned for Mexico with the proposed free-trade agreement by the Bush/Rockefeller/ Kissinger orbit--draw upon a pool of virtual slave labor to produce goods for wealthy neighbor states. The Japanese, as well, are positioning themselves in Mexico for this purpose, and can be expected to follow suit in the Soviet Union .


    Firstly, don't be lulled into lullaby-land by the Yeltsin election. Russia may not wish to lose sovereignty BUT you have been promised by past Soviets--".. .we will bury you ( America )" and "...we can take the U.S. without firing a shot." and "They (the U.S. ) will sell us the rope to hang them with."

    You are about to see the biggest play for power ever witnessed. And what of this brotherly approach to Israel by the Soviets? The Soviets are now going to sell Israel (which means you Americans pay for it) weapons to counter Soviet weapons. Do you feel your head spinning? This was agreed on yesterday--June 15, 1991--you'll hear about it because it is "SUCH A MOVE TOWARD WORLD PEACE AND UNITY". I hope you can see, here, WHY there are still obvious plans for a Nuclear war. It will come down to WHO is slave-master and WHO is slave. Meanwhile, the LIES have to be continued and pro­duced with ever increasing confusion to fool you-the-people long enough to dis­arm you. It must be relatively "soon" because it will take a bit of time to bring the entire world into docile submission or kill enough people to pull it off in less than eight years. That is less than 100 months--or 416 weeks--less than 3,000 days. Worse, it is planned that all the mess be over and the slave-masters in place living in wondrous beauty and control BY THAT DATE OF YEAR 2000. -!

    At the least, we had better move on with what LIFE is all about and, therefore, I shall turn this podium over to Germain and he will continue on his subject of yesterday. Thank you for your attention, I shall stand aside but no, Dharma, I won't take leave for you are again under heavy attack and I will not detach un­der any circumstances. Saalome'



    Vio present to take up where we left off on the yesterday. Good morning, and may we be given into understanding. Know that your friends and relations on this side are gathered and offer that which they can give to bring about understanding through simplicity. To make changes, there must be understanding and insight into the things from which the changes will flow—there is no other way. If you are going to "transmute" something or change through MUST KNOW that which you are dealing--wishing a thing to be so will not do it Those of you who believe to be in capability, un­derstand even less of the "alive" universe.

    [trans="번역됨: 전기와 중력"]

    It will be well, herein, to examine the reasoning process which led observers and research workers to determine that there must be two kinds of electricity. The idea of a universal vacuum never entered into the thinking or reasoning of early observers of EFFECTS of motion. Lacking that concept they lacked their first essential premise--the basic fact that. Creation is a product of MIND. Sec­ondarily, they conceived heat to be the reality which caused motion and con­sidered cold to be just less heat, instead of cold being the eternal untreated CAUSE from which heat was created as an effect. Instead of heat being the cause of motion, the reverse is the fact. Heat is result of motion. Both are abnormal conditions in this universe of rest.


    I should probably remind you of THE LAW OF THE BUREAUCRACY: The Bureaucracy will always accomplish the exact opposite of that which they project. Man must realize that fact or he will never be able to recognize his enemies. Once again "law" is accepted and recognized in action--then and only then, can you begin to make changes in the "system".

    [trans="전기와 중력"]

    Now it so happens that the early concept of electricity provided for a one-way direction which compressed to multiply potential, which simultaneously multi­plied heat. The opposite flow was theoretical but necessary, for there are two poles, and two opposite conditions to every electrical effect. There is but one direction to motion, however, This is a two-way opening and universe, both of which expressed in unchanging one-way direction.

    I am going to repeat a portion of this paragraph because you must get it im­printed and I fear you won't go back and restudy it: This is a two-way opening and closing universe, both of which are expressed in unchanging one-way direction.

    The sex divided condition did not occur to those early observers. Such an idea never entered into their thinking. To them sex was a function of organic life and most distinctly not a part of the atomic life of inorganic matter. Nor did the spectrum red and blue divisions ever become a part of their consideration. Nor did the idea of tensions ever enter into their thinking in relation to electricity, the tension of the spectrum division which desired unity by the disappearance of the colors of motion into the Magnetic White Light of universal stillness, or the tensions of sex division of Father-Motherhood into father and mother bodies which desired unity in sexlessness. Nor did they take into consideration that the two opposites of compression and expansion coincided with concentration and decentration- -growth and decay--life and death--or the polarization and depo­larization principle.

    Then, in the turn of this century, a couple of persons conceived the idea of atomic construction as being based upon the firm belief in the Coulomb Law, which says that matter attracts oppositely "charged" electrical matter, and repels similarly "charged" matter (Rutherford and Bohr). Nothing could seem more convincing, for one pole of a magnet seemingly "attracted" its opposite and "repelled" its like. It never occurred to them that males and females do not unite with their own sexes, If the sex idea, in relation to electricity, had oc­curred to them there would never-have been a Coulomb Law, nor a }nucleus in an atom. Nothing could be more convincing to sense-reasoning than the very self-evident fact that there must be two kinds of electricity- -even if the electric current did run but one way, but with an unproved suspicion that it ran two ways.

    Much confusion has also been caused by the fact that the two poles extended in opposite directions from their dividing cathode and approached each other from opposite directions from an anode. This led to the belief in the opposite direc­tions of the two kinds of electricity, one of which was assumed to attract and the other to repel. The answer to this is that polarity is not motion. It is the stillness of gravity which centers motion. It is the omnipresent zero.. It, therefore has no direction. Motion is confined only to the electric rings which are forever encircling gravity. Those rings have turning around their omnipresent gravity controls, but they cause two separate effects. One of these effects is centripetal and the other is is centrifugal. Because of these two life-death effects the universe may be described as a two way opening and closing universe of but one direction.

    Some new and important discoveries were made which proved that there were two kinds of electricity. We will recite one of these discoveries which clinched the belief in two kinds of electricity, one kind for each way. You can read it for yourself more fully, if you choose, in the Encyclopedia Britannica, under the heading of "Electronic Tube", because you ones seem to be able to accept that which is "authoritative" rather than, necessarily, truth. "T. Edison ob­served the passage of electric current in one direction from a hot filament to a cold metallic plate in an evacuated enclosure, as if negative particles were emitted from the filament." You will have to remember that Mr. Edison utilized Mr. Tesla's information whether or not Mr. Tesla approved.

    Let us look at how this fact was then misinterpreted. There was nothing in this experiment which warranted the attention it received. The electric current which Edison observed was the radiation from a heated condition seeking an equilibnum. It did not need to be in a evacuated tube. It is the same effect Which your hand feels from the rays of the sun, or your body feels from a hot stove in a room. It has always been known as RADIANT ENERGY. Radiation create electric current. So does generation. One compresses, the other expands, but it is the same electric current, which traverses the whole universe-- even the movement of your teeny finger.

    A hot iron at one end of a room a block of ice at the other end will cause an electrical current to flow both ways, until the iron, the ice and room are all equal in temperature--I SUGGEST YOU INVESTIGATORS AND INVENTORS REREAD THIS PORTION! That same thing will happen if you put two hot irons at opposite end of a room. Warm water rising to cold space creates an electric current, but that does not mean that there is one-kind electricity to make it rise, and another to make it fall. One might as reasonably say that there are two kinds of water, the kind which rises and the kind which falls.

    Such a claim is like saying that there is one kind of electricity which makes a man live and another kind to make him die. Electricity is centripetal when it multiplies its potentialy increasing its speed, and it is centrifugal when it de­creases its potential, also by multiplying speed.

    ELECTRICITY IS MOTION--ANY KIND, OR STAGE OF MOTION. There cannot be two kinds of electricity. There is but one kind of electricity and that one kind multiplies its power to compress in the first half of its cycle and divides that power in the second half. Much confusion is caused by mistaking speed for high potential, and vice versa. For this reason is well to exemplify our meaning by the following example. For this reason it is well to exemplify our meaning by the following example: To create matter by the compression of four pairs of rings. projected from cathodes, the speed of the current around its shaft of ,gravity, multiplies constantly and volume decreases as speed increases, until the collision takes place. Simultaneously, the speed of rotation of units in. the current slow down until the completed mass, after the collision, is at its. minimum. From this point on every effect is in reverse. Revolution around the shaft of gravity of each separate unit of the mass, including projections from it like planets and satellites, become increasingly slower while rotation of each mass upon its own shaft is increasingly faster. In this case speed results in a lowering of potential and a vast increase in volume.

    To exemplify: Mercury and the planets beyond it, revolve centrifugally around their primary shaft of gravity in the sun with ever increasing slowness, while the speed of rotation upon their own shafts increases so greatly that they are rapidly disintegrated by their own increasing centrifugal speed. This is a characteristic of every electrical effect, whatsoever. It is the principle which we call life and growth, which reverses ,itself to become and decay.

    Likewise, there are not two kinds of motion. Motion is the same kind whether fast or slow. Air is the same air, whether hot or cold. Motion makes believe it is many things and many substances, but these are but many conditions of the same thing. It. all this universe we have but two fundamentals. REST AND MOTION. Together these two are the pulsating cinema which constitutes both Creator and Creation. As the human intellect unfolds, it gradually sees the universe thus simply, and gradually becomes less confused as man becomes more aware of the reality of Mind and less dependence upon motion..


    An electrically charged body is still a charged body until the last vestige of motion leaves it, Your car battery may be discharged to the last mile but, as long as it can produce motion, it is positively charged.. You might properly say that it is approaching a negative, or voided condition, but one cannot properly say that a discharging body is negatively "charged" under any condition. To use such terms as negative electricity or negative charge is equivalent to using such terms as silent sound or dead life. The word negative means to negate--to void--to empty or become minus. To charge means to be added to. It is not logical or proper to use a term such as negative charge, which literally means added to by subtracting.

    Electricity is the force used by the Creator to create bodies. Bodies are electri­cal disturbances in a vacuum. Electricity causes those disturbances.

    The principle of electronics is a miniature example of what electricity does in a vacuum. A vacuum tube, with no electricity dividing it the normal rest condition of the universe. Electricity emerges from the omnipresent universe and disappears into it, as light appears and disappears in a vacuum tube. Electricity ceases to be electricity when it loses its power to move. When you speak of electric expansion, it is in the sense that it is weakening, just as we say of a man who still lives, that he is dying. Electricity does not expand and, nor is there a kind of electricity which does expand. It merely weakens by becoming lower in potential and speed..

    When an electronic tube is evacuated it means that the electric commotion and tensions which were in it have been pumped out of it, leaying it in a zero state of rest. An electric current sent through, it records within it the patterns of motion which caused the electric current. The vacuum condition insulates the new. pattern of motion from any other patterns of motion, which would otherwise oc­cupy the tube. That same pattern can be projected from that tube and repeat it­self anywhere in the universe, That tube is a correct immature zero universe of stillness which is creating a multi universe of motion. If you will but study you will gain much of Nature's process. . The more that science develops this principle of creating its own patterns by starting them from zero without interference from other pressures and patterns, and then multiplying gravity controls with them, the more progress you will make in the practically new science of electronics.

    The practice of electronics will grow to enormous proportions as electronic en­gineers begin to know more about electricity, and the relation of its pressures to the Magnetic universe which controls those pressures. That new science, though still in its infancy, has already made a marked difference in human lives. It will continue to make greater and greater marks upon human destiny as it progresses. Its present handicap is its inefficient tubes and projection apparatus. Not any of these have yet been constructed upon the right principle decreed by Nature for maximum efficiency. That will come, however, as electronic engineers- know more about the secrets of the wave, and the radar principle as it relates the geometry of space. Man progresses only in the ratio in which he acquires new knowledge, and that comes slowly, for man is unwilling to discard old concepts for new.

    This is not the place for a more extended treatise upon this particular subject, but I would recommend that each of you become more fully familiar with the daily progress now made in electronics. The one great lesson that you can now learn from electronics without being technical, is. the fact that whatever patterns you put into those tubes, in the way of sounds. pictures or movements. , comes out of them in the same patterns as those you put into them. Let me more explain my meaning in this regard: The' sounds and motion you make do not go into the tube. It is not necessary to tell you that, for you know that nothing goes into the tube but an electric recording oaf the wave patterns, of light and sounds, of events which waves records . Now here comes your lesson. You can hear and see what you put into the tube as many times you wish to turn on the current. That means that electricity is be receiving and recordings principle of Nature while the zero universe is the broadcasting principle

    This brings us to a high point in this writing where we should pause for a moment and give deep thought to the realization that the Zero invisible universe is the THINKING-MIND- ENERGY-SOURCE OF CREATION and that all material bodies are but the recordings of MIND-THINKING

    Should not every serious thinker readjust his life to seeking values which lie within their Source, rather than to continue to seek them Their shadows?

    Let us express it in other words: electricity compresses motion into seeming form and effect. That is all it does., however. When that compressed motion is released, to produce a sound for example, the sound expands into the zero uni­verse without the aid of any force, whatever. The fact that you can hear the sound is because, it is electrically reborn being re-compressed into the density of your body Your electrically compressed body is a receiving station for reborning the divine sound, just as a cliff side is a receiving station for reborning the sound in an echo. An electronic tube, and a cliffside, are alike, in this respect. That also means that all matter is but thought-recordings, for all matters is electric motion. It necessarily follows that your body is but an electric thought-record of your Mind-thinking, which is operating within the Cosmic vacuum tube just as long as you can keep it electrically vitalized sufficiently to create the image of you which your thinking is making. And yes, the so-called "silver-cord" represents that invisible strand electrical connection.

    That includes every creating things, and its pattern, as being thought-recordings which act for awhile then refold into little. electronic tubes. which we call seeds for intervals of rest. When we turn the electric current o to those electronic tube seeds, we can see and hear the record all over again, whether it be ourselves, or a tree or a solar system. Is not this a lesson in immortality?

    Within the eternal electronic vacuum of Nature every, thought and action that has ever taken place during all time, lies enfolded there non-dimensional om­nipresent space. That is one more lesson that the electronic tube might clarify for your-the lesson of dimension.

    Some day, during your spiritual unfolding of inner sensory perception through meditation, you will become aware of the fact that dimension is but an imagined effect. It might help you to take the first step in gaining awareness if you will but realize that when you look upon a fifty mile expanse of land, buildings, people and events, you see a within a dimensionless pinpoints of space within your eye The whole universe is thus reducible to the non-dimension of Mind knowing, which has caused the imagined universe to be extended from its eternal zero, which never exceeds zero in CAUSE, but seems to exceed it by di­mension, in EFFECT.

    God did, in fact, create the universe in HIS image, but dimension is as much a part of HIS imaginings as form and events are a part of it.

    Yes, the foregoing is a marvelous lesson for one who is mystified by the vague idea of immortality, but a still greater lesson of universality awaits deep medita­tion by you upon the thoughts given above.

    You have wondered much about the unfolding of a tree, or a human body, from its microscopic seed. Many years are consumed in that process after you have put the seed in your own yard to generate an electric current for again unfolding the record contained in that patterned electronic tube. The electronic tube seeds of Nature have their film patterns enfolded within them. Man has to carry the patterns for his cinema separately, also his projection machine--whereas Na­ture's projection machine is the womb of earth. It will always re-project the patterned microscopic image into a three dimensional form if the conditions for that projection are right ones.

    Perhaps this explanation makes it a wee bit easier to understand the concept of replication of the human body and simple down-loading of a "mind" into that replication. It is not "creating", it is simple electrification of the "seed".

    Now give thought to the little electronic seed tube which is planted in Africa, ten thousand miles away from your yard-if of course, you live in America . If you live in Africa it will be considerably closer in your perception. Within that microscopic seed a terrific conflict is being unfolded, a conflict between men, planes and guns. It is taking place NOW--this instant--and is being si­multaneously unfolded from its recording seed into other seeds in your very room. You can see and hear what is happening ten thousand miles away from you. Likewise, millions of people like you can and will hear and see the same events from millions of different pin-points of space upon your planet. Does not that teach you a lesson in the universality and omnipresence of a things? For instance, how many millions will see, at once, as the volcano erupts in that place you refer to as the Philippines ?

    Where therefore, is dimension, or time? If that event is happening within your room NOW as an unfolding from an electronic seed, and that dimensionless seed is unfolding in millions of rooms, how can you say that it is ten thousand miles, and weeks of time away from you? If you place a yardstick upon a mighty oak and measure its many dimensions, and then the oak withdraws those dimensions into its concept, as recorded in its seed, or in your eye, how can you say that the dimensions you measure with a yardstick and weighing scales, have any reality in a universe in which the reality you believe in disappears before your eyes?

    Where then, is REALITY? Is it in the motion which forever appears and disap­pears in the motion picture universe every time the current is turned on to re­produce it from its invisible storehouse, or is it in the IDEA, which is its eternal Source? How long will it be before MAN seeks that REALITY which is eternal within him? How long shall it be before he even begins to comprehend the meaning of that command to seek the Kingdom of Heaven which is within all (each) MAN?

    As we look out upon this vast world of strife, seeing fear in the soul of Man in­stead of love and happiness, and seeing greed there, also, for worthless quanti­ties of moving matter, and seeing also desires for body-sensation rather than Mind-inspiration, we can but conclude that Man is still far from knowing that Light within him of which One Man whom Man crucified knew when He said: "I and My Father are ONE."


    Let us please take a rest break. Thank you.


    CHAPTER 14
    SUNDAY, JUNE 16, 1991 4:03 P.M. YEAR 4, DAY 304


    When men shall at last KNOW GOD he shall then be transformed.

    Vio present that we might continue, thank you. We are going to back up a bit in this dissertation and take up the transformation capability of MAN.

    Dynamic knowledge of the identity and Presence of God within the Soul of Man--and throughout all Nature--is a necessary stage for the human race to attain before it is possible for him to build an enduring civilization of unity and brotherhood.

    The only reason man has never known God is because he is still in his intellec­tual infancy, as we have said before. To understand this, you must again recall Nature's patterns, species and sexes can be modified but they are the same in kind. transmutation means modification through knowledge of how to control that modification, which is as simple as the returning harp string by increasing its vibration frequencies. Nature divides, multiplies and combines by the use of electricity. Man has all the electric power he needs at his command. Every state of motion, and any combination of those states, can be made use of man if he but knows how Nature does it. Every element can be retuned or divided into pairs, and the pairs returned. Every combination, such atmosphere can be divided and its pairs used separately or recombined as one wishes. Hydrogen, oxygen or nitrogen, in combination, can be taken apart with ease and used separately, or recombined, or modified at will. Likewise, salt water can very simply be taken apart and recombined minus its salt, at will.

    When Nature divides she always creates male and female mate pairs. She then multiplies those mate pairs separately, or in union. She multiplies sodium into potassium, then into calcium. She multiplies fluorine into chlorine, then into bromine and again into iodine. Man could do this same thing with any tonal el­ement and even split them into semi-tones. Man could also divide such ele­ments as carbon and produce from carbon alone, five pairs of rustless, stainless metals of high melting points, high malleability and conductivity. The element are but the alphabet of man to write what he chooses with its, letters. They are but the tonal notes upon the nine octave keyboard of the Cosmic instrument with which he has but begun to compose the symphonies of his desiring and imagin­ing.

    Nature can create cyclones if it becomes conditioned for cyclones, but man can control those conditions and divide them at his will. Likewise, man can create rains wherever he wishes and in any amounts. The world's vast deserts can be forested with date palms and carpeted with a verdure which would end dust storms forever, and add materially to the world food supply. To enable man to do this he needs only the knowledge of space-geometry, mathematics, the wave of gravity control and the nature of electric current. I would guess you are beginning to understand that much of this has been done and is utilized those adversaries of freedom who would enslave you--while keeping you ignorant.

    The great power to transmute through Mind-control by Mind-knowing, is man's when he finally knows CAUSE instead of being limited to the effects of CAUSE. When that day comes man will no longer need to use the limited sup­ply of the earth's fossil fuels, nor need he labor to procure them. The age of transmutation can be but months away if man chooses to open his mind to new concepts, or, otherwise it will be thousands of years away--for those who have the knowledge will not share it properly but will keep it for the purpose of con­trolling the multitudes. CAUSE can never be known by the study of its EFFECT in motion. Cause in knowing Mind, not in sensed-body. Cause lies within the invisible universe which-does not respond to the senses, and not in the senses- which can but sense motion and can never KNOW.

    The senses forever look out through the convexity or concavity of pressure lenses and mirrors of a curved universe of two-way motion. Distorted images and an upside-down universe is recorded upon the senses. The inner vision is not electric. It is Magnetic. The cube mirrors of space are of zero curvature and do not distort. The Mind conception transcends the sense- objective, and is not deceived by illusion, for Mind is the creator of illusion. Mind knows and projects its Light. Senses can but reflect. They cannot know.

    And so it is that man peers into microscopes, and telescopes. He builds great laboratories for research into effects of things which move. He gathers much information about their movements and develops great skills in controlling the movements of moving things. He then reasons and assembles, but reasoning is not knowing-and assembling is not creating. But what does man KNOW? Informing the senses ,of effects of motion does not awaken knowledge in Mind. On the contrary, all effects of motion are optical illusions, which deceive the senses and cause men to form conclusions which are not true to Nature's.

    It is now time that man must realize that the key to Nature's secrets can never be found in the visible universe. It can only be found in the visible universe Which creates and controls the visible "But we cannot know the invisible universe because we cannot see it, man says. As the spiritual nature of man un­folds he becomes aware of the fact that he can see one half of the universe and never KNOW it, and the other half he can know but cannot SEE.

    Man can never find true "happiness" until he has finally solved the full meaning of what life and death really are, instead of the dread meaning which he has given to a belief in death, which has no validity, whatsoever, in Nature. There­fore, we shall briefly define God a bit further on in the writings.


    Primate man demanded a God who could be seen. He worshipped the sun, then made idols. Your present civilization is still basically following a polytheistic religion and/or one which has little or no religion and which delights in sensual pleasures and material goods. You are basically irreligious and hedonistic (defined as "pagan"). Oh, you have lots of "religious cults" of one type or an­other--based completely on incorrect assumptions- -you don't seem to have the vaguest idea of what God actually IS, so your following cannot be based on Godly "religion". It has never passed beyond that stage. The great mass of mankind still conceives huge, objective, man-shaped God with human emo­tions of wrath and vegence..

    It is time that the human race should know God as HE IS A happy, progres­sive and enduring race is impossible until that new realization within Conscious awareness of HIS ever-present Being is intimately close to you always. How far away from that day are you? Out of the world's physical thousands of mil­lions of pagans there are but a few who have begun to comprehend that the path to the Light of the inner kingdom is illumined with Love, and that Love is in­evitable and irrevocable LAW which no one can violate and survive. Your pre­sent, almost primitive civilization, is barbarian, in the respect that man is at­tempting to survive, endure, be happy and prosperous by violating God's Law of Love and Nature's Creation Balance, but the Law can break him. When man thinks he is breaking the law by hurting his brother, he is but fulfilling the law of balance which regives to him the hurt which he has intended to upon another.

    You shall now begin to know that great mystery which has for ages hidden its face from man. That knowledge of the Identity of God will so increase your spiritual unfolding that your inner-sensory perception will lead you far into the path which leads to the "Brahmic Bliss", which Buddha bade men seek, or "The Kingdom of Heaven", which Esu Emmanuel the Christed, told man to seek. It is not possible this age of man to comprehend God unless false concep­tions of electricity, magnetism, gravitation, energy and the construction of the as now, conceived, are eliminated and replaced with Natures way and processes.

    All of Man's fundamental conceptions have been the result of forming conclu­sions which have been based upon the outer-vision of the senses, and not upon the inner-vision of the Mind. The senses see illusion and are mightily deceived. Mind-vision does not deceive for CAUSE begins there, and EFFECT is but its product.

    Now, I herein remind you that we are speaking of "inner-vision", not "visualization" as practiced by most "New Age" or "Positive Thinkers".

    The truth of all fundamentals of Nature are just the reverse of the conclusions of science, as the reflection is mirror are the reverse of their cause. These conclusion began with someone rubbing amber and glass with wool and silk, and progressed through Newton and other very much deceived observers up to the fantasy of Neils Bohr's impossible atom, which has no resemblance to Na­ture, whatsoever. The gravity concept at least resembles Nature in reverse, but the Rutherford-Bohr atom has not even that virtue.

    When we explain the true nature of electricity we clearly demonstrate that the familiar model of the atom, which shows electrons moving in orbits of many intersecting planes around one centering nucleus, is an utter impossibility in Nature. It defies every principle of the electric current and the wave, and should, therefore, be relegated to pure invention. It is difficult to describe the shocking effect such a concept has upon an Illuminate who can "see" into the atomic or stellar discern without microscope or telescope, while the outer-vison cannot even discern what holds matter together with twenty million dollar cyclotrons. When you know Nature's working, principle you will comprehend what a shock it is to know that it is possible for an enlightened age to believe that electrons in certain numbers revolve around inert gases. When you know what the office of inert gases is in Nature you will be even more shocked.

    To exemplify my meaning let me remind you of the familiar belief that mag­netism is a force, separate and apart from electricity, which has the power to pick up nails on a bar magnet and tons of iron on a giant magnet. Scientific terminology is redundant with references to such effects as magnetic lines of force, the earth's magnetic field, and electro-magnetism, when every effect At­tributed to magnetism is solely electric. Furthermore, there is no such separate force as magnetism which performs the work a Creation. That which Man thinks of as a magnetic force is spiritual Light of Mind and not a physical working force of Creation. Likewise, you hear constant references to negative electricity, negative charge, and negatively charged particles, which I have al­ready pointed out ARE IMPOSSIBLE in Nature--as silent sound is impossible.

    Perhaps the most fundamental of misconceptions is the Coulomb electric Law which says that opposites attract, and that gravitation also is a force which pulls inward from within, and that it attracts other bodies, when in fact, both of these belief just the opposite from the facts of Nature upon which they misconceived, as we also have pointed out prior to this. One a them is GENEROACTIVE, which multiplies compression. That is Nature's "uphill flow", :which charges. The other is RADIOACTIVE, which multiplies expansion, and at is its "downhill flow" which discharges. For this reason it is time that you begin to know the true nature of electricity and magnetism as we have given it to you, rather than theorize from what your senses seem to tell you.

    When the true nature of electricity is comprehended it will then be possible to comprehend why the Rutherford-Bohr atom concept is utterly unlike Nature. You will gradually understand that all Nature is based upon the love principle which j expressed even and regiving. Nature never TAKES. The pre­sent concept of gravity is based upon TAKING for it supposedly pulls inward from within itself. Nature does not work that way. Nature does not even "absorb from within", nor are there inward explosions in Nature, nor is there such a force as attraction or contraction. This seems to be an amazing statement but it is a true one, nevertheless, as you will see when we go back to cause and are no longer deceived by the illusions of effect.

    Man's concept of gravity as being an attractive force, which pulls inward tom. within, is diametrically opposed to the facts of Nature. Gravity is the controlling center of a compressive electrical force which is exerted from the outside of matter instead of within it. As you gradually understand the electric wave and its enclosing cubic wave-field, and the balance principle upon which all motion is based, you will have different concepts in relation to attraction, contraction, absorption, balance and the universal equilibrium. When you fully comprehend what the invisible Light is, and the two divided lights are, you will also have a different concept of matter.

    With this necessary prelude finished I can now proceed to build true concepts as a basis for your comprehension of God and His process for creating the pairs of units of divided light in motion, which are known as matter. So fully has sci­ence been deceived by the illusions of motion that it has built up a great field of its own in the scientific world which is commonly known as nuclear physics. As its name implies, this concept is based upon the belief that the atom is held together from its inside by a nucleus, and that nucleus is composed of certain particles which act upon each other in some mysterious and unexplained way to hold themselves together and cause oppositely charged particles, known as elec­trons, to revolve around them. These electrons supposedly revolve in shell-like layers around the nucleus. By adding one more electron to each element it be­comes the next element in the series.

    There are no particles, or groups of particles, which hold the atom together as nuclei. Gravity does not work that way. All creating matter is holes of space except one element in each octave The energy of Creation centers each note. That centering, invisible, omnipotent. Energy is God's mind and your Mind. Naturally you cannot see it, but you can KNOW it, for it is your Identity, and ,your Intelligence. . It is the Source of your creations as it is the Source of all Creations. That is what was meant when Emmanuel told Man that the Kingdom of Heaven is within. That. also, is what He meant when he said: "My Father and I are ONE.

    The time has come in human history when all men must know exactly what these teachings of the great Illuminate really meant. The time has come when man spiritual unfolding shall awaken the Light of genius Cosmic Consciousness and Christ Consciousness- -in all men. Man will never know the happiness and peace of One World of Universal Brotherhood until that day shall come. Furthermore, the adversary who would keep you in ignorance will utilize the very words necessary for understanding and destroy them in meaning--usually producing a directly opposing definitions

    The impossibility of a centering nucleus in the atom is because of the fact that the atom is not pulled together from the inside, it is compressed together from the outside. This is one more example of the deception which motion practices upon those who look upon reflected effects with their outer-senses instead of upon the cause of those effects with the inner-Mind. Remember that a "mirror image reflection" gives opposite perception.

    We will take you right inside the atom itself as we proceed so you can see every one of them as clearly as we of the teachers can see them. A ten-year-old boy could know the atom as familiarly as he knows his alphabet if he but be made aware of the true nature of electricity, and its utterly simple basic working principle, as so clearly demonstrated the. unknown wave in which all the secrets of the universe are blocked to the outer-vision of Man.


    God is Light, And God is Love. And God is inexorable Law.

    God is the invisible, motionless, sexless, undivided and unconditioned White Magnetic Light of Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent Mind.

    In all this universe of countless many things there is but One Light—which is Mind of God—and .the two extended lights of His thinking, which His imagining created to manifest His Being in seeming action. There is naught else in all nature than God's knowing Mind at rest and the motion of Mind-thinking,

    God's knowing is Magnetic. God's thinking is electric.

    God has big one IDEA , one DESIRE, one PURPOSE, one ACTION and one LAW.


    His Law of Balance is the Law of Love upon which His universe is founded, for God is Love—and the universe must reflect His image.

    God's Magnetic Light universe is at rest. It is balanced.

    God's electric universe must, likewise, be balanced in its rest, its actions, and in its givings and regivings.
    God's One Law of Balance must be as inexorably obeyed as that part of it which is known as gravity, must be inexorably obeyed.

    To think what He IS, and what HE KNOWS, into imaged-forms to manifest Him by motion, God divides His still Magnetic Light into electric mate pairs. He extends these pairs, which He has divided, to two measured Magnetic Foci which He, likewise extends to balance this division, and multiplies their power of control over action to manifest His Omnipotence in the ratio of their extension.

    The two Magnetic Foci, which are magnetic poles in man's knowing, are ex­tended from His fulcrum of stillness, along wave paths of His eternal stillness, to control their manifestation of His imaginings from within all creating bodies, and to balance their separateness from without.

    He, likewise, divides His Omnipresence by centering every particle of creating matter in His whole limitless universe with the still Light of His own PRES­ENCE. From each center where He thus stands, He reaches out His right arm to one pole, and His left arm to the other one, to form a shaft around which each separate unit of all Creation must move to manifest the cycles of His thinking. In this manner each Mind-centered body in all Creation has at its command, and as its inheritance, all-power and all knowledge to draw upon measure of man desire, and in the measure of the awareness of God's centering Presence within each unit.

    Aeons pass before aught but sensation--then instinct--makes bodies aware of the centering Light of that Divine Presence. Long ages pass before thinking and knowing transcend sensation and instinct. When thinking begins, knowing also begins. More long ages pass before God's ultimate Creation--MAN- -knows of his divinity through full comprehension of the whisperings of the Inner Silent Voice which forever says to him: "What I am you also are."


    God the One Knower, becomes three by His imagining. The still Light of the Knower, and the moving lights of His thinking, are the Trinity which God is in all things in the universe
    God, the One Father-Mother divides His sexlessness to extend father and mother bodies from Ms Oneness. The one desire of these separated male and female particles, or masses, is to unite to void their separateness. Upon this formula God's electric universe of motion is founded.

    The sexless Father-Mother Creator is ONE. His extended sex-conditioned, male and female bodies are the completion of His Trinity.

    Rest and action are three. Space and matter are three. Equilibrium and motion are three. Dimensions and pressures are three. The heartbeat of the universe, and yours, are three. Likewise, its breathings and yours, its temperatures and yours, and all things else of the universe, and you, are three.

    The swinging of the pendulum is three, as the spectrum and the fulcrum and lever, also, are three.

    The cathode is one—but its extended pairs of anodes in the electric current of man, and of space, adds up to three.

    Silence is one--but sound springs from silence when its divided moving pair collide--so sound is three, and its vibrations in sequences of rest and action, are also three.

    God is ONE in all CAUSE--but in EFFECT He is three. And all that are three are nine—for all that are three are multiplied by three in this visible cubs-domi­nated universe of dirge dimensions.

    God decentrates His electric thinking to imagine idea. He then concentrates to form a moving body -image of idea.

    Mind--decentration and electrical-depolari zation are one. Mind-concentration and electrical-compress ion are, likewise, one. Generoactivity, compression and polarization are also on. They constitute the life principle. Radioactivity, ex­pansion and depolarization are one. They constitute the death principle.

    Man's Mind and God's Mind are ONE. Man's thinking and God's thinking are ONE.

    Man decentrates to conceive id and concentrates to create a body in the image of his idea, exactly as God does

    God's thinking is electrically expressed by extension from a point of rest in space to a compressed point of rest in matter. It then electrically expands to a point of rest in space to disappear into its Source. This is God's way of divid­ing rest with action. It is also man's way during all of his brief cycles--but when the rest interval for the longest cycle comes he calls it death and the end, for man does not yet know that God's ways, and Man's, are ONE. Nor does he yet know that he cannot die.

    Man charges his batteries that way to give them life. He discharges them to void their life--then recharges them. All bodies are batteries. Growing bodies are charging batteries. Nature's bodies are charged batteries. Discharging bat­teries are batteries. Discharging batteries are like unto dead bodies. There is no life in them because there is no motion. Nature forever recharges her bodies--begining her charging in their seed and discharging back to seed.

    Life is motion. Death is rest. Each is fulcrum of the other. There is no death in Nature, save Man's belief in death.
    God's magnetic Light is eternal life. God's thinking is eternal life in action, di­vided by rest. Life in matter is but a pulsing simulation of eternal Life in God the ONE.

    Dharma, I believe this is a good place to break for a chapter for it helps to pause and ponder upon these things as we move along.

    We will take up at the next session with God's "thinking" for it is universal. His actions spring from His thinking, therefore, God's actions are universal. Thoughts do not take place just here, or there, where they begin. They are everywhere, and their beginning and ending are one. All is ONE presenting as three but returning into the ONE.

    When God thinks at any one mint of rest in His universe, that point becomes the center of an invisible cube of White Magnetic Light. From there it harmonically repeated as cube centers throughout His Cosmic Kaleidoscope, at the rate of several hundred billions of cyclic pulsations every second THEIR SPEED OF EXTENSION INTO YOUR THREE DIMENSIONAL ILLUSION IS ABOUT 186.400 MILES PER SECOND--now aren't you glad you kept reading? So be it.

    Good evening. I thank you for your attention. Is this not a grand adventure? Salu.


    Last edited by web master; 2010-09-04 at 23:08. Reason: 번역영역 구분

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